Digest Agroport #5 (8), September

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Eastern Ukrainian AGRO reporter

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6000 DIGEST AGROPORT #UKRPOSHTA partner Agro companies:

PARTNER OF ADDRESS DELIVERY (АГРОКОМПАНІЙ ТА companies ФЕРМЕРСЬКИХ farming agro and enterprises of Eastern Ukraine

Number № 5 (8), SEptember 4 р.




AGROPORT South Kherson 2018

24-27 р.


Authorized distributor 1A, Matrosova str., Kharkiv 14, Chernihivska str., Sumy 13B, Beryslavske Shose, Kherson

Information partner:


0 800 21 42 82 / www.ukr.farm


AGRICULTURE For those who works for more


VI International agricultural exhibition and forum Agroport East Kharkiv 2017

5-7th of October, 2017 Information and registration of participants


(057) 766-55-43, (050) 301-88-55

Commencement address to the participants and organizers of IV International forum «AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017» On the 5-7th of October, 2017 Dear partners! Dear Guests of Kharkiv! I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of IV International forum «AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017»! Ukraine is the largest state in the Central Europe, which concentrates the richest resources of black earth in the world. Our country is already a powerful exporter of agricultural products and ready-made meals. This fact opens up the great opportunities for the development of investment, trade, scientific and technical cooperation; for the purpose of use the resources for further production extension and creation of the new value added chains in the agro-industrial sector. During the years of its work, the forum «AGROPORT» has become a powerful national and international platform for the professional discussion of priority issues of the regional agrarian sector of development and that of the state as a whole. There are new contacts established here, and mutually beneficial agreements are concluded, and the promising areas of cooperation are opened. I am convinced that this year «AGROPORT» will confirm once again its traditions of the event bringing specific results. I wish all participants and organizers of the forum a constructive and effective work, a successful implementation of all plans, aimed at the development of their own businesses and the economy of Kharkiv region.

Yulia Svitlychna Head of Kharkiv regional state administration

Agroport East event program Draft of program of the 5-7th of October, 2017

Hall №1

Hall №2

Hall №3

The program for the first day of the forum Venue: Terminal ‘C’ of Kharkiv airport

On the 5th of October/Thursday 10:00 – 10:30

10:30 – 15:00





10:30 – 15:30

13:00 – 18:00 Workshops for agricultural producers The subject of the event is under definition


10:30 – 12:00

• Current situation and development prospects of poultry farming • Presentation of JSC ‘BIOFARM’ complex program • Presentations of egg incubation equipment manufacturers; suppliers veterinary products of food and feed.

РANEL DISCUSSION 1 Infrastructure of internal markets of food in Ukrainian Eastern regions: analysis of opportunities and barriers 12:00 – 12:30 Coffee break

14:00 – 15:00

12:30 – 14:00 PANEL DISCUSSION 2 Overview of internal markets: dairy products, grain crops, oilseeds, vegetable and fruit market

14:00 – 15:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 3 Access to the market for small and mediumsized agricultural producers through the development of the added value chains

Onжовтня the 6th /of 6 Пт October/friday

ENTERTAINING PART • Quiz; • Lottery; • Degustation of dishes containing chicken eggs • Degustation of egg yolk gorilka from BIOFARM Company.

програма The program другого for дня the форуму second day of the forum

Місце Venue: проведення: Terminalтермінал ‘C’ of Kharkiv «С» Харківського airport аЕропорту

9:30 – 15:00

10:00 – 12:00

10:00 – 18:00

CLIMATE SMART AGROFORUM 2017 Eastern Ukrainian session

The subject of the event is under definition

Workshops for agricultural producers The subject of the event is under definition

10:00 – 11:30 DISCUSSION PANEL: Adaptation measures in concern with climate change in Eastern Ukraine

11:30 – 12:00

Scientific and practical conference ‘Technological, environmental, economic and social areas of the agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy innovative development’

Coffee break

12:00 – 14:30 ROUND TABLE: Organic production ‒ the future is near

On the 7th of October/Saturday

13:30 – 16:30

The Field Day program Venue: demonstration fields of

V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture

9:00 – 10:00

Demonstration will be devoted to sunflower growing field work. Farmers will be shown master classes with the use of foreign and domestic machinery for working with this culture that is very important for the region.

Registration 10:00 - 10:30 Opening of the Field Day 10:30 - 12:30 Demonstration of agricultural machinery

Producers’ participation in the seminars, conferences and demo shows is free of charge on condition of pre-registration on the website. Free registration:



AGRARIAN KHARKIV REGION Agriculture in Kharkiv region for January-July 2017 Territory

3141,8 thousand hectares (4th place in Ukraine)

Farming area

2411.5 thousand hectares (3rd place in Ukraine)

Area of arable land

1933.2 thousand hectares (3rd place in Ukraine)


2699.8 thousand people

at the beginning of 2017, 526.5 thousand people live in village areas (19.5% of the region population) According to the rate of gross output production in January-July 2017, Kharkiv region is ranked 5th in Ukraine. The index of gross output in crop husbandry was 109.6% (in Ukraine - 96.9%). The region occupied the 2nd place in Ukraine according to this indicator. In January-July 2017, for all categories of Kharkiv region, gross agricultural output (at the prices comparable to 2010) was equal to the total amount of UAH 4.7 billion. Production activity in the region is carried out by 2,0 thousand agricultural enterprises of different forms of ownership and management, including 1,2 thousand farms. Altogether, agricultural enterprises, including farms, account for 56% of the gross agricultural output, the remaining 44% are households.

The share of the region in the total amount of agricultural production in Ukraine, according to the results of January-July 2017, was as following: Item of agricultural production

Share of the region, %

Meat, milk, eggs, potatoes, fruits and berries: Cereals including: - wheat

up to 5 8,1 9,0

- barley




The average monthly salary for January-June 2017 in the agriculture of the region, amounted to UAH 4851, which is 49.6% higher than last year's figure. Agrarians of the region began settlements for the lease of land plots (shares). In average, in the Kharkiv region, the amount of rent for land plots (shares) is 1866 UAH per 1 hectare, or 5.9% of the monetary valuation of the leased land. The owners of the leased land plots have been paid a rent totaling UAH 500.6 million, which is equal to 26.4% of the total amount determined by the lease agreements.

According to the results of the work in JanuaryJuly 2017, the index of gross agricultural output in all categories of farms, compared to the corresponding period in 2016, totalled 103.2% (in Ukraine - 98.0%).



