2nd Round
MC Application Booklet 2015 - 2016
AIESEC in Kuwait
Message from the MCP Dear readers, It is an honor for me to lead such entity and I would like invite you to join me in this journey. I Believe that it is the time for the next generation of leaders to shape better AIESEC in Kuwait, and to make the change happen not only within AIESEC, but also within the Country, the region and the World I am so sure that this entity is going to grow, since I can notice that huge potential and passion in its leaders and members. As it is challenging and promising entity To set your expectation, I am searching for crazy and creative individuals, those who believe in their potentials and searching for a real challenging experience. Ambitious people who are passionate about what they are doing and want to be the change that they want to see in the world. For those who are feel that they are up to this, enjoy application process and all the best ;) Loads of Love and Peace, Ayman Al-Saleh MCP of AIESEC in Kuwait ’15.16
Content About AIESEC in Kuwait MC ’15-16 Structure Job description Election Process Application Requirements Questionnaire
’15.16 MC Team Structure Member Committee President
MCVP oGCDP*** MCVP Marketing & PR MCVP Talent Management** MCVP iGCDP & BD** MCVP Finance & Legal* * Only locals can apply ** Full-Time *** Preferable Full-time
PR Manager
Who Can Apply? As the organization is not officially registered inside Kuwait , Applicants from the following countries can only apply as they can get a 3 months visa on arrival in which they can be renewed after that. For those who would like to apply and their countries not on the list, please send me an email to check visa process for your nationality.
• All Gulf Countries - No Need for Visa • All EU/EFTA citizens - except Croatia • Andorra • Australia • Brunei • Cambodia • Canada • Georgia • Hong Kong • Japan
• • • • • • • • • • •
Laos Malaysia Monaco Myanmar New Zealand San Marino Singapore South Korea Swaziland United States Vietnam
Election Process
• • •
Application Deadline
26th Mar. 2015
Application Confirmation
27th Mar. 2015
Q&A + Confident voting
28th Mar. 2015
29th Mar. 2015
All Applications Package need to be sent before 26th March. 2015– 23:59 GMT+3, ayman.alsaleh@aiesec.net. Late submission means auto rejection The application needs to be sent as a zip file with the following file name: (Name)_MCVP_(FUNCTION)_AIESECinKuwait15. (Ex: Ayman_MCVP_oGCDP_AIESECinKuwait15).
You will be receiving an acknowledgement from me within 24 hours of sending your applications.
Application Package (1)  3 Endorsements Letters Locals:
-someone you Leaded for at least 3 months, someone worked with you)
(2) Questionnaire (maximum 10 pages)
Internationals: -Your MC, someone you led for at least 3 months, someone you worked with for this term
(3) Motivational Video - 5 minutes max - Who are you, why AIESEC in Kuwait and what your contribution towards the team and this function.
(4) Barrett Personal Values Assessment test, PDF file Link: http://www.valuescentre.com/pva/
Working Condition Official MC Term: 1 July 2015 - 30th June 2015 Transition starting: 15th June 2015 Salary: -
- -
Note: AIESEC in Kuwait is an expansion entity, unstable financially. Regarding to that salaries will be released/modified regarding to the financial situation. However, the savings by this date will cover the first two month. Feel free to approach me to clarify this point for you. Intl MCVP: 700 USD/Fulltime For Part-time and Locals MCVP: Commissions system will be discussed in the interview
Accommodation and Transportation will be provided.
• Leveraging on global “demand & supply” trends, while implementing growth strategies and national campaigns for raising, matching and delivery of exchange. • National Exchange analysis and goals tracking on a monthly and quarterly basis. • Build and manage international exchange co-operations. • Constant tracking, evaluation and reporting of exchange performance of all levels. • Ensure quality and quantity of exchange experiences. • Education and skill building around exchange process Support oGCDP - Teams in matching and delivery. • Education on the usage of different functions of GIS (exchange management, analysis etc.) and exchange delivery related tools. • Provide guidance and education materials form national level • which can be implemented on local level. • Implementation of quality measurement in order to improve • our stakeholder servicing and satisfaction (EP). • Ensure overall Exchange policies are followed according to the XPP countrywide • Managing quality and resolve different issues that might occur.
