The Azle News

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Volume 64, Number 21

Azle News

Wednesday, November 4, 2015





Azle Athletic Hall of Fame 20-Page Section!



Pages 10-11A

CTEES INAUGURAL INDU plement to A Special Sup

Azle News The


‘A blessing’

2015 November 4,

The Long-Awaited Return of Blue Bell

That’s what Director Linda Williams says about leading the Community Caring Center BY MARK K. CAMPBELL When Linda Williams moved to Azle to get out of the craziness of Austin, she “just wanted to slow down.” But the executive director of the Community Caring Center discovered that her calling – the same one that had her directing a charity in Austin – was needed in Azle, too. “It's been a total blessing,” Williams said.

The CCC focuses on the 76020 Zip Code “or kids in the Azle school district. “But we don't want people to go hungry, so we will feed them and help them find help,” she said.

Sad tales Williams said she often sees neighbors who’ve had their luck turn and did not see it coming. “Things get into a downward spiral The center for some,” she said. The CCC is a Chris“They lose a job or tian organization, the get a divorce or lose director said. their house.” Linda Williams That means every Williams told the CCC director time the doors open, story of a man who the day begins with a came into the builddevotional. Clients are called “neighbors” and ing one day and began peeling off $20 the center strives “to show them God's bills – a man the center had helped earlier. love,” she noted. “He wanted to pay it forward,” she Williams says she is amazed by the said of the $200 donation. generosity of the community. She added that the facility is inunFrom CCC's beginnings in a local garage in 1982 to moving into its lat- dated by Christmas cards every Deest location in 2003, everything about cember – sent by appreciative neighbors the CCC has helped or continues the charity is volunteer-based. While the center is located at 317 to do so. The numbers of people needing aid Commerce in Azle, folks outside the immediate area are not turned away, Williams said. PLEASE SEE CCC, PAGE 2A.

Things get into a downward spiral for some.

Customers swooped in on local grocery stores when Blue Bell finally returned to shelves Nov. 2 with some patrons taking advantage of the two carton limit. Albertson’s Store Manager Jay Hinkle says there’s plenty of Blue Bell in store freezers, and Texas’ favorite ice cream manufacturer promises daily deliveries to keep the shelves stocked. Photos by Carla Noah Stutsman

Gym ‘wowing’ visiting teams BY MARK K. CAMPBELL “Wow.” That’s what visitors are saying when they step into the shiny new competition gym on the Azle High School campus. The venue is attracting much attention from volleyball playoff squads and, when fans arrive, they are impressed, Athletic Director Scott Anderson said. Already, Wichita Falls Rider faced Birdville at the AHS gym, on Nov. 2. The following day, two more matches – Kennedale-Bridgeport and Godley-Castleberry – were played. And more schools are calling, Anderson said. “We’ve had more games this week than we’ve had in 30 years,” Anderson said. “There’s a ‘wow’ factor,” he added. “Some people who maybe haven’t been to Azle in a while are getting a different impression of Azle.” While Azle ISD collects a rental fee for the gym use, the real benefit is “it’s good PR for our school district,” An- The new Azle High School gym is impressive from the outside; when playoff teams get a look at the exceptional facility from the seats, fans are exclaiming that Azle is clearly making an effort to upgrade. Photo by Mark K. Campbell derson said.

Injured Azle horse recovering thanks to 10K grant A badly-injured Quarter horse – one of three found in a roadway south of Azle on Oct. 13 – is recuperating nicely, thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Anita Berry Martin Memorial Fund. Ringo, a 10-to-12-year-old Quarter horse, was obviously neglected and had a cut on his right back leg

believed to have been sustained in a fence accident. According to officials with the Parker County Sheriff’s Office, Ringo had not had medical attention or treatment since the injury occurred, believed to have occurred two months prior. A local veterinarian, Dr. Craig Swe-

att, performed surgery and Ringo is currently undergoing laser therapy to stimulate the flesh growth around his injury several times weekly. Dr. Sweatt said he is hopeful for a full recovery for Ringo, but wants his new owner to expect several months of care.

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This Week in Azle History

Ringo is just one horse that is benefiting from the Anita Berry Martin grant, Sheriff Larry Fowler said, and he may not have had a chance otherwise. About the grant Fowler said his office was notified

last week by Community Foundation of North Texas that the Parker County Sheriff’s Office Equine Rescue Fund was awarded the $10,000 grant from the Anita Berry Martin Memorial Fund for the benefit of horses rescued PLEASE SEE FUND, PAGE 2A.

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25 Years Ago For the second year in a row, in November 1990, the Lady Hornet volleyball team, with 10 seniors, lost to Dumas – one step short of the Region I title match.

46 pages plus supplements

$1 Azle, Texas 76020


Azle News

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

CCC feeds, aids thousands here

Sprucing Up Azle High


is rising, Williams said. Around 30 families are helped every time the doors open; the CCC record is 45 in one day. Over 2,000 have been served through September, Williams said. Kinds of help Those needing assistance can receive food, clothing, spiritual help, and utility bill assistance. A dental program with Dr. Brooke Porter has been renewed. Children in the AISD are targeted weekly with backpacks. Youth in elementary through junior high receive 350 backpacks weekly, filled with foods that do not have to be cooked – crackers, tuna, protein bars, etc. “Over half of the children in the Azle school district are impoverished,” Williams said. She said younger children are excited to receive their backpacks. With major building construction complete, the focus It's a different issue with older around the Azle High School campus now is on land- junior high kids. They receive scaping. Photo by Mark K. Campbell their food in covered packaging

that they can put in their own backpacks themselves. Volunteers needed The director said there are many ways to help the CCC. The facility is always in need of plastic grocery bags. “Since June, we've used 30,000,” she noted. Williams said it takes 20-25 people to run the CCC when it's open. “Volunteers are always needed,” she said. People can pray for the facility, and, of course, any food and clothing donations are appreciated. Gift shop workers and items are needed. Cash is also essential. Williams said it costs $10,000 per month to operate the CCC – “and that's on a shoestring.” Monthly donations can be given regularly electronically. These “Caring Partners” see their contributions go a long way. Williams said for what it costs to buy a single jar of peanut butter at retail – $2.75 – the CCC can purchase 24 jars from food banks which sell items for cents on the pound. The CCC is open Monday,

Linda Williams, executive director of the Community Caring Center, says the charity benefits so many in the area – and anyone can help. Photo by Mark K. Campbell Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-11:30 a.m. On Thursday – the busiest day, Williams noted – hours are 4-6:30 p.m. You can find more information at The CCC motto is “take a

bite out of hunger” and that's what Williams and hundreds of local folks are doing, following the edict from Matthew 25:35 – For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Fund allows for caring, rehab of injured horses ■ FUND, FROM PAGE ONE.

within Parker County. “Like many Parker County residents, Anita Berry Martin was devoted to horses and wide open spaces,” said Nancy E. Jones, chief executive officer of the Community Foundation of North Texas. “We are honored to keep her legacy alive through support of local land, wildlife conservation, and equine programs.” PCSO found a great need for the grant after several abused and neglected horse cases were

generated over the last several years. Parker County Animal Control Officers have seized six horses since January of this year, all in critical need of veterinarian services due to abuse and neglect. The Community Foundation Grants Committee agreed that the Parker County Sheriff’s Office Equine Rescue Fund provides a valuable service to the community by supplying

veterinarian services to rescued horses from neglect and/or abuse cases, saving them from the potential threat of euthanization. The fund was established at the Community Foundation of North Texas in early 2013. Martin had a successful computer systems career in the ’60s and ’70s, within a male-dominated field. Her personal interest in genetics fueled her second career

in Arabian horse breeding. Her enterprise, Greystone Arabians, became one of the premiere Arabian breeding and show horse ranches in the country. Martin worked with various Arabian horse organizations to support Cook Children’s Medical Center. Based on her professional background and personal interests, family members suggested awarding North Texas agencies with funds to assist in

providing services in support of land and wildlife preservation, equine therapy or welfare. Fowler said he is extremely excited about the grant. “We couldn’t be more pleased with being awarded the grant in honor of Mrs. Anita Berry Martin,” Sheriff Fowler said. “She continually serves the needs of the equine community through this fund.” Sheriff Fowler added the grant allows the Sheriff’s Of-

fice to seek care for rescued equines without the cost of tax dollars. He said, “The need for this fund is crucial, and through the award of this grant, rescued horses have an even greater chance of surviving the abuse and neglectful situations we find them in. The Parker County Sheriff’s Office makes every effort to place all rescued equines in a permanent home.”

