Digest Agroport #4 (7), August

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Eastern Ukrainian AGRO reporter

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6000 DIGEST AGROPORT PARTNER OF ADDRESS DELIVERY partner #UKRPOSHTA Agro companies: (АГРОКОМПАНІЙ ТА companies ФЕРМЕРСЬКИХ farming agro and enterprises of Eastern Ukraine

Number № 4 (7), August 6 р.

8 р.

10 р.

The 6th Agroport will take place in Kharkiv

Word food day in questions and answers

Field day returns to Kharkiv region

Official dealer John Deere

Information partner:


33 P. Doroshenko street, Poltava, 36000 2 Kyivska street, Lubny, 37504 3 Raduzhnaya, urban-type settlement Kochetok, 63513 tel. 0 800 210 242 / www.agristar.com.ua



VI International agricultural exhibition and forum Agroport East Kharkiv 2017

5-7th of October, 2017 Information and registration of participants


(057) 766-55-43, (050) 301-88-55



VI International agricultural exhibition and forum Agroport East Kharkiv 2017

5-7 th of October, 2017

25 000

м of exhibition 2

7000+ visitors





Information and registration of participants www.agroport.ua

(057) 766-55-43, (050) 403-88-44


awards KHARKIV The best in agricultural business in 2017

Award of the best agricultural producers of Kharkiv region

5 october / 18:00 The award ceremony will take place within the framework of the Business supper on the occasion of opening the VI International forum AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017


The 6th forum on the farming support will take place in Kharkiv On the 5-7th of October on the territory of International airport «Kharkiv» the large-scale forum for agrarians АGROPORT 2017 will take place.

On the territory of 5000 sq.metres in the exhibition complex «C» of Kharkiv airport will be located an agricultural exhibition for representatives of Eastern Ukrainian agroindustrial complex, and for demonstration of equipment and technologies will also be used terminal square (20,000 sq. metres). Within all three days, a separate block of exhibition will be the exposition of cars and mobile vehicles for farmers with test-drives. The first day of the forum will be traditionally opened by strategic forum that this year is dedicated to the World Food Day (Worldwide day of food), as part of which the potential of external and internal agrarian markets will be revealed. Industry leaders, representatives of central

Among the most urgent topics is the problem of the climatic zones redistribution, changing of agricultural conditions, synchronizing the pace of change and reviewing the specialization of Ukrainian agro-industrial complex. There also will be raised the topic of GMOs and its impact on climate, analyzed energy sources, which will help to reduce the cost of agricultural production and demonstrated technologies and programs, which are able to stimulate national manufacturer. In parallel with Climate Smart Agroforum on the second day of the forum a scientific and practical conference ‘Technological, environmental, economic and social directions of innovative development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine›s economy’ will be held. On the third day of the forum AGROPORT — on the 7th of October, FIELD DAY will be held at the demonstration fields of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture within the framework of AGROPORT 2017. This year, demonstration shows will be devoted to fieldwork related to the cultivation of sunflower. Farmers will be shown master classes with the use of foreign and native technology of working with this culture, important for the region. All three days of AGROPORT on the exhibition ground four permanent meeting rooms with special trainings, master classes and seminars on financial, organizational, marketing problems from the best specialists of Ukraine and trainers from abroad will be organized.

and local authorities, international experts, representatives of the public organizations and profile businesses will take part In the work of the forum. The subject of the forum will touch market reviews of dairy products, grain crops, oilseed crops, as well as promising export directions, among which organic products, vegetables and fruit, products with added value. The second day of the forum will be devoted to the problem of climate change and adaptation of agriculture in Eastern Ukraine to the new conditions. The forum will be attended by representatives of science, international consultants, agricultural practitioners and manufacturers of machinery, forage and fertilizers.



Innovation for the East Ukrainian AGROPORT this year will be the awarding of the independent АGROPORT AWARDS, which will be held solemnly on the first day of the forum. In ten nominations according to the results of 2016 the leaders among agricultural producers and enterprises of the food industry of Kharkiv region will be identified. The ceremony will be held in an informal gala dinner, which will also help to establish effective business contacts.

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History of Kharkiv Agroport AGROPORT (agroport.ua) is the International forum of farming development in Ukraine. It is held annually in the framework of the International Years by the United Nations since 2014. In 2016 AGROPORT was held in the framework of the United Nations year of bean culture crops and in the updated East-West format in two cities - Lviv and Kharkiv. The main place of events. The forum was held with the support of the regional administrations of Lviv and Kharkiv and is one of the largest agricultural events in Eastern Europe,

as well as the only industry event in Ukraine, which is included in the FAO World Calendar. The 2nd International Forum AGROPORT 2015 has brought together over 22 events, among which are scientific conferences and practical workshops for farmers (over 140 speakers), exhibition of equipment and technologies (more than 7,000 square meters), demonstration of machinery and competitions of tractors (involved demonstration area of more than 100 hectares), competitive film presentation of Ukrainian farming enterprises and awarding the farmers for their achievements. The event was attended by over 250 companies from

12 countries, and during three days visited by more than 7,000 people. More than 100 representatives from 50 regional and national mass media covered the work of the forum. The 1st International AGROPORT farm development forum took place on October 16-18, 2014 in Kharkiv, and consisted of 7 major industry events. More than 90 companies from 6 countries took part in the forum, and more than 60 speakers spoke. The events of the forum covered more than 30 printed and more than 100 online mass media.

in numbers

companies Representatives of more than 170 companies from 13 countries took part in the forum

exhibitors About 120 participating companies became the standholders of the exhibition

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

visitors The audience was over 7,000 visitors and delegates of the forum

speakers About 116 expert speakers took part in seminars and conferences




AGROPORT: the onward motion Dmytro Tytarenko, General Manager of Agroport Ukraine about the results of Lviv forum and Agrpoport’s plans in Kharkiv.


We exist within our own format, which we have identified for ourselves, and our events grow every year, so they bring results, respectively, it is quite a large investment for the participants. Taking into account the experience of European cities, we understand that it will be much more effective to conduct three or five separate events in the regions than one in the capital. This is also important in terms of reaching the audience, because any manufacturer wants to be closer to its target audience, and in terms of the company expenses (logistics, accommodation and nutrition).



