Digest Agroport #6 (9), October

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Eastern Ukrainian AGRO reporter





Number № 6 (9), october

4 р. The best agricultural producers of Kharkiv region

8 р. Field demonstration of machinery

12 р. world food day

John Deere authorized dealer

інформаційний ПАРТНеР:


36000, 33, Petro Doroshenko str., Poltava 37504, 2, Kyivska str., Lubny 63513, 3, Raduzhna str., urban-type settlement. Kochetok Tel. 0 800 210 242 / www.agristar.com.ua MINISTRY OF AGRARIAN POLICY AND FOOD OF UKRAINE


VIі International agro industrial exhibition and Forum Agroport West Lviv 2018


19-21 of April, 2018 Information and registration of participants


(057) 766-55-43, (050) 301-88-55

Commencement address to the participants and organizers of IV International forum «AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017» On the 5-7th of October, 2017 Dear partners! Dear Guests of Kharkiv! I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of IV International forum «AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017»! Ukraine is the largest state in the Central Europe, which concentrates the richest resources of black earth in the world. Our country is already a powerful exporter of agricultural products and ready-made meals. This fact opens up the great opportunities for the development of investment, trade, scientific and technical cooperation; for the purpose of use the resources for further production extension and creation of the new value added chains in the agro-industrial sector. During the years of its work, the forum «AGROPORT» has become a powerful national and international platform for the professional discussion of priority issues of the regional agrarian sector of development and that of the state as a whole. There are new contacts established here, and mutually beneficial agreements are concluded, and the promising areas of cooperation are opened. I am convinced that this year «AGROPORT» will confirm once again its traditions of the event bringing specific results. I wish all participants and organizers of the forum a constructive and effective work, a successful implementation of all plans, aimed at the development of their own businesses and the economy of Kharkiv region.

Yulia Svitlychna Head of Kharkiv regional state administration

Agroport East event program Draft of program of the 5-7th of October, 2017

hall №1 On the 5th of October/Thursday

hall №2

hall №3

The program for the first day of the forum Venue: Terminal ‘C’ of Kharkiv airport

10:00 – 10:30

10:30 – 15:00



10:30 – 15:30

11:30 – 12:30




10:30 – 12:00

• Current situation and development prospects of poultry farming • Presentation of JSC ‘BIOFARM’ complex program • Presentations of egg incubation equipment manufacturers; suppliers veterinary products of food and feed.

РANEL DISCUSSION 1 Infrastructure of internal markets of food in Ukrainian Eastern regions: analysis of opportunities and barriers 12:00 – 12:30

Workshop on the topic ‘Garlic industry development prospects’ Organizer: Agricultural Cooperative «Ukrainian garlic cooperative UkrUp»’

Coffee break

12:30 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:00

PANEL DISCUSSION 2 Overview of internal markets: dairy products, grain crops, oilseeds, vegetable and fruit market

ENTERTAINING PART • Quiz; • Lottery; • Degustation of dishes containing chicken eggs • Degustation of egg yolk gorilka from BIOFARM Company.

14:00 – 15:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 3 Access to the market for small and mediumsized agricultural producers through the development of the added value chains

On the 6th of October/friday

The program for the second day of the forum Venue: Terminal ‘C’ of Kharkiv airport

9:30 – 15:00 CLIMATE SMART AGROFORUM 2017 Eastern Ukrainian session

10:00 – 11:30 DISCUSSION PANEL: Adaptation measures in

concern with climate change in Eastern Ukraine

11:30 – 12:00 Кава-брейк

12:00 – 14:30 ROUND TABLE: Organic production ‒ the future is near

On the 7th of October/Saturday

10:00 – 11:00

11:00 – 12:00

‘Bee-farming as an integral part of Ukrainian economy’ Organizer: Public Association «Kharkiv region beekeepers association»

Agrarian receipts in Ukraine: Phases of agrarian receipts implementation in Ukraine Organizer: IFC company

12:00 – 14:00

12:30 – 14:30


Round table: Conceptual bases of cooperation development in the rural areas of Kharkiv region. Organizer: Department of Agricultural Development of Kharkiv Regional State Administration

Precision and highly effective agriculture: best practices Organizer: V.V. Dokuchaev National University of Agriculture

The Field Day program Venue: demonstration fields of

V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture

9:00 – 10:00 Registration 10:00 - 10:30 Opening of the Field Day 10:30 - 12:30 Demonstration of agricultural machinery

Producers’ participation in the seminars, conferences and demo shows is free of charge on condition of pre-registration on the website. Free registration:



awards KHARKIV The best in agricultural business in 2017

Award of the best agricultural producers of Kharkiv region COMPOUND FABRICATION (plant industry, animal industry) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• Terra, LLC • ‘Hlib ukrayini’ izyumskyi grain produc• Zmiiv vegetable factory PJSC TM tion center, SE DAK • Barvinkovska Agricultural limited • Krasnogradska vegetable factory, LLC Farming company named after • Saltivskyi Bakery Plant, PJSC liability company • Krasnokutska research station of Gagarin, LLC • Gontarivka, State Enterprise Research horticulture institute Alpha, farming enterprise Other: Farm Unit Farming enterprise named after G.S. • Izumski Krolyky, Private Agricultural FOOD INDUSTRY Skovoroda, PJSC Enterprise, LLC Farming company Progress, Private • Podilska, Agricultural company, LLC • Valkivsky food products plant ‘Hals’, Agricultural Enterprise (PAE) LLC Meat-processing industry: • Beef production Agro-industrial Vyselok, PAE • BEREZIVS'KI MINERAL WATER • Bezlydivsky meat-processing plant, complex Vilshanske PAE PLANT, OJSC PJSC Complex Vostok, Agricultural Servicing Coop- CROP FARMING • ARGO, Liqueur and Spirits Plant, LLC • Vesna, LLC erative • Dergachivskyi meat-processing plant - • PRIME Liqueur and Spirits Plant Dovgik, Agricultural limited liability • POLYUS LTD, UKRAINE-ISRAELI persha stolicya, LLC company JOINT ENTERPRISE • Agro-industrial complex Ukraina, LLC • Dmpp-persha stolicya, LLC Kozachanske, LLC • BAZALIIVSKYI KOLOS, Agricultural • Roganskyi meat-processing plant, LLC • PRIKOLOTNYANSKYI Оil Еxtraction Mria, Agricultural limited liability Plant, LLC Enterprise, LLC • Saltivskyi meat-processing plant,LLC company • Belik, Farming enterprise • Harkivskyi meat-processing plant, LLC • Slava, LLC Mria, Agricultural limited liability com- • Burlutske, Primary trade union organ- • Chuguyivskyi meat-processing plant, • Kharkiv Biscuit-Chocolate Corporapany (Kupianskyi district) tion, PJSC ization LLC Mria, LLC JSC • HARKIVCUKORZBUT, Agro-Industrial • Zolochivske, LLC Nadia, Agricultural limited liability Complex • Zoria, LLC Dairy products industry: company (Kupianskyi district) • Caravan I, LLC (Izyum district) • Vimm-bill-dann ukrayina, Kharkiv Dairy • CHYGYRYNOV, LLC Pershe travnya (The First of May), LLC • Kolos, Agricultural limited liability • Sharivskyi industrial complex, PE Plant, PJSC Subsidiary Pidseredne, PJSC company • Kupyansk Milk Сanning Factory, PJSC Pischanska Farming Company, LLC • Mayak, Private Agricultural Enterprise • Molochnyi svit, LLC SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Stud farm named after 20th anniversa- • Romashka, Agricultural company, • Novovodolazkyi dairy plant, PJSC ry of October, PJSC (Kupianskyi district) • RA-2, LLC Promin, Private Agricultural Lease • Institute of Experimental and Clinical • Sady Ukrainy, Agricultural company, • S-Trans, LLC Enterprise Veterinary Medicine NAAS, Ukraine, LLC • Chuguyivskyi dairy plant, PJSC Private Agricultural Enterprise named • Start, Agricultural limited liability comNSC after Frunze • Institute of Vegetable and Melon pany (Izyum district) Milling industry: Rodina, PAE growing, NAAS • Agrosvit, EVK LLC Agricultural production cooperative • NAAS Plant Production Institute • BALEX Company, LLC named after Frunze named after V. Yuryev POULTRY HUSBANDRY • Krasnogradskyi mlyn,LLC Shubske, farming enterprise • NAAS animal husbandry Institute • Nadia, LLC named after V. Yuryev • Novopokrovskyi Сenter of Grain • V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National • Rozdolne, Poultry Enterprise, PE Production, SE Agrarian University • Starovyrivsky poultry complex • Olimp, LLC • Agricultural limited liability company • Sloboda Technical and Industrial • PJSC ‘Сhervonyi prapor’ HORTICULTURE

