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SCHOOL A n d r e a s


Y .

Ky r i a k o u


L o n d o n


2 0 1 5

Design + Publish: Andreas Y. Kyriakou Copyright © 2015 Andreas Y. Kyriakou [AYKZ | arch studio] Copyright © 2015 George Panagopoulos No part of this booklet may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. Andreas Y. Kyriakou Architect Engineer AYKZ | arch studio _ Founder Dipl. Architect Engineer National Technical University of Athens Cand/MArch AA Design Research Lab (AADRL) T +44 (0) 7526 092209 E

George Panagopoulos Student of the School of Architecture NTUA E

SCHOOL a p r o j e c t by A nd reas Y . Kyr i a ko u [ AYKZ | a r c h st u d i o ] and Geo r g e Pa n a g o p o u l o s for t h e n e e d s of t h e Nati onal T e chnical U nive rs ity of At h e n s , S c h o o l of A rc h i t e c t ur e ’s ( 2 0 10 ) s t ud i o

London | 2015

Bird’s eye view.

SCHOOL The building is located in a rectangular field of 6000m 2 at the district of Kato Kifisia in Athens, Greece and occupies an entire city block. Initial idea of the proposal was the design of a building that would stand out from the built surroundings and to show, through its form and function, its public character, but also its significant use as a training centre. As it is known, the primary school is the first public building, children come in contact and therefore its design had to involve and enclose very basic and careful features.

First Level | Scale 1:1000

Second Level | Scale 1:1000

The building is developed in three levels. The lower level is essentially the base of the school. Here is found the core which is actually a large central courtyard. Around of that, three building blocks are developed, which collect all school secondary functions (management - workshops - restaurant - library). The yard is the first space which one encounters when entering the school. This is also the basic breakdown of movements to the other levels and by extension to all spaces of the school. In the second level, there are no closed spaces, except of a laboratory. What prevails, is the outdoor and semi-outdoor spaces. The functions of the second level extend also in a second large yard to the south of the site which brings together open sports facilities (basketball), as well as training functions for lessons requiring outdoor spaces. At the terraces of the buildings of the first level, botanical gardens are placed as well as semi-outdoor and outdoor play areas for

Third Level | Scale 1:1000

Top Plan | Scale 1:1000

students during break time. The separate terraces are connected with a bridge which unifies the three areas. The third level consists of the classes in a single volume, soaring over the courtyards and the building blocks of the first level. The volume’s shape is a crooked line in plan view, consists of three branches which form a U-shape and opens to the south, embracing the courtyards and intensifying the





of reinforced concrete support the volume and because it overlaps the other blocks, creates the semi-outdoor spaces in the first and second level, enhancing the logic of continuity. The shape of the volume is due thanks to the desire to connect the orthogonal system of the blocks in the base, with an absolute and dynamic gesture that binds the whole system and develops finally the school.

Section A-A | Scale 1:500

Section D-D | Scale 1:500

West Facade | Scale 1:500

East Facade | Scale 1:500

Section C-C | Scale 1:500

Section B-B | Scale 1:500

South Facade | Scale 1:500

North Facade | Scale 1:500

View from South side.

View from North side.

Main entrance.

View from central courtyard.

View from upper courtyard.

Dynamic view from central courtyard.

Panoramic view of the backside.

Night view.

Copyright Š 2015 Andreas Y. Kyriakou | George Panagopoulos

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