Azarya's urban design portfolio

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C O N TA C T +61 451 521 901 10/40 Edgar Street, Glen Iris, VIC 3146

Hello, I am Azarya Halim. I am a qualified Architect and Urban Designer. I describe myself as an adaptable, passionate and self-motivated person. My desire is to gain employment as an Urban Designer where I can utilize my ability in creating masterplan drawings, realistic visualization drawings and conceptual design in designing processes along with excellent grasp on the details that are necessary to execute creative ideas.


ARCHITECTURE INTERN STUDENT Hadiprana Architecture Consultant, Jakarta, Indonesia Job Description: Design Assistant, & Graphic Visualisation


ARCHITECT Leni Sindhu Associates, Jakarta, Indonesia

Job Description: Second in-charge Architect & Bridging the client and the team

ACHIEVEMENT Winner 1st Prize ARCH “KID” TECTURE 5 Talented Student PUBLIC EXPOSE EXHIBITION Participant EVOLO Skyscrapper Competition SINARMAS Competition Top 5 Finalist DAVID LOCK ASSOCIATES RE-IMAGINED THE JUNCTION COMPETITION Invited by SHENZHEN BIENNALE EXHIBITION Invited by TU DELFT & DELTAMETROPOL in South Holand to do research collaboration

REFERENCE Will be provided as request



Job Description: Designing in Architecture and Interior field (More portfolio at

2015 2016

IN-HOUSE PLANNER & ARCHITECT Central Living Development Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Victoria Job Description: In-house Architect, In-house Planner, 3D Visualizer, Interior Designer, & Site Meeting Assistant





Final Project Title: Self-Sustain Urban District GPA: 3.61

Thesis Title: Measuring Urban Happiness



INTERESTS Photography


3D rendering

Graphic Design

Playing Violin



Architecture books, Urban knowledge, Urban history, Psychology, & Science fiction


Athletic, Fitness, Swimming, Skiing, Climbing, Badminton, Table Tenis, Football, & Volley ball




Collaboration between The University of Melbourne & TU Delft Using Opportunistic Urbanism

Top 5 Finalist David lock Associates competition Re-imagined the Junction



Urban Design Framewrok for Carlton neighbourhood

Re-thinking Future of Urban Village Invited by Shenzhen Biennale Exhibition


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Measuring Urban Happiness Transitioning Spangen toward Happier Neighbourhood

Urban Renewal Urban Design UD Framework Happiness Approach

People in South Holland are famous of using bicycle as the majority of transportation modes. This cultural helps people to produce more endorphins in human body, which can reduce the sensation of pain and stress. In other words, cycling can make people happier (Steven EC, 2013). Moreover, Ellard (2011) creates some experiment to measure emotional excitement. The result of the experiment is that, people who walk in the series of lovely restaurant and transparent frontage, show significant of a high level of emotional and physical excitement. However, those kind of interfaces can only be found in most of central area in South Holland. In Spangen neighbourhood, for example, located two kilometres from the Rotterdam Central, the environment completely different. The streets are empty, with monotonous interfaces, and lack of activity. To create emotional excitement in Spangen neighbourhood, there are many aspects need to consider such as, open space, social interaction, proximity, velocity and sense of safety (Montgomery, 2013). Starting from those aspects, give opportunity to compose series of urban happiness framework to be applied in Spangen as a role model. By using the case study from central area in South Holland and urban happiness framework, developed by stitching together psychological behaviour towards happiness, this project will assess Spangen neighbourhood, and implement the urban happiness design intervention to make Happier Spangen.