– Agroport is the event that is already wellknown in Eastern and Western Ukraine. What is the difference between forums in Lviv and Kharkiv? What do they have in common, except the title? – The key difference between these forums is the business program and the pool of those participants who represent their products and services to agrarians. We are trying to concentrate on each particular forum exactly those business representatives who work directly with regional producers. However, we

are not limited by the audience of only Lviv and Kharkiv regions – we are concerned with interests of Western and Eastern Ukraine as a whole. This also applies to the business program. One of the strengths of our events is a well thought out program of seminars, conferences and master classes that take place in the first two days. All information is focused on agricultural producers. In the west we address the issues relevant for small farmers, and this approach corresponds to the peculiarities of the region, while Eastern Ukraine is the region of medium and larger farmers, agroholdings, which are mainly engaged in crop husbandry. Accordingly, forum in Kharkiv mainly consists of an exhibition of machinery, technologies for soil processing, while Lviv Agroport is a discussion of closed soil systems, animal husbandry, organic farming, dairy farming, as well as programs related to the cooperation of small agricultural producers, etc.

– Each year, the forum has its own «zest» that sets the tone and colors. What theme will be dominating this year? – We introduce new formats and new tools every year. Thus, our own printed edition appeared in 2016 – Digest Agroport for farmers in the West and the East. This year in Lviv we approbated the new business format – Agroport Awards – an award for the most effective farming. And this year in October we are planning to continue this tradition in Kharkiv. As for the topics, we take the main accents from FAO: what is urgent and relevant for agriculture in the opinion of the World Food Organization for the current year and how it correlates with our situation in Ukraine. This way, 2014 was announced by the UN General Assembly as the year of family farms, and 2015 was the World Year of Soils. In 2016, the theme of the bean culture crops spreading was raised. By supporting and developing these topics, we try to make them a the key topics of the entire business program and all the events. Our partners from the Western group of chefs joined the popularization of the grain legume crops, by conducting individual master classes using this particular culture from local producers. This year we have already raised the theme of climate change and its impact on agriculture. The start of this discussion was given at the round table in Kyiv, where all the ministries and organizations, representatives of science and business, related to this topic, were present. Later, this topic found it’s continuation in Lviv, where we addressed the peculiarities of agriculture adaptation to climate change in Western regions. We are now planning to discuss this problem in Kharkiv, where we shall focus on the peculiarities of the climate of the Eastern regions. Nonetheless, in Kharkiv we will have an additional topic. The first day we traditionally start with the Strategic Forum dedicated to the accents of the World Food Days 2017, such as investing in food safety and preventing labor migration, which are most relevant to the Eastern regions. It should be borne in mind that today Kharkiv region is essentially a hub for agricultural producers in Lugansk and Donetsk regions within the framework of such initiatives of FAO. – Who helps you? Who hinders you? – Our company cooperates very productively and efficiently with the Ministry of Agroindustrial Complex of Ukraine, with the regional authorities, international experts from the FAO and other organizations that carry out their professional activities in Ukraine. It is important and necessary for the forum and its participants

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


to feel the support of the Ukrainian government. The visit of the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv to Lviv Agroport has made very positive impression. The OnAir company provides high-quality Wi-Fi, which is also an integral part of a comfort in business. Ukrposhta is our transport and logistics partner and contributes to the promotion of our digest. By the way, no other operator is able to provide high-quality and fast delivery to each corner of each region. Of course, Agroports are not possible without our main exhibition centers – airports. Considering the fact that airports are the regime facilities and their use has many peculiarities unlike traditional exhibition centers, nevertheless, they also see their interest in this and provide all-round support. It is an opportunity for them to develop the non-aviation activities. Our key international partner has long been a co-organizer – the United Nations World Food Organization. We work closely with the Directorate for International Years of the United Nations, we have links with European experts, and, of course, the main work is carried out precisely with the Ukrainian office. As I have already noted, we support the FAO strategy annually and try to promote their key theme through all events and adapt to the specifics of each region. We also have partners that help us to ensure the uninterrupted process of preparation and conduction. In general, this is a huge team of operators, photographers, volunteers, technical staff, all those who promote the organization of seminars, coffee breaks, online broadcastings, etc. Nothing prevents us from moving on and developing this forum! – You have a lot of competitors and now it is possible to choose an exhibition, because they are regularly held in different regions. Does it hinder you or, on the contrary, pushes forward? – This is the development of healthy competition We are friends with virtually all the organizers of Ukrainian business events. We are all in different areas of coverage, in fact, we have a different regional audience. We do not try to compete with, for example, the AGRO exhibition held annually in our capital and partly performs the imagebuilding function. We exist within our own format, which we have identified for ourselves, and our events grow every year, so they bring results, respectively, it is quite a large investment for the participants. Taking into account the experience of European cities, we understand that it will be much more effective to conduct three or five separate events in the regions than one in the capital. This

is also important in terms of reaching the audience, because any manufacturer wants to be closer to its target audience, and in terms of the company expenses (logistics, accommodation and nutrition). All the regions we choose for the forum have a well-developed infrastructure. – They say that the brand Agroport includes significant foreign investments – very modern and high-quality format already. Is it so? – Yes, our format is really marked as close to the European, and it contributes to the formation of relations with our international partners. We try to speak with them in «one language». This is the result of our experience of European events, conducted jointly with Western partners – UBM Live Group. As for the investments, Agroport is a completely independent self-sufficient business project, in which there are no foreign or domestic investments. We are equidistant from all political centers. Yes, we have sponsors and we are fulfilling our own contractual obligations within the framework of concrete measures, but we do not lobby for any interests within the whole project. We are grateful to all for financial and organizational assistance, and in response, they also appreciate our support. We have enough of advertising options and opportunities that allow large companies to declare themselves. These are all commercial relationships and we receive no hidden investments or donations. I want to emphasize that we also receive no subsidies from the state. – Who draws up the forum program? Do you have the one «who makes the rules»? Do sponsors or partners have the opportunity to influence the program? – Nobody makes the rules. We are just helping our participants and sponsors to target the topics that are most relevant for them to look logical in our joint program. We form it independently, and, in essence, my task in the project is its generation and formation There are topics that are universal for all, like quality control, issues related to export, etc. But the issues of specific agrotechnologies depend directly from operators working in the relevant regional markets. We are not experts in crop or organic production. That is why we connect the relevant companies and experts to the formation of seminars› programs. For example, the company Genetics and Selection has been traditionally engaged in sheep breeding and goat breeding themes in various cities, and we have had a very successful partnership with them.

