Ecometrics New Methods of Representation for Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity
Hsin Yi Chao Richard Chou Angela Crisostomo Columbia GSAPP Leah Meisterlin | Grga Basic Geographic Information Systems
2018 Fall Hsin Yi Chao Richard Chou Angela Crisostomo
Columbia GSAPP Leah Meisterlin | Grga Basic Geographic Information Systems
Contents introduction research questions methodology process findings conclusion citations
Introduction Project Overview Ecometrics perform quantitative analysis to evaluate whether certain activities or features contribute to a more sustainable system of production and consumption. In the context of ongoing climate change and discourse on sustainable development, these metrics are in common use as tools to build policy and advocacy. Our project tests the robustness of two common Ecometrics - Ecological Footprint (EF) and Biocapacity (BC) as regional planning and design tools to critique their applications and limits. We used the Hudson Valley Region as a case study to test these methods. Through GIS, we developed a methodology to map Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity at a regional scale and explored new methods to represent the relationship and nuances of these ecometrics.
Background First developed by Wackernagel and Rees in 1996; Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity are metrics ubiquitous today in science, policy, and popular discourse. We can often find these metrics applied in a Global Scale or a State Scale – comparing the footprints of countries/ populations with each other1 or as an advocacy tool communicating the need for the public’s behavior change. The graphic and spatial qualities of these metrics have also lent themselves to the imagination of designers, planners, and policy makers to develop methods of application for the EF and similar metrics at more local and regional scales. Examples can range from the absurd to the serious – e.g. MVRDV’s “Metacity/ Datatown” and “Pig Cities”, City of Calgary’s Land use and Planning Policy (2008); while very different, these examples showcase EF’s application in the realm of scenario building. The common usage of these ecological metrics and the interest in its application at local and regional scales call for critical exercises – How can we assess the accuracy and relevance of EF? Can it be used at regional and local scales reliably? How do we test the robustness of the EF as a planning tool?
1.e.g. by identifying “Ecological Debtors” and “Ecological Creditors”
Ecometrics “Ecological Footprint” (EF) is a tool based on the idea of measuring the carrying capacity of a given area2; and the idea of a “Biological Capacity” or “Biocapacity” (BC). It is a measure of how much area of productive land it takes to sustain a person or population’s lifestyle. “Biological Capacity” (BC) is a measure of an ecosystem’s capacity to continuously produce resources and to absorb the waste generated by a given person/population.
Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity are usually measured in global hectares (gha), a biologically productive hectare which represents the world average productivity every year. Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity are weighted through “Yield Factors” (YF) and “Equivalence Factors” (EQF) to normalize different land types and locations in the world. These Yield Factors and Equivalence Factors are given metrics that measure carbon emissions, infrastructure, forest, grazing land, cropland, built-up surfaces, and marine/ inland water resources in a given area in the world.
2. Based on the areas of six (6) identified land use types: cropland, grazing land, forest, fishing grounds, built-up land, and forest area, as well as the carbon footprint of the given area (area of forest required to offset human carbon emissions).
Current Methods of Representation
ECOLOGICAL DEFICITS AND RESERVE CAPACITY In current representation, Biocapacity and Ecological Footprints are subtracted from each other to determine whether a given region has a “Ecological Deficit” or an “Ecological Reserve”. An Ecological Deficit occurs when the EF of a given population exceeds the BC of the area available to the population; conversely, an Ecological Reserve occurs when the BC exceeds the EF.
BIOLOGICAL CREDITORS AND DEBTORS Biocapacity and Ecological Footprints are often compared with each other to determine whether a given region is a biological “creditor” or a biological “debtor” at a global scale.
UNIVARIATE CHOROPLETH MAPS To illustrate and map Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity metrics, Univariate choropleth maps are often used to offer side by side comparisons.
Research Questions Critique Scales of Application EF and BC calculations, are often measured in global hectares/ person and applied at a state scale. This scale of application generalizes data across large areas and may not capture the nuances of the data apparent at finer scales. For instance, the latest available information on New York State’s Ecological Footprint (NFS, 2015) measured NYS Ecological Footprint at 14.2 global acres/ person; the lowest Ecological Footprint in the United States. However, we could reasonably assume that New York City would have a much smaller EF than other counties in New York State due density and lifestyle differences (e.g. transportation and housing) mainly reflected in its carbon footprint. This begs the question of whether these metrics are meaningful or useful as design or planning tools. Would the average of 14.2 global acres/person be meaningful to describe lifestyle and consumption patterns of other counties in the state? To evaluate, we developed a GIS methodology to calculate the EF and BC of sub-counties in the Hudson Valley Region and compared them with the EF and BC of New York City.
