Parents Guide - Ayr College

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Parents’ Guide to Ayr College

Contents 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19.

What Are Colleges Good At? Widening the Curriculum Work Experience / Winter Leavers Gain Further Qualifications Widening the Higher Choices Highers & NC HNC/D - Stepping Stone to University Apprenticeships - Start Your Journey 16+ Learning Choices Funding - Realise Your Dream Providing the Support You Need How to Apply Contact Information

Parents’Guide to Ayr College

The purpose of this leaflet is to give you some information on what colleges and vocational education can offer your son/ daughter at the different stages of their life. Once you know what opportunities are available you will be in a better position to give them advice on how college can help them try new things, gain further qualifications and take the first step in their career. Colleges offer vocational qualifications which means that students will be gaining skills and knowledge which will help them get a job in a particular industry. Colleges work closely with employers to agree what employees need to know to be able to do a particular job and what standards they need to achieve. The qualification is then levelled so that everyone knows what to expect from a person with that qualification. In addition to this we also offer subjects which give students a chance to develop their Higher qualification portfolio. “The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework” (SCQF) helps everyone understand and compare qualifications in Scotland. The table inside the back cover shows you the range and level of qualifications available in Scotland. Ayr College offers courses up to level 9 (BA Degree).

What Are Colleges Good At? Teaching in smaller class groups so your son/daughter gets more attention Targeting support and guidance to enable them to become more independent. Helping with UCAS applications if they wish to go on to university. Offering courses for all abilities. Delivering a wide choice of courses.

Joseph Copeland Joseph came to Cumnock Community College as a Hospitality student in his 5th year and is now a full time Hospitality student at Ayr College.

“I think the School Link course I attended allowed me to find out what the full time course would be like”

Ayr College, in partnership with local schools, provides a range of courses that pupils may choose at the end of S2 as part of their S3/4 options. Pupils who come to college attend throughout S3 & S4 for one afternoon a week working towards qualifications awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The programmes of study are very practical and these qualifications have been specifically created for younger students and focus on not just the particular skills and knowledge needed for distinct vocational areas but are intended to encourage the development of “Employability Skills” which employers value highly.

Providing students with a supportive and encouraging environment where they can “try out” a particular career path. Developing employability skills in our students so they are prepared for the workplace. Offering students who are not ready for university a useful time to develop new skills, further their qualifications and increase their confidence.

Courses are offered at Access 3 (SCQF 3) and Intermediate 1 (SCQF 4) levels in S3 with possible progression to a higher level in S4. In session 08 - 09 we have students studying: • Digital Media • Early Education & Childcare

Progressing students to a positive destination including University, Employment and Apprenticeships.

Widening the Curriculum

Parents’ Guide to College

Parents’ Guide to College

• • • • • • •

Textile Crafts & Enterprise Construction Crafts Engineering Fashion & Personal Presentation Hospitality Introduction to Care Performing Arts

If your son/daughter is interested in any of these courses they should speak to their Guidance teacher before they make their choices in S2. In April those pupils who have expressed an interest in coming to college will be invited to discuss their application with a member of staff from the college. This is an opportunity to find out more about what coming to college involves and to ask questions about the chosen course. It is important that they make an informed decision about whether or not a college course is the correct choice. In June, at the beginning of their third year, pupils will come to college for two afternoons for induction to prepare them for the start of their course in August. Ayr College organises a parents afternoon to allow the students to demonstrate their skills learned at college.

Winter Leavers If your son/daughter reaches 16 on or after 1st October but before the following 1st March in their 5th year at school, their school leaving date will be the first day of the Christmas holiday.

Work Experience Week Ayr College provides Work Experience opportunities for young people in a variety of employment areas throughout the year. In January we run a “taster” work experience week for young people considering the construction industry as a career. Because of Health and Safety legislation it can be very difficult for construction companies to take on work experience pupils. Over the course of the week pupils try a wide range of construction crafts in our workshops. This is a very hands-on experience and those taking part must be prepared to work hard. As Health and Safety is extremely important, those taking part must have appropriate clothing and footwear. (Overalls or older clothes and sturdy footwear). Applications for Work Experience should be made through the usual channels at school NOT directly to Ayr College.

As a Winter Leaver they could apply for special permission to come to a full time course at college at the beginning of the academic year in August. At Ayr College the application process for Winter Leavers is the same as for any other person applying for a place on a full time course and they will be in competition for a place with these other applicants. They should apply in March/ April.

Chani Beech Chani attended a Hospitality course while she was still at school. She is studying Care at college on a full time basis.

“Although I really enjoyed my Hospitality School Link course I knew I didn’t want to do that as a career but by coming to college I learned how college works differently from school and am now doing a full time Care course.”

