Flagstaff Cityscape | Winter 2020

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Winter 2020

Cityscape A complete guide to City of Flagstaff Programs, Events & Information

Support Flagstaff Local - My Actions Matter

2020 Census

Water conservation strategic plan

Flagstaff City Council

Complete the Census for your Community

council@flagstaffaz.gov | (928) 213-2015

Mayor Coral Evans Elected to a two-year term in 2016 and re-elected in 2018 cevans@flagstaffaz.gov Vice-Mayor Adam Shimoni Elected to a four-year term in 2018 adam.shimoni@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Jamie Whelan Elected to a four-year term in 2016 jwhelan@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Charlie Odegaard Elected to a four-year term in 2016 codegaard@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Regina Salas Elected to a four-year term in 2018 regina.salas@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Jim McCarthy Elected to a four-year term in 2016 jmccarthy@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Austin Aslan Elected to a four-year term in 2018 Austin.Aslan@flagstaffaz.gov Flagstaff City Hall 211 W. Aspen Ave. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (928)213-2000


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

Mayor: Coral Evans Vice-Mayor: Adam Shimoni Councilmembers: Jamie Whelan Charlie Odegaard Regina Salas Jim McCarthy Austin Aslan City Manager: Greg Clifton Deputy City Managers: Shane Dille Shannon Anderson Send comments or suggestions to: jdrum@flagstaffaz.gov The City of Flagstaff, Arizona publishes Cityscape as a service to its citizens. Information contained herein may be freely copied or reproduced in print or other forms in order to continue dissemination of information for the public good. Every effort is made to ensure that information published here is timely and accurate. No portions of the contents of Cityscape may be reproduced or copied for commercial or financial gain, with the exception of the advertisements. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting Public Affairs Director Jessica Drum, (928) 213-2061. Cityscape is produced and printed by


ach decade, our nation undertakes the extraordinary task of counting every person who lives in our country. The Decennial Census is required by the U.S. Constitution, and critical for understanding of our nation and its people. Its results determine our representation in federal, state, and local government, and influence the distribution of billions of dollars in federal funding. Those funds support dozens of agencies, programs, and services critical to the people of Northern Arizona. Getting a complete count ensures that our communities continue to receive these resources.

What You Can Do The City of Flagstaff and Coconino County are working together to make sure that the U.S. Census Bureau gets a complete count of our community. You can support that effort by making sure to fill out the 2020 Census when it arrives in late March, and making sure your family, friends, and neighbors get counted as well.

What you need to know • The 2020 Census will begin March 13. • People living in group facilities will be Mailers will arrive at residential addresses counted directly in April. by Census Day (April 1, 2020). • In Flagstaff, enumerators will follow up •The 2020 Census can be completed online, over with non-respondents starting April 7 and the phone, by mail, or in person. It will be availwill continue through the end of June. able in over 50 languages, braille, and large print.

I Count. You Count. Together we can support our Community. Learn more and get involved at iCount2020.info.

On the Cover: David West uses a snow shovel handle to knock snow from canvas awnings surrounding Babbitt’s Backcountry Outfitters in downtown Flagstaff. Photo by Jake Bacon, Arizona Daily Sun

Winter2020 Southside Community Plan


e are nearing completion of the Southside Community Plan! Over the last two-plus years, many of you have attended meetings, provided comments, and supported the planning process with your knowledge, time the Plan. They are scheduled for April 22, 2020 and energy. The Southside Community Plan is and May 13, 2020. only possible because of these efforts, thank you! •Two meetings with the City Council: These are Neighborhoods are the building blocks of your best opportunities to voice your support of Flagstaff. Historic neighborhoods, such as the the Plan. A work session is scheduled for May 26, Southside, with their diverse social, cultural, eco- 2020 and then the final public hearing will be on nomic, and physical characteristics, create the June 2, 2020. The hope is that the Plan becomes story of who we are as a community. Southside officially accepted during this final public hearis a community in transition. A neighborhood ing with City Council. plan informs future public projects, discretionPlease check the website for meeting details ary development, and updates to codes and reg- and updates: www.flagstaff.az.gov/southsideplan. ulations. This Southside Community Plan has had the lofty goal of maintaining and enhancing Stay in touch the Southside's sense of place and community. City staff has been working hard to create a fun, informative, and easy-to-navigate webWhen will the plan be completed? site for this planning effort. We encourage you to There are four more public meetings before explore details on past meetings, interactive maps the potential adoption of the Southside Com- and stay informed on future happenings at www. munity Plan: flagstaff.az.gov/southsideplan. To be added to the email notification list for active comprehensive •Two public hearings with the Planning and planning projects, please email or call Sara DechZoning Commission: These are your best opportunities to provide comments and revisions to ter at sdechter@flagstaffaz.gov or (928) 213-2631.

12th Annual

Flagstaff ’s small business

& community



FMPO to Become MetroPlan


he City of Flagstaff has hosted the Flag- the Country” said MetroPlan Chair, Mayor staff Metropolitan Planning Organiza- Coral Evans. “MetroPlan’s mission is accomtion (FMPO) for 22 years and effective Janu- plished through local government collaboraary 1, 2020, the FMPO is being rebranded as tion to ensure that all transportation projects Greater Flagstaff MetroPlan. “The rebrand- -- state, federal and local -- all work together”. ing is an effort to get away from acronyms MetroPlan’s Vice Chair, City Councilmember and say clearly and simply who we are and Charlie Odegaard, underscored the value of what we do” said Jeff Meilbeck, the agency’s working together and sees opportunity for Executive Director. the future. “The voters of the City of Flagstaff MetroPlan is responsible for coordinat- have stepped up to invest in transportation ing transportation plans in the greater Flag- and we want to leverage our local investment staff area and serves the City of Flagstaff, against competitive federal and state funds” Coconino County, the Arizona Department said Mayor Evans. of Transportation (ADOT), Northern AriMore information about MetroPlan can zona University (NAU) and Mountain Line. be found at www.metroplanflg.org MetroPlan’s core responsibility is to conduct coordinated transportation planning to ensure the ongoing flow of federal and state transportation funds to the region. “MetroPlan has an ambitious vision to create the finest transportation system in

Saturday 4.4.20 7am - 11am Flagstaff Aquaplex

• Free health screenings • Diet & fitness advice • Natural & alternative care • Info on low-cost & free wellness programs

use your phone’s camera to scan here & book your baseline blood test today!

To sign up for a FREE baseline blood test visit http://bit.ly/SBCHF20 www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Tourism & Visitation

Tourism: Flagstaff’s #1 Economic Driver A

rizona’s travel and tourism industry is one of the state’s most lucrative statewide businesses and is the number one economic driver in our community. Flagstaff tourism supports an estimated 8,000 jobs generating $500 million dollars to the local economy. According to the Arizona Office of Tourism Economic Impact Study, tourism provides economic stability to the community with an annual real tax savings of approximately $1,360 per household. The City of Flagstaff destination marketing organization, Discover Flagstaff, strives for a balance between the visitor experience and quality of life for residents. This marketing team manages sustainable eco-tourism messages that encourage visitors to stay and play responsibly while providing exceptional visitor services and quality support to educate, inspire and motivate travel to northern Arizona. As the city’s economic engine providing many local services, residents are encouraged to be friendly with visitors and connect with them in the moment. Visitors aren’t looking for a vacation but rather searching for authentic local experiences. Many visitors rely on locals for information and sharing the community with our out-of-town guests benefits all of us by supporting Bed, Board, and Beverage (BBB) funds. And did you know? The Flagstaff Visitor Center is also an excellent resource for referring visitors to meet wellinformed staff for detailed Flagstaff information, maps and suggestions. Sustainable tourism is key to our community and recently, Discover Flagstaff, joined forces with the mountain towns of Bend, OR; South Lake Tahoe, CA; Bozeman, MT and Steamboat Springs, CO to encourage responsible resource use. Pledge for the Wild supports efforts to keep our wild places, wild. The simple action of texting a donation to 44321 with the message Wild4Flag directly benefits the Flagstaff Trails Initiative. How it works: Once a visitor is inspired by an epic Flagstaff hike, biking beautiful mountain trails, enjoying the breathtaking fields of flowers or a peaceful forest trek, they will be encouraged to text a donation and want others to do the same. Working together, the idea is to keep Flagstaff’s wild places special as a destination for all to experience the outdoors and Pledge for the Wild. Flagstaff tourism is incredibly important to our local economy, and with Pledge for the Wild, visitors and residents can help sustain Flagstaff’s beauty for generations.