Methods of Representation Because scales of application of EF and BC pose questions of accuracy and relevance, we hypothesize that the relationship between the two may be more meaningful than single metrics of each. Univariate choropleth maps are thematic maps that display a single variable of non-location or generalized data. Because they are easy to read, they give immediate readings of a given area’s ecometrics but may not capture the relationships and nuances that exist between Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity. In order to capture these relationships and nuances, the two variables need to be present in a single map simultaneously. We developed a GIS methodology to combine EF and BC into a bivariate map, which displays the variables in a single map by combining two sets of color ramps. Data classification and graphic representation of classified data played a big role in the development of the methodology. The resulting bivariate map enabled us to draw more meaningful evaluations at a regional scale, to compare the ecometrics of Hudson Valley sub counties against New York City.
Questions 1.
How can we use GIS to calculate and map the EF and BC of the Hudson Valley Region?
Is the Hudson Valley Region an ecological debtor or ecological creditor to New York State based on NFA methodologies and available data?
Can EF and BC be used reliably as a regional planning tool?
Hypothesis We hypothesized that we could use existing land cover datasets and the National Footprint Account’s (NFA) methodology to calculate the EF and BC of the Hudson Valley Region. Our initial impression was that the Ecological Footprint of New York State is skewed because New York City is an outlier – having a much smaller EF than the rest of the state because of life-style differences in mobility and housing, mainly reflected in its Carbon Footprint; and that the Hudson Valley Region’s EF and BC would likely be higher (and perhaps more representative) than the current NYS average.
Methodology Step-by-step Methodology
Data Collection
NYS Average Ecological Footprint per person (gha/person)
Data Preparation
Average Carbon Footprint per person
Average Non-Carbon Footprint per person
NYS Carbon Footprint per Person by Zip Code (gha/person)
Intersect Zip Code Boundary with Sub Counties Boundary
NYS Census Data on Population per Census Tract (Polygons)
Feature Fields “POP10” to Points
NYS Census (Points)
NYS Sub County Boudary (Polygons) Select & Export Counties in Hudson Valley
NYS County Boudary (Polygons)
Hudson Valley Boundary (Polygons)
Sub Counties Boundary in Hudson Valley (Polygons)
Intersect “Hudson Valley” Polygon with Land Cover
Yield Factors (YF)
NYS Land Cover (Raster)
Caculate Factors (Table)
Countries in Hudson Valley (Polygons)
Intersect “Hudson Valley Sub Counties” Polygon with Land Cover
Grazing Land
Hudson Valley Land Cover (Raster)
Raster to Polygons
Zip Code Area within Sub Counties (Polygons) Spatial Join
Calculate Total Carbon Footprint of Sub Counties
Carbon Footprint of Sub Counties
Table Join
Calculate Total Carbon Footprint of Sub Counties
Carbon Footprint of Sub Counties
Classification and Representation
Calculate Carbon Footprint/pers on of Sub Counties
Carbon Footprint/pers on of Sub Counties
Inland Water Area
Forest Spatial Join Infrastructure
Table Join “Factors Dataset” with “Hudson Valley Land Cover”
Intersect “Hudson Valley Sub Counties” with “Land Cover”
Land Cover of Each Sub County (201) in Hudson Valley
Calculate Summarize Biocapacity by Land Cover Sub Counties' Biocapacity within sub Counties
Calcuate Biocapacity per person of Sub Counties (ha/person)
Biocapacity per person of Sub Counties
Data Collection Required Data and Data Sources 1.
NLCD Homer, C.G., Dewitz, J.A., Yang, L., Jin, S., Danielson, P., Xian, G., Coulston, J., Herold, N.D., Wickham, J.D., and Megown, K., 2015, Completion of the 2011 National Land Cover Database for the conterminous United States-Representing a decade of land cover change information. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 81, no. 5, p. 345-354 <>
2. Appropriated Production Equivalence Factors (EQF) and Production Yield Factors (YF) Michael Borucke, David Moore, Gemma Cranston, Kyle Gracey, Katsunori Iha, Joy Larson, Elias Lazarus, Juan Carlos Morales, Mathis Wackernagel, Alessandro Galli., Ecological Indicators, Volume 24, January 2013, Pages 518-533. Accounting for demand and supply of the biosphereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regenerative capacity: The National Footprint Accountsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; underlying methodology and framework <https://www.> 3.