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

– If you had «all the best cards in your hands» and all the possibilities, what the new Agroport would be like? – We are currently working on innovations. We have a lot of ideas to improve the effectiveness of the forum for both sellers and buyers. We are already working on a new direction related to networking, which will allow business to communicate and appoint meetings without been limited to the dates of the forums themselves. Forum is an opportunity to hold a maximum of meetings in three days, find business contacts and get the most out of new industry information firsthand. We are also targeting expansion beyond Ukraine. There are also separate negotiations here about not only representing foreign technologies in Ukraine for Ukrainian producers but also presenting our domestic producer abroad. – In what future of Agroport do you believe? – It shall be a clearly structured, cyclical event that lasts a whole year. The topic of agro is very specific. As, for example, it is impossible to show all the technologies within one Field Day, because each one is bound to a certain period. There are sowing and fertilizers, cleaning and soil treatment. We want to show all the cycles in the strictly limited time for them and to present concrete results with a concrete increase in yield on the forum. That is why we plan to add more cities and regions. We are moving in this direction and believe in the productive future of this communication format of our participants and we hope that this belief is mutual.


Forum is an opportunity to hold a maximum of meetings in three days, find business contacts and get the most out of new industry information firsthand. We are also targeting expansion beyond Ukraine. There are also separate negotiations here about not only representing foreign technologies in Ukraine for Ukrainian producers but also presenting our domestic producer abroad.




World Food Day in questions and answers

This year Agroport in Kharkiv is dedicated to the World Food Day which is celebrated by the world community. This topic will be a key issue for all forum activities. You can read about this in our interview with Farukh Toirov, FAO Emergency Situations Coordinator in Ukraine. – How do you think, can Ukrainian agricultural producers join this problem solving?

World Food Day (WFD) is an international memorable date that is celebrated annually on the 16th of October. It was declared in 1979 at the conference of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Purpose of the memorable date is to raise public awareness of the world food problem and strengthen the solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. This day marks the date of the of FAO establishment in 1945. In 2017, the WFD is organized under the slogan «Changing the future of migration flows. Investing in food safety and rural development».



– What is the reason for drawing attention of the world publicity to the problem of food this year? – In connection with growth of the world population, the issue of food safety is discussed very actively. FAO has been working in this direction for many years, attracting the best experts. Today FAO confidently declares that food safety (ensuring regular access of the population to the high quality food) is a guarantee of an active and healthy life. In the world, there is enough capacity to produce food in the quantity, which can provide everyone with adequate nutrition. At the same time, regardless of the success achieved during the last two decades, 793 million people still suffer of a chronic hunger. High and volatile prices of food, depletion of natural resources, globalization, urbanization and climate change are the examples of only several of the main problems related to the food safety, and the solution of these problems will help to strengthen governance mechanisms and effective coordination between sectors and regions.

– Food safety requires the entire consideration of all its components, including the availability of food, its accessibility, stability and use. That is exactly how ensuring of the good nutrition depends on the effectiveness of the actions taken in various sectors, including improvement of the accessibility of a variety of food ration types, appropriate methods of care and feeding animals, and an adequate level of health and sanitation. Taking into account the complex character of this task, its successful solution will depend on the participation of a wide range of stakeholders – producers, processors, logistics specialists, implementers, etc. The key to such a solution is to create an effective system for managing the entire production chain, which is possible only through a constructive dialogue between producers and authorities. – What actions within the framework of this event are planned by FAO in 2017 in Ukraine? - The presentation of a large-scale report on the analysis of the fish industry of Ukraine, official launch of projects related to the forest sector, working seminars in the field of school nutrition are planned. There will also be a series of workshops on international trade (issues of the legal field of WTO). In addition, FAO is now actively implementing a program of humanitarian assistance to agricultural producers in the East of Ukraine. The popularization of the WFD will be conducted in all the territory of Ukraine, in particular, at the time of Agroport taking place in Kharkiv.

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


World Food Day Strategic Forum:

external and internal markets of food in Ukraine The forum will be held on the 5th of October in the hall №1


registration of the participants


solemn opening of Agroport East Kharkiv 2017


panel discussion 1 Infrastructure of internal markets of food of the Eastern regions of Ukraine: analysis of opportunities and barriers


coffee break


panel discussion 2 Overview of internal markets: dairy products, grain crops, oilseeds, vegetable and fruit market

Moderator of the discussion:

Mykhailo Malkov FAO coordinator of development programs in Ukraine

Moderator of the discussion:

Ekaterina Chechel FAO public relations expert


panel discussion 3 Access to the market for small and medium-sized agricultural producers through the development of chains of added value


Moderator of the discussion:

Farukh Toirov Coordinator of FAO emergency programs in Ukraine

Networking evening / gala dinner and Agroport Awards Kharkiv Registration and information by phone (057) 766-55-43 (050) 301-88-55

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Large-scale field day returns to Kharkiv region On the 7th of October, the FIELD DAY will be held at the demonstration fields of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture within the framework of AGROPORT 2017.

This year’s demonstration will be devoted to sunflower growing field work. Farmers will be shown master classes with the use of foreign and domestic machinery for working with this culture that is very important to the region. Simultaneously with the demonstration as a part of the complex event, a scientific-practical conference, devoted to adaptation measures on the machinery use, which will be attended by industry professionals, as well as farmers, will be conducted.

at advertising and direct sales. Our task is to show an objective picture of all the advantages of those types of machinery and equipment that you can see both in the stationary display and in the process. It is very important to hear not only producers but also those who are already working with this machinery. Professional communication and sharing of such useful experience will definitely enrich our forum», emphasized the General manager of AGROPORT Dmytro Tytarenko.

«As our experience shows, the different «Days of the field», which are arranged by the manufacturers themselves, are more aimed

The Field Day is not just a demonstration of equipment. It is also a great opportunity for young professionals and students of specialized universities to expand their horizons of knowledge and skills not only through interaction with domestic producers, but also with foreign companies that will be presented at the exhibition. «The Field Day is a great opportunity for the University to demonstrate our achievements, as one of the leaders in agricultural education, as well as to establish effective partnership with producers of machinery for agricultural land cultivation. We plan to create special conditions for the companies wishing to demonstrate the results of using modern crop materials and modern technical equipment for high yields», accentuated Olexander Ulyanchenko, the Rector of V.V. Dokychaev KNAU.