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

Flagstaff Local My Actions Matter: A resident centered FREE program


lagstaff Local is a community movement encouraging and celebrating residents that complete actions in the Flagstaff city limits supporting the following pillars: shop, volunteer, be eco-friendly, donate, support education, mentor and vote. Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans said, “local decisions make a difference in Flagstaff and supporting our community through our actions is an integral part of our Flagstaff culture improving quality of life for all.” Flagstaff residents accomplish great things every single day. This program rewards those actions and it begins with an easy one, two, three sign-up process: • login to flagstafflocal.com, hover on the “hamburger” menu icon in the upper left corner, click “take action” • Enter information: first and last names, email address, password • Hit return – process completed Once a login has been established, residents then record their support of a pillar by up uploading receipts or photos confirming support within the pillar. Multiple actions can be recorded in a single website visit. Some examples of actions include: • Be eco-friendly: Purchase sustainable products, re-use and recycle, pick up trash when walking or hiking, work with sustainability organizations on how to make your home or office eco-friendlier, choose to bike, carpool or take the bus. • Shop Flagstaff: Learn about local businesses and get to know the community members that work there, use local services, bank locally and support restaurants that source part or all of their product locally. • Support education: Volunteer in a classroom or a lunchroom, serve as a chaperone on a school field trip or assist in a technology lab, and encourage students to utilize library resources. •Vote: Register to vote, educate yourself about the candidates and issues, cast your vote in person or by mail. Flagstafflocal.com is a secured website and there will be no selling of information. Choosing to shop Flagstaff has many benefits to residents. For instance, a local purchase generates revenue that helps support parks and recreation, public safety, workforce, and much more. Specifically, purchasing a cup of coffee from a neighborhood coffee house, or a vehicle

from a Flagstaff dealership, directly results in collected taxes providing for better Flagstaff parks, beautification programs and much more. By residents engaging and taking part, it is making a difference and connecting to what is loved about Flagstaff and living here, with everyday actions. Flagstaff Citizen of the Year and volunteer Gene Munger said, “my most rewarding time is reading to young children at our local schools and if you have that opportunity it will change your life forever.” Aside from the feeling of doing good and making good things happen, residents will also have opportunities to win rewards: •The first 300 locals that sign up and log 20 points of actions will receive a free June 6, 2020 Hullabaloo ticket. • Prizes vary and can include chances-to-win running shoes, event tickets, gift certificates and more. •Three grand prizes will be awarded June 2020 that included a pair of bikes and office equipment provided by Pepsi, Flag Bike Revolution and Quality Connections. • Earning points exclusively supports businesses and organizations within Flagstaff city limits. City of Flagstaff Economic Vitality Director Heidi Hansen said, “it’s more than the prizes, it’s about the feeling you get when giving back to the community and that actions do matter. You love Flagstaff. We love Flagstaff. Let’s come together, share our actions, and be the city where people continue to visit, discover, grow, and thrive. This is a movement where our community shares and works toward common goals for stronger outcomes.” To qualify, residents must live within the Flagstaff Unified School District boundary and actions must occur within Flagstaff city limits. For additional details, visit www.flagstafflocal. com, click on Frequently Asked Questions which includes a boundary map link. Flagstaff Local – My Actions Matter - began November 21, 2019 and concludes May 31, 2020. Flagstaff Local – My Actions Matter is brought to you by the City of Flagstaff and our partners to highlight the importance of keeping our collective actions local.


OFFICE OF LABOR STANDARDS On July 1, 2017, a new hourly minimum wage schedule was established for individuals who worked or are expected to work 25 hours or more in any given calendar year within the city limits of Flagstaff, AZ. In 2020, all covered individuals are to be paid or to earn no less than the current hourly minimum wage.

2020 City of FlagstafF’s Minimum Wage Effective January 1, 2020 Flagstaff’s minimum wage is $13.00 per hour under Flagstaff’s Minimum Wage Ordinance. For individuals in positions that regularly or customarily receive $30.00 or more in tips per month, the hourly cash wage has increased to $10.00 per hour.

As an employee:

As an employer: Pay employees no less than the hourly minimum wage. Pay employees all wages owed for all hours worked. (ie: overtime, tips/gratuities, etc.) Post the required Flagstaff minimum wage poster. Provide written notice to employees about rights. Retaliation Prohibited. Keep all payroll records for (4) years of all hours worked & all days worked for each employee.

Right to earn or to be paid no less than the current hourly minimum wage. Right to be paid all wages for all hours work performed within Flagstaff city limits. Right to file a complaint to the City’s Office of Labor Standards or file a civil lawsuit against employer for violating the ordinance. Right to be provided written notice of the minimum wage rights. Retaliation protection for exercising your rights, informing others or assisting others.


Minimum Wage

Tip Credit Hourly Cash Wage Max

January 1, 2018




January 1, 2019




January 1, 2020




January 1, 2021




January 1, 2022




January 1, 2023+

Based on Consumer Price Index



(Tipped Employees Only)

(Tipped Employees Only)

*or 2.00 above State Minimum Wage, whichever is higher **Reduces by $.50 cent each year until eliminated on 2026

For questions or to report a complaint, please call 928.213.2071 or email laborstandards@flagstaffaz.gov. Visit www.flagstaff.az.gov/minwage for additional information.

OFICINA DE ESTÁNDARES LABORALES 1 de julio de 2017 Programa de salario mínimo de Flagstaff establecido para las personas que trabajaron o se espera que trabajen 25 horas o más en un año calendario dado dentro de los límites urbanos de Flagstaff, AZ y que están contratados o fueron contratados por un empleador. En 2020, todas las personas cubiertas no deben cobrar ni ganar menos del salario mínimo por hora vigente, independientemente de la ubicación del empleador y del estado migratorio del empleado.

LEY DE SALARIO MÍNIMO DE LA CIUDAD DE FLAGSTAFF En vigencia desde el 1 de enero de 2020: El salario mínimo de Flagstaff es de $13.00 por hora. Para las personas en puestos que reciben de manera regular y habitual $30.00 o más en propinas por mes, el salario en efectivo por hora aumentó a $10.00 por hora.

Como empleador: Pague a los empleados no menos del salario mínimo. Publicar el póster de salario mínimo requeridos. Proporcione un aviso por escrito a los empleados sobre los derechos. Represalias prohibidas. Mantenga registros de nómina durante (4) años de todas las horas trabajadas y todos los días trabajados para los empleados.

Como empleado: Derecho a ganar o recibir un pago que no sea inferior al salario mínimo por hora. Derecho a recibir todos los salarios por todas las horas trabajadas dentro de los límites urbanos de Flagstaff. (Es decir, horas extras, propinas, etc.) Derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Oficina de Estándares Laborales de la ciudad o presentar una demanda civil contra el empleador por salarios bajos o sin pagar. Derecho a que se le proporcione un aviso por escrito de los derechos de salario mínimo. Protección contra las represalias por ejercer sus derechos, informar o asistir a otras personas.


Salario mínimo

Por hora Salario en efectivo

Crédito máximo por propinas

(Solo los empleados que reciben propinas)

(Solo los empleados que reciben propinas)

1 de enero de 2018




1 de enero de 2019




1 de enero de 2020




1 de enero de 2021




1 de enero de 2022




1 de enero de 2023+

Basado en el Índice de precios del consumidor

A determinar


*o 2.00 por encima del salario mínimo del estado, cualquiera sea más alto.*Se reduce $0.50 centavos cada año hasta que sea eliminado el 1 de enero de 2026.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o para presentar una reclamación, llame al 928.213.2071 o envíe un correo electrónico a laborstandards@flagstaffaz.gov. Visite www.flagstaff.az.gov/minwage para obtener más información.

www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020



Invasive Weeds: Scotch and Musk Thistle


Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis, Bugwood.org

Max Licher, swbiodiversity.org/seinet


Loke T. Kok, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Bugwood.org

lagstaff has an invasive weed problem. Non-native, invasive plant species are a major threat to our environment for many reasons. They can quickly dominate both disturbed and unattended areas, crowding out native species and forage plants, thus degrading viewsheds and wildlife habitat. Once established, many invasive species, like cheatgrass and knapweed, will carry fire across a landscape. And, let’s not forget the potential for monocultures of invasive plants to wreak havoc on our allergies. Two of the more common and aggressive invasive plants found in our area are Scotch and Musk thistle. Both of these species invade disturbed areas such as roadsides, pastures, rangelands, burned areas, and stream corridors. They are occasionally annuals but primarily biennials, meaning that in their first year of life, they form flat, non-descript rosettes, and in their second year they send up their tall flowering stalk. It is important to note that here in the Flagstaff area we have two species of native thistle, which can be easily confused with the invasive thistles to the untrained eye. Our native thistles, Wheeler’s and Arizona thistle, differ from the invasives by being smaller, with more delicate stems that lack the spiny wings found on invasive thistles. Both native species are beautiful and very important for pollinators.

Description Scotch and Musk thistles are generally easy to identify starting in April and are easiest to remove when they are still small. Both Scotch and musk thistle produce a rosette the first year with a stout taproot and large leaves with wavy, deeply lobed, spiny-tipped margins. They send up a multi-branched flowering stalk (4-6 feet tall) in their second year. The thick stalk has very spiny wings extending down the stem from each leaf. These thistles spread easily because each plant can produce over 20,000 seeds that can live in the soil seedbank for up to 30 years. Both Scotch and musk thistle reproduce only by seed, therefore, preventing seed production and spread should be the main focus of any control strategy. Scotch thistle has leaves that are covered with fine, cottony hair giving the plant a grayish appearance. Rosettes can be very large, with leaves 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. Flower heads are single to several at the end of the branches. Due to the longevity of the seeds, management of Scotch thistle is a long-term commitment. Musk thistle has leaves that are dark green with a smooth, waxy surface and a pale midrib.


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

The leaves grow up to 10 inches long and 4 inches wide. Flower heads are solitary at the ends of long branches and usually nodding. Seeds may persist in the soil for up to a decade.

Dan Tenaglia, Missouriplants.com, Bugwood.org

these invasive weeds in our area. For example, The Arboretum at Flagstaff was just awarded a twoyear grant from the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management to provide education on and to survey, treat, and re-seed weed infestations in areas adjacent to the Museum Fire burn scar. Projects like The Arboretum’s are a great way to learn and get involved in alleviating Flagstaff’s weed problem. For more information on this project and ways to get involved, please contact Kristin. Haskins@thearb.org. We are asking for your help with weed control on your property and in your neighborhood. For more information on these and other weed species, please visit the website: A Northern Arizona Homeowner’s Guide to Identifying and Managing Invasive Plants at www.nazinvasiveplants.org.

