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by Deep Sengupta

It’s not often that you get a chance to break away, and break away from the obvious at that. But it always helps to know there are plenty of offbeat options for you to explore and enjoy. We make things a little simpler for you. The research is done, the list ready. All you need now is the time to take off on what perhaps no one you know has ever done, or even contemplated – be it dog-sledding in the Finnish Lapland, riding the rapids in the easternmost corner of India, or playing Chinese whisper with resident spirits in an Irish castle. Though New Year resolutions are passé, we urge you to make one (remember, old habits die hard?) and explore at least some, if not all, of these seven unique holiday ideas we have put together for the man in you.

Dog sledding in Finland


frozen landscape that seems straight out of a Christmas greetings card. Energetic, robust huskies. A thrilling ride that could last anywhere between one and three days. Mix all the three and what do you get? Voila: A holiday to remember for a lifetime. Finland, also the land of Father Christmas, is where this action-packed drama pans out. The huskies are a rambunctious lot; so harnessing them takes some patience and time. But once you are on the move, you will only thank us for telling you about this unique adventure. You will fly through snow-covered paths lined with tall firs coated with snow, past frozen lakes that look like desserts waiting to be relished, and woods that look as inviting as the ones described in many fairy tales. Don’t complain about the sub-zero temperatures.

Best time to go: Remember, the colder the clime,

the better it is for the dogs pulling your snowmobile. The ideal figure is -20!

Check: Visit

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Hike through Inca, Peru

Stay iin Stay n a llighthouse ighthouse



ive your Indiana Jones moment with a hike to the gates of Machu Picchu. The Inca Trail (Camino del Inca), which brings you to the crown of the Inca province, is also littered with ruins along the way. There are two ways to walk to the ancient city: either along a challenging 4-day path with three mountain passes, or along a newer, less arduous two-day trail. Assuming that you won’t compromise on your quota of thrills, we suggest you vote for the classic 4-day route, which goes through stunning mountain vistas and cloud forest, past wild, untamed rivers and countless ruins of the Inca empire. Keep your camera handy for the rare orchids that grow along the route, the over 400 avian species and the spectacled bear. Find yourself breathless, quite literally, as you reach Machu Picchu in time to catch the sunrise on the fourth day.

Best time to go: If you are not looking for strength in numbers, then December through March, a rainy period, could be best for you. But if you don’t mind groups walking ahead or trailing you, the dry season between June and September is the time to go. Just remember to book three months in advance.

Check: You cannot hike alone. All tourists have to be

f history, mystery and all things intriguing turn you on, you can’t say no to this. You also can’t say no if you’re in love with great locations – green hills, a river flowing by or the tempestuous coastline. Say no to the sterile hotel room the next time you are in Norway, Scotland, Ireland or anywhere in Europe, and choose a lighthouse instead. Look out of the window of these towering structures and imagine you are a coast guard of medieval times waiting to spot a ship approaching the coast, walk down wooden spiral staircases like a lord out of a historic novel and spend hours on the exterior walkways as you take in the landscape that surrounds the lighthouse. Don’t expect five-star comforts in these. In most cases, they offer basic but comfortable accommodation. Be sure to find out if the rooms are at the top. It’s no fun if you’re spending the night at the base of a lighthouse.

Best time to go: Whenever you can coax your office to let you go for a week.

Check: To book a lighthouse in the UK, visit; For Norway, check

accompanied by a guide. Visit and


077 | DECEMBER 10

Volcano tour rs iin n IIceland celland aand nd H aw waii tours Hawaii


eard of spitting fire? Does it remind of you dragons? We of course like to associate this with volcanoes. Not many can claim to have watched a volcano in action and you could be one of the lucky few, only if you know when and where to go. Very recently, tourists in Iceland had the rare privilege of witnessing the dramatic eruption of the Fimmvöruháls volcano on the Eyjafjallajokull Glacier. Some of them even put their lives at risk to catch a glimpse of molten lava streaming down. You may choose to play safe and watch it all from the safety of a jeep. The daredevils may of course go for helicopter tours around craters. Yet another ground-shaking option is the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park where you can see the smouldering calderas of two volcanoes, Mauna Loa and Kilauea. The intense green landscape surrounding the park suitably accentuates the fiery beauty of this park.

Best time to go: Your guess is as good as ours Check: Visit for volcanoes in Iceland; for Hawaii

S wimming w ith w hale ssharks harks iin nM exico Swimming with whale Mexico


o species on earth deserves the moniker ‘gentle giant’ more than these behemoths. And if you want to earn some bragging rights, then do consider a summer break in Mexico’s Cancun area. This is where you can add an extra element of thrill to the regular snorkeling that every other tourist can boast of having done at least once. Measuring up to 40 ft in length with some of the biggest of the species weighing 35,000 kg, the whale shark is indeed an unusual swimming companion. Watch it in gentle action as it feeds on algae and plankton – the latter is what draws the whale shark to the Cancun waters. Start early and let a small boat that takes you to the spot where all the

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action is. The giant fish moves slowly – only 3 mph (the killer whale has clocked a speed of 48 mph) – so you don’t need to sweat. Most tour companies allow each customer an hour with the whale sharks, so there’s also enough time for you to get some beautiful underwater shots as you come up and close (remember, you cannot touch the whale shark).

Best time to go: Between May and September. Check: Visit and

079 | DECEMBER 10

SStay tay iin nah aunted ccas aunted astle, IIreland reland haunted castle,

Rafting on the Siang, India



his one is for those who crave an otherworldly (or netherworldly) experience. We do not guarantee bats hanging from stone walls, apparitions in flowing silk robes walking down hallways with a lamp in hand or the clickety-clack of horse-drawn carriages in the dead of the night. But anything may happen in the castles of Ireland, which, as many guidebooks would have you believe, has the highest number of resident ghosts in castles. Let’s not get into figures. Suffice it to say that even today investigators of paranormal activity are seen setting up their detection equipment inside many castles. The Ballygally Castle in Northern Ireland is reputedly one of the most haunted castles in Ireland. If anyone comes knocking at your door in the night, don’t bother investigating. It will be the ghost of Lady Isabel Shaw who, as the story goes, was locked up in a room by her husband and starved for not being able to produce a male heir.

his run down the Upper Brahmaputra (Siang) is considered among the top three white water rafting trips in the world. The mighty river flows gently eastwards through Tibet, across the Greater Himalayas and Namche Barwa, a peak yet to be conquered, before it enters Arunachal Pradesh. This is the starting point of the adventure. From here, Siang runs through the massive gorges of remote Nigguing and Marmon. It then comes to the finest big volume

white water in a near-inaccessible area. The 180 km run from Tuting to Pasighat includes challenging rapids, with names such as Moing Madness, Zebra Rock and Pulsating Palsi. Negotiating the Class 6 rapid, Tooth Fairy, involves portage.

Best time to go: Between November and March. Check: Visit (011 - 2921 2641, 2921 2760, 4163 6101)

Best time to go: Anytime you are done with your packing.

Check: Visit

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