Business dinner and the distinction of the best agroenterprises in the Kharkiv region AGROPORT East Kharkiv will be held in the hall of departure of Terminal "A" of Kharkiv airport Exit by invitation only. Information: (057) 766 55 43 KHARKIV REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION



5 october / 18:00

Генеральний інформаційний партнер

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


Limited Liability Company Scientific and Production Enterprise ‘ECOPROM’ LLC SPE ‘Ecoprom’ renders services on development and reception of approval environment-oriented documents, in particular: Regulatory actions for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air. (obtaining a permission on emissions polluting substances in the atmosphere air, development of equipment certificates for different types of antipollution and ventilation equipment and systems, control of pollutants emission into the atmosphere from stationary pollution sources, public registration at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine

Obtaining a permission for special water use, development of special standards (industrial and balance standards) of water management, standards of permissible limits of harmful pollutants emissions (MPE), reception of water management certificate, development and approval of the water management certificates for ponds, obtaining a special permit for the use of subsoil and artesian wells.

Waste management (carrying out of certification and inventory check of industrial waste, development of register cards of objects of waste formation, waste recycling and waste management facilities; drafting and submission of a declaration of waste generation). Drawing up the sanitary passports (permits) for the right of transportation, storage and use of pesticides, agrochemicals, artificial fertilizers.

Development of Environment Impact Assessment projects. Services of modern measuring laboratory (chemical analysis of atmospheric air of settlements and sanitary-protective zone, research of physical parameters of pollutants, measurement of concentrations of pollutants in industrial gas and-dust streams, determination of pollutant emission capacity, flue gas speed and volume, temperature, dynamic and static pressures of the dust-gas air mixture; measurements of pollutants in exhaust gases of cars with diesel engines, gas engines and cars powered by gasoline or gas fuels).

Address: 61166, 38, 6th floor, office 718, Prospect of Science, Kharkiv, Ukraine E-mail: ecoprom2001@ukr.net Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

Tel/Fax: +38(057)7175933 Mob.: +38(067)7279369 http://ecoprom.kh.ua Agroport



AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017 International Technical Assistance from FAO, USAID Rise, will share their experience. Also, will be presented other projects which are oriented to the rural region development. In this day, AGROPORT will also gather professional and experts in the poultry industry, veterinary medicine, and feed production to discuss the new technologies and opportunities for co-operation and Ukrainian exports. The event was organized at the initiative of the Interregional unions of poultry and fodder producers as a part of the festivities of World Egg Day. As experts have been invited domestic and foreign professionals, whose experience has been successfully implementing in Eastern Ukraine. On the 5-7th of October on the territory of International airport ‘Kharkiv’ will take place the 6th forum on the farming support AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017, which is orientedto the development of the small and middle producers potential in the agrarian sector ofEastern Ukraine, as well as the promotion of the enterprises of food industry of Kharkiv regionproduction potential. Representatives of profile ministries and departments, local authorities, foreign delegations, producers of the agricultural products, public organizations and professional business will take part in the forum. The initiator of the event was the Kharkiv region, which goals and objectives were formed according to the global priorities of the UN three years ago. Since 2014, annually under the auspices of the UN and with the support of FAO, the Agroport forum promotes the development of agriculture, farming and cooperation in this area with the majority of European countries. During three days we expect more than 10,000 visitors. The audience is not limited to the Kharkiv area. Very actively are being registered the representatives of other areas. This is mainly Eastern Ukraine, in particular: Lugansk, Donetsk, Sumy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia region. We are also expected official delegations from the regions that will conduct the event in 2018, namely - Lviv and Kherson regions.

This year Eastern Agroport in Kharkiv will take place within the framework of World Food Day (WFD), which has been is has been held for more than 10 years in October in all member countries of the United Nations.

The second day of the forum will be held with the support and participation of the FAO and will be devoted to global climate change and the organization of adaptive measures in the agriculture of Eastern Ukraine.

Among the activities which took place under the slogan World Food Day: ‘Let's change the future of migratory flows. Let's invest in food security and agriculture development ‘, it is planned the discussion of the problems of domestic agriculture reorientation to new markets, prospects of the safe logistics, labour migration and food supply security issues, which are related to the adaptation of agriculture to climate change.

