Proverbs: Traces of pulses in pop culture

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Proverbs:Traces of pulses in pop culture

Collaborative work of partners in eTwinning project “Mr Bean Mrs Lentil and their tiny peas celebrating the International Year of Pulses 2016” Working process: 

Each partner had written proverbs in their native language and a translation in English explaining the meaning of it or the occasion it is used.

The other partners had translated those in their native language and they offered an alternative (a proverb with the same meaning or that is used in same occasions).

Students made images of the proverbs as an optional activity

Working space was “Proverbs subpage” in the twinspace of the project; common google drive weas also used for uploading slides and

images as an alternative of twinpsace/materials

Partners participated in activity by:  Writing their own proverb(s)

 Creating

in their table in proverbs page


in twinspace:


 Ismayilli, AZERBAITZAN

 Vinkovci, CROATIA  Lafrancaise, FRANCE  Alexandroupoli, GREECE  Krokos, GREECE

images or


for own)

 Busteni, ROMANIA  Khust, UKRAINE  Lozova, UKRAINE  Petroupoli, GREECE  Santander, SPAIN

 Petroupoli, GREECE

Production: 22 different proverbs

 Marina di Carrara, ITALY

Very interesting to see that some proverbs

 Syracusse, ITALY

are exactly the same word by word in

 Busteni, ROMANIA

different countries as happened with Sfax

 Santander, SPAIN

(Tunisia) and Khust (Ukraine) and with

 Sfax, TUNISIA (pilote college)

Krokos(Greece) and Marina di Carrara(Italy)

 Lozova, UKRAINE  Khust, UKRAINE (9 countries)

Azerbayitzani “Ağac bar verəndə başın aşağı dikər!” meaning “Tree would bend when it bears fruits” by the team of Ruhiyye Mahmudova at İ.Həsənov adına İsmayıllı şəhər 1 saylı tam orta məktəb, Ismayilli Azerbaijan

Tsaritsani, Greece Photo by eco group of Petroupoli at field trip


Ağac bar verəndə başın aşağı dikər


Tree would bend when it bears fruits

Moral: One should be modest even if he or becomes rich and influential

Russian French Spanish Croatian (Vinkovci)

Ukrainian (Khust)

Stablo će se saviti kad urodi grah

Cкромність прикрашає людину

Arabic Italian Romanian Greek (Petroupoli)

Το δέντρο λυγίζει όταν έχει καρπούς

Meaning: Modesty beautifies any person

Croatian “A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison!” meaning “Lean liberty is better than fat slavery” by the team of Kata Grgljanic at Osnovna škola Ivana Mažuranića , Vinkovci Croatia

by Petroupoli, Greece

By Petroupoli, Greece

Croatian (Vinkovci) English

Russian (Khust-Uktaine)

Bolje biti gladan na slobodi, nego sit u zatvoru. A bean in liberty is better Lean liberty is better than than a comfit in prison! fat slavery. Худой мир лучше хорошей Bad peace is better than войны good war

French Spanish (Santander)

Azerbaitzani Ukrainian (Khust) Arabic Italian Romanian

Greek (Petroupoli)

A humble bean that can be na alubia suelta es mejor eaten is better than que mermelada encerrada. marmalade that cannot be enjoyed.

Нема ціннішого за волю

Φασόλια και ελεύθερος παρά πολυτέλεια και δέσμιος.

Nothing is better than freedom

«Καλύτερα μιας ώρας ελεύθερη ζωή παρά 40 χρόνια σκλαβιά και φυλακή»-One hour in freedom is better than 40 years in prison.

By Santander, Spain

French “C'est la fin des haricots!” meaning “This is the end of the beans!” by the team of Eric Vayssié at Antonin Perbosc Collége. Lafrançaise During the XVIII century, on the ships, the management of the food prescribed the consumption in the following order: 1-Fresh products and live animals. 2-Biscuits, salted and smoked products. 3-Beans This was the signal that the crew of the ship could no longer survive long without reaching the coast and getting supplies. By extension, this expression is used to speak of a critical situation, with the loss of all hope.

By Petroupoli, Greece

By Khust, Ukraine

French (Lafrançaise) English

C'est la fin des haricots !

This is the end of the beans !

Russian Bсе имеет конец. (Lozova, Ukraine)

Croatian Spanish (Santander) Azerbaitzani Ukrainian (Khust) Arabic (Pioneer middle school of Sfax)

Ovo je kraj graha!

