& Annual Report 2012-2013 ACCENT 2013-2014 1
& Annual Report 2012-2013
MR. BOUALEM MAIZIA Proviseur and Deputy Head of School MR. SAMUEL WAUGH Head of Upper School MR. THOMAS BEUSCHER Head of Middle School MR. STANLEY WAY Head of Primary School MR. DON DAVIS Director of Facilities MR. HANK NICODEMUS Chief Financial Officer
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Primary School
Middle School
• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
Halloween Fun A Love of Reading & Pizza Giving Thanks S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G Bee Gaining Life-Saving Skills Young Scientists Let the Games Begin Fiesta de Mayo Music to Our Ears
4 The Awty International School
Archaeological Dig 1,000 Socks & Counting American Author Visits Awty Let's Play B∙I∙N∙G∙O Speling Bea Champian?! Spectaculathon Big Bend XXVI Washington D.C. Green & Gold Field Day
& Annual Report 2012-2013
Upper School • • • • • • • • • •
International College Fair SCW Honduras Project Lady Rams Win State Swimmers Sweep State Halloween 2013 Varsity vs. Faculty Live on Stage Music Program Shines 2014 Career Fair It's Tea Time
From the Head of School
From the Proviseur
Advancing Awty
Parent Volunteers
102 Bravo! 106 Thank You! Merci! 109 2012-2013 Annual Report
ACCENT 2013-2014 5
From The Head of School
rior to coming to Awty, what I knew most about the school is when I would meet an alumnus or parent on an airplane and we would discover our shared interest in international education, that person would beam when telling me about Awty, its excellence, and all it meant to them. Now I know why that is the case. Every day I have the privilege of being a part of a vibrant and exciting campus community. I travel with accomplished and committed colleagues, and I observe students doing breathtaking work, all while laughing and playing and having a great time. It is a joyous, as well as accomplished and distinctive, school. There are many privileges associated with being the Head of The Awty International School. As if the daily experience I get to have on campus is not enough, there are yet more, and one is seeing the preview of Accent Magazine! Having a chance to walk through the articles it contains and to remember the events it chronicles is great fun indeed. It delights me to know you will enjoy seeing them as much as I have. Most of all, I hope you are enjoying, as we are on campus, an era of great stability and forward movement in the life of our school. Achievements and events are chronicled here; the future will unfold as the board of trustees,
6 The Awty International School
administration, faculty, and staff of the school work to advance The Awty International School. Our next magazine will surely describe our newly minted strategic vision, but we’ll be talking about it as soon as the board finishes the work of setting that course. I am convinced that the future is bright, and opportunities endless. We recently hired a new Proviseur for Awty’s French Section. In her letter expressing interest in the position, she said, among other things, “There is more to learn at Awty.” I couldn’t have said it better! And as members of the Awty community, you already know that. There are languages to learn, but even more, cultural sensitivity and understanding. There is academic content to master, but at Awty that alone is not sufficient. Equal development of character is also required. We’re learning how to be the largest international school in North America, and to retain the sense of community that has meant so much to us from the founding days. Enjoy this edition of Accent Magazine. Stay in touch with us please. There is more to learn at Awty and we need you for the journey.
vant d’arriver à Awty, ce que je savais de cette école était que si je rencontrais un ancien élève ou un parent dans un avion, et que nous découvrions notre intérêt réciproque pour l’enseignement international, cette personne s’illuminerait en me racontant
Awty, son excellence et tout ce que l’École représente. Maintenant, je sais pourquoi c’était le cas. Chaque jour, j’ai le privilège de faire partie de cette communauté dynamique et passionnante. Je voyage avec des collègues doués et engagés, et j’observe des élèves faire un travail incroyable, tout en riant, en jouant et en passant de bons moments. C’est une école joyeuse, autant qu’accomplie et distinctive. La fonction de directrice de l’École internationale Awty comporte de nombreux privilèges. Comme si l’expérience quotidienne que j’acquiers sur le campus ne suffisait pas, il y en a bien d’autres, et l’une d’elles est de voir en avant-première l’Accent Magazine ! C’est vraiment très amusant de pouvoir feuilleter les articles qu’il contient et de se souvenir des événements qu’il raconte. Je suis ravie de savoir que vous apprécierez autant que moi de le lire. Surtout, j’espère que vous appréciez, sur le campus, une période de grande stabilité et de progrès dans la vie de notre École. Les réalisations et les manifestations y sont relatées ; l’avenir sera dévoilé au fur et à mesure que le conseil d’administration, l’administration, les enseignants et le personnel de l’École œuvrent pour faire évoluer l’École internationale Awty. Notre prochain magazine décrira certainement notre toute nouvelle vision stratégique, mais nous en parlerons dès que le conseil d’administration aura terminé le travail de cadrage de cette orientation. Je suis convaincue que l’avenir est lumineux et les opportunités infinies.
Head of School Lisa Darling enjoying the festivities during the 2014 International Festival with Primary School students Madeleine Crane (5th grade), Helin Deliormanli (5th), Abagail Hendry (4th), Defne Deliormanli (2nd), Raquel Brown (4th), and Caroline Lile (2nd).
Nous venons d’engager une nouvelle proviseure pour la section française d’Awty. Dans sa lettre exprimant son intérêt pour le poste, elle écrit, entre autres, « Il y a encore à apprendre à Awty ». Je ne l’aurais pas mieux exprimé ! Et en tant que membres de la communauté d’Awty, vous le savez déjà. Il y a des langues à apprendre mais surtout de la sensibilité culturelle et de la compréhension. Il y a un contenu scolaire à
maîtriser mais à Awty, cela seul ne suffit pas. Il faut aussi un développement harmonieux de la personnalité. Nous sommes en train d’apprendre comment être la plus grande école internationale en Amérique du Nord tout en conservant ce sens de la communauté qui a autant de sens pour nous depuis la période de la fondation. Appréciez cette édition d’Accent Magazine. Restez en contact avec nous. Il
y a encore à apprendre à Awty et nous avons besoin de vous pour le voyage.
- Ms. Lisa Darling Head of School
ACCENT 2013-2014 7
From The Proviseur
e magazine s’adresse à notre communauté, la grande famille Awty que vous avez adopté, et également à ceux qui s’intéressent à notre école, ils sont de plus en plus nombreux, et nous nous en réjouissons. Arrêtons-nous un instant sur le succès de notre école: je ne vous livrerai pas de recette, je ne l’ai pas, mais nous connaissons tous les ingrédients de cette réussite. Ça commence par un héritage venant de Mme Awty que certains de mes collègues ont eu l’honneur de connaitre. Cette grande Dame a créé une école qu’elle a voulue ouverte, et plus de 20 ans après, elle a souhaité accueillir une école française qui ne demandait qu’à grandir. L’école finit par s’appeler The Awty International School et s’adresse aux enfants des expatriés venant travailler à Houston et bien entendu, aux enfants des Houstoniens qui veulent une éducation différente de celle proposée par les autres écoles privées. Une éducation différente… C’est bien là, l’ingrédient principal : nous sommes intimement convaincus que les éducateurs d’Awty, les professeurs et ceux qui encadrent les enfants, transmettent une éducation visant l’excellence académique, l’ouverture d’esprit et l’épanouissement personnel. Nous voulons faire de nos enfants des citoyens actifs dans le
8 The Awty International School
monde de demain. Ils vivent déjà dans un cadre ou plus de 50 nationalités se côtoient, des cultures différentes coexistent. C’est un autre ingrédient important : l’aspect international ou « pro-international » des familles et des enfants. Regardez les évoluer dans leur école, « le vivre ensemble » dont on parle tant dans ce monde globalisé, ne leur pose pas de problème, c’est même naturel pour eux. Ils tiennent tous à leur pays d’origine, et sont plutôt fiers de leurs racines mais ils ont appris à s’enrichir de leurs différences, à rester curieux. Ils resteront ainsi, et deviendront des femmes et des hommes marqués par cette éducation. Nos anciens élèves qui reviennent nous voir régulièrement peuvent en témoigner, ils expriment de la gratitude et de la fierté d’avoir vécu cette expérience. Awty est devenu aujourd’hui la plus grande école internationale des EtatsUnis et la plus importante école privée de Houston. Près de 1 550 élèves, nous sommes bien loin des effectifs des débuts d’Awty, cependant la volonté demeure de rester une école pas comme les autres. Effectivement nous ne sommes pas comme les autres écoles, notre histoire est singulière, et nous y sommes très attachés. De plus le fait d’accueillir chaque année de nouvelles familles nous oblige à dire et expliquer qui nous sommes, c’est un exercice contraignant et répétitif mais fort utile. Ainsi, nous ne revisitons pas l’histoire, mais nous la racontons et nous la transmettons précieusement pour continuer à faire souffler sur Awty cet esprit
que nous maintenons en vie pour le bien de nos enfants.
his magazine reaches out to our community, the greater Awty family that you’ve adopted. It is also for those who share an interest in our school, and we are very grateful that there are many of you! I’m thinking about the success of our school... I can’t give you the recipe because I don’t have it. However, we all know the ingredients. In the beginning there is the legacy that Mrs. Awty left behind, bearing in mind that some of us still here at the school were privileged enough to actually know her. This great lady wanted an open-minded school, more than 20 years later she sought to incorporate into it a French school which itself was eager to grow. This school went on to be named The Awty International School; a school that caters not only to the children of expatriates who have come to Houston to work, but also, and as importantly, to the children of Houston’s own who seek an education unlike that offered by other private schools. A different education… that’s no doubt, the principal ingredient. We are strongly convinced that Awty’s educators, teachers, and co-curricular staff together provide an education that strives for academic excellence, for openmindedness, and for personal growth. We want our students to become active citizens of the world of tomorrow. They are immersed in an environment where more than 50 nationalities live together, and where many various cultures coex-
Mr. Maizia joined Seniors Austin Arceneaux, Elizabeth Hirs, Gabriella Mahan, Charlotte Burnod, Adrian Leonard, and Stephan Warden at the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 6, 2013.
ist. Here is the next important ingredient: the international or “pro-international” dimension of our families and children. Observe them as they move about their school: they have no problem with “living together”—that notion that is tossed about in our globalized world. In fact, for them it’s natural. They all hold dear their country of origin and are rather proud of their roots, but they have learned to allow their differences to be a source of enrichment and to stay curious. They’ll continue to do so, becoming men and women influenced by this education. Our
returning alumni can attest to this. They express their gratitude and their pride in having had this experience. Today, Awty is the largest international school in the United States and the largest private school in Houston. Notwithstanding our some 1,550 students—well beyond the student count of Awty in its early years—we are still determined to be a school unlike the others. Indeed we are not like other schools. Ours is a singular history and we are very attached to it. We welcome year in and year out new families and this forces us to state and
explain ever anew who we are. This is a somewhat time-consuming and repetitive task but one that is extremely useful. Hence, we don’t revisit our history; we respectfully recount and transmit it so as to maintain the spirit that sustains us to forever blow over Awty for the good of our children.
- Mr. Boualem Maizia Proviseur & Deputy Head of School
ACCENT 2013-2014 9
Advancing Awty STEWARDSHIP. PHILANTHROPY. ALTRUISM. 10 The Awty International School
New LS Addition
wty opened the doors to its new Lower School addition in grand style on Friday, April 4, 2014. Construction began on this capital project last June and for the first time, Lower School students, teachers, staff, board members, and parents had a chance to see the new building. The grand opening began with Don Davis, Director of Maintenance and Facilities, giving a private tour to the school’s board members and key capital campaign volunteers. They then proceeded to the Globe where the entire Lower School student body waited
with excitement and great anticipation. After a few remarks from Head of School Lisa Darling and Proviseur and Deputy Head of School Boualem Maizia, the crowd enjoyed a musical performance by the Lower School Choir and an upbeat dance performance by two members of the LD Dance Company. After the performances, a ceremonial ribbon-cutting was held outside the doors to the new addition. Lower School students and teachers then had their turn to tour the new building. The Awty community was also invited to stop by and see the new classrooms.
Awty board members check out the space for the computer lab in the new Lower School addition.
Ms. Deborah Drummer and some of her 3rd grade students tour the new Lower School addition.
This new addition adds almost 15,000 square feet to the current Lower School building. It provides seven new classrooms, two science rooms, a computer lab, two music classrooms, an art room filled with natural light, a teacher workroom, and a new medical clinic. Also included in the Lower School addition is a large new playground where the bus circle was once located. It features shade structures, playground equipment, seating areas, and rubber fall surfaces. Classes in the new building began on April 14.
The Lower School addition is officially opened after the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Ms. Cecile Kombrza’s classroom in the new Lower School addition.
ACCENT 2013-2014 11
The World is Not Enough
t’s no secret that Awty’s 2014 gala, The World is Not Enough, is the most successful gala to date! From our handsome James Bond and his golden Bond girls to the upbeat music of Fried Ice Cream, it was a glam-
2014 Gala Chairs Karen Matthews and Suneeta Rangwani pose with James Bond.
orous and exciting night for all! Dr. and Mrs. Husam Bahrani were honored for their many years of dedicated service as members of the Awty community. The evening brought us together as a family and reminded us all of what the Awty spirit truly represents. A big thank you to Karen Matthews and Suneeta Rangwani for chairing this exceptional event. The gala chairs and their wonderful gala committee members worked very hard this year to give us an event to remember. Also, a special thank you to the members of our board of trustees for their leadership in this fundraising effort. Many thanks to the sponsors and underwriters, especially Chevron, Aramco, ConocoPhillips, TOTAL, Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, and ExxonMo-
12 The Awty International School
bil, who were our lead sponsors for the evening. The evening’s sponsors also included Skyfall sponsors Dr. and Mrs. Husam Bahrani and Dr. and Mrs. Tarek Fahl, and Mr. and Mrs. William Fulton; Moonraker sponsors Air Liquide, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Salek, and Shell Oil Company; and The Spy Who Loved Me sponsors Dr. Besma Adham and Mr. and Mrs. Farouk Al Attar, Bailey Architects, Inc. / Cardno Haynes Whaley, CenterPoint Energy, FMC Technologies, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glaser, Mr. Daniel Marie and Mrs. Karen Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Prentice, and Mr. and Mrs. David Warden, Marsha Schenau, Martha Turner / Sotheby’s International Realty, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matthews, Dr. and Mrs. Andrey Omeltchenko, Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani, Mr. Fayez Sarofim, Dr. and Mrs. Jay Shenaq, Mr. Bryan Stanley, Sun Coast Resources, Inc., Tellepsen, Triad Retail Construction Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, and Willis of Texas. Couple sponsorships included Dr. Kamran Ahrar and Dr. Judy U. Ahrar, Dr. Justin Brock and Dr. Renee Brock, Mr. Charles Bunch and Ms. Lilia Khakimova, Mr. Luis F. Cabrera Vega and Mrs. Zenia B. Quintana Razo, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cofer, Mr. Todd Colvard and Mrs. Kelly Moneyhan, Mr. David Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne Brown-Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heintz, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Helman, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hendry, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman, J.P. Morgan Chase, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Kanewske, Ms. Christine Kirchner, Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lelo de Larrea, Dr. and Mrs. Osama Mawlawi, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merz, Ms. Masa Mirkovic, Dr. Jonathan Penchas, Mr. and Mrs. David Powers, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rechter, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Reid, Mr. Jay Reynolds and Dr. Felisa Reynolds, Mr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa Sanei, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Smith, Mr. Doug Stinemetz and Dr. Tatiana Sorkin, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Talbot, Mr. Shahin Tavackoli and Mrs. Nadia Tajalli, Mr. Raffi Tcholakian and Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian, and Mr. and Mrs. Salim Zakhem. Underwriters for the evening included Awty Alumni Parents Association (Photographer), Bracewell and Giuliani (Valet), ExxonMobil (Décor), Gardere Wynne Sewell (Underwriter’s Reception), Mr. and Mrs. David Haug (Casino Tables), Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hendry (Special Entertainment), MetLife (Invitations, Programs, and Signs), Mission Laïque Française (Favors), Parker Uniforms (Auction Software), Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce (White Wine), Pisco Porton (Favors & Cocktail Reception), Stage Directions (Audio/Visual), Mrs. Sujata Venkatraman (Lighting), Visicor (Auction Software), and Libbyette Wright, MD - Skin Surgery Center of Houston (Entertainment). Thank you to all who donated auction items and to the Awty families who are hosting sociables. We appreciate everyone who had a part in donating or purchasing an item as part of our online auction this year, which raised
Boualem Maizia, Proviseur and Deputy Head of School, and Lisa Darling, Head of School
over $90,000. A special note of thanks goes out to all who participated! One highlight at the gala this year included the opportunity to support Awty’s Faculty and Staff Development Fund. A special appeal was launched during the live auction asking our community to support this worthwhile cause. If you were not able to participate at the gala, you may do so by visiting www.awty.org/ gala_facstaffdev. Because of the generosity and support of the Awty community, we raised over $550,000 for the school. Thank
you for making this a glamorous, exciting, and memorable evening for Awty.
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!
ACCENT 2013-2014 13
The World is Not Enough
Karen Matthews and Suneeta Rangwani
Bond Girl strikes a pose.
Awty Dad Colin Fulton and Head of School Lisa Darling cozy up to James Bond and his Bond Girls.
Mark Smithard, Marie Smithard, Lisa Meacham, and Charlie Meacham
Robert Glaser, Janice Glaser, Shamaine Pleczko, Rick Pleczko, Kadisha Davidson, and Joe Davidson
Amy Pierce and Rob Pierce team up with James Bond and his Bond Girls.
Hernan Palermo, Linda Palermo, Christine Anderson, Hernan Morales, Aimee Flood, and Tyler Flood
Donna Oakley and Brian Oakley
Armanda Echeverria and Fabian Paluk
Dawn Cole, Burton Cole, and Mariella de Jong
Annual Fund Top Donors This year’s top annual fund donors were recognized at a cocktail reception on May 6, which was generously hosted by Mariella and Brent de Jong in their beautiful home. Because of Awty’s lead donors, Awty has surpassed its Annual Fund goal of $500,000 by 42%. As of the print deadline, $733,051 has been donated to Awty’s 2013-2014 Annual Fund, the highest dollar amount ever raised for the annual fund. Awty has also seen a steady participation rate with 75% parent participation and 95% faculty and staff participation. This year, Awty has 240 top donors, an increase of 24% over last year. These top donors have given over $560,000 (76%) of the total amount raised for the Annual Fund, with an average gift of $2,333 each. Josh Grahmann and Ashley Amy
16 The Awty International School Genoveva Jeanneret, Marcia Chamma, and Florence Shaw
To be recognized as a top donor, a gift of $1,000 or more must be donated to Awty’s Annual Fund. Make a donation today at www.awty.org/annual_fund.
Gurur Denktas and Ali Denktas
2013-2014 Annual Fund
hank you to all of our families
would not be possible without the help
rick Quarles, Marsha and Aart Schenau,
who participated in the 2013-
of wonderful volunteers. The Chairs of
Karen and Harvey Newton, and Veena
2014 Annual Fund! A gift to
the Annual Fund were Mariella de Jong,
Ponnaganti. The grade level represen-
the Annual Fund is the first and most
Rama Clauss, Genoveva Jeanneret,
tatives for the French Bilingual Section
important gift we ask of each family
Amy Pierce, Linda Shepard, Brian Wil-
include Sonia LeLarge, Sanjay Remond,
every year, and again, our families have
liams, and Le Hammer. Their leadership
Céline Louvrier, Rama Clauss, Ghislaine
participated at another record break-
helped us achieve high levels of partici-
Deschanel Pathman, Florence Shaw,
ing number. As of April 10, 2014, we
pation and money raised for the school
Julie Fette, Catherine Corcoran, Ana
have exceeded our financial goal and
this year.
Castañeda, Hervé Chapellate and Caro-
raised more than $733,051, and 75%
The grade level representatives for
of our families have participated. The
the International Section include Sandy
The faculty and staff representa-
faculty and staff have achieved 95%
and Kevin Cofer, Shannon and Mitch
tives for the year included Beatrice De
participation, and the board is at 95%.
Reid, Le Hammer and Brian Williams,
Gouyon-Person, Erika Watson, Maritza
The Annual Fund supports all aspects
Christine Anderson and Hernan Mo-
Ramos, Randle Seymour, Jennifer Bless-
of the Awty experience, from providing
rales, Courtney and Robert Ervin, Debbi
ington, Emily Ambrosino, Michelle Fer-
for our fine arts and athletic programs,
and Eric Gadin, Bridgett and Mark Mat-
guson, Caroline Lassiter, Karine Pousset,
to enhancing the school’s technology,
thes, Linda Shepard, Monica Fulton,
Anthea Lavergne, and Isabel Driel.
keeping our buildings and grounds safe
Joya Kundagrami, Jose Suarez and Ana
Thank you to each and every one of
for our students, and celebrating the
Gaviria, Julia and Robert Wellner, Merle
you for your dedication to Awty and the
school’s diversity. Your support makes
and Herald Ligtenberg, Johanna H.
Annual Fund!
a difference in the lives of each of our
Versteeg-Van Silfhout and Thieleman
students. We are very thankful for your
A. Versteeg, Tiffany and Luis Gonzales,
continued support.
Cristina and Todd Feder, Jennifer and
The success of the Annual Fund
line O’Reardon, and Liliane Haddad
- Reema Kasavich Associate Director of Annual Fund
Michael Grosvenor, Maryellen and Pat-
Ms. Jill L’Abbate’s 1st Grade Class
ACCENT 2013-2014 17
Halloween Fun
alloween at Awty brings
favorite costumes for Halloween.
Instead, the students stayed indoors
out a whole cast of char-
Normally, the Preschool students get
and had a small parade within the Kay
acters from super heroes
to proudly parade through the campus
Awty Center and the Preschool class-
to princesses, from witches to pirates,
to show off their costumes and bring a
rooms. Despite the gloomy weather,
from ninjas to animals, from athletes to
little Halloween treat to the other stu-
they had fun celebrating Halloween
monsters. Each year, the Preschool stu-
dents. This year, however, the torrential
with their peers, teachers, and families.
dents, along with the Seniors, get the
rain that hit the Houston area on Hal-
unique privilege of dressing up in their
loween day derailed the annual parade.
Kinder students Rosie Earl, Anya Sarna, Saanvi Doddaballapur, and Caroline Cole
Kinder students Alex Irving, Bulut Denktas, and Bernardo Amare
PK-3 students Anna-Lucia Mirkovic-Pappani, Zaedyn Pasha, and Barbara Saldivar
ACCENT 2013-2014 19
A Z Z I &P
A Love of Reading!
uring the year, the Primary School libraries organize several fun and educational events to encourage and promote a love for reading. This year, the Summer Readers Pizza Party and Lire en Fête were included among those events. Summer Readers Pizza Party: This year’s Summer Readers Pizza Party with Ms. Darling and Monsieur Maizia was held on Friday, September 6, 2013. Over 140 students from grades 2-5 were in attendance this year. Each student enjoyed several slices of pizza, soda, and a cookie. They also received a “Reading Champ” pencil and a special certificate from the librarians. The Awty Summer Reading Program is designed to encourage reading for pleasure. In order to receive an invitation to the pizza party, students in 2nd grade were required to read 26 books over the summer, while 3rd grade stu-
Mrs. Cintra Horn reads to Ms. Lynn Chow’s Kindergarten class.
20 The Awty International School
dents were required to read 25 books. Students in 4th grade were required to read a minimum of 1,700 pages, while 5th grade students were required to read a minimum of 2,500 pages. Congratulations to all of our summer readers. Keep up the good work! Lire en Fête: Each year, October is declared Lire en Fête (a celebration of books and reading) in the libraries. This annual tradition brings teachers, staff, and parents into the Primary School libraries to read a story or share their favorite children’s book with the students. Guest readers this year included Helen Allen, Marcela Anguiano, Diana Armentor, Myra Arslan, Vera Balliet, Lama Bchara, Tom Beuscher, Renee Blake, Soizic Bonnet, Linda Bui Palermo, Grant Caplan, Maria Vittoria Carminati, Penny Cleveland, Kneale Culbreath, Lisa Darling, Adama Diarra, Mathilde
Duprieu, Lucy Earl, Nadia Fahl, Michael Flanet, Debbie Gadin, Patti Gil, Cintra Horn, Faranak Kamali, Lauren Linn, Julie Loisel, Farida Morsi, Ana-Maria Nicolae, Ore Owodunni, Precious Owodunni, Nathalie Pierros, Céline Poirier, Zenia Quintana, Marylyn Raia, Stephanie Reed, Jessika Smith, Helene Tredenik, Stan Way, Christelle Zaharatos, and Pascale Zurzolo. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who shared their love of reading with the students. They enjoyed all of the great stories that were shared. Lire en Fête began in 1989 in France, and has grown in popularity worldwide since its inception. The spirit of Lire en Fête is to promote a love of reading among all students. Sharing a story or book with a child today can encourage them to become life-long readers.
Fifth grade students Ryan Tannir, Esteban Ayala, and Ariel Karni each take a big bite of pizza at the Summer Readers Pizza Party.
Mrs. Jessika Smith takes part in Lire en Fête and reads to her daughter’s 2nd grade class.
3rd graders Katerina Hackman, Mathilda von Bismarck, and Ava Harrington
Mr. Tom Beuscher reads to Ms. Florence Montaigne’s MS class during Lire en Fête.
Giving Thanks
n November 21, the Prima-
Raia, Ms. Hedy Mankarios, Ms. Julie Lo-
States on the fourth Thursday in No-
ry School students enjoyed
isel, and Mrs. Penny Cleveland dressed
vember. Even though the “First Thanks-
the traditional culture of
up as “Pilgrims and Indians” and per-
giving” was celebrated by the Pilgrims
the American Thanksgiving. Preschool
formed a skit for the students, teach-
and Native Americans after their first
students celebrated by grade-level,
ing them about the first Thanksgiving.
harvest in the New World in 1621, it
sharing class-made food with each
This Thanksgiving celebration was
did not become an annual holiday un-
other and enjoying a Thanksgiving
made possible by Chef Tim Morgan,
til President Abraham Lincoln issued
play by a group of “local actors.” For
Sage Dining, and the APPA. A special
his Thanksgiving Proclamation in 1863
the Lower School students, Sage Din-
thank you to all of the parent volun-
creating a national day of thanksgiv-
ing prepared a feast of tradtional foods
teers who decorated the Café, helped
ing. For many, Thanksgiving is a day
including turkey and dressing, corn,
out in the Preschool classrooms, and
to spend quality time with family and
green beans, carrots, and much more.
served the students.
friends and a time to give thanks for
During the day’s events, Mr. Stanley
Thanksgiving is an annual holiday
Way, Mrs. Cintra Horn, Ms. Marylyn
tradition celebrated in the United
CM2 students Anastasia Morrow, Lara Roy, Selma Maizia, and Dominique de Font Réaulx
Mrs. Jan Case’s Kindergarten Class
22 The Awty International School
each other and for all of life’s blessings.
Primary School administrators act out the first Thanksgiving.
Zaedyn Pasha (PK-4), Nathan Coustures (MS), and Nicolas Ramirez (PK-4)
5th grade Spelling Runner-up Lucas Backx and Champion Nathalie Tawa with Mrs. Cintra Horn and Ms. Catherine Sovany
Heris Salek and Lauren Elie (5th grade)
S-p-e-l-l-i-n-g Bee The 4th grade/CM1 and 5th grade/CM2 students participated in the annual Lower School Spelling Bee on Thursday, January 9. In 5th Grade, the winner was Nathalie Tawa and the runner-up was Lucas Backx. Nathalie won by correctly spelling both the word tsunami and the word staccato. In 4th Grade, Christopher Wolff was named the winner and Samuel Harris became the runner-up. Christopher won by correctly spelling the words sympathy and synopsis
4th grade Spelling Champion Christopher Wolff and Runner-up Samuel Harris with Mrs. Cintra Horn and Ms. Catherine Sovany
Congratulations to all four students! They each did a great job and went on to represent the Lower School in Awty’s Annual 4th-8th Grade Spelling Bee on January 17, where they competed against Middle School students.
4th grade students compete in the 2014 Lower School Spelling Bee.
Marc Barbir, Peter Cuthbert, and Ryan Tannir (5th grade)
Richard Gerlach (5th grade)
Nurse Gina Sharman shows 5th grade students Zara Amjad and Jacques Brock the proper way to help an infant who is choking.
Gaining Life-Saving Skills On December 13, the 5th grade students learned the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR. Through the hands-on presentation, which was organized by School Nurses Gina Sharman and Veronique Moore, the students learned valuable life-saving skills. They learned the proper steps to take if they ever encounter anyone who is unresponsive, collapses, or who begins to choke.
Nurse Veronique Moore demonstrates the proper techniques to use when an infant is choking.
Nurse Gina Sharman advises 5th graders Jacques Brock and Richard Gerlach on how to administer CPR on an adult.
Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the United States, and according to the American Heart Association, approximately 92 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital. However, statistics prove that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved. Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim’s chance of survival.
Mariana Suarez and Cristobal Ramirez (5th grade)
Young Scientists
o you know why Australia
on April 16 while students and teach-
periments that the students tested.
has so many interesting
ers took turns attending the exhibition
Each one displayed the problem, hy-
indigenous animals?
during the day on April 17. Some of the
pothesis, materials, procedures, obser-
you know that you can make quicksand
students showcased the different ani-
vations, and conclusion. Experiments
out of cornstarch? Can you name all of
mals and habitats they learned about
ranged from testing whether soap in-
the parts of a flowering plant? Do you
during class, including various species
teracts with pepper, to testing which
know how to make your own paper?
native to Australia! Some of the proj-
soda geyser rises the highest, to testing
The Primary School students learned
ects on display also allowed visitors to
the strength of wood glue.
the answers to these questions and
travel through space and explore the
The 5th graders in the International
more at the annual science exhibition
stars and galaxies, while other projects
section even displayed the CASIS ex-
in April.
took visitors on a journey through the
periment they will be testing in space in
human body.
the fall. You can read more about this
Parents and families were invited to view the projects at the science fair
Many of the projects showcased ex-
Kinder students Axelle Sinambela, Sara Fayez, and March Flood
CM1 students Anna Roussel, Nour Kanoun, Alice Duprieu, and ElĂŠonore RiviĂŠre-Verberckt
project on page 80.
