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Volume 62, Number Number 33 33

Azle News

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



For the birds! Page 1B

Check out Pa

ge 1B for

Ladies returning to hoops playoffs for 1st time since 2005 Page 11A

Man with gun keeps police at bay

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Says he heard voices, fired into backyard BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN In an incident that disrupted the daily lives of many nearby residents, a man with a gun kept police busy for most of Thursday, Jan. 23. In the end, Shaylor Alan Lambert, 40, of Azle, was arrested and charged with felon in possession of a firearm. At press time, Lambert remained in the Tarrant County jail in lieu of $15,000 bond. Azle police were called to a residence in the 600 block of West Columbia Drive around 7 that morning by a woman who said Lambert was “hearing voices” and had fi red one of two handguns he had been “messing with most of the night” out of the back door of the residence. The woman left the house after calling police. Knowing Lambert was now the only person inside the home, police established a safety perimeter. They attempted to communicate with Lambert via phone as well as by knocking on the door of the residence, but Lambert refused to answer the phone or the door. A check of Lambert’s criminal history revealed he was a convicted felon. While Azle police obtained a search warrant for the residence, they also sought assistance from the Parker County Special Operations Group. Police injected several canisters of a powder that behaves like tear gas into the residence, hoping the irritant would encourage Lambert to come out.

It did not. After numerous attempts to coax him out of the house all failed, Parker County SOG offi cers entered the house and forcefully removed Lambert, who was taken Shaylor Alan Lambert into custody without further incident. When the search warrant of the house was conducted, two handguns were recovered. Azle PD Cpl. Zach Hatton said situations such as this one can potentially be very dangerous and obviously requires ample time, care, and planning to bring about the safest possible conclusion. “We at the Azle Police Department would sincerely like to thank everyone who lives in this area for their patience during this incident. We had to block streets, disrupt the fl ow of your everyday lives, and cause an understandably curious concern for the sake of the public’s safety,” Hatton said. “However, despite the inconvenience, we found that the people who were affected most were so very gracious and understanding as we sought to bring this matter to a safe conclusion for everyone. It is our honor to serve you.”

A conversation with King State Rep calls on RRC to coordinate quake data Wichita Falls coach Ramsey Ghazal tries to avoid Lady Hornet Valarie Matlock as she leaps to keep a ball inbounds. Azle beat Old High and clinched AHS’ first girls’ hoops playoff berth since 2005. Photo by Mark K. Campbell

Woman arrested for arranging Azle assault BY NATALIE GENTRY helped arrange a Christmas Day asRachelle Deann Martin, 23, of sault and robbery of a man from whom Springtown was arrested Jan. 22 on she he previously requested a loan. a fi rst-degree felony charge of aggra- Sheriff’s deputies responded to an emergency call in the 1700 block of vated robbery. According to the Parker County Flat Rock Road in Azle. Sheriff’s Offi ce, Martin allegedly There, they found a 55-year-old man with visible signs of assault. The victim reported that he had just returned home when another vehicle pulled into the driveway behind him. According to a Parker County Sheriff’s report, two unknown men shattered the window of his truck and struck him above the left eye fi ve to seven times with what he believed to be a cane. Once the assailants had the victim lying face down in his driveway, they took prescription medication and the victim’s wallet and left in a dark colored truck. The victim reported seeing Martin watch the attack at a distance. According to the report Martin had Rachelle Deann Martin was ar- earlier requested to borrow money rested for her part in the violent from the man. As of Jan. 28, Martin remained Christmas Day assault and robin the Parker County Jail in lieu of bery of an Azle man. Photo courtesy of Parker County Sheriff’s Office $40,000 bond.

BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN the information so the experts can fi gure out what’s going Phil King pulled off I-35 Wednesday afternoon to make on. “We’re all tiptoeing through this because it’s never chatting by phone a less dangerous experience. En route to Austin for more rounds of meetings, the State been done before,” King said. “The Railroad Commission Representative for both Parker and Wise Counties said doesn’t work for the Legislature, but I’m strongly encourhe’s learned a lot in the past 90 days and it’s almost all aging them to pull all those groups together and try to organize the data – and then, to better articulate that plan. been about earthquakes. “People just want to see that it’s being looked at and “I had no previous ideas about anything seismic whatsoever,” King said. “Now I’ve met with seismologists, repre- know the timetable,” King continued. “They’re (RRC) doing a good job, but they’ve got to sentatives of the oil and gas industry, make sure the people see the process Texas Railroad Commissioners staff, in action.” and citizens.” To that end, King was planning to King said he was very surprised to meet with fellow State Representalearn that the state of Oklahoma, less tive Charlie Geren’s Chief of Staff and than 100 miles to our north, records Milton Rister, executive director of the second highest level of seismic acthe RRC, Friday evening, Jan. 24. tivity of all 50 United States. Just 90 days into a chapter in North “At the end of the day, there is a lot Texas history that includes earthof seismic activity in our region,” King quakes in the Azle area, King says said. “But having 30 earthquakes in 60 things are actually moving at the days is a brand new phenomenon.” speed of lightning – especially for And King doesn’t doubt those who government. say they’ve suffered damage to their King believes the oil and gas inproperty as a result of the earthquakes. State Representative Phil King dustry wants to know the cause of the North Texas is known for being hard on foundations, and when you add the drought we’ve ex- earthquakes, as well. They are cautious, of course. King himself has a list of questions he never thought perienced over the last several years to the equation, any he’d be asking. shaking is more likely than ever to cause damage, King said. “What’s the average number of earthquakes each year King says he is focused on convincing lawmakers, Railroad Commissioners, and researchers that his constituents in Texas? What’s the depth of the faults in the Azle area? want to see a process in place that enables them to see Is water being injected at those depths? Why here? Why now? Why didn’t this happen when the Barnett Shale was what’s going to be happening in the next 90-120 days. “There is a host of groups diligently studying this earth- at its peak?” quake phenomenon in the Azle area – UT, SMU, the EPA, King says he’s learned something else that likely strikes the RRC, a new House subcommittee and some of the home for many in the Azle area. “If it’s at your house, it’s seismic activity – but if it’s at larger oil and gas companies – they’re all gathering data,” King said. “There needs to be a public timetable so people my house, it’s an earthquake,” King said. King said the main objective, as far as he is concerned, is know what to expect.” that the research and data be worked through expeditiously The job of the Texas Railroad Commission in all this, King believes, is to interact with all the different groups and with transparency so a solution can be identifi ed and looking at that data and to coordinate the assimilation of implemented.

Azle bank foils check forgery scam BY NATALIE GENTRY Horseshoer J.W. Heindricks had no idea that someone had gotten hold of his bank account information. “We were on our way to Fort Worth, and we went through the drive through (at the Bank of Azle) to make a deposit,” Heindricks said. That’s when teller Marlisa Godsey alerted Heindricks and his wife Vickie to an unusual occurrence on their account. “Marlisa said that they had just gotten a phone call from someone in

Florida checking on the funds in our account,” Heindricks continued. “The man said it was for repairs on an apartment he was fi xing that I was supposed to move into.” The Heindrickses have been with the Bank of Azle for a few years now and they said they feel like the people there know them well. “I’m there three or four times a week.” Heindricks said. “So when I heard this I called Darlene Luttrell, the branch manager, and she suggested that I put a hold on my account.”

The next morning when Heindricks went to the bank to reconcile his checkbook with Luttrell they found a check pending for $1,726 from Waco. “I told her that I hadn’t written any checks that large,” Heindricks continued. “So Darlene got a copy of the check and we could see that it was a fake.” The check number was much lower than the check the Heindrickses were using and the signature was an obvious forgery. But the most disturbing part was all

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the information that was correct. “They had our names The staff at the Bank of Azle recently helped spelled correctly, our ad- prevent a case of check fraud. dress, the routing numable, they’ll try for a little less the next ber and our account number.” Vickie time.” Hendricks said. This time, however, the con artists In the days that followed attempts didn’t get any money. were made to verify funds for checks “We did get a name from the check in Virginia, Arizona and Montana. in Virginia and my daughter Googled “What the scammers do is fi sh for it,” Heindricks said. “The guy’s picture information about the amount of mon- came up, but we wonder if they stole ey in the account,” said Luttrell. “If his identity and if he’s another victim the amount they ask about isn’t availPLEASE SEE FORGERY, PAGE 2A.

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Members of the Azle Wrestling Club that competed in Grapevine in February 1999 contained future UIL state medal winners Chas Skelly, Shay and Shelby Lauderdale, Aaron Ryals, Marty Dick, Noah Killip, and Taylor Kissell among others.

22 pages plus supplements

$1 Azle, Texas 76020


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NEWS DIGEST Little League last chance sign-ups Online registration is open at www.azlelittleleague.com for girls and boys ages 3-14 to sign up to play in the Azle Little League 2014 Spring Season. Registration fees are $100 for T-ball and $120 for coach pitch, minor, major, and junior baseball and softball. Last chance sign-ups will be held Saturday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 2, 1-4 p.m. at Stinger Field. Those signing up those two days will incur a $25 late charge. For additional information call 817-237-7680.

Event will benefit Azle boy, 6 Friends and family are planning a benefit for 6-year-old Christian Spidle from 3-6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at Grayson County Line, located at 11285 FM 730 North in Azle. The event will feature home-grilled meats and all the trimmings for $6 a plate as well as an auction for items like movie tickets and gift cards from area businesses. Christian is the son of Michael Spidle and Mattie and Kris Price. He suffers from a long list of genetic disorders that affect his brain, spine, lung and kidney. He is a student at Walnut Creek Elementary School in Azle.

Caring Center seeks volunteers The Community Caring Center and food bank is in need of volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of people in the community who find themselves in need. Contact the center, located at 317 Commerce Street in Azle, by calling 817-270-2962. The Community Caring Center is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m.-12 noon; and Thursdays 4-7 p.m.

Forgery scam caught by Azle bank n FOrGEry, FROM PAGE ONE.

or if he is part of the scam.” “We’re so thankful the people at the bank know us well enough to see the red flags and I think it says something about hometown banks.” Protect yourself Frank Abagnale is a leading authority on how to combat forgery and has created fraud prevention programs used by more than 14,000 corporations, financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. According to Abagnale, there are five steps consumers can use to protect themselves from check fraud.

“Anyone who sees the front of that check has more than enough information to draft on a bank account,” Abagnale said. “I know people have to write checks sometimes – to pay credit card bills, to pay the mortgage – that’s fine, but a guy that comes up and sells something at your house – don’t write him a check, because gives him a tool.”

2. Be vigilant during tax time Tax season is another very popular time for check forgers because 90 percent of the people who file their taxes and owe money make the check payable to the IRS. “That’s what the IRS tells us to do,” Abagnale said. “Well, 1. Write checks sparingly fraudsters steal that check out Checks contain a bevy of of the mailbox, modify the paysensitive information including ee, and deposit it.” the customer’s name, address, phone number, account number 3. Only use secured mailboxes and signature. Abagnale discourages placThe bank’s name and address ing checks in residential mailand routing number are also boxes. readily available on checks. “That’s like putting the flag In addition, if the store clerk up for fraudsters to come get the writes down the consumer’s mail,” he said. “If you have your driver’s license number on the bills, take them to the mailbox in front of the check, that is often the post office if you can, or drop as powerful a tool as a Social them in a secured mailbox.” Security number.

marlisa Godsey, a teller at the bank of Azle, alerted J.W. and Vickie Heindricks to an unusual call regarding their checking account. Photo by Natalie Gentry 4. Treat checkbooks like cash According to Abagnale, it is crucial to keep checkbooks safe. “Some people leave them in the glove box of their car,” Abagnale said. “Fraudsters are always looking in there for credit cards, gas cards, and people’s receipts with statements on them.” Abagnale explains that if a con man finds a checkbook he will take the last check from the book, so that by the time it is discovered, he has already used the information and is gone.

“It is very, very important – and I cannot overemphasize this – to make sure that people reconcile their checking account statements,” Abagnale said. “About 51 percent of Americans do not reconcile their bank statement, and banks love this because we have a law in the United States called Article 3, Section 406 of the Uniform Commercial Code that says you have 30 days from receipt of your statement to notify the bank of any discrepancies that may appear on your statement.” If a person doesn’t do that, 5. Balance checkbooks each the bank has no liability to remonth pay them.

UIL realignment arrives Feb. 3 Work begins on hospital entrance The face of Texas Health Harris Methodist Azle is changing, literally. Renovations to create an enclosed vestibule that will provide weather-protected entry and exit at the hospital have begun. The completed project will feature an extended covered walkway from the current roof line of the hospital to the street. Upon completion, the enclosed vestibule will also allow for better climate control within the lobby and outpatient registration area throughout the year and keep debris from blowing into the building. The hospital will also be installing a new roof that features

Azle could go north, west, or hover nearby by mArk k. CAmpbELL Every two years, a great mystery is revealed, one that affects thousands of Texans all over the state. That would be the biennial University Interscholastic League’s realignment. When the UIL cuts up the state into regions and districts, how things fall can end up being expensive for some school districts. This realignment is unique in one regard: Schools already know the number cut-offs that divide classifications – even in this year where for the first time 6A will be introduced. The change of classifications will affect every division – sixman will now be 1A, 1A becomes 2A, etc. With this knowledge and Azle’s submitted enrollment numbers, AHS will become a 5A school. But the magic question is: with whom?

you go where they tell you to go.” League with other local school districts. UIL predictions But high school is a differGuessing how the UIL will ent matter. Sometimes some split up districts is always a districts can’t field subvarsity crap shoot. teams. Anderson said he could see Already this year, AnderAzle staying with Denton and son said he has been told that Wichita Falls with Lake Dallas Wichita Falls HS will not have and maybe the Saginaw schools a freshman baseball team. (Boswell, Chisholm Trail, and And Fort Worth schools are Saginaw HS). notorious for not fielding subOr Azle could end up with varsites in some sports. Brewer, Birdville, the Saginaw “Sometimes you have to schools, and even some from scramble to find games,” AnFort Worth. derson admitted. Then there are the wild cards For now, however, everyof Abilene Cooper and San An- thing pivots on the Feb. 3 angelo Lake View – a couple of nouncement. 5As stuck alone out west. The new district alignment will The AD said junior highs will be tweeted @TheAzleNews and remain unaffected by the UIL posted on the News’ Facebook page verdict since Azle participates as well as at www.azlenews.net imin the North Texas Athletic mediately after the announcement.


a new design and material that will improve the maintenance and condition of the building. “Our goal is to give our patients the best experience possible,” said Mary Fonville, senior director of quality, patient safety and risk management at Texas Health Azle. “This renovation is a simple way to make a major impact on their satisfaction so; it just makes sense to do it.” Changes during the process Construction will be ongoing for the next six weeks. During this time, the front entrance of the hospital will be closed to traffic. The hospital cafeteria will

serve as the alternate entrance for outpatient registration and the Emergency Department entrance for inpatient visitors. Way-finding signage and employees will be visible to help guide all patients and visitors. “We are deeply committed to providing exceptional care for the people of our community,” said Bob Ellzey, FACHE, hospital president. “This is just another step in helping us achieve that goal.” Ellzey added that while he and his staff acknowledge and apologize for the temporary inconvenience the improvements will cause patients and visitors, these changes will ultimately enhance patients’ experience.

Calendar Trinity Hospice needs volunteers for Azle, Springtown, Fort Worth and Lake Worth. Hospice volunteers offer support to patients and families dealing with end-of-life issues. Contact judith.pickering@ trinityhospice.com or call 817-457-4329.

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Published every Wednesday at 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Azle, Texas, 76020. Postmaster: Send address changes to 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 USPS No. 546-920

Annual subscription rates: $36 Parker, Wise and Tarrant counties ($32.50 senior citizens 65 and older); $42.50 elsewhere within and outside Texas. The Azle News does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of the advertisement itself. Any erroneous reflection upon the character or reputation of any person or firm appearing in this newspaper will be corrected when called to This newspaper is printed the attention of on recycled the publisher. newsprint and is recyclable.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

AHS math team competes at Argyle Azle High School’s Math and Science Team competed in Argyle High School’s annual Spring UIL Academic Tournament Jan. 25. The team’s improvement was evident in the number of awards won as well as individual scores. Senior Joseph Ehlmann took eighth place in the number sense contest.

Freshman Shawn Kim placed second in the calculator applications contest. Junior Jay Townsley came away in seventh place in the calculator contest, while junior Nathan Redmon finished fifth in the highly competitive junior division of the science contest. The AHS Math and Science Team advisor is Andy Zapata. (Above) The Hoover Math and Science Team, with advisors Judy Charles and Jackie Carlson, competed Jan. 25 at the Franklin Middle School Math and Science competition in Dallas against more than 500 competitors. Hoover’s Noah Carlson placed 9th and Ethan Cross took 17th in calculator competition, while Harrison Coviello snagged 20th place in the science competition.

(Left) The Azle Elementary Math and Science Team, under the direction of advisors Judy Charles and Jackie Carlson, competed at the Franklin Middle School Math and Science competition Jan. 25 in Dallas. More than 500 students in grades five through eight competed in the event, and AE finished with five individual awards. Megan Frank placed 19th in sixth grade number sense. In calculator competition, Ken Seals placed 16th, Ashton Seabourn took 19th and Megan Frank came in 20th. Frank also placed 19th in science competition. This is the team.

Azle duo complete Navy boot camp Ryan Vess and Taylor Potter, Azle High School graduates from recruit,” noted Navy correspondent Debra Pittman. Battle Stations displays the Navy’s core values of honor, courthe Class of 2013, completed U.S. Navy basic training in Great age, and commitment – culminating with “what it means to be a Lakes, Illinois. Vess, son of John Vess of Fort Worth and Mary Vess of Sagi- Sailor.” naw, and Potter, son of David and Tara Potter of Azle, finished their training at the Navy’s Recruit Training Command. During the eight-week program, Vess and Potter completed training that included classroom study and practical instruction on a variety of areas. Among the study subjects: naval customs; first aid; firefighting; water safety and survival; and shipboard and aircraft safety. at 404 W. Main St. • Saturday, February 8th 10:30 am An emphasis was placed on physical fitness. Auction items include: The capstone event of the boot camp was “Battle Stations.” That exercise is designed to “galvanize the basic warrior attributes of sacrifice, dedication, teamwork, and endurance in each




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Births Buffie Worley and Shane Rhodes of Azle announce the Jan. 21 birth of their son, Zane Aiden Thomas Rhodes at Arlington Memorial Medical Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 13.4 ounces and measured 21 inches. Joining in welcoming Zane are older brother Chandler Rhodes, age 7, and grandparents Marsha and Harold Worley and Cindy Rhodes-Hopp and Mike Hopp, all of Azle, and William Rhodes and Elana Thompson of Panama City, Florida.

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Members of the AHS Math and Science team competed in Argyle. They include (seated): Nathan Redmon; and (standing, l-r): Jay Townsley, Bobbi Chrysler, Joseph Ehlmann, Mathew Brand and Shawn Kim.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ribbon Cutting Ambassadors from the Azle Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for Azle Deer Cove Event Center Jan. 21 at the business, located at 101 South Pearson Lane in Azle. Owner Sara Langston says the smaller Casita can accommodate parties or events with fewer than 75 people. The Cedar Hall, when its construction is complete, will accommodate up to 300 guests and has a spectacular view perfect for weddings. Call Langston at 817501-7089 for an appointment or to book your event today. Photo by Amber Plumley

AZLE LITTLE LEAGUE 2014 Spring SeaSon regiStration giRLs and BOys ages 3 - 14 BaSeBaLL


Sign-ups at Stinger Field • For more information call 817-237-7680

Last ChanCe (Extra $25 Charge) Sat. February 1 10am - 2pm • Sun. February 2nd 1pm - 4pm st

OnLine RegistRatiOn is nOW OPen @ azlelittleleague.com

Registration Fees: T-Ball - $100 Coach Pitch/Minor/Major/Junior Baseball & Softball - $120 Search for us on Facebook at Azle Baseball-Softball for registration details and information during the season Cash, Check or Credit Cards will be accepted (fee for credit card). Parents bring drivers license and child’s original birth certificate. Note: Not all coach and ride share requests can be accommodated. Each request will be reviewed by Azle Little League Board.