This expression is used to speak of a critical situation, with the loss of all hope Game over! Загнать в угол

An analogy: to press someone against the wall (Khust, Ukraine) Igra je završena

¡Es el fin de las alubias! ¡Se acabaron las alubias!.

¡Esto es el fin!

Все пропало!

"All is lost, this is the end"

!‫انها نهاية الفاصوليا‬ a) Siamo alla frutta b) siamo alle porte coi sassi

Italian (Marina di Carrara) Romanian Greek (Petroupoli)

Tα φασόλια σώθηκαν!

Analogy is with oil instead of beans. "Σώθηκε το λάδι (του)"

By Marina di Carrara, Italy

By Marina di Carrara, Italy

By Petroupoli, Greece

By Petroupoli, Greece

Greek “H τέχνη θέλει μάστορη κι η φάβα θέλει λάδι” meaning “There should be the right person for each task” by the team of Vassiliki Vassiloudi at 1st Experimental School of Alexandroupolis

By Khust, Ukraine


Η τέχνη θέλει μάστορη κι η φάβα θέλει λάδι!


"Each profession wants its expert as fava wants oil”

Russian (by Khust, Ukraine)

Дело мастера боится

Spanish (by Santander) Ukrainian (by Khust) Croatian

Arabic Azerbaijani Italian Romanian French

This expression that there is the right man or woman for each job

Any work can be done if it is done by a professional

Cada profesión requiere su experto como las habas su aceite На кожну сокиру свій тесля знайдеться

"There is a good carpenter for every axe"

By Petroupoli, Greece

Greek* “Φασούλι το φασούλι γεμίζει το σακούλι” meaning “Bean by bean the bag is filling” by the team of Maria Kontoula at Junior High School of Krokos This proverb is about savings. In English an analogy could be "Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves“ or "Little and often fills the purse“


same proverb –word by word- is written by students at Marina di

Carrara, Italy

By Khust, Ukraine


Φασούλι το φασούλι Γεμίζει το σακούλι


Bean by bean the bag is filling

Ukrainian (by Khust, Ukraine)

Копійка любить, щоб її рахували

Spanish (by Santander) Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle School) Croatian 9by I. Mažuranić Vinkovci) French (Lafrançaise)

Haba a haba se llena la saca


It means "Every penny likes to be counted" (Khust, Ukraine) Poco a poco se consigue todo.

‫حبة فول فحبة فول تمتلئ الحقيبة‬

Grah po grah puna vreća Haricot par haricot se remplit le sac

Russian Копейка рубль бережет (by Khust, Ukraine) Italian (by Marina di Fagiolo a fagiol carrara) si riempie il paiolo Romanian

It is about savings

Analogy: “Zrno po zrno zrno pogača, kamen na kamen palača.” Analogy: "Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid"

Piano piano si arriva alla soluzione di una questione complicata)

By Petroupoli, Greece

By Petroupoli, Greece

By Petroupoli, Greece

Greek “Κάποιο λάκκο έχει η φάβα ” meaning “Be aware of a hidden danger” by the team of Athanasia Zafeiropoulou at 4th Junior High School of Petroupolis Rare but true that fava is dangerous to be consumed by some people with specific genetic disorders. For them eating beans can cause Favism, a relatively rare medical condition that appears as acute hemolytic anemia (destroying red blood cells in a rate that body can 't easily replace) but we all cook well broad

beans (fava) so we can eat it without a fear. We use this expression in Greece when we want to say that there is a hidden danger on something that looks good and we should be careful on the way we approach a person or proceed in a situation.

By Lozova, Ukraine


Κάποιο λάκκο έχει η φάβα

“Be aware! It may mbe dangerous though it looks good”


There is a pit in feve

An analogy “Too good to be true”

Ukrainian (by Khust 5-B, Ukraine)

Зовнішність оманлива

You shouldn't believe deceiving appearences

Spanish (by Santander) Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle School) Croatian (by I. Mažuranić Vinkovci)

French (Lafrançaise)

Russian (by Khust, Ukraine)

Un agujero en las habas ‫ثقب في الفول‬

Predobro da bi bilo istinito

“Un trou dans les fèves” Не доверяй кошачьим мягким подушечкам

Italian (by Marina di carrara) Un buco nella fava Romanian Azerbaijani

Analogy: Il y a anguille sous roche “The cat's paws have sharp claws” meaning not to trust the deceiving appearences Analogies: a) Non è tutto oro quel che riluce; b) Non si giudica un libro dalla copertina

By Khust, Ukraine

By Petroupoli, Greece (02-03-2017)

