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Aditya Wiratama Architectural Workbook [Selected Works]

Photograph by : Aditya wiratama



“ The idea is my own and I have copied from nothing ” Frank Lloyd Wright

Hi, I’m very passionate about Architecture. When I was a child I read my Father’s Architectural books many times. I studied Architecture formally in the Tenth of November Institute of Technology. After I graduated I decided to work in Hijjas kasturi associates Malaysia, then I returned back to my country to work in URBANE indonesia, which is a leadingarchitecture firm pioneered by the current mayor of the City of Bandung. Now, I wish to continue my journey abroad before finally building my own Architectural firm in my hometown, Surabaya.

Table of contents. 01. Resume

02. Selected works

03. Other projects

01 Resume. ADITYA WIRATAMA Graduate Architect 4 years experience as an Architect

| Personal Information Nationality Date of birth Sex Mobile Email

Indonesia November 26, 1990 Male

+62822 82 22 23 24

| Professional Skills 1

Auto CAD









| Language skills

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


| Publications, Honors and Awards.


Architectural Photograph



Architectural theory books

2011 1st prize winner of Tunjungan market competition

2011 Top 50 arbbi design awards

2016 1st prize winner, homestay "nusantara" competition in Borobudur held by Indonesia Ministry of Tourism

2016 1st prize winner, homestay "nusantara" competition in Kota tua Jakarta held by Indonesia Ministry of Tourism

2016 2nd prize winner, "Gedung wayang orang" Solo held by City Government of Solo

2017 1st prize winner, “Resto nusantara” competition in Borobudur held by Indonesia Ministry of Tourism

| Education background 2008-2012 Tenth of november Institute of technology, undergraduate student of Architecture

| Work experiences 2009-2012 Founder, Architect Tatamatra design studio

2013 Intern Architect Hijjas kasturi associates, Sdn. Malaysia

2013-present Founder, furniture designer Ikidami Indonesia

2013-present Architect PT. URBANE indonesia

2009-2010 staff general secretary HIMA Sthapati Architecture ITS (architecture student organization ) 2009-2010 staff, department of external relations HIMA Sthapati Architecture ITS 2009-2010


Chairman, department of external relations HIMA Sthapati Architecture ITS

2009-2010 Staff, Department of internal relations BELM-FTSP ITS (Faculty student organization)

2008-2012 Member BPR V East Java (Community of Architecture student in East Java)

2010-2011 Chairman Forsiga (Community of Architectural photographer)

2008-present Member Kami Arsitek Jengki (Community of "jengki" Architecture enthusiasm)

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

| Comittee and organization experiences.

02 Selected works.





a house.

dago village.

gnomon urip.

maritim tower.





Al-rajhi mosque.

cisarua boarding school.

layers of evolution.

lightning flash.





dew catcher.

remambrance of erie.



A House.

01. Type Residential.

02. Location Surabaya, Indonesia.

03. Site area 260 m2.

04 Built area 200 m2­.

05. Height 2 storeys.

06. Status Under construction.

07. Architect Aditya Wiratama.


08. Client Mr. Prihandoyo & Mrs. Daisy.

09. Year 2016.

10. Responsibility

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Conceptual design Building design 3D modelling Architectural drawings

“A” House is located in Surbaya , the capital city of East Java . The climate of this city is dry and hot. The main idea of the design was to use a screen that would not only allow air to circulate through but also reduce heat from the direct west sunlight. “A” house is also designed with a big inner courtyard in the center of the building ,another strategy to reduce heat

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Skylight. Floor plan.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Skylights are designed extended along the main hall to brighten the atmosphere inside the house. The light also compliments the many activities undertaken in this room such as cooking, eating, chatting, and many others. The use of exposed concrete material adds accentuation to the room due to the dominant white color in this room.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Screen design. Inner court.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Exterior perspective. Inner courtyard. Exterior wall. Voyer.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Customize skin.

Floor plan.

Dago Village.

01. Type Residential.

02. Location Bandung,Indonesia.

03. Site area 260 m2.

04 Built area 200 m2­.

05. Height 2 storeys.

06. Status Under construction.

07. Team URBANE: Ahmad D Tardiyana Aditya Wiratama.


08. Client Dago village.

09. Year 2013.

10. Responsibility

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Conceptual design Building design development 3D modelling Architectural drawings.

