AWOL issue 15

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23 January 09

in cahoots with



ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE FOR THE EXPAT IN ALL OF US What’s happening, and might be happening, in Hua Hin

ASEAN summit to boost local economy?

Region’s leaders to meet in Hua Hin next month HUA HIN, THAILAND The announcement made by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva that the delayed ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) summit, originally scheduled to take place in Bangkok in December, was going to be held in February this year in Hua Hin, has been met with a mixed response by many local residents, although the business community are overjoyed at the news, in particular the hotels, who have been suffering one of the worst high seasons in years. The major concerns of residents are that the security measures required for such a high level meeting will put added pressure on the already creaking infrastructure of the town, and in particular the water supply and the roads; many believe that the centre of the town will be effectively shut down as delegates and their entourages travel to and from the meetings. However, some of these fears may have been eased by the unofficial announcement that the summit will be held at

INSIDE AWOL Kaka inside story Man steals shark Face saving Crossword FA cup preview

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva the Dusit Resort north of the town, rather than one of the town centre hotels. While there will undoubtedly be some traffic disruption it won’t be as intrusive as if the meeting was in, for example, the Hilton. Offsetting the possible problems is the revenue that is likely to flow Continued on page 2

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