aviNews International December 2023

Page 1


Issue Nº 15




Lilong Chai

p. 34

Ad Bal · Editor aviNews International Challenges and Innovations in Global Poultry Farming




s we stand on the brink of a new era in the global poultry industry, it is imperative to recognize the multifaceted challenges that confront us. The dynamic landscape of poultry farming demands constant adaptation to emerging issues, ranging from biosecurity concerns to the ever-changing scenario of sustainable practices. In this edition, we deepen into the fundamental challenges currently facing the poultry industry and explore innovative solutions that promise to reshape its future. The imminent threat of avian influenza is addressed in this edition as we analyze effective biosecurity practices aimed at safeguarding poultry farms. As the industry navigates the complexities of disease management, these practices serve as a beacon for enhanced protection. Embracing technological advancements, we explore machine vision technologies designed to monitor and enhance poultry welfare. The intersection of innovation and ethical practices is a theme that resonates throughout this edition. Sustainability is paramount for the future of the poultry industry. We examine the latest initiatives and practices aligning poultry farming with environmentally conscious approaches.

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Editor aviNews International +31 629791019 avinewsmagazine@grupoagrinews.com avinews.com




Additionally, the revolutionary concept of in-ovo sexing becomes a reality as we explore how this technology reshapes the landscape of poultry reproduction, offering efficiency and precision. Moreover, understanding the dynamics of feed prices in the Americas is essential for industry stakeholders. We explore the factors contributing to variability and strategies for navigating this landscape. Furthermore, this edition features articles where innovation and improvement in the poultry sector take center stage. Perspectives on enhancing the industry are at the core of these articles.

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In conclusion, AviNews International proudly announces its presence at the 2024 IPPE in Atlanta. Our commitment to the poultry sector, its development, and the innovations shaping the industry is unwavering. As we navigate challenges and embrace the transformative power of innovation, we invite you to join us in redefining the future of the global poultry landscape.

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1 aviNews International December 2023


Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza Dr. Algis Martínez, DVM, ACPV Diplomate ALMAR Consulting Services

Considering the mode of infection in a biosecurity plan can improve protection. Following the basic concepts will help prevent exposure to Avian Influenza.


MagFan - World leader in fan efficiency!

DACS Technical Team When tested at Bess Lab, University of Illinois, it instantly became the best ever tested tunnel fan at Bess Lab. After nearly 10 years in operation MagFan still holds the Bess Lab record – and that by a wide margin!


Machine vision technologies for monitoring poultry welfare

Lilong Chai


Cobb-Vantress highlights winter management strategies to improve broiler performance – Part 1 José Luis Januário Cobb-Vantress Specialist

Assistant Professor & Engineering Specialist Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens Researchers at the University of Georgia developed several precision farming technologies for monitoring welfare and behaviors of broilers and cage-free layers.

Winter can be challenging for the poultry industry. It is necessary to increase management efforts in the face of drastic changes in the weather. Moreover, is the farm prepared and ready? Are equipment and infrastructure present and ready to overcome the weather challenges?


Uneven bird distribution can prove costly Michael Czarick & Brian Fairchild Department of Poultry Science - UGA


Much more than just a choline replacement Nuproxa Technical Team

Though broilers often appear to be evenly distributed throughout a farm, more times than not our eyes are deceiving us.

2 aviNews International December 2023

When birds do not receive enough choline, the deficiency is manifested by reduced growth and reproductive performance. This is most likely related to lipid accumulation in the liver.

Sustainability for the poultry industry


Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondon1 & Minliang Yang2

Prestage Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University 2 Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, North Carolina State University 1

Multicellular superpowers: How a fungal postbiotic is revolutionizing the laying industry Biozyme Technical Team


A unique strain of Aspergillus oryzae proves exceptional in developing fermentation products that promote resilience.

Sustainability is at the center stage of the media and professional gatherings worldwide. Several companies in the poultry allied industry have launched services to assess the sustainability of their customers’ production systems.

Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?


Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón


Use of a water acidifier pl organics H2 O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review D.V.M. E.P.A Roberto Hidalgo Gómez & D.V.M. Gabriel Pantoja Nuñez

Prestage Department Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA In times of high market volatility, precision nutrition gets special attention. One of the main aspects of precision nutrition is to improve the information needed for decision- making, planning, and optimization.

Broiler meat and carcass quality: mineral nutrition is key


Pecuarius Laboratorios Technical Team

This article is an updated review that addressed on the use of a commercial water acidifier on broiler nutrition and performance, focusing on the gut health of its active components.


In-ovo sexing is reality Ad Bal

Editor avinews International

Kelen Zavarize

Technical Services Manager for Latin America South Novus A trial at the University of Pretoria in South Africa found that a strategy replacing inorganic mineral sources with reduced levels of organic trace minerals (as MINTREX® Bis-Chelated Trace Minerals from NOVUS) helped support meat quality and footpad health while allowing heavy broilers to maintain growth and feed efficiency.

Culling day-old chicks is getting less and less accepted in the modern world. After all, the awareness of animal welfare is gaining ground, particularly in Europe. However, new technology is available now to determine gender in the egg during incubation. No future dreaming anymore, but reality. And practiced in Germany and The Netherlands already.

Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals Edgar O. Oviedo Rondón1, Anneliese Mueller2 and Bettina Behler-Wöchtl3

Prestage Department Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA 2 DSM firmenich, Getzersdorf, Austria 3 DSM-firmenich, Getzersdorf, Austria 1

Mycotoxin evaluation is frequent in feed mills for grain sources like corn, wheat, and barley or products like peanuts and cottonseed. However, soybean meal, the most common protein source in feed for all animal species, needs more attention in this critical quality aspect.


The market scenarios for poultry and pork producer companies in the feedstuff market have been challenging in recent years. Significant price volatility occurred in central grainproducing countries such as Brazil and the United States. TECHNICAL direction


Agri Sats International Broiler Director North Carolina State University


Edgar Oviedo


ZUCAMI Technical Team GREEN START is an innovative model designed to address the challenges faced by poultry farmers during the rearing phase in aviaries.

Variability of feed prices in the Americas

José Guilherme Morschel Barbosa1 & Edgar O. Oviedo Rondon2

Ad Bal



Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START


Professor, Extension Poultry Specialist Technical Direction

Editor avinews International

Eduardo Cervantes International Poutry Processing Consultant Technical Direction

3 aviNews International December 2023



Dr. Algis Martínez, DVM, ACPV Diplomate. ALMAR Consulting Services


revious highly pathogenic outbreaks of AI (HPAI) were thought to be the result of flock

exposure to a lowly pathogenic strain of AI (LPAI) and during the infection process the virus mutated to the more detrimental HPAI strain.

4 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

The HPAI was then transferred to other farms through breaches in biosecurity appearing as clusters of farm infections in a region. This mode of infection and transmission is still valid. The current strain of HPAI infection appears to have adapted to wild birds. Surveillance of migratory bird mortalities has detected the HPAI Eurasia H5N1 in U.S. wild bird populations. Wild birds with HPAI symptoms have been found along the east coast from northern Canada all the way to Florida.

MIGRATION ROUTES Wild bird migration routes across North America are generally shaped by geography, forming 4 flyways (Atlantic,

Surveillance also detected H5N1 positive wild birds in areas around the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers.

Mississippi, Central and Pacific). The increasing day length with

Likewise, sporadic, and clustered infections

migration of birds in the southern

of back yard, hobby, and commercial

states to the far northern regions of

poultry flocks across the Midwest have been

North America.


the onset of spring stimulates the


Central Flyway

Atlantic Flyway that extends from southwest Africa northward through Europe and includes Central Siberia, Greenland, and Canada. This creates the opportunity for disease to migrate from one

Pacific flyway

Atlantic flyway

continent to another and may explain the presence of Eurasia H5N1 in wild bird populations

Mississippi flyway

across the US east coast in 2022.

Figure 1. Wild bird migration routes across North America. Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

5 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza



There is concern that AI will further

When considering an effective

spread in wild bird populations. One area

biosecurity program, it is important

of significant wild bird concentration

to understand the species and how it

is the Artic Refuge located in northern




It is here that 200 species of wild migratory birds from all 4 US flyways along with the East Asian-Australasian and West Pacific Flyway come together to build nesting sites. Long days support the growth Biosecurity

of forage and insect populations necessary to feed offspring.

Be cautious of waterfowl and shorebirds that are susceptible to influenza viruses but may be asymptomatic carriers or birds experiencing minor symptoms. This has been observed in wild birds across the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways.

The onset of winter drives birds south to warmer environments


and forage.

The accumulation of wild birds in the

Be aware of bird species that are

Artic Refuge allows transmission of both

abundant and widespread.

LPAI and HPAI within and across species. It is expected that winter migration will cause an increase in AI during the fall.

The risk of infection comes from the opportunity for contact.

6 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

Figure 2: Mixed species of waterfowl may be in the same water source, which can facilitate interspecies transmission of avian influenza.



Birds that are migratory or nomadic serve

The opportunity for direct contact with

as viral vectors. Resident waterfowl (birds

feces of infected waterfowl is greater

that do not migrate) can be infected by

for free ranging, mixed flocks. It is

interacting with migrating waterfowl.

possible that an intermediate vector, such

location, they will continue to shed virus that can then be transmitted

as songbirds, can become infected and transmit it to poultry by food and water sources.

through fecal contamination of shoes

Since songbirds can carry H5N1,

and clothing to commercial poultry

eliminate nesting sites in outdoor and

and back yard flocks.

commercial poultry facilities. Likewise,


Since resident fowl stay in a defined

it is recommended that outdoor flocks be confined to indoors during periods of AI movement.



Be aware of bird species that cluster together to form high density flocks. Clustering may be a daily or seasonal event

H5N1 is often spread through droplets

that increases the opportunity for bird-to-

and therefore easily transmitted in water.

bird transmission within and across species.

Assume that water visited by

Note that there are times of the year

waterfowl is contaminated with AI or

where waterfowl will cluster during

other disease-causing agents. Never

periods not associated with migration.

use open water (stream, river, pond,

It is not unusual for waterfowl to group

or lake) as a water source for your

together during the post-breeding,


flightless molt period.

7 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

PROTECTING THE FARM Fortunately, AI is vulnerable to cleaners and disinfectants as well as good


biosecurity practices. For example, H5N1 is easily killed by acidic (pH < 5.5) or alkaline (pH > 8.0) conditions and disinfectants are very effective against H5N1. Environmental conditions associated with temperature and humidity are important for AI survival. The virus survives best under cool, dry conditions and longer in soil and Biosecurity

feces than on hard surfaces.

The most important step is to limit contact with outside birds.

The farm team must not have contact with other birds. Possessing back-yard birds must be prohibited. All team members must sign an agreement to avoid contact with and possession of other birds.

Considering the mode of infection in a

Respect all required out-time for

biosecurity plan can improve protection.

bird contacts. There are many ways

Following the basics will help prevent

to indirectly encounter a higher-than-

exposure to AI.

normal concentration of wild birds. This is particularly important for hunters who, are at significant risk of encountering birds.

Wild bird

Stay away from places with an outdoor water feature. Do not visit fairs, bird swap meets or feed stores that sell day old chicks. Since AI is in

Contaminated equipment Feces and respiratory secretions of infected birds

wild bird populations do not attract


birds with wild bird feeders. If a visitor plans to visit your farm, they must also follow the rules associated with outside bird contact.


In addition, plan visits according to


generation, age, and health condition of the flock. Be cautious of contact

Footwear and clothing (mechanics)

with other growers.

8 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

2 The chances of AI transmission from wild birds are minimized by physical barriers.

When planning farm placement,

Create a clear distinction between

select a location with as much

dirty and clean sides of the farm. Install

distance as possible from surrounding

signs so there is no confusion and as


a reminder for team members and

Select an area that does not contain open water that will attract birds to your farm.

visitors. Ensure adequate vermin control. Keep grass and other vegetation

Build a secure fence around the farm



to control entry and exit points.


Everyone and everything that passes through the farm gate must be cleaned and disinfected.

Provide entry gate equipment capable of cleaning and disinfecting all incoming vehicles. If possible have farm dedicated vehicles that stay only on the clean side of the farm. Keep on-farm vehicles clean and disinfected on both the inside and outside. It is not recommended to share equipment between farms, especially when birds are present.

9 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

If vehicles or equipment enter the farm


they must be thoroughly treated. All areas of the incoming vehicle that may have contacted bird feces must be cleaned and disinfected, including tires, wheel wells and undercarriage. Be mindful of dirt because it can shield AI from disinfectants or interfere with the disinfectant potency. Do not forget to disinfect the vehicle floorboards, pedals, steering wheel, and seats.