For Little League Sponsorship Information, Please Email azlelittleleague@yahoo.com

LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE The City Council of the City of Azle will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on February 4, 2014 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 613 Southeast Parkway. The purpose of the public hearing will be to receive citizen input on community needs and project selection relative to funds to be received in the 40th year of the Tarrant County Community Development Block Grant Program. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Lakeside City Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Lakeside Town Hall, 9830 Confederate Park Road, Lakeside, Texas 76108. Consider a replat of Tract A 761 Tr 1C consisting of 2.79 acres of the Hunt, Memucan Survey into two separate lots being Lot 1 Block 1 1.02 acres and Lot 2 Block 1 1.77 acres. Questions can be directed to Randy Whiteman, Town Administrator at 817-237-1234 ext. 303. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Lakeside City Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday February 13, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Lakeside Town Hall, 9830 Confederate Park Road, Lakeside, TX 76108. Council will conduct a public hearing considering an ordinance renewing and readopting sections 130.20 through 130.99 of the code of ordinances; renewing and readopting the juvenile curfew provisions of the town of lakeside; providing for publication and an effective date. Questions can be directed to Randy Whiteman, Town Administrator at 817-237-1234 ext. 303.

Rockwall new venue for Williams murder trial by CArLA nOAH STuTSmAn A judge ruled on Friday, Jan. 24 that the capital murder trial of an Azle High School graduate will be moved to Rockwall. Eric Lyle Williams, 46, is accused of three murders that occurred in Kaufman, where he had been removed from his office as Justice of the Peace after being convicted of stealing three county computers. Dallas County District Judge Michael Snipes, appointed to the case after a Kaufman judge recused himself, granted the motion filed by Williams’ attorney.

The motion was based on the defense team’s belief Williams cannot receive a fair trial in Kaufman due to extensive media coverage of the events leading to his prosecution. Williams and his wife, Kim, are accused of gunning down Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse outside the Kaufman County courthouse on Jan. 31, 2013 as well as District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, at their home over Easter weekend in 2013. Prosecutors believe the mur-

ders were committed in retaliation for the District Attorney’s office’s prosecution of Williams for theft. Both Eric and Kim Williams remain in the Kaufman County jail in lieu of $23 and $10 million bond, respectively. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Eric Williams but have not yet announced whether they will seek that penalty against Kim Williams, as well. Kim Williams filed for a divorce from Eric Williams the same day she was indicted for the crime.

Miller on ASU Dean’s List

tain a 3.5 grade point average or better. Azle High School graduate List for the fall semester. ASU, located in San Angelo, is Cecelia Miller earned a berth on To be eligible, students must part of the Texas Tech University the Angelo University Dean’s be full-time attendees and main- system.

Azle SCHOOL MENU BREAKFAST: GRADES PK-4th •• $1.25 GRADES 5-12th •• $1.25 Employees....$1.50 Guests ...$1.50


LUNCH: A La Carte Items GRADES PK-4th •• $2.00 Milk/Juice 75¢ • Bottled water 75¢ • Ice Cream 75¢ GRADES 5-12th •• $2.20 Employees....$2.75 Guests....$3.00 Gold Card Guests....$2.75

PreK - 4th


Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, & White or Chocolate Milk MON - Breakfast Pizza, Cinnamon Toast, WW Toast and Jelly TUE - Mini Pancakes w/ Maple Syrup, Breakfast Sandwich, Toast and Jelly WED - Cinnamon Rolls, Morning Sausage Rolls, WW Toast and Jelly THU - Scrambled Eggs with Bacon, Yogurt Parfait, WW Toast and Jelly FRI - Hot Oatmeal, Breakfast on a Stick, WW Toast and Jelly

LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Chicken Nuggets WG Breadstick, Bean and Cheese Burrito, Turkey Bacon Club Wrap, Chef Salad, Mashed Potatoes and Pepper Gravy, Steamed Green Beans, Charro Beans, Pineapple Tidbits TUE - Turkey Hot Dog, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Chicken Salad Wrap, Minnie Mouse Salad, WG Wheat Roll, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Steamed Carrot Wheels, Fresh Cauliflower, Tossed Salad, Orange Wedges WED - Spaghetti with Meatballs, WG Breadstick, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Combo Sub Sandwich, Fruit and Cheese Plate, Potato Wedges, Steamed Broccoli Spears, Baby Carrots, Cucumber Slices, Diced Pears THU - Beef Fingers, WG Breadstick, Cheezy Dunking Sticks with Sauce, Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Taco Loco Salad, Popcorn Chicken Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Pepper Gravy, Sauteéd Spinach FRI- Fish Sandwich with Tartar Sauce, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Italian Sub Sandwich, Caesar Salad, Steamed Sweet Corn, Sauteéd Squash, Tossed Salad, Baby Carrots, Mixed Fresh Vegetables BREAKFAST:

GRADES 5th - 8th

Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, Toast with Jelly, Milk MON - Breakfast Pizza, Pop Tart and Graham Crackers, Sausage Biscuit TUE - Mini Pancakes and Syrup, Breakfast Ham Sandwich, Breakfast Parfait, WW Toast WED - Cinnamon Rolls, Morning Sausage Rolls, Pop Tart and Graham Crackers THU - Scrambled Eggs with Bacon, Pop Tart and Graham Crackers, Breakfast Parfait FRI - Sausage Breakfast on a Stick with Syrup, Hot Oatmeal, Breakfast Burrito

LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza. Choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Chicken Nuggets, Assorted Pizza, Buffalo Chicken Wrap, Caesar Salad, Crunchy Tacos, Bacon Cheeseburger, Tossed Salad TUE - Frito Pie, Spicy Chicken, Party Sandwich, Assorted Pizza, Chef Salad, Beef and Cheese Nachos, Charro Beans, Raw Carrots WED -Spaghetti with Meatballs, WG Garlic Breadstick, Meatball Sub, Cobb Salad, Broccoli, Assorted Pizza, Cheese Quesadilla THU - General Tso Chicken with WG Brown Rice, Chicken Corn Dog, Potato Wedges, Stir Fry Vegetables, ApplesauceFRI -Beef Fingers, Wheat Roll, Cheeseburger, BBQ Rib Sandwich, Buffalo Nachos, Charro Beans, Glazed Carrots, Assorted Pizza HIGH SCHOOL


Everyday - Assorted Fruit, Juices, Toast, Cold Cereal, Milk, Breakfast Pizza, Scrambled Eggs MON - Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage Biscuit, Scrambled Eggs, Fresh Yogurt, Granola, Breakfast Pizza, Assorted Meat TUE - French Toast Sticks and Syrup, Breakfast Sandwich, Scrambled Eggs, Assorted Meat, Fresh Yogurt, Granola, Breakfast Pizza WED - Cinnamon Rolls, Morning Sausage Rolls, Assorted Meat, Fresh Yogurt, Granola, Breakfast Pizza THU - Blueberry Breakfast on a Stick with Syrup, Breakfast Pizza, Sausage Biscuit, Fresh Yogurt, Granola FRI - Hot Oatmeal, Assorted Breakfast Burritos, Scrambled Eggs, Fresh Yogurt, Granola, Breakfast Pizza

LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza & salads. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Chicken Fried Steak, Cornbread, Mashed Potatoes, Pepper Gravy, Savory Blackeyed Peas, Ripe Apples TUE - Vegetable Soup, Baked Potato, Tomato and Cucumber Salad, Melon Cubes, Tossed Salad, Baby Carrots WED - Roast Turkey, Cornbread Dressing, WG Roll, Steamed Green Beans, Applesauce, Sweet Potatoes THU - Beef Lasagna, WG Garlic Breadstick, Sauteéd Spinach and Squash, Chilled Peaches, Croutons FRI - Frito Pie, Refried Beans, Salsa, Steamed Corn, Tossed Salad, Fresh Grapes, Mandarin Oranges, Baby Carrots

Azle Dental Care 817-444-1763

“Helping Azle Smile Since1997”


CITY OF SANCTUARY - ORDER OF ELECTION An election is hereby ordered to be held on May 10, 2014 for the purpose of electing: (Por la presente se ordena que se llevara a cabo una elelccion el May 10, 2014, con el proposito de:) Alderman Place 2, Alderman Place 4, Mayor. For early voting, please contact the city office at 817-798-3221. (La votacioun adelantada en persona se llevara a cabo de lunes a viernes en 817-798-3221.) Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (La votacion adelantada en persona se llevara a cabo de lunes a viernes en:) Megg Elliott, P.O. Box 125, Azle, Texas 76098. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on May 1, 2014. (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas de las horas de negocia el May 1, 2014.) Issued this the 27th day of January, 2014. (Emitida este dia 27th of January, 2014.) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Lakeside City Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday February 13, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Lakeside Town Hall, 9830 Confederate Park Road, Lakeside, TX 76108. To consider amending Ordinance #312 the Accessory Building the Town of Lakeside Code of Ordinance in Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 151 Zoning 151.025 Accessory Buildings. Questions can be directed to Randy Whiteman, Town Administrator at 817-237-1234 ext. 303. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Lakeside City Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday February 13, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Lakeside Town Hall, 9830 Confederate Park Road, Lakeside, TX 76108. To consider the amending the Town of Lakeside Code of Ordinance Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 150 General Provisions 150.07 Carports & RV Buildings. Questions can be directed to Randy Whiteman, Town Administrator at 817-237-1234 ext. 303. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE A sale to satisfy a landlord’s lien will be held at AZLE SOUTHEAST STORAGE, 1004 Southeast Parkway, Azle,Texas at 10:00 a.m. on February 14,2014. Property to be sold to the highest bidder for CASH. Property includes contents of the following tenants: SARAH AMASON: Household items. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE TOMMY LANDERS, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE OF A PUBLIC SALE TO BE HELD March 1, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at TOMMY LANDERS STABLES at 751 Old Reno Road, Reno, Texas, Pursuant to SECTION 70.005 of the TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The HORSE, a THOROUGHBRED GELDING being boarded for RANDY LANIER will be sold TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER AS IS AND WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS to cover all charges and/or other costs or expenses that have accumulated and remained unpaid to include but not limited to: board, training, veterinary charges and other services provided by TOMMY LANDERS and/or others. TERMS AND CONDITIONS of sale to be announced immediately prior to sale of horse and take precedent over any prior offerings or announcements. Sale is subject to cancellation without notice. CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED IN FULL DAY OF SALE unless otherwise agreed and acceptable to Seller and TOMMY LANDERS. Contact: VERA C. BENNETT, Attornery at Law 107 W. Main St., Azle, Texas 76020 817-444-0600


1 Assets and liabilities of the internal service funds are not included in the fund financial statements.


2 Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources, and therefore, not reported in the fund financial statements.


3 Accumulated depreciation is not reported in the fund financial statements.


4 Bonds payable are not reported in the fund financial statements.


5 Bond premiums are not recognized in the fund financial statements. (1,367,514) 6 Deferred charge on bond refundings is not recognized in the fund financial statements. 7 Interest is accrued on outstanding debt in the government-wide financial statements, whereas in the fund financial statements interest expenditures are reported when due.



8 Property tax revenue reported as deferred revenue in the fund financial statements was recognized as revenue in the government-wide financial statements. 2,014,588 9 Accreted interest on capital appreciation bonds has not been recorded in the fund financial statements. 19 Net Position of Governmental Activities The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement.

(3,821,694) $48,010,990


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

AnniverSArieS Mike and Nell Judge celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Jan. 27, 2014 with their family. Nell is the former Nell Burnett of Azle. She was in the 8th grade when Mike was a senior at Azle High School She attended a high school party with her older brother and sister. Mike was there and they danced almost every dance. Mike attended UTA before joining the United States Army. Nell didn’t see him again until the summer before her senior year. They married at Ash Creek Baptist Church. They have two

Cassidy awarded Eagle Scout rank Joshua James Cassidy earned the rank of Eagle Scout in September 2013. The Eagle Court of Honor was held in Cassidy’s honor at his troop’s sponsor church, Eagle Mountain United Methodist Church, in December 2013. Cassidy has earned 44 merit badges to date, as well as the Brotherhood of the Order of the Arrow and God to Life religious medal. He also attended, and then

later staffed, National Youth Leadership Training. Cassidy’s Eagle service project was to fence in an area at the Azle Area Animal Shelter and Humane Association (AASHA). He wanted to give prospective owners a place to interact with the pet of their choice. Azle Mayor Alan Brundrett, Bud’s Town, Home Depot, Albertsons, David’s Patio, friends, and fellow Scouts all contributed to Cassidy’s project.

mr. and mrs. mike Judge

Azle Police DePt.

investigAtions The following offenses occurred or were reported Jan. 5–26, 2012 and are being investigated by Azle Police detectives.

children, daughter Stacey married to Chris Arbuckle, and son Erik married to Donna Hook. Mike and Nell have five grandchildren and a greatgranddaughter. They built a home in Irving. After 16 years, they bought and moved to the family home in Azle. They opened a men’s clothing store. Mike worked 46 years in men’s retail. He worked as a regional manager of National Shirt and also regional manager for Oshmans. He worked as a manager of Men’s Warehouse and retired from there. Nell worked in banking 15 years and five years at TriCounty Electric.

Jan. 6 ............. 700 block Boyd Road .............................Forgery Jan. 9 ............. 100 block Parkwood Court .....................Burglary of vehicle ....................... 200 block School Street .........................Theft of property $50-500 ....................... 100 block Industrial Avenue ...................Forgery, fraudulent possession of ID Jan. 12 ........... 600 block Madeline Court ......................Theft $50-500 Jan. 13 ........... 400 block Northwest Parkway................Theft $50-500 Jan. 14 ........... 300 block Commerce Street ..................Theft $50-500 ....................... 500 block Marquette Avenue..................Theft $50-500 ....................... 600 block Southeast Parkway................Theft $50-500 Jan. 15 ........... 300 block Gateway Street ......................Theft $50-500 Jan. 16 ........... 400 block South Stewart Street .............Burglary of a habitation ....................... 700 block Boyd Road .............................Theft $1,500-20,000 Jan. 17 ........... 1000 block Woodridge Drive ..................Theft less than $500 enhanced Jan. 18 ........... 100 block Rhoades Street......................Vehicle burglary ....................... 700 block Boyd Road .............................Theft less than $500 enhanced ....................... 700 block Boyd Road .............................Theft ....................... 700 Boyd Road ......................................Theft $50-500 ....................... 400 block Northwest Parkway................Theft $50-500 Jan. 19 ........... 400 block Northwest Parkway................Theft $50-500 ....................... 1100 block New Meadow Drive..............Burglary of a habitation Jan. 20 ........... 300 block Calgary Road.........................Aggravated assault ....................... 200 block Sandra Drive..........................Burglary of a habitation ....................... 200 block Soreline Drive North ..............Identity theft by electronic device Jan. 21 ........... 100 block West Main Street ...................Theft of service Jan. 22 ........... 600 block Stribling Drive ........................Burglary of a building ....................... 100 block Wellington Drive ....................Theft $500-1,500 ....................... 800 block Northwest Parkway................Burglary of a building Jan. 23 ........... 900 block Elm Court...............................Burglary of a habitation ....................... 400 block Northwest Parkway................Theft less than $50 Jan. 24 ........... 100 block Lilac Lane ..............................Theft $1,500-20,000 ....................... 400 block Northwest Parkway................Theft $50-500 Jan. 26 ........... 300 block Commerce Street ..................Theft $50-500

If you have information regarding any of the incidents above, please contact the Azle Police Department at 817-444-3221.

Killip on Fort Hays honor roll Noah Ryon Killip, a graduate of Azle High School majoring in health and human performance (K-12 teaching and coaching), has been named to the Dean’s Honor Roll at Fort

Hays State University for the fall 2013 semester. Killip is one of 1,111 students who made that list, which includes undergraduate students only. To be eligible, students must

have enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and have a minimum grade point average of 3.60 for the semester. Full-time on-campus and virtual students are eligible.

day before. Our minimum age is 60, with a suggested donation of $2 for lunch. We play table games daily and Bingo two days each month. We have a monthly birthday party on the second Wednesday to honor anyone in the center who has a birthday or anniversary that month.

We have an excellent exercise program through Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Azle twice weekly, with chair exercises and yoga. Some stay after lunch on Thursdays and play Chicken Foot – it’s a domino game with colored dots that lots of fun and easy to learn.

We have a group of seniors who play Bridge here on Fridays. They’ve been coming for years. They would love to get some extra players in. We have a Food Bank Day on the first Friday of each month and Produce Day on the third Friday. There’s a qualifying period for

CAlendAr Alcoholics Anonymous conducts meetings at noon and 6:30 p.m. daily at 104 South Stewart Street in Azle. The Azle Writers Group, comprised of novice and experienced authors, meets from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. each first and third Tuesday at the Azle Memorial Library conference room, 321 West Main Street. For more information, call 817-444-7218.

Senior Spotlight by darlene holmes We had a pretty good turnout for lunch Monday, Jan. 27 in spite of the cold weather. I was really surprised because it really was cold. And the spaghetti was really good! Several had seconds. I surprised myself by eating the cauliflower. It really was good and cooked perfectly.

I fixed spaghetti and fettuccini alfredo for our January No SCS lunch day and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We have hamburgers coming up Thursday, Jan. 30. Everyone likes our burgers. Drop by and check out our center if you’re new to the area. We serve lunch Monday through Friday at noon and it’s ordered the

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each program to receive your free goodies. We never know what it is until we pick it up. Sometimes it a lot and sometimes it’s not, but it’s a lot of fun. Stop by for a cup of coffee and meet the Lunch Bunch. You may even see a neighbor or two!

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Azle Fire Dept.