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44



10 km / 8 min



Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua





and adaptation of agriculture Changes in the global climate are directly related to agriculture. The FAO›s mission is to raise awareness among agricultural producers and other stakeholders of possible ways of adaptation to these changes and maximally efficient use of natural resources. All this can be found in the interview with the coordinator of FAO development programs Mikhailo Malkov.

us to draw the government attention to this problem in the terms of need for agriculture adaptation to the new climatic conditions. The government, in its turn, has put this topic in the first place, and the FAO, in response to this, has launched a project on agriculture adaptation to climate change. – How can FAO help agricultural producers to minimize the risks of climate change? –The agricultural sector needs innovative approaches that will ensure productivity growth, preservation of natural resources, and the sustainable and efficient use of production resources. FAO is ready to provide its expertise in the following areas: optimization of natural resources management, management of environmental, social and economic risks in agriculture, expanding the role of ecosystems in the context of environmental protection, etc. Also I would like to emphasize that FAO will continue to promote the access for all stakeholders to the necessary information and technical recommendations. – In March this year a round table on climate change was held in Kyiv. Also in May this year, this problem was raised at Agroport in Lviv. Can you sum up the interim results of events that have already taken place in Kyiv and Lviv?

FAO is ready to provide its concept of sustainable production systems that minimizes the impact of climate change on agriculture and ensure the stable development of the respective economic sector.

-This year, we and the organizers of Agroport launched a large-scale campaign in which we have engaged a large audience. This allowed



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Eastern Ukrainian session

climate smart agroforum The climate is changing - the agriculture is changing

kharkiv 9:00–10:00

registration of the participants


opening of the forum


discussion panel №1 Adaptation measures for climate change in Eastern Ukraine Moderator of the discussion:

Topics for discussion: • Trends in global and regional climate change and its consequences • Redistribution of natural climatic zones and changing conditions of management in agriculture • Synchronization of the pace of change and review of the Ukrainian agroindustrial complex specialization • GMO - the main pest or adaptation direction with selection of sustainable varieties? • Responsible energy resources in the cost reduction chains of agricultural production • Adaptive technologies and programs to stimulate producers

Mykhailo Malkov FAO coordinator of development programs in Ukraine


coffee break


discussion panel №2 On the way to sustainable development. From organic production to biodiversity restoration Moderator of the discussion:

Topics for discussion: • Indicators of agro-ecological status on the example of the Kharkiv region • An alternative food system: improving agricultural productivity and environmental responsibility • Responsible technologies - healthy food. Marketing myths and reality • Production potential and current sales realities • Modern trends. Ways of synchronization of demand and supply • Cooperation - partnership for sustainable development. Challenges and opportunities • Involvement of new ‘players’ as a prerequisite for the development of rural areas

Tytarenko Dmytro Project Manager of Agroport. General Manager of AGROPORT Ukraine

Registration and information by phone (057) 766-55-43 (050) 301-88-55

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Bezkorovajny estate — Premium organic Contribution to the health and longevity of the Ukrainian nation

The soft sound of rustling trees on the forest edge, the incredibly clear air fluttering head, endless fields, the voices of birds, and the fascination of absolutely pristine nature. How fertile and generous Ukrainian land is! These are the first thoughts and feelings that cover you as you approach the Bezkorovayny estate. You may think that it is the beginning of artwork but no, today we came to the mistress of the estate to talk about quite urgent issues, complexity and real objective. The family farm of Bezkorovayny is located in the Kharkiv region. It began its activities in 2015 and now is developing rapidly. Olena Alexandrovna Bezkorovayna kindly answered all the questions that were of interest to our editorial staff. ― How did the idea of creating an organic farm come up? What was the crucial factor in making the decision to create an organic farm, because it is not that easy for the inhabitants of the concrete jungle to switch to the «eco mode»? ― I grew up on the delicious and quality products that were grown in the village of my grandparents. Having become quite grown up, every time, buying products in the market or in the store, I subconsciously expect to get the taste that I remember from my childhood. But with the introduction of intensive technologies in agriculture, the quality of products and their taste have changed quite a bit to the worst, due to their affordability and financial profit, all farms and even grandmothers in villages grow their produce by resorting to intensive technologies, reducing loss in growing this way, increasing the growth rate and obtaining the final product appearance of the product in a short time. Therefore, every year, improving the development and application of intensive technologies in agriculture, the consumer receives a less tasty product with questionable quality. Participating in the Agroport exhibition in 2014 as a representative of the Association Ukraine East Organic, I finally realized that I was not the only one, who was interested in the quality of consumer products in Ukraine. However, having studied in detail the goods of organic production offered on the markets of Ukraine and having tried them, I realized that the taste of certified organic products has no real difference from the goods of intensive production. This surprised me a lot, because I remember well the taste of the products from my childhood. I was interested whether I can grow products «from my childhood». In the spring of 2015, a quatch and 15 chicks, as well as 10 ducklings, 5 shrubs of raspberries, strawberries, black currants, gooseberries were bought. Chickens were fed with wheat, ducklings were fed with green buckwheat, grass, vegetables and root crops, which were grown on the farmyard site, shrubs were planted with our own hands, as my grandfather did. Friends and acquaintance were



watching this with interest and expected a final result. The result was not long in coming, and the strawberry gave its large, sweet, fragrant fruit first, then the branches of black currant got covered with large, fragrant berries. Even more impressive was raspberry of its size, color, taste and fertility till the frosts coming. And in the autumn, we got the tender chicken and duck meat with the taste from my childhood, and with minimal losses: from 15 chicks, rose 14 (one chick was killed by magpie) and 10 ducks, but at high costs, as we bought grain that was minimally treated with toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and other means for feeding birds. We also excluded any vaccinations, probiotics and nutritional supplements. ― Implementing such a project is expensive and requires high labor costs. Have you used your own resources or attracted investors? ― From the very beginning of our way and until now, we have been using the resources accumulated by our family, as well as all the temporary structures for our animals, which we built without hiring any labour power, and this greatly reduced our costs. Investors were not attracted because our animals do not recognize any business plans, but live and multiply in accordance with their natural abilities, that’s why, we can not plan a development of this activity type for the investor. ― What is the premium organic production characteristic feature? What difficulties do you have to deal with and at what stages? ― «Premium organic» is a product of absolute organics where a human creates acceptable conditions for animals and does not completely interfere with the diet and walking of them, but only creates conditions for comfortable, safe and healthy living and growth in the natural environment without vaccinations, premixes, growth hormones, antibiotics, synthetic vitamins and other additives that are partially used in certified organic matter and are used for the maximum extent in intensive crops. At the first stages, it was necessary to encounter natural elements, especially with