In the framework of the discussions it is planned to elaborate the consolidated appeal to government bodies in concern with granting support to farming in the conditions of climate changes and creating opportunities for a wider introduction of organic manufacturing in Ukraine.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Kharkiv region, according to many international and national experts, can become a hub in this issue that consolidates the participants of the program, and unites the whole Eastern Ukraine. Therefore, we are inviting to participate in this forum the leaders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which are the most affected by migration processes. Also, this year as a part of the AGROPORT 2017 Exhibition will be conducted the exhibition of agricultural machinery, and for this purpose 4 additional halls have been built in the exhibition terminal ‘C’ and passenger terminal ‘A’ for the conferencing, discussions and business dinner. The first day will start with the Business Forum: ‘Let's change the future of migratory flows. Let's invest in food security and agriculture development’. The heads of the leading enterprises of the region and representatives of projects for



As experts, will speak the heads of industry and manufacturers, international consultants, profile institutes of NAAS, and also the representatives of insurance companies, certification organizations, financial and international public institutions. The third day of the event (October 7th) will be held in the format of the FIELD DAY, demonstration exhibition will be devoted to agricultural labour, which is related to the sunflower growing. Farmers will be offered master classes with the use of foreign and domestic machinery, Ukrainian manufacturers and dealers, namely: Ukrfarming, Agristar, GC ‘TRIA’, Ukrsilkhozmash and others. The event is celebrated on the occasion of the 201st anniversary of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture at the demonstration fields of this institution. It is worth noting, that 2017 is declared as International Year of Tourism in the interests of sustainable development and traditionally Agroport is included into the official UN

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44

INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION AND CLIMATE SMART AGROFORUM 2017 calendar since 2014, available on the site: http://www.tourism4development2017.org/ events/agroporteastkharkiv-2017/ As a part of the program festivities of International Year at the airport territory are planned: • Cooking classes with the use of local products from Ukrainian associations of chefs • A separate exposition of craft products• • Open farm show of the short documentaries about the farmers’ success stories in the different parts of Ukraine. The flair of AGROPORT in Kharkiv will be the award ceremony with the open prize AGROPORT AWARDS, by which together with the regional leaders, will mark the best agricultural producers and producers in the food industry of the Kharkiv Region. The event will take place as a part of the business dinner on the territory of the departure hall of the passenger terminal A on the first forum day (beginning at 18:00). All the events and visits to the exhibition and demo exhibitions are free on condition of the pre-registration on the site agroport.ua Also, the organizers took care of everyone interested, who have no opportunity to come to Kharkiv, so that they could join us over the Internet.All events from 4 halls will be connected to an online broadcasting where

every reviewer will be able to take an active part and ask questions to experts. The preparation of the exhibition and business programs During the year the exhibition grew in the average by 50%- the total area is more than 15 000 sq. meters. In 2017, almost 200 companies will be represented at the event as the exhibition standholders and business program experts (which is 30% more participants than the previous year). As the Guests were invited over 500 heads of profile organizations, including: • representatives of the diplomatic chamber • heads of the profile associations • heads of the agricultural development departments and commercial and industrial chamber of Ukraine • heads of the scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine • heads of the profile backing departments and insurance institutions • heads of the leading agrarian enterprise industry and processing industry in the Kharkiv region. Reference information AGROPORT is an annual large-scale event for supporting farmers and agricultural producers in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. It takes place from 2015 supported by FAO and is included to the UN calendar. Traditionally, the subject of the

event is correlated with the general line of FAO and supports the subject of the International Year, which accepts General Assembly of the United Nations. Since 2016 AGROPORT has united farmers throughout Ukraine and is conducted in the West-East format. The forum is complex and consists of the exhibition of machinery and technology for farming, investment conference and the series of seminars, roundtables, and business meetings. Since its formation it takes place at the International airports Kharkiv and Lviv. The institutor of the forum is Aviabrand Ltd. consulting company. UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is an international and specialized organization of the United Nations, which consists of 194 member states, two associate members and one organization member, that is, the European Union. The FAO headquarters is located in Rome (Italy), and its representation offices are located in more than 130 countries. The organization promotes the establishment of partnerships between governments, business associations, civil society and the private sector in the area of food supply security and agricultural development. World Food Day (World Food Day) is celebrated every year on October 16th, in honour of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In 2016, the celebration was devoted to the subject of global climate change, and, accordingly, changes in agriculture and the manufacture of products. On all continents and in all UN member states WDP is celebrated with thematic conferences, seminars and special promotions with attraction of the profile specialists and the wide audience.

We would like to invite you to an interactive holiday Organizers:


The general sponsor Agricultural association ‘International Union of Poultry and Fodder Producers of Ukraine’

Monthly journal ‘Feed and facts’

On the 5th of October, 2017 at 10:30

Within the framework of VI International exhibition AGROPORT East Kharkiv 2017 The programme of the celebration: Business part Cognitive-entertaining part Exhibition of producers and processors of chicken eggs and those of other birds Tasting egg dishes; quiz; lottery

Adress: 1, Romashkina str., Kharkiv Organizers' contacts: +38 (095) 3226262; (067) 5709057 Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Eastern Ukrainian Field day will be held at AGROPORT On the 7th of October at the demonstration fields of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture within the framework of International forum ‘Agroport’, the Eastern Ukrainian Field day will be conducted. This year’s Field day will be devoted to the harvesting of sunflower seeds and the soil preparation for sowing this crop that is very important for the region. The positive experience of conducting such an informative and practical event for farmers was started two years ago under the aegis of the Kharkiv Tractor Plant. The rebirth of such format of specialistsagrarians communication became possible due to the close cooperation of the forum organizers with V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture. Such support and cooperation in practice gives the opportunity for farmers to



gain knowledge of how to improve and increase their harvest not only in theory, but in practice. The practice of holding such demonstrations is dictated by the state of the machinery market and a variety of choice variants. Distributors and manufacturers of agricultural equipment and machines can demonstrate in this region all the benefits of their goods. And important factor in purchasing for farmer and agricultural producer is the reliability and the ability to obtain service and maintenance of this equipment. Within the framework of demonstration this year farmers will be able to see the machinery of the following brands: JOHN DEER, MERLO, STOLL, CASEIN, AMAZONE, KRONE, WEIDEMANN, DEUTZFAHR, JYMPA, APV, UkrSilgosprom, and other domestic producers.

Considering the fact that the forum's audience is wide, demonstration shows will also include test drives of the modern automotive vehicle. Among the new products to be presented on this day, it will be possible to test ‘SUZUKI’ and ‘МАN’ off-road-vehicles, as well as quadricycles from the ‘VRP CENTER’ (Kharkiv). Thanks to the collective of the Kharkiv National University of Agriculture, which celebrates its 201st anniversary this year, the Field day will have solemn atmosphere involving the music collectives of the University. City picnic and ‘delicious’ service to the audience of the event will be held thanks to the partners of the forum - restaurant ‘Polit’ and ‘Carlsberg Ukraine’ company. Entrance is free.