EmErgEncy calls

Jennifer Marie Sweeney

Nina Jordan

1968 - 2014

1917 - 2014

Jennifer Marie Sweeney was taken home after a battle with a chronic illness. Jennie passed away Sunday, January 19, 2014. A memorial service was held at 10:30 on Saturday Jan. 25, 2014 at Azle Christian Church, 117 Church St. Azle, TX. She always prefered comfortable dress and the family would like you to do the same. In lieu of flowers please send donations to one of the following: Autistic Self Advocacy Network (autisticadvocacy.org) , National Wildlife Federation (nwf.org) and Make a Wish (wish.org). Jennifer was born June 8,

1968 in Fort Worth, Texas to C.A. (Chuck) Atchison and Jeanne Harkins-Atchison. She was a giver, put others ahead of herself, and gave to several charities. She is preceded in death by her father, Charles Atchison and grandmother, Ellen Harkins. She is pain free and considered a guardian angel over the family. Survivors include; husband, Jerral Dewayne Sweeney of Weatherford; sons, Justin, Joseph and Jarod; daughter, Jordynn; one granddaughter, Arianna and mother, Jeanne. The Azle News, Jan. 29, 2014 Edition

Rachail Lynn George Senn 1982 - 2014

Rachail Senn 31, went home in the arms of Jesus, January 20, 2014, after a long illness from a brain tumor. Memorial service was held Saturday at 2:00 p.m. at Solid Rock Bible Church, 591 S. Reno Road, Springtown, Texas. Pastor Jim Edwards officiated. Rachail graduated from Azle High School in 2001. She had a gift of poetry. We will miss her

loving smile and big heart! Survivors include; husband Michael Senn; step-children Devin Dvorak, Brittany Senn, Jessica Senn; best friend Breanna Tibodeaux of Tulsa, Oklahoma; parents, Jimmy and Betty George of Azle; brothers, Troy George and wife Yvonne, David Honeycutt and Donna, Robert George; sisters, Sheila Carey and husband Charles, Sunja Hall and husband Randy, Tina Greenwood and husband Tracy and biological brother and sisters, Shelly Piper and husband Kevin; Jerry Smith and Amy, Sheila Johnson; a great multitude of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. The Azle News, Jan. 29, 2014 Edition

James Monroe Dodson 1929 - 2014 James “Jack” Monroe Dodson, 84, passed away Saturday, January 25, 2014. Graveside service will be held at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday at Azleland Memorial Park in Azle under the direction of White’s Azle Funeral Home. Jack was born March 4, 1929 to Ora and Ola Dodson in Fort Worth. He worked for the city of Fort Worth for 28 years and

retired as a truck driver. He will be greatly missed. Survivors include; wife, Katheryn Dodson; son, Kenneth Hoyt Dodson and wife, Malissa; grandchildren, Shirley Jolene Dodson, Frazer Keenan Dodson, and Carra Dodson; and great-grandson, Atticus Walker Dodson. The Azle News, Jan. 29, 2014 Edition

817-594-2747 • Fax 817-596-7803

Nina Jordan, 96 years of age, passed away on Saturday, January 25, 2014 at her home, surrounded by her loved ones. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014 at New Hope Baptist Church in Boyd, TX with Pastor Jim Edwards officiating. The graveside service will be at 4:00 p.m. Thurday, Jan. 30, 2014 at Sulphur Springs City Cemetery with Mike Sikes, Scott Sikes, Sam Briggs, Eric Lindley, Britt Lindley, and James Kiraly serving as pallbearers. Visitation will be Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Midway funeral home in Springtown. Arrangements are

The Azle News, Jan. 29, 2014 Edition

Azle Police Blotter Officers with the Azle Police Department arrested the following individuals during the period of Jan. 5-19: Jeremy Glenn Lawson, 40, of Azle, was arrested Jan. 6 in the 600 block of Inwood Road, charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon as well as assault causing injury to a family member. Lawson posted $15,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail. Michael Luvaul, 48, was arrested Jan. 17 in the 900 block of Southeast Parkway and charged with indecency with a child with sexual contact. He posted $25,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail. A 26-year-old Azle man was arrested Jan. 5 in the 400 block of Sandy Beach Road and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. He was given a citation and released from the Azle jail. A 30-year-old Fort Worth man was arrested Jan. 8 for an outstanding warrant, but was also charged with possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 3, less than

28 grams. He posted bond and was released from the Azle jail. A 40-year-old Azle woman was arrested Jan. 8 in the 400 block of Northwest Parkway and charged with theft of property $50-500. She posted bond and was released from the Azle jail. A 49-year-old man was arrested Jan. 16 and charged with public intoxication. He was given a citation and time to pay fines and released from the Azle jail. A 38-year-old man was arrested Jan. 17 and charged with driving with an invalid driver’s license. He posted bond and was released from jail. A 51-year-old man was arrested Jan. 19 in the 400 block of Northwest Parkway and charged with theft of property $50-500. He posted bond and was released from the Azle jail. A 29-year-old woman was arrested Jan. 19 in the 400 block of Northwest Parkway and charged with theft of property $50-500. She posted bond and was released from the Azle jail. Officers also investigated 11 traffic accidents during the period.

James R. Plowman Norma Plowman

913 N. Elm St. Weatherford, TX 76086

Hi my name is Duchess! I am a 3 year old female tabby. I am only $60 to adopt!

Hi! My name is Carter. I am a 1-3 year old grey male and only $15 to adopt.

I can’t wait to play with you!

300 South Stewart St. Early Worship ...........................8:15 am Sunday School ..........................9:30 am Contemporary Worship-TMP ..10:45 am Traditional Worship ...............10:45 am Evening Worship .......................6:00 pm Wednesday Youth Refuge..........6:00 pm Wednesday Evening ..................6:15 pm Pastor: Dr. G. Wesley Shotwell 817-444-3219 www.ashcreekbc.org

Azle AnimAl Shelter ADOPtiOn Center


Assembly of God Church Hwy. 199 & Jaybird Lane Pastor: Gary D. Veazey Morning Worship .................10:30 am Kidz Zone .............................10:30 am Wednesday Evening

Life Development, Chosen Student Ministries, Kidz Zone - All Services .....7:00 pm

817-221-5760 • 817-221-2983


Pastor: Paul Brownback 817-444-1211 www.TheAbbeyChurch.com 10400 Jacksboro Highway Morning Worship ....................10:30 am Wed: Youth & Family Night ......7:00 pm

Dr. Vaughn Baker - Pastor 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-444-1382 Sunday School .....................10:00 am Traditional Worship .............11:00 am Sunday Youth .......................10:00 am Synergy Worship ....................9:00 am


Corner FM 730 S. & Veal Station Rd. Sunday School ......................9:45 am Morning Worship .................10:50 am Evening Worship ....................6:00 pm Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm Pastor: Jay Ditty Minister of Music: David Musick Church 817-444-2325 www.silvercreekbc.org


Corner FM 730S & FM 1886 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Worship Service ...................10:30 am Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm 817-270-8476 Pastor - Jon Baker Music Minister - Lloyd McCarroll, Jr. Transporation Available

Jan. 24

Jan. 25

lAkesiDe police Dept.

cAll report

Monday-Sunday, Jan. 20 - Jan. 27, 2014 Jan. 21 ...........................5700 block Cowtan ............................................... Assist other agency Jan. 23 ...........................8800 block Holt Street ..................................................Missing person Jan. 24 ...........................1600 block White Leaf Court ................................ Assist other agency .......................................100 block N Lamar Street..............................................Prisoner detail .......................................100 block Lakeside Oaks Circle ..........................................Open door

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this shelter is accepting aluminum cans as well as blankets/towels donations to help the animals.


Jan. 23

I have a lot of love to give!

... Attend the Church of your choice this Sunday ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH

Jan. 22

9:08 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 3:03 p.m................. Medical alarm ................................................................. City 3:25 p.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City 9:52 p.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City 7:02 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 9:31 a.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City 1:03 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City 3:51 p.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City 4:03 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City 7:14 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County 2:10 p.m................. Assist Azle PD ................................................................ City 3:18 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay 4:21 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay 11:04 p.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City 9:19 a.m................. General medicine............................................................ City 10:43 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City 12:25 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 2:18 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City 3:01 p.m................. Medical emergency ........................................................ City 4:40 p.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 6:01 p.m................. Medical emergency........................................Tarrant County 8:09 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City 9:27 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay 12:57 a.m................. General medicine............................................................ City 3:46 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City 2:04 p.m................. Major accident ...............................................Tarrant County


Open: Monday - Friday 10-5 • Saturday 10-2


3:51 a.m................. Fire alarm....................................................... Parker County 8:38 a.m................. Lift assist ......................................................................... City 4:22 p.m................. Major accident ................................................................ City 3:55 a.m................. Smoke investigation........................................................ City 12:51 p.m................. Illegal burn ..................................................................... City 10:24 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................... Pelican Bay 9:08 a.m................. First responder................................................................ City 1:38 p.m................. Grass fire ....................................................... Parker County 3:25 p.m................. Trash fire ......................................................................... City 9:52 p.m................. Structure fire ................................................................... City 7:02 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 9:31 a.m................. Grass fire ........................................................................ City 1:45 p.m................. First responder...............................................Tarrant County 3:51 p.m................. Residential fire alarm ...................................................... City 7:14 p.m................. Assist ambulance...........................................Tarrant County 3:18 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................... Pelican Bay 4:21 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................... Pelican Bay 11:04 p.m................. Smoke detector............................................................... City 2:20 a.m................. Smoke detector............................................................... City 5:57 a.m................. Smoke detector............................................................... City 9:09 a.m................. Structure fire .................................................. Parker County 12:25 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 2:18 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 2:56 p.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City 3:01 p.m................. First responder................................................................ City 6:01 p.m................. Assist ambulance...........................................Tarrant County 9:27 p.m................. Assist ambulance............................................... Pelican Bay 3:46 a.m................. Assist ambulance............................................................ City 2:04 p.m................. Major accident ...............................................Tarrant County 5:58 p.m................. Fire alarm........................................................................ City

under the direction of MurrayOrwosky Funeral Home. The online registry can be signed at Jan. 21 www.murrayorwosky.com She was born in Franklin County, TX on November 17, 1917, the daughter of George Jan. 22 Washington Garner and wife Laura Roberts Garner. She married William Louis Jordan on June 24, 1939, who preced- Jan. 23 ed her in death in 1940. Mrs. Jordan retired after forty years of service from Pratt’s Packing Jan. 24 Company in Sulphur Springs. She had been an active member of Trinity Baptist Church and Calvary Baptist Church before moving to Azle. She was a member of the New Hope Baptist Church in Boyd. Her survivors include; Jan. 25 daughter, Joyce Wygal of Azle; grandchildren, Mike Sikes, Janet Briggs and Vicki Kiraly; AMBULANCE CALLS –––––––––––––––––––––– great-grandchildren, Scott Jan. 19 4:01 a.m................. Medical emergency......................................................... City 9:44 a.m................. Injured person ................................................Tarrant County Sikes, Adam Sikes, Brittany 3:58 p.m................. General medicine............................................................ City Radcliff, Kevin Sikes, Kristy 6:36 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City Hunter, Britt Lindley, Eric Jan. 20 3:55 a.m................. Assist fire ........................................................................ City Lindley, and Joseph Kiraly; 5:48 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City fourteen great-great grand8:53 a.m................. Public assist ..................................................Tarrant County children. She was preceded in 8:16 p.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City death by five brothers and four 10:24 p.m................. Medical emergency............................................ Pelican Bay Jan. 21 8:01 a.m................. Injured person ................................................................. City sisters.

724 PArk Drive


Jan. 19 Jan. 20


For the latest news and updates

FIRE CALLS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


1020 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-4903 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Morning Worship .................10:30 am Sunday Evening Serv. ............6:00 am Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Pastor: Tim Stevens

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 Church St., Azle • 817-444-3323 Morn. Worship ........ 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School .......................9:45 am Youth (UMYF) .........5:00 p.m. Sunday & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Pastor: Dr. Scott Youngblood

CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 E. • Springtown 817-221-LIFE (5433) Sunday School ...................... 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service .....10:00 am Sunday Evening Worship ......6:00 pm Wednesday ...........................7:00 pm

HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH 800 Highcrest Dr. - Azle - 817-444-3063 Sunday Mass.........................8:30 am Wednesday Mass .................. 6:30 pm


7200 Robertson Rd. • Ft. Worth www.LFwired.org Sr. Pastor Frank W. Briggs 817-237-2758 Classic Service ..........................8:40 am Contemporary Service ... 10 & 11:30 am Lighthouse Christian Academy: Preschool, Private Kindergarten


1313 S.E. Pkwy, Azle 817-237-4822 Missouri Synod Worship Service ....................9:30 am Sunday School .....................10:45 am “Christians growing in Jesus, sharing His love with all”


2920 Azle Ave. • 817-624-2184 Daily Mass - Mon., Wed.,Fri........8 am Reconciliation .... Sat. 3:30 or by appt. Weekend Masses .......... Sat. 4:00 pm SUNDAY ......... 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 am & 1:30 pm (Spanish)


Pastor: JoAnne Swehosky 4795 E. Hwy 199 - Reno 817-221-HOPE Sunday School .......................9:00 am Traditional Service ...............10:00 am


7955 Reed Road, Azle Directions: FM 730 N., 5 miles to Reed Rd. - turn & go 1/2 mile - church on right Pastor, Nancy Nold Ch. 817-444-0226 Morning Worship .................11:00 am Sunday School .....................10:00 am “Open hearts, open minds, open doors”

COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 1405 Reynolds Rd., Azle • 817-444-7117 Directions: 730 N. to 1542 .5 mi. right on Cardinal, left on Reynolds Pastor - Rev. Fred Weaver 817-444-3181 Rev. Faye Mote 817-220-5734 Sunday School .......................9:45 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am Sunday Evening .....................6:00 pm Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Sunday Night Youth ..............6:00 pm


(Disciples of Christ) 117 Church St. • 817-444-3527 Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Alan Lobaugh Youth Minister, Will Ryan Sunday School .....................10:00 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am

ST. ANNE’S CHURCH (Episcopal/Anglican) 6055 Azle Ave., Lake Worth 817-237-1888 www.saint-annes.org Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Roger Grist Early Worship w/Communion... 8:00 am Sunday School (Adults-Jr.H.). ....9:15 am (Nursery Available) Choral Worship w/Communion.....10:30 am “Narnia” Children’s Church...........10:30 am

A church alive is worth the drive! For more information or rates on listing your church, Call Johnna at 817-270-3340


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mission House blesses 486 angels

Ribbon Cutting

First Baptist Church of Castle Hills held a Wild Child Cycle and Toy Run and luncheon Dec. 14 and 36 riders responded to participate. Proceeds benefited the

church’s Mission House. On Dec. 21, the church distributed gifts to 486 angels from its Angel Tree program and also held a bicycle giveaway. Church representatives said

they appreciate the support of the community, businesses who hosted trees, Wild Child Cycles, and Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) for adding to the event’s success.

The Azle Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for Above All Things Antiques, located at 1653 Southeast Parkway Jan. 16. Joan Hook and Jennifer Lalonde have a variety of home decor, resale items and antiques to choose from. They are also open for bookings as a music venue and party room. Check out all their beautifully remodeled store has to offer today. Email them at aboveallthingsantiques@gmail.com or call 817-888-7194 or visit their Facebook The Wild Child Cycle and Toy Run benefiting the First Baptist Church of Castle Hills page at www.facebook.com/aboveallthings. Mission House was held Dec. 14.

Library hosting genealogy workshop Ever wanted to trace your family history? Your chance to do just that – free – arrives at the Azle Memorial Library, 333 West Main

Street, Saturday, Feb. 1. The Eagle Mountain chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Isaac Parker chapter of the Daughters

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of 1812 are conducting a genealogy workshop from 9:15 a.m. until 4 p.m. The morning session focuses on areas of study and inves-

tigation in family histories. Samples will be provided (i.e., births, marriage, death, etc.) After a break for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at-

tendees will work hands-on in researching ancestors, proving old records, and finding ways around “brick walls” in your past. Veteran genealogists will lead both sessions.

While coffee, water, and light refreshments will be provided, visitors should bring a sack lunch. For more information, contact the library 817-444-7216 or Eagle Mountain DAR Regent Nancy Anthis, 817-6801192.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2014



Please feel free to contribute to Me Day


id you know there is a Reagan Day? And a Jefferson-Jackson Day? Me either. But they’re out there. In fact, a Reagan Day hoohah is right around the corner and you can attend if you have $100 in your cupboard’s Mason jar where you throw your loose change. Or you can bring some pals for $2,000. Reagan and Jefferson-Jackson Days are, respectively, the Republican and Democratic Parties biggest fundraisers annually. Naming money gathering gatherings after former popular presidents sounds much better than Biggest Fundraiser Gathering, I gather. An invitation to the Parker County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner 2014 arrived. And the guest of honor

is none other than media personality Glenn Beck. When I first heard Beck on the radio years ago, he was very funny. Since all other conservative talkers were just the same ol’, same ol’, Beck caught my ear. I remember him doing a hilarious parody of PBS’ oh-so-serious (just ask ‘em) Frontline. But then...Beck got a little scary. Things began popping up on air like buying your food and toilet paper in bulk so you’d have it when the Democrats/socialists take over – oh, they’re comin’! – and buying gold coins and ammunition and burying it all in your backyard in PVC pipe so you’d have some currency and firepower when the government comes for you! Oh, they’re comin’! Kudos to Beck for pulling a David Bowie, however. Like the former glam

rocker who saw the future of the Internet and how it would affect music (Bowie was one of the first artists to understand what cyberspace could do a musician ON YOUR for and embrace MARK it), Beck left a TV Mark K. Campbell successful show and put it online as a subscription service. And The Blaze is a gigantic hit at $9.99 monthly or $99.95 per year. And it’s The Blaze’s followers who will be the folks ponying up $2,000 at Weatherford’s Parker County Sher-

iff’s Posse Feb. 1 when Beck arrives. The $2,000 gets you a table for 8, a Reagan Council membership for the host couple, and an invite for the entire octet to the VIP reception. A $100 bill will get you into the dinner and a “general reception.” Beck might still be inventive and funny, but I’ve moved on to two other guys. One is Michael Savage who might be the angriest, most unhappy human on the planet. His radio show is mind boggling. (The Savage Nation, is aural crack – I can’t stop listening!) Savage hates everything! He’s on WBAP 820 AM from 2-4 p.m. You won’t believe the outrageous claims you’ll hear. There’s a reason Beck instead of Savage was invited to Parker County’s shindig – the Posse Grounds would collapse under Savage’s verbosity.

The other good listen right now is Dennis Miller. Like every talk show host, he’s a conservative (notice how liberals dominate most media yet can’t crack radio?), but the former Saturday Night Live guy is truly funny. His offbeat humor appeals to me, even if there’s an aura of superiority to his sometimes obscure references. He’s on from noon to 3 on KLIF 570 AM. I might consider snatching some coins from the Mason jar for Miller. While it’s tough enough to keep up with tithes and American Express, he’s got something worth paying for. Currently, there is no fundraising event called Mark Campbell Day. But if your Mason jar is overflowing, I’d be happy to bury some coins in my backyard. However, I’m OK on T.P. Mark K. Campbell is the News editor and still listens to The Ticket a lot, too.

Here’s a Foodie’s guide to life

A Letters to the editor How ‘bout those ‘tree huggers’ now?

Remember, David got lucky. Most January 22nd. of the time the best bet is on Goliath. I thought when I went back to January 15 editorial, this sounds like MKC Jim Corbett sees a lot of movies. January 15 reSan Clemente, CA minded me of a Dick Van Dyke movie Dear Editor: called Cold Turkey. I hope the people of Azle recognize Mainly I was just glad to see somethat pro-corporate, pro-big oil “Conthing in the Letters to the Editor that servatives” will never listen to any arwas not from J.B. of Fort Worth. gument that might limit profits. How do you feel about those “tree Carolyn Holly hugging” environmentalists now? Shake up Austin by electing poliI usually find Letters to the Editor ticians who care more about people one of the interesting articles in the Editor’s note: J.B. has his detractors and devotees; he, like everyone else, than profits, and maybe the shaking in Azle News. Azle will stop. I am curious what the Azle citizens is always welcome to express his opinJust be glad big oil, like James are thinking. I didn't read what MKC ion (following established guidelines, Bond, would rather have you shaken wrote in his January 15 comments un- of course) – that’s why it’s called the than stirred. til I read what the Azle readers said on Opinion page.