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INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION AND CLIMATE SMART AGROFORUM 2017 abundant rains, after which it is impossible even to move to the field or to continue the construction. After all, our estate is located in the field, on the edge of the forest with impassability. The second major problem was the edge of the forest with impassability. The second major problem was the peasants from the surrounding villages, who constantly pollute the forest with garbage from their homes, burn the weedage on our land during the hay harvest, walk their dogs on our fields, steal the crop. And of course, we faced the high cost of the product, since all current costs of electricity; cultivation and harvesting of cereals for the cultivation of Premium organic products are set in the price of the product itself. Significant impact on the price of the product has the attended certification at all its stages. For example, in Europe, organic production is subsidized by state for 50%, which provides a wide range of organic products. Organic production in our country, unfortunately, still remains without support of the state. ― What is the key direction of the farming in Bezkorovajny estate? What would you call a «business card» of your farm? ― Today, poultry and pig farming are key areas. However, turkeys, rabbits, guinea fowls and goats are also grown in Bezkorovajny estate. We also grow strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, wild rose, currants, gooseberries, grapes, cherries, apples, pears, plums, walnuts. We plan to grow vegetables in future. We would like to offer the widest range of premium organic products from the Bezkorovajny estate. The business card is a true taste of product that is different from certified organic products and intensive technology. ― Does everyone in your family share your inspiration and love for a common business? How difficult is to organize the routine work at the family farm?

― Since it is a family business; we all love and enthusiastically treat the common undertaking. And every one of us has taken responsibility and control over the directions in which he would be the most effective. ― Since the time of its creation, Bezkorovajny estate has been rapidly gaining popularity. Do a lot of people ask you to sell or grow an organic product for them? ― Since the foundation of the estate, our premium organic products are really gaining popularity not only among our friends and acquaintances, but also among the virtual friends in the social networks, who, since the creation of the estate, have been actively involved in expressing their preferences for the products we grow, and took an active part in choosing our logo through voting. In our turn, we took into account all the wishes and with the help of talented designers have created a logo of European quality. We are grateful to our friends and potential clients for their active participation in the development of our tasty and good for health and ecology business. ― Is it true that eco products are expensive? – Unfortunately, eco products in Ukraine are quite expensive. This healthy and qualitative pleasure is not yet available to everyone. This is due to the high costs of growing products. In Europe, America and other countries, producing of organics is subsidized by the state; in Ukraine, all costs lie on the shoulders of amateurs, i.e., farmers who grow eco-products for themselves, and sell surpluses to the interested persons. – There are more and more products appear on the shelves of supermarkets with special signs of organic, eco, bio? Is it really so and how can common consumer distinguish an organically grown product? What the prospects of producing «healthy food» in Ukraine do you see?

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

– Currently we have a poor choice of eco-products on the shelves of markets, but the demand gradually appears which means that the range will expand. To answer the question, whether this ecoproduct is the true one, organoleptically is very difficult, since these products do not distinguish by taste from the goods of intensive production. However, eco-products should be certified by a European certification authority in Ukraine, which is given at request of the buyer for each organic product. In Europe, the organic certificate is greatly trusted. In Ukraine, buyers do not trust this document for products that do not organoleptically differ from the production which was grown in an intensive way. Today people want to see healthy and delicious food on their table. And we all know that demand generates an offer. Unfortunately, we observe a horrifying picture: most farmers, with the aim of getting super profit completely forget about the main thing – the health of their consumers and the results of such actions are well known to all of us. And I would like to remind that organic produce is not something that is too expensive and unattainable. This is something that nature generously gives us, and what we should do is not to interrupt its processes. This way I answer your question about the prospects. If everyone approaches his business more consciously and realizes with full responsibility what he does and for whom, then Ukraine is the most promising country in the sphere of growing organic products. And I hope that soon we shall be able to see «Made in Ukraine» sign on each product in our supermarkets. I expect the future, when we shall be proud of ourselves!




New opportunities with the new services from Ukrposhta During the last year, many changes have taken place at Ukrposhta, aimed at achieving the ambitious goal of building the modern, successful client-oriented company. We are pleased to share with actual and prospective customers the news about services, which we hope to be useful for you.

«Ukrposhta Express» has several advantages: • rates are 30-40% lower than those of other market participants; • convenient and clear gradation of the tariff zones (within Ukraine, region and between regional centers, in the regional center); • independent calculation of the delivery cost (each customer, using the price-list from the website, can pre-calculate its value); • new weight ranges of deliveries – 0,25 kg, 0,5 kg, 20 kg – without overpayment (you will have an opportunity not to overpay, sending both small and large parcels); • absence of bulk weight, rating the deliveries only according to their larger side and actual weight; • reduced fixed payment for pick up and delivery; • reduced cost of the surcharge for the delivery to the village.

Unlike Ukrposhta Express: • the rate of Ukrposhta Standard is 20% cheaper • the most affordable delivery rates up to 30 kg • delivery terms range from 3 to 6 days (depending on the tariff zone: within regional center, within the region and between the regional centers, in the territory of Ukraine). There are people who are willing to pay more for delivery on the next day or for goods that require immediate delivery. And there are customers for whom the economic rate is more important. Offering either accelerated or medium-term budget delivery, we give the customer the opportunity to determine the priorities. SmartBox In June, in the test mode, the company launched the unique product specifically designed for the segment of small and medium-sized businesses, – service «Ukrposhta SmartBox». «Ukrposhta SmartBox» is an analogue of FlatRate (‘Unified Rate’) mail service that is popular in many countries, which until now was not provided in Ukraine by any delivery company in full. The service will be useful for those who are engaged in e-commerce, sell online and often send goods by mail. It makes possible to simplify the process of the dispatch registration, save time and save up to 20% on each dispatch in comparison with ‘Ukrposhta Express’. The service provides the subscription of a certain number of parcels (10, 20, or 50) at a reduced price, the client at the same time receives SmartBox branded packaging. Next – it all depends on the sender. There are no restrictions either for weight or for the direction of departure within the country.

Improving the line of services, since the beginning of May, the company has launched new types of deliveries: «Ukrposhta Express» and «Ukrposhta Standart». On the market of postal services in the segment of parcel sending, operators offer customers a predominantly fast (the next day, a maximum in a day), but rather expensive delivery. Ukrposhta also offers its customers an alternative for choosing the delivery.



