2 Degrees of Separation
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Event Display RENTALS AND
ayoko D E S I G N
ayoko D E S I G N
P H O T O S : M A R I LY N C H A P M A N ( B O T T O M ) , O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y ( T O P )
Wee St tches
boonburger.ca ayoko D E S I G N
A Note from Yoko y name is Yoko Chapman. I am a Business Design and Marketing
Consultant with Ayoko Design Inc., spe-
cializing in graphic design for print and web marketing, branding and merchandising.
After a successful 14-year career with a
market research firm, I founded, owned and
operated Pulp & Circumstance, a sustainable event stationery business, retail outlet
and design studio in Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada. During my 12 years in business, I developed a wide range of eco-friendly products and services. In 2007, I launched
Greenvites™ Eco-Stationery, the first
100% post consumer waste, Forest Stewardship Council certified and biodegrad-
able wedding stationery line. Later that year, I spearheaded the development of Eco Luxe Event Design Group, Winnipeg’s first
collective of like-minded businesses offer-
Circumstance, moving to Ayoko Design seemed like a natural progression.
And after 12 years in business as a
designer and entrepreneur, I am thrilled to present the Ayoko Design Portfolio Maga-
zine! In addition to providing an outlet to
showcase the full scope of my past work, my main purpose in creating this magazine is
to sincerely thank the featured Winnipeg
artists and entrepreneurs for being part of my heart and soul, my endless inspiration
and my personal team of experts. Their un-
conditional support continues to motivate
ing eco-friendly products and services. In
me to work hard and give back to our local
duced, a line of co-branded stationery prod-
are all glowing examples of those who have
green wedding media company by Martha
inspire each other and collaborate to trans-
I coordinated several Green Business net-
projects have become my own. The evolu-
2009, VERT™ Yoko Chapman was intro-
entrepreneurial community. These women
ucts with WedVert/Portovert, voted the #1
combined their creative powers, to mutually
ASSISTANT GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ayame Ulrich | ayamekea@gmail.com
Stewart Weddings and the New York Post.
form great ideas into brilliant work. Their
PORTFOLIO PHOTOGRAPHER Erin Alexander | erinalexanderphotography@gmail.com
tion of creativity in their lives is truly ex-
CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Marilyn Chapman | marilynchapman@shaw.ca Dayle Goertzen | info@vintagebling.ca
working ventures developing relationships with television, newspapers, magazines and
other businesses in Canada and the United States. After a successful run with Pulp &
ayoko D E S I G N
citing and interesting to me, and continues to motivate me to be even more creative. I
have loved watching how each of them has
EDITOR Noreen Stevens | noreen.stevens@shaw.ca
continued to raise the bar for herself, and
portfolio. Building this necklace is a per-
brace change and move up to the next level.
all world-class talents, and I burst with
and dreams, then collaborate with others to
to get this portfolio magazine done has
cases how ideas can evolve, and have layers
so proud of what all these women (myself
bettered herself with every effort. They are pride when I see the growth we have experienced being part of each other’s lives.
I am so honoured and blessed, not
only to be inspired by all these outstand-
ing creative talents right here in Winnipeg, but to be part of the heart and soul projects
of all these incredible entrepreneurs! Over the two years I have worked on this portfolio project, I have come to realize that I
am completely spoiled to be part of a community where people truly believe that any-
thing is possible. Lots of people have great
ideas, but not everyone makes them happen. As creative people, we possess incredible vision and confidence that allow us to think
and speak ideas freely. As much as we cher-
ish our own ideas, we are also the first to recognize the benefits of collaborating and
sharing them with other like-minded talents, to put the pieces of the puzzle together
fect example of how I distill my thoughts
turn ideas into reality. The necklace showof meaning and complexity. My mother, Marilyn Chapman, who is an artist, as well, drew the illustration of this necklace so that
I could document its history for future generations. My dear friend and vintage jewelry designer, Dayle Goertzen, embraced the
task of artfully connecting all these special
my greatest strengths is my ability to bring
people together. There are no original ideas. Everything comes from something. We are inspired by other things and other people
and I am always looking for ways to connect
creative minds. Each feature article in this magazine illustrates just how people can be mutually inspired, and how ideas grow. Each of these incredible women has been
a role model to me, and has inspired me to significantly improve myself both on a personal and professional level.
The necklace featured on the cover is
a collection of family heirlooms and special
pieces that I have saved as keepsakes. I had the idea for the necklace and this portfolio when my daughter and I were looking
through my big drawer of family jewelry. I wanted a way to explain my legacy to my children, as I feel I am also doing with this
ers in our lives. I am thrilled to have finally completed this portfolio to showcase these
incredible examples of what creative minds can accomplish together.
Thank you to all the women featured
are what keep me going and thanks to all
does this necklace symbolize my family
history, it also illustrates how all the pieces
of my life are, literally and metaphorically,
ing my life complete. My works in progress these people and many others like them, that will likely not stop anytime soon.
I want to dedicate this project to all of
artistically linked. To me, it represents who
these special people in my life. My husband,
this way because of the help of many other
for their endless support and inspiration,
I am and what I am made of and that I am creative people.
My husband and kids have been my
my daughter told me she thought all my
and inspire us unconditionally. I feel one of
we are is a reflection of the influence of oth-
the necklace for the cover. Now, not only
photographer, took the beautiful picture of
necessity for the existence of a mutually dewho we can trust to be there, to support us
included) have accomplished. Everything
in this magazine and to my family for mak-
biggest supporters and have been inspira-
pendent, solid group of people in our lives
been like moving heaven and earth! I am
pieces for me. Erin Alexander, my portfolio
and make it happen!
I sincerely believe there is an absolute
Balancing my work and family life
tions in their own ways. A few months ago, friends were very talented. Even as a ten-
Curt Knudson, daughter, Elle, and son, Jay, and to my mom, Marilyn Chapman, for showing me that I could be an artist, and to
my late dad, Garry Chapman, for teaching
me that I share a common link with everyone.
year-old girl, she is able to recognize that there are very special people in my life. I
know she has learned so much from experiencing first hand the give-and-take relationships we have. One of my friends once
pointed out that, as working moms and especially as entrepreneurs, we should never
feel guilty about the time we spend away from our family to better ourselves and our careers. Doing so is not at their expense
but to their benefit. Our families are able
Printed with Soy Ink on Recycled Paper
to learn how to fulfill their own dreams by
seeing examples of creativity, independence, confidence, and motivation. When I closed
Pulp & Circumstance and shifted my focus to Ayoko Design my kids witnessed this metamorphosis, not as a loss but as quite
the opposite. They saw that, through this transition that temporarily compromised their family’s stability, there was constant
Š 2011 AYOKO DESIGN INC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced online or in print without the expressed and written permission of Ayoko Design Inc. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 204.612.5944 | www.ayokodesigninc.com
involvement and support from my friends and collaborators that helped me fully em-
ayoko D E S I G N
ayoko D E S I G N
inc.com P H O T O S : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y
1. 14K white gold, diamond Art Deco pendant belonged to my paternal grandmother, Alice Peebles (née Jakilazek).
2. Small 14K gold Oval Locket, “Yoko + Curtis 8-11-95”, was a wedding gift from my parents, Marilyn & Garry Chapman. Photo on left is Yoko, photo on right is Curt. 3. Gold cross pendant was worn by my paternal grandfather, Jack Peebles.
4. Scottish Lion Coat of Arms bracelet link belonged to my maternal great grandmother, Marion Elliot (née McQueen). 5. 10K gold heart was worn by my grandmother, Alice. 6. Antique gold heart belonged to my mother, Marilyn, purchased at an antique store on East Boulevard in Kerrisdale (Vancouver, BC).
7. Vintage Bling tag was added by Dayle Goertzen, the creator of this necklace.
4. 3.
8. Main chain, costume jewelry was worn by Curt’s maternal grandmother, Dorothy Campbell (née Irish), aka Gigi.
2. 7.
9. Scottish Lion Coat of Arms bracelet on main chain purchased in Scotland, belonged to my great grandmother, Marion and was given to her by her son, Bob.
10. 11.
10. Scottich Lion badge, “WON BY S.T.W.T. 1902”, the “X” is the “Scottish Horse Regiment” symbol, “S.T.W.T” is thought to stand for “Scotland Trans World Trophies” and to have belonged to my mother’s paternal grandfather, Frank Elliot.
6. 5.
11. Skeleton key belonged to my maternal grandmother, Marjorie Elliot (née Betts), and was used for her black metal lock box containing her important papers. She used to keep it under her bed and my mother, Marilyn, still has the box.
12. The Chinese coin was part of my father, Garry Chapman’s, coin collection when he was a boy. 13. Large gold oval locket, “ GOLD FILLED B”, “MCB” stood for “Marjorie Christina Betts”, my grandmother. It was a gift from her brother, Harry, and holds a photo of her brother, Garnett Betts, who died in WWII when the plane he was flying crashed in Belgium. Inside is engraved “IHIL” and “III IL” and “April 1949”.
14. Large silver heart (costume jewelry) with rhinestone border, “100 Kisses (heart) Elle, Jay, Curt & Yoko”, was a gift to Curt’s grandma, Dorothy (Gigi), on her 100th birthday. Gigi’s birthday was on Valentine’s Day.
17. Centre small pendant is an amber coloured glass bead, one of my mother, Marilyn’s, earrings (1990s). 18. Centre large pendant is amber coloured glass. My mother’s aunt, Chrys Chalmers (née McQueen), got it from Scotland and gave it to my mother as a gift. 19. Silver dog tag (costume jewelry), “ Merry Christmas 2002 Elle”, was a gift to Curt’s grandmother, Dorothy (Gigi), from my daughter, Elle. Etched photo is Elle at one. 20. Small 10K gold ring is my Human Ecology ring, from the University of Manitoba, 1994. 21. I found the 14-18K gold and diamond engagement ring at Woodwards grocery store at Arbutus Mall In Vancouver, BC (1981). The container of milk fell off the checkout counter, and when I bent down to pick it up, I found this ring. I was 11 years old and took it to the lost and found. No one claimed it after 4 months and I was able to keep it. 22. Large gold heart locket engraved “GHB” for “George Harry Betts”, my mother’s grandfather. The left photo is his father, the right photo is his mother. On the left hand side, there is a second photo behind that is George. 23. Pocket watch (costume jewelry), “SIMPLON” & “SWISS MADE”, small hand is at the “11”, missing the large hand, and the jewel is missing, purchased at the Bay in downtown Winnipeg. It was a “first Christmas” gift from my father, Garry, to my mother, Marilyn, in 1966. My mom was 15 years old and my dad was 16. My dad gave it to my mom with 2 stuffed tigers, one big and one small with the pocket watch around its neck. 24. 14K gold watch with 2 diamonds, “SWISS” & “Cornell 17 Jewels”, belonged to my grandmother, Alice. I wore it in high school. 25. Bronze medal, “M.B.C.S.U” on front, “1/2 MILE 1927 3rd C. Campbell”, stamped “R.J. ORR” on back, won by Curt’s maternal grandfather, Charles Campbell, for snowshoeing.
17. 14.
21. 23.
22. 19.