Zhi-Hahn See and Jefferson Page (4th grade)
Thilo Chalas and Angus Mustiere (CM1)
ACCENT 2013-2014 25
Let the Games Begin
ield Day 2014 was another successful two-day venture loaded with fun and laughter as the Lower School students competed against each other in various activities. The 1st and 2nd graders competed on Thursday, February 20, while the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders took their turn on Friday, February 21. The opening ceremony kicked off the two-day event on Thursday morning as all of the students paraded into the stadium and around the track. Two students from each grade then partici-
The 5th grade students march into the stadium for the opening ceremony.
26 The Awty International School
pated in the torch relay including 1st grade/CP students MathĂŠo Pillon and Hala Morsi, 2nd grade/CE1 students Maxime Clauss and Gwen Kirst, 3rd grade/CE2 students Alexandre Lanoes and Ava Harrington, 4th grade/ CM1 students Mathieu Etaix and Peyton Tcholakian, and 5th grade/CM2 students Oliver McEwan-Debney and Amandine Lesguillier. Following the ceremonial torch relay, some of the Lower School teachers teamed up and competed against each other in the obstacle course. Finally, Mr. Way de-
clared “Let the games begin.� There was lots of fun had by all as each grade level participated in eight different competitions including speed race, sack race, long jump contest, partner races, obstacle course, relay race, scooters relay, and bounce relay. The winners in the speed race, sack race, and relay race then competed in the finals. The two-day event ended with a friendly competition of tug-of-war between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
Mia Paluk (1st grade)
Primary School Faculty after competing in the obstacle course
3rd grade/CE2 students Arthur Tamboise, AdĂŠlie Lorge, Tom Good, Zade Shenaq, Trey Vetters, Jameel Fahl, and Katarina Hackman
Sofia Forcella (2nd grade)
Fi e s ta d e M ay o
iesta de Mayo, an annual celebration of the Spanish language, was held on Friday, May 2. The Spanish program in the Primary School (PK3 – 5th grade) shared with the Awty Community the diversity of cultures found in the different countries where the Spanish language is spoken, including music and crafts. For this great event the students in the Spanish Program danced while wearing costumes representing the place from which their dance originated. PK-3 students began the show with a dance (Spain) to the song “El Show de Coco y Pepe”. The PK-4 students also performed a dance from Spain. They danced to the song “Azucar Morena”.
1st graders Zayna Dilawar, Andres Ruiz, and Sofia Dunkel
28 The Awty International School
Next up was a performance by the Kindergarten students with a dance (Colombia) to “El Gato Bugaloo”. The 1st graders followed with a dance from El Salvador. They danced to the song “Xuc del Torito”. “El Carnaval” was the song chosen for the 2nd grade dance, which originated in Puerto Rico. The 3rd grade students transported the audience to Ecuatorial Guinea with their dance to “¡Ay Corazón!”. The dance performed by the 4th grade students to the song “Que Viva la Vida” originated in Puerto Rico. Finally, the 5th graders closed the show with a dance from Cuba. They performed to the song “Echa Pa’lla”. This magnificent event was made
possible thanks to the combination of efforts from the students, the teachers, the assistants, and last but not least, the amazing team of parent volunteers. Muchos gracias to committee chairs Celia Balli, Ingrid Cheskes-Nurko, Aimee Flood, Monica Fulton, Marissa Gerlach, Suneeta Rangwani, and Patricia Seller-Wolff as well as committee members Betty Caballero, Claudia Fernandez, Andrea Garcia-Ahmed, Tammy Karni, Faranak Kamali, Regina Lelo de Larrea, Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian, Amy Pierce, Shamaine Pleczko, Sharon Ruiz, and Stephy Smolensky. A special thank you goes to Marite Bertolusso and Silvia Flavin for the array of backdrops used during the performance.
4th grader R.J. Kunkemoeller leads his peers during their dance at Fiesta de Mayo.
5th grade students celebrating after they finished their dance at Fiesta de Mayo
Rocio Gras and Sofia de la Morena (3rd grade)
Avery Smith (Kinder)
Music To Our Ears
he musical talents of Awty’s Primary School students are showcased each year during the grade level performances. Under the guidance of Ms. Lori Wagner, Mr. Gwenaël Toutous, and Ms. Zulfia Finigan, the students delighted audiences with their performances. The 4th grade/CM1 students kicked off the performance season with "Children of the World" on December 11. The students sang nine songs including Kinderen Voor Kinderen - Klaar Voor de Start, Paroles Enfants de Tous Pays, Somewhere Over the Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World, Noel des Enfants du Monde, Naranjas y Limas, What the World Needs Now, Debout les Gars, We're All in This Together, and Children of the World. Two days later on December 13, the spirit of the holidays was in the air as the PK-3/PS and PK-4/MS students performed Adventures of Santa Claus for family and friends. The students performed eight songs including La’s-Tu Vu, Santa, Santa High in the Sky, Who’s That Up the Chimney?, Alegria, Santa’s got a Sunburn, Mamacita, Petit Garson,
PK4/MS students
30 The Awty International School
and Are We There Yet?. They also performed eight dances to various songs including Sur Le Pont D’Avignon, Rule Britannia, Irish Dance, Allegria, Mele Kalikimaka, La Raspa, Snowflakes, and Cotton Eyed Joe. At the end of their performance, Santa made a surprise visit, bringing lots of smiles to the students' faces. The story and script were written by Preschool Music Teacher Zulfia Finigan. Mrs. Cintra Horn served as the narrator throughout the show. On January 24, the 3rd Grade/CE2 students took to the stage with Water and the Planet. They waded in the water singing nine songs including My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, Up the MISSISSIPPI, A La Claire Fontaine, Alle Kleuren, Wade in the Water, Le Parapluie, L'Hiver est tout Blanc, La Rana, and Under the Sea. The talent of the 2nd grade/CE1 students shined when they delivered "The Seasons / Les Saisons" on February 7. They took the audience through the four seasons while performing nine songs including L'Automne Rouge et Or, Boris et Natacha, Falling Leaves / Man It's Cold / April Showers medley Las Cu-
atro Estaciones, La Mare en Fête, Sand op je Boterham, Mr. Sun Shine Down on Me, In the Good Old Summertime, and Round the Seasons. The 1st grade/CP students chirped their way through their performance of "Birds" in early March. Like the sweet melodies of little songbirds, it was music to our ears when the students performed eight songs including Mon petit oiseau, Einini (Little Birds), Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree, Que Llueva, L'alouette est sur la Branche, Le Pingouin du Pôle Nord, I Bought Me a Bird, and Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah. At the end of the school year, both the Kindergarten/GS and 5th Grade/ CM2 students gave a special musical performance during their graduation ceremonies. All of these performances would not have been possible without the help of the teachers, aides, and some key parent volunteers. On behalf of the Primary School students, thank you for giving them the opportunity to experience the performing arts.
4th grade/CM1
Margot Haslin, Salome Lhors, Antoine Vernerey, and Auguste Le Breton (CE1)
1st grade/CP
Emilie Etaix (CE2)
Archaeological Dig
ndiana Jones would have been proud of the 6th graders of The Awty International School as they boarded the bus in October! Dressed in their “Triassic” boots, “Jurassic” jeans, and filled with the “Now-assic” excitement that only 6th graders can generate, we set off for the wilds of Eastern Texas (more specifically Mr. Beuscher’s farm) and a day of discovery. We were going exploring, searching the earth for vestiges of life before the cell phone, computer, and Facebook – “Terra Incognita” to all but the oldest of
faculty! “There Be Dragons There”, was scrawled across the ancient map in Mr. Lyon’s hands as Mrs. Sload, Mrs. Doolittle, Mrs. Everett, and Mr. Chesterton set off in search of treasure! Once at Mr. Beuscher’s, we met under shade of an ancient tree to be broken up into the three groups needed for our day of discovery. The groups would switch between the “Midden”, the back yard dig, and a walk with Mrs. Sload through the forest in search of medicinal plants. It was a great day as kids were finding old bottles, plates,
and many other remnants of the lives of past generations. For me the look of excitement on a kids face when they found “something” in the back yard dig was priceless and I know it was the same for the other teachers. Many thanks to Mr. Beuscher for allowing us to “discover” his farm and learn from its secrets, and for the great lunch he made for all of us. We’ll be back next year for another round of discovery. - John Chesterton MS History/Geography Teacher
Mr. Tom Beuscher gives instructions to the 6th graders before the dig.
6th grader Wout Schrameijer
6th grader Sophia Hashmi
6th grade students participate in an archaeological dig.
ACCENT 2013-2014 33
1,000 Socks & Counting
arly in the school year, Awty student Jeremy Jason started collecting socks...lots of them. His initial goal was to collect a whopping 1,000 socks! Why you might ask? Let Jeremy explain why in his own words... When did you start the project and why? I started my project in May 2013 when my family and I began volunteering at an organization called Food Not Bombs (FNB). At Food Not Bombs, we serve and share vegetarian food with hungry people in downtown Houston. I learned that many people who come to eat with us don’t have a lot of the things, things that we take for granted: a house to live in, a car, a shower, or clean clothes. And those people probably have to walk a lot and need comfortable shoes and socks to wear. Their feet must be tired and hurt. So I thought I could help out by getting lots of clean, comfortable socks for them to wear and maybe make their lives a little bit better. After that, I came up with a project, which I named “A Thousand Socks”, as part of my preparation for my Bar Mitzvah. How many socks have you collected so far? What was your original goal and what is your current goal? Currently I have collected 2,234 pairs of socks, with the goal of collecting as many as possible. My original goal was to collect 500 pairs, since that amounted to 1,000 socks. Have you continued to collect socks since your Bar Mitzvah? I had been collecting many socks up until my Bar Mitzvah. After that, collec-
34 The Awty International School
tions have been slow and I have been focusing on distributing them. Have you distributed any of the socks? If so, where? I have been distributing the socks that I have collected at the Houston Library in downtown, during Food Not Bombs food sharings, at James Bute Park, and at a shelter for homeless veterans. How can others donate/participate? At this point, the only way to donate and participate is through my blog: www. athousandsocks.org. You could also contact me to donate socks or money. I’m in the process of thinking about what is the best way to continue with my cause. Hopefully I will find an answer soon. Through this entire journey, what have you learned the most? Through this entire adventure, I have learned many things. To tell you the truth, I had never met a homeless person face to face before, only at a distance or through the window of my parents’ car. I learned that many people don’t have a lot of the things that we take for granted, and that we just don’t even pay attention to what we have. I learned that even though homeless people are a little different than most people I know, they are still nice and kind. I have met a few nice people in my volunteer work, people like a man called Wizard, who brought in his pet cat one day to our food sharing, or Craig, who is very friendly and has red hair and a red beard. I also learned that many people are very generous. Some people, who I have never met, contacted me through my blog say-
ing that they have been inspired by what I’m doing and have donated hundreds of socks, and even money. A nice lady named Nancy randomly found my blog and donated 134 pairs of socks. A very generous man named Howie found my box at Belden’s supermarket and donated a box full of socks. Inspiring other people makes me very happy! What makes me happiest is finding out that people care about helping others, no matter who they are. The many donors have in turn inspired me to keep going. It’s like a spiraling of goodness. If they are generous and kind, I must keep doing my part. I learned that helping out can be a fun experience. I have made friends with many other kids who also volunteer. Sometimes I bring my scooter downtown and we have scooter races. Sometimes I bring my drum and a play a little bit with my older brother. Lately, many Awty kids are also joining through the high school FNB club. What I also learned is that people who live on the street sometimes feel that nobody cares about them, and by giving them socks I hope they will feel that some people in society do care, and that they feel appreciated. Finally, this project has taught me that even something as small and humble as a pair of socks or sharing some food, can make a person feel better. What’s important is to help others feel respected and appreciated. By helping others who are less fortunate, we can make this world a better place. Anyone, or anything, no matter how small, can make a difference, even a boy like me, giving a pair of socks.
For the first time, on Mitzvah Day, Jeremy started handing out the socks he collected.
Jeremy with Dennis, the manager at Belden's, who kindly allowed Jeremy to put a collection box at the supermarket.
Jeremy talks to Awty Dad Brian Hendry about his project.
ACCENT 2013-2014 35 Jeremy's dad Mark makes the first donation of socks.
Author Margaret Peterson Haddix
Author Margaret Peterson Haddix meets with the Upper School Book Club.
American Author Visits Awty American author Margaret Peterson Haddix visited the Middle School students on November 19. She gave a presentation to students in all three Middle School grade levels. She then spent some time signing books for students and staff. Mrs. Haddix also met with both the Middle School and Upper School Book Clubs during their lunch breaks. Finally, she held a writer’s workshop in the afternoon for anyone interested in becoming a writer.
Author Margaret Peterson Haddix speaks to the Middle Schoolers.
36 The Awty International School Author Margaret Peterson Haddix signs one of her books for 6th grader Helen Hastings.
Mrs. Haddix has written more than 30 books for children and young adults including favorites such as Among the Hidden, Found, and Just Ella. Mrs. Haddix is also the author of the tenth book Into the Gauntlet in the widely popular 39 Clues series. Her books have been honored with New York Times bestseller status, the International Reading Association’s Children’s Book Award; American Library Association Best Book and Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers notations; and more than a dozen state reader’s choice awards.
6éme students Armandine RiviéreVerberckt and Candice Chepda Kwessi
L e t ’s P l ay B I N G O ore than 230 teddy bears
Every year, each Middle School stu-
Airbrush set, and various gift cards.
were collected from stu-
dent who donates a teddy bear is al-
The big prizes given away this year
dents in Middle School
lowed entry into the ever-popular bin-
included “design your own Converse
during the annual Bingo and Bears
go game. This year was no different.
shoes”, which was won by Basile Caron,
event this year. Those teddy bears
On December 19, Awty Middle School-
4ème, “design your own jersey” won by
brought an abundance of joy when
ers had fun giving back and playing
Omar Kandeel, 8th grade, "free dress
they were donated to several local
day for the entire grade," won by the
charities in the Houston area, just in
Throughout several rounds of bingo,
7th grade, and "a pizza party for an ad-
time for the holiday season. Those
the students had the chance to win
visory class," won by M. Philippe Carre’s
charities included Santa Maria Hostel,
some fun and very cool prizes like a
4ème advisory class.
Ridgecrest Elementary School, Farias
soccer ball, a basketball, a Rainbow
Early Childhood Center, and Casa Juan
Pack Play-doh set, a Bananagrams set,
a Crayola Color Can, Crayola Marker
Ali Kandeel (6th grade) waits to see if he has a winning Bingo card.
Alexandre Baumgartner, Adrien Marcos, Rémi Messier, Spencer Talbot, William Ryelandt, Diego de Patoul, and Griffin Wilkins, 7th grade/5éme
6th grade/6éme students Joseph Abounohra, Tom Averink, Tanguy Pomarède, William Girardeau, and Paul Novoa-Gueneau
Hermine Comte, Inès Mugnier, and Diane Lhors, 6éme
ACCENT 2013-2014 37
Dalal Daher (6ème)
Dalal Daher, Mr. Tom Beuscher, and Alexandra Wolff
Speling Bea Champian?! Would you know how to spell the word "akimbo" if you were asked? Dalal Daher, 6ème, did! By correctly spelling akimbo, Dalal won the Annual Spelling Bee on January 17, beating out nine other students in grades 4/CM1 through 8/4ème. Seventh grader Alexandra Wolff finished as the runner-up of the bee. Congratulations to Dalal and Alexandra, as well as all of the students who participated in the competition including Christopher Wolff (4th grade), Samuel Harris (4th grade), Nathalie Tawa (CM2), Lucas Backx (5th grade), Eric Aase (6th grade), Omar Abbouchi (8th grade), and Abby Partridge (8th grade). Thank you to Mr. Tom Beuscher for moderating the spelling bee and to judges Mrs. Linda Doolittle, Mrs. Francesca Van Loo, and Mrs. Carol Munn for upholding the rules and determining whether or not words were spelled correctly. Alexandra Wolff (7th grade)
38 The Awty International School Dalal Daher (6ème) takes her turn during the 2014 Spelling Bee
Eric Aase (6th grade)
S p e c ta c u l at h on
wty's 8th grade theatre class
ence in stitches with their rendition
scenes including Martha Bawara, Amy
of the hilarious play. The cast included
Bruce, Eleanor Grosvenor, Izzy Jefferis,
Grimm Spectaculathon for
Awty students Anna Abounohra, Lena
Albane Marande, Jackson Meyer, Sa-
three nights in February and March
Dion, Eleanor Grosvenor, Izzy Jefferis,
mantha Munk, Jordan Oakley, Perrine
under the direction of Ms. Amy Bruce.
Mathilde Leveque, Katharine Linnartz,
Simon, Christopher Wright, and Awty's
Comedy ensued when two narra-
Albane Marande, Maddie Meacham,
Theatre Tech Class.
tors and a group of actors attempted
Jackson Meyer, Samantha Munk, Jor-
A note of thanks goes to Michele
to spin all 209 fairy tales of the Broth-
dan Oakley, Max Paul, Sophie Sanati,
Abounohra, Tod Baily, Martha Bawara,
ers Grimm including classics like Snow
Perrine Simon, Christopher Wright,
Tom Beuscher, Lisa Darling, Robert
White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Hansel
and Nadia Zamany.
Dee, Boualem Maizia, Faye Sanati,
and Gretel and combine them into a fast-paced, one-act play.
The production of the play would not have been possible without the
The ensemble cast had the audi-
Robert Sload, Karen Waugh, and Sam Waugh.
help of so many working behind the
Eleanor Grosvenor
Sophie Sanati and Katherine Linnartz
Izzy Jefferis, Jordan Oakley, and Max Paul
Samantha Munk and Max Paul
ACCENT 2013-2014 39
Big Bend XXVI
his year’s Big Bend trip was Awty’s 26th time to visit the great outdoors of West Texas! On March 29-April 4, 90 French and International 8th grade students, along with a team of 15 dedicated faculty and staff members, set off to discover and rediscover the pleasures of life in the West, the great outdoors, and beautiful starry skies. It was a genuine adventure in direct contact with nature, in complete autonomy, without electronics, and without parents. Students set out to discover not just the environments of Big Bend National Park, Garner State Park, and Fort Davis; they set out to discover themselves. They learned about the necessity for rules in communal living, about the responsibilities involved in cooking for over 100 people, but above all, they learned to adapt to the fabulous desert
surroundings, hiking trails, and pathways of all lengths. The trip remained true to its pedagogical intentions, thanks to a booklet The Big Bend Guide, sponsored by BHP Billiton Petroleum. The booklet allowed students to learn about human history and, thanks to the participation of Sam Clayton, the geology and botany for which the park is renowned. Sam was also able to join the students and staff in Big Bend this year and gave the students a lesson in the geology of Santa Elena Canyon and hosted a question and answer session for the students on Tuesday evening. The students spent Wednesday morning canoeing down the Rio Grand River and then traveled to Terlingua to have lunch with the students from Terlingua High School. The students shared a hike with 8th graders from Terlingua who were eager to share the
Amy Bruce with Hector Acevedo, Adham Metwalli, Perrine Simon, Fredrika Pfeiffer, Blanca Burgaleta, Theo Lamerie, Dylan Arnaud, and Louis Tonnel
40 The Awty International School
petroglyphs and pictographs and secrets of their own Indian trail. The students from Terlingua also showed the Awty students how the Indian natives of the area were able to start fires using the sotol plant that is native to the Big Bend area. In the evening, before dinner, various teacher-led activities allowed students to discover astronomy and other sciences, but above all, the discussion would inevitably turn to activities to come and what the next day would bring. The 8th graders on this 26th annual Big Bend trip showed great enthusiasm, an inquisitive spirit, and a positive, willing approach, as much in their discovery of the parks as in their execution of the daily chores essential to the wellbeing of the group. - Angela Glidewell & Miranda DeVries Big Bend Coordinators
8th grade/4ème students and chaperones on the 26th annual Big Bend trip
Lucas Anderson with Omar Kandeel, Toby Reyes, Mateo Favier, Eloïse Cowan, Tara Schmidtke, Katharine Linnartz, Quentin Taton, Nejma Benzaari, Omar Abbouchi, and William Rombouts
Big Bend National Park
Eloïse Cowan and Maria Zaharatos
Washington D.C.
his past spring, 96 students from both sections of the 7th grade class, along with a team of nine dedicated faculty and staff members, embarked on Awty's inaugural journey to Williamsburg, VA and Washington D.C.. On March 31, they set off to explore, learn, and connect with the rich culture and history of the Unites States capital. Together, they followed the steps of the country’s founders and present-day policymakers with visits to the most popular sites in the nation’s capital. It was a genuine educational experience where students were able to trace the course of American history from its earliest settlers to today’s political leaders. After an early morning departure, the convoy arrived in Washington D.C. around noon and spent the day exploring the Smithsonian museums, the world’s largest museum and research complex, in small self-guided groups. The Natural Science Museum, The National Air and Space Museum, and The National Art Gallery were among some of the institutions they visited. After dinner, the group ended their first day by experiencing the magic of seeing Washington by night. Some of the highlights of the scenic downtown tour included The Vietnam War Memorial, The Korean War Memorial, and The Lincoln Memorial. The students were inspired and moved by the history behind each of these testaments of courage. Day two was packed with activities.
42 The Awty International School
It began with a trip through the Virginia countryside to Mount Vernon, which is situated on the Potomac River, and where George Washington called home for more than 40 years. The students then spent the afternoon at Arlington National Cemetery, where they had the opportunity to witness the impressive synchronized changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns, and the gravesite of John F. Kennedy. After stopping at the United States Marine Corps War Memorial, the group ended their day at Madame Tussauds Washington D.C. wax museum, taking fun photos alongside famous personalities. Day three started with a visit to the impressive United States Capitol Building, where students took a tour of the city’s epicenter and heart of the American legislature. After visiting a few monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and eating dinner, the group left Washington and traveled to Williamsburg—America’s Historical Triangle—where the spirit of America was born. Day four was a change of pace for
the students as they strolled in the serene cobble streets of Colonial Williamsburg, and got a glimpse of what life used to be like during the 18th century. Shopkeepers from apothecaries to blacksmiths welcomed students and showed them the secrets of their trades. The rest of the afternoon was spent in Jamestown, the site of the first permanent settlement in America. Here, students were able to visit an Indian village and participate in handson activities such as canoe carving or basket weaving. On the last day, the students traveled back to D.C. and enjoyed one last stroll in Washington before returning to Houston. Exhausted, but filled with beautiful memories, the group arrived at school late Friday evening. On this inaugural trip to Washington D.C., the 7th grade students displayed an enthusiastic and curious spirit. Each one was eager to learn and discover the deep history of the U.S. capital.
7th grade/5éme students and chaperones in front of the US Capitol Building in Washington D.C.
- Nelson Bonzi & Laurence Paul Washington D.C. Coordinators
7th grade/5ème students in front of the White House during their trip to Washington D.C.
5ème students Thomas Bunch, William Ohrt, Adrian Barbir, Adrien Marcos, Adrien Dubois, and Eric Verchére
7th grade/5ème students visit the gravesite of John F. Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery.
5ème students Marie-Emilie Germain, Jeanne Bourgogne, Jeanne Frebault, Neelam Monroy, Louise Ichanjou, and Isabel Guinotte
Green & Gold Field Day
t was a beautiful, sunny day in May when the Middle School students competed in the annual Green and Gold Field Day. The friendly competition got underway just after noon at Awty Field. The students divided up into groups and participated in ten different competitions. They competed in several races including a spoon ball race, books on head relay, speed stack, and clothes race. During the spoon ball race, students had to balance a ball on a spoon and race down to a cone, around the cone, and back. Then, they had to hand the spoon off to the next group member. If the ball dropped, the student had to stop, replace the ball, and continue on. The group which made the most trips around the cone won the race. During the books on head relay, each student had to follow an obstacle course while balancing a book on their head—no hands were allowed. In speed stack, each group had to successfully and quickly stack and unstack a set of cups. Finally, during the clothes race, each student had to put on a shirt, pants, and shoes, race
Patricio Troop (6th grade)
44 The Awty International School
to a cone and back, and then undress and pass the outfit to the next student on their team. The teams not only competed in these physical races but they also participated in several games that challenged their mind including trivial pursuit, words in words, and wordle. First, each group received a stack of cards from the Trivial Pursuit deck. Card by card, they had to answer as many questions correctly as they could. The group with the most correct answers won the challenge. During words in words, each team was given a word. Each team then had to come up with as many words as they could using only the letters from the original word they were given. Finally, the teams competed in a game of wordle where the students were given several pictograms that represented a common word, phrase, or expression. The students had to solve as many of the wordles as they could in a certain amount of time. This year an Earth Day component was added. First was the water carry race where students divided into
groups at opposite ends of a 100-meter section of the track and carried the “water” (buckets on a pole across their shoulders) back and forth to learn the struggle so many people experience to provide water to their families on a daily basis. The group that carried the water the furthest was the winner. The second race was the water jug race where students started at one end of a 100-meter section of the track and race to a tub of water at the opposite end. Students used a cup to take water from the tub and raced back to the starting point where they filled a jug with the water that was left in the cup. The group that filled the jug with the most water was the winning group. Finally, it would not have been field day without everyone’s favorite contest, the water slide. Each student took their turn at the water slide, attempting to be the longest slider in their rotation. Overall, the students (and their teachers, too) had a blast at this year’s Green and Gold Field Day!
Anais Chepda Kwessi (4ème)
8th grade/4ème students Benjamin Harrison and Max Paul compete in the water jug race
Jacob Berg (7th grade)
Claire Quarles (7th Grade)
I n t e r n at i o n a l C o l l e g e Fa i r
he 2014 CIS IB College Fair
Calgary (Canada), University of British
invited to send students to the college
was held on Awty’s campus
Columbia (Canada), Trinity University
fair. Nearly 200 students attended the
September 16. The fair was
(USA), Temple University (Japan), Uni-
hosted by Awty’s College Counseling
versidad de Navarra (Spain), The Uni-
The college fair gave students in the
Office, in collaboration with the Coun-
versity of Hong Kong (China), Sciences
Upper School a chance to visit with
cil of International Schools and the IB.
Po (France), Nagoya University (Japan),
the attending college representatives
Over 65 universities and colleges
Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), The
and ask them vital questions about the
from around the globe were represent-
American University of Paris (France),
school itself, their programs, the appli-
ed at the fair including York University
Università Bocconi (Italy), Syracuse
cation process, and admission require-
(Canada), Vanderbilt University (USA),
University (USA), and Franklin College
ments, as well as their scholarship and
University of New South Wales (Aus-
financial aid opportunities.
tralia), University of Glasgow (UK), Uni-
All IB schools in Texas, Arizona, Colo-
versity of Dundee (UK), University of
rado, Oklahoma, and Louisiana were
11th graders Nancy Hoggatt, Jessica Eddington, Evelien Quint, and Maryam Madani Zadeh
Lorraine Talbot and Alastair Talbot (1ère) talk with the representative from The University of Tampa.
Margaret Glaser (11th grade) and Alex White (12th) visit with the representative from the University of The Arts London.
Naia Daniel (11th grade), Saunaz Moradi (11th), Mrs. Maria Duhen, and Pauline Duhen (1ère) visit with the representative from the University of British Colombia.
ACCENT 2013-2014 47
SCW Honduras Project
ver the past years, I have participated in a variety of community efforts but none have touched me like Schools for Children of the World (SCW). SCW is an organization founded by my stepgrandfather that focuses on building educational infrastructure in extremely poor areas in underdeveloped countries. I founded an SCW Club at Awty during my junior year and, together with my close friends, carried out a variety of fundraising activities at school, such as a cookie dough fundraiser, bake sales, a garage sale, and selling candy bags at Halloween time. Our goal was to raise enough funds to build the “Las Torres” School in Las Torres, in rural Honduras. During my trip to Honduras I felt emotionally connected to SCW’s cause and, most importantly, to the children who would benefit from the school we helped build. SCW brought together three important things for me: a sense of true community service, the ability to utilize my Spanish to communicate with the young children, and a newly found appreciation for the opportunities I have been blessed with. Children in private schools have so many options for community service, including traveling to beautiful and sophisticated destinations. What
48 The Awty International School
made our SCW Honduras project unique (and often difficult to recruit for!) was there was nothing comfortable or easy going about our trip. We performed manual labor for hours under intense heat and slept in bunk beds in simple cabins in the middle of the rain forest. We ate the local food and did the things the community does. There was nothing fancy about our trip, and yet it felt as magical as a trip to the most wonderful destination in the world. Through our work, children who would otherwise be left without schooling could attend a well-built, sanitary, and safe facility. Through our work, these children could have dreams of their own and aspirations to leave their rural community to better them. In a way, we gave themselves a new chance at life. My first language was Spanish until I entered school at age three. My mother enrolled me and my siblings at Awty because she wanted us to be multilingual, multicultural, and “multiminded.” She wanted us to be able to see things from different perspectives and to communicate and relate to people of different cultures and different languages. I have never appreciated this concept more than during my trip to Las Torres with SCW. The minute I arrived I was able to connect with the Las Torres children because I could communicate with them not just linguistically but also culturally and emotionally. I felt so drawn to them. Although we had little to nothing in common, we shared one thing:
we spoke the same language. I think this made them feel understood. They immediately trusted me and even showed affection towards me. This emotional connection made me feel special and motivated me even more to give back. One thing is discussing poverty in third world countries amongst your peers, family members, and friends, but another thing is to actually witness it first-hand: to feel it and to touch it. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what my life would be like if I didn’t have a roof over my head, a meal three times a day, and a chance at a great education. I am so blessed. I have the luxury of attending a private international school like Awty where I am exposed to an enriching environment and have the ability to study hard and make something of myself. The children of Las Torres were malnourished, wore the same clothes over and over again, and without SCW, would never have gone to school. The children of Las Torres were poor from the material perspective. However, in another way, they were incredibly rich. These children have learned to be happy with little to no material possessions. They have figured out a way to derive pleasures from the simplest things in life, and they have learned to appreciate every day for what it brings. No questions asked. They had smiles on their faces, and had so much fun with just a ball as their only toy. Seeing this taught me one very important lesson in life, to understand that with the
privileges I have been given, come an important responsibility. I have a responsibility to give back, and I have a responsibility to give thanks every day by learning to live a happy and fulfilling life. I am thankful to SCW and the chil-
dren of Las Torres for the life lessons they have taught me. Even though I am graduating this year and going off to college, thanks to the children of Las Torres I am committed to remaining engaged in this cause. I will be going to Honduras again for a week in
July with new members of SCW, and will continue going for as long as I can. I hope to one day in the very near future found an SCW club at Wake Forest University. - Gabriella Mahan 12th Grade
Gabi Mahan, Ida Afshar, Andrea Schang, Rio Jones, Liz Sorkin, and Madeline de Jong
Gabi Mahan, Lisa Bastedo, Rio Jones, and Andrea Schang
Gabi Mahan with a child in Las Torres.