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Published every Wednesday at 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Azle, Texas, 76020. Postmaster: Send address changes to 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 USPS No. 546-920

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© 2015 Azle News

L-R: Marsha Hardin, Kelly Dildy, Karen Fuller, Tim Riddle, Gilda Brawley Jackson, Robert Hard, Linda Sharp, Mark Donahew, Gena Grauman, Jake Crawford and Amanda Collins.


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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Azle News

NEWS DIGEST AHS hosts CTE Open House, dedication Nov. 6 Azle High School will host an Open House for its newly-constructed Career and Technical Education Center from 5-6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6. The CTE Center will be dedicated to Dr. Ray Lea in a ceremony beginning at 5 p.m. The public is invited.

Veterans honored at Hornet pep rally Nov. 6 The Azle High School student council invites all military service members to be guests of honor at its annual Veterans’ Pep Rally at 2:25 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6 in the school’s new competition gymnasium. Veterans should call Meghan Little at 817-444-5555, ext. 5121 to RSVP by Nov. 4. It’s important to arrive on time so officials can get names and ranks for recognition during the pep rally.

Veterans sought for FW Veterans Day Parade Nov. 11 Azle VFW Post 2137 is seeking Azle-area veterans to ride on the post’s float in the Fort Worth Veterans Day Parade Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. Veterans may stop by the post at 11875 FM 730 North or call 817-444-2912 to sign up and receive additional information and instructions.

Toy donations accepted through Dec. 14 All four area White’s Funeral Homes – in Azle at 105 Denver Trail, Springtown, Weatherford, and Mineral Wells – are conducting a toy drive through Dec. 14. Toys are accepted Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. All toys – for boys or girls ages 6 months to 15 years – will be donated to the Pythian Children’s Home and local angel trees. Call 817-596-4811 for details.



There will be no trip to the State Marching Competition for Azle High School’s Marching Green Pride this year, but director Dimas Delgado says it was a successful competition season nonetheless.

MGP finishes competition season No trip to State this year for AHS band BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN The Azle High School Marching Green Pride has finished a successful competition season, and considering the band was under the direction of an almost entirely new staff, it performed extremely well, according to Director Dimas Delgado. The MGP began its 2015 competition season at the Bands of America competition in Arlington Oct. 10, where it earned a superior rating. At the Birdville ISD Marching Festival Sept. 25, the band placed third in class and won

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being named a finalist. Chisholm Trail High School moved on to compete at State with its first place finish at Area. But Azle’s second place finish there topped others in its class, including (in order of place) Boswell, Saginaw, Denton, Brewer, WF Rider, and Wichita Falls High Schools.

The MGP traveled to San Antonio Oct. 30-31 to compete in the Bands of America Super Regional Competition, where it came in 35th place out of 65 5A and 6A bands competing. “Our highest ranking came from a visual judge that had us in 10th place,” Delgado said. That’s five places higher than two years ago.”


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Best General Effect. One of only three 5A schools to make the finals at Birdville, the MGP was out-maneuvered by 6A Sachse High School and 6A James Martin High School, but placed ahead of 6A Trinity, 5A Frisco, 5A Waxahachie, and 6A Keller Central, Keller, Flower Mound and Marcus High Schools in the final round of competition. In UIL competition, the MGP received a 1st division rating for the fifth year in a row. Competing in the Area Zone A East Marching Contest, the band won second place after

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Azle News

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Spooky Science

From static electricity to inertia to a bubbling cauldron created with dry ice and dish soap, students at Silver Creek Elementary got to sample some Spooky Science Friday, Oct. 30. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman

AHS mathletes compete at Highland Park The Azle High School math and science team competed at the Highland Park High School inaugural UIL math and science tournament Saturday, Oct. 31. There were no team or sweep-

stakes awards given, but the Azle bunch brought home seven individual awards. Senior William Little finished third in the general science contest; Carl Bertch, also a senior,

placed fifth in the calculator applications contest; and senior Zach Boemer took fifth in the general science contest. Junior Shawn Kim placed second in the calculator applica-

tions contest. Sophomore Jennifer Wang placed second in the number sense contest and in the general mathematics contest. “This was the team’s second tournament of the young season and it is still apparent the team has room to grow with respect to acquiring knowledge,” math and science coach Andy Zapata said. “Hopefully with more practice – lots more – the team members


will continue to improve in getting ready for their next competition.” Earlier team competed at the Edinburg Vela tournament and held its own against some of the top 6A teams in the state. The lone junior on the team, Kim, finished 5th in the calculator contest and 6th in the general mathematics contest. AHS sophomores won the most trophies for the Azle bunch at this meet.

Jennifer Wang placed 2nd in the number sense contest. Marlee Mazza picked up 3rd place award for her efforts in the number sense contest. Skylar Ingram also finished 3rd in the number sense contest. Freshman Jake Zehntner brought home 4th place in calculator and 6th in his division of the general mathematics contest. “In the end our team is better for the competition,” said Zapata.

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Representing Azle High School at the inaugural High- Faced with a Drinking Problem? land Park UIL Math and Science Tournament are: (back, Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. l-r) Eramist Haskins, Jennifer Wang, Marlee Mazza, and Shawn Kim; and (front): William Little, Zach Boemer, Call (817) 922-9859 Carl Bertsch, and Missy Cashion. 104 S. Stewart St. • Azle Daily meetings at Noon & 6:30 pm

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Twin Lakes Water Supply has filed an application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas to Obtain a Certificate and Necessity for the provision of water utility service in Tarrant County. The proposed utility service area is located approximately 2 miles northwest of the intersection of Jacksboro Highway and FM 1886 in Lakeside, Texas, and is generally bounded on the north by State Highway 199 (Jacksboro Highway); on east by Texas Highway 199 Frontage Road ; on the south by Nine Mile Bridge Road; and on the west by Tenderfoot Trail. The total area for the water CCN being requested consists of facility lines plus 200 feet, encompassing approximately 30 acres which includes 38 current customers. A copy of the proposed service area map is available at: Twin Lakes Water Supply, 11617 Little Leaf Ct. West Fort Worth, Texas 76135 or by calling (817) 344-8932, A request for a public hearing must be in writing. You must state (1) your name, mailing address and daytime telephone number (2) the applicant’s name, application number or another recognizable reference to this application; (3) the statement, “I / we request a public hearing”, (4) a brief description of how you or the persons you represent, would be adversely affected by the granting of the application for a CCN; and (5) your proposed adjustment to the application or CCN which would satisfy your concerns and cause you to withdraw your request for a hearing. Persons who wish to intervene or comment should write the: Public Utility

Commission of Texas, Central Records, 1701 N. Congress, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, TX 78711-3326, within thirty (30) days from the date of this publication or notice. A public

hearing will be held only if a legally sufficient hearing request is received or if the Commission on its own motion requests a hearing. Only those individuals who submit a written hearing request or a written request to be notified if a hearing is set will receive notice if a hearing is scheduled. If a public hearing is requested, the Commission will not issue the CCN and will forward the application to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) for a hearing. If no settlement is reached and an evidentiary hearing is held, SOAH will submit a recommendation to the Commission for final decision. If an evidentiary hearing is held, it will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trail in state district court. If you are a landowner with a tract of land at least 25 acres or more, that is partially or wholly located within the proposed area, you may request to be excluded from the proposed area (or “opt out”) by providing written notice to the Commission within (30) days from the date that notice was provided by the applicant. All request to opt out of the requested service area must include a scaled, general location map and a metes and bounds description of the tract of land. Persons who meet the requirements to opt out, and wish to request this option should file the required documents with the: Public Utility Commission of Texas, Central Records, 1701 N. Congress, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, TX 78711-3326. A copy of the request to opt out of the proposed are must also be sent to the applicant. Staff may request additional information regarding your request. Si desea informacion en Espanol, puede llamar al 1-512-936-7221

