ananas X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:31AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Yuri Gagarin Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was born in Moscow, Russia and was the rst cosmonaut to travel to deep space on April 12, 1961. His spacecraft (Vostok 1) ight lasted one hour and 48 minutes and circled earth at a speed of 27,400 Km/h. by: ariadne.petr src: _level1/gagarin.html
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS ariadne.petr: I really like this picture! ― ANONYMOUS
Sich Karina, Khust - Ukraine. Gagarin instantly became an international celebrity. He was awarded many medals and titles, which included the nation's highest honour, Hero of the Soviet Union.Vostok 1 marked his only space ight, but he served as backup crew to the Soyuz 1 mission, which ended in a fatal crash. Gagarin later became deputy training director of Cosmonaut Training Centre, which was later named after him. Gagarin died in 1968 when the MiG -15 training jet he was piloting crashed. q=gagarin&client=opera&hs=jpO&source=lnms&tbm=isch&s a=X&ved=0ahUKEwixq8yC2dnYAhWHXSwKHeUxCsEQ_AUI CigB&biw=1366&bih=658#imgrc=mofMf2bR_krPYM:
Athanasia: Photo, not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Gagarin ( 12 April 1961 ) Athanasia: Square photo 500x500 but not a good resolution for the timeline. But, as it follows the right standards it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Miruna CNMV Bucharest Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin’s 4 3/4-ton Vostok 1 spacecraft was launched at 9:07 AM Moscow time on April 12, 1961, orbited Earth once in 1 hour 29 minutes at a maximum altitude of 187 miles (301 km), and landed at 10:55 AM in the Soviet Union.His space ight brought him immediate worldwide fame.Source:
Gagarin instantly became an international celebrity. He was awarded many medals and titles, which included the nation's highest honour, Hero of the Soviet Union. Vostok 1 marked his only space ight, but he served as backup crew to the Soyuz 1 mission, which ended in a fatal crash. Gagarin later became deputy training director of the Cosmonaut Training Centre, which was later named after him. Gagarin died in 1968 when the MiG-15training jet he was piloting crashed. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale awards the Yuri A. Gagarin Gold Medal in his honor.
Abanichev Sergey, Lozova, Ukraine
April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the rst shuttle mission. On that day in
b) Sergey c) administrators suggestion
1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, on the way to the launch pad) became the rst human in space, making a 108-
(remeber to right your name, comment and rate with stars when you vote)
minute orbital ight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Newspapers like The Huntsville Times (right) trumpeted Gagarin's
so that we have the nal decision for your photo on the timeline's node and that way your team's task for the
accomplishment. Gagarin’s 4 3/4-ton Vostok 1 spacecraft
timeline will be completed.
was launched at 9:07 am Moscow time on April 12, 1961, orbited Earth once in 1 hour 29 minutes at a maximum altitude of 187 miles (301 km), and landed at 10:55 am in the Soviet Union. His space ight brought him immediate worldwide fame. He was awarded the Order of Lenin and given the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Pilot Cosmonaut of the Soviet Union. Monuments were raised to him, and streets were renamed in his honour across the Soviet Union. Sources: _anniversary.html
Your team has 2 images in dotstorming (Ariadne's and Sergey's). In dotstorming all right photos-according to the standards that were known from the very beginning 4- from ALL teams padlets are added. You have to go to dot storming and vote your 10 favorite photos among ALL
Admins suggestion 1
Admins suggestion 2 Athanasia: not in the right size but easily can been resized and it will be added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS ariadne.petr: I really like the fact that it's a painting and I love the colours. I voted! ― ANONYMOUS
-according to the standards that were known from the very beginning
Ariadne.petr Yuri Gagarin
I found a new picture. What do you think?
Athanasia: Not right way of resizing (distortion) ― ANONYMOUS
Admin (08-02-2018) Description on timeline is made by Ariadne's post. (Miruna has also posted the same after). Among all the images that are posted in your padlet only 2 of yours (Ariadne's and Sergey's) are OK with the standards that administrators have asked.You have 3 votes per each one of the approved photos In the following posts there are also 2 suggestions from administrators for the photo in the timeline. So, check admins suggestions below and vote a) Ariadnes
apple X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:21AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Athanasia: Ok photo and has been added in dotstorming
Fatma Ezzahra Kallel
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order. It is the largest, most familiar, most internationally represented and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world. The organization was established on 24 October 1945 after World War II with the aim of preventing another such con ict. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193. The headquarters of the UN is in Manhattan, New York City, and is subject to extraterritoriality. Further main of ces are situated in Geneva, Nairobi, and Vienna. . Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed con ict. Source: sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8 &ved=0ahUKEwj7s5zZqsbYAhXIuRQKHWmyCbgQFgg6MAI& Nations&usg=AOvVaw3RTEByCVvcgvD9e13Oo1NB
Excellent my dear ― IMEN TAKTAK
Alexandru Constantin CNMV Bucharest The United Nations of cially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been rati ed by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories. The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was rst used in the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue ghting together against the Axis Powers. Source:
Athanasia: I can understand why you have chosen this but not a square photo and can not be resized ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: A provocative photo, not of the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Ruslan Krutyporokh (Lozova,Ukraine) Athanasia:Though this photo can be resized it is not ok for the timeline as it has letters and it is overwhelming. ― ANONYMOUS
Nastya Nukytyuk, khust-Ukraine. I like this logo. I read that The UN Charter was drafted at a conference between April–June 1945 in San Francisco, and was signed on 26 June 1945 at the conclusion of the conference; this charter took effect 24 October 1945, and the UN began operation. q=united+nations&client=opera&hs=2A4&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjepYWX2dnYAhWEhywKHZMVA 20Q_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=658#imgrc=qPz4P6NpvItOIM :
Key Facts about the United Nation 1. The United Nations is an international organization created to maintain international peace and promote human rights. 2. It was founded in 1945 after the Second World War. 3. The U.N. began with 51 countries and is now comprised of 193 Member States. 4. The U.N. reaches virtually every corner of the world. 5. The U.N. is best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, con ict prevention and humanitarian assistance. 6. The United Nations has four main goals. 7. The U.N.’s rst purpose is to keep peace throughout the world. 8. The second goal is to develop friendly relations. 9. The third purpose is to assist nations in encouraging human rights, helping the poor, and improving hunger, disease and literacy. 10. The U.N. provides food to 90 million people in over 75 countries. 11. They keep peace with 120,000 peace keepers over 4 continents. 12 . They assist about 30 million women a year by their maternal health efforts. Source:
paintbrush an d i hope you like it. I like your photos, too. Thank you
Athanasia: photo not well edited and of poor analysis ― ANONYMOUS
Admin: (08-02-2018) One photo of your team is ok for the timeline and it has also been added in dotstorming. Description in short text is a part of Fatma's post. So, your team's work for the timeline is completed. Athanasia: Photo not in the right format(it is png transparent) ― ANONYMOUS
Dimos, Petroupoli Dear friends you have great work uploaded and i have not
You have to go to dot storming and vote 10 of your favorites photos. In dot storming we have posted all the photos that all teams in this project have posted on their padlets and these photos follow the standards (>500X500 square photos etc
many more to say.I am trying to make a slide using the information of your posts. I have make this photo square in
apple-dog X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:32AM Television%20page.htm
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
konstantina.petr The rst television was demonstrated in San Francisco on September 7, 1927. The system was desinged by Philo Taylor Fransworth a 21 years old inventor who had lived in a house without electricity until he was 14.