15. Large clear acrylic heart pendant with my grandparents’, Jack & Alice’s, photo at the Red River Exhibition in the 1940s. 16. 14-18K gold and diamond wedding band and wedding ring belonged to my grandmother, Alice. The main diamond was re-set into a new ring that I currently wear.
clearly recall the day I first had the idea for this portfolio magazine. I was looking through my jewelry collection with my then 8-yearold daughter, Elle. I had so many beautiful pieces that came from family but were not likely be worn on their own. Elle and I both own many vintage jewelry pieces made by my good friend, Dayle Goertzen, owner of Vintage Bling. I decided, then and there, that I would ask Dayle if she would take on a very special project - putting together all of these family treasures on one necklace for me to pass along to my daughter one day. I knew the result would be exactly what I had in mind, and sure enough, Dayle nailed it! I guess we have collaborated on enough projects now, that we just get each other. Dayle worked very hard on this and I truly believe that this necklace perfectly symbolizes my entire life… it is a collection of special memories, illustrates strong connections, collaborations and relationships, combines all my passions (my family, friends and business) - an incredible legacy! What could be more perfect to pass along to my daughter as well as illustrate the evolution of who I am today? I knew this project would not be complete until my mother, Marilyn Chapman, drew an illustration of this necklace and helped me create this legend documenting our family history. I could not have been more pleased with the final result!
ayoko D E S I G N
CONTEST! Nominate YOUR Favourite Business
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Celebrating Local Entrepreneurs!
The busine ss mus t b e a f u l l t i me
S impl y sc an th is QR Code or dow n l oad th e
e nte rprise , m ust h a ve b een i n o p er a t i o n
c on te st appl ic ation at w w w.ayokode sig n in c .c om
f o r at le ast 1 y e ar, & mu st b e b a sed i n
& e mail to yokoc h apman @ g mail .c om by th e
the city of Winnipeg
CONTES T DEADLINE, April 1, 2012
ayoko D E S I G N
IdentityCRISIS D E F I N I N G
ne of the biggest challenges facing a new or changing business, is figuring out how to define brand identity. An organization’s brand represents
how it wishes to be perceived in the marketplace. Brand can be seen by a consumer as a product, set of values, personality and market position.
Here are a few things to keep in mind, to help your business decide how to create a clear and strong brand identity… C O N T E N T
uild a brand model that is tailored to your company’s
unique values and corporate culture, and supports your
brand promise.
ollaborate with your customers, stakeholders and employees to determine your company’s best assets. Present polished
brand messages that are consistent in every application. A good first impression equals sales!
hoose attractive and effective visuals to deliver a powerful corporate promise. Keep things clear and simple.
ake lifelong customers that remember your company’s brand slogan or tagline. Exceed customer
expectations with outstanding after-sales service!
ayoko D E S I G N
. .
. .
. Meet Judy... The Model of A Successful Business Woman
. 14
ayoko D E S I G N
P H O T O S : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y ( T O P ) , L I Z E T T E G R I V I C I C ( C E N T R E L E F T ) , W I N N I P E G F R E E P R E S S ( C E N T R E R I G H T )
C O M PA NY ne of my clients once referred to me as a collector of creative people. It made me laugh, but it’s actually true. I’ve
been extremely fortunate to have come across these rare gems but, I have to say, in our fair city they are not hard to find!
I am always on the lookout for more but these 25 incredible
women are certainly among my list of favs! Each one of these wom-
en has a great deal to be proud of. In every case, they conduct their work with style, grace and professionalism. They are amazing role models for other women in business and world-class talents!
TOP: Yoko & Dayle Goertzen from Vintage Bling CENTRE LEFT: Yoko & Lizette Grivicic receiving the award for Best Booth Display, Wonderful Wedding Show 2011 CENTRE RIGHT: Krista Robertson, Lindsay Rakowski, Bonny Fraser, Yoko, Patty Boge (Eco Luxe Event Design Group), WInnipeg Free Press 2008 BOTTOM RIGHT: Yoko receiving Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist award 2008 JANZ EN PHO TOG RAPH Y
ayoko D E S I G N
Erin Alexander rin Alexander is a professional photographer, with a Bach-
elor of Human Ecology Clothing & Textiles from the Uni-
versity of Manitoba. Who knew someone other than me had this
degree? Unlike some photographers, Erin is not a natural born catherder or drill sergeant. Instead, she has a graceful and comforting nature that puts her clients at ease right from the start.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with many talented local pho-
tographers over the past 12 years, but I was looking for a particular mix of qualities to meet all my objectives for this project. She had to
be from Winnipeg, she had to be extremely talented, she had to be
someone that I had never worked with, she had to be able to cover
the gamut (people, places and things), she had to be an up-andcomer, she had to be someone that would, yet again, clearly illustrate
how two entrepreneurs could grow together from collaboration and, since 90% of my clients are women business owners, it worked out well that this perfect photographer was also a woman!
I first saw Erin’s work when Krista Robertson from Sweet Im-
pressions sent me a link to view photos from her daughter’s birthday
party at the bakery. Erin had taken great photos of everything; beau-
tiful product shots, people in action, smiling little faces, and pretty much everything in the room from floor to ceiling. It all looked in-
credible! Erin took great care to prepare and document every detail of this special time in this little girl’s life.
I was convinced she would do the same for my portfolio proj-
ect. I was also very optimistic that she would see the value in taking on such a huge endeavor. I recognized that she must be nervous
about meeting my expectations for the project, knowing full well that she would be holding my heart and soul in her hands, but I
could tell she was a very brave and competent woman and that she’d be up for the challenge and the opportunity to meet and work with some incredible people.
Erin’s photography style is truly nostalgic, capturing the es-
sence, the critical details that tell the entire story, the things we want to remember about special people and events in our lives.
Thank you, Erin, for helping me document the entire 52 page sum-
mary of my 12-year design career in style! This was no easy task. You are
w w w. er i nal exand erphotography.com
erin alexander photography
extremely talented and professional, and your work ethic is admirable. You have far exceeded my expectations, and I can say, with certainty, that
you were the perfect person for the task. I am very proud to be able to showcase your beautiful photographs, as well as share with others an inspiring example of how creative minds can grow from collaboration. I’m
sure many people in your situation would have perceived this opportunity Professional photography services including weddings, engagements, maternity, babies, kids, portraits, product shots, corporate events and head shots.
as a huge risk and way too much work, but you clearly understood the
value in this collaboration. Thank you for never doubting me, and for having the courage and confidence to trust a total stranger.
Erin took all the photographs in the Ayoko Design Portfolio
Magazine, unless otherwise indicated.
ayoko D E S I G N
I met Yoko Chapman when we worked together on an advertising project for Sweet Impressions bakery. Before our first face-to-face meeting, I had the chance to meet a few of her clients and was intrigued by the opportunity to work with her further. Yoko was certainly a woman whose reputation for design and marketing preceded her. I was impressed by her professionalism and organization. It was clear that she had an incredible drive for perfection and excellence in everything she does. I was flattered when Yoko asked me to be the photographer for her portfolio magazine. I knew she was putting a tremendous amount of trust in me to capture all the details in a way that would communicate her style and meet her high level of expectation. But, like Yoko, I love a good challenge and welcome the opportunity to move in new directions. Yoko offered me a long list of references to get in touch with before I committed to the project, so I could get a better sense of who she was. I actually declined to do so because something about her sparked an immediate trust and inclination to let things unfold and see where they would lead. I share Yoko's commitment to collaboration with local businesses, and the idea that when creative minds come together the results can be amazing. I had a good feeling that we would work well together. In working on this project, I had the opportunity to meet key players in almost every business featured in this magazine. For me, it was a great opportunity to make some fantastic new connections, several of whom I look forward to working with again. It was inspiring to be witness to the relationships Yoko has developed with the women I met. She has an uncanny ability to motivate people, to explore the possibilities and potential within their businesses, and to reach out and make new connections with others. Yoko’s network seems to have become her trusted friends, to whom she is completely loyal and who are committed to her in return. At the end of my part of this project, I was confident that Yoko would be the person I would want to help me fine tune my own business objectives and come up with a new branding strategy. Prior to working with her, I had switched logo designs a number of times and truly hadn't come up with anything that I loved and felt satisfied with. Yoko was able to separate what I liked in my current branding from what wasn't working for me, and fine tune it into something I love. Now my logo and branding not only convey my style as an artist, but are better targeted towards the type of client I look to attract. Yoko is honest in her opinions, and diplomatic when she expresses them. She is perceptive and insightful in her understanding of her clients’ needs. She has a dedication to her clients and her work that is truly inspiring. She is a rare and truly creative soul, not only with her keen sense of design, but in her approach to business development. She has a spirit for entrepreneurship that continues to serve her well time and time again. It has been an honour to work with Yoko on this project, and a remarkable journey to witness where she has come from in the past 12 years of her design career. I truly look forward to seeing what she will do next!
AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Re-design, Website Re-design, Blog Re-design, Ad Layouts, Business Card Design, Postcard Design, Strategic Planning and Organising
~ Erin Alexander
ayoko D E S I G N
Dayle Goertzen ayle Goertzen, vintage jewelry designer and creator of Vin-
tage Bling, is a perfect example of why I can’t do what I
do without inspiration and support from other creative minds. I
grew up around antiques but had no idea just how nostalgic I was, and how much I loved vintage jewelry, until I met Dayle. When I was planning Green Street, the eco-friendly exhibitor section at the
Wonderful Wedding Show in 2008, my friend Bonny Fraser suggested I contact Vintage Bling. Once again, I had stumbled upon
another world-class talent from Winnipeg. The Green Street Wedding Planning Seminars presented a bridal fashion show featuring
Vintage Bling jewelry. I also collaborated with Dayle on one of my Green Business ventures called Emerald City. Dayle and I worked
together to design and create wedding guest books and pens and one-of-a-kind greeting cards made from antique books and vintage costume emeralds.
I decided Dayle would be a great inspiration for my new
VERT™ Yoko Chapman Zero Carbon wedding stationery line (a co-brand with WedVert). I chose to call the line Nostalgia, inspired
by grandma’s jewelry box (and Dayle’s jewelry studio). Dayle’s studio absolutely took my breath away! Talk about sensory overload. The
final pieces were photographed and featured with all my stationery
online, and in catalogues. I even took them with me to launch the line at the National Stationery Show and The New York Academy
of Sciences in New York City in 2008. Celebrity event planner, Preston Bailey, was the keynote speaker at the launch event. Needless to say, he loved the vintage necklace I was wearing!
Hollywood’s introduction to Vintage Bling in 2008, at the Os-
car Gifting Suites and at the Golden Globes Oh Canada Gifting
Suites in 2010, received rave reviews. Dayle’s one-of-a-kind jewelry was an instant hit and quickly became a new favourite among celebrities and stylists alike. Vintage Bling has been worn by many celebrities, and has been photographed on the Red Carpet and
alongside the likes of Quintin Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaprio. Chantal Kreviazuk wore Vintage Bling when she played for Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to Winnipeg in 2010.
I want to sincerely thank you, Dayle, for helping make my dreams
ww w.v in tag eb ling.ca
vintage bling
come true. I was pretty sure, at the time, that my stationery launch in
New York City would be the most important event in my career. It was, up to that point. Since then you have helped me with an even bigger and
more important project - this portfolio magazine. You have consistently been a huge inspiration, and I literally could not have achieved these goals
without you. I am thrilled with the result of our most recent collaboration, One-of-a-kind costume jewelry created from vintage components. Hand made in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
and I know everyone will agree when they see your work on the cover
of this magazine. Not only have you helped me connect the pieces of my
legacy, you are also part of it. (It even says so on the little metal Vintage Bling tag attached to the clasp on the necklace.)
ayoko D E S I G N
red carpet
L I S A F R E I TA S , W E A R I N G
V I N TA G E B L I N G , W I T H
queen’s visit
AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Re-design (Original Logo Supplied by Client), Website Graphics, Ad Layouts, Business Card Design, Postcard Design, Trade Show Booth Design, Label Design, Strategic Planning and Organising (Celebrity Photos Supplied by VIntage Bling)
I answered the phone, and the woman on the other end of the line introduced herself to me as Yoko Chapman. She was calling about the Wonderful Wedding Show, and wanted to know if I would be interested in being part of something called “Green Street”. As she unpacked her vision for this eco wedding inspiration, I had an increasing sense that there was a lot more to this woman. I didn’t know it yet, but an amazing personal and professional relationship was born that day. From this first project together, I learned that if Yoko could see it, it could be. I realized that I should just “go with it” when she said
she had an idea, because Yoko is an incredible visionary who possesses the creativity and work ethic to make it all come together in the end. Whether or not I could see it was irrelevant. It wasn’t long before Yoko and I fed off each other with our various projects. Whether it’s my jewelry designs that inspire her graphics, or her graphic designs that pull things together for my exhibits and marketing, we often rely on each other for inspiration and support. Two of our biggest projects were the designs for the VERT™ Yoko Chapman statio-
nery line (a co-brand with WedVert) inspired by Vintage Bling jewelry designs, and Vintage Bling going to the Golden Globe Awards with Yoko’s help on all the publicity graphics. Above and beyond our professional relationship, our personal lives have become entwined. I have found a friend who is inspirational, supportive and challenging. We’ve laughed and cried together, listened to each other and encouraged one another. I feel indebted to Yoko for that initial invitation to be a part of her “big picture”. I just know there’s a lot more where that came from and I’m in, whatever it is!