Opportunity for Integrated Street Furniture

Not enough footpath design

Disconnected Space

Disconnected Space

Opportunity for active plinth

Opportunity for active plinth Opportunity for Greenery

Opportunity for active plinth

Empty Space

Too many car park

Empty Space

No activity in the area

No activity in the area

Not enough Bicycle Park

Inactive Greenery

Empty Space

Disconnected Boundary Insufficient Greenery

Inactive Greenery

Inactive Park and Water Feature Unidentified Greenery

Disconnected Space

Empty Space

No activity in the area

Opportunity fo meeting place

No activity in the area

Empty Street with ma Not enough footpath design

Not enough Bicycle Park

Spangen Physical Condition

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LEGEND: 4 storey 5 storey


6 storey

Tram Networks Metro Networks

Public Transport

Individual Roof

Number of Storey

LEGEND: Active Public Space Inactive Public Space Social Infrastructure



Green Public Space Existing Trees

Existing Trees

Commercial Facilities

Public Facilities

LEGEND: 1850 - 1900 1900 - 1930 1930 - 1945 1945 - 1960 1960 - 1975 1975 - 1985 1985 - 1995

LEGEND: Parking Place

Parking Space

1995 - 2005 > 2005

Year of Built

Opportunity for meeting place Too many car park

No activity in the area Not enough Bicycle Park

Unidentified Greenery

Too many car park Disconnected Space

Disconnected Space

Opportunity for meeting place

or e

Empty Space

any car park Gated Community too strong

Opportunity for Integrated Street Furniture

No Bike park Opportunity for Greenery

Segregation of Park Opportunity for Integrated Street Furniture

Opportunity for active plinth

Opportunity for meeting place

Insufficient Eye on the street

Too many car park

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Transitional phase

Shops and restaurant to ac�vate public space

Community workshop network

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Commercial area to a�ract people

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Community workshop network

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Commercial area to a�ract people

Facilita�ng exis�ng public s with good street furnitu

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Shops a ac�va

Ac�ve public space

1st : Intervening Phase

Mul�-Mee�ng Point Shops and restaurant to ac�vate public space

Community workshop network

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Commercial area to a�ract people

Playground Facili�es

Community Facili�es

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Pocket park every 40m

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Community workshop network

Playground Facili�es


Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Commercial area to a�ract people Pocket park every 40m

Pocket park every 40m

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Ac�ve public space

Playground Facili�es

2nd : Densifying Phase Ac�ve public space

Redesign Public Space Facilita�ng exis�ng public space with good street furniture

Shops and restaurant to ac�vate public space

Community workshop network

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Integrated Bicycle Line

Integrated Bicycle Line

Commercial area to a�ract people Community Facili�es

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Community workshop network

Playground Facili�es

Redesign Public Space

Pocket park every 40m

Sunday Market (Shared street)

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Commercial area to a�ract people Pocket park every 40m

Integrated Bicycle Line

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Ac�ve public space

Integrated Bicycle Line Playground Facili�es

3rd : Facilitating Phase

Playground Facili�es

space ure

and restaurant to ate public space

Close several street for cars Close several street for cars

Integrated Bicycle Line

Community workshop network

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Close several street for cars

Commercial area to a�ract people

Community Facili�es Redesign Public Space

Pocket park every 40m

Sunday Market (Shared street)

Mul�-Mee�ng Point

Community orkshop network

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

Commercial area to a�ract people

Integrated Bicycle Line

Bicycle centre to support cylist in the area

This map illustrates the phase that will happen in Spangen. The most important urban intervention is to facilitate the commercial area along the spine from Spangen Stadium to the main road. Moreover, by adding the specific uses to the existing area, will make this development in the first phase not so expensive to make a big change. The next phase is to add a new pocket park in order to make this neighbourhood more safe and vibrant. Moreover, the old park will be facilitated by furniture to enhance activity in the park. The next phase is to redeveloped and to add more commercial area in order to increase the economic factor in this neighbourhood. After all the phase have been completed, this neighbourhood can go to Restructuring phase, when the building uses, street network, and public space are going to be re-arrange to achieve good urban design.

4th : Restructuring Phase


100 m 50 m

200 m 150 m


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Redesign Public Space

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MEASURING URBAN HAPPINESS: PLUG-INS DESIGN for possible activity in the neighbourhood

Nature Approach Indicator that touch people from creating greenery.

Social Proximity Indicator that considering the social interaction for people.

Velocity Indicator which explains the importance of speed in happiness.

Place Arrangement Indicator that influence how to design public place to achieve happiness.

Architectural Approach Indicator that correcting anti-sociality of most architectural design.



Biological & Psychological Indicator that focus of human biological effect and turn into psychological effect.

