3841 E Baars Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85297-3543, Maricopa County
Owner Information Owner Name: Owner Name 2: Mail Owner Name: Tax Billing Address:
Cook Joseph C Cook Kasey D Joseph C & Kasey D Cook 3841 E Baars Ave
Tax Billing City & State: Tax Billing Zip: Tax Billing Zip+4: Owner Occupied:
Gilbert, AZ 85297 3543 Yes
Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl F Higley 60 2S-6E-2 75228 5227.45
Situs Zip Code:
Situs Carrier Route: Zoning: Neighborhood Code: Map Page/Grid:
R106 R-4 26-005 863-D3
Location Information Subdivision: School District: Township Range Sect: MCR: Census Tract:
Tax Information APN: % Improved: Legal Description:
304-59-347 Tax Area: 80% Lot: POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PARCEL F MCR 752-28
600601 5
Assessment & Tax Assessment Year Market Value - Land Market Value - Improved Market Value - Total Assessed Value - Land Assessed Value - Improved Assessed Value - Total YOY Assessed Change (%) YOY Assessed Change ($)
2012 - Estimated $22,800 $91,200 $114,000 $2,280 $9,120 $11,400 -4.84% -$580
Tax Year 2009 2010 2011
Total Tax $1,176 $1,151 $1,187
2011 - Certified $23,900 $95,900 $119,800 $2,390 $9,590 $11,980 -16.98% -$2,450
2010 - Certified $28,800 $115,500 $144,300 $2,880 $11,550 $14,430 -14.72% -$2,490
2009 - Certified $33,800 $135,400 $169,200 $3,380 $13,540 $16,920
YOY Tax Change ($)
YOY Tax Change (%)
-$25 $36
-2.14% 3.14%
Characteristics Land Use - State: Land Use - CoreLogic: Building Class : Building Type: Lot Sq Ft: Lot Acres: Building Sq Ft: Stories: Year Built: Condition: Quality: Buildings - #:
Single Family Res SFR 3 Residential 4,090 0.09 1,590 1 2007 Average Average 1
Bath Fixtures: Water: Sewer: Electric Service Type: Cooling Type: Heat Type: Patio Type: Patios - #: Parking Type: Parking Capacity: Roof Material: Exterior:
9 Type Unknown Public Service Type Unknown Refrigeration Heated Covered Patio 1 Type Unknown 2 Other Frame Wood
Listing Information Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Property Detail
Listing Number: Status: Status Change Date: Listing Date:
4708100 Active 01/28/2012 01/27/2012
Current List Price: Orig. List Price: Listing Agent: Lising Office:
$135,000 $135,000 Deena Fischer (Df252) Dpr Realty, Llc
Market Sale & Sale History Recording Date: Sale Date: Sale Price: Price Per Sq Ft:
08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 $147.70
Document #:
Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Document # Document Type Buyer Name Buyer Name 2 Seller Name
Document Type: Owner Name: Owner Name 2: Seller:
Special Warranty Deed Cook Joseph C Cook Kasey D Richmond American Hms Of Arizona
08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 978016 Special Warranty Deed Cook Joseph C & Kasey D Cook Kasey D Richmond American Hms Of Arizona
Mortgage History Mortgage Date Mortgage Amount Mortgage Lender Mortgage Code
08/31/2007 $234,847 Homeamerican Mtg Corp Conventional
Property Map
*Lot Dimensions are Estimated
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
Page 2 of 23
Property Detail
3841 E Baars Ave, Gilbert-3543, Maricopa County
Search Criteria Number of Comparables: Sort Method: Distance from Subject: Months Back: % Different: Land Use:
Summary Statistics Sale Price Price Per Sq Ft Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Stories Year Built Distance (miles) Total Assessment Assessed Value Ratio Value Projected by Assessment Value Projected by Sq. Ft.
Subject Property $234,847 $147.70 1,590 4,090 1 2007 $119,800 1.96
High $150,000 $91.15 1,828 7,256 2 2007 0.48 $135,200 1.20
Low $106,500 $62.78 1,521 2,528 1 2001 0.12 $109,000 0.89
Median $123,250 $78.26 1,564 6,025 2 2002 0.22 $122,800 1.01
Average $125,250 $77.13 1,629 5,081 2 2004 0.28 $121,120 1.03
$123,955 $122,633
Details Grid Subject Property
Comparable 1
Comparable 2
Comparable 3
Maricopa 3841 E Baars Ave Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl F Gilbert Higley 60
Maricopa 3642 E Warbler Rd Power Ranch Neighborhood 06 Ph 3a Gilbert Higley 60
Maricopa 3830 S Joshua Tree Ln
Maricopa 3790 E Waterman St
San Tan Ranch Prcl 12
San Tan Ranch Prcl 13
Gilbert Higley 60
Gilbert Higley 60
County Address Subdivision Situs City School District
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Price Per Sq Ft Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Total Rooms Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Type Parking Capacity Heat Type Cooling Type Pool Exterior Roof Material Water Sewer Location Influence Zoning Condition Quality MLS Listing # Total Assessed Value APN Distance (miles)
08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 $147.70 1,590 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 1 9 2007 Garage 2 Heated Refrigeration
01/18/2012 01/12/2012 / 01/18/2012 $150,000 $82.06 1,828 4,250 0.10 Single Family Res 2 6 10 2005 Garage 2 Forced Air Refrigeration
01/19/2012 01/05/2012 / 01/20/2012 $119,000 $78.03 1,525 / 1,582 6,050 0.14 Single Family Res 1 6 6 2002 Garage 2 Forced Air Refrigeration
01/06/2012 01/04/2012 / 01/06/2012 $124,000 $81.53 1,521 6,401 0.15 Single Family Res 1 5 6 2002 Garage 2 Forced Air Refrigeration Pool Frame Wood Other Type Unknown Public Service
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown Public Service
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown Public Service
Frame Wood Other
R-4 Average Average 4708100 $11,980 304-59-347
R-4 Average Average 4685702 $12,550 313-03-812 0.48
R-6 Average Average 4653167 $11,980 309-28-038 0.19
R-6 Average Average 4654932 $12,530 309-24-394 0.42
Subject Property
Comparable 4
Comparable 5
Comparable 6
Maricopa 3841 E Baars Ave Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl F Gilbert Higley 60 08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 $147.70 1,590 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 1
