English Corner
6 September 2013
FREE weekly issue 2 47
To Hull And Back Siamese Stories Balloon Chasers Bale Out
going postal
Naresdamri Rd. opposite Brasserie de Paris
hua hin, THAILAND The AWOL Mail Survey has now finished, and we would like to thank the readers who responded. The results are fairly unsurprising for most who have lived here for any length of time, and only one respondent had what could be described as positive comments, with a huge majority having experienced major problems with their mail. Most respondents complained of mail taking either several weeks to arrive or worse, not arriving at all, for both incoming and outgoing mail. Some were sympathetic to the staff with comments about the organisation, staff levels and the actual building being inadequate, and both the sorting and delivery mechanisms are regarded as inefficient - several respondents said that they rarely have the same postman, and many commented on the state of the sorting office, with it variously being described as ‘chaotic’, ‘messy’, ‘cluttered’ and other similar remarks. Many also suggested that the standard of English ability of the staff could be a major reason for the problems with mail addressed in English. It was encouraging to note that few believed any missing mail was due to theft. AWOL cannot influence what happens at the Post Office, but we can advise our readers to be careful when sending mail, and to consider other options for both sending and receiving mail; for example there is a private mailbox service available at the Lucky Real Estate office at Makro (Soi 4), and international courier services will deliver and collect. This however does not address the problem of regular incoming mail, such as bills or bank statements, and we strongly suggest that anyone experiencing problems complains not only to Thailand Post, but also to the organisation sending the mail you are expecting or receive late.
survey gives thumbs down to Hua hin P.O.
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