Is Azle going the Cold Turkey route?

nyone who knows me we send to each other always deliver well knows that I en- a message: “I thought of you when joy good food. Any- I was eating this and I miss you, my one who doesn’t know friend.” me well but takes a I feel like I should interrupt this and look at my physique say, “Hello. My name is Gerry and I isn’t surprised. If you are what you am a food addict.” But, I’m not goeat, I will have to admit that: (1) I am ing to. I am unashamed. Yes, I need not always the healthiest to make healthier choices choice on the menu; (2) and I really am trying to I am, however, tasty and do that more often. But, never boring. you will never see me take I even plan trips and the approach that food is meetings around food. no more than fuel. God I have one friend that I put these wonderful things would describe as my “ian” in my mouth called taste friend. No, his name is not buds and I intend to enjoy Ian, but when we get tothis gift while continuing gether, we like to eat food to learn how to enjoy it in a that ends in “ian”: Indian, way – like enjoying smallEgyptian, Mediterranean er portions – that allows (close enough). Another LIFE MATTERS me to honor Him with all friend is a steak and/or of my physical being. He seafood buddy. I’ve got a Gerry Lewis does not, after all, intend couple of others that will for me to be controlled by almost always involve Starbucks. those taste buds. When I am eating a meal that I Our lives also matter enough to Him know my kids would enjoy, I take a that He wants us to develop a taste for picture with my phone and send it to more than good food. them. Some people think that is cruel, Psalm 34:8: “Taste and see that the that I am perhaps torturing them. That Lord is good; blessed is the man who is true less than 25 percent of the time. takes refuge in him.” (I am not above the occasional harassPsalm 119:103: “How sweet are ing food photo). But, in reality, I am your words to my taste, sweeter than sharing my love of food with them be- honey to my mouth!” cause, at the moment, I can’t share my John 4:34: “My food,” said Jesus, love of them with my food. I wouldn’t “is to do the will of him who sent me send a photo to them if I weren’t first and to finish his work.” thinking of them and wishing we Now that’s a meal to be savored! could share this meal. I share food photos with another friend who has moved several hours Azle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis – author, blogger, consultant, and leadership coach – serves away. We used to have lunch together church as Executive Director of the Harvest Baptist Asat least every other week. Now we are sociation headquartered in Decatur. The opinions lucky if we manage to get together expressed in this column are his own and may not represent the views of HBA. every other year. The food photos

Western pioneers come in many forms, occupations


y excitement for Western history usually is directed toward the 19th century with its cattle drives, gold rushes, cavalry, Indians and wagon trains plodding the well-worn trails. Of course, history is anything that happened even a short time ago. Consequently, in my travels in the western part of the U.S. I often learn about modern “pioneers.” Last summer I encountered the work of such a person while walking across a pedestrian bridge near Tacoma, Wash. and stopping to pose for a photograph with my nephew. Set all across the bridge were cases of glasswork by an artist named Dale Chihuly. Chihuly's career over the last four decades and more has elevated the 2000-year-old effort of glassblowing to a highly accepted art form. An auto accident in 1976 blinded him in one eye and distorted his perception when glassblowing. As a re-


sult he hired assistants, created a team students decided to create a similar of glassblowers and orchestrates large glass program in the Pacific Northwest. Chiuhuly chose his creative glass works that western state. In 1971 he have made him famous created the Pilchuck Glass world-wide. Readers of School 60 miles north of this column may have seen Seattle. him featured on the Public In 1976 his first big break Broadcasting System. came when the MetropoliBorn in 1941 in Tacoma, tan Museum of Art in New Chihuly attended the local York bought three of his University of Puget Sound pieces. This gave recogni(as did my nephew) but tion to Chihuly in the art transferred to the Univerworld as an accepted artist sity of Washington. In 1965 of museum quality work. he discovered glassblowing Chihuly's group of artists and enrolled in the Rhode Island School of Design, PAGES FROM create projects of hundreds taking a year off to study WESTERN of glass-blown pieces for exhibitions. Some glass in Venice, Italy on a HISTORY themed of the pieces are vases, basFulbright Fellowship. In 1969 he established a glass J’Nell L. Pate kets, bowls. He helped change glassprogram back in Rhode Island and remained at the school for blowing from a talented craft to a high art form. His large-scale works beeleven years. A student protest of the Viet Nam came his trademark. One of his goals war in 1970 temporarily shut down was to convince the general public of the campus, so Chihuly and one of his the importance of glass, caring more

321 W. Main Street Azle, Texas 76020 (817) 270-3340 www.azlenews.net MEMBER 2014

Publisher Kim Ware Editor Mark K. Campbell

for public acceptance than recognition from the art world. However, he achieved both. By the 1990s his pieces were acquired by an increasing number of museums worldwide. He also wanted his work to be seen in public buildings, botanical gardens and hotels. “If it gives people pleasure, if it makes them feel good, that's what counts,” he said. In 1996 he worked with Italian glass artists and saw the hanging of 14 of his own chandeliers around Venice. Chihuly was fortunate in having a one-man exhibition at the Louvre in Paris, an accomplishment few artists achieve. More museums, hotels, gardens and private collectors became anxious to acquire a “Chihuly” work. One of his chandeliers for a private home sold for $200,000. In 2002 the “Bridge of Glass” featuring his works (that I walked across last summer) opened with his Museum of Glass in Tacoma. He created a ceiling sculpture of over 2,000 hand blown floral shapes for the lobby of

Director of operations .................................. Johnna Bridges Classified/Circulation manager ....................... Terry Thomas Bookkeeper ................................................ Tonya McDowell Advertising Director ............................... Stephanie Cravotta Advertising Sales ..........................................Amber Plumley Reporter....................................................... Carla Stutsman Design, graphics .......................................Ryan Burger Design, graphics .....................................Cynthia Rotter Design, graphics ..............................................Clay Cravotta Follow us on Twitter @TheAzleNews

the Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas and showed a “Light of Jerusalem” project in Israel. In 2010 the St. Petersburg Modern Art Center in Florida opened a permanent collection of Chihuly's glass art. Over 200 museums in 30 states, England, Canada, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait exhibit his work. Galleries sell his glass, and his sales reach into many millions. Chihuly has been awarded twelve honorary doctorates and two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts. Yes, Dale Chihuly is a vastly different pioneer from the kind I usually write about, but in his studio in the “Western” state of Washington, he created a success that has made his name famous worldwide. I can think of a couple of other Westerners and Washingtonians who have done the same: Bill Gates and William Boeing. Retired history professor J’Nell Pate of Azle hasauthoredseveralbooks,manyofwhich are on sale in the lobby of the Azle News.

Letters to the Editor policy Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a space-available basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Editor, 321 W. Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 Email letters to: opinion@azlenews.net


Wednesday, January 30, 2014

Perry policy goes to pot at international forum


ith the end of his longevity record of 14 years as governor less than a year away, Rick Perry took part in policy discussions at the 2014 World Economic Forum Jan. 21-25 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. Perry was the only U.S. state governor to attend the forum, the governor’s office said. Besides his headline-grabbing words suggesting a softer approach through drug courts on state marijuana laws, Perry said Texas is the place to be for companies seeking a businessfriendly environment. On Jan. 23, during the forum’s widely publicized panel discussion on drug policy, Perry said, “I’m probably the only person who is going to be an anti-legalization person on the stage tonight.” But, in the context of Tenth Amendment/ state sovereignty, Perry added, “As the governor of the second-largest state in the country, what I can do is start us on poli-

cies that can start us on the road towards decriminalization.” Also on Jan. 23, while Perry was beyond Texas borders, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, as acting governor, proclaimed a liquefied petroleum gas emergency. Texas, as a leading producer of the fuel, intends to help alleviate shortages in other states hit by extreme winter weather, Dewhurst proclaimed. Pursuant to the proclamation, the state of Texas temporarily waived its state licensing, permitting and certification requirements for LPG trucks and operators that meet federal requirements and those of any other state whose governor has declared an LPG emergency. Such states include: Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin. Campaign reports come in Candidates' semiannual campaign finance reports were filed with the Texas Ethics Commission on Jan. 15. Republican

Greg Abbott and Democrat We n d y Davis reportedly raised in the neighborhood of $12 million each STATE over the six CAPITAL last months, HIGHLIGHTS m a k i n g the Ed Sterling them top fundraisers among candidates for various state offices. Campaign donations of $50 or more must be reported, are public information, and can be looked up via the Texas Ethics Commission’s website, ethics. state.tx.us. Abbott, the current attorney general of Texas, and Davis, a state senator from Fort Worth, are considered frontrunners in races to be their respective parties' nominees for governor in the March 4 primary election.

Early voting in that election begins Feb. 18 and ends on Feb. 28. Of many issues that Abbott and Davis have tangled over so far in the campaign, the one that seems to get the most attention is abortion. Davis favors a woman’s right to choose and Abbott is anti-abortion. 3 species will be studied State Comptroller Susan Combs on Jan. 23 announced plans to support research by state-funded universities on three animal species: freshwater mussels (12 varieties); the spot-tailed earless lizard; and the massasauga, a desert-dwelling, venomous pit viper. “This will help ensure the best science is available when determining if a species should be listed (as endangered or protected under the federal Endangered Species Act) thereby bringing more scientific rigor to the process,” Combs said. Ranges of those species “potentially cover 190 of the 254 Texas counties and the economies in these counties contrib-

sonally adjusted total non-farm positions over the month.” Texas’ unemployment rate decreased for the fifth consecutive month, down to 6.0 percent in December and employers added 252,400 jobs in 2013, according to the agency. The national unemployment Test-passing rate lauded On Jan. 21 the Texas Educa- rate is 6.7 percent. tion Agency announced that nearly 309,000 students in the Justice passes milestone Nathan L. Hecht, chief jusclass of 2015 have taken all or most of the end-of-course as- tice of the Texas Supreme sessments required for gradua- Court, became the body’s longest-serving member on Jan. tion. Of that number, some 76 26. Hecht’s first day as a mempercent of students who are in ber of the body was more than their junior year of high school 25 years ago, on Jan. 1, 1988. Hecht surpassed the tenure already have passed the assessments they have taken and are of the previous longest-serving on track to graduate under cur- justice, Joe Greenhill, who retired from the court in 1982 and rent requirements. Education Commissioner died in 2011. Greenhill served Michael Williams praised the 10 years as chief justice. Hecht was appointed chief justice by achievement. Gov. Perry last fall, succeeding Wallace B. Jefferson at the post. Jobless rate drops more Texas Workforce CommisVeteran state reporter and legislative sion on Jan. 24 reported that analyst Ed Sterling is member services the state economy “saw posi- director for the Texas Press Association, tive job growth in December whose 518 member newspapers have combined circulation of 3.7 million. with the addition of 17,600 seaute about $1.3 trillion of our state’s gross domestic product,” Combs said. The state will use a competitive process to select the universities that will conduct the studies.

Letter to the editor The Wander family says thank you Dear Editor, I would like to thank everyone who helped make Matt Wander’s Spaghetti Supper/Silent Auction a HUGE success. Thank you for coming out in support of Matt. It was an amazing event with faces from the Wander family, fire department family, band family, and the Azle family. It was incredible for Matt and his family to see all the people that will pray and help them out any way they can. I want to thank those who graciously donated or made items for the Silent Auction: Applebees, Catty Roo’s, Chicken Express, Debbie Farris, Garcia’s Tires, Ginger Browns, Hopkins Furniture, Johnnie Fulks, Jonelle McDaniel, Light Catcher Winery & Bistro, Lollie Moore, Outdoor World,

Pizza Hut, Robin Evans, Salon Galleria and Subway. Thank you to those who brought items to the event for the Auction. Please forgive me if I have left anyone out. A giant thank you goes to Ash Creek Baptist Church for allowing us to use their facility and to Roland Sparks for setting everything up for us. Thank you to the Family of Richard Webber, Caitlyns Cakes and Catering, Bumble Bee Events, and Dairy Queen for their contributions to the spaghetti supper. Thank you to Pam York and Shari Roach for jumping in and helping out. You two are awesome. Finally to the outstanding Pit Crew – Robin, Johnnie, Sherri, Dana, Missy, Marcus, June, Lee and Leonard; you have my very heartfelt thanks and admiration. What a band family we have. It was fantastic working with you guys and doing some good. God Bless you all, Debbie Wheeler

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Wednesday, January 30, 2014

Ladies returning to hoops playoffs for 1st time since 2005 By MArk k. CAMPBELL It’s been a while since a Lady Hornet basketball team reached the playoffs – 2005, in fact. But that’s where the 201314 Azle (19-9, 7-4) squad is headed. After giving Denton Guyer a scare, AHS took care of business and completed a sweep of Wichita Falls at the AHS gym Jan. 24 to lock up the postseason berth. And coach Mitzi Marquart hopes Azle can move up the standings into third before the season ends on Feb. 4. At Denton Jan. 21, the Lady Hornets jumped ahead early, leading 14-7 after one period then 23-16 at the half against Guyer which has just two 5-4A losses. However, the hosts finally won, 47-44. Payton Berger’s 14 points paced Azle. Kaycie Dunkerley was next with 13 points followed by Valarie Matlock with 8, Morgan Prentice with 6, and Emelia Miller with 2 points. With a 59-44 thumping of visiting Wichita Falls three days later, Azle gave itself a three-game lead over the Lady Coyotes with three contests left in district play. Even if AHS should colAzle’s Morgan Prentice rejects a shot by a Wichita Falls lapse, the Lady Hornets hold the head-to-head advantage athlete. AHS won, 59-44 Photo by Mark K. Campbell



Lady Hornet Makenzi Bossert (left) manhandles a visiting Lady Coyote from Wichita Falls. Azle swept Old High and locked up a playoff berth. Photo by Mark K. Campbell over Old High. Prentice’s 13 points and Matlock’s and Berger’s 12 fueled the win. In periods two and three, Azle out-scored the visitors 36-19.

Dunkerley (9), Taylor Fulfer (8), Makenzi Bossert (3); and Maci Wilbanks (2) added to the tally. One game ahead of the Lady Hornets in the standings is By-

ron Nelson (8-3) Guyer is second and, at 9-2, Wichita Falls Rider (No. 24 in Texas) leads at 10-1. Rider’s only loss? To Azle on Jan. 7, 43-31.

Azle advances 15 to regional wrestling tourney Four Lady Hornets are district champs By MArk k. CAMPBELL Once again, a slew of Azle athletes will advance to the regional wrestling tournament. And, thanks to being in Region 2, AHS’ 15 placers won’t have to travel all the way out west to El Paso but just hop over to Frisco Heritage High School. At the district 5-4A tourney Jan. 25, the Lady Hornet squad – limited to a mere five competitors after an injury and some disciplinary action – still managed to finish second overall. Four of Azle’s girls were golden, including reigning state champion Jesse Grubbs. In Austin last year, she won the title at 215 pounds; this season,

Defending state champion Jesse Grubbs (left) began her return to the top with this victory in the district finals over a Saginaw rival. Azle finished second as a team despite competing with only five athletes. Photo by Mark K. Campbell PLEASE SEE AZLE, PAGE 12A.

AHS soccer district begins with high hopes With the flurry of non-district matches past, the “ones that matter” – District 12-4A – await Azle High School’s soccer teams. Both are eyeing

playoff berths. The girls (5-2-1) ended the preseason slate with a 7-0 loss against state-ranked Birdville (No. 9). Coach Trent Davis said the Lady Hawks were good, but his squad was three starters shy. The Lady Hornets only losses have been to ranked squads, the coach said. “So, we are off to a good start in what was a difficult pre-district schedule,” he said. “Our goal is to win the first-ever district championship for girls soccer.” The district opener – against Aledo – was scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 28 but moved to the 29th due to weather. Hayleigh Aaron and the The boys, coached by Ben Lady Hornets should make Buentello, led Birdville 1-0 a run at the playoffs this early before falling 2-1. year. Photo by Mark K. Campbell About 12-4A, Buentello said,

12-4A Schedule Date 1/29 1/31 2/4 2/7 2/11 2/14 2/18 2/21 2/25 2/28 3/4 3/7 3/10 3/14 3/18

Foe Aledo Chisholm Trail at Mineral Wells Boswell at Brewer Saginaw at Springtown at Aledo at Chisholm Trail Mineral Wells at Boswell Brewer at Saginaw BYE *Springtown

*Senior Night

“Most of the teams are pretty young from what other coaches have said, but I think it will be The top Hornet scorer, Dylan Tritton, didn’t get a goal here but the rival keeper had to hustle to keep the AHS forward out of the net. Photo by Mark K. Campbell competitive.”


Swim relay squads move on 4 boys also advancing to regional

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hoops Hornets tumble twice The tough Hornet basketball season continued as Azle continued to seek its first 5-4A victory. A trip to Denton Guyer was rough as AHS struggled to score. The Hornets lost, 80-26. Cooper Rush led Azle in scoring with 6 points. Luke Davis and Malachi Slick added 5 points apiece while Colton Bagwell and Jesse Salisbury netted 3 each. Back home Jan. 24, AHS bolted out to a lead over visiting Wichita Falls. The Hornets led 12-8 after the first period. But Old High pulled even then went on to win 53-37. Bagwell’s 10 points paced Azle’s Cooper Rush beats a Wichita Falls Coyote to a loose ball at the AHS gym. Af- Azle. His 4 rebounds was tops ter leading early, the Hornets lost the 5-4A clash. Photo by Mark K. Campbell with Ty Fair who was AHS’

By MARk k. CAMpBELL Two more Azle swimmers qualified for the regional meet this year than last, coach Steve Griffin said. At the Denton ISD natatorium Jan. 25, every relay team earned berths at the regional event in Mansfield Feb. 7-8 while four boys will advance in individual events. In addition, Griffin noted, a slew of AHS swimmers set personal bests. The four Hornets moving on: • Alex Bridge – 100 butterfly • Ryan Lloyd – 200 freestyle • Chris Caney – 100 medley • T.J. Savage – 50 freestyle All six relay teams will compete at the regional event. The girls squads include the 200 medley relay of Isabella Winchester, Kylie Lucas, Makayla Almeida, and Rachel Toy. The girls 200 freestyle team of Elvia Bazan, Lucas, Abigail Kortokrax, and Sarah Hall moves on as the 400 free squad of Bazan, Kortokrax, Almeida, and Hall. For the boys, the 200 medley team is made up of Dylan Heath, Jacob Hooper, Caney, and Dawson Stephens. The 200 and 400 units are comprised of the same foursome: Jordan Gill, Bridge, Lloyd, and Savage. In team results, the AHS boys took fourth; last season, the Hornet Justin Scarbro (top) competes in the championship match in Trophy Club. He Hornets were sixth. Photo by Mark K. Campbell took second and advanced to the regional tourney.

second leading scorer with 7 points. Salisbury got 6 points while Jason Templeton and Salisbury tallied 5 each. Rounding out the Hornet scoring were Brandon Martinez and Cooper with 2 points each. Bagwell and Martinez led Azle with 4 steals apiece and Davis blocked 2 shots. The Guyer contest marked the start of the second round of district play. Three of AHS’ final five games are on the road – at Brewer (Jan. 28 [results not available at press time]), Wichita Falls Rider (Jan. 31), and state-ranked Byron Nelson (Feb. 7). Senior Night is Feb. 11, the season finale against Nelson.

Azle sending 15 to Frisco tourney n AZLE, FROM PAGE 11A.

Grubbs is wrestling at 185. On the boys side, 10 of AHS’ 13 Hornets advance, too. Also winning district titles at Byron Nelson High School’s gym were Ruby Ariosa (95 pound class), Bernie Duhan (110), and Lauren Gilbert (128). Ashley Taylor (119) finished second. Four Hornets reached the championship bout in their weights but all finished as runners-up. That quartet: Skylar Russell (120); Hayden Buchanan (132); Marshall Gilbreath (182); and Justin Scarbro (heavyweight). Four other Azle wrestlers claimed bronzes with third

place efforts. Finishing there were Jimmy Fager (113); Shawn Mackey (138); Colten Clearwater (145); and Gabe Davidson (220). A top four finish earned competitors regional berths on Feb. 1. Just missing was Dylan Dale (152). He finished fourth but lost a “wrestle back” challenge. Also competing for Azle were Jacob Moutray (170) and Tyler Henson (195). The Hornets had no representative at 106 pounds. Qualifying for the state tournament – this year in Garland for the first time – is tougher, requiring a top two finish at regional. The state event is set for Feb. 14-15.

Basketball subvarsities battle Denton Guyer, Wichita Falls The Azle High School basketball subvarsities faced Denton Guyer and Wichita Falls in district play. The boys JV defeated Wichita Falls 46-42. The AHS JV trailed 33-30 entering the final quarter then out-scored the visitors 16-9 to

snatch away the victory. Aric Brazell turned in an exceptional game with 21 points. Kaleb Patrick added 10. Coaches lauded the defensive effort of Chad Pence. The boys 9th put big points on the board but lost to their Old High counterparts, 71-60.

“We lost a hard-fought battle,” coaches noted. “Our team is improving and playing with great effort.” Ricky Aregullin paced the frosh with 18 points. Also scoring were Chace Blackburn with 15, Clayton Long with 8, and Seth Ortega with 5 points.

Shining defensively were Devon Sorrentino, Carson Martinez, and Ortega, coaches recalled. The JV girls split 5-4A contest, losing to Guyer and beating Wichita Falls. In a 46-29 loss at Guyer, Kylee Browne led AHS in scor-

ing with 10 points in a game Azle led 11-6 after one quarter. Lauren Thomas netted 5 points and Sami Tittle got 4. Against Old High, a 20-6 second quarter by the young Lady Hornets propelled AHS to a 38-35 win. Kailey Read’s 14 points was

tops for the home team. Nicole Aniasco scored 10 and Browne got 6 in the victory. The girls season is winding down with games left against Brewer (Jan. 28, results not available at press time), at Wichita Falls Rider (Jan. 31), and home versus Denton (Feb. 4).