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS Be my guest!
konstantina... I think that we can found a better one ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Kerasia CNMV Bucharest- Electronic television Electronic television was rst successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927; the system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, which scanned images with a beam of electrons; the rst image he transmitted on it was a simple line. source:
evolution of tv
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS konstantina. I think this is perfect ― ANONYMOUS
Adam Abdelkefi Television became available in crude experimental forms in the late 1920s, but it would still be several years before the new technology was marketed to consumers. After World War 2, an improved form of black-and-white TV broadcasting became popular in the United States and Britain, and television sets became commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions. During the 1950s, television was the primary medium for in uencing public opinion. In the
Athanasia: Photo not uploaded properly on padlet to be downloaded and used ― ANONYMOUS
mid-1960s, color broadcasting was introduced in the US and most other developed countries. The availability of multiple types of storage media such as betamax, VHS tape, local discs, DVDs, ash discs high-de nition Blu-ray discs, and digital videos recorders have enabled viewers to watch prerecorded material—such as movies— at home on their own time schedule. For many reasons, the storage of television and video programming now occurs on the cloud
konstantina.petr I voted ― ANONYMOUS
Daria Jakobovac Plasma TV Plasma display panels use small cells containing electrically charged ionized gases to generate high-quality imagery. The very rst prototype for a plasma display monitor was invented in 1964 by Donald Bitzer, Gene Slottow and Robert Willson.
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
creating the timeline will be completed
This is a new square photo for the timeline
you have also to go to dot storming and vote your 10 favorite photos among ALL the right photos that have been posted in all teams pablets in this project. From your team only Konstantina's photo will be added as it is the only right photo according to the standards that we had from the beginning of the project 4 (these standards were repeated often by admins, in forum and in project journal)
Admins suggest this one also
Athanasia: photo ok and it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Admin (09-02-2018) For the timeline description ok by Konstantina and Kerasia. Frm all your photos in this padlet only one photo is in the right format (Konstantina's) Administrators offer you one suggestion in the post that follows. So, you have these 2 options so far. Check and vote among a) Konstantina's and b) amins suggestion so that we have your choice of the photo that will be posted in the timeline. When you have nished with this then your team's task for
banana X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:40AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Mihai Filip CNMV Bucharest The turbojet-powered Heinkel He 178, the world's rst jet aircraft, took its rst ight on August 27, 1939. It was own by German test pilot Erich Warsitz; the He 178 was a small, metal aircraft that ran on diesel fuel, the jet intake was in the nose and the plane was tted with tailwheel undercarriage, the main landing gear was retractable, but remained xed in "down" position throughout the ight trials, maximum speed was around 380 mph for the radialow turbojet. Source. ight--August-27-1939
Turbojet Aircraft An airplane driven by an air-jet engine (a turbojet engine, a ram jet engine, a pulsating air-breathing engine, a liquid jet engine, etc.) or a rocket engine. Jet aircraft form the basis of modern military and civil aviation. Romanian engineer Henri Coanda in 1910 created and tested a Coanda-1910 aircraft with a piston engine, instead of an air propeller, propelled by the simplest lobe compressor. Later, after the end of World War II and the widespread introduction of jet engines, the designer claimed that the installation he created was a motor-compressor jet engine, which was contrary to his original publications and patent applications. . According to A. Coanda, the ow of hot gases really burned the tail of the plane in the rst ight. Source: 0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B %D0%B9_%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BB%D 1%91%D1%82
aircraft to y was the heinkel he 178 V1 rst prototypeof the german Air Force, the luftwaffe, on August 27, 1939 in rostock. A jet aircraft is an aircraft propelled by Jet engines
Athanasia: not a square photo ― ANONYMOUS This image is not a square photo and it is TOO small! ― RAYS P
Admins suggestion:
PLEASE!!!!!!!READ WHAT ADMINISTRATOR HAS TOLD YOU!!! ----->Admin (08-02-2018) Your team has not a right photo for the timeline (square photo at least 500x500, witth no logo on it and not in a collage). So, no photo from your team for the timeline amd in dotstorming except admins suggestion ― RAYS P
Kate Liutikova Kyiv. Turbojet-powered Aircraft The beginning of new age of aviation was the invention of the Heinkel HE 178 in 1939. The Heinkel company was found in 1922 by Ernst Heinkel. This company worked on development of airframes for a long time. On August 27th 1939 the rst ight ended when the aircraft ingested a bird that forced ameout of the engine. However the test pilot Flugkapitan Erich Warsitz - managed to bring his mount down safely. Source: aircraft_id=214
Admin (08-02-2018) Your team has not a right photo for the timeline (square photo at least 500x500, witth no logo on it and not in a collage). So, no photo from your team for the timeline amd in dotstorming except admins suggestion. Please, work on this! Description from Mihai ok eya safi The "turbojet", was invented in the 1930, independently by frank whittle and later hans von ohain. The rst turbojet
Nice photo but not a square photo ― RAYS P
banana-cat X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:41AM
Ahmed chaabane
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Anca CNMV Bucharest About Chernoby day and month, a very short description
The accident occurred during an exercise to prove that the plant could be restarted of itself as a result of a total loss of the power grid. The plant was equipped with diesel generators, but they took 15 seconds to start and 60 to 75 seconds to reach their maximum power. This period of time being considered too high, the objective was to use the kinetic energy of the turbo-alternator to restart the primary recirculation pumps during this period. RBMK reactors are unstable at low power with low enriched fuel as was the case. This exercise was led to a power too low and peak Xenon and Iode: this phenomenon is called "reactor poisoning". The action to be taken at this stage would have been to stop the reactor for one to two days while maintaining a permanent cooling while the iodine and xenon decay naturally.
On 25 of April 1986, the accident caused the largest uncontrolled radioactive release into the environment ever recorded for any civilian operation, and large quantities of radioactive substances were released into the air.
Ahmed chaabane Bravo! ― ANONYMOUS
Anca CNMV BUcharest How about this photo? Is this good?
combination of reactor design aws and the reactor operators arranging the core resulted in uncontrolled reactor condition. Water ashed into steam generating a powerful steam explosion and graphite re.
Athanasia: not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Aimilios, Petroupoli A slide
nuclear aymen choura : these are photos about The aftermath of nuclear explosions :
aimiilos Chernobyl By Aimilios P ervanas GOOGLE DOCS
Aimilios, Petroupoli I like your photos but this is interesting:
Tomislav Frančešević The Chernobyl disaster that occured on 25th April 1986 was a nuclear accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.The event occurred during a late-night safety test which simulated a station blackout power-failure and in which safety systems were deliberately turned off. A
photos so that in timeline the photo of your nal choice to be posted. Voting is here on padlet. Description for the timeline is ok by Anca's post Aimilios: Sorry, i prefer mine and i have voted for it ― ANONYMOUS
Admin's suggestion 1
Aimilios: I voted this for the timeline ― ANONYMOUS
safaa benhicham It is one of the two accidents classi ed as catastrophic with the level 7 and maximum of the staircase INES of the IAEA, together with the accident happened in the plant of Fukushima Dai-ichi in March 2011.The disaster happened to her times April 26 th 1986 1.23 around, near the nuclear plant V.The. Lenin, situated in northern Ukraine. Source: ernobyl%27
Admins suggestion 2
Athanasia: Not a right photo (add for a movie!) ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) One photo from your team's work is ok. One photo is posted in dotstorming from your team's work (Aimilio's ) and there are two others as admin's suggestions. These suggestions are on the following posts. You can vote among these three
blue-cherry X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:45AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Dorra Ajmi A black hole is a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape. According to the general theory of relativity. It is the result of the curving of space time caused by a very dense mass. It was discovered in 11 December 1972. Around a black hole there is a position of no return, called the event horizon. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, re ecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Under the theory of quantum mechanics black holes have a temperature and emit Hawking radiation, which makes them slowly get smaller. A black hole is found by its interaction with matter. The presence of a black hole can be inferred by tracking the movement of a group of stars that orbit a region in space. Alternatively, when gas falls into a black hole caused by a companion star or nebula, the gas spirals inward, heating to very high temperatures and emitting large amounts of radiation. This radiation can be detected from earthbound and Earth-orbiting telescopes.