Ensure that everyone entering is

Once on the clean side of the farm, it is important to remain clean. When entering the clean side of the farm, change into farm dedicated clothing and footwear. Regularly clean concrete pathways between buildings. Provide dedicated footwear for each house on the farm.

registered by signing a visitor log. This

Use boot dips and sanitize hands

will help trace the source if an outbreak

prior to entering a house.

does occur. Clean feed spills immediately. Premises must have adequate and clean shower facilities for team members and visitors. Only essential items enter the farm. All

Maintain all pest control measures. Dispose of daily mortality consistent with standard operating procedures.

items that are needed on the clean side of the farm must be disinfected before entry.

10 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

5 Each house should be treated separately. Team members should respect defined areas for changing boots before entering. Ensure the house and entry doors are sealed and kept closed and locked when unattended. Ensure each house is monitored for wild bird nests, rodent, and insect Biosecurity

activity. All wild bird nests must be removed immediately, and nesting area disinfected.


All supplies and equipment must be disinfected prior to house entry.

Consider materials that must be brought onto the farm.

Keep all wood shavings, straw, or rice hulls in covered storage.

Litter Material

Treat litter with organic acids or approved chemicals. Source litter material from approved suppliers. Remove spent litter from the farm and dispose in accordance with local regulations.

11 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

Use only clean raw materials.

Adopt a weekly sanitizing/ flushing water program.

as defined by local legislation. Manage feed trucks, feed bins, and feed systems to remain fresh, clean and mold free.

Clean and disinfect total water system between flocks.



Apply heat and chemical treatments

Test water to maintain acceptable chemical and bacterial load. Only use water from a known clean source and never from open water supplies.


CONCLUSION There is a great deal of planning that must go into developing a comprehensive biosecurity plan. Unfortunately, even the best plans fail without commitment from all team members. Sometimes plans fail because they are too complicated and unreasonable. Sometimes the plan is too expensive to maintain. Often the plan fails because team members are in a hurry or impatient with the process.

For these reasons, create a program that works for the farm and team members.

Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza


12 aviNews International December 2023 | Biosecurity practices to protect your farm from avian influenza

Clear the Hurdles Every Hy-Line layer is bred with our superior genetics to breeze past challenges while speeding toward prolific egg numbers.

Contact your Hy-Line representative to learn more.


José Luis Januário Cobb-Vantress Specialist


obb-Vantress specialist José Luis Januário lists the most important tools for more effective management on cold days. Winter can be challenging for the poultry industry. Efforts in management must be increased when faced with harsh weather. Moreover, is the farm prepared and ready? Are equipment and infrastructure present and ready to overcome the weather challenges?

14 aviNews International December2023 | Cobb-Vantress Highlights Winter Management Strategies to Improve Broiler Performance – Part 1

Winter brings challenges including heating and sealing houses and increasing management efforts to make the birds’ comfortable and improve

The double curtain must be sealed from top to bottom and securely attached to the internal and external walls.

production performance.

this time of the year. Do you know

The curtain must never be opened from the bottom during brooding. Even small air movement from the bottom will make the

which tools are the most important

chicks cold.

to employ?


The colder, denser and heavier air must mix with the warm and less dense air that accumulates in the ceiling of the brooders. This cold air must be warmed before dropping to bird level without high velocity.

Chicken management

These become frequent topics at

To reduce temperature fluctuations, build a brooding chamber with a mini-tent that has a false ceiling, from eave to eave. The false ceiling will reduce the heat loss, total heating space, and improve insulation.

Installation and maintenance of the double curtain is even more important during cold weather. Image 1. Well-sealed double curtains will provide good insulation. The double curtain should be installed with the correct tension. The internal curtain should completely seal from the floor to ceiling and open from the top, never bottom. The external can open with a slight gap at the ceiling (Image 1).

15 aviNews International December2023 | Cobb-Vantress Highlights Winter Management Strategies to Improve Broiler Performance – Part 1




Prevailing wind direction Wind side

Opposite side

5 cm

20 cm

25 cm

1 meter

50 cm

2 meters

Conventional positive pressure ventilation, which the vast majority of houses in South America use, have good results in cold weather because double curtains can be used to ventilate minimally and prevent heat loss in the brooder.

Chicken management

Figure 1. A side curtain opening scheme. Opening the predominant wind side 4 times less than the opposite side creates positive inlet pressure which pulls air through the house.

Open-sided houses can outperform modern climatecontrolled houses in winter.

Systematically opening the internal and external curtains to adjust temperature and air flow is an important management task.

USING INLETS TO VENTILATE HOUSES All cold air must enter through inlets installed as close to the ceiling as possible. Inlets use negative static pressure to pull fresh air into the house.

A mechanical control system can be used to open and close the curtain. Automating the curtain adjustment is more efficient than manual operation and usually responds faster to prevent big temperature changes.

Cold, moist air is pulled into the house and mixes with warmer, drier air at the ceiling. This fresh, warmed air, then falls below to bird level.

16 aviNews International December2023 | Cobb-Vantress Highlights Winter Management Strategies to Improve Broiler Performance – Part 1

PROTECTION FOR YOUNG BIRDS, GOOD FEATHERING Depending on the age of the parent stock, young broilers will slowly change from “cold blooded” to “warm blooded” at around day 5. At this age, chicks can regulate their body temperature, but in suboptimal climate conditions, this will require energy. Energy diverted to thermoregulation will not be available for growth and immune functions making chicks more susceptible to disease challenges and reduced weight gains.

Chicken management

Feathers have an insulating effect so heat loss to the environment is minimized. The fluff on broiler chicks has very poor insulating properties. Good feathering can help improve production performance. Managing the inlets correctly will keep moisture low and air quality high in the house.

The goal of minimum ventilation is to manage relative humidity and air quality. Relative humidity in the house should always be below 65 %.

Humidity is the greatest challenge to manage with winter ventilation.

Image 2. Images of birds at 3, 13 and 33 days. Birds need an external heat source until feathering is complete.

17 aviNews International December2023 | Cobb-Vantress Highlights Winter Management Strategies to Improve Broiler Performance – Part 1

0,40 0,35


0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 5




25 AGE





Chicken management

Graphic 1. R value of chicken feathering relative to age. Source: Professor Brian Fairchild- UGA 2019.

It is important to note that while metabolic heat output is increasing, the insulation value of a broiler is increasing making correct management for heat disposal important as the flock ages (Graphic 1.) Ideally, the floor under the bedding material should be 28 °C, and the surface of the bedding above 32 °C. Bird behavior will indicate if the environment is comfortable for the flock. From hatch to day 5, the target body temperature is 40° to 40.6 °C. As the birds age, house temperature will decrease as shown in Figure 2.

1 to 3 days: 32 to 34oC 4 to 7 days: 31 to 32oC 8 to 10 days: 29 to 30oC

11 to 15 days: 28 to 29oC 3rd week: 27oC

5th week: 23oC 6th week: 22oC 7th week: 18 to 20oC

Figure 2. Target house temperature. Cobb-Vantress Highlights Winter Management Strategies to Improve Broiler Performance – Part 1

References upon consultation of the author


Read the second part of the article in the next edition

18 aviNews International December2023 | Cobb-Vantress Highlights Winter Management Strategies to Improve Broiler Performance – Part 1

4th week: 25oC

Introducing Cobb’s Proving Grounds See firsthand how our pioneering global innovation center will help use scale and technology to deliver profitable, high-performing and reliable genetics to improve your bottom line. Proving Grounds will provide comprehensive, expanded performance data to accelerate genetic progress faster than ever before.

Learn more at IPPE 2024

Copyright © 2024. Cobb-Vantress, LLC. All Rights Reserved.



Michael Czarick and Brian Fairchild Department of Poultry Science - UGA


hough broilers often appear to be evenly distributed throughout a house, more

times than not our eyes are deceiving us.

Figures 1 and 2 are of the tunnel fan and tunnel inlet ends of a 50’ X 600’ broiler house with 20-day-old birds.

20 aviNews International December2023 | Uneven bird distribution can prove costly

This particular house was equipped with two ultrasonic water meters, one for the tunnel inlet end, and one for the tunnel fan end (Figures 3 and 4). In addition to displaying total water usage, these ultrasonic water meters also display water flow rate.

Figure 1. Tunnel fan end


Figure 3. Tunnel inlet end water meter

Figure 2. Tunnel inlet end At first glance bird density appears fairly uniform but when examined closely, it becomes apparent that there are more birds near the tunnel doors (far right of Figure 2) than in any other area of the house.

The question are, of course, is this “slight” difference in bird density significant? Will it create problems in the future?

Figure 4. Cunnel fan end water meter

21 aviNews International December2023 | Uneven bird distribution can prove costly

Water meters can be a very useful tool in helping to determine if the birds are evenly spread between the two

The twenty percent difference

ends of a house because broiler water

in water usage indicated that

usage is a very good indicator

there were very likely twenty

of bird density.

percent more birds on the

If the water meters indicate that the birds are drinking more water

tunnel inlet end than the tunnel fan end of the house.

on one end than the other, it is highly likely there are more birds on one end than the other. When the farm manager became In this particular case when the birds were 20 days old, the water meters were


indicating that the birds on tunnel inlet end were drinking roughly 20% more water

aware of this fact he worked on moving birds from the tunnel inlet end to the tunnel fan end but only had limited success doing so.

than those on the tunnel fan end


(0.61 Vs. 0.46 gals/min).

3,000 2,800 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 BIRD AGE Inlet end Total Fan end

Graphic 1. Daily Water Consumption

22 aviNews International December2023 | Uneven bird distribution can prove costly

Lose the Belt. Switch to the EnduraMax™ Direct-Drive Fan to save up to 40% on energy costs*.

The Chore-Time Direct-Drive Fan allows for maximum precision control of your house ventilation while saving you money. Fully compatible with your CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Controller, EnduraMax™ Fans use your existing sensors with its variable speed motor to ensure stable temperatures for better bird performance. The 57-inch (145-cm) diameter makes it easy to upgrade from your belt-driven fans. Find out more at choretime.com/LoseBelt

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*Energy savings are based on a 14-day comparison trial (January 2023), monitoring power used by fans in test houses featuring EnduraMax™ Direct-Drive Fans versus industry leading belt-drive fans.

Chore-Time is a division of CTB, Inc. A Berkshire Hathaway Company

Graphic 1 illustrates daily water usage over the entire flock. The fact is that since the density was

After the birds were turned out on Day 9

significantly lower on the tunnel

(three migration fences were installed on

fan end the birds had easier access

Day 14) there was roughly a 60% / 40%

to feed and water than those on

split in water usage between the tunnel

the higher density tunnel inlet end

inlet end and the tunnel fan end of the

which resulted in higher weight



Though the difference in water usage between the two ends of the house tended to decrease slightly toward the

A fact which became evident when the

end of the flock this was not likely due

birds were weighed at 58 days of age

to the movement of birds between the

(Graphic 2).



two ends of the house.

10.0 9.9 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0

9.65 9.52 8.87





Graphic 2. Average Bird Weights (Section 1 = Pad end, Section 4 = Tunnel fan end)

24 aviNews International December2023 | Uneven bird distribution can prove costly


Even though the air temperatures during the August/September flock were generally lower on the tunnel inlet end

To help ensure that bird density is as

of the house, the birds on the tunnel inlet

uniform as possible from one end of a

end weighed almost 3/4 of a pound less

house to another, consider taking the

than those on the warmer tunnel fan end.

following steps:

What made the situation more costly to the grower was there roughly 20% more of the lighter birds on the tunnel inlet end of the house than there were heavier birds on the


tunnel fan end of the house.

ast two water le t a ll a st In 1. meters. g er breakin

nsid 00’+), co houses (6 s and r e g n lo In ur section m into fo e st sy r e r section. the drink meter pe r te a w a installing not eters will r water m u fo g in view of Hav detailed e a more id v ro p ly easier to on o make it ty, but als si n e d rmance d o ir b bird perf possible e iz n g g on in in co rr re be occu that may . problems e house areas of th different

2. Recepti throughouot n of 1-day birds warm clima the hatch during tes During w arm wea ther, wh tends to en bird m be most igration c ostly, co broodin nsider fu g. ll-house Migratio n fences could be at chick installed placeme n t and the chicks p number laced in of each sec precisely tion can controll b e ed.

