010214 the springtown epigraph

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Thursday, January 2, 2014


Top 10 sports stories of 2013

Page 5A

2014 Resolutions

Grad leads Navy at FW bowl game

Page 1B

Volume 50, Number 37

$1 Springtown, Texas 76082

Jean Drive Structure Fire

BY NATALIE GENTRY Montana Marsh, 22, graduated from Springtown High School in 2010. That fall he left for Annapolis, Maryland to attend the United States Naval Academy. This May, he will graduate with honors with a Bachelor of Science and earn his commission as an officer in the United States Navy. Then he will head to flight school in Pensacola, Florida. But last weekend he was back in Springtown to spend some time with his family – and lead a company of midshipmen on the gridiron prior to the 11th Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl on Dec. 30 where Navy beat the Middle Tennessee University Blue Raiders 24-6. There are usually 30 companies that march in Navy home games. However, because this was a bowl game and not all midshipmen were present; only eight companies marched on. There were approximately 600 midshipmen present. Marsh was the commander of the Eighth Company at the game. Each commander was introduced by name and hometown as the companies were led onto the field just before kickoff. Earlier in the day the midshipman and their guests participated in one of the world’s largest tailgate parties. PLEASE SEE GRAD, PAGE 3A.

Sales tax drop explained by city BY NATALIE GENTRY December’s sales tax report left many people in Springtown wondering what happened to cause the city’s revenue to drop 41.86 percent. City Administrator Mark Krey explained this fl uctuation isn’t an indication of declining business in Springtown. “The drop in sales tax is directly attributable to the unusually high amount we received in December 2012,” Krey said. The abnormality, Krey said, was caused by a single local company that pays its taxes on a sporadic basis. “That amount was so high last year that it set off warnings at the Comptroller’s office and they researched the issue for us.” Krey said. In addition, the higher numbers for October and November of 2012 were the result of oil and gas well work in the area that has since been completed. The city receives its sales tax revenue from the Texas Comptroller’s Offi ce each month for sales that occurred within the city limits two months earlier. In other words, the city’s December check represents taxes paid at local businesses during the month of October. Although the city’s total revenue for 2013 fell 9.03 percent from $986.034 to $896,910, Krey explained that the numbers on the overall sales tax receipts from last year indicate the amounts received thus far in fi scal year 2013-2014 are consistent with Springtown’s monthly average of approximately $74,500.

Trucks from the Springtown and La Junta Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a structural fi re call on Dec 30. The call reported smoke coming from the attic of 413 Jean Drive in Springtown. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Photo by Natalie Gentry

Change of epicenter? USGS reports most quakes centered in area between Reno, Briar

Map of earthquake epicenters since seismographs were installed in the Azle area.

BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN Since Nov. 5 staffers at the Epigraph have painstakingly plotted earthquake locations on a map. That’s kept us busy. The chart marks the epicenters of close to 30 earthquakes in the area, the fi rst of which occurred at 9:32.p.m. that fateful Nov. 5 night. It was a Tuesday – press day – and the staff had stayed very late awaiting election returns. No sooner had that week’s newspaper been “put to bed” than the news went all a-Twitter, so to speak.

(USGS) to Azle Mayor Alan Brundrett and the City of Azle, it’s likely that most of the epicenter locations are actually confined to a limited area approximately midway between Reno and Briar. In his report, Ellsworth explains that prior to Dec. 15, the earthquake epicenters were “uncertain by five miles or more” due to the large distances between seismographs stations in this Clustered quakes According to a formal yet prelimi- part of the country and the long disnary report provided by Dr. William L. tance from Azle to the nearest instruEllsworth of the Earthquake Science ments. Center at the U.S. Geological Survey PLEASE SEE USGS, PAGE 2A. Earthquake? Reno? They can’t be serious. They were, and things have not stopped shaking since. Now it looks like that map, which has appeared weekly in the Epigraph, may not be very accurate despite the care with which it was prepared.

Springtown’s 2013 in review: Part 1 BY MARK K. CAMPBELL A Springtown man, Randall Benton ketball games raised money for the Taff, was arrested for child pornograAmerican Cancer Society. Bad smells, postseason success, The Lady Porcupine basketball phy. voting, and a sad death highlighted the Twelve year old Bobby Kimbell team clinched a playoff berth with two first half of 2013. district games remaining with a 66-21 took second at the Fort Worth Stock show with an original piece of art. win over Lake Worth. January The SHS boys’ hoops team made the Cindy Haugen, a high school math Two boys, Austin Herring and Harrison Coleman, helped rescue an el- teacher, was a winner of a Jack Har- playoffs for the first time since 2006. Kalie Wells was named Miss Springvey Academy of Exemplary Teachers derly woman who had fallen. town Feb. 23 at the SHS auditorium. After a White Christmas, the New award. Fourth, fi fth, and sixth grade middle Year arrived with big rains. (JAN. 10, school students claimed 84 awards in February FP, FLOODED PARK) Donkey basketball raised funds for UIL competitions. A Weatherford man was killed near La Junta Jan. 16. Nicholas David the Springtown Ag Boosters. Camfi eld was arrested and charged A contract to beautify the Taber- March Springtown ISD superintendent nacle was awarded to PC Contractors, with murder. Mike Kelley was named the Chamber Chance Krause was selected to the LLC Feb. 12. The bid: $763,670.74. Two SHS wrestlers – Kolyn Wal- of Commerce’s Man of the Year. Association of Texas Small School Roni Catherine Lisenbe was arBands All-State Band; he played tenor drop and Cole Clifton – became the rested for killing her boyfriend. She fi rst-ever Springtown state qualifi ers saxophone. The annual Purple Out night at the to the state tournament. The former was later indicted but charges were high school gym during SHS bas- went 2-2 and the latter 1-2 in Austin. dropped in December.

In two separate incidents, Parker County Sheriff’s deputies made three arrests on the same Reno street, Arvel Circle, March 12. A disc golf course opened in Springtown Park. The annual POJO Relays were conducted in very cold conditions. April Springtown’s Showstoppers dance team competed in Galveston and came away with second, third, and fourth place awards. The Parker County Emergency Ser- Miss Springtown... vice District No. 1 received three new Kalie Wells fire engines. The cost: $1.18 million. The fi rst-ever Area track meet – Twin James and Jacob Sorah newly instituted by the UIL – was reached Eagle Scout status. conducted at Porcupine Stadium. Both SHS’ district, 6-3A, and 5-3A com- May peted. PLEASE SEE 2013, PAGE 3A.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014


USGS reports most quakes centered in area between Reno, Briar n USGS, FROM PAGE ONE.

The closest station used by the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) in Golden, Colorado prior to Dec. 15 was more than 60 miles to the south, with the next closest station 125 miles to the west, Ellsworth told city officials. “Fortunately, many of the residents of Azle and surrounding communities provided the USGS with information on the shaking they felt during many of the November 2013 earthquakes through our ‘Did You Feel It?’ website at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ dyfi/,” Ellsworth continued. Ellsworth shipped five “Net-

Quakes” seismographs from Menlo Park, California where he is based, to colleagues at Southern Methodist University’s Roy M. Heffington Department of Earth Sciences. Those seismographs were successfully installed soon after road conditions became safe after the ice storm that occurred in the area beginning Dec. 5, and became fully functional Dec. 15, Ellsworth’s report says. Ellsworth says he has examined data from the earthquakes that occurred prior to the installation of the seismographs along with information from two 3.3 magnitude tremors that occurred Dec. 22 and 23.

After calibrating measurements and studying waveforms and shaking patterns, Ellsworth has reached a preliminary opinion about the Azle area quakes. “The epicenters of these earthquakes are no longer scattered over an area many miles in dimension, but now cluster in the same zone as the more recent earthquakes located using the local NetQuake stations,” Ellsworth said. “Visual examination of the seismograms for other November-December earthquakes strongly suggests that all of them will be found to have occurred in this same small area.” Ellsworth says he believes it’s also safe to conclude that

This map indicates the epicenters of the seismic activity prior to the new USGS data.

LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for an Off-Premise Permit for Package Store by Charles Steve Stone dba Reno Liquor Store, to be located at 4800 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, Parker County, Texas, 76082. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas Property Code INNERSPACE STORAGE which is located at 1905 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, Texas 76082 will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Sale will be at 10:00 a.m. on January 18, 2014 at 1905 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, Texas 76082. Property will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. Seller reserves the right to not accept any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property in each space may be sold item-by-item, in batches or by the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of the tenants listed below, with brief description of contents in the spaces. TENANT’S COMPLETE NAME as shown on rental agreement: Ashley Moore; Laura Hill; Bobby Horbin; Jeffery Stringer; Cindy Colesworthy; Gerald Riley; Gretchen Mooney; Linnie Sanders; Mike Rose; Wanda & Jonny Hearn; Felicia Bridendolph; James Fitzgerold; Ruth Golden; Alford Taylor; Samuel Price; Julie Cortinez; Triston Robinson - all household goods.

most of the earthquakes are located in the shallow crystalline basement below the sediments. But, again, this report is preliminary in nature. Surrounding the quakes Researchers from SMU are relocating several of the NetQuakes instruments to better surround the source region of the earthquakes. “It would be reasonable to expect that the epicenters determined to date could move a small amount, perhaps a mile, as a result of improving the seismic network geometry and application of a more accurate crustal velocity model,” Ellsworth concluded in his report to city officials. “I believe, however, that it is very unlikely that the overall picture will change significantly, and that we can be confident the earthquakes recently occurring in the vicinity of the city of Azle are originating from a small region roughly midway between Reno and Briar, and that they are located in the shallow crystalline basement.” If you would like to read Ellsworth’s report in its entirety, follow this link: http:// azlenews.net/news/seismic-activity-letter/. So, those who have laid claim to one or more earth-shaking events – “the one on my street” or “that 3.6 in my backyard” – may have to turn loose of their ownership of the quakes. Unless, of course, you live along FM 730 North and/or Cardinal Road, say, north of Peden Road and south of FM 2257 (Knob Hill Road).

NEWS DIGEST Test online signup deadline Jan. 10 Springtown High School will be a test site for Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Out-Of-School exit level testing March 3-6, 2014. Those who are no longer enrolled in school but have otherwise completed district requirements for graduation, as well as former Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) examinees (including Texas Education Assessment of Minimum Skills [TEAMS] examinees) may register for the March 2014 administration of the TAKS exit level test. Registrations are accepted online only through Jan. 10, 2014 at http://www.TexasAssessment.com/taksoos. Because the TAAS tests are no longer administered, former TAAS examinees (including former TEAMS examinees) will take the appropriate part of the TAKS exit level English language arts and/or math test(s) March 3-5, 2014. On the day(s) of testing, examinees should arrive at Springtown High School at least 30 minutes before the designated testing time. Examinees must present picture identification, such as a driver’s license, Department of Public Safety identification, military ID, school ID or resident alien card in order to test. Examinees will not be able to take the test(s) without a picture ID. The TAKS exit level tests will be administered on March 3, 2014 (English language arts); March 4, 2014 (mathematics); March 5, 2014 (science); and March 6, 2014 (social studies). Contact the Springtown High School campus test coordinator for further information.

Earthquake Town Hall meeting set Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter will host a Town Hall meeting Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014, from 5-7 p.m. in the Azle High School auditorium. The public is encouraged to attend and voice any concerns about the earthquakes that began occurring in the Azle and surrounding areas Nov. 5. In addition to hearing residents’ concerns, Porter will outline what he plans to do as Texas Railroad Commissioner. Other state and local officials will be in attendance at the meeting, as well.

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Springtown 3x5

SCHOOL MENU JAN 6 - JAN 10 EC through 12th GRADE

BREAKFAST PRICES EC-12th Grade.........$1.50 Reduced ......$.30 Adult ..........$2.00

LUNCH PRICES EC-4th Grade ...... $2.00 5th-12th Grade ..... $2.25 Reduced ..............$0.40 Adult .................... $3.25 Students may prepay for their meals.

PK - 12th GRADE

BREAKFAST: Everyday - Various Juices & Cereals, Toast, Milk Variety, Jelly Assortment, Buttermilk Biscuit, 100% Apple Juice MONDAY - Breakfast Bagel, Toast, Oatmeal, Cocoa Puffs Cereal TUESDAY - Tac-Go, Sweet Roll, Apple Cinnamon Cereal WEDNESDAY - EggStravaganza, Cinnamon Toast, Apple Cinnamon Cereal, Apple THURSDAY - Pancakes, Cheese Toast, Oatmeal, Apple Cinnamon Cereal, Fruit Cocktail Cup FRIDAY - Breakfast Stick, Apple Cinnamon Cereal, Pear Cup


PK - 8th GRADE Everyday - Choice of one meat, two vegetables, and one grain/bread with milk

MONDAY - Cheese Pizza, Breaded Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Carrots, Rosey Applesauce, Wheat Roll TUESDAY - Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Roasted Broccoli, Pinto Beans, Sweet Potato Puffs, Mandarin Oranges, Wheat Roll WEDNESDAY - Steakfingers, Popcorn Chicken, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Pear Cup, Wheat Roll THURSDAY - Taco Salad, Chicken Fried Steak Sandwich, Refried Beans, Corn, Orange FRIDAY - Cheese Pizza, Hamburger, Broccoli, Baby Carrots, Apple

Happy New Year! A new year means a new beginning. Devon wishes you the best as you start another year with new possibilities.