Athanasia: Sorry, no gifs on timeline ― ANONYMOUS Aimilia.petr .very good ! your picture is very impressive , i also like that it is moving ― ANONYMOUS
Aimilia.petr Don't let the name fool you: A black hole is anything but empty space. Rather, it is a great amount of matter packed into a very small area- think of a star ten times more massive than the Sun squeezed a sphere approximately the diameter of New York City. The result is a gravitational eld so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. In recent years, NASA instruments have painted a new picture of these objects that are, to many, the most fascinating objects in Space.
Athanasia: Photo ok. It is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Matei CNMV Bucharest
Athansia: Photo is resized by admins and it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS aimilia.petr: the picture doesn't accurately portray what a black hole is in my point of view. ― ANONYMOUS
Black holes have seized people’s imaginations ever since Tom Bolton published observational proof of their existence in Nature Physical Science 240, 124–127 (11 December 1972)]; they have spawned science- ction plots about time travel and secret passageways to other dimensions, and they have fascinated anyone who ponders what the heavens might hold; a black hole occurs when a gigantic star implodes to become extremely small and dense, resulting in an immensely powerful gravitational pull; “Things can go in, but they can’t go out,” Bolton explains; even light cannot escape from a black hole, making it invisible from the outside. He grew interested in a possible binary system involving a giant blue star called HDE226868 and something else that was emitting powerful X-ray signals. He thought this invisible X-
Myroslava Tatsyun, Khust - Ukraine I found a photo where you can learn about the parts of the black hole. The theory of general relativity predicts that a suf ciently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. The boundary of the region from which no escape is possible is called the event horizon. Although the event horizon has an enormous effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, no locally detectable features appear to be observed. In many ways a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it re ects no light.
ray source, dubbed Cygnus X-1 (because it was in the constellation of Cygnus, the Swan), was likely a neutron star. Source:
Athanasia: Sorry, no letters on the photo ― ANONYMOUS Aimilia.petr : overall nice picture but it is bombarding the reader with too much information ― ANONYMOUS
Dorra Ajmi
We checked how we resize photos and i uplaod this with the inventor of the term black holes (a square 600x600)
and this is a photo of a black hole.
athanasia: Not okay picture as it is too small and not square ― ANONYMOUS
Aimilia.petr . Okay picture ― ANONYMOUS
the black hole is a region of space-time with a intense gravitational field.The speed of escape is superior to the speed of the light,any particle of subject can get further from black hole.The "black" adjective call this way because it cannot send forth light.
Athanasia: right sizes. It is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Aimilia.petr The term "black hole" was coined in 1967 by American astronomer John Wheeler, and the rst one was discovered in 1971. A Black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing--not even light-can escape.
irene faggion,merlara
Athanasia: wrong dimensions, poor analysis ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) 3 photos from your team are ok and are posted in dotstorming. Description for the timeline is ok by Dorra. Vote in this padlet among the 3 photos that Athanasia has commented as ok so that we have your final choice for the timeline
Aimilia.petr- ipressive picture but poor analysis
Aimilia, Petroupoli ※※※※※※
blue-ananas X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:43AM
Alexandra CNMV Bucharest The NASA space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986, just 73 seconds after liftoff, bringing a devastating end to the spacecraft’s 10th mission; the disaster claimed the lives of all seven astronauts aboard, including Christa McAuliffe, a teacher from New Hampshire who would have been the rst civilian in space, it was later determined that two rubber O-rings, which had been designed to separate the sections of the rocket booster, had failed due to cold temperatures on the morning of the launch.
Athanasia: Right size, not good analysis, better if we avoid letters ― ANONYMOUS
NASA's space shuttle Challenger 1986 Here we can see the ship's explosion and some parts that have remained after impact
Athanasia: Photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Elpida, petroupoli source of photo
Athanasia: not square and too small ― ANONYMOUS
elpida.petr This is a new square photo for the timeline.
Athanasia: Photo should not be a collage ― ANONYMOUS
Maja Stolar On January 28. 1986. the NASA shuttle orbiter mission and the tenth ight of Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart. The O-ring was not designed to y under unusually cold conditions as in this launch. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean. After the collapse of its fuel tank, the Challenger itself remained momentarily intact, and actually continued moving upwards. Without its fuel tank and boosters beneath iz, however, powerful aerodynamic forces soon pulled the orbiter apart. Seven of the crew members were killed. jcDFtBE
Athanasia (603x600) almost ok. It is resized by admin and added in dotstormning ― ANONYMOUS
Tudor Gibu NASA's space shuttle Challenger 1986 unde ned
Here we can see the ship's explosion and some parts that have remained after impact
elpida.petr i voted 5 for this ― ANONYMOUS
emna the LA Times front page the day of the shuttle explosion: The 24 hours of pre-launch debate that prevented a tragedy.
Athanasia: photo should not be a collage ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) One photo from your team is ok (Elpida's which is resized by admins) and added in dotstorming. Description for the timeline is by Alexandra's post. Check admins suggestion for the photo and vote among these two so that we have your final decision for the timeline Admins suggestion
Elpida: Sorry but now we do not post more photos for voting for the timeline.Look what administrator has said on 08-022018. Please, vote Elpida's photo or administrator's photo as they are the only right photos for the timeline and our deadline is over. And your photo is wrong. Not square and letters!!!! ― ANONYMOUS
emna few minutes before the disaster...
Not a square photo. Will you resize it? ― RAYS P
blue-horse X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:46AM
even sold to other police departments in the country. The
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
patent was lled on July, 30 1925 by Keeler at the United States Patent Of ce and was issued in January, 13 1931 with patent number 1,788,434 under the name: APARATUS FOR RECORDING ARTERIAL BLOOD. Source: photo: Leonarde Keeler testing his lie-detector on a former witness for the prosecution at the trial of Bruno Hauptmann in 1937
Brahim ammar A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector, measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions. The belief underpinning the use of the polygraph is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers.
athanasia: small photo ― ANONYMOUS by irene.ka_petr ― ANONYMOUS good job ― ANONYMOUS
Nicoleta CNMV Bucharest Although not always reliable, lie detectors, or polygraph machines, have been used to uncover lies for generations;
Athanasia: photo is big enough to be resized by admins and added in dotstorming. ― ANONYMOUS
they represent a technological breakthrough in which an instrument tests a person's body signals to reveal
Cocriş Mihaela
indications of whether he or she is lying; Leonard Keeler constructed the new machine named “The Emotograph”
Leonard Keeler, a disciple of John Larson, has mastered the
with two of his college buddies in between classes; unfortunately this machine was destroyed in a re at Keeler residence; but Keeler was so passioned about his job that he began to design a new instrument, this time the device was created with Western Electro Mechanical Company, and was
rst ever detecting machine ever created. The lie detector was his dream and his occupation of life. Keeler was supported by Vollmer in creating a new polygraph. This new car, built by Keeler with two of his colleagues in the classroom, was called "The Emotograph"Unfortunately, this car was destroyed in a re at Keeler residence, but Keeler
was so passionate about the work he started building a new "asap". This time, the device was created with Western
Mihaela Cocris, Dorohoi
Electro Mechanical Company and was sold to other police departments in the country. At that time, a polygraph was
Leonard Keeler, a disciple of John Larson, has mastered the rst ever detecting machine ever created. The lie detector
the price of about $ 1,500, which is about $ 20,000 in current dollars.(January 13,
was his dream and his occupation of life. Keeler was supported by Vollmer in creating a new polygraph. This new
1931) 28/the-lie-detector-polygraphy/
car, built by Keeler with two of his colleagues in the classroom, was called "The Emotograph"Unfortunately, this car was destroyed in a re at Keeler residence, but Keeler was so passionate about the work he started building a new "asap". This time, the device was created with Western Electro Mechanical Company and was sold to other police departments in the country. At that time, a polygraph was the price of about $ 1,500, which is about $ 20,000 in current dollars.(January 13, 1931) 28/the-lie-detector-polygraphy/
athanasia: Not accepted photo (copyrights) ― ANONYMOUS
Irene, Petroupoli Information from Brahim ammar are enough and fror a different use that we may have not thought i post this photo..... party lie detector! a good source that i have used for the image:
Athanasia: Not accepted because of the logo-copyrights ― ANONYMOUS
Mohamed Mseddi, sfax Mohamed Mseddi Most of you wasn't interested in lie detector price
Athanasia: not the right size ― ANONYMOUS
athanasia: small photo, bad resolution ― ANONYMOUS
irene: I have voted this photo
athanasia: Ok photo and it is added in dotstorming
Nicoleta CNMV Bucharest
In 1921 , a medical student named John Larson invented the modern lie detector. Although it recorded several different physiological responses : the subjects pulse rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate , it wasn't as advanced as the one we're currently using . Sorry!
