AWOL Issue 86

Page 1


18 June 10


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Simon Says - Thank You

hua hin, thailand Last month we reported that a well known local expat, Simon Dee, had a motorcycle accident and was in Hua Hin Hospital being treated. Last week a fund raising party was held for him by his friends and family, and this is what he said to them, and wanted us to share with the readers of AWOL. “Dearest Friends, Hi. It’s been a weird month or so, and it just gets weirder. I don’t get out much at the moment – so I downloaded AWOL online this week. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the cartoon style of a friend I’ve known since we were seven. Closer inspection brought tears to my eyes. That’s been happening a lot lately. I don’t know if I’m supposed to be here, but I do have one or two things to say. So I thought now would be a good time. A month ago I had a motorcycle accident. Tor, my girlfriend of nearly a year, known to some of you falang as Toi, was first on the bloody scene. My brother, Jonathan, soon

Simon (white shirt) with Chris from Monica’s (pointing) and friends after. And then Tor’s daughter Cookie and my son, Alan also saw the mess and I’m sorry for that. They took me to Hua Hin Hospital Steve Light Beer and wife, Wan, also went to the hospital and Chris too I think. But I didn’t know what was going on. Saying things like : ‘I want to go home’ and ‘take my shoes off’. Jonathan and Tor kept me under control and probably saved my life as I had a head injury too, and there were bones sticking out of my right arm. In hospital, people came every single day for over a month. I got phone calls and text messages while my secretary brought in print outs

of well-wishing e-mails. People brought me books and DVDs People brought me juices and gourmet foods. My hospital fridge would be the envy of any falang. Some people came two or three times a week and I was a regular Stop on Steve Light Beer’s daily bicycle trips. You all kept me sane and happy at a time when I needed it most. I hope I can repay you just a little for the comfort you gave me. My son came after school and gave me hugs. My Computer and Electrical Business continued, with my excellent staff looking after the Continued on page 2

INSIDE AWOL Jazz festival schedule Play Page 3 Tavern jokes Crosswords Aaah! Vuvuzelas!


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