Should they be successful your son/daughter will still, technically, be on their school roll until their school leaving date. Attendance and progress will be shared with the school. After their school leaving date Winter Leaver students may be eligible for a bursary/ EMA funding (see information in the funding section in this booklet). It is advised that applications for this funding should be made in advance of the school leaving date to enable the award of bursary/ EMA funding to be as prompt as possible. The Winter Leaver option is in place to allow pupils who wish to come to college to make the transition at the beginning of the academic year to benefit from following the full time course of their choice for the full academic year. It is NOT intended as a stop gap alternative to school until they can legally leave education. Parents’ Guide to College

Parents’ Guide to College

If your son/daughter has permission from school, they can access Highers or Intermediate 2 programme offered at Ayr College. This means that in 5th and 6th year, pupils have a wider choice of Highers available to them than those offered at their school. If there is sufficient demand from school pupils for a particular subject it may be possible to run a class in college for school pupils as part of their school week. If there are just a few pupils wanting to study a specific Higher then they can join a class running at college.

Highers we currently offer are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

English Maths Physics Chemistry Human Biology Psychology Sociology Modern Studies History Geography Art and Design Drama Spanish French

Advanced Highers we currently offer are: • English • History

Gain Further Qualifications

Widening the Highers Choice

Over the next few pages you will find out about the different qualifications your son/daughter can do at college. Courses will give an indication of the entry requirements we would normally require applicants to have, in order that they may reasonably expect to pass the course. Most entry qualifications are flexible and we do take into consideration relevant work experience as well as previous qualifications achieved at school.

If a child has permission from school, they can access the Highers or Intermediate 2 programme offered at Ayr College. This means that in 5th and 6th year, pupils have a wider choice of Highers available to them than those offered at their school. If there is sufficient demand from school pupils for a particular subject it may be possible to run a class in college for school pupils as part of their school week. If there are just a few pupils wanting to study a specific Higher then they can join in a class running at college.

Parents’ Guide to College

Parents’ Guide to College

Revision Classes Ayr College also offers evening revision classes in Higher English and Maths and more revision classes may be offered subject to demand. Revision short courses are also available in April (school holidays) prior to SQA exams in May/June.

Art Portfolio Class For pupils wishing to go to Art School directly from school we offer an “Art Portfolio Preparation” evening class which focuses on building up a learner’s portfolio to the standard required by art schools.

National Certificate Developing Skills


BroadenYour Horizons Ayr College have a programme called “Pathways” which is a full time course made up of Highers (SCQF 6) and Intermediate 2 (SCQF 5) courses. There is a Science programme or an Arts/ Humanities programme to choose from. There are many reasons why people come on this course; some may have not done as well at school as they hoped and wish to achieve further qualifications that will help them get into more advanced courses at college or a place at university. Former students have successfully gained entrance to university to study medicine, veterinary science, occupational health, primary teaching, nursing and many more. A recent trend is for young people to do one of these courses as a “gap year” between school and university because they may not feel quite ready to take that big step. College gives them a chance to test out life as a student and to decide whether they are enjoying particular subject areas before committing to a 4 year degree programme. This level of course does not affect their university funding allocation. Many school pupils prefer to complete their Highers at college rather than return for S6 as they feel they have outgrown the school environment. 10

National Certificates are awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). These group awards are made up of a number of different subjects. Each subject is continually assessed throughout the year and at the end of the year there is one exam set by the SQA which tests the knowledge and understanding of the course in general. There are different levels of National Certificate (NC). Intermediate 1 (SCQF 4) – basic skills and knowledge are developed. Suitable for Winter Leavers; with permission from school they can start college in August rather than remaining at school from August to December. Intermediate 2 (SCQF 5) – a preparation course for those who wish to progress to further study. Higher (SCQF 6)– a more challenging course for those who have confidence in various abilities and are willing to make a firm commitment to a particular career. Applicants are unlikely to have qualifications to get in to an HNC course and would benefit from a year at college completing this foundation course. The entry qualifications vary widely for NC courses. Some do not require any qualification, others will specify between two and four Standard Grades and others may even look for an Intermediate 2 or Higher Art. The best advice is for your son/daughter to apply for the course they would like to do and each applicant will be invited along to an interview. The interviewer will assess the applicant’s suitability for the course; whether they will be able to meet the demands of the curriculum with a reasonable chance of passing the course. Applicants may be advised to start at a different level from the one to which they applied. Parents’ Guide to College