The dispatch is sent with expedited delivery from the regional centers, Kyiv, district centers, cities of regional significance to all settlements of Ukraine. The dispatches, which are sent within the limits of the regional center, Kiev, and accepted before 12:00, are delivered on the day of their acceptance, and those accepted after 12:00,are delivered no later than the next working day of the post office department. «Ukrposhta Standart» is a delivery within 3-6 days at the more attractive economic rate for those customers who want to get significantly more advantageous and affordable rate and cost saving.

You can register your shipment online at home or in the office in your personal cabinet in Ukrposhta. Next – leave it in the nearest post office, without queues, additional registration, weighing, etc. That is, customers who regularly send mail using the Ukrposhta SmartBox service can: • significantly save by subscribing 10, 20 or 50 SmartBoxes; • receive special packaging for the parcels formation, which will be delivered free by courier at the specified address; • independently arrange the necessary number of parcels through the Personal cabinet, without leaving home or office and without spending time in the post office; • Send the parcel (s) in advance and without weighing. • The service has a single rate for the dispatches within Ukraine (to the district center).

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Discounts for sending parcels and letters at Ukrposhta were available only for corporate clients with large volumes of deliveries. Since this time, the company offers to the small and mediumsized businesses, and to the private clients who often send parcels to use a service that allows them to pay, package, and arrange their departure without leaving their home or office. The cost savings when ordering SmartBox service, in comparison with «Ukrposhta Express», is from 40 UAH, when sending 10 parcels up to 300 UAH, when sending 50 parcels. Test mode of the Service sale is launched in Kiev. Order is possible on the official site through the form «Call of the courier» or for helpline number 0 800 300 545. The package of services includes: • subscription for future parcels in the amount of 10, 20 or 50 pieces; • branded special containers in the amount of 10, 20 or 50 pieces; • code for generating a bar code identifier in your personal cabinet; • generated bar code identifier that will be used while making of an accompanying address through ‘Personal cabinet’; • free courier delivery of the appropriate quantity of packaging in Kiev (at the time of the pilot); • sms / viber informing about registration and delivery of the dispatch in the post office. Currently, cash payments are made when receiving

packaging and code. After that, the validity of the received code is 1 month. Validity of the generated bar code identifier – 5 months. Features of the service for the pilot period: • sending from Kyiv departments throughout Ukraine to the district centers; • included estimated value of each dispatch up to 1000 UAH; • possibility of receiving post payment up to 1000 UAH; • the size of the branded container – (300x240x100 mm). The dispatches can be addressed only to the addresses of Ukrposhta departments. Possibility to pay rent for land shares through Ukrposhta. One of the traditional financial services of Ukrposhta – postal money transfer – is popular among lessees of land shares and leasing holders. Preferences for the sender: • Advantageous: our tariff is competitive, the opportunity to write for free the notification for the addressee of up to 10 words. • Convenient: sending transfers from any settlement to another one, even the most remote, village or settlement of the country, the availability of money transfer to the residence places of addressees. • Reliable: consumer funds are not used in the business activity of the company. • Fast: the possibility to send money to a large number of recipients.

Current rates for the transfers within Ukraine for legal entities: As a percentage of the amount of transfers: • up to 2000,0 UAH inclusive – 2,0%; • over 2000.0 UAH – 1.0%; • but not less than UAH 10.0. There is the message recommended about postal transfer payment, 8 UAH excluding VAT. Advantages for the recipient: • Unique service from Ukrposhta – home delivery (included in the cost of the service). • You do not need to go to the city in search of an ATM. • SMS-informing about receipt of the postal transfer (in case of indication by the sender of the mobile phone number of the addressee). The period for postal transfers is from 1 to 4 working days, depending on the location and schedule of the post office. Currently, the service is used by 40% of tenants in Ukraine. More than 400 thousand payments for the amount of over 1.3 billion UAH are effected each year through Ukrposhta departments in rural settlements. There are departments of Ukrposhta in the places, where there is no bank.

Pre-registration for the forum «Agroport East Kharkiv 2017» and free subscription to a printed digest Subscriber / visitor: Surname: Name: Patronimic:

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Your entry ticket For participants who have been pre-registered and subscribers of the digest the simplified access system to the event will work Phones for information: (+38 057) 766-55-43 (+38 050) 301-88-55


Postal address for the digest subscription: Index:

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Region: The filler of this form agrees to further processing of personal data in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Agroport West 2017 Anniversary AGROPORT was successfully held in Lviv On the 27-29th of April on the territory of the International Airport ‘Lviv’ named after D.Galytsky was conducted the V Anniversary International Agro-industrial exhibition and forum for farming support «AGROPORT West Lviv 2017».

Agroport West Lviv 2017 is a platform for training and knowledge acquisition, exchange of experience, establishing contacts and just pleasant agrarian communication. We managed to create not only professional space, but also to fill it with mood and inspiration for the development of our farmers and gain new achievements.

In the work of forum participated representatives of the specialized ministries and departments, local authorities, delegations from 17 countries, producers of agricultural products, public organizations and field-oriented business. Forum was traditionally held with the support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and Lviv Regional State Administration.

In his opening remarks at the opening of the Strategic Forum on the first day of the exhibition, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Kutovy indicated:


Agroport West Lviv 2017 is a platform for training and gaining knowledge, exchange of experience, establishing contacts and just pleasant agricultural communication. We managed to create not only professional space, but also fill it with the mood and inspiration for the development of our agrarians and their new achievements.