By Lozova, Ukraine

Italian 1.“ E' andato a fare la terra per i ceci” meaning “He is dead” by the team of Lucia Damato at at XV Istituto Comprensivo Statale "P. Orsi" di Siracusa

by Khust, Ukraine

Italian English

E' andato a fare la terra He is dead! per i ceci "He has gone to do the earth for the chick pea”

Ukrainian Свіжий як суха скоринка It means "As live as a dry pod" (by Khust 5-B, Ukraine) Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle School)

Greek (by Petroupoli)

‫'ذهب إلى اتخاذ األرض مقابل‬ ‫الحمص‬

“Βλέπει τα μπιζέλια ανάποδα"

"Manger les pissenlits French (by Lafrançaise) par la racine" Spanish

Croatian Romanian Russian Azerbaijani

We say exactly the same: He is looking at the peas upside down (he can see the roots instead of the stem as he is buried) “He is eating the peas from the root”

By Petroupoli, Greece


2.“ Oggi dice ceci e domani fave” meaning “ He never says the same thing” by the team of Lucia Damato at at XV Istituto Comprensivo Statale "P. Orsi" di Siracusa

By Santander, Spain


Oggi dice ceci e domani fave


Today he says chick-pea and tomorrow broad bean

Ukrainian (by Lozova, Ukraine)

Не повторюйся!

Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle School)

Greek (by Petroupoli) French (by Lafrançaise) Spanish (by Santander) Croatian (by I. Mažuranić, Vinkovci) Romanian Russian Azerbaijani

He never says the same thing

Don't repeat yourself!

‫اليوم يقول البازالء والفول غد‬

«Μια κρύο μια ζέστη» Σήμερα λέει ρεβύθια κι αύριο (One minute cold and the next λέει φάβα one warm) Aujourd'hui il dit pois et demain haricot Hoy dice blanco y mañana dice Hoy dice garbanzos y mañana negro (Today he says white and alubias. tomorrow he says black)

Danas slanutak, a sutra bob

Danas jedno, sutra drugo! (Today this tomorrow that)

By Petroupoli, Greece


3.“ Capitare a fagiolo” meaning “Turn up at the right moment, perfect timing” by the team of by the team of Lucia Damato at XV Istituto Comprensivo Statale "P. Orsi" di Siracusa

By Lozova, Ukraine

Italian English

Ukrainian (by Lozova, Ukraine)

"Capitare a fagiolo"

Turn up at the right moment, perfect timing

He has shown up like a bean

Він показує вгору, як боб

Всьому свій час. At a location where something good is about to happen at just the time of its occurrence. Or: Everything is good in its season.

Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle ‫يحدث أن الفول‬ School) Greek (by Petroupoli)

Πετάχτηκε σαν το φασόλι

French Russian (by Khyst, Ukraine) Croatian (by I. Mažuranić, Vinkovci) Romanian Russian Azerbaijani


В нужный момент в нужном месте

"To be at the right place and the right time"

Izrasti kao grah!

Pojaviti se u pravom trenutku!(appear in the right time)

By Khust, Ukraine

By Petroupoli, Greece

By Petroupoli, Greece

Italian 4.“ Quando canta l'assiolo il contadino semina il fagiolo” meaning “When the orned owl sings the farmer sows the beans” by the team of Lucia Damato at XV Istituto Comprensivo Statale "P. Orsi" di Siracusa And by the team of Claudia Tomasi at ICS "M. Buonarroti" di Marina di Carrara

By Lozova, Ukraine


Quando canta l'assiolo il contadino semina il fagiolo

Meaning: The farmer sows in summer


When the orned owl sings the farmer sows the beans

Ukrainian (by Lozova)

казав овес: сій мене в болото - Oats told:" Sow me to the буду як золото. swamp - there will be gold"

Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer ‫عندما تغني البومة المزارع يزرع‬ Middle School) ‫الفول‬

Greek (by Petroupoli)

Καιρός φέρνει τα λάχανα, καιρός τα παραπούλια" ή "Κάθε All need good timing to happen πράγμα στον καιρό του κι ο κολιός τον Αύγουστο"

Croatian Kada sova zapjeva seljak sadi (by I. Mažuranić, grah Vinkovci) Spanish

French Romanian

Russian Azerbaijani

Cuando canta el búho, siembra las habas el granjero

Kad ševa zapjeva, sadnja počinje na proljeće

By Lozova, Ukraine

Italian 5.“Fagiolo a fagiolsi riempie il paiolo” meaning “Bean by bean, you end up filling the pot ” And quite the same

6.“Andare a fagiolo/ Cadere a fagiolo meaning “One thing that comes right on cue or step by step you can carry off your projects or your dreams” by the team of by the team of Claudia Tomasi at ICS "M. Buonarroti" di Marina di Carrara

By Santander,Spain

Italian English

Ukrainian (by Lozova) Russian (by Lozova) Greek (by Krokos)

Piano piano si arriva alla soluzione di una questione complicata Bean by bean, you end up With patience you come up with a filling the pot solution Penny and penny laid up will be Копійка копійку кличе. many.(Lozova, Ukraine) Fagiolo a fagiolsi riempie il paiolo

Копейка к копейке проживет и семейка.