26 aviNews International December2023 | Uneven bird distribution can prove costly

in fences withirds n io t a r ig m 3. Install ve days of turning b three to fi e entire house. out into th the more


me, ds beco one end r the bir m from e The olde th e v o m it is to difficult e other. use to th o h of the

4. In houses 50 installing four o0’+, consider r more fences. Placing an ex tra fence w ithin 50’ of tunnel fan en the d wall will he lp to ensure there are ad equate bird s in this area of the hous e to proper ly trigger feed control pans .

5. Placing an fence 50’ to 10 extra migration

0’ from th wall can e tunnel help ens fan end ure that can be m bird den inimized sity in this are speeds te a where nd to be air minimal. Uneven bird distribution can prove costly


27 aviNews International December2023 | Uneven bird distribution can prove costly




DACS Content


hen introduced in 2014 the MagFan was a revolution on the market for large tunnel fans. When tested at Bess Lab, University of Illinois, it instantly became the best ever tested tunnel fan at Bess Lab. After nearly 10 years in operation MagFan still holds the Bess Lab record – and that by a wide margin!

28 aviNews International December 2023 | MagFan - world leader in fan efficiency!

MAGFAN OUTPERFORMS ALL OTHER FANS efficiency. No matter the version you choose they all offer unrivalled performance, efficiency, and service life. MagFan owes its efficiency to much more than just the high efficiency motors. More than anything else, the very pronounced efficiency advantage stems from the aeromechanics applied in the development of MagFan.

This becomes quite evident when comparing capacities and efficiencies against other makes of similar size fans.

Without exception, MagFan outperforms all other fans!


MagFan is the world leader in fan

MAGFAN IN SHORT: First fan ever to do over 30 cfm/W @ 30,00 cfm. Capacity: Up to 79.700 m3/h (46900 cfm). Pressure: Up to 137 Pa (0.55” WC). Air Flow Ratio: Up to 0.91 (capacity @ 0.20” WC / capacity @ 0.05” WC).

MAGFAN IS THE ANSWER MagFan is widely used in all types of livestock buildings, in greenhouses, and industrial applications. Wherever air needs to be moved efficiently, MagFan is the answer.

29 aviNews International December 2023 | MagFan - world leader in fan efficiency!


RESPONSIBILITY BY DESIGN MagFan was constructed with efficiency in mind, but we also focused on a design that would significantly reduce transportation cost.

MagFan integrates seamlessly with all climate control systems and can be combined with any type of inlets. No matter how the ventilation system is designed, the superior efficiency and performance of MagFan will always lead to huge savings.


We have already proven that MagFan reduces energy consumption by as much as 75%.


The innovative design reduces shipping volume by 75%: we can ship 165 MagFans in a 40’ container.

The global demand for energy continues to rise and ventilation of livestock buildings represents a notable percentage of global energy consumption.

The result is CO2 emission reductions in manufacturing and transportation, as well as a remarkable emission reduction throughout MagFan’s long service life. That is responsibility by design.

Thus, improving the efficiency of ventilation systems plays an important role in fostering energy efficiency in livestock buildings. MagFan greatly reduces energy consumption and at the same time improves indoor air quality via proven climate control strategies.

A LASTING VENTILATION SOLUTION In fact, MagFan is so efficient that the energy consumption in four (4) buildings equipped with MagFans is the same as in one (1) building with traditional fans – the same ventilation capacity installed in all five buildings.

In other words, MagFan cuts your energy consumption by 75% compared to buildings where traditional fans are installed. MagFan simply is your best choice for an energy efficient and lasting ventilation solution.


30 aviNews International December 2023 | MagFan - world leader in fan efficiency!

SOLECTRIFY YOUR BUSINESS Photovoltaics are ideal for livestock production because they produce electricity during daytime — just when the need for ventilation in a building for livestock is at its highest.


The Solectrifier technology allows the MagFans to run completely off-grid during daytime, when the photovoltaic panels provide the required power to drive the fans.

Solectrifiers - Main advantages in Colombia and probably in more countries:

Furthermore, electricity is getting increasingly expensive, and nothing indicates that this will change. DACS have a solution for that. MagFans in combination with Solectrifiers.

Off-grid installation. No permissions are needed for installation. There are no fees to pay. No restrictions on the location of the panels.


The Solectrifier harvests electricity directly from photovoltaic panels and feeds this electricity via the MagDrive straight to the MagFan — reducing electricity consumption by as much as 91%.

Figure 1. SolectrifierTM Operation Grid power Solar energy

Solar energy

TESTIMONY Edgar Orozco is the general manager at Technigran in Colombia. Also, Edgar is the owner of a broiler operation on the outskirts of Barranquilla. In the spring of 2019, Edgar installed a set of MagFans in one house and that completely changed his understanding about how much impact a set of MagFans has on the overall profitability in a poultry house.

“I reduced my electrical bill for my fans by astonishing 90%!”

31 aviNews International December 2023 | MagFan - world leader in fan efficiency!

MagFans impact overall profitability

Solectrifiers are truly another win for me

I first saw the MagFan at the IPPE show in Atlanta in January 2019 and decided to test MagFans in one of my broiler houses. I wanted to find out for myself if the data on savings presented to me from Bess Lab test reports would also materialize in real life.

One year ago, I installed a set of Solectrifiers from DACS in one of my houses. Solectrifiers allow me to source electricity directly from my PV panels to the MagFans. This direct sourcing brings a much more predictable and reliable supply of electricity to my MagFans because they run uninterrupted if the public grid is down during daytime.


I immediately saw a 65% reduction in the electrical consumption compared to my other seven houses on the farm, but more surprising to me was the impact the speed controlled MagFans had on overall profitability.

Derived effects on my financial situation One year later, we had MagFans installed on the entire farm. The 65% power saving is significant, but the derived effects from the MagFan installation are also a strong contributor to my overall financial situation. The gentle, noiseless, constant and uniform airflow provided by the speed controlled MagFans is simply so much better and very different from what we see in stage-controlled houses.

The fully automated Solectrifiers seamlessly mix electricity from the PVs and the public grid, giving priority to PV power and topping up with electricity from the public grid only when needed.

As soon as the sun hits the PV panels, the solar generated electricity starts to flow to the MagFans and grid power consumption drops. Depending on the weather we see the MagFans run entirely on electricity from the PVs around 10 hours each day, and that is during peak load.

My electricity bill has now been reduced by 90% compared to the days before I installed MagFans and we now have a much safer system with far less blackouts, so Solectrifiers are truly another win for me.

These MagFans are the very reason why we consistently see a much better litter quality and stronger, heavier (2.7 kg at 36.6 days) and more uniform birds, as well as lower feed conversion (1.42) and mortality (2.7%).

32 aviNews International December 2023 | MagFan - world leader in fan efficiency!

MagFan - world leader in fan efficiency!




Lilong Chai Assistant Professor & Engineering Specialist Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602



oultry production plays a critical role in feeding the increasing world’s population with affordable protein (i.e., chicken and eggs). The United States is currently the world’s largest broiler producer and 2nd largest egg producer due to continuous innovation in animal breeding, nutrition management, environmental control, and disease prevention, etc.

34 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare

However, US poultry and egg farms are facing several production challenges such as animal welfare concerns. For instance, the fast growing broiler chickens were reported with leg issues or


lameness. The caged egg production systems were pushed to shift for cage-free operation, which cannot guarantee a better hen welfare due to high mortality, injury rate, and poor air quality.

The spatial distribution of broiler chickens is an indication of a healthy flock or not. Routine inspections of broiler chickens’ floor distribution are done manually in commercial houses daily or multiple times a day, which is labor intensive, time consuming, and subject to farm staff’s errors.

University of Georgia (UGA, Dr. Lilong Chai’s

This task requires a precision system

precision poultry farming lab) developed

that can monitor the chicken’s floor

several precision farming technologies for

distributions automatically.

monitoring welfare and behaviors of broilers and cage-free layers.

A machine vision-based method was developed and tested in an experimental broiler house at UGA. To track individual birds’ distribution, the pen floor was virtually defined/divided into drinking, feeding, and rest/exercise zones (Figure 1).

Figure 1. A top view of a pen and zone definition. The red box (1) drinking zone; (2) feeding zone; and (3) resting/ exercise zone.

35 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare


To address those issues, researchers at the

About 7000 chicken areas/ profiles were used to build a neural network model (BP - backward propagation) for floor distribution analysis. The results showed that the identification accuracies of bird



distribution in the drinking and feeding zones were 0.9419 and 0.9544, respectively.



The team further innovated CNN ORIGINAL IMAGE

(convolutional neural network) based deep learning models to

Figure 2. Data collection and analysis.

detect birds’ behaviors of feeding, drinking, resting, and standing at


different ages (Figure 2 & Figure 3).

d2 Predict: drinking GT: drinking

Predict: feeding GT: feeding

Predict: resting GT: resting

Predict: standing GT: standing

Predict: drinking GT: drinking

Predict: feeding GT: feeding

Predict: resting GT: resting

Predict: standing GT: standing

Predict: drinking GT: drinking

Predict: feeding GT: feeding

Predict: resting GT: resting

Predict: standing GT: standing

Predict: drinking GT: drinking

Predict: feeding GT: feeding

Predict: resting GT: resting

Predict: standing GT: standing




Figure 3. Behavior classification results of the Densenet-264 model in broilers dataset.

36 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare

After image augmentation processing, over 10,000 images were generated for each day and the model reached the accuracy rates of 88.5%, 97%, 94.5%, and 90% when birds were 2, 9, 16 and 23 days old, respectively, in detecting


broiler chickens on the floor (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Broilers detection on the floor.

CAGE FREE LAYERS’ PECKING, MISLAYING, AND DISTRIBUTION Major restaurants and grocery chains in the United States have pledged to buy cage-free (CF) eggs only by 2025 or 2030. While CF house allows hens to perform

Pecking is one of the primary welfare issues

more natural behaviors (e.g., dust bathing,

in commercial cage-free hen houses as

perching, and foraging on the litter floor),

that can seriously reduce the well-being of

there are some particular challenges for

birds and cause economic losses for egg

cage-free systems such as high mortality


and injury rate and floor eggs.

After beak trimming is highly criticized in Europe and the USA, alternative methods are needed for pecking, monitoring and management.

37 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare

A possibility for minimizing the problem is early detection of pecking


behaviors and damages to prevent it from spreading or increasing as feather pecking is a learned behavior.


Machine vision methods were developed and tested in tracking chickens’ floor and spatial distribution (Figure 5 and Figure 6), and identifying pecking behaviors of hens and potential damages (Figure 7 and Figure 8) in research cage-free facilities at UGA. The YOLOv5xpecking model was tested with a precision of 88.3% in tracking pecking.



Figure 6. Number of chickens identified under horizontal angle and vertical angle by our model: horizontal angle (a) and vertical angle (b).


Figure 5. Number of chickens identified under low density and moderate density by our model: low density (a) vs. moderate density (b).

Figure 7. Pecking behavior and damages in layers.

38 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare





Figure 8. Performance of YOLOv5-pecking deep learning model in pecking detection: a – pecking in a rest zone, b – pecking in a feeding zone, c – pecking in a drinking zone; d – two birds are pecking one bird (i.e., the same bird in c was pecked by the two birds at the same time). In addition, about 5400 images were collected


and used to train another deep learning model (i.e., YOLOv5m-FELB – floor egg laying behavior), which reached 90% of precision (Figure 9).


A Figure 9. The floor egg laying behaviors detected in test data using the YOLOv5s model for different hen proportions: a) individual hen detection; and b) group hens detection. 39 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare

Besides, the method could also be used to detect or scan floor eggs (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Floor egg scanning with machine vision.


SUMMARY Different machine vision or deep learning methods were developed at the University of Georgia’s poultry science department to monitor broiler and cage-free layers’ welfare and behaviors. Those findings provide references for developing precision poultry farming systems on commercial broiler and egg farms to address poultry production, welfare, and health associated issues. Dr. Lilong Chai’s projects were sponsored by USDA-NIFA, USDA ARS, Egg Industry Center, Georgia Research Alliance, UGA, Oracle, and poultry companies, etc.

Bibliography available upon request Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare DOWNLOAD THE PDF

40 aviNews International December 2023 | Machine Vision Technologies for Monitoring Poultry Welfare

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Nuproxa Technical Team


holine plays an important role in animal nutrition. Choline has four vital

functions in the organism (NRC, 1994;

Leeson and Summers, 2001):

Formation of acetylcholine,

To be part of phospholipids, a

Participate in the

which is necessary

structural component

metabolism of fatty

for the transmission

of cell wall and bone

acids in the liver.

of nerve impulses.


42 aviNews International December 2023 | Much more than just a choline replacement

Participate as a methyl group donor in the formation of methionine from homocysteine.