>> Vibranize the Spangen Spine by facilitating commercial area. REDESIGN INTERSECTION TYPE 2

PLEASE BE AWARE: this plug-ins is just one kind of theory and approaches from happiness to planning and design With this book, YOU CAN: # Adopted the theory and the design intervention maturely and use your own thinking to make it even more perfect. With this book, YOU CANNOT: # Copy the entire shape design (Understand the concept first) #Make this as exact guidelines for your own design (You have to be more critical to this plug-ins)

>> Re-design street car park with other function. >> Facilitate activity in the boundary of Spangen to attract people to Spangen

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By using happiness indicator, these plug-ins will change people attitude to use urban realm and change people’s emotion.

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Commercial Area, and Street Parking area Situation 3D Rendering and modeling by Azarya Ashadi Putra Halim


Re-Imagine St.Kilda Junction


Melbourne is well known as the most livable city in the world. This strong statement comes from many reasons, such as the percentage of nature habitat in the city, social life, velocity management, and more. Basically, the indicator of the livable city is “how the city treats people well”. This project is focused on the St. Kilda Junction where “livable city indicators” is not applied. For example, from the city to St.Kilda Junction, there are a lot of parks for people to walk and to enjoy the moment, such as Royal Botanical Garden, Fawkner Park, and Albert park. However, after St. Kilda Junction to Carlisle Street, there is no open space for people to interact with others. This disconnection creates a perception of unsafety place, which this project want to deal with it. My proposal to this St. Kilda Junction is to connect the city hall park and Albert park by making a linear park in between. In addition, the program on this site has to be changed by mixeduse development to activate the activity on the site. By taking over the wide street with linear that have nature open spaces, bicycle track and change the land use to generate the activity, it will slow down the street automatically and create a safer place to live. Urban Renewal Urban Design Competition Nature Approach




Melbourne is well known as the most livable city in the world. This strong statement comes from many reasons, such as the percentage of nature habitat in the city, social life, velocity management, and more. Basically, the indicator of the livable city is “how the city treats people well”. This project is focused on the St. Kilda Junction where “livable city indicators” is not applied. My proposal to this St. Kilda Junction is to connect the city hall park and Albert park by making a linear park in between. In addition, the program on this site has to be changed by mixeduse development to activate the activity on the site. By taking over the wide street with linear that have nature open spaces, bicycle track and change the land use to generate the activity, it will slow down the street automatically and create a safer place to live.

St Kilda in 1855 was a small hamlet consisting of large land parcels where those with money and means made their homes. Those of lesser means were able to get a license from the State Government to squat on Crown land such as along the beach. Large areas were reserved for cattle and sheep. The overlay on top of the 1945 aerial map shows the loss of high shopping district. There is also significant loss of residential


St. Kilda Junction

The Sinagoge

7 Eleven

St. Kilda Post Office

City Hall

St. Kilda Public Library


housing along Wellington Streets Ninety years later the cattle are gone and St Kilda is now an independent suburb. In 1945, the shopping district of high street links the suburb of St. Kilda. The St Kilda Junction redevelopment in the 70s led to a traumatic transformation of High Streets shopping district. The redevelopment led to the death of St. Kilda Junction as a meeting place for the citizen of Melbourne.

From the illustration of Landmark and Axis of St. Kilda, there is a lot of opportunities for future St. Kilda Junction. This is because of St. Kilda Road from the Junction until City Hall is the only Road that lack of park or garden, even there are many landmarks to attract people to come here. Therefore, it would very great if the design approach act by connecting these point with the park.


VISION FOR THE JUNC Change the paradigm of C Pedestrian, by connecting the pa for people using Landscape Infrastruc Therefore, St. Kilda Junction can becomi and not just for passing by. OBJECTIVE: *Increase Density by enhance the develo *Reduce Cars intensity and Increase Pede ple can be attracted *Add some activity on the site to attract p

CTION: City for Cars to City for ark to make a public space cture as the tools to achieve it. ing a place for people to go to,

opment of Commercial uses estrian, bicycle Line, Park and Public Places so peo-


EXISTING LAND USE Most of the part in west of St.Kilda is for residence. The east side of St. Kilda largely for commercial use. But the problem is there is not so many people there because there is no interest point for people to visit. Beside that, people has difficulties to access the east part which automatically make the access to residences in the west part from the east part become more difficult. PROPOSE LAND USE The mix use function provide people achieving their daily shopping needs. With the mix use land function, people do not need to go to the city to shop their needs anymore and also is able to reduce the commuter.

