vitamin B12 deficiency has any effect on the body health
Vitamin B12 deficiency has an effect on body health
What is vitamin B12 deficiency vitamin B12 deficiency associated with a low level of vitamin B12 in the body. this can lead to the various types of problem from anemia to neural dysfunction. vitamin B12 is found in both animal and dairy products such as milk, egg, and meat. vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin, is a complex organometallic compound not found in the plant foods. it is one of the B vitamins family means it is also water-soluble. so, your body needs to consume it regularly through foods.
Vitamin B12 does not synthesize in the body. Its deficiency can be met with animal products and vitamin B12 supplements. Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the body. Vitamin B12 is released by the breakdown of the animal and dairy products consumed by the pepsin enzyme. then vitamin B12 is bind to Vitamin B12 deficiency the intrinsic factor, a protein made by the parietal cell in the stomach results in the formation of complex B-12 intrinsic factor. this complex move from the stomach to enterocytes cells( a cell lining in the intestine), where intrinsic factor is removed and free B12 is bind to the special protein called transcobalamin-II form transcobalamin-B12 complexes. then, this complex moves into the blood and target tissue. some of the complex moves to the liver where it can store for years. In people who do not take animal products for a long time, vitamin B12 deficiencies have been found in large amounts. some fortified plant foods have contained a small amount of vitamin B12. the average recommended amount measured in micrograms. Vitamin B12 is used to synthesize DNA precursors. first vitamin B12 accept methyl group from methyltetrahydrofolate or methyl-THF, making methylcobalamin and free THF. the methylcobalamin transfers its methyl group to the homocysteine, converts into an
essential amino acid called methionine, thus decrease the level of homocysteine, too much of it very harmful for the body. B12 also reduces the level of methylmalonic acid in the body. there are many consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency like cell division impaired high level of homocysteine and methylmalonic acid RBC, WBC and platelets formation in bone marrow affected total RBCs count decrease result in anemia macrocytic and megaloblastic anemia ( bone marrow produced abnormally developed RBC precursors called megaloblasts) vitamin B12 deficiency decreased the production of megakaryocytes(precursor of platelets) by the bone marrow. Glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) homocystinuria (homocysteine excreted through the urine) atherosclerosis (plaque build-up inside the arteries) rise the risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke impairment of neurological and muscles function.
vitamins B12 deficiency symptoms vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to symptoms: pallor soreness of tongue due to glossitis heart palpitation and shortness of breath easy fatigability pale and jaundiced skin eyesight weak jaundice skin loss of memory function decreased reflexes psychosis
vitamin B12 deficiency causes vitamin b12 deficiency can result in either because of impaired absorption or dietary intake. A people who avoid all animal products for a long time, are restricted to only vegetarian and do not take vitamin B12 supplements, this may be the main reason for vitamin B12 deficiency. In pernicious anemia, overzealous IgA antibodies are produced against the intrinsic factor and parietal cells that decrease the binding ability of intrinsic factor to B12 result in decreased the absorption of vitamin B12. 2/3
In chron's disease, the enterocytes cells in the ileum are damaged, due to this, the B12 can't bind with transcobalamin to get to the target tissue. some times, infestation in the terminal ileum with tapeworm and bacteria result in decreased absorption of vitamin B12 leads to B12 deficiency.
Treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency To overcome vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin B12 rich foods should be added to the diet first. second, improve the cause of decreased absorption of vitamin B12, look on the antiintrinsic factor on the antibodies for pernicious anemia. some microscopic and imaging studies are carried out to check chron's disease. Third, the cause of low dietary intake can be treated with oral B12 supplements and when the problem is decreased absorption it can be treated with intramolecular B12 injections.