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Ladle Fund
from Hahodesh April 2021
Building and scaling “Mt. Everest”
Pre-schoolers celebrate Purim
Ladle Fund Committee
The Ladle Fund is committed to supporting our community during the COVID-19 pandemic by fostering community connections through participatory events.
THEME NIGHTS!! – Looking Back, Looking Forward
This fall we were fortunate to have Theme Nights which focused on Supporting Parents in the Time of a Pandemic led by Steve Quantrano, Sharing Our Favorite Siddurim led by Hal Miller-Jacobs and Apple Watches, Fitbits and Other Wearable Devices led by Scott Miller and Annette Koren. Thank you to all our facilitators!
This winter’s Theme Nights included: Hats – stylish, functional and just for fun, Sephardic Music and Playing Musical Instruments as Adults
Keep an eye out for the following Theme Nights in the coming months: Meeting New Temple Members and a repeat of Wearable Devices.
AND – The 10th Year Reunion of the first Theme Night –MIT while also celebrating the milestone of 100 Theme Nights.
Have an interest you want to share with others? Please contact Anne Miller (annehlmiller@verizon.net), Bob Russman-Halperin (bob.halperin@gmail.com) or Joelle Gunther (joellegunther@gmail.com) and we will make it happen.
Ladle Fund Committee: (Mark Bobrow, Ben Brosgol, David Ezekiel, Fred Ezekiel (founder Emeritus), Robin Goldstein, Joelle Gunther, Bob Russman-Halperin, Judy Lipperman, Helen Marcus, Joe Nissenbaum, Linda Skolnik, Terri Swartz Russell, Meli Solomon (co-chair), Arleen Chase (co-chair). Arleen Chase and Meli Solomon, Ladle Co-Chairs
What you put in the pot, comes out in the ladle!
Butcherie Fundraiser
Benefits the BDPS Scholarship Fund!
Every time you shop at the Butcherie in Brookline, please have your receipt stamped and return it to the Pre-School mailbox in the Temple Emunah office. The BDPS Fund will receive 5% of all cash & check sales and 3% of all credit card purchases.
Thanks for your support!