LINEAR PARK PROPOSE Half of the street will be close for linear park and cycling line, and the other half will become 2 way car line with 2 line each way. The rest of the car debit will be allocated to Carlisle Street, Fitzroy Street, Wellington Street and Chapel Street. This linear park is not just for the hierarchy park from St. Kilda City Hall to Albert Park, but also for supporting the Plan Melbourne 2030. By increasing bicycle line, and pedestrian friendly way, this project is urban design for the future. Not only linear park for the attraction in this site, but also the function of St. Kilda Block will be change as in the masterplan, to densified activity in St. Kilda.

PLAN CHANGES This plan shows the changes of the project which will made. There is a difference between the huge and moderate changes. There is a huge change in sinagoge to the Albert park through the Alma road. Because that is the high point of disneighbourhood and a good finishing in the Albert park. The rest of the block just have a moderate changes because it will not have a huge impact to the junction. LEGEND: RESIDENTIAL RETAIL FOOD RETAIL OFFICE MIXED USE EXISTING BUILDING OPEN SPACE (SOFT SCAPE) OPEN SPACE (HARD SCAPE)


Because there is a lot of heritage building in St. Kilda site, the building that will be developed will have set back. So in certain distance, new development not going to interfere to heritage building.

BUILT FORM CHANGES DIAGRAM The typologi of the block is perimeterblock, because tower, make an other public space infront of the dwelling while the concept was already make huge linear

park in front of it. This idea is to respect the house behind the new development to make another private park as a buffer from tall building. However, this site is protected by Heritage overlays so it have to be a setback for the new development, (Refer to Section). And make residential building to provide people in the future as the density analysis already state. This block is very interesting because it has important heritage overlays and also has meaningful connetion if in this block is applied by the built form propose design. it could the miniature size of the overall concept to connect the park into albert park as an entrance. Not only make connection to the junction, but also make new heritage because Charwood cres have unique

shape and also make connection to other block in very unique ways. it would be great place to make this site as Strategic site.


BIRD EYE VIEW 3 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING Photo by Azarya Ashadi Putra Halim 3D Modeling by Azarya Ashadi Putra Halim

Disconnection of big park and small park in the junction.

Connect the disconnection to apply the continous of linier park from city hall to the Albert park.


Fill the park with the function to activate activity in the area.

source: BIG Architect

According to Adi Purnomo (IndonesianArchitect), people just borrow the land to the Earth, and people have to give it back. Therefore, it should have a park above it.

Because the concept is to connect, so it should be a ramp in every side, to give accessible way to the roof park and also help people to get to the other side of the road.

Finnaly, this project also connect the pedestrian and the bicycle line from below to the junction bridge so they can pass trough and have some activity too.

source: BIG Architect


urce: BIG Architect

source: High line NYC

source: BIG Architect

e: BIG Architect

source: BIG Architect

In this junction bridge there will be a line for pedestrian and cyclist on the roof park. Not only pedestrian and bicycle line, but also soft and hard scape park to fulfill the activity in this place. Under the junction bridge, there will be a sport centre such as, indoor basket ball court, rock climbing ground, squash field, and gym. Tjis facility will be built to provide additional sport function other than cricket ground. Beside that tribunal for people to watch cricket will be add too. Under the junction bridge, there is also tram stop. Therefore, some retail will be place under the bridge to activate the activity in the tram stop. This concept is different to the other tram stop, so people will attract to it and want to see what the diferent in the outside.