Azle News


DeWitt is new sheriff’s deputy

Reno Toys for Tots deadline is Dec. 15

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

There’s a new sheriff in Parker County – a new sheriff’s deputy, to be exact. Due to the retirement of Courthouse Sheriff’s Deputy Ruben Pasamonte, Parker County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike DeWitt began serving dual duties at the Parker County North Annex, located at 1020 East Hwy 199 in Springtown, on Oct. 26. Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said the new position was created in an effort to adapt to county growth while saving tax dollars. “It’s a simple solution – we wanted to adjust the position to accommodate the need for deputy services, and better utilize the position for the community while serving the citizens,” Fowler said. DeWitt will serve dual duties as a courthouse deputy and a station deputy, and Fowler said DeWitt has the experience to man the position and will handle all security, walk-in station complaints, and reports. Annual registrations of sex offenders from Springtown and nearby areas will contact DeWitt. The number to contact the station deputy for Parker County north area reports, call backs, complaints, and for sex offender’s registry is (817) 594-8845. The new deputy’s hours will be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The current station deputy’s position at the Sheriff’s Office in Weatherford will be rotated by existing deputies, eliminating the need for another position. “Although we are happy for the retirement and service of Deputy Ruben Pasamonte, we are sad to see him leave,” said Fowler. “His leaving creates a need. “This new decision is a win/win situation all-around,” Fowler added. “We couldn’t be more pleased with this resolution.”

Still WaterS Retreat Center

BY NATALIE GENTRY On Nov. 9, the City of Reno will begin accepting gifts for children through the 2015 Toys for Tots initiative. This campaign is designed to provide Christmas presents for needy families in the area. Applications are available at the Reno City Hall, 195 West Reno Road. In order to participate in the The City of Reno is again accepting applications program, applicants will need for the Toys for Tots program for area residents who proof of Social Security numneed help this Christmas. Photo courtesy of the City of Reno ber, proof of residency, such as

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a lease agreement or utility bill, and proof of guardianship or a birth certificate for the child. Applicants do not have to be Reno residents to apply. The deadline for applications is Dec. 15. The City is also accepting donations of toys or clothes to help facilitate the initiative. Donations may be dropped off at City Hall. For information, contact Scott Passmore at Reno City Hall or call 817-221-2500.

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Azle News

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Obituaries Jack Eugene “Popa” Spurrier 1932-2015

Jack Eugene “Popa” Spurrier, an Azle resident since 1951 passed away at home on Nov. 2, 2015. Funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at Cornerstone Community Church. Interment will be held at Azleland Memorial Park. Visitation is from 6 - 8 p.m. Thursday at White’s Funeral Home. Jack was born Monday, April 11, 1932 in Breckenridge, he was the youngest of six children. After the death of his father in January 1933, his brother, Snooks became his father figure. He moved to Fort Worth in 1947 and graduated in 1950 from North Side High School. In June of that year, he married his future life-long partner, Sally Beth Thatcher. He began his painting career in 1948 and retired in April 1997. Over the years, he became proficient at his profession, adding many facets to it such as drywall, cabinetry, and trimming. Since one of his life goals was to own his home, he expanded that goal and helped build six of his seven children a home. Creating was in his

blood. He crafted cross-stitch frames and plates, made musical shakers, whittled figurines and designed whirly gigs. He was known not just as a painter but as an artist of his trade. At times his children accompanied him to work, where he taught them the responsibility of working hard and producing a quality product. His teachings, which were many, did not stop there. He attributed his ability to rise each time to his faith. In 1962, he became a Christian. It was simple for him; he just prayed the sinners’ prayer at home and began his journey to his heavenly home. The road twisted and winded by many people and a few churches. It began at Jaybird Assembly of God and ended at Cornerstone Community Church. His faith in God was deep. Jack was preceded in death by his wife, Sally Thatcher Spurrier; parents, Jesse Geter and Annie Caladonia Lail Spurrier; brothers, W.G. Spurrier, W. F. Spurrier, D. A. Spurrier, R.R. Spurrier; and grandsons, Jonathan and Zachary. Survivors include children, Debra and Chris Morrison, Tommy and Judy Spurrier, Dan and Luanne Spurrier, Ruthann and Marvin Hull, Maribeth and Ray Landers, Johnna and Brian Morris, Dawn and Van Davison; sister, Melba Geeslin; 22 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren and many loving friends.

Robert “Bob” A. Legge’ 1930-2015

Robert “Bob” A. Legge’, 85, of Azle, passed away Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, due to complications from surgery. Funeral service was held at 3 p.m. Sunday Nov. 1, 2015 in Biggers Funeral Chapel. Interment was at 12:30 p.m. Monday Nov. 2, 2015 in Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery. Robert was born Feb. 8, 1930, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bob grew up on Galveston Island. After high school he joined the Army Air Forces where he proudly served on the island of Okinawa during the Korean War. Bob Legge’ and Judy McDonald were married in 1955. Together they raised four chil-

It’s Never Too Late


Jonelle M Daniel

Mary Beagles, 89, a loving mother, and grandmother passed away peacefully, Monday, Nov. 2, 2015, at home surrounded by those who loved her. Graveside service will be held at 12:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 6, 2015 at Goshen Cemetery in Springtown with a visitation

After the death of Mr. Taylor on Oct. 19, 2015, our family was blessed in many ways. We offer our thanks to the nurses, doctors, cafeteria, & administrators at Texas Health Azle for their excellent care and concern; First Baptist Church of Azle for meals, childcare, rides for family members, and prayers; Pastor Lee Sipe & Pastor Greg Peay for their visits and prayers; Envoy Hospice nurses, doctor and chaplains for their expertise; Ashwood Park neighborhood for their meals, rides for family members, childcare, prayers, plants, and offers of help; & friends who provided childcare and support. Mr. Lynn Taylor Family

The Azle News, Nov. 4, 2015 Edition

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The Azle News, Nov. 4, 2015 Edition

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Lynn Elton Taylor

Etta Fields Meshall

Etta Fields Meshall, 91, passed away Monday, Nov. 2, 2015.

Midland National Bank. Kenneth retired from Unocal Oil and went to work for Williams Company in Houston. At that time, she went to work for a bank in Houston. She and Kenneth retired and returned to Midland in 1986. They lived in Midland until 2006 when they moved to Azle to be near their daughter and sonin-law. After Kenneth’s death, she moved to Cedar Park so that her son and daughter-inlaw could care for her. She was a member of the Ash Creek Baptist Church in Azle and was a long time member of the Crestview Baptist Church of Midland. Mrs. McCraw was preceded in death by her parents; husband; daughter, Karen Burkett; grandson, Kevin Burkett; brothers, LaRue Smiley and Lewis M. Smiley, Jr.; and sister, Mary Louise Ingram. Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Ken and Lynn McCraw of Cedar Park; Son-in-law, David Burkett of Azle; grandchildren, Kami Burkett Scheller and husband Kevin of Fort Worth, Micah McCraw of Cedar Park and Sarah McCraw of Dallas; great-grandson, Kade Scheller; brother, Bill Smiley of Troup and sister, Joann Hanna of Loveland, Colorado.


Terry W. Wasek

Celebration of Life will be held at 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday at the B.J. Clark Community Center, 601 SE Parkway, Azle, 76020. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to DAVA Scholarship Fund: 3725 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, KY, 41076. Etta was born Nov. 25, 1923 in Goodland, Kansas to George and Alta Kirby Green. Survivors include children, Martha Price, Eugene Fields, George Fields, and Mary Choate; sister, Alyce Thompson; 12 grandchildren; and 13 greatgrandchildren.