Villa Verde, Inovative Construction with Traditional Adaptation.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Perspective sketch. Section.

Front Elevation. Structure diagram. Front perspective.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Floor plan. Exploded axonometry (structure and roof). Exterior perspective. Main bedroom.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Gnomon urip.

01. Type homestay.

02. Location Borobudur, Indonesia.

03. Site area - m2.

04 Built area 36 m2­.

05. Height 2 storeys.

06. Status 1st prize winner.

07. Team Aditya Wiratama Rizky Rachmadanti Tb Dimas Dianggara Putra

17 08. Client Ministry of Indonesia tourism.

09. Year 2016.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Principal Architect.

1stprize winner homestay design competition held by Ministry of Indonesia Tourism. Not only a tourist spot and a buiding of worship. Borobudur also has an influence on the science of astronomy. This can be seen from the invention of the time marker or commonly called gnomon.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017



cluster characteristic.

"Desa Wanurejo" is gate to reach Borobudur, it's only 600 meters from the Borobudur area, therefore, tourists will come to this village by themselves, there are also many activities for tourist such as walking or cycling around the village , they can also watch cultural performances held annually by 9 "Dusun" in this village.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


punden berundak.

modular type.



Layers of acitivity.

gnomon urip

family cluster

village area

padi field


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Gnomon. Front view.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Village ambience. Floor plan. Section.

Maritim tower.

01. Type Office tower.

02. Location Jakarta, Indonesia.

03. Site area 5.400 m2.

04 Built area 200 m2­.

05. Height 30 storeys.

06. Status On going.

07. Team URBANE.

08. Client PT. Pelindo II (Persero).

09. Year 2016.

10. In charge as Asistant Architect.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Maritim tower is desingned with skin inspired by fish gills, that in application serves to protect the building from sun heat.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Lift lobby. Entrance. Exterior perspective.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Exterior perspective. Outdoor area. Core details.

Sheikh Saleh Al-rajhi Mosque.

01. Type Worship place.

02. Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

03. Site area 6.447 m2.

04 Built area 6.164 m2­.

05. Height 2 storeys.

06. Status Competition entry.

07. Team Hijjas Kasturi Associates.


08. Client -.

09. Year 2013.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Asistant Architect.

In approaching the design brief for the new Sheikh Saleh Al-Rahji Mosque, we were keen to take the journey back to the ‘Fitrah’ of the relationship between Allah SWT and His servants. The concept of Du’a was the starting point in deriving this new proposal. The simple gesture of open hands turned with the palm facing upwards while reciting the Du’a and facing Qibla expresses the submission to Allah SWT that is taking place on a spiritual level.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Solar Analysis.

Structural Concept.

Deformed shape of horizontal plate - ground



Deformed shape of horizontal plate - level 1




Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017






Signature Form / Design.

Conventional RC flat slab.

RC flat slab with Bubble deck.

Flat slab with Bubble deck & Radiant cooling.

Conventional RC flat slab construction is improved through the use of Pulverized Fly Ash and recycled aggregates Recommended 30% replacement by PFA

By introducing void formers into the slab, concrete is removed from areas of low stress, reducing the overall amount of steel & concrete used.

The void formers can be combined with the radiant cooling system to take advantage of the thermal mass of the concrete, reducing its operational emissions too.

Embodied Carbon content 133 kg/m² kg CO2e/m²

Embodied Carbon content 75 kg CO2e/m²

Floor plates.

Fins and arches

275mm thk flat slab

The floor plates consist of grade 35 reinforced concrete flat slabs of thickness 275mm or void formed RC deck of thickness 300mm. These transfer the gravity loads to the core walls and the columns. The more sustainable voided deck option offers the added structural advantage of reducing the self weight of the concrete floors, with the advantage of reduced column sizes and reduced foundation loads.

Embodied Carbon content 75 kg CO2e/m² Operational Carbon reduction 11kg CO2e/m²/year

RC Fin RC Wall Stell Strut RC Flat Slab RC Column


The 10 fins which form the array of elements that define the roof, span across a column free space that varies from 20m to 40m. Due to the curving form, the gravity loads from roof impose an eccentric moment on the fin that deforms and de-stabilises the fin both laterally and vertically. Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

300mm thk flat slab

Slab concept. Structural anatomy. Section.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aerial view. Heat distribution. Prayer hall.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Cisarua boarding school.