Maricopa 3796 E Santa Fe Ln Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl D & E Gilbert Higley 60 01/19/2012 12/28/2011 / 01/27/2012 $111,500 $62.78 1,776 / 1,750 3,160 0.07 Single Family Res 2
Maricopa 3786 E Santa Fe Ln Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl D & E Gilbert Higley 60 12/27/2011 12/22/2011 / 12/23/2011 $122,500 $78.32 1,564 2,528 0.06 Single Family Res 2
Maricopa 3578 S Cupertino Dr
9 2007 Garage 2 Heated Refrigeration
10 2006 Garage 2
10 2006 Garage 2
Gilbert Higley 60 12/21/2011 12/19/2011 $112,000 $65.88 1,700 6,000 0.14 Single Family Res 2 7 9 2002 Garage 2 Forced Air Refrigeration
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown
County Address Subdivision Situs City School District Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Price Per Sq Ft Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Total Rooms Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Type Parking Capacity Heat Type Cooling Type Pool Exterior Roof Material Water
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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San Tan Ranch Prcl 02
Sewer Location Influence Zoning Condition Quality MLS Listing # Total Assessed Value APN Distance (miles)
Public Service
Public Service Corner R-4 Average Average 4576067 $12,080 304-52-291 0.17
Public Service
Public Service
R-4 Average Average 4680910 $10,900 304-52-297 0.17
R-6 Average Average 4702240 $12,550 304-51-277 0.40
Subject Property
Comparable 7
Comparable 8
Comparable 9
Maricopa 3841 E Baars Ave Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl F Gilbert Higley 60 08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 $147.70 1,590 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 1
Maricopa 3815 S Joshua Tree Ln
Maricopa 3662 E Los Altos Rd
San Tan Ranch Prcl 12
San Tan Ranch Prcl 12
Gilbert Higley 60 01/17/2012 12/14/2011 / 01/17/2012 $130,000 $85.25 1,525 6,050 0.14 Single Family Res 1 6 6 2002 Garage 2 Forced Air Refrigeration
Gilbert Higley 60 12/09/2011 12/01/2011 / 12/09/2011 $139,000 $91.15 1,525 7,256 0.17 Single Family Res 1 6 6 2003 Garage 2 Forced Air Refrigeration
Maricopa 3863 E Trigger Way Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl D & E Gilbert Higley 60 12/13/2011 12/01/2011 / 12/13/2011 $106,500 $68.09 1,564 2,528 0.06 Single Family Res 2
Frame Wood Other Type Unknown Public Service
Frame Wood Other
Frame Wood Other
R-4 Average Average 4708100 $11,980 304-59-347
R-6 Average Average 4620256 $11,630 309-28-018 0.15
Greenbelt R-6 Average Average 4595447 $12,480 309-28-111 0.25
Subject Property
Comparable 10
Maricopa 3841 E Baars Ave
Maricopa 4004 S Summer Ct
R-4 Average Average 4708100 $11,980 304-59-347
County Address Subdivision Situs City School District Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Price Per Sq Ft Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Total Rooms Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Type Parking Capacity Heat Type Cooling Type Pool Exterior Roof Material Water Sewer Location Influence Zoning Condition Quality MLS Listing # Total Assessed Value APN Distance (miles)
9 2007 Garage 2 Heated Refrigeration
10 2007 Garage 2 Heated Refrigeration Frame Wood Other Type Unknown Public Service R-4 Average Average 4609374 $10,900 304-52-372 0.12
County Address
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Subdivision Situs City School District Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Price Per Sq Ft Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Total Rooms Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Type Parking Capacity Heat Type Cooling Type Pool Exterior Roof Material Water Sewer Location Influence Zoning Condition Quality MLS Listing # Total Assessed Value APN Distance (miles)
Power Ranch Neighborhood 10 Prcl F Gilbert Higley 60 08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 $147.70 1,590 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 1 9 2007 Garage 2 Heated Refrigeration Frame Wood Other Type Unknown Public Service R-4 Average Average 4708100 $11,980 304-59-347
Power Ranch Neighborhood 04 Gilbert Higley 60 11/30/2011 11/28/2011 $138,000 $78.19 1,765 6,587 0.15 Single Family Res 1 5 8 2001 Garage 2/3 Forced Air Refrigeration Frame Wood Other
Cul-De-Sac R-4 Average Average 4700898 $13,520 313-01-637 0.40
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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3841 E Baars Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85297-3543, Maricopa County Market Conditions Median List Price
The median list price is the middle list price (when ordered low to high) of all the properties sold in that month in that geographic area. List price is provided by the MLS. When the median list price increases it can indicate a seller's market. This is especially true if the median square foot of sold properties remains constant. It is also important to compare the median sales price to the median list price in order to determine the level of demand for homes. Median Sales Price
The median sales price is the middle sales price (when ordered low to high) of all the properties sold in that month in that geographic area. Sales Price is based on tax records. If the median sales price is increasing it indicates that the demand for property is also increasing. A sales price significantly below the listing price indicates that there is less demand for properties than the seller anticipated. When there are fewer buyers interested in purchasing the market value of that property decreases. Active Listings
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Market Trends