Advertising in digest agroport: (+38 057) 766 55 43, (+38 050) 403 88 44


ДЕНЬ ПОЛЯ Field Day 7October жовтня, 7th початок о 9:30 beginning at 9.30

International Airport Kharkiv

10 км / 8 min


Demo show


Test drives


demonstration fields of V.V. Dokuchaev (ringway near the Phillip Morris factory)

Food zone

Show program

(057) 766-55-43, (050) 403-88-44 Registration: pole.agroport.ua

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Corporate participants agroport 2017 Data as of 25.09.2017:

Participant of Kharkiv /

032.ua, Lviv city website 057.ua, Kharkiv city website Abitek, LLC AV Centr, Firm LLC Avantazh

AUTO GRAF M, LTD Auto and service, Magazine Autobahn Lux Automotors, affiliated company Mazda and Suzuki auto dealer ALPHA-M PLUS Agrar Technik, independent entrepreneur Ile de France -Region AgrarianChamber Agrarian Publishing House Agrarnik, newspaper Agri Legal Protection Agristar, LLC AGRO PERSPECTIVE, Magazine Agro-Forte, LLC Agrobusiness Today, Magazine Agrobusiness Ukraina, Magazine Agrovit PC, R&D company Agroecology,PE AgroElita, Magazine Agroimpeks, merchant venture Ltd Agrocraina AgroNavigator, Magazine Agroplant AgroPartner , Ukraine, Newspaper Agrosvit,Magazine Agroservice, Research and Production Company Ltd Agrosnab Chornozem Agroterra, LCC Agrotechsoyuz, LCC Agrofirma TORA, LCC Agrofruit, Agricultural Cooperative Agroexpert


Aeromeh,LLC, Research and Production Enterprise AIC- West .,IE AIC-KHARKIV, LLC IT Innovations, LTD



Participant of Lviv

Academy of retail trade Alex Co, Ltd Alfa 77, LLC ArtAgro Association of poultry keep and feed producers in Ukraine ATK,PE ‘Merchant Venture Ecat’ Business -pro (Press Time) Business in rainworms Business-guide Biocontact Ltd Biola, IE Biotechnic, Center Ltd Biotol Blahodatne, Eco-mansion Millers of Ukraine Building magazine Bureau Veritas Certification Valetudo,LLC( TM Soluki) University of Warmia and Mazury Vesta – M, LLC Vinamira,TM Oven,LLC Volagro,LLC Volvo, Ukraine Vostok – Service,LLC AGROSOLYUSIONS ,LLC Beekeeping of Ukraine (Kyiv) Würth-Ukraine, Ltd Gazeta.ua Galfrost,LLC Genetics and selection, PE Germes, Merchant Venture GorodX,Portal Gospodar,Ltd Danone Dnipro,LLC Dekoplant,LLC Department of Agroindustrial Development of Lviv Regional State Administration Development of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv Regional State Administration

Department of the Climate Change and Ozone Layer Preservation of Ministry of Natural Resources & Environmental protection Department of Food of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Department of Tourism and Resorts of Lviv Regional State Administration DerTrade, LLC State control of the PD SCCS in the Volyn region JPS Service, PE Diol Agro,Ltd Diamond, LLC State Scientific-Research Control Institute for Veterinary Preparation and Supplement Feeds Donetska ССI EcoMit, LLC EcoProm, LLC Ecoterra Exclusive Exclusive TECHNOLOGIES ElevatorBudMach,PE ESAT, TH Ltd Zhen,Co (Kyiv) ‘Zhivitzya’PJC ZhNAU ‘Zavod Kobzarenka’LLC Western Center of the Ukrainian Department of the World Laboratory (Lviv) Zivileos, Ltd. Golden Fortune, International Academy INGO, Ukraine Indychka,LLC Innovative farming and co-operation, Public Association Institute of Animal Science of NAAS Innovative farming and co-operation, Public Association Institute of Animal Science of NAAS Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry

Potato crops Institute, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) Institute of Nanobiotechnology, Ltd. Institute of Animal Husbandry ISKRASOFT ISOQAR Ukraine, LLC Cargill Animal Nutrition,LLC KVADRAT, Ltd Scientific Industrial Enterprise CFA-Ukraine Business Community Club Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) Company «LAN»,LLC Communicative group D + CONSTANTA-FID, LTD Construction Machinery Concern Khlibprom PrJSC Feed&Facts, Magazine Kormotech Kortay, Ltd Craft Kredobank, JSP ‘Kronos –Agro’,PE Ques, consulting body Luxury 5 stars LNAU Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv Madrid, printing house Marol, Ukaraine, LLC Marfin Bank, JSP Marshal, PEJCC Makhnovets, PE MB Group Consulting MEGA PACK LTD MEGABANK, PrJSC. Mediaport Interregional Union of Poultry Breeders and Forage Producers Metalplast, LLC World of Bio TM Danylo Halytskyi Internaional Airport «Lviv» Kharkiv Internaional Airport International Center for Scientific Culture - Western Center of the Ukrainian Department of the World Laboratory

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Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukrainе MNAGOR,PE MNC Group,LCC Momot - Beton

Nakipelo, Press center

Nanomaterials and nanotechnology, Ltd Ukrainian seed treasury National University of Bioresources and natural management of Ukraine Nestle Ukraine, Ltd. NIKO – West, Ltd NOVAAGRO NOVOFARM,Ltd Obozrevatel.ua, Portal Tools and equipment for professionals Vegetables and fruit, magazine Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies ‘ON AIR’,LCC UN FAO Organic Ukraine, PE Organic Standard Ltd, certification body Oshchadbank Partner Agro, Magazine Bee-treating complex in Lastivka village PivdenAgrarBud,LCC Increasing informational contents and potential assessment of valorisation of high-quality food products in the Lviv region, Polish Ecological Club Pomichmik Gospodara Embassy of France in Ukraine PRESS-BIRZHA Press-Time, AD agency Poultry breeding, Journal Prestige Automotors Procredit Bank, PJSC Propozitsiya, magazine Raben Ukraine, LLC Radio Slobozhanshchyny Ratusha, Newspaper

Rivneholod ALC Organic Market Development in Ukraine, Swiss-Ukrainian project The development of strawberry cooperatives, project by ‘Innovative farmery and cooperation’ Public Association Smart husbandry, Publication S-Prof, Trade House S.K.S.M. Trade House ‘Drinks. Technology and Innovations. Gardening and Viticulture’ Sunberry – Ukraine Svarog West Group Pig Farming of Ukraine Semagro, LTD Selecta, LTD Research and Production Company Cheese Mandry SIB-Agro, LTD Village Life in Ukraine SK Technologies LLC Skyline Software (1C) Skvirska scientific station of organic production of Institute Agroecology and Environmental Taste of the Ukrainian Carpathians, TM Soyevyi vik, Merchant Venture LLC EU Funded Project ‘Improvement of food safety control system in Ukraine’ Soft Farm Spasybo V. & Partners. Law and tax consulting, LTD Spetsmetall Spetselevatormelmash Association of automation engineers for agrobusiness Kharkiv Region Beekeepers Association STOMIL SANOK UKRAINE Modern Poultry Breeding, Swine rearing in Ukraine HERMES, LTD TERRA Methods and technology Toyota Center Kharkiv ‘Avtoart’

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

Torchprilad, SPE LLC Transservice, LTD Trade Master Group, LTD TRIA, Group of Companies Turbo Diesel Tour Inform Zakarpattya Ukragrozapchastyna, LTD Ukrainian Business Association in Poland

