2024 Retallack Resort Sublet Guide

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New for 2024 Host Away with

Guarantee Booking Value

Your guide to letting in 2024

No increase charges for 2024

Peace of mind Content Care Package | Your own dedicated Hosting Team

Welcome to your letting guide Taking you through everything you need to know about subletting your holiday home with us.

Our 2024 sublet agreement is a complete holiday management package, covering accommodation cleans, maintenance checks, advertising, reservations and the full check in procedure. In short, we take all the responsibility for managing guests and remove the hassle for you managing your Holiday Home.


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Your dedicated hosting team

Page 5

What we’ll take care of

Page 6 & 7

2024 Content Care Package

Page 8 - 11

No hidden charges

Page 12 & 13

How do I sign up?

Page 14 & 15


Page 16 & 17

Terms and Conditions


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New look dedicated Hosting Team Our Hosting Team pride themselves in doing their utmost to support you along your subletting journey. The team will walk you through the whole process and be available during your time subletting to answer any questions you may have, whilst assisting you with: • Getting your holiday home signed up and

available to sublet

• Informing you of any repairs • Organising gas, electric and fire safety tests

• Informing you of the grade of your holiday home • Agreeing and changing dates

• Ensuring we provide the best experience to

our Holidaymakers and owners

• Checking availability

You can reach the team with any queries on: retallack.sublet@awayresorts.co.uk or call 01637 882400

What we’ll take care of... Sit back, relax, let us do the hard work.


Away Resorts Managed Letting Scheme

Over £4m is spent on marketing every year to ensure we obtain bookings for your holiday home A dedicated team to support you and any queries you may have

Check-in all guests

Handle all pre and post arrival communication for the guests

Clean your holiday home after every booking and for your return to park Mini deep cleans of your holiday home as and when required throughout the year* Hot tub maintenance and management during sublet period Replace any broken, lost, or stolen inventory from the Away Resorts inventory list* Linen will be provided with beds made up for you upon arrival for the weeks you return to your holiday home – free of charge for owner back bookings

*Based on minimum number of weeks given.


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Peace of mind Content Care Package TIER 1 Free peace of mind Content Care Package To qualify for this incentive, sign up by the 31st January 2024 and provide 10 of the 13 peak weeks.

So, what is our peace of mind Content Care Package? The New Content Care Package give you peace of mind whilst your Holiday Home is on the Away Resorts letting agreement. What is covered

What is not covered

• Fixtures & Fittings, Locks & Keys, Internal Décor,

• Loss of income

Replacement of Damaged Mattress*, Repair or Replacement of Small Electrical Items*, Soft Furnishings*, Floor Coverings*, Missing Inventory Items as per Standard Inventory list, Carpet & Upholstery Cleans. • At the start of a new sublet agreement Owners

accounts will be charged for three sets of keys. Thereafter any replacements will be covered by the repair plan.

• Wear & Tear, Items that are not part of the standard

inventory, any damage to External Doors & Windows, External Panels, Decking or External Furniture, Large electrical items including fridges, freezers, fridge freezers, and ovens.. Please check with your Contents Insurance provider that you are covered for these.

If you wish to benefit from the Content Care Package; please complete your letting application form with the required dates to qualify and tick the Content Care Package option. If you remove dates throughout the year which brings you below the require weeks a charge of £499 will be applied to your account. If, however you decide that you do not wish to be covered by the Content Care Package then all necessary repairs and replacements will be invoiced direct to you the owner.

*U p to the value of £250, anything over this amount you would claim through your insurance provider and Away Resorts will cover the policy excess charge up to £250.


Examples of what is and isn't covered by the Care Plan if accidents and missing inventory are found following an Away Resorts Holiday Guest departure.

Carpet with a red wine stain. Firstly, we would try to remove the stain but if unsuccessful we would either replace under the Repair Plan Scheme or pay the first £250 towards the excess on your insurance.

