The Azle News

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Volume 62, Number 30

Azle News

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


New Year, new laws

AHS places 16 on All-District list Page 8A

Page 1B

Out with a bang? Railroad Commission hosts raucous meeting then…earthquakes stop? BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN Which wasn’t much. Jim Lasater was the fi rst citizen to To his credit, Porter had earlier anspeak at a Town Hall meeting hosted nounced he was hosting the Town Hall by Texas Railroad Commissioner Da- meeting for the purpose of listening to vid Porter at a jam-packed Azle High residents’ concerns and outlining what he plans to do as Texas Railroad ComSchool Thursday, Jan. 2. missioner. He told Porter and But the folks were a panel assembled on not happy when they stage how a spate of learned there would earthquakes have afbe no “Q & A” at fected their lives that the meeting because he’d “just as soon the members of the panearthquakes somehow el strictly wanted to stop, if that’s poshear the experiences sible.” of area residents and Strangely, it’s alhow the earthquakes most as if the Comhave affected them. mission has granted Voice of the crowd The panel consisted Lasater’s wish. of Porter, Milton RisSo far, 25-plus earthquakes have occurred in the area ter, executive director of the Texas since Nov. 5, 2013, with the latest two Railroad Commission; Gil Bujano, di– both registering magnitudes of 3.3 – rector of the Commission’s oil and gas division; State Representative Charlie occurring Dec. 22 and 23. As of press time Tuesday, Jan. 7, Geren; and Parker County Judge Mark Riley. there have been none since. Representatives from the offi ces of Of course, no one knows when or if the tremors will resume, so the AHS State Representative Phil King, Conauditorium was full in anticipation of gresswoman Kay Granger, and Senator Jane Nelson were in attendance, what Porter had to say.

You’ll get this done quicker if you just pretend you live right here.”

The auditorium at Azle High School was packed for a Town Hall meeting about earthquakes. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman

as were Azle Mayor Alan Brundrett, Reno Mayor Lynda Stokes, State Representative Lon Burnam, Parker County Commissioner George Conley, Tarrant County Commissioner J.D. Johnson and Wise County Com-

missioners Kevin Burns and Harry However, he didn’t identify himself, Lawrence. opening the door for some shouting Following welcoming remarks from from the audience – “Who are you?!” Brundrett, Porter stepped to the micro- – as well as some minor heckling. phone to assure locals he is very con“Regardless of what you’ve read in cerned and involved in the issue.


Driver didn’t bother to knock

Crime scene tape surrounds an Eagle Mountain Lake home after a Jeep Liberty ran a stop sign and plowed into the home Dec. 30, causing extensive damage.

Vehicle hits residence, then flees BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN Rick and Mary Whitbeck’s home on Eagle Mountain Lake has been broken into three times in the last decade, so the couple decided to install security cameras. They never dreamed what those cameras would record when they took a short trip to Austin recently. Neighbors contacted the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Offi ce (TCSO) Monday morning, Dec. 30, after observing severe damage to the Whitbeck’s home. The home is located on Wells Burnett Road – right across from the spot where Hanger Cut-Off Road “Ts” into Wells Burnett. Sheriff’s deputies quickly concluded a vehicle had literally driven into

Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman

the front of the house. Their conclusion was borne out with footage from the Whitbeck’s security cameras, which showed a white or light-colored Jeep Liberty that ran the stop sign on Hanger Cutoff Road at Wells Burnett Road at 2:32 a.m. Dec. 30. The Liberty continued on, almost striking a culvert, before it drove up the Whitbeck’s driveway and crashed into their front door. Seconds later, the vehicle backed up and fled the area. Bearing out the old saying that the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime, the cameras reveal the Liberty returned about seven minutes after it left. When the initial call came in, it was

unknown when the incident had occurred, so deputies enlisted the help of Azle police and Tarrant Regional Water District police to check the surrounding area for damaged vehicles. By Friday, Jan. 3, Tarrant County Sheriff’s investigators had identifi ed a suspect vehicle. They questioned a 20-year-old woman about the incident, but so far have no arrest has been made. Lt. Clint Harwell, spokesperson for TCSO, has confi rmed that Meghan Webb, who lives in Tarrant County, was issued two citations on Tuesday, Jan. 7 – one for running a stop sign and a second for reckless damage. Other news reports indicate the damage to both the exterior and interior of the home could exceed $20,000.

Azle 2013 in review, Part 2 BY MARK K. CAMPBELL Earthquakes, band success, zebra August Homeowners around Silver Creek mussels, ice storms, and more earthquakes highlighted the second part of Road complained about a bad smell that came from a business that composted 2013. fresh produce and tree branches. The annual “turning over” of Eagle July After more than 250 victories and Mountain Lake meant residents suffered 19 years in Azle, Lady Hornet softball through bad smelling and tasting water; but the city said it was healthy. coach Vera Ortega left for Brewer. A Tarrant County man drowned in the Amanda Nicole Clary, disturbed that her boyfriend was seeing another wom- lake near Power Squadron Road in Pelian, burned some clothes that led to the can Bay. Azle ISD set a bond election for Nov. total destruction of his house south of 5 to include a new gym, a new career town. The city council fi lled the fi nal ofand technology building, and sprinklers seven places on the Municipal Devel- throughout the high school. After 23 years as an Azle police ofopment District approved by voters in May. The group: Paul Crabtree; Dr. Wil- fi cer, Lee Blaisdell retired to work for liam Chambers; Joe McCormick; Ray the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Ivey; Jack Stevens; Kevin Ingle; and offi ce. Justin Berg. A day-long rain on July 15 set a new September James Casey, former Azle High all-time low high temperature for the area, 74 degrees. The old record of 79 School standout athlete, was highlighted on Monday Night Football’s opening was 113 years old. Neola Louise Robinson was charged night. Some footage shot around town with murdering her husband, Shorty, in was used in the televised package. AHS grad Andrew Greer, Class of 2010. His remains were dug up in the 2000, was a Dove Award nominee for couple’s yard. Council approved ground spraying to his gospel album All Things Bright & kill mosquitos to get ahead of a possible Beautiful: Hymns for the Seasons. Azle Junior High School teacher Ann West Nile Virus threat. Work continued on improvements Huffhines was shot several times in Fort to Hornet Field – including new turf, Worth; she survived. The Azle varsity football squad lost sound system, and lights – and an indoor its fi rst game on the new and improved facility on the AHS campus.

Hornet Field, 34-14 to Cleburne. Eagle Mountain Lake was included in a Texas Parks and Wildlife plan to thwart the spread of zebra mussels, an invasive species. Azle’s Tori Martin competed in a Battle of the Bands and performed at the State Fair in Dallas. The annual Sting Fling, the city’s biggest festival, went off successfully initially but heavy rains shut down the event early. An Azle man, Charles Wayne Holbrook, got life without parole for sexually abusing a young girl for five years.

A multi-agency manhunt ended in the The Azle High School volleyball death of Winford Raynard Watkins who team raised $5,000 for Susan G. Komen did not want to return to prison. during breast cancer awareness month. October Erica Roberts was crowned HomeThe AHS Marching Green Pride qualLew and Sandy Shaffer released Reach Out Your Hand 2, a compilation coming Queen while Cody Beam was ifi ed for the state band competition by PLEASE SEE LOOKING, PAGE 3A. of inspirational stories submitted by elected King. community members and friends. The city was fi ned $14,000 by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; TCEQ permitted Azle to perform a Supplemental Environmental The News is getting some negative feedback from Part 1 of our Year in ReProject – a one-day, citywide clean-up view, claiming that we were selective on what constituted the major stories in – to pay the fine. Azle in 2013. A motorcycle wreck tied up Highway We have heard complaints that we included some sex crime stories while 199 traffic at rush hour for four hours. omitting others. At the Fort Worth Stockyards, the The intent of the Year in Review is to include the biggest stories – one of annual Levis and Lace gala collected which was an elected public offi cial resigning because of an indiscretion – not thousands of dollars for a walk-in care make the article a running tally of every sexual crime committed locally. clinic for Texas Health Harris Methodist The News has, and will remain, transparent on any issues of public imporHospital Azle. tance that pertain to our staff and/or its family members. We reported on two Azle’s Inasmuch Food Pantry collect- such events in 2013, both on the front page. ed a $2,000 grant from the Tarrant Area However, neither of those crimes was committed by a public official. Food Bank. That is what differentiated that 2013 story from others of the same ilk.

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This week in Azle History


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30 YEARS AGO In January 1984, the school board met and eliminated the position of athletic director. AD Sonny Lang was reassigned.

20 pages plus supplements

$1 Azle, Texas 76020


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Railroad Commission hosts raucous meeting then…earthquakes stop? n RAILROAD, FROM PAGE ONE.

some articles, the Texas Railroad Commission has to base our actions on sound science and proven facts, and not on any speculation that appears in some newspaper articles and some blogs,” Porter told the audience. “We’re here to get your firsthand experiences. Rister reiterated, saying Commission staffers were there to listen. “We understand there have been some unusual events in this area, and we want you to know we’re paying attention,” Rister said. He added, “The first step is to listen to the people who are directly affected, and that’s you. We’ll take your feedback and factor that into what our internal studies are telling us, and we’ll also look at academic studies and information developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to develop a plan going forward.” Geren explained that the

Citizens were eager to fill out the necessary forms to Listening to citizens’ concerns, the panel comprised of (l-r): Katie Carmichael, direc- speak at the Town Hall meeting. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman tor of public affairs for the Texas Railroad Commission (TRC); Caleb Troxclair, of the TRC, moderator; Railroad Commissioner David Porter; State Representative Charlie questions or to give a presenta- cause for the quakes and cites Geren; Milton Rister, executive director of the TRC; and Gil Bujano, director of the tion.” links that go back to the 1960s. TRC’s oil and gas division. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman “It’s not a far-fetched idea, To him, the whole thing looked more like a PR stunt and it’s been linked time and time Commission is currently work- worked together, along with disposal water seeping into the less like they genuinely cared, again,” Brundrett said. “It just ing with the state geologist as Representative Burnam, Com- water table, contaminating area hasn’t been linked to them right Brundrett said. well as a geologist who studies missioner Johnson and the wells. He’s personally leaning to- here. It’s more than just a posIt was more than obvious earthquakes at the University of Mayor, to express our concerns ward injection wells as the sibility, in my mind.” Texas. to Railroad Commission and the majority of those in attendance believe “Phil (King) and I have get them inthe oil and gas volved, as they Texas Railroad Commission to industry – speare the agency cifically either that oversees hire seismologist the fracturthe oil and gas On Tuesday, Jan. 7 – just five days after a Town Hall meeting process industry in ing in Azle to hear the concerns of area residents about a or the process Texas, to have series of earthquakes – the Texas Railroad Commission has of disposing them look into announced in a press release it is actively seeking to hire a of wastewater these seismic seismologist. from the fracevents and Railroad Commissioner David Porter said after meetturing process make recoming with Azle residents last week in a town hall meeting, – is the cause of mendations as “It is imperative that the Commission remain engaged and the quakes. to what we need involved in gathering more evidence and data into any posIn the end, to do,” Geren sible causation between oil and gas activities and seismic everyone presaid. “I want to events. sumably went thank the Com“Commission rules and regulations must be based on home and mission for sound science and proven facts. In order to do so, I propose watched the showing some the Commission hire an in-house seismologist.” Sugar Bowl concern and According to the release, an in-house seismologist will alwith the same getting to the Voice of the crowd low the Commission to strengthen its ability to follow new unanswered area as quickly research, as well as coordinate an exchange of factual, scienquestions they as it did.” tific information with the research community. But it was Riley who gar- had arrived with. The seismologist’s duties will include a slew of responBrundrett told The Azle News nered the most approval from sibilities like: coordinating with other academic experts he’d been invited to give welthose in the audience. studying seismic events in Texas; obtain, study and interpret “I want to say to the residents coming remarks at the meeting various forms of data to evaluate seismic activity associwho are here that every elected as well as to sit on the panel. ated with known faults and historic and/or ongoing oil and official who is here – and those However, he felt compelled to gas exploration and production activities; leading efforts to who are not – stand with you distance himself from the Texconduct research as well as internally integrate oil and gas and support you the best we can as Railroad Commission and science with seismic science; coordinating communications as we continue to look for an- avoid giving the appearance he and information gathering with stakeholders; reviewing, answers and possible options the was with them. alyzing, interpreting and commenting on technical data from Brundrett said his “number Railroad Commission will have seismic data sources, computer models and digital maps; and for resolving this issue,” Riley one walk-away thought” since developing recommendations and action plans. said. “Commissioner Porter, the meeting has been “I’m so The Commission will immediately begin a comprehenthe message I bring from my glad I didn’t sit on the stage sive, nationwide search for the seismologist. constituents is, as you move with them. “I’m not surprised it turned forward and do your studies, if we could begin to get timelines out the way it did, but it is disHappy 18th – because we all know how that appointing,” Brundrett said. “I Birthday works in our world and that feel they should have waited to agencies have a lot of things to have a Town Hall meeting until Logan! do – as to when we’ll see some they were prepared to answer Love, Mom, answers and some reports, and the public knows when that’s Dad and coming, I believe that’ll help Most of the Metroplex’s major television news outlets relieve some of their frustraMaegan HOGAN’S were on hand at Azle High School to cover the Town tions and fears.” PAINTING & REMODELING Hall meeting about earthquakes. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman Citizens described a range of All types painting, tape, bed, texture, personal experiences related to staining, wall paper removal, sheetrock the earthquakes – everything repair, wood repair from pictures falling off walls “I’ll paint your birdhouse being awakened from sleep or your dreamhouse” Library hosting blood drive Jan. 9 to and from cracks in floors, walls senior citizens discount The Azle Memorial Library will host an American Red Cross and ceilings to strange waters blood drive Thursday, Jan. 9, from 2-6:30 p.m. at the library, bubbling up from the ground. For Free Estimates Call Get Fit For 2014 333 W. Main Street, in the Community Room. Concern was expressed for 817-477-7147 Have your own personal trainer? Are you tired of all the fad diets? To schedule an appointment, go to Would you like to learn how to eat right? and use sponsor keyword: azlelibrary; or sign up at the library. 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This might as well be 1979, listening to the tobacco industry tell me there’s no connection between lung cancer and smoking.”


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Published every Wednesday at 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Azle, Texas, 76020. Postmaster: Send address changes to: 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 USPS No. 546-920 Annual subscription rates: $36.00 in Parker, Wise, Tarrant counties ($32.50 65 and older); $42.50 elsewhere within and outside Texas. The Azle News does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of the advertisement itself. Any erroneous reflection upon the character or reputation of any person or firm appearing in this newspaper will be corrected when called to the attention of the publisher. The entire content of each issue of The Azle News is protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the publisher.

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this shelter is accepting aluminum cans as well as blankets/towels donations to help the animals.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Looking back on 2013 n LOOKING, FROM PAGE ONE.

winning the Area round at Northwest ISD Stadium. The Azle American Legion Post 356 was renamed to honor Houston M. Taylor, an AHS grad who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2011. The biennial BARKtober Fest fundraiser for the Azle Animal Shelter raised more than $30,000. AHS hosted the district cross country meet and both Azle teams advanced to the Region I event. November Voters approved the $20 million AISD bond package, 61 to 39 percent. All nine state propositions passed, too. The Marching Green Pride finished 13th at the state competition – higher than any AHS band in history. The Azle Lake Run took off

Nov. 9, benefiting several local charities. The city awarded its firstever tax abatement to Integrated Machinery Solutions and RSC Holdings, a 50 percent reduction in property taxes for five years that began Jan. 1, 2014. The first of what would be a “swarm” of earthquakes in the area shook Azle residents Nov. 5. The first was a 2.6 magnitude shaker followed by four more quakes over the next few days. The tally of 2.0 or greater magnitudes stood at 28 at year’s end. The biggest tremor was 3.6 on Nov. 19. Christopher Adam Osborne was indicted for the murder of fellow Azle resident Gabriel Richardson. In near-freezing, rainy weather in Burleson, five of six Super Bowls were won by Azle Youth Association football teams. A fire destroyed the home of


Charles Gerald Burrows 1939 - 2013

C.G. “Charlie” Burrows, 74, a lifelong area resident, passed away Friday, Dec. 27, 2013, in Azle. Service was held 11 a.m. Tuesday at Biggers Funeral Chapel. Interment was at Azleland Memorial Park in Reno. Memorial gifts may be made to the Shriners Hospital for Children. Charles Gerald Burrows

was born Nov. 19, 1939, to John Earl and Velma Hefley Burrows. He married Margaret Ellen Arnold on Aug. 14, 1959, in Fort Worth. Charlie was a businessman and entrepreneur. He has owned and operated Burrows Roofing Company, Cowtown Speedway in Kennedale, A B C Automobile Salvage and his love, Daddy’s Classics, dealing in vintage, antique and muscle cars. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Margaret; children, Charleen Landers and husband, Rick, James Lynn Burrows and wife, Deborah, Sherrie Elaine Hart and husband, David, and Jennifer Lee Burrows and husband, Zandorr Luttrell; brother, Robert Lee Burrows; half sister, Wanda Jean Noah; eight grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

Kayla Ann Perez

INSIDE DIGEST Another Town Hall, with ‘answers’

Melody Myers, an Azle ISD teacher. U.S. House of Representatives Congresswoman Kay Granger visited Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Azle. December A huge ice storm shut down the area, canceling the annual Christmas Parade and tree lighting ceremony, and causing AISD to keep students away for four days. (An on-campus water break forced an additional day.) The Azle Arts Association canceled performances of A Tuna Christmas. Gutters on the new AHS indoor facility were damaged by the ice. SMU placed four seismographs around town to measure earthquake activity closer. The equipment was shipped from California. The UIL will create a 6A in the next school year. Azle will

remain with same-sized schools but be referred to as 5A beginning in August. Twenty-six Marching Green Pride musicians placed in the All-Region band. A house on Appian Way was leveled by an explosion. The homeowner, Barbara Pickard, was not at home at the time; the house was a total loss with debris blasted across the street. A baby wandering down the 1400 block of Sheri Lane in Pelican Bay was turned in to police. The mother, Tiffany Jenkins, was charged with endangering a child.

Another Town Hall meeting – this one put on by Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project, North Central Texas Communities Alliance and Calvin Tillman, former mayor of Dish, Texas – will be held Monday, Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Azle Community Center located at 404 West Main Street. According to Sharon Wilson with Earthworks, this meeting will inform residents about how to force regulators to do their jobs and protect property and communities. Wilson said she was disappointed that while Azle residents are at risk and their children practice earthquake drills, regulators ducked questions at a recent Town Hall meeting. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this Town Hall meeting. Contact Sharon Wilson for additional information at

Tree pick up runs until Jan. 13 Community Waste Disposal will collect Christmas trees through Jan 13. In order for trees to be recyclable, they must be free of all ornaments, tinsel, bags, and plastic. In addition, a roll-off container will be located at the “old” Azle Public Library at 609 Southeast Parkway (next door to city hall) so residents may dispose of their trees at any time. For additional information, contact CWD at 817-795-9300, or call city of Azle customer service at 817-444-2541.

Azle’s People’s Choice Awards Ballot The Azle Area Chamber of Commerce would like your vote for the following Nominees...