Ukraine Business Ukrainian Berry, LTD research institute of forecasting and testing machinery and technologies for agricultural production Ukrainian Organic Cluster Ukrainian Center of Soil Ecology, LTD ‘Ukrainian garlic cooperative UkrUp’ Ukrbrezent, PCPE JSB 'Ukrgasbank' Ukragrofin, LLC UkrFarming, LTD UNAC Ukrainian National Scientific-Research Institute of Nanotechnology and Resource Conservation Public Service Management of Consumer Goods and Consumer Protection in the Dergachiv district of the Kharkiv region Resorts and tourism authorities of Lviv region administration Fadeev Agro Federation of Organic Movement of Ukraine Ferment Farmer of Ukraine Farmer-Service, LTD Ferrara-Agro, LLC The branch of PJSC ‘State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine’ Izumskyi Mill FruiTech, Ltd Kharkov na doloniah Kharkiv Regional State Administration V.V. Dokuchaev National University of Agriculture HARP


Khartekhprom – 97 Kharkov Auto HOG SLAT UKRAINE, LLC Khrystyna, Commercial company Chas-Pick Chym Khata Bahata, Newspaper Shuvar, LLC U.R.K.LTD Uventa Agrohim, TOV Univest-Media, LLC Yarylo, group of companies Yarych Confectionery LLC AgroChallenge AgroGeneration Agroland, LLC AgroONE, Magazine AgroU AMAКО Ukraine ArtJocker Baker Tilly Ukraine Bitrek BRP Center Kharkiv Carlsberg Ukraine Compassion in World Farming Deloitee Deula-Nienburg Enza Zaden Ukraine LLC EUROP Insurance Brokers FOOD.UA, Magazine GMP+ International GMP+ International GPS-Tracker.com.ua Grehori Textile Hubs, Business portal InVenture Investment Group KWS NewsRoom Optima Business Group POLYBAGS PRO100PRODUCTION Proferend Ramada Lviv, Hotel Ria-Ukraine Semex SmartMe LMS Status Quo Stoller Ukraine The DairyNews USAID VELES AGRO




Investment in food security and agricultural development

‘AGROPORT is an interesting platform where it is possible to talk about urgent problems both world and Ukrainian. Today we are paying special emphasis to the problems connected with development of rural areas and migratory flows. FAO is starting to implement a number of serious projects aimed at solving or simplifying the problems of people who are forced to migrate,’ said Mykhailo Malkov, FAO Development Coordinator in Ukraine. FAO confirm that migration could be a good way to spread the new knowledge, skills or workforces that speed up the economic growth in different regions of Ukraine or even in the new country, provided that such migration will be free-will, but not forced. FAO is working to give people the opportunity choice and eliminate a number of primary migration causes, including hunger, poverty and the effects of climate change.

Under the slogan: Let's change the future! Invest in food supply security! Urgency of the food supply security issue is not reduced either with the change in the world political system, nor with the scientific and technological progress of the world civilization, but remains one of the most contemporary issues. Over the past 50 years the problem is being solved both by the scientific and world organizations, and by the authorities and business from different countries. The more, recently, the migration problem has captured almost the whole world.

Traditionally, on the eve of the World Food Day, AGROPORT together with FAO gathered a round table entitled as ‘Let’s change the Future of Migration Flows - Invest in food supply security and Agriculture Development’. The purpose of this event was the discussion of how to help participants to understand FAO’s new recommendations and international standards more profoundly. The nowadays problem in almost all countries is the migration. The reasons are different: family reunification, searching of the good job, acquiring new skills or better life. According to statistics, in 2015, every seventh inhabitant of the planet became a migrant. The most vulnerable is the rural population; more than 75% of the rural people depend on agriculture or other activities in the non-urban area. During the round table FAO emphasized that one of the priority areas should be the development of rural areas. This will help partially eliminate the factors that make people move, by creating opportunities for economic activities and workspaces of young people, that are not related to farming(for example, small enterprises producing milk or poultry, food processing or gardening). It will also affect the strengthening of food security.

‘Since 2015, we pay special attention to Migration problems in the Eastern regions of Ukraine. Our program is aimed at people who have been forced to change their place of living, could fully use their potential in a new place. So that the work in agricultural area could distract them from pressing issues. Because, the development of rural areas is more related to agriculture,’ said Farrukh Toirov, FAO Resident Coordinator for Emergency Response in Ukraine. Another question that was raised during the round-table discussion is the infrastructure of the food market in Ukraine. The problem is that the food market infrastructure of Ukraine is underdeveloped. And that is why there is a series of complications in almost all work processes. AIC needs the effective creation of the conditions for perfect infrastructure, the most problematic is the banking system and logistics. Exactly these elements of the infrastructure should ensure the free movement of agricultural raw materials and food within and outside the state. But as the experience of past years has shown, reforms in these areas are being implemented rather slowly. Many problems remained unresolved. ‘In terms of migration Lviv region is attractive



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for residents from all Ukraine, both in agricultural and in geographical, cultural and other directions. But there is a big problem with seasonal labour migration abroad. This is facility of the obvious factors: proximity to the borders, visa-free arrangements, and the difference in wages. We understand all these problems, but for today there are no concrete solutions. The only way we consider is the support for the development of agrarian businesses,’ said Natalia Khmyz, Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Oblast State Administration. FAO also expressed strong support for the creation of effective and sustainable value added chains with the participation of small and medium-sized agricultural producers, and the development of agrarian businesses. ‘The agricultural sector is a key direction in the Eastern region, especially in the Kharkiv region. This is promoted as the geographic location and the fertile soils. A great advantage is the availability of a powerful scientific potential. But there are a number of issues that affecting the development of agriculture. Such as: logistics, renovation of technical equipment, land reform, etc. Today's priority is to reform the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex and to attract investments in the development of our region and the whole Ukraine,’ said Alexander Nedzyr, Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration. 'Also, there was presented the Southern region of Ukraine where for the first time AGROPORT will start in 2018 ‘Kherson region was the first in Ukraine to implement organic farming. As they say, Crimea looks at Ukraine through Kherson. We are trying to create favourable conditions for living in our region. There is the Next Generation Project for the rural areas

residences. This program is aimed at providing the opportunity to receive free higher education in agriculture area. There are many advantages and conditions for business dealing. By the way, we have a great airline with a wide coverage map, both in Ukraine and abroad. The first indicators of our work are the regular visits of the potential investors to our region, because we have where to invest!’- presented his region Yevhen Rischuk, deputy of the Kherson regional state administration. Well, at the round table, another urgent and important issue of the European integration of agribusiness projects was raised, and the support of these projects by the Ministry of Agroindustrial Complex. The legislative aspect of the European integration of agro-industrial projects is the key to reforming the industry in accordance to the requirements, principles and standards set out in the Association Agreement with the European Union. Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, responsible for the industry development, taking an active part not only in the establishment of production and export of agricultural products, and also in legislative activity. Thanks to AGROPORT, who gathered and presented different regions of Ukraine with different potential and problem situations. Today's dialogue is important for all those present, because the issues which are raised today are urgent and require special attention. I want to pay attention to how the opinion changes in the regions, the remainders of the Soviet mentality disappear.