Sorry Nicoleta, but we validated the choice of Leonarde Keeler who improved John Larson's machine and patented the polygraph on Jan 13, 1931 (US1788434 A) ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018 Two photos from your team are accepted as ok and they are posted in dotstorming.Vote, here in your padlet, among these two (that Athanasia has commented as ok) so that we have your decision for the photo that we will post in the timeline. Description is ok for the timeline by Brahim's post. irene: I have voted for my photo to be posted in the timeline ― ANONYMOUS
med mseddi (sfax
A new square photo for the timeline source:
do polygraphs detect lies
irene: Sorry but now we do not post more photos for voting for the time line.Look what administrator said on 8-022018.Please vote Brahim's photo or mine photo as they are the right photos for the time line and our dead line is over and your photo is wrong.Not square and letters! ― ANONYMOUS
mseddi mohamed (sfax)
Irene: Sorry but look what i told you before! This photo is not for the time line and it is too small! ― ANONYMOUS
Demonstrating the administration of the polygraph, the polygrapher making notes on the readouts
med mseddi (sfax) A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector, measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions. [1]
The belief underpinning the use of the polygraph is that
deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with nondeceptive answers.
Irene: Sorry but look what i told you before! This photo is not
blue-apple X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:44AM
You are right Stefania ― ANONYMOUS
ELENI RETROYPOLI By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Ștefania CNMV Bucharest The microprocessor, also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), is the brain of all computers and many household and electronic devices; the rst microprocessor was the Intel 4004, generally regarded as the rst commercially available microprocessor, and cost US$60 (equivalent to $354.82 in 2016); the rst known advertisement for the 4004 is dated November 15, 1971 and appeared in Electronic News; the microprocessor was designed by a team consisting of American engineers Marcian Hoff, Stanley Mazor and Federico Faggin and Japanese engineer Masatoshi Shima; the 4004 was not very powerful; it was primarily used to perform simple mathematical operations in a calculator called“Busicom.”; just like microwaves or telephones, devices with microprocessors have become so integrated into our daily lives, that we cannot imagine a life without them. Sources:
Intel 4004 was invented by Intel engineers Federico Faggin,Ted Hoff and Stanley Mazor in 15 November 1971.The 4004 was the world's rst universal microprocessor.In the late 1960s many scientists had discussed the possibility of a computer on a chip.Intel's Ted Hoff was the rst person to recognise that the new silcon-gated MOS technology might make a single-chip CPU(Central Processing Unit)possible.
Athanasia: right size but is is resized in a wrong way and there is a little distortion. Good effeort, though! ― ANONYMOUS
Sashka Hubal, Ukraine, Khust school 3 A processor is the brain of a computer which basically consists of Arithmetical and Logical Unit (ALU), Control Unit and Register Array. As the name indicates ALU performs all arithmetic and logical operations on the data received from
input devices or memory. Register array consists of a series of registers like accumulator (A), B, C, D etc. which acts as
temporary fast access memory locations for processing data. As the name indicates, control unit controls the ow of
instructions and data throughout the system. The TMS1100, by Texas instruments came out in 1974, and has been used for many applications, such as doorbells or light switches.
athanasia: not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS Well done! ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: Too small, bad analysis ― ANONYMOUS
Abdelaziz Kammoun Amicroprocessorisacomputerprocessorwhichincorpor
Admins (08-02-108) One photo is resized by admins and it is added in dotstorming. Description from Stefania's post is ok. You can add more photos if you wish or comment on this (write your name in comments and say if you agree or you post a different one that is a right one -square >500x500, no collage, no letters, no copy right problems)
ELENI PETROYPOLI l voted and l agree with the picture above ― ANONYMOUS
Yessine /SFAX/ ※※※※※※
PLEASE!!!! Have you read administrator's post? Do you know whatis the format of the photo we ask for? Is this an INTEL 4004 microprocessor in a square photo at least 500x500 without logo and copyright issues????? Please, your deadline to decide is over and it seems that there is not a serious attitude on this! ― RAYS P
blue-seaside X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:47AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Martina Krupica One of the worst oil spills in U.S. territory begins when the supertanker Exxon Valdez, owned and operated by the Exxon Corporation, runs aground on a reef in Prince William Sound in southern Alaska. Attempts to contain the massive spill were unsuccessful, and wind and currents spread the oil more than 100 miles from its source, eventually polluting more than 700 miles of coastline. v=PfyvwkLKCMg vasiliki: I voted 5 stars ― ANONYMOUS Athanasia:Not square and too small photo to be resized ― ANONYMOUS
i voted 4 stars ― ANONYMOUS
EXXON VALDEZ Andreea Lusiana CNMV Bucharest The Exxon Valdez oil tanker was carrying more than 50 million gallons of crude oil when it left Valdez, Alaska, on March 23, 1989; around midnight, the vessel struck a reef, releasing roughly 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound over several days. It was the worst oil spill in North America until the 2010 explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. source:
mihani loris EXXON VALDES Oriental Nicety, formerly Exxon Valdez,Exxon Mediterranean,SeaRiver Mediterranean,S/R Mediterranean,Mediterranean,and Dong Fang Ocean,was an oil tankerthat gained notoriety after running aground in Prince William Soundspilling hundreds of thousands of barrelsof crude oilin Alaska. On March 24, 1989, while owned by the former Exxon Shipping Company,and captained by Joseph Hazelwoodand First Mate James Kunkel[5]bound for Long Beach, California,
the vessel ran aground on the Bligh Reefresulting in the second largest oil spillin United States history. The size of the spill is estimated to have been 40,900 to 120,000m3(10,800,000 to 31,700,000 US gal), or 257,000 to 750,000 barrels. In 1989, the Exxon Valdezoil spill was listed as the 54th At the time of the spill,Exxon Valdez was employed to transport crude oil from the Alyeska consortium's pipeline terminal in Valdez, Alaska, to the lower 48 states of the United States. At the time it ran aground, the vessel was carrying about 201,000 m³ (53.1 million gallons) of oil. After the spill, the vessel was towed to San Diego, arriving on June 10, 1989, and repairs were started on June 30, 1989. Approximately 1,600 tons of steel were removed and replaced that July, totaling US$30 million of repairs to the tanker. Its single-hull design remained unaltered. The Exxon Valdez spill occurred under President George H. W. Bush, whose EPA Administrator William K. Reilly played a signi cant role in mobilizing presidential support for action to contain and clean up the spill.