Only circle one in each category. Please return Ballot to the Azle Chamber Office by January 21, 2014 1. Favorite Business A. Real Estate Marsha Hardin Dunn & Elam Bransom Real Estate C. Dentist Azle Dental Care-Brooke Porter Eagle Mountain Family Dental-Kyle Reeves Azle Smiles- Shashi Barnia

B. Insurance Company Hogle’s Insurance Group-Hogye Hogle Haley Carter State Farm BondTex Agency-Rachelle Harris D. Retail Stores Ace Hardware Bealls Country Cottage

2013 - 2013

Services were heald at Outreach of Love Church, Springtown Texas. Kayla was born on October 25, 2013 in Hawaii and past away on December 6, 2013 from Sudden Infant Death

Syndrome (SIDS). Kayla is preceeded in death by great-grandpa Jim DeVilliers. She is survived by her mother Kaitlyn Perez and her father specialist Gumaro Perez of Azle; uncles Jeremy Nichols, Nathan DeVilliers; aunts Shelley DeVilliers and Krystal Flexon; grandmother Debbie DeVilliers of Azle; great grandmother Pat DeVilliers. Our sweet precious baby went to see Jesus. She was only with us for a short time. She was deeply loved and will be greatly missed by all. She is now our guardian angel watching over all of us. She was the best thing that ever happend to us. The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

Lakeside PoLice dePt.

caLL RePoRt

2. Favorite Food A. Cup of Coffee Café Conversations McDonald’s Stewart Street Café

C. Burger Planet Burger Red’s Whataburger

D. Café Food Café Conversation Moe’s Stewart Street Café

3. Favorite Individual A.

Azle ISD Employee Heidi Hudman Renee Ball Kris Ann Buckel

Monday-Sunday, Dec. 23-Jan 6, 2013 Dec. 23 ..........................9200 block Watercress Drive............................ Followup investigation Dec. 24 ..........................7000 block Redbud Lane ..................................... Assist other agency .......................................8800 block Jacksboro Highway .........................................Disturbance Dec. 25 ..........................8800 block Jacksboro Highway ........................ Followup investigation .......................................8600 block Jacksboro Highway ....................................................Theft .......................................8600 block Jacksboro Highway .................................................. Alarm Dec. 26 ..........................7800 block Jacksboro Highway ............................ Assist other agency .......................................8900 block Claiborn Street .......................................... Ambulance call .......................................9100 block Watercress Drive............................................Investigation Dec. 27 ..........................100 block Ashley Lane .................................. Crime awareness notice Dec. 28 ..........................100 block Oakwood Court ................................ Followup investigation .......................................500 block Crest Ridge Drive................................. Assist other agency Dec. 29 ..........................100 block Tamarron Drive.............................. Crime awareness notice .......................................9300 block Confederate Park Road ....................... Suspicious vehicle Dec. 31 ..........................8200 Jacksboro Highway ..............................................Motorist assist .......................................8200 Jacksboro Highway ....................................................... Burglary .......................................100 Ann Court ................................................................. Civil standby .......................................200 Lakeside Oaks Circle ...................................... Suspicious vehicle Jan. 1 .............................100 Lakeridge Drive ..............................................................Domestic .......................................100 Anthony Drive .................................................. Suspicious vehicle Jan. 2 .............................100 Silver Hill Drive ................................................ Suspicious vehicle .......................................4100 Meandering Court.............................................. Noise complaint Jan. 3 .............................100 Copperwood Drive............................................. Animal complaint Jan. 4 .............................200 Lakeridge Drive .........................................Burglary motor vehicle .......................................300 Crest Ridge Circle ................................................ Found property .......................................300 Lakeridge Drive .........................................Burglary motor vehicle .......................................200 Paint Brush Road ......................................Burglary motor vehicle .......................................100 Lakeridge Drive .........................................................Investigation .......................................500 Crest Ridge Drive ...........................................................Domestic .......................................300 Burton Hill Road .................................................Prisoner booking .......................................300 Burton Hill Road ........................................................Investigation .......................................400 Rocky Ridge Terrace.................................Burglary motor vehicle Jan. 5 .............................400 Rocky Ridge Terrace.................................Burglary motor vehicle Jan. 6 .............................200 Vanshire Road East.......................................................... Fire call

B. Chips & Salsa El Cerrito’s El Paseo Taco Bell

C. Nurse Dana Flowers (Dr. Chambers) Karen Propp (THR) Jamie Ball

B. Elected Official Alan Brundrett Charlie Geren Erik Loeffelholz George Conley D. Photographer Durham Photography Randa Goode Clay Cravotta

E. City Employee Jon Reed Thomas Berrentini Steve Stutsman

Entries must be on original newspaper ballots, no machine copies will be counted. Winners will be announced at the 54th Annual Awards Banquet on January 31, 2014. *Some categories have more than three nominations due to entry ties.

404 West Main St. • Azle • 817-444-1112


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Attempted murder suspect arrested in ‘Bay

n mitty, FROM PAGE 12A.

By carla Noah stutsmaN A disagreement between two men traveling together from Louisiana to Midland led to an altercation and eventually an attempted murder Wednesday, Jan. 1, in the town of Godley, southwest of Fort Worth. And the arrest came via Pelican Bay police officers. The suspect in the attempted murder, James Hughes, 30, was taken into custody Thursday, Jan. 2, without incident by officer Preston Tennison and Deputy Chief Stephen Combs. According to Godley Chief of Police James Healy, Hughes and a companion were traveling in a company-owned pickup, pulling a trailer and another vehicle and had planned a stopover in Godley. Somewhere in unincorporated Tarrant County on FM 1187, Healy said the two men argued and a physical fight erupted be-

(like watching what passed for cutting edge for a computer or a cell phone 10 years ago). The one too-much action sequence has Stiller and nemesis Ted (the cocky newcomer overseeing the change at Life played by Adam Scott) fighting like Avengers as they battle through New York City streets. It’s too long. The rating This is a mild PG with just a couple of cuss words in it. Summing up The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is good fun and it’s too bad it’s not going to receive its deserved acclaim. (Even though the National Board of Review picked it as a top 10 movie for 2013.)

tween them. Hughes stopped a passing vehicle, which gave him a ride into Crowley, where he was met by police and an ambulance, Healy said. The ambulance transported Hughes to Huguley Memorial Medical with undetermined injuries. Hughes’ traveling companion continued on into Godley, where he parked the company-owned pickup, trailer and additional vehicle in front of 400 East Godley Avenue. There, he and his dog went to sleep. In the early morning hours of Thursday, Jan. 2, Hughes stormed out of the hospital, refusing treatment. He caught another ride, this time with a woman who happened to live in Godley. She took him into town, where he discovered the truck and its towed trailer and vehicle parked on the street. Healy said Hughes then took

Reno issues boil water notice after line break By Natalie GeNtry The City of Reno issued a boil water notice to citizens Friday, Jan. 3 after a six-inch break was found in the waterline on West Reno Road. The pipe was broken in two locations and required city workers to dig up an approximately 20feet stretch to access and cut out the bad sections. All in all, about 15 feet of pipe was removed and replaced. The repair took about five hours

due to the loose sand surrounding the water line. “The citizens were wonderful that night,” said Scott Passmore, director of public works. “They brought us coffee several times, and it was cold in that water repairing the line.” Reno lost around 40,000 gallons in the water system. After repairs were complete, the waterlines were flushed to be sure there was no contamination in the system.

Next, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was made aware of the break and a boil notice was issued to the citizens through the mail and the web site. Samples of the water were taken to Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) for testing on Monday, Jan. 6 and returned Tuesday. The results showed that the water was not contaminated and the boil notice for Reno was canceled.

Senior Spotlight By darleNe holmes We are enjoying our two potluck meal days each month. The seniors still have to sign up ahead of time so we’ll know how many to fix for. We had turkey stew and cornbread for our first one this month and about 22 seniors showed up to eat. We had plenty of cake in our fridge for dessert. We had a variety of snacks, chips and dip on hand. Our next “No SCS Hot Meal” day will be Tuesday, Jan. 21. We were pleased to have Lois Larson return to Azle from her home state. She’s already volunteering at the Tarrant Area Food Bank on Monday with our group. We had a program scheduled for Monday, Dec. 6, but they canceled and will reschedule. It will be sometime in February. It’s a service for the Texas

Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP). Through their program, Texans with the following disabilities are eligible to receive specialized telephones and telephone alert buttons for free. • You must have one of the qualifying needs: hard of hearing, or deaf; vision impaired or blind; upper mobility and lower mobility; cognitively impaired; speech difficulties. • You must live in Texas and have proof of residency. As mentioned, STAP provides telephones and equipment that meet the qualifying guidelines. The phones are equipped with special amplification, big buttons or speakerphones and phones that can be answered remotely with a pendant or button, cell phones with alert buttons and additional equipment as needed. Coming up:

Azle SCHOOL MENU BREAKFAST: GRADES PK-4th •• $1.25 GRADES 5-12th •• $1.25 Employees....$1.50 Guests ...$1.50

Wednesday, Jan. 15: United Way will be here from 12:301:30 p.m. and their program will be “community conversation.” Thursday, Jan. 16: AARP Safe Driving class – a driver’s education program to teach people how to be safe drivers. For AARP members the fee is $14 and $16 for non-AARP members. At the end of the one-day class, you get a certificate to take to your insurance agent to receive a discount on your auto liability. It’s good for three years. Friday, Jan. 17: our monthly Produce Day. We’ll also have the required monthly nutrition program, presented by Phyllis Nelson, the registered dietician from Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Azle Lunch reservations must be made the day before by 11:30 a.m. for the next day.

JAN 13 - JAN 17 TH


LUNCH: A La Carte Items GRADES PK-4th •• $2.00 Milk/Juice 75¢ • Bottled water 75¢ • Ice Cream 75¢ GRADES 5-12th •• $2.20 Employees....$2.75 Guests....$3.00 Gold Card Guests....$2.75

PreK - 4th


Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, & White or Chocolate Milk MON - Breakfast Pizza, Cinnamon Toast, WW Toast and Jelly TUE - Mini Waffles w/ Maple Syrup, Sausage Biscuit, Toast and Jelly WED - Cinnamon Rolls, Morning Sausage Rolls, WW Toast and Jelly THU - Biscuits & Gravy, Turkey Bacon, Yogurt Parfait, WW Toast and Jelly FRI - Hot Oatmeal, Breakfast Pizza, WW Toast and Jelly


Everyday - Variety of milk. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Cheese Quesadilla, Ham and Cheese Wrap, Turkey Chef Salad, Chicken Nuggets, Corn Bread, Ripe Apples, Refried Beans, Mashed Potatoes and Pepper Gravy, Chilled Mixed Fruit TUE - Chicken Corn Dog, Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Chicken Nugget Salad, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Fresh Caulifl ower, Steamed Broccoli, Orange Wedges, Diced Peaches, WG Breadstick WED - Macaroni and Cheese, Italian Sub Sandwich, Fruit and Yogurt, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Potato Wedges, Steamed Green Beans, Cucumber Slices, Fresh Grapes, Diced Pears THU - Chicken Fried Steak, WG Breadstick, Bean and Cheese Burrito, Meatball Sub Sandwich, Popcorn Chicken Salad, Chicken Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes and Pepper Gravy, Sauteéd Spinach, Celery Sticks FRI- Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Chicken Caesar Salad, Steamed Sweet Corn, Kidney Beans, Mixed Fresh Vegetables, Ripe Bananas, Pineapple Tidbits


GRADES 5th - 8th

Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, Toast with Jelly, Milk MON - Breakfast Pizza, Cinnamon Toast, Sausage Biscuit, WW Toast and Jelly TUE - Mini Waffles, Maple Syrup, Breakfast Ham Sandwich, Breakfast Parfait WED - Cinnamon Rolls, Morning Sausage Rolls, WW Toast and Jelly THU - Biscuits and Gravy with Bacon, Chicken Biscuit, Breakfast Parfait, WW Toast FRI - Blueberry Breakfast on a Stick with Syrup, Hot Oatmeal, Breakfast Burrito


Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza. Choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Chicken Nuggets, Cornbread, Assorted Pizza, Popcorn Chicken Wrap, Chef Salad, Crunchy Tacos, Refried Beans, Sauteéd Spinach TUE - Chicken Baked Potato Bowl, Steamed Corn, Assorted Hot Sandwiches, Bean and Cheese Burrito, Assorted Hot Sandwiches WED - Cheese Lasagna, Assorted Pizza, Taco Loco Salad, Refried Beans, Cobb Salad, Sauteéd Spinach, Broccoli Spears, Cheese Quesadilla THU - Teriyaki Beef & Broccoli, Fortune Cookie, Chicken Patty Sandwich, Chicken Enchilada, Charro Beans, Vegetable Stir Fry FRI -Meatloaf, Wheat Roll, Assorted Pizza, BLT Wrap, Soft Beef Tacos, Scalloped Potatoes, Southwest BBQ Ranch Salad



Everyday - Assorted Fruit, Juices, Toast, Cold Cereal, Milk, Breakfast Pizza, Scrambled Eggs MON - Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage Biscuit, Fresh Yogurt, Granola, Breakfast Pizza TUE - Blueberry Pancake, Sandwich with Syrup, Bacon Breakfast Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs with Bacon, Granola WED - Cinnamon Rolls, Morning Sausage Rolls, Fresh Yogurt, Granola, Breakfast Pizza THU - Blueberry Breakfast on a Stick with Syrup, Sausage Biscuit, Breakfast Pizza, Assorted Meat FRI - Assorted Breakfast Burritos, Hot Oatmeal, Fresh Yogurt and Granola, Breakfast Pizza

LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza & salads. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Turkey and Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Peas, WG Dinner Roll, Tossed Salad, Fresh Apples, Pineapples TUE - Broccoli and Cheese Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Sweet Potato Wedges, Mixed Fruit WED - Sweet and Sour Chicken, WG Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Glazed Carrots THU - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, WG Garlic Breadstick, Italian Vegetables, Sauteéd Squash FRI - Chicken Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Charro Beans, Salsa, Steamed Corn, Tossed Salad, Fresh Grapes

a five-gallon gas can and poured its entire contents onto the company-owned pickup in which his friend was sleeping and set it on fire before fleeing the scene. Someone who lived nearby happened to step out onto a porch to smoke a cigarette at about 4 a.m. and saw Hughes set the fire. That person banged on the windows to wake the man inside up and was able to get him out without injury. The dog, however, remained trapped inside the burning truck and did not survive the fire. Healy contacted Johnson County’s “Stop The Offender Program” (STOP) Special Crimes Unit (SCU) to help with tracking Hughes down. The STOP SCU developed information that Hughes might be at the home of his ex-wife and child in the 1500 block of Coral Cutoff in Pelican Bay. STOP SCU officers contacted the Parker County SCU and Pelican Bay Police Department and asked them to “set up” on the house – keep an eye on it in case Hughes tried to leave – until they could get there. Combs said while he and Ten-

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custody without incident – if we had waited and let him get back into the house, there was a bigger potential for something to go wrong.” Healy said he was grateful to the Pelican Bay PD for its help in taking Hughes into custody.

Azle Police DePt.

investigAtions The following offenses occurred or were reported Dec. 22, 2013-Jan. 4, 2014 and are being investigated by Azle Police detectives. Dec. 26 ........ 700 block Jarvis Lane ................................Criminal mischief $50-500 ..................... 200 block Park Place .................................Theft of property $50-500 Dec. 27 ........ 200 block Park Place .................................Credit/debit card abuse Dec. 28 ........ 1500 block Westcreek Drive ......................Criminal mischief $50-500 ..................... 400 block Walnut Creek Drive ...................Burglary of habitation Dec. 29 ........ 700 block Dunaway Lane ..........................Burglary of habitation ..................... 400 block Northwest Parkway ...................Theft of property less than $50 ..................... 800 block N. Stewart Street .......................Theft of property $500-1,500 Dec. 30 ........ 300 block S. Stewart Street .......................Burglary of building ..................... 500 block Central Drive .............................Forgery of a financial instrument ..................... 800 block Southeast Parkway ...................Theft of property $50-500 Dec. 31 ........ 1000 block Oak Ridge Drive ......................Burglary of vehicle. ..................... 300 block W. Main Street...........................Criminal mischief inconvenience Jan. 1 ........... 500 block Commerce Street ......................Assault by contact ..................... 500 block Northwest Parkway ...................Aggravated assault Jan. 2 ........... 400 block Sandy Beach Road ...................Burglary of building Jan. 3 ........... 100 block Northwest Parkway ...................Disorderly conduct, offensive gesture Jan. 4 ........... 800 block Southeast Parkway ...................Theft of property $50-500

If you have information regarding any of the incidents above, please contact the Azle Police Department at 817-444-3221.

LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas Property Code, PETRIE’S ALL STORAGE will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Sale will be at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 11700 Jacksboro Hwy, Fort Worth, Texas 76135. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of following tenants, with brief description of contents in each space. TENANT’S COMPLETE NAME as shown on rental agreement: Brian Woods Unit 149; Kim Davis Unit 155 - All miscellaneous. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To satisfy a landlord’s lien. Sale to be held at HOMETOWN SELF STORAGE, 13500 FM 730 S., Azle, Texas 76020 at 12:00 p.m. on January 12, 2014. Property to be sold to the highest bidder for CASH. Property includes contents of the following tenants: Justin Cole Pack - household items. INVITATION TO BID NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of Azle, Texas (OWNER) will receive sealed Bids at Azle City Hall until 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, February 04, 2014 for Bulk Process Chemicals for the Azle Water Treatment Plant and Azle Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bids will be accepted for the following process chemicals: Aluminum Sulfate Solution / Ammonium Sulfate Solution / Calcium Hypochlorite (100lb containers, granules) / Chlorine (150lb cylinders and one ton containers) / Copper Sulfate Solution / Polymer Blends / Potassium Permanganate (anhydrous) / Sodium Hydroxide Solution. Bids will be immediately opened and read aloud publicly following the close of the Bid Period. Any Bid received after closing time will be returned unopened. Proposals may be modified or withdrawn at any time prior to the time set for opening Bids. Bids for each chemical should reflect the price in which the bidder supplies an estimated annual amount of each chemical. Examination and Purchase of Documents. Contract Documents may be examined at: Azle City Hall Attention: Norma Zenk, City Secretary. Contract Documents may be examined or purchased during normal business hours beginning January 8, 2014. Bidders may receive a copy of Invitation to Bid along with a Vendor Information Packet from the City’s website at Questions Regarding Bid Process or Bid Documents. Bidder should direct questions regarding Documents to: Ron Burton, Water Superintendent, 613 Southeast Pkwy, Azle, TX 76020. Written questions may be submitted by mail to the address shown above; or by email to Equal Opportunity in Employment - All qualified Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or handicap. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 33, failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach, which may result in the termination of the awarded financial assistance. The City of Azle reserves the right to reject any or all bids and accept or reject any formalities. Award shall be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; however, the City of Azle reserves the right, after evaluation of all bids received, to make no recommendation to its City Council regarding the award of any bid in the event non-responsive, nonconforming, or otherwise unacceptable bids are received, or if budgetary constraints or other unanticipated factors exist. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date bids are opened. To be considered, your bid must be signed and witnessed. All pages, including addenda and/or attachments, must be returned with your bid. Upon delivery to the City of Azle, bids become binding and may not be withdrawn or canceled by the bidder without the permission of the City of Azle for a period of ninety (90) days following the date designated for the receipt of the bid.

AzlE AREA CluBS and ORGANIzATIONS Promise KeePers of Azle

meets every Tuesday at 6:30 a.m.

404 w. mAin street Azle

Azle Little League


Baseball/Softball for kids ages 5-14

Post 2137 730 N. POST MEETINGS One meeting per month 2nd Thursday - 7:00 PM

The Finish Line

Baseball/Softball Basketball/Volleyball Soccer (coming soon) Ages 5-12 817.944.0940 www.ACYS .com

addiction wants to destroy you & everyone around you. With Jesus GET BACK there is Victory IN THE over addiction. RACE! Meetings held every Friday from 7:30pm-9:30pm at The Church at Azle 1801 S. Stewart • Azle • 817-401-8513

Contact us regarding Spring & Fall seasons.


Rotary Club of Azle Meets at noon thursday

412 Commerce St. (across from Azle Post Office)

Azle Women’s Good N.E.W.S. AZLE B n P Business AssociAtion LVolunteerH Caregiver Our LION’S Our To purchase shoes Volunteers Training Classes for all AISD Make a Classes open to public CLUB Goal underprivileged children iving at

Meet 4th Thursday Open to Monthly @Noon for ALL Women Working lunch and meeting outside the at home or NOT Conversations Cafe

Carolyn Kennedy 817-237-0840

Optimist Club of Azle

This Week’s Menu Sponsored By:

nison had the house under surveillance, Hughes walked out of the house. “We knew the Parker County deputies were just minutes away, so we decided take advantage of the opportunity,” Combs said. “We were able to take him into

Meets every FRIDAY at 6:45 A.M. 404 W. MAIN STREET


at no charge





Caregiver Volunteer Meeting Meets 2nd & 4th TUESDAY 6:30 PM 1st Monday of Each 412 Commerce • 817-689-7232 Month at 6pm 817-444-2300 Gary Skinner - president 328 W. Main St., Ste. 7

Azle Lodge No. 601 Floor School or Work 7:30 PM THURSDAY NIGHT Doug Burt - Worshipful Master Stan Laxton - Secretary

Azle Youth Association

Football - Cheer - Drill AGES: 4 years - 6th grade

817-366-5955 /azlefootball


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Azle Police Blotter

Azle Fire Dept.