01. Type Boarding school.

02. Location Bogor, Indonesia.

03. Site area 12.000 m2.

04 Built area - m2­.

05. Height 2 storeys.

06. Status On going.

07. Team URBANE.


08. Client Lazis PLN.

09. Year 2017.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Asistant Architect.

A boarding school that will provide a better generation for the future

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Mosque section. Mosque exterior.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Classroom. Mosque. Perspective section.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017



01. Type Museum

02. Location Pacitan, Indonesia

03. Site area m2.

04 Built area 5.569 m2­.

05. Height 2 storeys.

06. Status Competition entry.

07. Team URBANE: Achmad D Tardiyana Adli nadia Aditya Wiratama Hendryana Sudarman Nugraha Saputra 08. Client IAI Jatim.

09. Year 2015.


10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Asistant Architect.

Layers of evolution.

The concept of this building is sparked by how contemporary museums are often translated as a public space and designed with an approach of an “event� by architects. Public spaces should be flexible and dynamic. It should be able to accomodate the activities of the local public as well as specific activities of the museum. Here we designed public rooms that are articulated as linchpins of the entire complex in this area The layers often describe stage, and in the context of ancient civilization, the soil layer on the historic sites are phases of instructional media evolution of human civilization from time to time.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Block plan.


Shape of focus.

Horizontal timeline.

Vocal point concept.

Plaza concept.

Building zoning.

See through laboratorium.

Material & locality.

Isometric plan.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Water plaza.

Building concept.

Open air plaza.

Stone plaza.

.The layers of the earth is translated into the language of architecture as staircase structure gradually brings users into the bowels of earth and invites visitors to dive into a cave and travel to the ancient times. As the binder layers such space, a neutral and rational geometry (square) is placed at the entrance to the cave that also functions as a gate of a time machine that gives the experience of “now” and “past” spatially.

Right and left side of the building.

Entrance area.

Water plaza.

Activities in plaza.

Stone plaza.

Deck panorama.

Materiality area.





Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Aerial view.

Ground Floor Plan.

Lower ground floor plan.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

3rd Floor plan.

Site section 2.

Stalactites Implementation for Interior.


Mess Corridor.



Site section.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Exhibition Room.

Lightning flash.

01. Type Office tower.

02. Location Kuala lumpur, Malaysia.

03. Site area 6.110 m2.

04 Built area 1.927 m2­.

05. Height 41 storeys.

06. Status Competition entry.

07. Team Hijjas kasturi Associates


08. Client Tenaga Nasional Berhad.

09. Year 2013.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Asistant Architect.

In this proposal, there are two ingress & egress points. The drop off is at the main ingress which is located at the eastern road while service vehicles enter and exit the basement by the southern road. There is also a secondary dropoff through the southern route

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


1. Basic massing.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


The tower is a rectangular planning with the core in its center to allow optimum space and circulation at its perimeter. As it rises, the plan maintains its geometry but slides gradually to form the lightning bolt elevation.

The tower has two self-regulated systems which is the electrical and water system. Resources are collected respectively and kept within the storage areas.

2. Splitting of form.

Green concept.

3. Protrusion of points.

4. Final strike form.


We must provide an urban space that embraces PJ Central as the revitalised hub of Petaling Jaya – through urban regeneration. This regeneration aspect of urban life helps promote design excellence, as well as establishing social and economical wellbeing through GBI and LEED.

As one of the key buildings that defines the new PJ skyline, the proposed TNB Tower embodies not only the vision of PJ Sentral but also its own core values as Malaysia’s largest electrical utility company.

The main feature of the tower is its movements of the surfaces, as if a lightning striking the ground. Its distinctive shape makes it a bold and symbolic form, a very strong representation of the company it serves

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

The future of the way we live, work and play will be guided by our social infrastructures.

Our goal is to create a landmark that exemplifies TNB’s vision to be a leading global player in energy and relating businesses.

Exterior perspective.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Kinetics of friction.

Solidifying the strike-form.

Such that a lightning is created through a friction of two clouds, the tower is divided into 2 parts, with its core at the centre for optimized circulation.