When birds do not receive enough

Although raw materials per se already

choline, the deficiency is manifested

provide a certain amount of choline

by reduced growth and reproductive

to the diet, the variability among raw

performance. This is most likely related

materials and within certain raw materials,

to lipid accumulation in the liver.

as well as their bioavailability, leads to routine supplementation of diets to avoid

Other more obvious effects are


abnormalities in tissue development, such as bone and cartilage deformation. Perosis (chondrodystrophy) in broilers is the classic sign of choline deficiency, which can

The most common source of choline in animal feed is chemically synthesized choline chloride (CC).

escalate to dislocated tendons. For its production, natural gas is

In laying hens, it is shown with a

reacted with methanol and ammonia

decrease in egg production and


to produce trimethylamine (TMA);

egg size, as well as hatchability. In

then, in a second reaction with

addition, as in broilers, metabolic problems due to choline deficiency are represented by fatty liver syndrome.

ethylene dioxide to form choline; and finally, the alkaline base is reacted with hydrochloric acid to produce the chloride salt (Griffith and

Nye, 1971).

Trimethylamine residues are usually declared on certificates of analysis for choline chloride and are generally accepted by the feed industry when they are less than 300 ppm. These residues are strongly associated with the typical fishy odor of the product: the more intense the odor, the higher the level of TMA found. In general, the higher the quality of the product, the lower the residues.

43 aviNews International December 2023 | Much more than just a choline replacement


In addition, the use of CC often presents other handling-related disadvantages, which are detailed below:

A HYGROSCOPICITY AND CORROSIVITY: One of the most important and at the same time most common problems in the use of choline chloride is the

EXCESSIVE CHLORIDE INTAKE: The chloride contribution of choline chloride should be considered when formulating diets because some metabolic disorders are related to excess chloride in the diets, such as metabolic acidosis, tibial dyschondroplasia and ascitic syndrome.

hygroscopicity of powder products and

The negative contribution of CC on

the corrosivity of liquid products.

total Cl- and electrolyte balance is

Due to these handling difficulties, many vitamin premix manufacturers no longer include CC in their formulations to avoid vitamin degradation, but also to avoid


lumping and compaction of the product due to the hygroscopicity of the product.

magnified by other chloride-rich ingredients, such as Lysine-HCl and common salt, leading nutritionists to replace part of the common salt with sodium bicarbonate to meet sodium levels or to add potassium carbonate to counteract excess chloride, in both cases, increasing dietary costs.

D B DEGRADATION OF VITAMINS AND PIGMENTS: Vitamins have highly variable stability values depending on storage conditions and may vary further depending on environmental conditions, especially temperature, humidity and exposure to light, and other premix ingredients, among other factors.

DOSAGE: Choline chloride can be found in the markets in different concentrations, the most common being 50 and 60% in powder and 75% in liquid. Important: these are the percentages of choline chloride concentration in the product, not the pure choline content.

Some authors have studied the

Taking into account the molecular

effect of choline chloride on vitamin

weights, approximately 25% of the CC

stability. Whitehead (2002) obtained a loss

is not pure choline but chloride content.

of vitamins between 2 and 38% per

Thus, we must deduct 25% of the

month in a premix with CC during 6

concentration to calculate the satisfaction


of nutritional requirements.

44 aviNews International December 2023 | Much more than just a choline replacement

GENERATION OF TRIMETHYLAMINE: In addition to the TMA content commonly present in the product, it is important to note that TMA is also formed along the gastrointestinal tract through fermentation of choline chloride by the microbiota, amplifying the amount of

Why use an ALTERNATIVE to SYNTHETIC CHOLINE CHLORIDE? Currently, there are natural forms of choline based on polyherbal products, such as NATU-B4 ™, which can replace 100% of choline chloride with many advantages with respect to its use in animal feed.

TMA to which supplemented animals

Polyherbal products are not hygroscopic

are exposed.

and therefore do not react with any

Studies show that up to 2/3 of the amount of CC supplied in a diet can be lost as TMA prior to absorption, reducing the efficacy of supplementation and generating potential toxicity to domestic animals. This significant loss is one of the reasons why CC doses have to be relatively high coupled with the low effective concentration of choline to meet requirements.

premix ingredient or food. Choline is in the form of phosphatidylcholine, a thermostable esterified organic form of choline, tolerating pelletizing and extrusion temperatures, without losing effectiveness and without being transformed by



intestinal microbiota into undesirable products. It has no chlorine in its composition, which is an advantage for the electrolyte balance of diets and saves formulation costs. As it contains the active metabolite of choline - phosphatidylcholine - it can be used with much lower levels of inclusion. One of the advantages of natural compounds is the higher concentration in different active substances, which allows a lower inclusion/dosage level compared to synthetic choline. Polyherbal products are not directly dependent on oil price fluctuations. As they are in their natural state, having been only dried, crushed and mixed, without using any type of chemical product in their manufacture, they can be used in organic livestock farming. 45

aviNews International December 2023 | Much more than just a choline replacement

We see that polyherbal products are a good alternative to synthetic choline chloride, but not all polyherbals are the same, we must consider the quality of these products, and for this we will look at: Verification of the mechanism of action of the product. Quality of scientific studies published with the product in different species.


Certificates and product quality controls.

To be much more than a choline replacement

For direct replacement

HOW TO CHOOSE AN ALTERNATIVE TO SYNTHETIC CHOLINE CHLORIDE With Natu-B4™ we have the opportunity to not only be a 100% natural choline chloride replacement, but thanks to nutrigenomics and transcriptomics studies, Natu-B4™ is one of the first polyherbal products to have its mode of action scientifically proven demonstrating that: It is safe, stable, and easy to handle in premixes and foods. Improves zootechnical parameters with effective doses in each specie. Activates lipid metabolism, thanks to the activation of certain enzymes

Advice by a specialized technical

of energy metabolism.


Decreases fat accumulation in the

Product sanitization to ensure

carcasses and improves lean meat

microbiological safety.

deposition in the carcasses.

Economic viability.

CONCLUSIONS In addition, it has a lower and more stable inclusion cost, as it is not directly dependent on fluctuations in the price of oil and its derivatives.

Therefore, we have seen how among the alternatives to Choline Chloride, polyherbal products, mainly Natu-B4™, besides supplying all the functions that Choline Chloride does, and demonstrate that possess other functions such as energy repartition and performance improvements, together with a much easier handling and more environmentally friendly than Choline Chloride (derived from petroleum).

Much more than just a choline replacement DOWNLOAD THE PDF

46 aviNews International December 2023 | Much more than just a choline replacement



Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondon1 and Minliang Yang2 1Prestage Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University 2Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, North Carolina State University


ustainability is at the center stage of the media and professional gatherings worldwide. Several

companies in the poultry allied industry have launched services to assess the sustainability of their clients’ production systems. They can also estimate how their products and

However, due to the novelty of sustainability analysis, its terminologies and methodologies are not widely known by the poultry industry. There are several techniques to evaluate sustainability, such as life-cycle assessment.

services might improve sustainability.

48 aviNews International December 2023 | Sustainability for the Poultry Industry


LCA Objectives

Often known as LCA or Life Cycle Analysis,

An LCA can be used for various

is an analytical approach to assess the environmental burdens of products or services over their life cycle. LCA compiles all inputs and outputs (materials and energy) from life-

objectives: Acquire environmental information and integrate the ecological knowledge.

cycle phases included in the system

Identify potentials for optimization

boundary to assess sustainability

of the environmental performance.

metrics of interest. The cradle-to-grave LCA includes analyzing the entire process from resource extraction to manufacturing, consumption, and end-of-life treatment, such as disposal.

Explore strategies to reduce the environmental impacts. Provide early-stage environmental impact results of novel products. Combine with economic analysis both environmental and economic

additive production to meat or



such as life-cycle costing to provide This means from feedstuff and feed eggs and disposal of mortality, litter, offal, and other byproducts. This methodology is described in the ISO 14040/14044 standard.

Life-cycle phases A holistic LCA approach, also called cradle-to-grave LCA, considers the entire life cycle of a product in five main phases or stages: Raw materials extraction. Product manufacturing. Distribution. Consumption. End-of-life treatment.

This means the system boundary of such LCA includes upstream, the production system, and downstream processing.

49 aviNews International December 2023 | Sustainability for the Poultry Industry

HOW IS THE LCA CONDUCTED? A standard LCA follows the ISO 14040/14044 in four steps:

Goal and Scope definition: Establishing objectives, system parameters, and scopes; What goods are analyzed and contrasted under what circumstances? Life Cycle Inventory analysis: Which resources are used? How much energy is consumed, and what emissions occur during the product’s life cycle?


Impact assessment: How are the outcomes of the Life Cycle Inventory evaluated in terms of their effects on the environment?

Some methods report mid-point indicators focusing on a single environmental problem, such as energy consumption or carbon footprint. Other methods (such as the Eco-Indicator) combine relevant environmental impacts into a single result as an end-point indicator.

The selection of mid-point or end-point indicators, suitable impact categories, and assessment methods should be based on the Goal and scope defined in the previous steps of the LCA.

Interpretation: How are the findings of the impact assessment interpreted?

IMPACT ASSESSMENT METHODS In an LCA, relevant emissions from and to soil, air, and water will be considered based on the use of energy and materials. Different life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods differ in the various impact indicators characterization, normalization, and weighting factors. The most widely used indicators are: Global warming potential (GWP) or Carbon Footprint (CF). Acidification potential (AP). Eutrophication potential (EP). Energy consumption or cumulative energy demand (CED). 50 aviNews International December 2023 | Sustainability for the Poultry Industry

Examples of LCIA methods CML2001. EDIP 1997 & EDIP 2003. Eco-Indicator 99. Ecological footprint. Ecological scarcity method (1997 & 2006 & 2013). Impact World+. Ecosystem Damage Potential (EDP). Environmental Priority Strategy


(EPS 2000).

Collecting environment-related data, particularly for upstream and downstream

Cumulative Energy Demand (CED).

compilation for inventory data is time-


consuming work when conducting an LCA.

IMPACT 2002+.

Obtaining your primary data for the production process and adopting existing


databases to cover potential data gaps is

ReCiPe 2016.


There are several LCA Software that helps to make these analyses in the poultry and feed LCA studies: Umberto. Opteinics used by BASF Animal Nutrition. Sustell licensed by DSM Animal Nutrition.

LCI database often contains Life Cycle Inventory data of a product or component and the material, energy, and emission flows. In contrast, the LCA database contains calculated environmental impact results of a product and methods for assessing the impact. Since the main cost and primary resource in poultry production is

Watson service tool used by Trouw

feed, most databases used for LCA


analyses are related to feed ingredient



processes, is exceedingly challenging. The

sources and the variability of its impact depending on crops and processing,

51 aviNews International December 2023 | Sustainability for the Poultry Industry

Some examples of reference feed databases are: Ecoinvent LCI database, developed in Switzerland, offers a background database for LCA at a global scale. As one of the market leaders in this field, ecoinvent contains more than 13’300 data sets and offers many new and updated data sets.


Currently, ecoinvent v3.9 is the latest


database of the provider. Integrated into Umberto LCA+, it contains unaggregated data so that users can dig into the process chain of a product into its subordinate units.







Eco-design + ecolabelling

Eco-design + ecolabelling

Sustainable food production

Agrifood crop

General applications

Data size

150 feed ingredients

150 food items

over 200 food items

Over 200 food items

over 18,000 activities

Geological scope





World, focus on SW and UE




Private license

Private license

Private license

Biophysic + economic

Energy/mass/ economic

Economic by default

Economic by default

Allocation (if any)

Table 1. Feed-related Inventory Databases Comparison.

52 aviNews International December 2023 | Sustainability for the Poultry Industry

Another very comprehensive database is the GFLI database. The Global Feed

Both formats include three allocation

LCA Institute launched this database

options: economic (preferred method in

on November 12th, 2020, starting a new

Feed PEFCR), mass, and energy allocation.

phase to maintain and expand a qualitative

The complete life cycle inventory analysis

database adhering to international LCA

is the final product in its aggregated form.

principles. The GFLI is an independent animal nutrition and food industry institute to develop a

Global Metrics for Sustainable Feed (GFLI) LCA database is publicly available and used

publicly available Animal Nutrition LCA database to support valuable environmental assessment of animal nutrition products and stimulate the continuous improvement

by Nutreco, CJ BIO, Kemin, DSM, ADM, Agrifirm, ANAC, AFIA, Cargill, FEFAC, IFIF, Duynie Group.

of the environmental performance in the animal nutrition and food industry.

are assessed through the ReCiPe 2016


and the Environmental Footprint

As the public becomes more aware

method using SimaPro software.

of sustainability, all food production

The system boundary depends on

systems must understand their

the product type or feed ingredient

LCA parameters to present them to

(cultivated and processed), detailed in


the process described in the file.