Land Use & Urban Design

Carlton Community Connection

UD Framework Mixed Use Community Engagement Sustainability Connectivity

Carlton is one of the suburbs in inner Melbourne city that has a rich history in it. From Australia Gold Rush in 1850s that make people came to Melbourne,and built many camps near Carlton itself. Due to that issue, the government who in charge of the development created many neighbourhoods around Melbourne and one of that neighbourhood is Carlton. By following Hoddle grid, Carlton is planned neighbourhood that have many interesting places in it. There are three major influence in Carlton such as the University of Melbourne which has been built by Redmond Barry. Also, Carlton Garden that has exhibition building which became the oldest heritage building in Carlton. Another influence beside heritage building in Carlton is Italian people. Because in the great migration in Melbourne, there are many specific ethic that sprawl around Melbourne neighbourhood. Greece people and Italian people migrate to Melbourne and create community in Carlton, which until now the little Italy still become the destination for people around Melbourne. Because of the slum problem many neighbourhoods in Melbourne, in 1970s Melbourne City Council decide to act and create Social Housing in several places around Melbourne. Carlton social housing is one of them. This tower design, it seems to adopt from Le Corbusier concept of Radiant city. Therefore there is no problem at the moment. However, in the present time, the tower typology is not the perfect design for Carlton, because this kind of typology will promote crimes and drug users. Therefore, Carlton needs some changes to increase passive surveillance in the neighbourhood. This project will deal with these problems by creating vertical and horizontal mixed uses, regenerate built form through the design, shared the public place through space and time, reforming to a sustainable neighbourhood, enhancing a creative community, and improve a connection of movement and open space.

Mixed Use

Built Form

Open Space



Community Engagement

“In 2040, Carlton Social Housing and its surroundings will be characterized by the development of horizontal and vertical mixed uses, by connecting open spaces and enhancing creative community to make Carlton as a sustainable neighbourhood�


Carlton is one of the suburb in inner Melbourne city that has rich history in it. From Australia Gold Rush in 1850s that makes people came to Melbourne,and built many camp near Carlton itself. Due to that issue, the government who incharge of the development, created many neighbourhood around Melbourne and one of that neighbourhood is Carlton. By following Hoddle grid, Carlton is planned neighbourhood that have many interesting places in it. There are three major influence in Carlton such as University of Melbourne which has been built by Redmond Barry. Also Carlton Garden that have exhibition building which became the oldest heritage buidiling in Carlton. Another influence beside heritage building in Carlton is Italian people. Because in the great migration in Melbourne, there are many specific ethic that sprawl around Melbourne neighbourhood. Greece people and Italian people migrate to Melbourne and create community in Carlton, which until now the little Italy still become the destination for people around Melbourne. Because of the slum problem many neighbourhood in Melbourne, in 1970s Melbourne City Council decide to act and create Social Housing in several places around Melbourne. Carlton social housing is one of them. This tower design, it seems to adopt from Le Corbusier concept of Radiant city. Therefore there is no problem at the moment.

Source: Cathedral Group

Source: BoomBeats, 2014

However, in the present time, the built form like social housing is not a great design for Carlton, because this built form will promote crimes and drug users. Therefore, Carlton need some changes to increase passive surveilance in the neighbourhood.

TRANSPORT LEGEND Tram Bus Bicycle Pedestrian Car

LAND USE LEGEND Residential Commercial Recreation Softscape Hardscape Education Religious Mixed Use

PROGRAM LEGEND Cultural Space Recreation Park Sport Ground Market Place Children Playground Green Space Park Agricultural Garden Transparent boundary Bus Stop DRUMMOND Tram Stop


URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK Source: Alison Furuto, 2012

Source: Landezine, 2011

OBJECTIVE 1 Creating Vertical and Horizontal Mixed Uses 2 Regenerate Built Form Through the Design 3 Shared the Public Place through Space and Time 4 Reforming to Sustainable Neighbourhood 5 Enhancing Creative Community 6 Improve connection of Movement and Open Space

Source: Tacio, HD.,2010

Source: Eckerson, C., 2013 Source: Kingsborough Community College Source: Bidgee, 2008


Various material for Open space

Shenzhen Biennale Re-thinking future of Urban Village “Melbourne School of Design (MSD) goes to Shenzhen Biennale� was an off-site studio at the Shenzhen Biennale (Aformal Academy). Twenty-five selected MSD students travelled to the Hongkong/ Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of urbanism and architecture. This opportunity is a privilege for me because, among other students who have been invited in Shenzhen Biennale, I am the only Master of Urban Design student in the subject. In general theme of this exhibition, we are looking into the future city and concept of waste. However, as architects and urban designer collaborate together, we are focused on the specific problem that happens in the city of Shenzhen in China. Affected by the special economic zone applied by the Chinese government on Shenzhen, urban growth moving very fast. There are many new developments in Shenzhen emerge to follow the economic growth in China. However, among the new developments, Urban village are still becoming the identity of Shenzhen, which is not fit with the new development and create community segregation.