«Participation of agrarians in international forums is one of the opportunities to expand their production potential, as well as to establish new business contacts. In addition, there is an opportunity to attract foreign investment, both in their own business and in the agricultural sector of the

country. Agroport is not only stands, it is people, and I see a professional audience here.» Oleh Synyutka, the head of Lviv Regional State Administration, emphasized that ‘Ukraine is a powerful agricultural state, and this event is an indicator of the fact that Lviv region has the great potential for increasing existing opportunities. That is why Agroport is a real platform that unites all the intellectual capabilities of not only Ukraine, but also of Eastern Europe. And the fact that this forum on the first day was visited by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, and in the second – by the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, once again says about the significance of this event.’ On the open platform and inside the terminal, during three days, an exhibition of equipment and technologies was held with an emphasis on Western Ukrainian farmers and agrarians. In the first two days in four conference halls, 16 specialized events were held, both for agricultural specialists and for beginners. Over 200 native and foreign companies on the area of over 5,000 m² presented their equipment and technologies to visitors of the exhibition and the conferences. The co-organizer of the event was the Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Regional State Administration. The director of the department Natalia Khmyz said: «Agroport West Lviv 2017 is a platform for training and gaining knowledge, exchange of experience, establishing contacts and just pleasant agricultural communication. We managed to create not only professional space, but also fill it with the mood and inspiration for the development of our agrarians and their new achievements.» Along with the Strategic forum, which collected successful cases of investment attraction from the heads of the leading enterprises, the following events took place on the first day of Agroport West Lviv 2017: • training «Dairy goat breeding – hobby or business?» • seminar «International Standards Certification as a tool of profits increasing» • conference «Beekeeping of Ukraine as a basis of food safety and environmental protection» • conference «Ecological safety and sustainable agriculture» • workshop «Plant Protection and Fertilization» • seminar «Seed challenge» The second day of the Agroport forum was held with the support and participation of FAO and addressed the global climate change problem and the organization of adaptive measures in the agricultural sector of Western Ukraine.

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The second day of the Agroport forum was held with the support and participation of FAO and addressed the global climate change problem and the organization of adaptive measures in the agricultural sector of Western Ukraine. During the opening of Climate Smart Agroforum, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv emphasized: «I am confident that the future of the agro-industrial sector will be based on innovative solutions and «Smart Farming’»technologies, because Ukrainian agricultural products will have high added value and strong competitive positions in European and world markets. And that is why such measures as Agroport are now important not only for Lviv region, but also for Ukraine as a whole.» «FAO believes that the problem of global climate change is directly related to food safety, and adaptation to climate change is a key to sustainable development of the state. Agriculture is not only one of the most vulnerable sectors of economy; it is also a factor that directly affects climate change, being the source of the third of greenhouse gas emissions. Assistance to the agrarian sector in adaptation to climate changes, promotion of agriculture, (climate-smart agriculture), is one of the priority directions in the activity of FAO in Ukraine. That is why we welcome the decision of Lviv Regional State administration and colleagues from the organizing committee on the successful holding of the forum on climate issues within the framework of AGROPORT West Lviv 2017», said Mykhailo Malkov, coordinator of FAO development programs in Ukraine.

On the second day of the forum also took place the following events: • seminar «Quality and safety of feed and food products. Legislative Requirements» • seminar «High-quality lamb according to world standards» • seminar «Factors of Ukrainian goat breeding development» • 1st international forum «Berry production and cooperation» • training «Active Sales in agribusiness» • workshop «Plant protection and fertilization». Traditionally, Agroport West Lviv is being held within the framework of the International Year of the United Nations, which was devoted this year to the development of tourism in the interests of sustainable development. Within the framework of celebration of the tourism year, all three days at Agroport platform were conducted culinary master classes from the Western Chef group with the use of local products, as well as a round table «Gastronomical Lviv: inter-industry partnership» and an open farm show of short-length films «Successful farmers’ stories: from West to East.» «Agroport is a platform where people are open and happy about the new and fresh ideas. «Agroport» brand now includes not only an exhibition, a quality concentrate of seminars, trainings and conferences. Now it is a powerful platform for continuous dialogue and contacts in the agricultural sector and far beyond it. There is an opportunity for the most daring marketing, for advertising and the introduction of the new IT technologies. We are proud that we are recognized now at the state level, and by the farmers themselves as one of the best agro-platforms of Ukraine», – said in his closing

remarks, General Manager of AGROPORT Ukraine Dmytro Tytarenko. Video presentations of the speakers of all the business program events are available at the following link: www.online.agroport.ua


I am sure that the future of the agro-industrial sector will be based on innovative solutions, ‘Smart Farming’ technologies, because Ukrainian agricultural products will have high added value and strong competitive positions in European and world markets. And that is why such events as Agroport are now important not only for Lviv region, but also for Ukraine as a whole.


Vii International agricultural exhibition and forum Agroport west lviv 2018

19-21 thof april, 2018

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




The first farmers’ Oscar

was presented in Lviv

The best in agricultural business 2017

On the first evening, the solemn program of the Lviv forum continued on the platform of the cultural and museum center «Lvivarnia», where the ceremony of awarding the independent prize AGROPORT Awards Lviv 2017 took place.

In 10 nominations for their achievements the following enterprises of Lviv region were recognized as the best and were awarded with the badges of merit and certificates: • LLC «Eco-Mit» for innovations and newest technologies in livestock breeding • FG «Radvan-Nova» for the development of small livestock breeding • APC «Dobrodvorets» for the best value added production agricultural cooperative • FG «Solomeya» for the best promotion of organic production • The branch of PJSC «Karlsberg Ukraine», «Lviv Brewery» for a worthy evaluation of labour • FG «Perlyna-Nova» for the best results in the field of agriculture • LLC «Molochni riky» («Milky Rivers») for the high performance in dairy cattle breeding • Mykola Burak’s family dairy farm — the best family farm • FG «Nova Mriya» for a significant contribution to the development of fruit and berry production • PJSC «Lviv Confectionery Factory «Svitoch» — responsible taxpayer. Also, certificates and awards were granted to about 100 best farmers, agricultural enterprises and food industry enterprises of Lviv region. At the awards ceremony, the head of Lviv Regional State administration Oleg Synyutka expressed hope that «This prize will become annual and will be an excellent stimulus for all branches of agriculture, and its owners will have a great chance to become famous not only in Ukraine but also abroad». Official platform AGROPORT Awards Lviv 2017, the cultural center «Lvivarnia», in turn, has taken care of a comfortable atmosphere for effective business communication of the forum participants. «Taking into account that our company is a great consumer of agricultural products, we are glad to be partners in such an important event for the agrarian sector of Ukraine. We hope that «Lvivarnia»will be able to become an official platform for the best events in Lviv», said Carlsberg Ukraine CEO Eugene Shevchenko.