Forte Junior HigH Girls basketball Forte squared off against Lake Worth. The 8th A won, 29-20. Named MVPs were Sierra Stevens (blocking out), Paula Benes (shooting), and Ainsley McDonald (rebounds). “All the girls played great defense and rebounded well,” said coaches. The 8th B beat Lake Worth, too. Coaches said Rylee Sparks and Amber Bury paced the squad. “There was much improvement but still many things to work on,” said coaches. “All contributed to the win.” The 7th A bashed Lake Worth 15-7. Avery Luig scored over half the points in the game with 13. “The girls played great defensively, putting into use what we have preached all season long,” coaches

said. The 7th B fell to Lake Worth 15-2. Named game MVPs were Jo Williams and Kacey Evans. Boys basketball The 8th A lost to Lake Worth 40-33 in overtime. Taking MVP honors for Forte was Erick Sanchez for his “outstanding game,” said coaches. Also shining was Bailley Sanders, the squad’s sixth man. “The team played great defense and broke the Bullfrogs’ press at will,” recalled coaches. Sanchez led scorers with 15 points. Salomon Moreno scored 6, Cale McDonnell 5, Dustin Webber and Blake Hoselton 3, and Joshua Easter 1. The 8th B lost 30-22 in a game

where James Lochabay paced the Forte O and Austin Hubbard was the defensive standout named by coaches. Lochabay scored 10 points. Tristen Shields and Josh Smith added 4, Jacob Beck 3, and Jessie Guerrero 1. The 7th A fell 44-28 to Lake Worth. Seth Winn led the offense and Austin Womack the defense, coaches recalled. After playing a strong second half, coaches noted, “If we can put together a complete game, we have a chance to win the district tournament.” The 7th B beat Lake Worth 30-28 in the final seconds. Austin Thorn (offense) and Micah Mowery (defense) stood out. “It was an exciting win for everyone Azle’s Jamie Jeter (far left front row) played with the Air Texas Girls in the Mizuno involved,” said coaches. Showdown in Dallas. The 15-under squad finished second in the top division.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ace of Azle 505 N. Stewart - Azle - 817-270-5600

AirWise Heating/Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration 1801 S.E. Parkway - Azle - 817-444-0090

Atex Trash Service

ATEXTRASH.COM - 817-344-8464

Azle Dental Care

Regional next! 15 AHS wrestlers will vie for state berths at the Region 2 wrestling tournament in Frisco Feb. 1!

Brooke Porter, D.D.S. 912 Boyd Road - Azle - 817-444-1763

Azle Family Dentistry Paul R. Farmer, D.D.S. 405 Inwood - Azle - 817-444-6955

Azle Manor 721 Dunaway Lane - Azle - 817-444-2536

Azle News 321 W. Main St. - Azle - 817-270-3340

Azle Vision Source 601-B N.W. Parkway - Azle - 817-444-1717

Comet Cleaners 113 Speer - Azle - 817-444-4920

Scenes from the district meet (clockwise from above): The Lady Hornets finished second as a team (l-r) Bernie Duhan, Ruby Ariosa, Lauren Gilbert, Jesse Grubbs, Tabithah Moreno, Ashlee Taylor, Haley Taylor; Marshall Gilbreath; Logan Little battles a Springtown Porcupine; Skyler Russell; Hayden Buchanan wraps up a Nelson Bobcat.

Eagle Crest Villa 113 Denver Trail - Azle - 817-444-3249

Garcia Tire & Automotive Shop 11480 FM 730 S. - Azle - 817-444-1301

Haley Carter State Farm Insurance

Go, Azle, Go!

408 Boyd Ct. - Azle - 817-444-1100

Hollow Hill Farm 1680 Mary Dr. - Weatherford - 817-771-4253

JBI Electrical Systems, Inc. 5631 Stratum. - Fort Worth - 817-589-1545

Joe McCreary, D.D.S. 209 Roe Street - Azle - 817-444-3209

Joe Rider Propane 7808 Jacksboro Hwy. - Fort Worth - 817-237-3325

Ladybug Quilt Fabric 217 W. Main St. - Azle - 817-455-8983

Mark Dean’s BBQ 151 S.E. Parkway - Azle - 817-444-5223

Pinnacle Bank 316 N.W. Parkway - Azle - 817-444-2504

Rural Gas Supply 140 W. Main St. - Azle - 817-444-4613

Salon Allure 411 N.W. Parkway - Azle - 817-444-3851

Springtown Sports & Fitness 332 W. First St. - Springtown - 817-523-2966

Sutton Printing 340-A W. Main St. - Azle - 817-444-2222 The merchants on this page support our youth in all their activities. Support them by shopping at home - every chance you get.

Photos by Mark K. Campbell


Movie Man

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Frankenstein’s monster movie lacks electricity Ah, Frankenstein’s monster! That wonderful creature from the Movie Man’s youth has been through hundreds of fi lm incarnations. Some were cool and some really bad. This latest attempt, I, Frankenstein, is one of the lesser efforts, sadly. About the film The Movie Man will admit that he’ll cut some ratings slack to monster movies. While the campy Godzilla remake of 1994 was weak (Movie Man No. 235, a 4 [however, a new, much more serious version of the giant Japanese monster arrives May 16 and it boasts a fantastic trailer]), he was generous to the new King Kong that Peter Jackson made in 2005 (MM #644, 8). Where the Movie Man differed from many when it comes to relatively recent monster movies actually concerns a Frankenstein film. Like Francis Ford Coppola’s daring version of Dracula in 1992 – the Movie Man column was born in 1993, but he would’ve been impressed by this very adult version (8) – the Frankenstein movie made in 1994 came loaded with potential. Almost twenty years ago, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein starred such luminaries as Robert De Niro as the creature and Kenneth Branagh as the mad Doctor Frankenstein. (Recall that the man is Frankenstein, not the monster.) Branagh also directed and offbeat actors like Tom Hulce, Helena Bonham Carter, and even Monty Python member John Cleese appeared. Lauded for being a much truer adaptation than prior historical Frankenstein releases (hence, author Mary Shelley’s name in the title), MSF was not embraced when released in America in November 1994. At $22 million, it took in less than half of its $45 million budget. (And it came out in thou-


into devilish creatures pour sands of theaters.) down city streets and sail off Plus, it took a bludgeoning buildings in a scene that refl ects from hardcore monster movie a comic book panel – and since fans who found it too bombasMonster vs. monster vs. monster I, Frankenstein came from a tic. graphic novel, it fits. Branagh delivered a movie Starring: Aaron Eckhart, Miranda that was loaded with meloOtto, Bill Nighy, Jai Courtney What doesn’t work dramatic theatrics fi tting for Directed by: Stuart Beattie This movie was produced by the subject matter of the era – the same folks that made the hence the “overacting” and exRated PG-13: monsters, violence, Underworld series which concessive flourishes. mild language, gratuitous gloom cerns a werewolf vs. vampire The Movie Man liked it. In war – not too different from the those early Movie Man days, email: movieman@azlenews.net ... on a scale of 1-10 gargoyle/demon battle. movies were rated “bomb” (1The fi lms even look similar, 2); ‘–’ (3-4); ‘0’ (5-6, average); gloomy and dark. and ‘+’ (7-up). Sadly, the 3-D effects are not He gave MSF a ‘+’ which great. It’s always a bummer would’ve been an 8 today. And, when those chances are missed. almost two decades distant Eckhart wants nothing to do probably get good at a lot of The Movie Man was disapnow, the movie is being apprewith any of that and leaves to things, including sword wield- pointed that fewer classic lines ciated much more. weren’t issued. Just “It’s alive!” There have been a slew of live alone for 200 years. But the ing and sit-ups. Frankenstein movies (aside demons eventually fi nd him. The movie doesn’t waste any (The trailers contained “Franfrom other media) since the Finally, the creature decides time trying to make sense of the kenstein must be destroyed!” 1910 original, and, like Sher- he’ll have to traipse back to the silly science behind the reani- which was the name of a 1969 lock Holmes and Dracula, the real world and get rid of those mation or the fact that Eckhart Hammer movie.) You might as manages to be immortal some- well have some fun with what crazed scientist and his creature pesky bad guys himself. The head demon, Naberius how. has gone before. will not stay dead. The fi lm gets a little convoLook for the doc and creature (Bill Nighy), has spent centuluted as the gargoyles are good to rise again – and that’s great ries trying to recreate how Dr. Best scene The good guy gargoyles are then kinda bad then good again. news for those of us out there Frankenstein made dead tissue You might not hear a more who love our monster movies. live. Once he learns that, Nighy outnumbered by the evil decan animate a marauding army mons. You’d think that after excessive soundtrack this year. of undead to destroy mankind. centuries of fi ghting that the It’s loud and grandiose and disThe plot In the late 1700’s, Victor Nighy needs either Eckhart or demons would’ve fi gured out tracting. The dialogue is bad (on purFrankenstein (Aden Young) the good doctor’s ancient – and the best way to win – which they fi nally do: bum rush the pose?); graphic book author cracks the secret of creating missing – notebook. Eventually, Nighy gets what gargoyles’ stronghold. Kevin Grevioux wrote the life, using electricity to animate Streams of humans turning screenplay and even plays a a huge being created from parts he needs and begins the process of reanimating his evil mass of of corpses. The lonely monster (Aaron minions while the gargoyles, Eckhart), hated and feared, demons, and Eckhart fi ght all Plaza Cinema IV kills the doctor’s wife and lum- around. 920 W. Thompson, Decatur bers to icy Alaska. The enraged FRI.1/31 - THUR. 2/6 SMALL TOWN FEEL What works Dr. Frankenstein follows his 12 Years A Slave R WITH AN UPTOWN LOOK! The movie totally wraps up That Awkward Moment creation but freezes to death. R Friday 01/31 - Thursday 02/06 Eckhart carries his creator the entire Shelley book in the Labor Day PG-13 Coming Feb 7: Lego PG back to the castle. While bury- fi rst 90 seconds. (More here I, Frankenstein 2D/3D PG-13 Coming Feb 14: Robocop PG-13 August: Osage County R ing him, some devilish crea- would’ve been nice.) Coming Feb 28: Son of God Those early scenes gave the tures attack and try to capture Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit PG-13 Coming Mar 7: Mr. Peabody and Sherman PG the monster. But the newcom- Movie Man hope that I, Fran- Nut Job 2D/3D Ride Along PG-13 kenstein would be one of those ers are destroyed by even more That Awkward Moment R R “‘good’ bad movies” – an Old Lone Survivor beings; these fly. Ride Along PG-13 Frozen PG Captured anyway, Eckhart is School B picture that still had Frozen Sing Along PG Lone Survivor R taken by the airborne victors to some cool moments. Alas, no. Cinema 10 strongly enforces the National M.P.A.A. Rating System. NO Eckhart’s monster is scarred ONEWeatherford their leader. There, the monUNDER 17 will be admitted into an “R” rated movie without being accompanied Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit PG-13 are no exceptions to this policy and I.D. WILL BE CHECKED. ster discovers that, unknown but ripped with muscles. He’s by their parent.ForTheretimes Nut Job PG & info. 817.341.3232 to mankind, a centuries-long no staggering dullard but a Box Office Opens: Sun - Fri 12 pm · Sat Only 9:30 am fi ghting machine. That’s a new battle has been taking place 1000 Cinema Drive in Hudson Oaks 940-627-5522 1 mile West of Lakeshore Drive, off of Fort Worth Highway between evil demons and good take and interesting – after a CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR MOVIE TIMES! purchase tickets online www.plazacinema4.com couple hundred years, you’d www.citylightstheaters.com gargoyles.

I, Frankenstein

Movie Man

role, so it all falls on him. The rating The PG-13 is just fi ne here. There’s little bad language and just some goofy action movie kung fu stuff – with monsters. Summing up Alas, I, Frankenstein is not ‘good’ bad but just forgettable bad. Bummer. Next up That Awkward Moment, maybe. Or a missed Oscar hopeful like 12 Years as a Slave or The Wolf of Wall Street – both controversial for their excesses.

817-238-8300 www.texasmoviebistro.com


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Fri - Thurs: 1:45, 7:00, 9:30

I Frankenstein 2D/3D


Mon - Thurs: 2:30, 4:40, 6:30, 9:00 Fri - Sun: 12:45, 2:30, 4:40, 6:30, 9:00

That Awkward Moment


Mon - Thurs: 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:15 Fri - Sun: 12:00, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:15

Ride Along


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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

For the birds! Godbey steps out of comfort zone into a whole new world by carla noah stutsman Carol Godbey has always lived a full life – in addition to running the popular restaurant and catering company begun by her father, Vance, when she was a toddler, she works out five days a week and is an avid SCUBA diver, snow skier and motorcycle rider who’s enjoyed the privilege of traveling the world. She has two grown children she’s very proud of, a large extended family and many friends. But there’s something she’s always wanted to do, something that has eluded her until now. She wants to hear the birds sing.

“My right ear is smaller than my left ear, and there was no canal in my right ear – it was solid bone,” she explained. “I learned to read lips because it helped me understand what people were saying. But that only works if you’re looking at the person talking.” With a 65 percent loss in her left ear and 50 percent in her right ear, Godbey had one of the worst kinds of handicap – the kind no one can see. Her particular impairment is rare, and only a few very specialized doctors across the nation are able to treat it. Otherwise healthy and active, there were no outward signs she was different from anyone else. By the time she reached high school, Carol says she knows Born this way Godbey was born with sig- some of her classmates thought she was snobbish. nificant hearing loss.

“In a conversation with a group of people, I could only hear the person to my left, and I could read the lips of the person facing me,” she said. “If you were on my right or behind me, I never knew you were talking to me.” She’s sure many of her classmates thought she was ignoring them when they spoke to her, but in fact, she simply never heard them.

Another chance When she was 19 years old, Godbey’s mother, Imogene, read about astronaut Alan Shepard having surgery in Los Angeles to correct a problem that almost grounded him. The Godbeys had already taken their daughter to see nearly every ear specialist in the Fort Worth area. They all said there was nothing to be done for her. “That was before the Internet, but mother did her research, and she called Dr. Crabtree in LA and made an appointment,” Godbey said. “Mother, Daddy and I flew out to LA, and Dr. Crabtree examined me and said he was sure he could help.” He drilled through the bone to create an ear canal and built an ear drum in Godbey’s right ear and then fitted her with a hearing aid for her left ear. Because her right ear was so small, it would not support a hearing aid, but the new canal and ear drum helped. Godbey’s hearing improved about 35 percent as a result of Dr. Crabtree’s surgery. Still, she struggled to hear. “But I got along just fine, Godbey says. “I never let it stop me.” And, yet, over the years, the cochlear baha® system utilizes the body’s natural she found a “comfort zone” in ability to conduct sound. which she sometimes didn’t

try as hard to hear what people were saying, believing she would not hear them even if she tried. Out of the zone Godbey was on a dive trip in 2012 when she discovered she had a sinus infection that kept her out of the water. Bored and alone – her friends were all diving – she decided to get on the Internet and look for a new ear doctor since hers had recently retired. “I was just looking for a doctor for my regular checkups and someone to clear my ears for diving,” Godbey explained. “Suddenly, I wondered if Dr. Crabtree was still around, so I did some checking. I found Dr. Fred Owens, who had actually worked with Dr. Crabtree, and you won’t believe it, but he has offices in Dallas and Fort Worth.” Godbey felt that if Owens was familiar with Dr. Crabtree’s work, and with today’s technology, he could help her. She made an appointment, and Owens, after examining her and running a battery of tests, suggested the Cochlear Baha® System. Godbey has moderate to profound conductive hearing loss in her right ear and severe to profound mixed hearing loss in her left ear. The mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. From the website www.cochlear.com: “Designed to help people with conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss and singlesided deafness, the Cochlear Baha® System utilizes the body’s natural ability to conduct sound. By connecting to the bone behind the ear, the

It’s early for bird watching, but carol Godbey is already spending time outside, listening. Just before this photo was snapped, she pointed toward the “caw, caw” of an unseen crow and said “it must be in those trees!” Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman

Baha System bypasses the damaged outer or middle ear and sends sound directly to the healthy inner ear, where sound comes to life.” Godbey was excited at the idea of hearing more normally, but almost backed out three days before a surgical procedure that involved drilling holes through her skull just behind each ear and placing titanium screws into the holes. “But I knew I needed to do something for myself, to help me hear, and I reminded myself that Dr. Crabtree had drilled through the bone in my ear in order to build an ear canal,” Godbey said. “I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone.” Eight weeks after surgery performed by Dr. Fred Owens’ son, Robert, when the surgery site was well healed and the holidays were over, Godbey learned how to snap two small hearing aids onto the titanium screws that are now permanent fixtures behind her ears. The Baha system – Godbey

calls her new hearing aids her “love connections” – do have a few minor drawbacks. “Well, you can’t roll your hair with them on, and you can’t just pull your shirt off over your head,” she said. “I’ve found out you can’t lie down on the couch and watch TV because the pillows push on them, and you can’t wear a helmet – so I take these off and wear my ‘old’ one when I need to do something like that.” But the inconveniences are a small price to pay for the benefits of her new gadgets. Generally a happy person anyway, Godbey says now she just can’t stop smiling and even laughing. “I’m having a blast with these things, I want you to know,” she laughed. “It’s like nothing can steal my joy – I’m just overjoyed!” Whaddya hear? Godbey says she now hears

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PARKER COUNTY ARRESTS The following individuals who She posted $548 bond and was relist addresses in the Azle and/or leased from the Parker County Jail Springtown areas were arrested by on Jan. 26. Springtown police arrested a various law enforcement agencies and booked into the Parker County 27-year-old Springtown man on Jail during the week of Jan. 20-26. Jan. 23 for warrants for failure to A 41-year-old Springtown man appear in court and no insurance. was arrested on Jan. 20 by Parker He posted $650 bond and was reCounty Sheriff’s deputies and leased from the Parker County Jail charged with theft of property – on Jan. 23. A 45-year-old Azle man was armore than $50 but less than $500. He posted $1,000 bond and was rested on Jan. 23 and charged with released from the Parker County possession of a controlled substance – penalty group one, less Jail on Jan. 21. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies than one gram and evading arrest arrested a 23-year-old Springtown or detention. As of Jan. 27 he was man on Jan. 21 for a commitment held in the Parker County jail in order for a prior charge of posses- lieu of $10,000 bond. Parker County Sheriff’s depusion of a controlled substance. As of Jan. 27 he was held in the Parker ties arrested a 28-year-old Azle man on Jan. 23 on a motion to County Jail without bond. A 52-year-old Azle man was ar- revoke probation or parole for a rested on Jan. 21 by Parker County previous charge of assault causing Sheriff’s deputies for insuffi cient bodily injury – family violence. bond on a previous DWI – third or He posted $1,500 bond and was more charge. As of Jan. 27 he was released from the Parker County held in the Parker County Jail in Jail on Jan. 23. A 44-year-old Springtown man lieu of $20,005 bond. Gregory Lynn Strickland, 51, of was arrested in Jan. 23 by Parker Springtown was arrested in Jan. 21 County Sheriff’s deputies and by Reno police and charged with charged with driving with an inDWI – second offense. He posted valid license and no insurance. He $2,000 bond and was released also had an outstanding district from the Parker County Jail later warrant for theft of property – more than or equal to $1,500 but that day. A 20-year-old Springtown man less than $20,000. As of Jan. 27 he was arrested on Jan. 21 by Park- was held in the Parker County Jail er County Sheriff’s deputies for with no bond set. insuffi cient bond of a previous A 22-year-old Springtown man charge of failure to comply with was arrested on Jan. 24 by Parker sex offender registry; 10 years. As County Sheriff’s deputies for a of Jan. 27 he was held in the Park- warrant for theft of property – er County Jail in lieu of $20,005 more than or equal to $1,500 but less than $20,000. As of Jan. 27 he bond. Parker County Sheriff’s depu- was held in the Parker County Jail ties arrested a 48-year-old Spring- without bond. Parker County Sheriff’s deputown woman on Jan. 22 for a motion to revoke probation or parole ties arrested a 36-year-old Azle for a prior charge of possession of woman on a commitment order for a controlled substance – penalty a previous charge of possession of group one, less than one gram. As a controlled substance – penalty of Jan. 27 she was held in the Park- group one, less than one gram. As of Jan. 27 she was held in the Parker County Jail without bond. Rachelle Deann Martin, 23, of er County Jail without bond. A 24-year-old Springtown man Springtown was arrested on Jan. 22 by Parker County Sheriff’s dep- was arrested on Jan. 24 by Parker uties on a warrant for aggravated County Sheriff’s deputies for warrobbery. As of Jan. 27 she was held rants for disregarding a stop sign in the Parker County Jail in lieu of and driving without a driver’s license. He posted $844 bond $40,000 bond. A 34-year-old Springtown and was released from the Parker woman was arrested on Jan. 23 Count Jail on Jan. 26. Parker County Sheriff’s depuby Springtown police for warrants for failure to appear in court and ties arrested a 23-year-old Azle driving without a valid license. man on a commitment order for a

Lake Report Conservation Current Current Level Level Status Lake Bridgeport 836.00 815.22 -20.78 Eagle Mountain Lake 649.10 642.49 -6.61 Richland-Chambers Res. 315.00 307.91 -7.09 Cedar Creek Lake 322.00 318.50 -3.50 Lake Arlington 550.00 543.77 -6.23 Lake Benbrook 694.00 689.58 -4.42 Lake Worth 594.00 591.06 -2.94 *Data provided by USGS Jan. 28

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SPRINGTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT Saturday-Friday, Jan. 18 - 24 Jan. 18 4:24 p.m. Jan. 19 3:49 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:01 a.m. Jan. 21 8:44 a.m. 10:01 a.m. 2:12 p.m. 5:23 p.m. Jan. 22 9:18 a.m. 2:24 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:35 p.m. Jan. 23 6:58 a.m. 8:48 a.m. 11:23 a.m. 3:12 p.m. Jan. 24 8:55 a.m.