EmErg Ency c alls

Officers with the Azle Police FIRE CALLS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Department arrested the fol- Dec. 22 2:59 a.m................. Illegal burn investigation ................................Tarrant County lowing individuals during the Dec. 23 12:15 a.m................. Odor investigation ........................................................... City 3:39 a.m................. Gas Leak ........................................................................ City two-week period from Dec. 22, 5:35 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 2013-Jan. 4, 2014: 10:38 a.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City • Bonnie Cline Mellor, 59, 5:12 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City of Azle, was arrested Dec. 23 8:04 p.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City in the 400 block of Northwest 8:18 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 8:51 p.m................. Assist PD ........................................................................ City Parkway and charged with theft of property less than $1,500 Dec. 24 2:57 a.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City 12:00 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City with two or more prior theft 4:21 p.m................. Mutual aid smoke investigation...................... Parker County convictions, a state jail felony. 8:35 p.m................. First responder............................................... Parker County She posted bond and was re- Dec. 25 10:58 a.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City leased from the Azle jail. 5:24 p.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City • James Lee Taylor, 40, of 5:40 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 9:35 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City Azle, was arrested Dec. 27 in the 12400 block of FM 730 Dec. 26 12:00 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 12:17 p.m................. First responder................................................................ City North and charged with driving 4:53 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City while intoxicated (DWI). The a.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City charge is a B misdemeanor. He Dec. 27 10:47 2:32 p.m................. Assist ambulance...........................................Tarrant County posted $2,500 bond and was re3:52 p.m................. Smoke investigation.......................................Tarrant County leased from the Azle jail. 5:20 p.m................. Water flow alarm ............................................................. City • Antonio Moreno, 44, of Dec. 28 11:47 a.m................. Smoke investigation.......................................Tarrant County 12:00 p.m................. First responder...............................................Tarrant County Fort Worth, was arrested Dec. 9:14 p.m................. Assist ambulance...........................................Tarrant County 27 in the 1600 block of High Dec. 29 12:02 a.m................. Structure fire ...................................................... Pelican Bay way 199 East eastbound and 4:46 a.m................. First responder................................................................ City charged with manufacture or 6:28 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City delivery of a controlled sub10:33 a.m................. Structure fire .................................................. Parker County stance in penalty group 1, Dec. 30 3:51 a.m................. Lift assist ......................................................................... City 4-200 grams. The charge is a 6:32 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 7:42 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City first-degree felony. Moreno’s 9:56 a.m................. Major accident ...............................................Tarrant County bond is set at $12,000 and he 12:05 p.m................. Fire alarm.......................................................Tarrant County was awaiting transfer to the 2:16 p.m................. Mutual aid structure fire ................................. Parker County Tarrant County jail Jan. 6. 2:28 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City • Amber Nicole McCros4:05 p.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City key, 33, of Burleson, was ar10:47 p.m................. Smoke alarm................................................................... City rested Jan. 2 in the 100 block Dec. 31 0:24 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City of Normandy Avenue and 6:24 a.m................. Carbon monoxide alarm ................................................. City 2:44 p.m................. Oil spill ............................................................................ City charged with possession of a 4:05 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City controlled substance in penalty 6:01 p.m................. Assist other agency ........................................................ City group 1, 1-4 grams. The charge 2:43 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City is a third-degree felony. She Jan. 1 6:31 a.m................. Major accident ................................................................ City was transported to the Tarrant 11:53 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City County jail. 5:05 p.m................. First responder................................................................ City Misdemeanors arrests in5:20 p.m................. First responder................................................................ City 9:30 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City clude: 10:07 p.m................. Lift assist ......................................................................... City • A 43-year-old Azle man 3:59 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City was arrested Dec. 22 in the Jan. 2 4:58 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 1500 block of Southeast Park6:15 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................... Pelican Bay way and charged with failure Jan. 3 2:57 p.m................. First responder...............................................Tarrant County to maintain financial respon5:55 p.m................. Gas leak.......................................................................... City sibility. He was given time to Jan. 4 12:37 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 4:50 a.m................. First responder................................................................ City pay fines and released from the 9:52 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City Azle jail. 1:29 p.m................. Mutual aid grass fire ......................................Tarrant County • A 21-year-old Azle woman 1:33 p.m................. Residential fire alarm ...................................................... City was arrested Dec. 24 in the 3:23 p.m................. Grass fire ....................................................................... City 400 block of Beverly Road 4:49 p.m................. Grass fire .......................................................Tarrant County and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. She was AMBULANCE CALLS –––––––––––––––––––––– given time to pay fines and reDec. 22 9:16 a.m................. General medicine............................................................ City leased from the Azle jail. 1:57 p.m................. General medicine............................................... Pelican Bay • An unknown age woman 11:10 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City was arrested Dec. 24 in the Dec. 23 5:35 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City 400 block of Northwest Park7:36 a.m................. General medicine............................................................ City way and charged with theft less 5:12 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City than $50. She was given time to 8:18 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 11:10 p.m................. Public assist .................................................................... City pay fines and released from the Dec. 24 10:31 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City Azle jail. 12:00 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City • A 21-year-old Lake Worth 4:21 p.m................. Assist fire ....................................................... Parker County man was arrested Dec. 24 in 8:21 p.m................. Major accident ...............................................Tarrant County the 900 block of Boyd Road Dec. 25 2:31 p.m................. General medicine...........................................Tarrant County and charged with possession 5:40 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City of drug paraphernalia. He was 8:21 p.m................. Major accident ...............................................Tarrant County 9:35 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City given time to pay fines and reDec. 26 12:00 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City leased from the Azle jail. 12:17 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City • A 25-year-old Azle man 4:53 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City was arrested Dec. 26 in the Dec. 27 10:54 a.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County 12000 block of FM 730 North 2:52 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County and charged with public intoxi- Dec. 28 11:52 a.m................. Major accident ...............................................Tarrant County cation. He was given time to 12:00 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County 4:12 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City pay fines and released from the 9:14 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County Azle jail. 11:43 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay • A 43-year-old Azle man was arrested Dec. 29 in the Dec. 29 12:02 a.m................. Assist fire ........................................................... Pelican Bay 3:16 a.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County 1000 block of Southeast Park4:34 a.m................. General medicine............................................................ City way and charged with public 4:46 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City intoxication. He was given time 6:28 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City to pay fines and released from 10:33 a.m................. Assist fire ....................................................... Parker County 11:28 a.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay the Azle jail. 3:15 p.m................. Injured person ................................................Tarrant County • A 28-year-old Azle man was arrested and charged with Dec. 30 3:41 a.m................. General medicine............................................................ City 4:29 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City unlawfully carrying a weapon 6:32 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City Dec. 30 in the 500 block of 6:52 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City Northwest Parkway. He posted 7:42 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City bond and was released from the 9:56 a.m................. Assist fire .......................................................Tarrant County 2:28 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City Azle jail. 3:38 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................ Parker County • A 32-year-old Azle man was arrested Dec. 31 in the Dec. 31 0:24 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 2:44 p.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City 500 block of Central Drive 4:05 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City because of a warrant; he was 6:01 p.m................. Assist other agency ........................................................ City subsequently also charged with Jan. 1 2:43 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City possession of a controlled sub6:31 a.m................. Major accident ................................................................ City 9:39 a.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County stance in penalty group 3, less 11:53 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City than 28 grams, as well as for 4:51 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City resisting arrest. 4:51 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City • A 33-year-old Weatherford 5:09 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City woman was arrested Jan. 4 in 6:36 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City the 500 block of North Stewart 9:13 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County Street and charged with posses9:30 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City sion of drug paraphernalia. Dis- Jan. 2 7:07 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 1:40 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City position was unknown at press 3:31 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County time. 3:59 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City • A 36-year-old Santo 4:58 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City man was arrested Jan. 4 and 5:41 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City charged with possession of 6:15 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay marijuana as well as posses6:34 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay sion of a controlled substance Jan. 3 7:57 a.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay 12:13 p.m................. General medicine...........................................Tarrant County in penalty group 1, 1-4 grams. 2:41 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay He was released pending the 2:57 p.m................. Injured person ................................................Tarrant County results of tests on the sub7:08 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City stances believed to be prohib11:17 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City ited. A warrant will be issued Jan. 4 12:37 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City for his arrest if the test results 4:23 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City are positive. 4:50 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City Police arrested 13 individu6:42 a.m................. Injured person ................................................Tarrant County 9:52 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City als for outstanding warrants 1:33 p.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City and investigated six traffic ac2:50 p.m................. Injured person ................................................Tarrant County cidents during the same time 4:51 p.m................. Assist fire .......................................................Tarrant County period.

News From Azle City Hall We welcome your comments or suggestions on information you would like to see reported on this page, please call Azle City Hall, 817-444-2541, or email Administrative Assistant Debbie Clayton at Until next month……...

CWD Christmas Tree Collection and Recycling CWD will collect Christmas Trees curbside on the second collection day. In order for trees to be recyclable, they must be free of all ornaments, tinsel, bags and plastic. Residents may also drop off their trees thru January 13 at the "old" Azle Public Library, located at 609 SE Parkway, next door to City Hall. A roll off container will be available for residents to use at any time.

Azle Low Cost Spay & Neuter Program This program is open to any individual whose pet needs sterilization or vaccination. The procedures are conducted at the Old Azle Library, 609 SE Parkway, by a licensed veterinarian and veterinary technicians. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Slots fill up fast so call toll free 1-866-310-7387 or 940-566-5551

2014 Dates January 21 & 23 * February 18 & 27 * March 18 & 27* April 15 & 24 May 20 & 22 * June 17 & 26 * July 15 & 24 * August 19 & 28 September 16 & 25 * October 21 & 23 * November 18 * December 16

Vaccinations will be given from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on these same dates; no appointment necessary. Reminder: The State of Texas requires all dogs and cats be vaccinated against rabies by 4 months of age and on an annual basis. All dogs and cats must receive a second rabies vaccination within one year of receiving their first vaccine, regardless of the type of vaccine used or the age at which the animal was initially vaccinated. For more information, please contact the Azle Animal Shelter at 817-444-8215.

Azle Memorial Library News and Events Red Cross Blood Drive January 9: The Azle Memorial Library will be hosting a Red HOURS Cross blood drive Thursday, January 9, from 2:006:30 pm in the Community Room. Walk-ins are Azle Memorial Library 333 W. Main Street welcome, or reservations can be made by going to using sponsor keyword: Ph : 817/444-7216 azlelibrary. Fax: :817/444-7064 Hours Mon / Wed / Fri Book Sale January 17 & 18: 9 am - 6 pm The Azle Memorial Library is holding a book sale Tues / Thurs on January 17 and 18. The sale will take place in the 9 am - 8 pm Library Community Room and all proceeds support Saturdays: 9 am-5 pm the Azle Library Trust. New and gently used books, (Extended) and more, will be available for $1 or less. Cash or Sundays: CLOSED check only.

eBooks Available for Checkout Did you receive a new tablet, eReader or MP3 player for Christmas? The Azle Library offers ebooks and digital audiobooks to checkout for FREE with your library card. To get started visit and log in with your library card. Library staff members are always available to assist you by visiting the library or calling 817-444-7216. New Addition to PCLA: The Parker County Library Association (PCLA) is pleased to announce to newest consortium member, Boyce Ditto Public Library (BDPL) in Mineral Wells! What does this mean? Your Azle Memorial Library card is now accepted at the BDPL, and you may request to have BDPL items sent to Azle for you to check out. Contact the Library for more details. Teen Advisory Group (TAG): For teens ages 13-18 (junior and senior high). Join us and get to know other teens, share your opinions about the library, and have fun! Meets on the second Friday of each month at 5:00pm. Free snacks! For more information about the Azle Memorial Library, please call 817-444-7216 or visit

Winter Water Conservation Tips Remember to weatherize your irrigation system: Remove the water from the system, shut it off for the season, and insulate its backflow preventer. Winterize your pipes to prevent them from freezing, which can lead to pipes bursting and losing water. Water pipes in houses in southern climates (such as Texas) often are more vulnerable to winter cold spells. The pipes are more likely to be located in unprotected areas outside of the building insulation, and homeowners tend to be less aware of freezing problems, which may occur only once or twice a season. Locate your water shut-off valve. If a water pipe bursts or leaks heavily, knowing the location of your shut-off valve and how to turn it off can save valuable time and prevent water damage and water loss. Insulate hot water pipes to reduce the amount of water that must be run in order to get hot water to the faucet. To protect your pipes when you’re away, keep your thermostat at 55 degrees or higher. If you will be away from home for an extended period of time, have a friend or neighbor check on your house. Check for leaks in pipes, faucets, and other likely places. These leaks can lead to thousands of gallons of water wasted each year.

*Always comply with your water system’s water-use restrictions. Scan for more information on what’s happening in the City of Azle or visit us at


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Ben Dunkerley, Jr.

Jesse Mack Howard

Russell Eudey

1960 - 2013

1930 - 2013

1971 - 2013

Ben Dunkerley, Jr., loving husband, father and brother. Passed away Wednesday, December 25, 2013 in a Fort Worth hospital. Services were held Tuesday, Dec. 31 2013 at Holy Trinity

Catholic Church under the direction of White’s Azle Funeral Home. Interment was in Ash Creek Cemetery. Ben was born September 10, 1960 in Bristol, PA, to Benton Frank and Jean Marie Dunkerley. He lived in Pittsburgh until moving to Texas in the early 90’s. Ben was preceded in death by his father. Survivors include; loving wife, Joyce Dunkerley; daughter, Kaycie Dunkerley; son, Joe Dunkerley; mother, Jean Dunkerley; sisters, Jackie Sacunas and Dawn Popp; numerJessie Mack Howard, 83, of ous nieces, nephews and loving Chico died December 30, 2013 friends. The Azle News, in Decatur. A graveside service Jan. 8, 2014 Edition was held Friday, January 3 at 2:00 pm at Hoggard-Reynolds Cemetery in Azle, officiated by Chad Geeslin. Visitations were held Thur., Jan. 2 from 6-8 pm at Jones Family Funeral Home. Jessie was born in Azle, Texas on January 18, 1930 to held at a later date. Jesse William and Lucy (Roe) James was born September Howard. He married Joyce 6, 1939 in Cisco, TX to Harvey and Velma Clark Thurman. After serving in the US Army, he spent the next thirty years serving the city of Fort Worth as a firefighter. James moved to Azle in the early sixties and enjoyed racing boats, building engines, tractor pulls and participating in car and truck shows. Survivors include; daughter, Traci Hoppenrath (Ken); grandsons, Kenny, Blake and Logan. The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

Nadine Curry on November 10, 1972 in Haslet, Texas. Jessie was a member of Lakeside Baptist Church. He worked for Lockheed Martin, and also farmed, and worked in construction for several years. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Fred Howard and sisters, Blanche E. (Howard) Dent and Della Mae (Howard) Murphree. He is survived by his wife of 41 years, Joyce Howard of Chico; daughter, Brenda Geeslin of Chico; sons, Rick Geeslin and wife Nancy of Bowie, and Ron Geeslin and wife Donna of Chico; nephews, David Murphree and wife Faye of Azle, Paul Murphree and wife Judy of Azle, Dwain Dent and wife Diana of Fort Worth, Ray Dent of Jack County; niece, Patti Gallagher and husband Robert of Weatherford; 9 grandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren. The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

James R. Thurman 1939 - 2013

Lucille E. Thomas 1921 - 2013

James R. “Krow Bar” Thurman, 78, passed away Thurday, December 5 2013, in Azle. Inurnment was held at Oakwood Cemetery, Cisco, Texas. A memorial service will be

death by her husband; Kenneth Thomas and her parents; Fred and Fannie Lawrence. Survivors include; her daughters; Beverly Gingerich and husband Ross of San Diego, CA; Linda Musick and husband James of Fort Worth, and son Kenneth Thomas, Jr. and wife Terry of Azle; sister, Christine Moon of Arlington; 6 grandchildren, Nikki Harshaw and husband Steve of Murrieta, CA; Traci Yater and husband Todd of Burleson; Christina Moody-Musick and husband Dan of Lake Dallas; Jason Thomas and wife Amber of Azle; Matthew Thomas of Azle; Andrew Thomas of Richland Hills and 6 great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

Sheri Trentham 1946 - 2014 Memorial service will be held at 11:30 a.m., Thursday in Greenwood Funeral Home Chapel. Sheri was born Jan. 20, 1946 in Fort Worth to Ruth and Robert Lynn. Survivors include; Husband, Bud Trentham; children, Kathy Dickerson and husband, Gary, Beth Scott and husband, Jeff, Thad Trentham, Brett Pardue and Brandi Scott; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and sister, Dee Lynn Maxey and husband, Asa. Sheri Trentham, 66, passed away January 5, 2014.

The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

Lucille E. Thomas of Azle passed away Sunday, December 29, 2013. Funeral service was held Friday, Jan. 3 at Biggers Funeral Home. Burial was in Post Oak Cemetery in Stephens County, Texas. Lucille was born in Breckenridge and was preceeded in

The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

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1971 in Virginia and grew up in Texas. Rusty is survived by his daughters Teya and Tyler Eudey; parents, Norman and Mattelea Havron, Dennis and Mary Eudey; three brothers, Ronnie Eudey and wife, Misty, Wyatt Havron and fiancée, Christina Beasley, and Jimi Johnson; two sisters, Daphne Hicks and husband, Jamie and Jamie Flack and husband, Josh; grandparents, many uncles, aunts, numerous cousins, nieces, nephews and one granddaughter, Quinn.