ACCENT 2013-2014 49
L a d y R a m s W i n S tat e
n October 26, the Awty Rams Cross Country Teams competed in the first state competition for the 2013-2014 school year when they traveled to Waco to run in the 2013 TAPPS State Meet. Entering the event, expectations were high as the boys team had shown consistent time improvements over the final weeks of the season. The Lady Rams, who were the defending state champions, also had been successful, winning five of the cross country meets they competed in this season. The Lady Rams started the day in grand fashion by successfully defending their state title. Eliminating much suspense during the podium announcement, Awty placed four runners in the top ten and all seven racers in the top 20. When the final Lady Ram crossed the finish line, the team knew victory was merely a formality. Bella Grant, who was the top overall finisher in the girls 4A division, won the race with a time of 11:53.2, outperforming
2013 Girls Cross Country TAPPS State Champions
50 The Awty International School
the 2012 individual champion over the final 300 meters, eventually separating herself by five seconds. She was followed by Nikita Prasad (3rd), Christina Moreno (5th), and Sydney Arceneaux (8th). As a team, the Lady Rams totaled a low of 27 points for the meet. The three other finishers for the team were Anaelle Lahitte-Crohare (11th), Amanda Gerlach (18th), and Lauren Ward (19th). “This was unbelievably satisfying, to have all of our runners place as high as they did was right where we, as a team, expected to finish,” stated an exuberant Coach Sload. “All the young ladies on the team throughout the season worked to earn this championship. It was a collection of all their efforts over the season that made this possible. That’s why they all go up on stage and accept the state trophy.” The boys, who entered the season with five new runners on the team, also earned a trip to the podium for their accomplishments by finishing third
place at the 2013 TAPPS State Meet. Junior Thor Crux, who was the Rams’ top finisher with a school record and time of 16:45, completed the course in 5th place overall. He was followed by teammates Aaron Hurd and Ben Matthews, who finished in 13th and 26th respectively. Also helping the Rams to their great finish were Jason Rehg (38th), Nico Motta (44th), Dylan Thissen (50th), and Connor Grace (55th). “Our team clearly peaked at the exact best time of the year,” explained Sload. “All seven runners ran their personal best time ever over 5,000 meters. A third place finish in the state with all of the young talent we have is extremely encouraging for next year.” Collectively, Awty will only lose two seniors, Bella Grant and Marco Monteiro, from this year’s teams. With the se two finishes, Awty was well on its way to the top of the TAPPS Henderson Cup race for 2013.
2013 Boys Cross Country TAPPS State 3rd place
- John Hoye Athletic Director
S w i m m e r s S w e e p S tat e
resh off of a pair of victories
more fitting way to conclude the sea-
lated 164 points, outscoring second
at the TAPPS Eastern Region
son. Out of the 24 events, we qualified
place Dallas Parish Episcopal (148.5
Swim Meet, Awty’s Varsity
swimmers in 22, and in each of those,
pts.) and two-time defending state
Swim Teams traveled to San Antonio
we had swimmers who scored points,
champion Katy Pope John XXIII (147
to compete in the 2014 TAPPS State
making this truly a team effort!”
pts.). Not to be outdone, the boys de-
Championship and continued their
In the highly contested meet, both
feated defending state champions
storied season by capturing state
the men's and women's teams battled
Regents School of Austin by 18 points,
championships in both the men’s and
and remained in contention through-
150-132, while East Regional runner
women’s divisions!
out the day. Awty spent the afternoon
up, Second Baptist, finished a distant
On February 14, 21 swimmers rep-
jockeying with other TAPPS schools for
third with 99 points.
resented Awty in brilliant fashion by
the top spot in Division II. Entering the
“Looking to the future, we do lose
producing multiple school records and
final event, the Lady Rams led by nine
some valuable seniors, but overall the
making numerous trips to the podium
points, while the boys team was ahead
bulk of our team will return in 2014-15,”
stand to receive their gold, silver, and
by eight. As the final event of the day
added Quitzau. “With steady improve-
bronze awards.
approached, the 400-yard freestyle re-
ment and the addition of a few new-
“Our teams’ performance was sim-
lay, Awty took the starting block as the
comers, next year’s team should be
ply amazing,” said Program Head Tom
number one seed. From there, the race
very strong again.”
Quitzau. “The swimmers broke 12
proved only to be a formality as both
school records, two state records, and
teams cruised to victories, capping off
nearly everyone posted a personal
a memorable day.
best time. I cannot imagine a better or
- John Hoye Athletic Director
As a team, the Lady Rams accumu-
2014 TAPPS State Swim Champions
ACCENT 2013-2014 51
Halloween 2013
t is an annual tradition for the Seniors to get dressed up on Halloween. The 12th grade/Tle students and the Preschoolers are the only students at Awty who get the special privilege of wearing their favorite costumes each year. It's no secret that the "big kids" have more fun than anyone on this day. Many of them take months, some even years, to plan out their costumes.
The students never fail to get creative with their costumes. This year was no different. There were animated characters (Snow White, Cruella de Vil, Pac Man, Minions, Popeye), super heroes (Superman, Batman), celebrities (Beyonce, Robin Thicke), characters from popular TV shows and movies like The Big Bang Theory and Star Trek, two cops, a prisoner, Flo - the Progressive girl, a couple of jokers, a fork in the
road, and a Sload dressed up as, well...a Sload! Even the rain couldn't keep this motley crew from taking a group photo. They all gathered in the PAAC during their break to capture the moment. The senior moms then provided lunch for all of the seniors including a delicious spread of Halloween treats! It was a fun and memorable day for each and every senior.
Senior Class of 2014
Karim Arem, Beatrice Regali, Ornella Palazzi, Pierre-Louis de Richemont, HÊlène Rousset, and Charles Dieffenthaler
52 The Awty International School
Maarten Holthuizen, Adrien Lhemann, and Brenna Haffey
Serena Tohme (11th grade) smiles big as the Varsity Volleyball team prepares to play the faculty.
Gabi Mahan (12th grade)
Varsity vs. Faculty Towards the end of their season on October 17, the Girls Varsity Volleyball Team challenged a team of faculty members to a couple of games. During their lunch break, the students and teachers played two exciting volleyball matches. Each team walked away with a win. The faculty won the first game 25-22 while the varsity team won the second match 25-20. The faculty team consisted of Lucas Anderson, Diana Armentor, Lisa Bastedo, Tom Beuscher, Miranda DeVries, Ryan Harlan, Erin McCain, Lisa Sload, Anton Trong, and Wan Yun.
Coach Ryan Harlan spikes the ball.
The 2013 Girls Varsity Volleyball Team included Madison Aguilera, Hélène Chacón, Marie Corcoran, Naia Daniel, Elif Dundar, Simona Everts, Rio Jones, Kelsy Lehne, Gabi Mahan, Valeria Pajola, Nicole Salet, Ellana Slade, Serena Tohme, and Avery Toliver.
Varsity vs. Faculty
Tom Beuscher sets the ball.
L i v e on S ta g e
nder the direction of Martha Bawara, theatre students delighted audiences with several theatrical performances this school year including Macbeth Did It, A Company of Wayward Saints, and How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. This year's theatre productions began in December with Macbeth Did It by John Patrick. Funny and quickpaced, this three-act play traced the trials and tribulations of a community theatre production of Macbeth, from auditions to the opening night. As rehearsals began, so did the hilarious complications. Out of patience, the director stormed off in a huff, leaving matters in the hands of a meddlesome newcomer. The cast included: Matthew Chalcraft, Julian Chenin, Jon Donaldson, Dilan Dundar, Adela DePavia, Bernd Faveere, Amanda Gerlach, Joanne Grommesh, Margot Hasty, Rik Holthuizen, Ahsan Khan, Aliya Khan, Clayton Meyer, Kalina Mishev, Zoe Mitchell, Michael Niemer, Paula Reumer, Leonie Schmidt, Raven Schwam-Curtis, Claire Steakley, Alex White, and Bella Wong. Many thanks to the following people who made this production possible: Martha Bawara (director), Amy Bruce and the 10th grade Tech class (set construction), Kyren Wong (costumer), Gabe Griffard (running crew), and Lexie Acevedo (running crew). In January, the IB Theatre students presented George Herman's A Company of Wayward Saints. In this comme-
54 The Awty International School
dia dell'arte performance, a group of traveling (and broke) actors struggled to get back home. Their only chance to get to their destination was to entertain a wealthy nobleman who was willing to pay their way home but there was a catch—they had to perform the story of man. The cast included: Maria Baidoukov, Cathleen Burton, Marc De Jong, Adela DePavia, Margaret Glaser, Conor Hogan, Rik Holthuizen, Yassim Jan, Matt Mallon, Cameron O'Dell, Sam Quitzau, Nadine Reumer, Jonathan Sload, Alex White, and Kyren Wong. The production of the play would not have been possible without the tech crew: Martha Bawara (director and production elements), Amy Bruce and the 10th grade Tech class (set construction), and Armish Narsi (running crew). In April, Upper School Theatre students presented a rousing rendition of the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in Awty's new recital hall. The musical, which has been a staple of American musical theatre for over 50 years, was presented through special arrangements with Musical Theatre International. In this story of triumph, a simple man named J. Pierrepont Finch, who was armed with ambition and a little "How to..." handbook, climbed the corporate ladder from lowly window washer to high-powered executive. With the help of his handy book, Finch quickly gained promotions and outsmarted his rival. In the end, Finch's plan went
awry and he was forced to rely on his own wits. He ended up being promoted to Chairman of the Board. The cast included: Sebastian Andrade, Maria Baidoukov, Sabrina Bitar, Adela DePavia, Jon Donaldson, Philine Everts, Margaret Glaser, Beatriz Gras, Lily Grigorian, Joni Grommesh, Conor Hogan, Ahsan Khan, Olivier Khun de Chizelle, Rebeka Mrozkiewicz, Andres Morales, Chan Mye Myint Thu, Sam Quitzau, Nadine Reumer, Paula Reumer, Leonie Schmidt, Natalie Schorn, Hugo Sivov, Claire Steakley, Andrea Torres, and Alex White. A world of thanks to those who worked behind the scenes including Martha Bawara (director), Amy Bruce (technical director), Rob Dee (audio set-up), Shaun Peacock (choreography), Lexi Acevedo (production crew), Gabe Griffard (production crew), Zoe Mitchell (production crew), Armish Narsi (production crew), and Emre Tichelaar (production crew).
Alex White (12th grade)
The cast of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
The cast of A Company of Wayward Saints
Cast from Macbeth Did It
Marc De Jong (11th grade)
Music Program Shines
t was a stellar year for Awty's Music Department. It all started in September when the Awty Singers set a new high for its participation in the Texas Music Educators Association All State Choir audition process. Each singer was required to sing their part individually in a blind audition that ranked their performance against approximately 70 other singers. Brenna Haffey was Awty's highest ranking singer, earning the 16th best score in her voice part. She and six other singers from Awty ranked high enough to earn an audition at the Region Level Audition in October. The other singers included Claire Buehler, Jacqueline Buskop, Kristine de Luna, Adela DePavia, Margaret Glaser, and Amelie Roberts. After Region auditions, five of the six singers ranked high enough to participate in Region Choir Weekend. Jacqueline Buskop, Brenna Haffey, and Claire Buehler earned membership in the Region Treble Choir, while Adela DePavia and Dexter Gutierrez earned places in the Region Mixed Choir. This is the
largest number of Awty students who have ranked this high. Dexter Gutierrez ranked fifth, which allowed him to advance to the Pre-Area auditions. Here, he ranked in the top five of his section and advanced to the Area audition in San Antonio where he did not rank high enough to earn membership in the All State choir, but he scored well enough to be an alternate. This is the farthest any Awty student has gone in this process. Awty's prized Madrigal Choir was invited this year to participate in the premier performance of Stages Repertory Theatre's Panto Goldilocks. In early November, nine band students competed in the Association of Texas Small School Bands (ATSSB) All Region Band Competition. Seven of those students won chairs in the Region 23 Band. This band consisted of the best band students from 28 other schools. They rehearsed and performed with the other winners at The Kinkaid School on November 9. All of the Upper School students who competed did so well they made it into the All Area Band for Central Texas. This allowed them to audition against musicians from 238 other schools for the All State Band Contest. Winners included Upper Dexter Gutierrez (12th grade), Jacqueline Buskop School students (11th), Kristine de Luna (10th), Amelie Roberts (10th), Sabrina Bitar (ReBrenna Haffey (12th), and Claire Buehler (10th) gion & Area Band),
56 The Awty International School
Tom Grant (Region & Area), Max Gurevich (Region & Area Band), Roni Midyat (Area Band), Claire Steakley (Area Band), Jason Rehg (Region Band & Area Band), and Middle School student Benjamin Barrera (Region Band). Then in January, five Upper School band students competed in the final round of their area auditions for the Association of Texas Small School Bands All State Competition in Waco, Texas. They competed against students from 123 central Texas high schools. Collectively, this is the highest record for Awty band students to date. Awty has never had so many students make it to area auditions; and never had as many make such high rankings. The final rankings included Roni Midyat (9th place in Area – Percussion), Maxim Gurevich (6th place in Area – Alto Saxophone), Claire Steakley (25th place in Area – Clarinet), Tom Grant (14th place in Area – Trumpet), and Jason Rehg (13th place in Area - Trumpet). On March 5, the Middle School band program successfully sent 14 students to the Houston Area Private Schools (HAPS) All City Band Contest. The top students from Awty were selected along with top students from other area private schools to perform a concert. The students formed a band of 8th graders and a band of Middle School students in 5th grade through 7th grade. The bands rehearsed and performed a great concert at Strake Jesuit. On February 21, Awty students participated in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools Region In-
strumental Meet where they performed music solos for judges who critiqued their performance. The students prepared music of various difficulties for a judge who then gave each student a critique. The results from the solo contest included Maxim Gurevich (Flute Solo – 1), Dylan Rodriguez (Alto Sax Solo – 1), Tom Grant (Trumpet Solo – 1), Lucas Jonasch (Trumpet Solo – 2), Nirvan Velmurugan (Trombone Solo – 2), Sebastian Adrianza (Timpani Solo – 2), Claire Steakley (Clarinet Solo – 3), Julien Ruzzo (Tuba Solo – 1), Martin Motta and Nico Motta, and Jason Rehg (Brass Trio – 1), Marcos Botto-Tornielli, Claire Steakley, and Gabriel Griffard (Clarinet Trio – 1), Abhishek Adhikari (Violin Solo - 1), Roni Midyat (Timpani Solo – 1), Kevin Ong (Piano Solo – 1), and Sofian Abbasi (Piano Solo - 3). On February 24, the students competed with the band, whereby three master conductors judged Awty's Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble. The judges critiqued the bands performance of three selections the Wind Ensemble had been preparing since January. They then judged the ensemble on how well they sight read a composition, meaning they were judged on how well they played a piece that they had never seen before. The Jazz Ensemble, was also judged on how well they performed two selections. The Wind Ensemble Concert, The Wind Ensemble, and the Jazz Ensemble Concert all received ratings of 1 (superior). On March 22, the Middle and Upper School Students competed in the Texas
Awty Musicians at the TAPPS State Meet
Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA) Solo And Ensemble Contest. Each Student performed a solo of the contest music list and was adjudicated by a judge. The results included: Sabrina Bitar (1), Ben Barrera (1), Raquel Haddad (1), Lucas Jonasch (1), Roni Midyat (1), and Felipe Monteiro (2). The TAPPS State Meet was held on March 29 and Awty had a number of instrumentalists successfully compete in the contest. The Wind Ensemble earned the second highest award of 2 (Excellent) for their performance of their prepared concert music. The Wind Ensemble earned the highest award of 1 (Superior) for their performance of the sight reading composition they had never read before. The Awty Jazz Ensemble performed their contest music extremely well. The students earned the highest award of 1 (Superior). Among the bands, we did have soloists perform for the contest. All three solo-
ists received the top rating of 1 (Superior). On April 3-5, most of the band students involved in the band program were able to attend and participate in the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) Fine Arts Festival. Both the Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble received great feedback from judges and the audience members. Directors from ISAS schools attended and praised the students work and acknowledged the great work they are doing. We also entered in two percussion solos, one brass solo, one brass trio, one woodwind trio, and three woodwind solos. The judges from the solo and ensemble portion of the festival gave incredible feedback to all of the students to help motivate them and inspire them. Kudos to the student singers and musicians as well as their teachers, Mr. Rob Dee, Mr. Jason Peguero, and Mrs. Sina Thompson.
ACCENT 2013-2014 57
Pablo Eisner visits with Baptiste Pousset (3ème).
9th graders Elif Dundar, Ashka Dighe, Stephanie Halow, Paula Ayala, and Chan Mye Myint Thu visit with Adam Rineer.
2014 Career Fair Do you want to know what it means to be a Historic Preservationist? Want to know more about the filmmaking process? Think you have what it takes to be a CIA agent or a Heavyweight Champion? Nearly 90 professionals were on hand to answer these questions and more during Awty's annual Career Fair on February 6. Awty students had a chance to ask these professionals questions about their college education in their respective fields, their day to day tasks, their likes and dislikes of their job, and much more. Career fields represented at the fair included finance, medicine, marketing, urban development, sports and fitness, engineering, and the arts to name a few.
Vahid Shariatzadeh
58 The Awty International School Upper School students talk with Nigel Roberts about a career in engineering.
Many thanks to all of the professionals who took time out of their busy schedules to visit with our students. A big thank you to the College Counseling Department and the entire College Fair Committee for organizing another successful event.
Michael Schmidt meets with 9th grade student Chan Mye Myint Thu.
It's Tea Time
each of the graduating students in a
students, and the annual event now
started by Mrs. Kay Awty
relaxed atmosphere. She wanted to
takes place in a setting more appro-
over 30 years ago when
hear all about their views, goals, and
priate to a large number of attendees.
aspirations for the future.
This year, 108 seniors and their teach-
she feted the members of the senior
ers joined Ms. Lisa Darling at the Bistro
class in her home, the members of the
Just seven seniors and their teachers
Class of 2014 gathered together with
joined Mrs. Awty at her home for the
the Head of School, the Proviseur, and
first tea. When the number of gradu-
A special thank you is sent to Becky
members of the Upper School Faculty
ating students and their teachers grew
Johnson, Chantal Duke, and Tim Mor-
for the annual Senior Tea on March 18.
too large for her small home, Awty par-
gan and the Sage Dining Staff for coor-
Mrs. Awty, the founder of our be-
ents graciously opened their homes to
dinating the event.
loved school, began this tradition in
continue this annual event. Today, Aw-
1981 because she wanted to chat with
ty’s senior class has grown to over 100
Jeanne Guinotte, Naim Mekdessi, and Charlotte Burnod
Anabella Wong, Brenda Rodriguez, Lucila Houttuijn Bloemendaal, Kyren Wong, Hannah Smati, and Armish Narsi
at Awty Field.
Kenaz Coqk, Victor Menu, Bastien Lanoës, Guillaume Chatelain, and Grégoire Adant
Ornella Palazzi, Ella Jakubowicz, Piérine Baradat-Liro, and Paul-Henri Dion
ACCENT 2013-2014 59
Cheers to Dad
t was all about drinks, fun, and
event, and they were joined by Awty
past include weekend soccer and ten-
camaraderie at the annual Dads’
alum Danny Bahrani and Awty admin-
nis matches, networking night with
Night Out on September 19. This
istrator Ronald Jackson.
the Awty Alumni Association, tailgat-
happy hour event has become a staple
Throughout each school year, the
ing party prior to a Houston Dynamo
for the Awty Dads’ Club. Each year the
Awty Dads’ Club gives dads an oppor-
soccer game, the annual Saint Arnold’s
Dads’ Club hosts the happy hour event,
tunity to socialize as well as to sup-
Brewery Bash, and the ever-popular
giving Awty Dads, both old and new, a
port the development and cultivation
BBQ at Awty’s Homecoming game.
chance to take a break from the grind
of the school and its mission. They
If you would like to get involved and
and connect with other dads for a few
organize fun and casual events that
join the Awty Dads’ Club, contact Jay Kal-
hours. This year’s happy hour moved
are not only open to all Awty Dads,
ra, President, at jay_kalra@yahoo.com or
to a new venue, J. Black’s Feel Good
but often times they are also open to
Ray Drexler, Vice-President, at rdrexler@
Kitchen and Lounge.
Awty moms. Some of the events the
Approximately 35 dads attended the
Awty Dads’ Club has hosted in the
Jason Van Loo, Fernando Gil, and Oliver Warnke
Dario Duran, Brian Oakley, Karin Singh, and Hadrien Dumont
Mike Halow, Mark Smithard, and Danny Bahrani
Kevin Cofer, Iyla Mishev, Ross White, and Harvey Newton
ACCENT 2013-2014 61
Alan Rechter and Shannon Rechter
Rosanna Bennett, David Bennett, Kamran Ahrar, and Judy Ahrar
White Linen Night The Awty International School and the APPA kicked the school year off by joining forces to host the White Linen Night - Celebrating Awty festivities on Friday, September 6. It was a wonderful evening of celebration and community for parents, staff, and faculty. A special thank you goes to event chairs Kelly Moneyhan, Gina Pavon, and Shannon Rechter, and the many volunteers who helped organize the event. An abundance of gratitude goes to the event sponsors for their generous donations to the event including Rafte Photography (invitation design), Ooh La La (White Linen Night sign), and Yeti Sunshine (frozen desserts/cocktails). THANK YOU! MERCI ! ยกGRACIAS! Karen Matthews and Liza Heintz
Lucia Warden, David Warden, Suneeta Rangwani, Cat Karmel, Lisa Darling, and Irma Ritchie
Gina Pavon and Kelly Moneyhan
Dr a g on B o at R a c e s
he last few years, the APPA
boaters in one year! The Awty onlook-
has sponsored and organized
ers had fun watching the racers.
bara Schmidt and Annie Dunkin. The 2014 regatta is slated for October
Awty teams for the annual
Awty’s Upper School team came in
18-19 in Sugar Land. If you are inter-
Gulf Coast International Dragon Boat
3rd place in a highly competitive field
ested in volunteering or participating
Regatta in Sugar Land, Texas.
of ten boats, and the Middle School
on one of the Awty teams (including
year was no exception. The APPA once
team made the top rank! What a dem-
a newly added parent team) this com-
again organized two Awty teams for
onstration of team effort and spirit – it
ing year, contact Barbara Schmidt at
the regatta on October 19.
was inspiring. Congratulations!
832-602-6531 or Annie Dunkin at 713-
The day started off a bit cool, but
Many thanks to the APPA and parent
553-0299. Detailed information about
ended in a wonderful day for family,
volunteers who made it possible for
practice sessions and the race itself will
friends, and the student participants.
Awty to participate in the regatta. A
be sent out later in the fall.
Awty never had so many active dragon
special thank you to event chairs Bar-
Middle School Team
Awty’s Upper School team gets ready for their race.
Awty’s Upper School team races to the finish line.
Upper School Team
ACCENT 2013-2014 63
I t ’s A l l A b o u t t h e A rt s
ew this year to Awty was the creation of the Fine Arts Booster Club (FABC). Awty’s FABC formed around the idea of creating an inspired space for creativity to blossom, a place for our young thespians, artists, photographers, dancers, singers, and musicians to stir their magic, mystique, and majesty onto the canvas of ordinary life. With the creation of the FABC and their efforts during this initial year, Awty's old gym was renovated into a new space for the Fine Arts department and its students. The grand opening of the new Fine Arts Recital Hall was held on May 13. Several performances have already been held in the new space and it will be home to many future concerts, theatre productions, recitals, receptions, and more. This new fine arts space would not have been possible without the FABC and its officers and charter members. A standing ovation goes to the FABC's
board members Rita Murdoch (President), Jenny Midyat (Vice President / Treasurer), Megan Grant (Secretary), Jennifer Hogan, Soraya Mohammed, and Amy Pierce. Bravo to the FABC Benefactors: Sakina Ali, Anonymous, Wendy Buskop, Lisa Darling, Olivia Deman, Zubeyir and Nilgun Dundar, Mauro and Mariateresa Fenoglio, Michele Fenske, Janice Glaser, Megan Grant, Jacqueline Hasty, Liza Heintz, Jennifer and Richard Hogan, Jason Van Loo and Francesca Hudson, Marsha Mallon, Charles Meyer, JoAnn Meyer, Jenny Midyat, Soraya Mohammed, Hisham and Farida Morsi, Jill Munk, Warren and Rita Murdoch, Ana Maria Nicolae, Lydia Pfeiffer, Amy Pierce, Raj and Suneeta Rangwani, Nathalie Reumer, Emily Robinson, Michael and Barbara Schmidt, Patricia Seller-Wolff, Joel Shannon, and Mark and Marie Smithard. A round of applause to the FABC Patrons: Rachel DePavia, Lida Moradi, Richard and Lori Rehg, and Su-
Hugo Sivov (10th grade), Olivier Kuhn de Chizelle (10th), Alex White (12th), Sebastian Andrade (10th), Ashan Khan (12th), and Sam Quitzau (11th)
64 The Awty International School
san Williford. Kudos to the FABC Partners: Steven and Myriam Bloemendaal, Lucy Chalcraft, Cherie Chalk, Angela Dotson, Aimee Flood, Marissa Gerlach, Leila Horsey, and Céline Mustiere. Want to be part of something special by supporting Awty’s talented students? Then join us and become a member of FABC, volunteer at a fine arts event, and help us in our fundraising projects. Through your support, we can help: 1) raise awareness of the importance of the Fine Arts Program in an Awty education; and 2) provide the resources needed by each Fine Arts Program to meet specific goals. The success of the efforts of the FABC depends on strong volunteer participation and generous donations. If you would like more information or if you are interested in joining the FABC, visit www.awty.org/fabc or contact Rita Murdoch at ritamurdoch@yahoo.
4th grade and 5th grade Music Ensemble
New Recital Hall
Dexter Gutierrez (12th grade), Alex White (12th), and Jacqueline Buskop (11th)
ACCENT 2013-2014 65 Joep Schrameijer (8th grade)
Fa l l F un Fe s t i va l
oblins, witches, pirates, fairies, bumble bees, caped crusaders, princesses, and more were seen at this year’s Fall Fun Festival. This annual APPA event was the place to be on Saturday, October 26. Sunny skies, warm temperatures, and loads of fun made the perfect combination for a successful event, making this the largest Fall Fun Festival to date. Awty’s practice field was transformed into a one-of-a-kind festival featuring several carnival rides including a rock wall, bungee jump, super inflatables, and more. This fun-filled day for Awty students and families was packed with many other tricks and treats, including wacky games, arts and crafts, face painting, a spooky haunted house,
6th graders Valeria Keuser, Isabella Evans, Yassmine Abba-Kaka, and Karen Martinez
66 The Awty International School
hayrides, and delicious treats. A heartfelt thank you to the Fall Fun Festival leadership team: Sophie Gagey, Monica Fulton, Catherine Karmel, and Lydia Pfeiffer for organizing such a fun-filled event. This incredible event would not have been possible without their dedication, energy, enthusiasm, and hard work! Many thanks to all of the wonderful staff, faculty, student, and parent volunteers who helped with decorating the campus, operating booths, painting faces, selling tickets and wristbands, and much more. Thanks also to Tim Morgan, Louisa Rich, and the entire Sage Dining Staff for cooking and serving the delicious food on Saturday. Finally, a big thank you to Phoenicia
Specialty Foods and Meredith PhilippTcholakian, Central Market/HEB Markets, Whole Food Markets, Hardie's Produce Company, Glaziers Food Supply, Jake's Finer Foods, Giancarlo Ferrara (owner of Ferrara Catering and soon to open Amalfi restaurant), Salvatore Alberice (owner of Fellini Italian Caffè and Sunbelt Imports), and Catherine Karmel for donating the food and drinks for the event. Thank you for making this a fun, festive, and memorable day for our Awty families.
Ulysse Gaussent (CE1)
Sandra Georges (7th grade)
Aymeric Besnier (CM1)
Will Parker (2nd grade)
Get Your Green On!
e've got spirit! Yes, we
a sense of pride among the student
If you would like to know more about
do! We've got spirit!
body in their athletic teams, in their
the Rams Booster Club, or would like to
How 'bout you? Awty
work, and in their school.
become a member or a volunteer, visit
students, staff, and faculty got their
The Rams Booster Club supports
green on as they celebrated three Spir-
athletics in many ways, including fund-
contact Melissa Halow, Rams Booster
it Days this school year. Their school
ing for new game uniforms, equip-
Club President, at melhalow8993@
spirit shone bright when they wore the
ment, and travel. The Booster Club
green Spirit T-shirt on October 15, Feb-
also sponsors an end-of-season party
ruary 4, and April 15.
for each sport. Needless to say, their
Each year, two to four Spirit Days are
continued support assists the Athletic
organized by the Awty Rams Booster
Department in ensuring Awty Athletes
Club, in conjunction with Awty’s Ath-
have the equipment and backing nec-
letics Department. Spirit Days evoke
essary to do their best in competition.
Seniors Ida Afshar Kharghan, Nicolas Marie, and Stephan Warden
MS students Gaspard Comte, Lorenzo Bourdin, and Lenaic Huon de Penanster
2nd graders Elise Clopton, Kaitlyn Pierce, and Nicole Young
7th graders Brandon Mahan, Rachel Kelly, Emma Greenwood, and William Ohrt
68 The Awty International School
Anne Esler, Loyd Esler, Anne Legrégeois, and Nicolas Legrégeois
Serhat Midyat
Got Beer? Texas brewed beer, Texas grilled BBQ, and Texas crafted tunes defined the night at the 6th Annual Saint Arnold’s Bash, which was hosted by the Awty Dads’ Club on November 23. Nearly 200 Awty parents, staff, faculty, and friends piled their plates high with scrumptious Texas BBQ catered by Demeris Bar-B-Q, enjoyed Saint Arnold’s beer on tap, and two-stepped to country tunes spun by DJ Ferbidden. Founded by Brock Wagner and Kevin Bartol, Saint Arnold’s Brewery is the oldest craft brewery in Texas. Their first keg of beer was shipped on June 9, 1994. They brew both year-round beers and seasonal beers. If you don’t have time to take a trip down to the brewery, Saint Arnold’s beers can be found locally in bars, restaurants, grocery stores, liquor stores, and warehouse stores. Dean Zuvic and Sanya Zuvic
Many thanks to Brian Oakley and the Awty Dads’ Club for organizing another great event. Cheers!