~ Dayle Goertzen
ayoko D E S I G N
Marilyn Chapman riginally from Winnipeg, my mother, Marilyn Chapman, lives in Victoria, BC, where she works as a visual artist and
painter. Her favourite medium is acrylic on canvas. Her work has been on exhibit in galleries across Canada.
During my most recent trip to Victoria, my mom and I had
the opportunity to go through several family jewelry boxes. I came home with a few more pieces to add to the necklace that inspired my portfolio project.
I sent photos to my mom of the finished necklace made by
Dayle Goertzen from Vintage Bling and asked her to do a sketch
for my portfolio. When she sent me the drawing, it looked exactly
as I had expected. When she was in Winnipeg visiting, we sat down and made a list documenting where all the pieces came from so I
could create a legend explaining the origin of each piece. As we were inspecting the pieces, we discovered photos hidden behind photos inside the lockets. We were able to date some of the pieces back five generations in our family!
I really wanted to find a way to incorporate some of my mom’s
art into my portfolio magazine because, though we have not worked together in a professional context, we have worked on endless art projects together all my life. Just as my kids do now, I watched my mom and dad make and create everything around us. Though I grew
up in a house full of art and watched it being created almost daily,
it took awhile to see that I could make art and design a real career. Funny that I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
Thank you, mom (and my late dad), for making art intuitive for me.
I guess growing up with so much artistic activity in the household was like
living with a family that spoke a second language. It’s always been there and I’ve always known how to do it. Thank you for working with me
on this project. It was really important for me to illustrate how all of my experiences and special memories are connected!
ww w. m ar i l y nchapma n.ca
gonzales beach studio Organic works presented in acrylic, watercolour and mixed medium. Victoria, Brittish Columbia.
ayoko D E S I G N
G on zales Beach Studio
TOP ROW: Phosphorescence - acrylic on canvas , Budding Crescendo - acrylic on canvas CENTRE ROW: Inside Out - acrylic on canvas , A Capella Raindrops - acrylic on canvas BOTTOM ROW: Commonwealth - acrylic on canvas, Emptying Dewdrops - acrylic on canvas OPPOSITE PAGE: Waterfall - monoprint
ayoko D E S I G N
Ginny Devine, Lesie Turnbull & Rosemary Chambers worked at Viewpoints Research for 14 years, from high school
to motherhood. Partners Ginny Devine, Leslie Turnbull and
Rosemary Chambers, without question, presented the limitless op-
portunities and flexibility that helped me develop the skills I needed to become a confident entrepreneur and leader. Not only were they truly in line with my own personal values and ethics, they were role
models for any entrepreneur. They were outstanding examples of how to treat people with respect and trust, encourage open-minded thinking, and promote the importance of diversity in every aspect
of our daily living - and especially in the workplace. Viewpoints was not only a place where public opinion mattered, it was a place where it was encouraged and valued.
During my time at Viewpoints, I witnessed and experienced
first hand how a business could change, evolve and grow. Though it was not my business, Viewpoints was where I first thrilled at being
part of building a business and seeing the rewards. For a young
woman just starting out, this was the place to be! We had great chemistry, and although the work was demanding and stressful at
times, we also had a lot of fun. Every day we talked about food, fashion, family and friends, and still managed to get a whole pile of
work done efficiently. We were happy, and shared a mutual respect. What better work environment than this! We were serious about our work, but still took time to share many hilarious stories like
when one of the partner’s skirt fell off in the middle of Winnipeg
Square. Or how the same partner went to 7-11 with some loose change stuck to the magnet on her clip-on sunglasses. Ginny, Leslie
and Rosemary were salt-of-the-earth examples of how to keep your
feet on the ground, and conduct yourself in a professional manner with class, grace and a healthy sense of humour.
Ginny, Leslie and Rosemary continue to demonstrate how
people endure the change and evolution that a growing business demands. Viewpoints Research has been in business for over two
decades now, and although their business relationship has changed, Ginny, Leslie and Rosemary continue to be successful entrepreneurs. You three, my friends, were the ones who showed me how
to support, nurture and inspire others, and how to build the mutual
ww w.v iew p o i nts.ca
viewpoints research ltd. Customized polling, surveys and focus group research. Individual executive interviews, on-site intercept interviews and website testing.
respect that generates open-mindedness, creativity and success on both a personal and professional level.
Thank you, Ginny, Leslie and Rosemary, for all the incredible op-
portunities to learn about myself and develop my entrepreneurial skills, and for your constant support and encouragement, even 12 years after leaving Viewpoints. You are all glowing examples of what women are capable of! Chances are, I would have eventually caught on that I was meant to be in business for myself, but there is no doubt in my mind that
you three nurtured my confidence that anything is possible, and that I can always be myself.
ayoko D E S I G N
I have known Yoko Chapman for 25 years. She first began working at my business, Viewpoints Research while still a university student. After university, she was promoted to the position of Field Director where she oversaw the hiring and training of our call centre staff as well as the scheduling and implementation of all of Viewpoints Research projects across Canada. Although very young at the time, Yoko handled many difficult human resources issues with great skill, professionalism and maturity. She is also extremely organized and was able to balance many different demands at once. Overall, she excelled in her work and was a positive asset to our company. Yoko first started her business, Pulp & Circumstance, as a part-time home based venture, while still working at Viewpoints Research. When on maternity leave in 2002 she continued to develop and market her business and decided to pursue Pulp & Circumstance full-time. Yoko began marketing her stationery products through the Wedding Show and by word-of-mouth. From there she capitalized on the internet and new trends in e-business. She is an innovator and someone who works in a strategic manner with a business plan for growth. A true entrepreneur, she wasn’t satisfied with her tremendous level of success producing beautiful, quality products. She then created a complete line of eco-chic stationery products, using biodegradable, vegetable based inks made from 100% post consumer waste paper. She also organized a collective of four local environmentally-conscious companies to support and cross-promote their businesses. Yoko is incredibly creative and artistic. She can make anything and everything she makes is beautiful. An example of her talent is the award won in 2008 for the best booth at the Wedding Show. I never doubted that Yoko would be successful in business. She has talent, creativity and the ability to produce and market her work. Just as importantly though, she doesn’t neglect the business basics, such as a solid business plan. Yoko is an energetic, driven, committed person whose business I have no doubt will continue to thrive.
~ Ginny Devine
I first met Yoko Chapman in 1989 as a university student who worked part-time at Viewpoints Research where I was a partner. Yoko worked her way up in our company over the next several years, showcasing her competence, intelligence, reliability and excellent people skills. The work called upon her “responsible” side, but did not speak to her creative side. So naturally she started a business in her free time! Seasonal cards and candles were her first venture. She hit the Christmas craft sales and sold to her friends from home. My favourite were beeswax sushi candles. They were amazing! After her first child was born, when she was not busy being a mom, the creative and entrepreneurial side of Yoko took over. She ventured into the world of unique wedding invitations, among other things. Her friends learned to leave her be in January, as preparation for the Wedding Show included not only creating wedding stationery, but also designing award-winning booths for herself and others. Yoko is one of the most creative and artistic people I know. She puts 100% of herself into everything she does and is unfazed by challenges and setbacks. She’s a great collaborator and has vision and drive - important keys to entrepreneurial success. Now that Yoko is transitioning into a new chapter in her life and career, she’ll bring all her past experience with her and once again blaze a trail. PHOTO: SUSHI CANDLES YOKO CHAPMAN
~ Rosemary Chambers
ayoko D E S I G N
Colleen Deckert t didn’t take long after meeting and working with Colleen Deckert at Viewpoints Research, for me to realize she was the
woman who would start me along the entrepreneurial path. Colleen was my first real, live entrepreneur - a woman who was leveraging her creative inclinations into a career.
At the time, Colleen worked full time for Viewpoints, but
also ran a small gourmet spice mix business on the side. Hmmm… seemed like a great idea! Once I got wind of Colleen’s entrepreneurial ventures, my brain kicked into full gear. For several years, Col-
leen was my personal trainer on how to operate a home enterprise. Colleen and I moved on to other opportunities but, to this day, she continues to open new doors for me and my business.
After leaving Viewpoints, Colleen took on a new role as Di-
rector of Corporate Meetings & Incentives for Investors Group in Winnipeg. As my business evolved, Colleen and her colleagues have
continued to be loyal clients. Every year, the projects get more and
more exciting and I enjoy challenging myself and incorporating more elaborate creative elements with each one.
Colleen’s busy work life made it difficult for her to find the
time for Herbal Gatherings, but she continues to thrust her creative and artistic inclinations into her work. From the perspective of an
outsider like me, it seems that in her current role as a corporate event
planner, she’s required to have a degree of skill, precision, flexibility, creativity, stamina and the ability to juggle, comparable to that of a
circus performer. Every time she goes on the road it’s “show time”. There is no room for error and, for Colleen, no detail can be overlooked. She is a seasoned professional, and hits the ground running every time.
Thank you, Colleen, for being my “light bulb”. You are truly a bright
and shining example of how creativity is a force to be reckoned with! Thank you as well, for the lifetime supply of Calcutta Curry gourmet spice
mix! Just like you, it has become a staple in my life. (Since we’re talking about food, it’s okay to be cheesy!)
herbal gatherings All-natural, herbal gourmet spice mixes, made in Winnipeg, Manitoba!
ayoko D E S I G N
Yoko and I met in 1996 when we worked together at Viewpoints Research and I got to know Yoko very well. At the time, I operated a part-time home enterprise creating gourmet spice mixes and Yoko had just begun to explore starting her own business. It didn’t take long to discover that we both possessed very strong artistic and creative characteristics, and we quickly built a relationship where we shared ideas and worked together to strategize and plan new products for our businesses. Over the next few years, I had the pleasure of watching her business blossom and grow. Yoko always took a great deal of care when planning and designing her products and the results were always extremely innovative, one-of-a-kind and high quality. In 2000, I moved to a job at Investors Group, which gave me the opportunity to be involved in the planning of corporate meetings and events. In my role as a Director of Corporate Meetings & Incentives, I have had many opportunities over the years to work with Yoko on countless projects where she has designed fabulous, unique paper creations for our corporate functions all over the world. When Yoko introduced her new environmentally friendly product line to our event planning staff at Investors Group my colleagues and I were delighted because it was a perfect fit with Investors Group’s initiative to switch over to “greener” event planning practices. As a corporate event planner, I have a true understanding of the resources required to produce an event on a large scale. Producing a corporate event has been compared to “building a mini city and tearing it down again”. Every effort to reduce waste and minimize the event’s environmental impact along the way is absolutely essential. Paper waste reduction has become a major focus and will continue to be so in years to come. The Greenvites Eco-Stationery line gave new options with a recycling service that provides an outlet to offset the event’s environmental impact by refurbishing used stationery into new designs, and donating a portion of sales to the Forest Stewardship Council. It has been a privilege working with Yoko and her 2008 nomination for Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award came as no surprise. She has always been a woman of vision, and is a hard-working, creative and dedicated individual, a true example of a model woman entrepreneur.