Russell “Rusty” Eudey, 42, passed away December 24, 2013. A memorial service was held Saturday, January 4, 2014 in Azle. Rusty was born on August 2,

The Azle News, Jan. 08, 2013 Edition

Arthur Rex Yancy, Jr. 1942 - 2014 Funeral Home. Visitation to be held 1 to 3 p.m. Friday at White’s Azle Funeral Home. Arthur was born Aug. 10, 1942 in Bexar County to Arthur Rex, Sr. and Francis Yancey. He married Barbara Davis in Grapevine August 10, 1980. Arthur had been a mechanic and refrigeration repairman all of his life. He will be greatly missed by all that knew him. Arthur was preceded in death by his parents; sons, Christopher and Scott Yancey. Survivors include; wife, BarArthur Rex Yancey Jr., 71, bara Yancey; son, Rex Yancey; passed away Saturday, January stepchildren, Steve Ellis, Larry 4, 2014 with his loving family Ellis and Elizabeth McLeod; by his side. and grandson, Mitchell Yancey. Graveside service will be held 1 p.m. Sat., Jan. 11 at Azleland Memorial Park under The Azle News, the direction of White’s Azle Jan. 8, 2014 Edition 817-594-2747 • Fax 817-596-7803 1-800-593-2747 James R. Plowman Norma Plowman

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300 South Stewart St. Early Worship ...........................8:15 am Sunday School ..........................9:30 am Contemporary Worship-TMP ..10:45 am Traditional Worship ...............10:45 am Evening Worship .......................6:00 pm Wednesday Youth Refuge..........6:00 pm Wednesday Evening ..................6:15 pm Pastor: Dr. G. Wesley Shotwell 817-444-3219


Assembly of God Church Hwy. 199 & Jaybird Lane Pastor: Gary D. Veazey Morning Worship .................10:30 am Kidz Zone .............................10:30 am Wednesday Evening

Life Development, Chosen Student Ministries, Kidz Zone - All Services .....7:00 pm

817-221-5760 • 817-221-2983


Pastor: Paul Brownback 817-444-1211 10400 Jacksboro Highway Morning Worship ....................10:30 am Wed: Youth & Family Night ......7:00 pm


Dr. Vaughn Baker - Pastor 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-444-1382 Sunday School .....................10:00 am Traditional Worship .............11:00 am Sunday Youth .......................10:00 am Synergy Worship ....................9:00 am


Corner FM 730 S. & Veal Station Rd. Sunday School ......................9:45 am Morning Worship .................10:50 am Evening Worship ....................6:00 pm Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm Pastor: Jay Ditty Minister of Music: David Musick Church 817-444-2325


Corner FM 730S & FM 1886 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Worship Service ...................10:30 am Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm 817-270-8476 Pastor - Jon Baker Music Minister - Lloyd McCarroll, Jr. Transporation Available


1020 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-4903 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Morning Worship .................10:30 am Sunday Evening Serv. ............6:00 am Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Pastor: Tim Stevens

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 Church St., Azle • 817-444-3323 Morn. Worship ........ 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School .......................9:45 am Youth (UMYF) .........5:00 p.m. Sunday & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Pastor: Dr. Scott Youngblood

CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 E. • Springtown 817-221-LIFE (5433) Sunday School ...................... 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service .....10:00 am Sunday Evening Worship ......6:00 pm Wednesday ...........................7:00 pm

HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH 800 Highcrest Dr. - Azle - 817-444-3063 Sunday Mass.........................8:30 am Wednesday Mass .................. 6:30 pm


7200 Robertson Rd. • Ft. Worth Sr. Pastor Frank W. Briggs 817-237-2758 Classic Service ..........................8:40 am Contemporary Service ... 10 & 11:30 am Lighthouse Christian Academy: Preschool, Private Kindergarten


1313 S.E. Pkwy, Azle 817-237-4822 Missouri Synod Worship Service ....................9:30 am Sunday School .....................10:45 am “Christians growing in Jesus, sharing His love with all”


2920 Azle Ave. • 817-624-2184 Daily Mass - Mon., Wed.,Fri........8 am Reconciliation .... Sat. 3:30 or by appt. Weekend Masses .......... Sat. 4:00 pm SUNDAY ......... 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 am & 1:30 pm (Spanish)

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Pastor: JoAnne Swehosky 4795 E. Hwy 199 - Reno 817-221-HOPE Sunday School .......................9:00 am Traditional Service ...............10:00 am


7955 Reed Road, Azle Directions: FM 730 N., 5 miles to Reed Rd. - turn & go 1/2 mile - church on right Pastor, Nancy Nold Ch. 817-444-0226 Morning Worship .................11:00 am Sunday School .....................10:00 am “Open hearts, open minds, open doors”

COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 1405 Reynolds Rd., Azle • 817-444-7117 Directions: 730 N. to 1542 .5 mi. right on Cardinal, left on Reynolds Pastor - Rev. Fred Weaver 817-444-3181 Rev. Faye Mote 817-220-5734 Sunday School .......................9:45 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am Sunday Evening .....................6:00 pm Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Sunday Night Youth ..............6:00 pm


(Disciples of Christ) 117 Church St. • 817-444-3527 Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Alan Lobaugh Youth Minister, Will Ryan Sunday School .....................10:00 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am

ST. ANNE’S CHURCH (Episcopal/Anglican) 6055 Azle Ave., Lake Worth 817-237-1888 Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Roger Grist Early Worship w/Communion... 8:00 am Sunday School (Adults-Jr.H.). ....9:15 am (Nursery Available) Choral Worship w/Communion.....10:30 am “Narnia” Children’s Church...........10:30 am

A church alive is worth the drive! For more information or rates on listing your church, Call Johnna at 817-270-3340


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Becky Ann Box

Wallace Milton Smith

1952 - 2014

1931 - 2014

Wallace Milton Smith, 82, passed away Friday, January 3, 2014, in Azle. Service were held 11 a.m. on Monday at Crossroads Baptist Church, 6003 F.M. #1886 at F.M. #730 South. Interment was at Ash Creek Cemetery in Azle. Masonic service will be under auspices of Azle Lodge 601 A.F. & A.M. Visitation was 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at Big-

gers Funeral Home. Memorial gifts may be made to a charity of choice. Wallace was born, April 17, 1931, in Steamboat Springs, Colo. He met and married the love of his life, Betty L. Murphree, in Azle in 1949. They remained in Azle raising their five boys. Wallace started Cope and Smith Construction in 1957. During his career, he was the general contractor on Eagle Heights Elementary School, Springtown High School, Azle High School Gymnasium and Football Stadium, the original Wise Regional Hospital building, the original Stephenville Hospital and many other buildings in the Fort Worth area. Mr. Smith retired at the age of 52 years of age and focused his retirement on spoiling his many grandchildren on Eagle Mountain Lake and breeding cattle in Poolville. He was preceded in death

by his parents, Adell and Raymond F. Smith; wife of 50 years, Betty L. Murphree Smith; brothers Donnie Smith and Billy Smith; son, Danny L. Smith; granddaughter, Teresa C. Zaidle; grandson, Jeremy W. Smith; and stepdaughter, Gaye Baxter. Survivors include; his wife, Patricia Smith; sister Oweeda Sheets and husband L.D. of Azle; sons, Ronnie Smith and wife, Joyce, of Azle, Steve Smith and wife, Ella, of Weatherford, Terry and Toy Smith of Azle; stepchildren, Debra Baum and husband, Danny, Robert Richardson and wife, Debra, and Mike Richardson; grandchildren, Amy Rollmann and husband, Brad, Kristi Ramon and husband, Michael, Sandra Cherry and husband, Dwayne, Starla Norton, Dustin Smith, Jason Smith and wife, Julie, Brandon

“Bud” and Edna Merlene Couch Box. She was a graduate of San Angelo State University. She taught school for a short time, later becoming an editor for TV Listing Inc. But mostly Becky was a teacher of life. She embraced her Indian heritage, was brave, loyal and humble. Becky was selfless, accepting and always a calm in any storm. She was a fun-maker, risk-taker and a do-what-ittakes mom. She will be deeply missed and never forgotten. Becky was preceded in death by her parents; daughter, Jennifer Sparkman; brother, Buddy Becky Ann Box, 61, beloved Box; sister, Bette Lang; and mother, sister and friend, and aunt, Zelma Faye Allen. an awesome grandmother, Survivors include; children, went home Friday, Jan. 3, David Lee Sparkman Jr., Re2014, in Fort Worth. becca LeAnn Sparkman, JoMemorial service will be seph Wesley Sparkman, Sandra held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. Elizabeth Jackson; 10 grand11, in White’s Azle Chapel, children; brother, Bill Box; her sister and best friend, Chris The Azle News, 105 Denver Trail, Azle. In lieu of flowers, the family Dawson; very good friend, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition suggests contributions be made Charlene Sheasley Tyler; one to MADD or Battered Wom- niece; two nephews; and many en’s Shelters of America. friends. Becky was born Sept. 15, The Azle News, 1952, in Stamford to Herschel Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

Smith and wife, Michelle, Amber Cumbie and husband, Adam, Wesley Smith and wife, Jaymi, Sherri Earp and husband, Jason, Zachary and Koleton Smith; step-grandchildren, Justin Baxter and wife, Elizabeth, Nick Naehretz and wife, Holly, Alexa Naehretz, Bailey and Brooke Baum, Jordan Baum, Daniel Baum and Jake Richardson ; great-grandchildren, Timothy and Michelle Ramon, Katie, Kallee and Kyndle Cumbie, Grace and Lily Rollmann, Sierra and Mercedes Rodriguez, Jacee Cox and Chance Earp, Nick and Misti Nicholson, Quinlan Connor and Carson Smith, Dakota, Toby and Riley Norton, and Ava Smith; great-great-grandchild, Braylin Cox and another expected soon, Jaceton Earp.

Teresa D. “Mimi” Roberts 1957 - 2014 Teresa D. “Mimi” Roberts, 56, loving wife, mother, grandmother and friend, passed away Sunday, January 5, 2014 in an Azle hospital with her loving family by her side. Service is at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday at White’s Azle Chapel, 105 Denver Trail, Azle. Visitation were held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at White’s Azle Funeral Home. Interment

will be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday at Levelland Cemetery in Levelland. Teresa was born October 12, 1957 in Littlefield to Thomas and Peggy Ruth Lively. The family wishes to express their gratitude to Jan Cherry for her unwavering care and generosity. Survivors include; husband, Mark Roberts; sons, David

Roberts and wife, Halsey, Cisco Roberts and wife, Heather, and Dakota Roberts and wife, Misty; grandchildren, Courtney, Tynleigh, Natalie, Rylinn, Londyn and Tegan; father, Thomas Lively; brothers, Terry Lively, Todd Lively and Ty Lively; numerous nieces, nephews and friends. The Azle News, Jan. 8, 2014 Edition

INSIDE DIGEST Library book sale slated Jan. 17 The Azle Library Trust will host its annual book sale Friday, Jan. 17 from 9a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 18, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Featuring a variety of gently used books and more, all for $1 or less, the sale will be held in the Community Room at the Azle Memorial Library, 333 W. Main Street, in Azle. Only cash and checks will be accepted as payment.

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“Service from our family to yours” Are you looking for ways to make your money go further? Many of us are cutting back, and being careful about what we spend in this economy. We want to save money on household necessities, but when it comes to services around our home, we don’t want to sacrifice our peace of mind to save a few dollars. We want our service providers to be honest and dependableworthy of our trust. Billy Green is that kind of man. He raised his son Tim to treat others with respect. He encouraged and developed Tim’s heart of service. Watching his father, Tim had an example of great moral character and strong work ethics. Together they are a glowing example of honesty, reliability and selfsacrifice. When you have the opportunity to visit with them, you instantly feel at ease. Their positive attitudes are contagious, and you will leave with a smile. Together, Billy and Tim started Atex Trash Service. It was a way for them to serve their community- their neighbors. Being able to make a living serving others is a dream come true for Tim. Atex Trash Service has been helping area residents save money on their residential trash pick-up since August 2010. Tim and Billy Green are the dynamic duo of father and son teams, proving that you can provide Superior Quality Service at the Lowest price. Atex provides weekly trash pick-up for only $24.00 a month. “We realize not

everyone needs weekly pickup,” said Tim, “we are able to customize plans for smaller families”. They serve Parker, Tarrant, and Wise County areas outside of Azle, Springtown, Weatherford, and the area continues to grow! Just call and see if they can help you! Since they are a local, family owned company, you know who will answer the phone when you call. Tim and Billy are available Monday through Friday from 7a.m. to 7 p.m. and later if you need them. Just call 817-344-8464. You can contact Atex through the website 24 hours a day at It’s an easy to navigate website where you can contact Tim, sign up for new service, or even securely pay your bill online. Atex is one of the fastest growing companies in the area. Folks around town have started enjoying the savings, and referring their friends! “When a customer refers us,” Tim says, “we call them and thank them for the referral. We also provide them with a free month of service.” Operating this business means the whole family can work together! Tim’s sons Laken and Gaige have grown up, and they’re now the third generation joining the team. “I’m happiest when I am doing something for others,” said Tim, “We are providing a service everyone needs, and they can feel secure knowing who picks up their trash every week.”


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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Ladies repeat as Castleberry tourney champs Azle picks up 2 5-4A victories By MArK K. cAMPBeLL Between tournament contests and district games, the basketball Lady Hornets have been a busy bunch. And a successful one, too. Azle (15-7, 3-2) rebounded from a killer 5-4A loss to Denton Guyer with a string of victories. The five-game – and counting – victory streak began on the road at Wichita Falls. AHS defeated the Lady Coyotes 40-27 Dec. 20. Morgan Prentice led with 20 points. Kaycie Dunkerley added 9 and Valarie Matlock and Payton Berger scored 6 points each. After Christmas, the Lady Hornets headed to River Oaks to defended their 2012 Castleberry tourney title – and did just that, going 3-0. On Dec. 26, Lake Worth fell in the tournament opener 5321. Top scorers for Azle were Prentice (11), Matlock (10), and Dunkerley and Berger (7). The next day, Carrollton Ranchview fell to AHS, 54-36. Prentice, en route to a tournament MVP trophy, hit for 17 points. Dunkerley, an All-Tourney pick, and Berger scored 11

It was a battle under the boards when Brewer visited the AHS gym Jan. 3. Lady Hornets Payton Berger (24) and Morgan Prentice (second from

PLEASE SEE AHS, PAGE 9A. right) tangled with Lady Bears for a rebound. Azle won easily and AHS remains in the middle of the 5-4A playoff hunt.

Photo by Mark K. Campbell

AHS places 16 on All-District list While the football season did not work out as hoped, many Hornet athletes still received recognition for their efforts. Leading the way was Azle’s lone All-District 5-4A First Team pick, junior defensive lineman Garrett Tidwell. Eight other Hornets landed on the Second Team, including seniors Jesse Salisbury (safety), Tyler Shemberger (guard), and Bryson Jennings (cornerback). Most of the honorees were underclassmen which bodes well for this fall’s 2014 season. Offensive Second Teamers included juniors Jamie King (quarterback), Tyler Albers (wide receiver), and Dylan Tritton (kicker.) On the defensive Second Team were junior linebackers Johnny Crow and Marshall Gilbreath. Honorable Mention picks included seniors, juniors, and a Despite being injured for some of the season, Jaime sophomore, center Kade GrifKing earned postseason kudos. Photo by Mark K. Campbell fin.

Soccer starts with tourney The 2014 soccer season officially begins with Azle right at home. Both boys and girls teams will host a tournament at AHS Jan. 9-11. The Lady Hornets varsity opens with Little Elm at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9. The next day, the Azle girls entertain San Angelo Lake View at 9:30 a.m. and Argyle at 2 p.m. The varsity boys play at 6:30 p.m. Thursday against FW Eastern Hills and at 12:30 vs. Western Hills and 6:30 p.m. Jan. 10 against Poly. Bracket play for all follows on Saturday, Jan. 11. Both junior varsities will also play. Next, the varsity girl will vie in a Brewer tourney while the boys venture to Central Texas to play in a Brenham event.

5-4A All-District

First Team Defense Garrett Tidwell, DL Second Team Offense Jaime King, QB Tyler Albers, WR Tyler Shemberger, G Dylan Tritton, K Second Team Defense Johnny Crow, ILB Marshall Gilbreath, OLB Jesse Salisbury, S Bryson Jennings, CB Honorable Mention Langdon Todd, OT Dalton Cole, TE/FB Kade Griffin, C Matt Delprincipe, WR Brady McDowell, DE Jacob Moutray, ILB Tommy Kay, DE Azle’s only 5-4A First Team selection was defensive lineman Garrett Tidwell.

Photo by Mark K. Campbell

Hornets seeking 5-4A win The Azle varsity basketball team has faced some tough foes in the early stages of district play. And non-district hasn’t been a cakewalk, either. On Dec. 20, Azle fell at 5-4A rival Wichita Falls 63-49. At the Castleberry holiday tournament, Boswell toppled the Hornets 48-37. Back in district action as the New Year began, visiting Brewer beat AHS 72-43. Colton Bagwell’s 11 points was the high for Azle. Cooper Rush scored 10, Luke Davis 6, and Smith 5 points. “We played hard,” coach Eddy Prather recalled, “just not for four quarters.” AHS plays four of five games on the road beginning Jan. 17. The freshmen beat Brewer 38-34. Ricky Aregullin led with 12 points. Chance Blackburn had 9 and Zack Kent 5. Ben Davis and Carlos MartiHornet Ty Fair (5) keeps a Brewer Bear at bay as the Azle guard darts toward the basket. AHS finds itself in a nez stood out defensively, notcompetitive district that includes state-ranked Byron Nelson. Photo by Mark K. Campbell ed coach Ryan Jordan.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Azle boys, girls wrestlers pin down victories BY MARk k. CAMpBeLL The Lady Hornets excelled at an Eagle Mountain-Saginaw tourney, two winning gold. Lauren Gilbert (competing in the 128-pound class) and Jesse Grubbs (185) took top spots. Coach Monica Allen said that Gilbert “wrestled very well and looked good” the entire tourney. Ruby Ariosa got a silver medal at 95 pounds and Bernie Duhan took fourth at 119. While the girls were in Saginaw Dec. 20-21, boys coach Chris Allen took some Hornets

to the Southern Oklahoma Invitational. Logan Little (160) and Justin Scarbro (heavyweight) both earned silvers in the prestigious event. Marshall Gilbreath (182) and Colten Clearwater (145) finished fourth. Tyler Stewart (152) went 3-2 to take fifth and Jacob Moutray (170), Skylar Russell (126), and Hayden Buchanan (132) were all sixth. Allen said, “We only took 11 of the 14 weights so doing that well as a team was a good solid effort.” On Jan. 3-4, squads headed

to Arlington Lamar. There, the girls took sixth out of 26 teams with Gilbert and Grubbs winning – the latter avenging her only loss of this season in the finals. Brooke Mata (119) and Ashlee Taylor (138) finished second while Duhan was third. The boys team was fifth – 2.5 points from fourth – and was led by Gilbreath’s gold and placings by Scarbro, Clearwater, and Little. Seth Bell, Chris Hedge, and Cutter Cox won silvers in the Azle’s female wrestlers (l-r) Jesse Grubbs, Lauren Gilbert, Brooke Bryan, Bernadette JV division. Duhan, Ruby Ariosa, and Tabithah Moreno took sixth at an Arlington Lamar tourney.

Young athletes excel in tourney Azle hosted a kids’ wrestling tournament – The Hive, put on by Azle Youth Wrestling – and local young athletes shone, placing throughout several categories. In Division 1, Shane Imbler won at 80 pounds. Three finished third: Lincoln Berg (39 pounds), Landen Buchanan (69), and Matt Becker (55, open). In Division 2, Azle won six golds: • Chase Eustace (55) • Barrett Gilbreath (80) Young Azle wrestler Jackson Berg (top) won his open • Hunter Stringer (95) division at 70 pounds.

• Trevor Russell (110) • Jackson Berg (70, open) • Dillinger Kovach (95, open) Runners-up included Harley Stringer (60) and Allan Mille (95). Lewis Duhan (48) and Alyssa Holland (60) finished third while Mille took fourth in the 95 open class. In Division 3, golds were won by Mason Woodward (68), Gabriel Laver (125), and Hughie Holland (68, open). A trio of young Azle wrestlers were silver medalists – Danny Laver (82), Easton

Clearwater (105), and Russell (105, open). Austin Fox finished third in the 74-pound class and so did Conner Powell against 78 pounders. Reed Ludwig took fourth at 82 pounds. Fifth place finishes were earned by Lawson Nagel (90, open) and Hunter Stringer (97, open). Division 4 contained three golden efforts: Josue Juantos (115), Cody Donnell (145, open), and Gaven Buchanan (155 open).

Haygen Holbrooks got the silver in Division 4, taking second in the 118 class. In Divison 5, Reese Rodda finished third in the 145 open class. Azle High School coach Chris Allen said, “I am proud of our kids and how well they did being able to showcase how hard they have been working for a home crowd. “It took a while for us to get a youth tournament here, but we owe it to get a great group of youth, coaches and parents who made it possible.”

AHS on a win streak n AHS, FROM PAGE 8A.

The Lady Hornets repeated as champions of the Castleberry holiday tournament.

points each. The championship game was a rout, 68-19, over Calvary Christian. Matlock (13), Dunkerley (12), Berger (11), and Taylor Fulfer (9) paced scorers. Back in 5-4A play Jan. 3, Azle clobbered Brewer 57-31. Berger was tops inside with 15 points; Prentice added 9 and Maci Wilbanks and Matlock Azle’s Macey Hicks, 13 and a student at Azle Junior High scored 8 each. School, recently killed her first wild hog near Seymour.


1600 NW Pkwy St • Hwy 199 Azle, TX 817-677-2899


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


So, this is the best #@%&! music of 2013?!


lancing over at the endcap on an aisle at a Target, the shelf was filled with albums (yes, Grandpa still calls them albums) from 2013 Grammy nominees. Printed on the front of every CD: “Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics.” The warning label has been around for decades now, fueled by Prince’s 1984 Purple Rain; Tipper Gore wasn’t crazy about the racy songs on that record when she bought it for her 12-year-old daughter and that kicked off the federal proceedings that resulted in the sticker. (I had a Tipper experience when I bought my 14-year-old daughter an LP by the Presidents of the United States because she liked the song

“Peaches” – the record version was shockingly vulgar. We tossed the CD.) Today, most artists want that sticker on there since adolescents like nothing better than freaking out their parents and listening to raunchy lyrics fits that bill perfectly. In 1985 at those Congressional hearings, artists as diverse as John Denver and Frank Zappa (I bought a t-shirt emblazoned with his wild mane in 1975; his Apostrophe is one of the great albums) argued for free speech. The sticker – originally affixed to just the external cellophane – began showing up on albums like Guns N Roses’ Appetite for Destruction and 2 Live Crew’s As Nasty As They Wanna Be in the late 80’s. Today, they’re everywhere. But those days weren’t the only time ques-

tionable material showed up in modern music. Older music fans are quite familiar with the “Fish cheer” at Woodstock, led by CounJoe and ON YOUR try the Fish which MARK spelled out the Mark K. Campbell f-bomb. Cuss words are found in some classic rock tunes, ranging from using the Lord’s name in vain – “Cinderella” by Firefall and the Eagles’ “Life in the Fast Lane” – to scatologi-

cal – “Money” on Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon and – to f-bombs even appearing in song titles (2010’s “**** You” by Cee-Lo Green; the clean radio version was a big hit). Back in my youth, the cover of record albums were seriously studied and many would be unlikely to be displayed today. John Lennon and Yoko Ono posed fully nude for 1968’s Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins. Unclad underage children are on the front of Blind Faith’s 1969 eponymous LP and Led Zeppelin’s Houses of the Holy (1973). Santana’s 1970 Abraxas (with the hits “Black Magic Woman” and “Oye Como Va”) has naked women on its dizzying, psychedelic cover. Naturally, we’re back at the age-old question of what is art? For decades,

most controversial covers and lyrics were usually covered up/reshot or changed/censored. So, back to the Target endcap. While three of the five Album of the Year nominees have no explicit warning sticker – a surprise – every record on the shelf, up for honors in different categories, did. Certainly language has clout and I’d never advocate for censorship. However, being unnecessarily vulgar or crude – anywhere – just seems lazy. The argument that “that’s how this generation is” has falsely echoed through decades and decades. Cuss and be crude if you like, hipsters and rappers. Pocketbook voting works here. I bought nothing at Target. Mark K. Campbell is the News editor and is sure everything is Elvis’ fault.