Control As with most biennial plants, once established, limiting their seed production is critical to effective control. These invasive thistles are easiest to kill in the rosette stage when they are still small. Mechanical controls, like pulling, can be used to eliminate plants in both the rosette and later growth stages. Both species will resprout if cut or mown; to prevent resprouting cut the taproot 2 to 3 inches below soil surface. To control seed production, plants with buds or flowers should be collected, bagged and disposed of or destroyed since plants with buds or flowers can continue to set seed if left on the ground. Chemical control is also effective when the plants are in the rosette stage but is much less effective in the flowering stages. When treating infestations, repeat monitoring for new growth is very important since thistles can germinate throughout the growing season. Many organizations are working to manage

Mayor’s Monarch Pledge


n January 7, Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans signed a proclamation declaring it the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge Day. By doing so, the City has committed to multiple actions that maintain and establish habitat for monarch butterflies and other native pollinators. The survival of these species is crucial to the wellbeing of people, as the food security of Flagstaff and communities across the country depends upon the pollination services they provide. Over the next year, the City will be taking a critical look at its properties and infrastructure as potential sites for milkweed and other pollinator habitats. Additionally, we encourage you

Recycling Reminders

s a friendly reminder, not all types of plastic packaging are recyclable. The only shapes of plastic accepted in your recycling bin are bottles, jugs, and jars. All other plastic packaging, from the clamshells that hold your berries, salad, and eggs to grocery bags and other plastic film needs to stay out. Unfortunately, there are no markets for these materials to be recycled and placing them in your recycling bin makes the whole process more expensive and less effective at recycling items that actually can be recycled. If you find yourself confused about the recycling rules, check out our online recycling guide at www.RecyclebyCity.com/Flagstaff or give us a call at 928-213-2151.

to look at your own yards as a potential pollinator habitat. By dedicating a section of your yard to milkweed and other native species, you are creating healthy food, a place to nest, and livable conditions for pollinators. It doesn’t even take much – a single flowering plant can create vital habitat. We hope you join the City in preserving and establishing habitat for the monarch butterfly and other important pollinators. Not sure how to get started? Check out the National Wildlife Federation’s resources at www.nwf.org/Garden-for-Wildlife/Create/ At-Home.

Winter2020 Changes to


Backyard Animal Keeping Rules

n November 2019, the Flagstaff City Council adopted changes to the rules regarding the keeping of backyard livestock, such as chickens, ducks, and rabbits, as well as pygmy and miniature goats. For those of you currently keeping chickens and other livestock within City-limits, the biggest change will be the requirement for an Animal Keeping Permit. In order to obtain one, you will need to do the following:

• Respond to a short questionnaire •Acknowledge animal keeping rules • Submit plot drawing of your property with the location of your chicken coop or another animal shelter The other minor changes include adjustments to the setback requirements for your

coop. Now, if an alleyway abuts your rear yard, you’ll be able to locate it up to the property line. You will still need to maintain a 10-foot setback to property lines abutting neighboring properties, as well as a 20-foot distance your neighbors’ homes. Additionally, you will no longer be able to allow your chickens and other animals to roam in your front yard and they must be kept in their coop or shelter overnight. These changes will take effect on May 19, 2020. We are still crafting the details of the permitting process and other educational materials, but all future information will be located at www.flagstaff.az.gov/livestock. You can also expect a workshop that covers all of these changes, as well as backyard animal keeping basics at our Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 25.

Save the date

for Earth Day 2020 at Bushmaster Park!

Join us at Bushmaster Park for Earth Day on Saturday, April 25, 2020! We will kick off the event with a neighborhood clean-up and return to the park for live entertainment, food trucks, vendors, workshops and activities for the whole family. If you’d like to be an exhibitor, entertainer, or volunteer at Earth Day 2020, please contact Maggie Twomey at (928) 213-2144 or visit www.flagstaff.az.gov/earthday.

Did you Know? You can get a rebate for making improvements to your home!


In an attempt to discourage panhandling by individuals who use the cash they receive from donors to feed substance abuse problems... while at the same time remaining compassionate to those with legitimate needs, the Flagstaff Police Department and Shadows Foundation have joined together to develop a system that allows donors to buy vouchers. These vouchers can be given and used to purchase non-alcoholic and nontobacco related goods at participating businesses by those that receive them. As of January 1, 2018 all recipients of Better Bucks will be allowed to use up to $10 in better Bucks Vouchers at participating merchants. Participating businesses include Bashas’, Fry’s, Savers, Freddy’s Custard & Steakburgers, Flagstaff Farmers Market, Dog Haus, and Country Host Restaurant. Better Bucks can only be redeemed for food and important living essentials. When giving Better Bucks you know how your donation is being used.




2700 S Woodlands Village Blvd



In the Walmart Shopping Center 2700 S Woodlands Village Blvd #300



The City of Flagstaff provides rebates for energy efficiency upgrades performed within homes in Flagstaff through the Energy Rebate Program.

1 Historic Route 66

Upgrades like attic insulation or new energy-efficient furnace help residents save money, save energy and help to reduce our community-wide energy demand. After making these improvements, a city rebates can provide between $50 and $500 back!

2800 S Woodlands Village Blvd



3000 N Fourth Street, Suite 5 OR PURCHASE BY PHONE:


Learn more and apply for your rebate today: www.flagstaff.az.gov/EnergyRebates VISIT BETTERBUCKS .ORG www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Sustainability Flagstaff’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan: Year One Update


t’s been one year since the City passed its first local start-up businesses in creating profits Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. This Plan, from local waste. adopted by the City of Flagstaff City Council in •72 community members became Climate November 2018, is a road map for how the city Ambassadors, to talk with their families, will prepare for and respond to climate change. friends and neighbors about climate change. Since the Plan has been adopted, the City has begun working with community members to: •14 Climate Leaders learned how to help people learn about climate change and take ac• Reduce our impact. tion in their community. • Become more resilient, and ready for change. •Almost 100 students participated in the sec•Take actions that benefit residents across the ond annual Flagstaff Youth Climate Summit. community.

Work is being done across the City and community: We have advanced water conservation and forest health measures: • NAU is piloting a chip and ship partnership to make forest thinning more economical. • Our water team is developing the Water Conservation Strategic Plan to guide water saving across the community. •A native landscaping pilot project added water-saving native plants and grasses to the City Hall front lawn. We have adopted building codes that will ensure Flagstaff’s buildings are built better, last longer and help residents save money. • Energy efficient requirements will help residents save energy and money every year for the life of a building. • Homes will be ready for the transition to electric vehicles and duct testing will ensure home systems are properly sealed.

We are working to lift up all boats • Climate change will affect everyone in the world – but in different ways. The more vulnerable members of our community – older adults, those with illnesses or disabilities, communities of color and low-income families – will be most adversely affected. Preparing for climate change means understanding how groups are affected differently, and making changes to help people adapt and avoid the worst impacts. •The Flagstaff CAAP helps us consider the following issues: »» How flooding might burden some groups in town more than others, based on their neighborhood or ability to adapt: while many families can absorb the extra cost of flood insurance, some cannot. »» How smoky days from wildfire might affect those who might already be dealing with challenges, like those with asthma or people without homes. »» How high housing costs impact everyone in Flagstaff, and how housing demand and prices might rise due to increased visitation to Flagstaff.

The City is rethinking the way it does business: • Recently purchased electric vehicles will save the City money: using electricity for fuel is like getting gas for $1.00 per gallon.

• Learn more – check out the Climate Plan dashboard at www.flagstaff.az.gov/ClimatePlan.

• More processes are going paperless to save money while saving paper.

• Become a Climate Ambassador – Sign up now at flagstaff.az.gov/climate

•The City has launched a composting pilot with NAU to share resources and expertise.

•Join a Working Group: we need community members from all walks of life to contribute to climate action. Learn more at www.flagstaff.az.gov/climate.

We have built local capacity: •The Innovate Waste Challenge supported


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

You can get involved:

What is a Climate Plan?

Drop-off Day Put your waste in the right place!

A Climate Plan sets a road map for how Flagstaff will prepare for and respond to climate change. Why write one? Here are just a few of the many benefits of a climate plane: • By preparing for change, the community will be better equipped to handle extreme events and negative impacts. • Climate action can help residents become healthier, create stronger neighborhoods and promote more active communities. • Planning can help businesses prepare for change to their business models.

What does it have to do with me? Climate change will affect all parts of the Flagstaff community, from housing prices and forest health to how we get around town.

How can I learn more? •Attend a coffee and climate chat, second Friday of each month. • See www.flagstaff.az.gov/climate for more information.


oin us for a Drop-off Day, Dump the Drugs and Shred-A-Thon event Saturday, April 25, 2020 from 10 am – 2 pm. Come to the Flagstaff Police Department parking lot at 911 E Sawmill to safely dispose of expired or unwanted drugs, latex paint, sensitive documents, electronic waste, batteries and CFLs. We will properly dispose of or recycle all items to keep then out of our landfill and water system. Attendees can drop off up to two banker boxes of sensitive documents for shredding. No commercial waste will be accepted. If you have questions, please contact Maggie Twomey at 928-213-2144 or mtwomey@flagstaffaz.gov.

Water Services

Winter2020 FL AGS TA FF


Stream Management: People Working Together to Help the Environ-

Flagstaff Flood Safety & Awareness



id you know that there are over 80 miles of streams and ephemeral washes in Flagstaff? Natural waterways not only support a diverse ecosystem and carry stormwater and snowmelt through the city’s watershed, but also offer enjoyment to residents and visitors through our urban trail system. Water Services maintains 44 miles of open channels, and stream restoration efforts focus on repairing channel erosion, eliminating invasive weeds and clearing trash or illegally discarded items that block and pollute channels. Stream and riparian research is a driving force in determining appropriate restoration techniques, collecting data, and helping protect public safety.

Bank stabilization

Stream & riparian research

In 2019, several notable studies were conducted. Staff evaluated the potential of streambeds to assist in recharging the Coconino (C) aquifer (the source of most of Flagstaff’s drinking water). Ongoing studies to manage the waterA “Zuni bowl” in the Rio de Flag shed as it travels through urban areas improve helps avert soil loss. public safety during flood events. New studies are underway related to post-fire flooding resultOne notable project last year was the res- ing from the Museum Fire in July 2019. toration of a channel headcut in the Rio de Flag utilizing a “Zuni Bowl”, a structure, borrowHow can you help in 2020 ing from indigenous methods, to dissipate the energy of flowing storm water and stabilize the channel. Check dams constructed in Bow and Arrow wash serve a similar purpose by lowering stream flow velocity. The dams decrease erosion and gullying in the channel while allowing sediment to settle out and improve soil infiltration. Blocked drainage

Invasive weed & trash clean up

Stream cleanup at Sinclair Wash

In 2019, Water Services Division and Sustainability Section teamed up with local volunteers for five stream cleanup events to tackle invasive weed and trash clean up along Flagstaff’s waterways. Stream water can transport seeds from non-native, invasive weeds like Scotch Thistle and Poison Hemlock downstream, which later propagate within channels and drainages. Clean up crews also collected trash and illegally discarded items from stream banks that pollute and block our waterways. We thank our dedicated volunteers for their hard work!