In the GFLI, the environmental results

We hope this short overview of the methodology to conduct an LCA helps the poultry industry better understand


the different aspects involved. The LCA analyses can also make us aware of points of inefficiency that can contribute to continuous improvement processes. In future articles, we will present examples of applying these concepts.

Sustainability for the Poultry Industry DOWNLOAD THE PDF

53 aviNews International December 2023 | Sustainability for the Poultry Industry


D.V.M. E.P.A Roberto Hidalgo Gómez, D.V.M. Gabriel Pantoja Nuñez Pecuarius Laboratorios Technical Team


his article is an updated review that addressed on the use of a commercial

water acidifier on broiler nutrition and performance, focusing on the gut health of its active components.

54 aviNews International December 2023 | Use of a water acidifier PL ORGANICS® H2O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review

The technical background of water acidifiers demonstrate improvements in digestibility, antimicrobial effects,

It is well known that one of the factors that must be controlled for birds to show their genetic potential is feed, and

stimulation of feed intake, increased live weight, improved feed conversion and reduced mortality.

having products that promote intestinal integrity is critical.

Water acidifiers are a tool that have been shown to condition the intestinal microbiota since, the intestine provides a favorable environment for the development of different germs that are transmitted orally through the ingested feed as well as other organisms that benefit the breakdown or production of nutrients.


Practical considerations underline the need to adapt the application to specific conditions, using pilot tests and constant monitoring through a monitoring plan. The positive contribution of this additive to the optimization of poultry production and profitability at a global level is highlighted.

Introduction The poultry industry plays a key role in the production of animal protein globally. Improving production efficiency and profitability in this sector is essential, so the use of additives for drinking water has gained relevance as a strategy to improve intestinal health and broiler performance.

Modern poultry farming is always in continuous improvement and searching for alternatives that counteract the negative effects of gut health challenges.

PL ORGANICS® H2O is a formulation of short-chain organic acids based on formic acid, propionic acid and ammonium formate that offers an alternative to inhibit bacterial growth, since it has greater stability and homogeneity in the drinker lines and the acidification process is more uniform within the flock.

55 aviNews International December 2023 | Use of a water acidifier PL ORGANICS® H2O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review

In addition, it promotes animal growth by guaranteeing a decrease in intestinal pH, inhibiting important pathogens such as Salmonella and Coliforms, thus favoring intestinal health and improving the absorption of nutrients from the diet in an efficient way because it improves digestive processes by stimulating gastric secretions, converting pro-enzymes to their active form, and allowing the enzymatic functionality of the intestine at an optimum pH.

This contribution improves the availability of the nutrients supplied by maintaining the balance of the intestinal flora in situations of stress in birds, such as: Transfers. Vaccinations. Intestinal diseases. Diet changes. Extreme temperature. Therapeutic support.


dn ve o pr

nt digestibili ty: utrie

Foth formic acid and acetic acid possess antimicrobial properties that reduce the pathogen load in the gastrointestinal tract and promote balanced intestinal microbiota beneficial to bird health (Molist et al., 2019).

tion of feed mula int Sti a

ke :

(Baurhoo et al., 2017).


The addition of acetic acid in drinking water has been shown to stimulate appetite in broilers, leading to higher feed intake and, therefore, increased growth and development of the birds

(Herrera et al., 2020).

56 aviNews International December 2023 | Use of a water acidifier PL ORGANICS® H2O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review


Formic acid, present in some commercial additives, has been shown to have a positive effect on nutrient digestibility by reducing the pH in the digestive tract, thus favoring enzyme activity, and improving the breakdown of fibrous components of the diet

Antimicrobial eff ec ta

gen tho pa


Nutritional benefits of broilers with mixed additives containing formic acid, acetic acid and ammonium formate

Productive performance of broilers with mixed additives containing formic acid, acetic acid, and ammonium formate Increase in live weight:

Also, the synergism of the inclusion of ammonium formate and formic acid in the drinking water (1 l/1000 l) in broilers for six weeks increased body weight (2,509 g) with respect to the control group (2,208 g). Feed intake (g) and daily weight gain (g) behaved in the same way.

Improvement in feed conversion: The inclusion of additives in the drinking water can result in a significant improvement in feed conversion, indicating a more efficient utilization of nutrients (Hassanpour et al., 2020). Similarly, treatment of drinking water with a mixture of organic acids including acetic acid during preslaughter feed restriction in broilers decreased body weight losses (128 ± 57 g) when compared to the control group (176 ± 45 g) (Meconi et

al., 2014).

Reduced mortality: Administration of these additives in water has been shown to reduce the incidence of intestinal diseases, resulting in a lower mortality rate compared to untreated groups

(Józefiak et al., 2018).


Recent studies by González et al., (2018), report an increase of up to 7% in live weight of broilers treated with these additives compared to the control group.

Reduction of intestinal pathogens: Water acidification using a combination of formic acid, acetic acid, ammonium formate and copper sulfate (1 l/1000 l) reduced the quantification of E. coli in duodenal contents (1,228 CFU/g) with respect to the group that consumed untreated water (2,868 CFU/g)

(Obando, 2018). Similarly, Adhikari et al., (2020) demonstrated that the addition of a formic acid mixture with sodium formate in orally challenged chickens with Salmonella typhimurium linearly decreased colony forming units per gram (CFU/g) in contrast to the untreated control group when analyzed from cecal content samples at day 9, 24 and 38 of treatment.

57 aviNews International December 2023 | Use of a water acidifier PL ORGANICS® H2O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review

Clinical treatment support: In a study conducted in Brazil, the effect of using a drinking water additive containing formic acid, acetic acid, and ammonium formate on the intestinal health of broilers was evaluated.


The results of the study showed that broilers that received the additive had a lower incidence of diarrhea and a higher number of beneficial bacteria in the small intestine.

Use of a water acidifier PL ORGANICS® H2O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review


Practical considerations for the use of PL ORGANICS H2O and application recommendations Different evaluations show that PL ORGANICS® H2O favors feed conversion of growing broilers when consuming water with pH 4.0-4.5 which is related to an improvement in intestinal stimulation while, it has also shown to inhibit important pathogens such as Salmonella and water sanitation indicators such as total and fecal coliforms by promoting an adequate intestinal microbiota.

Both cases presume efficient nutrient availability through digestive stimulation by acidic gastric secretions, promoting the conversion of pro-enzymes to their active form and allowing digestive enzymes to work at optimum pH.

The inclusion of PL ORGANICS® H2O to the drinking water presents nutritional benefits and improves broiler production performance. The variability between farms and flocks highlights the importance of adjusting dosages and timing of application in a specific manner. Proper implementation of these additives can contribute to optimizing poultry production and improving overall profitability.

58 aviNews International December 2023 | Use of a water acidifier PL ORGANICS® H2O for nutritional utilization in broilers: an updated review

PL ORGANICS H 2O Your trusted acidifying additive Decreases the PH of water

Acidifies the digestive system

Reduction of production costs

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(food and medication)

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Presentations: 1, 5, 20, 200 and 1000 liters jar.

The most reliable brand in animal health www.pecuarius.com | Contact: plexport@pecuarius.com


By Ad Bal

Culling day-old chicks is getting less and less accepted in the modern world. After all, the awareness of animal welfare is gaining ground, particularly in Europe. However, new technology is available now to determine gender in the egg during incubation. No future dreaming anymore, but reality. And practiced in Germany and The Netherlands already.

60 aviNews International December 2023 | In-ovo sexing is reality

common practice of culling day-old male chicks from layer breeds. After sexing, chicks end up in two batches: males and females. The latter will be raised to start their life as commercial layers. The males are culled, either by gassing or shredding and usually end up in alternative value chains, like being fed to zoo animals, processed in petfood, or biogas production.

Regrettably there was no other solution, despite sometimes massive public protest. Raising males for meat production is an option.

Also in European countries, like France and Italy, legislation has been defined already, and legislation in other countries is to be expected soon. After all, Europe was also in the forefront of the ban on conventional cages for layers, which came into practice in 2012. Fair chance that an EU wide ban on culling day-old chicks in the not too far away future, will also become reality.


Everyone knows about the current and still

Particularly this is good news for hatcheries of layer breeds in Germany, as culling day-old chicks is officially prohibited in this country since January 1, 2022.

But as these birds have been bred specifically for the layer sector, they gain less weight and need a lot of feed because they are very active. So raising them for meat production is only a niche solution.

But good news! New techniques have come into practice, such as the high tech respeggt method, making it possible to end this practice. As a result, male chicks will not hatch from the egg and thus they will not suffer either.

Image 1. Eggs arrive from hatcheries and are incubated in setters in the respeggt facility

61 aviNews International December 2023 | In-ovo sexing is reality

“A hatchery must have ample volume to make this technology within reach”, says Chief Operating Officer Carmen Uphoff of the respeggt group in Germany.

“Apart from the investment in the equipment, also ample room is needed inside the hatchery for logistics and storage capacity. Not every layer hatchery has this space available. Report

However, missing space does never have to be a reason not to install this technology. Additional space can easily be realized by using container housing.”

Image 3. In the candling device, the position of the air chamber and blood vessels is determined In order to make in-ovo sexing accessible, the respeggt group created a common facility, centrally located in the village of Barneveld in The Netherlands. Hatching eggs from various layer hatcheries in the country are taken here and incubated. Onwards, between day 8 to 11 of incubation, they are taken from the setters to the respeggt in-ovo sexing machine. This is well in time before an embryo is starting to experience pain. From scientific research it has been concluded that an embryo doesn’t experience pain, prior to day 13 of incubation.

Image 2. At day 8-11 of incubation, the eggs are transferred onto the respeggt machine

62 aviNews International December 2023 | In-ovo sexing is reality

Image 4. A laser beam punches a 0.3 mm hole through the eggshell

The respeggt technology consists of three

The candling unit precisely determines


whether there is an embryo in


2 The Lab (for analysis). 3 The sorter (for sorting the hatching eggs).

The entire process must not take too long, otherwise the eggs are cooling down too

development inside the egg and if so, where blood vessels and the air chamber are located.

Depending on these data and the positioning of the egg in the cup, a laser beam will onwards punch a hole of only 0.3 mm through the eggshell.

much. Logically this means that also the

Next, by means of vacuum suction, a

temperature inside the respeggt room

minuscule drop of fluid is taken out of

should not be too low. A robot arm on the Circuit transfers the eggs from the trays and places these into individual positions / cups on a kind of carrousel belt. Software exactly registers which egg is in which cup. Firstly the eggs pass through an electronic candling device. This device replaces candling which normally is done in a regular layer hatchery.

Image 5. A robot arm obtains a small drip of fluid from the eggz

the egg through this hole and put in a small tube. This tube is positioned in a small plastic tray, which corresponds through a barcode with the position of the eggs


1 The so called Circuit extraction

on the tray from which these were transferred into the machine from the setter. The barcode also corresponds with the eggs from which the fluid was taken. This prevents errors and thus safeguards accuracy of the system.

Image 6. After collection of the egg fluid, the hole in each egg is closed with wax

63 aviNews International December 2023 | In-ovo sexing is reality

Image 7. A barcode on the small tray with samples precisely refers to each individual egg After taking the egg fluid from the eggs, the minuscule hole in each eggshell is closed again by putting wax on it. Next, the eggs are taken

Image 8 and 9. The trays with samples are sealed and taken to the seleggt test lab

from the carrousel and transferred back on trays again. These trays are kept in trolleys in the incubator until the result of the laboratory analysis is available. Report

Once the samples have been collected, the small plastic trays are taken for in-ovo sexing to the Lab, located adjacent to the hatchery.

Here, additional fluids are added to the sample from the hatching eggs. All this happens within well plates. Then, through current PCR technology, the DNA of the embryos is determined. Data from the PCR analysis are available in about one hour and are then visible on a computer screen.

Image 10 and 11. Through PCR testing, the DNA of the embryos is determined

Clearly the gender of each egg is displayed: males colour blue, females pink. Eggs without an embryo, most likely infertile, colour blank.

“Accuracy of the in-ovo sexing accounts 99 percent”, says Carmen Uphoff. “This is a very satisfying figure, most likely even more precise than from manual sexing.”