Boiler is showing an error code/Dishwasher is leaking. This is a chargeable repair as this could happen when either you or a holiday guest are in the holiday home.

The double bed leg is broken. This will be covered by the Repair Plan Scheme as this would be classed as accidental damage.

Fridge/Television/Washing Machines etc have stopped working with no damage caused. This would be classed as wear and tear and therefore chargeable to the owner.

*U p to the value of £250, anything over this amount you would claim through your insurance provider and Away Resorts will cover the policy excess charge up to £250.


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No hidden charges Letting income from holidaymaker What will be deducted from the amount received from holiday guest: Marketing & administration^

25% + VAT ^Charged to the Gross tariff letting income.


Housekeeping changeover (Cleaning & Linen)

1 Bedroom

2 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

4 Bedrooms

6 Bedrooms






+ VAT per booking

+ VAT per booking

+ VAT per booking

+ VAT per booking

+ VAT per booking

Holiday home with hot tub if applicable


£17 + VAT per night Equals

= Owner receives whichever is greater The actual return after costs based on the tariff Away Resorts achieved, of a minimum of 30% return after costs or a minimum of £100 return after cost per booking. Please turn over to the next page to see example. The income you receive from subletting your holiday home is taxable income. It is your responsibility to ensure you report your tax liabilities to HMRC via self-assessment. You should obtain advice from a tax specialist if necessary.


Safety checks to be carried out prior to letting: ITEM



Gas Safety Test Annually

A must have annual check for all owners with proof required. If your gas certificate expires whilst on the sublet programme, we will arrange for the annual test to be completed and the cost will be added to your account


Electrical Safety Test Every 5 years

All Holiday Homes must have a valid ECIR test certificate. If the certification expires whilst on the sublet programme we will arrange for this to be completed with the cost be added to your account.


Fire extinguisher check

A must have annual check for all owners with proof required


Smoke Alarm & Carbon Monoxide Detector

A must have annual check for all owners

Price available on request

Other considerations: General house keeping Carpet Cleans or Upholstery Cleans Inclusive of Deep Clean

May be required prior to letting. Includes items such as carpet clean or upholstery clean

Price available on request

Retallack Inventory Pack

To meet our requirements you must have an Away Resorts Inventory pack supplied by our dedicated supplier

If you have not purchased this already, prices available on request

Three sets of keys

To be given to our team on park prior to letting

Price on request

Contents insurance

Contents insurance that covers any accidental damage along with adequate Public Liability Insurance

To be received prior to the commencement of letting

Inventory and TV’s

Should any unfortunate damage occur, or anything get stolen we will replace these items and charge you accordingly^

If applicable these will be covered by Repair Plan up to £250

Minor essential repairs

Minor repairs will be fixed, and you will be charged accordingly. This includes, but is not limited to, carpet cleaning, door handle replacements, and light bulbs

If any damage occurs or anything is stolen we will replace and charge you accordingly. If applicable these will be covered by repair plan up to £250