Active listings is the number of properties for sale during that month in that geographic area. Information is provided by the MLS. The number of active listings can increase for more than one reason. One possibility is that the demand for houses is rising and more sellers are taking advantage of buyers' interest. Alternatively, it can be the result of an increase in foreclosures. Comparing sales activity to active listings will clarify whether the market is driven by buyers or sellers. Active Listings Rate Change Zip City County
Mar-11 18.42% 29.66% 27.79%
Apr-11 2.22% -0.49% -2.60%
May-11 5.43% 12.48% 3.79%
Jun-11 22.68% 7.45% 9.07%
Jul-11 -24.37% -19.97% -13.78%
Zip City County
Sep-11 4.76% -5.72% -6.28%
Oct-11 4.55% -1.91% -2.59%
Nov-11 -45.65% -38.16% -35.50%
Dec-11 -18% -86% -34.05%
Jan-12 34.15% -75.51% 30.53%
Aug-11 -6.67% 3.90% 2.87%
The active listings rate change is the percentage that the number of active listings changes from one month to the next. When the active listings rate change is greater than 0% the number of active listings is increasing month over month. This indicates a strengthening market. If the active listings change is less than 0% the market is weakening and there are less homes available for sale. Sales Activity
Sales activity is the number of sales recorded by the county in that month in that geographic area. When the number of homes sold increases it indicates that housing prices are aligned with buyer expectations. An increase in sales activity usually precedes an increase in active listings and/or sales price. The higher the sales activity the stronger the market. A low number of sales indicates a weak market. Sales Activity Rate Change Zip City County
Mar-11 38.98% 34.29% 46.27%
Apr-11 -14.63% 1.52% -6.29%
May-11 21.43% 14.97% 1.57%
Jun-11 20% 8.59% 8.27%
Jul-11 -14.71% -10.07% -12.98%
Zip City County
Sep-11 9.52% 0.58% -8.06%
Oct-11 -10.87% -12.64% -10.98%
Nov-11 -3.66% -9.87% -5.72%
Dec-11 29.11% 10.58% 19.29%
Jan-12 -70.59% -59.41% -67.06%
Aug-11 -3.45% -7.73% 4.65%
The sales rate change is the percentage that sales change from one month to the next. When the sales rate change is greater than 0% the sales activity is increasing month over month. This indicates a strengthening market. If the sales rate change is less than 0% the market is weakening and there are less homes being sold.
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Market Trends
Median $/Sq Ft
The median cost per square foot is the middle value (when ordered low to high) of all the properties sold in that month in that geographic area. It is calculated by dividing the sales price by the size of the home (square feet). An increase in the cost per square foot when the median square feet does not increase indicates buyers are willing to pay more for the same size house. This is an indication of an increase in housing demand. When the cost per square foot decreases it indicates that property values are decreasing. Median Sq Ft
The median square feet of the home is the middle value (when ordered low to high) of all the properties sold in that month in that geographic area. A decrease in the size of properties sold can indicate that the market is opening up to buyers of smaller or entry-level homes.
Distressed Properties # of Foreclosures
The combined number of properties in all stages of foreclosure (Pre-Foreclosure, Auction, or REO) in that month in that geographic area. Each month data is collected on a single day and represents a snapshot in time.
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Market Trends
It is a sign of an improving market when the number of foreclosures decreases over time. When the number of foreclosures increases in an area property values tend to decrease because there are more homes for sale. Additionally, areas with a large number of foreclosures can have problems such as unmaintained homes and crime. Foreclosures Rate Change Zip City County
Mar-11 -1.52% -0.91% -1.58%
Apr-11 -4.38% -4.88% -3.90%
May-11 -5.39% -7.14% -6.74%
Jun-11 -11.97% -10.38% -6.70%
Jul-11 -9.71% -8.31% -7.88%
Zip City County
Sep-11 0.81% -3.07% -5.20%
Oct-11 -4.80% -4.04% -4.47%
Nov-11 -11.34% -5.80% -3.75%
Dec-11 2.37% 1.63% 0.02%
Jan-12 -10.19% -13.07% -8.63%
Aug-11 -11.11% -7.85% -7.60%
The foreclosure rate change is the percentage that foreclosures change from one month to the next. When the foreclosure rate change is greater than 0% the number of properties in foreclosure is increasing month over month. This indicates a weakening market. If the foreclosure rate change is less than 0% the market is strengthening and there are fewer homeowners who are defaulting on their mortgages. % of Foreclosures
The combined percentage of properties in all stages of foreclosure (Pre-Foreclosure, Auction, or REO) in that month in that geographic area. Each month data is collected on a single day and represents a snapshot in time. When the overall percentage of foreclosures is decreasing it can indicate that home ownership is stabilizing. If the percentage is increasing then the number of properties for sale is likely to rise and the value will fall. % Pre-Frcl, Auction, REO
The percent of properties in each stage of foreclosure (Pre-Foreclosure, Auction, or REO) for the most recent month in that geographic area. Each month data is collected on a single day and represents a snapshot in time. If the percentage of Pre-Foreclosures and Auctions is greater than the percentage of REOs it may indicate that a greater percentage of properties will become bank-owned in the near future. It might also mean that properties that do become bank-owned are sold quickly. A smaller percentage of Pre-Foreclosures means there are fewer properties in the pipeline to become bank-owned.