Stepping Stone to University Higher National Certificates(HNC) and Diplomas (HND) (SCQF 7/8) are awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). These group awards are made up of a number of different subjects. Each subject is continually assessed throughout the year and at the end of the year there is one exam (called a Graded unit) set by the SQA, which tests the knowledge and understanding of the course in general. The duration of the HNC course is 1 year. The HND course is a 2 year course. (The first year is the HNC year). Entry to this advanced level course will vary depending on what course is applied for. One or two Highers are typical of what is expected. Creative courses would expect a portfolio or audition; Care courses require references and disclosure checks. The demands of this level of course are quite significant. Students will be in class each week for 18 – 21 hours and in addition to this will be expected to undertake self study which includes working on assignments and assessments at home. Some courses include work placements. Students therefore have to be extremely committed and disciplined and capable of working independently to manage their workloads. In some subject areas students who successfully complete this course can progress to university. Ayr College has articulation agreements with many Scottish universities who will guarantee a place in the second or third year of a relevant degree course. Following this a student may also have the opportunity to complete an honours year. For those students studying Business, Accounting or Engineering, Ayr College can offer a degree at its Ayr campus in partnership with other Higher Education Institutions. Parents’ Guide to College


16+ Learning Choices Encouraging all young people to stay in learning post-16, is the best way of ensuring their long-term employability and contribution to society. The Scottish Government is working with all local authorities, colleges and universities to ensure that every young person has an appropriate, relevant, attractive offer of learning made to them, well in advance of their school leaving date. There are three key elements:


Get a job, get paid, and get trained To become an apprentice you must be in employment. The employer then arranges training through the college. We would advise interested applicants to approach employers directly to seek apprenticeship vacancies or contact CITB or SNIPEF.

to gain a Modern Apprenticeship in any of the following vocational sectors - Construction Crafts, Accounting, Administration, Information Technology, Hospitality, Customer Service, Retail, Aeronautical Engineering, Early Years Education. Your son/daughter can become a Skillseeker or Modern Apprentice if they have left school and can expect to complete their SVQ or MA before their 25th Birthday. They must first find a local company to employ them in an occupation they are interested in. Ayr College can often help with this.

CITB: (For Joinery, Building, Painting & Decorating) SNIPF: (For Plumbing) SECTT: (For Electrical)

The company must allow them to attend Ayr College part-time to study for an SVQ or MA. Depending on the qualification this can take 2 to 4 years. When they achieve the qualification Ayr College will pay a cash bonus.

An alternative entry to this career would be to apply for the National Progression Award in Construction Practice. This is a practical course which introduces students to working in the construction industry. It is designed to improve employment prospects within the building trades by giving them an opportunity to demonstrate skills, commitment and reliability to prospective employers.

From time to time local employers contact the College Training Unit with a view to recruiting new apprentices in any of the sectors listed above. Vacancy details can be obtained by contacting the Training Unit, local Careers Offices or viewing the Ayr College website.

Ayr College also runs a Modern Apprenticeship programme and have current employer vacancies. We work in partnership with local companies to give young people the opportunity 12

Every candidate participating in a Government funded programme will require to undertake an SVQ at levels I, II, III or IV in their chosen subject. The course content for the specific course to be followed is agreed on entry with the Training Provider and the candidate. Parents’ Guide to College

Craig Clark Craig did a Skills for Work Construction Crafts course throughout his third and fourth years at school. He has now completed an Access to Construction full time course and is progressing to the full time National Progression Award in Construction.

“Coming to college while I was still at school gave me the opportunity to learn how to handle confidently the tools that I use in my course now.”

Parents’ Guide to College

• the right learning provision must be in place. A range of options - including staying on at school, entering further or higher education, participating in the national training programmes, or taking part in personal and social development opportunities offered through community learning and development - must be available to each young person. • the right financial support must be available to ensure that young people make choices based on the most appropriate learning for them, rather than on the amount of money offered. • the right information, advice and guidance must be available to make sure that young people know what opportunities are on offer, how those fit with their own needs and ambitions, and how they will progress. Ayr College works closely with Careers Scotland to ensure all school leavers will be given information on what opportunities are available for them in college and will be invited to an information session in May/June each year. Those interested in coming to college will guaranteed an interview for a place on a course which best meets their needs.


Funding Further Education Bursaries All full-time non-advanced students should apply for Bursary/ EMA funding. If you are eligible for Bursary/EMA funding, depending on your age and personal circumstances, you may qualify for allowances in respect of your general living expenses, travel expenses and course expenses. The booklet “A Student’s Guide to Non-Advanced Funding” gives more information on Bursaries/EMA and staff in the Student Finance Office are available Monday to Friday 8.45 am to 4.45 pm to answer specific queries. Appointments can be obtained by calling 01292 293443.

Education Maintenance Allowance The scheme applies to all eligible students aged 16 or 17 years engaged in an approved learning agreement for a minimum of 21 hours per week. The scheme pays a maintenance allowance of up to £30.00 per week. It is a condition of the EMA contract that a student must have 100% attendance each week to receive payment. Students may also receive two bonuses of £150 if they remain on their course and make good progress with their learning. To apply for Bursary/EMA funding simply complete an Ayr College Bursary/EMA application form and return it to the College.