Architecture Urban Design Urban Village Renewal Utopia

This project wants to create a new type of Urban village that can answer the problem and also adapt to the upcoming future developments. Furthermore, instead of designing from the plan view, this project have a different approach to start the design process from the section, due to the vertical growth that happens in China.

Re-thinking future of Urban Village Urbanicity is a direct response to the critical issue of unsustainable land shortage and re-purposement in Shenzhen. This foundation of this problem is highlighted in Bataille’s book The Accursed Share where he proposes that while man lives amongst nature he considers himself above it,

only seeing it as a means of utility and not part of his own ecosystem. While this creates a working system, it is flawed and unsustainable in many ways. Urbanicity exposes the flaws of this system to the public, educating them and therefore reconnecting nature and man. Urbanicity is a powerhouse and the backbone to a self-sufficient citysustainably generating, distributing and recycling power, waste, and energy. The transparency of Urbanity’s infrastructure is a constant visual reminder of a connection that provokes awareness and acknowledgment of man’s interdependence with nature.

The section is an exploration of space as a trade economy. Architecture seeks to control how our bodies, behaviours, relationships and ideologies relate to space and as a result, the city is often used inefficiently. Buildings are designed with specific programs and when this demand shifts, the building can become redundant , derelict and ultimately demolished. The existing urban villages in Shenzhen have been observed to overcome limits in space by integrating multiple programs at varying times of the day. The result is increased diversity and an integrated community. This section seeks to overcome programmatic rigidity by bringing this beneficial attribute to the wider Shenzhen city context.

The process started by brainstorming programs that could be hybridised in the same space, however, we soon realized these hybrids were limited to our own individual uses of a city, and could not represent the many other potential uses. Therefore, rather than a specifying program, we left spaces only suggestive so that viewers can imagine for themselves how they may inhabit the spaces within the section based on their own interpretation.

Shenzhen is believed to be a young city with only 35 years of history. The Republic declaration of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone promoted robust industrial growth and high domestic migration from other parts of China and has meant that the local identity of this urban landscape was thus overpowered by the influx of foreign culture. ‘What constitutes the city’s culture?’ We believe that the city’s cultural multiplicity presents a unique opportunity to imprint a new culture into the city.

Culture cannot be designed; it can only be created by people that occupy it. This city is configured as a container of dynamic flows of various elements not only static spaces. Wasted spaces in between destinations are areas of opportunities for people to adapt to their own ad hoc practices. The merging of everyone’s habits triggers a new hybrid of the new culture. The culture heart of the city is at these interstitial spaces.

To change the metabolic process within a city’s structure, or singular building form from linear (waste creation) to circular (zero waste) the perception and use of wasted space is what must be altered. To do so, we must relive and rethink the mental, physical and spatial process of the city, and furthermore, of life itself. Therefore, cities of the future would no longer be linear or circular, they shall be an intricate vector web with which both linearly and circularity would co-exist. Through a biennale which aims focus on “hunting and gathering�, the chaotic and complex nature of architecture and furthermore, of space, are to be embraced.

Tackling the concept of waste from 3 main angles: physical, spatial and psychological, previous projects have been recycled to deal with the infrastructure of a relieved city ,addressing waste, energy, information, people, water, products and goods. This Infrastructure has been designed and developed through the notion of acceptability from both past usage and actual implementation to the rest of the sectional drawing. Thus, a systematic engine is born to fuel future forms of life. We are the nervous system that bleeds through the infinite, re-lived city. We are the battery that never dies.


10/40 Edgar Street, Glen Iris, VIC 3146 +61 451 521 901

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