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Foreign Economic Activity of Kharkiv region (2013 - 2017) Years

Export of goods (total), million dollars)

Export of agricultural commodities, million dollars

% of total amount


1 987,3




1 821,1




1 311,7




1 020,0



January-May 2017




Crop production in January-July 2017 In January-July 2017, agricultural enterprises of all categories of enterprises of the Kharkiv region produced:

Items of production

Quantity, thousand tons

Rating in Ukraine



Grain of all grain and bean crops Including:

Productivity of main crops in all categories of farms for January-July 2017:

Kharkiv region

In average in Ukraine

+,- to the indicator of Ukraine




- winter and spring wheat




- winter and spring barley




Items of production Cereals - in total (after post harvesting works) Including:

-winter and spring wheat



-winter and spring barley






Field vegetables



Animal husbandry production Items of production


Rating in Ukraine

Meat, thousand tons (sold






-pork meat






Milk, thousand tons



Eggs, million pcs.



as live weight)


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

In January-July 2017, especially significant changes in the development of animal husbandry at the agricultural enterprises of the region were achieved in dairy farming, where the increase in milk production, compared to the same period in 2016, was equal 1.0% comparing to 0.9% in Ukraine. The productivity of cows during this period increased by 2.9% and amounted to 4088 kg comparing to 3605 kg in Ukraine, and this is the 2nd place among the regions of Ukraine. Agricultural enterprises of the region from the beginning of the year have purchased the new modern agricultural machinery for the total amount of 1101.4 million UAH, which is 3% more than the same indicator of the last year.




Current state and prospects for the development

of agricultural sector in Derhachi district

We talked about the current state and plans for the development of the agricultural sector in Derhachi district with the head of the Derhachi district state administration Kostjantyn Serhijovych Zhydkov.

— Good afternoon, Kostjantyn Serhijovych! It is August now, the end of the summer, the harvest time. What is the current situation in the fields? Are there any results? — Greetings! Yes, it is really very ‘hot’ now. And not only because of weather, but also because of the amount of ongoing work. The harvesting of early grain and bean crops has been successfully completed in the region. Agricultural enterprises have milled 39,7 thousand tons of grain, which is 7 thousand tons more than last year’s indicator, which, by the way, was the record one during all years of the independence of Ukraine. So at the moment there are the reasons to hope that the results of this year will be at least no worse than those of the last year. In some farms in the district, winter wheat yields exceeded 60 dt/ha. And this is already a criterion of European level. So we can assert with confidence on the progress. I hope this dynamics will be saved in the future.



— This is very good news! What is your opinion about what makes it possible to achieve such results? — First of all, it should be noted that the agricultural enterprises of our district are independent private business structures that have been planning and developing for years by market instruments only. In other words, there are professionals working with the land, who, moreover, like their job and are proud of it. There are no random and temporary people here. The land receives everything that it needs and returns the favor with good harvests. The State Administration, as a state body, coordinates the work of all structures involved in the agricultural complex. We strive to build partnership relations, create a favorable climate for agricultural production. We always offer our support on the current issues of work. We hope that our efforts are also an integral part of success.

— Can you especially?




— 23 large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises of different ownership forms and 34 small farms successfully conduct their activities in the region. In general, 28,0 thousand hectares of arable land are at their disposal. At another 10 thousand hectares of arable land the citizens of the district work individually. Among the leading agribusinesses in the district, we can mention such as «Promin» Private Agricultural Enterprise (director Nebozhenko V.A.), «Kolos» Agricultural Enterprise LLC (director I. Y. Nikolchenko), «Obrii» Agricultural Enterprise (director N.Y. Evchun), «Vidrozhennya» Agricultural Enterprise (director M.A. Bychenko), «Planeta»Farming Enterprise (director I. M. Lutsenko), «Agro-Invest» LLC (director Suegan Lee), «Sad» Private Agricultural Enterprise (director V.L. Guzhvynskyi) and others.

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


District authorities are constantly cooperating with them and we are always open to dialogue. — That is, work in the countryside is attractive to people? What is the average salary of employees? —Under the constant attention of both region and district state administrations is the question of raising the well-being of agricultural workers. For 7 months of the current year, the average monthly salary of the agricultural complex workers of the district amounted to 5060 UAH, which is 1440 UAH (40%) higher than last year's figure and exceeds the average level in the districts of the region. In addition, 4177 residents of the district are letting their land parcels for rent to agricultural producers. Our aim is to help them in getting a decent rental payment in a timely manner. And here we also have a positive dynamics. Last year, in average 4.5% of the land valuation (1297 UAH for 1 hectare of arable land) was paid at the expense of the rent, but now it is 5.4% (1604 UAH per 1 hectare). The total amount of rent in 2017 will amount to 32.6 million UAH comparing to 27.4 million UAH last year. Additional revenues to the local budget in the form of personal income tax will total over UAH 1 million. That is, we keep all these issues under control. —Good! And what problem issues are you concerned with? — An urgent issue is the attraction of investments into agribusiness. But it depends not only on the district authorities and is not so easy to solve.

Although, for our part, we are trying to create all the prerequisites for this. We are very hopeful that in Derhachi district will be created capacities not only for agricultural production, but also its processing, final product manufacturing and delivery of village products to the consumer's table. Another issue, which the district administration is focused on, is the current situation in animal husbandry. Extremely wornout material and technical base, low profitability of animal husbandry production due to outdated technology do not induce owners of enterprises to increase the number of cattle, including cows. Large investments are necessary for positive changes, and the most agricultural producers can not afford it. I believe that small-sized animal husbandry based farms can become an alternative to large but low-profitable agricultural enterprises. —One of the promising directions of village development now is the creation of small family farms. Our project ‘Agroport’ highlights the Kharkiv lawyer’s project development, who decided to engage into the goat husbandry and is creating a small family farm ‘Eco-estate Blagodatne’ in Dergachi district.

processing of milk and the manufacture of the final product: cheese, sour cream, butter. All products should be eco-friendly and healthy. Also, the founder of the farm wants to breed rare for our region species of cattle, which are Jersey cow and Alpine goat breed. We will together attend to the development of this project, promote implementation and after its realization (sure, successful), we will offer others to go the same way. — Well, let's take notice of it together and spread the positive experience. — So it will be. I am sure that the potential of the agricultural complex of our district is very high. And here there are all the growth prospects for large agricultural enterprises and small family farms. We support all the owners and therefore feel optimistic about the future.