The movement of the lightning is obtained by protruding and pushing points of the towers, without disturbing the central structure. The points are emphasized by adding public green spaces on these levels

Conventional RC flat slab.

RC flat slab with Bubble deck.

Flat slab with Bubble deck & Radiant cooling.

Conventional RC flat slab construction is improved through the use of Pulverized Fly Ash and recycled aggregates Recommended 30% replacement by PFA

By introducing void formers into the slab, concrete is removed from areas of low stress, reducing the overall amount of steel & concrete used.

The void formers can be combined with the radiant cooling system to take advantage of the thermal mass of the concrete, reducing its operational emissions too.

Embodied Carbon content 133 kg/m² kg CO2e/m²

Embodied Carbon content 75 kg CO2e/m²



slab and core.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Embodied Carbon content 75 kg CO2e/m² Operational Carbon reduction 11kg CO2e/m²/year

Dew catcher.

01. Type Public infrastructure.

02. Location Riau, Indonesia.

03. Site area - m2.

04 Built area 16-36 m2­.

05. Height 5 storeys.

06. Status Competition entry.

07. Team Aditya wiratama M. Iqbal Tawaqal Yudha Prasetyo

53 08. Client Futurarc.

09. Year 2015.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Principal Architect.

Our proposal started from simple and small things, dew and air are inhaled by humans every day. Through this design dew, fog, and the morning air are captured by the nets. The condensation process turns dew into water droplets on the nets. The water droplets then can flow through the gutter to the storage tank or channel through irrigation canals to supply the firefighters. Supply water for irrigation also aims to make soil always wet so the soil will be difficult catch fire.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017



Smoke disaster that hits large parts of western Indonesia and several ASEAN countries generally occurs during the dry season along the eastern coast of the Sumatra island. Peat soil condition which has many roots and fibers cause soil and grass burn easily when dry season. Palm oil plantations companies are also responsible in making this haze disaster. The condition of the boundary between the palm oil plantation and forest conservation is in a critical condition. Locals also trigger this haze disaster while they do land clearing for their plantations. Hotspots spread each year along with the growth of palm oil plantations. Urban conditions surrounded by hotspots are also affected and causes transportation delays, health problems of many citizens and residents. and also disrupts main activities like school, office and bank.


Dew catcher.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017




Pekanbaru city typology. critical zone / grey zone.


palm oil plantation.

smoke zone.


city centre.

critical zone / grey zone.


palm oil plantation.


Networks strategic.

Diagram concept. air humidity.


catch by net.


water drops.

supply for emergency tank.

supply for irrigation canal.

water supply for fire fighter.

Frontline Type network. Frontline type network shape guard lines between hotspot, forest or conserves areas and palm oil plantation. Preventing the fire and preventing hotspots to spread out to larger areas. This type may also act as a forest ranger post which may also act as a watch tower and control the supporting towers. Frontline type is integrated with irrigation water canal and placed along the irrigation water canal.

56 filtration to soil.

Supporting Type network. Supporting type has the same shape of the frontline type but this type is smaller and does not serve as a forest ranger post. This network can provide water supply for fire fighters in the vast and remote areas without irrigation water canal. This supporting type is controlled from the Frontline tower.

makes soil wet and difficult to be burned.

City defender type network is placed in the neighbourhood, urban areas, along the road, and where the people are live in. This network serves as cities resilience from haze and reducing the haze. Defender type network managed by people in one neighborhood, local community,local authority, atau or several company.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

City Defender Type network.



Frontline type.

Supporting type.

Main structure.

Net structure & plat base.

Main structure.

Net structure & plat base.

Defender type.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Networks maintenance.

Forest ranger team would control and maintenance one of the Frontline large type which there are already equipped with ranger posts and replacement tools for maintenance. Therefore, 4 supporting type would located scattered but under control and surveillance from frontline tower.

Defender type network managed by people in one neighborhood which consist of one leader and several household where live under the Defender tower. Defender tower have limited range for spray water and reduced haze in small area so the cities would have several tower which placed in every neighborhood. This strategic would shape defender tower network which spray together and make a shower to reduced haze problems.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Defender type


Remambrance of erie.