TA N C E B O O TH 19 99
ayoko D E S I G N
Noreen Stevens y friendship with Noreen Stevens is yet another treasured
outcome of my time at Viewpoints Research. Noreen
and I collaborated and job-shared for many years. Kindred spirits, we shared many common threads, including sometimes competing
obsessive compulsive tendencies, a love of systems and colour-cod-
ing, vintage Sesame Street figurines, artistry, creativity and nostalgia. Examples of our creative collaborations continued on at View-
points, many years after I left. Some were more useful than others, but my favourite collaboration with Noreen was creating the official Viewpoints currency, a $1 call centre shift premium we called “The
Phonie”. I suggested the idea to Noreen and she quickly put her cartooning skills to work creating a bill that looked like Canadian
currency but portrayed Queen Elizabeth II wearing a telephone
headset. Noreen and I were quite proud of ourselves and the final product and our interviewing staff loved “The Phonie”.
Noreen and I share a common work ethic and sincerely ap-
preciated the efforts the other made to build a better system. We are creators, organizers and builders, and we both care about people and
value a diverse and flexible work environment. Noreen continues to
work at Viewpoints but has always made time for creative projects, as well. Recently she started a new creative enterprise with her part-
ner Jill. For Noreen and Jill, a carpenter by trade, Old Green Canoe is as much a way of life, as it is a business. Long time vintage collec-
tors, these women troll for treasures (the ‘old’ in Old Green Canoe),
often diverting them from the landfill and fixing them up (the ‘green’ in Old Green Canoe), then market them to buyers worldwide.
Thank you, Noreen, for helping me recognize that I possess many of
the same values and characteristics that I admire in you. Working with you affirmed that I was on the right track, my ideas could be shared and
valued by others, and that they, in fact, did work. Not only was my time working with you rewarding, it was a lot of fun. Your unique and creative contributions to our shared workspace were always an inspiration!
ww w. oldg r eenca noe.etsy.com
old green canoe Vintage. Restoration. Handcraft.
An online marketplace for found and restored vintage goods and fine handcrafted items.
ayoko D E S I G N
I have known Yoko Chapman since 1995 when she employed me at Viewpoints Research. Yoko began working at Viewpoints in 1988. While still in her early 20s, Yoko was promoted to the position of Field Director, a job of some scope and responsibility overseeing scheduling, human resources and general management of the call centre and its staff of approximately 100 telephone interviewers and supervisory staff. Yoko brought boundless energy, vision and attention to detail to her role as Field Director. She oversaw the transition of our call centre from a 20 station operation conducting surveys on paper to a fully computerized 28 station call centre. She designed and implemented systems for our call centre in the early 1990s that are still in place today because, quite simply, they work. In 1996, I became a Field Supervisor, and began a period of working more closely with Yoko. Yoko encouraged her staff to take initiative and we increasingly worked collaboratively on projects and ideas to streamline Viewpoints’ operations. As a practising visual artist working in design, illustration and comic art, I was aware of Yoko’s educational background and creative interests. It seemed, then, a logical step when she negotiated a job share arrangement for her Field Director position to pursue her creative interests and began her home-based business, Pulp & Circumstance. In 1999 Yoko and I began a challenging job share that required clear communication to ensure that no stitches were dropped in a fast-paced, details-rich environment. Within the scope of our responsibilities at Viewpoints, Yoko and I were a great team. We pushed each other to continually improve our call centre and had fun doing it; brainstorming ideas, building upon them and making the Viewpoints Call Centre both an efficient operation and a positive, accommodating workplace. Yoko had other dreams, though, and in 2002 she resigned from Viewpoints Research to focus her energy on Pulp & Circumstance and her young family. I have always admired Yoko’s focus, drive and energy in all that she does, but in particular in building her home-based business amid the chaos and distraction that two pre-schoolers bring to a household. The growth of Pulp & Circumstance in a few short years is a measure of Yoko’s commitment to personal and business success. She continually explores new trends, ideas and markets to develop clear plans for growth, then rolls up her sleeves and puts her plans into action. Yoko’s creativity and innovation are seemingly boundless. It can be seen in the extensive range of her products, each one beautiful, and also in the way that she has capitalized on emerging trends in e-business to reach her market and position Pulp & Circumstance for growth. Collaboration was a mark of my relationship with Yoko at Viewpoints Research and continues to be a theme for Yoko. The Eco Luxe Event Design Group, a collaboration between several businesses including Pulp & Circumstance, wisely drew upon a range of expertise and successes that complemented one another and provided clients with more choice, more product and greater scope. Yoko has accomplished a great deal over the years, yet I sense she has only just begun and a very bright future lies ahead.
~ Noreen Stevens
ayoko D E S I G N
Krista Robertson , Lindsay Rakowski & Aynsley Rosin indsay Rakowski, Krista Robertson and I met in 2004 at
the Wonderful Wedding Show. We were exhibitors and,
for three solid days, talked endlessly about our businesses. We were
instantly drawn to each other and immediately recognized the po-
tential for what has proven to be a long-lasting, mutually inspiring, professional and personal relationship.
Right from the beginning, “The Cookie Girls” and I were a
perfect match! I recognized the potential for their products’ market-
ability and, from that point forward, worked with them to promote their brand image. Designing their 1950s-inspired pink retro kitch-
en trade show booth was one of the highlights and turning points of my design career.
Sweet Impressions won the best booth award at the show. It
was also the first time we cross-marketed our products. Lindsay and Krista made beautiful cookies and cupcakes to match my wedding stationery designs. People instantly made the connection when they
saw our booths across from each other at the show and, from that point forward, we have continued to collaborate on many projects.
Lindsay, Krista and I, expressed our collaborative efforts more
formally when we opened stores side-by-side on Tache Avenue in
2008. We have always operated as separate businesses, but I’m confident that we can all say that, at times, we feel as if we own shares
in each other’s enterprises. We worked together as Eco Luxe Event
Design Group, and have been fortunate to share various promotional opportunities in magazines, newspapers and local television.
Lindsay and Krista have always been among my biggest sup-
porters. They will do anything to help me out, and I know they will always be around to support and inspire me in the future.
In 2011, The Cookie Girls took on a new business partner,
Aynsley Rosin - a perfect compliment! This year has been Sweet Impressions' biggest year ever. They have opened their new holiday
store at St. Vital Centre, and moved their main location to Stafford
Square, at the corner of Taylor and Harrow. They have expanded their offerings to include more great products, workshops and gift-
ware. Sweet Impressions' newest venture, will be the launch of the Let’s Bake line of 100% nut free frozen cookie dough cake and cup-
w w w. sw eetim pressions.ca
sweet impressions
cake batter, frosting and sprinkles. I was thrilled when they asked me
to create the branding and packaging for their new product line. I know they will be keeping me very busy for years to come!
Thank you, Lindsay, Krista and Aynsley, for your loyal friendship,
undying support and your “love and devotion”. You continue to be my
best examples of entrepreneurial collaboration and are on my short list Bakery. Studio. Giftware. Specializing in 100% nut free, custom decorated and hand made cookies, cakes and cupcakes. Cookie and cake decorating parties & workshops. Let’s Bake 100% nut free frozen cookie dough, cake & cupcake batter, frosting & sprinkles.
ayoko D E S I G N
of world-class talents, right here in Winnipeg! I have always been proud
to be your friend and sincerely appreciate the give-and-take relationship
that we share. My children have also enjoyed being part of your evolution, and have learned so much about how to make creativity lucrative, and how to master a piping bag!
P H O T O B O T T O M R I G H T: K R I S TA R O B E R T S O N , L I N D S A Y R A K O W S K I & Y O K O , W I N N I P E G F R E E P R E S S 2 0 0 8
Original Sweet Impressions Logo Supplied by Client
AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Design, Website Graphics, Ad Layouts, Business Card Design, Postcard Design, Trade Show Booth Design, Labels and Packaging Design, Newsletters Design, Store Displays and Signs, Strategic Planning and Organising
Sweet Impressions’ testimonial of love and devotion... Yoko Chapman has a flawless ability to tailor innovative, upscale designs from simple ideas and concepts. Through collaboration, our companies have cross-marketed products and advertising campaigns over the past eight years. Her success stems from her creative soul, powerful work ethic, attention to detail and determination to deliver her clients top quality results. I am thankful that Yoko has played a large part in the evolution of Sweet Impressions, and will continue to be a part of our company's future.
~ Krista Robertson
ayoko D E S I G N
Patty Boge first met Patty Boge in 2006 when she approached me to help her create a new look for her wedding show booth, and design
a new logo for her business, Off The Page Photography. Soon after
we met, I was looking for a photographer to do some product shots for my new Greenvites Eco-Stationery line. I asked Patty to take a few photos for me. Before long I had Patty lined to up to shoot
thousands of photos for my stationery line. Not only did Patty do
great work, she was extremely efficient and professional. Together, we plowed though weeks' worth of work, in just a couple days!
Patty was always full of energy and ideas. When I decided to
open my store front and design studio on Taché Avenue, she was
right in there helping me set up. She even recruited her family to
help me out. In addition to painting walls, shopping for flooring, and installing furniture, Patty was also my one-woman, on-site tech support team.
Patty is a true entrepreneur, and is always thinking about new
business ideas. For the past several months, she has been develop-
ing an exciting NEW business called Cooking Partyz! Not only is Patty a great photographer, she’s also an extraordinary cook. Her new business concept is absolutely genius! She coordinates and hosts
cooking parties where a group of people get together to make weeks'
worth of meals together. Her customers walk away after a full day of cooking, with large containers full of food to take home for their
families. Patty’s recipes are delicious and economical, but most importantly, busy working parents can save tons of time making dinner when they get home from work and it’s all food kids will eat!
Thank you, Patty, not only for sharing so much valuable knowledge
while I was setting up my design studio and business on Taché, but for being such a positive and motivating force in my life when my business
was going through major changes. I learned so much from you, and can’t wait to sign up for a cooking party with my friends. The idea of making
40+ meals for my entire family without having to go grocery shopping, is
w w w. c oo kin g partyz .com
cooking partyz
Keep it Simple. Make it Fun. Make a Ton. Cook meals by the masses, and walk away with enough delicious dinners to last you for days! All the shopping and most of the chopping is done for you! Perfect for busy working parents.
ayoko D E S I G N
absolutely brilliant (just like you)!
Yoko and I met in 2006 at the Wonderful Wedding Show in Winnipeg where one of the booths Yoko designed won the prize for Best Booth Display. I was extremely impressed with her brilliant concept to replicate a pink 1950s retro kitchen to promote Sweet Impressions bakery. I approached Sweet Impressions to inquire about their original booth design and they directed me to Yoko. I couldn’t wait to meet with her to discuss ideas for the presentation and layout of my booth, and an overall brand. Just a few months later, Yoko met with me to develop a new image for my business including a new logo, website design and wedding show booth design. She combined what she had learned about me with forecasted market and design trends and a high dose of creativity, to come up with a collection of ideas for my business’ new brand. At around the same time Yoko started thinking about transforming her own home-based stationery business. She had been in business a few years and felt a need to embrace emerging trends and e-business. She focused on developing better ecological practices for paper and ink usage and also worked hard on strategic web placement to maximize her growth potential. Yoko invited me to form Eco Luxe Event Design Group along with her business and two other companies in an effort to promote “green” event products and services to Winnipeg and other Canadian markets. She was quick to recognize that I had already been providing and implementing eco-friendly services for my clients, and encouraged me to promote myself and my company further in this direction. Our alliance has been fruitful, and I am confident we will continue to work together to offer even more environmentally friendly services to our customers in the future. Yoko is incredibly organized and committed to her plans for growth. Her energy inspires me and her positive attitude makes me think we will hear much more about her in years to come. When I work with Yoko taking photos of her products, she’s the one organizing the shoot schedule, props and angles, and she comes to the studio ready to work. Her impact on my business and personal development have been significant. She has taken my image to a higher level and my clients are all very impressed. I’m also proud to have Yoko as a friend who listens and very often takes time away from her busy life to help me.