— Yes, we know about this project and for our part we help in its development. In August, we approved the detailed plan of the territory and town-planning calculations, which should be the basis for construction. And the project ‘Eco-estate Blagodatne’ is really interesting, there is planned to create a small dairy farm, and, most importantly, with the subsequent

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




The 6th forum on the farming support will take place in Kharkiv On the 5-7th of October on the territory of International airport «Kharkiv» the large-scale forum for agrarians АGROPORT 2017 will take place.

On the territory of 5000 sq.metres in the exhibition complex «C» of Kharkiv airport will be located an agricultural exhibition for representatives of Eastern Ukrainian agroindustrial complex, and for demonstration of equipment and technologies will also be used terminal square (20,000 sq. metres). Within all three days, a separate block of exhibition will be the exposition of cars and mobile vehicles for farmers with test-drives. The first day of the forum will be traditionally opened by strategic forum that this year is dedicated to the World Food Day (Worldwide day of food), as part of which the potential of external and internal agrarian markets will be revealed. Industry leaders, representatives of central

Among the most urgent topics is the problem of the climatic zones redistribution, changing of agricultural conditions, synchronizing the pace of change and reviewing the specialization of Ukrainian agro-industrial complex. There also will be raised the topic of GMOs and its impact on climate, analyzed energy sources, which will help to reduce the cost of agricultural production and demonstrated technologies and programs, which are able to stimulate national manufacturer. In parallel with Climate Smart Agroforum on the second day of the forum a scientific and practical conference ‘Technological, environmental, economic and social directions of innovative development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine›s economy’ will be held. On the third day of the forum AGROPORT — on the 7th of October, FIELD DAY will be held at the demonstration fields of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture within the framework of AGROPORT 2017. This year, demonstration shows will be devoted to fieldwork related to the cultivation of sunflower. Farmers will be shown master classes with the use of foreign and native technology of working with this culture, important for the region. All three days of AGROPORT on the exhibition ground four permanent meeting rooms with special trainings, master classes and seminars on financial, organizational, marketing problems from the best specialists of Ukraine and trainers from abroad will be organized.

and local authorities, international experts, representatives of the public organizations and profile businesses will take part In the work of the forum. The subject of the forum will touch market reviews of dairy products, grain crops, oilseed crops, as well as promising export directions, among which organic products, vegetables and fruit, products with added value. The second day of the forum will be devoted to the problem of climate change and adaptation of agriculture in Eastern Ukraine to the new conditions. The forum will be attended by representatives of science, international consultants, agricultural practitioners and manufacturers of machinery, forage and fertilizers.



Innovation for the East Ukrainian AGROPORT this year will be the awarding of the independent АGROPORT AWARDS, which will be held solemnly on the first day of the forum. In ten nominations according to the results of 2016 the leaders among agricultural producers and enterprises of the food industry of Kharkiv region will be identified. The ceremony will be held in an informal gala dinner, which will also help to establish effective business contacts.

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44



Agroport East Kharkiv 5-7 of October, 2017 ‘Kharkiv’ international airport

Agroport West Lviv 19-21 of April, 2018 ‘Lviv’ Danyla Halytsky International Airport


events per year (West, South, East)


audiences from 20 regions of Ukraine

18000 +

visitors and delegates

500 +

international and local companies among speakers and exhibitors

Agroport South Kherson 26-28 of July, 2018 ‘Kherson’ international airport

We would like to invite you to an interactive holiday Organizers:


The general sponsor Agricultural association ‘International Union of Poultry and Fodder Producers of Ukraine’

Monthly journal ‘Feed and facts’

On the 5th of October, 2017 at 10:30

Within the framework of VI International exhibition AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017 The programme of the celebration: Business part Cognitive-entertaining part Exhibition of producers and processors of chicken eggs and those of other birds Tasting egg dishes; quiz; lottery

Adress: 1, Romashkina str., Kharkiv Organizers' contacts: +38 (095) 3226262; (067) 5709057 Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Round table:

Changing the future of migration flows. Investing in food safety and rural development


On September the 6 th

Media-center Agrogeneration (Mandarin Plaza 6 Baseyna Str. 8th Floor Kyiv) registration – 10:30 Topics for discussion: • Infrastructure of internal markets of food of Ukraine • Involvement of FAO expertise in the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex • Access to the market for small and mediumsized agricultural producers through the development of added value chains. • State support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for European integration projects and their implementation in the regions • Private sector and Government cooperation in Sustainable development • investment image of Ukraine: goals and objectives for 2017-2018

World Food Day (WFD) is an international memorable date that is celebrated annually on the 16th of October. It was declared in 1979 at the conference of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Purpose of the memorable date is to raise public awareness of the world food problem and strengthen the solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. This day marks the date of the of FAO establishment in 1945. In 2017, the WFD is organized under the slogan «Changing the future of migration flows. Investing in food safety and rural development». Sustainable development of rural areas is a key factor in reducing the level of labour migration. This implies an intensification

of agricultural production, including the development of small and medium-sized farms, the creation of additional production chains, the improvement of social living conditions in rural areas and the careful management of natural resources. By investing in the development of rural areas, the international community will be able to reorient migratory flows in the medium term, which will contribute to the restoration and sustainable economic growth of the region. FAO is ready to provide all kinds of support to the governments and partners in exploring the region's potential and changing migration flows, which will contribute to both the growth of material well-being of the population and the strengthening of regional and national food security.

Mykhailo Malkov

Farukh Toirov

Olha Trofimceva

Oleksandr Nezdiur

FAO coordinator of development programs in Ukraine

Coordinator of FAO emergency programs in Ukraine

Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on Eurointegration

Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration

Natalia Khmyz

Evgen Ryshchuk

John Shmorgun

Dmytro Tytarenko

Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Regional State Administrationї

Deputy Head of Kherson Regional State Administration


General Manager of Agroport Ukraine

For participants and media representatives, the required registration is open:wfd.agroport.ua Coordinator: Maria Bryzhko mariia@agroport.ua / (+38 050) 939-96-80, (+38 057) 766-55-43



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44

Corporate participants agroport 2017 Data as of 01.01.2017:

Participant of Kharkiv /

032.ua, Lviv city website

057.ua, Kharkov city website A-Tera, LLC. Abitek, LLC.