• National Exchange analysis and goals tracking on a monthly and quarterly basis. • Plan, develop and implement national education in iGCDP • Conduct research for iGCDP global strategies and good case practices • Conduct feasibility study for iGCDP programs in Kuwait • Build and manage international exchange co-operations • Build the infrastructure and the standard for the program • Constant tracking, evaluation and reporting of exchange performance of all levels. • Ensure quality and quantity of exchange experiences. • Conduct BD strategic plan. • Weekly coaching and training for BD team. • Support iGCDP Teams in matching and delivery. • Education on the usage of different functions of GIS (exchange management, analysis etc.) • Provide guidance and education materials form national level which can be implemented on local level. • Implementation of quality measurement in order to improve our stakeholder servicing and satisfaction (EP). • Ensure overall Exchange policies are followed according to the XPP countrywide.
MCVP Fin. & Legal
• To manage, guide & support Teams TMs through continuous Communication • To develop national strategy & tools to manage/track experiences of members across different stages of the AIESEC experience • To be over-all responsible & drive the recruitment strategy across university based teams in synergy with MCVP Marketing • To ensure a healthy learning environment and a culture of excellence across all programs of the AIESEC experience for all members • To develop and implement a Leadership Development program for members taking up TLP. • To drive organizational structure evolution for capacity building in GCDP Teams • To drive talent management with an aim of treating members as valuable human resource which requires development and effective use • Updating, education and implementation of HR processes [recruitment, induction, transition, allocation, goal setting, member tracking] • Design National conferences objectives and learning cycles
• Work on AIESEC in Kuwait registration project • Legalize all AIESEC in Kuwait activities • National portfolio management and product development in the Corporate relations. • Ensuring the financial sustainability of MC together with Finance responsible • Ensuring proper positioning towards partners and business sector • Attend networking events to get access to the business sectors in Kuwait. • Analyze, review and report on the status of AIESEC in Kuwait finances • Creating new products and developing the already existing ones financially • Coordinating the execution of the national events, products and initiatives. • Plan financial Income for MC together with finance responsible • Building and maximizing government relations
MCVP Marketing • To audit, manage and develop the AIESEC brand • Develop and manage AIESEC in Kuwait activities in marketing in a way that it enables AIESEC to achieve the expected results • Overall responsible for the market analysis to give more relevance to our products • Final responsible of Marketing. Creation and implementation of tool and educational cycle about Marketing. • Track, analyze and report marketing performance in the country • Creation, implementation and execution of efficient and effective marketing campaigns for National products with education for AIESEC in Kuwait members. • Measuring the successes of marketing and their campaigns of channels, events and all material used. • AIESEC in Kuwait website management. • National social media channels management • Ensure all material created is brand aligned • Showcasing the impact of AIESEC and AIESEC in Kuwait • Info Sessions – Ra (customize and communicate AIESECs benefits to the general public through different channels to different stakeholders)
PR Manager • To manage and line offline publications, events, recognitions, and correspondence for :NGOs, Student associations, Partners ,Governments & Universities. • Building credibility and awareness of AIESEC’s Brand via Engaging and managing media partners, Attendance in external events, giving interviews. • preparing publications for press & evolving the implementation of youth to business forum on local level across Kuwait achieving the goal of becoming the National youth voice. • Development and delivery support of BD products connected to PR activities. • Showcasing stories that build AIESEC’s reputation and credibility
Section 1: General Questions 1.  Personal Details Name
2. Position held inside/outside AIESEC Date
National/Local Committee
Position/ Organization
Description of role, key activities and results achieved
Date of Birth /Country Nationality Mobile Email Address Skype Current Role in AIESEC Date of Joining AIESEC
3. In a chronological order please list academic institutions attended, outline any other education experience (courses, conferences, seminars etc.) and highlight your extracurricular activities and achievements. 4. Please list languages & levels, (Native, Excellent, good, basic) A- Speaking B- Writing
C- Reading
Section 2 : Personal Questions 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
How do you see AIESEC contributing to your Future vision? Please list your top 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses, and how will each effect your term. What would be your main personal challenges if you got accepted for the role. What is success to you? What motivates you and what de-motivates you?