................ Grass fi r .................................................... Springtown area ................ Structure fi r ............................................... Springtown area ................ EMS ............................................................ Springtown area ................ Grass fi r .................................................... Springtown area ................ EMS ............................................................ Springtown area ................ EMS ............................................................ Springtown area ................ Vehicle accident............................................... LaJunta area ................ Smoke investigation.................................... Springtown area ................ EMS ............................................................ Springtown area ................ EMS ............................................................ Springtown area ................ EMS ......................................................... City of Springtown ................ Vehicle accident....................................... City of Springtown ................ Lift assist ..................................................... Springtown area ................ Brush fi r .................................................... Springtown area ................ Vehicle fi r .................................................. Springtown area ................ EMS ............................................................ Springtown area ................ Structure fi r .........................................................Reno area

LAJUNTA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. Saturday-Friday, Jan. 18 - 24 Jan. 18 12:52 p.m. 8:24 p.m. Jan. 20 6:28 a.m. 10:17 p.m. Jan. 21 1:32 p.m. 2:11 p.m. 12:56 p.m. 1:41 p.m. Jan. 23 10:19 a.m. 11:23 a.m. 8:52 p.m. Jan. 24 8:55 a.m.

................ Illegal burn ....................................................... LaJunta area ................ Illegal burn ....................................................... LaJunta area ................ EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area ................ Structure fi r .........................................................Reno area ................ Grass fi r ...................................................Silver Creek area ................ Vehicle accident............................................... LaJunta area ................ Vehicle accident............................................... LaJunta area ................ Vehicle aid .................................................. Springtown area ................ EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area ................ Vehicle fi r .................................................. Springtown area ................ Carbon monoxide alarm .................................. LaJunta area ................ Structure fi r .........................................................Reno area

SILVER CREEK DEPARTMENT Saturday-Friday, Jan. 18 - 21 Jan. 18 7:37 p.m. Jan. 19 6:04 p.m. Jan. 21 1:23 p.m. 9:40 a.m. 7:48 a.m.

................ Unauthorized burn .....................................Silver Creek area ................ Unauthorized burn .....................................Silver Creek area ................ Grass fi r ...................................................Silver Creek area ................ Brush fi r ...................................................Silver Creek area ................ Smoke investigation...................................Silver Creek area

prior charge of trespassing. He was released without bond on Jan. 26. A 25-year-old Azle man was arrested on Jan. 24 by Hudson Oak police and charged with theft of property – more than $50, but less than $500. He also had two active warrants for theft of property – more than $50, but less than $500; one warrant for theft of property – more than $500, but less than $1,500; one warrant for unauthorized use of a vehicle and a warrant for burglary of a building. As of Jan. 27 he was held in the Parker County Jail without bond. Weatherford police arrested a 32-year-old Azle woman for a Weatherford warrant for speeding. She paid a $347.10 fi ne and was released from the Parker County Jail on Jan. 25. Leonel A Cobos, 23, of Springtown was arrested on Jan. 25 by Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers and charged with DWI. He posted $1,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail on Jan. 26. A 43-year-old Azle woman

was arrested on Jan. 25 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for a commitment order for possession of marijuana – less than two ounces. As of Jan. 27 he was still in the Parker County Jail without bond. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 29-year-old Azle man on Jan. 25 and charged him with possession of marijuana – less than two ounces, driving with an invalid license with previous suspension and no insurance. He posted $1,500 bond and was released from the Parker County Jail on Jan. 26. A 38-year-old Springtown man was arrested on Jan. 26 by Reno police on active Reno warrants for failure to appear in court and multiple traffi c violations. As of Jan. 27 he was held in the Parker County Jail in lieu of $1,220 bond. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 40-year-old Azle woman on an outstanding Tarrant County warrant for theft by check – between $20 and $500. She posted $500 bond and was released the same day.

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Godbey steps into a new world ■ GODBEY, FROM PAGE 1B

the little things that most people take for granted – and that make life so much more enjoyable. “I can be involved in group conversations now, and I don’t have to ask people to repeat themselves,” she says. “I can understand the words to songs. I can tell what direction a sound is coming from. I can hear someone talking if they are behind me or to my right.” Those were the things she had hoped she’d hear. But there have been some surprises along the way. Godbey and her friend Sally, with whom she has worked out fi ve days a week for some 15 years, headed for the treadmills the other day and Godbey commented that she never realized it made a beeping sound when the speed was adjusted. “Oh, honey, I’m just so excited for you!” exclaimed Sally. “Then we were going up and down the stairs, like always, with these two other girls and having a conversation and, by golly, I was just right there with ‘em!” Godbey laughed. Before, Godbey said she would have tuned herself out, having trained herself that she wouldn’t be able to hear what the others were saying, anyway. Now she can hear the turn signal when she’s driving, as well as sirens when emergency vehicles approach. But one of the nicest things, she says, is to hear someone speak from behind her. “I was in Albertson’s this morning and I heard a lady say ‘what a nice coat, it looks so warm’,” Godbey related. “When I realized she was talking about my coat, I turned around and thanked her. That’s just who I am, but when I couldn’t hear what people said, I’m afraid they felt I was a snob.” Where from here? Godbey says her father was her biggest supporter, but was sometimes harder on her than her sisters. He was always quick to remind her that her hearing loss helped make her the person she is, and for that, she is grateful. “We talk about God... I want to know what my purpose is, and maybe I just found it,” Godbey contemplated. “Why am I here? Am I just supposed to feed people? Or is there something more?” “If telling my story helps just one person hear, then I’ll just keep telling my story,” she said. “It’s no different than my mother reading about Alan Shepard.” She’ll tell it at a meeting of an area Lions Club, and will make herself available to other groups with an interest. Of particular interest to many, she believes, will be the fact that her health insurance paid for her Baha System entirely. Hearing the birds sing When Godbey and her father needed to have a private conversation at the restaurant, they’d often walk over to a wall of windows, away from others, to talk. “There was this cardinal that would always fl y up, and he’d fl y into that window over and over again, as if he were trying to hear what we were talking about,” Godbey said. “If we were having a conversation in the car, I swear that cardinal would come up and sit on the car mirror,” Now, each time she sees a cardinal, she says “Hi, Dad!” She can’t wait for spring to come, when she can just sit outside and listen in on the birds’ conversations.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-221-3989 IGLESIA BAUTISTA Nueva Jerusalen 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown 817-677-2907 HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 817-433-8220 BAPTIST CHURCH 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth ASSEMBLY OF GOD 817-237-8441 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD LAJUNTA BAPTIST 114 Porter Drive, Azle Hwy. 199 in LaJunta 817-237-4903 817-221-3989 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH LAKE WORTH BAPTIST 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth 817-237-9433 817-237-4163 NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown 6409 FM 730 S., Azle 817-523-4462 817-444-4311 OUTREACH OF LOVE METROPOLITAN BAPTIST Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 817-237-2201 BAPTIST MIDWAY BAPTIST ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown 300 South Stewart, Azle 817-221-LOVE 817-444-3219 NEW HOPE BAPTIST AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area 350 Agnes N., Springtown 817-221-2184 817-523-7271 NORTHWEST BAPTIST BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth 408 S. Ash St., Springtown 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 817-220-4238 SILVER CREEK BAPTIST AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-444-2325 817- 626-5556 NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST CHURCH BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar 817-707-2741 817- 444-3484 PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle 940-433-5477 817-237-0892 SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST TEMPLE CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown 1 block off Hwy. 199, 817-523-0376 east of David’s Patio, UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Springtown, 817-221-2241 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown CENTRAL BAPTIST 817-613-1441 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594-5918 WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes 817-221-2110 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST CLEAR FORK BAPTIST 836 NW Parkway, Azle Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., Weather- 817-444-3752 ford, 817-594-1154 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA COTTONWOOD CREEK BAPTIST 301 S. Stewart, Azle 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-523-0074 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 BIBLE CROSSWAY BAPTIST CHURCH COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 1355 Northwest Pkwy., Azle 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno 817-691-0000 817-444-7117 CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH CROSSING FELLOWSHIP Corner of FM 730 South & FM 1886 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle 817-270-8476 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-237-4135 817-624-2111 FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH 1411 Carter Road, Springtown 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-220-5828 817-221-3444 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF AZLE CATHOLIC 1017 Boyd Road HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-444-4828 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 817-444-3063 401 Beverly Rd., Azle CHRISTIAN 817-237-3891 THE CHURCH AT AZLE FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 700 Charbonneau Tr., 817-444-9973 west side of Effie Morris Elementary 817-237-2624 AZLE CHRISTIAN (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside 117 Church St., Azle 817-444-3527 817-237-8113 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 35 West Forty Estates., Azle 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 817-688-3339 817-444-3484 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale 817-594-3043 940-433-5539 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 4th & Main, Paradise FM 920 in Peaster GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP 817-596-8805 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 817-825-0485 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN 817-594-3916 FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN 404 Main St., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-308-2557 817-523-7011 THE ABBEY CHURCH FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 817-238-1404 Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER 737 Boyd Rd., Azle FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 817-444-LOVE 5th & Main in Springtown 817-523-5477 WORD OF FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1¼ mi. S. of LaJunta GRACE BAPTIST 817-677-2577 3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 across from Radio Tower CHURCH OF CHRIST HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 336 NW Parkway 817-564-3946 817-444-3268 HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH BRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST 1227 Old Cottondale Road, 109 W.N. Woody Rd. Springtown, 817-220-7177 (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) LAJUNTA BAPTIST 817-444-7102

MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209

4300 Williams Spring Rd., Fort Worth 1 mile west of 820 on Jacksboro Hwy. JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265

113 Denver Trail • Azle 817-444-3249 Fax 817-444-3275 www.eaglecrestvilla.com STUDIO - 1 bath , 350 sq. ft. ONE BEDROOM - 1 bath, 450 sq. ft TWO BEDROOM - 1 bath, 642 sq. ft.

636 Profit St., Azle, Tx

44Years of Quality Phone 817-444-2533 B.J. Clark

BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH www.clarksmachine.com bjc@clarksmachine.com 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY Specializing in Family Eyecare CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown Therapeutic Optometrist 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 601 B 817-599-7655 NW Pkwy • Azle FOUNTAIN OF FAITH 4397 E. Hwy 199, Springtown 817-304-4739 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 HARVEST FOR CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 1108 NW Parkway (Hwy 199), Azle 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-740-5774 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER EPISCOPAL 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown Celebrating over 25 years in business ST. ANNE’S EPISCOPAL 817-221-2551 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth JUBILEE HOUSE 817-237-1888 11210 Hwy. 199 W., Poolville AZLE PROVIDENCE REFORMED 817-271-8008 EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford LIBERTY LIGHTHOUSE Rodney Gatlin, D.C. 817-596-7476 120 S. Main St., Springtown 400 Boyd Court ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 817-523-0222 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks www.azlechiropractic.com OASIS CHRISTIAN CENTRE 817-739-0504 CHURCH & HEALING SCHOOL GOSPEL 1121 S.E. Parkway, Azle CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-7919 817-319-7364 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH WITNESSES 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 212 Pearson Lane, Azle 817-221-2242 940-636-9158 LUTHERAN SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown (MISSOURI SYNOD) 682-229-1433 1313 SE Parkway, Azle SPRINGTOWN 7TH DAY 817-237-4822 ADVENTIST HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) Hwy. 199 4 miles west of Springtown Equipment and Labor 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 817-221-HOPE 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle Quality Service with NO Service Call Fee! METHODIST 817-313-1793 BOYD UNITED METHODIST Locally Owned & Operated GOSPEL WAY COWBOY CHURCH FM 730 North in Boyd 420 Jaybird Ln. (FM 2257/ Hwy 199) 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST Springtown, 817-225-8755 7955 Reed Rd., Azle LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH Call for Details 817-444-0226 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay FIRST UNITED METHODIST 817-444-3547 200 Church St., Azle JESUS NAME HOUSE OF PRAYER 817-444-3323 TACL #B00028986E 2813 E. Hwy. 199, LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP third drive past Boyd Feed Store 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 817-221-4426 SILVER CREEK NEW LIFE FAMILY FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST 525 W. Hwy. 199, Springtown 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-523-2045 817-444-1382 NEW LIGHTED WAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-444-1577 817-523-7874 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth POOLVILLE UNITED METHODIST PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 1 block W. of FM 920 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s (behind Poolville Post Office) SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH 817-599-3601 603 SE Parkway, Azle THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 817-444-3058 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER (THE MORMONS) 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 817-221-2551 OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS UNIVERSAL LIGHT OF CHRIST 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 6117 Graham St., Lake Worth 817-237-5075 817-881-3889 PENTECOSTAL REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP GRACE CHAPEL 202 Pearson Lane, Azle UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AMERICAN STANDARD - GOODMAN 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817-677-5963 817- 237-4844 SOULS HARBOR IGLESIA CRISTIANA JUDA 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-726-2065 TACLB021367C PRESBYTERIAN WESTERN HARVEST GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP CENTER 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-594-2744 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH CHURCH OF FORT WORTH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle Meeting at Northwest YMCA 940-577-1954 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800 WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH CONVENANT ORTHODOX 790 CR 3696 • Springtown PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 817-880-5488

Azle Vision Source

Dr. Michael D. Conte


489 Hwy. 199 Springtown 817-220-2499

CLEANERS Brookshire’s Shopping Center

Thank you for your support!

817444-HELP (4357)

New Year’s Special

B & H

Heating and Air Conditioning Servicing All Brands • Fast Response

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Garry Harris


uys R Us G c A

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your Business.


Lic. #4346 & #6537

1227 Old Cottondale • 817-220-7177

“Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”

Garrett’s ngtown i r p S Drug

“Serving Springtown Since 1977” NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 817-523-7227 www.SpringtownDrug.com Metro 817-220-7927

Commercial & Residential

Experienced & Competitive Prices www.djhuffmaninc.com Repair & Installation Landscaping Sod/Hydromulching

Drains Rock & Stonework Landscape Lighting

Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 SENIOR DISCOUNTS • FREE ESTIMATES

817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545

a’s arc&iAUTOMOTIVE GTIRE SHOP Rural Gas Supply “Celebrating 13 years serving Azle area”

11480 FM 730 S 2 miles south of Azle


Se habla espanol Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-3

• New & Used Tires • State Inspections • Roadside Assistance • U-Haul Rentals

Joe Rider

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“In business since 1946”

Our family serving your family since 1908

Propane, Inc.


Clarks Precision Machine & Tool


ISO 9001:2001 Compliant Check us out on our web site





Call 817-270-3340

SELL your business,

service or goods in this space!

Call Johnna to reserve this space.



302 Palo Pinto 1088 E. Hwy 199 Weatherford Springtown 817-594-3888 817-220-5959 Front Row (L-R): Anita White, Bob White, Kari Wright and Mark Reynolds Back Row (L-R): Jim Cleaver, Bruce Duncan, Richard Woodman and Jay Morrill

Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-596-4811 • www.whitesfuneral.com

“Not Just a Tire Store” Complete Automotive, Light Truck & Diesel “We are making drivers smile”


Wednesday, January 29, 2014 THE

COMMUNITY Ad Classifi cation 24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 .........Garden, Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted

46................Legal Notice 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49...................... Masonry 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56........................ Notices 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage

021 Child Care

003 Appliances Electric stove top; double oven; washer & dryer...and misc. furnishings. 817-929-0503.

006 Asphalt Paving

A sphAlt & G rAvel


Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125 008 Autos, Trucks Get rid of those yard cars, as well as good used cars. Arvin 817-9258768.


Younger Years Day Care Ages 18 months-Preschool 6:00A-6:30P Highway 199 between Springtown & Azle 817-677-CARE CCS Vendor

024 Electrician BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 www.bulldawgelectric.com. TECL#25253.

TOM'S 444-5069


• Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing

2005 Ford Diesel, great work truck, runs good, well maintained, $7,988. Possible trade, call or text 817-937-3013. FOR SALE: 1989 Jaguar XJS, excellent condition, 85K miles. Sell or Trade. $9,500/OBO. 817-9152788.

Bobcat & Tractor Service • Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing


ALL TYPES OF EXCAVATING Tanks • House Pads • Clearing Also .. Sand • Top Soil • Gravel

817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215 2000 Chevy 3500 truck, in great condition, auto, V-8, bed cover, leather interior, new tires, new brakes, 103K miles, $6,500. 817253-4526.



Carports and Patio Covers. All steel construction. Off-duty firefighter. 817-925-0922.

019 Cement Work ART’S CONCRETE. All types of concrete: foundations, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc. Free Estimates. 20 years experience. 469-348-6379. Allen Chesney Concrete All Types of Concrete Work Residential - Commercial Foundations, driveways, sand, gravel, demolition, haul-off, retaining walls 817-271-4541

J.A.M. Concrete

All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.


Kiley Chesney Construction Dirt & Concrete Work Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217

69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74... Too Late to Classify 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81..................Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent


Dump Truck Hauling


Advertising Works! 027 Exterminating CLASSIC PEST CONTROL OPERATORS TPCL 12509 817-444-0371 www.classicpco.com



All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding, 817-444-6461.

Up to 16 words, first insertion:

Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00! Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word • Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change

(All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)

For Sale


and TRACTOR MOWING 14’ Welding Trailer with top rack, $1,700/OBO. Call 817-523-4191. Scooter Store power chair, $1,500; lift chair, $500; small size wheelchair that converts to a travel chair, $200. All like new condition. 817-3138410.

901 Emily Trail • Azle, Texas 76020

FLASH SALE Friday Only, 11A-2P, 2004 Wood Trail, Azle. Big Variety! Everything Goes! Estate Sale Saturday (weather permitting), 9A-5P, 1571 Arvel Circle, Azle. Reno area. 407 Meadowlark Drive, Springtown, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9A-4P. Tools, household items, large variety of items.

FREE E stimat es Estimat stimates

•Clean Up • Mowing • Edging • Weedeating •Rake & Bag Leaves •Tree Trimming

NOW OFFERING: Brush Hog Services


Pete Garcia • Joe Garcia


Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Cast Iron 9 miles west of 199/51 on 199, left on Poolville Cutoff

035 Garden/Mowing Service FREE ESTIMATES. Mowing, weed eating, scrap haul off, property clean up. Call Brett 817-881-2357. Tree trimming, removal, mow, weeding, cleanup, tilling, rake leaves, haul-offs. Free estimates. Kevin 817-363-0010. MASONRY & STONEWORK, retaining walls, patios, flowerbeds, entryways, anything w/stone and repairs. Senior Citizen Discount. 817-919-4487.