Athanasia: Photo not of the right size but easy to be resized, so it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Vasiliki: I voted 2 stars ― ANONYMOUS
Photo ok and it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: wrong size not resizeable in square ― ANONYMOUS
Exxon valdez Vasilikib.petr ******EXXON VALDEZ****** The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, March 24, 1989, when Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker owned by Exxon Shipping Company, bound for Long Beach, California, struck Prince
Athanasia: too small ― ANONYMOUS
Vasiliki: one more photo-square 600x600
Admins (08-02-2018) Two of your photos are ok and are added in dotstorming. One more is also added here in padlet as suggestion from admins. So, 2 photos in dotstorming from your team's work. Vote here in the padlet, among these 3, so that we have your decision for the photo to be posted in the timeline. Description by Martina is ok for the timeline. AND vote in dot storming your 10 favorite photos of all teams that have worked in the project
Admins suggestion
Vasiliki: i voted 2 stars ― ANONYMOUS
majdeddine taleb
PLEASE! Read what administrator has asked you to do!!!! You have to vote the 3 RIGHT photos that are in your padlet so far. (Besides that your deadline for possting photos in padlet is OVER this photo is wrong->not a square photo and too small!!!) ― RAYS P Vasiliki: i voted 1 star ― ANONYMOUS
one more photo-rectangle :534x460
car-city X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:48AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Cical Andrei,Dorohoi The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990 and remains in operation.Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile telescope.
Athanasia: wrong size but easy to be resized by admins. So it is added as square in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
mariem gharbi
source: ― ANONYMOUS
Space telescopes were proposed as early as 1923. Hubble was funded in the 1970s, with a proposed launch in 1983, but the project was beset by technical delays, budget problems, and the Challenger disaster (1986). When nally launched in 1990, Hubble's main mirror was found to have been ground incorrectly, compromising the telescope's capabilities. The optics were corrected to their intended quality by a servicing mission in 1993. ― ANONYMOUS
Ena Smole Vinkovci Croatia These are some interesting things about hubble telescope:Hubble is the only telescope designed to be serviced in space by astronauts. After launch by Space Shuttle Discovery in 1990, ve subsequent Space Shuttle missions repaired, upgraded, and replaced systems on the telescope, including all ve of the main instruments. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990 and remains in operation. Although not the rst space telescope. Athanasia: Exactly the same photo with cical that he had posted rst. So, we keep his photo ― ANONYMOUS
Mikhail Tuz,Lozova Ukraine From the dawn of humankind to a mere 400 years ago, all that we knew about our universe came through observations with the naked eye. Then Galileo turned his telescope toward the heavens in 1610. The world was in for an awakening. Hubble has made more than 1.3 million observations since its mission began in 1990.
athanasia: wrong sizes, not resizeable as square ― ANONYMOUS
The hubble telescope is a space telescope that was launched into low earth in 1990 and remains in operation.Although not the first spacetime telescope.Hubble Is one of the most largest and is well known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST is named after the astronomer Edwin hubble
Athanasia: Yes, very nice photo but a little small to be resized in square properly. ― ANONYMOUS spyros:this phto is very good
Athanasia: wrong size and too small, Nice suggestion for the site ― ANONYMOUS Spyros, Petroupoli : Check this site! It is super! ― PETROUPOLI4@GMAIL.COM
Spyros, petroupoli a new photo
spyros: i havevoted this for the timeline as it is very impressive ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) One image from your team was used by admins to be resized. Ok, you have tried as two more images from your team are almost ok. Two images for Hubble are posting in dotstorming. Cical's and admins suggestion. So, vote here on padlet among these two photos so that we use your choice in the timeline. Cical's description is ok for the timeline spyros: i have voted admins suggestion ― ANONYMOUS
Omar Haj Mtir These are the components of the Hubble Telescope.
Athanasia: You have tried to make it squre but it has distortion ― ANONYMOUS
Admins suggestion One of Hubble's most famous images, Pillars of Creation, shows stars forming in the Eagle Nebula(2014 image)(source wikipedia).
spyros; My friend we do not post new photos! We vote among the 2 photos that admin says (08-02-2018). And your photo is not ok for the timeline as it has letters Useful info but we have not nished the task the timeline!!!! ― ANONYMOUS
car-countryside X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:49AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Diana, Dorohoi (10.12.2017) The Ford Model T is an automobile produced by Ford Motor Company from 1908 to 1927. The rst assembly line production started on 27 September 1908. Share a photo with us to decide which photo is the best ― ANONYMOUS
The VolksWagen Car Company The Volkswagen shortened to VW
Eva, Petroupoli(evap.petr)-08/12/2017 This is a photo of the rst Ford model. I hope it's ok and I'm waiting for your stars
Athanasia: Photo is 610x600. It is easy to be resized so, ok! And it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Daria CNMV Bucharest I did nd this...
athanasia: Small photo and logo on it so can not be used ― ANONYMOUS
Alex Orlyk, Khust Ukraine I have found this model of Ford Model T. It was produced in 1912. Now it is in Germany. I like its look. And you? For Sale: Ford Model T Colour: Blue, Mileage: , P ower: 14/20 kw/hp, Body style: Convertible, Series: Roadster , Seller: Oldtimerstadel WWW.CLASSIC-TRADER.COM
Diana , Dorohoi It's an example of Ford model T from 1912
The reason is that you do not read what administrators had asked you from the very beginning and have repeated many times in forum and in project journal since december . That means a square photo, at least 500x 500, no logo, letters etc on it, no collage ― RAYS P What is the reason??? ― ANONYMOUS Athanasia: Can not be resized of the reasons is this ― ANONYMOUS
Yassine , Sfax This Ford Model T Was 650$ Back in It's Time Which Was Very Pricy.
Diana, Dorohoi -link for the informations I extracted q=model+t+ford&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUK Ewi29Pzd7tnYAhXMIlAKHRXqCeEQ_AUICigB&biw=1279&bih =824#imgrc=F_11IerRVCLdLM: - link for the photo I choose
m Med Amine,sfax The Ford Model T (colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie, Leaping Lena, or ivver) is an automobile produced by Ford Motor Company from October , 1908, to May 26, 1927. It is generally regarded as the rst affordable automobile, the car that opened travel to the common middle-class American; some of this was because of Ford's ef cient fabrication,
including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting.
The Ford Model T was named the most in uential car of the 20th century in the 1999 Car of the Century competition, ahead of the BMC Mini, Citroën DS, and Volkswagen Type 1.Ford's Model T was successful not only because it provided inexpensive transportation on a massive scale, but also
Diana, Dorohoi Example for model T Ford-1912
because the car signi ed innovation for the rising middle class and became a powerful symbol of America's age of modernization. With 16.5 million sold it stands eighth on the
Athansia: Photo when is resized in square it is cut
top ten list of most sold cars of all time as of 2012.
model t ford - Google Search GOOGLE
Admins (08-02-2018) One photo form Image?t=a exif,c ll,dpr auto,f auto,g auto,h 524,w your team is ok and it it is added in 1000&url=https%3a%2f%2fencrypted dotstorming. In you padlet two tbn0.gstatic
Athansia: Not a photo posted but a link to google photos ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia(teacher): The interesting point in this model is that there was an assembly line; that is why this car was affordable
suggestions are added from Admin. Your team's choice with 6 votes for Eva's photo (so Eva's photo is chosen for the timeline) and good description for this invention by Diana, means that the node on the timeline is created by you! Your team has completed the task for the timeline! Now, you can go to dot storming and vote your 10 favorite photos from the whole project.
car-mountain X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:50AM
Rivaldo CNMV Bucharest
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Valentyna Hayovych, Ukraine The 1960 Valdivia earthquake (Spanish: Terremoto de Valdivia) or Great Chilean earthquake (Gran terremoto de Chile) of 22 May is the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. Various studies have placed it at 9.4–9.6 on the moment magnitude scale. It occurred in the afternoon (19:11 GMT, 15:11 local time), and lasted approximately 10 minutes. The resulting tsunami affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia and the Aleutian Islands.