~ Patty Boge
P H O T O S : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y
PHOTOS: OFF THE PAGE PHOTOGRAPHY AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Design, Website Graphics, Ad Layouts, Trade Show Booth Design, Strategic Planning and Organising COOKING PARTYZ LOGO: Supplied by Client
ayoko D E S I G N
ww w. xl abi ntera ctive.com
xlab interactive
Award-winning Winnipeg Web Design and Internet Marketing Company.
ayoko D E S I G N
007 was “go big or go home” year for Pulp & Circumstance. I had just finished up two years of product development for my Greenvites Eco-Stationery line. I was about to start advertising and marketing internationally, and I was looking for a web design company to create a complex shopping cart website. As always, I asked my techie guru friend, Patty Boge, where I should go to get a great website. She recommended her friend, Alex Morrison, from XLAB Interactive. To this day, every time I walk away from a visit with Alex, I’ve learned something new. Our first meeting about my website was no exception. Alex knew from the start exactly what I was looking for, and helped me create a website that met all my objectives. Alex is not just an award winning web design and internet marketing expert, she was Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007. Alex is also a digital and photographic artist, winner of the Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year 2009 and Manitoba Photographer of the Year 2011. She instantly grasped the full scope of my goals for my business and, as an artist and entrepreneur herself, she really understood me. Online marketing is one of the most important purchases you will make for your business. Website, blog and email marketing templates can be purchased cheaply and easily online, but they are not designed specifically for their unique customers. Face-to-face contact helps the designer understand their clients’ individual needs, and establishes trust and accountability. Communicating with an online company can be like talking to the Wizard of Oz. When it comes to designing an important tool to market your business, it’s really a lot better without the element of mystery. When you need tech support and advice, you want to talk to a real person who can answer your questions and fix your problems immediately. When your website provider knows you personally, it’s a lot easier to find a speedy solution versus firing off an email inquiry into cyberspace. Purchasing a template online will save you a few bucks at the beginning but then you’re on your own. By consulting with a local web designer and marketing expert like Alex, you will be sure to purchase the right tool for the job and will always be able to access the support you need. Alex took the time to get to know me. She designed several amazing websites for me that not only facilitated international sales online but also helped establish me as an industry leader, ultimately leading to other incredible, once-in-a-lifetime business opportunities. Thank you, Alex, for your never-ending encouragement and inspiration, and for taking the time to fully understand my goals for my business. I was so honoured when you nominated me for the Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2008. Being chosen as a finalist was really exciting, but the fact that I was nominated by you, the previous year’s winner, was even more rewarding. You gave me so much support and reassurance that I was on the right path for my career, at an important transitional period in my life!
P H O T O : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y
Alex Morrison
My firm, XLAB Interactive, worked with Yoko to help her execute her online business strategy for her line of eco-friendly stationery. As a fellow entrepreneur I see all the characteristics of business success in Yoko. Recognizing the untapped market for environmentally friendly products, Yoko didn’t just launch a new line of products on the assumption they were needed, she conducted exhaustive research both with her clients and online, using the Internet as her marketplace. Armed with real data, she used this market intelligence to neatly fill a demand that was yearning for a solution. Yoko sees the reach of the internet and its ability to help her tap into the “long tail” of market niches, and to venture where no mass marketing business would dare. Because Yoko understands the new age of commerce on the web, her clients now come from the USA, Europe and beyond. Yoko has a well articulated vision for her company and since the beginning of our relationship, I have seen her carefully plan and act on this vision. Each step or tactic in her plan has been acted upon and realized. Yoko truly has the ability to see the future, and trends that are not mere fads but those deep shifts in our society, the ones that great entrepreneurs seize upon to gain “first mover” advantage. I have no doubt Yoko will become a Canadian success story, and an example of the successful execution of a dream, a vision, and a business plan. This vision and her ability to plan tactically to achieve her dreams set Yoko apart.
~ Alex Morrison
e gr P H O T O S : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y
vi t es.
Something old Something new Something borrowed Something
ayoko D E S I G N
Liz Duerksen iz Duerksen is the Associate Publisher of the Manitoba Edition of Weddingbells Magazine and, in my mind, matri-
arch of the Winnipeg wedding world! Liz has had an interesting
and diverse career. She worked as a hostess at Rae & Jerry’s Steak House, seating the likes of Bobby Hull, Phil Esposito and Anders
Hedberg to finance her way through Creative Communications at
Red River College and studies at The University of Winnipeg. She majored in Advertising, minored in TV, and then worked as a TV
/ Radio commercial writer and producer in Thunder Bay, Prince George, and here in Winnipeg at CKY, Global and WTN. Televi-
sion was great fun for Liz, with bonus opps including hauling cable at field level at Bomber games, writing ads for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the Symphony Orchestra and the Bombers, meeting local
and international celebrities including Al Pacino, Jay Leno, Mikhail
Baryshnikov, Evelyn Hart, Jan Arden, Alanis Morissette and others. Then Liz got married, had two daughters and switched gears. She
quit TV and started working from home as Associate Publisher for Weddingbells Magazine.
It goes without saying that Liz is a seasoned industry veteran,
but the main thing I feel she should be recognized for is her abil-
ity to bring like-minded people and businesses together. Every year, Liz hosts the Weddingbells Networking Luncheon which gives all her advertisers the opportunity to get to know one another and get
to know their competition. The first time I attended this event as a guest I realized there were a lot of people out there just like me. I had
allies, and everyone I met was a valuable resource. Thanks to Liz and her Weddingbells Networking Luncheon I felt I was officially part of the local wedding business community.
When I was launching my new Greenvites Eco-Stationery line
and decided to advertise in Weddingbells Magazine nationally, I really got to know Liz. She is one of those people I feel like I’ve known
forever because she has been a constant fixture and support in my
career at every turning point. For the Spring & Summer 2008 issue featuring Eco-Chic Celebrations, Weddingbells’ head office con-
tacted me to submit photographs for my new Greenvites line. I was
really excited by this opportunity and was absolutely thrilled when
ww w.w eddi ngb ells.ca
weddingbells magazine Weddingbells is the modern, savvy, style-conscious bride-to-be’s authority on everything Wedding! Brides trust Weddingbells and weddingbells.ca to bring them the latest ideas and inspirations in fashion, beauty, planning details, living trends, and honeymoons to help them create their dream wedding.
ayoko D E S I G N
I saw the cover shot for the issue! It was all about green weddings
and several photos of my work had been featured on the inside pages as well.
Thank you, Liz, for always being in my corner. I wouldn’t have had
the opportunity to be featured so prominently in Weddingbells and in the local and national wedding community without your encouragement and
support. You continue to be my bridge-building model and are a true ex-
ample of how one person can bring a community together. Because of your examples and philosophy, I have had the confidence to go out on many
limbs and learn a lot more about my industry and, more importantly, myself.
It is an absolute pleasure to reflect on, and write about, the abilities and accomplishments of Yoko Chapman. I have known Yoko for over 10 years through our association in Manitoba’s Wedding Business Community. Yoko is a world-class artist with unique and original designs that would stand out in any market internationally. Yoko is a very savvy and extremely hardworking business person. She is innovative and ahead of her time when it comes to taking initiative in a progressive direction. She has gone from a small homebased business to having her own store in Winnipeg, world wide internet sales, and was a community leader in saving the planet with her Greenvites line and her launch of Eco Luxe Event Design Group. When I first met Yoko, I just watched her! She had a booth right across from mine at the Wonderful Wedding Show and, when you are across from someone for three eight-hour days, you tend to notice them, especially when they are as creative as Yoko. Yoko’s company was called “Pulp & Circumstance” which in itself was brilliant to me. Her booth and invitation work outshone any of the others at the show, hands down, and I remember wondering if she realized how incredibly talented she is. It was a pleasure to have her work grace the pages of the Manitoba edition of Weddingbells Magazine, and an even greater pleasure getting to know this amazing young woman whose work I had admired across the convention centre aisle. The other thing about Yoko is that, once she befriends you, she will be a true and loyal friend for life and do anything for you. Yoko is always ahead of her time! Before “green” was even in, Yoko started creating so that eco-savvy brides could say “I Do” with stylish and environmentally friendly stationery. Yoko took it beyond paper, using soy based inks and vegetable dyes to help prevent air and water pollution as well. It’s just the way she is. She never goes half way. It’s perfection or nothing. Yoko’s green designs soon graced the national pages of Weddingbells and she became an “authority” the magazine would call on for all matters green. And it wasn’t just Weddingbells who was watching her. When the number one green wedding site in North America wanted to launch a line of chic wedding stationery, who did they call? Yoko Chapman! Hers was the first green and carbon-neutral wedding stationery line - VERT™ Yoko Chapman (a co-brand with WedVert) - and it was unveiled at the National Stationery Show, followed by a launch event in New York City in May 2009 with special guest, celebrity event planner, Preston Bailey! Inspired by vintage finds and “grandma’s jewelry box”, this stationery collection was fresh and modern but with a throw back to bygone eras like Hollywood Glam of the ’30s and Chic Bohemian ‘70s. Our Yoko had made the big time and I envisioned her moving to New York, never to be seen again. I was thrilled for her, but also sad at the thought she may no longer be around. Instead…Yoko took a step back. And here’s where loyalty, grace and humility took over. She left it all. She walked away from the “bright lights”. She closed her store and decided to work on a new project…her young family. Yoko chose the freedom to be there for her family and I respect her more than ever. I know she’s still going harder and faster than most people who have “jobs” and she’s scheming and dreaming up all kinds of interesting projects mostly because Yoko cannot sit still. Yoko cannot stay down. Yoko creates. And she creates so well!
As seen in Weddingbells, Spring + Summer 2008
~ Liz Duerksen
ayoko D E S I G N
Bonny Fraser ands down, Bonny Fraser is without a doubt the most
talented and creative floral and event designer in the
entire world. World-class! It might have something to do with her
being a former Air Canada flight attendant who has traveled the
world, but I’m more inclined to think there’s just something in the water here in Winnipeg. This town seems to be chock-full of worldclass talents, and I am lucky enough to know several of them.
During Bonny’s 25-year career with Air Canada, she visited
international flower and garden shows, met famous floral and gar-
den designers, and studied at The Chelsea Physic Garden and Paula Pryke Flower School in London, England. My Secret Garden officially debuted at the Wonderful Wedding Show in 2004, and won
the Best Booth Award in 2005 and 2008. Shortly after opening her
flower shop in Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District, Bonny won The Exchange Biz Style Award.
The first time Bonny and I worked together on a project was
planning the launch of Eco Luxe Event Design Group. Our goal
was to showcase local businesses with eco-friendly and top qual-
ity offerings in the wedding and event industry. Bonny worked for months doing research and planning. She scouted out the most incredible location for our launch party, the recently renovated Birks store in The Exchange. She booked Chef Ben Kramer to prepare
incredible organic appetizers for our guests, Banville & Jones to provide organic wines, Crystal Dreams to carve an ice sculpture of a tap
to dispense local tap water instead of using bottled water, all perfect
compliments to the eco-friendly products and services offered by Eco Luxe.