Alfalfa 100# Arizona/California leafy green bales. Buy 100 get one free special. 817-798-7712. NO Blister Beetles(See us on Facebook AzleAlfalfa).

Lawn & Garden Maintenance

Campfire Lawn & Garden Trees trimmed-removed Full lawn care & haul-offs

Insured • Azle since 1962 Compare Prices

No Job Too Small

Terms Available 817-444-0861 A.W. Teater 817-690-4011 cell

All major credit cards accepted

Chad's Tree Service



Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing

817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943

Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 Family Owned• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED WINTER DISCOUNT 10% OFF Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding

817- 220-1141 817-444-9574

Insured for your protection

Landscape Dependable and Reliable Online Account Sprinklers Management Lawn Care

Irrigation Repair

Best Lawn Guarantee in Town


KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645

Cheap wood, my place, 2 miles east of Springtown. Oak & Pecan, $10/ car, $20-$40 pickup load. Cord split, $200, Cord logs, $120. Call 817475-9884.

Best Prices in Town!

034 Garage Sales

LI 19046

Lic. #4346 & #6537

Commercial & Residential Sprinkler Installation & Repair • Landscaping Tractor Work • Drainage • Lot Grading Rock & Stonework • Sod & Hydromulching Family Owned & Operated Since 1989

djhuffmaninc.com Experience with Competitive Prices


817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545

www.azlenews.net www.springtown-epigraph.net

Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design

817-845-6965 STUMP GRINDING Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum




FOR SALE HEAVILY FERTILIZED ROUND BALES 17-17-17 350 lbs per Acre 1ST CUT HAY 1-10 bales, $70 10+ bales, $65 2ND CUT HORSE QUALITY 1-10 bales, $80 10+ bales, $75 20+ bales, $70 CALL RANDY AT 817-851-9700


Garden tiller for sale. Briggs & Straton engine, $75. 817-444-2342.

037 HAY SALE Fertilized Coastal 4x5 Round Bales $75 each 817-221-3320


RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@ aol.com.

Seasoned split firewood: half cord, $125; full cord, $225. Will deliver. Call 817-808-2873.

Nobody does it better!

Garden/Mowing Service

• Sod • Stone Work • Flower Beds • Fencing • Trees Email: service@classicgreen.com • Clean Up

030 Firewood

Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD OR DISCOVER by phone.

Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.

• Boxed display ads also available

BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213.

FENCING & WELDING. Commercial & Residential. Free Estimates. Welding, $50/hour, 3 hour minimum. 817-657-4963.



ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTER has a loving place for your child. Ages 2 weeks-12 years, ABEKA pre-school, 3 meals, 2 snacks. Service to all Azle schools and SES. Mon-Fri, 6A-6:30P. 817237-3711; 817-994-5228.

026 Excavating 1960 Thunderbird, 352 auto, rebuilt engine, new brake system, $5,500. 817-629-3153.

Springtown Epigraph THE

817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi ed@azlenews.net 817-220-7217 - Springtown - shirley@springtown-epigraph.net

CLASSIFIED 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...................... Carports 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services



Fertilized Coastal Hay For Sale Round Bales - Will Deliver Springtown/Azle Area 940-389-1936 Horse quality square bales in barn, $7.00/bale, minimum 20 bales. No checks, cash only. 817-694-5554.

Hay Continued next column...

Horse quality Coastal round & square bales. Delivery available. 817-822-0622.

SPRIGGING 4 COUNTIES: Wise, Jack, Pa r k e r & Ta r r a n t

Coastal Bermuda & Tipton 85 940-229-1045 940-229-1046 039 Help Wanted LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. Contact Jon 817319-9073. Business is Booming! Now interviewing servers. Apply in person, Shinola’s Texas Cafe, Springtown. The City of Pelican Bay is currently accepting applications for the position of Utility Clerk. Seeking cashier with previous customer service, billing and correspondence experience. Must be able to multi-task in a fast-paced office. Applications may be obtained at City Hall, 1300 Pelican Circle, Azle, Texas 76020. No phone calls, please. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. Creative Dimensions Hair Salon Stylist Wanted. 817-658-3946. One Experienced Telemarketer needed early AM hours, smoking ok. Call 817-677-5134 before noon, ask for Ms. Wright. Looking for Licensed Plumber with construction/remodel experience. Looking for seasoned Crew Leader for residential, remodel & light commercial. For interview call 817444-3100. MAINSTREAM (group home for adults with developmental disabilities) is hiring part-time Direct Contact Staff for 17 hour weekday shift (2nd & 3rd shift) or 24 hour weekend shifts, paid training. Starting pay is minimum wage. Good potential for full-time employment. Call Sandra or Carole at 817-2702747, Mon-Fri, 9A-3P. Temp. Equipment Operator, Comm. Tractor Mowers/Basic Grounds Keeping, Fort Worth, Valid TX DL, HS Diploma/GED required, $12/hour. www.trwd.com.

Help Wanted Continued next page...



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 039

Help Wanted

Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday


Help Wanted

Wise Ready Mix now hiring Mix Drivers, Class B-CDL. Apply in person, 1349 NW Parkway, Azle. Higginbotham’s is looking for fulltime and part-time associates that are customer service driven and self motivated to work as Cashier and/ or Retail Sales. 1-2 years of retail experience is preferred. Company benefits available. Applications can be located online at: www. higginbothams.com or picked up at 440 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, Texas. You may email your resume to: springtown@higginbothams.com. Phone number: 817-668-7656. HBC is an equal opportunity employer. USED CAR SALES. Buy Here Pay Here Car Lot seeking experienced Salesman. Must be self-starter, organized, neat appearance and able to pass drug test. Call 817-2332633; 940-399-7060. Local Doctors looking for an experienced Medical Assistant. Please fax resume to 817-523-5422. Gen. Maint. Tech II. Fleet and equip. maint., diag. electric, hydraulic, fuel sys. req. FW, TX DL, HS/GED, Req. www.trwd.com/employment. Carpet Shampoo Trainee. Company seeking men & women to help fill contracts. Above average earning potential based on production. $300+ weekly to start, per company agreement. Call or Text Now! 817470-5775.

No positions available at this time.

• Sales Associate • Automotive Technician Sales Associate Be part of a Growing Sales Team! Sales Experience a plus, will train. Must be commited to customer satisfaction. Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training.

Automotive Technician Experience in Automotive Repair Required ASE Certification Required, Chrysler Experience Preferred, Tools Required, Valid Drivers License, Paid Holidays, Vacation, & Training, 5 Day Work Week, Rotating Saturdays EEOE

Karl Klement Properties, Inc.

605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas jdusek@klementford.com

Technician needed, experienced preferred. Will train right person. Longhorn Termite & Pest Control 817-270-4300. Serene Green Cleaning needs House Cleaners, part & full-time. Must have transportation. 817-602-1696. Full time Maintenance Person needed. Current Texas DL required. Electrical, plumbing, welding experience wanted. NO JOB DESCRIPTION. 817-444-1622.


Class A CDL Drivers with 2 years experience Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more

Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323

Trucking Company

Hiring “Class A” Flat Bed Drivers and Frac Sand Haulers. 2 years of verifiable driving exp. $500 BONUS after 90 days, plus Benefits. 817-444-7711 • 817-444-7774

Wise Regional Health System Affiliated with Baylor Health Care System

For all of our available job opportunities, visit

www.WiseRegional.com A Not-For-Profit Hospital • EOE Decatur, TX • Job Line: 940-626-2525

• Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding


Custom Homes BRIAN HENSLEY 817.229.7668

Steve Feltman Painting

• Interior & Exterior • Bed • Commercial Residential • Texture • Tape • Seal & texture • Sheetrock repair/replace • Remove old wallpaper/seal & texture • Pole fence painting • Pressure washing Cabinetry/Wood Work/Staining

Call Steve

042 For consideration of all positions apply to:

Jodi Dusek, H/R Mgr. 940-627-6362

employment Opportunities Applications for employment are accepted Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. To interview or be considered for a position with Azle ISD, the applicant must have a completed employment application on file in the Human Resources Department. As openings for professional or paraprofessional employment become available, they are listed at www.azleisd.net. All applications may be obtained from the website and submitted by mail or fax. Notices or employment openings are also posted in the Human Resources Department at the AISD Central Office Building, 300 Roe Street, Azle, TX. 76020. Bus Drivers Azle independent school District is currently in need of bus drivers. starting full time pay $46.89 daily rate at 3½ hours per day = $13.39 hourly rate of pay. The District Will Train and prepare new drivers for exams. If you are interested in a position with AISD as a bus driver, please contact Randy Spiker, Transportation Supervisor, at (817) 444-1322.

040 Home Improvement Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567. allamericanhc.net. Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201 Let my 40 years of experience work for you. Integrity and quality work at affordable prices. BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-8216377. www.bobbymcwilliams.com. PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866-3743559. www.billrosserpainting.com. WORKHORSE HANDYMAN SERVICES. Bathrooms, kitchens, roofing, remodels, mobile home repair and roof repair. Quality at a reasonable rate. 817-874-6109. DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. WINTER SPECIAL: 20% Off w/this Ad! 817-629-9608. WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555. ROBERT’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. I do additions, kitchen & bathroom remodel, ceramic tile, foundation repair, painting, pressure washing, roofing, fencing and decks. Call for Free quote. 817-964-2562.

Classified Ad Deadline: Mondays LOOK by 5PM JERRY’S HARDWOOD FLOORS. Custom staining and installation, sanding, refinishing. 817-312-5020.

Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815

040 Home Improvement H&H CONSTRUCTION. All types Tile, Marble & Granite work. New/Remodel, Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates. 817-991-2823.

Chapman Carpentry Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs

817-946-6787 817-444-4198

Sebastian Enterprises CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Since 1995

817-239-9571 817-237-9571


Many Happy Local Customers Since 1978

Mr. Sweeps Chimney Cleaning Service Keep your home safe. Call Parker/Wise County’s oldest chimney sweeping company, Mr. Sweeps

817-692-5624 ask for Doug


Winter Special


Home Improvement Continued next column...

• Insulation WINTER • Kitchen/ SPECIAL Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks


817-800-9591 House Cleaning


Pet Sitting Specialist Local References

817-319-6224 059



A&J’s CLEANING SERVICE. Let us do your Spring Cleaning! New customer discount! Referral discount! Over 7 years experience. Free Estimates. Have References. Call 817-448-7857. NEWFANGLED CLEANING. Old-Fashioned Cleaning DONE BY OWNER ONLY! Residential cleaning, clean-outs, move-ins & make-ready. 25+ years experience. Call or text Beth 817-361-2182 for more information.

Your Cleaning Service Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL our pros may be out chasing fairy dust

Backgrounds Checked We furnish Tools & Chemicals

Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”

One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed

You’ll love the care you get!

EARN EXTRA MONEY: Sell It In The Classifieds!



Plumbing Repairs

Azle, TX

Drains Cleaned



Water Heaters

commercial • residential

Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates

Faucets Slab Leaks

Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806


email alvarogsilva@verizon.net



Cantrell Plumbing

T&M CLEANING. Cleaning done the way you want. 15 years experience, reliable, references. 817-333-8786. SERENE GREEN CLEANING. Residential & Commercial. All Natural & Safe Products, Family Owned & Operated, Fully Insured & Bonded, Free Confidential Estimate. 817-602-1696. serenegreencleaning@live.com.

Pool Service

Too cold to clean your pool? Give us a call and we’ll do it all! 817-2303838.

MASONRY & STONEWORK, retaining walls, patios, flowerbeds, entryways, anything w/stone and repairs. Senior Citizen Discount. 817-919-4487.


Pets, Livestock

Carolyn’s Critter Sitter

Call Devin at 817-629-9608


The City of Springtown is now accepting job applications for a full-time Police Dispatcher, $12.94/ hour. Applications may be obtained at City Hall, 102 E. Second Street, Springtown, TX. OPEN UNTIL FILLED. E.O.E.

Now hiring Apprentices, Journeyman & Service Electricians. Taking applications. 817-444-5371.

Home Improvement

Ramping Up! Employees needed for 2014 opening of New Dealership

No positions available at this time.

Now hiring Journeymen and Apprentice, Electricians. For more info call 817-907-5933.


Devin’s Handyman Service

Part-time Municipal Court Assistant. City of Reno, Parker County. Prefer court and general office experience. Computer knowledge and good customer service skills required. Hours flexible. Send Resumes to sherrie.dast@cityofrenotx.com.

Drivers: CDL-B: Great Pay, Hometime! No-Forced Dispatch! New Singles from Dallas to surrounding states. Apply: TruckMovers.com or 1-866-2248948.


Residential Commercial Industrial Sewer & Drain Care

2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $8,000 817228-2255.

Senior Citizen Discount Free Estimate Lic# M39407

817-495-1991 817-821-9793 2012 Harley Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle, $10,500. Call Wes 817-991-5522, leave message.



  


Insurance Claim Specialists  

U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.





Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936. Local Breeder Selling Parakeets & Love Birds; Parakeet, Love Bird & Parrot seed and different size cages, plus millet spray. 817-715-2446, 9A-6P.


ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.

Menix Pet Lodge

We’ll be here after the storm.


Roofing Continued next page...

Free Kittens to good home. Only a couple left. 817-363-0787.

FRIDAY, Feb 7, 2014 - 6:00 PM Hwy. 281 N. - Stephenville (254) 646-3161 or 968-4844 On-Site EIA Test - $15

Where Pets are Pampered Climate Controlled Kennels Dog Runs, Large Yard

Continued next column...

45 TX Pride’s “Where Do ACROSS 1 2 3 4 _ ___ Her Memory” 1 seat of Oldham Co. 5 TX Willie sang “Little 46 TX duet album: “Waylon 5 ___ Willie” (1978) Things Mean _ ___” 6 6 TX Dabney Coleman 47 hankerings 48 Xmas drink: egg___ film: “____ to Five” 7 49 convenience store 7 former spouse name (3 wds.) 8 org. for Mavs, 8 52 sincerely Spurs, & Rockets 53 TXism: “as welcome as 9 cruise ship levels 14 a skunk __ _ picnic” 14 poker debts? 54 “Dandy ___” Meredith 19 20 15 spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism 22 23 24 25 26 27 (2 wds.) 19 Motley county was 29 30 named for this San Jacinto hero, but his 34 35 33 name was misspelled 21 TXism: “hot as a 38 55 toward the _____ stove” rear of a 43 42 41 22 TX-filmed “Baby ___ Gulf cruise ship ____ Must Fall” (‘65) 47 46 27 El Camino ____ (Old DOWN San Antonio Road) 1 ___ Alystne, TX 49 28 TXism: “put two ___ 2 UT grad Wallach 13 snow slider ___ together” who was in “The 52 29 TXism: “__ ____ Magnificent Seven” 14 the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have for the weary” 3 TX Clyde Barrow’s been ________ by 30 birth state of TX grave epitaph: “____ other NFL teams outlaw Sam Bass ___ Not Forgotten” 15 TX Dan Jenkins book: 32 “Hook ‘__ Horns!” 4 three TX plays by “____ Solid Perfect” 33 TXism: “playing Preston Jones 16 appropriate ____ _ ____ deck” (3 wds.) 17 made the grass (unlucky) 8 great ‘52 western: 24 look good (2 wds.) 36 TXism: “has a ____ “High ____” like a snappin’ turtle” 9 TXism: “scared the 18 after Hiroshima, it was the “_____ Age” 37 Reagan’s “Star living _________ 20 TXism: “____ a hand” 25 Wars” (abbr.) ___ __ me” (help out) 38 TX Charles Good10 “__ Centro College” 22 home state of Alamo’s 26 night’s “beefalo” 11 state where Troy Davy Crockett (abbr.) 39 Latino played college 28 23 TX Willie wrote 41 Larry, Curly & ___ ball (abbr.) “Funny ___ Time 42 herons with long 12 Tex. Penal Code Slips Away” white plumes 20.03

TEXAS CROSSWORD by Charley & Guy Orbison Copyright 2014 by Orbison Bros.










21 28 31







45 48 50



31 a Greek team of ex-Mav Roy Tarpley 54 34 21st gov.: _ _ Culberson 55 35 Grand ___ Opry 37 how uniforms fit on 14-down this Nadel is a 40 “Kick____ Cavern longtime Rangers State Park” announcer 43 “R” of “R.I.P.” Selma horse track 44 “entry” south of “______ Park” the border historic Galveston 50 TXism: “got as much bldg.: “______ Villa” chance as a steer in birds at Bentsena packing _____” Rio Grande Valley 51 home of the hated State Park Yankees (abbr.) 53


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 066

Roofing Commercial & Residential • Roofing • Windows • Attic Insulation • Painting

712 N. MaiN • SpriNgtowN


Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction 28 Years in Azle

 www.owenscorning.com



West Side Storage 20-5813 -



• 1670


Dauenhauer Contractors, Inc.

Metal Buildings · Pre-Engineered · Shops / Barns Arenas / Churches · Aircraft Hangars



Version 2




Metal Building Erectors

Now Leasing Storage Units


• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing

1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown

817-220-2150 www.weld-done.net

1350 Liberty School Rd, Azle owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614

5x10 $25/month



nstr E ucti R& on Metal Building Specialist

6 Months ... $125 817-246-4646 AZCO Self Storage RV, Boat or Trailer Spaces Available

$20.00 per month 1st Month Free! 

Office 11400 FM 730 N. Azle 069


Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock, tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495.


SAND • DIRT • GRAVEL Dozer and Tractor Work

• Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs

Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good! DESIGN


Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design

 Fax 817-237-0904

Mark Cozart 817-233-6668



Jerry W. Mitchell


817-444-DIRT(3478) 075


QUALITY UPHOLSTERING. Free Estimates. Pick-up and Delivery Service. 817-727-6836.


Well Drilling

Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.






Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028


Last Puzzle Solution D L E E A N D D R E S T







Unimproved 1.74 acres For Sale or Trade, $15,000. Close to Springtown. 817-703-3754.

081 Business/Commercial 40x50 building for rent 3 miles west of Springtown 817-713-7495.

PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE: azlenews.net springtown-epigraph.net

OVER THE PHONE: 817-270-3340 817-220-7217



Commercial Building For Rent: Over 2,000 sq. ft., small office, 120 Porter, $600/mo. 817-444-0090.

80x14 MH on 1 acre, fenced double lot, Loma Vista. Very solid home, needs remodeling. Some work already completed. Private location. By Owner, will finance or lease/ purchase. r12cr@hotmail.com. 972732-7430.

FOR SALE OR RENT: 6,700 sf office/warehouse at 1750 N. FM 51, Springtown. Several offices, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, large meeting room, warehouse area, loading dock, all on 1 acre. $169,000 or $1,600/mo. 817-220-5339; 817-7980891.

Houses for Sale

NEW HOME: 4 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Owner financing available! Cheaper than rent! New appliances! 817-458-9340. New Home MUST SELL! 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-458-9340. PEASTER ISD: New home, 3 BR 2.5 BA, gameroom, 2 story on 1 acre lot! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-458-9340.

Certified PREFERRED CONTRACTOR State Applicator # 106

Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.

085 Mobile Homes For Sale

MUST SELL! 4 BR 2 BA plus den on 1 acre! Huge island kitchen! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-458-9340.

   


081 Business & Commercial




Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

Great building for Lease, industrial area in Azle. The building is 12,000 sq. ft., bathrooms and office area with heat and A/C. Majority of the 12,000 sq. ft. is shop, concrete floor, loading dock, big overhead door, plenty of parking space. For information call 817-360-3627. Commercial Leasing: 328 W. Main Street, Azle. Suites starting at $.90 per sq. ft. 817-235-2284; 817-6820838. 3 acre gravel lot in Springtown area for lease. 817-657-5682. Professional Office Space For Lease. 800 sq. ft., Suite 101, 1230 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. 817-220-2150.

Business/Commercial Continued next column...

Reno. Small 2 bedroom house, shop and barn on 2.5 acres, $85,000. Possible owner finance. 682-2159451.