We work hard to maintain a healthy and functional watershed throughout the City, but we need your help. Trash and its pollutants pose a major threat to Flagstaff’s waterways, including those that run through privately owned property. Drainages and channels must stay clear of debris to be effective. Fences and trash become barricades during rain events and can lead to flooding to adjacent properties; potentially leaving homeowners legally liable for damages. If you have questions or concerns regarding a private drainage, or City easements that pass through your property, please contact the Stormwater inspector at: (928) 2132474. We are dedicated to responsibly managing our waterways, and you too, can have a role in stream restoration projects. Please reach out to our Stormwater Stream Clean-Up team at Edward.schenk@flagstaffaz. gov if you, or your organization, are interested in volunteering for stream cleanups, invasive weed removal, or other stream and riparian projects.


iving in an arid region, we welcome the winter storms that bring much-needed moisture to our city; making Flagstaff the premier Arizona winter destination. Winter precipitation events tend to be more sustained, compared to summer monsoon storms. Warm, spring weather causes snow melt. Coupled with spring rains, this can lead to flooding and dangerous conditions. The City of Flagstaff Stormwater Section would like help you make this a safe season, by offering the following tips for springtime safety and flood awareness:

1. Do not remove sandbags from the perimeter of your property, especially if you reside in a flood zone impacted by the 2019 Museum Fire. Flood risks in these areas are likely to continue over the next several years. 2. Promptly remove snow from your sidewalk and private drainages. Ice and hardened snow can block the path of water draining from your property. It can also be a walking hazard, as snow melt during the day becomes ice patches at night. 3. Do not walk or drive through flood waters. Streets flood quickly. Currents are deceptive six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. Do not drive around barriers, as the road or bridge may be washed out. 4. Do not leave trash cans, trash, yard clippings, or debris in any area subject to flooding. These items can float downstream, clogging storm drains and stream channels. 5. Do not pour oil, grease, pesticides, or other pollutants down storm drains or into the ditches and streams. Our streams and wetlands help moderate flooding and are habitat for fish, frogs, and other species. Let’s protect them and their homes. 6. For street and right-of-way flooding concerns, please call Public Works at 928-2132100. For flooding emergencies, please call 911. 7. For private property flooding, the Stormwater Management Section will investigate and

may be able to help. Please contact Chris Palmer at (928) 213-2474. 8. Contact your property insurance agent to see if a flood insurance policy would help you. Even if you are not in a mapped-floodplain area, you may be still be subject to flooding from local drainage. In either case, flood insurance can be a good investment because most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover damage caused by surface water flooding. 9. Talk to us about protecting your house or business. There are ways to modify your building to minimize flood damage. For minor impact, small floodwalls can be relatively inexpensive. For greater impact-areas, a building may need to be elevated. 10. Check with the Building Department before you build on, alter, regrade or fill on your property. Call the City of Flagstaff Community Development 928‐213‐2600 first. A permit may be needed to ensure that a project is compliant with all regulations, including stormwater drainage requirements. These regulations are designed to protect your property (and possibly your neighbor’s) from flood damage. 11. Check out the City of Flagstaff Rain Gauge Network. The City of Flagstaff operates a network of radio-telemetered gauges that transmit rainfall and stream flow information in realtime (as it occurs). To view this information at various locations in the City, including the burn areas, go to rain.flagstaffaz.gov/jefmap/.

www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Water Services FL AGS TA FF

WATER SERVICES Planning for the Next Decade 2025 Water Services Strategic Plan


ater Services is proud to announce the release of the 2025 Strategic Plan. The plan provides a roadmap to the major issues the Division is likely to face over the next five years. It outlines ten strategic objectives and establishes a basis for community dialogue to address the risks, major decisions, needed investments and opportunities related to specific water issues in Flagstaff. Among the critical concerns addressed in the plan are: •Water resource and climate change planning •Wildfires and water service reliability • Stormwater system sizing and maintenance

The plan does not reflect policy decisions, but rather is intended to lay the groundwork for discussions in a public forum on best investments moving forward. The plan can be viewed on the Water Services website at: flagstaff.az.gov/3915/Reports-and-Documents.

Nine steps to ward off winter woes 1. Have your furnace regularly serviced. 2. Install your own water shut-off valve. This is a cheap solution to allow the homeowner control of water to the home. The valve inside the water meter box is property of the City and only City staff are allowed access. 3. Keep the name and emergency telephone number of your plumber handy. 4. Turn off outside faucets. Disconnect the hose. 5. Patch cracks and insulate holes near doors, windows, and walls by pipes and meters. 6. Inspect your plumbing. 7. Insulate water meters, pipes, and faucets in unheated areas.

2020 Water Conservation Strategic Plan

8. Keep your thermostat set at a minimum of 55 degrees. Keep doors to rooms and cupboard doors open to expose pipes beneath sinks.


9. Never completely shut-off the heat when you are away. If you are planning to leave your home for an extended period of time, drain your pipes. If you don’t drain your pipes, lower the thermostat, but never shut it off. The lack of heat can freeze pipes, causing flooding and damage when they eventually thaw.

In case of emergency...

Is your contact information listed on your water account current, just in case WE need to contact YOU in case of an emergency? Call us at (928) 213-2231 to update your contact information, or update your account by logging into the portal at paydici.com/flagstaff-az-utilities


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

t took over a year of dedicated work by City staff and community stakeholders to complete the Water Conservation Strategic Plan. The plan moves beyond current water conservation efforts to outline strategies to further reduce future water demand. Extensive public input resulted in a plan that reflects the values of the Flagstaff community, identifying program improvements and additional measures to improve water use efficiency. These include educational outreach with Flagstaff schools to help reduce water consumption. With support from the Water Commission and City Council, the conservation team is working toward implementation. We will be seeking public input throughout the implementation process, to ensure a true community effort. Keep an eye out for future surveys, public information events, and more details about the plan’s completion at flagstaff.az.gov/wcplan.


FREE Residential and Commercial


Water Consultations Available!

lthough Flagstaff’s water use declines in the winter with significant reductions in outdoor watering, it is important to be efficient with water use throughout the year. The Water Conservation Program would like to remind you that we offer FREE indoor and outdoor water consultations at your home or business. It takes about an hour to assess fixtures for leaks and determine water use for each toilet, faucet and shower. We will survey your entire home or business facility, including outdoor spaces, identifying any areas of excessive water use or leaks. We can provide free, EPA WaterSense-certified, efficiency aerators for your faucets and showerheads. Following the consultation, you will receive a comprehensive report with recommendations for improved practices. We’ll also let you know about rebate opportunities by upgrading to WaterSense-certified, high-efficiency fixtures and appliances. Call us at (928) 213-2116 or email at savewater@flagstaffaz.gov to schedule a residential or commercial water checkup today!

www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020



Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project & Museum Fire

Do You T

here’s been some on-going chatter about the impact of last summer’s Museum Fire and the •Temp roads constructed in the months preceding the fire allowed quicker access to porstatus-and-future of the Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project (FWPP). Project-wide, before tions of the fire and in-places served as conthe fire, FWPP Managers had: trol features. •Areas that had been thinned, thus reducing tree canopy density and cover, Completed: to begin until this summer; »» permitted aerial retardant to more effec»» Nearly 3,300 acres of tree marking. •The helicopter and steep-slope operations tively reach the ground fuels that were »» Just over 5,500 acres of cutting, were the first-of-their-kind in AZ; burning, »» Chipped nearly 1,500 acres of debris, • Slash had begun to be moved out of certain »» reduced ladder fuels thereby reducing full »» Nearly 3,500 acres of pile and broadcast areas, as planned; involvement of the tree crowns (In many burning; • In other areas, slash piles were drying for areas, trees were killed but they did re• Provided over 3,000 cords of firewood to burning this winter; tain needles. These needles in-turn have area residents and supplied wood to local • One log deck had been sold-and-removed, fallen but in so-doing have helped provide forest operators; two others were to be sold July 23 and plans needed ground cover to soften precipita• Installed four precipitation gauge stations to were in-place for sale/disposal of the remaintion impact and reduce potential post-fire monitor streamflow; ing five decks. flood impacts, and, • Hosted local area volunteers who had con»» in some places actually helped slow/stop tributed nearly 20,000 hours of labor. To-be-sure, the fire did impact and fire spread. • Held over 75 events/field trips; damage some of the completed and • Employed 90 seasonal crew members, many underway treatment units and the affrom the immediate area; or termath has affected our community. Despite the fire, there is much Project work • Leveraged the City’s financial commitment However: remaining within the DLH to complete. Why? to raise an additional $7.5 million in non•Although the fire did burn 1,961 acres, 1,225 To prevent a worse tragedy from a future fire, to city funds, primarily from the US Forest Seracres of this total (62%) was in areas outside ensure our forests remain green and healthy, and vice but also involving over a dozen other any FWPP treatment areas; to protect our community. entities. • Only 736 acres (38%) of what people witnessed or have read about was inside of actu- The good news is that our partnership al project work areas; Specific to Dry Lake Hills (DLH), with the Coconino National Forest rethe area in which the Museum fire •12% of the area did burn at high-severity, mains rock-solid and working togethbut upwards of 60% burned at low severburned: er: • Initial cutting work, involving multiple conity; or that •We’ve been successful in advocating for fedtracts, was less than half completed: Hand •3.530 acres – 83% of the DLH Project area – eral funds to be awarded to construct diverwas entirely untouched by the fire. thinning was roughly 65% completed, Hesion dams and catchment basins in the Elden licopter units were nearly 90% done, SteepCreek area, work slated to be completed priSlope work hovered around 45% completMake no mistake - the fire was an or to the 2020 monsoon season; ed, one traditional Ground-based area was extremely unfortunate event, but it • Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) 100% complete, and work within two other could have been much, worse. How? work, focused on chipping and spreading traditional Ground-based units was not set Consider that: wood debris on exposed and vulnerable