success in the sustainable growth is the privategovernment cooperation. The state must ensure the formation of social dialogue. Only in cooperation between States and business is possible rapid and effective conducting of the structural reforms, ensuring economic growth, creation of favourable conditions for economic business management. Poverty reduction through full population employment, high cost of work force , the accumulation of human and social capital, the development of entrepreneurial activity of the population, the strengthening of the middle class, the improvement of social standards and guarantees, also the provision of the necessary social support to vulnerable groups of the population. This year, we are entering into partnership with FAO upon the project aimed at struggle against soil erosion, restoration of the forest belt. These projects are one of the most important for us. 174 countries buy food produced in Ukraine. But the potential of both yield and export is much higher than today. in furtherance of these ambitious goals, Ukraine lacks investments,’ for the agribusiness part finalized John Shmorgun, president of AgroGeneration. «Special attention should be paid to the creation of a favourable climate investment by means of raising the reputation of Ukraine on the world market, all speakers came to such a conclusion.»

Environment in the regions is globally changing, there is a progressive vision of development ‘finalize the aforecited OlgaTrofimtseva, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on European Integration. One of the most important factors in achieving

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Strategy Forum

world food day: external and internal markets of food in Ukraine 10:00–10:30

Solemn opening of Agroport East Kharkiv 2017

Yulia Svitlychna Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration


Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Dmytro Tytarenko AGROPORT







General Manager of Arpoport Ukraine

Panel Discussion №1: Infrastructure of internal markets of food in Ukrainian Eastern regions: analysis of opportunities and barriers

Mykhailo Malkov/ Moderator

Таміла Дмитриченко

FAO Program Development Coordinator in Ukraine

Провідний експерт Центру експорту Донецької ТПП

Oleksandr Nezdiur

Яна Добідовська

Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration

Заступник керівника Проекту ЄС «Вдосконалення системи контролю безпечності харчових продуктів в Україні»

Yulia Bystrova

Андрій Рижов

Director of Business Development at AgroChallenge Foundation, Doctor habilitated, professor at WSIU

Директор Полтавської Дирекції ПАТ «Укрпошта»


Forum will be held on the 5th of October, 2017 International airport ‘Kharkiv’, Exhibition complex ‘C’, Conference hall №1, 1 Romashkina street Telephone numbers for registration and information: (057) 766-55-43, (050) 301-88-55 14


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Panel discussion №2: Overview of internal markets: dairy products, grain crops, oilseeds, vegetable and fruit market Kateryna Chechel/ Moderator

Ruslan Markov

FAO Public Relations Expert

FAO Business and Cooperation consultant

Rodion Rybchinskiy

Yevhen Shevchenko

Director of the Public Association «Millers of Ukraine»

Director General of Carlsberg Ukraine

Tetiana Hetman

Oleksandr Yasynskyi

Horticultural market of Eastern Europe expert

Business director of ‘TERRA’ Company

Panel discussion №3: Access to the market for small and medium agricultural producers through the development of added value

Oleksandr Zhemoyda / Moderator

Vladyslav Karpenko

Coordinator of the Market development Working Group, Reform Support Team for Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine

Business Development at Rural Areas Expert of the USAID ‘Agriculture and Rural Development Support’ Project

John O’Connell

Oleksandr Baskov

Agro-Economist (USA)

Senior Sustainability Consultant at Baker Tilly

Farruh Tairov FAO coordinator of the Programs for Reaction in the Cases of Emergency in Ukraine


Networking evening / gala dinner and Agroport Awards Kharkiv

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua






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Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




climate smart agroforum The climate is changing - the agriculture is changing

06.10.17 / 9:30 / Kharkiv kharkiv 9:30–11:30

discussion panel №1 Adaptation measures for climate change in Eastern Ukraine

Topics for discussion:

Moderator of the discussion: Модератор дискусії:

• Trends in global and regional climate change and its consequences • Redistribution of natural climatic zones and changing conditions of management in agriculture • Synchronization of the pace of change and review of the Ukrainian agroindustrial complex specialization • Responsible energy resources in the cost reduction chains of agricultural production • Adaptive technologies and programs to stimulate producers

MykhailoМалков Malkov Михайло FAO coordinator ofрозвитку development Координатор програм ФАО in Ukraine вprograms Україні

Invited experts:


Olga Trofimceva

Stanislav Ignatiev

Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Pro-Chancellor of V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National University of Agriculture, director of Institute of Sustainable development, founder of the Kharkiv energy cluster

Hennadiy Shchipak

Oleksandr Ushakov

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, selection and genetics of winter triticale laboratory chief of the Plant Production Institute named after a. V. Y. Yuryev of NAAS

Director of Trading House ‘Soievyi vik’

Viktor Kyrychenko

Ivan Pomitun

Academician of NAAS, director of the Рlant Production Institute named after V. Y. Yuryev of NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural sciences, professor, Institute of animal husbandry of NAAS




Coordinator of the Market development Working Group, Reform Support Team for Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine

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For participants and media representatives, the required registration is open: climate.agroport.ua Coordinator: Elizaveta Gogoleva / 2017@agroport.ua, (+38 057) 766-55-43


the Round table Organic Production ‒ the Future is near

Topics for discussion: Теми для обговорення:

Moderator of the discussion: Модератор дискусії:

• Rules and regulations, and ways of organic sector support. • Нормативно-правова база та шляхи підтримки органічного сектору. • Are there any regional peculiarities of organic farming operation? • Чи є регіональні особливості ведення органічного землеробства? • Organic market: Ukraine and the world • Органічний ринок: Україна та світ


Yevhen Mylovanov Євген Милованов

Chairman of the Board of Organic Голова Правління Федерації органічного Movement руху України Federation of Ukraine

Natalia Khmyz

Hennadiy Tyshchenko

Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Regional State Administration

Deputy Director of LLC ‘UKRAGROFIN’

Mykola Moroz

Larisa Shedey

Director of the Food Department of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Senior Research Fellow of National Scientific Center ‘Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky’ of NAAS of Ukraine

Oleh Skydan

Mykola Teteruk

Rector of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

Director of LLC Center ‘Biotechnics’

Ksenia Gladchenko Director of LLC ‘QueS’

Mariya Makhnovec Organic products export consultant, individual entrepreneur Makhnovec M.O.