Financial Health Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Market Trends
Median LTV
The median loan-to-value ratio is calculated by dividing the original value of the open liens on a home by the sale price of the home in that month in that geographic area. A lower LTV indicates that homeowners are more likely to be able to afford their homes because they have borrowed less to purchase it. Lenders typically require private mortgage insurance (PMI) for owners who have an LTV greater than 80%. The higher the LTV, the more likely that a homeowner will go into default. # of Negative Equity
The number of properties with the total open lien amount greater than or equal to the current value of the home, as calculated by an automated valuation model (AVM). It is only for properties sold in that quarter in that geographic area. Both property types (SFR and condos) are included in the calculation. Each quarter (March, June, September, and December) data is collected on a single day and represents a snapshot in time. Negative equity, also called being 'upside down' on a loan, can occur when a property value decreases or when the principal loan amount increases due to a loan with negative amortization. As the number of properties with negative equity increases the less stable an area becomes because owners are at risk of foreclosure. % of Negative Equity
The percentage of properties with the total open lien amount greater than or equal to the current value of the home, as calculated by an AVM. It is only for properties sold in that quarter in that geographic area. Both property types (SFR and condos) are included in the calculation. Each quarter (March, June, September, and December) data is collected on a single day and represents a snapshot in time.
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Market Trends
Areas with a low percentage of negative equity are more likely to retain their value because owners have the funds to pay their mortgage and maintain their homes. As the percent of properties with negative equity increases so does the risk of foreclosure.
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Market Trends
3841 E Baars Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85297-3543, Maricopa County
Neighbors Details Subject Property
Neighbor 1
Neighbor 2
Neighbor 3
3841 E Baars Ave 3835 E Baars Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F F GILBERT GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 COOK JOSEPH C REID STEFAN REID ALLISON & MCGEEVER COOK KASEY D KEVIN 08/31/2007 01/03/2008 08/16/2007 11/13/2007 $234,847 $304,454 1,590 2,174 4,090 4,100 0.09 0.09 Single Family Res Single Family Res 1 2 9 2007 2007 2 2 $119,800 $140,100 $1,187 $1,388 0.01
3845 E Baars Ave
3851 E Baars Ave
09/30/2008 09/03/2008 / 09/25/2008 $233,621 2,174 / 2,200 4,100 0.09 Single Family Res 2
06/26/2007 06/21/2007 $301,948 2,523 / 2,500 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 2
2007 2 $140,100 $1,388 0.01
2007 2 $152,200 $1,508 0.02
Subject Property
Neighbor 5
Neighbor 6
Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
Neighbor 4
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
Page 13 of 23
Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
3841 E Baars Ave 3831 E Baars Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F F GILBERT GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 COOK JOSEPH C GAMBOA ALICE COOK KASEY D 08/31/2007 03/29/2007 08/16/2007 03/20/2007 $234,847 $347,298 1,590 2,523 4,090 4,090 0.09 0.09 Single Family Res Single Family Res 1 2 9 2007 2007 2 2 $119,800 $152,200 $1,187 $1,508 0.02
3825 E Baars Ave
3857 E Baars Ave
GILBERT HIGLEY 60 ROHN GRADY TANG YEE P 06/17/2011 06/14/2011 / 07/15/2011 $120,000 2,233 4,100 0.09 Single Family Res 2
GILBERT HIGLEY 60 SKACY TIMMY SKACY FRANCINE C 12/11/2007 12/04/2007 $262,911 2,174 4,100 0.09 Single Family Res 2
2007 2 $141,800 $1,405 0.03
2007 2 $140,100 $1,388 0.03
Subject Property
Neighbor 8
Neighbor 9
3841 E Baars Ave 3842 E Baars Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F F GILBERT GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 COOK JOSEPH C BELTRAN YVONNE M COOK KASEY D BELTRAN HENRY P 08/31/2007 10/17/2007 08/16/2007 10/02/2007 / 09/18/2007 $234,847 $250,000 1,590 2,233 / 2,200 4,090 4,100 0.09 0.09 Single Family Res Single Family Res 1 2 9 2007 2007 2 2 $119,800 $141,800 $1,187 $1,405 0.03
3836 E Baars Ave
3846 E Baars Ave
GILBERT HIGLEY 60 ELLSWORTH JON TYLER ELLSWORTH ASHLYN 04/22/2008 04/18/2008 / 03/31/2011 $242,900 2,523 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 2
2006 2 $152,200 $1,720 0.03
2006 2 $126,200 $1,250 0.03
Subject Property
Neighbor 11
Neighbor 12
Neighbor 7
Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
Neighbor 10
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
Page 14 of 23
01/10/2007 12/22/2006 $289,569 1,738 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 2
Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
