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Lcf / Amnesty International

1. AUDREY AGUINALDO Working as a retail sales manager at Vogue House as well as studying in her first year on the BA(Hons) Fashion Journalism course, Audrey tells us about the creation of her unique but simple T-shirt design.

Lcf / Amnesty International

What does amnesty international mean to you? Amnest y International means a lot to me as they are one organisation that covers and tackles a whole range of issues we have today from ‘womens rights’ to ‘children and war’. They have been around for such a long time and are still working and growing as an organisation to ensure ever y human being is able to live according to their rights. - - I cant imagine how much more suf fering there will be without them.

What aspect of amnesty made you come up with the idea of your amnesty t shirt design? Instead of focusing on one aspect of Amnest y. I wanted a design that will cover the definition of Amnest y. as a whole. Hence my idea of ‘Key to Freedom’. Wether it is womens rights, childrens rights, unfair imprisonment etc. Also I wanted to think about the t’shir t on a retail side of things. As the design is a generic design, it will be able to be sold continuously and not be ‘out of st yle’.

Describe the process of designing the t shirt? when designing the t-shir t, I began brainstorming words that was associated with Amnest y International, this way I can begin visualising a design against these ‘words’. As the word ‘freedom’ came up a number of time (freedom for children, freedom for women etc) I wanted to focus on this word. I began thinking of the word freedom and thought of images to represent this. such as a lock and key, handcuf fs, gates etc. In the end I focused on the ‘key’ and worked around the idea of ‘key to freedom’. To incorporate Amnest y International in the design - - I designed the key with the initials A.I (which can be seen if you look at the key sideways. Also as the key is a ‘victorian key’ I had added the ‘barbwire’ at the end of the key which can be found on the Amnest y International candle Logo.

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“The Key Freedom”

Do you see sustainability playing a big role in the future of fashion? For the future, I dont see sustainabilit y playing such a big role in the future of fashion, as fashion today is ver y ‘fast fashioned’. especially with the high street. If there is any sustainabilit y in any design, that’s when you know that item/design will become a ‘classic’. It will last, and will continually be current, no mat ter how ‘old’ the item will be.

Would you see yourself designing products for amnesty in the future to raise awareness of the organisation? If the oppor tunit y was to arise, i will definitely consider it.

Lcf / Amnesty International


Lcf / Amnesty International

2 “Freedom of Expression” Faye wilson designed this t- shir t for Amnest y based on this description. She used a female face in four dif ferent sections depicting expressions, all of which are about the uncapabilit y of not being able to express. My response to this was to use a female in the image having her mouth covered with tape to represent the fact she cannot speak, this then causes strain for her which is why the use of mascara demonstrates the fact she’s upset and in pain.

Many individuals face harassment and imprisonment due to them exercising their rights to express themselves. Ever yone is equal, and ever yone has the right to seek, receive and communicate information and ideas without fear or inter ference.

This right is impor tant for the personal development and dignit y of ever y individual and is vital for the fulfilment of other human rights. “Freedom of expression” has always been a core par t of Amnest y International’s work and is closely linked to the right to hold opinions and the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Amnest y International has campaigned on behalf of thousands of prisoners of conscience – people who are imprisoned be cause of their political, religious or other conscientiously held beliefs, ethnic origin, sex, colour, language, national or social origin, economic status, bir th, sexual orientation or other status.

Lcf / Amnesty International





Did you consider any aspects of sustainability when designing the t-shirt? Yes, In the future I would like to tell the peo ple of Nor th Korea what is happening or has happened in their countr y and remind them about how impor tant human rights are. I believe that there should be equal rights for ever yone no mat ter who you are. Do you see sustainability playing a big role in the future of fashion?


Lcf / Amnesty International

Yes. Actually, fashion can tell people what is the most popular in the present. Sustainibilit y is of great significance for the future of fashion, this means that fashion can always continue for a long time, so i can definitely see it having a major impact in the fashion industr y.

Longqiang Lin is an international first year student studying on an International Preparation for Fashion course majoring in menswear design. What does amnesty international mean to you? Personally, I first knew Amnest y International from my second term project. We were each asked to design some fashion products for amnest y international, it could be a T-shir t print, poster or accessories. We then research this organisation thoroughly to get to know the campaign bet ter. For me, it is a nonprofit and a public organisation, they fight for the human rights all over the world. What they have done is for the people who have not got the equal treatment from the government. So, because of this, I will tr y my best to suppor t them. What aspect of amnesty made you come up with the idea of your amnesty t shirt design? Amnest y international always use some interesting campaigns to emphasise the impor tance of human rights. They also have an international focus on the human rights in Nor th Korea. So I wanted to design the t shir t to show a clear connection to the human rights of Nor th Korea. Describe the process of designing the t-shirt? Firstly, I mapped out my ideas and researched Nor th Korea, I then came up with the words “Freedom of Movement”. When I thought about the deeper meaning of ‘movement’, I came up with an idea of bound hands and legs to rep resent the poor movement rights in Nor th Korea. It was clear that you could only throw of f the yoke of bondage, this would then mean that the people of Nor th Korea can get the right of freedom and movement.

Would you see yourself designing products for amnesty in the future to raise awareness of the organisation? I hope by designing products, I can raise awareness for the organisation in the future. I would like to play a small role in the fighting for human rights campaigns, and I also would love to see my design have an impact in its role in amnest y.

Modelled by: Joe Rowley and Zoe Turner Styled by: Annalea Ku

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