NYS Average Ecological Footprint Per Person (gha) Christopher M. Jones and Daniel M. Kammen. Cool Climate, Berkeley. Spatial Distribution of U.S. Household Carbon Footprints Reveals Suburbanization Undermines Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Urban Population Density, 2013. <>
NYS Carbon Footprint by Zipcode Christopher M. Jones and Daniel M. Kammen. Cool Climate, Berkeley. Spatial Distribution of U.S. Household Carbon Footprints Reveals Suburbanization Undermines Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Urban Population Density, 2013. <>
5. Census Data on Population per Census Tract American Factfinder. ACS 5 Year Estimates, 2017. United States Census Bureau. < productview.xhtml?src=CF>
Zip Code Scale Data
Census Tract Scale Data
Sub County Scale Data
County Scale Data
Regional Scale Data
Limitation: Carbon Footprint data is available by zipcode, however, non-carbon Footprint data is only available at a state scale, we combined both data at a sub county scale.
State Scale Data
Methodology reflects working and visualizing data at various scales.
Calculating Ecological Footprints Methodology To evaluate Hudson Valley Regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ecometrics against New York City and with New York State, we first prepared and mapped the necessary data using sub county boundaries and scale. This scale allowed us to get a better geographic reading of the Hudson Valley and an appropriate scale to compare city regions. Due to limited data in flows of appropriated production and land appropriation (yields) in the Hudson Valley, we obtained data from the Cool Climate Network on Carbon and Non-Carbon Footprints. For New York State, data on Carbon Footprint per person is available by zip code. We intersected this data with the sub counties boundary to map the average Carbon Footprint of each sub county in Hudson Valley. We joined this with available data on average Non-Carbon Footprints in New York State to obtain the total Ecological Footprint (Carbon Footprint + Non-Carbon Footprint) for each sub county in Hudson Valley. We then calculated the Eco Footprint per Capita for each sub county using available Census 2010 Population data by Block. The resulting univariate choropleth map correlates with the population by county map. Sub counties with a low population have a higher carbon footprint while sub counties with higher populations (such as those in New York City) reflect the least carbon footprint.
Agricultural products
WorldC rop Yields
Livestock products
WorldG rass Yields
Fishery& Aquaculture
WorldF ish Yields
Timber products
WorldF orest Yields
CO2 emissions
Carbon Uptake Factor
Built-ups urfaces
Ecological Footprint
worlda verage yield [w ha]
= = = = = =
[g ha]
Cropland EQF
GrazingL and
Grazing EQF
FishingG round
Fishing EQF
Forest Land
Forest EQF
Carbon UptakeL and
Forest EQF
Built-upL and
Cropland EQF
= = = = = =
Cropland Footprint GrazingF ootprint FishingF ootprint Forest Footprint CO2 Footprint Infrastructure Footprint
Total Ecological Footprint
[t /t /ha]
/ / / / /
No data available on flows of appropriated production and land appropriation yields. NFA methodology substituted for Global Footprint Network methodology and available data.
Eco Footprint per Capita
Total Population by Sub County
Total Eco Footprint
Census 2010 Population by Block
Intersected Boundaries
Hudson Valley Sub County Boundaries
Carbon Footprint per Capita by Zipcode
shingY F
Forest YF
ropland YF
In calculating the Biocapacity of the Hudson Valley Region, we prepared and mapped the necessary data once again using sub county boundaries and scale. We used available land cover raster data from the National Landcover Database and the National Footprint Accountâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (NFA) methodology to calculate Biocapacity the Biocapacity of the region. [g ha]
= = = = =
Biocapacity for cropland, grazing land, marine/inland cover area, forest area, Cropland and built infrastructure area were each calculated and mapped using sub countyBiocapacity boundaries, and subsequently with Census 2010 Population data by Block. Grazing Biocapacity The resulting univariate choropleth map describes Biocapacity per Capita for each sub county in the Hudson Valley Region. Marine/Inlandw ater Biocapacity
Forest Biocapacity Cropland Biocapacity
Biocapacity [g ha]
Cropland Area
Cropland YF
Grazing Land Area
Grazing YF
Marine/Inland water Area
FishingY F
Forest Area
Forest YF
Infrastructure Area
Cropland YF
= = = = =
Cropland Biocapacity Grazing Biocapacity Marine/Inlandw ater Biocapacity
Forest Biocapacity Cropland Biocapacity
TotalB iocapacity
Grazing YF
TotalB iocapacity
ropland YF
Calculating Biocapacity
Biocapacity per Capita
Total Population
Total Biocapacity
Cropland Biocapacity
Grazing Land Biocapacity
Inland Water Biocapacity
Forest Land Biocapacity
Infrastructure Land Biocapacity
Data Classification Classification and Relationship Definition Bivariance Classification As there is no built-in two-variable reclassification process in ArcGIS, we developed a field calculation script via python to create a third classification field with the bivariate classifications. The first steps of creating a bivariate classification is creating a bivariance legend. The two scales are selected to share the same neutral grey as its lowest classification as the common base for the color matrix. To avoid confusion, the Biocapacity scale is classified from A-D, whereas the Eco Footprint is classified from 1-4. The resulting Eco Footprint (EF) and Biocapacity (BC) layers from the last step were classified through their respective single-variate choropleth maps. Taking the break points from the univariance classification we created three custom fields: EF Ranking, BC Ranking, and Combined Ranking to record each sub countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s respective classification. The final bivariance classification consists of 16 classes in a 4x4 matrix (A1, A2, A3...etc.)