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

burned slopes, has been completed; •American Conservation Experience and the AZ Conservation Corps, both locally-based organizations, are once again engaged in hand-thinning selected sites in the Schultz Creek drainage area; • Smith Forestry has resumed Steep-Slope operations, work that will continue into this next summer; • Contracts to repair trails that have been damaged, remove hazard trees along the Mt Eldon Road, and continue the slash removal work will be issued by spring; • Road stabilization efforts on the Mt Elden Road will be underway by summer, and oneof-the two traditional Ground Based areas not yet started will begin; •We hope to provide firewood to local residents, as well as those on the Navajo and Hopi Reservations next fall/winter, and finally •We’ve begun the process to secure needed additional funding to initiate and complete the roughly 3,000 acres of the Project found in the Lake Mary/Mormon Mtn area. FWPP is a complex, long-duration, adaptive operation involving many partners and stakeholders, and all involved appreciate the support and vision shown by the Community. You have our commitment to see this through. To learn more about this truly unique, first-ofits-kind project in the country, visit: www.flagstaffwatershedprotection.org


EST. 2003

City of Flagstaff Owner-Occupied


Home Repair

inter is in full force, if your furnace is struggling to keep your family warm and comfortable. Older furnaces may only be 70% efficient and may not be operating properly creating a hazardous condition. Insulation in many 10-15-yearold homes is half of what it should be, also making it difficult to keep you home warm. Does your house have electrical or plumbing problems? The City of Flagstaff operates an Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation program funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Typical repairs include roofing, plumbing, heating and electrical systems that may pose a health or safety hazard to the occupant. Additional considerations are given for disability access and aging in place modifications, as well as energy efficiency items that may result in lower utility costs to homeowners. For additional information on how you may qualify or how the program works, contact Housing Rehabilitation Specialist Rick Emry at 928-213-2747 or remry@flagstaffaz.gov


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MAJESTICMARKETPLACEAZ.COM www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Parks and Recreation The City of Flagstaff’s Parks and Recreation Department is your community connection for parks, swimming lessons, leisure classes, programs, entertainment, and special events.

Find just what you need at four recreation centers, an ice rink, more than 24 developed parks, one indoor pool, multiple tennis, and basketball courts, two disc golf courses, 17 ballfields, over 50 miles of the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS), two skate parks, a BMX park, and yearround programs and activities.

For more information about any of our programs or facilities, please visit us at www.flagstaff.az.gov/recreation.

XXProgramming for Everyone

The City provides individuals with physical and mental challenges the opportunity to participate in recreation and leisure programs. If you would like to request special accommodation to participate in any program, please notify us at the time of registration. Arizona Relay Service, a public service for the hearing impaired, is available at 7-1-1.


1702 North 4th Street Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 213-2300 www.flagstaff.az.gov/aquaplex

The Aquaplex is a recreation center designed for family fun and fitness. Enjoy year-round activities and programs that include swimming, indoor rock climbing, and group fitness classes. The Aquaplex also offers programs for children while you work out including, Kids Club, Splash Squad, Lego Plex, Planter Pals Gardening Clinic, Sporties 4 Shorties, and Cooking with Kiddos. An admission fee is charged to participate in activities and programs in the Aquaplex, either by paying daily admission or purchasing a one, three, six, or twelve-month membership.

Meeting rooms and a party room are available for rent by the public. Please visit our webpage at www.flagstaff.az.gov/ aquaplex for additional information and pricing.

XXParks and Recreation Scholarships

Flagstaff’s Scholarship Program offers financial assistance (a 50% price reduction) to eligible Flagstaff families and individuals with limited financial resources to participate in recreation programs. Families and individuals can qualify by submitting documentation of eligibility from other qualifying subsidized programs. The 50% discount can be applied to the cost for daily admissions, memberships, swim lessons, staff organized programs, ice skate rentals, and more. Visit www.flagstaff.az.gov/recreation for more information.

What’s New in City Parks? A restroom with the best view in town! Come check out the Buffalo Park restrooms just inside the park entrance.

Parks staff will begin the process for a new park on the west side of City limits beginning in the winter of 2020. The new park will encompass just over five acres and the team is excited to work with the neighborhoods to see what new amenities the park may offer. The Mayor’s Monarch Butterfly Pledge is a recent proclamation with the City of Flagstaff that supports the creation of monarch butterfly pollinator spaces within City Parks and civic spaces. Look for the migration this summer!


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

XXAquaplex Day Campers

Come learn new games, conquer the climbing wall and release your creativity through arts & crafts. Don’t forget your swimsuit! Healthy snacks and lunch are provided. Parents, drop your kids off at the Aquaplex on FUSD holidays for a day full of fun and excitement! Pre-registration is required. Register at the Flagstaff Aquaplex today! Dates: Times: Price: Ages:

February 17, March 16-20 (Spring Break), May 25, 2020 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Members: $30 / child, non-members: $35 / child per day (a half-day registration rate is available) 5 - 12 years old

XXParent’s Night Out

Enjoy Flagstaff Arts Council’s First Friday Art Walk knowing your little ones are safe and having a great time at the Aquaplex! There will be swimming, crafts, games, and pizza dinner & a movie! Pre-registration is required. Register at the Flagstaff Aquaplex today! Parents Night Out is proudly sponsored by Grimaldi’s Pizzeria! Bring in your Parents Night Out registration receipt for any of the listed Parents Night Out dates into Grimaldi’s and receive $10 off any $30 purchase. Dates: March 6, April 3, May 8 Times: 4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Price: $15 for 1st child registered $12 for 2nd child registered from same house hold $10 for 3rd child and an additional child registered from same house hold Ages: 5-11 years old

XXDollar Days

Come enjoy the Aquaplex and pay only $1.00 for admission when you bring in the item of the day! All donations are given to local organizations. Dates 2020:

February 14: Pet Product March 13: Canned Food April 10: Travel Toiletries

Winter2020 XX Might of Might Personal Training

Functional, movement-based fitness programming at the Aquaplex for every fitness level. Discounts for members and bulk session purchases. Partner with us and work toward a healthier, happier you!

XXClimbing Wall

Come to the Aquaplex and try our climbing wall! Routes vary in difficulty. All levels welcome. Weight limits: 35-250lbs. Dates / Times: Adult Only Climb: Price:

Sundays 12 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. Monday - Friday 4 p.m. - 6:50 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. - 4:50 p.m. Fridays 7 p.m. - 7:50 p.m. Daily Admission

XXOpen Pickleball Dates: Times: Price: Ages:

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Daily Admission Ages: 12 and up. Beginners welcome!

We are a Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit Facility The Aquaplex specializes in balance, mobility and core strength programming. Let us help you get functionally fit today! We also participate in Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit and offer several “Gold” fitness classes for our 55+ visitors.

XXGroup and Fitness Class Descriptions

XXAdult Softball (1st Session)

Registration: March 9 - April 17, 2020 Date/Days: April 26 - June 28 (Monday-Friday and Sundays) Price: $350 per team until April 17, 2020 Ages: 18 and older

XXAdult Coed Hockey

Registration: April 6 - May 22 Date/Days: May 31 - October 4 (Sundays) Price: $200 per person (plus an additional USA Hockey member fee paid directly to USA Hockey) Ages: 18+ Mandatory evaluation of players required on Sunday, May 24 at 5:00 p.m. at Jay Lively Activity Center.

XXAdult Grass Volleyball

Registration: May 11 – June 12 Date/Days: June 16 - July 28 (Tuesdays) Price: $275 per team until June 12, 2020 Ages: 18 and older

XXAdult Softball (2nd Session)

Registration: May 18 - June 26 Date & Days: July 12 - September 12 (Monday - Friday and Sundays) Price: $350 per team until June 26, 2020 Ages: 18 and older

The Aquaplex group fitness schedule offers a variety of classes for a wide range of fitness levels and abilities. Classes include cardio and strength, martial arts, Zumba, Yoga, Cycle, and Tru-fit Suspension classes, as well as youth programming and classes for patrons over 55. Classes are included in daily admission and memberships (unless otherwise noted). See each month’s Group Fitness Calendar at www.flagstaff.az.gov/recreation for a full list of classes, days and times. Fitness programming for all ages available at accessible days and times.

Community Events (928) 213-2312

The City of Flagstaff Recreation Services offers many exciting events throughout the year at many locations with plenty to see and do for the entire family.

Aquatics Programming

XXLifeguarding and CPR Courses

Need lifesaving certifications for your job? Come and join us for Shallow Water Lifeguarding courses and CPR courses! Taught by a certified American Red Cross Instructor, you will get high-quality training for the certifications you need! Go to www.flagstaff.az.gov/aquaplex for more information!

XXGroup Swimming Lessons

Enroll your child in swim lessons where they can learn lifesaving swimming skills in a setting that is supportive, comfortable, and fun while still being challenged. Multiple weekday and weekend sessions available each season year-round. Ages 6 months and older. Please check www.flagstaff. az.gov/aquaplex for current and future swim lesson dates and registration.


For more information please visit our webpage www.flagstaff.az.gov/athletic call (928) 213-2310 (928) 213-2309

Flagstaff Athletics Program offers a wide variety of sports programs for all ages and skill levels. Whether you are part of a team or an individual looking to take up a new sport, we can help get you in the game. Adult leagues are offered in Basketball, Volleyball, Grass Volleyball, Hockey, and Softball.