AV Centr Firm, LLC

Auto and service, Magazine Autobahn Autokraz, PJSC Ile de France - Regional Agrarian Chamber Agrarian Publishing House, Ltd Agristar, LLC AGRO PERSPECTIVE, Magazine Agro-Forte, LLC Agrobusiness Today, Magazine Agrobusiness Ukraina, Magazine Agroecology, PE AgroElita, Magazine Agrokraina AgroNavigator, Magazine Agroplant AgroParthner , Ukraine, Newspaper Agrosvit,Magazine Agrotechnics, LLC Agrofruit, Agricultural cooperative Agroyard Aeromeh, UTP LLC AIC- West,IE AlexCO, LLC Association of poultry keepers and fodder producers in Ukraine ATK, PE Business - pro (Press Time) Business - guide Biola, PE Biotol Building journal Bureau Veritas: Ukraine, LLC Valetodu, LLC ( TM Soluki) Universitat of Warmia and Mazury in Olstyn Vinamira,TM Oven, LLC Volagro, LLC Vostok – Service, LLC AGROSOLUTIONS ,LLC Beekeeping of Ukraine (Kyiv) Gazeta.ua Galfrost, LLC Genetika and selektsia, PE GorodX, Portal Gospodar, Ltd Danone Dnipro, LLC Dekoplant, LLC Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv, RGD Department of Tourism and Resorts LODA State control of the PD SCCS in the Volyn region DiolAgro, LLC Diamant, Service Center, LLC

Participant of Lviv

State Scientific-Research Control Institute for Veterinary Preparation and Supplement Feeds EcoMit, LLC Economic Service of the French Embassy in Ukraine Ecoterra, Lviv MA Exclusive, Catering company Exclusive TECHNOLOGIES, magazine ElevatorBudMach, PE Etalon, Agrocompany LLC Zhen, Co (Kyiv) Zhivitzya PJC Zavod Kobzarenka, LLC Western Center of Ukrainian Department of the World Laboratory (Lviv) Golden Fortune, International Academy INGO Ukraine, PJSC Індичка, ТОВ Інноваційне фермерство та кооперація, ГС Institute of Animal Science of NAAS Potato crops Institute of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) Institute of Nanobiotechnology Ltd. ISKRASOFT ISOQAR Ukraine, LLC Cargill Animal Nutrition, LLC KVADRAT, Ltd Business Community Club, PA Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) LAN Company, LLC Communicative group D + Construction Machinery, LLC Concern Khlibprom PJSC Feed&Facts, Magazine Kormotech CornTay, LLC Kredobank, JSP Kronos -Agro, PE (Kronos -Agro private company) Luxury 5 stars LAN Company, LLC JURIDICAL CONSULTING COMPANY ‘LEGARITIS’ PEJCC Lemberg, Trading House, Ltd. Lemken, Ukraine, 100% owned subsidiary company LEOMET,TM Leader, Training Center LOGOS SPORT, LLC Losyatinsky milk source, Agricultural cooperative LUKOIL PJSC Lvivarna, International Information and Publishing Project Lviv Post, Newspaper Lviv National Agrarian University

Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Lviv Magnate, Publishing LLC Madrid, Printing house MegaDrone (MB Group Consulting LLC) MEGABANK, PJSC. Mediaport, Information agency World of Bio TM, ‘Family basket Shopping cart organic & local food’ Danylo Halytskyi Internaional Airport ‘Lviv’ SE International Center for Scientific Culture - Western Center of the Ukrainian Department of the World Laboratory Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukrainе MNAGOR, PE MNC Group, LCC Momot - Beton Nakipelo, Press center Nanomaterials and nanotechnology, Ltd Ukrainian seed treasury National University of Bioresources and natural management of Ukraine (Kyiv) Nestle Ukraine, Ltd. NIKO – West, Ltd NOVOFARM, Ltd Obozrevatel.ua, Portal Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies ON AIR BC,LCC Organic Ukraine, PE Organic Standard Ltd, Certification body Partner Agro, Magazine Bee-treating complex in Lastivka village.(Skhidnytsya, Lviv region) Recycling of Organic Waste by dew worm PivdenAgrarBud, LCC Increasing informational contents and potential assessment of high-quality food products valorization in Lviv region, project Polish Ecological Club (Gliwice) Pomichnyk Gospodara, Newspaper Embassy of France in Ukraine PRESS-BIRZHA PUBLISHING HOUSE, LTD Press-Time, AD agency Poultry breeding, Journal Raben Ukraine, LLC

Radio Slobozhanshchyny Ratusha, Newspaper Rivneholod, LLC

Organic Market Development in Ukraine, Swiss-Ukrainian project The development of strawberry cooperatives, project by ‘Innovative farming and cooperation’ Public Association Smart husbandry, Publication S-Prof, Trade House Magazine ‘Technology and Innovations. Gardening and Viticulture’ International publishing project Sunberry – Ukraine, Farm enterprise Svarog West Group Pig Farming of Ukraine, Journal Semagro, LTD Selecta, LTD Research and Production Company Cheese Mandry Skyline Software (1C) Skvirska scientific station of organic production of Agroecology and Environment Institute of National Academy Agricultural Science of Ukraine Taste of the Ukrainian Carpathians, TM Soyevyi vik, Trade House Soft Farm Spasybo V. & Partners. Law and tax consulting, LTD Spetsmetall STOMIL SANOK UKRAINE LTD Modern Poultry Breeding, Journal TALIS, LTD SPE TH – HERMES, LTD Tent Stroy - №1 tent company Methods and technology Toyota Center Kharkiv ‘Avtoart’ Transservice, LTD Trade Master Group, LTD TRIA, Group of Companies Tour Inform Zakarpattya Ukragrozapchastyna, LTD Ukraine Business, Publishing House Ukrainian Berry, LTD State Scientific Institution Named After Leonid Pohorilyi Ukrainian Research Institute Of Forecasting And Testing Machinery And Technologies For Agricultural Production Ukrainian Organic Cluster, Public Association Ukrainian Center of Soil Ecology, LTD Ukrposhta UKRSILGOSPMASH, LTD UkrFarming, LTD UNAC

Ukrainian National Scientific-Research Institute of Nanotechnology and Resource Conservation (Kyiv) Public Service Management of Consumer Goods and Consumer Protection in Dergachiv district of Kharkiv region Resorts and tourism authorities of Lviv regional administration Farmer-Service, LTD FruiTech, Ltd Kharkov na doloniah, Multibrand concerne HOG SLAT UKRAINE, LLC Khrystyna, Commercial company (official BMW dealer in Lviv) Centrinform journal ‘Tools and equipment for professionals’ Chas-Pick Chym Khata Bahata, Newspaper Shuvar, LLC U.R.K.LTD Uventa Agrochim, LLC Univest Media, LLC Yarylo, Group of companies AgroUA Bitrek Compassion in World Farming Deula-Nienburg (Germany) Enza Zaden Ukraine LLC, ТОВ, ТМ ‘Vitalis’, certificated organic vegetable seeds (Holland)) EUROP Insurance Brokers (Grainsurance agricultural insurance) GPS-Tracker.com.ua Grehori Textile InVenture Investment Group NewsRoom Proferend, translation company Ramada Lviv, Готель Ria-Украина Semex SmartMe LMS Status Quo The DairyNews VELES AGRO