9th - 12th GRADE MONDAY - Cheese Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Carrots, Rosey Applesauce, Pear Cup, Wheat Roll TUESDAY - Asian Chicken, Breaded Chicken, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Mandarin Oranges, Applesauce, Rice, Garlic Bread Stick WEDNESDAY - Steakfingers, Popcorn Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Broccoli, Pinto Beans, Mandarin Oranges, Peach Cup, Wheat Roll THURSDAY - Taco Salad, Chicken Sandwich, Refried Beans, Corn, Banana, Grapes FRIDAY - Cheese Pizza, Hamburger, Broccoli, Sweet Potato Puffs, Garden Salad, Banana, Orange

This menu is sponsored by ...

*Menus are subject to change.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014


2013 revisted n 2013, FROM PAGE ONE.

The Springtown Optimist Club gave Optimist Park to the city. Longtime coach/stadium director Bill Reed resigned to take the athletic director position at Bryson. SHS pole vault record holder Benji Brokenshire competed again at the state track meet. After finishing seventh as a sophomore, the junior won the silver in Austin, tying his best at 15 feet, 6 inches. Michelle Buchanan of the Center of Hope said 26 percent of Springtown residents live in poverty. Haven Norton, a 10-yearold Springtown Elementary student, was struck and killed by an SISD school bus May 13. The town rallied behind the family and a gold and red balloon release was held at the school. A memorial service was conducted at Country Cowboy Church in Bridgeport. The district settled out of court with

the family in the fall. Voters elected to keep Doug Hughes as mayor. In the SISD, Mike Ray and Jay Grubis won seats, Keith Springfield retained his, and Al Garrett was picked to complete the unexpired Place 7 term. Woody Creek Barbecue collected $875 in five days to send to the victims of the West explosion. Memorial Day was again recognized at the Springtown War Memorial May 25. Madeline Marsh was the SHS valedictorian while Kittie Sandlin finished as salutatorian for the Class of 2013. SHS graduates claimed $2.33 million in scholarships. June Stage 1 water restrictions were put in place by the Tarrant Regional Water District. The All-American Bike Ride was again conducted, this time June 8.

Parker County arrests

Balloons released in memory of Haven Norton. Carl Hornback was appointed as the new Porcupine Stadium head. He got busy fast as a Junior Olympics track meet attracted over 3,000 visitors June 20-22. Residents around Hutcheson Hill Road began complaining about a foul smell. Reprocessed “biosolids” were being cast into pastures. County Judge Mark Riley conducted an outdoor court with a representative of Renda Environmental – the company that delivered the funk – present.

Several local residents spoke. A missing Springtown woman, Donna Johnstone, was found alive on the shores of Eagle Mountain Lake. A Springtown duo was charged with animal cruelty after a neglected pony was discovered off West Highway 199. The Springtown Educational Foundation golf tourney raised $6,000 for scholarships. Springtown veteran John Douglas was reunited with his service dog in training, Goldie, after three days.

Grad leads troops at Armed Forces Bowl n GraD, FROM PAGE ONE.

world’s largest tailgate parties. This is a bowl game after all. The tailgate party took place under a circus-sized tent at the Amon Carter Stadium in Fort Worth. The adventurous life Marsh received his appointment to attend the Academy from Senator John Cornyn. There are 4,400 midshipmen who attend the Naval Academy, and although Marsh is an English major, the Naval Academy requires all midshipmen to take four years of science and math.

Marsh’s senior year coursework included thermo-dynamics, calculus four, and naval leadership. During his time at the Naval Academy, Marsh has traveled to Spain as part of the study abroad program and to San Diego’s Naval Air Base. He has served on the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima and the nuclear submarine USS Albuquerque. The summer of 2011 saw him sailing on a 55-foot sailboat from Annapolis, Maryland to Rockport, Massachusetts –

right up the New York Harbor. In addition to his traveling, Marsh participated in the Naval Academy’s High Power Rifle Team and served as team captain his junior year. His squad won first place at the Atlantic Fleet Rifle Championship. It’s a small world Then on Dec. 14, Marsh was able to reconnect with fellow SHS graduate, Matthew Rowe, at the 114th Annual Army versus Navy game in Philadelphia where the Navy Midshipmen beat the Army

Black Knights 34-7. Both Springtown grads received appointments to military academies – Rowe attends West Point. What lies ahead Next fall Marsh will begin two years of training and education to become a Naval Aviator in Pensacola, Florida. Once he graduates flight school, the Navy will assess its needs and decide if he will pilot fixed wing or rotary wing aircraft. Either way, a Porcupine will have earned his wings.

The following individuals who list addresses in the Azle and/or Springtown areas were arrested by various law enforcement agencies and booked into the Parker County Jail during the week of Dec. 20-26. A 44-year-old Springtown man was arrested Dec. 20 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for a parole warrant. As of Dec. 27 he was held in the Parker County jail without bond. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 28-yearold Azle woman Dec. 20 for warrants for failure to appear and two traffic violations. She posted $1,500 bond and was released from the Parker County jail seven hours later. Weatherford police arrested a 28-year-old Azle woman Dec. 21 for a Weatherford Municipal Court warrant for speeding. She paid $257 in fines and was released from the Parker county jail Dec. 22. A 27-year-old Springtown man was arrested Dec. 22 and charged with driving with an invalid license and no insurance. He posted $750 bond and was released from the Parker County jail later that day. Springtown police arrested a 27-year-old Azle woman for Springtown warrants for failure to appear in court and driving with a suspended license. She

posted $548 bond and was released from the Parker County jail Dec. 23. A 20-year-old Springtown woman was arrested Dec. 22 for Springtown warrants for failure to appear in court, speeding and no driver’s license. She posted $777 bond and was released from the Parker County jail Dec. 23. Reno police arrested a 31-year-old Azle man Dec. 23 and charged him with burglary of a building. He was released from the Parker County jail the same day. A 25-year-old Azle man was arrested Dec. 24 on a commitment order for a prior charge for burglary of a building. He was released from the Parker County jail Dec. 26. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 56-year-old Azle man Dec. 26 and charged him with assault causing bodily injury of a family member. He posted $2,500 bond and was released from the Parker County jail six hours later. James Earl Wilson, 48, of Azle was arrested Dec. 26 by Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and charged with DWI, third or more offense, driving with an invalid license and driving without insurance. As of Dec. 27, he was held in the Parker County jail without bond.

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Bringing in the New Year with a bang By Natalie GeNtry Although Independence Day is seven months away many fireworks stands were open for business this past week to help Texans ring in the New Year “I think we make about 30 percent of our total during this time of year,” said Morgan Hedrick, owner of Jack’s Fire-

works Supercenter, located on Highway 199. Hedrick said it was a good thing the area has had wet weather for the past few days because it lessens the possibility of fires. “Either way, though, business stays pretty constant at New Year’s,” Hedrick said.

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(l-r) angelina, tanner and Katrina ray stand in front of a wall of fireworks at Jack’s Fireworks Supercenter on Highway 199. Photo by Natalie Gentry


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Medications Used for Seasonal Depression Seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a depression that occurs during certain times of the year. It is most commonly associated with the beginning of fall and lasting during winter months (“winter blues”), but may occur in the spring and summer seasons as well. Symptoms include a lack of energy, feeling drowsy during the day, increased sleeping, anxiety, lost of interest in usual activities, cravings for sweets or carbohydrate-rich foods, and weight gain. The exact cause of seasonal depression is unknown, but can be contributed to an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. A lack of sunlight, which can disrupt the body’s internal clock, is a possible cause, hence light therapy is a treatment often used for SAD. A variety of antidepressants can be prescribed to also help treat SAD. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil) help to balance serotonin, a chemical in the brain than can affect mood. Medications such as venlafaxine (Effexor) and duloxetine (Cymbalta) alter both the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, another chemical in the brain that can affect how someone feels. Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL) can also be prescribed for individuals who have a history of SAD.


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Springtown Epigraph


Published weekly at 109 First Street, Springtown, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Springtown, Texas, 76082. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 557, Springtown, Texas 76082 USPS No. 964-220

109 East First Street Annual subscription rates: $36 Parker, Wise and Tarrant counties ($32.50 P.O. Box 557 Springtown, Texas 76082 senior citizens 65 and older); $42.50 elsewhere in and outside Texas. Phone:817- 220-7217 The Epigraph does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements Fax: 817- 523-4457

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The entire content of each issue of The Springtown Epigraph is protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the publisher.

© 2014 The Springtown Epigraph

Thursday, January 2, 2014



Springtown police Dept.

cAll report

Patricia Ann Cooper Driver

John H. Green

1936 - 2013

1937 - 2013

Patricia Ann Cooper Driver, 77, passed away, Friday, December 20, 2013 surrounded by her family. Funeral services were held Saturday, Dec. 21, at Alexander’s Midway Funeral Home, Springtown. Visitation was Friday at the funeral home. Graveside Committal was Saturday at Laurel Land, Fort Worth. Pat was born on August 13, 1936 and raised in Fort Worth. She graduated from Polytechnic High School. She recently lost the love of her life, John Driver who passed away in September. They were married almost 50 years. Pat was a loving wife who cared tirelessly for her husband and her family. John always said

“I would not have lived 95 years if it were not for her love and care”. They met at a dance and spent most of their lives dancing in each other’s arms. They retired to Springtown and for the last 39 years were together day and night just enjoying life and each other. Pat was a beautiful woman inside and out. She has a generous heart and was loved by many friends. She loved the holidays, and their favorite was Christmas. Pat and John will not spend Christmas apart; this is truly a never ending love story. She was preceded in death by her husband, John H. Driver Sr., parents, Opal and Henry Cooper, Sr. and brother Henry Cooper Jr.. Survivors include; siblings, Gary Cooper and Sandra Tilley of Fort Worth; children, John H. Driver Jr. of Fort Worth, Gary Driver and wife, Shada of Nashville, AR., David Ginn, Cindy Shannon and husband, Bob of Weatherford; grandchildren, John H. Driver III of Perrin, Stacie Driver, Russell Driver, Heather Scruggs, Elizabeth Scruggs all of Weatherford, Justin Ginn of Park City, UT.; and many great-grandchildren and most of all many friends. The Springtown Epigraph, Jan. 2, 2014 Edition

Passie Evelene Long Shaver 1927 - 2013 Passie Evelene Long Shaver, 86, passed away, Wednesday, December 18, 2013, at home. The memorial service is private. Passie Evelene Long Shaver was born, June 22, 1927 in Brushy Creek to James Thomas Long and Passie Ann Henderson. Survivors include; husband, Billy Ray Shaver; daughters,

Una Morgan of Springtown and Jimmie Ann Stone of McAlister, OK.; sons, Thomas R. Sipes of Alabama and Tolbert L. Sipes of Jacksonville; stepdaughter, Andir Huckabee of Besta, CA. and sister, Lucille Works of Jacksonville.

John H. Green, 76, loving father, grandfather, greatgrandfather, brother and friend passed away Saturday, December 21, 2013. Memorial service was held Dec. 26, 2013 at Walnut Creek Baptist Church. John was born in Ware, Mass. to Ralph and Alice Green. He was the first of three children born to the family. John had lived in Springtown for nearly 40 years. He enjoyed farming, gardening, being outside, and he dearly loved the Lord. John was a member of Walnut Creek Baptist Church for numerous years. He was preceded in

death by his parents. Survivors include; daughters, Kelley Green of Springtown, Holly Cook and husband, James of Springtown; son, Jay Green and wife, Christine of Azle; grandchildren, Sean Watson, Eric Hotchkin and Heather Hotchkin; greatgrandchildren, Chase Watson and Gakota Watson; brother, Richard Green; sister, Janet Green; numerous nieces and nephews; and his beloved cat, Pee Wee. The Springtown Epigraph, Jan. 2, 2014 Edition

Monday-Sunday, Dec. 23-29, 2013 Accident minor ............................................. 1 Accident major ............................................. 1 Accident hit-and-run .................................... 1 Assist officer .............................................. 30 Alarm ........................................................... 5 Disturbance ................................................. 1 Disturbance domestic .................................. 4 Meet complainant ........................................ 2 Suspicious person ....................................... 2 Suspicious vehicle ....................................... 6 Open building .............................................. 4 Theft ............................................................ 1 Traffic hazard ............................................... 3 Meet officer .................................................. 1 Investigation ................................................ 2

Phone calls .................................................. 1 Prisoner transfer .......................................... 1 Other.......................................................... 10 Request patrol ........................................... 57 Vehicle Maintenance ................................. 15 Report writing ............................................ 10 Information................................................... 1 Security check ......................................... 299 Traffic stop ................................................. 65 Traffic control ............................................... 2 911 hangup .................................................. 1 Welfare concern .......................................... 3 Impound lot .................................................. 1 Out of vehicle............................................... 1 Out at station ............................................. 47

INSIDE DIGEST SHS to stage a musical comedy Springtown High School’s Jan. 26-28 drama production will be Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The musical comedy is based on a Stephen Vincent Benet story. A 1954 movie starring Howard Keel and Jane Powell won an Oscar for its score that includes “When You’re in Love” and “Wonderful, Wonderful Day.”

