not knowing about cardiovascular health can be a big mistake

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Not knowing about cardiovascular disease can be a big mistake

What is cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular disease meaning decreased blood flow to the heart, due to narrow or blocked blood vessels that can lead to chest pain (angina), heart attack, stroke, and other heart diseases. In today's time, cardiovascular disease has become a common death. according to studies, depression, tension and not eating healthy foods can be the cause of cardiovascular disease. There are some other factors that lead to cardiovascular disease may be voluntarily and involuntarily. age, heredity, diabetes factor can not be controlled while not eating healthy foods, smoking and physical activity can be controlled. In this article, we cover all the types, symptoms, causes of cardiovascular disease and how to treat them. difference between heart disease and cardiovascular disease? Heart disease and cardiovascular disease are both different things. Cardio means heart and vascular means blood vessels, meaning that in cardiovascular disease, the heart blood vessels like arteries are affected. Plaque begins to form inside the arteries, due to which the difference between heart disease and cardiovascular disease. flow of blood goes down to the heart, leads to heart attack and stroke. Heart disease in which heart muscles, valves or rhythm are affected. heart failure, valvular heart disease, and arrhythmia are can be.

Types of cardiovascular disease The conditions that affect heart structure and function can be the cause of cardiovascular disease. There are many conditions that can occur at any age of life and any condition can affect the other function of the heart. 1/4

According to news people who have osteoarthritis, have a 30 % chance of getting cardiovascular disease than people who do not have osteoarthritis.

The condition may include...

Heart failure: Heart failure does not mean that the heart fails or stops working. It occurs when the heart does not pump properly well like it should. Chest pain (angina): angina occurs when blood flows to the heart decrease due to the building up of plaque in the arteries.

Coronary artery disease: it involves narrowing of the arteries that feed the heart muscles. Peripheral artery disease: it involves narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the arms and legs. Carotid artery disease: it involves narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the brain. Cardiomyopathies: in this, the heart becomes big, stiffened or thicked due to which heart does not pump properly that leads to heart failure and abnormal heart rhythm. it may be dilated cardiomyopathy and hypertonic cardiomyopathy. Arrhythmia: irregular and abnormal heartbeat. it also called dysrhythmia in which heartbeat becomes very slow or fast. Aortic stenosis: stenosis meaning narrowing of valves or blood vessels and aorta is the heart valve through which blood leaves the heart. this occurs due to the narrowing of aortic valve cause blockage of blood. Pulmonary stenosis: it occurs due to the narrowing of the pulmonary artery. the artery that supplies deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

rheumatic heart disease: in this heart valves and connective tissues are affected in the rheumatic fever that causes by streptococcus bacteria. Stroke: it may occur either due to blockage (ischaemic stroke) or rupture (hemorrhagic stroke) of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. its risk factor may be high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and atrial fibrillation. atrial fibrillation: irregular heart rhythm that leads to the risk of stroke.

Cause of cardiovascular disease 2/4

narrowing or hardening of arteries and blood vessels i...e arteriosclerosis is the main cause of cardiovascular disease. high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol level, physical activity, advancing age, and an unhealthy diet can also be the cause of cardiovascular disease. some people have a problem with heart structure since birth (congenital heart disease)and inflammatory process, virus infection may also the cause of CVD.

Treatment of cardiovascular disease Treatment main aim to reduce the risk of a condition such as heart attack, stroke, chest pain, and to relieve symptoms. Lifestyle changes: Eat healthy foods every day that contain low fat and sodium. It is recommended that you include food in your diet that contains recommended amounts of omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil and broccoli. omega-3-fatty acids are very healthy for the heart health. you should do 30 minutes exercise on most days of the week. doing exercise is beneficial for the body such as may reduce the risk of chronic disease, weight loss, and body relaxation. Medication: In case of any heart-related problem you should first concern with your doctor. there are different medicine for different heart diseases. medicine may reduce the blood cholesterol level, bad LDL cholesterol level, improve blood flow and heart rhythm. Surgery: coronary artery bypass grafting is used to treat coronary heart disease. surgery improves the blood flow to the heart.

Cardiovascular disease symptoms symptoms of cardiovascular disease may include pain or pressure in the chest shortness of breath nausea and fatigue sleep disturbance feeling weakness pain in the shoulder, neck, and back



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