Gerardo Tron, Letty Tron de Dion, Ibela Garcia, Miguel Penichet, Ana Castañeda, and Mauricio de Font Réaulx
Donna Oakley and Brian Oakley
Aw t y Goes Aussie
wty said g’day by honoring Australia during its 16th annual International Festival on April 24-25, 2014. Chaired by Awty moms Marcia Chamma and Monica Fulton and hosted by the Awty Parents and Personnel Association (APPA), this year’s opening ceremony was again held in in the PAAC. Lisa Darling, Head of School, and Boualem Maizia, Proviseur, opened the festival on Thursday and welcomed special guest speaker Jacqui Stanley, native Australian and English Language Arts and Art teacher at Yorkshire Academy. The opening ceremony featured the traditional parade of flags, which were carried by the Class of 2014 and accompanied by the sounds of a didgeridoo. Performances included storytelling by Amy Garner Buchanan, a native Australian storyteller, as well as a live boomerang and didgeridoo demonstration by Australian enthusiast Bob Rudy. The crowd was entertained by Awty’s Lower School Choir singing Waltzing Matilda. The school hosted a VIP reception in the Sarofim Library for dignitaries prior to the opening ceremony. Members of the Consular Corps attending the event including representatives from Angola, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, Mexico, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, and Turkey. The event featured 39 booths, each representing a different country, hosted by Awty parent volunteers. The booths featured folklore and cultural information about each country and many offered delicious, exotic foods. In addition, the APPA hosted the Peace Booth for the third year. This year, the Peace Booth
70 The Awty International School
teamed up with the Sustainability Committee to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection and its impact on peace, and honored William Kmkwamba, a Malawian teenager who built a windmill for his village. On Friday, students and staff/faculty alike celebrated their heritage by wearing their national dress. During the day, Preschool and Lower School students took their turn visiting the booths. They collected stamps, accumulated souvenirs, and tasted delicious foods from around the world. Friday events included the annual Parade of Nations, where 80 students in their native dress represented approximately 40 different countries. Monica Fulton organized and served as emcee for the parade. Prizes were awarded to Lower and Middle School students who won the Writing and Drawing Contest. The afternoon was filled with performances beginning with Lori Wagner,
Primary School Music Teacher, leading the Lower School Choir in a selection of international songs. A group of Pakistani dancers from 1st grade performed, followed by a group of Panamanian dancers, a ukelele performance by 8th grade students, a Chinese kung fu demonstration, and Shawn Peacock, Dance Teacher, presented Awty’s Dance Ensemble to close out the entertainment. Turkish Airlines donated a round-trip ticket to Istanbul, Turkey and the winner of this door prize was announced at the end of the festivities. Awty’s Chef Tim and his staff prepared and served a traditional Australian meal to more than 300 people at the first annual International Festival Dinner following Friday’s activities. The dinner was a resounding success and the perfect end to an amazing two-day celebration of the many cultures and countries represented by Awty families.
4th grade/CM1 students Jordan Fenske, Eléonore RiviéreVerberckt, Isabella Ruiz, and Andrea Nurko
Michelle Balthazar, Sean Kelleher, Kirsty Downing, and Diane Kelleher
Flynn Kelleher (4th grade)
Adrien Lhemann (Senior)
Seniors Helene Bringsli and Bala Tabak
Aw t y Goes Aussie
Akbal Alvarez Avila (3rd grade)
Kyren Wong (Senior)
Nicola Kalita (3rd grade), Alexandra Moran (4th), and Virginia Moran (4th)
Bob Rudy, Didgeridoo Demonstration
Seniors Jonathan Sload, Bella Grant, Hank Harrison, Brenna Haffey, Imane Abba-Kaka, and Giovanna Manisck
1st graders Alina Hashmani, Zayna Dilawar, and Sarah Haji
Christine Schrameijer and Helen Backx
Monica Fulton
Highlights A LOOK BACK AT SOME OF 2013-2014’s MAIN EVENTS
C h e c k M at e !
t takes a measure of dedica-
U.S. Class Championships, won second
Chess Association or events at Center
tion, with a dash of insanity, to
place in the T.H. Rogers invitational,
64, Houston’s best chess club, to learn
play seven two-hour long chess
and second place in regionals.
from and play against Houston’s top
matches in one weekend. The 13 Up-
Students take advantage of a vari-
per School students who represented
ety of fun, chess-related enrichment
In two short years, Awty’s chess club
Awty in the 2014 Texas State Chess
activities offered. In August, 12 of our
has developed from casual chess hub
Championship manifested both.
top players played simultaneously
to major player in the Houston chess
Awty’s first year to participate in State,
against National Master Brad Sawyer
the Varsity team finished 8th while the
(Mr. Sawyer won all 12 matches). In
without a core of dedicated students,
Junior Varsity team finished 3rd. This is
February, students played blitz and
playing under the direction of team
an impressive feat when you consider
blindfold chess against two of Hous-
captain Nicolas Kuhn de Chizelle (12th
there are no divisions in chess—our
ton’s strongest players: Adithya Bala-
grade), as well as a supportive adminis-
students competed with the best and
subramanian and Warren Harper. In
tration, which has helped the program
biggest schools in the state.
January through March, 26 students
grow every step of the way. Chess
This achievement was the capstone
and six teachers competed in an all-
crosses borders and brings people
of what has been a breakout year for
school championship, which saw 10th
from different cultures together.
the Awty chess club. Dozens of 6th-
grader Devon Merz taking the title of
fosters mental discipline and rewards
12th grade students play casual chess
All-School Champion.
patience. As such, it is a perfect fit for
in the Sarofim Library every day. From
Middle and Upper School students
this, about 20 students compete in lo-
who want to take their game further
cal, regional, state, and national tour-
attend classes with Mr. Anderson
In the 2013-2014 school
after school on Fridays, where a for-
year, Awty’s teams won the invitational
mal curriculum is followed. On some
hosted here in September, won first
evenings, students attend local rated
place in the scholastic division of the
tournaments through the Houston
This would not be possible
our school and students; our results this year attest to this. - Lucas Anderson Chess Team Sponsor
Awty’s Chess Team: Arjun Saran (10th grade), Devon Merz (10th), Maxim Gurevich (10th), Nicolas Kuhn de Chizelle (12th), Nikita Prasad (11th), Adela DePavia (11th), Olivier Kuhn de Chizelle (10th), Matt Mallon (11th), Burhan Qureshi (11th), Lucas Anderson (Club Sponsor), Pierre Cudennec (1ére), Julien Ruzzo (2nde), and Adam Ali (10th); Not pictured: Adrien Lhemann
ACCENT 2013-2014 75
L o ok i n g G r e e n at Aw t y
t has been a green and flourish-
postable trays made from sugarcane
follow-up research needed in order to
ing year for the Awty Sustain-
bagasse, resulting in 475 lbs./yr. less
implement awarded projects will be
ability Program. The school year
waste. Awty is now looking ahead to
completed by December. The scope of
culminated with Awty receiving the
the next award level, the Silver Award.
this year’s challenge was broadened to
Bronze Award from Eco-Schools USA
If awarded, Awty would be the first
encompass all pathways to sustainabil-
for its work in the Consumption and
school in Texas to obtain the Silver
ity, including but not limited to energy.
Awty teamed up several times
way. One of the
The Middle School Environmental
throughout the year with Air Alliance
Club and a Lower School Awty Plus
Houston and the City of Houston to
for the Bronze
class have been busy tending the Awty
monitor the air quality on campus. On
Award was to
gardens located between the Lower
March 6, the City of Houston’s Mobile
conduct an au-
School and Science buildings. Sage
Ambient Air Monitoring Laboratory, or
dit of the waste
Dining has incorporated some of the
MAAML, was parked on campus for a
herbs and vegetables harvested from
day to monitor the air quality. Student
the gardens into the school lunch. The
groups from Lower, Middle, and Upper
during a typical school day. On Sat-
Preschool students also planted spring
Schools boarded the MAAML through-
urday November 16, 2013, the Upper
herbs and vegetables in their raised
out the day to see sophisticated air
School Environmental Club, under
beds and presented their findings at
monitoring equipment such as a gas
the leadership of president Lucila
the Lower School Science Fair.
chromatograph. On the cool days of air
Bloemendaal, along with some other
This year’s ConocoPhillips/TOTAL
quality monitoring with winds from the
fearless Upper School students, sorted
Sustainability Challenge was launched
north, the campus air quality was well
and weighed the waste and recycling
in February 2014 and will span a cal-
below the daily standard. The MAAML
from the previous day. They found that
endar year, ending in December 2014.
will visit campus again on a warmer
Awty does a good job of sorting recy-
Ten groups of students submitted their
day when winds from the south pass-
clables such as paper. However, they
written proposals in April and will give
ing over I-10 might adversely affect air
also found that Awty could be more
oral presentations in October.
quality measurements.
mindful of how much food is wasted during meals. The students decided to focus on two major goals for their action plan following the audit. The first goal, to recycle tin food cans in the kitchen, has resulted in 950 lbs./yr. moving from the waste stream to the recycling stream. The other goal was to address the Styrofoam food trays used for Preschool lunches. Awty now instead uses biodegradable and com-
76 The Awty International School
28th Annual Arbor Day Tree Planting: Awty’s Green Team with Mayor Parker
Awty’s sustainability program ex-
Bayou Preservation Association, won
April 22. One highlight from the Earth
tends beyond the campus boundar-
the coveted Styrofoam Cup for cross-
Day event was the Middle School stu-
ies. On January 25, Awty students par-
ing the finish before a certain time
dent council’s work on a sustainabil-
ticipated in the 28th annual Arbor Day
having collected the most trash by ca-
ity pathway unique to Awty, cultural
Tree Planting event in Memorial Park.
noe. On March 29, Awty students from
sustainability. Thank you to the entire
Our lucky group of students found
Preschool to 12th grade participated in
Awty community for helping to keep
themselves working side-by-side with
the annual Bayou Trash Bash and col-
Awty green!
Mayor Annise Parker. On March 15,
lected trash along the Terry Hershey
five Upper School students competed
reach of the Buffalo Bayou.
in the 42nd annual Buffalo Bayou Re-
All of these pathways to sustainabil-
gatta. Sophomore Hamid Nazemi,
ity, and more, were celebrated during
together with Steve Hupp from the
an Earth Day event in the Quad on
- Leslie Nogaret 2013-2014 Sustainability Coordinator
The Fearless Crew: Upper School students conduct the waste and recycling audit on November 16.
Awty’s Green Team participates in Trash Bash on March 29.
On Earth Day, Mr. Olivier Logette shows students how worm composting works.
ACCENT 2013-2014 77
L o ok i n g G r e e n at Aw t y
6ème students Theo Fernet and Gabrielle Valerio
Steve Hupp and 10th grader Hamid Nazemi
Hanzo Sinambela (1st grade), Helena Gerbrandy (Kinder), Rowan Donachie (3rd), Maverick Donald-Wright (2nd), and Jordan Mayer-Brownfeld (3rd)
Upper School Environmental Club visits MAAML.
Lisa Darling and Leslie Nogaret
Mayor Parker, Brenda Rodriguez, 12th grade, ChloĂŤ Nogaret, 3rd grade, Leslie Nogaret
3rd graders Jana Tannir, Menna Tahoun, and Mathilda von Bismarck
7th grade Science class visits the City of Houston's MAAML (Mobile Ambiant Air Monitoring Laboratory)
CASIS Challenge
hat’s one small step for
signed container that includes a sim-
“It is critical to engage even our
man; one giant leap for
ple programmable micro-controller,
youngest learners with hands-on, ex-
mankind” were the fa-
allowing automation, control, and data
periential project learning that incor-
mous words heard around the world
collection of the experiment. The Ar-
porate STEM principles,” stated Smith.
as Neil Armstrong took those histori-
duLab, provided by Infinity Aerospace,
“Every student participating in the
cal steps on the moon. Since those
was a 1U (10 cm3) form-factor con-
project contributed in the way of sci-
first steps, both space exploration and
tainer made of scratch-resistant poly-
ence, technology, engineering, and
technology have come a long way.
carbonate. The micro-controller was
math. At Awty, we strive for students
This year, thanks to the Center for the
designed to be open-sourced using
to move beyond borders and make
Advancement of Science in Space (CA-
Arduino-based technology with “plug
an impact. It was exciting for our 5th
SIS), 5th and 8th grade students in the
and play” sensors. SparkFun Electron-
grade to see they can participate and
international section at The Awty Inter-
ics’ education team provided training
contribute to science and research in
national School (Awty) took one giant
and support on the Arduino program-
a real and meaningful way. When we
leap in their education as they par-
ming software. Once the experiment
challenge and give students the op-
ticipated in the CASIS National Design
was built and tested, NanoRacks, who
portunity to act as pioneers, we see
Challenge Pilot Program.
provided payload integration services,
great things happen.”
This pilot program was a new science, technology, engineering, and
ensured each experiment was ready to fly to the ISS U.S. National Laboratory.
The 5th graders began by brainstorming many different ideas for their
mathematics (STEM) initiative imple-
Not only was this a unique opportu-
project, but their class kept looking at
mented in three Houston-area schools
nity for 5th grade teacher Jessika Smith
different medical ideas. With the help
including Awty, Duchesne Academy,
and 8th grade teacher Angela Glide-
of Dr. Brian Stephens at UHCL, they did
and Christo Rey Jesuit. Students at
well, it was also an incredible hands-on
some research, and realized that yeast
each school designed research experi-
learning experience for the students
cells are commonly studied in space,
ments to fly on the International Space
at Awty. They were the scientists and
as they most closely relate to human
Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory
engineers working on the project from
cells, and are often used for medical
for 30 days this coming fall. The goal of
start to finish.
research. When their experiment is
the program was to develop the best way to frame, support, and judge the development of student experiments for a national competition to be implemented by CASIS next school year. Since the size and weight of these experiments are extremely limited due to space constraints about the rocket delivering them to the ISS and aboard the ISS itself, each experiment had to fit inside an ArduLab, a specially de-
80 The Awty International School
Noor Shenaq (8th grade), Angela Glidewell, and Jordan Penchas (8th)
sent to space, they will test the differ-
periment, to programming and testing
our project; and the public relations/
ences in yeast growth and cell struc-
prototypes, to posting blogs and cre-
journalism group spread the news
ture. They will also monitor carbon
ating video diaries during the process.
about the project through newsletters
dioxide emissions to compare if more
They will also be able to monitor and
and their web page at http://ndcpilot.
or less Co2 is given off in the process
collect data when their experiment
of cellular respiration while in a micro-
is on the ISS. For the students in 8th
Students in both 5th and 8th grade
gravity environment. Awty’s own Ms.
grade, this detailed involvement has
not only worked hard on the project
Ann Harper helped the 5th grade stu-
prepared them for Awty’s Interna-
but they also had fun participating in
dents pour the yeast plates and streak
tional Baccalaureate program in Upper
this design challenge. They can’t wait
the yeast. They learned new skills each
to see how their experiments will fare
time they worked with her. As Leila
“Part of the International Baccalau-
on the ISS this fall. This unique oppor-
Shadfar (Yeast Specialist) remarked,
reate program requires students to
tunity excited students, and hopefully
“It’s cool [pouring and streaking the
design their own labs. This requires the
it has inspired some of the students to
plates] because it feels like the project
students to apply higher level thinking
consider continuing their education in
is depending on you!”
skills to the experimental process and
science, engineering, or math at the
The 5th graders also worked on en-
not just follow the standard cookbook-
university level, and perhaps, pursue
gineering their ArduLab and worked
style labs that are often used with
a career in one of these fields. Who
with mentors, Colton Schimank and
younger students,” stated Glidewell.
knows, maybe one of these students
Austin Swick, at Texas A&M Univer-
“The National Design Challenge was
will be the first to take one giant leap
sity. Our class engineered both the
a way to introduce this concept to the
on Mars or another planet in our solar
hardware and software for the camera,
8th graders who will eventually be a
lights, temperature humidity sensor,
part of the Awty IB program.”
and the carbon dioxide sensor. “We
The 8th graders chose to do an ex-
also designed our own grid measure-
periment on radiation, one that will
ment system for the yeast plate,” stated
test the amount of radiation that can
Maurits Deman (Engineer and Design
get through different amounts of lay-
Oversight Specialist).
ers of plastic. The 8th grade classes
This was a very exciting adventure
first split up into six groups. The en-
for the class. As Bella Silverman (Cam-
gineering group was in charge of the
era Specialist) said, “I loved working in
design and construction of our ex-
the camera group and it was an awe-
periment; the photo/video group took
some opportunity to participate in the
pictures of the classes and designed
NDC Pilot Challenge!”
a commercial; the artistic group de-
Throughout the year-long project,
signed a mission patch and shirt; the
the 8th grade students were also in-
programming group programmed the
volved in all aspects of the project
ArduLab microcontroller; the portfolio
from choosing and developing the ex-
group documented everything about
- Jessika Smith 5th Grade Teacher Angela Glidewell 8th Grade Teacher Robert Smith, Ava Casey, Lauren Wade, Navreena Kaur, Zeynep Deliormanli, Marie Kourouma, Jacques Brock, and Natalia Rylance 5th Grade CASIS Community Outreach and Publicity Team Eleanor Grosvenor 8th Grade Public Relations/Journalism Team Member Gwen Cario Associated Director of Communications
ACCENT 2013-2014 81
CASIS Challenge
Hilarie Davis and 8th grade student Suleyman Amjad
Science Lab Tech Ms. Ann Harper and Leila Shadfar (5th grade)
Ms. Angela Glidewell with 8th grade students Zoe Papadakos, Rhett Cai, and Adham Metwalli
5th graders Ali Madani Zadeh and Ian Van Loo
Mrs. Jessika Smith with 5th grade students Gaston Elie, Madeleine Crane, Cristobal Ramirez, and Natasha Morgan
Katharine Linnartz (8th grade)
5th graders Nicole Dunkel and Heris Salek
8th grade student Mitchell Griffiths and Ms. Angela Glidewell
Veterans Day Ceremony ifty students from Awty not
2. Theodore Noel – born in New
ton. He took part in the liberation of
only had the unique opportu-
York State, now lives in Midland, Texas;
Wingene sur Moder in Alsace with
nity to witness a special Veter-
landed on Omaha Beach on June 7,
the 2nd Battalion of the 274th Infan-
ans Day ceremony, but they also par-
1944, with the 110th Anti-Aircraft Artil-
try Regiment. Sadly, he passed away a
ticipated in the event on November
lery Battalion; injured in the Ardennes
few weeks before the medal could be
11. During the ceremony, nine United
3. William Pena – born in Laredo,
presented to him. His son Richard ac-
States WWII veterans were honored,
Texas and now lives in Houston; land-
each one receiving the medal of che-
ed in Normandy on September 6, 1944
The touching ceremony took place
valier in the French Order of the Legion
with the 109th Infantry Regiment; with
inside Union Station at Minute Maid
of Honor, the highest and most presti-
his companions first to enter liberated
Park and legendary Hall of Fame sports-
gious decoration in France, from Sujiro
Colmar; later injured in Germany
caster Milo Hamilton acted as emcee
cepted the medal in his name.
4. Marshana Hatch – born in Au-
during the event. U.S. Senator John
The French Order of the Legion of
gusta, Texas and now lives in Crockett;
Cornyn, Houston Mayor Annise Parker,
Honor stems back to 1802, after all
took part in the South of France land-
and the Consul General all spoke dur-
French orders of chivalry were abol-
ing (operation Dragoon) with 370th
ing the event. Tenth grade/2nde stu-
ished during the French Revolution.
Infantry Regiment
dents Sarah Smati and Nicole Salet
Seam, Consul General of France.
Napoleon Bonaparte, who was then
5. Charles Conaway – born in Crock-
the First Consul of the First French Re-
ett, Texas, where he still lives today;
public, instituted a new order as a way
landed on Omaha Beach on June 6,
During the medal presentation, 20
to recognize merit: the National Order
1944 with 460th Amphibious Truck
Awty students took turns and joined
of the Legion of Honor, which was
the Consul General on stage as he pre-
also had the honor of speaking at the event.
meant to reward civilians and soldiers
6. Hillard Bielat – born in Chicago,
sented the medal to each veteran. The
who had achieved great things in the
now lives in Conroe, Texas; he landed
students also presented a personal
service of France. Since its creation, the
in Normandy on June 15, 1944 with
thank you letter to each veteran. Each
award has never been abolished, and
the 120th Infantry Anti-Tank Company;
student wrote about their life and how
has remained the highest decoration
later injured on the Belgian front
their freedom was due to the courage
in France. This order, which is awarded
7. Edwin Wheeler – born in Silsbee,
and sacrifice of these men and other
solely as recognition of merit or brav-
Texas; now lives in Beaumont; landed
veterans. These students included
ery, is open to men and women of all
on Utah Beach in July 1944 with the
Edgar Bauer, Paul Bourgogne, Claire
ranks and professions.
80th Infantry Division
Buehler, Malena Charreton, Helena
8. UJ King – born in Sudan, Texas;
Deman, Gaetano Donà-Jéhan, Arsany
still lives in Sudan today; landed on
Emile, Simona Everts, Joran Gourret,
1. Chester Sloan – born in Corsicana
Omaha Beach on June 7, 1944 with the
Alexa Griffiths, Margot Guinotte, Alex-
and now lives in Houston; landed on
23rd Infantry Medical Detachment as a
andra Guirette Hentschel, Rafaelle La-
Omaha Beach on June 7, 1944, with
medical aid man.
garde, Paul Marande, Hamid Nazemi,
The veterans who received the Legion of Honor included:
the 38th Infantry Regiment; injured in Eastern France
84 The Awty International School
9. Elmer Denson – born in Oklaho-
Emer O’Connell, Sarah Smati, Eugenie
ma, and until recently lived in Hous-
Tard, Cristabella Wolff, and Holly Zam-
bonini. Several other 9th grade/3ème
pendent School District’s junior ROTC
tary. There was musical entertainment
and 10th grade/2nde students had the
program (military prep – Davis High
followed by the ReMax skydiving team
chance to attend the ceremony along
School) also participated in the cer-
parachuting into Minute Maid Park
with faculty and staff members Gwen
and a brief speaking program. The
Cario, Beatrice Cartier-Yazell, Lisa Dar-
The medal ceremony was the kick-
day ended with a screening of the ac-
ling, Isabelle Driel, Sophie Fernandez
off event to a large-scale Veterans Day
claimed documentary Honor Flight:
de Paredes, Jack Lyons, Boualem Maiz-
celebration at Minute Maid Park. The
One Last Mission, which chronicles the
ia, Hank Nicodemus, and Jan Rosin, as
Houston Astros and the Daughters
emotional journeys of World War II vet-
well as board member Jennifer Hohm-
of the American Revolution hosted a
erans to the memorial in Washington
Salute to Veterans presented by Occi-
D.C. built in their honor.
A delegation of students from Wal-
dental Petroleum. The event honored
trip High School and Houston Inde-
all those who have served in the mili-
Mayor Annise D. Parker
3ème students Paul Marande, Edgar Bauer, Paul Bourgogne, and Alexandre Ryelandt with Houston legend Milo Hamilton
Sujiro Seam, Consul General of France, presents the medal of chevalier in the French Order of the Legion of Honor
Nicole Salet and Sarah Smati (2nde)
ACCENT 2013-2014 85
Keep C alm & Kick On
omecoming and Spirit Week took place November 18-22. Awty hosted the annual Homecoming soccer game against the Second Baptist Eagles on Friday, November 22. The Rams came away with a another victory, defeating the Eagles 3-1. During halftime, the cheerleaders performed and the Homecoming Court was announced. Senior Armanda Simon was crowned Homecoming Queen and Naim Mekdessi was selected and crowned Homecoming King. Awty’s 2013 Homecoming Court also included Elif Dundar as 9th grade Princess, Sydney Arceneaux and Malena Charreton (a tie!) as 10th grade Princesses, and Naia Daniel as 11th grade Princess. During the week leading up to the homecoming game, students, faculty,
2nd graders Gwendolyn Kirst, Malak Hamza, and Samantha Reed
86 The Awty International School
and staff participated in several “spirited” activities. On Monday, November 18, Awty students sent the Eagles to dreamland by dressing in their favorite pajamas. On Tuesday, November 19, it was a "Clash of the Titans" as Awty students dressed in mismatched clothing. On Wednesday, November 20, eveyone "Kept Calm and Kicked On"! Awty students showed their school pride by wearing the 2013 Homecoming T-shirt. On Thursday, November 21, Awty students tipped their hats to the Rams and socked it to the Eagles by wearing a silly hat and/or crazy socks to school. On Friday, November 22, it was "Green & Gold Day"! Awty students showed an abundance of school spirit by wearing green and gold, some even painting their faces and coloring their hair with the school colors. They also participated in a rowdy
pep rally on Friday. Awty's own DJ Alex Pleczko pumped up the crowd and had eveyone on their feet with the energetic tunes he was spinning! At the start, the candidates for the 2013 Homecoming Court were announced. The cheerleaders then led the student body in a number of cheers and the 2013 Varsity Boys Soccer Team was introduced. Both the Awty Band and Drumline kept the tone of the pep rally upbeat throughout the event. Things got a little dicey when the Eagles mascot showed up but the Awty Rams challenged him to a dance-off and soon they were able to cage the Eagle! The 2013 Homecoming and Spirit Week ended with the Homecoming Dance on November 23 at the J.W. Marriott in the Galleria area.
Frederik Ihnen, Armanda Simon, Naim Mekdessi, and Brenda Rodriguez, 12th grade
Awty Boys Varsity Soccer Team
7th graders Celine Farhat, Adriana Morales, Daniella Jimenez, Gabrielle Balthazar, and Sandra Georges
The Awty Rams caged the Eagles!
Keep C alm & Kick On
CM1 students Lilie-Rose Gilbert, Mary-Jo Harb, and Eyitene Ariyo
Roni Midyat (10th grade)
5ème students Xavier Bouchet, Jonah Lamerie, Joshua Santurbano, Robin Dumas, and Arthur Seam
Kinder students Bulut Denktas, Nicholas Russo, and Bernardo Amare
Caroline Sempere (10th grade), Rose Alawami (10th), Ellana Slade, (10th), and Hélène Chacón (9th)
Aaron Hurd (11th grade), Connor Hogan (11th), Kenaz Coqk (12th), and Gabriel Guerin (1ére)
Seniors Julie Hanash, Danna Ghafir, and Anika Gautam
Fede Everts and Chelsey West (6th grade)
Holiday Season
he holiday season at Awty kicked off with the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 6. The student body from PK-3/PS to 12th grade/Tle, as well as the entire staff and faculty, attended the event. Entertainment was provided by the Lower School Choir, Middle School Select Choir, Madrigals, Awty Singers, Orchestra, and the Wind Ensemble. Holiday classics including everyone's favorite Feliz Navidad were sung by the entire audience. Santa delighted students by making a special appearance during the event. Keeping with tradition, the students who have been at Awty the longest and the student who has attended Awty the shortest amount of time were honored with lighting Awty’s Christmas tree during the event. This year, the honor went to seven students. Six seniors including Austin Arceneaux, Elizabeth Hirs, Gabriella Mahan, Charlotte Burnod, Adrian Leonard, and Stephan Warden began attending Awty as preschoolers in 1999 and have all been at Awty the longest. Preschooler Jean Caussade was the youngest student and the student who had attended Awty the shortest amount of time. This year they were joined by the staff/ faculty member who has been at Awty the longest (Sam Waugh) and the one who has had the shortest tenure (Lauren Upadhyaya). Together, with Head of School Lisa Darling and Santa, they continued the tradition of lighting the tree. Awty would like to extend a big
90 The Awty International School
thank you to Robert Dee, Jason Peguero, Sina Thompson, and Lori Wagner for coordinating the event and providing the entertainment. Special thanks goes to Martha Bawara and the IB Theatre classes for providing light and screen technicians, to Becky Johnson and her art students for decorating the tree, and to the maintenance crew for setting up the PAAC. On December 9, Awty’s Performing Arts Department presented Band & Orchestra Winter Concert. Under the direction of Jason Peguero and Sina Thompson, 6th grade Band, 7th grade Band, Honor Band, Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble performed during the event. Over a dozen songs were performed at the concert including holiday classics like Jingle Bells, Angels We Have Heard on High, and The Christmas Song. Awty upheld a long holiday tradition of giving by hosting the annual Toy Drive again this year. Awty students learn early that helping others should be part of their daily lives. One of the
many ways Awty students practice this lesson is by supporting local charities through this collection of toys for children in need. On December 18, Santa made a special visit to the Awty campus. His grand entrance was made possible by his friends from Houston’s Fire Department Station No. 38 and their fire engine. The students gave their collected toys to Santa and the firefighters, who took the time to visit with the children before driving away with the donated toys. Many children in Houston had a happy holiday season thanks to the thoughtfulness of Awty’s students, and the work they did to make sure this year’s Toy Drive was a huge success. The Secondary students also participated in a food drive. The students raised enough food to fill four truck loads. Two truck loads were donated to Casa Juan Diego and two were donated to Turning Point Center. With these donations, Awty was able to completely stock the food pantries at both organizations.
