Avia Time March, 2013

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Avia Solutions Group - Avia Time 49

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GULFSTREAM G650 SETS SPEED RECORD BETWEEN MELBOURNE AND ABU DHABI Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.’s new ultra-large-cabin, ultra-long-range G650 recently set another city-pair speed record, this time betw een Melbourne and Abu Dhabi. The record is the flagship aircraft’s sixth potential record this year. Read more >

AIRBUS DELIVERS 100TH A380 Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and Airbus together marked a major achievement, w ith the hand-over of the 100th A380 to MAS at Airbus’ Henri Ziegler Delivery Centre in Toulouse, France. The aircraft is the sixth A380 for MAS. Read more >

SAS Group finalizes sale & leaseback of 19 spare engines EDITORIAL s part of the recently launched plan to improve the financial position of SAS Group, 4 Excellence Next Generation (4XNG), SAS has signed an agreement for the sale and leaseback of 19 spare engines. Read more >

Airbus selects Sabena technics for the base maintenance of its Beluga fleet Airbus has selected Sabena technics for a five-year maintenance agreement for the performance of C-checks on its A300-600ST Beluga fleet. The w ork w ill be performed at Sabena technics facility in Bordeaux, France w hich has five separate hangar positions large enough to accommodate the Beluga aircraft. Read more >

GE Aviation delivers its first production wing components for the Airbus A350 XWB GE Aviation, Hamble has achieved a major program milestone w ith the delivery of its initial production w ing fixed trailing edge components for the first A350 XWB to fly aviatime.mailer.lt/email/Avia-Time-49-115647/view

Alternative products already in business aviation At the beginning of 2013 Nextant Aerospace, the w orld’s only business jet remanufacturer, appointed Sean McGeough, a former executive of Haw ker Beechcraft Corporation, as its new president. AviaTime decided to make use of this opportunity and to discuss w ith Mr. McGeough the prospects for remanufactured jets in the market. Read More 1/6

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Avia Time March, 2013 by AeroTime - Issuu