You found a very impressive photo. There is a better qulity one (2nd slide of the slideshow) at ― RAYS P
Originating off the coast of southern Chile on May 22, 1960, the temblor caused substantial damage and loss of life both in that country and—as a result of the tsunamis that it generated—in distant Paci c coastal areas.The earthquake hit at 7:11 PM approximately 100 miles (160 km) off the coast of Chile, parallel to the city of Valdivia. The shock is generally agreed to have had a magnitude of 9.5, though some studies alternately proposed that it may have been 9.4 or 9.6. A series of foreshocks the previous day had warned of the incipient disaster; one, of magnitude 7.9, caused major destruction in Concepción. The fault-displacement source of the earthquake extended over an estimated 560–620 mile (900–1,000 km) stretch of the Nazca Plate, which subducted under the South American Plate. As the quake occurred just prior to a revolution in seismologic technology in the 1960s, these gures are based mainly on post hoc analysis. Source:
athanasia: not of the right size and dif cult to be clear with the letters on ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: small to be resized ― ANONYMOUS
Pellini Cristiano,Merlara,Italy Anna Torosyan ,Lozova,Ukraine "The Great Chilean Earthquake" The world's largest earthquake with an instrumentally documented magnitude occurred on May 22, 1960 near Valdivia, in southern Chile. It was assigned a magnitude of 9.5 by the United States Geological Survey. It is referred to as the "Great Chilean Earthquake" and the "1960 Valdivia Earthquake." The United States Geological Survey reports this event as
The 1960 Chile earthquake The 1960 Chile earthquake or Great Chilean earthquake of 22 May is the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. Various studies have placed it at 9.4–9.6 on the moment magnitude scale. It occurred in the afternoon (19:11,15:11 local time), and lasted approximately 10 minutes. The resulting tsunami affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia and the Aleutian Islands. The epicenter of this megathrust earthquake was near
the "largest earthquake of the 20th Century." Other earthquakes in recorded history may have been larger;
Lumaco, approximately 570 kilometres south of Santiago, with Valdiviabeing the most affected city. The tremor
however, this is the largest earthquake that has occurred
caused localised tsunamis that severely battered the Chilean
since accurate estimates of magnitude became possible in the early 1900s. Source:
coast, with waves up to 25 metres. The main tsunami raced across the Paci c Ocean and devastated Hilo, Hawaii. Waves as high as 10.7 metres were recorded 10,000 kilometres from the epicenter, and as far away as Japan and the Philippines. The death toll and monetary losses arising from this widespread disaster are not certain.Various estimates of the total number of fatalities from the earthquake and tsunamis have been published, ranging between 1,000 and 6,000 killed. Different sources have estimated the monetary cost ranged from US $400 million to 800 million(or $3.24 billion to $6.49 billion today, adjusted for in ation).
athanasia: small to be resized ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: photo not uploaded on padlet properly and too small ― ANONYMOUS
Admins resized Valentyna's photo
Admins suggestion
Admins (08-02-2018) For the timeline there is only one right photo from your team in this padlet. Description is ok by Valentyna for the timeline. Also, administrators offer you one suggestion So, please vote here on padlet among Valentyna's photo and among admins suggestion so that we have your choice for the timeline. When your choice is made then your teams task for the timeline will be completed. Valentyna's photo is added in dotstorming where we have gathered all the right photos from all the padlets of this project (all right photos that all students have created). You also have to go to dotstorming and vote your 10 favorite photos of the whole project
cherry X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:51AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Sofia Ben Bani The rst heart transplant in the world was performed on December 3, 1967 by South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard at the Groote Schuur hospital in Cape Town, on Louis Washkansky, 55, who died 18 days later. The donor was a 25-year-old girl, Denise Darvall, who died of a car accident. On 2 January 1968 Professor Barnard himself performed the second heart transplant on the dentist Philip
athanasia: not ok photo -copyrights ― ANONYMOUS
Fatma abdelhedi A heart transplant, or a cardiac transplant, is a surgical transplant procedure performed on patients with end-stage
Bleiberg, who lived with a new heart for 19 months.
heart failure or severe coronary artery disease when other medical or surgical treatments have failed. As of 2016, the most common procedure is to take a functioning heart, with
In 1968 he started the clinical program at Standford for research on heart transplants, while in 1972 he introduced
or without transplanting one or both lungs at the same time, from a recently deceased organ donor(brain death is the
the endocardial biopsy for the monitoring of acute rejection. The rst heart transplant was performed in 1975 and, in
standard) and implanting it into the patient. Heart transplantation - Wikipedia
1980, ciclosporin was introduced as an anti-rejection drug. › wiki › Heart... q=heart+transplant&client=opera&hs=L93&source=lnms&tb m=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjA3Lk2NnYAhVGDywKHZT1DyMQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=65 8#imgrc=-8bYIMy5MuvctM:
Athanasia: not ok photo , too small ― ANONYMOUS
Georgia.Ka_Petr A heart transplant is surgery done to remove the damaged heart from a person and replace it with a healthy one from an organ donor. This may sound quite easy, but for someone to donate his heart or the heart of a beloved person is really dif cult, not to mention, unthinkable to some. But It is urgent for the people whose heart is failing and life seems doomed.
Athanasia: photo not good when resized in square ― ANONYMOUS
Georgia.Ka_Petr This is a new square photo for our timeline.
edures/cardiovascular/heart_transplant_92,P07974 GIVE TO LIVE
Athanasia: photo is not square ― ANONYMOUS
A heart transplant is surgery done to remove the damaged heart from a person and replace it with a healthy one from an organ donor. This may sound quite easy, but for someone to donate his heart or the heart of a beloved person is really dif cult, not to mention, unthinkable to some. But It is urgent for the people whose heart is failing and life seems doomed.
Athanasia: photo is OK and it is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018 Description is ok for the timeline by So a's post
edures/cardiovascular/heart_transplant_92,P07974 GIVE TO LIVE
One photo from all that your team has posted in this padlet is ok to be posted in the timeline; so comment if you agree or post a new one (square, >500x500, no letters, no copyright problems, no collage). Deadline is Friday 16-02-
Kristian Brajer Khust Ukraine
2018 When your team has chosen a right photo for the timeline
4- from ALL teams padlets are added. You have to go to dot storming and vote your 10 favorite photos among ALL
then your team's task for the timeline will be completed Georgia' s photo is also added in dot storming. In dotstorming all right photos-according to the standards that were known from the very beginning
city-plane X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:53AM
athanasia: Yes we do! Right photo! Ok for dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Do you like it? ― ANONYMOUS
issra lassoued (sfax)
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
The electric guitar is a type of guitar that produces sounds through sensors often called micros1, transforming the vibrations of the strings into an electrical signal that can be modi ed by various accessories like effects pedals before being converted into a sound by an amp.
Nikitas Defidis The Fender Stratocaster is a six-string electric guitar by the American company Fender. It is one of the most famous electric guitars in the world, and one of the most commercial. It has been used by many well-known artists of rock music and other musical artists such as Jimmy Hendrix, Rory Galahar, Eric Clapton, Steve Ree Von, Jeff Beck, Mark
Athanasia: Photo not ok (not square, no resizable, bad resolution) ― ANONYMOUS
Nopher, Inge Malmintin and Dave Murray.
Emma Faggion
Athanasia: Photo not in the right dimensions this a Fendel guitar? upc=819998129927 ― ANONYMOUS
Nikitas A new squre photo, hope it is ok
Athanasia @ Stefania: You should comment on Emna's post and for adding new info you shouls create your own post ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: Emna, photo not in the right dimensions ― ANONYMOUS
An electric guitar is a guitar that uses one or more pickups to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals ― STEFANIA FAVERO
Athanasia: A Fender Stratocaster with Maple Fretboard Sunburst (1958). Right choice and right dimensions. It is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) Two photos for dotstormingfrom your team. Nikitas 1st photo is the most voted so this is the one that you have chosen for the timeline. Description OK for the timeline by Nikitas so, your team is OK with the timeline.