Santa and the Firemen from HFD Station No. 38
Head of School Lisa Darling, Preschooler Jean Caussade, Proviseur Boualem Maizia, Seniors Elizabeth Hirs, Charlotte Burnod, Adrian Leonard, Austin Arceneaux, Stephan Warden, Gabriella Mahan, Teacher Lauren Upadhyaya, and Head of Upper School Sam Waugh
Pierre-Paul Baradat-Liro (10th grade), Anton Truong, and Olivier Kuhn de Chizelle (10th)
Maxim Gurevich (10th grade)
Danna Ghafir (Senior)
Texas, Our Texas
very Awty student was a Texas cowboy (or cowgirl) on February 28 as the school celebrated Go Texan Day along with the rest of Houston! Students rocked the latest cowboy fashion trends with red bandanas, pink cowgirl hats, plaid shirts, and cowboy boots being the most popular items. The Preschoolers made some new furry friends as they spent time with different critters from Marsha’s Petting Zoo including goats, rabbits, a llama, a deer, a piglet, and more. They also had fun taking turns on the carousel pony ride and learning about the Texas longhorn, a breed of cattle known for its characteristic horns. The Lower School students started their Texas-size day of fun with line
4th graders Raquel Brown, Zeynep Dundar, Nour Barakat, and Farren Donald-Wright
92 The Awty International School
dancing to a country favorite “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”. You could hear lots of “oohs” and “aahs” throughout the day as students learned about snakes, buzzards, armadillos, longhorns, and other animals native to Texas. Some students in both Primary and Secondary received the opportunity to learn about several historical figures that personified frontier life thanks to several faculty members and administrators—Willa Cather (Jennifer Blessington), Davy Crockett (Brent Lamers), Buffalo Bill (Tom Beuscher), Sam Houston (Stan Way), Calamity Jane (Emily Ambrosino), Annie Oakley (Monica Everett), Belle Star (Becky Johnson), and Laura Ingalls Wilder (Carol Munn). The 4th grade/CM1 and 5th grade/CM2 students also learned all about the
rodeo including its history, bareback riding, and cowboy fitness. Middle Schoolers attended two different presentations during the day; one about the history of the trail riders and one about the life history of Cynthia Ann Parker, who was captured and and kidnapped at the age of nine by a Comanche war band. Towards the end of the day, some lucky 4th graders got the chance to see the trail riders make their way down North Post Oak as they headed to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. That evening, current Awty families were invited to the school to kick up their heels for a little line dancing and a Texas BBQ dinner. All in all, everyone had a great time being a Texas cowboy for the day!
Some of Texas' famous historical figures visit Juan Carlos Bloomer's 6th grade class.
HLSR speaker Lisa Derenthal teaches the 7th grade/ 5ème students about the history of the trail ride.
Siyuan Chen (Kinder)
ACCENT 2013-2014 93 Matheo Pillon (CP)
2 0 1 4 Bo ok Fa i r
ore than 4,500 books were on display and for sale at Awty’s 2014 Book Fair in March. Books in English, French, Spanish, and Dutch were offered and there was a selection available at all reading levels. Everyone from preschoolers to adults shopping for current blockbusters found something to make them happy. Parents of Preschool students were invited to visit the three-day event with their children, while students in Lower School visited the event with their homeroom teachers. Middle and
Upper School students spent time at the fair during their breaks, lunches, and before and after classes. Proceeds from sales at the Book Fair directly benefit the library by helping to pay for books, author visits, and reading incentive programs. Thank you to those who purchased books for personal use, and to those who donated their purchases to Awty’s libraries! The event was organized by Diana Armentor, Lucas Anderson, Céline Poirier, Christelle Zaharatos, Myra Arslan, and Clarissa Richardson. Volunteers were a vital part of the annual
3rd graders Jasmine Shah, Begoña Pagazaurtundua, Rocio Gras, Carmen Backx, and Sofia de la Morena
94 The Awty International School
Book Fair, giving their time as packers, sales people, at checkout, and offering much needed cleanup help. All of the help from Awty faculty, staff, students, and parent volunteers was truly appreciated. Awty’s libraries welcome volunteers all year long. Become a part of Awty’s success by volunteering in one of Awty’s libraries, or if you are interested in helping with next year’s book fair, please contact Diana Armentor at darmentor@awty.org.
Romain Roussel and Maxim Gagick Petersen (CM2)
6th graders Leo Mose, Mohammed Alawami, Eric Aase, and Sebastian Peralta
Matthew Mekha and Aidan Fulton (4th grade)
Gavi Silverman and Kalina Mishev (9th grade)
2014 Francophonie
the Awty International School celebrated the International Day of Francophonie on March 21, 2014. All students from PK-3/PS to 12th grade/Tle enjoyed a day filled with fun events. Students, faculty, and staff members showed their French pride by dressing in the French colors of bleu, blanc, et rouge or wearing the designated Francophonie T-shirt. The French Bilingual Section organized a special and eventful Francophonie day for the students. The Preschool students began their day with a special breakfast followed by a lesson in bread making. The Lower School students enjoyed a trip through the Village Francophonie, where they were able to learn about different French customs, listen to stories read in French, attend a lesson in bread making, and make art pieces. Following this, the Lower School students were entertained by the CM1 Classes with a performance called La Conference des Oiseaux (Birds’ Conference) , a Persian poem by Farid ud-Din Attar adapted by a well-known French author Jean-Claude Carrière. It describes the pilgrimage of the world’s birds in search of their ideal king, The Simorgh, and the arduous journey across seven treacherous valleys they made to reach him. The Simorgh is in fact the mirror of their own troubles about fights over territory water, and food, all familiar troubles we still face in our world too! For the Secondary students, the day included workshops which focused
96 The Awty International School
on drama and poetry. Students also had the opportunity to meet Samer Mohdad and Rula Halawani, two featured photographers from the Biannual PhotoFest exhibit. During lunch, Mme. Cowan's, Mme. Driel's and Mme. Fernandez de Paredes' students preformed one act skits in the Quad. M. Houville had an open mike session during lunch as well, allowing our students to show their creative side. During the afternoon, awards for Awty’s Short Story competition were presented to Upper and Middle Schools students from both sections. Later that evening, all Awty families were invited to a casual potluck dinner with traditional “francophone” dishes. The Francophonie events would not have been possible without the help of several parent volunteers and for this, Awty says MERCI BEAUCOUP! Parent volunteers included Geraldine Menant, Caroline Llorca, Catherine Corcoran, Anne Maizia, Hadeel Anana, Camille Tonnel, Maud Lhors, Christel
Rivière, Sabine Juery, Isabelle Caron, Lucia Warden, Magali Valla, Magali Butre, Hélène Lavrut, Anne Baubert, Karen Jakubowicz, Françoise Vermet, and Pauline de Moucheron. Used by over 200 million people and spoken on five continents, the French language unites countries, institutions, and individuals. The French-speaking community in different countries brings together people who not only speak French, a language of education, culture, and communication, but also people who love French culture. Since the 1970’s, the entire world has had a unique opportunity in March, the International Day of Francophonie, to appreciate and celebrate the culture of French speaking countries. Throughout the month of March in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, The French Cultures Festival featured lectures, films, theatrical shows, concerts, receptions, parties, wine lectures, and cheese tastings. For more information, please visit www.frenchculturesfestival.com.
4ème students Louis Tonnel, Quentin Taton, and Max Paul
3ème students Hugo Tedgui Zagame, Djimé Abba-Kaka, Alex Foda, Nicolas Verchére, Alexandre Ryelandt, Paul Bourgogne, Peter Prentice, Romain Boursier, and Alexandre Ionesco
Students singing and playing French songs during lunch
Alexandre Caron, Isabelle Caron, Lucia Warden, Isabelle Rivière, Catherine Corcoran, and Anne Maizia
Odile Zupan
2014 Francophonie
6茅me students Thibault Tonnel, Mariam Emile, and Lorine Salel
Gina Sharman
CM2 students Hannah Guehria, Ethel Jakubowicz, Victor Duquet, Sara Al-Homaid, and Estelle Archambeau
Ana Marcela Anguiano Vega, Monica Cubria, Erika Watson, and M贸nica Mohring
12th graders StĂŠphanie Jeanneret, Hank Harrison, Nicolas Kuhn de Chizelle, Naim Mekdessi, and Nelson Wapon Safo with Nadia Triki
5th graders Krishna Bikkina, Rohaan Khan, Maurits Deman, and Moses Trejo
2nd graders Sofia Forcella, Courtney Smith, Amar Singh, and Erica Adler
ACCENT 2013-2014 99 Emerson Cutchall (6th grade)
Henderson Cup Cha mps
s announced by the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), The Awty International School has been named the 2013-2014 4A State Henderson Cup Champions! The Henderson Cup, which recognizes the top performing schools in each TAPPS classification, combines athletics, academics, music, and the arts to determine a state final ranking. The Rams, who finished the year with a total of 76 points, finished 19 points ahead of second place Tyler All Saints Episcopal School. They also completed the 2013-14 campaign a distant 40 points ahead of Lutheran South Academy, the highest scoring Houston area school. By winning a state cham-
pionship in girls cross country, boys swimming, and girls swimming, the Rams earned ten points apiece. They also tallied eight points in girls soccer, boys soccer, girls tennis, boys tennis, and girls track and field, where Awty finished the year as state runners-up in each sport. Boys’ cross country also earned six points for their third place finish in state. Altogether, the Lady Rams collected 44 points while the boys teams accumulated 32 points, both top in the 4A division. Although not included in Henderson Cup rankings, it should be noted that the Rams were also TAPPS 4A district champions in girls soccer, boys soccer, boys tennis, girls tennis, and girls track and field; while the boys and girls swim
Christina Moreno (10th grade), Nikita Prasad (11th), Sydney Ladner (11th), Caitlin Matthews (9th), Coach Robert Sload, Bella Grant (12th), Sydney Arceneaux (10th), Catherine Ohrt (10th), Raven Schwam-Curtis (10th), and Amanda Gerlach (10th)
100 The Awty International School
teams both finished first at regionals. This is the second consecutive year that Awty has finished as a top Henderson Cup finalist; in 2012-13 the Rams came in second place overall. This will be the final year Awty will compete in the 4A classification as they move to TAPPS 5A, the largest private school division in the state of Texas in 2014-2015. For a complete listing of all 4A Henderson Cup results, please visit the TAPPS website at http://tapps.net/wpcontent/uploads/4A-2013-2014.pdf - John Hoye Athletic Director For the latest on Awty athletics, please visit www.awty.org/athletics and follow us on Twitter at @AwtyAthletics.
Sydney Arceneaux (10th grade), Nikita Prasad (11th), Bella Grant (12th), and Christina Moreno (10th) Cross Country
JV Tennis Team
Tyler Goulding (12th Grade) Swimming
Ghafir 101 (10th Grade) ACCENT Samy 2013-2014 Golf
Br av o ! ! !
Adela DePavia, 11th grade
he Boniuk Institute at Rice University held its fourth annual Embracing Tolerance Essay Contest. More than 175 students from approximately 20 different schools in the Houston area submitted essays to the contest. As usual, the quality was consistently high, as writers wrestled to address the question of what practicing religious tolerance truly means. Their writing prompt this year invited them to imagine an almost utopian scenario: “How would the world be— or be different—if the Boniuk Institute’s mission to ‘nurture tolerance among people of all or no faiths’ was finally achieved? And how will we know once this threshold has been reached?” Adela DePavia, 11th grader at Awty, not only submitted an essay but she won the annual contest. Visit http://issuu.com/boniuk/docs/2014_ adeladepavia to read Adela’s winning essay, Clear Water, Holy Water.
102 The Awty International School
Samy Ghafir, 10th grade
n April 14, sophomore golfer Samy Ghafir scored 84, low enough to qualify him to compete in the TAPPS State meet in Waco. In addition to Samy, Awty had two additional golfers who qualified and competed in the regional golf match, seniors Stephan Warden and Danna Ghafir. With his score, Samy became the first male Awty Ram to advance to the state golf competition.
Lower School Choir
wty's Lower School Choir, under the direction of Lori Wagner, participated in Houston’s International Festival! They represented Perth, Australia in the Children’s Parade of Nations. All of Houston’s international sister cities were represented at the event. The choir began the ceremonies with “Waltzing Matilda” and had the honor of leading the parade. Annise Parker, Mayor of Houston, and other important members of the Houston business community were present for the event.
Mickey de Jong and Monica Fulton
or the first time, the school decided to award Volunteer of the Year to two parent volunteers, one from Primary School and one from Secondary School. On May 14, the Volunteers of the Year awards were presented to Mickey de Jong (Secondary School) and Monica Fulton (Primary School) at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. Both of these parent volunteers have gone above and beyond all expectations throughout the 2013-2014 school year. Mickey de Jong served three years as a dedicated library volunteer, as well as three years as a gala volunteer. This past gala, she served as a Class Basket Co-chair. She also served this year as a Class of 2014 Parent Co-chair. Monica Fulton served as one of the co-chairs for the 2014 International Festival and she helped organize the 2013 Fall Fun Festival. She also divided her volunteer time up between being an Annual Fund volunteer, a room parent, and the Lower School Lunchroom Coordinator. Both ladies were always ready to pitch in where needed. Congrats to both recipients!
Adrian Barbir, Mitchell Griffiths, and Mevsim Denktas
itchell Griffiths, 8th grade, was the winner of this year's Geography Bee. Adrian Barbir, 5ème, took second place and third place went to Mevsim Denktas, 6th grade. Mitchell represented Awty at the Regional Bee in April. Congratulations and a "job well done" to all of the Geography Bee finalists including Adrian Barbir, Arnaud Biebuyck, Thomas Bunch, Mevsim Denktas, Nico Feder, Mitchell Griffiths, John Harrison, Jeremy Jason, Aarsh Kak, and Eric Verchere.
Zoey Willoughby's Best of Show Art Piece
wty students win big at the 2014 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo 2-D and 3-D Art Competitions. Ten pieces by Awty students were entered into the 2-D competition and a big congrats is due to each participant. Zoey Willoughby took home a Best of Show in the Middle School category and Marie Farhat and Paula Ayala both took home gold medals in the Upper School category. All three pieces were on display at the Hayloft Gallery during the rodeo this year. A special congratulations is also due to 10th grader Anne Schmidt, whose piece received 1st place and was in the running for Best of Show. Other winners included Aliya Khan (1st place), Isabelle Scionti (1st place), Sarah Mohammed (1st place), Naia Daniel (2nd place), Carmen Lechin (2nd place), and Jana Ihnen (2nd place). The artwork by five Awty students was entered in the 3-D Art Competition. Senior Nash Baughn and sophomore Sydney Arceneaux both won 1st place for their work. Sophomore Tian Tian He's piece won 2nd place. Third place was awarded to junior Rosina D'Angelo and sophomore Mary Abigail Schenau.
ACCENT 2013-2014 103
Br av o ! ! !
Bella Grant, 12th Grade
enior cross country runner, Bella Grant, was honored as KHOU’s High School Athlete of the Week on October 20. Bella, who was one of the members of Awty’s top ranked 4A team, set the course record of 18:58 over three miles while running in the Cajun Classic in New Orleans, LA. She also helped lead the Lady Rams to a team victory at the meet. Over the course of the year, Bella has been instrumental in helping Awty to victories in five meets this season. She helped the Lady Rams win the State championship. Bella, who was the top overall finisher in the girls 4A division, won the race with a time of 11:53.2, outperforming the 2012 individual champion over the final 300 meters, eventually separating herself by five seconds.
104 The Awty International School
Jennifer Blessington
ne of Awty’s own teachers Jennifer (Mathieu) Blessington, became a published author this year. Jennifer started writing stories when she was in kindergarten and now teaches English to Middle and Upper School students here at Awty. She is also a young adult author and in her debut novel The Truth About Alice, she paints a raw look at the realities of teen life through the point of view of four Healy High students. Each student tells all they “know” about Alice--and in doing so reveals their own secrets and motivations. The Truth About Alice came out on June 10 and it can be purchased on Amazon.com or at Blue Willow Bookshop here in Houston.
Kian Raissian, 10th Grade
or the second year in a row, Kian Raissian, 10th grade, was selected to both the Texas Music Educators’ Association (TMEA) All-State Orchestra and the Texas Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA) All-State Orchestra. He also has been named one of 20 students in the entire state of Texas as a Young Master. With the Young Masters grant, Kian plans to attend the Madeline Island Music Camp this summer in La Pointe, WI. Young Masters is a grant program that is awarded by The Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) and the Texas Cultural Trust. It provides exemplary art students in grades 8-11 with the financial help they need to pursue advanced study in the areas of visual arts, literary arts, music, musical theatre, theatre, dance and media arts. The Trust and TCA have given 243 grants to 104 previous Young Masters, awarding $607,500 to aspiring artists over the past thirteen years. Congratulations Kian on this great accomplishment!
Amelia Ward, 8th Grade
ighth grade student Amelia Ward participated in the 2013 USA Track & Field National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships on December 14 in San Antonio. She competed in the 4k Cross Country Run in the 13-14 years old girl’s division. She finished 31st with a time of 15:16.64. Racing against the best 400+ girls in the country, this was an incredible feat for one of Awty’s Middle School students. Congrats Amelia on this incredible achievement!
Ms. Meggie Wu, Ms. Tairong Zheng, Dr. Jennifer Liu, and Ms. Jiayao Pang
n October 5, three Awty Chinese teachers Jiayao Pang, Meggie Wu, and Tairong Zheng participated in the 7th Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Texas “Teaching Chinese Beyond the Classroom” at Texas A&M University. Jiayao Pang is the president of the association, and Meggie Wu is the secretary. Dr. Jennifer Liu, Director of the Chinese Program at Harvard University, was the keynote speaker. Approximately 100 Chinese teachers from Texas attended the conference. Last year’s conference was hosted by Awty.
Seniors Bella Grant and Lexie Acevedo
wty seniors Bella Grant and Lexie Acevedo represented the school this year at Via Colori® Street Painting Festival on November 23-24 on the streets surrounding City Hall. At the festival, they worked side-by-side with over 200 professional artists as they transformed the pavement of downtown Houston into live art before our very eyes. Over 15,000 festival attendees got an up-close and personal view of the artwork and a chance to speak with the artists. Via Colori® has grown into one of Houston’s signature art events, and it remains the only street painting festival in the region. Benefiting The Center for Hearing and Speech, this annual fundraiser raised $400,000, helping deaf children. CHS is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with hearing loss through clinical, education, and support services. Last year, CHS provided services to over 5,200 children.
ACCENT 2013-2014 105
Thank You! Merci!
he 2013-2014 ACCENT and the 2012-2013 Annual Report would not have been possible without the help of many. A special thanks to all who contributed an article, a quote, and/or photography. Thank you also to those who helped with the translations, reviewed and edited articles, identified photographs, conducted interviews, and/or covered events. THANK YOU! MERCI! Olga Alexander Lucas Anderson Paul Arceneaux Diana Armentor Michael Baker Lisa Bastedo Martha Bawara Erika Benavente Tom Beuscher Nelson Bonzi Paul Bourgogne Lamis Boz Jacques Brock Amy Bruce Jan Case Ava Casey John Chesterton Vanitta Clarke-Douglas Catherine Corcoran Kneale Culbreath Lisa Darling Rob Dee Zeynep Deliormanli Miranda DeVries Veronique Douet Deborah Drummer Chantal Duke Zulfia Finigan Michael Flanet Leah Foster Monica Fulton
106 The Awty International School
Angela Glidewell Kim Gowen Eleanor Grosvenor Mary Herendeen Jennifer Hohman John Hoye Ronald Jackson Jeremy Jason Mark Jason Silvia Jason Becky Johnson Reema Kasavich Navreena Kaur Brian Kelley Marie Kourouma Anthea Lavergne Véronique Lhemann Lifetouch Photography Limb Design Lauren Linn Gabi Mahan Boualem Maizia Antonio Moreno Frank Moroux Carol Nash Nelson Photography Marie-Hélène Nguyen Hank Nicodemus Leslie Nogaret Brian Oakley Laurence Paul
Jason Peguero Beatrice Person Kerry Polzin Thomas Quitzau Dena Rafte - Rafte Photography Amy Reaser Natalia Rylance Barbara Schmidt Mark Schroeder Patricia Seller-Wolff Fran Shearon Robert Sload Jessika Smith Robert Smith Catherine Sovany Souade Tereche Mary Thomas Sina Thompson Anton Truong Denise Von Dohlen Sean Von Felden Lauren Wade Greg Walsh Karen Waugh Sam Waugh Erika Watson Steve Willhelm Lisa Wolff Christelle Zaharatos
In Loving Memory... This issue of ACCENT is dedicated in loving memory to Gerry Rodgers, Sr. Gerry was a well-regarded member of the Awty community known to almost every family because he directed Awty's carpool most days. Gerry knew everyone at Awty, had terrific relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, and he is sorely missed. He will be remembered as a kind and gentle man who quietly worked hard at doing a good job. ACCENT 2013-2014 107
108 The Awty International School
A N N UA L REPORT 2012-2013
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n behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Awty International School, I am pleased to provide this Annual Report to our school community and friends. The 2012-2013 school year saw Awty make changes on several fronts. First, our annual giving continued to remain strong. This was made possible through the tireless efforts of our annual Gala Chairs, Janice Glaser and Nadia Tajalli, who helped the school raise more than $480,000 at the 2013 gala, From Awty to Africa: A Walk on the Wild Side. More than $95,000 was raised through the online silent auction. Our annual giving success is also attributable to the incredible efforts of our Annual Fund Chairs, Aimee and Tyler Flood, Jill Munk, Corinne Rochette, and Suneeta and Raj Rangwani, who organized class representatives in an effort to personally contact every family at Awty. The overall participation level from our targeted audience was 75%, with many classes achieving 100%. Awty staff and faculty gave the school their own ringing endorsement, having a 95% participation rate. These participation rates are significant for three reasons. First, while the
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bulk of The Awty International School’s annual budget is derived from tuition and fees, to keep tuition and fees on a level comparable with other private institutions, the Annual Fund does provide an important piece of the total funding required to operate Awty each year. Second, as we solicit donors and foundations for large capital contributions, participation rates from within the Awty family are one key indicator which is looked to, to see if the school community itself is supportive of the institution. Finally, these participation rates are an indicator of the high esteem in which Awty is held by its parents, faculty, and staff. Awty launched another phase of its four-part Master Plan for the campus, with the initiation of construction of the Lower School addition in May of 2013, which was just completed this Spring of 2014, with occupancy taking place in April 2014. Funds are being raised now in order to be able to initiate work on the Preschool, and I hope to be able to report some exciting developments in next year’s Annual Report. I can tell you that completion of Awty’s Master Plan remains on track, in no small part due to the continued contributions of supporters like those of you who are receiving and reading this report. With your continued support, I believe we will complete the Master Plan sooner than many would
have predicted. Awty’s continuing commitment to excellence is tangibly exemplified by the results of the past school year’s International Baccalaureate and French Baccalauréat test results, which, in both cases, were again outstanding, and exceeded world-wide averages. And, as I reported last year, Awty’s success is no secret. For the entering classes of 2014-2015, we had three times as many applications as we had seats to offer. Awty is in sound financial condition operationally, and with the strong sense of community we enjoy at Awty, I am confident we will continue to generate the funds from our Annual Fund and Capital Campaign to be able to support our existing programs and our construction plans. Please join me in celebrating Awty’s successes.
u nom du conseil d’administration de l’École internationale Awty, j’ai le plaisir de présenter ce Rapport annuel à notre communauté scolaire et nos amis. L’année scolaire 2012-2013 a vu Awty faire des progrès extraordinaires sur plusieurs plans. Tout d’abord, notre programme annuel de dons a connu une autre année exceptionnelle. Ceci a été rendu possible par les efforts infatigables des présidentes de notre gala an-
nuel, Janice Glaser et Nadia Tajalli, qui ont aidé l’école à réunir plus de 480 000 de dollars au gala de 2013, From Awty to Africa: A Walk on the Wild Side. Plus de 95 000 de dollars ont été recueillis grâce aux enchères silencieuses en ligne. La réussite des dons annuels peut également être attribuée aux incroyables efforts de nos présidents du Fonds annuel, Aimee et Tyler Flood, Jill Munk, Corinne Rochette et Suneeta et Raj Rangwani, qui ont recruté des représentants de classes pour contacter personnellement chaque famille d’Awty. Le niveau de participation globale de notre public cible a été de 75%, de nombreuses classes atteignant 100 %. Le personnel et les enseignants d’Awty ont donné à l’École leur propre vote de confiance, avec un taux de participation de 95%. Ces taux de participation sont importants pour trois raisons. En premier lieu, alors que l’essentiel du budget annuel de l’École internationale Awty provient des frais de scolarité et des droits, le Fonds annuel apporte une part importante du financement total requis pour faire fonctionner Awty chaque année afin de maintenir les frais de scolarité et les droits à un niveau comparable à celui d’institutions privées. En second lieu, alors que nous sollicitons d’importantes contributions financières auprès de donateurs et de fondations, les taux de participation de la famille Awty constituent un indicateur essentiel qui est étudié, afin de savoir si la com-
munauté scolaire elle-même soutient l’institution. Enfin, ces taux de participation sont un indicateur de l’estime élevée dont bénéficie Awty de la part des parents, des enseignants et du personnel. Awty a lancé une autre phase de son plan directeur en quatre parties pour le campus, avec le début de la construction de l’ajout à l’école primaire en mai 2013, laquelle vient d’être achevée ce printemps de 2014 et dont l’occupation a pris place en avril 2014. La levée de fonds pour pouvoir commencer les travaux sur l’école maternelle est en cours et j’espère pouvoir rapporter des développements excitants dans le rapport annuel de l’années prochaine. Je peux vous dire que la réalisation du plan directeur d’Awty reste sur la bonne voie, principalement en raison des contributions continues faites par nos partisans, tels que ceux qui lisent et reçoivent ce rapport. Grâce à votre soutien continu, je suis convaincu que nous allons accomplir le plan directeur plus tôt qu’un grand nombre d’entre vous aurait prévu. L’engagement suivi d’Awty envers l’excellence présente des exemples tangibles avec les résultats du baccalauréat international et du baccalauréat français cette dernière année scolaire, qui dans les deux cas ont été à nouveau exceptionnels et supérieurs aux moyennes mondiales. Et comme je l’ai rapporté l’année dernière, la réussite d’Awty n’est pas un secret. Pour la rentrée des classes
de 2014-2015, nous avons trois fois plus de demandes que de places à offrir. Awty est dans une situation financière opérationnelle saine et avec le solide sens de la communauté dont nous bénéficions à Awty, je suis certain que nous allons continuer à générer des dons à notre Fonds annuel et notre Campagne de levée de capitaux afin de pouvoir poursuivre nos programmes existants et nos projets de construction. Merci de vous joindre à moi pour fêter les réussites d’Awty.
- Mr. Mark Schroeder Chairman of the Board of Trustees
ACCENT 2013-2014 111
2AWTY0 BOARD 13 -OF2014 TRUSTEES The Awty International School’s Board of Trustees mirrors the international nature of the school’s community. Members include current parents, representatives from major corporations, the Consul General of France, and a representative from each of the following: Mission Laïque Française (MLF), the Awty Parents and Personnel Association (APPA), and the Awty Alumni Association. Awty Class of 2004. Current MBA Candidate, Class of 2015, Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business. Elected President of the Awty Alumni Association. Ex-officio member* of Awty’s Board of Trustees. ALI CLEAR ALATTAR
Current Head of School at Awty. Has 20+ years of educational leadership experience. Prior to Awty, she served as President of the United World College (New Mexico) for 8 years. Before UWC, she served as Head of School for 11 years at Wilmington Friends School (Delaware), where she had variously worked since 1988 as Business Manager, Assistant Head for Lower School and Acting Head of School. Ex-officio member* of Awty’s Board of Trustees as well as all board committees.
President of Aramco Services Company. He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Center for Global Business Studies at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business, the Executive Committee for the Harvard Law School Association of Arabia and the Board of Directors of the Greater Houston Partnership. Treasurer of Awty’s Board of Trustees. Chair of the Finance Committe and member of the Committee on Trustees.
112 The Awty International School
Following several overseas assignments while her husband served in the U.S. Foreign Service, she now resides in Houston. Was the archival consultant at the Baker Institute and authored a book on James A. Baker, III. Serves on the Board of the Center for Performing Arts Medicine at Methodist Hospital. Previously, she was a member of the Houston Ballet and TFAA Boards. Joined the Awty Board of Trustees in January 2014.
Managing Director at Accenture. He has served in a variety of leadership positions throughout his 25-year Andersen Consulting/Accenture career. He serves on several non-profit boards for local organizations focused on constructive dialogue between communities, education, and the arts: Houston Grand Opera, SEARCH Homeless Services, and The Institute for Sustainable Peace.
Director of Information Technology at ConocoPhillips. Prior to ConocoPhillips, she served as Chief Technical Advisor at Halliburton. She also serves as President of the Awty Rams Booster Club.
Parent-elect for the International section. Member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.
Chemical Engineer (retired Global Manufacturing Process Manager with ExxonMobil Chemical Co). Currently serving on APPA Board (US Liaison) and International School of Brussels American Foundation. Former trustee for International School of Brussels and Brussels Sports Association.
Chair of the Advancement Committee.
Mission Laïque Française representative. Formerly served as head, exec. director or administrator of the French American Intl. School (Portland), the Lycée Intl. de Los Angeles, the Lycée Intl. School (Michigan), the UN Intl. School (New York), the Sunset School of Dade County Public Schools (Miami), and the Lycée Français de New York. Ex-officio member of the Dallas Intl. School’s Board.
Chair of the Leadership Transition Committee, Chair of Working Group on Governance, and member of the Committee on Trustees.
Ex-officio member* of Awty’s Board of Trustees.
Director of Development and Partnerships for the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) as well as Founder and President of Key West Consulting, Inc. Prior to CASIS, he served as Executive Director for the Institute for Collaboration in Health. Additionally, he has worked at the University of Denver, Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, and South Texas College of Law.
Executive Vice President of Finance Upstream Americas and a member of Royal Dutch Shell’s Finance Leadership Team. Board member of Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business Council of Overseers. JEAN-BAPTISTE JUERY
Member of the Finance Committee.
Member of the Advancement Committee. *An ex-officio member is a non-voting member of the Awty Board of Trustees. ACCENT 2013-2014 113
U.S. Vice Chair, U.S. Energy Leader, and the Market Managing Partner for PricewaterhouseCoopers. Serves on the Advisory Board of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas and serves on the non-profit board of Dress for Success Houston, Central Houston ALPFA Institute, and the Greater Houston Partnership.
Vice President of Surface Technologies for FMC Technologies Inc. Member of the board and a district chairman for the Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association and a member of the executive leadership team of the American Heart Association. JOHAN PFEIFFER
Member of the Committee on Trustees.
Joined the Awty Board of Trustees in January 2014.
Parent-elected President of the Awty Parents and Personnel Association (APPA), French Section. Former Co-chair of the Annual Fund Committee. Ex-officio member* of the Board of Trustees. Member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. JILL MUNK
Partner at Baker Botts L.L.P. since 1990, specializing in energy and infrastructure projects and related and other transactions. Currently serving on the Board of Directors of Neighborhood Centers, Inc. and The Forest Club, and as a Centennial Counselor to St. Albans School in Washington, DC. Graduate of Princeton University and the University of Virginia Law School. Member of the Finance Committee.
