3 minute read
Social ConnectingHineni
from Hahodesh April 2021
Brotherhood News
This year has moved quickly since Rosh Hashanah, and the Brotherhood has continued to evolve and adjust to the COVID crisis. Despite COVID we successfully held the Keeper of the Flame and Man of the Year dinners, with a very high turnout for MOY in particular. Thank you to Mo Diamant, Howard Epstein and Dave Goldberg who organized them. We held a really phenomenal speaker series, arranged by Alan Silver in his freshman year on the board – hopefully you were able to join us. Mo Diamant organized the Yom HaShoah candles for the shul, and Steve Dangel and Scott Lerman managed the wine sale. Now we are heading into the summer, with Purim, (most of) Pesah . and our wine sale in the rear-view mirror. Ahead lie the Brotherhood Shabbat, softball (if we are able to play) and the socially distanced Tour de Shuls (http://www. nerfjmc.org/tourdeshuls) which will run throughout June. I encourage anyone interested in either of these to please reach out to find out more information, see below.
Please, stay active, and healthy. We will be organizing small, socially distanced, outdoor opportunities to gather over the summer. With luck, we will all be vaccinated, and can soon be together in person, but if not, the Brotherhood will be back in the fall, building the sukkah and organizing the Yizkor books in a responsible, socially distanced way.
We hope you will join us virtually or IRL (in real life) for one or more activities.
David Rosenbaum, BH President
Cartoon Caption Contest
Congratulations to Jeff Post for his winning caption: “Why does Timmy always go to the bathroom when it’s his turn to read his Parshah?” Thanks to all those who submitted entries.
Family Table: Your Support Goes A Long Way
Jewish Family & Children’s Services (JF&CS) Family Table successfully met its goals in the early winter, both in being able to provide H . anukkah foods to its recipients and in adapting ways to pack and distribute the food during the colder temperatures while remaining safe during the pandemic.
We at Temple Emunah are not able to meet in person and our usual collection of brown rice and whole wheat crackers has been put on hold. Our usual foods are replaced by directly ordering those foods identified by JF&CS as being needed on line and having the items delivered directly to the Waltham offices. We have Michelle Abramson to thank for taking the lead in working with Lisa Katz at JF&CS to secure items requested. Of course, it is due to our congregation’s ongoing generosity in donating monies to TE’s Social Action Committee’s Family Table fund that we have been able to help JF&CS deliver a variety of foods to our neighbors throughout the communities served by JF&CS. You have been outstanding in helping Temple Emunah do what we do best – help those who need help.
We strongly encourage you to continue to make donations directly to the TE Family Table fund so that we can remain a strong support for JF&CS throughout the year. We are grateful for your contributions and know that despite the fact that this may be a personal stretch during these difficult times that what ever you can give is so appreciated.
If you wish to pack and deliver food please contact Lisa Katz at JF&CS directly for further information: lkatz@jfcsboston.org or 781-693-5593.
Todah Rabbah,
Nancy Lefkowitz nancylef@gmail.com, 781-696-2085
Mark and Michelle Abramson, mra4271@gmail.com, 781-861-7152 mhabramson@gmail.com
Family Table Coordinators
Affording Schechter Boston
Schechter is committed to providing tuition assistance to help make a Schechter education affordable to families. Presenting Schechter is designed for families who are new to Jewish day school. Eligible families can now qualify for $10,000 off of tuition in kindergarten through 2nd grade. Families can access this grant for one, two or three years depending on the starting grade. For more information, please email info@ssdsboston.org.