Project Celebration selling t-shirts

James L. Watson 1926 - 2013 Azle Chapel. Interment was in Fairview Cemetery, Fairview. James was born December 14, 1926 in Denton to the late John and Eva Watson. He honorably served his country in the United States Army. Survivors include; wife, Pat Watson; sons, James David Watson and wife, Brenda, Michael Coulter and Charles Coulter and wife, Lisa; daughters, Georganne Perry, Cynthia Austin and husband, Ted and Marianne Pinnick and husband, James L. Watson, 87, passed Lloyd; 24 grandchildren; 28 away Thursday, December 26, great-grandchildren; and a host 2013 with his loving family by of loving family and friends. his side. Services were held MonThe Springtown Epigraph, day, Dec. 30, 2013 at White’s Jan. 2, 2014 Edition

“Once a Porcupine, Always a Porcupine” says a t-shirt offered for sale by the 2014 Project Celebration committee. Shirts cost $15 with all proceeds going to the ’14 celebration for SHS seniors. Sizes range from adult small to adult XXX. To order, visit www.carriewilkerson.com/shs-alumni-shirt-order-page/.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 www.springtown-epigraph.net



These were the Top 10 sports stories of 2013 by mark k. campbell Springtown sports had plenty of highs and lows in 2013. Choosing the top 10 was tricky, so here are some honorable mentions: • Lady Porcupine standout Kendal Davis signed a D-I scholarship to play volleyball for Arkansas State University • Bill Reed, a longtime coach then stadium director for SISD, resigned to become athletic director at Bryson • weather was crazy during some sports – including a frigid POJO Relays in March and a scorching 7-on-7 football tournament in July then a bonechilling Area football game in November • five tennis players advanced to regional in April However, these were the top 10 sports stories of 2013:

against the eventual fourth place finisher. He won his second clash against an Austin Travis athletes. Clifton finished 1-2, making history with Waldrop as the first Porcupines to compete at the state tournament.

offs for the first time since 2006 then won a seeding game against Mineral Wells before the postseason began. In bi-district, Graham was the foe. The Steers beat SHS 64-53 in Jacksboro. The game stood 49-47, Graham, halfway through the final frame. But the Steers began making free throws and pulled away. Despite the loss, the season was the best for Springtown’s boys in years; coach James Rike’s squad won 21 games. The Lady Porcupine softball squad defeated Castleberry in a “play-in for the playoffs,” 9-1. That sent Springtown to Mineral Wells to face Iowa Park April 26. SHS gave the No. 17 in 3A Lady Hawks all they wanted early on. The Lady Porcupines tied the game at 1-1 with a run in the top of the sixth. That came when Kelsey Hinson – who had been struck by a line drive earlier while playing third base – drew a walk to force in Kaitlyn Hill. Iowa Park won the game thanks to a couple of late miscues by SHS; however, the softball team had returned to the playoffs. In the fall, volleyball coach Leighann Strickland fielded another impressive squad, one that rose to No. 7 in 3A in the state. SHS raced through district play, not only going undefeated in 6-3A match action but losing just one game. Victories in the postseason followed: Wichita Falls Hirschi was swept in bi-district then, in the Area round, Glen Rose, ranked No. 11, was dashed, 3-1, in Brock. Next, Iowa Park was dispatched in a 3-0 trouncing. That sent Springtown back to the regional tournament, just like the previous season. This time, the year again ended in Snyder. Big Spring, the eventual Region I champ, overcame SHS’ 2-0 early lead. Strickland was sure her Lady Porcupines were superior: “We were the better team and I truly believe that we should have won without a doubt.” SHS finished with whopping 33 victories. The Porcupine football team won bi-district in November. At Memorial Stadium in Wichita Falls – SHS coach Brad Turner lost a home/home flip – Springtown rallied from a 6-0 first quarter deficit to crush the Huskies, 49-27. The win was SHS’ first in the playoffs since 2005. Playing for “the gold ball,” the Porcupines ran for 313 yards, including 197 by Ryan Snow and 91 more by QB Landry Turner. Springtown trailed at halftime 16-13 but dashed the hosts by out-scoring Hirschi 35-8 in the second half. SHS finished with more than 500 yards of total offense. The season ended the next week on a freezing cold gridiron at Northwest ISD Stadium against Stephenville. But the win capped a 2013 where several sports teams continued play after the regular season ended.

2. A Porcupine is runner-up at state meet in pole vault. Junior Benji Brokenshire made his second trip to the state track meet on the UT-campus in Austin. He entered the May 10-11 event with the top height at 156, the SHS record. In Austin, storms came and went, but Brokenshire kept the lead during the lengthy competition. Only one vaulter – from China Spring – hung with the Porcupine. Soon, it came down to Brokenshire and Webb Hunter. 10. A Springtown cowgirl Neither athlete could clear wins a rodeo title. 15-9; had Brokenshire done so, Lady Porcupine Brooke Tamhe would have won the gold. plen-Redinger won the North He had the final crack at it but Texas High School Rodeo Asjust missed. sociation’s steer undecorating By virtue of clearing 15-6 title in May. earlier, Webb won the gold and She finished second in Brokenshire took the silver. the NTHSRA Finals at Fort As a sophomore, he had finWorth’s Will Rogers Coliseum. With her yearlong tally added porcupine kolyn Waldrop (top) and cole clifton were the first two Springtown wres- ished seventh. Last year it was Photo by Mark K. Campbell second. to that effort, she topped every tlers to reach the state tournament in February. Asked about his return for The Southwestern Associa- football team shines at the the gold his senior year in 2014 Brokenshire said, “Oh, yeah.” tion Junior Olympic Track & state tournament. Springtown hosted a 7-on-7 Field Championships ran from 1. Several SHS squads June 20-22 as over 1,300 ath- tournament May 18 and qualiletes participated and more than fied for the state event right off reach the postseason. There was plenty of playoff the bat. 3,000 folks poured into town. action in 2013. This year, the July tourney Four national records were Both SHS basketball squads set at Porcupine Stadium in was moved from College Stathe high jump, pole vault, long tion to Leander, near Austin. The Porcupines, comprised jump, and 4x100 relay. Several local athletes par- of players that coach Brad ticipated; Hornback said if Turner said were the best rethe Junior Olympics settle on ceiving corps he had ever had, Springtown as a major com- won immediately. Springtown – in sweltering, petition site, then a track team comprised of local youth could oppressive heat July 11-12 – reached the Sweet Sixteen. form. In a row, SHS defeated Rice The town saw multiple benefits, including packed restau- Consolidated, Iowa Park, and Grandview; in that latter vicrants. tory, the temperature was 103. That pool win paired the Por6. Springtown hosts firstcupines against Melissa the folever Area meet. UIL changes to the track and lowing morning. Springtown won again, this field format created a new category in 2013 – an Area meet. time a 27-25 thriller. The victorious streak, and After the 6-3A gathering was conducted at Mineral Wells, tourney, ended with a loss to Springtown hosted the Area Brownwood. But the success in Leander meet that also contained athwas a precursor to the passing letes from 5-3A. A top four finish propelled attack SHS would unleash in competitors to the Region I the fall. meet and SHS had 16 place that 3. Two Porcupines reach benji brokenshire is all high. smiles with his silver medA girls’ school record fell the state wrestling tourney. For the first time ever, al on the austin awards (see No. 5) and all three PorcuSpringtown was represented stand. Photo by Mark K. Campbell pine relay teams moved on. In the April 17, 11-team gath- at the state wrestling event in ering – which again brought Austin; both Porcupines were made the postseason. The Lady Porcupines finhundreds of people to Spring- district champions. ished 6-3A with an 8-2 mark Kolyn Waldrop, competing town – the boys finished fourth and drew Burkburnett for biin the 220-pound class, and overall and the girls sixth. Cole Clifton (285) each earned district. At the Graham High School victories in the elite tourney. 5. Two track records fall. gym, Springtown led 44-29 Waldrop lost a killer opening At the Area meet, Lady Porhalfway through the third pematch, 2-1 to a Wylie competicupine Kendyl Dean shattered riod. tor. a 12-year-old record. But Burk began to chip away. However, he rebounded for Triple jumping, she sailed 36 With the game tied at 54 and feet, 11.75 inches at Porcupine wins over athletes from Ama1:22 left in the game, a Lady rillo (6-0) and Dripping Springs Stadium during the inaugubrooklyn Dauenhauer and the SHS volleyball team Dog nailed a trey. (pin). ral Area meet, taking the gold again reached the regional tourney. Photo by Mark K. Campbell A bucket by Kendyl Dean got In his fourth bout, Waldrop’s April 17. SHS to within 57-56 with 12 other cowgirl in the organiza- to 18th with 600 pounds that That distance broke the pre- state adventure ended with a tion. included a personal best bench vious mark of 36-5.5 set in late loss to an El Paso Parkland seconds left, but Burk made two free throws and won the game. Entering the Finals, Tam- press. wrestler. 2001 by Jessica Gentry. The Lady Porcupines finplen-Redinger was battling two For the season, Waldrop finAt the Region I meet in Lubished 17-14 for 2012-13. other high school athletes from ished 24-7. bock the next week, the Por8. Four Lady Porcupines The boys reached the playNorthwest and North Hills. Clifton had a rough draw named All-State in volleyball. cupine 4x400-meter team lowAs the champ – she won A quartet of 2012 Spring- ered the school record yet did with 957 points and the runner- town volleyball athletes earned not advance. up had 885 – she claimed the high kudos in January by landThe Springtown quartet of saddle emblazed with “2013 ing on the All-State Honorable Nick Keith, Chanse Lee, Will Champion Steer Undecorator.” Mention squad. Sutton, and Javier Reynoso Picked to that unique Texas sped around the track in 3 min9. Three SHS girl powerlift- Sports Writers Association utes, 22.23 seconds. ers reach state. That dropped the previous squad were seniors Rebecca A trio of Lady Porcupine Dauenhauer (hitter) and Cian- mark of 3:23.1 set back in 2010 powerlifters competed at the dra Seabourn (libero). Junior by Ian Bickel, Clayton Cooper, state meet in March. Ashley Mainord, a middle Brandon Emmert, and Roger All competing for the first blocker, and outside sopho- Kubrak. time in the sport under the more hitter Brooklyn DauenShockingly, however, SHS’ coaching of Missy Davis, Me- hauer were also picked. 3:22.23 was just the fourth fastlissa Perrone, Martha Chavez, The latter two Lady Porcu- est in Lubbock; only the top and Mia Cassanova each im- pines won superlative honors two and the single other fastproved on their regional totals in District 6-3A this season as est time in the state move on to at state. SHS piled up 33 wins and re- Austin. Vying in Corpus Christi, turned to the regional tournaSo, Springtown’s fleet fourPerrone entered the ultimate ment. some ended its season. competition seeded eighth and Not so for pole vaulter Benfinished fifth overall with 815 7. Junior Olympic track ji Brokenshire who tied his pounds. school record, clearing 15-6 meet comes to Springtown. Chavez arrived at state Newly installed stadium di- again to move on to the state ranked 13th and left 10th, also rector Carl Hornback oversaw meet. (See No. 2) with 815 pounds. a massive youth track meet in coach brad Turner holds the bi-district trophy – the “gold ball” – theporcupines won Cassanova moved from 15th June. 4. The Porcupine 7-on-7 in Wichita Falls’ memorial Stadium against Hirschi. Photo by Mark K. Campbell


OPINION Thursday, January 2, 2014


The passing of one and arrival of another


2014: I’ll bet. istening in on Old Man 2013: Then came celebrity chef 2013 and Baby 2014 as Paula Deen. She “condoned racially they pass: 2013: Whew, I’m ex- charged language” years ago, and lost her job. hausted! What a year! 2014: “Years ago.” 2014: Well, give me 2013: Yeah. Not only can things the baton – I’m rarin’ to go! said be fetched back from long ago, 2013: (chuckles) but anything you say nowadays can 2014: What? 2013: Oh, I used to have that same zip around the world in mere seconds. That’s what happened to Phil Robertvigor. About a year ago... son. 2014: What happened? 2014: Who? 2013: What didn’t?! 2013: He’s a Louisiana 2014: It couldn’t have long-bearded guy who been that bad. has a TV show about duck 2013: Remember the calls. He said some antiBoston Marathon bombgay stuff and got fried in ing? the press. Then a ton of 2014: No, I just got here. social media rose to his 2013: Well, it was hordefense. He was placed rible. So many innocent on “hiatus” over the time people killed and maimed frame that the show was And the manhunt after the ON YOUR not in production. event was twisted, too. 2014: That seems...wait. 2014: I’m sure I won’t MARK Did you say a TV show have anything like that. 2013: That’s what 2001 Mark K. Campbell about duck calls? 2013: Yeah, and they said. Then came his Seppray so that apparently makes it great tember. 2014: Surely, things will settle television to some people. 2014: Well, I’m young, but even I down. 2013: Ha! They never do! Like the smell a publicity stunt to get higher ratings. race issue. 2013: The rumor is the next mass2014: What is this, 1962? 2013: Sometimes it seems like it. I produced product will be Duck Comhad to contend with Trayvon Martin, mander New Coke. 2014: So people watch TV shows a 17-year-old African American who was shot and killed by a neighborhood about people... 2013: Listen! People have terrible watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. Who was acquitted. That caused some taste! That’s never going to change! 2014: Well, I’m still optimistic serious unrest.

about my year. 2013: Good for you. Just be advised that there’s some hangover from 2013. Like Obamacare. 2014: What’s that? 2013: Listen, I don’t have a year to explain it to you. In fact, there aren’t many people who can explain it.

2014: Maybe Congress can help. happen in 2013. 2013: (laughs for 20 minutes) Ah, 2014: Any final advice? don’t worry about it. Besides, you’ll 2013: You’ll be OK if you blame mostly be busy with all the earth- everything on Obama. He’s the new quakes. Bush! 2014: Earthquakes? Around here? 2013: It’s true. Someone could’ve Mark K. Campbell is the Epigraph editor and thinks 2014 is going to be super duper! made a fortune predicting that would

New Year’s resolutions results guaranteed…or your money back!