3841 E Baars Ave 3852 E Baars Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F F GILBERT GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 COOK JOSEPH C BROCK JUSTIN M COOK KASEY D BROCK HEATHER M 08/31/2007 09/27/2007 08/16/2007 09/19/2007 / 09/28/2007 $234,847 $224,980 1,590 1,927 / 1,900 4,090 4,100 0.09 0.09 Single Family Res Single Family Res 1 2 9 2007 2007 2 2 $119,800 $131,100 $1,187 $1,481 0.03
3832 E Baars Ave
3863 E Baars Ave
GILBERT HIGLEY 60 KEENE NICKIE H KEENE KAREN R 02/22/2011 02/17/2011 / 02/23/2011 $149,300 2,174 4,100 0.09 Single Family Res 2
2007 2 $140,100 $1,388 0.03
2007 2 $126,100 $1,249 0.03
Subject Property
Neighbor 14
Neighbor 15
3841 E Baars Ave 3821 E Baars Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F F GILBERT GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 COOK JOSEPH C TANG ELLEN K COOK KASEY D 08/31/2007 04/02/2007 08/16/2007 03/20/2007 $234,847 $282,206 1,590 2,523 4,090 4,629 0.09 0.11 Single Family Res Single Family Res 1 2 9 2007 2007 2 2 $119,800 $155,100 $1,187 $1,537 0.03
3826 E Baars Ave
3858 E Baars Ave
GILBERT HIGLEY 60 MWOVE PATRICIA M 01/04/2012 12/29/2011 / 01/04/2012 $123,000 1,294 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 1
GILBERT HIGLEY 60 WHIPP CRAIG RUSSELL BOCKMAN VICTORIA A 04/17/2007 04/10/2007 / 12/30/2006 $294,560 2,523 / 2,525 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 2
2007 2 $107,600 $1,066 0.04
2007 / 2006 2 $152,200 $1,508 0.04
Subject Property
Neighbor 17
Neighbor 18
Neighbor 13
08/17/2007 08/07/2007 $249,290 1,738 4,077 0.09 Single Family Res 2
Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
Neighbor 16
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
3841 E Baars Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL D F &E GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 POWER RANCH COMMUNITY COOK JOSEPH C ASSOCIAT COOK KASEY D !ION INC 08/31/2007 08/16/2007 $234,847 1,590 4,090 117,805 0.09 2.70 Single Family Res Open Space Area 1 9 2007 2 $119,800 $500 $1,187 0.04
3864 E Baars Ave
3867 E Battala Ave
CROWLEY ALYSSA 04/20/2007 04/16/2007 $286,090 2,174 4,087 0.09 Single Family Res 2
02/26/2010 02/03/2010 / 02/26/2010 $165,000 2,174 4,100 0.09 Single Family Res 2
2007 2 $140,000 $1,387 0.04
2007 2 $140,100 $1,583 0.04
Subject Property
Neighbor 20
Neighbor 19
Address Subdivision Situs City School District Owner Name Owner Name 2 Recording Date Sale Date Sale Price Building Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft Lot Acres Land Use - State Stories Bath Fixtures Year Built Parking Capacity Total Assessment Property Tax Amount Distance (miles)
3841 E Baars Ave 3855 E Battala Ave POWER RANCH POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F F GILBERT GILBERT HIGLEY 60 HIGLEY 60 COOK JOSEPH C TALAVERA JUAN COOK KASEY D TALAVERA MONICA L 08/31/2007 08/16/2007 02/09/2011 $234,847 1,590 2,174 4,090 4,100 0.09 0.09 Single Family Res Single Family Res 1 2 9 2007 2007 2 2 $119,800 $140,100 $1,187 $1,583 0.04
3861 E Battala Ave POWER RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRCL F GILBERT HIGLEY 60 JANARDANAN VENKATESH KANNAN SMITHA 05/07/2009 04/08/2009 / 05/07/2009 $190,500 2,523 4,090 0.09 Single Family Res 2 2006 2 $152,200 $1,508 0.04
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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3841 E Baars Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85297-3543, Maricopa County Demographics
Census Tract/Block:
Year 2008
General Population Information Census Tract: Census Block: Number of People in 2000: Estimated Number of People in 2008: Estimated Number of People in 2013: Estimated Growth in Next 5 Years: Actual Growth in Last 10 Years:
Population By Age 5227.45 3 2,491 25,197 37,882 50.34% 909.90%
General Household Information Number of Households in 2008: Number of Households in 2013: Estimated Growth in Next 5 Years: Actual Growth in Last 10 Years: Average Household Size in 2008:
7,356 10,915 48.38% 898.10% 3.31
Housing Median Value Median Home Value:
Home Values $236,200
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Neighborhood Profile
Year Built
Owner Occupancy
Mortgage Payments
Rent Payments
Median Mortgage:
Median Gross Rent:
Quality of Life Occupation Executive/Professional: Technical: Sales: Administrative: Private Household: Service: Protective Services: Farming: Skilled: Blue Collar:
Employment Sector 37% 18% 25% 15% 3% 12% 3% 7% 2% 9%
Private: Government: Self-Employed: Unpaid Family:
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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74% 10% 18% 1%
Neighborhood Profile
Household Income
Average Household Income:
Commute Time
Education Enrollment Public Pre-School: Private Pre-School: Public School: Private School: Public College: Not Enrolled in School:
Level 1% 1% 10% 7% 3% 83%
Not a High School Graduate: High School Graduate: Some College: College Graduate: Graduate Degree:
18% 19% 24% 31% 6%
Geographic Area: 5.00 mile radius