Relationship Definition While a bivariance choropleth matrix is useful in displaying relationships between Biocapacity (BC) and Eco Footprint (EF), the number of classifications is potentially confusing. To add clarity, we defined the four corners of the bivariance matrix as they represent the most interesting conditions between the two variables (figure X). These corners represent either strong leaning to a single variable (high BC, low EF) or strong agreement between the two (high BC, high EF). In addition, the diagonal line across the matrix is labeled as areas with a balanced relationship.
Graphic Representation Regional Performance Map and Biological Performance Data Distribution & Classification Type The first set of maps show the relative Eco Footprint and Biocapacity relationship between the sub counties of the Hudson Valley. One initial realization during the classification process is that the Biocapacity per Capita data contains multiple outliers, therefore skewing the data distribution. Specifically, sub counties that are within the Catskills Mountains region has a much higher Biocapacity than the rest of the valley. Thus, we have chosen to represent the two variables through quantiles. In the maps below are classified in 4 quantiles, where the sub counties are ranked in 25% intervals. As we are interested in the relative placement of each sub county within the Hudson Valley and New York City context, we believe that this classification would result in a more meaningful bivariance choropleth map.
Ecological Ecological Footprint(gha)/Capita Footprint(gha)/Capita 13.34 13.34 - 18.88 - 18.88
0.00 0.00 - 0.32 - 0.32
18.88 18.88 - 20.40 - 20.40
0.32 0.32 - 1.03 - 1.03
20.40 20.40 - 22.42 - 22.42
1.03 1.03 - 2.75 - 2.75
22.42 22.42 - 44.76 - 44.76
2.75 2.75 - 106.9 - 106.9
Ecological Ecological Footprint(gha)/Capita Footprint(gha)/Capita
Biocapcity(gha)/Capita Biocapcity(gha)/Capita
0 -04- 4
0 -04- 4
4 -416 - 16
4 -416 - 16
1616 - 33 - 33
1616 - 33 - 33
3333 - 47 - 47
3333 - 107 - 107
Ecological Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person Footprint(gha)/Person
Biocapcity(gha)/Capita Biocapcity(gha)/Capita
Biocapcity(gha)/Person Biocapcity(gha)/Person
13.34 13.34 - 18.88 - 18.88
13.34 13.34 - 18.88 - 18.88
18.88 18.88 - 20.40 - 20.40
18.88 18.88 - 20.40 - 20.40
20.40 20.40 - 22.42 - 22.42
20.40 20.40 - 22.42 - 22.42
22.42 22.42 - 44.76 - 44.76
22.42 22.42 - 44.76 - 44.76
Regional Relationship Map The following map shows the relative performance of Eco Footprint and Biocapacity per capita by sub county within the Hudson Valley, displayed in a bivariance choropleth map.
Urbanized Area
2.75 - 106.9
1.03 - 2.75
0.32 - 1.03
0.00 - 0.32
13.34 - 18.88
18.88 - 20.40 20.40 - 22.42
22.42 - 44.76
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person
Biological Creditor/ Debtor/ Break-even The second set of maps show the Biological Balance of each sub county via the difference between Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity. In reference to the representation methodology by of Global Footprint Network, which defines regions as Biological Creditors or Debtors, we produced a second bivariance matrix using identical Equal Interval breakpoints between both variables.