64 aviNews International December 2023 | In-ovo sexing is reality

Image 12 and 13. The result of PCR testing is displayed on a computer screen

Once the gender has been determined, the eggs are taken from the trays and transferred into the Sorter. Based on the results of the PCR analysis, the eggs with a female chick embryo will then be sorted out, put on trays and stamped with the female symbol and originated from. Here they will further be incubated and hatch.

The eggs with a male embryo will be taken to a nearby situated animal feed processor. This company is specialized in processing unfertilized eggs from hatcheries and cracked table eggs into valuable ingredients for the pet food industry.

Image 15. Eggs with a hen embryo inside are stamped with the female symbol The Barneveld facility currently delivers about 5 million “female eggs” annually, obtained from about 12 million eggs. This is one equipment set (Circuit, Lab and Sorter). For large size commercial egg producers who raise large flocks, this might be a limiting factor, since in this stage in-ovo sexing does not yet handles large volumes. The more sets a hatchery orders

The “male” eggs from respeggt will

however, the higher the capacity of

fit well to this procedure.

course. Hatcheries benefit from this new

As mentioned, a chick embryo does not suffer from pain until day 13 of incubation. So this will also meet the criteria from an animal welfare point of view.


taken back to the hatchery where they

technology, as they can charge a higher price per female chick. Next to the Barneveld facility, respeggt technology has been installed in another hatchery in The Netherlands, and an existing hatchery in Germany (Lohmann Germany). Also technology in a Norwegian hatchery is about to be installed.

Image 14. Based on the gender determination, through the sorter the eggs are put in the setter trays again and taken back to the hatcheries to be further incubated

It is clear that this new respeggt technology is a major step forward and certainly has paved the way for further development. No more science fiction, but reality! In-ovo sexing is reality DOWNLOAD THE PDF

65 aviNews International December 2023 | In-ovo sexing is reality


ZUCAMI Technical Team


REEN START is an innovative model designed to address the challenges faced by poultry farmers during the rearing phase in aviaries.

The main objective of this system is to achieve optimal results in terms of flock uniformity, low mortality and an excellent feed intake/bird weight conversion ratio, all in a healthy environment for the pullets.

In addition, GREEN START is designed to facilitate the management of birds in the different stages of the breeding and rearing process.

66 aviNews International December 2023 | Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START

One of the distinguishing features of our GREEN START model is its focus on training future layers to achieve outstanding production results during lay.

In the same way, the chicks raised in GREEN START receive adequate training to be able to orient themselves naturally in the laying aviary.

One of the notable advantages of GREEN START is its durability.

This model has been created to have a long useful life and has been designed with elements of excellent quality and solidity. The materials used in its construction guarantee the resistance and stability necessary to withstand continuous use and the conditions typical of a poultry environment.


The design of the system has been conceived in such a way as to provide the birds with the ideal surface and elements to develop all their abilities and have a good start in the production stage.

Convenience and ease of use are also notable features of GREEN START.

The system is designed to allow complete visualization of the chicks throughout the breeding and rearing stage, making it easy to monitor and track their development. Likewise, it has 3 levels of living areas adapted to the specific needs of each phase of the breeding and rearing cycle.

67 aviNews International December 2023 | Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START

This ensures a comfortable and safe environment for the birds, promoting their well-being and healthy growth. In this sense, the adaptability and mobility of birds are also key aspects in the design of GREEN START. From day one, the chicks are free to roam within the system, allowing them to explore their environment and develop their natural abilities.


This contributes to more balanced growth and healthier behavior of the birds.

Another significant advantage of GREEN START is its quick assembly system and easy access.

Poultry farmers can assemble the system easily and quickly, saving time and effort. At the same time, easy access to the system makes cleaning, maintenance and bird handling easier.

The results obtained with GREEN START are exceptional.

68 aviNews International December 2023 | Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START

The system allows for flexible group configuration, facilitating proper vaccination, control and management of birds.

The system has been proven to offer excellent levels of batch uniformity, which is essential for efficient and profitable production.

Poultry farmers have the ability to efficiently organize and manage pullets according to their specific needs, which contributes to optimizing the production and well-being of the birds.

Additionally, a low mortality rate and high productivity have been observed in birds raised with GREEN START. These positive results are the fruit of careful design and the implementation of appropriate management practices.

69 aviNews International December 2023 | Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START


The versatility of GREEN START is another highlight.

CONCLUSIONS In summary, GREEN START is an innovative and comprehensive model that addresses the challenges of breeding and rearing in aviaries.


Its design, durability, comfort, adaptability, excellent results and versatility make this system an ideal choice for poultry farmers looking for:

Maximize uniformity

Achieve high productivity in your poultry flocks

Minimize mortality

With GREEN START, poultry farmers can be confident that they are providing their chicks with a healthy and optimal environment for their development and performance at the laying stage. Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START


70 aviNews International December 2023 | Obtain the best results during breeding in an efficient, easy and safe way with GREEN START

New generation of Zucami aviaries AVIARY VISION







Edgar O. Oviedo Rondón1 , Anneliese Mueller2 and Bettina Behler-Wöchtl3 1Prestage Department Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA 2DSM firmenich, Getzersdorf, Austria 3DSM-firmenich, Getzersdorf, Austria


ycotoxin evaluation is frequent in feed mills for grain sources like corn, wheat, and barley or products like peanuts and cottonseed. However, soybean meal, the most common protein source in feed for all animal species, needs more attention in this critical quality aspect. 72 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals

Several studies have indicated that soybean meal appears to be less susceptible to mycotoxin contamination than most grains. However, significant differences can be observed in contamination with mycotoxins among sources of soybean meal.

Previous reports have indicated that the main mycotoxins eventually observed in soybean meals can be:

Fumonisins (FUM) Zearalenone (ZEN)

Deoxynivalenol (DON)

Aflatoxins (Afla)

Ochratoxins (OTA)

Trichothecenes (T2) Global evaluations of samples are necessary

some variability per region. That effect

since soybean meals have considerable trade

should be clarified to determine if

worldwide. Relevant differences in nutrient

contamination relates with:

and processing quality have been reported


However, several publications suggest

among countries of origin.

The location where samples were

The data reported here also indicate


differences among sources of soybean

The origin of production and manage

meal on mycotoxin contamination.

risks according to these factors.

DESCRIPTION OF THIS WORLDWIDE MYCOTOXIN SURVEY The data on mycotoxin levels in soybean meal presented in this article are part of the dsm-firmenich World Mycotoxin Survey. The increasing sample size over the

Starting in 2004, it is the longest-

years gives detailed insights into the

running and most comprehensive

incidence of the six major mycotoxins

data set on mycotoxin occurrence and allows studying variation in mycotoxin

in the agricultural commodities used for

occurrence worldwide.

livestock feed.

Dsm-firmenich offers mycotoxin

This information aids in identifying the

analysis to customers as a service to identify mycotoxin risk in their raw commodities and final feeds.

potential risks posed to livestock animal production per region or in imported feed ingredients.

73 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals

METHODS USED Most results included in the survey are obtained using methods like ELISA, HPLC, or state-of the art LC-MS/MS-based multimycotoxin methods. Samples that tested positive for one of the main mycotoxins are also presented as the percentage of contaminated samples. The average and median of positives are calculated in ppb of all positively tested samples. The maximum levels are also described. Such high levels are seldom observed, but still, they occur and underline the Nutrition

importance of testing for mycotoxin occurrence.

SOYBEAN MEAL PRODUCING COUNTRIES China, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, and India are leading soybean meal producers. The 27 European Union countries may produce more soybean meal together than India, but not as individual countries. Considering the production volume and the data in the dsm-firmenich World Mycotoxin Survey that can track the origin of the soybean meal, we looked at the results of soybean meal samples from China, USA, Brazil, Argentina, and India analyzed from June 2022 to June 2023.

74 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals

The results of this study are summarized in the following Table and the

The most significant number of samples evaluated were from Argentina and Brazil, and the lowest was from India.

prevalence of each mycotoxin per

Variability in the number of samples

country in the Figures.

per country corresponds to all samples received from each origin for mycotoxin

The contamination levels of all soybean samples worldwide are always lower than reported in grains, confirming what scientific papers have indicated. However, they are present in this feedstuff and may occasionally

screening this year. The most frequent mycotoxins observed were ZEN, FUM, and DON. They indicated contamination with Fusarium molds is the most common in soybean meals worldwide.

contribute to total feed contamination. It is evident the differences among soybean meal-producing countries on types of mycotoxins and levels of contamination observed

75 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals




100% 80% 60%


40% 20%













Graphic 1. Prevalence of mycotoxins detected in soybean meal samples from China

In China (Graphic 1), Argentina

(Graphic 4), and India (Graphic 5), 86% or 82% of the samples were positive for ZEN; however, in India, 97% of the samples analyzed were positive for OTA and 92% positive for T2 (Graphic 5).



100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 5%




42% 12%



5% T2

14% FUM


Graphic 2. Prevalence of mycotoxins detected in soybean meal samples from the United States United States soybean meal (Graphic 2) had

Aflatoxins were the second most common

the lowest percentage of samples positive

mycotoxin observed in Argentinian soybean

for ZEN (28%) among all five countries

meals, with 63% of the 1,459 samples

studied and the lowest average and median

evaluated being positive (919 samples).

concentration (17 and 15 ppb) or maximum level (38 ppb) of ZEN.

However, contamination levels were around 2-3 ppb in Argentinian

In all other countries, the ZEN levels

soybeans, and similar levels

observed were almost three times (2.3

were observed in the

to 3.6) higher. The highest levels of ZEN

Chinese and Indian soybean

(Table 1) were observed in samples from

meals, with 29 and 26% of the

Argentina and Brazil (1000 and 809 ppb).

samples positive for Afla.

76 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals



A few samples from Brazil (13 out of 673) and the USA (2 out of 43) had Afla

80% 60% 40% 20%


2% Afla

of Afla in Brazilian samples was

meal were positive for OTA (Graphic 3), indicating low or no contamination with Penicillium molds in these samples. No T2 was observed in the Chinese


No samples of Brazilian soybean


80% 60% 40% 20%

82% 47%

63% 19%

0% Afla

samples (Graphic 1), but 46% (26 out of 56) were positive for DON.



samples reached a median of outliers and hard to observe again.



Graphic 3. Prevalence of mycotoxins detected in soybean meal samples from Brazil

4 ppb. In comparison, the two USA 45 ppb, which could be considered




However, the median concentration




(Graphics 3 and 2).









Graphic 4. Prevalence of mycotoxins detected in soybean meal samples from Argentina


100% 80% 60% 40%





26% 0%



8% DON

13% T2



Graphic 5. Prevalence of mycotoxins detected in soybean meal samples from India aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals


The United States soybean meals positive for mycotoxins generally had the lowest average and median concentrations of DON, T2, FUM, and OTA observed worldwide (Table 1). Using only the median values of positive samples, the US soybean meal had 7.1 to 17.6 times less DON, 2.8 to 4.4 times less T2, 6.6 to 23.4 times less FUM, and 2.0 to 18.0 times less OTA than other countries. China and the USA soybean meals had similar number of samples positive for FUM (Graphics 1 and 2) and similar median concentrations (Table 1).












Number of samples







Average of positives (ppb)






Median of positives (ppb)






Maximum (ppb)














Number of samples







Average of positives (ppb)







Median of positives (ppb)







Maximum (ppb)














Number of samples







Average of positives (ppb)






Median of positives (ppb)






Maximum (ppb)






78 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals









Number of samples







Average of positives (ppb)







Median of positives (ppb)







Maximum (ppb)














Number of samples







Average of positives (ppb)







Median of positives (ppb)







Maximum (ppb)










Table 1. Results of the dsm-firmenich World Mycotoxin Survey in soybean meal samples collected from June 2022 to June 2023 and classified by country of origin.

CONCLUSION Based on the median concentration of these mycotoxins and the number of positive samples within the survey, the United States soybean meal is currently the safest source to avoid multi-mycotoxin contamination. However, monitoring mycotoxins in

Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals

all soybean meals every year is always


mycotoxins may occur due to annual

advisable because concentrations of weather fluctuations.

79 aviNews International December 2023 | Mycotoxin levels in soybean meals




Biozyme Technical Team


unique strain of Aspergillus oryzae proves exceptional in developing fermentation products that promote resilience.

80 aviNews International December 2023 | Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry

Centuries ago, an organism paved the way for culinary staples in japanese culture like miso, soy sauce and sake.

Aspergillus oryzae (AO), the filamentous fungal microorganism in question, has since been integral in the brewing, distilling and baking industries. With a long history of widespread use in the food sector, its safety is supported by the World Health


Organization, and is classified as substance by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration.