President & CEO of TOTAL EP NEW VENTURES International. Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers, API, AIPN, Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce, Committee on Foreign Relations- Houston, and Advisory Board- International Studies at University of St. Thomas. VICTOR OBADIAH
114 The Awty International School
Chairman of Buildings and Grounds Committee and member of the Committee on Trustees.
Served on the board of the TFAA - Texan French Alliance for the Arts. Member of the Committee on Trustees and Leadership Transition Committee.
Attorney (former Baker Botts LLP partner), engineer (former Exxon USA), and Adjunct Professor at Rice Univ. in the Economics Dept. Formerly served on Boards of Encore Bancshares, Inc., InNexus Biotechnology, Inc., and Comp-UDopt, Inc.
Vice President and General Counsel of Enable Midstream Partners, LP. Also serves on the Board of the Houston Area Women’s Center, and the Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center Alumni Board of Trustees. MARK SCHROEDER
Chairman of Awty’s Board of Trustees. Ex-officio member* of all board committees.
Consul General of France in Houston. Also serves on the boards of the Austin International School, the Dallas International School, the French-American Chamber of Commerce in Dallas and in Houston, Houston Accueil, and the Texan-French Alliance for the Arts. SUJIRO SEAM
Ex-Officio member *of the Board of Trustees.
Secretary of Awty’s Board of Trustees. Parent-elect for the French section. Member of Committee on Trustees.
President of The Friedkin Group. Also serves on the Board of Service Corporation International; the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Houston Branch), Highlands Resources, Inc., a private real estate company; Greater Houston Partnership; YMCA; Society for the Performing Arts; American Diabetes Association of Houston; Salvation Army; and the Houston Ballet Foundation. Chair of the Committee on Trustees and member of the Leadership Transition Committee.
*An ex-officio member is a non-voting member of the Awty Board of Trustees. ACCENT 2013-2014 115
YEAR END SUMMARY FINANCIAL POSITION/OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE: Tuition and Fees.....................................................................................$30,142,696 Auxiliary / Other Program Service Fees...................................................$2,791,607 Contributions and Fundraising Events....................................................$1,047,598 Investment Return.......................................................................................$393,901 Other...........................................................................................................$47,688 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE
EXPENSES: Instructional and Student Activities....................................................$25,696,780 Management and General......................................................................$4,288,005 Financial Aid.............................................................................................$1,251,404 TOTAL EXPENSES
OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION AS OF JUNE 30, 2013 Value of Endowment Fund....................................................................$4,563,310 Last Five Years of Capital Expenditures.................................................$25,039,932 Historically capital expenditures have been funded by capital campaigns, building fees, proceeds from land reclamations, and borrowed funds, of which $2,506,101 remains outstanding on an original $6,000,000 loan. This loan was refinanced in June 2011 to be payable over seven years. In July 2011, Awty also borrowed $10,000,000 to be payable over ten years, of which $9,055,184 remains outstanding.
116 The Awty International School
Mr. Fayez Sarofim Organizations
Baker Hughes Incorporated Chevron Schlumberger TOTAL GIFTS OF $50,000 - $9,999 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Organizations
Sun Coast Resources, Inc. Technip USA Corporation GIFTS OF $10,000 - $49,999 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dabney Mr. and Mrs. Jamal Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Brent de Jong Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Frateschi Mr. and Mrs. William Colin Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lile Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Andre M. Raposo Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder Dr. Zin Smati and Mrs. Nora Smati Mr. and Mrs. David G. Steakley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Talbot Dr. Shahin Tavackoli
and Mrs. Nadia Tajalli Dr. Cyril Tawa and Dr. Catherine Karmel Mrs. Sujata Venkatraman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr. Mr. Marc Watts Dr. Libbyette Wright and Ms. Wendy Donald-Wright Mr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak Kamali Organizations
Avan Construction Inc. Awty Parents & Personnel Association BHP Billiton Americas Inc. ConocoPhillips The Friedkin Group, Inc. Legendary Adventures The Lester & Sue Smith Foundation Saudi Refining, Inc. Shell Oil Company Foundation (Matching Gifts Program) GIFTS OF $5,000 - $9,999 Individuals
Mr. Salim Ahmed and Mrs. Andrea N. Garcia-Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Allen Mr. Gabriel Alonso Imaz and Mrs. Teresa Sancho Martinez Mr. Nabeel M. Amudi and Mrs. Lamees M. Al-Ali Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Banham Dr. Ravi Bikkina and Mrs. Aparna Mikkilineni Mrs. Rachel Brown Mr. and Mrs. Didier Charreton Mr. Ross F. Davidson and Mrs. Kristina Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dunlop Mr. and Mrs. David L. Haug Ms. Shari L. Heyen and Ms. Amy J. Blumrosen Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. Mr. Michael Jusbasche and Mrs. Rebecca Mark-Jusbasche Mr. and Mrs. Shauvik Kundagrami Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lelo de Larrea Mr. Luc J. Messier Dr. and Mrs. Hesham Morsi Mr. and Mrs. Johan F. Pfeiffer Mr. Glen Runnels and Ms. Ginger L. Napier Dr. and Mrs. Mario Ruscev
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Salek Mr. Eduardo N. Salomon and Mrs. Carolina Simon de Salomon Mr. and Mrs. Aart G. Schenau Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Simon Mr. Nick Stugart Mr. Zain Willoughby and Ms. Anastasia Lim Mr. and Mrs. Salim Zakhem
BENEFACTORS ($10,000 - $24,999) Individuals
Air Liquide America Corporation Bailey Architects, Inc. BP FABRIC OF AMERICA FUND CenterPoint Energy ExxonMobil Foundation FMC Technologies Inc. FMC Technologies Matching Gift Plan Libbyette Wright, MD - Skin Surgery Center of Houston Lifetouch National School Studios, Inc. Parker School Uniforms Phoenicia Specialty Foods Porton Tellepsen Wellen Real Estate Willis HRH-Houston
Baker Hughes Incorporated Schlumberger THE WORLD CLASS SOCIETY ($50,000 - $99,999) Organizations
Sun Coast Resources, Inc. Technip USA Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dabney Mr. and Mrs. Brent de Jong Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Frateschi Mr. and Mrs. William Colin Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Mr. Luc J. Messier Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr. Mr. Marc Watts Organizations
Awty Parents & Personnel Association The Lester & Sue Smith Foundation PATRONS ($5,000 - $9,999) Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dunlop Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder Dr. Cyril Tawa and Dr. Catherine Karmel Mrs. Sujata Venkatraman
FRIENDS (GIFTS UP TO $4,999) Individuals
CAMPAIGN BETWEEN JULY 1, 2012 AND JUNE 30, 2013. THE INVESTOR SOCIETY ($100,000 - $249,999) Individuals
Mr. Fayez Sarofim
Mr. Nabeel M. Amudi and Mrs. Lamees M. Al-Ali Mr. and Mrs. Simon Farrant Mr. and Mrs. Tyler A. Flood Mr. Alexander Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kasavich Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leiker Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lelo de Larrea
ACCENT 2013-2014 117
Mr. Eduardo N. Salomon and Mrs. Carolina Simon de Salomon Mr. Jeffrey Smith and Mrs. Jessika Smith Mr. Zain Willoughby and Ms. Anastasia Lim Mr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-Wolff
Mrs. Sabine Juèry Mr. and Mrs. Herman Key Mr. and Mrs. Shauvik Kundagrami Mrs. Anne-Sophie Lucquin Mr. Daniel Marie and Ms. Karen Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oakley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quarles Mr. and Mrs. Aart Schenau Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schroeder Ms. Linda Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Toledano Mr. Thieleman A. Versteeg and Mrs. Johanna H. Versteeg-Van Silfhout Mrs. Lucia Warden Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wellen 1956 SOCIETY CIRCLE ($25,000 AND ABOVE) Individuals
Mr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak Kamali AMBASSADOR’S CIRCLE ($20,000 - $24,999) Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Andre M. Raposo CONSUL'S CIRCLE ($10,000 - $19,999) Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Flood Mrs. Jill Munk Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani Mrs. Corinne Rochette
Mr. Ross F. Davidson and Mrs. Kristina Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Johan F. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. David G. Steakley Dr. Libbyette Wright and Ms. Wendy Donald-Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bailey Mrs. Marie-Laure Bocabarteile Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clopton Mrs. Catherine Corcoran Mr. Todd Colvard and Ms. Kelly Moneyhan Dr. John Dani and Dr. Mariella De Biasi Mrs. Amelie Fonseca Mr. David Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne Brown-Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Colin Fulton Mrs. Anne-Sophie Guinotte Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harpole Mr. and Mrs. Serge Heidrich Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Helman Mrs. Genoveva Jeanneret
118 The Awty International School
BHP Billiton Americas Inc. CIRCLE OF ASSOCIATES ($5,000 - $9,999) Individuals
Mr. Gabriel Alonso Imaz and Mrs. Teresa Sancho Martinez Mrs. Rachel Brown Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dabney Mr. and Mrs. William Colin Fulton Mr. Francisco J. Gras and Mrs. Maria D. Calzado Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Hendry Ms. Shari L. Heyen and Ms. Amy J. Blumrosen Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mallon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Mr. and Mrs. Trevor K. Munk Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Prentice Dr. and Mrs. Mario Ruscev Organizations
BP America, Inc. Chevron ExxonMobil Foundation FMC Technologies Matching Gift Plan The Friedkin Group, Inc. Lifetouch National School Studios, Inc. Parker School Uniforms PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE ($1,000 - $4,999) Individuals
Anonymous (5) Mr. David B. Adler and Mrs. Christine Kirchner Dr. Vahid Afshar and Dr. Mojgan Amrikachi Mr. Salim Ahmed and Mrs. Andrea N. Garcia-Ahmed Mr. Jabor K. Al Mesallam and Ms. Muna Al Khater Mr. Rodrigo Amare and Mrs. Ana Escalona Mr. Nabeel M. Amudi and Mrs. Lamees M. Al-Ali Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Angeli Dr. Daniel Backlas and Dr. Purnima Backlas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bailey Mr. Jean-Pierre Baizan and Dr. Caroline Baizan Mr. and Mrs. Charlie M. Baughn Mr. David M. Best and Mrs. Sheri L. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Darron Black Mr. George H. Boerger and Mrs. Florence L. Guihéneuf-Boerger Dr. and Mrs. Frederic Briens Dr. Robert T. Brown and Ms. Dena Rafte Mr. and Mrs. William Browning Mr. Charles R. Bunch and Ms. Lilia D. Khakimova Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Chacón Mr. and Ms. Burton D. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Cooper Mr. Jeffrey N. Daily and Dr. Gaby A. Daily
Mr. Mauricio de Font Réaulx and Mrs. Ana Castaneda Mr. Bastiaan G. De Zeeuw and Mrs. Nathalie B. Claus Dr. Ali E. Denktas and Dr. Gurur Denktas Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Donaldson Mr. Pablo Eisner and Mrs. Tamara Saront-Eisner Mrs. Juliet S. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. William Esler Mr. Franciscus Everts and Mrs. Monique Timmermans Dr. Tarek Fahl and Mrs. Nadia Fahl Mr. Jérôme Faivre and Mrs. Sarah M. Faivre-Ovion Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Feder Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Felius Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Fenske Mr. and Mrs. Giancarlo Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. Tyler A. Flood Dr. Robert K. Fullick and Dr. Laura K. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Gadin Mr. Alex Gelb, ‘02 Ms. Sarah Gelb ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gell Mr. and Mrs. Anton Gerbrandy Dr. Samer Ghafir and Mrs. Maysa Wafai Mr. Christian Ghonda and Mrs. Madia Muya Mr. and Ms. Randall L. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Glaser Mr. Joshua F. Grahmann and Mrs. Ashley E. Amy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Guinotte Dr. and Mrs. John L. Haddad Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Harpole Mr. and Mrs. David L. Haug Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Helman Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hensley Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Hillyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Hadi Jafarzadeh Mr. Bruno Jardin and Dr. Marie Jardin Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Jeanneret Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Baptiste Juery Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Kalra Mr. and Mrs. Hermen Key
$586,871 Total amount raised through the Awty Annual Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Emad E. Khedr Mr. and Mrs. Paal Kibsgaard-Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Kline III Mr. Thomas P. Krayenbuhl and Mrs. Anne V. Krayenbuhl-Jolliet Mr. and Mrs. Shauvik Kundagrami Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kunkemoeller Dr. and Ms. Alexander Lazar Mr. and Mrs. James K. Lehne Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lelo de Larrea Mr. Christopher P. Lombardo and Mrs. Kiranmai D. Naidu Mr. and Mrs. Georges A. Maalouf Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. MacDonald Mr. Masoud Madani Zadeh and Mrs. Fariba Khaki-Firouz Mr. Boualem Maizia and Mrs. Anne Maizia-Verheyleweghen Mr. and Mrs. Sergey V. Malygin Mr. Daniel Marie and Ms. Karen Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matthes Mr. John P. McGinnis and Mrs. Lana B. Billeaud Mr. and Mrs. Colin D. McKenzie Mr. Luc J. Messier Mr. and Mrs. Shahzaad Mohammed Dr. and Mrs. Mahmood Moradi Mr. Hernan Morales and Ms. Christine H. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Hesham Morsi Dr. Sundar Natarajan and Ms. Pavithra Mani Mr. Harry O. Nicodemus, IV Dr. Jacobo Nurko and Mrs. Ingrid Cheskes-Nurko Mr. and Mrs. Victor Obadiah Mr. Daniel C. Ogbonna and Dr. Martina C. Ogbonna
Mr. Alberto Orozco and Mrs. Milagros Sos Dr. Hernan A. Palermo and Mrs. Linda B. Palermo Mr. and Mrs. Micheal D. Palmer Dr. Sergio F. Paluk and Dr. Amanda Echeverria Mr. and Mrs. Laurent Pardigon Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Partridge Dr. and Mrs. Raza Pasha Mr. Miguel Penichet and Mme Ibela Garcia Mr. Frederick B. Plummer and Mrs. Sigrid B. Melle Mr. and Mrs. James Pollard Dr. and Mrs. William A. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Quarles Mr. Daniel N. Ramirez and Mrs. Celia Balli Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rechter Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Rochette Mr. Erik R. Roussel and Mrs. Barbara Schult Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ruiz Dr. Mohammad Salehpour and Dr. Bouthaina Dabaja Mr. Patrick A. Schorn and Ms. Elena A. Korneychuck Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder Dr. Janet E. Sempere and Dr. Jean-Christophe Sempere Mr. and Mrs. Stefaan Sercu Mr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa Sanei Dr. and Mrs. Karanbir Singh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slaughter Mr. Fredrick L. Smith
and Mrs. Tiffany D. Avery-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mario Solimano Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Strachan Dr. Jose Suarez and Mrs. Ana Gaviria Dr. Cyril Tawa and Dr. Catherine Karmel Mr. Raffi Tcholakian and Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tholen Mr. Denys Thorez and Mrs. Monika Hraby Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Toledano Mr. Slavko Tosic and Mrs. Gorana Komazec-Tosic Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Totz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Turner Mr. Jason Van Loo and Dr. Francesca Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Adan G. Vega Mrs. Sujata Venkatraman Mr. Thieleman A. Versteeg and Mrs. Johanna H. VersteegVan Silfhout Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Warden Dr. Robert W. Wellner and Dr. Julia S. Wellner Mr. Brian T. Williams and Ms. Le Hammer Mr. Zain Willoughby and Ms. Anastasia Lim Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Winfrey Mr. and Mrs. Mitri Zabaneh Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Zuvic Organizations
AIG SunAmerica Asset Management Corp. Air Liquide America Corporation Amerada Hess Corporation American General Life Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Matching Gifts Apache Awty Parents & Personnel Association Baker Hughes Inc. The Bank of New York Mellon CAMERON The Coca Cola Company ConocoPhillips Derichebourg Recycling USA GDF SUEZ Halliburton Foundation, Inc. IBM J.P. Morgan Chase
John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Lyondell Reliant Energy Shell Oil Company Foundation (Matching Gifts Program) Spectra Energy Corp. TOTAL UBS Matching Gift Program AWTY ADVOCATES (GIFTS UP TO $999) Individuals
Anonymous (64) Mr. and Mrs. Ali Abba-Kaka Mr. and Mrs. Wael Abbouchi Mr. Bernard M. Abdias Kalusidhi and Mrs. Emma C. Backenga Mr. and Mrs. Ziad Abounohra Mr. and Mrs. Hector E. Acevedo Dr. Aristide Achy-Brou and Dr. Ije Achy-Brou Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Adrianza Ms. Lara Afifi Dr. and Mrs. Pulickel Ajayan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alabaster Dr. and Mrs. Fadi Alameddine Mr. Ruben S. Alanis Mr. Renato A. Alarcon and Mrs. Megan E. Finegan Mrs. Abeer L. Alattar-Khan Mr. and Mrs. Ali Alawami Mr. EnriquĂŠ Albin and Mrs. Alessandra Albin Mrs. Mayada Al-Douri Mr. and Mrs. Diego G. Alexander Mr. Mohammed A. Al-Homaid and Mme Najat A. Al-Shaibi Dr. and Mrs. Mohamed S. Ali Dr. and Mrs. Nadir Ali Mr. Gwenael P. Allain and Mme Norma D. Fisk Mr. and Mrs. Ali Al-Maqtari Mr. Fausto Alvarez Hernandez and Mrs. Veronica Avila Chavero Ms. Maria Veronica Amador Ms. Emily Ambrosino Mr. Yasser Anane and Mrs. Wafa Barouni Mr. Lucas Anderson and Mrs. Anne-Gaelle C. Josselin Ms. Marianne Andrewski Ms. Catherine Arbore Dr. and Mrs. Victor Hugo Arellano Mr. and Mrs. Adeolu A. Ariyo
ACCENT 2013-2014 119
Mrs. Diana L. Armentor Mr. and Mrs. Daryl V. Armstrong Mrs. Jennifer A. Arnaud Ms. Myra E. Arslan Mr. and Ms. Belal Atiyyah Mr. and Mrs. Stéphane Audetat Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Averink Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo E. Ayala Mr. Robert G. Azencott and Mrs. Sara J. Rothenberg Mr. and Mrs. Merijn Backx Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ballesteros
Dr. Kenneth G. Berliner Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Claude M. Bertin Mr. Paul Bertin and Mrs. Marianne Bigot-Bertin Mr. Robert P. Bertrandt and Mrs. Amal Melhem-Bertrandt Mr. Thomas F. Beuscher and Dr. Ann Radcliffe Mrs. Renata Bevilacqua Mr. Yann Bigno and Ms. Annabelle Smith Bigno Mr. Wally F. Bitar and Dr. Najat D. Bitar
Mr. and Mrs. Brice Bouffard Mr. and Mrs. Assad N. Boulos Mrs. Aline Bounkeu Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Bourdin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bourgeau Mr. and Mrs. Hugues A. Bourgogne Mr. Jean-Francois Boyer and Mme Anne-Laure Boyer-Pastre Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Braquehais Mr. and Mrs. Aaron T. Brenner Ms. Janet Bridger Mr. and Mrs. Vidar Bringsli
ANNUAL FUND PARTICIPATION PERCENTAGES Board of Trustees Parents Senior Admin Staff & Faculty Mr. and Mrs. Joe Balthazar Mr. and Mrs. Christian Barbaroux Mr. and Mrs. Karim N. Barbir Mr. and Mrs. Yves Barriol Ms. Lisa Bastedo Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre Baubert Mr. and Mrs. Jean-François Bauer Dr. Evan G. Bauman and Ms. Wendy K. Buskop Mr. and Mrs. Michel Beck Mr. Syvain Bedouet and Mme Claire Bruno-Bedouet Mr. Jean-Luc Belzung and Mrs. Pascale Rouaud Mr. and Mrs. Guy P. Benet Ms. Camille Bennet Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bennett Ms. Jennifer F. Berg Ms. Gwen Bergman
120 The Awty International School
100% 75% 100% 95%
Ms. Jennifer Blessington Mr. Juan Carlos Bloomer Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Blossom Mrs. Marcia Blumfield Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Bocabarteille Mr. Jesse J. Bolka and Ms. Sarah A. Bolka Ms. Jouxlyn Bonier Mr. Stéphane Bonnassies and Dr. Stéphanie GentelleBonnassies Ms. Françoise J. Bonnet Mr. and Mrs. Frédéric Bontems Mr. and Mrs. Jacques M. Borisewitz Mr. and Mme Guillaume Borrel Mr. Gustavo J. Botto and Mrs. Lucila Tornielli Ms. Faye B. Bouazzouz Mr. and Mme Frederic Bouchet
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Brock Mr. Stephen N. Brown and Dr. Kathleen M. Schmeler Mr. and Mrs. Emiliano Bruzos Mr. and Mrs. William M. Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Buehler Ms. Julie Bui Mr. and Ms. Alejandro Burgaleta Mr. Eric P. Burnod and Mrs. Pei-yi Liu Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Burns Mr. Andrew D. Burton and Ms. Sylvia L. Smith Mr. Laurent S. Butre and Mrs. Magali J. Larive Dr. Chengzhi Cai and Ms. Jiayao Pang Mr. Luigi Calabrese and Mrs. Catherine G. Morales Mr. and Mrs. Michael Campbell Mr. George F. Canjar
and Mrs. Izabela B. Jagusiak-Canjar Mr. Preston M. Canzius and Mrs. Suma Ramaswamy Canzius Mr. Mario-Agustin Capitanachi and Mrs. Mélanie Gauthy Mrs. Corinna Carbone Ms. Gwen R. Cario Mr. and Mrs. Jean-François Caron Mr. and Mrs. Philippe C. Carré Mrs. Nathalie M. Cartier Ms. Beatrice Cartier-Yazell Ms. Carol A. Case Ms. Janet L. Case Ms. Maria Castillo Ms. Janice E. Castleberry Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Caussade Mr. Mario Cerna Mr. Fabien Chalas and Mme Valerie Gaskin-Chalas Ms. Cherie Chalk Dr. and Mrs. Nicolau Chamma Prof. and Ms. Fred C. Chandler, Jr. Dr. Hervé Chapellat and Mrs. Caroline A. O’Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Didier Charreton Mr. Francois J. Chauvel and Ms. Shauna K. Oppert Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Chavanelle Miss Nikki Chavanelle Mr. Bertrand Chavignon and Mrs. Fatima Pemba Lerondelle Dr. Munish Chawla and Dr. Bandana N. Chawla Mr. and Dr. Mohamad Chehab Mr. Jianxiong Chen and Ms. Ji Li Mr. Bert A. Chenin and Mrs. Lamis G. Boz Mr. and Mrs. Alain K. Chepda Dr. Abdallah Cherif and Mrs. Sylvie M. Cherif Mr. John Chesterton Mr. and Mrs. Cédric Chollet Ms. Giovanna Cicciarella Mr. Reinhart Ciglenec and Mrs. Karin Ciglenec Mrs. Vanitta Clarke-Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Clauss Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Claux Ms. Alexandra R. Clear Ms. Lynda Clemmons and Ms. Susan Wood Mrs. Penelope Cleveland Mr. Harry T. Clonan and Mrs. Anne N. Chavarot-Clonan
Mr. Joe Clopton and Mrs. Elaine Clopton Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Codrington Mr. Adolph P. Colaco and Mrs. Veena M. Sylva Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Colliaux Mr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. Moneyhan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Comte Miss Yessica Contreras Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Corson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coustures Mrs. Fabienne Cowan Mr. David Crave and Mrs. Fabienne Mignonac-Crave Dr. Jason A. Crux and Dr. Ingrid G. Gard Mr. and Mrs. Yann Cudennec Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Cullinan Mr. Stèphen Curry Dr. Thomas Cuthbert and Dr. Adriana Silva Mr. and Mrs. Daly Daly Mr. Charles D’Angelo and Ms. Lucy A. Randel Dr. John Dani and Dr. Mariella De Biasi Dr. Timothy Daponte and Mrs. Virginia Muller Mr. Arnaud Dasprez and Mrs. Marie-Claire Tredinick Mr. and Mrs. Pierre-Yves Daveau Mr. Chris Davila and Ms. Linda M. Shepard Mr. Don Davis Mr. Lawrence E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Brent de Jong Mr. and Mrs. Martinus J. De Jong Mr. José de la Garza and Mrs. Erika Benavente-Mancilla Mr. Dagoberto de la Morena and Mrs. Kristin E. Adler Mr. and Mrs. Anastacio de Leon Mr. and Mrs. Morgan de Marigny Mr. Emilio de Matias Salces and Mrs. Laura Lor Mr. and Mrs. Richard de Moucheron Mr. and Mrs. Gerald de Patoul Ms. Maria Anna A. De Vries Mr. Robert C. Dee, II Mr. and Mrs. Shareef M. Defrawi Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Delelis Mr. Thomas J. Deman
and Mrs. Olivia R. Simoen-Deman Mr. and Mrs. Herve L. Denaclara Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Michel Denichou Mr. Luis E. DePavia and Mrs. Rachel S. Ganio-DePavia Mr. and Mrs. Thierry Dequin Dr. and Mrs. Jean-Luc Detchessahar Ms. Elise Devesa Dr. and Mrs. Bader Diab Ms. Adama Diarra Mrs. Daun Dickson Mr. Imran H. Dilawar and Mrs. Urusa Nawaz-Dilawar Mr. Vinay Doddaballapur and Dr. Rashmi Maganti Ms. Linda C. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Dos Santos David Mr. and Ms. Charles W. Dotson Ms. Veronique Douet Mr. Raymond Drexler and Mrs. Stéphanie St-Jean Ms. Louise Dreyfus Ms. Isabelle Driel Ms. Deborah Drummer Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Dubecq Mr. Eric P. Dubois and Mrs. Sylvie M. Deffrenne Ms. Chantal Duke M. and Mme Xavier G. Dumas Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Dunkel Dr. Brian J. Dunkin and Dr. Annie C. Dunkin Mr. Dario E. Duran and Mrs. Beatriz E. Barbosa Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Duran Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Durst Mr. and Mme Patrick J. Dwyer Mr. Roger J. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Elie Ms. Nicole Ellison Mr. James K. Elston and Mrs. Jennifer L. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Elvezi Mr. Magdy Emile and Mrs. Heidy S. Tawfik Mrs. Elizabeth Evans Ms. Michelle Evans Ms. Monica L. Everett Dr. Fahim M. Farhat and Dr. Rita A. Makhlouf Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Faveere Mr. and Mrs. Marc Fender Mr. Mauro Fenoglio and Mrs. Mariateresa Sgrignuoli
Ms. Michelle Ferguson Mr. Jose Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Fernandez Ms. Sophie Fernandez de Paredes Mr. Antonio D. Ferreira and Mrs. Maria Amelia V. Fonseca Ms. Julie Fette Mr. Eduardo Figueredo and Mrs. Sandra Nadin-Figueredo Ms. Zulfia Finigan Ms. Christelle Flageollet Mr. Michael Flanet and Mrs. Corinne Sonnet Mr. Joan F. Flinch and Mrs. Tania M. Fuentes Mr. and Mrs. Gianluca Forcella Mr. Alexander Forrest Ms. Leah Foster Mr. and Mrs. Philippe L. Fozzani Ms. Guylaine Fradin Mr. David M. Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne R. Brown-Franklin Mrs. Kathleen Froelich Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Frommert Ms. Joy C. Gadeken Mr. Philippe J. Gaillot and Mme Gwladys S. Gaillot Mr. and Mrs. Kayoor H. Gajarawala Mr. Edouard Gajewski and Mrs. Alberte Gajewski Mr. Philippe R. Gambier and Mme Stephanie A. Meria-Gambier Mr. and Mrs. John Ganim Mr. Mario Garcia and Mrs. Shana N. Kob Ms. Christelle Le Gardien Mr. Patrick Gaussent and Mrs. Sophie Gagey Mr. and Mrs. Willy Gauttier Mr. Jean-François Genay Mr. and Mrs. Yuri Genin Mr. and Mrs. Clinton G. George Mr. and Mrs. Fadi Y. Georges Mr. Laurent Geranton and Mrs. Nelly Quiroz Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gerlach Mr. and Mrs. Didier Germain Mr. and Mrs. Olivier R. Germain Mr. Peter M. Gershon and Dr. Nathalie L. Wolk Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gershon Dr. Dashiel J. Geyen and Dr. Janice M. Beal-Geyen Ms. Marcelle A. Gharibeh
Mr. and Mrs. David Girardeau Ms. Angela Glidewell Dr. Nuran Gokcen Ms. April Gonzalez Mr. Enrique Gonzalez and Mrs. Carolina Pelayo Mr. Rogert W. Gorritas Clemenceau and Mrs. Aray Lois Alvarez Ms. Kim Gowen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gray Ms. Laura L. Greenberg Mr. Thomas E. Greene and Dr. Anshula Greene Ms. Ruthanne Greenwood Mr. Mark Grommesh and Ms. Lori Hull-Grommesh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grosvenor Mr. Bhadra Grover Ms. Salima Guedoudj Mr. and Ms. Benoit Guerin Mr. Christophe Guilcher Mrs. Magdalena Guille Mr. and Mrs. Ramesh C. Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Gurevich Mr. Mikhail Gurevich and Mrs. Lubov Shtern Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Halow Mr. and Mme Antoine Hamon Mr. Maher Hamza and Mrs. Noura Younis Dr. Sam Hanash and Dr. Laura Beretta-Hanash Mr. Roger Harb and Dr. Rania Harb Mr. and Mrs. Phelps J. Harmon Mr. Eddie M. Harris Jr. and Ms. Doreen F. Hanrahan Dr. Gregory P. Harvey and Mrs. Carey V. Brandfield Harvey Dr. Shakeb Hashmi and Dr. Sara Hashmi Mr. Michel J. Hayek and Mrs. Martha E. Sandia Mr. William Hazard Dr. Xiangwei He and Dr. Zheng Zhou Ms. Crystal Heiberger Mr. and Mrs. Serge Heidrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heintz Dr. and Mrs. Josef Helfenstein Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Herdocia Dr. and Mrs. Wyman Herendeen Dr. Christophe Herman and Dr. Jennifer A. Halliday-Herman
ACCENT 2013-2014 121
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hirs Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hoggatt Mr. and Ms. Joseph W. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horn Mr. and Mrs. Henri Houllevigue Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Houttuijn Bloemendaal Mr. Frederic F. Houville Mr. and Mrs. Laurent G. Houy Mr. John P. Hoye Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hugand Dr. Alexandre Hugot and Ms. Linarejos Moreno-Teva Ms. Candace Huijgen Mr. and Mme Corentin Huon de Penanster Mr. and Mrs. Ali H. Husaini Mr. Rick Hussaini and Mrs. Michael L. Edwards Mr. Walter Huybregts and Mrs. Tanja Huybregts-Buist Mr. and Mrs. Thong M. Huynh Miss Caroline Ibrahim M. and Mme Jean-Marc Ichanjou Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Ihnen Mr. and Mrs. Constantin Ionesco Ms. Laura Iturralde Mr. and Mrs. Salah Izzedin Dr. and Mrs. Elias Jabbour Ms. Deanna Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Yves Jakubowicz Dr. Shahrzad Jamea Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jason Ms. Martine Jéhan Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jimenez Mr. Abraham John and Mrs. Shiny Paul Ms. Rebecca J. Johnson Dr. Eric Jonasch and Dr. Anita Mahajan Mrs. Anna G. Jones Ms. Danielle Jones Mr. Salim Jones and Dr. Simone Jones Ms. Laure Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Joubert Mr. and Mrs. Jerôme M. Jourdeuil Mr. Marijan Jurcic Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kalita Mr. and Mrs. Brent M. Kallop Mr. Hatem T. Kandeel and Mrs. Enas H. Elsakkary Mr. and Mme Soufiane Kanoun Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kasavich Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Kelleher Mr. Brian P. Kelley Mr. Peter M. Kelly
122 The Awty International School
and Ms. Mary M. Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Christof A. Keuser Dr. and Mrs. Asadullah Khan Dr. Junaid A. Khan and Mrs. Henna Basit Mr. and Mrs. Zubair A. Khan Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Kirst III Ms. Cecile Kombrza Mr. and Mrs. Fam Kourouma Mrs. Rita Kramer Mr. Aleksandr Kudriavtcev and Mrs. Yana Kudryavtseva Dr. and Mrs. Yan P. Kuhn de Chizelle Mr. and Mrs. Frank La Forme Mr. and Mrs. Chénier La Salle Ms. Jill M. L’Abbate Mr. and Mrs. Francois Labesse Mr. and Ms. Marc Lahitte Crohare Mr. and Mrs. Denis Lajoumard de Bellabre Mr. and Mme Gilles Lamerie Mr. Brent Lamers Mr. and Mrs. Patrice Laporte Ms. Caroline Lassiter Ms. Anthea Lavergne Mr. Jonathan Law and Ms. Pao-Yi Thong Mr. Thomas Lawson and Mrs. Beverly Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Guy Le Breton Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Le Coz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leach Mr. Rony-Claude LeBrun and Mrs. Jane Jordan Dr. Alex Lechin and Dr. Carmen Lechin Mr. Francis Jack Lee and Ms. Marie-Dominique Y. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lelarge Mr. Romain O. Lemoine and Mrs. Carrie A. Holdinsky Lemoine Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Christophe Lesguillier Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Leverette Mr. and Mrs. Herald Ligtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lile Mr. and Mrs. John Lindley Mr. and Mrs. John J. Linn Ms. Sarah Lippe Dr. and Mrs. Boris L. Litvak Mr. and Mrs. Valery Llorca Mr. Ray E. Lofgren and Mrs. Ludwina L. Lippens Mr. Olivier S. Logette and Mrs. Larkin Campbell Ms. Julie Loisel Miss Madison Lopez
Mrs. Allison Lorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Lorge Mr. and Mrs. Raphaël Louvrier Mr. Robert F. Loveless and Mrs. Sandra B. Cea-Loveless Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lucena Mr. and Mrs. Cédric Lucquin Mr. Jack Lyons Mr. Zhibin Mai and Mrs. Yibei Gou Mr. and Mme Jerome P. Maironi Ms. Heide L. Mairs Ms. Zena Majdalani Mr. and Mrs. Dominique Malard Mr. Myron J. Malek and Mrs. Carole Malek Mr. and Ms. Ara B. Malkhassian Mr. Jason Mamedov and Dr. Farah Mamedov Mr. Antoine Manceron and Mrs. Patricia Cejas Manceron Mr. Fabrice Maraine and Mrs. Peggy Fleury-Maraine Mr. and Mrs. Cédric Marande Ms. Eliana Marchani Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Marcos Mr. Javier Marin Mr. and Mrs. Jared Mark Mr. Jorge Marquez Mr. Oscar Martin and Mrs. Yolitzma M. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre Martin-Denavit Mr. Mario Martinez Ms. Conalee Masera Ms. Sandie Masson Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Matthews Dr. and Mrs. Osama Mawlawi Ms. Melissa Mayer and Ms. Gail Brownfeld Dr. Patricia McFarlin Mr. and Mrs. Tracy McGrady Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McGuinty Ms. Amanda F. McKenzie Mr. Shelby Megarity and Mrs. Christine Megarity Dr. Basim B. Mekha and Dr. Majd K. Jwied Mr. Ricardo C. Mendez Mr. Hani S. Menkarios Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Merz Mr. Ahmed Metwalli and Mrs. Marwa El Badrawi Mr. Robert Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Micaëlli Mr. and Mme Sebastien Michenaud
