2 minute read
Family Table
from HaHodeshJune2022
Temple Emunah Needs Your Contributions ….And JF&CS’s Family Table Needs All of Us!
Week after week, month after month, and year after year, we at Temple Emunah have, consistently committed ourselves to donating boxes of whole wheat crackers and bags of brown rice to those in the wider Jewish community who are in need of additional support to feed their families.
During the past two years, despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic, we have collected funds to purchase foods requested by Jewish Family & Children’s Services (JF&CS). Michelle Abramson has ordered foods and has had the food delivered directly to the agency on Main Street in Waltham. Temple Emunah has not missed a beat and through your kindness we have assisted numerous individuals. Some of the people served required temporary help while others have an ill family member unable to contribute towards the purchase of basic food items.
As COVID slowly retreats we hope to once again ask you to bring your food donations to the building and place them in the box at the main entrance of the synagogue so that we can then drop the food off prior to the upcoming distribution date. If you, or a member of your family, (teenagers who drive are welcome to help) is available to help us collect and deliver the food please let one of us know. We have had loyal volunteers for many years but we are always in need of back up support. If you are available to pack and deliver food on the distribution days of June 26 and/or July 24, please contact Lisa Katz at JF&CS. 781-693-5593.
You will need to have an updated CORI form on file to participate. Children are welcome to come to assist with the packing and with the delivery as well. Please fill out our this brief Family Table Application to sign up. Email familytable@ jfcsboston.org if you have questions.
All volunteers age 18 and older must undergo a JF&CS CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) background check and those age 12 and older need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. This documentation is due two weeks prior to the distribution.
JF&CS believes that an important part of healthy eating is learning how to prepare tasty meals at home. Family Table creates and adapts recipes for clients that are simple, nutritious, and inexpensive, costing less than $2.50 per serving. The recipes highlight easy and creative ways to use the fresh and frozen produce, as well as whole grains, beans, lean proteins, and other foods provided. New recipes are offered at each distribution. All our recipes are also available in Russian and are prepared by a Registered Dietician. We thank you for your ongoing generosity and support of Family Table be it food, financial donations and service to JF&CS. Without you we would not be able to fulfill our commitment. You make everything possible. Todah Rabbah! Michelle and Mark Abramson, mhabramson@gmail.com, markabramson619@gmail.com, 781-861-7152 Nancy Lefkowitz, nancylef@gmail.com, 781-696-2085 Temple Emunah Coordinators of JF&CS Family Table