Mrs. Sarah Beth McCraw, 93, of Cedar Park passed away Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015 in Cedar Park. Graveside services were held 11 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015 in the Cotton Gin Cemetery with the Reverend Michael Vestal officiating. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, Ash Creek Baptist Church of Azle or to the charity of your choice. Please visit to leave the family a memorial message. Mrs. McCraw was born July 22, 1922 in Kirvin, Texas to The Azle News, Lewis Marion and Mary ElizNov. 4, 2015 Edition abeth Batchelor Smiley. On July 6, 1941 she married Kenneth L. McCraw in Mexia, Texas and after nearly 70 years of marriage, Kenneth passed away on May 8, 2011. The Azle News, Sarah worked in retail sales Nov. 4, 2015 Edition prior to her employment by starting at 11 a.m. at the funeral home. Mary was born, July 5, 1926 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Louise L. and Rosa Owens Skinner. They both preceded her in death, along with her husband, Lewis Beagles; sisters, Anna and Novella and brother, Bill. Are You Ready to Get Healthy? Survivors include children, Have your own personal trainer? Are you tired of all the fad diets? Billy Hughes and wife Joan, Would you like to learn how to eat right? Cherrill Sullivan and husband, Learn good nutrition and never be hungry, and at the same time get motivated? Tay, Annette Landers, Rusty • Improve Flexibility • Feel Stronger • Build Endurance Hughes and Melanie Pettis • Lose Body Fat • Gain Muscle • Increase Self Esteem • Live Healthier and husband, Carl; grandchilC dren, Melissa, Travis, Rodney, Live Healthier Jodi, Stacy and Christy; greatPROFESSIONAL – QUALITY – PRIVATE grandchildren, Dusty, Brittany, If You Would Like To Receive Results Like These From Your Workout ... Breanna, Cody, Kenna, Luke 817-237-0381 home and Casey; and two great-great817-706-0419 cell grandchildren. Alexander MidCALL TODAY! Jonelle way Funeral Home, Springtown, For The Best In Personal Training McDaniel 817-677-2634. 30 years of experience 72 yrs.

Mary Beagles

The Azle News, Nov. 4, 2015 Edition

Terry was born March 22, 1956 in Fort Worth and raised in Azle. He graduated from Azle High School in 1974. He was a truck driver for many years and was an avid drag car race fan. Terry was preceded in death by his father, Henry Wasek of Azle. Survivors include wife, Stephanie Wasek; daughter, Natalie both of Azle; two sisters, Karen Mackey and husband Larry of Azle, Cynthia Arnell and husband Roy of Lake Terry W. Wasek, 59 of Azle Worth and many nieces and passed away on Sunday Oct. 18, nephews. 2015. Services were held at The The Azle News, Lighthouse Baptist Church in Nov. 4, 2015 Edition Azle, on Oct. 21, 2015.

dren. He worked as a prominent builder/developer in the MidCities area until his retirement in 1985. Mr. Legge’ was loved, respected and revered by many during his lifetime. Bob was preceded in death by his parents, Sylvester and Vesta Faye Legge’; sisters, Gloria Robertson and Joann Brandt; brother, John Edward Legge’; and son-in-law, Larry Corley. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Judy; son, Mark Legge’; daughters, Toni Legge’ Corley, Cara Legge’ Smith and Gina Legge’; sons-in-law, Mark Smith, Jim Schluter and Jerry Barrow; grandchildren, Jason Legge’ and wife, Andrea, Justin Legge’, Jerrod Legge’, Amy Rios and husband, Miguel, Deric Corley, Chris Smith, Gerron Smith, Chanda Schluter and husband, Jacob Bryan, and Logan Schluter; great-grandchildren, Daylinn and Lianah Rios, Kaylynn Legge’ and Nathan and Luke Bryan; sister, Helen Schneider; brother-in-law, Clifford Brandt; sister-in-law, Alice Legge’; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

Sarah Beth McCraw

Lynn Taylor died on Oct. 19, 2015 in Azle after 10 years with Alzheimer’s. A memorial was held on Oct. 23, 2015 at First Baptist Church in Azle, Texas with Pastor Lee Sipe officiating. A military memorial will be conducted during the summer at Ft. Logan Cemetery, Denver, Colorado. Contributions may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project. Lynn was born Jan. 5, 1943

in Denver, Colorado. He enjoyed walking up to five miles a day, even twelve days before his death. His earlier interests were skiing, hunting, fishing, cooking, singing, traveling, camping, reading, dancing, and visiting family. Lynn served in the Army Vet. Corp., graduated from CSU, and was a union Left to Right: Richard Woodman, Jim Cleaver, Andy Browning, Jillian Johnston, boilermaker. He attended First Anita White, Bob White, Kari Drake, Bruce Duncan & Robert Sheffield Baptist Church in Azle. Full Service Funeral Home Survivors include his mother, Margaret; his wife, Sharon; Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans sons, Hy, Iilani and Vilseck of Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford Germany and son, Cody and Katie of Westminster, Colora817-444-3211 • do; daughter, Kari and Jeremy of Azle; grandchildren, Justin, Jereme, Ke’alii, Job, Noah, Shelby Bob Jandel, Kohilani, Faith, GenI’m a kitten that loves to Hello! I’m a spayed female evieve, and Hope; great-grandmeow and wants your Shepard mix. I’m a little daughters, Sophia, and Alena. hand on my head. shy but love some loving. Take me home for only $60. The Azle News, Nov. 4, 2015 Edition

817-594-2747 • Fax 817-596-7803 1-800-593-2747 James R. Plowman Norma Plowman

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All dogs at the shelter over 60 days are half price!


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Next Clinic: November 17, 2015

The shelter is accepting Pedigree Dog Food & Purina Kitten Chow donations to help the animals.








There are 12 games listed in advertisements on this page. To enter, pick the winner and write the name of that team in the appropriate blank on the official entry form. Mail or deliver the form to: Azle News at 321 W. Main St., Azle, Texas 76020, by 5:00 PM FRIDAY. (Limit one entry per person) Entries will be tabulated weekly and the results published in that week’s issue of the Azle News. The fi rst place winner each week will receive $20, the second place winner $10 and the third place winner $5. The tie breaker will be used to determine placings. In case of a tie, the money will be divided equally. To pick the tie breaker, predict the total number of points in the selected game and enter in the appropriate space on the offi cial entry form. All entries become the property of the Azle News. Please write clearly and be sure to enter your pick in the correct blank.

5. Springtown at Castleberry

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Azle News

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Dr. Michael D. Conte

Mon.-Thurs.: 11 am-9 pm Fri.-Sat.: 11 am-10 pm Sunday: CLOSED

3. _____________________________

6. _____________________________


4. Chisholm Trail

Deadline for entries 5 p.m. Friday!

2. _____________________________

Winners can pick up their checks at the Azle News office after Thursday.


OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM 1. _____________________________


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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11. NY Giants at Tampa Bay Buccaneers


8/26/11 8:55 AM

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Azle News

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hoover 2nd in math event

Keltner-King Marry

The Hoover Elementary math and science team competed in a meet Oct. 24 at Azle Junior High, bringing home the 2nd place number sense team trophy. Individual winners include:

5th grade: Wyatt Brooks, 6th place in number sense, 10th place in calculator, 8th place in math and 7th place in science; Manny Reyes, 6th place in number sense, 8th place in calculator, 3rd place in math and 5th place in science.

6th grade: Isaiah Davidson, 3rd place in number sense, 9th place in math; Josie Davidson, 7th place in number sense and 9th place in calculator; Maria Ingram, 7th place in science; and Sammy Reyes, 10th place in math.

Fourth Graders Perform

Liberty Elementary’s fourth graders shone performing Aesop’s Five Famous Fables for family, friends, and other students Oct. 22. They are directed by music teacher Megan Coronado. Photo courtesy Liberty Elementary

Carrie Keltner, formerly of Azle, and Audy King, formerly of Springtown, were united in marriage in a private outdoor ceremony at 6 p.m. Oct. 17. The bride is the daughter of Gary and Marsha Keltner, formerly of Azle; the groom is the son of Don and Pat King of Springtown.

LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Public Sale will be Saturday, November 14, 2015. 9:15 a.m. Sign-in and 9:30 a.m. Bidding. Sale will be at AZCO SELF STORAGE, 11400 FM 730 N., Azle, Texas 76020. 817-444-7066. Items being sold to satisfy tenant(s) unpaid rent. Unit numbers and names are as follows: B13 Kayla Smith; 3 Karen McCormick; 59 Faith Palmer; 62 Craig Hart; 68 Chris Kaminskas; 116 Greg Smith; 120 Veronica Rhodes; 128 Jana Allcorn - all household items, fridge, washer, dryer, speakers, drums, wire shelving, bedroom/living room furniture, baby/kid’s stuff, school desks, etc. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Azle will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2015 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 613 Southeast Parkway to consider a change to the City of Azle’s Zoning Ordinance by adding a new definition for a Free Standing Emergency Medical Care Facility and by amending Section 4.10, Permitted Use Schedule, by adding a Free Standing Emergency Medical Care Facility to the schedule.

Photo by Mark K. Campbell

The American Legion


Houston M. Taylor Memorial Post 356


Monthly Meetings Third Tuesday, 7:00 PM at 404 W. Main, Azle


POST MEETINGS One meeting per month 2nd Thursday - 7:00 PM

The Finish Line

Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 7on7, Football, Cheer, Soccer (coming soon) Ages 4-14 817.944.0940


Looking for experienced soccer players to tryout for U10 Hornets. No older than 10 years of age. Interested call 817-444-5742 to schedule tryout. Tryouts are sponsored by Azle Soccer Academy. www.AzleSoccerAcademy

Optimist Club of Azle

for 1 Year

Azle ISD Board President Bill Lane (left) congratulates Representative Charlie Geren after he was given an official proclamation lauding him for his support of the district. October was declared “Representative Charlie Geren Appreciation Month.” The politician said, “Azle is my pride and joy,” and he added that the recognition was “an incredible honor.”

meets every Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. MOE’S COUNTRY KITCHEN 316 W. MAIN, AZLE

Only $20 For the latest news and updates

AISD Honors Geren


Online Subscription

Addiction wants to destroy you & everyone around you. With Jesus GET BACK there is Victory IN THE over addiction. RACE! Meetings held every Friday from 7:30pm-9:30pm at The Church at Azle 1801 S. Stewart • Azle • 817-401-8513

Good N.E.W.S.




Volunteer Caregiver Our Volunteers Training Classes Make a Classes open to public Difference! at no charge

Caregiver Volunteer Meeting 1st Monday of Each Month at 6pm 817-444-2300 133 E. Main St., Ste. B

Azle Lodge No. 601

Meets every FRIDAY at 6:45 A.M.

Floor School or Work 7:30 PM THURSDAY NIGHT

Moe’s Country Kitchen 316 W. Main, Azle

Shane Vaughn - Worshipful Master Stan Laxton - Secretary

Azle Little League

Baseball/Softball for kids ages 5-14 Contact us regarding Spring & Fall seasons.


Rotary Club of Azle

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Azle will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2015 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 613 Southeast Parkway to consider a request to rezone a 7.49 acre tract of land located in the M.E.P. & P.R.R. CO. Survey, Abstract No. 1142, City of Azle, Tarrant County, Texas The applicant is requesting a zoning change from the Estate 3 (E-3) District to the Planned Development District to allow for the development of 29 residential lots. The property is generally located along the west side of Kimbrough Road between Skinner Drive and Ascot Way. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas Property Code, SANDY BEACH SELF STORAGE which is located at 11109 Liberty School Road, Azle, Texas 76020 will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy a landlord’s lien. Sale will be at 10:00 a.m. on November 14, 2015 at 11109 Liberty School Road, Azle, Texas 76020. Property will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. Seller reserves right to not accept any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property in each space may be sold item-by-item, in batches or by the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of following tenants, with brief description of contents in each space. TENANT’S COMPLETE NAME as shown on rental agreement: Dennis Hansford #128; Chance McDonnell #95; Cyndi Newman #81; Jarrett Crawford #73; Kanyen Wilson #40; Anna-Dia Tricksey #39 - all misc. household.

Azle SCHOOL MENU BREAKFAST: GRADES PK-4th •• $1.25 GRADES 5-12th •• $1.25 Employees....$1.50 Guests ...$1.50

LUNCH: GRADES PK-4th •• $2.00 GRADES 5-12th •• $2.20 Employees....$2.75 Guests....$3.00

NOV. 9 - NOV. 13 A La Carte Items Milk/Juice 75¢ • Bottled water 75¢ • Ice Cream 75¢ Gold Card Guests....$2.75

PreK - 4 t h


Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, White or Chocolate Milk

MON - Breakfast Sausage Pizza, Cinnamon Glazed French Toast TUE - Breakfast Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Breakfast Apple Bar WED - Breakfast Chicken Sandwich, Breakfast Parfait THU - Pancake & Sausage FRI - Sausage Breakfast Pizza, Egg & Potato Taco LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Chicken Nuggets with Breadstick, Meatball Sub, Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Turkey Chef Salad, Mashed Potatoes TUES - Alfredo Pasta with Breadstick, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Chicken Fajita Wrap, Greek Salad WED - Soft Shell Beef Taco, Mexican Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Crispy Chicken Sandwich, American Sub, Chicken Salad THU - Sweet & Sour Chicken with Brown Rice, Turkey Hot Dog, Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Chicken BLT Salad FRI - Frito Pie, Steamed Corn, Green Beans, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Crispy Chicken Wrap, Garden Salad



412 Commerce St. (across from Azle Post Office)


GRADES 5th - 8th Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, Toast with Jelly, Milk

MON -Sausage Breakfast Pizza, Breakfast Parfait TUES - Egg McMuffin, Apple Breakfast Bar WED - Breakfast Chicken Sandwich THU - Cinnamon French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon & Toast with Jelly FRI - Breakfast Bagel, Sausage Breakfast on a Stick


Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza. Choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice

MON - Chicken Nuggets, Ham & Cheese Pita, Beef Tamales, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches TUE - Chicken Potato Bowl, Chicken Salad Sub, Beef, Bean & Cheese Burrito, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches WED - Mini Cheese Ravioli, Ham & Cheese Pita, Tostada With Rice, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches THU - Chicken Pesto, Flatbread, Veggie Lovers Wrap, Beef, Bean & Cheese Tostada, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches FRI - Teriyaki Chicken with Fried Rice, Chicken BLT Salad, Chicken Fajitas, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches HIGH SCHOOL


Meets 2nd & 4th TUESDAY 6:30 PM 412 Commerce Curren McLane - president

Azle Youth Association

Everyday - Assorted Fruit, Juices, Toast, Cold Cereal, Milk, Breakfast Pizza, Scrambled Eggs MON - Breakfast Bagel, Sausage Breakfast Pizzas, PopTarts, Toast TUE - Egg & Potato Taco, Breakfast Pizza, PopTarts, Toast WED - Cinnamon Roll, Sausage, Breakfast Pizza, PopTarts, Toast THU - Breakfast Skillet Bowl, Breakfast Sausage Pizza, Blueberry Muffins FRI - Egg & Cheese Sandwich, PopTarts, Toast PopTarts LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza & salads. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON -Meatloaf, Dinner Roll, Mashed Potatoes, Pepper Gravy, Green Peas, Yellow Squash TUE - Chicken Potato Bread, Stick Corn, Green Beans WED - Chicken Nuggets, Breadstick, Mashed Potatoes, Pepper Gravy, Green Beans THU - Turkey & Gravy with Brown Rice, Veggie Wrap, Pasta Salad FRI- Chicken Teriyaki with Stir Fry Vegetables, Green Beans, Refried Beans

This menu is sponsored by ...