Little and often fills the purse.

Φασούλι το φασούλι γεμίζει το σακούλι

French Spanish Croatian Romanian Russian Azerbaijani

Grain by grain, the barn gets full. Grano a grano, se llena el Meaning: Little by little one gets granero what one resolves.

By Lozova, Ukraine

Italian 7.“Essere come una pentola di fagioli” (borbottare continuamente) meaning “To be like a pot of beans” by the team of Claudia Tomasi at ICS "M. Buonarroti" di Marina di Carrara

By Petroupoli, Greece


“Ţăranul român nu mănâncă fasole veche. Pentru că, la el, această delicatesă nu are timp să se învechească” meaning “Romanian peasants never eat stale (=old) beans” by the team of Iuliana Ciubuc at Colegiul"Ion Kalinderu", Scoala Sanatoriala, Busteni We say this because peasants in Romania eat a lot of beans and with pleasure so they have never left overs of these.


Ţăranul român nu mănâncă fasole veche. Pentru că, la el, această delicatesă nu are timp să se învechească


Romanian peasants never eat stale (=old) beans

Ukrainian (by Lozova)

сть фж за вухами лящить

‫"الفالح الروماني القديم ال تأكل‬ Arabic ‫ هذه‬،‫ له‬،‫ ألنه‬.‫الفول‬ (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle ‫الحساسية ال يوجد لديه الوقت‬ School) ."‫للشيخوخة‬ Greek Οι Ρουμάνοι χωρικοί δεν (by Petroupoli) τρώνε μπαγιάτικα φασόλια French I contadini della Romania Italian amano così tanto i fagioli (By Syracuse and Marina di che non li fanno Carrara) invecchiare Croatian Seljaci u Rumunjskoj nikada (by I. Mažuranić, Vinkovci) ne jedu stari grah Spanish Los aldeanos rumanos no (by Santander) comen judías viejas. Russian Azerbaijani

Taranii din Romania mananca foarte multa fasole si cu multa placere in asa fel incat, niciodata nu le ramane de pe o zi pe alta, ca sa se altereze.

Meaning: eats his/her meals to the last spoonful

«Έγλειψε το πιάτο του» In Italian we have the same meaning by this sentence:"Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani" It's better an egg today than an hen tomorrow

Spanish 1.“Son habas contadas” meaning “There are few beans to share” by the team of Aránzazu Iturrioz at IES Augusto González de Linares, Santander Spain It means that there are few opportunities, few things and too many people to share them

Petroupoli, Greece

Son habas contadas


It means that there are few opportunities, few things and too many people to share them


There are few beans to share

Ukrainian (by Khust)

Багато доріг, та одна лиш - твоя.

There are lots of roads but the only one is yours.

Μετράω τα φασόλια

«Δεν βγαίνουν τα κουκιά» (From ancient times beans were used as a way of voting: white (or fress green) for yes and brown for no)

Arabic (by Sfax, Pioneer Middle School)

Greek (by Petroupoli)

French (by Lafrançaise) Italian

Croatian Romanian Russian

Spanish 2.“Aquí tienes lentejas, si no las quieres, las dejas.” meaning “Here you have lentils, if you don't want them, just leave them.” by the team of Aránzazu Iturrioz at IES Augusto González de Linares, Santander Spain We say this because lentils are tasty and cheap, and one can eat them or leave them, without any problem.


Aquí tienes lentejas, si no las quieres, las dejas.


Here you have lentils, if you don't want them, just leave them.

Ukrainian (by Khust)

Не хочеш - як хочеш.

Arabic Greek (by Petroupoli) French Italian Croatian Romanian Russian Azerbaijani

Φακές είναι αυτό που έχεις, αν δεν τις θες άφησέ τις!

It means that lentils are tasty and cheap, and one can eat them or leave them, without any problem.

If you don't want leave it.

Spanish 3.“Marzo en lluvias, buen año de alubias.” meaning “Rainy March, good year for beans” by the team of Aránzazu Iturrioz at IES Augusto González de Linares, Santander Spain


Marzo en lluvias, buen año de alubias.