All changes are subject to VAT @20%


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Example ƉƉĞŶĚŝdž ϭ͗ tŽƌŬĞĚ džĂŵƉůĞƐ ƚŽ ƐŚŽǁ ŚŽǁ ƚŚĞ 'ƵĂƌĂŶƚĞĞ DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ŽŽŬŝŶŐ ǀĂůƵĞ ǁŽƌŬƐ ŝŶ ƉƌĂĐƚŝĐĞ 'ƌŽƐƐ ϯ ĞĚƌŽŽŵ ;ǁŝƚŚ ŚŽƚ ƚƵďͿ s d EĞƚ ZĞƚƵƌŶ ĂĨƚĞƌ ĐŽƐƚƐ ŝƐ ǁĞůů ĂďŽǀĞ ϯϬй EŝŐŚƚƐ ϯ 'ƌŽƐƐ ŝŶĐŽŵĞ ϳϱϬ ϭϮϱ ϲϮϱ ϮϮϱ ϯϴ ϭϴϴ ^ĂŵĞ ĂƐ ϮϬϮϯ Ϯϱй ƉůƵƐ s d ϯϬй ϭϲϮ Ϯϳ ϭϯϱ ^ĂŵĞ ĂƐ ϮϬϮϯ ϲϭ ϭϬ ϱϭ ^ĂŵĞ ĂƐ ϮϬϮϯ ;άϭϳ н s dͿ ϰϰϴ ϳϱ ϯϳϰ ϯϬϮ ϱϬ ϮϱϮ ϰϬй KǁŶĞƌ ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞƐ ŐƌĞĂƚĞƌ ŽĨ ĂĐƚƵĂů ƌĞƚƵƌŶ Žƌ͗ DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ƉĞƌ ŬŝŶŐ ϭϬϬ ĂĨƚĞƌ ĐŽƐƚƐ Kƌ ϯϬй ƌĞƚƵƌŶ ĂĨƚĞƌ ĐŽƐƚ ϮϮϱ /Ŷ ƚŚŝƐ ĞdžĂŵƉůĞ ƚŚĞ ŽǁŶĞƌ ǁŽƵůĚ ŐĞƚ͗ ϯϬϮ ƌĞƚƵƌŶ ĂĨƚĞƌ ĐŽƐƚ ; ƐŽ ŶŽ ŐŽŽĚǁŝů ƚŽƉͲƵƉͿ

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How do I sign up? STEP 1 Arrange a meeting & ask away

STEP 2 Checks & inventory

Call or email us on: 01637 882400, retallack.sublet@awayresorts.co.uk to arrange a meeting. We will answer any of your questions to see if subletting is right for you.

Once you’ve decided the subletting scheme is right for you, we’ll make sure your holiday home has all the relevant checks, and appropriate fire extinguishers , smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms.

We’re glad to welcome you back You can expect to find: Your holiday home clean & sanitised Beds made up with fresh clean linen Inventory checked & topped up* *Changes may apply

Don’t forget...

Book your activities & swimming sessions online via Sportsbooker

*Changes may apply


Before letting your holiday home, please ensure you remove all of your personal belongings, our team will go through this with you. Failure to do so may result in your holiday home not being let. We will not accept any responsibility for any items removed whilst on let.

STEP 3 Inspection & acceptance

STEP 5 When you visit & when you leave

Your holiday home must be up to Away Resorts letting standards prior to being accepted on the managed letting scheme and the Content Care Package.

Always leave your holiday home clean and tidy after you stay ready for the next holidaymakers. We do ask that you vacate your holiday home by 10am to allow us to do our relevant checks. Upon your return, you’ll be welcomed back with a card detailing your holiday home has been cleaned, sanitised, and beds made up, along with any other notes.

STEP 4 Dates & paperwork Decide the dates you want for yourselves, and the ones you want to let your holiday home through Away Resorts, fill out the sublet forms and return these to your park team.

Arrival times Your Holiday Home will be made available from 4pm when returning for your own use.


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FAQs What if I need to change my dates?

How do I know if my holiday home is occupied?

We always aim to honour the dates our owners wish to stay in their holiday home. All you need to do is request the changes in writing by emailing: retallack.sublet@awayresorts.co.uk, we will then check availability and confirm back to you in writing. Please give us six weeks notice so we can move any guest bookings. Please note that in busy periods this may not be possible as we may not have any holiday homes to move them to and you would lose any income. If the dates requested are not available, we will look for alternative options to best suit you.

You can call or email us to check if your holiday home is occupied or free for you to use. Although we can advise if your holiday home has future bookings, these are always subject to the possibility of change.