While most modern animal


a “Generally Recognized as Safe”

feed additives are derived from single-cell organisms like yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), animal health and nutrition company BioZyme® Inc. has harnessed the

Now, this adaptive organism is revolutionizing the laying hen market with its unique applications in animal feed additives.

power of the multi-cellular AO fungus to develop and produce products that precisely, affordably and sustainably address challenges in animal agriculture.

The AO fungus’ large 37-megabase genome contains 12,074 genes, nearly 30% more than other Aspergilli species and about twice as many genes as yeast. Its genetic diversity and adaptability make it an exceptional option for fermentation.

81 aviNews International December 2023 | Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry

Members of the Aspergillus genus are distinct from other microbes since they utilize both a primary and secondary metabolic system. AO’s primary metabolism receives energy through contact with energy sources, where it secretes enzymes that degrade the proteins and peptide bonds within the starch and convert them into amino acids and sugars for

Secondary metabolites produced during the fermentation of AO can be bioactive, as BioZyme has documented through extensive mechanistic research. As a result, AO acts as a “biofactory” to create novel and efficacious feed additives for animals and has been at the center of BioZyme’s biotechnology for more than 70 years.



The generally dormant secondary metabolism allows AO to produce unique secondary metabolites. These metabolites also grant it the ability


to modify itself according to the current environment by increasing or decreasing fitness for optimum metabolic efficiency.

In 1968, BioZyme founder Larry Ehlert purchased a patent for a direct-fed

This ensures that AO can adapt to

microbial produced

a wide range of environments.

from AO – then an unheard-of application in the industry.

82 aviNews International December 2023 | Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry

The fermentation product, now marketed as AO-Biotics Amaferm®, is a research-proven prebiotic that enhances digestibility in a range of species, with more than 175 published journal articles, theses, abstracts and controlled field trials supporting its effectiveness.

Produced using patent pending technology, the first-of-its-kind AO postbiotic that improves egg quality and productive life span.


BioZyme’s AO fermentation expertise has since been brought to market through its brand, AO-Biotics® — an innovative line of feed additives. In addition to the multi-species prebiotic Amaferm, the line now proudly offers a postbiotic developed specifically for laying hens: AO-Biotics EQE® (Egg Quality Enhancer).

As global egg consumption increases, AO-Biotics EQE helps producers overcome production challenges by allowing laying hens to produce high-quality eggs for longer periods of time.

83 aviNews International December 2023 | Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry

Various field trials involving more than 400,000 laying hens indicate the inclusion of AO-Biotics EQE in the diet results in, on average: 3% more sellable eggs laid per hen. 3% more egg production. 2% more egg mass. 24% reduction in flock mortality.


Utilizing its unique AO strain, BioZyme’s innovative feed additives like AO-Biotics EQE are proving effective in improving production quality and efficiency for the global food animal sector.

Photo 1. AO photo cutline: BioZyme® Inc.’s unique strain of Aspergillus oryzae (AO) results from the controlled fermentation of AO using a proprietary process — a specific strain, specialized growth media, controlled growth and harvest process and post-fermentation conditioning.

AO-Biotics products are currently a variety of distribution partners.

Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry

Visit www.aobiotics.com to learn


available in 42 countries through


84 aviNews International December 2023 | Multicellular Superpowers: How a Fungal Postbiotic is Revolutionizing the Laying Industry



Get more sellable eggs, egg mass and productive life span. Built on BioZyme’s 70 years of Aspergillus oryzae (AO) fermentation expertise, AO-Biotics EQE® is the first-and-only AO postbiotic developed specifically for layers. We are AO experts. We are Anything but Ordinary. TM

Made in the USA. Not available in all countries.

Care that comes full circle. BioZymeInc.com



Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón Prestage Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University

PRECISION NUTRITION In times of high market volatility, precision nutrition gets special attention. One of the main aspects of precision nutrition is to improve the information needed for decisionmaking, planning, and optimization.

Feedstuff and feed costs drive a significant portion of production costs.

Variability in feedstuff nutrient content is a crucial factor to control when attempting to reduce feed costs, improve feed quality, and optimize animal performance and company profitability results.

86 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?

A logical and relatively easy way to reduce variability is to segregate ingredients by origin, provider, or quality. Then, nutritionists should cluster feedstuff descriptive information according to more relevant factors to have more uniform products for the mix. We should also manage them separately until feed batching.

This practice could be a challenge

Treating key feedstuffs as average ingredients or commodities instead of differentiated products could cause overestimation or underestimation of their nutrient and energy values.

in logistics, personnel, and business management. The implementation may require diverse feed bins or silos to store

Amy Moss et al. (2021) calculated that

These difficulties in feed manufacturing

overestimating the nutrient content

limit the number of groups we can have

of feedstuffs could result in broiler

for every feedstuff.

performance reduction and a 63%


ingredients of diverse origins.

reduction in gross margin. This equates to a loss of up to $6.3 million However, recognizing the differences in nutrient composition, energy value, and quality will make the feed formulation more precise and minimize feed costs

US dollars for every 10 million broilers. Consequently, proper sampling methods of all feed ingredients are needed to estimate their nutrient and energy value.

if the feedstuff selected has a good nutrient quality and energy value. Segregating by origin mitigates risks of producing feed that does not meet the expected specifications.

87 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?

SOYBEAN MEAL VALUE The most expensive components in chicken diets are energy and protein or amino acids. Soybean meal (SBM) is the most important source of amino acids in poultry diets worldwide. The SBM also provides between 20 and 30% of the metabolizable energy (ME) in most poultry diets.

A recent economic evaluation by Pope et

Consequently, accurate estimation of

al. (2023) quantified the value of SBM in

the amino acid and caloric value of

poultry and swine diets affected by their

this ingredient is critical for precise

nutrient content. Their data was obtained

feed formulation.

using five SBM CP contents (44, 45, 46, 47, and 48%).


They calculated ME, amino acid The SBM market prices are frequently determined based on trading rules specifying minimum crude protein (CP) content.

content, and digestibility values with linear regressions or standardized equations for those five levels of CP concentration.

However, it is essential to consider that the dietary value depends on many other nutritional and processing quality factors, and it is almost impossible to segregate SBM only by CP content in a feed mill.

This group concluded that increasing SBM CP content by 1% increases the relative SBM value by $12.62 per metric ton (MT) in poultry diets.

88 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?

The relative SBM economic value ($/MT) was estimated in this study based on the changes in the nutritional properties of the SBM (amino acids and energy). The 48.0% CP concentration (3.05% total lysine) was assumed to be the base SBM to compare the other SBM with diverse CP concentrations. The price of 48.0% CP was $358 per MT. The equation below summarizes the calculation of the relative value of SBM.

The group led by Micah Pope used those SBM in broiler grower and finisher diets and in one layer diet to obtain these values. The relative value of the SBM also increased as the CP increased (Graphic 1).

Relative value of SBM ($/MT) = Base SBM price ($/MT) – [TDC test – TDC Base)/ SBM test x 1000]

where “TDC” is the total diet cost ($/MT), assuming the inclusion of the specified SBM, and “SBM” is the amount of SBM





100 50


ne Lys i 1% 3,0



i Lys




Lys ine

44,0%CP 45,0%CP 46,0%CP 47,0%CP 48,0%CP

ne Lys i 1% 3,0

Lys ine 4% 2,9








8% Lys ine

44,0%CP 45,0%CP 46,0%CP 47,0%CP 48,0%CP Lys ine



8% Lys ine






Lys ine

















Relative SBM value, U.S. Dollars per metric ton




Relative SBM value, U.S. Dollars per metric ton

included in the diet (kg/MT).


The data showed that the 48.0% CP SBM (3.01% total lysine) has a premium of US$ 49 in broiler diets and US$ 52 in layer diets per MT over 44.0% CP (2.75% total lysine). It was also noted that the relative value of SBM was similar across both poultry groups.

Graphic 1. Relative soybean meal value in poultry diets, US dollars per metric ton by crude protein (CP) and total lysine (%). Source: Pope et al. (2023).

89 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?

SOYBEAN MEALS VARY BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN The SBM are traded globally, and the major SBM producers are the USA, Brazil, Argentina, and India. SBM can vary due to

The USA meals had more sucrose

numerous factors, including seed variety,

and stachyose but less raffinose.

agronomic and harvesting conditions,

Per unit of protein, Lys, Met,

soybean processing, and storage.

Thr, and Cys concentration

Several studies have been conducted in the past 20 years to determine which factors are more relevant in

were greater for the USA and Argentinian meals than for the Brazilian and Indian meals.

SBM variability. There is clear evidence that SBM varies by country of soybean origin. This could be related to the latitude, solar radiation, and Nutrition

prevalent weather during plant growth. Consequently, this could be the main factor for SBM segregation in feed mills that receive feedstuffs from diverse countries of origin or a factor for decision-making in selecting

NIRS TO ESTIMATE NUTRIENT CONTENT AND ENERGY VALUE All those scientific studies have been conducted with selected SBM samples and analyses conducted in multiple laboratories.

providers during purchasing.

The information from 18 published studies with a total of 1944 SBM samples was summarized in a meta-analysis by Ibáñez et al. (2020). This data indicates that: The origin of the beans has consistent and significant effects on most of the chemical variables of the corresponding SBM. The Brazilian SBM had more CP, neutral detergent fiber, raffinose, and iron but less sucrose, stachyose, and potassium than the USA or the Argentinian SBM.

Consequently, there is variability among labs and sampling times for each analysis. One tool that can minimize this inter and intra-laboratory variability is the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Calibration curves have been developed to estimate with NIRS spectra the proximate analysis, amino acid content, and other nutrients.

90 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?

In a collaboration study with Adisseo, we explored their NIRS database of 77,621 SBM samples evaluated between 2018 and 2021 from Argentina, Brazil, and the USA.

Most of these developments have been conducted by commercial companies. Adisseo developed the Precise Nutritional Evaluation (PNE) service based on NIRS

Results indicated that SBM varied by country of origin, and there was variability due to harvest year. In general, and across years, Brazilian SBM had the highest CP (Graphic 2), fat, and CF values but the lowest AME and AMEn (Graphic 3).

technology. The calibration curves to determine apparent AME and AME corrected by nitrogen (AMEn) and the digestibility coefficients of all essential amino acids

The USA SBM had the highest AME and AMEn and had intermediate values on CP, fat, ash, and CF.

are based on in vivo data, and are obtained with a direct calibration.

Brazilian SBM had the highest Lys, Val, Ile, Leu, Phe, and His values. Argentinian SBM had the highest sulfur AA, Thr, and Trp contents but the lowest Lys, Val, Ile, Leu, Phe, His, and Arg values.

In this case, the same sample used to produce NIRS spectra can generate multiple This PNE system has been used worldwide for several years; consequently, a large dataset was available.

Brazilian SBM had the highest Lys and Ile digestibility, intermediate digestibility for sulfur AA, Trp, Val, and Phe, and the lowest digestibility for Thr, Leu, His, and Arg. Argentinian SBM had the lowest dig of Lys.


Crude protein (%)


46,0 de



45,8 45,4





bc d


e g



AMEn (kcal/kg) corrected by nitrogen







The USA SBM had the highest digestibility of all amino acids (Graphic 4) except for Lys, Leu, His, and Arg.

parameters influencing nutritional quality.



2,353 2,339



2,310 2,260




45,0 44,8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Argentina


United States

Graphic 2. Crude protein (%) content of soybean meals produced in Argentina, Brazil, and the United States between 2018 and 2021.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Argentina Brazil United States

Graphic 3. Content of apparent metabolizable energy corrected by nitrogen (AMEn) of soybean meals produced in Argentina, Brazil, and the United States between 2018 and 2021.

91 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?

Amino acids

Arg His


Phe Leu Ile Val Trp Thr






The feed costs indicated that formulating

United States Brazil Argentina

Cys A Met A B Lys C 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 Coefficients (%) of standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids

THE VALUE OF SEGREGATING SOYBEAN MEALS BY ORIGIN with USA SBM could make broiler and layer diets cheaper than diets including Argentinian and Brazil SBM. The differences in feed costs relative to the feed with the inclusion of USA SBM are presented in Table 1.



Graphic 4. Average coefficients of standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids of soybean meals produced in Argentina, Brazil, and the USA between 2018 and 2021. These variations in nutrient and energy

Using the same formula used by Pope

et al. (2023), we estimated the relative SBM values (Table 2) of Argentinian and Brazilian SBM compared to USA SBM in two years. The results indicate lower relative SBM values for Argentinian and Brazilian SBM.

values seem to be minor. But, when they are included in the feed ingredient matrix in a least-cost formulation software, creating one SBM for each country of origin, our

The USA SBM will have a premium of US$

results indicate significant differences in

17.77 to US$ 32.45 per MT over the SBM

feed costs.

produced in Argentina and Brazil when used in broiler and layer diets.