Email your letters to opinion@azlenews.net, Express your opinion on things that matter to you and your community. Letters should be brief and focus on a single issue. All letters are subject to editing and must include the writer’s name and a daytime phone number. Anonymous letters and those endorsing political candidates will not be considered for publication. Writers are limited to two letters monthly.


o I have your attention? Now if I could only figure out how to get you to send me ONLY $19.99 for this amazing secret, I could keep my resolution of becoming independently wealthy. Most New Year’s resolutions are broken by January 6. Are we really that bad? Lazy? Incompetent? Weak? I think it is more an issue of focus. It is not that we cannot focus, but that we focus on the wrong things. So what I am offering here are two focus-shifters and four strategies that I am absolutely convinced will bring us positive results in 2014. 1. Instead of focusing on the “what” or even the “how,” focus on the “why.” Focusing on the “what” would be something like, “I am going to lose weight.” Focusing on the “how” might be, “I am going to limit my calorie in-

take to 2000 per day and exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 days a week.” Those are great “how’s” to support the “what.” But why? Here’s where we stumble. Focusing on the “why” could be, “I am going to develop a healthier lifestyle so that I can be more healthy and effective in everything LIFE MATTERS I do.” 2. Instead of focusing on Gerry Lewis personal benefits, focus on benefits to others. That good “why” of being more healthy and effective becomes a great “why”

when I am more healthy and effective so that I can be a greater blessing to my family and my world. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God completely and the second is to love others. (Matthew 22:37-40). He even commanded us to love others like He loves. (John 15:12) So, now that our focus is adjusted, we need some strategies. 1. Accountability: Enlist a trusted partner to be your “alarm clock” for your “what, how, and why.” It works even better if the accountability is mutual, encouraging each other. 2. Deadlines: Always keeping your “why” at the forefront, develop some short-term markers along the way. “By March 1, I will have lost 8 pounds… or paid off $500 in debt…or written 3 chapters of my book.” The best thing that ever happened to my writing was having a weekly deadline for the newspaper.

Slavery in early Texas, Part I:


ester G. Bugbee wrote in The Political Science Quarterly, Vol. III, No. 3, 1898, about the history of slavery in Texas. Our story begins in the year 1821, “when Moses Austin received permission to plant an Anglo-American colony on the banks of the Colorado and the Brazos. There may have been a few Negroes in the little towns of Bexar and La Bahia at that time, but the number must have been insignificant and limited wholly to personal servants in the families of the wellto-do. “The coming of the energetic pioneers from the United States and the development of the rich bottom lands of Texas marked the beginning of a new era, not only in the history of Mexico, but in that of America; and the question of slavery in this wilderness, at that time seemingly of interest only to a few thousand farmers, was soon to engage the attention and determine the policy of the great

neighboring nation. “Under the Spanish rule in Mexico Negro slavery was tolerated and protected. The conditions, however, were so unfavorable that the institution never obtained a secure foothold, and was almost unknown outside of Vera Cruz and the hot lands. “Even in the most favorable localities and after the introduction of cane growing, the slaves formed no considerable element in the population of the country. As late as 1793, according to Humboldt, there were not more than nine or ten thousand in all New Spain.” [In a total population of 3,005, December 31, 1792, there were 34 Negroes and 415 mulattoes; no mention is made of slaves. Census of Texas, Texas Archives, No. 345] “H. G. Ward, the British agent in Mexico in 1825-27, believed that the number did not exceed six thousand in 1793, and that it continued to decrease till 1827. So many were manumitted, and so many received their freedom during the long struggle for

independence by joining the ranks of the patriot army, that Ward thought he was justified in stating that there is now hardly a single slave in the central portion the repubHISTORICAL of lic. HIGHLIGHTS “Not one could be found Laurie Moseley in the valley of Cuernavaca, or even in the Orizaba and Cordova regions, which are the great sugar and coffee districts of Mexico. “About fifteen years later, Waddy Thompson, the representative of the United States government, did not see half a dozen Negroes during his entire residence of two years in the Mexican capital. “The petition of Moses Austin for

Publisher Kim Ware Director of operations ...................Johnna Bridges Bookkeeper ................................ Tonya McDowell Office manager ...............................Shirley Castor Advertising Director ................Stephanie Cravotta Advertising Sales .......................... Amber Plumley

Editor Mark K. Campbell Reporter........................................Carla Stutsman Reporter......................................... Natalie Gentry Design, graphics ............................... Ryan Burger Design, graphics ............................ Cynthia Rotter Design, graphics ..............................Clay Cravotta

Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a space-available basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Springtown Epigraph, P.O. Box 557, Springtown, TX 76082 Email letters to: opinion@azlenews.net

Azle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis – author, blogger, church consultant, and leadership coach – serves as Executive Director of the Harvest Baptist Association headquartered in Decatur. The opinions expressed in this column are his own and may not represent the views of HBA.

Migrating Southerners bring institution with them

permission to settle an Anglo-American colony in Texas was officially granted in January, 1821. No mention was made of slavery in either the petition or the grant. It was the intention of Austin, however, to draw most of his colonists from the southern United States; and there can be but little doubt that he would have favored the removal of slaves to Texas as part of the capital of his planters. “But it was not for him to lead the migration for which he had prepared the way. The long journey to San Antonio de Bexar, with its hardships and exposure, resulted in his death, and the work of carrying forward the colonization of Texas fell to his son. “Stephen Fuller Austin, then a young man of twenty-eight, at once made an exploring tour through Texas, was recognized as heir to his father's grant, and received the governor's approval of the plan which he had drawn up for the distribution of lands. “This plan, after making provision for the head of the family and allow-

Letters to the Editor policy


3. Grace: Don’t let failure be your final answer. If you don’t reach a goal by the deadline, don’t give up. Set a new goal, renegotiate your accountability, and start again. Consider it a brief layover on the journey. 4. Prayer: Never underestimate the value of your most powerful accountability partner. Some of the most important “why’s” are too hard to keep in focus when life happens. Each day is a new chance to begin focusing on the reality that your life – with all the “what’s, how’s, and why’s” – matters to God. I can’t guarantee that you will keep your resolutions, but I can guarantee that you will see God at work. And that’s worth way more than $19.99.

ing a liberal portion for the wife and each child, further provided for a grant of eighty acres of land for each slave belonging to the family. “In approving this plan, the government of Mexico, through its representative in Texas, acquiesced in and substantially encouraged the introduction of slaves into the new settlement. “A great many immigrants found their way into Texas before the summer of 1822, most of them bearing contracts signed by Austin or his agents, in which they were promised land in accordance with the plan already mentioned. “They were nearly all from the southern portion of the United States, and many of them were the owners of at least a small number of slaves. Thus it was that the institution was introduced into Texas.”

Laurie Moseley is an author, archeologist and historian who lives in Springtown. He is the director of Springtown’s Legends Museum.

109 East First Street • P.O. Box 557 Springtown, TX 76082 • Phone: 817-220-7217

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Thursday, January 2, 2014


Lt. Gov. Dewhurst orders health services studies


t. Gov. David Dewhurst on Dec. 20 delivered charges for the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services to tackle before the 2015 Texas Legislature convenes. Dewhurst, who presides over the Senate, ordered the panel of nine senators to study what is being done by the state to enhance the health of Texas women. He also called on the committee to assess the effectiveness of programs designed to improve mental health for all Texans. The committee will monitor all state-provided women’s health programs, access to preventative services, efforts to reduce unplanned pregnancies and the maximizing of efficiencies, Dewhurst said. Also, the lieutenant governor said, the committee will monitor programs designed to improve mental health and substance abuse services, assess their outcomes and address any

gaps in the system. Perry takes various actions Gov. Rick Perry on Dec. 20 renewed for another month the current drought disaster proclamation for 114 of Texas’ 254 counties. Perry originally issued the proclamation on July 5, 2011. Meanwhile, also on Dec. 20, the federal government approved Perry’s Dec. 13 request for disaster assistance to three central Texas counties — Travis, Hays and Caldwell — for damages attributed to severe flooding that occurred when hard rains hit the region at the end of October through midNovember. In addition to the approval, the U.S. Small Business Administration granted Perry’s request for additional assistance that will allow homeowners, renters and businesses in 11 central Texas counties to apply for long-term, low-interest disaster loans, the governor’s office reported. In other news, on Dec. 19, the


governor posted notice of clemency he granted to 12 individuals “after each case was favorably recommended for clemency by the Texas Board of Pardons and Pa-

roles.” And, on Dec. 24, Gov. and Mrs. Perry publicized their wishes for “a happy and blessed Christmas to everyone in Texas, and to Texans all around the world.” More laws take effect While most new laws are written to take effect either as soon as the governor signs them or on Sept. 1, some 47 pieces of

legislation passed by the Texas Legislature were written to take effect as new laws on Jan. 1, 2014. Here are five of them: • House Bill 294 by Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, and sponsored by Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin: An exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property owned by a charitable organization and used in providing housing and related services to certain homeless individuals. • House Bill 1349 by Rep. Lyle Larson, R-San Antonio, and sponsored by Sen. Donna Campbell, R-New Braunfels: Stipulating that the Department of Public Safety is not required to request, and an applicant would not be required to provide, the applicant’s social security number as part of an application for a concealed handgun license. • House Bill 1772 by Rep. Chris Turner, D-Arlington, and sponsored by Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth: Requiring a utility customer to provide

TxDOT chief moves to LCRA Texas Department of Transportation announced its executive director, Phil Wilson, is leaving the agency to join the Lower Colorado River Authority, a public utility company founded in 1934 that serves all or part of 61 counties. Wilson, who was appointed by the governor to head TxDOT in Oct. 2011, is to start as general manager and chief executive officer of the LCRA on Feb. 1. Before joining TxDOT, Wilson was a senior vice president of public affairs and a corporate officer of Luminant, a large power company based in Dallas. Before that, Wilson served as Texas secretary of state from July 2007 to July 2008.

written notice of disconnection to each tenant or owner at a “nonsubmetered, master metered multifamily property” prior to disconnection of electric or gas service. • House Bill 1847 by Rep. Stefani Carter, R-Dallas, and sponsored by Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston: Requiring prosecuting attorneys to complete one hour of ethics training relating to a duty to disclose certain information in a criminal case within 180 days of assuming duties. Additional related training thereafter would be based upon rules promulgated by the court of criminal appeals. - Senate Bill 945 by Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Lewisville, and sponsored by Rep. Sarah Davis, R-Houston: Requiring a health care provider in a hospital to wear a photo identification badge clearly stating the provider’s name, department, and title. If applicable, the badge must also state the provider’s status as a student, intern, trainee or resident.

Veteran state reporter and legislative analyst Ed Sterling is member services director for the Texas Press Association, whose 518 member newspapers have combined circulation of 3.7 million.

Where was the worst weather of 2013? The state that suffered through the most extreme weather in 2013 was New Mexico, according to wunderground.com. By June, 45 percent of the state was in “extreme drought” the worst in America. Elephant Butte Reservoir shrunk to 3

percent capacity. Then rain arrived – too much. In the sixth wettest monsoon season ever, an earthen dam ruptured in Las Vegas, New Mexico and later runoff caused the evacuation of two cities. Elephant Butte Reservoir rose five feet.

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On July 3, a foot of hail fell on Santa Rosa. Snow plows were used to remove the downfall. A windstorm in Albuquerque contained an 89 mph gust on July 26. Downed power lines shut down I-25 and left 28,000 without electricity.

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Movie Man

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Clash of the Titans: Poppins vs. Mickey Mouse Before we get to the fi nal offi cial review of 2013, let’s look back on the Best and Worst of the Year. Year in review Overall, ‘13 wasn’t a bad year for movies. Perhaps there were no classics, but the Movie Man awarded just one ‘3’ – very rare. Best of the Year: 10. Hunger Games: Catching Fire (7). It lacked the near-perfection novel adaptation of the first one, but it was still solid. 9. Frozen (7). Once it got going, it got good. 8. Warm Bodies (7). Lots of fun and a different take on the zombie bit. 7. The Heat (7). The funniest movie of the year. 6. Prisoners (8). The Movie Man normally hates revenge movies, but this one was super. 5. Oblivion (8). The Movie Man liked this fi lm more than almost anyone else. The isolation feel and look won him over. 4. Captain Phillips (8). Great moviemaking and a wonder all the way through. 3. The Croods (8). Funny and got better as it went along, too. 2. Despicable Me 2 (8). Really funny and with amazing 3-D. 1. Gravity (9). It was no contest for Best of Year this time around. This movie in 3-D was incredible. Honorable mention (all 7’s): Dark Skies; Oz, the Great and Powerful; Now You See Me; The Butler; Saving Mr. Banks. Worst of Year: 5. Bad Grandpa (5). Gave away most of its laughs in the trailer. 4. RED 2 (5). Far inferior to the original (2010, Movie Man No. 899, 7). 3. Evil Dead (4). An unnecessary remake of a classic that brought nothing new. 2. GI Joe: Retaliation (4). Proved why it was delayed so often – it stunk. 1. A Good Day to Die Hard (3). It’s a coincidence that

Bruce Willis is in three of the worst of the year, but those other two (RED 2 and G.I. Joe) were not nearly this bad. Movies that were better than expected: The Heat; The Family (7); Escape Plan (7) Movies that were worse than expected: The Great Gatsby (5); Pacific Rim (6) Biggest bummer: Monsters University (5) Movie the Movie Man can barely remember seeing: Pain and Gain (5). Best scenes: The thing in the little boys’ room in Dark Skies; the cruel heckling scene in 42 (7); showing how the trick was done in Now You See Me(7); the tornado scene in Man of Steel (7); the karaoke in The Heat; the stinger (post credits scene) in The Wolverine (6); Loki turning into Captain America in Thor: The Dark World (6); Tom Hanks in the sick bay late in Captain Phillips; and the fi rst 17 minutes (and most of them after that) of Gravity. The plot Walt Disney (Hanks) wants to fulfi ll a 20-year-old promise to his daughters and make a movie out of P.L. Travers’ book Mary Poppins. But the author (Emma Thompson) puts seemingly impossible demands on every fac-


Saving Mr. Banks Walt’s no Dumbo Starring: Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Colin Ferrell Directed by: John Lee Hancock Rated PG: rare mild language, messed up/alcoholic father

In fl ashbacks, Colin Ferrell is great as the alcoholic dad as is Annie Rose Buckley who plays his angelic daughter; Hancock wisely shows her in close-ups whenever he can.