Whilst we would love to communicate what bookings you have and on what dates, we can also never guarantee those bookings, due to external factors such as COVID and issues beyond Away Resorts control and holidaymaker cancellation, amendments and upgrades. What if I wish to withdraw from the Managed Letting Scheme? No problem at all! If for any reason you wish to withdraw from the scheme, a minimum notice period of six weeks is required, this allows us time to rebook our guests into an alternative holiday home. Will pets be allowed in my holiday home? Unless you state otherwise on the Letting Agreement Form, pets (especially dogs) are allowed in all grades of holiday home at Away Resorts. Please note, that if you do have a dog, you MUST tick that pets are allowed. When will I receive my payment? You will receive a monthly statement showing earnings that will be credited to your designated bank account at the end of the following month. The balance will be paid less any outstanding invoices at time of payment.

Will my holiday home be heavily discounted with late deals? We operate a live booking system and from time to time operate discount codes and promotions, however, it is also in our interest to maximise your potential income.

Can I leave personal belongings in my holiday home? We ask you remove all your personal belongings from your holiday home whilst on the sublet programme. We do also request that you do not use a lock box within your holiday home, all items must be removed. Failure to do so may result in your holiday home not being let.

What is provided for holiday guests staying in my holiday home? When you decide to sublet your holiday home through us, you will need a Retallack Inventory Pack which will have been part of your holiday home purchase. If not, then we will provide the correct inventory subject to the minimum 10 peak weeks provided for the 3 year period or alternatively you can purchase this from us, prices are available on request. Your Away Resorts guests will also be provided with linen and beds made up on arrival. What do I need to do when I leave my holiday home before a sublet?

How do I know how much income I will receive from subletting my holiday home?

We ask that your depart your holiday home by 10am ensuring you remove all personal belongings, strip the beds and leave your holiday home clean and tidy.

This is all dependent on the weeks you give, the grade of your holiday home, the demand of the market and many other factors.

If a full changeover clean is required you will be charge accordingly at the standard cleaning rate for the number of bedrooms for your accommodation.


Can you provide linen for me when I return to my holiday home?

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

Linen will be provided, with beds already made up for you upon arrival for your own weeks. Towels are included.

We have a dedicated team to support any queries you have who will be more than happy to help, please email retallack.sublet@awayresorts.co.uk

Can you provide linen for me when I return to my holiday home?

Should the park have to close for any reason, what will happen to the bookings for my holiday home?

Linen will be provided, with beds already made up for you upon arrival for your own weeks. Towels are included.

All bookings that are cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances will be subject to our booking terms and conditions. Where possible, we will always attempt to move the date, subject to availability, or offer a refund. Income is not guaranteed or protected.

Do you take a damage deposit? No, we do not take a damage deposit from Away Resorts guests. We must accept that the majority of our guests are honest and genuine people but occasionally breakages and damages do happen. Signing up to our Content Care Package will cover most breakages and damage caused. As your sublet agreement states, you are required to have insurance in place, and we advise you also have cover to include sublet damage. There may be occasions where you will need to claim on your insurance for some form of damage or loss. If a guest causes any malicious damage, then we would report this to the police as a criminal matter.


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Terms and Conditions Owners Part 1/ We can only deal directly with the registered owner of the holiday home. 2/ All holiday homes must be up to Away Resorts Letting standards, prior to being accepted on the managed letting scheme and the Content Care Package. 3/ As Away Resorts is the acting agent for the owner, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the holiday home is adequately insured against loss, damage and third-party liability.

11/ If after your owner back dates your holiday home needs a fully changeover clean, you will be charged accordingly with the number of bedrooms of your holiday home. Owners are required to leave their holiday home in a clean and maintained for our team to prepare for the next guest arrival. 12/ I am aware that the sublet income is used to offset any charges that are applied to my owners account, any income over and above will be credited to my selected bank account.

Away Resorts’ Part

4/ You are required to equip your holiday home with a Retallack Inventory Pack for one and half times the number it will sleep. For full details, please see the holiday home Retallack Inventory Pack form included in this guide. Your Sublet Coordinator can help with queries and arrange for you to purchase inventory packs from us if required.

1/ Advertising and marketing across multiple platforms.