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Hey Parents! Don’t Miss Out On The ONLY Paper That Prints Your Hometown News On YOUR KIDS!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Azle News

SENIOR SPOTLIGHT BY SUE TURNIPSEED The B. J. Clark Community Center is the meeting place for those over 60 years young to meet and have fellowship and a balanced meal for a voluntary donation of $2. On Friday mornings, the bridge players enjoy getting together to play bridge and they welcome the ones who want to learn to play. You may want to get involved and learn to play. Last Friday there was a Halloween party at the Center sponsored by White’s Funeral Home. This was a time of fun and door prizes, and many

Ribbon Cutting

dressed in costume. There was a cakewalk, punch, and treats for all. Meals are ordered from Valley Foods the day before they are served. Call 817-444-0070 before noon on the day before you plan to eat and a meal will be ordered for you. The menu for the week of Nov. 9-13 includes chili on Tuesday and hamburgers on Thursday. The tour of the AT&T Stadium was a lot of fun for those who went on the field trip last Thursday. Stay tuned for the next trip. Veterans will be honored

on Veterans Day. They have helped keep this country free and strong and are due honor for their service. If you are a veteran call by noon Nov. 10 and reserve a free meal for noon on Nov. 11. The exercise classes are in the Emanuel Building. For times of the class of your choice call 817-444-0070 and then join in for a time of fun and exercise. Friday, Nov. 6, will be distribution of food bank items; the monthly nutrition program will be presented by Phyllis Nelson.

AZLE POLICE BLOTTER Officers with the Azle Police Department arrested the following individuals during the week of Oct. 25-31: • Clyde Leroy Hodge, Jr., 50, of Azle, was arrested Oct. 25 in the 200 block of Wells Burnett Road and charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member. Hodge posted $2,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail Oct. 26. • Angela Marie Kent, 28, of Azle, was arrested Oct. 26 in the 100 block of Industrial Ave-

nue and charged with theft less than $2,500 with two or more previous convictions, evading arrest or detention and assault on a public servant. Kent was transported to the Parker County jail where she remained Nov. 3 in lieu of $25,000 bond – $10,000 each for the assault and theft charges and $5,000 for the evading charge. Azle police arrested four additional individuals for warrants issued by various law enforcement agencies.

GIEB Veterinary Clinic

The Azle Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for Farmers Insurance-Wallace Agency Oct. 22 at the company’s office at 1341 Southeast Parkway Suite 102 in Azle. Carrie Wallace is a new Farmers Insurance Agent in the Azle area and she’s eager to hit the ground running and meet lots of people within the Azle community. Wallace can be reached at 817-308-2298 or you can visit her Facebook page at Photo by Sam Brownback

Angela Marie Kent

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November Special

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12 businesses participating! Enter contest for a chance to win a $25 gift card from each of the Azle Main Street’s Finest businesses listed below! • Moe’s Dinner • Devine Justice • Azle Appliance Repair • The Ceramic Store • Ladybug Quilt Fabric • Country Cottage

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Corner FM 730 S. & Veal Station Rd. Sunday School ......................9:45 am Morning Worship .................10:50 am Evening Worship ....................6:00 pm Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm Pastor: Jay Ditty Minister of Music: David Musick Church 817-444-2325



Life Development, Chosen Student Ministries, Kidz Zone - All Services .....7:00 pm

Pastor: Paul Brownback 817-444-1211 10400 Jacksboro Highway Morning Worship ....................10:30 am Wed: Youth & Family Night ......7:00 pm

Corner FM 730S & FM 1886 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Worship Service ...................10:30 am Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm 817-270-8476 Pastor - Jon Baker Music Minister - Lloyd McCarroll, Jr. Transporation Available

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Main Street Azle


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Scot Flowers 817.602.8840


Assembly of God Church Hwy. 199 & Jaybird Lane Pastor: Gary D. Veazey Morning Worship .................10:30 am Kidz Zone .............................10:30 am Wednesday Evening

FOREST HILL CONVENTION CENTER 6901 Wichita Street • Forest Hill, Texas 76140

$15 OFF


300 South Stewart St. Sunday School ..........................9:30 am Contemporary Worship-TMP ..10:45 am Traditional Worship ...............10:45 am Evening Worship .......................6:00 pm Wednesday Youth Refuge..........6:00 pm Wednesday Evening ..................6:15 pm Pastor: Dr. G. Wesley Shotwell 817-444-3219

Friday, November 6 ................................. 2pm - 6pm Saturday, November 7 ............................. 9am - 5pm Sunday, November 8 ............................... 9am - 3pm

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1020 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-4903 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Morning Worship .................10:30 am Sunday Evening Serv. ............6:00 am Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Pastor: Tim Stevens


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US Hwy. 287 South • Decatur, Texas



Pastor: JoAnne Swehosky 4795 E. Hwy 199 - Reno 817-221-HOPE Sunday School .......................9:00 am Traditional Service ...............10:00 am

7200 Robertson Rd. • Ft. Worth Sr. Pastor Frank W. Briggs 817-237-2758 EAGLE MOUNTAIN Classic Service ..........................8:30 am UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Contemporary Service 9:45 & 11:15 am 7955 Reed Road, Azle Lighthouse Christian Academy: Directions: FM 730 N., 5 miles to Reed Preschool, Private Kindergarten FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rd. - turn & go 1/2 mile - church on right 200 Church St., Azle • 817-444-3323 Pastor, Nancy Nold Morn. Worship 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 am GOOD SHEPHERD Ch. 817-444-0226 Sunday School ........ 9:45 & 11:00 am LUTHERAN CHURCH Morning Worship .................11:00 am Youth (UMYF) .........5:00 p.m. Sunday 1313 S.E. Pkwy, Azle Sunday School .....................10:00 am & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 817-237-4822 • Missouri Synod “Open hearts, open minds, open doors” Pastor: Dr. Scott Youngblood Worship Service ...... 8:15 &11:00 am CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School .......................9:45 am COMMUNITY BIBLE 2233 Hwy 199 E. • Springtown FELLOWSHIP CHURCH “Christians growing in Jesus, sharing His 817-221-LIFE (5433) 1405 Reynolds Rd., Azle • 817-444-7117 love with all” Sunday School ...................... 9:00 am Directions: 730 N. to 1542 .5 mi. right Sunday Worship Service .....10:00 am on Cardinal, left on Reynolds ST. THOMAS Sunday Evening Worship ......6:00 pm Pastor - Rev. Fred Weaver 817-444-3181 CATHOLIC CHURCH Wednesday ...........................7:00 pm Rev. Faye Mote 817-220-5734 2920 Azle Ave. • 817-624-2184 Sunday School .......................9:45 am HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Daily Mass - Mon., Wed,, Thur., Fri..8 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am Reconciliation .... Sat. 3:30 or by appt. 800 Highcrest Dr. - Azle - 817-444-3063 Sunday Evening .....................6:00 pm Sunday Mass ........................9:00 am Weekend Masses .......... Sat. 4:00 pm Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Wednesday Mass ...................6:30 pm SUNDAY ...... 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 noon First Friday ..........................6:30 pm Sunday Night Youth ..............6:00 pm & 1:30 pm (Spanish)


(Disciples of Christ) 117 Church St. • 817-444-3527 Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Alan Lobaugh Youth Minister, Will Ryan Sunday School .....................10:00 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am

ST. ANNE’S CHURCH (Episcopal/Anglican) 6055 Azle Ave., Lake Worth 817-237-1888 Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Roger Grist Early Worship w/Communion... 8:00 am Sunday School (Adults-Jr.H.). ....9:15 am (Nursery Available) Choral Worship w/Communion.....10:30 am Children’s Church ..........................10:30 am

A church alive is worth the drive! For more information or rates on listing your church, Call Johnna at 817-270-3340



Wednesday, November 4, 2015


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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