Most students can now apply for their student support on-line ( This allows SAAS to deal with applications more quickly. Students who cannot, or do not want to, apply on-line for their support can still either download a form from SAAS website or get one from the college or from SAAS. If you wish to apply online and need some help, please book an appointment with Sam or Sharon 01292 293445. The SAAS Application that should be completed is SAS3 application form. Student Loans – This will be the main way in which you may get financial help for living costs. Loans will be available to all eligible students on eligible courses under the age of 50.

Ben Taylor

Young Students Bursary Fund (YSBF) - The YSBF replaces part of the loan. The student does not have to pay the YSBF back and it is means tested against parental income.

Ben was a student on a School Link Construction course. He is now a full time Hospitality student.

You can apply if you: • are under 25 • are not married • have not been self supporting from earnings or benefits for 3 years Travel Expenses – students can apply to SAAS for 50% of their travel either at the beginning of term, or the end of December. Forms should be available in Student Services from December 2008 onwards.

Full – time HNC/HND Courses

Any grants/loans students may be entitled to are paid for a period covering 52 weeks, and paid monthly straight into the student’s bank account.

All full-time HNC/HND students must apply for funding for their course tuition fees, grants, young student bursary and loan from the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS).

For more information please call Samantha Wallace – Advanced Student Services Co-ordinator, Ayr College, Tel: 01292 293444


“I felt more confident coming to college on my full time course as I was familiar with the college environment.”

Parents’ Guide to College

Parents’ Guide to College


Cheri Agnew In S3 and S4 Cheri came to college on a Skills for Work Early Education and Childcare course. She is now on a full time Childcare course.

“While I was on my School Link course I could find out from my lecturer what was involved in the full time courses.”

Providing the SupportYou Need The staff in the Study Centre provide one-to-one help in all areas and levels of study and this is available to every student. We operate a confidential, open door policy with appropriate short or long term assistance to meet student needs. Students can contact staff at any time to request support. The Study Centre staff also facilitate flexible and/or additional support to allow for extended or varied learning patterns, e.g. for students with health, mental health, mobility, visual and hearing issues, dyslexia etc. A range of strategies are in place at Ayr College; e.g. specialist software, enlarging technology, Braille embossing equipment, accessible online material, recording equipment, specialist keyboards, equipment loan, assessment and examination arrangements, scribing and note – taking support and assistance with Disabled Student Allowance. (DSA). Contact Carol MacGruer - Study Centre Coordinator for more information on 01292 293508.

Guidance Our aim is to support, retain and progress students to a positive destination. 16

Parents’ Guide to College

Parents’ Guide to College


The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework SCQF 12



Masters Post Graduate Diploma Post Graduate Certificate


Honours Degree Graduate Diploma Professional Development Awards

9 8

How to Apply School Link Courses: S3/4 Application is done via the school

School Link Courses: Higher Programme Application is done via the school

Full Time Courses Application is done directly to college


Anyone interested in a School Link Course should discuss this with their parents / carers and speak to their Guidance teacher before they make their choices in S2.

Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions

SQA Qualifications


Advanced Higher




Intermediate 2 Credit Standard Grade


Intermediate 1 General Standard Grade


Access 3 Foundation Standard Grade


Access 2


Access 1

Higher National Diploma

Diploma of Higher Education

Higher National Certificate

Certificate of Higher Education

National Certificates

National Progression Awards

Contact Information

The college recognises that subject choices in S6 often depend on results in S5, therefore the Higher programme is not finalised until the beginning of the academic year.

You can contact the School Liaison Officer Patricia Murray directly on 01292 293481 or email The College School Liaison Officer is the main point of contact for all school students who spend part of their week in college; this includes those pupils who come to college for their Work Experience week. She also visits schools to talk to pupils about college opportunities and attends Parents Evenings to acquaint parents with the various options available to their sons or daughters for part time study at college whilst still at school.

Winter Leavers who may be considering applying for an August start course should not delay their application until the end of the summer break but apply at the same time as Summer Leavers. Parents’ Guide to College

Parents’ Guide to College





Anyone interested in a School Link Course should discuss this with their parents / carers and speak to their Guidance teacher before they make their choices in S5.

Applications for courses beginning in August should be made from March onwards.

Ordinary Degree Graduate Certificate

Scottish Vocational Qualifications


Useful websites: Ayr College Dam Park Ayr ScotlandKA8 0EU Reception: 01292 265184 Admissions and Enquiries: 0800 199798 19

Ayr College, Dam Park, Ayr, Scotland, KA8 0EU 0800 199798 Š Ayr College 2008 Ayr College is a charitable organisation registered in Scotland Charity number SCO21177 This document is available in a variety of formats

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