5 Simple TIPs To Stand out On Social Media By Azam Hamdoon
According to Ryan Kahn “Content is fire Social Media is Gasoline� How true is that statement? Whether you want to promote your business or services, looking to make friends, wanting to influence someone, or you just want to have a good time, you are in the right place.
The real question is how do you stand out? How do you find the people you are looking for? As there are millions of posts and messages on social media sites like facebook and twitter, and it actually gets harder as these social media networks and many more out there like, linkden, pinterest, instagram and so on continue to grow. And as people are spending more and more time on social media sites than ever before the question is how do you become that person that will attract the right people to you. Because what you need to remember is people are attracted to the things that they can relate to as well as things that they have an interest in. So the main goal of these 5 tips to stand out on social media is to help you to get people to pay attention to you.
5 Simple TIPS to stand out on Social Media 1. It’s all about adding value This is one of the most important points, and that’s why I listed it first. In order to stand out you need to add value, you need to give back to your fans. It about constantly going beyond their expectations sharing things that are informative, instructional in whatever area you are in. And the most important thing to note here is, it’s all about helping others, as human beings we look out for help in order to find more info or to solve a problem and if you can be that person who brings a smile to your audience that’s when that element of trust develops among your fans. 2. Sharing is caring I just love this point sharing & caring. You want people to notice you ? Then you need to put them first as it’s not always about you. People will notice you if you are consistently supporting their purpose as well as your own. So how do you do this? It’s all about sharing & caring.
Yes, sharing other people’s content shows you care about them and support them. That’s one of the best ways to get noticed. By doing this you become a loyal follower as well as this is one of the best ways to earn more loyal followers to you. And this where you are building a relationship with others to share their relevant content to you and your followers. One piece of advice here: Don’t be stingy to share other peoples content:) 3. Do Engage As much as sharing and caring is important engaging with other peoples post on social media is also equally important. If you want others to know more about you, then you need to have conversations on their posts. You do this by liking and commenting on other people post and leaving comments that’s relevant. When you engage, you want to add value to the conversation and you want to contribute to the flow of the conversation. This is another way of people noticing you and taking you seriously. 4. Images do speak Images definitely catch our attention, keep our attention, and it really digest faster than text. Zach Kitschke from Canva says, “the best brands have a strong visual identity on social media” and advises us to be consistent in what we post and in our use of colors, fonts, photo filters, and icons or logos. Click here to learn how to create some really cool looking images using this free tool Canva. 5. Be real Doing all the above is good but if you are not real, things will not really work. There for it’s all about being authentic and genuine.
This is something I picked from Kim Garst, where she describes how there is simply no faking this “you want to be authentically passionate about what you do and who you serve. True passion is contagious� and kim is definitely someone who truly passionate about what she is doing
So there you have it 5 simple TIPS to stand out on social media, the main thing here is to not to complicate things. And make sure you work on these on a daily basis so that you start to make a habit of it. Remember, building a successful social media presence with loyal followers takes time. Like with anything in life, So be patient and know that it’s not something that you can achieve in a single day. and the only way you lose is if you quit trying.
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