A complete list of companies will be published in Digest Agroport No 6 (9)


AGROPORT South Kherson 2018 «Aviabrand» Company, the founder and organizer of the forum «AGROPORT UKRAINE», expands the geography of support for Ukrainian farmers and plans to hold an agricultural exhibition and forum in July 2018 in Kherson. Location of the event is traditional — the platform of the ‘Kherson’ International airport. It should be noted that recently the ‘Kherson’ international airport has been expanding significantly and opening new aviation connections for business development. The co-organizers of the forum are Kherson Regional State Administration and business association «We are Khersonians».

• Tourism • Energy-efficient technologies • IT and innovative technologies

The forum will be held under the auspices of the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Kherson Regional State Administration and the Kherson Regional Council.

It is planned that farmers and proprietors from Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kirovograd regions, as well as from other regions of Ukraine will be invited to participate in Kherson Agroport. Three days of a eventful program will be devoted to the following issues: Agricultural business day • Official opening of the forum and exhibition with the participation of the regional authorities and subject ministries • Strategic Forum ‘Investments in Agro-industrial Complex of Southern Ukraine’ • AGROPORT Awards Kherson 2018 • Seminars and conferences for agricultural producers on consideration of the regional features • Static exhibition outside and inside the terminal • Exhibition and demonstration of agricultural machinery

On the 26-28 th of July, 2018 «Kherson» international airport Information and pre-registration: (+38 057) 766-55-43, 766-55-42 www.agroport.ua



The key themes of the business program will be: • Investment potential of Southern Ukraine • Logistics of agricultural products, including - river transportation • Irrigation • Vegeculture • Gardening • Wine production • Hothouse facility • Organic products production • Fishing • Dairy breeding • Poultry farming • Chains of added value (agricultural processing)

Farmer’s day • Scientific and practical conference within the framework of the UN International Year • Seminars and conferences for agricultural producers on consideration of the regional features • Static exhibition outside and inside the terminal • Exhibition and demonstration of agricultural machinery Field day • Exhibition of agricultural machinery outside the terminal • Demonstration • It is planned that more than 200 participating companies will take part in the event, and the target audience will be more than 5000 visitors in total.

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Strategy Forum

world food day: external and internal markets of food in Ukraine 9:00–10:00

registration of the participants


solemn opening of Agroport East Kharkiv 2017


panel discussion 1 Infrastructure of internal markets of food of the Eastern regions of Ukraine: analysis of opportunities and barriers


coffee break

12:30–14:00 12:30–14:00

panel discussion 2 Overview of internal markets: dairy products, grain crops, oilseeds, vegetable and fruit market

Moderator of the discussion:

Mykhailo Malkov FAO coordinator of development programs in Ukraine

Moderator of the discussion:

Ekaterina Chechel FAO public relations expert


panel discussion 3 Access to the market for small and medium-sized agricultural producers through the development of chains of added value


Moderator of the discussion:

Farruh Tairov Coordinator of FAO emergency programs in Ukraine

Networking evening / gala dinner and Agroport Awards Kharkiv




Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua





will be held as the part of the exhibition on the 5-7th of October The most important thing is that we teach how to take pleasure in cooking! Master classes Al.Cuisine Master classes Al.Cuisine are the opportunity to spend time at a profit and to have the experience of a real chef! We offer a wide range of cooking, confectionary and bar master classes that are held in the comfortable and warm atmosphere. You also have an opportunity to celebrate an event, which is of great importance for you, in the school, that is, a birthday, office party, team building or a bachelorette party.

Al.Cuisine — is: • • •

the qualified cooking and confectionary courses based on the programs of the best world cooking schools the broad selection of master classes the courses of advanced studies for cooks event management in style

Cooking courses Al.Cuisine The cooking courses Al.Cuisine give the opportunity to become a top ranking specialist, studying the secrets of cooking and being guided by the craftsmen! All of them are working chefs, who know how kitchen works and how to cook the dishes that people like. As a part of the courses we teach how to select the right furniture for kitchen, to select, cook and store products, to cook restaurant dishes easily.



You can also have an opportunity to get a certificate for a cooking master class or course attendance or to give it to somebody. We offer a wide range of confectionary and bar master classes that are held in the comfortable and warm atmosphere. You also have an opportunity to celebrate an event, which is of great importance for you, in the school, that is, a birthday, office party, team building or a bachelorette party. You will cook fine cuisine of any kind according to a special prearranged program, and then celebrate your special event using the dishes that you have cooked together. You also have an opportunity to get a certificate for a cooking master class or course attendance or to give it to somebody.

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


The Cup is organized by the First Ukrainian Association of Chefs. The Cup is held on a voluntary basis and is open for professionals and amateurs of cooking art. The aim of the Cup is revival and development of Ukrainian Cuisine. The Cup objectives are: the uniting of cooking professionals; new technologies and food products popularization; education assistance and professionalism of service industry increasing; popularization of the new technological approaches and innovations in the catering. The participants compete in 6 nominations: 1. Salads. 2. Refreshments (cold / hot). 3. Soups. 4. Main course (fish / seafood). 5. Main course (meat). 6. Restaurant dessert.


At the exhibition Agroport we held the Ukrainian Cooking Cup «Eastern Region».

We are constantly developing and innovating our school, working at opening of one more branch of it in Kharkiv. We are longing to improve the quality of cooking education in Ukraine and give an opportunity for people to become prosperous. Thanks to the First Ukrainian Association of Chefs we surround ourselves with likeminded people that help us to develop cooking niche. Our aim is to make Al.Cuisine an accredited educational institution. In order to work as a cook in the CIS countries, the Al.Cuisine certificate is necessary. I stage — selective — is held remotely (from the 1st of September till the 1st of October 2017). II stage — final part; — is held in Kharkiv (on the 5-7th of October 2017).