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

Hennadiy Zdor Director of LLC ‘SIB-Agro’

Tetiana Sytnyk Head of Retail Academy




Agroport SOUTH was presented at «Tavrian Horizons» On the 29th of September, within the framework of X International Investment Forum in Kherson region ‘Tavrian Horizons: cooperation, investment, economics development’ the ‘Agroport South Kherson’ presentation will be held. It will be conducted on the 26-28th of July, 2018. This was announced by the General Manager of ‘Agroport Ukraine’ Dmytro Tytarenko in his speech at the forum. ‘The decision of the organizing committee of the forum, which is held with the support and participation of the UN FAO and is the only event in Ukraine, which at present has exclusive support from international formations in the direction of disseminating information through the slogan of the UN World Calendar, was adopted on the basis of the changes that we are now watching in the Kherson region. The most important reasons for such a decision were

The 26-28t of July, 2018 International airport «Kherson» Information and pre-registration (+38 057) 766-55-43, (+38 057) 766-55-42 www.agroport.ua



the creation of positive conditions in the region for the effective management of agribusiness and the indifference of local authorities to the image of the region. Work in the direction of preparing the forum ‘Agroport South Kherson 2018’ is already in full swing, and we hope for an unindifference to it from international investors’, — said Dmytro Tytarenko in his speech. At the investment forum in Kherson a general concept of the upcoming event and key topics that will be discussed at the extended program in the summer of 2018 will be announced. Three days of the event, which, according to Agroport tradition, will take place at the airport, will be devoted to each of its themes: Agribusiness Day, Farmer's Day, and Field Day. Preliminary agreements between the region's authorities and organizers were concluded on a wide range of topics and issues that should be exposed throughout the program, therefore, in addition to the topics of

traditional industries of the Southern Ukraine, it is planned to rise up questions of cultivation, winemaking, logistics, horticulture and organic production. The large-scale stationary exhibition of machinery, products and technologies, which will be presented at the demonstration shows and master classes during all three days, is going to be the anchor of ‘Agroport East Kherson’. Unlike other airports, only Kherson has a potential agrarian test-site on the territory adjacent to the terminal. In addition, the organizers plan to admit the best farming and agricultural enterprises within the framework of the Independent Award ‘AGROPORT Awards Kherson’, which traditionally accompanies all the activities of this brand and takes place as part of a business dinner. Information sheet: International Investment Forum in Kherson region «Tavrian Horizons»: cooperation, investment, economics development» is traditionally held for the purpose of development of the region and attracting investments. The event brings together about 650 participants from different countries of the world and regions of Ukraine, including representatives of the diplomatic corps, foreign delegations. Last year the concept has been changed for the first time: from a presentation-formal format, the event has become an effective business platform. Thanks to the Forum, 13 investment projects were implemented, which allowed to generate about 500 workplaces in the Kherson region. X International Investment Forum in Kherson region ‘Tavrian Horizons: cooperation, investment, economics development’ was held on the 29-30th of September, 2017 at Nova Kakhovka city of the Kherson region. The concept of the event will be devoted to the prospects of the ‘green economy’ in Ukraine and the presentation of ‘’green projects’ of Kherson region. International airport «Kherson» is a municipal enterprise of Kherson Regional State Administration with 70 years of history. Currently it is at the stage of reconstruction and expansion of the flight map. In 2016, 49 million UAH was allocated for reconstruction of the airport from the Fund of Regional Development of the Kherson Region. The cover of the platform, the passenger halls have been renewed, the customs warehouses were repaired, the equipment for the runway was purchased, and so on. In 2016, more than 62.5 thousand passengers were attended at the international airport «Kherson».

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Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua







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Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua




Agricultural sector of Lviv region is persistently moving forward

Interview with Natalia Khmyz, the Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Regional State Administration, about agricultural complex work for the 9 months of 2017. with winter canola, which is 95% of the forecast, and 1.7 thousand hectares of winter crops (0.4% of the forecast). — And what about animal husbandry?

—The agricultural sector of the Lviv region is quickly and dynamically developing during the recent years. Has the area of tillable land increased this year? —Yes, of course, there is less and less amount of untilled land remaining in our region with each passing year. The area of farming land in the Lviv region is 1261.5 thousand hectares, in particular, arable land - 794.1 thousand hectares. 676.9 thousand hectares were planted in 2017. In addition, 16.5 thousand hectares of arable land were additionally involved into agricultural production, which allowed increasing the of arable land use from 83% to 85%. 2.8% of the agricultural land of Ukraine is located in Lviv region, which accounts for about 4% of the national gross agricultural product. More than 1.2 thousand agricultural formations, including 788 farming enterprises, are engaged in production. In general, the agricultural sector employs more than 200 thousand people, including members of private farms. I would like to emphasize that 19.4% of the gross value added of the region's economy is creating in agricultural complex of Lviv region.



—Natalia Stepanivna, please tell about the situation in agricultural production this year. —Agricultural producers of Lviv region have processed agricultural products with the total value of 5.1 billion UAH during January-August 2017. With all this, the index of gross agricultural production was 104.2% in comparison to the same period of the previous year. In crop husbandry, this indicator was 107.9%, while in animal husbandry it was 100.4%. I note that our agricultural enterprises are the main producers of grain, sugar beet, canola and soybeans. Instead, more than 90% of potatoes, vegetables, fruit and berries, milk and eggs are produced by households. Meat is equally produced by both categories of farms. — The 2017th year’s harvesting is in progress. What is the situation in Lviv region? — As for the middle of September, 1 182 thousand tons of early grain were harvested. This is 1.4 thousand tons more than in the same period last year. Also was threshed more buckwheat than last year - 1.5 thousand tons, more canola was grown - 12.7 thousand tons. The farmers started preparing the soil and planting winter crops for the harvest of 2018. 48.8 thousand hectares of field were planted

— Lviv region is among the first ten regions of Ukraine in terms of agricultural livestock units, except sheep and goats. Our farms hold 267 thousands of cattle units. Lviv region is the third according to this indicator after Vinnytsia and Poltava regions. By the number of cows, the Lviv region is on the fourth place (122.5 thousand heads), on the fourth place by pigs (428.7 thousand heads.), on the fifth place by poultry (12059.3 thousand heads.) and on the eleventh place by sheep and goats (48.7 thousand head). There is still a problem of decrease in cattle population, the main reason is that 92% of the population is kept in households. Today, 20 private households are working on their transformation into family farms. The modular design of a dairy farm for 10 cows with a closed production cycle has been developed, and there are 56 family farms in the region already. — Lviv region continues to create and carry out new investment projects. Which ones of them would you mention? — Lviv region is one of the few regions of Ukraine with an extremely attractive investment climate. This is facilitated by proximity to the EU border, remoteness from the zone of military conflicts, available infrastructure, market size, openness of local authorities. This year, 36 investment projects are being implemented in the region. Among them - the construction / reconstruction of four premises for maintenance of pigs in a number of 10.8 thousand heads, five - for the maintenance of 930 heads of cattle, three - for the maintenance of 1,5 thousand units of goats, one - for maintenance of sheep - 100 heads, four for to maintenance 497 thousand chickens. The construction of seven elevators with a total capacity of 81.1 thousand tons, one fruit storage facility for 1.5 thousand tons, one meat processing facility with a capacity of 3.5 thousand tons, a slaughter house with a capacity of 100 heads of cattle and 400