What would you do with $31,536,000?


Letter to the editor National moral decay continuing as New Year arrives Dear Editor: Well, the New Year brings about new laws and the culture of a once proud country – America – has the tone of destruction in common sense to pure stupidity and moral decay in our social mores. Legalized same sex marriage is now OK in 18 states with the Lone Star State not far behind. While watching the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year’s Day, I saw throngs of people cheering and ap-

plauding a so-called Gay Pride float with two men standing on a wedding cake and a woman minister officiating the ceremony. Again in California, a new law available to kindergarten through high school allows students to use same sex bathrooms and locker rooms for competitive sports. In Colorado, it’s now legal to use marijuana and laugh until you are blue in the face in front of the police. Now, let’s look at the lunacy of these dichotomies, starting with marijuana. It’s OK now to fire up a doobie in public but drink a 16 ounce Big Gulp in New York City and you will be arrested.

It’s OK now if you’re a hairylegged dude and feel an overwhelming desire to walk into the women’s bathroom and do your thing; but let a little boy in preschool kiss a little girl on the cheek and he will be expelled and laden by the school district with sexual harassment charges. There is an aphorism for this new breed of liberal Americans: “The road to perdition is paved with good intentions.” Hindsight is always 20-20 and if you check your history, ask the “good” citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah how that road worked out for them. Joseph Bryan Fort Worth

n this first Life Matters of share in the profits. The third servant 2014 let’s pretend that a gen- was afraid of what might happen if he erous benefactor has given somehow lost the money, so he had each of us $31,536,000. Say hidden the original amount for safethat number aloud like a game keeping and returned it to his master. show announcer: “Thirty- The master was angry that the servant one million, five hundred had not, at least, deposited thirty-six THOUSAND the money in an account DOLLARS!” Sounds even that would have earned a bigger, doesn’t it? little interest. He punished Now, we’ve been told the servant and gave his that there is no such thing money to the others. as a free lunch (or 3 milJesus told this story to lion of them), so of course illustrate a great truth: this gift comes with some You and I are responsible stipulations. for how we invest the re1. The money is not sources with which God yours; you are only manhas entrusted us. We are aging it. not responsible for how the 2. You are, however, market performs. completely in charge of LIFE MATTERS Now, going back to our how it is spent. original game…it actually 3. The benefactor has Gerry Lewis isn’t pretend. At the stroke unlimited access to your of midnight on New Year’s records and knows how you spend ev- Eve, our Benefactor gave us 31,536,00 ery penny. seconds to manage in 2014. 4. There are no refunds; once it is Those seconds are not ours, but we spent, you cannot get it back. are in charge of how they are spent. 5. The benefactor can call for the Our Benefactor knows how we spend unused portion at any time. every one of them. Since time only 6. At some point, a full accounting moves forward, once we spend them, will be required. we can’t get them back. Our BeneIf that scenario happened, what factor can call for the unused portion would you do with the money? at any time. It is likely that someone There is a story in the Bible (found who is reading this will not be with in Matthew 25) about a man who us this time next year. We will all one went on a long trip. Before he left, he day give an accounting for the way we called his three servants together and managed the seconds He gave us, and entrusted his property to them, giving all of them matter to Him. different amounts of money to each At the time of this writing, we have one (to manage) based on their abili- already spent over 353,000. How are ties. When he returned from his trip, you spending yours? he called the servants back together to settle up accounts. Two of the three had wisely in- Azle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis – author, blogger, vested the money, putting it to work, church consultant, and leadership coach – serves as Executive Director of the Harvest Baptist Asand had doubled the original amount. sociation headquartered in Decatur. The opinions The master congratulated them for expressed in this column are his own and may not represent the views of HBA. their faithfulness and invited them to

Robert Louis Stevenson had connection to U.S. West


orn in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850, the writer Robert Louis Stevenson had a Western U.S. connection. A pivotal and influential part of his life took place in California from 1879 to 1880. His childhood in Scotland was influenced by a well-to-do engineer father who followed the family profession of building lighthouses. Frequent moves, sometimes to damp, unhealthy places, caused the young Stevenson to develop coughs and fevers. He remained a frail youth and missed a lot of school. His father hired a series of tutors to teach him at home, and this allowed time to entertain himself. Consequently, he began writing stories at an early age. Even so, his father eventually sent him to the University of Edinburgh in 1867 to study engineering. During vacations Stevenson accompanied his father to see the latter's recent engi-


neering structures. Stevenson enjoyed the travels more to stimulate his writing than to inspire an interest in engineering. By April 1871 he told his father that he wanted to be a writer. Disappointed, the elder Stevenson persuaded his son to read for the law to provide himself some job security. Although Stevenson passed the bar exam, he never practiced law. Instead, he traveled and wrote essays about what he saw. In 1876 in France Stevenson met an American woman, Fanny Osborne, ten years his senior. She was separated from her husband because of his infidelities. Although Stevenson returned to Scotland after meeting her, the two stayed in touch, and he visited her in France the following year. In 1878 she returned to San Francisco. The next year Stevenson traveled to see her without telling his parents. His cheap travel arrangements affected his health. Once in California, he lived in

an inexpensive boarding house. When his father learned of his situation, he sent him money. In May 1880, Stevenson and Fanny married, spending their honeymoon in abandoned PAGES FROM an mining camp in WESTERN the Napa ValIn August HISTORY ley. they traveled J’Nell L. Pate to Scotland for Fanny to meet his parents, and fortunately a friendly reconciliation occurred. He later called his marriage “the best move I ever made in my life.” Fanny nursed him through his illnesses and supported him in his writing.

321 W. Main Street Azle, Texas 76020 (817) 270-3340 MEMBER 2014

Publisher Kim Ware Editor Mark K. Campbell

Despite poor health, Stevenson wrote his best-known novels in the 1880s. Treasure Island came out in 1883, and then later Kidnapped and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Reviewers believe that the setting of Treasure Island was the peninsula of Point Lobos, presently a state park about four miles south of Monterey, CA. In a letter to a friend, Stevenson confirmed that the scenery was “California in part.” He even had hunted for buried treasure in the same area. The book Treasure Island has never gone out of print in the more than a century since its publication. Beginning in 1888 Stevenson chartered a yacht. Leaving from San Francisco with his family, for three years they sailed the South Pacific while he wrote. He even purchased 400 acres in Samoa. The Samoans called him “Tusitala” which meant “Teller of Tales.” On December 3, 1894, at age 44,

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Stevenson died suddenly. Although he suffered ill health all his life, and many feared he would die of tuberculosis, he apparently died of a cerebral hemorrhage. The Samoans buried him on a mountain overlooking the sea. An earlier eight-line poem of his, called Requiem was later inscribed on his tomb. The last three lines have become well-known. Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, And I laid me down with a will. This be the verse you 'grave for me: 'Here he lies where he longed to be; Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill.' California honors him with monuments, as does Scotland. Retired history professor J’Nell Pate of Azle hasauthoredseveralbooks,manyofwhich are on sale in the lobby of the Azle News.

Letters to the Editor policy Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a space-available basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Editor, 321 W. Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 Email letters to:


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Attorneys general fi re off letter to Sebeliu


.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius received a letter dated Jan. 2 from 10 state attorneys general, expressing concern over recent action related to the enforcement of the federal Affordable Care Act. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott signed the letter along with 10 other state attorneys general who united in claiming the federal Health & Human Services agency has proposed changes “that both compound illegal executive action and fail to protect the privacy of consumers using the health insurance exchanges.” In the fall, President Obama said it would be acceptable for insurance companies to let current heath policies remain in effect for a year, even if those policies do not meet all of the Affordable Care Act’s coverage requirements. But rather than have Health & Human Services accommodate an “administrative fi x” to the act as proposed

by President Obama, the attorneys general suggested, changes instead should come through congressional action. As to the privacy issue, the attorneys general wrote of “the widespread public outcry over the security of consumers’ private information throughout the enrollment process” and said Health & Human Services “needs to implement commonsense safeguards, such as criminal background checks, for all persons with access to sensitive personal information.” Meanwhile, the Texas Department of Insurance scheduled a Jan. 6 hearing on proposed state health care regulations of healthcare navigators, people who assist other individuals through the national health care exchange sign-up process. State Sen. Kirk Watson, DAustin, a few days before the hearing, said, “My problem is with things like fees for navigators, who themselves are prohibited from charging for their services and the arbitrary and

unjustifi ed addition of 40 hours to the existing federal training requirements. The Department STATE needs to emonCAPITAL dstrate that HIGHLIGHTS these prons Ed Sterling varei s i onot designed simply to put navigators out of business.” Meeting deals with quakes Texas Railroad Commission, the state agency that regulates the oil and gas industry, on Jan. 3 hosted a town hall meeting in Azle, a city straddling Tarrant and Parker counties, northwest of Fort Worth. Railroad Commissioner David Porter listened to residents’ concerns over recent seismic activity in the area, which

many believe to be related to gas and oil industry operations that have increased dramatically over the last few years. According to the Railroad Commission, Porter has been in communication with the state geologist in regards to a potential study by the Bureau of Economic Geology and the commission staff “has inspected every disposal well in the impacted area for any violations, none of which have been detected.” But residents expressed suspicions that drilling activities and disposal wells, where waste fl uids have been deposited, somehow might be related to the slippage of geological substrates. Porter said, “The Railroad Commission will continue to diligently enforce its current rules and regulations regarding disposal and injection wells.” Also, in a Jan. 3 statement, the Texas Oil and Gas Association said, “Safe and responsible operations in the oil and gas industry is priority one. Discussion of seismic activity and any

possible correlation to oil and gas operations is a worthwhile exercise and the issue warrants robust investigation to expand upon the research we have on hand today.” Governor appoints Steen Gov. Rick Perry on Jan. 3 announced the appointment of John T. Steen Jr. of San Antonio to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for a term to being Jan. 8 and expire Aug. 31, 2019. The board sets policies and coordinates efforts to improve higher education in Texas. Steen served as Texas Secretary of State from November 2012 to December 2013. He also served as a commissioner and past chair of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, as a board member of the Texas Public Safety Commission, and as a member of the Texas Commission on Economy and Effi ciency in State Government. Two philanthropists die Jack Sawtelle Blanton, 86,

of Houston, a leader in the energy industry, philanthropy and higher education, died in Houston on Dec. 28. The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin was named in his honor in 1997. “The university has lost a great friend,” said Bill Powers, president of The University of Texas at Austin. Also on Dec. 28, businessman, investor, political activist and philanthropist Harold Clark Simmons, 82, of Dallas, died. Gov. Perry remembered Simmons as a "true Texas giant" whose "legacy of hard work and giving, particularly to his beloved University of Texas, will live on for generations."

Veteran state reporter and legislative analyst Ed Sterling is member services director for the Texas Press Association, whose 518 member newspapers have combined circulation of 3.7 million.

LETTER FDs, neighbors thanked for help with grass fi r

Email your letters to Letters should be brief and focus on a single issue. All letters are subject to editing. Please include a daytime phone number, even on emails. Writers are limited to two letters monthly.

A little spark + wind + tall dry grass = GRASS FIRE! A huge thank you to all of our neighbors on Mary Drive and to the Silver Creek and La Junta fi re departments for turning this almost major catastrophe into a lesson learned! We feel very blessed that so many people rushed to our aid on New Year's Day! Thank You! David A. and Jean Gechter Weatherford

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Movie Man

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The nitty gritty: Witty Mitty not long for the city...pity Christmastime – often Christmas Day – often brings not only peace, love, and happiness but a bevy of movie releases. So, invariably, some movies get lost in the year-end glut. Some surprise at their lack of excitement generation (this year, it’s Grudge Match, a comedic fi ght movie with Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro that is really taking it on the chin, making just $24.8 million so far) and others – long believed to be duds by studios hoping to reclaim at least some sort of return, are dumped – praying the holiday cinema rush for the hits will spill over into their weaker release (the Movie Man is talking about 47 Ronin [$32.7 million]). Sometimes a good movie just can’t fi nd its audience because of the number of Christmas choices. That looks like the fate that has befallen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. About the film Ben Stiller has been up and down throughout his career. He’s been in a generation’s touchstone movie (1994, Reality Bites [which he also directed]); some modern goofball classics (1998’s There’s Something about Mary and 2001’s Zoolander [Movie Man No. 427, a 7]); a fun movie that generated a lesser series (2000, Meet the Parents); and family friendly pictures (2005’s, Madagascar [MM #615, 6] and 2006’s Night at the Museum [MM #697, 5]). Stiller’s also made some terrible movies, none worse than the stinker remake of The Heartbreak Kid (MM #739, 2) in 2007. (The Movie Man recalls all these years later sitting in the theater wondering how it could be so horrible.) This latest picture, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, is one of the good ones – and Stiller’s directing again, to great effect. (He also directed some of his top movies like Zoolander, the funny Tropic Thunder (2008, MM #786, 6), and the initially reviled and now much more highly

thought of The Cable Guy (1996, MM #132, 4) starring a then redhot Jim Carrey. Speaking of Carrey, he was attached to Walter Mitty for years – along with such luminaries as Mike Myers, Scarlett Johansson, Ron Howard, Owen Wilson, and Steven Spielberg. The original picture, based on a beloved James Thurber short story, came out in 1947 and starred Danny Kaye. Even seen today, it remains a funny movie. (It also stars Movie Man favorite Boris Karloff in a rare non-straight-up horror role as a doctor.) The new Mitty’s lack of acceptance is puzzling. The only upside is that DVD renters/streamers are in for a nice surprise in March or April when this picture hits rental sites; it’s shaping up to be an unappreciated gem – fallout from a holiday season just too busy with too many movies. The plot Walter Mitty (Stiller) works for Life magazine. The publication is being shut down and changed to all-electronic. A fi nal hard-copy cover remains and reclusive photographer Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn) has submitted a one-of-akind photo for the last magazine. Unfortunately, Stiller can’t fi nd the negative. When he’s not taking off on mental fl ights of fancy – to the

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Stiller life Starring: Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig Directed by: Ben Stiller Rated PG: mild language, exaggerated action sequences email:

... on a scale of 1-10

Movie Man

consternation of whomever he zones. happens to be talking to at the He’s always one step behind time – Stiller is either messing Penn. Finally, though, they meet, around with or high in the Himalayas. There, clumsily conversing with work- Stiller discovers the secret bemate Cheryl (Kristen Wiig). hind negative No. 25. The cover negative – No. 25 He returns to America and, lo – is simply missing. Inspired by and behold, the precious negaWiig, Stiller decides to try to tive might not be so lost after all. hunt down Penn armed with only a trio of cryptic photos. Stiller What works has never met Penn even though Stiller is great here as an acthe latter included a gift for Still- tor; he’s always had solid comeer that arrived with the mysteri- dic chops (The Heartbreak Kid ous negative 25. aside). But he’s exceptional as a Stiller heads to Greenland, director. From the opening credthen Iceland – now living his its – the concept of which keep former daydreams by jumping literally popping up throughout aboard helicopters, leaping into the movie – to some well-staged a freezing sea, fi ghting a shark, action sequences to several asfl eeing an erupting volcano,tonishing vistas, Stiller delivers and venturing through war-torn

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a wonderful movie, visually and pilot is drunk. Stiller, as the pilot staggers off, must decide wheththematically. Wiig, easing away from her er to take a chance on this guy. That’s when he conjures up TV roots on Saturday Night Live, holds her own, especially in the Wiig, singing David Bowie’s “Major Tom.” As the countdown Best Scene sequence. A running gag with eHarmo- is sung, he races to the lifting-off works, too – it pays off copter and jumps aboard. when the telephone voice, Patton Oswalt, fi nally shows up on What doesn’t work There are several current culscreen. The fi rst action-movie mind tural references – commercials, escape is pretty good when Still- dialogue snippets – that are goer leaps off a subway platform, ing to be lost on viewers in just a into a building, and rescues few short years. That’s the price Wiig’s pet just before the build- you pay for making an of-themoment movie. But, in the fuing blows up. The fi lm is getting some heat ture, those mentions are painful for being more CGI than char- PLEASE SEE MITTY, PAGE 4A. acter, but the Movie Man thinks Stiller found the right balance. Computer generated sequences of skateboarding down a steep, windy hill in Iceland and the roiling volcano eruption are solid. 817-238-8300 So is the use of music here – some of it modern, some classic 3980 Boat Club Rd Lake Worth rock. SERVING FOOD, BEER & WINE And a scene late in the movie ShOWtImES FRI 1/10 -tues 1/16 of Stiller and Penn playing soc$5 MATINEES, ALL MOVIES BEFORE 6PM cer with some Sherpas is so loveMILITARY, SENIORS & STUDENT DISCOUNTS ly and perfectly shot in myriad TUESDAYS, ALL MOVIES1, ALL DAY yellows that it’s really a standout. WITH 2 FOR 1 PIZZAS



Best scene Stiller has made it to Iceland but needs to fl y on a helicopter to reach a ship at sea that he thinks Penn is on. The problem: The

Coming January 17

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Secret Life of W. Mitty

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, new laws By Natalie GeNtry The New Year brought with it an assortment of new laws across Texas – 47 took effect on Jan 1. These laws are among the 600 passed during the legislative session last year. The Senate and the House of Representatives passed laws that addressed issues as varied as service dogs, concealed carry licenses, tanning ages, and mixed drinks. Pour another round House Bill (HB) 3572 cut the overall taxes establishments had to pay to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission from 14 percent to 6.7 percent. However, the new law adds an 8.25 percent sales tax for mixed drinks. Until now the tax on mixed drinks was included in that original 14 percent and sales tax was only applied to beer and wine. With the implementation of the new law, the additional 8.25 will be added to the price of the drink. In essence, the tax for these cocktails has been shifted from the bar or restaurant owner to the customer. A license to carry Texans who possess a concealed handgun license (CHL)

will have an easier time renewing their permit. According to Senate Bill (SB) 864, the process to apply for a CHL will now include attending a minimum of four hours of instruction – down from the previous 10 hours. In addition, HB 48 changed the requirements to renew CHL to include completing an application online, paying the fee, and signing a recognition of a form that explains the law. Under the new HB 1349, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is no longer required to ask for the Social Security number of a person applying for or renewing their license. “My understanding is HB 1349 is simply interested in protecting the personal information of applicants and licensees,” said Shane Scott, a certified Texas CHL instructor for Azle, Springtown, and surrounding areas. “According to reports I read that were produced during the bill’s consideration, a Social Security number is not required for DPS to process the concealed handgun license application and complete the required background checks,” he continued. Scott explained that it is important to remember that information about licensees can only

be released to law enforcement personnel for law enforcement purposes. This fact ensures that licensees do not become targeted by anti-gun groups and that the locations of owners of firearms are not revealed to criminals. Man’s best friend Another new law on the books recognizes service animals for persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). HB 489 states that public establishments may not deny admittance to these service animals and that employees of businesses may only ask the customer two questions about the animal: 1) Is the service animal required because the person has a disability and 2) what type of work is the animal trained to perform? Recognized service animals have typically assisted people with disabilities that were easily discernible through tasks such as guiding the visually impaired, pulling a wheelchair, and alerting the hearing impaired. Now canines that calm a person with PTSD can be added to the statewide recognized service animals. Gotta be drug free SB 21 requires Texans applying for unemployment benefits for the first time to take a drug test if their responses to the questionnaire signaled possible drug use. “The program of being able to provide some short-term benefits to help people get back on their feet is a laudatory program,” Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst said, “but it’s been abused.” The bill also subjects people who fail the drug test to enroll in a treatment program. The author of the bill, Senator Tommy Williams, explained that these steps will make sure people receiving these benefits are ready and willing to go back to work. “We have a responsibility to say no. We shouldn’t be rewarding bad behavior because, at the end of the day, if we reward it, these folks are not going to get clean and sober,” Dewhurst said.