Bonny has since designed the flowers for all the special events
in my life, including the grand opening of my design studio, and the
launch of my new Greenvites line at the Wonderful Wedding Show. When I created 12 life-sized, green paper brides for my wedding
show booth, Bonny made 12 beautiful hand-tied bouquets for my
display. I was extremely pleased with the outcome of all my hard work, but when Bonny added her flowers to the display, it brought
those crazy, C-3PO paper droid-brides to life… and me to tears! The flowers were spectacular and smelled wonderful!
w w w. my sec r e tga rd end esign.com
my secret garden
I won the Best Booth Award that year, and a tip of the hat goes
to my good friends Bonnah Rachul and Lisa Johnston who worked like maniacs with me to get that booth set up. Bonny’s flowers were the finishing touch!
Thank you, Bonny, for all your beautiful work, for trusting me to de-
sign the branding and logos that represent you heart and soul, for inspirComplete floral design and event planning services including hand-tied bouquets and arrangements, gifts
ing me to set even higher standards for myself and my own work, and for
allowing me to work alongside a world-class talent like you. You have also given my children the opportunity to learn how to appreciate the beauty
and event rentals.
in nature, and recognize extraordinary works of art when they see them.
ayoko D E S I G N
I met Yoko during my first year as an exhibitor at the Wonderful Wedding Show in 2004. The first thing I loved was her name. She must have been born in the 70s, I thought. I was immediately drawn to her innovative booth design and unique stationery products. I also loved her business name, Pulp & Circumstance. I immediately knew that many people wouldn’t get the play-on-words, but I did, and I thought how gutsy to use it anyways. She was above the norm in my estimation. We became acquaintances, and then friends, while working together on an event for Weddingbells Magazine in 2007. Later that year, Yoko approached me to design flowers for her booth at the upcoming Wonderful Wedding Show. I was flattered, and amazed, not only at the booth she had designed, but also that she was launching an eco line of stationery which would be available worldwide. Then came the invitation to join Eco Luxe Event Design Group in 2008. Our concept of four environmentally conscious companies working together to offer custom designed weddings and events was well received by the public and press at the show - even more so when Pulp & Circumstance and My Secret Garden both won Best Booth Awards. Yoko's booth was astounding - twelve 3D brides created entirely from paper, each one unique from dress embellishment to hair and shoes. The concept, painstaking detail, and the time involved in creating these pieces of art, not to mention the stationery, made it clear that she was not only an artist, but also a visionary. We worked together on The Eco Luxe Event Design Group Gala Launch, held at Birks’ new Main Street location. Yoko not only created and supplied all of the stationery items, but was solely responsible for the advertising, press releases, mission statement, and was also spokesperson for Eco Luxe. Working with Yoko on this event illustrated her tireless energy, determination, sense of responsibility and natural business sense. It was clear that she was someone who I could depend on, trust, and work with. Since launching Eco Luxe, the group has been featured in the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Women Magazine, and has advertised in Western Living. Yoko’s work has been featured in The Chamber Wire and Weddingbells Magazine. Yoko was nominated, and chosen as a finalist for the Women's Entrepreneur of The Year Award in 2008. Yoko organized "Green Street" at The Wonderful Wedding Show in 2009, which offered Eco-Chic wedding planning options. Green Street was featured in The Wonderful Wedding Show Guide in the Winnipeg Free Press. All “firsts” and amazing concepts of her own brought to reality because of Yoko’s education, but more so her vision, determination, business savvy, selflessness, and ability to stay calm and unbiased in difficult situations. She is skilled at knowing when change is needed and implementing it. And she has more stamina than I (but I am a lot older)! Yoko’s two children, Elle and Jay, are very lucky to have her for a mom. They have inherited her creative side and she has taught them to truly appreciate the talent in others. I wonder if they know how lucky they are; the parties, the costumes, the adventures, the magic, and the love that surrounds them. I think Yoko’s goal is to drag me kicking and screaming into the 21st century world of business, in a supportive way. She is also continually telling me how talented I am, and how much she appreciates my friendship. “Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads” (Erica Jong). Yoko has both talent and courage but, more importantly, she is willing to share it with others. AYOKO DESIGN:
~ Bonny Fraser
Logo and Identity Design, Website and Blog Graphics, Ad Layouts, Postcard Design, Trade Show Booth Design, Newsletters and E-Blasts, Signs, Strategic Planning and Organising
ayoko D E S I G N
Josephine Pulver osephine Pulver and I originally crossed paths when we were
students at Kelvin High School. Apparently we lived on the
same street, only four houses from one another for several years, but it wasn’t until our kids were old enough to start playing outside that
we really found each other. As we got acquainted we discouvered
that we had a lot in common. We are living nearly parallel lives, except her husband is a musician and mine is a lawyer. We are both
self-employed working moms in a design-related field, we both have
mothers who are school teachers, and we’re both the bossy, older sisters in our families. Our daughters are the same age and looked
like bookends, and our sons were born three days apart. We are both artistic and entrepreneurial, and love to teach.
We also share many strong opinions and, to this day, I rely
on Joey for regular reality checks and doses of social commentary. Joey can always be counted on to “do the right thing”. I have always
highly valued and trusted her opinion on everything, which is say-
ing a lot considering I, too, am extremely stubborn and opinionated. But so far (touch wood) we’ve never actually disagreed on anything!
Josephine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University
of Winnipeg and a Bachelor of Interior Design from the University
of Manitoba. She currently works as an instructor at Red River Col-
lege, and has recently developed a new course called Eco-Friendly Décor. She has learned a great deal about this emerging field and has already been called upon for advice by several other industry
professionals. Joey has always been incredibly entrepreneurial in her thinking, and is the smartest woman I know (even though she has
apparently spent a good chunk of her life under a rock, deprived of any exposure to popular culture)!
I have a hundred things to thank you for, Joey, but one of the things
I will always remember is the day you pointed out that the reason I am overwhelmed with sensory overload, is because I am a graphic artist. Up to that point, I just thought that my brain was rattled. Now I understand
that I need to absorb and process all the insane little details that no one else
even notices to achieve visual balance in my world. Suddenly, it all made sense! Your way of seeing things is so practical and logical, you could pretty much talk anyone off a ledge! Thank you for always challenging and in-
w w w. jo sep h i ne-d esigns.com
josephine designs
Interior design consultation, colour schemes, drapery, material selection, furniture & renovation consultation. Specializing in Eco-Friendly Interior Design.
ayoko D E S I G N
spiring me, and for keeping my ideas in check. You are a truly caring and
nurturing individual. Your creative ways have touched so many people, traces of which can be clearly seen in your beautiful children. You have so
much to share, and so many more great years of creativity ahead of you. You are a treasured friend!
josephine designs
interior design consultation colour schemes dr a p er y material selection fur nitur e renovation con s ult a tio n
AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Design, Website Design and Graphics, Ad Layouts, Business Card Design, Postcard Design, Strategic Planning and Organising
Yoko Chapman has influenced my approach to my profession in so many ways. She has inspired me with her attention to detail and her consistent professional approach to her clients. She has helped me create a professional image and, by so
doing, has strengthened my confidence. Yoko’s constant enthusiasm for design and her boundless energy has encouraged me. Her influence has had a very positive effect on me not only professionally but personally as well.
Through the years, Yoko and I have also developed a lasting friendship. Her loyalty, respect and encouragement are not only wonderful attributes in a professional designer, they are characteristics that are cherished by a friend.
~ Josephine Pulver
ayoko D E S I G N
Jessica Ehlers o not underestimate Jessica Ehlers”. This is something that I have found myself saying on more than one oc-
casion. She is a silent but powerful force. She doesn’t do much talking, because she’s always too busy observing and thinking. As a sustainable event planner, Jess is definitely in the right business! Every day Jess demonstrates truly admirable examples of creativity and resourcefulness.
Though Jess already had a business of her own, I hired her to
work part-time for me at Pulp & Circumstance because we shared many ideas and values. She was bright, reliable, loyal and, most of
all, entrepreneurial. Jess was already competent and brave enough to take on the “big guns” on her own, but I knew time spent working with me would allow her to build her confidence and increase
her exposure in the local wedding market. Although Jess is young enough to be my daughter, and had been operating her business
for less than a year when I met her, I was impressed by her ideas and the complexity of her work. Before she had any real experience
coordinating a large event, she had done a lot of research to under-
stand how to do her job in a new and improved way, and to carve
out a niche for herself that would ultimately set her apart from her competition. She also created an extension of her business called Welcome Tia Fair Trade gift boxes. For every gift box purchased, a
second gift is sent to a woman seeking shelter at Osborne House, a local emergency shelter for women. Welcome Tia is another great
example of the thought and care that Jess puts into everything she does!
After just a few years in business, Jess was featured in several
local magazines, newspapers and television as a Green wedding and
event authority. Jess’ work showcases events that are simple and elegant, and incorporates cherished family heirlooms and vintage piec-
es into her designs. Every element of Jess’ events are planned with care and thought. One of the highlights of Jess’ career was when her
company, With A Flourish, was chosen to plan an exclusive event where the guest of honour was David Suzuki. Her beautiful website
design and innovative business concept were also honoured as the
winner of a website design contest by photographer, Jasmine Star.
with a flourish
with her family to do missionary work for a year.
Thank you, Jess, for giving me the opportunity to help a new busi-
ness grow, and for making me feel like I was able to make a difference in
someone’s life, especially because I believe you totally deserve the success
you have achieved. I know your business will grow and flourish, and that Eco-lovely wedding and event styling and planning, & Fair Trade Gift Boxes in support of Osborne House.
ayoko D E S I G N
you will continue to dream up great new ways to help people and make a real difference!
ww w.w ith aflo urish.ca
In addition to running her business, Jess has also traveled to Bolivia
For 12 years, Yoko has been a trendsetter in Winnipeg’s wedding industry. Yoko has changed her business with the times, while maintaining her classic, beautiful style. I met Yoko just after launching my eco-event planning business. Yoko’s creation of Eco Luxe, a green wedding industry group, had me looking up to her, and feeling intimidated by her, before we even met. When she suggested a Green Business Collaboration I was thrilled to be working on a project with such a talented designer who had such a wonderful reputation in our city. We created a wedding planning booklet, including pockets for receipts and cut-outs, checklists and green wedding tips. I still give a booklet to each client, and they always love this beautiful and useful gift. This booklet, and everything else Yoko has designed, is classic and trendy at the same time. She obviously spends a lot of time perfecting every tiny detail. Yoko always seems to be working on a business collaboration or sharing her time and talents with others. Yoko’s interest in me could have been purely business, but it wasn’t. When she found out I hadn’t had a launch party, she hosted one at her shop. When I was panicking about my wedding show booth design, she gave me ideas and offered supplies. And she gave me a job working for her, which allowed me inside information to stationery design, her business philosophy, and wedding industry advice. It was the best work experience I could have hoped for. The main things I have learned from working with Yoko are: the benefits of networking sincerely, big opportunities aren’t always worth the cost to a person’s personal / family life, keeping priorities in order and sharing skills with others without expecting to get something in return. Yoko was my first significant and longeststanding connection to the industry I work in and love. I can’t count the number of times I’ve said “Yoko said…” followed by a new way to look at my job, my plan, or my life. I know I wouldn’t have had the same kind of opportunities without working with her and I am very grateful!
~ Jessica Ehlers
AYOKO DESIGN: Keep It Together Wedding Inspiration Journal, Trade Show Booth Design, Strategic Planning and Organising
ayoko D E S I G N
Lizette Grivicic izette Grivicic and I first met when I was winding down my
stationery business. She called to see if I had any tools or
supplies to sell, as she was just starting up a new business of her own.