Public Schools Elementary Schools Chandler Unif School Dist 80 Cta Freedom Campus 6040 S Joslyn La Weinberg Elementary School 5245 S Val Vista Rd Ryan Elementary School 4600 S Bright Angel Way
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
(480) 224-2600
$.01 - $6,499.99
Half Day
(480) 812-7500
$.01 - $6,499.99
Half Day
(480) 224-3200
$.01 - $6,499.99
Gilbert Unified Sch Dist 41 Quartz Hill Elem Sch 3680 S Quartz St Finley Farms Elementary School 375 S Columbus Dr
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
(480) 855-5732
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 507-1624
$.01 - $6,499.99
Higley Unified School Dist 60 San Tan Elementary School 3443 E Calistoga Dr Coronado Elementary School 4333 S Deanza Blvd Power Ranch Elementary School 4351 S Ranch House Pkwy Chaparral Elementary School 3380 E Frye Rd Cortina Elementary School 19680 S 188th St Higley Elementary School 3391 E Vest Ave
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
(480) 279-7200
$.01 - $6,499.99
Half Day
(480) 279-6900
$.01 - $6,499.99
Half Day
(480) 279-7600
$.01 - $6,499.99
Half Day
(480) 279-7900
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 279-7800
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 279-6800
$.01 - $6,499.99
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Half Day
Neighborhood Profile
Queen Creek Unified SD 95 Desert Mountain Elem School 22301 S Hawes Rd
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
(480) 987-5912
$.01 - $6,499.99
Half Day
Chandler Unif School Dist 80 Perry High School 1919 E Queen Creek Rd Payne Jr High School 7655 S Higley Rd
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
Adv. Placement
(480) 224-2800
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 224-2400
$.01 - $6,499.99
Gilbert Unified Sch Dist 41 South Valley Jr High School 2034 S Lindsay Rd Greenfield Junior High School 101 S Greenfield Rd
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
Adv. Placement
(480) 855-0015
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 813-1770
$.01 - $6,499.99
Higley Unified School Dist 60 Higley High School 4068 E Pecos Rd Williams Field High School 2076 S Higley Rd
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
Adv. Placement
(480) 279-7300
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 279-8000
$.01 - $6,499.99
Queen Creek Unified SD 95 Queen Creek Middle School 20435 S Ellsworth Rd Newell Barney Middle School 24937 S Sossaman Rd
Phone #
# of Students
Total $/Student
Adv. Placement
(480) 987-5940
$.01 - $6,499.99
(480) 474-6700
$.01 - $6,499.99
Phone #
# of Students
School Size
(480) 279-1366
Half Day
(480) 987-9700
Jr. High/High Schools
Private Schools Surrey Garden Christian School 1424 S Promenade Ln Canyon State Academy 20061 E Rittenhouse Rd
Local Businesses
Geographic Area: 3.00 mile radius
Arts Booya Precision Dance & Cheer Artistic Motion Dance M & M Productions East Valley Home Entertainment Az Art Rep
Address Phone # 3435 E Phelps St (480) 862-3435 7400 S Power Rd # 108 (480) 279-1965 3341 E Queen Creek Rd # 104 (480) 284-7300 2533 E Magnolia Dr (480) 970-4282 1585 S Hawk Ct (480) 840-3477 3687 E Constitution Dr (480) 232-9520
Distance 1.17 1.19 1.38 2.22 2.85 2.87
Description Musicians Dancing Instruction Dancing Instruction Entertainment Bureaus Entertainment Bureaus Arts Organizations & Information
Address 3550 S Sterling Ct 4031 E Sundance Ct 2270 E Williams Field Rd # 107
Phone # (480) 584-3046 (480) 464-8612
Distance Description 0.43 Business & Trade Organizations 0.51 Business & Trade Organizations
(480) 722-1318
Address 3261 E Pecos Rd 3231 E Pecos Rd 1952 E Pecos Rd 3349 E Queen Creek Rd 5290 S Power Rd 8196 S Power Rd 8424 S Power Rd 8490 S Power Rd # 115 18224 E Williams Field Rd 18224 E Williams Field Rd
Phone # (480) 279-1417 (480) 988-5099 (480) 726-5740 (480) 840-6200 (602) 433-7000 (480) 840-6740 (480) 000-1111 (480) 279-5543 (602) 467-4081 (602) 644-4600
Distance 1.05 1.09 1.30 1.38 1.41 1.64 1.67 1.67 2.10 2.10
Description Banks Banks Banks Banks Credit Unions Banks Automated Teller Machines Banks Credit Unions Credit Unions
Associations/Organizations Executive Mba Council Lee Green Group Llc Hat Club
Banking Wells Fargo Bank Chase National Bank Of Arizona M&I Bank Desert Schools Federal Cu Wells Fargo Bank Bank Of America Atm Chase Arizona State Savings & Cu Asu-East
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Neighborhood Profile
Child Care Abrakadoodle Goddard School A Child's Play At The Ranches Kinder Care Learning Ctr Tutor Time Child Care/Learning Lil' Einstein's Preschool Llc Kids Inc Franchise Sunrise Preschool Wee Watch Enriched Home Child
Address Phone # 3991 E Los Altos Dr (480) 279-1555 4080 E Germann Rd (480) 988-0185 3636 S Atherton Blvd (480) 907-7590 3269 E Germann Rd (480) 279-5106 7255 S Power Rd (480) 840-6095 3369 E Queen Creek Rd # 104 (480) 558-4551 2109 S Blue Jay Dr (480) 840-6500 3270 E Ray Rd (480) 279-0400 67 S Higley Rd # 103 (480) 661-0161