Senate Bill 329 has made tanning beds, such as this one at tan time tanning Salon in azle off limits to anyone under 18 years old. Photo by Natalie Gentry dential tenants. SB 946 allows tenants who have been the victim or parent of a victim of sexual assault, other sexual crimes, or stalking in the previous six months to terminate a lease with 30 days’ notice and avoid liability. The tenant is required to provide medical documentation, law enforcement incident reports, and/or protective orders in order to exercise this right. According to SB 1120, tenants who lose the use of their leased residence due to a natural disaster will be allowed to move to another rental unit owned by the landlord without an extension of time added to the lease. HB 1772 requires that tenants whose rent is “utilities included” be fairly notified by the landlord and the utility company before the utility is cut off.

Time Tanning Salon in Azle. “So it really just eliminated the paperwork we had to have for them – I like that part.” Lindsay Halter at Bahama Mama’s Tanning Salon in Azle said, “We really preferred it the way it was.” The one point everyone agreed on is that the salons haven’t felt the full brunt of the new law yet. “Of course everything here is seasonal, so when Spring Break and prom get here we will feel

it more.” Cole said. Halter echoed that point. “There hasn’t been much of a drop in business so far, but when prom comes around, all the girls who would usually tan will have to get a spray tan,” she said. Halter explained that the issue then will be logistics. “All of the girls will have to come in about two days before prom, that way the tan won’t fade out or rub off onto their dresses,” she said.

Disappearing tan lines The lost 1990’s pastime of lying out in the sun to tan may make a comeback. SB 329 made Texas the fifth state to ban anyone under the age of 18 from using a tanning bed – even with parents’ permission. The age was raised from 16 years and six months after a study by the Melanoma and Skin Center at the University of Texas’ MD Anderson Cancer Center linked tanning bed usage to an increase in melanoma. Local sentiments about the new regulations vary. Tenants’ rights “Well, we were pretty strict The 2013 legislative session before this law and didn’t have saw multiple laws passed to provide for the rights of resi- a large group of kids under 18,” said April Cole, manager of Tan


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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

PARKER COUNTY ARRESTS The following individuals who list addresses in the Azle and/or Springtown areas were arrested by various law enforcement agencies and booked into the Parker County Jail during the week of Dec. 27-Jan. 5. Troopers from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) arrested a 25-year-old Springtown man on Dec. 28 and charged him with driving with an invalid license and without insurance. He also had three Azle traffi c warrants and two Fort Worth traffi c warrants. He posted $2,422.23 bond and was released from the Parker County jail on Dec 31. A 30-year-old Azle man was arrested on Dec. 29 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies on a motion to revoke probation or parole for a previous charge of evading arrest with a motor vehicle. As of Jan. 6 he was held in the Parker County jail without bond. Reno police arrested a 36-yearold Springtown man on Dec. 29 for warrants for assault causing bodily injury to a family member, unlawful restraint and criminal mischief – more than $500 but less than $1,500. He posted $6,000 bond and was released from the Parker County jail on Jan. 3. A 31-year-old Springtown man was arrested on Dec. 30 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for insuffi cient bond for three previous charges of possession of a controlled substance, penalty group one – 4-200 grams, theft over $1,500 and fraudulent use of identifying information. As of Jan. 6 he was held in the Parker County jail in lieu of $90,015. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 29-year-old Azle man on Dec. 30 and charged him with fraudulent use or possession of identifying information. He also had an outstanding county warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia and two Reno warrants for possession of drug paraphernalia and failure to appear in court. As of Jan. 6 he was held in the Parker County jail in lieu of $8,544 bond. A 45-year-old Springtown woman was arrested on Dec. 31



by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for a warrant for theft of property $20-$500 by check. As of PRINGTOWN IRE EPARTMENT Jan. 6 she was held in the Parker County jail in lieu of $750 bond. Saturday-Friday, Dec. 21 - Jan. 3 Parker County Sheriff’s depu- Dec. 21 7:02 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown ties arrested a 26-year-old Spring- Dec. 23 12:11 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area town man on Dec. 31 for warrants Dec. 24 6:41 3:30 p.m................. Vehicle unlock ............................................. Springtown area for an accident involving damage Dec. 25 11:33 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown to a vehicle – more than $200, and Dec. 26 8:30 a.m................. Lift assist ..................................................... Springtown area driving with an invalid license 11:37 a.m................. Vehicle accident ....................................................Reno area 1:03 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area and two warrants for bond for6:32 p.m................. Cooking fi re.............................................. City of Springtown feiture for driving with an invalid license. As of Jan. 6 he was held Dec. 27 11:48 a.m................. Public assist ............................................. City of Springtown 1:26 p.m................. Structure fi re............................................... Springtown area in the Parker County jail in lieu of Dec. 28 3:07 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area $4,952 bond. Dec. 29 12:52 a.m................. Structure fi re...................................................... Pelican Bay Robert Corneilous Abbot, 55, 3:13 a.m................. Dumpster fi re........................................... City of Springtown of Springtown was arrested on 10:33 a.m................. Structure fi re.................................................... LaJunta area Jan. 1 by Springtown police for 6:10 p.m................. Vehicle accident .......................................... Springtown area DWI, third or more offenses. He Dec. 30 6:31 a.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown 2:15 p.m................. Structure fi re............................................ City of Springtown posted $10,000 bond and was re3:07 p.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown leased from the Parker County jail 5:58 p.m................. Smell of gas ............................................. City of Springtown later that day. 6:05 p.m................. Illegal burn .................................................. Springtown area Eva Dianne Kramolis, 54 of Dec. 31 7:01 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area Azle, was arrested on Jan. 1 by 9:16 a.m................. Odor investigation ....................................... Springtown area DPS troopers for DWI – third 6:39 p.m................. Vehicle fi re............................................... City of Springtown 2:27 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area or more offense, driving with an Jan. 1 7:20 p.m................. Assist PCSO ............................................... Springtown area invalid license and no insurance. 9:36 a.m................. Fire alarm..................................................................Peaster She posted $10,500 bond and was Jan. 2 9:56 a.m................. Grass fi re.................................................... Springtown area released from the Parker County 10:31 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area jail on Jan. 3. Jan. 3 7:12 a.m................. Fire alarm................................................. City of Springtown Reno police arrested a 56-year10:24 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area old Azle man on multiple Reno 11:47 a.m................. Fire alarm..................................................................Peaster warrants traffi c violations and 12:56 p.m................. EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown failure to appear in court. As of Jan. 6 he was held in the Parker A UNTA OLUNTEER IRE EPT County jail without bond. Joe Dale Beyers, 56, of Spring- Saturday-Friday, Dec. 21 - Jan. 3 town was arrested on Jan. 2 by Dec. 21 6:31 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area Parker County Sheriff’s deputies Dec. 22 2:56 a.m................. Domestic assault ............................................. LaJunta area a.m................. Vehicle accident ............................................... LaJunta area for a warrant for DWI. He posted Dec. 23 9:21 1:16 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area $750 bond and was released from 6:07 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area the Parker County jail fi ve hours 6:40 p.m................. Carbon monoxide alarm .................................. LaJunta area later. Dec. 24 4:19 p.m................. Smell of smoke ................................................ LaJunta area A 22-year-old Azle man was arrested on Jan. 2 by Azle police of Jan. 6 he was held in the Parker the Parker County jail on Jan. 4. and charged with theft of property County jail without bond. A 19-year-old Azle woman was $50-$500. As of Jan. 6 he was David James Wyatt, 22, of Azle arrested on Jan. 3 by Parker Counheld in the Parker County jail in was arrested on Jan. 2 by Parker ty Sheriff’s deputies for a warrant lieu of $2,000 bond. County Sheriff’s deputies for a for injury to a child, the elderly or Parker County Sheriff’s depu- Denton County warrant for sex- the disabled. She posted $5,000 ties arrested a 22-year-old Azle ual assault of a child. He posted bond and was released from the man on Jan. 2 and charged him $10,000 bond and was released Parker County jail two hours later. with driving with an invalid li- from the Parker County jail on Parker County Sheriff’s depucense with a previous conviction. Jan. 3 ties arrested a 46-year-old SpringHe posted $750 bond and was reParker County Sheriff’s depu- town woman on Jan. 4 and leased from the Parker County jail ties arrested a 25-year-old Azle charged her with possession of on Jan. 3. man on Jan. 3 and charged him a controlled substance – penalty A 32-year-old Springtown man with no insurance. He posted group one, less than one gram and was arrested on Jan. 2 by Parker $642 bond and was released from driving with an invalid license County Sheriff’s deputies for a warrant for a parole violation. As








Still WaterS



Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Dec. 30

Dec. 31

Jan. 1 Jan. 2

1:57 p.m................. Grass fi re......................................................... LaJunta area 10:22 p.m................. Gas or propane leak ........................................ LaJunta area 6:49 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 11:41 a.m................. Vehicle accident ....................................................Reno area 8:03 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 12:11 a.m................. Structure fi re...................................................... Pelican Bay 10:33 a.m................. Structure fi re.................................................... LaJunta area 4:09 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 2:58 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 1:40 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 2:15 p.m................. Structure fi re............................................... Springtown area 3:31 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 5:39 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 11:55 a.m................. EMS ......................................................................Reno area 6:41 p.m................. Vehicle fi re............................................... City of Springtown 7:40 p.m................. Grass fi re......................................................... LaJunta area 8:16 p.m................. Grass fi re......................................................... LaJunta area 8:34 p.m................. Structure fi re.........................................................Reno area 10:41 p.m................. Grass fi re......................................................... LaJunta area 1:38 p.m................. Grass fi re...................................................Silver Creek area 6:42 p.m................. Illegal burn ....................................................... LaJunta area

SILVER CREEK FIRE DEPARTMENT Saturday-Friday, Dec. 21 - Jan. 3 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Dec. 24

Dec. 25

Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 31

Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 3

10:00 a.m................. Vehicle accident .........................................Silver Creek area 6:33 p.m................. Mutual aid structure fire .............................Silver Creek area 8:39 p.m................. Motorist assist ............................................Silver Creek area 5:5;7 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 9:39 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 2:27 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 4:19 p.m................. Smell of smoke ..........................................Silver Creek area 6:46 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 11:39 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 1:08 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 1:16 p.m................. Grass fi re...................................................Silver Creek area 2:45 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 3:41 p.m................. Structure fi re.......................................................Willow Park 12:08 p.m................. Grass fi re...................................................Silver Creek area 1:31 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 3:17 p.m................. Illegal burn .................................................Silver Creek area 10:17 p.m................. Grass fi re...................................................Silver Creek area 3:02 a.m................. Unknown type fire ......................................Silver Creek area 1:38 p.m................. Grass fi re...................................................Silver Creek area 10:37 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 1:32 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 9:53 p.m................. Smell of gas ...............................................Silver Creek area

with previous convictions. As of Jan. 6 she was held in the Parker County jail in lieu of $8,250 bond. James Darron Killion, 45, of Springtown was arrested by DPS troopers on Jan. 5 and charged with DWI. He posted $1,000 bond and was released from the Parker County jail later that day. Springtown police arrested a 49-year-old Springtown man on

Jan. 5 for bond forfeiture on a previous charge of theft of property, $50-$500. He posted $1,505 bond and was released from the Parker County jail the same day.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

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Warehouse full of rolls and remnants “Since 1979”

817-237-7871 8305 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76135

5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-221-3989 IGLESIA BAUTISTA Nueva Jerusalen 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown 817-677-2907 HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 817-433-8220 BAPTIST CHURCH 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth ASSEMBLY OF GOD 817-237-8441 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD LAJUNTA BAPTIST 114 Porter Drive, Azle Hwy. 199 in LaJunta 817-237-4903 817-221-3989 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH LAKE WORTH BAPTIST 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth 817-237-9433 817-237-4163 NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown 6409 FM 730 S., Azle 817-523-4462 817-444-4311 OUTREACH OF LOVE METROPOLITAN BAPTIST Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 817-237-2201 BAPTIST MIDWAY BAPTIST ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown 300 South Stewart, Azle 817-221-LOVE 817-444-3219 NEW HOPE BAPTIST AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area 350 Agnes N., Springtown 817-221-2184 817-523-7271 NORTHWEST BAPTIST BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth 408 S. Ash St., Springtown 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 817-220-4238 SILVER CREEK BAPTIST AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-444-2325 817- 626-5556 NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST CHURCH BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar 817-707-2741 817- 444-3484 PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle 940-433-5477 817-237-0892 SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST TEMPLE CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown 1 block off Hwy. 199, 817-523-0376 east of David’s Patio, UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Springtown, 817-221-2241 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown CENTRAL BAPTIST 817-613-1441 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594-5918 WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes 817-221-2110 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST CLEAR FORK BAPTIST 836 NW Parkway, Azle Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., Weather- 817-444-3752 ford, 817-594-1154 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA COTTONWOOD CREEK BAPTIST 301 S. Stewart, Azle 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-523-0074 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 BIBLE CROSSWAY BAPTIST CHURCH COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 1355 Northwest Pkwy., Azle 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno 817-691-0000 817-444-7117 CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH CROSSING FELLOWSHIP Corner of FM 730 South & FM 1886 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle 817-270-8476 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-237-4135 817-624-2111 FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH 1411 Carter Road, Springtown 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-220-5828 817-221-3444 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF AZLE CATHOLIC 1017 Boyd Road HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-444-4828 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 817-444-3063 401 Beverly Rd., Azle CHRISTIAN 817-237-3891 THE CHURCH AT AZLE FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 700 Charbonneau Tr., 817-444-9973 west side of Effie Morris Elementary 817-237-2624 AZLE CHRISTIAN (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside 117 Church St., Azle 817-444-3527 817-237-8113 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 35 West Forty Estates., Azle 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 817-688-3339 817-444-3484 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale 817-594-3043 940-433-5539 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 4th & Main, Paradise FM 920 in Peaster GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP 817-596-8805 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 817-825-0485 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN 817-594-3916 FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN 404 Main St., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-308-2557 817-523-7011 THE ABBEY CHURCH FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 817-238-1404 Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER 737 Boyd Rd., Azle FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 817-444-LOVE 5th & Main in Springtown 817-523-5477 WORD OF FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1¼ mi. S. of LaJunta GRACE BAPTIST 817-677-2577 3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 across from Radio Tower CHURCH OF CHRIST HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 336 NW Parkway 817-564-3946 817-444-3268 HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH BRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST 1227 Old Cottondale Road, 109 W.N. Woody Rd. Springtown, 817-220-7177 (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) LAJUNTA BAPTIST 817-444-7102

MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209

4300 Williams Spring Rd., Fort Worth 1 mile west of 820 on Jacksboro Hwy. JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265

“Serving Springtown Since 1977” NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 817-523-7227 Metro 817-220-7927

11480 FM 730 S 2 miles south of Azle


Se habla espanol Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-3

• New & Used Tires • State Inspections • Roadside Assistance • U-Haul Rentals

Joe Rider


489 Hwy. 199 Springtown 817-220-2499

CLEANERS Brookshire’s Shopping Center

Thank you for your support!

817444-HELP (4357)

New Year’s Special

B & H

Heating and Air Conditioning Servicing All Brands • Fast Response

New Systems $2,800

Garry Harris


uys R Us G c A

Your Heating Specialist!


Lic. #4346 & #6537

113 Denver Trail • Azle 817-444-3249 Fax 817-444-3275 STUDIO - 1 bath , 350 sq. ft. ONE BEDROOM - 1 bath, 450 sq. ft TWO BEDROOM - 1 bath, 642 sq. ft.



DRY CLEANING& LAUNDRY 828 Boyd Hwy., Suite 110 • Azle, Texas 76020 Located in the 730 Shopping Center

Commercial & Residential

Experienced & Competitive Prices Repair & Installation Landscaping Sod/Hydromulching

Drains Rock & Stonework Landscape Lighting

Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 SENIOR DISCOUNTS • FREE ESTIMATES

817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545 Compliments of


140 W. MAIN ST.


“In business since 1946”

Our family serving your family since 1908

Propane, Inc.


Phone 817-444-2533 B.J. Clark

Dr. Michael D. Conte

a’s arc&iAUTOMOTIVE GTIRE SHOP Rural Gas Supply “Celebrating 13 years serving Azle area”

44Years of Quality

Azle Vision Source

1227 Old Cottondale • 817-220-7177

Garrett’s ngtown i r p S Drug

636 Profit St., Azle, Tx

BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY Specializing in Family Eyecare CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown Therapeutic Optometrist 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 601 B 817-599-7655 NW Pkwy • Azle FOUNTAIN OF FAITH 4397 E. Hwy 199, Springtown 817-304-4739 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 HARVEST FOR CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 1108 NW Parkway (Hwy 199), Azle 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-740-5774 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER EPISCOPAL 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown Celebrating over 25 years in business ST. ANNE’S EPISCOPAL 817-221-2551 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth JUBILEE HOUSE 817-237-1888 11210 Hwy. 199 W., Poolville AZLE PROVIDENCE REFORMED 817-271-8008 EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford LIBERTY LIGHTHOUSE Rodney Gatlin, D.C. 817-596-7476 120 S. Main St., Springtown 400 Boyd Court ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 817-523-0222 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks OASIS CHRISTIAN CENTRE 817-739-0504 CHURCH & HEALING SCHOOL GOSPEL 1121 S.E. Parkway, Azle CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-7919 817-319-7364 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH WITNESSES 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 212 Pearson Lane, Azle 817-221-2242 940-636-9158 LUTHERAN SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown (MISSOURI SYNOD) 682-229-1433 1313 SE Parkway, Azle SPRINGTOWN 7TH DAY 817-237-4822 ADVENTIST HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) Hwy. 199 4 miles west of Springtown Equipment and Labor 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 817-221-HOPE 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle Quality Service with NO Service Call Fee! METHODIST 817-313-1793 BOYD UNITED METHODIST Locally Owned & Operated GOSPEL WAY COWBOY CHURCH FM 730 North in Boyd 420 Jaybird Ln. (FM 2257/ Hwy 199) 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST Springtown, 817-225-8755 7955 Reed Rd., Azle LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH Call for Details 817-444-0226 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay FIRST UNITED METHODIST 817-444-3547 200 Church St., Azle JESUS NAME HOUSE OF PRAYER 817-444-3323 TACL #B00028986E 2813 E. Hwy. 199, LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP third drive past Boyd Feed Store 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 817-221-4426 SILVER CREEK NEW LIFE FAMILY FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST 525 W. Hwy. 199, Springtown 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-523-2045 817-444-1382 NEW LIGHTED WAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-444-1577 817-523-7874 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth POOLVILLE UNITED METHODIST PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 1 block W. of FM 920 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s (behind Poolville Post Office) SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH 817-599-3601 603 SE Parkway, Azle THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 817-444-3058 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER (THE MORMONS) 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 817-221-2551 OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS UNIVERSAL LIGHT OF CHRIST 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 6117 Graham St., Lake Worth 817-237-5075 817-881-3889 PENTECOSTAL REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP GRACE CHAPEL 202 Pearson Lane, Azle UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AMERICAN STANDARD - GOODMAN 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817-677-5963 817- 237-4844 SOULS HARBOR IGLESIA CRISTIANA JUDA 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-726-2065 TACLB021367C PRESBYTERIAN WESTERN HARVEST GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP CENTER 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-594-2744 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH CHURCH OF FORT WORTH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle Meeting at Northwest YMCA 940-577-1954 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800 WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH CONVENANT ORTHODOX 790 CR 3696 • Springtown PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 817-880-5488

HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH “Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”

Clarks Precision Machine & Tool


ISO 9001:2001 Compliant Check us out on our web site




SELL your business,

service or goods in this space!

Call Johnna to reserve this space.



