27 February 09
in cahoots with
ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE FOR THE EXPAT IN ALL OF US What’s happening, and might be happening, in Hua Hin
Welcome to Paradise
An open letter to everyone visiting the area for the ASEAN summit HUA HIN, THAILAND Dear honoured guests, Thank you for visiting our little slice of paradise here in Thailand. We think you will discover just what it is that makes so many people want to live here and visit every year. However in case you don’t get the chance to go out and about, we would like to tell you about Hua Hin and the surrounding area. Firstly we hope that you will notice how nice and smooth the roads you are travelling on are, as you are shuttled to the Dusit Resort and back; the area is renowned for the quality of its roads and they have been brought into tip top condition especially for your visit. Our second recommendation is that at the same time as you are admiring the roads, you glance to the median and see the beautiful flowers, shrubs and bushes adorning the central reservation, and the decorative lanterns adorning the poles. Another road related issue you are sure to notice is how little traffic there is, and that nobody parks their cars on the streets; while you may think this has been done especially for the summit, Hua Hin is renowned for both the low level of traffic and the consideration of the drivers and riders here, particularly those travelling from Bangkok, and people will often park their
What about the people we hear you ask? What businesses are they involved in and how will they cope during the summit? Well, once again, your fears are groundless - the local authorities and police have given everyone ample warning of any possible
The famous Hua Hin train station sign
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vehicles out of sight so as to keep the streets free for honoured guests like yourselves. People are often known to walk several kilometres after parking their vehicle. Another aspect that you should appreciate during your visit is the lack of the normal trash that litters so many other places, both actual rubbish and human trash; you won’t see any food carts cluttering the streets, nor packs of stray dogs, nor even the working girls and drunkards that are so tragically common in some other resorts we could mention. And speaking of drunkards, you will also find very few establishments open selling beer or any of the other vile alcoholic drinks; the police here have always been vigilant in ensuring that alcohol and all its related nastiness is not available (to the hoi paloi that is - of course you honoured guests can enjoy that fine wine or classy brandy without fear of problems).
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