Flagstaff Parks and Recreation is seeking bands to play a 2-hour concert during our popular “Concerts in the Park” series! Call 928-213-2312 for more information.

Date & Time: Price: Ages: Concerts in the Park Come enjoy a 2-hour concert in the park! Movie in the Park

Sunday March 1, 2020 FREE All ages Date: Time: Price: Ages: Location:

Wednesdays, June 3,10,17, 24, 2020 5:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. FREE All ages Jim Cullen Memorial Park

Date: Time: Price: Ages: Location:

Saturday, May 16, 2020 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. FREE All ages Thorpe Park

www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Hal Jensen Recreation Center 2403 N. Izabel St. - Flagstaff Arizona 86004 (928) 213-2760 www.flagstaff.az.gov/haljensen

Dates & Times:

Monday - Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Ages 18+) Monday - Friday: 2:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Ages 17 and under) Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Northern Arizona’s Got Talent SINGING Competition

Try out for your shot at becoming the next Northern Arizona’s Got Talent SINGING Champion. Days/Times: May 2020 Price: Free Ages: Three Categories: 12 and under, 13-17, and 18+ For more information: (928) 213-2760 www.flagstaff.az.gov/haljensen

Jay Lively Activity Center

The Center is open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on days that FUSD schools are closed due to snow, and 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on days when there is no school due to regularly scheduled breaks. Hal Jensen offers room rentals, drop in programs for children ages 5+, a game room with ping-pong, air hockey, foosball, racquetball courts, board games, and a gymnasium with a full size basketball court.

XXHal Jensen Weight Room Days & Times: Adults 18+ Youth: All Ages:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Monday - Friday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Monday - Friday, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Prices: (Yearly) Adults 18+ $59 Youth (12-17) $20 Senior 55+ $48.25 Active Military $48.25 (Monthly) Adults 18+ $6.50 Youth (12-17) $2.25 Senior 55+ $5.50 Active Military $5.50

XXSpring Break Bash

Don’t miss out on the fun!! Join us at the Hal Jensen Center for a fun-filled week of activities including Cooking classes, field games, arts and crafts, and local field trips! Please call the center for information and registration. Days/Times: Saturday, March 16 – March 20, 2020, Times and activities will vary Price: Free Ages: 5 – 17

Daddy – Daughter Ball We cordially invite all dads, grandfathers, uncles, and any father-figure to treat that special little girl in your life to an amazing night! Join us for our annual Daddy Daughter Ball. The evening will be complete with a catered dinner and dessert, crafts, dancing, and the opportunity to purchase pictures to remember this special occasion. Semi-formal attire suggested. There will be no onsite registrations, so please register in advance. It will be a night to remember! Days/Times: Saturday April 18, 2020 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Price: $50/couple $20/additional guest Ages: All ages Location: Joe C. Montoya Community and Senior Center


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

1650 N. Turquoise Drive - Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 213-2340 www.flagstaff.az.gov/JLively The Jay Lively Activity Center is a year-round public ice skating rink that provides recreation opportunities for the entire family! We offer public skating, Galaxy Night for teens, Stroller Skate for parents, adult sticks and pucks, adult open hockey, coed hockey league, and adult skate sessions. The activity center is home to NAU’s Club Hockey, Flagstaff Youth Hockey Association, Flagstaff Figure Skating Club, Just for Fun Hockey Club and the Flagstaff Adult Hockey League. Skate aids and helmets are available for free.

XXPublic Skating Hours Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:

2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. 1:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Public hours are subject to change, depending on group schedules, please view our online calendar for the most up to date hours. Public Skating Rates (per person) Youth (5-17 years) Adult (18 & up) Active Military/ Senior (55+) Skate Rental

Daily Admission $3.50 $6.75 $5.00 $4.00

Punch Card / # of Punches $49.00/20 $98.00/20 $75.00/20 $59.00/20

Galaxy Skate Join us on the second Friday of every month from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. for Galaxy Skate. The lights are off and the lasers are on. Hang out with your friends and skate to fun music. Regular admission and rental rates apply.

XXStroller Skate

Parents and young ones can share time on the ice before public skate. Adults (18+) can skate and push a stroller around the rink on the first and third Thursday of the month from 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. All children must stay in the stroller. Regular admission and rental rates apply for each skater. Free admission for children in strollers.

Winter2020 XXIce Skate Lessons

Lessons are available through the Flagstaff Figure Skating Club on Wednesday evenings, please contact: http://flagstafffigureskatingclub.com/content/learntoskate.

Joe C. Montoya Community and Senior Center 245 N Thorpe Rd. - Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (928) 213-2765 www.flagstaff.az.gov/jcm

The Joe C. Montoya Community and Senior Center is a recreation center designed for family fun and fitness and host to the County’s Senior Lunch Program. Enjoy year-round activities and programs, including group exercise, dance, leisure classes, and a fitness center. Meeting rooms are available for rent by the general public for clubs, groups, and organizations.


Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Friday 7:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

Days/Times: Monday thru Thursday 12:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Friday 12:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m. Prices: $8.75 per month or $97.75 per year Ages: 18-55

XWellness X Through Weight Training

We offer personalized fitness training for older adults to improve strength and fitness. Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Prices: $25 per month or $60 for 3 months Ages: 55+

XXSenior Stretch

Come experience increased flexibility, strengthen muscles, improved balance and much more! Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. Prices: $1 per class Ages: 55+

XWalking X Group

Meet at Joe C Montoya Community and Senior Center and enjoy a sociable walk with others in and around the Flagstaff area. For more information contact Jack Welch 928-714-0504. Days/Times: Tuesdays 9:00 a.m. Prices: Free XXFitness Center Memberships Ages: 18+ Continue the road to a healthier and happier self in a modern, relaxed, and welcoming fitness facility. Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. XXStand Tall – Don’t Fall Tuesday, Thursday 7:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Learn simple movements that train the brain for better balance, improved mood, and mental Prices: $6 per month or $65.50 per year clarity. Seated and Standing. A fun and welcoming group. www.HighPointAz.com: Instructor Ages: 55+ Christina Boyd 928-863-0595


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Plan 1127 - From $265,000 2-3 Bed, 1-2 Bath 1127-1407 sq ft www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Days/Times: Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Prices: First class free. $7 per class with the purchase of 4-week series. Ages: 18+

XXChair Yoga

Explore the endless benefits of chair yoga. Instructor: Melinda De Boer Ayrey 928-527-8604 Days/Time: Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Price: $4 per class. Ages: 16+

XXMixed Levels Gentle Iyengar Hatha Yoga

Days/Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Price: $13 per class, $42 for 4 classes & $69 for 8 classes Ages: 16+

XXBridge Lessons

Come and learn the great game of Party Bridge. These lessons are taught using the 3 “Bridge Basics” books by Audrey Grant. Classes will run in 12-week sessions as groups of 4 are signed up. Call 928-440-3784 for more information. Days/Time: Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Price: $60 includes the cost of the books Ages: 18+

XXCreative Writing Group

Instructor: Barbara Shovers 480-612-2461 or barbara@wisdomseekersAZ.org Days/Time: Wednesdays 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Price: Free Ages: 18+

XXGuitar for Fun and Relaxation

Instructor: Marc Worthington 928-221-0418 Call to register. Days/Time: Thursdays 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m.- 5:00 pm Price: $30 for 5 classes and $5 for materials Ages: 13+

XXArtist’s Open Studio

Artists at all levels meet and share their skills. Days/Time: Monday’s 10:00 a.m. to noon Price: $2 Ages: 18+

XXLittle Music Makers of Flagstaff

An early musical experience with Instruments, Movement, and Song. This class is for children and caregivers. These classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Late Fall Session begins October 22. For more information, go to www. Flagmusicmakers.com or call 928-773-8449. Days/Time: Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Wednesday 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (Babies Class) Price: $100 per session for the 1st child, $75 siblings over age 1. Ages: Birth through 4 with parent or caregiver

XWisdom X Seekers Book Discussion

Instructor: Barbara Shovers 480-612-2461 or barbara@wisdomseekersAZ.org Days/Time: 1st and 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Price: Free Ages: 18+


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

XWisdom X Seekers Wellness Series

Instructor: Barbara Shovers 480-612-2461 or barbara@wisdomseekersAZ.org Presentations are given by practitioners in the fields of holistic health and personal and spiritual development. Days/Time: 2nd Tuesdays, April through December from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Price: Free Ages: 18+

XTai X Chi

Please join us for these FREE Fall Prevention Classes taught by Corey Cooper. He is certified by the Tai Chi for Health Institute as an instructor for Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention Course. Days/Time: Friday’s 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Price: FREE Ages: 18+

XXSenior Tap

Instructor Barbara Brydenthal at 928-310-4459. Days/Time: Fridays 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Prices: Free Ages: 55+

XXStory Cards

Tell your story in small collages that depict important life stages and events. All materials provided. Days/Time: Thursdays 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Prices: Suggested donation $3 Ages: 18+

Siler Homes Activity Center 3330 E. Elder Drive - Flagstaff Arizona 86004 (928) 527-3242 The Siler Homes Activity Center offers board games, crafts, and various group games. The Center is open to all ages and is also available for private rentals. For private rentals at the Siler Homes Activity Center, please call the Hal Jensen Recreation Center at 213-2760. We welcome ideas and information or activities that the community would like to see offered. We look forward to seeing you there. Days/Times: Monday- Friday: 4:00 pm -7:00 pm (Ages 5-18) Saturday: 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. (Ages 5-18) During FUSD closures, hours will be 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Try out the drop in programs! Offering painting, sculpting, sand art and more, play one of many board games or head outside for football, basketball, monkey on the ground, tag, and other group games. Special Events Please call (928) 527-3242 to inquire about out Spring Break Activities!