302 Palo Pinto 1088 E. Hwy 199 Weatherford Springtown 817-594-3888 817-220-5959 Front Row (L-R): Anita White, Bob White, Kari Wright and Mark Reynolds Back Row (L-R): Jim Cleaver, Bruce Duncan, Richard Woodman and Jay Morrill

Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-596-4811 •

“Not Just a Tire Store” Complete Automotive, Light Truck & Diesel “We are making drivers smile”


Wednesday, January 8, 2014 THE

COMMUNITY Ad Classifi cation


24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 .........Garden, Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted


Electric stove top; double oven; washer & dryer...and misc. furnishings. 817-929-0503.

006 Asphalt Paving

A sphAlt & G rAvel


Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125 008 Autos, Trucks Get rid of those yard cars, as well as good used cars. Arvin 817-9258768.

46................Legal Notice 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49...................... Masonry 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56........................ Notices 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage

021 Child Care

69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74... Too Late to Classify 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81..................Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent


ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTER has a loving place for your child. Ages 2 weeks-12 years, ABEKA pre-school, 3 meals, 2 snacks. Service to all Azle schools and SES. Mon-Fri, 6A-6:30P. 817237-3711; 817-994-5228. Younger Years Day Care Ages 18 months-Preschool 6:00A-6:30P Highway 199 between Springtown & Azle 817-677-CARE CCS Vendor

Up to 16 words, first insertion:

Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00! Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word • Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change

(All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)


Bobcat & Tractor Service • Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing


2007 Chevy Colorado, 4 door, I5 engine, custom 17” wheels, 119,000 miles, $8,400. 817-201-8752.

014 Campers & Trailers

Sand, Dirt & Gravel Qualified Family Business Since 1938

☺ All types materials delivered ☺

Excavation—Final Grade—Demolition We Shape the World to Fit Your Needs! You have a Friend in the Business!

Cliff Hall


 

For Sale or Trade: 1986 Bounder MH, very clean, have to see to appreciate. $6,000/OBO. Call David 817-363-0245.



Carports and Patio Covers. All steel construction. Off-duty firefighter. 817-925-0922.

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217 019 Cement Work Kiley Chesney Construction Dirt & Concrete Work Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645

J.A.M. Concrete

All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.



Dump Truck Hauling


ALL TYPES OF EXCAVATING Tanks • House Pads • Clearing Also .. Sand • Top Soil • Gravel

817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215

027 Exterminating CLASSIC PEST CONTROL OPERATORS TPCL 12509 817-444-0371


Garden/Mowing Service

Cheap wood, my place, 2 miles east of Springtown. Oak & Pecan, $10/ car, $20-$40 pickup load. Cord split, $200, Cord logs, $120. Call 817475-9884.




Best Prices in Town!

FREE E stimat es Estimat stimates

FREE FLUFFY KITTENS NEED HOMES. One cute extra small. 817523-6572.

Lawn & Garden Maintenance

•Clean Up • Mowing • Edging • Weedeating •Rake & Bag Leaves •Tree Trimming

For Sale

NOW OFFERING: Brush Hog Services

Pete Garcia • Joe Garcia


14’ Welding Trailer with top rack, $1,700/OBO. Call 817-523-4191.

Landscape Dependable and Reliable Online Account Sprinklers Management Lawn Care



2011 Chevy Silverado Crewcab, 3/4 ton, 6.0 gas, low mileage, $25,000. 817-609-5042.


Nobody does it better!

Best Lawn Guarantee in Town

• Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing

2005 Ford Diesel, great work truck, runs good, well maintained, $7,988. Possible trade, call or text 817-937-3013.

Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD OR DISCOVER by phone.

Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.

• Boxed display ads also available

024 Electrician BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 TECL#25253.



026 Excavating 1960 Thunderbird, 352 auto, rebuilt engine, new brake system, $5,500. 817-629-3153.

Springtown Epigraph THE

817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi 817-220-7217 - Springtown -

CLASSIFIED 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...................... Carports 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services



All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding, 817-444-6461.

Accessories for Ford Trucks: Grill guard, $300; Headache rack, $200. 817-948-7933.

Interested in buying used bikes and bike parts. Please call 817-233-1126 leave message.

034 Garage Sales ESTATE SALE Friday-Sunday, 9A-? 14070 Briar Road, Azle. Furniture, tools, clothes, concrete blocks, fence posts, fence wire, antique plows, antique vice, etc. EVERYTHING GOES!

KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645

Advertising Works!


Trees trimmed-removed Full lawn care & haul-offs

Insured • Azle since 1962 Compare Prices

No Job Too Small

Terms Available 817-444-0861 A.W. Teater All major credit cards accepted

Tree trimming, removal, mow, weeding, cleanup, tilling, rake leaves, haul-offs. Free estimates. Kevin 817-363-0010.

Irrigation Repair Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design


817-690-4011 cell

Chad's Tree Service

035 Garden/Mowing Service FREE ESTIMATES. Mowing, weed eating, scrap haul off, property clean up. Call Brett 817-881-2357.

LI 19046

Campfire Lawn & Garden

Automotive Tool Sale Saturday, 8A-3P, 120 Porter Drive, Azle. Air compressor and paint & body tools.


Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing

817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943 Insured for your protection Lic. #4346 & #6537

Commercial & Residential Sprinkler Installation & Repair Landscaping & Design · Drainage Rock & Stonework · Landscape Lighting Sod & Hydromulching Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 Experienced & Competitive Prices

817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545

STUMP GRINDING Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum


Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 Family Owned• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED WINTER DISCOUNT 10% OFF Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding

817- 220-1141 817-444-9574



Fertilized Coastal Hay For Sale Round Bales - Will Deliver Springtown/Azle Area 940-389-1936 Horse quality square bales in barn, $7.00/bale, minimum 20 bales. No checks, cash only. 817-694-5554. HAY SALE Fertilized Coastal 4x5 Round Bales $75 each 817-221-3320 Fertilized horse quality Coastal hay, $70, first cut; $80, 2nd cut. Call Randy at 817-851-9700.

Carpet Shampoo Trainee. Company seeking men & women to help fill contracts. Above average earning potential based on production. $300+ weekly to start, per company agreement. Call or Text Now! 817448-7177. One Experienced Telemarketer needed early AM hours, smoking ok. Call 817-677-5134 before noon, ask for Ms. Wright. Looking for Licensed Plumber with construction/remodel experience. Looking for seasoned Crew Leader for residential, remodel & light commercial. For interview call 817444-3100. Hiring mature, responsible person to work with the care of small animals. Must have transportation. 817-9263300. Drivers: Family value company out of Springfi eld, MOis looking for qualified applicants in our regional solo run. Our professional drivers are home every 7-10 days. We are a NO TOUCH FREIGHT COMPANY! Health insurance/hazmat pay/ fuel bonuses/the list goes on! We run 2013-2014 KENWORTHS with APU’s and 53 ft. air ride van trailers with EXCELLENT SAFETY RATINGS and a HIGH SERVICE QUALITY that create a great work experience. Call 855-349-3213 or visit our website TCSI-TRANSLAND, where “OUR EMPLOYEES MAKE the DIFFERENCE!” Diesel Truck Mechanic needed. Must have own tools; able to do light welding. Must pass drug and physical. For more details call 817683-1440. Persons needed to work installing street banners, signs and flag poles, also help in production at shop. Must have good driving record. Please apply at 4200 E. Hwy 199. 817-221-5490. MAINSTREAM (group home for adults with developmental disabilities) is hiring part-time Direct Contact Staff for 17 hour weekday shift (2nd & 3rd shift) or 24 hour weekend shifts, paid training. Starting pay is minimum wage. Good potential for full-time employment. Call Sandra or Carole at 817-2702747, Mon-Fri, 9A-3P.


Class A CDL Drivers with 2 years experience Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation


BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213. RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@

• Sod • Stone Work • Flower Beds • Fencing • Trees Email: • Clean Up

039 Help Wanted

039 Help Wanted LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. Contact Jon 817319-9073. Business is Booming! Now interviewing servers. Apply in person, Shinola’s Texas Cafe, Springtown. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. Creative Dimensions Hair Salon Stylist Wanted. 817-658-3946.

Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more

Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323

Trucking Company

Hiring “Class A” Flat Bed Drivers and Frac Sand Haulers. 2 years of verifiable driving exp. $500 BONUS after 90 days, plus Benefits. 817-444-7711 • 817-444-7774

Help Wanted Continued next page...

Find a job in the classifieds today!



Wednesday, January 8, 2014

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 039

Help Wanted

MDS/Medicare Coordinator Privately owned, 142 bed facility, seeking an experienced MDS coordinator. Must be proficient in MDS 3.0, RN or LVN licensed in the State of Texas, able to work independently, accurately, and meet specific deadlines. Salary commiserate with experience. Benefit package.


Azle Manor Healthcare & Rehabilitation 721 Dunaway Lane, Azle, Texas 76020 · 817-444-2536


Home Improvement

Devin’s Handyman Service • Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding

• Insulation WINTER • Kitchen/ SPECIAL Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks


817-239-9571 817-237-9571


Many Happy Local Customers Since 1978

Ramping Up! Employees needed for 2014 opening of New Dealership!

NOW HIRING • Sales Associate • Automotive Technician

Sales Associate Be part of a Growing Sales Team! Sales Experience a plus, will train. Must be commited to customer satisfaction. Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training.

Automotive Technician Experience in Automotive Repair Required ASE Certification Required Chrysler Experience Preferred, Tools Required Valid Drivers License, Paid Holidays, Vacation, & Training 5 Day Work Week, Rotating Saturdays EEOE

Karl Klement Properties, Inc. General Office Assistant Must be honest, dependable and able to multi task in a fast paced environment.

For consideration of all positions apply to:

Jodi Dusek, H/R Mgr.

605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas 940-627-6362

Chapman Carpentry Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs

Housekeeping 7A-3P Floor Tech 4A-12P

Wise Regional Health System Affiliated with Baylor Health Care System

2 Days Each

Excellent Salary AzlE MAnor, InC 721 DUnAWAY lAnE 817-444-2536 EOE


Home Improvement

Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567. Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201 Let my 40 years of experience work for you. Integrity and quality work at affordable prices. BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-8216377. PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866-3743559. WORKHORSE HANDYMAN SERVICES. Bathrooms, kitchens, roofing, remodels, mobile home repair and roof repair. Quality at a reasonable rate. 817-874-6109.


Custom Homes BRIAN HENSLEY 817.229.7668

For all of our available job opportunities, visit A Not-For-Profit Hospital • EOE Decatur, TX • Job Line: 940-626-2525

040 Home Improvement DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. WINTER SPECIAL: 20% Off w/this Ad! 817-629-9608. WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555. BUDDY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Painting, kitchens, bathrooms, carpentry, sheetrock, tile, granite, floors, additions, decks and more. 817-694-7103. ROBERT’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. I do additions, kitchen & bathroom remodel, ceramic tile, foundation repair, painting, pressure washing, roofing, fencing and decks. Call for Free quote. 817-964-2562.

Mr. Sweeps Chimney Cleaning Service Keep your home safe. Call Parker/Wise County’s oldest chimney sweeping company, Mr. Sweeps

817-692-5624 ask for Doug

Winter Special


Home Improvement continued next column...

Pets, Livestock

Menix Pet Lodge Where Pets are Pampered Climate Controlled Kennels Dog Runs, Large Yard

• Interior & Exterior • Bed • Commercial Residential • Texture • Tape • Seal & texture • Sheetrock repair/replace • Remove old wallpaper/seal & texture • Pole fence painting • Pressure washing Cabinetry/Wood Work/Staining


Plumbing Repairs Drains Cleaned Water Heaters

Pet Sitting Specialist Local References


817-319-6224 059



Carolyn’s Critter Sitter

Pool Service

Too cold to clean your pool? Give us a call and we’ll do it all! 817-2303838.

Slab Leaks

817-444-3054 M10078





   

Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction

LOOK Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement

28 Years in Azle

Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815



 ®

Certified PREFERRED CONTRACTOR State Applicator # 106

Motorcycles Commercial & Residential

817-946-6787 817-444-4198 042

2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $8,000 817228-2255.

SERENE GREEN CLEANING. Do you want a cleaning company that does it your way? is dependable? is affordable? If you answered “Yes” then Serene Green Cleaning is just that company. $50 off a regular cleaning with this ad! For a Free inhome estimate, call 817-602-1696. Start the New Year fresh! I’m very dependable, Residential & Commercial Cleaner. Spouse of a military veteran with 10 years experience! Call for an estimate. 907-328-8865.

Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL our pros may be out chasing fairy dust

Backgrounds Checked Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”

One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed

You’ll love the care you get!

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217 Masonry Since 1989

JAMES WOOD MASONRY. INC. Quality Masonry work! • No job too small BRICK • STONE • GLASS BLOCK office:

817-444-2581 cell:817-233-1126

Azle, TX ,L.L.C.


commercial • residential

Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates

Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806 email

Classified Ad Deadline: Mondays by 5PM

712 N. MaiN • SpriNgtowN


   1986 Harley Sportster, very nice, custom with sidecar, 16” spokes, $6,500/OBO. 817-270-0647.

Your Cleaning Service


• Roofing • Windows • Attic Insulation • Painting

House Cleaning

T&M CLEANING. Cleaning done the way you want. 15 years experience, reliable, references. 817-333-8786.

We furnish Tools & Chemicals


Steve Feltman Painting

Call Steve



Call Devin at 817-629-9608 Sebastian Enterprises

No positions available at this time.


Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

2012 Harley Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle, $10,500. Call Wes 817-991-5522, leave message.



U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.



Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936. Local Breeder Selling Parakeets & Love Birds; Parakeet, Love Bird & Parrot seed and different size cages, plus millet spray. 817-715-2446, 9A-6P. FOR SALE: Full blood Blue Heeler puppy, male, 9 weeks old; Red Heeler puppy, male, 12 weeks old. 817-584-0217. 10 Roosters, Dominique/Cochin mix - and hens, $5 each. 817-846-4031.

Insurance Claim Specialists  

ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.




AZCO Self Storage RV, Boat or Trailer Spaces Available

We’ll be here after the storm.

$20.00 per month 1st Month Free!




Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.

N ow

STORAGE UNITS 1350 Liberty School Rd, Azle

5x10 $25/month


LeasiNg s to r ag e UNits WEST SIDE STORAGE 817-220-5813 817-239-1670

6 Months ... $125 817-246-4646

48 TXism: “______ ACROSS 1 2 3 4 more of them than 1 TXism: “ ‘nuff ____” liars in Texas” 5 5 “love” south of 49 TXism: “___ charge the border hell with a bucket of 6 6 Boerne’s “Kid water” (fearless) ‘_’ ___ Fiber Fair” 7 50 apt call letters for a 7 TXism: “quick on Red River radio station? the ____” 8 51 TXism: “____abouts” 8 TXism: “he shoots 52 relaxation tub from the ___” 18 17 53 TXism: “mad as 9 TXism: “play _ ___-eyed cow” 21 possum” 12 imperfection 28 23 24 25 26 27 (2 wds.) 17 TX Nash’s “_ ___ 30 ___ Clearly Now” 19 TXism: “your barn 36 37 35 ____ __ open” 54 destruction 43 42 (unzipped fly) 56 co. that 21 Stephens of TX Perot 46 Cowboy cheerfounded (abbr.) leader movies 49 50 57 TXism: “old 22 “Texas Troubadour” as ___” Tubb 58 drunkard 23 words yankees DOWN think TXns say 11 golf peg 28 Midland-Odessa FM 1 in the winter, you can see one at the 12 citrus drink 29 TX Roy Orbison Muleshoe National 13 TXism: “hell bent ballad Wildlife Refuge ___ _______” 30 WWII military track (2 wds.) (determined) vehicle that moved 2 title for TXns 14 “The ____ Ranger” on land or water Phyllis George & 15 Denton’s 940 code 31 Oak ______ Boys Shirley Cothran: 16 UT famed forma35 TXism: “____ “Miss _______” tion: “____bone” enough to pucker 3 in Wichita Co. 18 seize a crook a pig” on hwy. 370 20 Dublin celebrates 36 kid area at “Six Flags __ Patrick’s Day Fiesta Texas”: “_____ 4 this Cowboy Pearson caught 23 TXism: “how __ _____ Springs” the “Hail Mary” doing?” 42 TXism: “agressive 9 many TXns fought 24 Gov. _ _ Roberts as _ _____ ___ in Southeast ____ (1878-82) salesman” 10 major Dallas artery 25 San Antonio 44 _____ Rivers, TX ending with “way” university (abbr.) 46 TV ratings co.

Office 11400 FM 730 N. Azle

Storage Continued next page...

TEXAS CROSSWORD by Charley & Guy Orbison Copyright 2014 by Orbison Bros.











22 29 31





39 44


41 45



51 53

52 54



56 57 58

26 Switzerland tourist resort town 27 NASA event in Space Shuttle era 32 TXism: “the rodeo __ over” (finished) 33 TX singer Henley (init.) 34 TX president: _ _ Bush (2001-09)

36 TXism: “take a look ___” 37 Livingston is seat of this county 38 series of items 39 TX Mickey Gilley sang “_____! I’ve Said It Again” 40 an Astro messed up 41 Aransas Pass festival: “Shrimpo___” 43 “Billy the ___” 45 ex-Cowboy RB (init.) 47 silent film? (2 wds.) 48 TXism: “lower ____ a snake’s navel” 55 TXism: “ain’t”


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 068


Midway Road


Boat / RV / Equipment 14x30 Enclosed Spaces 6612 Midway Road 817-774-3923

Ash Creek Storage Convenient Location

Corner of Main St. & Locust • Azle




Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock, tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495.


SAND • DIRT • GRAVEL Dozer and Tractor Work



Jerry W. Mitchell


CALL Cliff Hall



QUALITY UPHOLSTERING. Free Estimates. Pick-up and Delivery Service. 817-727-6836.

Well Drilling

Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.







• Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs

Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good! FABRICATION


art METAL Coz BUILDING SYSTEMS Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design Office

 Fax 817-237-0904

Mark Cozart 817-233-6668


Version 2 081 Business/Commercial 40x50 building for rent 3 miles west of Springtown 817-713-7495. Great building for Lease, industrial area in Azle. The building is 12,000 sq. ft., bathrooms and office area with heat and A/C. Majority of the 12,000 sq. ft. is shop, concrete floor, loading dock, big overhead door, plenty of parking space. For information call 817-360-3627.

40x60 metal building, fronts Hwy 199, $500/mo., located between Azle and Springtown, 817-992-9570. FOR SALE: 30+ acres, Commercial, w/5,000 sq. ft. metal building, between Azle/Springtown on Hwy 199. 817-798-2645, please leave message. SHOP FOR RENT, 2016 Greg Street, Azle. 817-270-0647. COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE - GREAT LOCATION! 216 W. Main Street, Azle 76020. Zoned commercial with living quarters, this 3,000 sq. ft. building has a 3-2 attached house. Currently has successful resale/retail business that can also be purchased. Large fenced backyard and lots of updates throughout the building. $160,000. 817-807-8652.



Metal Building Specialist


Metal Buildings · Pre-Engineered · Shops / Barns Arenas / Churches · Aircraft Hangars

Professional Office Space For Lease. 800 sq. ft., Suite 101, 1230 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. 817-220-2150.

owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614


Dauenhauer Contractors, Inc.

3 acre gravel lot in Springtown area for lease. 817-657-5682.

We go the extra mile to ensure you get more for your $. On House Pads, Driveways, Lot Clearing & Tractor Work, Etc.



Commercial Leasing: 328 W. Main Street, Azle. Suites starting at $.90 per sq. ft. 817-235-2284; 817-6820838.

Quality Family Business Since 1938



Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028


Metal Building Erectors

• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing

1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown


Continued next column...

Houses for Sale

MUST SELL! 4 BR 2 BA plus den on 1 acre! Huge island kitchen! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-458-9340. NEW HOME: 4 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Owner financing available! Cheaper than rent! New appliances! 817-458-9340. New Home MUST SELL! 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-458-9340. PEASTER ISD: New home, 3 BR 2.5 BA, gameroom, 2 story on 1 acre lot! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-458-9340. Reno. Small 2 bedroom house, shop and barn on 2.5 acres, $85,000. Possible owner finance. 682-2159451.