Mr. and Mrs. Serhat Midyat Dr. David Miller and Dr. Sally E. Miller Mr. Jason D. Miller and Mrs. Céline M. Thyssen-Miller Ms. Wendy Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John Mixon Ms. Monica Mohring Mrs. Florence Montaigne Dr. Othon Monteiro and Dr. Maria Ximenes Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Montfajon Ms. Veronique Moore Mr. Leonardo E. Morales and Mrs. Yvonne E. Gonzalez Mr. Antonio Moreno and Dr. Flor M. Munoz Mr. and Ms. Timothy J. Morgan Mr. Savino N. Moscariello and Ms. Madeline K. Prejean-Moscariello Dr. Pablo Motta and Dr. Margarita Martirena Dr. Nidal J. Moukaddam Mr. Jacek Mrozkiewicz and Mrs. Thalia Kruger Mr. and Mme Philippe J. Mugnier Ms. Carol Munn Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Mustiere Mrs. Kiley Muthig Mr. Ray N. Nash and Mrs. Carol A. Nash Ms. Liza Navarro Mr. Hamid Nazemi and Mrs. Ghoncheh Ghanbarzadeh Mr. Danny R. Neil and Ms. Rachael M. Cooper Neil Mr. Yves Nerisson and Mrs. Claire Joubert Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Newton Mrs. Eliane L. Nguyen Ms. Marie-Hélène S. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Constantin S. Nicolae Mr. and Mrs. Alex Niemer Mr. Christophe Nogaret and Dr. Leslie Nogaret Mrs. Jacky D. Noons Dr. Enrique F. Novoa and Dr. Pulchérie C. Gueneau de Novoa Mr. and Mrs. Chidi E. Nwafor Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oakley Mr. Eamonn P. O’Connell and Ms. Brenda M. Holohan Mr. Ralph S. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. John K. Odom
Ms. Alexis D. Offner Mr. J. Patrick Offner Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Offner Mr. and Ms. William Ohrt Mr. Ming T. Ongkwan and Mrs. Sunjijati Kurniawan Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Orth Ms. Rogelia Ortiz Miss Francesco Pacifico Mrs. Beatriz Pagazaurtundua Mr. Imanol E. Pagazaurtundua and Mrs. Rebecca L. Frye Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Page Mr. Victor Palafox and Mrs. Geraldine Boyer Mrs. Pavlina Paleva Dr. Raja Palvadi and Dr. Priti Palvadi Mr. Nicolas Papadakos and Mrs. Ayesha Bano Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Parmenter Mr. and Mrs. Tansukh Patel Mr. Arulampalam Pathman and Mrs. Ghislaine DeschanelPathman Dr. Nicholas Patrick and Dr. Rossana Palomino Mr. and Mrs. Christophe A. Paul Mrs. Lydia Peeran Mr. Jason Peguero Dr. Jonathan Penchas Mr. Carmelo Peralta Mr. Jose I. Peralta and Mrs. Cybele Y. Henriquez Mr. and Mme Stephane Perdereau Mr. Carlos A. Perdomo Ms. Martha Perkins-Bawara Mr. J.D. Permenter and Mrs. Susan R. Permenter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Perry Mr. Christophe J. Person and Mrs. Beatrice M. De Gouyon-Person Mr. and Mrs. Antony E. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Jan Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Petit Mrs. Laura Pflughaupt Mr. Tuan Phan and Mrs. Au Lai B. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Pince Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pleczko Ms. Céline Poirier Dr. Norman Pokutylowicz and Mrs. Nayla Pokutylowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Polzin Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pomarède Mr. Laurent Poncet and Mrs. Virginie Braud-Poncet Dr. Dmitriy I. Potapenko and Dr. Mariya M. Potapenko Mr. Jean-Luc Poupard and Mrs. Brigitte Poupard Mr. and Mrs. Denis Pousset Mr. Stéphane Pradat and Mrs. Tiziana De Carolis Mr. Akkaiah C. Prathipati and Ms. Saritha Pallempati Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Presswood Ms. Christine L. Preti Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Prost Mr. and Mrs. Firas Qasem Dr. Muzaffar Qazilbash and Dr. Mehnaz Shafi Dr. Edwinus Quint and Mrs. Helena Quint-van Paassen Mr. Thomas Quitzau and Mrs. A. Irena Moon-Quitzau Mr. Rehan Ul Hassan Qureshi and Mrs. Asma Rehan Miss Saima Qureshi Mrs. Marylyn S. Raia Dr. Stéphane Raillard
and Mrs. Isabelle Gousserey-Raillard Mrs. Fakhrisadat Raji Mr. Nosrat Amin Raji Mr. and Mrs. Garibaldis Ramirez Ms. Maritza L. Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Willie Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Rapoport Dr. Abdi Rasekh and Dr. Azita Madjidi Ms. Amy Reaser Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Rebollo Mr. and Mrs. David J. Reed Ms. Valerie Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay J. Remond Ms. Rebecca Reyna and Ms. Sheila Kahanek Mr. Jay Reynolds and Dr. Felisa Reynolds Mr. Keith A. Richard and Dr. Jennifer L. Christensen Ms. Sonia F. Richi Ms. Naomi Rinche Mrs. Maria Rios Mr. Gilles Ripoche and Mme Fanny Ripoche-Deswarte Mr. and Mrs. Sébastien Rivière Mr. Johny Rizk and Mrs. Liliane Haddad Mr. Willie J. Roberts Dr. Emily K. Robinson-Wright
Mr. Gerry C. Rodgers, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Mariano J. Rojas Mr. Gary Rosin and Dr. Jan Rosin Mr. Larry Ross Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Stephane Roul Mr. Gilles L. Roussel and Mrs. Emmanuelle M. Roussel Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marie F. Rousset Mr. Charles Roy and Mrs. Dania Kodeih Mr. Roop Roy and Dr. Sucheta Roy Mr. Jose A. Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. David Russo Mr. Patrick Ruzzo and Ms. Tiphaine Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Didier Ryelandt Dr. and Mrs. Martin Rylance Mr. Saad Z. Said and Dr. May Akrawi Dr. Pierre Saintigny and Ms. Delphine Goy Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Salek Dr. Noha Salem Mr. Eduardo N. Salomon and Mrs. Carolina Simon de Salomon Mrs. Hortencia Sanchez Mr. Manuel Sanchez and Mrs. Gina P. Pavon Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Santurbano
$897,000 $772,000
ACCENT 2013-2014 123
Dr. Kumar Saran and Dr. Shanthi Saran Mr. Rafael Saravia Mr. Phillip J. Sarofim and Ms. Mirra C. Darby Mr. Raymond Sbayti and Mrs. Catherine E. Oropeza Mr. Tobias Schaper and Mrs. Angelika Kollreider Mr. and Mrs. Aart G. Schenau Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schuwer Mrs. Sabina Scordamaglia Mr. Ken D. Scott and Dr. Stacey N. Jones Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sebregts Mr. and Mrs. Kok-Yew See Mr. and Mrs. Curt Seecharan Mr. Patrick Self Mr. Frank Serrato Mr. Marsel Y. Setiawan and Mrs. Olivier Gonzalez Mr. Randle B. Seymour Mr. Shahin Shadfar and Mrs. Mona Albalawi Mr. and Mrs. Samirkumar D. Shah Mrs. Gina L. Sharman Mr. and Mme Robert S. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Shearon Dr. and Mrs. Jay Shenaq Dr. and Mrs. Scott Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Shams A. Siddiqui Mr. Steven Sidney and Mrs. Laurel Finger
Mr. and Mrs. Denison Silva Mr. Daniel H. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Simon Mr. Matthieu Simon and Ms. Barbara Vinet Mr. Randip N. Singh and Mrs. Tashi Nibber Mr. and Mrs. Varinder P. Singh Mr. Dimitri Sivov and Mrs. Alexandra M. Pasquier Mr. John M. Slade and Mrs. Carol SingletonSlade Mr. Robert J. Sload and Mrs. Lisa A. Sload Mr. Jeffrey Smith and Mrs. Jessika Smith Miss Isabelle Smithard Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Smithard Ms. Catherine Sovany Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stankovich Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Stefftgen Mr. Olivier Steiner Dr. and Ms. William A. Stellenwerf Mr. and Mrs. Luke L. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Etienne Sturm Mr. Ruidong Sun and Dr. Yuhong Liu Mr. and Mrs. Nils Svanberg Mr. Mickaël R. Szymanski and Mrs. Chun-Mee Chaline Mr. Sherif Tahoun and Mrs. Heba Zeid Mr. Yannis Taillasson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Talley
Dr. and Mrs. Nizar M. Tannir Mr. and Mrs. Frédéric Tard Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Taton Dr. Shahin Tavackoli and Mrs. Nadia Tajalli Mr. Daniel G. Teigland Mr. Ivaylo N. Terziev and Ms. Slavena P. Terzieva Mr. Steven Tesney and Mr. Jerome G. Caplan Ms. Mary A. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Clete Thompson Ms. Gesina Thompson Mr. Melvin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Thorel Ms. Lindsay Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. Myint Thu Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tirilly Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Tohme Mr. Robert Toliver and Mrs. Tonya Pressley-Toliver Mr. and Mrs. David A. Tonnel Mr. Alex F. Toole and Ms. Jennifer C. Lau Mr. Santiago R. Torres and Mrs. Silvia Aldana Mr. Gwénaël Toutous Ms. Christina E. Trejo Dr. Octavio Trejo Dr. Abderrahmane Triki and Dr. Nadia Triki Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Trullenque
Frances Howard (center) was named the Volunteer of the Year for 2012-2013 at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on May 15, 2013. This top volunteer award was presented by some of Awty’s senior administrators including Head of Primary School Stan Way, Head of School (2011-2013) Dr. Stephen Codrington, Head of Upper School Sam Waugh, and Proviseur & Deputy Head of School Boualem Maizia.
124 The Awty International School
Mr. Anton Truong Dr. Valentina Ugolini Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Valenzuela Mr. and Mrs. Vianney Vales Mr. and Mrs. Yohann Valla Mr. and Mrs. Demetrius Varnado Ms. Crystal Vaught Mr. Patrick Vedrenne Mr. and Mrs. Rengaswamy S. Velmurugan Mr. Jean J. Verchere and Dr. Sherien Verchere Mr. and Mrs. Franck Vermet Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Vernerey Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Vetters Mr. Luis E. Vezga and Mrs. Belen M. Carreno Ms. Marie-Line Viart Ms. Susana S. Vidal Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo R. Vilas Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Villasenor Ms. Anacelia Villatoro Mrs. Alicia D. Von Dohlen Mr. Mark Walker Mr. Greg Walsh Mr. Oliver Warnke and Mrs. Inmaculada Calzado Mr. Joe Watson and Mrs. Erika Watson Mr. Marc Watts Ms. Karen S. Waugh Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Waugh Ms. Goly Wawrose Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Way Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherly Ms. Wendy Weil Mr. Cory Wellen Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Wellen Mr. David Wells and Mrs. Maria Soberon-Wells Ms. Jeni Wendeln Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Wertheimer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. West Mr. David White and Ms. Leila Horsey Mrs. Dottie Wichmann Mr. Timothy Wilkins and Ms. Amy J. Schumacher Mr. Carroll Williams Mr. and Mrs. Micky M. Williams Mr. Oczaveus L. Williams and Mrs. Consuella Kancey-Williams Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Williamson Mr. Mathew P. Wilson and Mrs. Johanna L. Boothey Mr. and Mrs. Randy D. Wilson
Ms. Kathryn E. Winegarden Ms. Kristine Winegarden Mr. William G. Winkler and Mrs. Jemima B. Evans Mr. Fabian Wolff and Mrs. Lisa Wolff Mr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-Wolff Dr. and Mrs. Sau-Wai Wong Ms. Barbara Wood Mr. Peter Wood and Mrs. Silvia Salle Mr. and Mrs. Ridha Yahia Mr. Keith Yost Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young Mr. Satrap C. Yuksek Mr. and Mrs. Nadim B. Zabaneh Ms. Sarasu Zachariah Ms. Christelle Zaharatos Mr. Jesus Zamarripa and Mrs. Fatima Z. Bernardini Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zambonini Mr. and Mrs. Hosein Zeighami Dr. Li Zhang and Dr. Wei Cao Ms. Tairong Zheng Mr. and Mrs. George Zombanakis Mr. David Zsigo and Mrs. Maria Zsigo Organizations
Amazon Services Artisana Bread Bank of America CapitalOne Enterprise Crude Pipeline The Fluor Foundation Goodsearch KBR Kroger Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley NRG Energy, Inc. Phillips 66 Quanex Corporation Randalls Good Neighbor Program Repsol Services USA Target Texas Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc.
GIFTS OF $10,000 - $14,999 Individuals
Dr. Zin Smati and Mrs. Nora Smati Dr. Shahin Tavackoli and Mrs. Nadia Tajalli Organizations
Shell Oil Company GIFTS OF $5,000 - $9,999 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Didier Charreton Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. Shauvik Kundagrami Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Salek Mr. Fayez Sarofim Mr. and Mrs. Aart G. Schenau Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Simon Mr. Nick Stugart and Ms. Amy Reaser Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Salim Zakhem Organizations
Mrs. Janice Glaser Mrs. Nadia Tajalli GIFTS OF $25,000 - $49,999 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Organizations
Chevron ConocoPhillips TOTAL GIFTS OF $15,000 - $24,999 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Jamal Daniel Mr. and Mrs. William Colin Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lile Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Organizations
Aramco Services Company Baker Hughes Inc.
Air Liquide America Corporation Bailey Architects, Inc. CenterPoint Energy FMC Technologies Inc. The Friedkin Group, Inc. Libbyette Wright, MD - Skin Surgery Center of Houston Porton Sun Coast Resources, Inc. Tellepsen Wellen Real Estate Willis HRH-Houston GIFTS OF $1,000 - $4,999 Individuals
Anonymous (1) Mr. David B. Adler and Mrs. Christine Kirchner Mr. Salim Ahmed and Mrs. Andrea N. Garcia-Ahmed Mr. Nabeel M. Amudi and Mrs. Lamees M. Al-Ali Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Joe Balthazar Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Bocabarteille Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Brock Dr. Robert T. Brown and Ms. Dena Rafte Mrs. Susan K. Bruch Mr. and Dr. Mohamad Chehab Mr. Todd H. Colvard
and Mrs. Kelly M. Moneyhan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dabney Mr. Ross F. Davidson and Mrs. Kristina Anderson Mr. Chris Davila and Ms. Linda M. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Martinus J. De Jong Mr. Pablo Eisner and Mrs. Tamara Saront-Eisner Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Elie Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Feder Mr. and Mrs. Giancarlo Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. Tyler A. Flood Mr. David M. Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne R. Brown-Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Gil Ms. Helen K. Hager Mr. and Mrs. Othella S. Harrington Mr. Eddie M. Harris Jr. and Ms. Doreen F. Hanrahan Mr. and Mrs. David L. Haug Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heintz Ms. Shari L. Heyen and Ms. Amy J. Blumrosen Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. Dr. Richard H. Jefferis and Mrs. Valerie A. Longmire-Jefferis Mr. Curtis King Mr. and Mrs. Fam Kourouma Mr. Rony-Claude LeBrun and Mrs. Jane Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lelo de Larrea Mr. and Mrs. Georges A. Maalouf Ms. Zena Majdalani Mr. Daniel Marie and Ms. Karen Joyce Mr. Oscar Martin and Mrs. Yolitzma M. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Tracy McGrady Dr. David Miller and Dr. Sally E. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Mahmood Moradi Dr. and Mrs. Hesham Morsi Mr. and Mrs. Trevor K. Munk Mr. and Ms. William Ohrt Mr. Miguel Penichet and Mme Ibela Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Johan F. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pleczko Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rechter Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Reitsma Mr. Charles Roy and Mrs. Dania Kodeih Mr. Eduardo N. Salomon
ACCENT 2013-2014 125
and Mrs. Carolina Simon de Salomon Mr. Manuel Sanchez and Mrs. Gina P. Pavon Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder Mr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa Sanei Dr. and Mrs. Jay Shenaq Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Smithard Mr. Bryan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. David G. Steakley Dr. Cyril Tawa and Dr. Catherine Karmel Mr. and Mrs. John A. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Adan G. Vega
Mr. David White and Ms. Leila Horsey Mr. Zain Willoughby and Ms. Anastasia Lim Mr. William G. Winkler and Mrs. Jemima B. Evans Mr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak Kamali Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Zamany Organizations
Bernard M Fields Management Corporation Gardere J.P. Morgan Chase Kristine Mills Music
GIFTS OF $500 - $999 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Ali Abba-Kaka Dr. Vahid Afshar and Dr. Mojgan Amrikachi Dr. and Mrs. Nadir Ali Ms. Katy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Adeolu A. Ariyo Mr. David M. Best and Mrs. Sheri L. McDonald Mr. Thomas F. Beuscher and Dr. Ann Radcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Frédéric Bontems Mr. and Mrs. Jacques M. Borisewitz Mr. Stephen N. Brown
Mrs. Sujata Venkatraman Mr. Thieleman A. Versteeg and Mrs. Johanna H. Versteeg-Van Silfhout Mr. and Mrs. Shabir H. Walji Mr. and Mrs. David E. Warden Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Warrender Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. West
126 The Awty International School
Matthew B. Goff, Registered Investment Advisor Memorial City Bank Mission Laïque Française Sage Dining Services Visicor The Walt Disney Company Foundation
and Dr. Kathleen M. Schmeler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Chavanelle Dr. Thomas Cuthbert and Dr. Adriana Silva Dr. Ali E. Denktas and Dr. Gurur Denktas Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Dunkel
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. William Esler Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Faveere Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Fenske Mr. Bernard Fields and Ms. Margaret Goldberg Mr. Patrick Gaussent and Mrs. Sophie Gagey Mr. Christian Ghonda and Mrs. Madia Muya Mr. Joshua F. Grahmann and Mrs. Ashley E. Amy Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Halow Mr. Walter Huybregts and Mrs. Tanja Huybregts-Buist Ms. Brandy Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Kalra Mr. and Mrs. Hermen Key Mr. Aleksandr Kudriavtcev and Mrs. Yana Kudryavtseva Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Michel Lavergne Mr. Hernan Morales and Ms. Christine H. Anderson Dr. Pablo Motta and Dr. Margarita Martirena Mr. and Mrs. Ore Owodunni Dr. Nicholas Patrick and Dr. Rossana Palomino Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Prentice Dr. Muzaffar Qazilbash and Dr. Mehnaz Shafi Mr. and Mrs. Willie Randolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andre M. Raposo Mr. Phillip J. Sarofim and Ms. Mirra C. Darby Mr. Marsel Y. Setiawan and Mrs. Olivier Gonzalez Mr. and Mme Robert S. Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Karanbir Singh Dr. and Ms. William A. Stellenwerf Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Stephens Dr. Jose Suarez and Mrs. Ana Gaviria Mr. Raffi Tcholakian and Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Mr. Steven Tesney and Mr. Jerome G. Caplan Mr. Alex F. Toole and Ms. Jennifer C. Lau Dr. Robert W. Wellner and Dr. Julia S. Wellner Ms. Miri S. Wilkins Mr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-Wolff
Mr. Peter Wood and Mrs. Silvia Salle Dr. Libbyette Wright and Ms. Wendy Donald-Wright Mr. Jesus Zamarripa and Mrs. Fatima Z. Bernardini Organizations
Awty Alumni Parents Association Awty Rams Booster Club crescendo family music Porsche of West Houston GIFTS UP TO $499 Individuals
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Aguilera Mr. Khaled F. Al Attar Dr. and Mrs. Fadi Alameddine Mr. Gwenael P. Allain and Mme Norma D. Fisk Mr. Rodrigo Amare and Mrs. Ana Escalona Mr. Joe Assell Mr. and Ms. Belal Atiyyah Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo E. Ayala Mr. and Mrs. Merijn Backx Mr. Jean-Pierre Baizan and Dr. Caroline Baizan Mr. and Mrs. Michel Beck Mr. Matthew Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Bianco Mr. Matt Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bourgeau Mr. and Mrs. Hugues A. Bourgogne Mr. and Mrs. Vidar Bringsli Mr. and Mrs. William Browning Ms. Julie Bui Mr. Charles R. Bunch and Ms. Lilia D. Khakimova Mr. Preston M. Canzius and Mrs. Suma Ramaswamy Canzius Mrs. Nathalie M. Cartier Ms. Kristie M. Castilow Ms. Janice E. Castleberry Mr. Francois J. Chauvel and Ms. Shauna K. Oppert Miss Nikki Chavanelle Mr. and Mrs. Alain K. Chepda Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Codrington Mr. and Ms. Burton D. Cole Mr. Leo Contim Mr. David Crave and Mrs. Fabienne Mignonac-Crave Mr. Charles D’Angelo
and Ms. Lucy A. Randel Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson Mr. Antoine de Gramont and Dr. Catherine de Gramont Mr. and Mrs. Olivier M. de Richemont Dr. and Mrs. Jean-Luc Detchessahar Mr. Imran H. Dilawar and Mrs. Urusa Nawaz-Dilawar Mrs. Elizabeth Evans Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Felius Mr. Mauro Fenoglio and Mrs. Mariateresa Sgrignuoli Ms. Julie Fette Mr. and Mrs. Gianluca Forcella Mr. Alexander Forrest Ms. Leah Foster Mr. and Mrs. Willy Gauttier Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grace Ms. Marlo Graves Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gray Ms. Laura L. Greenberg Mr. Thomas E. Greene and Dr. Anshula Greene Mr. David Gunn and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Browning-Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Serge Heidrich Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Helman Mr. and Ms. Steven A. Hershkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hirs Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hoggatt Mr. and Ms. Joseph W. Holland Mr. John P. Hoye Mr. Rick Hussaini and Mrs. Michael L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Constantin Ionesco Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jackson Ms. Rebecca J. Johnson Dr. Eric Jonasch and Dr. Anita Mahajan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kasavich Ms. Sharareh Khatami Ms. Anthea Lavergne Dr. and Ms. Alexander Lazar Mr. Francis Jack Lee and Ms. Marie-Dominique Y. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lelarge Ms. Marcia Levetown Mr. and Mrs. John J. Linn Mr. and Mrs. Valery Llorca Mr. Christopher P. Lombardo and Mrs. Kiranmai D. Naidu Mrs. Allison Lorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. MacDonald Mr. Masoud Madani Zadeh and Mrs. Fariba Khaki-Firouz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matthes Dr. and Mrs. Osama Mawlawi Ms. Melissa Mayer and Ms. Gail Brownfeld Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Merz Mr. Luc J. Messier Dr. and Mrs. Joerg H. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Dominique Moran Mr. and Ms. Timothy J. Morgan Mr. Savino N. Moscariello and Ms. Madeline K. Prejean-Moscariello Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Murdoch Mrs. Kiley Muthig Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Namtvedt Ms. Liza Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Constantin S. Nicolae Mr. Thomas F. Noons Dr. Jacobo Nurko and Mrs. Ingrid Cheskes-Nurko Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oakley Mr. Eamonn P. O’Connell and Ms. Brenda M. Holohan Mr. and Mrs. Micheal D. Palmer Dr. D.D. Papageorgiou Mr. and Mrs. Laurent Pardigon Mr. Arulampalam Pathman and Mrs. Ghislaine Deschanel-Pathman Mr. J.D. Permenter and Mrs. Susan R. Permenter Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Quarles Mr. Jay Reynolds and Dr. Felisa Reynolds Mr. Keith A. Richard and Dr. Jennifer L. Christensen Mr. Erik R. Roussel and Mrs. Barbara Schult Mr. Patrick A. Schorn and Ms. Elena A. Korneychuck Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sebregts Mr. and Mrs. Stefaan Sercu Mr. Randle B. Seymour Mr. Shahin Shadfar and Mrs. Mona Albalawi Mrs. Gina L. Sharman Mr. and Mrs. Shams A. Siddiqui Ms. Glorria J. Silverman Mr. Dimitri Sivov and Mrs. Alexandra M. Pasquier Mr. Fredrick L. Smith and Mrs. Tiffany D. Avery-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Nils Svanberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tamez, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Totz Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Vernerey Mr. and Mrs. Philip von Bismarck Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ward Mr. Marc Watts Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Weissman Mrs. Dottie Wichmann Mr. Brian T. Williams and Ms. Le Hammer Mr. Babar Zulquernain and Mrs. Uzma Babar A TOAST TO AWTY: AN INTERNATIONAL WINE TASTING CHAIRS
Mr. Anthony P. Banham Mrs. Rebecca Mark-Jusbasche Ms. Ginger L. Napier HOST COMMITTEE
Mr. Khaled Al Attar and Ms. Alexandra Clear Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Blanco Mr. Todd Colvard and Mrs. Kelly Moneyhan Dr. and Mrs. John Felker Mr. David Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne R. Brown-Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jared Mark Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Ms. Brian O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherly CABERNET SAUVIGNON ($5,000 AND ABOVE) Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Banham Mr. Michael Jusbasche and Mrs. Rebecca Mark-Jusbasche Mr. Glen Runnels and Ms. Ginger L. Napier MALBEC ($2,500 - $4,999) Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Allen
ACCENT 2013-2014 127
Spec’s Wine, Liquors, and Finer Foods MERLOT ($1,000 - $2,499) Individuals
Mr. Sean Beck Mr. and Mrs. David L. Haug Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Howard PINOT GRIGIO ($500 - $999) Individuals
Mr. Jean-Pierre Baizan and Dr. Caroline Baizan Mr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. Moneyhan Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. David G. Steakley Organizations
Stafford Chiropractic Clinic Sports and Wellness CHARDONNAY ($250 - $499) Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Blanco Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ervin Mr. David M. Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne R. Brown-Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heintz Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Leverette Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Dr. David Miller and Dr. Sally E. Miller Mrs. Brian O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Offner Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani Mrs. Shaun Schindewolf Dr. and Ms. William A. Stellenwerf Dr. and Mrs. Demetrio P. Tagaropulos Organizations
Awty Alumni Association Forrest, Kolodny & O’Neill, LLP Monark Realty Murphy’s Corporate Lodging Roshar Jewels Tyler Flood and Associates, Inc. Attorneys at Law Wortham Insurance GIFTS UP TO $250 Individuals
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Aguilera
128 The Awty International School
Mr. and Ms. Belal Atiyyah Mr. and Mrs. Stéphane Audetat Mr. and Mrs. Jean-François Bauer Mr. Nicholas A. Blanco Mr. and Ms. Burton D. Cole Mr. Dario E. Duran and Mrs. Beatriz E. Barbosa Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Felius Mr. Robert J. Fisher and Mrs. Maria Bofill-Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Gianluca Forcella Mr. and Mrs. Luis G. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hamilton Ms. Shari L. Heyen and Ms. Amy J. Blumrosen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Constantin Ionesco Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Kalra Mr. Georgeos Kazilas Mrs. Allison Lorenzo Mr. E.M. Mathopoullos Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Matthews Dr. and Mrs. Joerg H. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Namtvedt Mr. Christophe Nogaret and Dr. Leslie Nogaret Mr. and Mrs. James Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsay Mrs. Diana Rathjen Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rechter Mr. Simon Richardson and Mrs. Clarissa Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder Mr. Randle B. Seymour Mr. Shahin Shadfar and Mrs. Mona Albalawi Mr. Patrick Shuff and Ms. Mary DeBauche Dr. and Mrs. Karanbir Singh Mrs. Tatiana Sorkin Mr. Bryan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Talley Mr. Slavko Tosic and Mrs. Gorana Komazec-Tosic Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Tycer Mr. Brian T. Williams and Ms. Le Hammer Mr. Peter Wood and Mrs. Silvia Salle Organizations
Chick-fil-a, I-10 and Silber Glazers Haven Indika
Monarch, Hotel Zaza Petite Sweets Pondicheri RA Sushi Ral’s Fine Catering Whole Foods Market - Kirby
Dr. Gregory P. Harvey and Mrs. Carey V. Brandfield Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Micheal D. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Gajewski Mrs. Carmen Genty Mrs. Elena Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Karsten Heidecke Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heintz Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Jardin Ms. Sheri Khatami Mrs. Lucie LaFreniere Mrs. Nelly Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Steve Leverette Ms. Ana V. Linares Capt. And Mrs. Michael McCright Dr. and Mrs. Joerg Meyer Dr. David Miller and Dr. Sally Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eric Namtvedt Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Newton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Offner Mrs. Kazumi Ishimura Oka Mrs. Veena Ponnaganti Ms. Christine Preti Mr. and Mrs. Simon Richardson Mrs. Susan Salahshoor Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sannes Ms. Shaun Schindewolf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schroeder Ms. Tatiana Seligmann Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smithard Ms. Betty Totah Mr. and Mrs. John Turner Mr. Gertjan Van Mechelen and Mrs. Marcia Marty Amarilis Vega, MD
Dr. Martha Aguado-Romaguera Mrs. Deyna Aguilera Mr. and Mrs. Guy Benet Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Bengio Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Berteaud Ms. Renata Bevilacqua Mrs. Elena Bianchi Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Blanco Ms. Myriam Bloemendaal Dr. Benjamin Conner and Ds. Carmen Bonmati Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cottam Mr. and Mrs. Jamal Daniel Ms. Romy Camillo Delom Mr. and Mrs. Alain Dorel Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fee Dr. and Mrs. John Felker Mrs. Brigitte Fornage
Ms. Imani R. Acogny Ms. Anakha Ajayan Mrs. Abeer L. Alattar-Khan Mr. Daniel G. Alexander Mr. David G. Alexander Mr. Romain Barriol Ms. Paraskevi E. Bernitsas Mr. Thomas A. Berrueta Ms. Juliette Bertin Ms. Alexandra C. Bismuth Mr. Jacques D. Bismuth Mr. Ryan D. Bitar Ms. Melissa D. Blott Mr. Andrew D. Blumfield Ms. Assalia A. Boulos Mr. Ken M. Bourgeau Mr. Jean-Francois H. Briens Ms. Alexandra P. Cadena
Ms. Lara Cangir Ms. Sasha C. Cea-Loveless Ms. Nicole M. Chavanelle Ms. Alexandra R. Clear Ms. Aurore Colliaux Ms. Yessica Y. Contreras Mr. Christopher G. Corcoran Mr. Maxime De Zeeuw Ms. Laura Diebakate Ms. Louise Dorel Mr. John A. Dunlop Mr. John S. Ellis Mr. Clement Ferreira Mr. Samuel A. Franklin Ms. Paloma C. Frautschi Mr. Idriss Gackou Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Gadin Mr. Anthony A. Garnier Ms. Kayley E. George Ms. Sarah Gilbert Ms. Eva R. Grichendler Ms. Lola O. Grichendler Ms. Melanie Guirette Hentschel Ms. Sahar Hassan Ms. Mathilde Houilliez Ms. Alexandra M. Howard Ms. Caroline S. Ibrahim Ms. Jennifer Iriarte Mr. Mohamed Hassan Kane Mr. Antoine Karsenty Ms. Iman A. Khan Mr. Julien Y. Kuhn de Chizelle Ms. Madison Ladner Ms. Eléonore Lahitte-Crohare Mr. Loïc Lajoumard de Bellabre Ms. Diana M. Laposse Mr. John H. Law Ms. Yvette Loch-Temzelides Ms. Clara E. Loeb Ms. Madison Lopez Mrs. Allison Lorenzo Mr. Augustin Lugtmeijer Mr. Carlos A. Luis Garcia Mr. Youssef H. Machkhas Ms. Lauren Maclean Ms. Katayoun L. Mahdavi Ms. Zena Majdalani Mr. and Mrs. Jared Mark Mr. Robert Mark Ms. Chelsi L. Marks-Sellers Ms. Vasiliki Mermingas Ms. Anne-Caroline Midy Ms. Larissa Nader Salum Mr. Daichi C. Onda
Ms. Francesca I. Pacifico Ms. Anne Nhung Paulhe Mr. Mark A. Powell Ms. Mariam A. Qazilbash Ms. Saima Qureshi Mr. Daniel Ron Mr. Gilles L. Roussel and Mrs. Emmanuelle M. Roussel Ms. Benazir H. Sako Ms. Nimrah F. Saleem Mr. Kouros Sazegar Ms. Katherine J. Schroeder Mrs. Tatiana G. Seligmann Mr. Nicolas L. Sempere Ms. Charlotte C. Shuff Ms. Isabelle S. Smithard Mr. Maxime Soulier Ms. Anna G. Stables Mr. Samuel B. Steakley Ms. Viviana G. Stellenwerf Ms. Tina S. Suki Ms. Hannah C. Svanberg Mr. Fergus S. Talbot Ms. Leah Tholen Ms. Camilla C. Turchetti Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherly Mr. Cory W. Wellen Mr. Aden Z. Willoughby BELIZE
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie M. Baughn Crescent Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Siraj Narsi BOOKS FOR HAITI
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banker Mr. and Mrs. Christian Merle Bijitch Mrs. Penelope Cleveland Dr. Elisabeth A. Cummings Ms. Betty Lou Graham Ms. Rebecca J. Johnson Mr. Alina Kanewske Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Jedd Williams CHEVRON SCHOLARS FUND
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gabillard Mr. and Mrs. Steven Graman Ms. Shannon Lederer Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Craig Varoga AWTY DADS’ CLUB
Dr. Richard H. Jefferis
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Constantin Ionesco Mr. and Mrs. Greg F. Piper Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Scott Shepard Mr. David White and Ms. Leila Horsey LIBRARY FUND
ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Christophe Lesguillier MS 150 CLUB
Dr. Evan G. Bauman and Ms. Wendy K. Buskop Dr. Jason A. Crux and Dr. Ingrid G. Gard Phoenicia Specialty Foods Ms. Jessie Tsai Vallourec & Mannesmann USA Corporation Mr. Jason Van Loo and Dr. Francesca Hudson PATIO UMBRELLAS FUND
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Codrington
Sylvaine Follini and Natasha Ramirez were the 2012-2013 recipients of the Guy Benet Award. They were presented with this prestigious award on June 6, 2013, by Guy Benet and some of Awty’s senior administrators including Head of Middle School Tom Beuscher, Proviseur & Deputy Head of School Boualem Maizia, Head of School (2011-2013) Dr. Stephen Codrington, Head of Primary School Stan Way, and Head of Upper School Sam Waugh.