Even with all the fl ashbacks and frequent interactions between Ferrell and daughter Buckley, it’s still not a 100 percent sell as to why Travers/Thompson is so insistent on keeping total control of her work.

Best scene Thompson is reviled on the Disney lot for her constant The rating negativity. But her driver, GiaSaving Mr. Banks is barely a matti, is constantly upbeat and PG it’s so inoffensive. that begins to drive her crazy. email: movieman@azlenews.net ... on a scale of 1-10 When he does his “the sun’s Summing up shining; it’s gonna be a great The Movie Man had higher day” bit again, she asks him hopes for the fi lm, but it’s hard why he’s such a broken record to argue that it’s still solid. about the California weather. However, while it contains His answer creates the fi rst some chuckles, it’s far from a et of the pre-production includ- has all the words and Thompcrack in her icy facade. ing no singing and, especially, son is superior in her silence. straight-up comedy. And Thompson really shines no animation. Slowly, the reason for her te- – again, saying nothing – when What doesn’t work There are a few too many nacious hold on her creation is she sees the movie at the prefl ashbacks to Travers’ youth. It cracked by Hanks who says he mier. Another special sequence gets established early (then ofcan relate. comes when the songwriting ten) that the little girl loves her duo fi nally succeed in making daddy, but that he’s really not What works SERVING FOOD, BEER & WINE This movie might be the best Thompson happy with a song, worth the devotion. When “Mary Poppins” fi - ShOWtImES Mon 12-26 - Mon 1-6 acted of the year. While Hanks “Let’s Go Fly a Kite.” $5 MATINEES, ALL MOVIES BEFORE 6PM It’s been a while since the nally arrives – it’s Aunt Ellie and Thompson are awardsMILITARY, SENIORS & STUDENT DISCOUNTS worthy, Paul Giamatti turns in Movie Man had pointed out a (Rachel Griffi ns) – in the disTUESDAYS, ALL MOVIES1, ALL DAY a great small part as a driver. superior directing job, but John tant Australian Outback where $ WITH 2 FOR 1 PIZZAS And the put upon author of the Lee Hancock’s movie is abso- a sick Ferrell lies in bed and the house in total disarray, the screenplay (Bradley Whitford) lutely seamless. The score is sensational, too. movie veers away from her and two songwriters (B.J. Novak and Jason Schwartzman) From the soundtrack recreating stern instruction, mostly. (In the book, Poppins is an era to actual Poppins tunes are also sensational. The emotional scene late be- under construction by Novak much tougher than the happy tween Hanks and Thompson is and Schwartzman, every one is [and wonderful] Julie Andrews in the Disney musical.) a wonder on both ends. Hanks a perfect fit.

Movie Man


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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

STRYKER STRICKLAND, SHS coach/teacher not I would like to focus more on few a ke sweatingthe small st uff. Ta h the more weekend getaways wit I’m de tra family. Learn a skill or know unfamiliar with. Get to really w. I’d also someone I know but don’t kno at can I like to carry the attitude of wh can SHS do for SHS instead of what do for me on a daily basis.

CARRIE WILKERSON, refoot Springtown author of The Ba Executive adopting a This year, our family of 6 is ter care. Our sibling group of three from fos ke sure they family resolutions are to ma onditional know security, safety and unc chaos and love. We resolve to enjoy the e resolve to not stress about the mess. W uld be a safe show these kids that home sho are perfect, haven, and while none of us incredible together we can be a pretty olve to work family. As the mom of 7, I res d be fully less, look at my phone less, an and small ones. present for the big moments

SUSAN CROFT, SHS girls’ basketball coach/ teacher I’ve never really been a maker st of New Year’s resolutions. Mo shape r tte be in t people resolve to ge of re or eat healthier and that’s mo than a lifestyle I’ve chosen rather o do wh se a resolution. But for tho make them…good luck!

GERRY LEWIS, columnist sons why I can think of a couple of rea The ÿ rst is New Year’s resolutions fail.˜ the what (lose that we focus too much on (to be more weight) rather than the why second is that healthy and effective). ˜The nal beneÿ ts we focus more on the perso tive will help (being more healthy and effec we do on the me accomplish more) than re healthy beneÿ ts to others (being mo be a greater and effective will help me to the world). blessing to my family and to

BILL O’CONNOR, r Azle freelance photographe pics and rts spo I resolve to take more turn them around faster.

GLORIA ELAM, m Springtown Legends Museu director r, and I’ve been planning for the yea more I want the museum to become rease visible in Springtown – to inc unity. awareness of it in the comm

TRENT DAVIS, cher AHS girls’ soccer coach/tea r leader/ tte My resolution is to be a be a playoff win coach and lead our team to to do it this this year. I have the players bility to make year, so I feel more responsi e. that happen than ever befor

, ANDREA HUNGERFORD b Springtown Optimist Clu president Be in-the-moment and enjoy every day of 2014!

TAMMY SHAW, SISD testing coordinator use I’m going to organize my ho or use and get rid of stuff we don’t need anymore.

CHRIS ALLEN, er AHS wrestling coach/teach g 9 miles I’ve got to get back to runnin coach/ a week. And [wife and fellow to get her teacher] Monica said hers is husband in gear.

KAY ROLLINS, Azle Realtor any resolutions First of all, I am not planning the month’s end! that set me up to fail before want to continue With that in mind, in 2014, I with continued my quest for a healthier life incorporating improved eating habits and epen my more exercise. I want to de and friends – ily relationship with God, fam management on and that means better time st one painting my part! I want to paint at lea one book per per month and read at least ate career, I month. As far as my real est not harder and always plan to work smarter, t goal – at least, have hopes of achieving tha ays start every get close to that goal. I alw r and more year believing it will be bette year and I prosperous than the previous at year! anticipate 2014 being one gre

J’NELL PATE, Columnist stay My resolution for 2014 is to 52 the positive, to be grateful for husband wonderful years I had with my t March, and Kenneth before his death las ve as I can. to keep as busy and producti

ANTHONY BARRON, AHS baseball coach/teacher h and family. Exercise more for my healt ms for the Continue to prepare my tea playoffs. baseball season and make the her for fat a And do the best job I can as my son.

TODD URBANEK, AISD head trainer n In 2014, my resolution is to bur lity qua more calories, spend more golf time with family, and lower my handicap.

KATHY CRABTREE, Springtown librarian great New Year’s resolutions are ver make ne intentions but most people’s bably more it through January.˜ It is pro -goals realistic to set goals and sub of luck to throughout the year.˜ Best w Year’s everyone who still makes Ne resolutions.

How to be a 12 percenter 88 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail BY MARK K. CAMPBELL I was a 12 percenter once. Well, almost. In 1997, I resolved to take nary a drink of a carbonated beverage the entire year. And I made it through the winter, spring, and summertime. Then came a fall football game in the Azle press box where I had just had a hot dog. (I had no hot dog resolutions – I’m not crazy.) Up there was nothing to drink but a Sprite. So I took a gulp. However, I didn’t chastise myself for it. (Twelve percenters don’t do that.) Then came the 1997 White

1. Focus on a single resoluRock Marathon in Dallas. The weather was horrid, tion. 2. Be specifi c. Not “lose rainy and cold. Of my three other friends that ran, one fi n- weight” but “lose 10 pounds in ished, one quit, and one went to 90 days.” 3. Take small steps. the hospital with dehydration. I fi nally fi nished, one of my 4. Have an accountability great personal triumphs in life. buddy. 5. Celebrate milestones. It was beyond my four hour 6. Focus on the present. goal by about 15 minutes, but I “What can I do right now to crossed that finish line. And there, on the recovery help me reach my goal?” 7. Laugh when you slip up tables, were cups of Dr. Pepper. and get back on your goal path. Yes, I chugged one. There’s no guarantee that And it was so good! Those were my only two slip you’ll become a 12 percenter ups so I am claiming ‘97 as the by following these suggestions. But you might. year I was a 12 percenter. And, trust me: That Dr. PepHere’s how to be one, too, acper is going to taste awesome! cording to Psychology Today:


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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

12 area residents among indicted by carla noah stutsman The Parker County Grand Jury returned a plethora of indictments when it met to consider evidence Thursday, Dec. 19, in Weatherford. Among those indicted were eight Azle residents, three Springtown residents and a slew whose information did not include any address. • Kodi Carlottah Anderson, 32, of Azle, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a third-degree felony. • Marlene Rose Beighey, 60, of Azle, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Jimmy Wayne Collins, 50, of Azle, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Gary Lee Cummins, 68, of Azle, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Donald Loyd Golliday, 36, of Azle, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Harold Henry Hemphill, 38, of Azle, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Bryan Keith Kabrick, 51, of Azle, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, 4-200 grams, a first-degree felony. • Jami Rose Moses, 29, of Azle manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, 1-4 grams, a second-degree felony. • Jason Benard Wilson, 40, of Azle, indecency with a child, a second-degree felony • Christeen Ka-Lynn Lambeth, 30, of Springtown, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, one to four grams, a thirddegree felony. • Jessica Lee Shofroth, 24, of Springtown, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Donnie Leonard Weaver, III, 20, of Springtown, failure to register as a sex offender, a state jail felony. Others indicted who are not residents of the immediate area or who do not list an address include:

• Martin Segura, 47, of Poolville, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony • Michael Adair, 33, no address listed, possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, a third-degree felony. • Dustin Baker, 31, no address listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both seconddegree felonies. • Amber Barker, 30, no address listed, possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, a third-degree felony. • Sadie Shea Barton, 25, of White Settlement, possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, a third-degree felony. • Christina Marie Burcham, 22, of Weatherford, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • David Earl Burton, 28, of Mineral Wells, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Laurence Cantwell, 32, no address listed, possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, a third-degree felony. • Humberto Cavazos, 21, no address listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both seconddegree felonies. • Mark Edward Covington, 45, of Cleburne, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both second-degree felonies • Ashraf Ali Daher, 36, of Fort Worth, fraudulent use or possession of identifying information as well as tampering with a governmental document, both state jail felonies. • Terrie Elaine Glover, 49, of Mineral Wells, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both second-degree felonies. • Esperanza Guerrero, 36, of San Angelo, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, four to 200 grams, a firstdegree felony. • Carl James Guittard, 36, of Weatherford, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or

item in a correctional facility, both second-degree felonies. • David Hermoso, 26, of Abilene, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, 4-200 grams, a firstdegree felony. • Maria Hernandez, 21, no ad-

degree felonies. • Starr Madison, 39, no address listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both seconddegree felonies. • Gabriela Magdaleno, 21, no address listed, bribery and posses-

to four grams, a third-degree felony. • Cody Shane Oaks, 25, of Weatherford, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, 4-200 grams, a first-degree felony. • Chelsea Ryan Raso, 21, no address listed, driving while intoxi-

Donald Loyd Golliday Kodi Carlottah Anderson

Donnie Leonard Weaver, III

Jason Benard Wilson

Christeen Ka-Lynn Lambeth

Jimmy Wayne Collins Jessica Lee Shofroth dress listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both seconddegree felonies. • Jamie Renae Hutton, 32, of Monroe, Louisiana, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Stephen Odell Hyles, 48, of Weatherford, theft of property $1,500-$20,000, a state jail felony. • David Len Jackson, 45, of Weatherford, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Travis Russell Jahns, 18, of Fort Worth, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Keith Looney, 43, no address listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both second-

Marlene Rose Beighey

Bryan Keith Kabrick Harold Henry Hemphill

Jami Rose Moses

Gary Lee Cummins

sion of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both second-degree felonies. • Lesley Ann Mendoza, 26, of Ozona, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Walter Eugene Merideth, Jr., 50, of Fort Worth, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both second-degree felonies. • Philip Wayne Morris, 23, of Aledo, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, one

cated with a child passenger under the age of 15, a state jail felony. • Christopher Reid, 32, no address listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both seconddegree felonies. • Michael Revell, 41, no address listed, possession of a prohibited

COMMUNITY substance or item in a correctional facility, a third-degree felony. • Audrie Marie Robertson, 17, of Weatherford, criminal mischief $1,500-$20,000, a state jail felony. • Timothy Wayne Skiles, 38, of Cisco, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, one to four grams, a third-degree felony. • Aaron Slagle, 33, no address listed, possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, a third-degree felony. • Karie Kay Smith, 39, of Fort Worth, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, four to 200 grams, a firstdegree felony. • Westley Wade Gordon Smith, 24, of Ozona, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Vanessa Marie Standridge, 22, of Fort Worth, theft of property $1,500-$20,000, a state jail felony. • Christian Nicholas Tedrow, 20, of Weatherford, aggravated sexual assault of a child and indecency with a child, first-degree felonies. • Carolyn Tune, 72, no address listed, bribery and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility, both seconddegree felonies. • Charles Keith Watkins, 31, of Hurst, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Tonya Lynn Weimer, 48, of Fort Worth, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Julia Colleen Williams, 36, of Weatherford, driving while intoxicated, third or more, a third-degree felony. • Todd Allen Woodall, 44, of Weatherford, possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony.


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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

& Azle News The


Springtown Epigraph

This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all of us to attend worship services.



