We recruit. We build. We coach.
+41 22 737 14 44 GENEVA -SINGAPORE
About us Our innovative methods will help improve your performance
Thanks to our network of partners and specialist agencies, Ampersand World can support you within a global arena in Singapore.
Helping you get ahead Working alongside people that put their trust in us, whether clients or candidates, our task consists of seeking out new talent, improving the performance of individuals already in employment, and developing a hot house of knowledge and skills for the trading world, which, more than any other industry, is in constant evolution. With a team entirely dedicated to the trading sector, a powerful network and international partners, Ampersand World is ideally positioned to become your ultimate ‘talent scout’.
Who we are
A demanding environment
Strategically positioned
The world of trading is undeniably
It is not by chance that Ampersand
thrilling, and is for many a dream
World chose to operate out of Sin-
sector; careers can take off quickly,
gapore: here we have a central in-
skills are recognised and the best
ternational position and can offer a
players can rapidly make their way to the top. With this unique environment comes a strict set of selection criteria. Knowledge of the profession, speed, performance,
global reach, thanks to our partners. Recognised as one of the prime cities in asia for commodities trading, and for oil in particular, Singapore
rigour and excellence are the rule
is home to most of the key players
of thumb. One must be able to per-
in trading, trade finance and ship-
manently adapt to new situations, to
ping, and welcomes new companies
think quickly, to follow a fast-paced
almost daily. Singapore is the pulse
rythm, to be in the right place, at the
of the world’s commodities industry
right time.
in Asia-pacific.
A team of experts passionate about career building, with commodity trading backgrounds Trained in profiling, coaching and personal development, perfectly familiar with the most effective interview techniques An active business partner who can help you reach your commodity business goals Skilled at using web 2.0 in an innovative and relevant manner
Singapore 2012 I
Our core services THE TALENT HUB
The Talent Hub is designed to offer you global support with talent development for individual candidates or companies. We assist you with career management through recruitment, training and events, in close collaboration with the world of trading.
At Ampersand World, finding and managing talent is far from being a walk in the park - but frankly, we would not have it any other way. Our quest is akin to the journey of life, full of energy, in constant motion, with ups and downs, intersecting with the paths of others –and during which we never cease to progress.
A team of experts empowering and developing individuals, teams and organizations to reach peak performance and business success.
One of the ways in which we brings The Talent Hub to life is by organising a range of events directly linked to the world of trading; these include conferences, forums, business breakfasts and after-work parties, to which the majority of our clients, partners are regularly invited.
TRAINING TRADE LAB During a professional career, training has thus become not only essential for personal improvement and advancement but remains a great alternative for those who wish to develop or acquire new levels of know-how in the sector of trading.
Why us
A series of training workshops focused on:
COMMODITY TRADING Physical commodity trading, shipping and trade finance.
CAREER BOOSTER Leadership training, personal effectiveness, interpersonal communication, time management, stress management.
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Singapore 2012 I
Ampersand World SA +41 22 737 14 44 GENEVA - SINGAPORE
We recruit. We build. We coach.