01. Type Public infrastructure.

02. Location Pennsylvania, US.

03. Site area 1.2 ha.

04 Built area -­.

05. Height -.

06. Status Competition entry.

07. Team


Aditya wiratama M. Iqbal Tawaqal Melvina Pramadya P Yudha Prasetyo

08. Client Elevating erie.

09. Year 2015.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Principal Architect.

In the past, Erie canal brought important figure for Syracuse city. The figure as artery of transportation which connected Syracuse city to another cities in America by water transportation. Even though the current Erie canal condition mostly was cover by land but the spirit of Erie canal still exist in the heart of Syracuse citizen. So that, bring back the spirit as artery connection activity as in the past is a strategy for developing the site. Not only, Imagine that visitor will enjoy trail exploration with attractive activity such as ice skating park, outdoor swimming pool, community sharing park, gallery, outdoor movie park, parade yard and other possible activity but also the design keep sustainable environment.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Issue. Less Spirit ex Erie Canal.

Vehicle Domination.

Inactive Commercial Activities. Less Activity in Human Scale. Urban Sprawl.

Solutions. Remembering Erie Canal.

Nodes Character.

Compact Corridor.

Connecting line.

Ecological Corridor.

Block site.


Boulevard erie road.


Boulevard erie road.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Boulevard erie road.

Branch site.

Bridge site.

Reservoir Nodes.

Community sharing space. Block site has potential attractive as meeting point. The site character has pocket typology site that opportunity to provide public space with collecting access point on the site. So that, It will be great response to develop the site with sharing community concept. Sharing community concept with “Field of joy ambiance“ has strategy to provide public space for variety of activity such as open air theatre, city food festival, sun batting park, library, and other society possible activity. For Parking, the design provide “Park and Ride” typology that is integrated parking building with pedestrian way, bike shelter, bus stop. So that visitor can start exploring from the site by bike or foot to next site.


Flow area.



Possible bike Lane.


Field Of Joy

Space for watch street parade

Bike Lane birds shelter. water collector. gallery.

water tank.

field of joy.


trail lane.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Connecting all urban zone.

Block Site Masterplan. 1. Field of Joy 2 2. Mix used retail 3 3. Erie Gallery 4. “Park n Ride” 5 (Parking structure & bike shelter) 5. Space for watch street parade

Eco edutainment. Look at the existing environmental condition on Branch site, It will be good idea to propose this area with Eco-edutainment concept. The design is focused not only for remembering Erie Canal spirit but also give positive impact to nature and education. In this site visitor would be fun with attractive activity such as historical trilling, nature observation in circle observation, shooting photo of birds, outdoor swimming, playing ice skating, and barbecue outdoor party.

6 2 3


Our consideration of biodiversity that realized with limited hard construction, for examples bike way along the site design is elevated, filtration circle for waste water management, and island for nature revitalization.

5 2 1



View and interaction.


Branch Site Masterplan. 1. Circle pool park 2. Artificial island coversation 3. Water filter 4. Observation tower & snowboarding 5. Trail line (pedestrian and bike way) 6. Parking 7. Forest park


Pond banks.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Elevated trail line.

Nature pool park.

Artificial conservation island Trail lane Forest park.

Nature pool park.

Community sharing space. Bridge site has great environmental condition that over 70% area is covered by green space. So that, the design consider to keep quality of nature. The first strategy avoid hard construction in land, such as we propose elevated construction for pedestrian and bike bridge way. Then, the second strategy is nature connectivity that means we propose area as bridge not only for humans but also for animals. The last strategy is stimulated visitor to more care with nature with fun way. That is provide circle observation. In summer this area can use for biotic observation but in winter season it will be ice skating park. Overall to make unity of Erie canal story, all of the point site have pedestrian and bike way for connecting. It will stimulate for exploring Erie event activity.


View and interaction.


1. Field of Joy 2. Mix used retail 3. Erie Gallery 4. “Park n Ride� (Parking structure & bike shelter) 5. Space for watch street parade


2 3



Riverside trail lane.

Active circle park.

Pedestrian and bike bridge.


Trail lane

Reforestation Outdoor iceskating park

Observation deck

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Pedestrian and bike bridge.


