AWOL Issue 40

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17 July 09

in cahoots with



ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE FOR THE EXPAT IN ALL OF US What’s happening, and might be happening, in Hua Hin

Pattaya here we come!

Proposed ferry service to start in October or sooner if sea trials successful

HUA HIN, thailand When local expats first heard of a plan to launch a regular ferry service between Pattaya and Hua Hin, most laughed it off as just another pipe dream to go with the ‘Disneyland in Hua Hin’ and ‘Bangkok to Hua Hin oversea superhighway’ stories. Now it seems as though that disbelief was misplaced, as the Swedish owners of Thailiving Ferry have announced that the catamaran vessel they will be using is now undergoing sea trials; if these are passed then they will be able to eventually operate a twice daily service across the Gulf. The website of the company is not completely ready as yet, but has got an announcement that the service will start in October 2009; however Pattaya Today reports that the service will start later this month.

The catamaran ‘Imagine’ will slash journey times between Pattaya and Hua Hin The craft, named ‘Imagine’ will be licenced to carry up to 100 passengers, and the trip is expected to take 3 hours. No official information is available yet as to price or the departure and arrival points but we will bring this to you as soon as it is known. It was reported in the Pattaya press last month that the price was likely to

be 1200 baht each way however. The owners have spent two years already to get to this point and it must be hoped that they will have learned from other failed attempts to run such a service; certainly the main concern for many would be the sea conditions at certain times of year and the implications for comfort and safety. We will keep a watching brief.

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