From our first conversation, I really enjoyed speaking with Lizette. She was bright and enthusiastic about her work, and it sounded to
me like she’d done a lot of research and was well positioned to launch her new venture. I was very interested to see her work and I could tell right away that we had a lot of ideas and interests in common.
I have always been very open and willing to share ideas with
other stationery companies. My philosophy has always been that it’s
important to get to know your competition, not for the purpose of
copying them, but rather to find out what has already been done, and come up with new ideas to set yourself apart. I always felt this town is big enough for all of us, and that we had a lot to gain by shar-
ing certain industry knowledge. More than anything, I have always enjoyed my conversations with other stationery companies because they made me feel I was never alone. I guess that’s why Lizette and I got along so well. In our case, there was absolutely no competition between us. Not only could we share ideas freely, I had also found someone I trusted to pass along my wedding invitation referrals to.
I was really excited when Lizette hired me to help her design
her wedding show booth. As always, I had a vision. I scoured the city looking for a certain fabric backdrop. We walked up and down the store aisles for over half an hour in a daze. Finally, a store employee
cleared out a pile of skids in the curtain row. As we walked down it, a
curtain package literally fell on me. There it was! The perfect pattern
I’d been holding out for. Lizette and I stood there with our mouths open. I was certainly happy at that point that I didn’t have to paint
six curtain panels at eleven o-clock at night! Together, we won the Best Booth Award (all because of that fabric, I’m sure). Some things are just meant to be!
Thank you, Lizette, for giving me the opportunity to slowly detach
from something that had been part of me for such a long time. I enjoyed
every minute of my 10 years making wedding stationery, but I love the wedding business even more now that I get to work more closely with
other businesses in the industry like you. It is exciting to watch your busi-
ww w. in som anyword s.ca
in so many words Custom designed invitations, stationery & announcements for every occasion.
ayoko D E S I G N
ness grow and I am grateful you have allowed me to stay in touch with the current local industry news. You have been an incredible support and I am
thrilled to have gained such a great friend during what could have been a difficult time. Your sense of humour and sincere desire to maintain your
outstanding work ethic and high quality of work continues to inspire me.
I connected with Yoko instantly and sometimes feel I have known her longer than I really have. We met in 2009 when I opened a stationery business at the same time Yoko was winding down her business, Pulp & Circumstance. I had the opportunity to purchase some supplies from her and that is how we met. I liked her instantly. She was an entrepreneur with drive and smarts. I thought, if I could learn from Yoko and be half as successful, I was in good shape. I can’t honestly say what took us from a business relationship to a friendship but it was seamless. Yoko has helped and mentored me in ways I don’t think she even realizes. Every conversation I have had with her I take away more knowledge. Yoko can take a negative and turn it into an opportunity. I have often thought Yoko could just about take on anything and make it something. I don’t know how she does it or, frankly, where she gets the energy and drive. It never shuts down. Yoko has helped me and my business tremendously in design and marketing. She is so talented in many areas and I consider myself to be very fortunate to have her in my life. They say things happen for a reason and the reason for me was I needed someone like Yoko in my corner. When I share with her a success, she is just as happy for me as I am. In marketing, she takes my business to the next level. It’s so important to keep evolving and she looks for opportunities and follows through. Yoko has created my web presence, promotional materials, email marketing campaigns, and provided advice on just about every aspect of my business. Even though Yoko’s business was in stationery, she is so diverse in her approaches. My husband’s fitness business needed some marketing. Yoko took it and gave it a solid foundation to build on, and has proven that it can be done without a bottomless pit of funds which many businesses in start up simply don’t have. She has provided him with marketing materials and a web presence that are often complimented by others. In my second year as an exhibitor at the Wonderful Wedding Show, I won Best Booth and I was thrilled. Industry colleagues were congratulating me and I was so proud. There is no doubt that Yoko is the reason that booth won. She had a vision and worked with me to create that vision. She spent hours with me planning, shopping and crafting for shear motivation of a job well done. Over and over again she demonstrates that good is not acceptable, it should be perfect. When I made the decision to start my own business, I wanted to create an outstanding product and I wanted to be known for quality. Yoko has taught me that it takes time to build a reputation, and that I should never lose that vision. Yoko reinforces what I do well, makes me realize I need patience and that those that come to me do so because they too recognize what I do well. To sum up Yoko in three words - she is a friend, a mentor, and an entrepreneur. She truly cares, professionally and personally. She has enabled me to grow in business and as a person. Her entrepreneurial spirit radiates. It’s a cliché, but she was born for it! I look forward to many more successful years in business. When I decide that it’s time to call it a day, I will look back on the journey and I know I will reflect on what it became because of Yoko. Thank you Yoko!
AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Re-design, Website Design and Graphics, Ad Layouts, Business Card Design, Brochure Design, Postcard Design, Trade Show Booth Design, Newsletter Design, Strategic Planning and Organising
~ Lizette Grivicic
ayoko D E S I G N
Joyce Berry & Hennie Corrin oined together by their desire to “give back” to the community, long-time friends Hennie Corrin, certified horticultural thera-
pist and nurse, Barry McArton, an experienced fundraiser, and Joyce
Berry, with her determination, perserverance and organizational skills, joined forces to create Floral Philanthropy.
Joyce and Hennie were long-time clients of Pulp & Circum-
stance. One day, Joyce came into my store on Tache to tell me about their exciting new plans to launch a new charity in partnership with
Winnipeg Harvest. I absolutely LOVED the idea of recycling flow-
ers from a wedding or event, and re-purposing these “petal pick-me-
ups” to deserving recipients around the city. When Joyce asked if I would tell my customers about this new idea, I was quick to propose that I could do much better than that! I went on to tell Joyce about
my plans for taking some time off from my business to regenerate
and refocus. Joyce and Hennie’s project came along at the perfect time!
Though I needed a break from my usual schedule, I still needed
a creative outlet to fill my days. I know Joyce and Hennie felt the
work I was offering to support their cause was too much to ask but it
was the perfect time in my life to take on an exciting new project like this. Hennie and Joyce were always incredibly positive and enthuIn 1860, Florence Nightingale
siastic and, as always, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to surround wrote, “I shall never forget
myself with people who were excited about a new entrepreneurial the rapture of fever patients
over a bunch of bright
Thank you, Joyce and Hennie, for bringing me on board at a time
coloured flowers. I remember when a pleasant distraction was just the ticket! I am incredibly honoured
myletown case),along a nosegay that(inyou me come for the ride. I sincerely enjoyed helping you dewildwebsite flowersand being sent to materials, and watching your project signofyour promotional
me and moment evolve. It hasfrom beenthat a pleasure working alongside you both, and getting recovery becoming more rapid”. to know Barry a bit better along the way. I will continue to spread the
Floral Philanthropic word and wish you all the best!
floral philanthropy
Partnered with Winnipeg Harvest, Floral Philanthropy re-purposes flowers from an event to bring joy, healing and therapeutic benefit to others.
ayoko D E S I G N
Photos: Manuel F. Sousa Photography
w w w. flo ral p h ila nthropy.com
It is a great honour to write about the genius that is Yoko Chapman. Our “partnership” and evolving friendship with Yoko dates back about ten years. Since our first contact with Yoko, through her cottage business of Pulp & Circumstance, our personal and community projects with her have grown in scope and variety. This has allowed us to appreciate Yoko’s growth as well. From her home, she expanded Pulp & Circumstance to a thriving storefront operation. Always cutting edge, Yoko launched Greenvites, Green Street and Eco Luxe to respond to the growing trend for recycling and re-purposing paper products. With her keen eye for compatible talent and the generosity to promote others, Yoko often surrounds herself with individuals sharing the same drive and, hence, a healthy network of like-minded entrepreneurs. Sweet Impressions bakery is just one of these links and by locating Pulp & Circumstance side-by-side with this shop on Taché Street in Winnipeg, Yoko introduced her clients to yet another emerging business. Visually, the two stores were beautifully appointed and provided a “look” as well as energy to the district. They offered more than just a drive-by purchase; they were destination stops for those with discerning taste. As we honed our skills in community and charitable initiatives, we could always rely on Yoko to be a willing partner and resource extraordinaire. As an example, we started Floral Philanthropy, an offshoot of Winnipeg Harvest, to re-purpose flowers from social events, which might otherwise find their way to the garbage. Through this program, donated flowers are re-purposed and delivered to hospitals and care facilities; the aim “a bloom for every bedside”. One of Yoko’s most endearing qualities is her eagerness to see others succeed and the incredible time and effort she devotes to helping their dreams become reality. Yoko was instrumental in assisting the Floral Philanthropy launch, to which we invited close to 100 guests comprised of friends, volunteers, Winnipeg Harvest staff and the media to explain and promote the concept. We received a call from Yoko asking that we keep our cereal, cookie, cracker boxes, etc. So, in our blind trust and faith in Yoko’s talents, we did so. Voila! She arrived at the launch with a multitude of amazing cardboard flowers in tow, complete with handmade Floral Philanthropy tags attached. This give away allowed every guest to walk away with the pertinent contact information and the concept of re-cycling flowers top of mind. Such is Yoko’s ingenuity. The most important factor in Yoko’s life, however, is her family. In juggling her many hats of wife, mother, friend, business entrepreneur and artistic talent, she has always involved them in her ever-changing journey. In fact, they actually keep pace with her. Their support is enthusiastic and hands-on. For example, both Elle and Jay participated in the construction of the Floral Philanthropy paper flowers. They will no doubt follow in their mother’s footsteps in their creative bent. Yoko… thank you so much for everything you have done to aid and abet us!! Whatever your future endeavors, they will be a huge success.
In 1860, Florence Nightingale wrote, “I shall never forget the rapture of fever patients over a bunch of bright coloured flowers. I remember (in my own case), a nosegay of wild flowers being sent to me and from that moment recovery becoming more rapid”. AYOKO DESIGN: Website Design and Graphics, Ad Layouts, Postcard Design,
~ Joyce Berry and Hennie Corrin
Strategic Planning and Organising GEOFF HAYES: Logo Design
ayoko D E S I G N
Mary Anne Appleby can’t remember exactly how it came about, but I recall Mary Anne Appleby asking me one day about paper for greeting
cards she wanted to have made. Our kids attend the same school, and I guess it just came up in conversation one day. I laughed when
Mary Anne said “that school is a gold mine!” It is absolutely true. Our neighbourhood seems to be jam-packed with talented and interesting people.
I invited Mary Anne over to tell me all about her project. When
she explained that she was just about to finish up a book about Winnie the Bear, the original "Winnie-the-Pooh", I was really excited for her! I had been working on my portfolio magazine for two years. I
couldn’t imagine working on the same project for 6 years! I understood how excited she must be. When she asked me about creating
a logo for Winnie the Bear and Dominion Street Publishing and a website for her new book, I was incredibly honoured.
It has been a delight working with Mary Anne over the past
year. Her book has come together beautifully. Within days of it being printed her book was #1 on the bestseller list at McNally Robinson. Winnie the Bear has also received some very positive publicity with CBC Radio and the Winnipeg Free Press.
What I love about Mary Anne’s project, in addition to the
beautiful book, is that she chose to work with local artists and busi-
nesses exclusively; Philip Hayes for the illustrations, Jenny Gates, her final editor, Steven Rosenberg of Doowah Design for the layout, Friesens Corporation for the printing, Krista Reid of Velocity Sports Jewelry for the unique jewelry pieces and, of course, Ayoko Design for her logo design and marketing pieces. Mary Anne says she is
grateful to have met wonderful people with the skills to create the unique products she envisioned for her company. I’m sure that it is
safe to speak on everyone’s behalf and say that the pleasure has been ours!