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua



CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION ROLL-UP «CORPORATE» Company’s own roll-ups in the form of a peninsula or using POP-UP mobile constructions Min area:

from 8 sq.m. / not equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

3 (2) open / 1 (2) wall

DA Cost (8 sq.m), excluding VAT The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

10 954,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

10 551,0 UAH

Exhibition pavilion 1F 2F 3F

Exhibition platform

Wall panels and a frizo inscription




Table and 2 chairs

Access to the electricity mains (220V)

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


ROLL-UP «PLATFORM» For presentation of agricultural machinery, automobiles and dimensional equipment (in the street) Min area:

from 10 sq.m. / not equipped


1F / 2F – 3F: Pavilion / Plattform

Sides of the roll-up:

4 open / -

DA Cost (10 sq.m), excluding VAT The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

7 930,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

7 678,0 UAH

ROLL-UP «STANDARD» To present technologies, oversized products and services that support agribusiness Min area:

from 6 sq.m. / equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

1 (2) open / 3 (2) wall

DA Cost (6 sq.m), excluding VAT The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

11 530,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

11 098,0 UAH

ROLL-UP «ECONOM» For the presentation of activities (only!) of state and research scientific institutions, non-profit organizations Min area:

from 3 sq.m. / equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

1 (2) open / 3 (2) walls

DA Cost (3 sq.m), excluding VAT

Guard during non-working hours

Badges for company members

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

6 360,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

6144,0 UAH


Information in digest

Participation in the Gala dinner






Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua






Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua



ADVERTISING Construction must be carried out by professionals! Each businessman is looking for the ways to save funds and maximize benefits at minimal cost. Amateurs use it in order to offer fantastic construction conditions in the short time and at the low prices. Does cheap always mean better? If you have a toothache, do you prefer to see a dentist without a diploma or professionals at a paid clinic? The first option, of course, is cheaper, but is it worth to risk your health? The same situation is actual for construction. As property and business owners, you realize that low price means poor quality. In construction, low quality is unacceptable and dangerous!

What should you pay attention to? When choosing a contractor for the construction of a hangar, first of all, pay attention to the design documentation. From the fact how seriously and competently the project is implemented, depends how reliable and durable the building will be. If the construction company does not offer you the design project, or the project does not have the stamp and signature of the responsible specialist, then this is the first sign that you are dealing with dangerous nonprofessionals. You should not address to such builders in any case. Unfortunately, many people realize this when it is too late and it is impossible to return your money, time, nerves, and sometimes, your freedom.

Why amateurs do not formalize their projects? It is simple: in order to avoid any responsibility for construction (including administrative and criminal) and put it up to the owner of the hangar, that means, to you. The properly prepared project is signed and certified by

a personal seal of a certified engineer-designer, who bears personal responsibility for the technical solutions that were approved in the project.

How to check the project? The best control is the examination of the design documentation by the experts. Experts will examine the project and make conclusions about the reliability of the design. With an average cost of a hangar construction, equal to $ 40-50 thousand of dollars, the cost of such an examination is just a trifle that will release you from many problems.

How can it be «cheap»? Low cost is achieved by reducing the specific metal content. At the same time, parts of the structural elements are removed from the frame and the cross section of the profiles of metal pipes is critically reduced. For example, instead of the design profile of a pipe 50 * 50 mm with the wall thickness of 3 mm, a profile of 30 * 30 mm with the wall thickness of 2 mm is used. Another way of cheapening is the utilizing of the previously used materials (metal, brick, and concrete products). But any material has its bearing capacity. For example, in the process of corrosion, the intersection of the pipe profile decreases, that leads to a decrease in the bearing capacity of this pipe. The actual carrying capacity of previously used materials is determined only by laboratory tests. As a result, building is unable to withstand critical snow and wind loads and collapse will happen inevitably! The question is only when it will happen ...

Contact the professionals - Optima Business Group • Construction and repair of hangars of fast building for any purpose. • Qualified engineers and workers. • High-quality examined materials. • Sandblasting of all metal structures. • Building License No. 40459848. • 11 years of construction experience! • 20 years of warranty!!!

Order a safe hangar that corresponds to construction norms



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44




Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua






Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘

Thanks to the organizers for an interesting exhibition! I hope that we will meet again; our company will take part next time with pleasure. LLC «Niko-West»

Thanks to the organizers for your customer orientation, prompt decision of questions, information support and just for a good mood! LLC «Engineering and Technologies», specialist-analyst on commodity market research Zakharov O.О.

For organization, active and great! Big gratitude and sincere wishes in the course of conducting Agroport! We wish our partners to keep the air to succeed in the innovations of the whole world, and to invite more for free! To participate in all sectors! Yours faithfully, the Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian Region Vasyl Kaplinsky, the Deputy Director of the Professional Studies

Thanks for the wonderful atmosphere! 1C: franchisee is always with you and for you. Company «Коder line»

We express gratitude for organizing the agroforum! We liked everything, you are cool!!! We will be glad to take part in the next forum :) Automatization of business, we are 1C: Franchisee! Together to success!!! Group of companies «Media Service»

Thank you for the good organization of the exhibition, new experience, new acquaintances with new customers who remember our mineral water from Yutrochy. We wish the organizers a fruitful work, good participants and clients. Sincerely, the collective mineral water of TM «Soluki» LTD «Valentudo»

Thank you for the exhibition. Positive, cool, it will be great to have more of such exhibitions. Thank you :) «Vines of the world»

‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘

LLC «Contraction Machinery» expresses gratitude to organizers of the exhibition «Agroport 2017» for its successful holding. «Contraction Machinery Ltd.»

We express gratitude to all the organizers for the opportunity to present our products, as well as acquaintance with the organic cluster. LLC «Lukoil Lubricans Ukraine», Yeliseyev E.V.

Thanks a lot!!! A lot of positive emotions! UDAZ

Our first participation in the Agroport-2017 event, I would like to say from myself that I liked the organization, everything was well thought-out, plus many new acquaintances, an opportunity to communicate with different people. I recommend this event very much! LLC «Raben Ukraine», Anton Guy

Agroport 2017 is our first participation together with you in such a great format. Thanks for the positive impressions and new acquaintances. Hope for further cooperation! Good luck and see you next time! PJSC «Concern Khlibprom»

Thanks for the good organization of the exhibition, excellent location and competent customer management. In the future, I would like to wish a significant increase in visitors - representatives of small and medium businesses. We will be glad to cooperate! Yours faithfully, Stanislav Gatsuz, ASK «INGO Ukraine»

Bring our best words of «gratitude». For your work, for your help in organizing and sincere atmosphere. We, like partners, appreciate it very much! We look forward to further cooperation. With respect and sincere wishes! Success and prosperity to Agroport! «Innovative Farming and Cooperation», Executive director, M.A. Berezka

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua



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