084 Mobile Homes for Rent Units starting at $450/mo., trash service paid. 817-221-3112; 817235-2284. 2-2 MH, very nice. 111-A E. Bradshaw Road, Springtown, $750/ mo. $600 security deposit. 817-2204095. PELICAN BAY: 1628 PELICAN COURT, 3-2, $545/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817246-4646. Hablamos Espanol. 3-2 SW on 1 acre, Springtown ISD, $550/mo. $350 deposit. 817-3609318; 817-360-9363. FOR RENT: 3 BR 2 BA mobile home on 2 wooded acres, large covered front porch and 2-car carport, $650/ mo. $200 deposit, $35 application/ background check fee. 817-8467084. 3-2 DW, Azle ISD, $725/mo. $500 deposit, $35 application fee. 817444-0205.

Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

084 Mobile Homes For Rent 2-2 on large lot, $650/mo.; 3-2, $750/mo. 817-980-2901 or 817-9441617. 3-2 DW, 1 acre, Springtown ISD, no pets, $750/mo. $500 deposit. 817360-9363; 817-360-9318. 2-2 SW, Azle ISD, $575/mo. $300 deposit, $35 application fee. 817444-0205. Remodeled 4-1 MH on big lot between Springtown & Weatherford on FM 51. $600/mo. $350 deposit. 682-551-0424; 682-559-1512.



Mobile Home/RV Lots

Texas Star RV Park Inc.

14504 FM 730 N. • 6 miles North of Azle • Large Lots RV Spaces by • Nice & Clean Day, Week or Month 30 amp - $325/mo. Laundry Facilities 50 amp - $350/mo. - Free Internet (Electric, Water & Sewer included)

2-1 MH, storage shed, covered porch, color/stamped driveway & sidewalks, No Pets, $650/mo. $650 deposit. 940-433-5542. 2-1 MH, central heat. Bed, couch, refrigerator, stove furnished + camper w/bed close by. Large trees, 2 acres, creek for fishing. Located 1.5 miles east of Springtown. $500/ mo. $300 deposit. 817-713-3200.



Pecan Acres RV Park Inc. 12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle

RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month We now have Pull-Throughs!

085 Mobile Homes for Sale

• • • • •

TURN TO THE EXPERT In Financing Mobiles on Acreage & Land. Quick & Easy with No Credit Check or Qualifications. Any or No Credit. 817-994-3730 7 days til 11PM Pictures Available

Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi

GRANBURY: 3 BR 2 BA, fireplace, lots of trees. Will help with financing! Cheaper than rent! 817-458-9340. SPRINGTOWN: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Affordable payments. Will help with financing! 817-458-9340. WEATHERFORD: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre! Owner financing available and affordable payments! 817-458-9340.

Rent Unfurnished

Advertising Works!



32x44 Crestridge 3/2 28x76 Clayton 4/2 28x72 Homestar 4/2

Stk#2562 Stk#1818 Tape & Texture

$32,900 $41,900 $45,900

NEW HOMES - 2014 MODELS $22,900 $49,900 $69,900



4272 E. Hwy 199 · Springtown, TX 76082 · Lic. #35875 In Business 10 Years · Open Monday - Saturday

PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lots for rent: 1405 PELICAN DRIVE, $185/mo. $50 deposit; 1708 GALE DRIVE, $155/mo. $50 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. Hablamos Español.

Rent Unfurnished

2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 bath duplexes, 1 car garage, fenced backyard, all appliances, all brick, great location. Stewart Bend Duplex Homes in Azle. 817-444-2362.

14x56 Fleetwood

086 Mobile Home/RV Lots


SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $600/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-875-8406.


· New, Used Repos · Mobile Home Insurance · Service After the Sale

AISD, 2-1 Duplex, CH/A, utility room, window blinds, ceiling fans and storage building. Stove & microwave furnished. Freshly painted, new flooring. Water/lawn maintenance included. NO DOGS. $665/mo. $475 deposit. 817-444-2314; 817-8454440.

Split-level 1 BR 2 BA, 1,500 sq. ft., No Pets, $700/mo. plus deposit. 817-925-4343.


1 & 2 Bedrooms

Crestwood Apar tment Homes Apartment

4-plex, 2-2, Azlewood, $695/$400 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039.

Stk#0347 Stk#0444 Stk#0001

NICE 3-1 house on 1 acre, 6 miles south of Springtown on FM 51. $650/mo. $350 deposit. 682-5510424; 682-559-1512.

817-846-8190 Call for Rates - 817-291-4679

K&P Homes, Inc.

16x70 Champion 3/2 28x68 Champion 4/2 32x68 Champion 4/2

2 BR 1 BA house, total electric, no pets, $600/mo. $300 deposit. Miller’s Village 817-444-3119.

(up to 50 miles)


Rent Unfurnished

See the Dif f erence! 817-444-6122

We’ll relocate your RV here for FREE!

SPRINGTOWN: 5 BR 3 BA on 1 acre! Huge living room, home like new. Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-458-9340.


PELICAN BAY: 1576 REEF, 3-2-1, $685/$300 deposit; 1568 REEF, 3-2-1, $645/$300 deposit; 1837 PELICAN DRIVE N., 3-2-1, $665/$300 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-246-4646. gtatx. com. Hablamos Espanol.

AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. Also, RV lots & rentals and mobile home lots for rent.



PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217

For Rent Tiny Houses RVs

Covered & Uncovered RV Spaces

AZEL RV PARK 5 MI. W. OF AZLE ON HWY 199 817-677-2160

HERITAGE RV PARK 5 MI. S. ON FM 730 817-444-3760

2-1, Eagle Mountain Lake front, $800/mo., bills paid. 817-237-2852. UPSTAIRS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: 1 BR 1 BA, 900 sq. ft., no pets, $600/mo. plus deposit. 817-925-4343. 1616 Newsom Mound Road, Springtown. 2-1, totally remodeled, tile floors, gas range, above stove microwave, dishwasher, fridge w/ice maker, pet friendly, trash service & yard work included, $850/mo. $850 deposit. 817-902-5142. 3-1.5 house in Azle - Available now. $850/mo. $800 deposit. Call Wendy 817-253-5186. 2 BR efficiency apartment for rent, $650/mo., All Bills Paid. 817-9960530. FOR RENT: Half Duplex - 1 BR Unit, garage, fenced backyard, quiet country living in Sanctuary. $600/mo. includes water, plus $600 deposit. Call Bob 281-217-6673. 2 bedroom 2 bath, fireplace, appliances, fenced yard, storage, $700/mo. $700 deposit. Call Mike 817-300-3518.

525 Commerce St. 817-444-0030 Mon-Sat 9-6 • Sun 1-4 1, 2 & 3 Large Bedroom Floor Apartments Plans Pool • Water paid

From $565/mo.

Azle Creek Apartments 519 West Main St. • Azle


1/1 - $475 & Up (Water, Trash & Sewer Included)

• Newly Remodeled • Friendly & Quiet Community • Laundry On Site

Pet Friendly! (size restrictions and additional fees apply)

Call for appointment



APARTMENT 700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712

1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Rent based on income. TDD:

800-735-2989 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle








Last Puzzle Solution A S I A




A F L AW D OO R I S E R N E S T L E A H I D G E S HWA T E R T H R E E N T H E R E S O H E R E A A R E D U I N D S I N O T S-1149

Sell it in the classifieds



Wednesday, January 8, 2014



1341 S.E. PARKWAY HWY. 199 at Shoreline Dr. AZLE

817-237-3338 1-800-708-5220

E-mail: For Sale RESIDENTIAL ______________________________________________________

$45,000 - 3-2-2 Car Carport Singlewide Mobile on Approx. 0.46 Acres. Well maintained mobile in nice rural area close to lake with landscape, trees and covered patio. Contact Kathy at 817-2373338. $70,000 - 3-1-1 Brick currently leased until September 2014. For details call Crystal @ 817-658-6786 Reduced! $84,900 - 2-2-1 Brick Small Older House that has a brick add-on with dining/breakfast.WBFP can heat house in winter, gated fence, storage and newer HVAC. Reduced! $95,000 - 3-2-2 Brick with large living area, WBFP, fenced and conveniently located next to Shady Grove Park and baseball fields. $125,000 - 2-1-1 Brick on 7 Acres. Cute home includes 2 barns, tack room and 1 car detached garage. Boyd! Reduced! $135,000 - Brick Duplex with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Unit A is currently leased until February 28, 2014. Unit B is available for lease. $144,900 - 3-2-2 Brick in Saginaw. 3 or 4 bedroom home with in-ground pool and spa. Fresh paint, new carpet and more. Must see! Reduced! $220,000 - 2-2.5-2 Brick on Eagle Mtn. Lake. Enjoy lake living in this home with boat lift for easy lake access. $233,000 - 4-2.5-2 Brick Home. Picture your family & friends hanging out in large kitchen playing 42 or Chicken Foot around dining table and watching your favorite team all together, it’s possible here! Covered parking for 3 vehicles, large workshop, storage building. Must see! $276,000 - 3-2-2 Brick, Approx. 68.82 Acres. Ranch/Farm. Sandy loam, new 6 slick wire fence most way around, corral and good well. Callahan County. Reduced! COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT ___________________ $225,000 - Approx. 2.77 acres, fronts Jacksboro Hwy.

AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake MISCELLANEOUS Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! GuarSAWMILLS FROM ONLY $4897.00. Make anteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting and save money with your own bandmill. as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 DRIVERS Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready BEST LEASE PURCHASE in the industry to ship. Free information/DVD, www. LOOKING TO SALE land? Reach over with 99¢/gallon diesel fuel, $100 weekly 1-800-578-1363 2-million readers for one low price in the Texas Statewide Advertising Network. bonus, new trucks, top pay and great Ext. 300N Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-749freight lanes. Hirshbach; 1-888-514-6005 SAFE TUBS 4793 for more detail. or SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB Alert for $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED now! Learn to seniors, bathroom falls can be fatal. or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, drive for Werner Enterprises. Earn $800 per Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Thera- ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, week. No experience needed. Get your CDL peutic jets with less than 4-inch step-in. Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 and pre-hire now. 1-888-734-6710 Wide door, anti-slip floors, American made, OWNER OPERATORS: Home weekends installation included. Call 1-888-960-2587 348 ACRES, 45-miles west of Del Rio, spectacular views of the Rio Grande. Rough & throughout the week. Dedicated, year for $750 Off canyons/draws. Hunt deer, dove, quail. ‘round recession-proof freight. 100% fuel TRAINING $241,866, low down. 1-210-734-4009. www. surcharge to drivers. CDL Class-A + 1- year driving experience. Contact Ty 1-866-478- AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA 9977. VACATION E X P E R I E N C E F L A T B E D D R I V E R S : approved training.Financial aid if qualified. WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake Regional opportunities now open with Housing available, job placement assis- Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. plenty of freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 tance. Call Aviation Institute of Mainte- Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with nance. Dallas:1-800-475-4102 or Houston: or clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. 1-800-743-1392 Call for more information: 1-903-878-7265, PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR drivers, APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass, passen- MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES Needed! 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354 ger policy. 2012 and newer equipment. 100% Become a medical office assistant now! NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825; Online job training gets you ready. Job placement when program completed. Call for details! 1-888-368-1638; $ HELP WANTED

TexSCAN Week of January 5, 2014

Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................. 550

ACCEPTING PROPOSALS operation of bar, restaurant and/or pro-shop, golf course, Rawlins, Wyoming. April 15-October 16. Beat the heat and live at 7,000-feet elevation for the summer. More information: (www.


YOU CAN BECOME an expert in HVAC installation and repair. Pinnacle Career Institute Online HVAC education in as little as 12-months. Call us today: 1-877-651-3961 or go online:

REAL ESTATE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 down, $235 month (12.91%/10yr), Guaranteed financing, more information call 1-830-460-8354

PELVIC/TRANSVAGINAL MESH? Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and the present? If the mesh caused complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Charles H. ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, Johnson Law and speak with female staff ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 members 1-800-535-5727

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$22,000 - Lovely wooded lot in Timberlake Estates. $145,000 - Downtown Fort Worth. Great lot in the heart of the hospital district! $145,375 - Approx. 11.63 Acres with large oak trees and pretty coastal field. Would make an attractive building site. $269,900 - 18 Acres. Coastal field with hilltop view. Currently with AG Tax Exemption. MOBILE HOME LOTS in Pelican Bay for sale or lease, call Bill.

reNTalS $1,200 - 3-2-2 House Available Soon


COMMERCIAL RENTAL $1,000 - 30x40 with 14 foot doors was used as a brewery

Advertise with us!

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LOTS AND ACREAGE (LAND ONLY) _______________________________

$800.00 - 2-2-2 Duplex Available. $800.00 - 4-2-1 Duplex Available 1/15/14 $1,100 - 3-2-2 House Available in Fort Worth.

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.


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Springtown Epigraph The

P.O. Box 557 • Springtown, Texas 76082 In-County Only Tarrant, Parker or Wise

Expires Feb. 7, 2014

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Jimmy Dickens 817-929-3481

Beth Dickens 817-929-3185

Deborah Cottongame 817-999-9026

Cally Winstead 817-688-9856

Debi Leewright 940-389-6077

Michele Holmes 817-723-9580

Jeral Tipton 817-771-5944

Frank Henderson 817-229-3287

Kassie Chadwell 817-253-8952

Dana Burton 936-662-4237

Bobby Dauenhauer 817-832-3469 Teresa Bobbitt 817-308-6911

Dana Forehand 817-542-5793

noW SErving you in 2 locationS:

801 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, 817-220-4663 · 1510 Santa Fe, Weatherford, 817-598-0988

Check Out Our Website At:

Home Maintenance Tip:

If you go on vacation, leave the furnance on. Get someone to check on your home while you’re away.

The Bryants Co. 817-220-2021 Dana Bryant/Realtor 817-613-7189

13.58 ACRes inside city limits. Excellent and convenient location for business. $155,000

2 stoRy 3-2 on wooded 23.74 acres. Secluded home also has 2 story duplex for rental income, large shop. $366,000

CommeRCiAl RentAls! Azle Pkwy CenteR neAR Azle hosPitAl 1,980 sq.ft. $950/mo

$950 deposit

1 ACRe restricted lot on cul-de-sac. $18,500 1.26 ACRes on restricted cul-de-sac. $18,500 13 ACRes, WILDLIFE EXEMPTION! $97,500 4.510 ACRes with water, septic and electric, ready for your home and animals! Slidell ISD. $42,500


500 Stirling - LovelyS choice D! with 3-2-2 in Rhome. OLhome


0.81 ACRe lot in town. Pecan and fruit trees. Storage building. $35,000

511 W. MAIN ST. • AZLE 817-444-2555 AZLE AREA


16.91 ACRes, wooded lot with 450 feet road frontage, fenced. $105,000

3-2 Dw on 2.906 ACRes. Peaster ISD. $79,900

12533 FM 730 S. - Handyman Special!! 4-2 situated on a little over 4 acres. Great project home. 1113 Willow Ridge Dr. - Nice 4-2-2 with split bedrooms. Large living area has brick WBFP, bay window in breakfast area, 16x12 workshop with loft and electricity. 105 Venado Ct. - Beautiful new construction ING home with 4-2-2 with END Psecond extra room to used as living, formal dining or study. Large open family room. 104 Bosque Ct. - New construction!! OLD!Beautiful 4-2-2 with formal dining and split bedrooms.SLarge open family room with fireplace. 916 Red Bud Dr. - Nice 3-1 home on fantastic lot. Bonus room, updated kitchen. Great location. 1528 Chaparral Lane - FabulousL D!doublewide with so much O 3-2-2 Slake to offer. Newly upgraded with views!!! 110 Willow Ct. - LAND!!! 1.35 acres located on a cul-de-sac with other houses on the street. 11004 Dillon St. - Charming 3-2.5-2 Open kitchen with island. Covered front porch. Balcony at upstairs landing. Secluded neighborhood.

Azle News


3-2 on 2.827 ACRes. Wooded lot, fenced and cross-fenced with pond. Handy man special! $39,900

Each office is independently owned and operated.



1379 CR 4764 - Country living just minutes from town. Cute and cozy 2-1 on 5 acres. 10x24 metal building. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Century 21 Alliance Properties has several Commercial Properties for your business needs. For a complete and upto-date detailed list of our commercial listings, please call the office or check out our website!

GOLF/LAKE COMMUNITIES 8657 Funtier - Beautiful, spotless 3-2.5-2 home!! New roof and energy efficient all the way. Ceiling fans in every room. 8826 Sandcastle Ct. - Great LD! Live in one side and SOopportunity!! rent the other. Lots of upgrades!! 9951 Boat Club Road - Watch gorgeous sunsets with a 180 degree view from high on a bluff overlooking beautiful Eagle Mountain Lake. This unique home situated in a park-like setting with over 50 large mature trees is perfect for entertaining. Lake water irrigates the approx. 2 acres with 200 feet of waterfront, private deep-water covered dock. 2 blocks from Fort Worth Boat Club. No city taxes or water bills! SPRINGTOWN AREA 340 Huggins Dr. - Great neighborhood. Won’t last long!! Remodeled in 2008, granite countertops, custom upgrades and great landscaping. 7726 W. Highway 199 - 17.52 Acres of COUNTRY PARADISE! 4 bedrooms, possibly 5, 3.5 bathrooms. Secluded house sits far from the highway noise. Cross-piped fencing, gated entry, bass stocked pond with dock, barn, shed, corrals not to mention wrap-around porch, game room, huge unfinished attic room, custom features throughout! Partially AG exempt, oaks galore, dependable rental property built in, animal ready. This is one that you don’t want to miss!!! Ready for your family! 104 Cora Ct. - This home has it all, 4-3-3 on 2.3 acres, aboveNDING PEparadise. ground pool. True country

Many Financing Options Available! Many Financing Options Available! 3FHA 3VA 3USDA 3Conventional

3FHA 3VA 3USDA 3Conventional 3Less than perfect credit-Owner financing Available! 3Less perfect credit-Owner financing Available!

Outback Acres

Weatherford Azle I.S.D.

Beautiful New Home on 1 Acre!

134 Blue Ridge Dr. 134 Blue Ridge Dr. 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath,

4 bedroom, 2,229 Sq. Ft.2-1/2 on 1 bath, Acre! 2,229 Sq. Ft. on 1located Acre! Fantastic property

in the Peaster ISD, located a great Fantastic property place to buy aISD, new ahome. in the Peaster great Just minutes from place to buy a new home. $ $ downtown Weatherford Just minutes from downtown Weatherford

171,900! 171,900! 144 Blue Ridge Dr. 1444 bedroom, Blue Ridge 2 bath,Dr.

141,900! 141,900!

$ $

bedroom, 2 bath, New4Construction! Perfectly laid out 4 bedroom 2 bathroom New Construction! Perfectly home! Kitchen with 42” laid outOpen 4 bedroom 2 bathroom overhead cabinets, huge master home! Open Kitchen with 42” suite cabinets, w/walk-inhuge closet. overhead master Won’t last long! suite w/walk-in closet. Won’t last long!

From 51 & Hwy 920- Go N. on 920 past 1885 1 mile to left on From 51Blue & Hwy 920GoFollow N. on 920-Go 920 past 1885 mile to left on From 51Dr.& Hwy N. 1on 920 Ridge the LONGTIDE SIGNS! past mile to the leftLONGTIDE on Blue SIGNS! Ridge Dr.Blue1885 Ridge1Dr.Follow



174 Okaley Circle, Weatherford, TX 76085 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Attached Carport 1516 Square Feet

Breakfast Nook 42 In. custom Cabinetry Huge Master Bedroom

Radiant Barrier roof decking 1 acre home site

Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice. Square footages are approximate. Additiona l restrictions may apply. Prices shown are not base prices and do not include closing costs and fees which may substantially affect final co st of home. 3% commission plus $2500 realtor bonus is valid on the home listed on this handout which is to be used for marketing purposes on ly. $2500 realtor bonus is valid on this home only!

Outback Acres - Weatherford, TX - Weatherford ISD

Jackie Greenwood Blue Ridge Estates - Peaster ISD Jackie Greenwood Blue Ridge Estates Peaster ISD 817-385-7892

Many Financing Options Available! 3FHA 3VA817-385-7892 3USDA 3Conventional 3Less than perfect credit-Owner financing Available! Blue Ridge Estates - Peaster ISD- Weatherford ISD

134 Blue Ridge Dr.

4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, 2,229 Sq. Ft. on 1 Acre! GREENWOOD

JACKIE Fantastic property located 817-458-9340 in the Peaster ISD, a great place to buy a new home. $ Just minutes from


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