Thank you, Mary Anne, for producing such a beautiful and brilliant
example of Winnipeg history. Your labour of love will be very easy to share with others. What a great example of collaboration with Winnipeg
talents as well. I am honoured to have been a small part of your enormous project. This is only the beginning of your adventure!
ww w.w i nn i etheb ear.com
winnie the bear
Winnie the Bear by M. A. Appleby, Illustrated by P. R. Hayes Published by Dominion Street Publishing 2011 Art cards, pendants and jewelry based on historic photographs depicting the amazing true story of Harry Colebourn and Winnie the Bear.
ayoko D E S I G N
dominion street publishing
Only one bear at present in residence would I trust completely. That is Winnie, who is the original 'Winnie-the-Pooh.' She is quite the tamest and best behaved bear we have ever had at the Zoo. The Evening News, September 27th, 1933
AYOKO DESIGN: Logo and Identity Design, Website Design and Graphics, Business Card Design, Label Design, Photo Staging, Trade Show Booth Design, Strategic Planning and Organising STEVEN ROSENBERG AT DOOWAH DESIGN: Book Layout P. R. HAYES: Book Illustrations
Meeting Yoko is an example of finding the perfect person at just the right time, right here in our neighbourhood! I have been so excited by our conversations. Your ideas and suggestions and knowledgeable advice is of such great benefit to me. Your ideas on product design, as well as potential marketing strategies, really help me to formulate my goals. I was truly amazed with the intuitive
brilliance you exhibited in the creation of my logos and business cards. The products you created are such a perfect representation of the vision I have for my company. I have a great appreciation for this kind of astute psychological awareness. I think that you are a leader in design. You are years ahead of everyone else. The main thing that I have taken away
from our relationship - and this is huge for me - is that I am not alone. I can consult with you, learn from you and have you help guide me, through discussion, towards my unique goals for my company. I really appreciate the support, especially from someone who understands the multi-faceted life of a working mother.
~ Mary Anne Appleby
ayoko D E S I G N
Sherri Rheubottom
want to take this opportunity to thank Sherri Rheubottom and
the Showtime staff for all the fun and challenging projects they
have sent my way over the past few years. I have enjoyed designing and creating stage and trade show props, including giant paper
chandeliers and building blocks, for The Wonderful Wedding Show and The Winnipeg Baby & Kids Show.
Thank you, as well, for the various Best Booth Design Awards over
the years. I have enjoyed working with your staff and my clients to help raise the bar for all the exhibitors at the show. I have always admired your
ability to keep all the balls in the air, and to pull off a successful and high
Yoko and I share the same passion to do the very best we can, if not better. Like Yoko, I often question my sanity working in this fast-paced, stressful world and simultaneously trying to find balance with my “real” life. But when I see my visions become reality, and see how what I’ve done makes a positive difference in someone else’s life, it makes it all worthwhile. You’re an amazing person who’s accomplished amazing things, and I truly admire you taking time to let people know how they’ve influenced your life.
w w w. sh ow ti m e prod uctions.ca
~ Sherri Rheubottom
showtime productions
Producing quality events for over 25 years including
the Wonderful Wedding Show and the Winnipeg
Main Stage Display Props for the Wonderful Wedding Show and
Baby and Kids Show.
the Winnipeg Baby & Kids Show
ayoko D E S I G N
P H O T O S : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y
quality production.
green street
A showcase of earth friendly products & services provided by
Event Design Group Luxe d & Friends
No. 725
green street Luxe d
No. 731
Event Design Group
No. 735
green street Luxe d
green street Luxe d
SWEET IMPRESSIONS green street No.
Luxe d
Event Design Group
PULP & CIRCUMSTANCE green street No.
Luxe d
Event Design Group
MY SECRET GARDEN green street No.
Luxe d
Event Design Group
P H O T O S : O F F T H E PA G E P H O T O G R A P H Y
ayoko D E S I G N
Ayame Ulrich
yame Ulrich… her name is not misleading at all! She really is Japanese. When I needed a
Graphic Designer to help me with my new stationery line I met with several applicants.
When I met Ayame I hired her on the spot. During my employment at Viewpoints Research I
interviewed hundreds of people for jobs and have always felt like I’m pretty quick to figure people out. With Ayame I was dead right! I knew we had a lot in common, and that she would be bright
and quick to interpret my elaborate descriptions. Her efficiency and skill are qualities that I appreciate now, more than ever!
Thank you, Ayame, for your professionalism, loyalty and resourcefulness. I sincerely value and respect
your ideas and opinions, and am extremely happy that we have been able to work together again! When
Ayame got word that someone in my portfolio magazine is represented by a photo of a china cabinet, not a head shot, she wanted to disguise herself as a piece of furniture too. I am proud to share this lovely photograph of you so everyone can see that you have been a big part of my design business these past couple of years, despite your efforts to Photoshop a chair over your face!
Pulp & Circumstance was my first design job after I graduated from Red River College in 2009. As a newly graduated designer, it was so beneficial to have had a knowledgeable and experienced mentor like Yoko take me under her wing. There are many things that aren't taught in design schools, things that need to be learned on the job. Yoko made sure I experienced as much as possible and gave me a great deal of responsibility. It was stressful at times, but always fun.
~ Ayame Ulrich
Lisa Johnston
isa Johnston is one of those people everybody loves! When I hired her to work as a De-
sign Consultant at my studio I knew Lisa would be a great addition to the team. Lisa is a
fully trained art professional, with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Manitoba, so she brought herself up to speed very quickly.
Thank you, Lisa, for holding the fort at Pulp & Circumstance, especially during my trip to the
National Stationery Show in New York. I have a lot of great memories from that trip and the times
we worked together. As I’m sure you know, there aren’t many people that I would have trusted to cut out all those itty bitty paper pieces when we were working on those crazy green paper droid-brides. I have always known that I could rely on your incredible work ethic and attention to detail and I am grateful
for your friendship. I know there will be lots of other interesting projects that we will be able to work on in the future!
I’ve known Yoko for twenty years, first as a friend and then as an employer. I’ve always been interested in art and design. One of my career highlights was obtaining a Fine Arts degree from the University of Manitoba. I was delighted when Yoko hired me to assist her at the Wonderful Wedding Show which won best booth for that year. I later worked with Yoko as a Design Consultant at Pulp & Circumstance. Yoko is one of the most creative people I know. Yoko is intelligent, detail orientated and motivated. When she launched her environmentally friendly Greenvites line, she was smart enough to recognize the market niche, artistic enough to design an attractive product and motivated enough to get the project up and running. I value my relationship with Yoko. She is not only a great friend, but is truly inspirational. She has taken a passion for design and created a successful career for herself.
~ Lisa Johnston
ayoko D E S I G N
Bonnah Rachul
I have known Yoko for over half of my life. Our friendship has grown into a relationship spanning many years, with a lot of experience and water under the bridge. To me, that is a precious thing. Yoko and I are very different people, but I consider her a kindred spirit in many ways. One of the things I caught onto early, and which drew me to her like a moth to a flame, was her deep sense of creativity. It seemed to surround her in so many things she did, the way she saw life, what drove her. That in turn inspired me. Her creativity and her drive are powerful forces. I am convinced that her mind rarely stops. The beauty of it all is that these things don’t just stay there in her mind, she makes them happen. Somehow she is able to balance this driving force, accomplish so much and balance her family within it all, which is of deep importance to her. I respect that. I have had the deep pleasure of lending my hands to some of Yoko's ambitious endeavours. When she told me she wanted to create an army of “space age” paper women for one of her wedding shows, made from a million tiny pieces of cut out paper, I couldn’t envision it at first, her mad genius in prime form, but it came together and it was magnificent. I was also privileged to accompany her to the New York Stationery Show, where she was showcasing her incredible design work and stationery. Here again, I was witness to her amazing creativity, her drive, her professionalism, and her solid character. Yoko and I don’t get to see each other a great deal these days. I am ensconced in the great north of Manitoba, juggling my life, living remotely, home schooling two kids and surviving the crazy shift work schedule of a husband in law enforcement. I tell people that raising my kids right now is my greatest act of creativity. As time goes on I hope to carve out more time for my other “art” and put my Bachelor of Fine Arts to work. I try to keep the wheels turning, but mostly I try to keep living my life creatively. It is my hope that I can inspire my kids to flourish in their creativity and maybe they can be the friend that inspires one of their friends towards living the richness of that creativity within them. Much like Yoko did for me way back when… and continues to do today.
~ Bonnah Rachul
onnah Rachul and I have been friends for a shocking 25 years! Bonnah is an incredi-
ble artist and when I asked her to help me make 12 green brides out of the tiniest pieces of paper she
was quick to sign up! It was amazing to watch how skilled and confident she is. Every day, as we ventured into my in-laws’ basement with Lisa John-
ston to work, we would laugh at how creepy and droid-like those 12 paper brides looked all lined up
like an alien army. I gave Bonnah the specific task
of cutting out the hair for the brides. When she started attaching the hair to the heads they, all of
a sudden, looked like people. Bonnah knew exactly
what to do and where to attach the hair. These days Bonnah lives in Flin Flon but, if she moves back
to Winnipeg one day, I will ask her to work on every single project I take on. You just don’t find that kind of chemistry every day!
Thank you, Bonnah, for your amazing creativity,
skill and confidence. You always put me at ease during what proved to be some of the most intense and
stressful experiences of my career. I will always cherish
the memories of our trip to New York and our times
working together.
ayoko D E S I G N
2 Degrees of Separation
Quick Response (QR) code is a two-dimensional bar code that, when scanned with a Smartphone, instantly connects a con-
sumer in the physical world to a product in the virtual world. QR codes
are a powerful, mainstream marketing tool that are here to stay! QR codes can also be used to collect valuable and relevant consumer data, track the success of marketing efforts, and provide useful resources to consumers. QUICK LINKS TO BUSINESS SUCCESS
hen you scan a QR code with your Smartphone, you are instantly linked to a: coupon or promotion
sometimes perceived as a useless gimmick because an URL can already
Youtube video
keypad can be tricky, and QR codes actually DO save users time! Besides,
telephone number
else, a QR code will peak consumer interest and draw wanted attention.
Facebook page or other social media
be typed into a Smartphone. But typing a long URL on a Smartphone
since when is a gimmick a bad thing in the world of marketing? If nothing
text message
A unique QR code can be placed on each printed or web marketing piece that you use for your business. Places to put QR codes include:
hen using QR codes on your marketing materials, be sure you take time to carefully plan useful, innovative, interesting and
engaging applications. Don’t disappoint your audience! QR codes are es-
pecially effective when they help people save time. A consumer could scan
business cards & brochures signs & posters
billboards, buses & bus shelters
product packaging & hang tags
"for sale" signs & political campaign signs
a QR code on the side of a bus shelter, link to a restaurant menu online, and order and pay for their dinner to be delivered to their house when
they get home from work. That isn’t a gimmick at all. That is totally useful!
Every day people are busier and more dependent on technology to
CDs & DVDs
save them time. One of my favourite examples is this link to Tesco Home-
example of how QR codes can be extremely practical, save consumers
t-shirts, mugs, water bottles & other promotional products TV, magazine & newspaper ads
websites, Facebook & other social media direct mail & electronic marketing
here is growing evidence that the popularity of QR codes is
escalating. More people are purchasing Smartphones, and an
increasing number of companies are realizing the importance of incor-
porating a mobile element into their marketing efforts. QR codes are
ayoko D E S I G N
plus virtual stores in Korean subway stations. This case study is the perfect valuable time, and dramatically increase sales.
Check it out here at http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nJVoYsBym88 or just scan the QR code.
Curtis A. Knudson, B.A., LL.B.
mywinnipegbootcamp.com ayoko D E S I G N
ayoko D E S I G N