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pigs per day, cheese-factory, workshops for making juices, workshop for bottling mineral water and two facilities for the production of hard biscuits is in process. In 2017 new objects for crop and livestock production were opened. In particular, ‘Litynske’ LLC of the Drohobych district reconstructed livestock buildings for the maintenance of 1.6 thousand units of pigs, ‘Galica Greenery’ LTD in Busk brought into operation a second section of greenhouses for growing salad in an area of 4800 sq. m, and in 2017 it is planned to draw another 2.5 mln Euro. ‘Merinos-West’ farming enterprise of the Drohobych district opened livestock buildings for the maintenance of 700 heads of goats. Barkom Ltd of Zolochivsky District put into operation the workshop for the production of cheese with a capacity of 300 kilograms per day. — How is the rural area development in the Lviv region? — On the initiative of the Department of Agricultural Development, a project ‘500 successful farms’ is being implemented in our region, aimed at reviving the village through self-employment and stimulating production by small producers of agricultural products. The key task at this stage is to maximize the awareness of small producers and private farms in the successful management of the berry business. To this end we involve the best world experts, give a series of conferences and seminars. Within the framework of this project, 8 cooperatives, producers of vegetables and berries were opened. In the region there are: raspberries - 279,6 hectares, garden strawberries - 136,6 hectares, bilberries - 4,6 hectares, currants - 316,4 hectares, blackberries - 5,7 hectares. — We know about Lviv’s interesting and successful experience in implementing international technical assistance projects. What projects are being implemented this year?

— With the support of the Canadian Government, we continue to implement the project ‘Development of Dairy Business in Ukraine’. Its goal is to increase the profitability of small and medium-sized businesses in the dairy sector of Ukraine. In the first half of 2017, 12 new cow dairying facilities were developed in cooperatives and 9 points (including three new ones) of artificial insemination of cows were developed. 17 sets of equipment for collecting and storing milk, 12 milking parlors for milking cows in pastures were purchased and provided for use. I would like to note that many of the project activities are carried out with the direct participation of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Roman Vaschuk. This project is being implemented in cooperation with the Lviv Agrarian Advisory Service. With the support of the French Embassy in Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development of France, we are implementing the project ‘Improving awareness and assessing the potential of valorisation of highquality food products in the Lviv region’. According to the results of the first phase of the project, three local products were selected - beans, honey and brynza. A new cooperative for growing beans "Strijskij Yas" was registered, a soil analysis was carried out, and 0.18 hectares of beans were planted. We are working with honey producers in the Lviv region, and we are developing a new marketing strategy for them to promote the unique ‘Carpathian honey’. This year, in the Lviv region, implementation of the World Bank pilot project for the recruitment of low-income families and internally displaced persons has begun. Through training and employment incentives it is planned to provide interest-free financial assistance to 111 people from low-income families and internally displaced persons to organize entrepreneurship. Six sessions of the Competition Commission were held, in which it was decided to provide interest-free financial assistance on a turn-based basis to 9 persons to start their own business, two of them - in the

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua

field of agrarian business. — What is the budget support for farmers in Lviv region this year? — In 2017, 39.0 million UAH were allocated from the budgets of all levels in support of agricultural producers in the Lviv region. From the state budget, our farmers will receive 23.5 million UAH, 11.2 million UAH from region budget and 4.3 million UAH from districts budgets. — A number of agricultural activities have been carried out in the region in 2017. What other measures are expected in the near future to the farmers of Lviv region and those who are interested in the development of agriculture in our region? — In 2017, the X specialized exhibition ‘AgroTechnique-2017’, International Forum AGROPORT West (AGROPORT West) was organized, in the framework of which a number of seminars, conferences, round tables were held. The Agro-tourism cluster ‘Gorbogory’ was presented and the project of sectoral support ‘Development of rural entrepreneurship and infrastructure of the agro-tourist cluster’ Gorbogory’ was created. Yes, autumn is an extraordinary time for agricultural producers, it is time for harvesting, summing up ... At this time, we organize a lot of interesting events and promos. In particular, this week we will hold a farmers' festival ‘The best landlord of Lviv region 2017’, which we want to make traditional. In October, within the framework of the International Economic Forum, we will organize a specialized agrarian panel ‘World Food Day’. In the beginning of November the culinary festival ‘HORECA’ will be held. In the late November, together with Polish colleagues from Kielce, we are preparing the second international exhibition ‘EuroAgro 2017’. So we shall have an interesting and eventful autumn. We invite all agrarians of our region to participate in the events.







International agro industrial exhibition and Forum Agroport 2018

Agroport West Lviv

Agroport East Kharkiv



of April

‘Kharkiv’ international airport

‘Lviv’ Danyla Halytsky International Airport

Agroport South Kherson

26-28 липня

‘Kherson’ international airport

50 000

м exhibition 2

18 000+ visitors





Information and registration of the participants www.agroport.ua (057) 766-55-43, (050) 403-88-44 26


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STAND: «STANDARD» To present technologies, oversized products and services that support agribusiness Min area:

from 6 sq.m. / equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

1 (2) open / 3 (2) wall

DA Cost (6 sq.m), excluding VAT till 31.12.17

Price value ₴


9 998,0 ₴

10 790,0 ₴


11 308,0 ₴

12 214,0 ₴


9180,0 ₴

9 900,0 ₴


STAND: «PLATFORM» For presentation of agricultural machinery, automobiles and dimensional equipment (in the street) Min area:

from 10 sq.m. / not equipped


1F / 2F – 3F: Pavilion / Plattform

Sides of the roll-up:

4 open / -

DA Cost (10 sq.m), excluding VAT till 31.12.17

Price value


7 030,0 ₴

7 930,0 ₴


7 912,0 ₴

8 442,0 ₴


6 480,0 ₴

6 900,0 ₴


STAND: «CORPORATE» Own company peninsula stand or using POP-UP mobile constructions Min area:

from 3 sq.m. / equipped


1F: Pavilion

Sides of the roll-up:

1 (2) open / 3 (2) walls

DA Cost (3 sq.m), excluding VAT till 31.12.17

Price value


9 526,0 ₴

10 262,0 ₴


10 758,0 ₴

11 606,0 ₴


8 748,0 ₴

9 420,0 ₴


Guard during non-working hours

Badges for company members

Information in digest

Participation in the Gala dinner

Wall panels and a frizo inscription


Table and 2 chairs

Access to the electricity mains (220V)

Registration of the forum participants: www.agroport.ua



Lviv Regional State Administration

Ministry of Agrarian Policy and food of Ukraine

VIŃ– International agro industrial exhibition and Forum Agroport West Lviv 2018

19-21 of April, 2018

25 000

Đź2 exhibition

5000 visitors





Information and registration of the participants www.agroport.ua (057) 766-55-43, (050) 403-88-44

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