We used the average proximate data, amino acid and energy content, and digestibility coefficients observed by PNE in the SBM produced in Argentina, Brazil, and the USA in 2020 and 2021.

Broiler starter, grower, and finisher diets and four table-egg layer diets were formulated to meet genetic line recommendations. All diets were formulated to have similar nutrient content within each phase, using the same ingredients and only changing the SBM by country of origin. The price used for all SBM was 511 US$/MT and for corn US$ 236.22, with all other feed ingredients at the high prices observed in the past eight months.

92 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?





Brown layers

White layers



































































Country of origin for SBM










Brown layers

White layers



















































Country of origin for SBM







Table 1. Relative difference in feed cost of diets including SBM produced in Argentina, Brazil, and the USA in 2020 and 2021. The base of comparison was the USA SBM at US$ 511/MT

Table 2. Relative soybean meal (SBM) value ($/MT) in poultry diets of SBM produced in Argentina and Brazil compared to the USA SBM (US$ 511/MT) in 2020 and 2021.

This information confirms that SBM

Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation? DOWNLOAD THE PDF

should be segregated by origin, and those minor variations in nutrient and energy contents can considerably affect feed costs. This is vital during periods of volatile markets. Additionally, segregation can enhance the probability of meeting diet specifications and obtaining the desired poultry performance results.

93 aviNews International December 2023 | Why should we segregate soybean meals by origin in poultry feed formulation?




By Kelen Zavarize, Technical Services Manager for Latin America South.


ou’re cooking dinner—chicken again. You open a package of chicken breasts, and what do you expect to see? Plump,

pink chicken that is untarnished in any way. Any deviation not only ruins dinner but may also ruin your trust in the market where you bought the meat or the producer’s name on the packaging.

94 aviNews International December 2023 | Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key

It’s critical that the food system provide a consistent experience to consumers each time they open a package of chicken breast for dinner. Due to the rapid growth of modern broilers, they are susceptible to several meat and carcass quality issues,

Woody breast


Each of these abnormalities is scored in a rating system based on severity from 0-3 (none-severe).

Significantly impacts meat texture and taste, affecting consumer acceptance. These meat and carcass quality issues

White striping

bird’s life. Connective tissue creates white “stripes” of variable thickness across the breast muscle, affecting meat quality.

At the farm level, the incidence of foot pad dermatitis may require increased labor expenses needed to maintain clean, dry bedding to result in higher-quality meat. For slaughterhouses, the presence

Spaghetti meat

of these issues can call into question the carcass and breast A term for a muscular abnormality affecting the integrity of the muscle,

meat yield, skin integrity, bruising, or even broken bones of the birds.

leaving a stringy, soft consistency due to the poor cohesion of muscular fibers.

95 aviNews International December 2023 | Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key


can be caused at all stages of the

Although meat quality issues may

One strategy poultry producers can

affect meat appearance, they do

implement to avoid these issues is to

not pose any food safety risks to

reduce broiler growth rate through

consumers. However, they can

dietary restrictions that decrease some

still significantly impact producer


profitability. Heavier birds with rapid growth seem to be more prone to these meat and carcass

Exogenous antioxidants have been

quality issues.

successfully tested and shown to

A hypothesis of why this is the case is that broilers with a higher rate

This approach supports the

of muscle growth have increased

use of highly bioavailable

metabolic and circulatory demands,

trace minerals such as copper,

leading to the accumulation of

manganese, and zinc.

more metabolic waste products like oxidative free radicals.


help reduce these myopathies.

In an organic form, these trace minerals also help in the regeneration process, if damage occurs.

Increased oxidative stress damages the DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids in muscle cells, resulting in inflammation and degeneration of the birds’ muscle fibers.

Several studies indicate that highly bioavailable trace minerals in the form of bis-chelates can help reduce broiler breast tissue challenges by up to 50%.

96 aviNews International December 2023 | Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key

A trial at the University of Pretoria in South Africa2 found that a strategy replacing inorganic mineral sources with reduced levels of organic trace minerals (as MINTREX® Bis-Chelated Trace Minerals from NOVUS) helped support meat quality and footpad health while allowing heavy

In the study, birds fed bis-chelated

The results suggest bis-chelated

copper, manganese and zinc showed

trace minerals can be recommended

a significant improvement in footpad

for optimal tissue integrity, as well

health, resulting in more saleable paws

as improved footpad health and

when compared to those fed inorganic

intestine strength.


broilers to maintain growth and feed efficiency.

mineral sources. For more information on incorporating bis-chelated trace minerals into broiler diets, visit novusint.com. The trial also showed the greatest final mean body weight at 35 days of age, while maintaining a similar feed conversion ratio.


These results show that levels of inorganic copper, manganese, and zinc at 8 mg/kg, 32 mg/kg, and 32mg/kg respectively are insufficient for maintaining high carcass yields and low carcass condemnations in broiler production.

97 aviNews International December 2023 | Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key

About Novus

And we are Novus International. We

Helping animals reach their full

local knowledge to develop advanced

potential since 1991.

We are a smart nutrition company.

combine global scientific research with and innovative technology that helps protein producers achieve better results. NOVUS is privately owned by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. Headquartered in Chesterfield, Missouri, USA, and serves the livestock industry

Smart nutrition is a novel


combination of experienced people, insightful perspectives and smarter solutions that allow us to put more into everything we create. Nutrition

More science. More information. More inspiration. More benefits that generate more for producers. That's smart nutrition.

Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key


98 aviNews International December 2023 | Broiler Meat and Carcass Quality: Mineral Nutrition is Key

WE KNOW WHAT YOU’RE MADE OF. Every day, the world asks poultry producers to do more. More growth. More efficiency. And every day, you’ve just got more to do. More challenges to overcome. More products that promise to do more… but don’t. That’s why you can rely on NOVUS for intelligent nutrition solutions that are made of more. NOVUS delivers advanced technology, rooted in scientific research, designed to help your birds reach their full potential. Together, we can show the world that you’re made of more. NOVUSINT.COM INFO@NOVUSINT.COM • 1-800-568-0088

® is a trademark of Novus International, Inc., and is registered in the United States and other countries. TM Made of More is a trademark of Novus International, Inc. ©2024 Novus International, Inc. All rights reserved.



José Guilherme Morschel Barbosa, Agri Sats International Broiler Director Edgar O. Oviedo Rondon, North Carolina State University

The market scenarios for poultry and pork producer companies in the feedstuff market have been challenging in recent years.

Significant price volatility occurred in central grainproducing countries such as Brazil and the United States.

100 aviNews International December 2023 | Variability of feed prices in the Americas

A similar pattern was observed with

This adverse condition impacted those

soybean meal (Graphic 2).

countries that import most of their main feed


region, including Ecuador, Chile, Peru, and


Soybean meal average cost ($/Ton)

ingredients, such as Mexico and the Andes Colombia. Some ingredient price data collected by Agri Stats in the Americas from 2017 through 2023 will be discussed.


550 500 450 400 350 300 250

July 2023, this cereal reached a value of US$

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Graphic 2. Average soybean meal price from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas.

250 per ton (Graphic 1).

Source: Agri Stats

In six years, the cost of this protein source increased by US$ 200 per ton. In 2017, the value was US$ 311; by July 2023, it reached a historic value of US$ 511. For the importer countries in the region, soybean meal arrived at their feed mills for $600 per ton.

Andes Mexico

Brasil USA

300 250 200 150 100 2017


2019 2020 2021 2022


Graphic 1. Average corn price from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas. Source: Agri Stats

During the years of record prices for soybean meal, soybean oil also recorded its highest value in 2022 in this six-year series. Producers’ response was to reduce this ingredient’s consumption and use more full-fat soybeans in feed formulation.

The increment of $100 over six years increased the cost of live chicken by 11 cents per kilogram for Brazilian companies. The effect was worse in those Latin-American countries depending on importation, where 17% additional cost was observed. 101 aviNews International December 2023 | Variability of feed prices in the Americas


Corn average cost ($/Ton)


Andes Mexico


In 2017, a ton of corn costed US$150, but by


Brasil USA

FEED COSTS In 2017, broiler feed costs were around US$ 250 per ton; by July 2023, it had reached US$ 400


in Brazil and the United States (Graphic 3). For countries that import raw materials, feed in 2017 went from US$ 300 to $500 per ton, not counting the costs of manufacturing and delivering feed,

conducted by Agri Stats demonstrated

which added up to 20 dollars per ton. 550


Average feed cost ($/Ton)


Brasil USA

In recent years, the data analyses more significant use of crystalline amino acids, such as valine and isoleucine, in

Andes Mexico

broiler diets, mainly in companies outside


Brazil and the United States.


The expansion of the inclusion of amino acids in these countries was forced due to higher feed ingredient prices compared to Brazil and the United States.

350 300 250 200 150 100 2017


2019 2020




Graphic 3. Average broiler feed prices from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas Source: Agri Stats

In addition to minimizing the high cost of protein sources and meeting the nutritional needs of animals, companies also sought to meet the ideal protein concept and obtain better performance.

Several factors contributed to feed ingredient prices in recent years: Increased production costs of inputs. Inflationary scenarios. Climate changes that impacted grain harvests. The COVID-19 pandemic. Soaring sea freight rates. Higher oil costs. The war between Russia and Ukraine. And the change in production dynamics affected by the African swine fever in China and South East Asia.

102 aviNews International December 2023 | Variability of feed prices in the Americas

There was a reduction in the average crude protein in broiler feeds and an increase in the inclusion rate of the three main amino acids: Lysine. Methionine. Threonine.

Finally, threonine, with a 98% product

concentration, cost US$ 1,300 per ton, and in

concentration, cost US$1,950 per ton in 2017,

2022, its price reached more than US$ 2,500

and in 2022, it reached its maximum value of

in the Brazilian market (Graphic 4).

US$2,652 per ton (Graphic 6).


Andes Mexico

Brasil USA

2300 2100 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100


Brasil USA

Andes Mexico

2000 1500 1000 500

900 2017


2019 2020 2021 2022


Graphic 4. Average lysine (78% equivalent) prices from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas.








Graphic 6. Average threonine prices from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas. Source: Agri Stats

Source: Agri Stats

It is interesting to note that the price

Methionine, with a 100% product

evolution for the three main amino acids for

concentration, began the historical series

broiler chickens had the same behavior in the

with prices of US$ 2,700 per ton, and its

four different regions analyzed: Brazil, the

maximum value was US$3,400 in the United

United States, the Andes Region, and Mexico.

States (Graphic 5). 4000 Average cost of methionine 100% equivalent ($/ton)



The results observed demonstrated the need to monitor the movement of micro-

Brasil USA

ingredients, mainly amino acids, which are

Andes Mexico

not commodities but are priced globally in dollars and are imported.

3000 2500 2000 1500 2017


2019 2020

Graphic 5. Average methionine (100% equivalent) prices from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas.




Therefore, poultry and swine companies changed their purchasing behavior by searching for other suppliers on the market and working with more flexible purchase contract times for these amino acids.

103 aviNews International December 2023 | Variability of feed prices in the Americas



Average cost of threonine ($/ton)

Average cost of lysine 78% equivalent ($/ton)

In 2017, lysine, with a 78% product


This mineral doubled in price from 2017

Average cost of phosphate ($/ton)

to 2022 in all regions analyzed in this Another critical component of broiler

competitive benchmarking study. Agri

diets that can be highlighted is the cost of

Stats also analyzed that companies made

phosphate (Graphic 7).

greater use of enzymes and enzyme

1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200

blends, mainly phytase, even in the Brasil USA

use of phosphorus and minimize the high nutritional cost of the formulations. Animal nutritionists in the Americas had to develop strategies that minimized their high formulation costs, as the negotiating margin when purchasing inputs became tight in recent years.



concept of superdose, to promote greater

Andes Mexico


2019 2020




Greater optimization of nutritional

Graphic 7. Average phosphate prices from 2017 to 2023 in four regions in the Americas.

levels for broiler chickens, spending on

Source: Agri Stats


For additional information of Broiler and Swine international markets, please contact José Guilherme at gmorschel@agristats.com

Additionally, changes in the amount of feed offered in each feeding phase of the broiler’s life have become critical approaches in the competitiveness of the feed cost formulas.

additives and extra ingredients in the

Variability of feed prices in the Americas DOWNLOAD THE PDF

104 aviNews International December 2023 | Variability of feed prices in the Americas

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