Winter2020 Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library www.flagstaffpubliclibrary.org

Check out all these free things to do with your Public Libraries! For additional info on all library events, services and programs, including bookmobile services, check our calendar at flagstaffpubliclibrary.org, or email us at flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com.

Special Events For All Ages:


Please note children under 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver at all library events.

Downtown Library 300 W. Aspen Avenue 928.213.2330

XYoga X for Beginners

Learn the basics of yoga and leave feeling relaxed and grounded! Bring a mat if you have one, a few extras will be available. Check out our online calendar for future sessions. Date & Time: Monday, February 24 from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room

East Flagstaff Community Library 3000 N. 4th Street 928.213.2348

XXMore than Pocahontas and Squaws: Indigenous Women Coming into Visibility

Join us for a free AZ Humanities talk in celebration of Women’s History Month. Professor Emerita with Distinction at Arizona State University and the Navajo Nation Poet Laureate for 20152019, Dr. Laura Tohe will show how Indigenous American women have contributed service to Arizona and the US yet remain invisible in the media and stereotyped in early films. Date & Time: Tuesday, March 24 from 6 – 7 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room

The Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library inspires learning, enriches lives, and strengthens community. Please call, email, message, or follow us on social media if you would like more information. You can also sign up for weekly #WhatsHappeningAtYourLibrary emails by clicking on our logo under Social Networks on our home page.

We have so many ways for you to stay informed! Sign up for text reminders about programming that is relevant to you!

Just text the appropriate code from this list to 81010. (You must be 13 or older to subscribe. Your phone carrier’s standard messaging rates will apply)

Adult programs: All ages programs: Teen programs at East: Children’s programs at East: Preschool programs at East:

@efclad @efclall @efclte @efclch @efclpr

What can you get at the library? We have books and more! Looking for something? Call us and ask! If we don’t have it, we will at least know you want it, and that helps us serve you better.

XXBiennial Library Quilt Show

Beautiful handmade quilts will be displayed throughout the library at the Biennial Library Quilt Show sponsored by members of the Coconino Quilters' Guild of Flagstaff. Come in and vote for your favorite quilt! Date & Time: During normal library hours from now through March 27, 2020 Location: Downtown Library

XXExplore Mars

Join Assistant Professor Arya Udry from University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ Geoscience department to learn fun facts about Mars. See globes of Mars, meteorites, and Earth rocks! All ages welcome. Date & Time: Sunday, April 19 from 3 – 3:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room

XXGirls Who Code @ EFCL

Learn coding through a hands-on project! Registration required. Call 928-213-2348 to register. All those ages 12-17 are welcome. Date & Time: Thursdays Feb 13 through April 23rd from 3:30 – 4:45 PM Location: East Flagstaff Teen Room

Individualized Instruction for Adults:

XTechnology X Instruction and Résumé Help

30-minute and 45-minute, one-on-one instruction sessions are available for assistance with introductory software, creating email accounts, downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks, résumé development, online job applications, and more. Instruction sessions are by appointment only. Date & Time: Please schedule an appointment at the Downtown Library by calling 928-213-2331 or at the East Flagstaff Community Library by calling 928-213-2348. Location: Both Flagstaff Public Libraries

Regularly Scheduled Programming for All Ages:

XXArt in the Stacks

Join us on First Fridays as we celebrate the arts with exhibits and family-friendly art programs. Date & Time: 1st Friday of each month @ 5 p.m. Location: Northwest corner of the Downtown Library

XXLocal Legends Inter-Generational Story Time

Locally sourced stories for all ages from area residents with something worth saying--a true treasure trove of all things Flagstaff. 2/19: Jim McCarthy: the Quiet of Grand Canyon. 3/18, 4/15, www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Flagstaff City - Coconino County Public Library 5/20: Jude McKenzie: How the Celts influenced Flagstaff. Interested in presenting? Contact Pam at (928) 213-2379. Date & Time: 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 6 p.m. Location: Northwest corner of the Downtown Library

XXStitching by the Books

Come stitch with us! All fiber arts and skill levels welcome! Knit, crochet, embroider, or stitch, and connect with the Flagstaff fiber community. Date & Time: Mondays through May 11 from 6 – 8 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 9 and up

Regularly Scheduled Programming for Adults:

XXCooking the Books

Join the library cookbook club. Sign up, check out a cookbook, choose a recipe, prepare the food, and bring it (along with your chosen book) to the library on the designated date. Registration required. Sign up at the East Flagstaff Community Library or by calling 928-213-2348. Date & Time: 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 6 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Library

XXNos Encantan Cuentos en Espanol

¿Quieres leer en español ¿Quieres mantener tu idioma? Tenemos un club para leer cuentos y discutirlos cada mes. Las historias están disponibles en nuestro evento de Facebook “Nos Encantan” o por correo electrónico (flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com) antes de la reunión. Todos son bienvenidos, y está bien si traes a tus niños. Date & Time: el segundo martes de cada mes a las 5:00 PM Location: en la biblioteca del centro en la sala de conferencias

XXShakespeare Allowed!

The Flagstaff Public Library and the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival host this community reading of one entire Shakespeare play each month. Come have fun reading aloud or listening to your neighbors. We provide the books; you provide the voice. February: Comedy of Errors, March: Troilus and Cressida - First Half, April: Troilus and Cressida - Second Half, May 24: Henry IV (Part I) Date & Time: 4th Sunday of each month @ 3 p.m. Location: Downtown Library After Hours

X30 X is the new 13?

YA Happy Hour Book Club for Adults Pick up your copy of our latest book at the Downtown Library Information Desk, then meet to discuss the book during happy hour! What is YA? It stands for Young Adult - the books are usually about someone in their teens and often deal with identity formation and trying to understand the broader world. February: The Loves and Lies of Rukhsana Ali, March: Trail of Lightning, April: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, May: Let’s Go Swimming on Doomsday. Date & Time: The 4th Friday of every month @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Historic Bottle and Brew on South San Francisco, look for us at the big table in the game room or the alcove in the main bar

XThursday X Night Book Club

Join the Library’s oldest book club! Our upcoming book selections include The House of Broken Angels by Luis Alberto Urrea, The Sympathizer by Viet Thahn Nguyen, and The Library Book by Susan Orlean. Sign out a copy of each month’s book at the Downtown Library Information Desk. Date & Time: 2nd Thursday of each month @ 6 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XVirtually X a Book Club

XXPinestory Slam

Join us in the FlagLib Virtually A Book Club Facebook Group anytime to see and discuss book news and new releases. If you have ideas for making this group awesome, contact us at Flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com Date & Time: At your convenience. Location: The Facebook Group → FlagLib Virtually a Book Club

XXPlotting the Plateau

Are you in the midst of a job search? Want to brush up on your job search skills in order to help others? Just love working on resumes, cover letters, and interview skills? Then these are the interactive programs for you!. February: Power up Your Job Search March: Create a Killer Resume April: I’ve Got an Answer for That: Interview Skills that Close the Deal May: Show Me the Money: How to Negotiate and Understand Benefits & Compensation Packages Date & Time: Last Wednesday of each month starting in February @ 6:30 p.m. February 26 and April 29 @ The East Flag Library, March 25 and May 27 @ The Downtown Library

Do you have a story to tell? Sign up to participate in the Pinestory Slam! No notes, just you and your themed (true or fictional) story entertaining a friendly audience for 8 minutes or less. Our Registration Form for storytellers is available on the Pinestory Slam event in Facebook, by emailing flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com, or by messaging us on Facebook. Date & Time: 4 Thursday of every month @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Charly’s Pub and Grill Each month, this nonfiction book club focusing on the Colorado Plateau is hosted by a different community expert. In February we will be discussing An Indigenous People’s History with Dr. Stefanie Kunze of NAU’s Sociology department. In March we will talk about There’s This River by local author Christie Sadler. In April: The End of Night by Paul Boagard, and in May: (on the 18th, to avoid Memorial Day) we have Disappearances by Scott Thybony. Come pick up a book at the Downtown Library Information Desk and join us this month! Date & Time: 4th Monday of each month @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XXPoetry Out Loud @ the Library

Poetry Out Loud @ the Library is a reading and discussion group celebrating poets and poetry. Reading material is provided at each session. Date & Time: 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 2 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Conference Room

XXLunch with the Nerds Sci Fi Book Club

Join Professor Angele Anderfuren in exploring classic and contemporary science fiction through thematically linked books and movies, with a new book/movie pairing to discuss each month! Pick up each month’s book at the Downtown Library Information Desk. In February we talk Leviathan by Corey, March is for all things Crichton, April is for Zone One by Whitehead, and in May we will revisit The Handmaid’s Tale by Atwood. Date & Time: 3rd Tuesday of each month @ 11:30 a.m. (March’s meeting is moved to avoid Spring Break, it will be on March 24 at the same time & place) Location: Wildflower in the Sawmill Shopping Center


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

XWork X It Wednesdays

2020 Writer in Residence Programming:

XXInspiration on Tap

Come get your write on with our writing community. Get feedback, take time to write, pick up tips and inspiration from other writers. Occasional workshops, at the request of attendees. Tell us what you need. Writer in Residence Jennifer Guyer will be leading our inspiration from February - June, with special Fiction workshops in February and June! Date & Time: 2nd Saturday of each month @ 3 p.m. Location: February 8: Blendz Wine Bar, March 14: Uptown Pub; April 11: Dark Skies May 9: Flag Brew’s Patio

XWriters’ X Desk Hours

Come on down to write along-side our writers in residence, or get feedback on your writing and discuss next steps with the experts Date & Time: Jennifer Guyer: Every Monday, February - July @ 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Kate Rose: Every Thursday, January - July @ 1 – 2 p.m. Location: The Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library

