7 Hottest Foods With Vitamin C Trends for 2020 naturevitaminsa.blogspot.com/2019/10/7-hottest-foods-with-vitamin-c-trends.html
Top foods with vitamin C What is vitamin C vitamin C is essential nutrients, belong to the categories of water-soluble vitamins. Because of body watery environment, it can't be stored in the body for future use of body function. so, it is recommended you to take foods in your daily diet that close to vitamin C. ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbate are two active forms of vitamin C. but vitamin C commonly knowns as ascorbic acid. To prevent vitamin C deficiency such as bleeding gums, frequent bruising and infections, depression, poor wound healing, connective tissue defects, anemia, and scurvy, it is important to keep in mind that your current daily value of vitamin C should be at least 90mg.
vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant, that neutralizes the harmful free radicals and prevents the cell damage. due to this property, it can perform another function like: May reduce the risk of chronic disease May help to reduce the blood pressure reduce the risk of heart disease May reduce the blood uric acid level
healthiest foods with vitamin C
what are foods with vitamin c Citrus fruits Orange one medium orange contains, DV: 78% and 70mg of vitamin C grapefruit DV: 73% and 88mg of vitamin C
juice of one lime DV: 22% and 13mg of vitamin C mandarin DV: 39% and 24mg of vitamin C Kaffir lime DV: 25% and 19.2mg of vitamin C Vegetable Broccoli DV: 57% (one - half cup of boiled broccoli) and 89mg of vitamin C Brussels sprouts DV: 54% (one-half cup of cooked brussels sprouts) and 85mg of vitamin C Green and red chili pepper DV: 121% (one green chili pepper) and 109mg of vitamin C DV: 72% (one red chili pepper) and 65mg of vitamin C Parsely DV: 11% (two tablespoons) and 10mg of vitamin C Mustard spinach DV: 217% (one cup of raw mustard spinach) and 195mg of vitamin C
Foods with vitamin C list 1. Grapefruit grapefruits are low in calories and considered an excellent source of vitamins C and A. grapefruits provide 88mg of vitamin C or 72% of DV. grapefruits color may vary from pink to red and also taste has a wide range from bitter to sweet or sugary and acidic. new research found that grapefruit has multiple health benefits such as: reduce the risk of heart diseases such as stroke by 19% and lower blood pressure May reduce weight loss May boost the immune system May promote appetite control lower the risk of type 2 diabetes May reduce the risk of chronic disease. 2/7
2. Brussels sprouts brussels sprouts are considered as the healthiest food with low calories. one-half cup of cooked Brussels sprouts contains 54% of DV and Brussels sprouts provide 88mg per 100gram. Brussels sprouts also contain vitamin A (12% of the RDI), vitamin K (137% of the RDI), Magnesium, vitamin b9 (12% of the RDI), vitamin b6, fiber, protein, and a small amount of iron, potassium, thiamine and phosphorous. Brussels sprouts are a great source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). brussels sprout is the best source of vitamin c, and you know vitamin c is an antioxidant, so brussels sprout also contains an antioxidant called kaempferol that may reduce the cancer cell growth, inflammation, reduce oxidative stress and improve heart health. health benefits of Brussels sprouts are: lower cholesterol level May protect against cancer reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes May support digestive health help in bone metabolism and blood coagulation 3. Kaffir lime the scientific name of kaffir lime is citrus hystrix, found in Indonesian and Malaysian geographic regions. one kaffir lime provides 19.2mg of vitamin C or 25% of DV. It also contains a small amount of vitamin A, sodium, iron, calcium, dietary fiber, sugar (1g) and protein (9g). it has a wide range of health benefits such as: skin health reduce inflammation support the digestive system May boost the immune system May reduce stress. detoxify blood 4. Broccoli one half-cooked of broccoli provides 57% of DV and in 100 gram provide 89mcg of vitamin C. 3/7
Broccoli contains more amount of vitamin C ( 89milligrams per 100gram) than orange contain (53milligrams per 100 grams). Fresh or raw broccoli considered a great source of vitamin C than cooked broccoli because vitamins c is water-soluble vitamin can easily be destroyed by heating. Broccoli also a good source of vitamins A, K, E and B vitamins (vitamin b9), fiber and protein, as well as minerals includes magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and selenium. health benefits of broccoli are: May reduce inflammation reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer May improve the immune system lowers the oxidative stress weight loss 5. Parsley parsley is green leafy vegetables with good nutritional value. Two tablespoons of parsley contain 11mg of vitamin C or 11% of DV. parsley is low in calories(2), rich in vitamins A, K, vitamin b9, as well as in minerals including magnesium, and potassium. it contains a high amount of vitamin K (547% of RDI) therefore, it is needed for blood coagulation. Impressive health benefits of parsley are: May improve heart health May prevent diabetes treat kidney stones May fight inflammation reduce Blood pressure support bone health 6. Mandarine Mandarin is fat-free food loaded with both vitamins A and C. Mandarin contains 26.7ug of vitamin C per 100 grams and 39% of DV. 4/7
new research found mandarin contain more vitamin A ( one 3.5 ounces serving of mandarin provide 44 % of DV) than vitamin C. health benefits of mandarin orange are: support the healthy immune system lower blood pressure helps to prevent the sign of aging May help to reduce the risk of liver cancer and breast cancer. May help to reduce cholesterol level 7. Green and Red chili pepper both chili pepper loaded with vitamin C have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. one green chili pepper contains 109mg of vitamin C or 121% od DV while one red chili pepper contains 65mg of vitamin C or 72% of DV. red chili pepper contains beta- carotene or provitamin A. it is an Indian food component that provides about 6% of the daily value of vitamin C. green chili pepper contains a high amount of vitamin b6, vitamin A and a small amount of protein and carbohydrate. Benefits of chili pepper are: reduce inflammation May improve the immune system maintain good eyesight boost metabolism antioxidant: remove harmful free radicals 8. Mustard spinach
Mustard spinach is green leafy vegetables contain 195mg of vitamin C per 100 grams and one cup of raw mustard spinach provides 217% of DV. it also contains a small amount of vitamin b6 (10%), vitamin (198%), as well as minerals, includes iron (8%), magnesium (2%) and calcium (21%). health benefits of komatsuna are: lower cholesterol level antioxidant: reduce harmful free radical help in bone-building detoxifies blood promote eye and skin health 5/7
9. Guavas
Guavas is a common tropical fruit native to South Africa. Guavas provide 228.3gm of vitamin C per 100 grams and 140% of DV. guava considered as richest source of vitamin C because one guava provides double the RDI for vitamin C. guavas also contain vitamin A (12%), vitamin b6 (5%), as well as minerals, includes iron, magnesium, and calcium. guavas contain antioxidants like carotene and lycopene that help in the aging process. health benefits of guavas are: lower the risk of cancer May boost the immune system lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of good HDL cholesterol due to presence of 12% vitamin A, improve eyesight weight loss anti-aging
10. Kiwis kiwis or Chinese gooseberry are great sources of vitamin C help to reduce the risk of blood clots, reduce oxidative stress and improve immunity. kiwis provide 92.7mg of vitamin C per 100 grams and 79% of DV. research shows that kiwi may reduce the stickiness of the platelets by 18% and lower the triglycerides level by 15%. health benefits of vitamin C are: treat asthma reduce blood clotting lower blood pressure May boost the immune system improve the digestive system