01. Type Religious.

02. Location Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

03. Site area 1.2 ha.

04 Built area -­.

05. Height -.

06. Status Competition entry.

07. Team


Aditya wiratama Ade Yudirianto TB Dimas Dianggara Yudha Prasetyo

08. Client University Islam of Indonesia.

09. Year 2017.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Principal Architect.

Based on the background of UII campus where the establishment of this campus is not only seen as a place of learning, but also as a propagation space. We try to apply this concept into the design of this building, where this building can contribute to the surrounding environment which not only serves as LAZIS, but also as a place to study, worship and also public space for the people of Jogja.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017



Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

01.Konteks lingkungan.

03.Konsep besar

- This area is located in the city center, just 1 km from Yogya monument - There are not that many big mosques in this a - There are many public buildings such as schools, hospitals, and malls.

This design prioritizes the mosque gestalt because Mosques are centers of civilization and all activities.


05. Mutasi geometri.


Uses the base of roof architecture Servis.




Gives a open and entrance impression






Taman. Auditorium.



we try not to create a conventional space where one space is connected with another. We focused more to the mosque that accommodates various functions inside.

Cuts the office space to allow a more spacious view outside

Shape unused/negative spaces to become a public area

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

04. Aplikasi

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Siteplan. Mosque interior.


Dropoff area. Auditorium. Exploded axonometry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017



01. Type Restaurant.

02. Location Borobudur, Indonesia.

03. Site area -.

04 Built area 100 m2.

05. Height -.

06. Status 1st prize winner.

07. Team Aditya wiratama Rizky rachmadanti Hendriyana sudarman

71 08. Client Ministry of Indonesia tourism.

09. Year 2017.

10. In charge as

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Principal Architect.

Mandala Vista is our restaurant design concept that maximizes vista and sequential to the direction of Borobudur and / or vice versa. Borobudur has dual orientation; one is from the outside of the area (for example the views from the hotels around)or from Punthuksetumbu, andthe other one is from Borobudur’s direction itself. By adopting the concept of Borobudur (from macrocosm to microcosm) and paying attention to the local and traditional aspects, it is hoped that the restaurant will not only become a culinary destination but also as a forum for various activities,such as teaching the community about how to process the beong fish,and also a “scluptural� monument to be the meeting point of the tourists that may letit become more attractive because of the many values applied.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Mandalavista concept is applied in 3 scales of large, medium and small; interpreted in the macrocosm to its microcosm








9 6 4 Mikrokosmos.

Exterior. Dining area.

Celular automata

Modul berskala

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Floorplan. Front elevation. Section. Exploded axonometry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Other projects.


Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Awicarita sriwedari. URBANE. 2nd prize winner.

Al-dzikru wal fikri. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Pasar toendjoengan. Freelance. 2nd prize winner

Titik temu. Freelance. 1st prize winner.

Belitung house. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Weaving the sky. URBANE Competition entry

ASEAN Secretariat URBANE. Competition entry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Aruna Indonesia. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Baciro house. Freelance. On going.

Bdg creative hub. URBANE. Built.


Banyuwangi resort. URBANE. On going.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Bandung creative hub.

Ceger apartment. URBANE Conceptual design

Antapani house. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Tamansari emerald. URBANE. On going.

Sembalun lawang. Freelance. Competition entry.

HK headquarter. URBANE. competition entry.

Morotia morotai. Freelance. Competition entry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Tama school. Freelance. Conceptual design

Mahmud residence. Hijjas kasturi associates. Built.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Iftihar. URBANE. Conceptual design.

Turtle house. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Jogja house. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Menanggal house. Freelance. Conceptual design.

Ivillage. URBANE. Conceptual design.

Royal Surabaya. URBANE. Conceptual design.


Pelindo III apartment.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

URBANE. Conceptual design.

Ubud waterfall. URBANE. On going.

Matahariland ciganitri. URBANE. Conceptual design.

Samawi hotel. URBANE. On going.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Mapolda mosque. URBANE. On going.

Gelanggang gajahmada. Freelance. Competition entry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Al-jabar mosque. URBANE. On going.

Rumah kampung buruh. Freelance. Competition entry.

Ventilation house. Freelance. Top 50.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Tj.pura university. URBANE. Competition entry.

Babakan seni. URBANE. Competition entry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


Bintang samudra. URBANE. Competition entry.

SDA coffeshop. Freelance. Conceptual design.


Shadow impromptu.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017

Freelance. Competition entry.

Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


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Aditya Wiratama Portfolio 2017


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