Distance 0.30 0.38 0.61 0.72 1.22 1.37 2.32 2.88 2.90
Description Schools-Nursery & Kindergarten Academic Child Care Service Child Care Service Child Care Service Child Care Service Schools-Nursery & Kindergarten Academic Child Care Service Child Care Service Child Care Service
Address 3592 S Atherton Blvd # 107 3592 S Atherton Blvd # 107 3592 S Atherton Blvd # 112 3592 S Atherton Blvd # 112 4365 E Pecos Rd # 132 4365 E Pecos Rd # 137 3317 S Higley Rd # 103 7400 S Power Rd # 131 7400 S Power Rd # 128 7400 S Power Rd # 128
Phone # (480) 840-6777 (480) 889-1877 (480) 654-2335 (480) 840-6777 (480) 988-5700 (480) 507-1943 (480) 988-7007 (480) 279-5799 (480) 988-2282 (480) 830-5003
Distance 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.94 0.94 1.03 1.19 1.19 1.19
Description Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists Dentists
Address 7225 S Power Rd 8490 S Power Rd # 101 67 S Higley Rd
Phone # (480) 279-2366 (480) 279-5200 (480) 892-2434
Distance 1.23 1.67 2.90
Description Cleaners Cleaners Cleaners
Address 3443 E Calistoga Dr 3443 E Calistoga Dr 4437 E Los Altos Dr 4333 S Deanza Blvd 4351 S Ranch House Pkwy 4068 E Pecos Rd 4068 E Pecos Rd 1919 E Queen Creek Rd 19680 S 188th St 17019 S Greenfield Rd
Phone # (480) 988-9845 (480) 279-7200 (480) 278-4433 (480) 279-6900 (480) 279-7600 (480) 988-0498 (480) 279-7300 (480) 224-2800 (480) 279-7800 (480) 988-3212
Distance 0.63 0.63 0.77 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.86 1.59 1.92 2.02
Description Schools Schools Tutoring Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools
Address 4540 E Mia Ln 18894 E Mockingbird Dr 4904 S Power Rd # 103 Pmb 248 1490 S Avocet St
Phone # (480) 396-2600 (480) 212-2337
Distance Description 1.79 Professional Sports Clubs & Promoters 1.96 Video Production & Taping Service
(623) 581-1600
Video Production & Taping Service
(480) 276-0826
Dance Companies
Address 7205 S Power Rd # A 3303 E Queen Creek Rd 3345 S Val Vista Dr # 200 1514 E Tierra Ct
Phone # (480) 988-6262 (480) 988-6063 (480) 706-8963 (480) 358-0408
Distance 1.23 1.40 2.88 2.98
Description Health Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums Health Spas Health Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums Health Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums
Address 8454 S Power Rd
Phone # (480) 988-7280
Distance Description 1.67 Florists-Retail
Dental Chapman Brett Dds Little Tykes Pediatric Smiles At Santan Ranch Snell Heath C Dds Desert Mountain Dentistry Robert's Dental Higley Dental Care Couser Orthodontics Power Ranch Dental Restore Physical Therapy
Dry Cleaners Swan Cleaners #38 Star Cleaners Carousel Cleaners Inc
Education Higley Elementary School Dist San Tan Elementary School Hallmark Tutoring Coronado Elementary School Power Ranch Elementary School Higley Elementary School Dist Higley High School Perry High School Cortina Elementary School Eagle's Aerie School
Entertainment Services Flynnco Promotional Prod Llc Pretty In Pynk Productions Five Pints Productions Jessika Vizcarra & Co
Fitness La Fitness El Bella Day Spa Mountainside Fitness Act Fitness
Floral Albertsons Floral
Grocery Stores
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Neighborhood Profile
Fry's Food Store C & E's Professional Cleaning Dunkin' Donuts One Stop Nutrition Danny's Gilbert Gateway Albertsons Albertsons Bakery Valero Campfire Kettle Corn Healthy Essentials
Address Phone # 3261 E Pecos Rd (480) 988-6300 3251 E Fruitvale Ct (480) 659-0710 18490 E Rittenhouse Rd # 101 (480) 988-3925 18550 E Rittenhouse Rd # 102 (480) 840-0500 5230 S Power Rd (480) 619-4770 8454 S Power Rd (480) 988-7280 8454 S Power Rd (480) 988-7280 8424 S Power Rd (480) 988-3749 18586 E Apricot Ln (480) 529-2685 5480 S Crabtree Ln (480) 699-7430
Distance 1.05 1.18 1.33 1.38 1.41 1.67 1.67 1.67 2.07 2.25
Description Grocers-Retail Convenience Stores Doughnuts Health & Diet Foods-Retail Convenience Stores Grocers-Retail Bakers-Retail Convenience Stores Food Products-Retail Health & Diet Foods-Retail
Address 17244 E Saragosa St 7401 S Power Rd 4730 S Higley Rd 8490 S Power Rd # 105 Pmb 145 8490 S Power Rd 18886 E Kingbird Dr 2473 S Higley Rd # 101 2473 S Higley Rd # 108 3021 E Williams Field Rd 2305 S Higley Rd
Phone # (480) 807-2424 (480) 988-6810 (480) 840-6280
Distance 1.02 1.22 1.45
Description Fountains-Garden Display Etc Home Centers Home Centers
(480) 678-1204
Animal & Bird Housing
(480) (480) (480) (480) (480) (480)
1.67 1.79 1.90 1.90 2.10 2.10
Doors Glass-Auto Plate & Window & Etc Home Accessories & Furnishings Paint-Retail Nurserymen Landscaping Equipment & Supplies
Address 3860 S Marigold Way 3592 S Atherton Blvd # 110 3592 S Atherton Blvd 3583 E Wildhorse Dr 4365 E Pecos Rd # 129 4365 E Pecos Rd 3230 E Fruitvale Ct 7400 S Power Rd # 120 7400 S Power Rd # 120 7400 S Power Rd # 120
Phone # (480) 558-1560 (480) 840-6777 (480) 988-2598 (480) 988-5611 (480) 632-0177 (480) 840-6616 (480) 988-1514 (480) 279-4441 (480) 988-1659 (480) 988-1907