BRIDGE OUT! For Longer than Expected Because of Rain

North Texas has seen floods, then drought so far in 2015, so recent rains have once again been welcome. But the rainfall has impacted construction of the bridge across Ash Creek on South Stewart Street negatively. Four inches last week washed out newly-laid road base, and while crews have worked madly to repair and relay the base, more rain is in the forecast for Thursday, Nov. 5 – before the road base will be able to dry out so asphalt can be applied. Now, crews are looking to the end of November to finish up construction so traffic can be resumed. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Keep moving the sticks forward


hat does a “first down” look like for your church, organization, business, or family? Another NFL quarterback had an amazing losing game on Sunday. The New York Giants’ Eli Manning threw for 350 yards, 6 touchdowns, and no interceptions as his team scored 49 points. But it wasn’t enough to win since Drew Brees threw for 511 yards and 7 touchdowns for the 52-49 win by the New Orleans Saints. Not a proud moment for the defensive coaches or players for either team. I watched some of the game and at one point heard the commentators say that the best thing either team could do was to keep their offense on the field as long as possible to minimize the scoring of the other team’s offense. Big plays and scores can happen quickly in the NFL and, as I have said before, the only way to guarantee a win is to score more points than the other team. But if 49 points is not enough, maybe keeping the ball out of the hands of the opponent is a really good strategy. So, how can a team LIFE MATTERS do that? By sustaining long, time of possession consuming drives. And that hap- Gerry Lewis pens by making one first down after another. In the 13 games that have already been played in week 8, the teams that scored the most points were 13-0. No surprise. Teams that had the greatest time of possession were 7-6. Teams with the most first downs were 8-5. What that means is that winning time of possession and first downs does not guarantee a win, but does increase your team’s chances of winning. So, now I go back to my original question. What does a “first down” look like in your context? In real life, scoring is harder to measure. So is competition. But, once we can figure out what a first down looks like, it is much easier to know if we are achieving them. Here’s what I know about first downs: 1. They are goal oriented. On the football field, the goal line is fixed. In real life, we have to set our goals and the only goals that you absolutely cannot reach are the ones you never set. Philippians 3:14 says, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” 2. They are forward facing. So often in life, fear and failure cause us to shrink back and live by memory instead of vision. A first down cannot happen by going backward. Ecclesiastes 7:10 says, “Do not say, ‘Why were the old days better than these?’ For it is not wise to ask such questions.” So what goals has God given you that are drawing your focus forward in your church, organization, business, or family? Our lives matter so much to God that He wants to help us make one first down after another toward fulfilling His purposes. Azle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis is director of missions for the Harvest Baptist Association, which is headquartered in Decatur. He writes a blog at

OK, what doesn’t cause cancer?!


t just keeps getting worse. Now experts – i.e., the Internet – say that bacon will give you cancer. Today, it’s much easier to make a list of what doesn’t give you cancer than what does. The latest target of experts is processed meats and bacon. According to the World Health Organization – whoever they are – eating those yummy foods is “as dangerous as smoking.” I’m not the greatest eater of nutritious food. Last Sunday after church, all my adult friends had a salad with a variety of greens and other items that they

eaten more proswear are delicious cessed meat than but just look like any human. My what I dig out of sandwich taken to the underside of the school every day for mower every sumyears and years was mer. either baloney or I had chili – not sliced hot dogs. with beans of course I plan on donatbecause it was real ing my body to scichili. ence when the end I’m sure the chili comes. I hope they was filled with all ON YOUR are videoing besorts of bad things; cause when I am cut that must be the case MARK open, all that will because it tasted so Mark K. Campbell come spewing out good. is donuts, Blue Bell, (None of the salad eaters said: “Man! I’m so glad candy corn, and bacon, making I’m eating this fabulously tasty several medical students pass out I’m sure. salad!”) Facebook is usually full of Historically, I have perhaps

dumb things like “Share if you love your daughter!” or “Click ‘Like’ or it proves you don’t love Jesus!” Well, sometimes a good meme pops up. One is about enjoying life and eating. It begins: “Eat the damn piece of cake!” People are scared of everything today, it seems. My family has a horrid history with cancer, but I’m going to live my life without obeying the latest braying of Facebook and Twitter and WHO experts. I’m gonna eat the damn bacon!

carry on Obama’s third term as president in identical ideology and policies. From the onset, the American people knew full well that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama made a calculated and sinister effort in scapegoating an Internet video dissing Islam that sparked the attack by protesting mobs; it was a complete

lie to give Mr. Obama a better nomination speech that he has got the terrorists on the run. The Republican party shares some moral level of answerability in folding like a Walmart cheap suit with Mr. Obama's nominee Loretta Lynch to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, another im-

Obama was to not investigate the IRS for their star chamber nonsense on Christians and tea party voters. So thank those self aggrandizing hypocrites you placed your trust in, the Republicans. We had the majority, remember? Joseph Bryan Fort Worth

Mark K. Campbell is the News editor and, yes, he’s sure he’ll hear about writing damn twice.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Republicans are at fault, too The October 22 congressional hearings on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her complicities in a “cover up” and other chicaneries in the terrorist attack on our embassy

in Libya September 11, 2012, and subsequent post-reporting by the alphabet soup media in fawning, in softball – or better yet wiffle ball questions – would cause one to completely regurgitate his, or hers lunch, (please excuse that visual). The fix is in to protect this woman from prosecution and to

moral malefactor. Both Republican houses knew full well of Ms. Lynch's liberal leanings would be by virtue a de facto of the outgoing Mr. Holder. Well, obviously, Ms. Lynch got enough Republican votes in both houses to secure her job as the attorney general. Her first order by Mr.

Mochi, female Cheyenne warrior, fought with men


recently learned of a person in history that somehow I overlooked in my 40-plus years of reading about the West. Fort Worth writer Jeff Guinn in a speech about his recent fiction book Buffalo Trail told the audience that a Cheyenne woman, Mochi, who appeared in his novel, was a real person. To make sure no fiction clouded the true story of a unique Cheyenne woman, I purchased a nonfiction book, The Tragedy of Sand Creek Mochi's War written by Chris Enss and Howard Kazanjian, which was published earlier this year. Mochi meant Buffalo Calf Woman or just Buffalo Calf. Her second Cheyenne husband was Medicine Water. She was born in what is now Yellowstone, Wyoming in 1841 and learned as a child what Cheyenne women were to do: cook, clean, build the family lodge, disassemble it and move it when the tribe traveled, among other things. Mochi turned female warrior because of a battle in southeastern Colorado Territory called Sand Creek, which happened November 9, 1864. The background is this: Indians were attacking wagon trains and army for-


ays into land that had been promised them by treaty. Prospectors and settlers illegally began moving on treaty land. The army tried to keep them out, but a couple of understaffed companies of men were insufficient to stop the incursions of whites. The military ordered Colonel John Chivington to handle the situation. He thought that a raid on a large camp of Cheyenne at Sand Creek would put a stop to the intermittent Indian attacks. The problem was that the Cheyenne Chief Black Kettle was peaceful. He had traveled to Washington, met with President Abraham Lincoln and received an American flag from him which he proudly displayed. Soldiers told him that if he flew a white flag under the American one, it would tell any military troops that he wanted peace, and his camp would be left alone. That Chivington either didn't know, didn't see the white flag, or ignored it is conjecture, for he and his cavalry attacked the peaceful camp. Casualty counts vary, but most agree that approximately 160 Cheyenne men, women, and children died at Sand Creek. Mochi saw her mother shot in the head. Her father and husband died fighting. A soldier attacked her in her

321 W. Main Street Azle, Texas 76020 (817) 270-3340 MEMBER 2015

tent, and she grabbed a gun and shot him. She vowed revenge. Major General Alexander McCook, commander at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas called the Sand Creek Massacre one PAGES FROM of the most WESTERN “cold-blooded, revolting, and HISTORY diabolical ever J’Nell L. Pate conceived by man or devil.” Chivington's career ended. Mochi took a new husband, Medicine Water, leader of a band of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers. Painted red, black and yellow before each battle, they attacked a settlement at Julesburg, January 7, 1865 and from February to October carried out raids on the army and settlers in an area between the North Platte and South Platte Rivers. Mochi killed and mutilated alongside them. Black Kettle and the remnants of his band were camped on the WashiPublisher Kim Ware



ta River in Indian Territory when on November 27, 1868 Colonel George Armstrong Custer attacked at dawn. A soldier who survived a scalping in the battle told of a squaw fighting. Over 100 Cheyenne died. Mochi, Medicine Water, and their band continued attacking small groups, surveying parties, settlers, including the nine member John German family, traveling from Georgia to Colorado. In August 1874, they killed the parents and three children and took four daughters captive. Months later, the military rescued the four girls who had been carried off by two different groups. Weak and hungry, Mochi and Medicine Water surrendered in the spring of 1875; she was 34 years old. Her face was thin and “weathered” from the sun. She resisted the soldiers who pulled her from her horse. She and her husband were put in irons. At the Darlington Cheyenne Arapaho Agency near El Reno, Indian Territory, Catherine and Sophia German both identified Mochi in a line up. She “chopped my mother's head open with axe,” Catherine said. Mochi and Medicine Water were transported to Fort Marion in St. Au-