ACCENT 2013-2014 129
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leiker Mr. Harry O. Nicodemus, IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Mr. Raffi Tcholakian and Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian TOTAL Mr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-Wolff SENIOR CLASS FUND
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tholen TOTAL FRENCH GRANT
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Barbaroux Mr. Gustavo J. Botto and Mrs. Lucila Tornielli Ms. Janet Bridger Miss Emma Dabney Mr. Ethan Dabney Mr. and Mrs. Thierry Dequin Ms. Linda C. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Frommert Dr. Gregory P. Harvey and Mrs. Carey V. Brandfield Harvey Ms. Rebecca J. Johnson Dr. and Ms. Alexander Lazar Ms. Conalee Masera Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Matthews Mr. Richard J. Meehan and Ms. Elizabeth A. Farrow Dr. Pablo Motta and Dr. Margarita Martirena Mr. and Mrs. Siraj Narsi Ms. Julie Porter Mr. and Mrs. David J. Reed Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Santurbano Mr. Randle B. Seymour Mr. John M. Slade and Mrs. Carol SingletonSlade Mr. and Mrs. Frédéric Tard Mr. David White and Ms. Leila Horsey Mr. Timothy Wilkins and Ms. Amy J. Schumacher
130 The Awty International School
Mr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak Kamali
GIFTS IN-KIND: THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DONORS WHO MADE NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AWTY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BETWEEN JULY 1, 2012 AND JUNE 30, 2013. Anonymous (1) A Bientot A.D. Players Mr. and Mrs. Wael Abbouchi Mr. Salim Ahmed and Mrs. Andrea N. Garcia-Ahmed Miss Anakha Ajayan Alamo Drafthouse Alley Theatre Al’s Formal Wear Alvin Gee Photography, Inc. Amati Violin Shop, Inc. Ms. Katy Anderson Ann’s Fine Gifts Apache Apricot Lane Art Mix Creative Learning Center ArtLab Summer Day Camp Armando’s Restaurant Mr. Joe Assell Atelier Associates Avan Construction Inc. Azur West, a Shu Uemura Salon Baccarat Backstreet Café Bags ‘n More BB1 Classic Beautique Bella Rinova Salon & Day Spa Belle la Vie Benjy’s Bering’s Bike Barn Mr. Matt Blackwell Blow Dry Bar
Mr. and Mrs. Frédéric Bontems Mr. and Mrs. Jacques M. Borisewitz Britton Sudduth Clothier Mr. and Mrs. William Browning BRSH Mrs. Susan K. Bruch Bulgari Butter & Company Catering Cafe Brussels Cammarata Pediatric Dentistry Carrie Made the Cake Ms. Siobhan Cassin, RMT Ceron Salon Chanel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Chavanelle Mr. and Dr. Mohamad Chehab The Chocolate Bar Ciro’s Italian Grill Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Codrington Mr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. Moneyhan Consul General of Mexico Mr. Leo Contim Cosmetic Dental Associates Costco Crave Cupcakes on Kirby crescendo family music Crisp Cunningham & Co. Da Camera Dad’s Club Dance Salad Festival Mr. and Mrs. Jamal Daniel Dave & Busters Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson DogTopia Echo Lane Animal Clinic Eddie V’s Prime Seafood Events Façade, Inc. Ferrara Catering Mr. and Mrs. Giancarlo Ferrara Finish Strong Sports Fiori Mr. and Mrs. Tyler A. Flood Flora and Muse The Fluor Foundation Four Seasons Hotel - Houston Mr. Jean-François Genay Genuine Hospitality Consulting Mr. Christian Ghonda and Mrs. Madia Muya Gittings Glazer’s
Godiva Chocolatier Matthew B. Goff, Registered Investment Advisor Goode Company Restaurants Hanley Bros. Auto Detail at The Houstonian Mr. and Mrs. Othella S. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. David L. Haug Haven The Heritage Society Hermes of Paris, Inc. Hilton Houston Post Oak Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hohman Holocaust Museum Houston The Home Depot Houston Archery Lessons & Range Houston Center for Photography Houston Chamber Choir Houston Express Soccer Club Houston Grand Opera Houston Polo Club Houston Rockets & Comets Houston Safari Club Houston Symphony Houston Texans Houston Zoo The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa Huntington Learning Center of Memorial Mr. Walter Huybregts and Mrs. Tanja Huybregts-Buist IDEA LAB - Memorial Improvisation Comedy Club Initially Speaking Innovative Images Photography Italian Cultural and Community Center Ivy Access J.Hilburn Jacques Dessange James Coney Island Jeff Grass Photography Dr. Richard H. Jefferis and Mrs. Valerie A. Longmire-Jefferis Jimmy Choo Ms. Rebecca J. Johnson Jonathan’s The Rub Restaurant and Catering Kenny and Ziggy’s Deli Kidventure Mr. Curtis King Kristine Mills Music Kuhl-Linscomb La Colombe d’Or LA FITNESS
La Madeleine French Bakery & Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Mario R. Laposse Lawndale Art Center Le Mistral Legendary Adventures Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Christophe Lesguillier Mr. Joseph Licata The Little Bird Mrs. Allison Lorenzo M.A.B.Y. USA Couture Collections Main Street Theater Ms. Zena Majdalani Marido Creations Mathnasium Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meacham Memorial Athletic Club Memorial City Pediatrics The Menil Collection Mercury Baroque Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Merz Dr. David Miller and Dr. Sally E. Miller Ms. Kristine Mills Mission Laïque Française Mockingbird Bistro Mr. and Mrs. Dominique Moran MSR Houston Mrs. Madeleine Murr Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Nagel Foundation Natural Elements Landscaping Nature Discovery Center Neiman Marcus - Galleria Norris of Houston Salon and Day Spa Norton Ditto Olive and Vine Organizational Bliss Oriental Rug Bazaar OTC Global Holdings LP Paintball Bonanza Mrs. Pavlina Paleva Parker School Uniforms Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Partridge Mrs. Susan R. Permenter Perry’s Restaurants Phoenicia Specialty Foods Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce Porton Pressing Events Rafte & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani RDG / Bar Annie Red Robin Restaurant Rice University Rice Village Animal Hospital
River Oaks Chamber Orchestra Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Rochette Roshar Jewels Dr. Roth, Plastic Surgeon at West Ave. Roula’s Nail Spa Mr. Charles Roy and Mrs. Dania Kodeih Royal Sonesta Hotel Russo’s Coal Fired Italian Kitchen Saint Arnold Brewing Company Saint Street Swim Saks Fifth Avenue Salle Mauro Fencing Academy Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder Segway Tours of Houston Sensia Studio & Japanese Day Spa Settlement Goods, Inc. Mr. Randle B. Seymour Shamaine Klein Designs Mr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa Sanei Sky High Sports Houston Sloan / Hall Snip-Its Solution for Hair and Makeup Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes Space Center Houston Spec’s Wine Spirits & Fine Foods Spectra Energy Corp. Stages Repertory Theatre Starbucks Coffee Company Mr. and Mrs. David G. Steakley Mr. Nick Stugart and Ms. Amy Reaser Supercuts on Silber Road Surroundings Susie Bean SwimJim, Texas Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Talbot Tanglewood Nails Tango & Malbec Mr. Raffi Tcholakian and Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Test Masters Educational Services, Inc. Texas de Brazil - Dallas Texas Rock Gym Theatre Under the Stars Thimble Fingers Sewing Studio Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tholen Thomas Fallon Photography Tiny Boxwoods Tootsies TOTAL Triniti Restaurant Tristar Productions Mr. Thieleman A. Versteeg
and Mrs. Johanna Versteeg-Van Silfhout The Village Firefly Village Greenery and Flowers The Villager Vogue Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Shabir H. Walji Water 2 Wine Mr. Jos Wellink Dr. Robert W. Wellner and Dr. Julia S. Wellner Westside Aesthetics, Dr. Alexander Rivkin Willie’s Grill & Icehouse Mr. Zain Willoughby and Ms. Anastasia Lim Wonder-Space Computer and Technology Education Center Wonderwild Yoga Nicole Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Zuvic
Mr. Nabeel Amudi Mr. Frédéric Bontems Dr. Stephen Codrington Mr. Jamal Daniel Mr. Jean François Genay Mr. Ed Harris Mrs. Karen Joyce-Marie Mr. Jean-Baptiste Juery Mr. Boualem Maizia Ms. Zena Majdalani Mrs. Lisa Meacham Mr. Victor Obadiah Mr. Johan Pfeiffer
Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Mrs. Véronique Prentice Mr. Patrick Schorn Mr. Mark Schroeder Dr. Zin Smati Mr. Mark Watts COMMITTEE ON TRUSTEES 2012-2013
Mr. Nabeel Amudi Mrs. Karen Joyce-Marie Mr. Victor Obadiah Mr. Johan Pfeiffer Mrs. Véronique Prentice Mr. Mark Watts FINANCE COMMITTEE 2012-2013
Mr. Jacques Borisewitz Dr. Stephen Codrington Mr. William Esler Mr. Robert Heintz Mr. Hubert Hendrix Mr. Shivram Krishna Mrs. Valerie Longmire-Jefferis Mr. Boualem Maizia Mr. Hank Nicodemus Mr. Greg Panagos Mr. Robert Pierce Ms. Amy Reaser Mr. Aart Schenau Mr. Patrick Schorn ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE 2012-2013
Mrs. Lana Billeaud Mr. Ed Harris Mrs. Shelly Hendry Mrs. Jennifer Hohman Mrs. Karen Joyce-Marie Mrs. Lisa Key Mrs. Kathy Lehne Ms. Zena Majdalani Mrs. Lisa Meacham Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Mrs. Amy Pierce Mrs. Suneeta Rangwani Mr. Mark Schroeder Mrs. Lorraine Talbot Mrs. Lori Vetters BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE 2012-2013
Dr. Stephen Codrington
ACCENT 2013-2014 131
Mr. Don Davis Mr. Brian Hendry Mr. Ronald Jackson Mr. Ray Leiker Mr. Boualem Maizia Mr. Hank Nicodemus Mr. Victor Obadiah Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Mrs. Amy Pierce Mr. Willie Roberts Mrs. Patricia Seller-Wolff Mr. Robert Sload Mr. Sam Waugh Mr. Stanley Way AWTY PARENTS & PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION (APPA) 2012-2013
Mrs. DeVaun Barbir Mrs. Fatima Bernardini Mrs. Marie-Laure Bocabarteille Mrs. Adrienne Brown-Franklin Mrs. Suzanne Chalet-Winfrey Mrs. Catherine Corcoran Mrs. Anna Dunkel Mrs. Ana Escalona
Mrs. Michele Fenske Mrs. Claudia Fernandez Mrs. Aimee Flood Mrs. Monica Fulton Mrs. Sophie Gagey Mrs. Janice Glaser Dr. Pulchérie Gueneau de Novoa Mrs. Catherine Houy Mrs. Ludmilla Jourdeuil Mrs. Karen Joyce-Marie Dr. Catherine Karmel Mrs. Joya Kundagrami Mrs. Lisa MacDonald Mrs. Anne Maizia-Verheyleweghen Mrs. Sheri McDonald Mrs. Jill Munk Mrs. Ana Maria Nicolae Dr. Leslie Nogaret Mrs. Gina Pavon Mrs. Lydia Pfeiffer Mrs. Meredith Philipp-Tcholakian Mrs. Amy Pierce Mrs. Véronique Prentice Mrs. Suneeta Rangwani Mrs. Corinne Rochette Mrs. Chesley Russo
Mrs. Nicole Stefftgen Mrs. Nadia Tajalli Mrs. Lorraine Talbot Mrs. Abril G. Valenzuela Mrs. Kerstin Vivier Mrs. Lucia Warden Dr. Nathalie Wolk AWTY RAMS BOOSTER CLUB 2012-2013
Ms. Stephanie Caraway Ms. Mary DeBauche Mrs. Jennifer Hohman Ms. Christine Preti Mrs. Nadia Tajalli AWTY DADS’ CLUB 2012-2013
Mr. Wael Abbouchi Mr. Adeolu Ariyo Mr. Danny Bahrani Mr. Ray Drexler Mr. Ronald Jackson Mr. Jay Kalra Mr. Harvey Newton Mr. Brian Oakley
1450 1400 1350 1300
1250 1200
1150 1100
132 The Awty International School
Mr. Randip Singh Mr. Mark Smithard AWTY ALUMNI PARENTS ASSOCIATION (AAPA) 2012-2013
Mrs. Brigitte Fornage Mrs. Nancy Hamilton Mrs. Liza Heintz Ms. Sheri Khatami Mrs. Lin Leverette Dr. Sally E. Miller Mrs. Kathleen Offner Ms. Shaun Schindewolf AWTY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 2012-2013
Mr. Khaled Al Attar, ‘04 Mr. Danny Bahrani, ‘95 Ms. Kristie Castilow, ‘93 Ms. Alexandra Clear, ‘04 Mr. Alex Forrest, ‘97 Mrs. Allison Lorenzo, ‘85 Ms. Zena Majdalani, ‘94 Mr. Jared Mark, ‘04 Mr. John Weatherly, ‘94 Mr. Satrap Yuksek, ‘99 The 2012-2013 Annual Report is published as part of ACCENT for the entire Awty Community and friends of the school. The Advancement Dept. gratefully acknowledges those board members, parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, staff, and friends who generously contributed their money, time, and talents to Awty. Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this list is accurate and complete, as of June 1, 2014. However, despite our sincere desire to avoid errors, they do occasionally occur, and for this, we apologize in advance. If your name has been mistakenly omitted, misspelled, or listed under an incorrect heading, please notify us. The Advancement Dept. was established to strengthen the ties with all members of the broader Awty Community with a comprehensive program in alumni relations, philanthropy, stewardship, gift planning, and communications. Please contact us at advancementstaff@awty.org.
AW T Y CL AS S OF 2 0 1 3 COLLEGE MATRICULATION, TEST SCORES, & AWARDS COLLEGE MATRICULATION: UNITED STATES (69) American University Austin College Babson College Barnard College Baylor University (3) Bentley University (2) Boston University Bryn Mawr College UCLA Carnegie Mellon University Columbia University (2) University of Dallas Duke University Harvey Mudd College University of Houston* (7) Johns Hopkins University Lewis & Clark College MIT McNeese State University New York University Northeastern University Occidental College Oxford College of Emory University (2) Pitzer College Reed College Rice University (3) St John’s University (NY) University of St. Thomas (2) University of Southern California Southern Methodist University (6) Stanford University Syracuse University University of Texas, Austin* (2) University of Texas, CAP (6) Trinity (TX) Tufts University Tulane University (2) University of Tulsa
134 The Awty International School
Vanderbilt University University of Washington Wesleyan University (CT) Williams College Yale University CANADA (10) University of British Columbia Concordia (2) Ecole Polytechnique Montreal HEC Montreal (2) McGill (3) University of Toronto FRANCE (6) BBA Essec IUT Genie Mecanique-Evry ISEG Ecole de Commerce Management et Gestion Universite de Paris (2)
AWARDS & ACCOLADES: VALEDICTORIANS International Section Jacqueline Anderson Sam Steakley French Bilingual Section Eléonore Lahitte-Crohare GRADUATION AWARDS Community Service Award Daniel Alexander and David Alexander CIS Award for International Understanding Alexandra Cadena
UNITED KINGDOM (5) Glasgow University Nottingham Trent University University of St Andrew’s University of Sussex (2)
Kathleen Awty Award Hassan Kane
IRELAND (1) Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology
APPA Citizenship Award Fergus Talbot
MEXICO (1) Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
COLLEGE COUNSELING AWARDS National Merit Finalist Sam Steakley
* includes Honor College
Head of School’s Award Tommy Berrueta
National Merit Semi-Finalist Aden Willoughby Commended Sasha Cea-Loveless Youssef Mackhas Iman Khan Nimrah Saleem
National Hispanic Recognition Sasha Cea-Loveless Alexandra Cadena INTERNATIONAL SECTION AWARDS English Alexandra Cadena English Language & Literature Hannah Svanberg Julien Kuhn de Chizelle Excellence in Writing Charlotte Schuff Don Koenig History Iman Khan Economics Sam Steakley Math Studies Hannah Svanberg Calculus Kouros Sazegar Advanced Calculus Sam Steakley American Math Competition 12 Sam Steakley Psychology Lara Fields Iman Khan Art John Law Biology Jacqueline Anderson Chemistry
Sam Steakley Environmental Systems/Societies Kati Mahdavi TOK Alexandra Cadena Chinese 3rd Language Kayley George Chinese 2nd Language John Law Dutch Language & Literature Maxime de Zeeuw Norwegian Hannah Svanberg French A1 Julien Kuhn de Chizelle Francesca Pacifico French B HL Anne-Caroline Midy French B SL Katie Schroeder French Abinitio Vasiliki Mermingas
Spanish A1/A2 Alexandra Cadena
Anglais Terminale S Hassan Kane
Art French Loïc Lajoumard de Bellabre
Spanish B HL Alexandra Howard
Literature Juliette Bertin
SVT S Eléonore Lahitte Crohare
Spanish B SL Sam Steakley
History OIB Romain Barriol
SVT Spec Laura Diebakate
Arabic Abinitio Assalia Boulos
History Juliette Bertin
Physics/Chemie S Hassan Kane
Theater Productions Iman Khan
History/Geography Option Laura Diebakate
Physics Spec Romain Barriol
Orchestra Clara Loeb
Economie Anne-Nung Paulhe
Chinois Paloma Frautschi
Choir Jennifer Iriarte
Math S Hassan Kane
Latin Eléonore Lahitte-Crohare
Model UN Ryan Bitar
Math Spec Eléonore Lahitte-Crohare
Espangol S Jean François Briens
FRENCH BILINGUAL SECTION AWARDS English OIB Terminale S Antoine Karsenty
Math ES Anne-Nung Paulhe
Espangol ES Christopher Corcoran
Math ES Spec Anne-Nung Paulhe
Espangol L Louise Dorel
English OIB Terminale ES/L Christopher Corcoran
Debra Shannon Visual Arts Christopher Corcoran
In Memory of Jean-François Briens (center), Class of 2013. Photographed with classmates Loïc Lajoumard de Bellabre, Anthony Garnier, Sasha Cea-Loveless, and Sarah Gilbert
ACCENT 2013-2014 135
Pass Rate per Examination Session
Since Awty began requiring the program in 1996, our students have continuously achieved outstanding results. The 20122013 school year was no different. For the Class of 2013, 61 out of 63 students passed the rigorous, externally assessed IB exams. Awty students earned an average of 34 out of a possible 45 cumulative exam points. The highest score attained by an individual student was 42 points. In addition, 16 of the IB Diplomas awarded to Awty students were Bilingual Diplomas.
IB RESULTS 2004 - 2013 80 72
70 60 50 49
40 30
The French Baccalauréat results for the Class of 2013 were nothing short of stellar again this year. For the 12th consecutive year, the pass rate was at 100%. All 27 students in the French Bilingual Section successfully passed the 2013 French BAC. Nine students obtained the BAC with high honors (Mention Très Bien) and six students with honors (Mention Bien), which are both considered as “A” students by the French Ministry of National Education.
20 10 0
FRENCH BAC RESULTS 2004 - 2013 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
2006 Inscrits
136 The Awty International School
2007 Reçus
2008 Très Bien
2009 Bien
2010 Assez Bien
2011 Passable
W A Y S T O G I V E TO THE AWTY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL The Awty International School is grateful for the many ways board members, parents, employees, alumni, and friends support the school. Gifts of all sizes are needed and greatly appreciated.
fold tax saving opportunity. Donors avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock and they receive a deduction for the full market value of the stock at the time the gift is made. Please contact your financial advisor or tax consultant for more information.
find out if your company offers a matching gift program, please contact Awty’s Advancement Department or visit the Awty website at www.awty.org/matching_gift.
A gift in memory or honor of a loved one is an especially meaningful way to contribute. Awty’s Advancement Department will inform the family that a memorial or honorary gift has been made.
Gifts of cash are deductible to the full extent allowed by law and may be made with cash, check, or credit card. Checks should be made payable to The Awty International School.
Pledges are welcomed and will be counted and included in the Annual Report for the year the pledge is made.
Gifts of stock or appreciated securities represent a two-
Many employers multiply donors’ support through matching gift programs. In some cases, gifts from spouses, directors, and retired employees will also be matched. To
Please contact Awty’s Advancement Department at 713328-5861 or advancementstaff@awty.org.
Council of International Schools French Ministry of Education Independent Schools Association of the Southwest International Baccalaureate Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap
Council of International Schools Houston Association of Independent Schools Independent Schools Association of the Southwest International Baccalaureate Organization National Association of Independent Schools Texas International Baccalaureate Schools Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools
La Mission Laïque Française (MLF) is one of the cofounders of The Awty International School. It was created in 1904 to organize the education of the children of expatriate French personnel working for large companies. The MLF helps in recruiting teachers for the French Bilingual Section. It is based in Paris and its schools can be found on four continents with more than 20,000 students educated.
ACCENT 2013-2014 137
& Annual Report 2012-2013
ACCENT is published at the end of each school year by the Advancement Department at The Awty International School. This publication is for students, staff, faculty, parents, alumni, and friends of the school. Communication may be addressed to the editor/designer. MS. GWEN CARIO
Associate Director of Communications and Editor/Designer MRS. REEMA KASAVICH
Associate Director of Annual Fund MRS. LAUREN LINN
Associate Director of Events MRS. CAROL NASH
Advancement Coordinator and Database Manager
Please notify the Advancement Department of any address changes. PARENTS:
If this issue is addressed to your child who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please send the correct address to: The Awty International School Attn: Advancement Department 7455 Awty School Lane Houston, Texas 77055 Tel: 713-328-5861 Email: cnash@awty.org The Awty International School is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Awty does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, national or ethnic origins, or handicap in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship, athletic programs, and other school administered programs or in its employment practices.
ACCENT is printed on recycled paper at Modern PrintShop, Houston.
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