Section 3 : AIESEC in Kuwait 10. Conduct a SWOT analysis for AIESEC in Kuwait 11. Please explain AIESEC to a 5 years old child, the CEO of Coca Cola and to a WW2 Veteran in a maximum of 100 words each. 12. What is the ideal culture that you would like to see in AIESEC Kuwait in next term? What should be the key initiatives to create this culture? 13. What are the main challenge that you are expecting in your role if you got accepted (Professional wise) ?
Section 4 : Functional Question – Marketing & PR 14. What are the two main priorities of your area, what strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those points at the end of your term? 15. What are the top 3 universities that AIESEC in Kuwait should focus on building official relation with ? Why ? 16. What would be your focus in the third quarter of the year (July – Sept.)? 17. How can we get 1,000 applicants for the exchange program for the term 15.16? 18. How are you going to manage and track the marketing & PR department? 19. What would be your MoS goals for Marketing for the term 15.16 ?
Section 4 : Functional Question – Public Relation Manager 14. What is the difference between marketing and PR activities in and outside of AIESEC context? 15. Why would we start PR function in AIESEC of Kuwait 16. In your opinion, how can PR support exchange operations? What will be your key strategies, activities to ensure the contribution of PR to exchange? 17. How can AIESEC in Kuwait, boost its online and offline presence? kindly elaborate on your answer and provide statistical data and facts.
Section 4 : Functional Question – F&L 14. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your area in AIESEC in Kuwait 15. What are the three main priorities of your area, what strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those points at the end of your term ? 16. What are the pros and cons of opening AIESEC as a company? Would you take this step ? 17. What are the main threats for AIESEC in Kuwait legalities ? 18. How can you support/work with the following: - oGCDP -TM -- Marketing & PR
Section 4 : Functional Question - TM 14. What are the three main priorities of your area, what strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those points at the end of your term ? 15. Create a coaching system for AIESEC in Kuwait members. What are the initiatives your will run to support the customization of coaching strategies ? 16. Define the profile of students that AIESEC in Kuwait is looking for 17. Design rewards and incentive system for AIESEC in Kuwait, mentioning award criteria per function. communication plan for the awards 18. How would you insure successful leadership pipeline for the entity ? 19. What would be your MoS goals for TM for the term 15.16
Section 5 : Functional Question - oGCDP 14. Conduct a SWOT analysis for Global Community Development (Exchange) Program in AIESEC in Kuwait 15. What are the two main priorities of your area, what strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those points at the end of your term? 16. Evaluate AIESEC in Kuwait exchange program processes and suggest 2-3 ways for improvement in each stage. 17. List down the countries that AIESEC in Kuwait could create partnerships with stating why, how and the relevance according to the global pool. 18. What are the top 3 universities that AIESEC in Kuwait should focus on building official relation with ? Why ? 19. What would be your MoS goals for oGCDP for the term 15.16
Section 5 : Functional Question – iGCDP & BD 14. What are the two main priorities of your area, what strategies would you propose for each iGCDP & BD? 15. What is the relevancy of iGCDP program in Kuwait? 16. What are the two main priorities of your area, what strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those points at the end of your term 17. In your opinion, what is the best way to attract companies/NGOs to partner with AIESEC ? Please answer this question as you are in a meeting with that company/org. 18. What would be your MoS goals for iGCDP and BD for the term 15.16
Contacts In case you have any questions or queries about the entity, the reality, the country, the JDs, etc, please don’t hesitate to contact:
Ayman Al-Saleh
Farah Al-Refaei
MCVP Fin & Legal
Ali Al-Yousefi
Duaa Al-Mousawi
MC Manager
Nouran Al-Bakri
MC Manager
All The Best ;)