3 minute read
from HaHodeshJune2022
Library News
Our Portable Library (located in the lobby of Temple Emunah) features a selection of books by Emunah authors, and some of our new fiction and nonfiction titles. You can borrow Temple Emunah Library these books and also choose books from the Library, which is open on Sundays. At other times, someone in the office will let you in. To borrow a book, just sign the book card in the back of the book and leave it for us to record.
You can also request books or renew them by emailing emunahlibrary@gmail.com.
You can now borrow books for the whole summer, until the end of September.
This year, because of COVID, volunteers have been going to the classrooms to read books, rather than each class coming to the Library. After the reading, three kids at a time visited the Library to check out books. Todah Rabah to Me’ir, the teachers, and all the volunteers who helped to make this new system work
We compiled the circulation statistics for the last few years and discovered that over half of the titles borrowed are children’s books (2340 in the last five years) and Adult Fiction is the second highest category, 11%.
We request that you wear a mask when inside the Library, and there is a limit of five people at one time.
WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT BOOK DONATIONS AT THE PRESENT TIME! Please don’t leave bags or boxes of books in the lobby or Library. If you email us about a specific book, we may accept it.
We will gladly accept all the overdue books in your house – especially children’s books. If you want to keep the book(s), just ask us to renew it/them.
Have a great summer! Toni Stechler and Marci Hopkins (emunahlibrary@gmail.com)
Ladle Fund Update

The Ladle Fund is committed to supporting our community during the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic (and after) by fostering community connections through participatory events.
THEME NIGHTS!! - Looking Back, Looking Forward
Since our last bulletin we were fortunate to have had a great Theme Night:
Jewish Family Traditions hosted by Bob RussmanHalperin on May 31 marked our return to in-person theme minyans! Attendees shared how they bless their child/children, celebrate holidays in their own funny, serious or peculiar ways, and other creative family traditions.
Have an interest you want to share with others at a Theme Night? Please contact Bob Russman-Halperin (bob.halperin@ gmail.com) or Joelle Gunther (joellegunther@gmail.com) and we will make it happen.
Potential Ladle Fund events in the planning stages:
We are working with the Membership Committee (Méli Solomon, Ladle Fund contact) to set up New Member events throughout the year. The group is actively reaching out to new members. It will be so good to welcome new members into our community and put faces to the names. New members were specifically invited to our May 15 social event to build community after our long isolation during COVID. Emphasis was on fun with short guided 1:1 conversations on fun topics.
We welcome applications for funding activities and events that will encourage community connections. As we gradually return to in-person events, we look forward to hearing from you about what activities interest you. Contact our co-leaders Arleen Chase (Chasearleenr@gmail.com) or Méli Solomon (meli.solomon@gmail.com) for more information.
Ladle Fund Committee: Mark Bobrow, David Ezekiel, Fred Ezekiel (founder Emeritus), Robin Goldstein, Joelle Gunther, Bob Russman-Halperin, Helen Marcus, Linda Skolnik, Terri Swartz Russell, Méli Solomon and Arleen Chase. Arleen Chase and Méli Solomon, Ladle Co-Chairs

What you put in the pot, comes out in the ladle!