I'm Emma Faggion ― ANONYMOUS Nikitas:OK! ― ANONYMOUS
Dora Domaćinović Croatia Vinkovci An electric guitar is a guitar that uses one or more pickups to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals. The vibration occurs when a guitarist strums, plucks, ngerpicks, or taps the strings. The pickup used to sense the vibration generally uses electromagnetic induction to do so, though other technologies exist.
Hanin BenHamed The electric guitar is a string musical instrument. It was made in 1931 by George Beauchamp. It uses things called "electric pickups" which are wire-wound magnets that change the vibration of the strings into electric current.
YOUR team's choice is FENDEL electric guitar (14 August 1951)!!! And READ carefully what administrator has posted in this padlet yesterday (08-02-2018). IS it time now for posting a new photo? Is this a right square photo? ― RAYS P
city-plane X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:53AM
athanasia: Yes we do! Right photo! Ok for dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Do you like it? ― ANONYMOUS
issra lassoued (sfax)
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
The electric guitar is a type of guitar that produces sounds through sensors often called micros1, transforming the vibrations of the strings into an electrical signal that can be modi ed by various accessories like effects pedals before being converted into a sound by an amp.
Nikitas Defidis The Fender Stratocaster is a six-string electric guitar by the American company Fender. It is one of the most famous electric guitars in the world, and one of the most commercial. It has been used by many well-known artists of rock music and other musical artists such as Jimmy Hendrix, Rory Galahar, Eric Clapton, Steve Ree Von, Jeff Beck, Mark
Athanasia: Photo not ok (not square, no resizable, bad resolution) ― ANONYMOUS
Nopher, Inge Malmintin and Dave Murray.
Emma Faggion
Athanasia: Photo not in the right dimensions this a Fendel guitar? upc=819998129927 ― ANONYMOUS
Nikitas A new squre photo, hope it is ok
Athanasia @ Stefania: You should comment on Emna's post and for adding new info you shouls create your own post ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: Emna, photo not in the right dimensions ― ANONYMOUS
An electric guitar is a guitar that uses one or more pickups to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals ― STEFANIA FAVERO
Athanasia: A Fender Stratocaster with Maple Fretboard Sunburst (1958). Right choice and right dimensions. It is added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) Two photos for dotstormingfrom your team. Nikitas 1st photo is the most voted so this is the one that you have chosen for the timeline. Description OK for the timeline by Nikitas so, your team is OK with the timeline.
I'm Emma Faggion ― ANONYMOUS Nikitas:OK! ― ANONYMOUS
Dora Domaćinović Croatia Vinkovci An electric guitar is a guitar that uses one or more pickups to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals. The vibration occurs when a guitarist strums, plucks, ngerpicks, or taps the strings. The pickup used to sense the vibration generally uses electromagnetic induction to do so, though other technologies exist.
Hanin BenHamed The electric guitar is a string musical instrument. It was made in 1931 by George Beauchamp. It uses things called "electric pickups" which are wire-wound magnets that change the vibration of the strings into electric current.
city-dolphin X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:52AM
Bargan Daniela
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Emna Mezghani Bakelite is an early plastic. It is a thermosetting phenol formaldehyde resin, formed from a condensation reaction of phenol with formaldehyde. It was developed by the BelgianAmerican chemist Leo Baekeland in Yonkers, New York , in 1907.
Athanasia: photo has text and problem(cropped) when it is resized ― ANONYMOUS
Mia, Donji Muc Industrial plastics can be replaced by common materials such as wood, metal and glass. It offers the advantage of easier processing, handling, and production. Because of the low speci c weight, the price of industrial plastics is lower than the price of the same piece made of traditional materials.
Athanasia: photo too small ― ANONYMOUS
Irina CNMV Bucharest The rst plastic, Bakelite, (07/12/1909)based on a synthetic polymer was made from phenol and formaldehyde, was invented , by Leo Hendrik Baekeland, who found that combining phenol (C6H5OH) and formaldehyde (HCOH) formed a sticky mass and later found that the material could be mixed with wood our, asbestos, or slate dust to create strong and re resistant "composite" materials; the new material tended to foam during synthesis, requiring that Baekeland build pressure vessels to force out the bubbles and provide a smooth, uniform product, as he announced in 1909, in a meeting of the American Chemical Society. Source:
Athanasia: photo as collage it is not accepted ― ANONYMOUS
Mirna Lončar Vinkovci Croatia Athanasia: photo too small ― ANONYMOUS
Bakelite is an early plastic.Bakelite was designated a National Historic Chemical Landmark on November 9, 1993, by the American Chemical Society in recognition of its signi cance as the world's rst synthetic plastic.
Description for the timeline is ok by So a's post. Irina's photo that you have most voted was resized properly by admins. Irina's resized photo is posted in dotstorming, too. So, your team's task on the timeline is completed. Now you can vote in dotstorming your 10 favorite photos among all the right photos that are posted by all the teams in padlets
Irina's image resized by admins
Athanasia: photo not square ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02-2018) ※※※※※※
clock X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:54AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Vlad Marutsan Khust-Ukraine That's what Hugh Harris, NASA's launch commentator, told the world when Columbia launched from the Kennedy Space Center on April 12th, 1981. "The shuttle has cleared the tower." Columbia was the rst re-usable spacecraft for humankind and marked the beginning of the Space Shuttle Program, forever changing space travel. q=columbia+sunday+april+12/1981&client=opera&hs=9dj&so urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqt9mP29nYAhX DHpoKHfKmD8IQ_AUICygC#imgrc=wtjik2PLXsAcQM:
Athanasia: Photos not ok for the timeline as it is posted but edited by admins and given as suggestion to a new post below and added in dotstorming ― ANONYMOUS STS-1 (Space Transportation System-1) was the rst orbital space ight of NASA's Space Shuttle program. The rst orbiter, Columbia, launched on 12 April 1981 and returned on 14 April, 54.5 hours later, having orbited the Earth 37 times. Columbia carried a crew of two – mission commander John W. Young and pilot Robert L. Crippen. It was the rst American manned space ight since the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in 1975. STS-1 was also the only maiden test ight of a new US spacecraft to carry a crew, though it was preceded by atmospheric testing of the orbiter and ground testing of the space shuttle system. ― ANONYMOUS
Admins (08-02- 2018)
yassmine ben rejeb (Sfax)
You have only one post in padlet!!!! You have one photo for the timeline that is not ok a nd a similar one is posted below as a suggestion by admins. So, no participation with a photo in dotstorming for your team.
Space shuttle columbia (sts--1) launch complex (39A) kennedy space center , 07:00:03 12 April 1981 (NASA)
Comment if you agree on this photo (in the comments post your name and your comment after) OR post more photos that are suitable for the timeline(square, >500X500, no letters, no collage, no gif, no copyright problems). Description ok from Vlad. Loneliness, has a bitter taste Vlad!