RC East 817-283-6911 N KeithHufsey ATI HE TACLB008874C West 817-444-0090 AI G•

Since 1989 Quality Masonry work! • No job too small BRICK • STONE • GLASS BLOCK offi ce:








Office next door to Trinity Commerical Contractors


RV, Trailer & Boat 200 Walnut Creek Ave.


after hours





Air Conditioning and Heating

817-220-4506 1825 W. Hwy. 199 Springtown, TX 76082

SEE THIS SPOT? Your Ad Would Be Great Here! DON’T WAIT! Call Johnna for details TODAY 817-270-3340.

Your Ad Here!

Call Johnna to reserve this space.


CLEANERS “Serving Azle & The Community Since 1986“

113 SPEER ST 817-444-4920 Thank you for your support!

s rry’




Warehouse full of rolls and remnants “Since 1979”

817-237-7871 8305 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76135 www.larryscarpet.com

5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-221-3989 IGLESIA BAUTISTA Nueva Jerusalen 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown 817-677-2907 HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 817-433-8220 BAPTIST CHURCH 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth ASSEMBLY OF GOD 817-237-8441 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD LAJUNTA BAPTIST 114 Porter Drive, Azle Hwy. 199 in LaJunta 817-237-4903 817-221-3989 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH LAKE WORTH BAPTIST 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth 817-237-9433 817-237-4163 NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown 6409 FM 730 S., Azle 817-523-4462 817-444-4311 OUTREACH OF LOVE METROPOLITAN BAPTIST Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 817-237-2201 BAPTIST MIDWAY BAPTIST ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown 300 South Stewart, Azle 817-221-LOVE 817-444-3219 NEW HOPE BAPTIST AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area 350 Agnes N., Springtown 817-221-2184 817-523-7271 NORTHWEST BAPTIST BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth 408 S. Ash St., Springtown 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 817-220-4238 SILVER CREEK BAPTIST AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-444-2325 817- 626-5556 NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST CHURCH BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar 817-707-2741 817- 444-3484 PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle 940-433-5477 817-237-0892 SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST TEMPLE CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown 1 block off Hwy. 199, 817-523-0376 east of David’s Patio, UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Springtown, 817-221-2241 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown CENTRAL BAPTIST 817-613-1441 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594-5918 WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes 817-221-2110 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST CLEAR FORK BAPTIST 836 NW Parkway, Azle Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., Weather- 817-444-3752 ford, 817-594-1154 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA COTTONWOOD CREEK BAPTIST 301 S. Stewart, Azle 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-523-0074 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 BIBLE CROSSWAY BAPTIST CHURCH COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 1355 Northwest Pkwy., Azle 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno 817-691-0000 817-444-7117 CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH CROSSING FELLOWSHIP Corner of FM 730 South & FM 1886 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle 817-270-8476 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-237-4135 817-624-2111 FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH 1411 Carter Road, Springtown 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-220-5828 817-221-3444 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF AZLE CATHOLIC 1017 Boyd Road HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-444-4828 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 817-444-3063 401 Beverly Rd., Azle CHRISTIAN 817-237-3891 THE CHURCH AT AZLE FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 700 Charbonneau Tr., 817-444-9973 west side of Effie Morris Elementary 817-237-2624 AZLE CHRISTIAN (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside 117 Church St., Azle 817-444-3527 817-237-8113 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 35 West Forty Estates., Azle 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 817-688-3339 817-444-3484 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale 817-594-3043 940-433-5539 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 4th & Main, Paradise FM 920 in Peaster GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP 817-596-8805 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 817-825-0485 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN 817-594-3916 FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN 404 Main St., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-308-2557 817-523-7011 THE ABBEY CHURCH FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 817-238-1404 Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER 737 Boyd Rd., Azle FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 817-444-LOVE 5th & Main in Springtown 817-523-5477 WORD OF FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1¼ mi. S. of LaJunta GRACE BAPTIST 817-677-2577 3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 across from Radio Tower CHURCH OF CHRIST HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 336 NW Parkway 817-564-3946 817-444-3268 HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH BRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST 1227 Old Cottondale Road, 109 W.N. Woody Rd. Springtown, 817-220-7177 (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) LAJUNTA BAPTIST 817-444-7102

MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209

4300 Williams Spring Rd., Fort Worth 1 mile west of 820 on Jacksboro Hwy. JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265

“Serving Springtown Since 1977” NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 817-523-7227 www.SpringtownDrug.com Metro 817-220-7927

11480 FM 730 S 2 miles south of Azle


Se habla espanol Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-3

• New & Used Tires • State Inspections • Roadside Assistance • U-Haul Rentals

Joe Rider


489 Hwy. 199 Springtown 817-220-2499

CLEANERS Brookshire’s Shopping Center

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uys R Us G c A

Your Heating Specialist!


Lic. #4346 & #6537

113 Denver Trail • Azle 817-444-3249 Fax 817-444-3275 www.eaglecrestvilla.com STUDIO - 1 bath , 350 sq. ft. ONE BEDROOM - 1 bath, 450 sq. ft TWO BEDROOM - 1 bath, 642 sq. ft.



DRY CLEANING& LAUNDRY 828 Boyd Hwy., Suite 110 • Azle, Texas 76020 Located in the 730 Shopping Center

Commercial & Residential

Experienced & Competitive Prices www.djhuffmaninc.com Repair & Installation Landscaping Sod/Hydromulching

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817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545 Compliments of


140 W. MAIN ST.


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Our family serving your family since 1908

Propane, Inc.


Phone 817-444-2533 B.J. Clark

Dr. Michael D. Conte

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44Years of Quality

Azle Vision Source

1227 Old Cottondale • 817-220-7177

Garrett’s ngtown i r p S Drug

636 Profit St., Azle, Tx

BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH www.clarksmachine.com bjc@clarksmachine.com 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY Specializing in Family Eyecare CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown Therapeutic Optometrist 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 601 B 817-599-7655 NW Pkwy • Azle FOUNTAIN OF FAITH 4397 E. Hwy 199, Springtown 817-304-4739 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 HARVEST FOR CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 1108 NW Parkway (Hwy 199), Azle 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-740-5774 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER EPISCOPAL 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown ST. ANNE’S EPISCOPAL 817-221-2551 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth JUBILEE HOUSE 817-237-1888 11210 Hwy. 199 W., Poolville PROVIDENCE REFORMED 817-271-8008 EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford LIBERTY LIGHTHOUSE 817-596-7476 120 S. Main St., Springtown ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 817-523-0222 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks OASIS CHRISTIAN CENTRE 817-739-0504 CHURCH & HEALING SCHOOL Celebrating over 25 years in business GOSPEL 1121 S.E. Parkway, Azle CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth AZLE 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-7919 817-319-7364 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Rodney Gatlin, D.C. KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH 400 Boyd Court WITNESSES 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 212 Pearson Lane, Azle www.azlechiropractic.com 817-221-2242 940-636-9158 LUTHERAN SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown (MISSOURI SYNOD) 682-229-1433 1313 SE Parkway, Azle SPRINGTOWN 7TH DAY 817-237-4822 ADVENTIST HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) Hwy. 199 4 miles west of Springtown 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 817-221-HOPE 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle METHODIST 817-313-1793 BOYD UNITED METHODIST GOSPEL WAY COWBOY CHURCH FM 730 North in Boyd 420 Jaybird Ln. (FM 2257/ Hwy 199) 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST Springtown, 817-225-8755 7955 Reed Rd., Azle LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH 817-444-0226 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay FIRST UNITED METHODIST 817-444-3547 200 Church St., Azle JESUS NAME HOUSE OF PRAYER 817-444-3323 2813 E. Hwy. 199, LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP third drive past Boyd Feed Store 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 817-221-4426 SILVER CREEK NEW LIFE FAMILY FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST 525 W. Hwy. 199, Springtown 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-523-2045 817-444-1382 NEW LIGHTED WAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-444-1577 817-523-7874 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth POOLVILLE UNITED METHODIST PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 1 block W. of FM 920 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s (behind Poolville Post Office) SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH 817-599-3601 603 SE Parkway, Azle THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 817-444-3058 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER (THE MORMONS) 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 817-221-2551 OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS UNIVERSAL LIGHT OF CHRIST 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 6117 Graham St., Lake Worth 817-237-5075 817-881-3889 PENTECOSTAL REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP GRACE CHAPEL 202 Pearson Lane, Azle UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AMERICAN STANDARD - GOODMAN 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817-677-5963 817- 237-4844 SOULS HARBOR IGLESIA CRISTIANA JUDA 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-726-2065 TACLB021367C PRESBYTERIAN WESTERN HARVEST GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP CENTER 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-594-2744 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH CHURCH OF FORT WORTH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle Meeting at Northwest YMCA 940-577-1954 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800 WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH CONVENANT ORTHODOX 790 CR 3696 • Springtown PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 817-880-5488

HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH “Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”

Clarks Precision Machine & Tool


ISO 9001:2001 Compliant Check us out on our web site




SELL your business,

service or goods in this space!

Call Johnna to reserve this space.



302 Palo Pinto 1088 E. Hwy 199 Weatherford Springtown 817-594-3888 817-220-5959 Front Row (L-R): Anita White, Bob White, Kari Wright and Mark Reynolds Back Row (L-R): Jim Cleaver, Bruce Duncan, Richard Woodman and Jay Morrill

Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-596-4811 • www.whitesfuneral.com

“Not Just a Tire Store” Complete Automotive, Light Truck & Diesel “We are making drivers smile”


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 THE

COMMUNITY Ad Classifi cation 24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 .........Garden, Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted

46................Legal Notice 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49...................... Masonry 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56........................ Notices 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage

026 Excavating

003 Appliances Electric stove top; double oven; washer & dryer...and misc. furnishings. 817-929-0503.

A sphAlt & G rAvel


Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125 008 Autos, Trucks Get rid of those yard cars, as well as good used cars. Arvin 817-9258768.


014 Campers & Trailers



Carports and Patio Covers. All steel construction. Off-duty firefighter. 817-925-0922.

019 Cement Work

J.A.M. Concrete

All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.


Kiley Chesney Construction Dirt & Concrete Work Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645

021 Child Care ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTER has a loving place for your child. Ages 2 weeks-12 years, ABEKA pre-school, 3 meals, 2 snacks. Service to all Azle schools and SES. Mon-Fri, 6A-6:30P. 817237-3711; 817-994-5228.

024 Electrician BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 www.bulldawgelectric.com. TECL#25253.

• Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change • Boxed display ads also available (All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)

For Sale

Qualified Family Business Since 1938

☺ All types materials delivered ☺

Excavation—Final Grade—Demolition We Shape the World to Fit Your Needs! You have a Friend in the Business!


TOM'S 444-5069



817-919-3696 Bobcat & Tractor Service


027 Exterminating CLASSIC PEST CONTROL OPERATORS TPCL 12509 817-444-0371 www.classicpco.com


All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding, 817-444-6461. BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213. RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@ aol.com. KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645

030 Firewood Cheap wood, my place, 2 miles east of Springtown. Oak & Pecan, $10/ car, $20-$40 pickup load. Cord split, $200, Cord logs, $120. Call 817475-9884. FREE FIREWOOD AVAILABLE. You cut and haul. 817-444-3777.




Interested in buying used bikes and bike parts. Please call 817-233-1126 leave message.

034 Garage Sales

INSIDE/OUTSIDE SALE SATURDAY ONLY 9 miles west of 199/51 on 199, left on Poolville Cutoff

Advertising Works! 035 Garden/Mowing Service FREE ESTIMATES. Mowing, weed eating, scrap haul off, property clean up. Call Brett 817-881-2357.

Irrigation Repair Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design


azlenews.net springtown-epigraph.net

OVER THE PHONE: 817-270-3340 817-220-7217


classifi ed@azlenews.net

Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 Family Owned• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED WINTER DISCOUNT 10% OFF Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding

817- 220-1141 817-444-9574

Chad's Tree Service

Nobody does it better!


Garden/Mowing Service Lic. #4346 & #6537


Commercial & Residential Sprinkler Installation & Repair Landscaping & Design · Drainage Rock & Stonework · Landscape Lighting Sod & Hydromulching Family Owned & Operated Since 1989

Experienced & Competitive Prices


817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545



Fertilized Coastal Hay For Sale Round Bales - Will Deliver Springtown/Azle Area 940-389-1936 Horse quality square bales in barn, $8.00/bale, minimum 20 bales. No checks, cash only. 817-694-5554. HAY SALE Fertilized Coastal 4x5 Round Bales $75 each 817-221-3320 Fertilized horse quality Coastal hay, $70, first cut; $80, 2nd cut. Call Randy at 817-851-9700.

039 Help Wanted

039 Help Wanted LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. Contact Jon 817319-9073. Business is Booming! Now interviewing servers. Apply in person, Shinola’s Texas Cafe, Springtown. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. Vance Godbey’s Restaurant is now hiring Dishwashers and Caterers for part-time work. 817-237-2218. Creative Dimensions Hair Salon Stylist Wanted. 817-658-3946.


Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing

817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943 Insured for your protection

Remodeling & New Positions

NOW HIRING: • Internet Sales Consultant

• Service Advisor

Internet Sales Consultant Excellent Earning Potential, Sales Experience a plus, will train. $24k - $80k Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training.

Service Advisor Best Lawn Guarantee in Town Landscape Dependable and Reliable Online Account Sprinklers Management Lawn Care

We’re Hiring!

• Sod • Stone Work • Flower Beds • Fencing • Clean Up • Trees


LI 19046

Campfire Lawn & Garden Trees trimmed-removed Full lawn care & haul-offs

Insured • Azle since 1962 Compare Prices

No Job Too Small

Terms Available 817-444-0861 A.W. Teater All major credit cards accepted

FREE FLUFFY KITTENS NEED HOMES. One cute extra small. 817523-6572.


Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.

Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum

Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Cast Iron

• Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing

Dump Truck Hauling

035 Garden/Mowing Service

Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD OR DISCOVER by phone.


14’ Welding Trailer with top rack, $1,700/OBO. Call 817-523-4191.

Sand, Dirt & Gravel

029 For Sale or Trade: 1986 Bounder MH, very clean, have to see to appreciate. $6,000/OBO. Call David 817-363-0245.

Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word

817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215

• Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing 2011 Chevy Silverado Crewcab, 3/4 ton, 6.0 gas, low mileage, $25,000. 817-609-5042.

Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00!

Sand • Top Soil • Gravel

  2005 Ford Diesel, great work truck, runs good, well maintained, $7,988. Possible trade, call or text 817-937-3013.

Up to 16 words, first insertion:

Also ..




Tanks • House Pads • Clearing

Cliff Hall

1960 Thunderbird, 352 auto, rebuilt engine, new brake system, $5,500. 817-629-3153.

69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74... Too Late to Classify 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81..................Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent


006 Asphalt Paving

Springtown Epigraph THE

817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi ed@azlenews.net 817-220-7217 - Springtown - shirley@springtown-epigraph.net

CLASSIFIED 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...................... Carports 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services


FREE E stimat es Estimat stimates

817-690-4011 cell

Best Prices in Town!

Lawn & Garden Maintenance

•Clean Up • Mowing • Edging • Weedeating •Rake & Bag Leaves •Tree Trimming

NOW OFFERING: Brush Hog Services

Pete Garcia • Joe Garcia


Must be Sales Driven, committed to Customer Satisfaction, Honest & Hard Working. Base Pay plus Commission $24k - $80k Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training. EEOE

Ramping Up! Employees needed for 2014 opening of New Dealership!

NOW HIRING • Sales Associate • Lube Technician • Automotive Technician Sales Associate Be part of a Growing Sales Team! Sales Experience a plus, will train. Must be commited to customer satisfaction. Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training.

Automotive Technician Experience in Automotive Repair Required ASE Certification Required Chrysler Experience Preferred, Tools Required Valid Drivers License, Paid Holidays, Vacation, & Training 5 Day Work Week, Rotating Saturdays EEOE

Karl Klement Properties, Inc. General Office Assistant Must be honest, dependable and able to multi task in a fast paced environment.

For consideration of all positions apply to:

Jodi Dusek, H/R Mgr.

605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas jdusek@klementford.com 940-627-6362

Help Wanted Continued next page...



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 039

Help Wanted

Carpet Shampoo Trainee. Company seeking men & women to help fill contracts. Above average earning potential based on production. $300+ weekly to start, per company agreement. Call or Text Now! 817448-7177. One Experienced Telemarketer needed early AM hours, smoking ok. Call 817-677-5134 before noon, ask for Ms. Wright. Looking for Licensed Plumber with construction/remodel experience. Looking for seasoned Crew Leader for residential, remodel & light commercial. For interview call 817444-3100. MAINSTREAM (group home for adults with developmental disabilities) is hiring Part-time Direct Contact Staff for 17 hour weekday shift (2nd & 3rd shift) or 24 hour weekend shifts. Paid training. Starting pay is minimum wage. Good potential for full-time employment. Call Sandra or Carole at 817-2702747, Mon-Fri, 9A-3P. Hiring mature, responsible person to work with the care of small animals. Must have transportation. 817-9263300. Drivers: Family value company out of Springfield, MO is looking for qualified applicants in our regional solo run. Our professional drivers are home every 7-10 days. We are a NO TOUCH FREIGHT COMPANY! Health insurance/hazmat pay/ fuel bonuses/the list goes on! We run 2013-2014 KENWORTHS with APU’s and 53 ft. air ride van trailers with EXCELLENT SAFETY RATINGS and a HIGH SERVICE QUALITY that create a great work experience. Call 855-349-3213 or visit our website www.tcsi-transland.com. TCSI-TRANSLAND, where “OUR EMPLOYEES MAKE the DIFFERENCE!” NEEDED AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC. MUST HAVE OWN TOOLS AND HAVE EXPERIENCE. Apply in person at Ruben’s Automotive, 1849 Newsom Mound Road, Springtown, Texas.


Housekeeping 7A-3P Floor Tech 4A-12P 2 Days Each

Excellent Salary AzlE MAnor, InC 721 DUnAWAY lAnE 817-444-2536 EOE

Trucking Company

Hiring “Class A” Flat Bed Drivers and Frac Sand Haulers. 2 years of verifiable driving exp. $500 BONUS after 90 days, plus Benefits. 817-444-7711 • 817-444-7774

040 Home Improvement PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866-3743559. www.billrosserpainting.com. WORKHORSE HANDYMAN SERVICES. Bathrooms, kitchens, roofing, remodels, mobile home repair and roof repair. Quality at a reasonable rate. 817-874-6109. PEARLY GATES CONSTRUCTION. Remodeling and home repairs done right! Call for a Free Estimate 817696-5717. Christmas Specials! DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. WINTER SPECIAL: 20% Off w/this Ad! 817-629-9608. WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555.

Mr. Sweeps Chimney Cleaning Service Keep your home safe. Call Parker/Wise County’s oldest chimney sweeping company, Mr. Sweeps

817-692-5624 ask for Doug

$75.00 BMH

with 2 years experience Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more

Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323 Wise Regional Health System Affiliated with Baylor Health Care System

For all of our available job opportunities, visit

www.WiseRegional.com A Not-For-Profit Hospital • EOE Decatur, TX • Job Line: 940-626-2525

Sell It In The Classifieds! 040

Home Improvement

Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567. allamericanhc.net.


Home Improvement

Devin’s Handyman Service • Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding

• Insulation WINTER • Kitchen/ SPECIAL Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks


Masonry Azle, TX

commercial • residential

Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates

Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806

Since 1989

JAMES WOOD MASONRY. INC. Quality Masonry work! • No job too small

Drains Cleaned



Faucets Slab Leaks

Look Here for a Storage Company

817-444-3054 M10078 066


LOOK Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement


817-239-9571 817-237-9571


Many Happy Local Customers Since 1978

Steve Feltman Painting

• Interior & Exterior • Bed • Commercial Residential • Texture • Tape • Seal & texture • Sheetrock repair/replace • Remove old wallpaper/seal & texture • Pole fence painting • Pressure washing Cabinetry/Wood Work/Staining

2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $8,000 817228-2255.


House Cleaning

T&M CLEANING. Cleaning done the way you want. 15 years experience, reliable, references. 817-333-8786. SPECTACULAR HOUSE CLEANING. I do it all. Ceiling fans to windows. Senior Citizen Discounts. Call Jodeana 817-812-9459.

Your Cleaning Service Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL our pros may be out chasing fairy dust

We furnish Tools & Chemicals

Let my 40 years of experience work for you. Integrity and quality work at affordable prices. BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-8216377. www.bobbymcwilliams.com.

One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed

Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”

You’ll love the care you get!

6 Months ... $125 817-246-4646 069


712 N. MaiN • SpriNgtowN


Quality Family Business Since 1938 CALL Cliff Hall

   

We go the extra mile to ensure you get more for your $. On House Pads, Driveways, Lot Clearing & Tractor Work, Etc.

28 Years in Azle

 ®




State Certified Applicator # 106

   2012 Harley Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle, $10,500. Call Wes 817-991-5522, leave message.



U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.



Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936. Local Breeder Selling Parakeets & Love Birds; Parakeet, Love Bird & Parrot seed and different size cages, plus millet spray. 817-715-2446, 9A-6P. Pampered Chihuahua looking for senior stay at home companion. Long hair, female, spayed, all shots. 817-343-4654.

Pet Sitting Specialist Local References


Menix Pet Lodge Climate Controlled Kennels Dog Runs, Large Yard Where Pets are Pampered



Friday, JaN 3, 2014 - 6:00 PM Hwy. 281 N. - Stephenville (254) 646-3161 or 968-4844 On-Site EIA Test - $15


Pool Service

Too cold to clean your pool? Give us a call and we’ll do it all! 817-2303838.

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217


Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction

1986 Harley Sportster, very nice, custom with sidecar, 16” spokes, $6,500/OBO. 817-270-0647.

Backgrounds Checked

Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201



Carolyn’s Critter Call Steve 817-800-9591 Sitter Advertising Works!

5x10 $25/month

• Roofing • Windows • Attic Insulation • Painting

Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815

Sebastian Enterprises

1350 Liberty School Rd, Azle

Commercial & Residential

exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs

817-946-6787 817-444-4198



BRIAN HENSLEY 817.229.7668

Chapman Carpentry Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable

Place an ad today!

Corner of Main St. & Locust • Azle

817-444-2581 cell:817-233-1126


Office 11400 FM 730 N. Azle

Convenient Location

Water Heaters



Ash Creek Storage

Plumbing Repairs

email alvarogsilva@verizon.net

$20.00 per month 1st Month Free!

817-220-5813 817-239-1670



RV, Boat or Trailer Spaces Available




AZCO Self Storage

LeasiNg s to r ag e UNits WEST SIDE




N ow

Call Devin at 817-629-9608 062


Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.

Custom Homes


Class A CDL Drivers



Winter Special


Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

Insurance Claim Specialists  

ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.






Fax 817-237-0904





5 6

by Charley & Guy Orbison


Copyright 2013 by Orbison Bros.









1 TX Bobby Fuller hit: “I Fought the ___” 2 TXism: “naked __ _ jaybird” 3 _______ Wells, TX 4 TX Cristi Conaway was “Ice Princess” in this ‘92 film 8 TXism: “cough __ __” (pay me) 9 the “D” and “C” of CDC in Atlanta 10 Dallas Freeway: “_ _ Thornton” 11 __ Campo, TX 12 “Mexican American Legal _______ ___ Educational Fund” was founded in TX








37 40




48 49

13 TX Rodney Crowell tune: “‘Til I ____ Control Again” 14 TXism: “____ bien” (good) 15 TXism: “short __ __ ____ eyebrow” 16 brand of Kokernot Ranch near Alpine 17 yellers in Palo Duro Canyon? 18 “______, rattles, and rolls” 20 in San Patricio Co. on hwy. 77 22 Dallas Co. was probably named after this VP (init.) 23 horse morsel



39 41









54 positive or negative atom 55 Grand ___ Opry




29 33

Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028

We l d i n g Continued next page...




Mark Cozart 817-233-6668

Jerry W. Mitchell



Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design

Dozer and Tractor Work









41 big telephone co. 42 TXism: “covered like white __ ____” 45 “it’s good for what ____ ya” 46 ___ Fresnos, TX 47 tropical starch 48 org. of Mavs, Spurs and Rockets 49 entrails 52 fancy coffee 53 disgusting stuff

Well Drilling

Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good!



Find a Roofing company Here! ACROSS


Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.


(sizes ¼ inch up to 2 feet)

1 Littlefield is seat of this county 5 TX mohair exports to this continent 6 TX Sly Stone wrote song “I ____ to Take You Higher” 7 “Gig ‘__ Aggies!” 8 TX Willie’s father 9 TX had to ______ Buffalo Bayou to make the Houston Ship Channel 15 Galveston beach acquisition (2 wds.) 16 TX assets (2 wds.) 19 state university in Alpine 21 TX has several “Abercrombie & _____” stores 22 TX chili publication: “____ ___ Gazette” 27 this actress Adams was in ‘64 film “The Best Man” with TX John Henry Faulk 28 in Shelby Co. on 84 29 polyester 30 J. Frank Dobie wrote the book “A _____ __ England” 32 northern neighbor (abbr.) 33 TXism: “tighter ____ _ ____ skin” 36 TX George W. has none of these 37 great TX actor: Tommy ___ Jones 38 text fixer 39 TX State Fair gate count?

QUALITY UPHOLSTERING. Free Estimates. Pick-up and Delivery Service. 817-727-6836.

Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock, tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495.

We’ll be here after the storm.





52 53 54 55

24 dull pain in the tooth, head, or heart 25 pain medicine 26 19th century phrase: “____ __ Texas” 28 shade of color 31 “I will have ____ of that”

34 this Dave sang “Six Days on the Road” (init.) 35 TX Bryan Hitt is the drummer for “___ Speedwagon” 37 mother of TX Ginger Rogers 40 barbecued ____ 43 TXism: “skinny as a ____” 44 “Cinco de Mayo” general Zaragoza 50 TXism: “can’t carry _ ____ in a bucket” 51 boundary river with 32-across


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 079



Metal Building Erectors

• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing

1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown

817-220-2150 www.weld-done.net

Dauenhauer Contractors, Inc.



Version 2




• Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs

Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL

081 Business/Commercial Great building for Lease, industrial area in Azle. The building is 12,000 sq. ft., bathrooms and office area with heat and A/C. Majority of the 12,000 sq. ft. is shop, concrete floor, loading dock, big overhead door, plenty of parking space. For information call 817-360-3627.

For Rent Tiny Houses RVs

FOR RENT: 3 BR 2 BA mobile home on 2 wooded acres, large covered front porch and 2-car carport, $650/ mo. $200 deposit, $35 application/ background check fee. 817-8467084.

TURN TO THE EXPERT In Financing Mobiles on Acreage & Land. Quick & Easy with No Credit Check or Qualifications. Any or No Credit. 817-994-3730 7 days til 11PM Pictures Available richardwhitetx@yahoo.com SPRINGTOWN: 5 BR 3 BA on 1 acre! Huge living room, home like new. Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-385-7892. GRANBURY: 3 BR 2 BA, fireplace, lots of trees. Will help with financing! Cheaper than rent! 817-385-7892. SPRINGTOWN: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Affordable payments. Will help with financing! 817-385-7892. WEATHERFORD: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre! Owner financing available and affordable payments! 817-385-7892.