084 Mobile Homes for Rent Units starting at $450/mo., trash service paid. 817-221-3112; 817235-2284. 3-2 DW, 1 acre, Springtown ISD, no pets, $750/mo. $500 deposit. 817360-9363; 817-360-9318. 12198 FM 730 N., R-5, Azle. 2 BR 2 BA, water/trash service paid, $600/ mo. $500/deposit. 817-247-8414. 12198 FM 730 N., Azle. RV Parking, $350/mo. water/electric paid. 817247-8414. 2-2 on large lot, $650/mo.; 3-2, $700/mo. 817-944-1617 or 817-9802901. 3-2 SW, newly remodeled, Springtown ISD, carport, NO PETS, $725/mo. $350 deposit. 817-3609318.

Advertise in the Classifieds

PELICAN BAY: 1505 LARK COURT, 2-2, $545/$400 deposit; 1324 PELICAN CIRCLE, 2-1, $465/$300 deposit; 1525 PARTRIDGE, 2-1, $395/$300 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-246-4646. gtatx. com. Hablamos Espanol. Nice, with new paint, remodeled 4-1 MH on big lot between Springtown & Weatherford on FM 51. $650/mo. $350 deposit. 682-551-0424; 682559-1512. 3-2 DW on 2.5 acres. Springtown ISD, nice neighborhood, fenced yard for kids or outdoor dog, 2 acre pasture. Small barn with storage area and 2 stalls, limit of 2 horses. $700 month. $700 deposit. Call 940229-1592 between 9AM and 8PM.

086 Mobile Home/RV Lots PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lots for rent: 1405 PELICAN DRIVE, $185/mo. $50 deposit; 1708 GALE DRIVE, $155/mo. $50 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Español. TEXAS STAR RV PARK INC 14504 FM 730 N. in Briar MOVE-IN SPECIAL! RV Space $295/mo. includes all utilites except propane. 817-946-4862


817-221-2002 085 Mobile Homes for Sale TURN TO THE EXPERT In Financing Mobiles on Acreage & Land. Quick & Easy with No Credit Check or Qualifications. Any or No Credit. 817-994-3730 7 days til 11PM Pictures Available richardwhitetx@yahoo.com

SPRINGTOWN: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Affordable payments. Will help with financing! 817-458-9340. WEATHERFORD: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre! Owner financing available and affordable payments! 817-458-9340. OWNER FINANCE. Springtown, 3-2 on 1 acre lot! Easy terms, no banks, Bad Credit ok. 817-975-1798. 3-2, new A/C, septic, black stove & dishwasher, flooring, etc.; 3-2 on 1 acre on a court in the country. 817-994-3730.

Mobile Homes For Sale

K&P Homes, Inc. USED HOME SUPER CENTER 14x56 Fleetwood



32x44 Crestridge 3/2 28x76 Clayton 4/2 28x72 Homestar 4/2

Stk#2562 Stk#1818 Tape & Texture

$32,900 $41,900 $45,900

16x70 Champion 3/2 28x68 Champion 4/2 32x68 Champion 4/2 · New, Used Repos · Mobile Home Insurance · Service After the Sale

817-677-2160 Between Azle & Springtown

Call About Moving Your RV FREE • Large Spaces with Trees • Covered Spaces • Carport & Storage Building

Heritage RV PARK 817-444-3760

• Free Wi-Fi • Paved Streets • Adult Park • Laundromat • Tiny Houses & RV Rental

Pecan Acres RV Park Inc. 12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle

RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month We now have Pull-Throughs! • • • • •

Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi

Stk#0347 Stk#0444 Stk#0001

$22,900 $49,900 $69,900



4272 E. Hwy 199 · Springtown, TX 76082 · Lic. #35875 In Business 10 Years · Open Monday - Saturday

• Mail Service • Free Wi-Fi • Laundromat


Rent Unfurnished

FOR RENT: Half Duplex - 1 BR Unit, garage, fenced backyard, quiet country living in Sanctuary. $600/mo. includes water, plus $600 deposit. Call Bob 281-217-6673. AISD, 2-1 Duplex, CH/A, utility room, window blinds, ceiling fans and storage building. Stove & microwave furnished. Freshly painted, new flooring. Water/lawn maintenance included. NO DOGS. $665/mo. $475 deposit. 817-444-2314; 817-8454440. 3-2-2 brick house, CH/A, large lot, Springtown, $1,000/mo., deposit required. 817-220-7418. 2 BR Eagle Mountain Lake front with dock, $800/mo. $500 deposit, bills paid. 817-237-2852. PELICAN BAY: 1576 REEF, 3-2-1, $685/$300 deposit; 1852 CORAL ROAD, 2-2, $595/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817246-4646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Espanol. 3-2 home on 2 large city lots, 2-car carport and storage building, $895/ mo. $895 deposit. Wendy, Agent/ Owner, 817-658-6554. 2-1 Duplex with covered parking. Small fenced backyard with storage. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, ceiling fans. Yard maintenance included. Mostly seniors in duplexes, non smoking, no pets, no exceptions. 1 year lease with references, $800/ mo. $600 deposit. Seniors 62 & over, $650/mo. $600 deposit. Call 817372-2514 or text 817-372-8626.


APARTMENT 700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712

1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Rent based on income.


817-846-8190 Call for Rates - 817-291-4679

We’ll relocate your RV here for FREE! (up to 50 miles)

Texas Star RV Park Inc.

14504 FM 730 N. • 6 miles North of Azle • Large Lots RV Spaces by • Nice & Clean Day, Week or Month 30 amp - $325/mo. Laundry Facilities 50 amp - $350/mo. - Free Internet (Electric, Water & Sewer included)

SPRINGTOWN: 5 BR 3 BA on 1 acre! Huge living room, home like new. Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-458-9340. GRANBURY: 3 BR 2 BA, fireplace, lots of trees. Will help with financing! Cheaper than rent! 817-458-9340.


Tiny Houses & RV Rental Covered & Uncovered Spaces

MIDWAY MOBILE HOME PARK AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. Also, RV lots & rentals and mobile home lots for rent.

Classifieds NEW HOMES - 2014 MODELS

3 BR 1 BA mobile home, $525/mo. + electric & propane, $500 deposit, CH/A, Azle ISD, no pets, $35 application fee. 817-744-7874; 817501-2238. NICE RV FOR LEASE. $650/mo., includes all utilities except propane. Available Feb. 1st. No pets, ($300 deposit). TEXAS STAR RV PARK 817-946-4862



800-735-2989 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.




1 & 2 Bedrooms

See the Dif f erence! 817-444-6122

Azle Creek Apartments 519 West Main St. • Azle



Rent Furnished

3-2 House, remodeled, hardwood floors, fenced in yard, nice, $795/ mo., 1 year lease. Call 940-5770254.


Rent Unfurnished

4-plex, 2-2, Azlewood, $695/$400 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039. SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $600/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-875-8406.


Rent Unfurnished

2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 bath duplexes, 1 car garage, fenced backyard, all appliances, all brick, great location. Stewart Bend Duplex Homes in Azle. 817-444-2362. www.stewartbend.com. UPSTAIRS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: 1 BR 1 BA, 900 sq. ft., no pets, $600/mo. plus deposit. 817-925-4343. 1616 Newsom Mound Road, Springtown. 2-1, totally remodeled, tile floors, gas range, above stove microwave, dishwasher, fridge w/ice maker, pet friendly, trash service & yard work included, $850/mo. $850 deposit. 817-902-5142.

1/1 - $475 & Up (Water, Trash & Sewer Included)

• Newly Remodeled • Friendly & Quiet Community • Laundry On Site

Pet Friendly! (size restrictions and additional fees apply)

Call for appointment


Rent Unfurnished Continued next page...


817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 088

Rent Unfurnished

Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle

(817) 444-2362

www.stewartbend.com Crestwood Apar tment Homes Apartment 525 Commerce St. 817-444-0030 Mon-Sat 9-6 • Sun 1-4 1, 2 & 3 Large Bedroom Floor Apartments Plans Pool • Water paid

From $565/mo.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday


PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISE TODAY! TODAY! 817-270-3340 www.azlenews.net 817-220-7217 www.springtown-epigraph.net

PAID CDL Training! No experience needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor the cost of your CDL training. Earn up to $40K first year and $70K third year. ADOPTIONS Excellent benefits, 1-888-726-4130, www. CHILDLESS, SINGLE, SUCCESSFUL, becomeadriver.com. EOE woman seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR drivers, mom. Let’s help each other. Financial APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass, passensecurity. Expenses paid. Call/Text Michele ger policy. 2012 and newer equipment. 100% and Adam. 1-800-790-5260 NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825; www.butlertransport.com DRIVERS

TexSCAN Week of January 26, 2014

BEST LEASE PURCHASE in the industry with 99¢/gallon diesel fuel, $100 weekly bonus, new trucks, top pay and great freight lanes. Hirshbach; 1-888-514-6005 or www.drive4hml.com DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED in Hutchins, TX. Become a driver for Covenant Transport! No experience needed. CDL training gets you ready ASAP! Earn $750/week + benefits! 1-888-778-0460 EXPERIENCE FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or driveforprime.com


ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 down, $235 month (12.91%/10yr), GuarREGIONAL CDL-A Drivers! Averitt offers anteed financing, more information call fantastic benefits and weekly hometime. 1-830-460-8354 1-888-362-8608. Paid training for recent ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, grads with a CDL-A and drivers with limited ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 experience. Apply online at AverittCareers. AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake com; EOE Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! GuarHELP WANTED anteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting WORK AND TRAVEL 6 openings now, $20+ as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 per hour. Full-time travel, paid training, transLOOKING TO SALE land? Reach over portation provided. **BBB accredited/ apply 2-million readers for one low price in the online www.protekchemical.com or www. Texas Statewide Advertising Network. mytraveljob.com. 1-208-830-9993 Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-749WANTED: LIFE AGENTS Earn up to $500 4793 for more detail. a day, great agent benefits, commissions $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH paid daily. Liberal underwriting; leads, leads, or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, leads. Life insurance, license required. Call ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, 1-888-713-6020. Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235

INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS- Crude oil hauling 77%, 64% with trailer, line haul revenue without trailer. CDL-A, 1-year experience. Hazmat and tanker endorseINTERNET/TV ments. Trimac Transportation; www. DISH TV RETAILER starting $19.99/ trimac.com 1-888-698-0172 month (for 12 months) Broadband internet NEED CLASS A CDL TRAINING? Start a starting $14.95/month (where available) career in trucking today! Swift Academies Ask about same day installation! Call now, offer PTDI certified courses and offer “Best- 1-800-975-1332 In-Class” training. New academy classes HEALTH/MEDICAL weekly. No money down or credit check. Certified mentors ready and available. (Paid VIAGRA 100MG, 40 pills plus 4 free, only while training with mentor) Regional and $99.00. Save big now, discreet shipping. dedicated opportunities. Great career path. Call 1-800-373-8414 today! Excellent benefits package. Please call: MISCELLANEOUS 1-866-259-8142 SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $4897.00. Make OWNER OPERATORS - $2,500 sign-on bonus! Home weekends and throughout and save money with your own bandmill. the week. Dedicated, year ‘round recession- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready proof freight. 100% fuel surcharge to driv- to ship. Free information/DVD, www. ers. Fuel discounts + more. CDL Class A NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-578-1363 + 1-year driving. Call Ty 1-866-478-9977. Ext. 300N DriveForCardinal.com

MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES Needed! Become a medical office assistant now! Online job training gets you ready. Job placement when program completed. Call for details! 1-888-368-1638; ayers. edu/disclosures.com.


OWNER OPERATORS - 2800-3200 miles/ AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become week average. ALL miles paid. Texas/ an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA Oklahoma lanes. Home weekly, fuel approved training.Financial aid if qualified. surcharge/cards/discounts. Paid plates, Housing available, job placement assistance. permits, weekly settlements. 1-888-720- Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. Dallas:11565 ParkwayTransportinc.com 800-475-4102 or Houston: 1-800-743-1392

VACATION WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. Call for more information: 1-903-878-7265, 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Advertise with Us and Sell Your Car!

3 Month Special

Call the Run your ad in A zle News the Azle News 817-270-3340 and Springtown or Epigraph Classifieds Springtown Epigraph for 3 months! 817-220-7217

Only $ 95 19 What a Hot Deal! Your ad will have the pertinent info, a picture and a border around it.

Private Party & Dealer Vehicle Ads – Autos, RV’s, Tractors, Campers, Motorcycles, etc.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Marie Pigg

The Bryants Co. 817-220-2021

1341 S.E. PARKWAY HWY. 199 at Shoreline Dr., AZLE

Dana Bryant/Realtor 817-613-7189





E-mail: berter@mariepiggrealestate.com

www.mariepiggrealestate.com For Sale RESIDENTIAL ______________________________________________________ $45,000 - 3-2-2 Car Carport Singlewide Mobile on Approx. 0.46 Acres. Well maintained mobile in nice rural area close to lake with landscape, trees and covered patio. Contact Kathy at 817-237-3338. $79,900 - 3-2-2 Brick that was being remodeled with nice floor plan but needs finishing. $84,900 - 2-2-1 Brick Small Older House that has a brick add-on with Dining/Breakfast.WBFP can heat house in winter, gated fence, storage and newer HVAC. Reduced! $85,000 - 3-3-2 Car Carport doublewide on Apprx.1 acre. Very nice and good floor plan. Several out buildings. $95,000 - 3-2-2 Brick with large living area, WBFP, fenced and conveniently located next to Shady Grove Park and baseball fields. $125,000 - 2-1-1 Brick on 7 Acres. Cute home includes 2 barns, tack room and 1 car detached garage. Boyd! Reduced! $135,000 - Brick Duplex with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Unit A is currently leased until February 28, 2014. Unit B is available for lease. $220,000 - 2-2.5-2 Brick on Eagle Mtn. Lake. Enjoy lake living in this home with boat lift for easy lake access. $233,000 - 4-2.5-2 Brick Home. Picture your family & friends hanging out in large kitchen playing 42 or Chicken Foot around dining table and watching your favorite team all together, it’s possible here! Covered parking for 3 vehicles, large workshop, storage building. Must see! $276,000 - 3-2-2 Brick, Approx. 68.82 Acres. Ranch/Farm. Sandy loam, new 6 slick wire fence most way around, corral and good well. Callahan County. Reduced!

COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT ___________________ $1,500,000 - Large Restaurant and Event Facility. Includes 1.5 story river rock home, bldg. with covered parking which was formerly a day spa, hardware store, 2 residential rentals and 5 storage buildings. Will consider splitting properties. Unique Opportunity!

2-2 triplewide on 8.74 acres. Double horse barn, corral, pond and 24 x 24 workshop $137,500. 3-2 on .830 acres. Easy access to town. Older home on nice wooded lot.

CommeRCiAl RentAls! Azle Pkwy CenteR neAR Azle hosPitAl 1,980 sq.ft. $950/mo


4.510 ACRes with water, septic and electric, ready for your home and $950 deposit animals! Slidell ISD. $42,500 ®


Make it a “Smart” move!

NEW LISTING - NEW CONSTRUCTION - Great 4-2-2 with formal dining and split bedrooms. Large family room with cozy fireplace. Kitchen features granite countertops, ING center island and built-in microwave. Master bath has double vanities, garden tubP and walk-in closet. Full landscaping package with sprinkler system included. Located ND Elarge in Escondido, a private gated community close to Eagle Mountain Lake. Scheduled for December completion. Azle ISD - $179,900

Real Estate

· 817-444-5330 FEATURED HOMES

L-R: Gena Grauman, Welcome Home!Tim Riddle, Gilda Brawley Wonderfully warm Jackson, Shane Grauman, & inviting! Marsha Hardin, Karen Kelly Dildy,with Evelyn 3Fuller, bedroom Faulkner, Mark Donahew, bigRobert yard!Hard Beautiful and also Trees! Linda Sharp. 1117 Carpenter Street $135,000

1.26 ACRes on restricted cul-de-sac. $18,500

WARM & WELCOME! - Nice 4-2-2 with split bedrooms. Open living room has brick fireplace. Large bay window with window seat in breakfast area. Master bath features dual sinks, deep jetted tub, separate walk-in shower and his & her closets. Beautiful landscaped yard with lots of trees. Full sprinkler system in front & back. Great 16x12 workshop with electric & loft in backyard. Azle ISD - $125,000

COMMERCIAL RENTAL $1,000 - 30x40 with 14 foot doors was used as a brewery.

112-A E. Main St. Azle

1 ACRe restricted lot on cul-de-sac. $18,500

511 W. Main St., Azle Tammy.Smart@Century21.com Each office is independently owned and operated

$1,200 - 3-2-2 House with office & 2nd living area. Available 9/1/13 Saginaw

13.58 ACRes inside city limits. Excellent and convenient location for business. $155,000

Tammy Smart,GRI, ABR, CRS, SFR, ReAltoR

$22,000 - Lovely wooded lot in Timberlake Estates. $145,000 - Downtown Fort Worth. Great lot in the heart of the hospital district! $145,375 - Approx. 11.63 Acres with large oak trees and pretty coastal field. Would make an attractive building site. $269,900 - 18 Acres. Coastal field with hilltop view. Currently with AG Tax Exemption. MOBILE HOME LOTS in Pelican Bay for sale or lease, call Bill.

$1,100 - 3-2-2 House Available in Fort Worth. $1,200 - 3-2-2 House Available Soon


3-2 Dw on 2.906 ACRes. Peaster ISD. $79,900

LOTS AND ACREAGE (LAND ONLY) _______________________________

RENTALS ________________________________________________________________


NEW LISTING - NEW CONSTRUCTION - Beautiful 4-2-2 with extra room to be used as formal dining, study or second living. Large open family room. Kitchen features center island and granite countertops. Master bath has double vanities, garden tub and large walk-in closet. Full landscaping package complete with sprinkler system. Located in Escondido, a private gated community close to Eagle Mountain Lake. Scheduled for December completion. Azle ISD - $189,900 LAKEFRONT LUXURY! Beautiful 5-5.1-3 waterfront home on Eagle Mountain Lake. A gracious OLDfoyer with curved staircase greets your guest, complete with study and formal living, large family room with view of the lake, pool and spa. Great kitchenS for entertaining with granite countertops, lots of cabinet space, island and wet bar, private master suite with separate sitting area, 2 large living areas upstairs. Great balcony to enjoy views of lake! Azle ISD - REDUCED! $449,000 WATERFRONT LOT IN EAGLE MOUNTAIN LAKE! Ready for your dream home. This lot is situated on a deep canal complete with dock. Located in established SOLD neighborhood with beautiful homes. Saginaw ISD - $130,000

Call Me For More Home Listings!

Super Value! 4 bedroom custom home on 1.28 acres. No city taxes or HOA! 328 Miramar Circle


See All Of Our Listings Online At MarshaHardinRealEstate.com



Azle News

@TheAzleNews Texas Owned & Operated

Outback Acres

Weatherford Azle I.S.D.

174 Oakley Circle

174 Oakley Circle 3 bedroom, 2 bath Beatiful new home on 1 acre!

$123,900 Jackie Greenwood 817-458-9340

Blue Ridge Estates

Peaster I.S.D. Weatherford I.S.D.

134 Blue Ridge Drive 4 bedroom, 2 bath New construction! Perfectly laid out 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home! Open kitchen with 42” overhead cabinets, huge mater suite w/ walk-in closet. Won’t last long.

3732 Venera Street Fort Worth 76106 Fort Worth 76106 4 bedroom, 3 bath Open kitchen w/42” cabinets & granite counter tops, huge master suite, back up to school corner lot. 2,370 sq. ft.


Beth Skinner 817-385-7251 3604 Venera Street Fort Worth 76106 3 bed, 2½ bath Open eat-in kitchen, game room, back up to school. 1,755 sq. ft.


From 51 & Hwy 920 - Go N. on 920 past 1885 1 mile to left on Blue Ridge Dr. - Follow the LONGTIDE SIGNS!

Many Financing Options Available!

Caballito Del Mar

Lake Worth I.S.D.

$143,900 Located at I-820 & Azle Avenue

FHA VA USDA Conventional Less than perfect credit www.longtidehomes.net/apply-now.php Owner financing Available!

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