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

For more detailed information : +38 067 799 14 14 +38 063 799 14 14 https://www.facebook.com/ ukrainianassociationofchefs Пошта: info.uaoc@gmail.com



CLIMATE CHANGE Eastern Ukrainian session

climate smart agroforum The climate is changing - the agriculture is changing

06.10.17 / 9:30 / Kharkiv kharkiv 9:00–9:30

registration of the participants


opening of the forum


discussion panel №1 Adaptation measures for climate change in Eastern Ukraine Moderator of the discussion:

Topics for discussion: • Trends in global and regional climate change and its consequences • Redistribution of natural climatic zones and changing conditions of management in agriculture • Synchronization of the pace of change and review of the Ukrainian agroindustrial complex specialization • GMO - the main pest or adaptation direction with selection of sustainable varieties? • Responsible energy resources in the cost reduction chains of agricultural production • Adaptive technologies and programs to stimulate producers

Mykhailo Malkov FAO coordinator of development programs in Ukraine


coffee break


the Round table Organic Production ‒ the Future is near

Topics for discussion: • Rules and regulations, and ways of organic sector support. • Are there any regional peculiarities of organic farming operation? • Organic market: Ukraine and the world

Moderator of the discussion:

Yevhen Mylovanov Chairman of the board of the ‘Federation of Organic Movement of Ukraine’

PHONE FOR REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION (057) 766-55-43 (050) 301-88-55



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua





awards KHARKIV The best in agricultural business in 2017

Award of the best agricultural producers of Kharkiv region COMPOUND FABRICATION (plant industry, animal industry) • Farming company named after Gagarin, LLC • Alpha, farming enterprise • Farming enterprise named after G.S. Skovoroda, PJSC • Farming company Progress, Private Agricultural Enterprise (PAE) • Vyselok, PAE • Vilshanske PAE • Vostok, Agricultural Servicing Cooperative • Dovgik, Agricultural limited liability company • Kozachanske, LLC • Mria, Agricultural limited liability company • Mria, Agricultural limited liability company (Kupianskyi district) • Mria, LLC JSC • Nadia, Agricultural limited liability company (Kupianskyi district) • Pershe travnya (The First of May), LLC • Pidseredne, PJSC • Pischanska Farming Company, LLC • Stud farm named after 20th anniversary of October, PJSC • Promin, Private Agricultural Lease Enterprise • Private Agricultural Enterprise named after Frunze • Rodina, PAE • Agricultural production cooperative named after Frunze • Shubske, farming enterprise ANIMAL HUSBANDRY • Barvinkovska Agricultural limited liability company • Gontarivka, State Enterprise Re-

search Farm Unit • Izumski Krolyky, Private Agricultural Enterprise, LLC • Podilska, Agricultural company, LLC • Beef production Agro-industrial complex CROP FARMING

HORTICULTURE • Zmiiv vegetable factory PJSC TM • Krasnogradska vegetable factory, LLC • Krasnokutska research station of horticulture institute FOOD INDUSTRY

• Agro-industrial complex Ukraina, LLC • BAZALIIVSKYI KOLOS, Agricultural Enterprise, LLC • Belik, Farming enterprise • Burlutske, Primary trade union organization • Zolochivske, LLC • Zoria, LLC • Caravan I, LLC (Izyum district) • Kolos, Agricultural limited liability company • Mayak, Private Agricultural Enterprise • Romashka, Agricultural company, (Kupianskyi district) • Sady Ukrainy, Agricultural company, LLC • Start, Agricultural limited liability company (Izyum district) POULTRY HUSBANDRY • Rozdolne, Poultry Enterprise, PE • Starovyrivsky poultry complex • Agricultural limited liability company • Philia Kross – Zoria Poultry Farm PJSC ‘Сhervonyi prapor’

Meat-processing industry: • Bezlydivsky meat-processing plant, PJSC Complex • Vesna, LLC • Dergachivskyi meat-processing plant - persha stolicya, LLC • Dmpp-persha stolicya, LLC • Roganskyi meat-processing plant, LLC • Saltivskyi meat-processing plant,LLC • Harkivskyi meat-processing plant, LLC • Chuguyivskyi meat-processing plant, LLC Dairy products industry: • Vimm-bill-dann ukrayina, Kharkiv Dairy Plant, PJSC Subsidiary • Kupyansk Milk Сanning Factory, PJSC • Molochnyi svit, LLC • Novovodolazkyi dairy plant, PJSC • RA-2, LLC • S-Trans, LLC • Chuguyivskyi dairy plant, PJSC Milling industry: • Agrosvit, EVK LLC • BALEX Company, LLC • Krasnogradskyi mlyn,LLC • Nadia, LLC • Novopokrovskyi Сenter of Grain Production, SE

• Olimp, LLC • Sloboda Technical and Industrial Complex, LLC • Terra, LLC • ‘Hlib ukrayini’ izyumskyi grain production center, SE DAK • Saltivskyi Bakery Plant, PJSC Other: Valkivsky food products plant ‘Hals’, LLC • BEREZIVS'KI MINERAL WATER PLANT, OJSC • ARGO, Liqueur and Spirits Plant, LLC • PRIME Liqueur and Spirits Plant • POLYUS LTD, UKRAINE-ISRAELI JOINT ENTERPRISE • PRIKOLOTNYANSKYI Оil Еxtraction Plant, LLC • Slava, LLC • Kharkiv Biscuit-Chocolate Corporation, PJSC • HARKIVCUKORZBUT, Agro-Industrial Complex • CHYGYRYNOV, LLC • Sharivskyi industrial complex, PE SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES • Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine NAAS, Ukraine, NSC • Institute of Vegetable and Melon growing, NAAS • NAAS Plant Production Institute named after V. Yuryev • NAAS animal husbandry Institute named after V. Yuryev • V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University

5 october / 18:00 The award ceremony will take place within the framework of the Business supper on the occasion of opening the VI International forum AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Not gods make pots… The John Deere brand name is associated with a talented blacksmith, who had developed in 1837 a first-class steel plow that had a function of self-cleaning. Thanks to John had a grip of entrepreneurship, he had founded his own company in his native city of Moline, Illinois State, where the headquarter of the world's largest company is situated till now. AGRISTAR company, the official diller of John Deere, represents the world’s famous production for farmers of Poltava, Kharkiv and Luhansk region.

John Deere invests into research and development more than any other agricultural machinery producer. The new S series of grain harvester is being engineered and manufactured in Europe. It is destined for the high capacity work with heavy, tough crops. The combine harvester of this series do not only increase the speed of crop harvesting, they also minimize the losses and corn damages, thanks to which more than 99% of the grain arrives to the bunker, which leads to the significant increase in profits. An additional point is that, John Deere proposes to its customers a wide range of cutters for any grain crop harvesting. You can find the only right decision that would meet all your requirements and expectations. You can be sure, that you will always use all the potential of S series potential. John Deere enables the choice between augertype platform (600R, 600F, 600X) and cutters with the active flow of stubbled mass (600PF or 900D) with the different operating width option.