Rainy March, good year for beans.

Ukrainian (by Khust)

Весняний день рік годує

Ukrainian (by Lozova)

Буває март на всі місяці To reap good harvest you have to варт. work hard in spring.

Arabic Greek (by Petroupoli) French Italian Croatian Romanian

Russian Azerbaijani

Μάρτης με βροχές, χρονιά με φασόλια

A spring day feeds all the year (Khust, Ukraine)


4.“En todos sitios cuecen habas” meaning “Everywhere there're boiling beans” by the team of Aránzazu Iturrioz at IES Augusto González de Linares, Santander Spain


5.“Lentejas, comida de viejas. si las quieres las comes y si no las dejas” meaning “Lentils, food for old women, if you want them, you eat them, if not, you leave them” by the team of Aránzazu Iturrioz at IES Augusto González de Linares, Santander It means that lentils are an appreciated food and, if you like them, you can eat them, but, if you dislike them, you can leave them without any problem. ”


“‫”حبة فول وانقسمت إلى نصفين‬ meaning “Bean can split into two halves” by the team of Imen Taktak at Collège Pilote de Sfax, Sfax we say this proverb when we find 2 persons that resemble too much. Same proverb was proposed in Ukrainian by students of Nataliya Orlyk at Khust, Ukraine.

By Khust, Ukraine

By Santander for Tunisia

By Santander, Spain

By Petroupoli, Greece

Arabic (Pioneer Middle School, Sfax)

‫حبة فول وانقسمت إلى‬ ‫نصفين‬


Bean can split into two halves

Analogy: “Alike as two drops of water”

Ukrainian (by Khust)

Як дві краплини води

Alike as two peas

Greek (by Petroupoli)

Το φασόλι είναι δικοτυλήδονο

Spanish (by Santander)

Russian(by Khust) Italian Croatian

Romanian French Azerbaijani

Se parecen como dos gotas de agua Как две капли воды

Two persons that are very much alike

Analogy: Σα δυο σταγόνες νερό

Alike as two drops of water

Alike as two peas

By Khust, Ukraine

Ukrainian 1. “Як горохом об стінку” meaning “Like throwing peas on a wall” by the team of Nataliya Orlyk at Khust school № 3, Khust A very old and popular Ukrainian proverb often used to describe a person that is very stubborn and not willing to listen to anyone

Ukrainian (by Khust)

Як горохом об стінку

For a very stubborn person that is not listening to others’ advices


Like peas on the wall

French (by Lafrançaise)

Avec un tel success on peut parler à un mur en brique

Autant parler a un sourd.

Σαν μπιζέλια σε τοίχο

Analogy: a) «στου κουφού την πόρτα όσο θέλεις βρόντα» (“pointless knocking on a deaf man’s door”) b)Σα να μιλάω στον τοίχο ( “like talking to the wall”)

Greek (by Petroupoli)

Spanish (by Santander) Arabic Italian Croatian Romanian Russian


Lo mismo que hablar a la pared Es como hablar a una pared

“Like talking to the wall”

By Santander, Spain


2. “Горох та капуста-у животі не пусто.” meaning “people will never be hungry if they have peas, beans and cabbage” by the team of Marina Lopachak at Lozova school № 12, Lozova

We say this because when you have these ingredients then you can cook such meals as borchsh (Ukrainian soup with cabbage and beans), vinaigrette (a kind of salad with boiled beans and sauerkraut) and you will never be hungry

By Santander,Spain

By Lozova, Ukraine

Ukrainian (by Lozova)


Горох та капуста-у животі не пусто.

Peas and cabbage - the stomach isn’t empty.

French Greek (by Petroupoli)

Spanish (by Santander) Arabic Italian Croatian Romanian Russian Azerbaijani

Με φασόλια, μπιζέλια και λάχανο το στομάχι δεν μένει άδειο

Con guisantes y coles, el estómago nunca está vacío.

Meaning people will never be hungry if they have peas, beans and cabbage.

By Santander,Spain

Ukrainian 3. “ Сіяли горох втрьох, а вродило на двох.” meaning “We have sown the peas threesome and yielded only for two”. by the team of Marina Lopachak at Lozova school № 12, Lozova

It means that farmers always hope for better harvest but there are always


particular circumstances. And this proverb is about bad harvest

“Food in culture or food is culture? In this short trip through proverbs to popular sayings of our countries we have found more similarities among us than we could think… So we come up with: “Food and culture a bond among people”

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