8 May 09
in cahoots with
ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE FOR THE EXPAT IN ALL OF US What’s happening, and might be happening, in Hua Hin
The Planner’s Nightmare Holiday weekend causes gridlock
HUA HIN, THAILAND The May Day holiday last weekend once again inflicted traffic misery on the residents of Hua Hin and Khao Takiab, as greater numbers than ever flooded into the town. The main reason for the extra visitors appears to have been the concert held in Khao Takiab on Saturday, the Honda Summer Fest, where it was estimated that more than 100,000 were in attendance. The traffic problems were evident from the afternoon of last Friday however, as both concert goers and weekend visitors from Bangkok began jamming the roads. While it is a weekly occurrence for traffic levels to escalate, the peculiar traffic management system employed by the police when it is an extended weekend were once again in force. These consist of turning off the devices designed to control traffic flow (traffic lights) and blocking the two main intersections in the town with cones, thus not allowing anyone on the east side of Phetkasem Road to easily get to the west side and vice versa. This resulted in many motorists being forced to drive in the opposite direction to which they wanted, and then naturally making a u-turn as soon as possible; however due to the weight of traffic in both directions, this then resulted in the outside lane in each direction being blocked, narrowing an already busy road. This was exacerbated by car and coach drivers double and sometimes
people will be amazed at how much more pleasant Hua Hin centre becomes. While it would require some rethinking by hotels and guesthouses to deal with customers with cars, and some leeway for them as well, something must be done soon, or events like the annual Hua Hin Jazz Festival will be a curse for businesses, and not the boost to the town they should be. Bangkok gridlock (above) One of the main reasons people now in Hua Hin triple parking as there was no space live and visit here has been its ‘Far to stop available without doing so. From Worries’ feel; lets try and It is evident that this problem is keep it that way. getting worse, and it is high time that measures were adopted to deal with the situation. AWOL Khao Takiab pull out previously ran a humourous story on this issue but neither residents Horoscopes or businesses are seeing the funny side now, as customers are unable to Crossword reach their intended destinations, or face massive delays in both the Agony aunt drive and the finding of a parking space. Jolly good cricket People have to be persuaded by a combination of improved public transport and integrated out of town parking, and hefty charges in the form of parking meters, fines and wheel clamps for illegal town centre parking. There have been some discussions between officials at the municipality about traffic and parking problems, but as yet nothing concrete appears to have transpired from those meetings. If the powers that be would go the whole hog and pedestrianise large sections of the centre as well,