There are some brands that act as indicators of perfect quality and are the dreams of each farmer. The quality equipment means not only an efficient production; it is the investment into your own business. John Deere is one of such brands. It is absolute worldwide leader in the agricultural equipment manufacturing, the largest producer of the agricultural, constructional and timbercutting equipment, as well as the grass plot cleaning equipment. The company was founded in 1837, and up to date, it has more than 70 plants around the world. John Deere representations are located more than in 160 countries. AGRISTAR company is the official dealer of this global giant in Poltava, Kharkiv and Luhansk region. The reliability of the company, as a partner, is confirmed by the largest Ukrainian agroholdings, as well as medium and small farm enterprises of our country.



On the AGROPORT display area on the 5-7th of October in Kharkiv, AGRISTAR company will make the visitors acquainted with the first-class equipment and advise everyone interested in its usage peculiarities. Under the present climate and weather conditions it is important for the modern farmer to get the crop in time. The highest productivity and crop threshing quality can be achieved with the John Deere Series S rotary harvester-thresher. Experienced owners have already estimated the advantages of such machinery, because due to it they have the opportunity to maximize their efforts, even at the lowest possible weather conditions. The new S series will not only increase productivity and improve efficiency, but also reduce common crop harvesting costs. In other words, a farmer can count upon this combine harvester in any situation. It will be noted that the single-rotor combine harvester is a logical result of many years of designing, testing and taking a cue from customer requirements and observations.

The difference between this grain harvester and other types will be explained in detail by a specialist at the exhibition stand. But the most important characteristics are the following: • • • • • • •

Remarkable quality under all conditions; Lowest grain loss and fuel release; Law operational costs; Incredibly high productiveness and reliability, and comfort in operating; A wide choice of cutters for any crop Innovative direct agricultural systems and FarmSight service package In the world there are more than 750000 combine harvesters have been already manufactured by John Deere!

«Train your audience!» This slogan belongs to John Deere, the founder of the company. After his death in 1895, the company started to publish the most famous farmer magazine «The Furrow», where materials for farmers were published, which enabled the farmers’ profit increase.

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It should be noted that up to now this magazine has a large readership, that is, more than 2 million readers, and is published in 40 different languages. Therefore, the most important point in AGRISTAR activities is to provide the customers and partners with professional support, regularly conducting field days for them, training operators, organizing factory visits and many other events. This year at the Kharkov exhibition AGRISTAR company will present: Tractor John Deere 8R Created for more. The increased output, brilliant intellect and increased comfort level of the new John Deere 8R and 8RT tractors allow you to get the most out of the each hour in the field, day and night. With the higher-power engine, e23 transmission, new hydraulic functions and balancing, the 8R series demonstrates an excellent efficiency, maximum operating time, trouble-free operation and low-cost maintenance. Completely new and modernized CommandARM management facilities with the new ergonomic operator control placement and touch display 4100 (7 ") or 4600 (10"), pendent cabin, 40 degree seat swivel and seat select option, provide the highest operator comfort. Get on board and be ready for more! Engine maximum power is up to 480 hp, it is suitable for the hard operations, and 8R corresponds to all the requirements for high capacity, maximum continuous operating and low cost exploitation. John Deere series 8R і 8RT tractor presents the following: • Perfect price-quality ratio, • Incredible efficiency, reliability and comfort in work, • Low operation cost, • Increased capacity for any kind of work; • Innovative direct agricultural systems and FarmSight service package. • The choice between wheeled or tracked drive, • Nominal power from 245 to 370 hp.

John Deere 6M Series Tractor Complete versatility. They have all the efficiency of Jon Deere technology that you are accustomed to see, as well as the innovation characteristics that make the machinery even more multi-operated, powerful and effective than before. These machines would become reliable partners in all areas of the agricultural business. Regardless of the assigned tasks, the 6M tractor can easily achieve great results every day. 6M Tractor has a sufficient capacity and control technology. The power is achieved due to the highly efficient PowerTech E engine. In all 6M tractors is applied the well-known Jon Deere full-length design that provides a high reliability, low vibration levels with a small overall mass. Oriented at a modern trailer and attachable equipment, fluid power system with the closed centre is developed with consideration of the current requirements, and the integrated lobby mounting, as well as the front power take-off, gives the 6M tractors incredible versatility. The John Deere 6M Series Tractor represents: • Perfect price-quality ratio, • Incredible efficiency, reliability and comfort in work, • Low operation cost, • Operative versatility; • Innovative direct agricultural systems and FarmSight service package; • Nominal power from 110 to 195 hp. John Deere series 6В tractor Effortlessly performing any, even the heaviest tasks.

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

John Deere company’s tractor 6B is not only great looking, but extremely powerful, reliable and multi-operated. The high quality of the tractor is up in all areas: productivity, uptime, and comfort for the operator, operating costs and completeness that meet the specific agricultural needs. This universal tractor has been manufactured to carry out agricultural work with a severe load. Thanks to highly productive systems, it works great with soil processing, cultivation, fertilizer spreading and pest control, can work both in the field and in the cattle-run or in the yard, can also be used for transportation and handling of the front loader . The 6B tractor is offered in ‘Standard’ and ‘Premium’ completing units of the machine, which allows it to meet any individual customer’s requirements. Reliable PowerTech motors of 95, 110 or 135 hp capacity work perfectly even in the most difficult conditions. The torque backup up to 29% guarantees that the tractor can safely transport heavy loads even in the difficult cross-capacity conditions. The company's specialists and consultants will provide the detailed information and demonstrate the work of other equipment, without which nowadays farm enterprise work is not effective: DN series John Deere Attached fertilizer spreader (Simple, Powerful, Reliable) Passing sowing basket John Deere 1700 (Improved yields, Large profits) Merlo telescopic wheel loader (any height is achievable) STOLL front-end loader (resistance and innovativeness)




An exhibition of machinery for

agricultural producers at AGROPORT in Kharkiv «Ukrfarming», the official distributor of the worldwide agricultural machinery manufacturer CASE IH, is intended to introduce:

Tractor Farmall JX 110 No matter what are the needs of your business, tractor Farmall 110 JX with 110 hp will completely satisfy them. All Farmall JX tractors are equipped with upgraded series 8000; Tier 3 turbocharged engines that are accurately configured to provide optimal fuel consumption and maximum power. The new ergonomic design of the cabin or platform configuration with a reliable rollover protection system is suited to your tasks, which you perform throughout the day. The Farmall JX Series is headed by the model with 110 hp engine offering an entirely new level of power and performance. Tractor CASE IH Puma 210 More from the soil. More from yourself. More from your equipment. That is why we demand more. More powerful engines. More advanced features that increase productivity. More accessible and professional dealers. We require more to serve you and the needs of your business in the best way. Let's face it. Aims are changing. Needs are changing. The world is changing. But the number of hours per day never changes. That is why we have developed the line of efficient multi-purpose tractors that have the required power to work both with tilled crops and in animal husbandry - these are the Puma ™ series tractors. They are reliable. They are durable. They are economical. They are Puma. Tractor CASE IH Magnum PULLING POWER THAT HELPS TO OVERCOME THE MOST HARSH CONDITIONS There is no need to sacrifice efficiency or to consume more fuel for more power. With Case IH's Magnum tractor series, you will be able to work in the way, which modern agriculture require, thanks to the fact that these tractors were developed with consideration of all the knowledge that Case IH and dealers receive when communicating with farmers directly in the field. We work with them to find unique solutions to increase power, provide the required length of work in the field, and even to create the more comfortable cabin, equipped with intuitive control systems. Case IH has taken into account all the wishes of farmers in their new Magnum tractors. Precision agriculture system Case IH AFS® COMPLEX ACCURACY WITH READINESS TO FACE THE FUTURE Precision agriculture systems CASE IH — Advanced Farming Systems (AFS™) — are at the forefront of precise agriculture, giving farmers the opportunity to fully control the agricultural production cycle. Case IH AFS ™ includes all that you need to achieve the stable regular accuracy of up to 2.5 cm, reducing the number of overlapping, reducing production costs and increasing the potential of your harvest.



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44



‘TRIA’ Company has been cooperating with farmers in the region for 10 years with the supply of reliable equipment for innovative agricultural technologies and maximizing profits in the related industries, such as animal husbandry, storage and processing of grain, seed production. The portfolio of the company is represented by leading manufacturers of machinery – AMAZONE, KRONE, WEIDEMANN, DEUTZ-FAHR, JYMPA, APV and others. Leading brands in their areas, units that have proven to be effective at the farms of Ukraine – only the machinery that has sense to be offered to a modern farmer!

– The JYMPA deep tiller with an operating width of up to 4.8 m and a tilling depth of up to 80 cm, – AMAZONE ZA-M two-disc fertilizer distributor with an operating width of up to 36 meters, which has no analogues on the market. – KRONE Comprima fodder roller, which is simple, structural safe and allows you to form rolls up to 125 cm in diameter, – Novelty in Ukraine – WEIDEMANN Compact Forklift for animal husbandry farms, with maximum width and height parameters of 2 x 2 meters. We will be glad to meet the regular partners and new acquaintances! We are waiting for everyone at the ‘TRIA’ stand!


At the AGROPORT exhibition in Kharkiv, ‘UKRSILGOSPMASH’ will present the machinery of the Kherson Machine-Building Plant: • KMC-8 harvester for maize harvesting, • Sun plant 7.4 harvester for sunflower pieceless cutting, • VTZh-4,5 carriage for harvester transportation, • Tavrychanka 6 seed planter • Machinery of ‘BILOCERKIVMAZ’: • DICh-3,1 disk-chisel unit • АG -2,4 disk soil-working unit, • КN-3,8 tractor-mounted cultivator, • PN-2,4 plant residues shredder (novelty of 2017). The production of ‘BILOTSERKIVMAZ’ and Kherson Machine-Building Plant are subject to state reimbursement of 20%. Credit. Guarantee. Service Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Large-scale field day returns to Kharkiv region On the 7th of October, the FIELD DAY will be held at the demonstration fields of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture within the framework of AGROPORT 2017.

This year’s demonstration will be devoted to sunflower growing field work. Farmers will be shown master classes with the use of foreign and domestic machinery for working with this culture that is very important to the region. Simultaneously with the demonstration as a part of the complex event, a scientific-practical conference, devoted to adaptation measures on the machinery use, which will be attended by industry professionals, as well as farmers, will be conducted.

at advertising and direct sales. Our task is to show an objective picture of all the advantages of those types of machinery and equipment that you can see both in the stationary display and in the process. It is very important to hear not only producers but also those who are already working with this machinery. Professional communication and sharing of such useful experience will definitely enrich our forum», emphasized the General manager of AGROPORT Dmytro Tytarenko.

«As our experience shows, the different «Days of the field», which are arranged by the manufacturers themselves, are more aimed

The Field Day is not just a demonstration of equipment. It is also a great opportunity for young professionals and students of specialized universities to expand their horizons of knowledge and skills not only through interaction with domestic producers, but also with foreign companies that will be presented at the exhibition. «The Field Day is a great opportunity for the University to demonstrate our achievements, as one of the leaders in agricultural education, as well as to establish effective partnership with producers of machinery for agricultural land cultivation. We plan to create special conditions for the companies wishing to demonstrate the results of using modern crop materials and modern technical equipment for high yields», accentuated Olexander Ulyanchenko, the Rector of V.V. Dokychaev KNAU.



Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44



10 km / 8 min



Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua



CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION ROLL-UP «PLATFORM» For presentation of agricultural machinery, automobiles and dimensional equipment (in the street) Min area:

from 10 sq.m. / not equipped


1F / 2F – 3F: Pavilion / Plattform

Sides of the roll-up:

4 open / -

DA Cost (10 sq.m), excluding VAT The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

7 930,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

7 678,0 UAH

ROLL-UP «STANDARD» To present technologies, oversized products and services that support agribusiness Min area:

from 6 sq.m. / equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

1 (2) open / 3 (2) wall

DA Cost (6 sq.m), excluding VAT The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

11 530,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

11 098,0 UAH

ROLL-UP «ECONOM» For the presentation of activities (only!) of state and research scientific institutions, non-profit organizations Min area:

from 3 sq.m. / equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

1 (2) open / 3 (2) walls

DA Cost (3 sq.m), excluding VAT


Guard during non-working hours

Badges for company members

Wall panels and a frizo inscription



The cost

until 05.10.17

The price value is

6 360,0 UAH

For the participants of Agroport Lvіv

6144,0 UAH


Information in digest

Participation in the Gala dinner

Table and 2 chairs

Access to the electricity mains (220V)

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44




Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua



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