3 acre gravel lot in Springtown area for lease. 817-657-5682. 40x60 metal building, fronts Hwy 199, $500/mo., located between Azle and Springtown, 817-992-9570. FOR SALE: 30+ acres, Commercial, w/5,000 sq. ft. metal building, between Azle/Springtown on Hwy 199. 817-798-2645, please leave message. SHOP FOR RENT, 2016 Greg Street, Azle. 817-270-0647. Professional Office Space For Lease. Newly repainted, 800 sq. ft., Suite 101, 1230 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. 817-220-2150.

Houses for Sale

MUST SELL! 4 BR 2 BA plus den on 1 acre! Huge island kitchen! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-385-7892. NEW HOME: 4 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Owner financing available! Cheaper than rent! New appliances! 817-385-7892. New Home MUST SELL! 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-385-7892. PEASTER ISD: New home, 3 BR 2.5 BA, gameroom, 2 story on 1 acre lot! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-385-7892. HORSES OK!!! Cowboys Too?? New 4 BR 2 BA, 2 LA, $500 down $873/mo. VERY EZ QUALIFY. Call 940-784-3207. BIG HOUSE ON PRAIRIE. 5 BR 3 BA Mini-Ranch, acres with privacy, $622 down $771/mo. Hurry! 940-784-3207. KOZY KOTTAGE. 3 BR 2 BA, fireplace, gingerbread-like. Move in Before Christmas! $389 down $622/ mo. 405-834-1259. REINDEER PROPERTY. 4 BR Custom Model. Special Promo: $500 DOWN FURNITURE INCLUDED!!! $909/mo. EZ QUALIFY. 405-834-1259.

084 Mobile Homes for Rent Units starting at $450/mo., trash service paid. 817-221-3112; 817235-2284. 2-2 MH, very nice. 111-A E. Bradshaw Road, Springtown, $750/ mo. $600 security deposit. 817-2204095. 2-2 MH, 1.5 acres, fenced, 2-car garage, Boyd ISD, No Pets, $750/ mo. $750 deposit, water/trash service included. 940-433-5542.

HERITAGE RV PARK 5 MI. S. ON FM 730 817-444-3760


Rent Unfurnished

4-plex, 2-2, Azlewood, $695/$400 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039.

K&P Homes, Inc. USED HOME SUPER CENTER 14x56 Fleetwood



32x44 Crestridge 3/2 28x76 Clayton 4/2 28x72 Homestar 4/2

Stk#2562 Stk#1818 Tape & Texture

$32,900 $41,900 $45,900

NEW HOMES - 2014 MODELS 16x70 Champion 3/2 28x68 Champion 4/2 32x68 Champion 4/2 · New, Used Repos · Mobile Home Insurance · Service After the Sale

Stk#0347 Stk#0444 Stk#0001





Rent Unfurnished

SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $600/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-875-8406. 2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 bath duplexes, 1 car garage, fenced backyard, all appliances, all brick, great location. Stewart Bend Duplex Homes in Azle. 817-444-2362. www.stewartbend.com. 2-1, Eagle Mountain Lake front, $800/mo., bills paid. 817-237-2852. UPSTAIRS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: 1 BR 1 BA, no pets, $600/mo. plus deposit. 817-9254343. 1616 Newsom Mound Road, Springtown. 2-1, totally remodeled, tile floors, gas range, above stove microwave, dishwasher, fridge w/ice maker, pet friendly, trash service & yard work included, $850/mo. $850 deposit. 817-902-5142. 3-1.5 house in Azle - Available now. $850/mo. $800 deposit. Call Wendy 817-253-5186. PELICAN BAY: 1576 REEF, 3-2-1, $685/$300 deposit; 1568 REEF, 3-2-1, $645/$300 deposit; 1837 PELICAN DRIVE N., 3-2-1, $665/$300 deposit; 1831 PELICAN OVAL, 2-2, $595/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Espanol.

Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage


1 & 2 Bedrooms

See the Dif f erence! 817-444-6122 Crestwood Apar tment Homes Apartment 525 Commerce St. 817-444-0030 Mon-Sat 9-6 • Sun 1-4 1, 2 & 3 Large Bedroom Floor Apartments Plans Pool • Water paid

From $565/mo.

Azle Creek Apartments 519 West Main St. • Azle


1/1 - $475 & Up (Water, Trash & Sewer Included)

• Newly Remodeled • Friendly & Quiet Community • Laundry On Site

Pet Friendly! (size restrictions and additional fees apply)

Call for appointment





Find it in the classifieds today! 086

Mobile Home/RV Lots

Pecan Acres RV Park Inc. 12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle

RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month We now have Pull-Throughs! • • • • •

Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi

817-846-8190 Call for Rates - 817-291-4679

We’ll relocate your RV here for FREE! (up to 50 miles)

Texas Star RV Park Inc.

14504 FM 730 N. • 6 miles North of Azle • Large Lots RV Spaces by • Nice & Clean Day, Week or Month 30 amp - $325/mo. Laundry Facilities 50 amp - $350/mo. - Free Internet (Electric, Water & Sewer included)


793 Robin Ct, Springtown. Wonderful 3-2-2 home on almost half acre lot. W/D hookups, Huge covered patio, large fenced backyard, Springtown ISD, $1,395/mo., 1 mo. security deposit, 1 year Lease. Available Now! For more info or photos call Jill 817-751-9000 or Darrell 817-713-4059.




APARTMENT 700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712

1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Rent based on income. TDD:

800-735-2989 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.


2 BR efficiency apartment for rent, $650/mo., All Bills Paid. 817-9960530.

4272 E. Hwy 199 · Springtown, TX 76082 · Lic. #35875 In Business 10 Years · Open Monday - Saturday

MIDWAY MOBILE HOME PARK AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. Also, RV lots & rentals and mobile home lots for rent.

$22,900 $49,900 $69,900

Rent Unfurnished



PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lots for rent: 1405 PELICAN DRIVE, $185/mo. $50 deposit; 1708 GALE DRIVE, $155/mo. $50 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Español.


(817) 444-2362


086 Mobile Home/RV Lots

Classifieds Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle

Covered & Uncovered RV Spaces

2-2 on large lot, $650/mo.; 3-2, $750/mo. 817-980-2901 or 817-9441617.

Commercial Leasing: 328 W. Main Street, Azle. Suites starting at $.90 per sq. ft. 817-235-2284; 817-6820838.


Mobile Home/RV Lots

085 Mobile Homes for Sale


Metal Building Specialist

3-2 SW on 1 acre, Springtown ISD, $550/mo. $350 deposit. 817-3609318; 817-360-9363.


3-2 DW, 1 acre, Springtown ISD, no pets, $750/mo. $500 deposit. 817360-9363.

owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614


PELICAN BAY: 1628 PELICAN COURT, 3-2, $585/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817246-4646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Espanol.

3-2 DW, Azle ISD, $725/mo. $500 deposit, $35 application fee. 817444-0205.

Metal Buildings · Pre-Engineered · Shops / Barns Arenas / Churches · Aircraft Hangars


084 Mobile Homes For Rent

Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday


Last Puzzle Solution D R E O I L L O S S D I E T E X A N I M S O N E N T R I C E A GO I N N A R L A T T E C R U D I O N O L E





PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217







Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tammy Smart,GRI, ABR, CRS, SFR, ReAltoR

The Bryants Co. 817-220-2021


511 W. Main St., Azle Tammy.Smart@Century21.com


Each office is independently owned and operated

Dana Bryant/r ealtor 817-613-7189

Make it a “Smart” move!

NEW LISTING - WARM & WELCOME! - Nice 4-2-2 with split bedrooms. Open living room has brick fireplace. Large bay window with window seat in breakfast area. Master bath features dual sinks, deep jetted tub, separate walk-in shower and his & her closets. Beautiful landscaped yard with lots of trees. Full sprinkler system in front & back. Great 16x12 workshop with electric & loft in backyard. Azle ISD - $134,900 NEW LISTING - NEW CONSTRUCTION - Great 4-2-2 with formal dining and split bedrooms. Large family room with cozy fireplace. Kitchen features granite countertops, center island and built-in microwave. Master bath has double vanities, tubG and large walk-in closet. Full landscaping package with sprinkler DIN PENgarden system included. Located in Escondido, a private gated community close to Eagle Mountain Lake. Scheduled for December completion. Azle ISD - $179,900 NEW LISTING - NEW CONSTRUCTION - Beautiful 4-2-2 with extra room to be used as formal dining, study or second living. Large open family room. Kitchen features center island and granite countertops. Master bath has double vanities, garden tub and large walk-in closet. Full landscaping package complete with sprinkler system. Located in Escondido, a private gated community close to Eagle Mountain Lake. Scheduled for December completion. Azle ISD - $189,900 LAKEFRONT LUXURY! Beautiful 5-5.1-3 waterfront home on Eagle Mountain Lake.L A gracious D foyer with curved staircase greets your guest, complete with SO study and formal living, large family room with view of the lake, pool and spa. Great kitchen for entertaining with granite countertops, lots of cabinet space, island and wet bar, private master suite with separate sitting area, 2 large living areas upstairs. Great balcony to enjoy views of lake! Azle ISD - REDUCED! $449,000 WATERFRONT LOT IN EAGLE MOUNTAIN LAKE! Ready for your dream home. This lot is situated on a deep canal complete with dock. Located in D established neighborhood with beautiful homes. Saginaw ISD - $130,000 SOL

Call Me For More Home Listings!

Springtown Shopping Center 1,500 sq.ft 1,980 sq.ft.



Azle News The

817-270-3340 The Springtown Epigraph 817-220-7217

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Azle pkwy Center - ne



4-2 moBile on 2.277 AC re S. Small barn, fenced and cross-fenced. Nice porches, fenced yard, shade trees. $56,500 3-2 on 2.827 ACre S. Wooded lot, fenced and crossfenced with pond. Handy man special! $39,900 3-3 on 1.494 ACre lot . Heavily wooded. Manufactured home, storage building, covered area, greenhouse and fire pit. $59,900 3-2 Dw on 2.906 ACre S. Peaster ISD. $79,900 3-2 on 2.27 ACre S. Updated, pipe fence yard, 2 patios, landscaping, mechanics dream, 30x40 shop, too many out buildings to mention! $199,000 2 Story 3-2 on wooded 23.74 acres. Secluded home also has 2 story duplex for rental income, large shop. $371,000

Commer CiAl rent Al S!

Marie Pigg IEDS F I S S A L



$850 deposit

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$950 deposit

5-2 Dw on 20 ACre S, nice coastal pasture for your animals or bale for hay. $109,900 13.38 ACre S with 2 separate apartments. 30x50 garage converted to party/dance hall! Great for entertaining! 20x30 workshop. $249,900

l AnD

16.91 ACre S, wooded lot with 450 feet road frontage, fenced. $105,000 13.58 ACre S lot inside city limits. Excellent and convenient location for business. $169,000 0.81 ACre lot in town. Pecan and fruit trees. Storage building. $35,000 1.634 ACre lot, heavily wooded. Secluded. $16,900 16.91 ACre S, Boonesville. Texas Vet Loans Available. $105,500 1 ACre restricted lot on cul-de-sac. $18,500 1.26 ACre S on restricted cul-de-sac. $18,500 13 ACre S, WILDLIFE EXEMPTION! $97,500 4.510 ACre S with water, septic and electric, ready for your home and animals! Slidell ISD. $42,500

112-A E. Main St. Azle


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L-R: Gena Grauman, Tim Riddle, Gilda Brawley Jackson, Shane Grauman, Marsha Hardin, Karen Fuller, Kelly Dildy, Evelyn Faulkner, Mark Donahew, Robert Hard and also Linda Sharp.

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Outback Acres

Weatherford Azle I.S.D.

Beautiful New Home on 1 Acre!

134 Blue Ridge Dr. 134 Blue Ridge Dr. 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath,

4 bedroom, 2,229 Sq. Ft.2-1/2 on 1 bath, Acre! 2,229 Sq. Ft. on 1located Acre! Fantastic property

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bedroom, 2 bath, New4Construction! Perfectly laid out 4 bedroom 2 bathroom New Construction! Perfectly home! Kitchen with 42” laid outOpen 4 bedroom 2 bathroom overhead cabinets, huge master home! Open Kitchen with 42” suite cabinets, w/walk-inhuge closet. overhead master Won’t last long! suite w/walk-in closet. Won’t last long!

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174 Okaley Circle, Weatherford, TX 76085 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Attached Carport 1516 Square Feet

Breakfast Nook 42 In. custom Cabinetry Huge Master Bedroom

Radiant Barrier roof decking 1 acre home site

Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice. Square footages are approximate. Additiona l restrictions may apply. Prices shown are not base prices and do not include closing costs and fees which may substantially affect final co st of home. 3% commission plus $2500 realtor bonus is valid on the home listed on this handout which is to be used for marketing purposes on ly. $2500 realtor bonus is valid on this home only!

Outback Acres - Weatherford, TX - Weatherford ISD

Jackie Greenwood Blue Ridge Estates - Peaster ISD Jackie Greenwood Blue Ridge Estates Peaster ISD 817-385-7892

Many Financing Options Available! 3FHA 3VA817-385-7892 3USDA 3Conventional 3Less than perfect credit-Owner financing Available! www.longtidehomes.net/apply-now.php Blue Ridge Estates - Peaster ISD- Weatherford ISD

134 Blue Ridge Dr.

4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, 2,229 Sq. Ft. on 1 Acre! GREENWOOD

JACKIE Fantastic property located 817-458-9340 in the Peaster ISD, a great place to buy a new home. $ Just minutes from


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