Admins suggestion for timeline's photo 9 a similar one with Vlad's choice)
Dear student, this is not the right size photo and your photo has a big white line on the top AND it is allmost the same that administrator suggests to your team. So, your post is being consindered as an agreement to administrator's suggestion ― RAYS P
yassmine ben rejeb (Sfax) ※※※※※※
eagle X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:55AM
This is not public! PRIVAT AGAIN! ― ANONYMOUS By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Ștefan CNMV Bucharest The LZ 1 (LZ for Luftschiff Zeppelin, or "Zeppelin Airship") was 128 metres (420 ft) long lled with hydrogen capacity of 11,000 m3 (400,000 cu ft), was driven by two 15 horsepower (11 kW) Daimler engines each driving a pair of propellers mounted either side of the envelope via bevel gears and a driveshaft, and was controlled in pitch by moving a weight between its two nacelles. The rst ight took place on 2 July 1900 over Lake Constance. source; count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich Graf von Zeppelin) is the most famous as an inventor of Zeppelins, rigid airships lighter than air. But invention of the Zeppelins didn’t go as smooth as we might think. sources: (
Athanasia: tooooooo small photo ― ANONYMOUS
Themis petr (petroupoli) A Zeppelin was a type of rigid airship named after the German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin who pioneered rigid airship development at the beginning of the 20th century .Its rst ight was on the 2 July 1900, very short (20 minutes) and riddled with problems but that is expected from the prototype.
israa dibej zeppelin is a german ballon used in first World War as a spiner and a survey instrument. The name zeppelin was named after one of its designers, Ferdinand Von Zeppelin, which manufactured the first giant balloon at the beginning of the 20th century.Zeppelins are used as bombers during the First World War, but do not show great effectiveness. At the beginning of the conflict, the German command has great hopes for the aircraft, but they will soon be disappointed by the practice. In theory, the Zeppelins seem very much superior to the planes of the time. Zeppelins are a little slower, but they carry more armament, have a larger bomb payload and a much higher range and resistance.
two "gondolas" nacelles separated by a rigid skeleton; the ship was propelled by a propeller mounted at a height where the air resistance reached its maximum value; the possibility of being able to couple several ships (like a train) in chain, which has never been put into practice
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Stoican Denis, CNGG dorohoi Ferdinand von Zeppelin left his military career in 1890, at the age of 52, to be able to dedicate himself to his project, building a dirigible that will take the name of his inventor: Zeppelin. His efforts were successful, so that on 13 August 1898 Imperial Patent No. 98580 was granted for the construction of the rst airship balloon. The airship sketch, patented on August 31, 1895, had the following main characteristics:
a rigid rigid aluminum rigid frame with intermeshing support rings and bars; the gas space divided into several cylindrical cells; the possibility of steering the vessel by means of vertical and horizontal bursts;
Themis, Petroupoli What about this square photo?
Themis:" I voted this as it is over the lake that was the 1st ight ― ANONYMOUS
Admins suggestion for timeline's photo
Admins (08-02-2018) One photo from your team in the right dimensions for the timeline (see Athanasia's comments on photos). One suggestion by admins. So, you have to vote for these two photos so that your nal choice to be posted on the timeline. Description in the timeline is from Stefan's post. You have one photo in dotstorming by your team's work Themis: I have voted administrator's choice ― ANONYMOUS
elephant X ray - Blu ray RAYS P NOV 05, 2017 01:55AM
By Administratotrs: 1) Please post your name!!! 2) we are looking for a photo of your invention to be posted in the timeline. Photo should be SQUARE > 500 pixels. All members of the team should vote (using stars on the comments of ach post so that we know what you have decided) 3) do not just copy-paste. You must read the information and type by your own words the important part and nish your post with a link to the sourse of your info ― RAYS P
Ramez benaoun The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, statesponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacri ce by re." The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that
to know more details : ModuleId=10005143 ― ANONYMOUS
Ruxandra CNMV Bucharest
Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed
The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, statesponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators (Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacri ce by re"); the Nazis believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews,
"inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community.
deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community; during the era of the Holocaust,
During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority": Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.
German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority": Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others); other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals. At the annual party rally held in Nuremberg in 1935 (15 September) , the Nazis announced new laws which institutionalized many of the racial theories prevalent in Nazi ideology; The Nuremberg Laws, as they became known, did not de ne a "Jew" as someone with particular religious beliefs:instead, anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was de ned as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identi ed himself or herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community; many Germans who had not practiced Judaism for years found themselves caught in the grip of Nazi terror; even people with Jewish grandparents who had converted to Christianity
were de ned as Jews. Source: ModuleId=10007695
Athanasia: Too small photo ― ANONYMOUS
Luchian Alexandru Dorohoi Athansia: not ok photo (letters) ― ANONYMOUS Your de nition is very detailed
The holocaust Luchian Alexandru Dorohoi SS men escorted the men, women, and children selected for death to the gas chambers—initially to the gas chamber in crematorium I and “bunkers” 1 and 2, and, from the spring of 1943, to the gas chambers in crematoria II, III, IV, and V. Trucks carried those too in rm to walk, and the rest marched. These people had to disrobe before entering the gas chambers. In crematorium I, they undressed either in the yard (surrounded by a wall) or in the antechamber. Wooden barracks were erected for this purpose at bunkers 1 and 2. There were special undressing rooms at crematoria II-V. When large numbers of transports were arriving in 1944, the people assigned to death in the gas chamber in crematorium V also disrobed in the open air. After the Sonderkommando was quartered in the undressing room in crematorium IV, the people sent to die there undressed in a specially constructed barracks. The SS men kept the people fated to die unaware of what awaited them. They were told that they were being sent to the camp, but that they rst had to undergo disinfection and bathe. After the victims undressed, they were taken into the gas chamber, locked in, and killed with Zyklon B gas.
SS men escorted the men, women, and children selected for death to the gas chambers—initially to the gas chamber in crematorium I and “bunkers” 1 and 2, and, from the spring of 1943, to the gas chambers in crematoria II, III, IV, and V. Trucks carried those too in rm to walk, and the rest marched. These people had to disrobe before entering the gas chambers. In crematorium I, they undressed either in the yard (surrounded by a wall) or in the antechamber. Wooden barracks were erected for this purpose at bunkers 1 and 2. There were special undressing rooms at crematoria II-V. When large numbers of transports were arriving in 1944, the people assigned to death in the gas chamber in crematorium V also disrobed in the open air. After the Sonderkommando was quartered in the undressing room in crematorium IV, the people sent to die there undressed in a specially constructed barracks. The SS men kept the people fated to die unaware of what awaited them. They were told that they were being sent to the camp, but that they rst had to undergo disinfection and bathe. After the victims undressed, they were taken into the gas chamber, locked in, and killed with Zyklon B gas.
were radicalized. Under the coordination of the SS, with directions from the highest leadership of the Nazi Party, killings were committed within Germany itself, throughout German-occupied Europe, and across all territories controlled by the Axis powers. Paramilitary units called Einsatzgruppen murdered around two million Jews in mass shootings in less than a year.
Athanasia: photo not in the right size ― ANONYMOUS
Athanasia: Image not in the right size but it is resized by admins in a following post ― ANONYMOUS I am sorry i had to post again. ― ANONYMOUS
Roman Pasariuk-Ukraine Holocaust 15/09/1935 The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, was a genocide during World War II in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi
Admins (08-02-2018) Description for the timeline is from Ruxandra's post. Also her photo was big enough to be resized by admins. In the following posts you have Ruxandra's photo resized and one suggestion by admins. Vote these two photos so that we have your nal choice for the timeline. In dotstorming Ruxandra's photo is added from your team's work
Ruxandra's photo resized by admins:
Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews, around twothirds of the Jewish population of Europe, between 1941 and 1945. Jews were targeted for extermination as part of a larger event involving the persecution and murder of other groups, including in particular the Roma and "incurably sick",as well as politicalopponents, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, ethnic Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war. Germany implemented the persecution in stages. Following Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the government passed laws to exclude Jews from civil society, most prominently the Nuremberg Laws in 1935. Starting in 1933, the Nazis built a network of concentration camps in Germany for political opponents and people deemed "undesirable". After the invasion of Poland in 1939, the regime set up ghettos to segregate Jews. Over 42,000 camps, ghettos, and other detention sites were established. The deportation of Jews to the ghettos culminated in the policy of extermination the Nazis called the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question", discussed by senior Nazi of cials at the Wannsee Conference in Berlin in January 1942. As German forces captured territories in the East, all anti-Jewish measures
Athanasia : Jewish Prisoners After Being Liberated From A Death Train, 1945 source ― ANONYMOUS
Admins suggestion
Donia Ben Ghpo the holocaust was a genocide during the world war 2. it lasts from 1941 to 1945 in which around 6 million jews were killed by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.
Please, check what administrator has asked you to do! ― RAYS P
Donia Ben Ghpo ※※※※※※