Winter2020 to inspire you to keep writing what you love. How does your writing make us wonder, care, and guess what will happen next? We’ll look at examples from outside the workshop and use Kate’s Meet up and write your heart out, discuss roadblocks and get feedback about ongoing projects guidelines for effective and enjoyable peer-reviewing. Didn’t make it to the workshop on the 8th? with other community writers! No problem. Come anyway. Bring whatever you’re working on. There will be plenty of time to Date & Time: write, receive feedback, and to learn from one another. When you’re feeling good about your Tuesdays and Fridays @ Noon at the Downtown Library in the Conference Room Year Round work, you can submit it to our online literary magazine, The Skylight Kicker. Thursdays @ Noon at the East Flag Library, Now through May 14 with Jennifer Guyer, writer in residence Date & Time: Saturday, February 22 @ 3 – 5 p.m. Location: Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library

XWriters X Who Lunch

XThe X Written World

Meet other lovers of the written world. Time to write, connect, and share. Come write! Kate will be here January - July with fun prompts and challenges to sharpen your skills. If you’d rather just write, you are still welcome to come and enjoy everyone’s company while you do your own thing. Date & Time: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month @ 6 p.m. with Kate Rose, Writer in Residence Location: Mother Road Brewery on Butler

Writers in Residence Workshops for March: The Writing Life

XThe X Writing Life: Living the Dream Round Tables

Join expert writers who are living the dream. What would you like to learn about? Creating your Writers in Residence Workshops own blog? Self-publishing? Standard publishing? Short stories and literary magazines? Podcasting? Querying? Getting your work into bookstores and libraries? Finding outlets that fit your for February: Fiction 101 style? Rotate from expert to expert for short bursts of wisdom. Use intermission to follow up with your favorites. XXFiction 101: The Plot Thickens Date & Time: Saturday, March 7 @ 3 – 5 p.m. Come help us kick off our writerly plans for the next six months! Meet with Jennifer Guyer at Blendz Location: The Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library Wine Bar for this special edition of Inspiration on Tap. Drink a cup of wine, or water if you prefer, as we talk about plotting our way through the impossible, creating characters that everyone wants to XThe X Writing Life: Feedback & Submission Saturday read about, and using dialogue as a tool to move the plot forward. There will be new friends, writ- Come meet-up with peer writers for feedback and revisions, and use some of our expert knowling prompts, and an assignment to work on for our follow up workshop at the end of the month. edge from the 7th to submit work online to various outlets, including our online literary magaDate & Time: Saturday, February 8 @ 3 – 5 p.m. zine, The Skylight Kicker, or work on your blog or website with the support of our community Location: Blendz Wine Bar of writers and writers in residence Jennifer Guyer and Kate Rose. Didn’t make it on the 7? No

problem, bring whatever you are working on and jump right in. Date & Time: Saturday, February 22 @ 3 – 5 p.m. Ask any questions you forgot to ask on the 8th, pair up and get feedback on your fiction assignLocation: Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library ments from other writers. Writer in Residence, Dr. Kate Rose, will follow up on your fiction pieces and help you provide feedback to each other on plot structure, characterization, and dialogue

XXFiction 101: Plot Polishing & Submission Saturday

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s w nt o d d i for k te an eve le comp assport! p

Children’s Health & Wellness Fair

Saturday April 25, 2020 11am - 2pm Flagstaff Aquaplex

Explore all of the fun summer activities and camps Flagstaff has to offer your little scallywags, and get a jump start on back to school readiness before the school year even ends! FREE dental screenings •fun activity stations magician• balloon artists • face painting raffle prizes, giveaways & much more!

Scan me for more info

For more info, visit http://bit.ly/AhoyToSummer www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020


Flagstaff City - Coconino County Public Library Writers in Residence Workshops for April: Poetry 101

XXPoetry 101: Waxing Poetic

Join Kate Rose for an interactive tour of poetic forms. Try something new or just work on solidifying your poetic chops. Poetry is for everyone! Come celebrate National Poetry Month by waxing poetic with us. Choose from several possible poetry assignments to bring back on the 18! Date & Time: Saturday, April 4 @3 – 5 p.m. Location: The Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library

XXPoetry 101: Poetry Fest, Feedback & Submission Saturday

Now that you’ve tried your hand at poetry, come hear from our local guest poets and get feedback on your hard work. Then, instead of tucking it away in a shoe box somewhere, submit your works to the Skylight Kicker online magazine or a magazine of your choice. We’ll help you find a good home for your poem. Date & Time: Saturday, April 18 @3 – 5 p.m. Location: Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library

Writers in Residence Workshops for May: Creative Nonfiction 101

XXCreative Nonfiction 101: Write Your story

Join Kate Rose and work on the story of you! What makes Creative Nonfiction and how can engaging in the writing or your life benefit you? If you attended Kate’s January sessions on Women writing Trauma and Women writing Triumph, be ready to build on your previous work. Date & Time: Saturday, May 2 @3 – 5 p.m. Location: The Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library

XXCreative Nonfiction 101: Feedback & Submission Saturday

Now that you’ve gotten a bit of your story down on paper, come on down and get feedback on your hard work. Then, instead of leaving it to languish on your hard drive, submit your works to the Skylight Kicker online magazine or a platform of your choice. We’ll help you find a good home for your work. Date & Time: Saturday, April 18 @3 – 5 p.m. Location: Northwest Corner of the Downtown Library

More 2020 Writer in Residence Workshops coming in June & July, including Fiction 102 and Inspiration on the Trail! Regularly Scheduled Programming for Teens:

XXFlamin’ Hot Wednesdays

Games? Slime? Origami? Join us to find out what’s up next! Date & Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays through May 13 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 12-17

XXGame Day

Come play video game systems and table-top games in our Community Room! Date & Time: Fridays through May 15th from 3 – 5 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 8-17

XXOvertime Otaku: Anime Club

Join us each week for anime, games and crafts! Patrons 11 or younger are welcome to attend with a permission slip (available at the front desk). Date & Time: Mondays through May 11th from 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 12-17


Winter 2020 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

XXRetweet Tuesdays

Looking for something to beat the after-school blues? We’ve got you covered! Join us for afternoons filled with activities and games all based around a different theme each week. Date & Time: Tuesdays through May 12 @ 3:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 10 - 17

XTeen X Gaming

Stop by the Community Room at the Downtown Library for Wii-U, PS4 and X-Box 360 gaming. Bring a friend and pick your game. Date & Time: 1st and 3rd Fridays through May 12 @ 3 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 12 - 17

Regularly Scheduled Programming for Children:

Please note children under 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver at all library events.

XXBaby Laptime

Enjoy songs, stories, fingerplays, knee bounces, rhymes and more with your infant. Date & Time: Tuesdays through May 12 @ 10:15 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XXBaby Laptime

Enjoy songs, stories and rhymes with your infant! Date & Time: Wednesdays through May 13 from 9 – 9:30 a.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room

XXCrafty Corner

Express your crafty creativity at the East Flagstaff Community Library. New crafts each week! Date & Time: Tuesdays through May 12 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 5-17

XXCreation Station

Stories and crafts with a different theme each time. Date & Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays through May 13 @ 3:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 3 and up

XXFamily Storytime

Bring the whole family and enjoy a morning of stories, songs, puppets and more! Date & Time: Tuesdays through May 12 from 10 – 10:45 a.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room


Join us for fun-filled afternoons of creating and building. You bring the imagination, we’ll supply the LEGOs! Date & Time: 2nd and 4th Mondays through May11 @ 3:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 5-12


Join us for fun-filled afternoons of creating and building. You bring the imagination, we’ll supply the LEGOs! Date & Time: Thursdays through May 14 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 5-12

XXPlay and Learn

Learn from our guests about local parenting resources as you spend some valuable play time with your child. Date & Time: March 13, April 17 and May 15 @ 10:30 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 0-3

Winter2020 XXPreschool Express

Surprises galore are in store when we get together for stories, songs, and games. Date & Time: Wednesdays & Thursdays through May 14 @ 10:30 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XXPajama Storytime

Get your wiggles out before bedtime! Support your child’s brain development through stories & songs. Pajamas optional. Date & Time: First Thursdays from 6 - 6:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room

XXSaturday Story Stop

You’ll get to know all sorts of different faces as library staff and community members present a fun-filled morning of storytime stuff. Date & Time: Year-round @ 10:30 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XToddler X Tales

Your toddler will delight in this special time for stories, songs, games and more. Date & Time: Tuesdays through May 12 @ 11 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

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Calls for submissions & volunteers: Art in the Stacks

Do you have artwork you’d like to display? We would like to help you get your art into the community! Email us at flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com if you are looking for a spot to display your work. We feature a new artist each month. Works should be less than 3 pounds each. The Downtown library can accommodate three works as big as 20” tall by 30” wide, and 14 works as big as 15” tall by 20”wide. EFCL's can accommodate 6 pieces as big as 17”x17” and 4 pieces as big as 12”x 17”.

Display Cases

Do you have artwork, a special collection, or information that you want to share with our community? Are you an author looking to display your work? Apply to present your work in the display case at the Downtown Library! Groups and individuals are welcome to exhibit literary, artistic or cultural items of their creation or collection. Two lockable glass cases are available for monthly displays. Exhibits in the library must be appropriate for all ages and cannot be political or religious in nature. Applications are available at the Information desk. For more information call (928) 213-2331 or email flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com.

Skylight Kicker Literary Magazine

We would love to help you get your written work, artwork, and photography in front of more eyes. Submit to the Skylight Kicker or go online to check out your neighbors’ work! Want to send us a book review? We would love to publish that as well. Engage with the artistic and literary community by sending your submissions to flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com !

Volunteers Needed

Would you like to give back to the library? The Downtown Library, East Flagstaff Community Library, and Friends of the Library are recruiting volunteers. Current volunteer opportunities and application information are available on our website.

www.flagstaff.az.gov • Winter 2020




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Questions? Need to request childcare or Spanish translation? Want more information? Call 928-213-2144 or visit www.flagstaff.az.gov/homeenergy.

Flagstaff, AZ Permit No. 55

March 4, 2020 6pm - 7pm Hal Jensen Recreation Center


February 19, 2020 6pm - 7pm East Side Library

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