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Capita Ecological Footprint(gha)/Capita
Biocapcity(gha)/Capita Biocapcity(gha)/Capita
0.00 - 0.32 - 18.88 In contrast to13.34 Quantile classification, Equal Interval breakpoints produced less 0.00 - 0.32 13.34 - 18.88 visually interesting maps. However, the combined bivariance map was able 18.88 - 20.40 0.32 - 1.030.32 - 1.03to 18.88 - 20.40 show not only whether each sub county was a Biological Creditor or1.03 Debtor, - 2.75but 20.40 - 22.42 1.03 - 2.75 20.40 - 22.42 also22.42 the scale of its difference, as the matrix shows the multiple scenarios of a 2.75 - 106.9 22.42 - 44.76 2.75 - 106.9 - 44.76 same Biological Balance.
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Capita Ecological Footprint(gha)/Capita
Biocapcity(gha)/Capita Biocapcity(gha)/Capita
4 - 16
4 - 16
4 - 16
4 - 16
16 - 33
16 - 33
16 - 33
16 - 33
33 - 47
33 - 47
33 - 107
33 - 107
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person
Biocapcity(gha)/Person Biocapcity(gha)/Person
13.34 - 18.88 13.34 - 18.88 18.88 - 20.40 18.88 - 20.40
13.34 - 18.88 13.34 - 18.88 18.88 - 20.40 18.88 - 20.40
20.40 - 22.42 20.40 - 22.42 22.42 - 44.76 22.42 - 44.76
20.40 - 22.42 20.40 - 22.42 22.42 - 44.76 22.42 - 44.76
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person
Biocapcity(gha)/Person Biocapcity(gha)/Person
13.34 - 18.88 13.34 - 18.88 18.88 - 20.40 18.88 - 20.40
13.34 - 18.88 13.34 - 18.88 18.88 - 20.40 18.88 - 20.40
20.40 - 22.42 20.40 - 22.42 22.42 - 44.76 22.42 - 44.76
20.40 - 22.42 20.40 - 22.42 22.42 - 44.76 22.42 - 44.76
26 Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person 13.34 - 18.88 13.34 - 18.88
Biocapcity(gha)/Person Biocapcity(gha)/Person 13.34 - 18.88 13.34 - 18.88
Regional Relationship Map The following map shows the Biological Balance calculated from the difference between Eco Footprint and Biocapacity per capita by sub county within the Hudson Valley, displayed in a bivariance choropleth map.
Catskills Mountains Region
107.0 33.0 16.0
0.00 0.0
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person
Findings Scales and Aggregation
Subcounty Scale
County Scale
Regional Scale
Scales and Aggregation
107.0 33.0
Biocapacity is dependent on landcover data while Eco Footprint is dependent on lifestyle in a given area, as aggregation increases based on the scale of sampling, information becomes more and more generalized, and less meaningful.
In evaluating EF and BC at a regional scale applying data at a sub county level better illustrates geographic and spatial relationships. Finer scales such as by zipcode may likely yield the same resulting colors. 0.00 0.0
Ecological Footprint(gha)/Person
NYS EF = 15.20 BC = 3.50
HUDSON VALLEY EF = 18.70 BC = 0.68
NYC EF = 14.01 BC = 0.01
Methods of Representation and Performance UNIVARIATE CHOROPLETH MAPS To illustrate and map Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity metrics, Univariate choropleth maps are often used to offer side by side comparisons.
BIVARIATE CHOROPLETH MAPS A bivariate map can better illustrate relationships in data by combining two distinct features into a single map.
Conclusion GIS can be an effective tool to map EF and BC at various scales. Existing Land Cover Data can be used with relatively simple geoprocessing operations to produce single feature univariance maps. However, current methods of representing EF and BC, limit the ability of the maps to communicate the nuances between EF and BC relationships and limit the maps ability to draw meaningful insight on geographic and spatial features, which can only be drawn at less aggregated scales - e.g. for regional mapping, at a sub county scale. Hence, aggregated EF and BC applied at large scales do not provide the geographic, spatial, and nuanced representation of data necessary as planning or design tools. Bivariate mapping can better used to illustrate the degrees of difference within a given datasets â&#x20AC;&#x153;breaking pointâ&#x20AC;?, and when applied at the appropriate scale, can better illustrate geographic and spatial relationships. For instance, a bivariate map of EF and BC per capita of the United States better illustrates the range of High BC areas within the Mississippi River Basin region. These High BC areas exhibit a range of Low EF - High EF areas. In studying the Hudson Valley Region at a sub county scale, ecological debtors and ecological creditors are better illustrated geographically and spatially. For instance, the Catskill mountains, displayed in blue, indicate that the area has the highest EF and BC in the region, and is one of the few counties in the region that are ecological creditors. Bivariate EF and BC maps executed at the proper scales, provide better alternatives to single feature univariate maps, and when executed with the right data, be a more useful tool for regional planning and design application.
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