5/ All owners should have yearly gas and 5 yearly EICR unless the electrician has confirmed otherwise. The appliances will be inspected in accordance with Away Resorts guidelines which are available at Owner Services.

4/ Being accepted onto the Away Resorts Managed Scheme is at the discretion of the Sublet Coordinator and Guest Experience Manager, and their decision is final.

6/ Keys – the resort needs to be in procession of 3 sets of keys prior to letting and replaced free of charge if covered by the Content Care Package, otherwise a charge will be made to the owner if keys are lost by guests.

6/ Clean the holiday home between lettings.

7/ Owners dates – for alterations to owner dates, please contact your Sublet Coordinator to check availability of your holiday home. If your holiday home is vacant, we will be happy to then reserve it for your own use, six weeks notice is required. We will however not cancel any bookings in order to make your Holiday Home available for your use. 8/ Please make sure if you are private letting (Not permitted on leasehold properties) and subletting that you check your dates. Should your holiday home not be available, due to an error on your behalf, we may charge you the cost of the holiday. 9/ You continue to comply with your contracts and Resort Rules. 10/ All personal belongings must be removed from the Holiday Home prior to the commencement of letting. Failure to do so will result in your holiday home being withdrawn from the Away Resorts letting Scheme.


2/ Website with live 24hr online booking facility. 3/ All correspondence with holidaymakers and general administration of all bookings.

5/ Collect all letting income on behalf of the holiday home owner.

7/ Replace any letting inventory, equipment and breakages. 8/ We reserve the right to carry out all repairs and replacements to maintain the holiday home to the letting standard required and any damages to your holiday home will be charged to owners’ account, unless you are covered by the Content Care Package. If not we reserve the rights to complete repairs up to the value of £250 plus VAT without giving you prior notification. We will arrange for gas and electrical appliances to be inspected each year and maintain them to the standard required. Electrical appliances will be repaired or replaced if necessary, at the owner’s expense. 9/ Monthly statements. We send you, the owner, a statement showing a breakdown of lettings for the month in the form of a Statement of Account. 10/ Our marketing, administration and cleaning fees set out in this document are subject to VAT. Minimum return per booking is based upon either a 30% return or a £100 per booking

11/ All bookings that are affected due to a reason out of our control will be subject to our booking terms and conditions. Where possible we will always attempt to move the date subject to availability or offer a refund. Income is not guaranteed or protected. 12/ Following the deduction of all necessary discounts. our handling fee, the managed Letting Scheme charges and any other incurred for letting your holiday home, and outstanding invoices, all letting income earned will be credited to your nominated account at the end of the following calendar month. 13.1/ Repairs: Prior to being accepted on the Content Care Package, all items and repairs identified by the park needing any attention must be completed prior to the commencement of letting. Any cost related to this will be the owners responsibility. 13.2/ If an Away Resort guest damages the holiday home we will carry out the repair. If you are covered by the Content Care Package this will be completed free of charge up to the value of £250, otherwise this will be chargeable to the owner. 13.3/ We will endeavour to match replacement items with existing styles or patterns but this cannot be guaranteed and we reserve the right to substitute as necessary. 13.4/ The Content Care Package is optional and only valid for the 2024 season unless you have opted for the 2 year agreement.. Cover only applies during periods of letting through Away Resort. The Park team will check for damage when cleaning the Holiday Home after the Away Resorts guest has departed. The content care package cover does not cover damage to the fabric of the Holiday Home, such as external panels, exterior doors, windows or decking. You should claim against your Holiday Home Insurance for these items. Normal wear and tear is not covered and is the owners responsibility. 14/ Termination. We may terminate this agreement at anytime if you fail to comply with it, or breach any of its items including the payment of services charges, easement or ground rent.

December 2023

Call 01637 882 400 | Retallack.holidayhomes@awayresorts.co.uk Retallack Resort, Winnard’s Perch, St Columb Major, nr. Padstow TR9 6DE

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