Distance 0.32 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.94 0.94 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.19
Description Chiropractors Dc Physicians & Surgeons Homeopaths Residential Care Homes Chiropractors Dc Chiropractors Dc Offices Of Health Practitioners Nec Chiropractors Dc Physicians & Surgeons Physicians/Surgeons Dpm Podiatrist Exchg
Address 3592 S Atherton Blvd # 111 2174 E Williams Field Rd # 124 2156 E Williams Field Rd # 104
Phone # (480) 988-4131
Distance Description 0.64 Optometrists Od
(480) 830-9318
Optometrists Od
(480) 814-2584
Optometrists Od
Address 1965 E Queen Creek Rd
Phone # (602) 652-3000
Distance Description 1.59 Libraries-Public
Address 4132 E Pecos Rd 3126 S Higley Rd 2857 E Sandy Ct 4415 E Village Pkwy 6910 E Williams Field Rd 19349 E Germann Rd
Phone # (480) 279-7190 (480) 988-3400 (480) 354-7111 (480) 988-0004 (480) 988-9405 (480) 278-5714
Distance 0.89 1.28 1.28 1.59 2.23 2.69
Description Halls & Auditoriums Martial Arts Instruction Amusement & Theme Parks Golf Courses-Public Golf Courses-Public Amusement & Recreation Nec
Address 3544 S Atherton Blvd 8490 S Power Rd 2859 E Lowell Ave 19680 S 188th St
Phone # (480) 988-5329 (480) 414-4490 (480) 614-2897 (480) 641-1200
Distance 0.67 1.67 1.77 1.92
Description Churches Churches Churches Churches
Home Improvement Blanton Fountain Svc Home Depot Lowe's Birdhouse Boutique Door Forge Highland Glass Jane Tillery Interiors-Frntrs Sherwin-Williams Santan Nursery Rock Source Llc
654-2828 279-5355 474-4333 279-5811 279-5040 279-0002
Medical Infinite Healing Arts Ctr Advanced Physical Therapy Mesa Pediatrics-Santan Tilda Manor Advanced Chiropractic Power Ranch Chiropractic Coronado Ranch Adult Care Home Andreasen Chiropractic Family Doctors Nakra Aprajita Dpm Pc
Optometry Carlsson Pediatric & Family San Tan Village Eye Care Tom Sawash Od & Assoc
Public Services Perry Branch Library
Recreation Higley Center-Performing Arts M3 Martial Arts Academy Shabby Castle Llc Trilogy Golf Course Toka Sticks Golf Course Go Sand Sports
Religious Organizations Church Of Jesus Christ-Lds Real Life Christian Church International Women-Nations Song Of Life United Methodist
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Neighborhood Profile
St Mary Magdalene Abundant Life Chandler Gilbert Church Of Christ Gateway Gilbert Family Church-Nazarene Church Of Jesus Christ-Lds
15239 S Recker Rd 16831 S Greenfield Rd 3391 E Vest Ave 6935 E Williams Field Rd 7119 E Thistle Ave
(480) (480) (480) (480) (480)
Address 4390 E Los Altos Dr 4075 S Higley Rd 3317 S Higley Rd # 108 7455 S Power Rd 7507 S Power Rd # 102 7507 S Power Rd # 106 7507 S Power Rd # 103 7215 S Power Rd # 107 7215 S Power Rd # 106 7205 S Power Rd # 110
279-6737 497-9810 497-6125 813-9300 279-1599
2.02 2.07 2.07 2.22 2.60
Churches Churches Churches Churches Churches
Phone # (480) 299-1279 (480) 279-0189 (480) 279-1460 (480) 988-0222 (480) 840-3300 (480) 988-1875 (480) 288-7827 (480) 840-3981 (480) 988-7228 (480) 457-8788
Distance 0.75 0.84 1.03 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.23
Description Bars Restaurants Restaurants Restaurants Ice Cream Parlors Pizza Restaurants Restaurants Restaurants Restaurants
Address 4110 E Sundance Ave 4371 E Sundance Ct 2976 E Santa Fe Ln 5290 S Power Rd 4658 S Higley Rd 3447 S 158th Pl 2151 S San Tan Village Pkwy 4962 S Power Rd 5110 S Power Rd 2739 S Market St
Phone # (480) 988-0682 (480) 209-8748 (480) 654-3450 (480) 988-0012 (480) 840-6366 (480) 633-3035 (480) 726-1512 (480) 279-4707 (480) 281-0268 (480) 722-1891
Distance 0.54 0.68 1.10 1.41 1.45 2.04 2.27 2.45 2.45 2.50
Description General Merchandise-Retail Variety Stores General Merchandise-Retail Department Stores Variety Stores General Merchandise-Retail Department Stores General Merchandise-Retail Department Stores General Merchandise-Retail
Address 19740 S 190th Dr 6050 S Sagewood
Phone # (480) 969-5978 (480) 279-1406
Distance Description 2.07 Social Service & Welfare Organizations 2.28 Youth Organizations & Centers
Address 8490 S Power Rd 5022 S Power Rd # 101
Phone # (480) 988-7853 (480) 279-2460
Distance Description 1.67 Video Tapes & Discs-Renting & Leasing 2.45 Video Tapes & Discs-Renting & Leasing
Restaurant/Lounges Poet Bar Sonic Drive-In Subway Burger King Cold Stone Creamery Pizza Hut Quiznos Trophy's Steakhouse Tropical Smoothie Cafe Uncle Bear's Grill & Bar
Shopping Creative Sales & Marketing Blue Hawaiian Creations Taylor Woodrow Stratland Sales Walmart Supercenter Dollar Tree Global Merchant Svc Dillard's Ross Store Inc Super Target Marshalls Store
Social Services Kiwanis International Sw Dist Boys & Girls Club Of America
Video Rental Blockbuster Video Hollywood Video
Courtesy of Chad Hagenson, Arizona Regional MLS The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. If desired, the accuracy of the data contained herein can be independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
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Neighborhood Profile