Director of operations .................................. Johnna Bridges Classified/Circulation manager ....................... Terry Thomas Bookkeeper ................................................ Tonya McDowell Advertising sales ........................................Sam Brownback Reporter....................................................... Carla Stutsman Reporter......................................................... Natalie Gentry Reporter..............................................................Misty Shaw Design, graphics .....................................Cynthia Rotter Design, graphics ..............................................Clay Cravotta


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gustine Florida, arriving in late May 1875 with over 70 other Indians. She was the only Native American woman ever to be confined by the army as a prisoner of war. Many became ill and died, so the Commissioner of Indian Affairs recommended that they be returned to their tribe on the reservation in April 1878. Mochi had contracted tuberculosis at Fort Marion and died in late 1881 at the age of 41. Medicine Water died in 1926, age 90. In 2007, over 1,000 people, some descendants of victims, met at the battle site at the dedication of a monument making Sand Creek a historic site. Several years ago I visited St. Augustine, Florida and insisted on seeing the seventeenth-century, Spanishbuilt, rock fort that the U.S. renamed Fort Marion. I would have appreciated the visit tremendously more if I had known the story of Mochi, her 11 years of revenge for the deaths of her family and that she had been incarcerated there. Retired history professor J’Nell Pate of Azle has authored several books, many of which are on sale in the lobby of the Azle News.

Letters to the Editor policy Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a spaceavailable basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Editor, 321 W. Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 Email letters to:


Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Azle News

Gov. rails against Dallas sheriff’s detention policy


ov. Greg Abbott on Oct. 26 wrote to Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez, saying her “case-by-case immigrant detention plan will no longer be tolerated in Texas.” Under the sheriff’s current policy, an undocumented person who committed minor offenses is not held past their release date an extra 48 hours for federal immigration authorities. Abbott accused Valdez “of refusing to automatically detain all criminal immigrants pursuant to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) federal detainer program, which is designed to prevent dangerous criminals from being released into communities.” The governor said actions the State of Texas could take to combat such policies are: • Passing laws that prohibit any policy or action that promotes sanctuary to people in this state illegally.

• Enacting laws that make it illegal for a sheriff's department to not honor a federal immigration detainer request. • Evaluating the extent to which local taxpayers should foot the bill for local decisions that increase costs for Texas' health and education systems. • Amending the Tort Claims Act to ensure counties are fully financially responsible for the actions of any illegal immigrants who are released because the county’s sheriff failed to honor an ICE detainer request. AG seeks to intervene Last week, the Texas Attorney General’s Office filed court papers requesting to intervene in the City of Austin’s lawsuit against the Travis County Appraisal District. In its lawsuit filed Aug. 25, the capital city is appealing “systematic undervaluation” of certain commercial properties by the county appraisal district. The city alleges the appraisal district’s action shifts the tax

burden to residential homeowners and thus is in violation of the state constitution. A c STATE cording to an Oct. CAPITAL 29 news r e l e a s e HIGHLIGHTS by Texas Ed Sterling Attorney General Ken Paxton, “Austin is attempting to invalidate Texas’ non-disclosure law, which prevents taxing authorities from forcing property owners to disclose personal information regarding purchases and sales. Doing away with this protection would affect all Texas property owners, commercial and residential alike.” Further, the news release said, “The district court barred

tation Investment Generating Economic Recovery. The state agency said the funding would help replace 325 vehicles located throughout the state that are used to transport rural residents. Funds also will go toward updating or constructing transportation facilities in or near the cities of South Padre Island, Early, Weatherford and Cedar Creek. According to TxDOT, the Lone Star State has the largest rural population in the U.S., with more than 6 million residents living outside urban areas. Between 2000 and 2010, TxDOT reported, the state’s rural population grew by 7.5 percent. Also, many areas served by rural transportation services have populations that are proportionally older, have lower TxDOT awards grants More than $20 million in income and often have a higher federal “TIGER” grants was percentage of people with disawarded by the Texas Depart- abilities. ment of Transportation on Oct. CORRECTION: 29 to improve transportation services for rural populations. Board gets new chief Gov. Abbott on Oct. 21 apTIGER stands for TransporTexas homeowners from intervening in the lawsuit. Because the city is attempting to rewrite Texas tax law and taxpayers are entirely unrepresented, the Texas Attorney General’s Office is asking to intervene.” The appraisal of the Circuit of The Americas racetrack is a prominent bone of contention between the city and the appraisal district. The lawsuit is styled as City of Austin, Plaintiff, v. Travis Central Appraisal District; Individual Property Owners Who Claim C1 Vacant Land or F1 Commercial Real Property Within Travis County, Texas; and Glenn Hegar, in his official capacity as Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, et al., Defendants.




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Veteran state reporter and legislative analyst Ed Sterling is member services director for the Texas Press Association, whose 518 member newspapers have combined circulation of 3.7 million.

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pointed Bobby Jenkins of Austin as chair of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Jenkins replaces Harold Hahn of El Paso as chair. Jenkins, president of ABC Home and Commercial Services, has served as vice chairman of the coordinating board since September 2013. The agency’s mission is “to promote access, affordability, quality, success, and cost efficiency in the state’s institutions of higher education.” EDITOR'S NOTE: In last week’s column, the writer erroneously reported that Jenkins succeeded Raymund A. Paredes as chair. Paredes serves as Texas Commissioner of Higher Education and is a member of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Time change freaks out football contest

Lady Hornet Volleyball Season Ends

When the decision was made to move the high school football games from Friday to Thursday last week, the football contest games were already at the printer. That meant anyone who waited until Friday to submit their entries not only started 5-0 but had the tie-breaker perfect. Fortunately for the contest, the college and pro games separated some of the crowd.

Some of the crowd... When the dust settled, five prognosticators missed two games each. Since everyone had the tiebreaker of Brewer 28, Azle 10 (38) correct, we threw all the money – $35 – into a pot and divided it by five. So, getting $7 each were: John Hagerman, Steve Parker, Blondie and Wes Robinson, and Kevin Wilson.

AHS rodeo duo pick up points Two Azle Rodeo Team members picked up points in recent events. In a muddy Weatherfordsponsored rodeo, Kylee Scribner finished second in pole bending and ninth in goat tying. In the Sanger event, Austen

Malone won bull riding with a score of 77, pocketing $160 and 72 points. Scribner was tenth in goat tying. For the season, the AHS cowgirl is second in poles and Malone is the runner-up in bulls.

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Volleyball Forte played its season finale at Willkie. The 8th A won 25-13, 25-11. “I am so proud of their effort and hard work throughout the season,” coaches noted. The A won its final 3 matches. The 8th B also swept Willkie, 2522, 25-11. “We ended on a four-game winWorking hard at the net are Lady Hornets Sarah Campoli (4) and Logan Graham. Azle lost its final district match ning streak,” coaches recalled, at home against Saginaw to finish winless in 5-5A. Photo by Mark K. Campbell adding they were “very proud of

the effort and fight that these girls showed all year.” The 7th A battled to a 23-25, 2725, 25-12 win over Willkie. “They showed tremendous heart and continued fighting all the way to the end – very proud of them,” coaches noted. The 7th B popped Willkie 2522, 25-21. “The season started off slow, but the girls got stronger and better each day,” said Coach Bucky Nance.

Azle vs. WF Rider AZLE VARSITY

2015 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 08-28-15 09-05-15 09-11-15 09-25-15 10-02-15 10-09-15 10-16-15 10-23-15 10-30-15 11-06-15

7:30 7:30 7:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm

@ Granbury @ Waxahachie Cleburne Boswell @ Saginaw Wichita Falls @ Chisholm Trail Denton @ Brewer Rider



L 21-66 W 38-7 W 34-24 L 27-35 W 27-23 W 24-0 L 14-56 L 10-28

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Azle News

Brewer loss imperils postseason advancement Azle faces must-win season finale...and even that might not be enough BY MARK K. CAMPBELL Inside the Brewer 2-yard The important 5-5A clash line, three rushes were repelled. at Brewer was moved up to From the 1, a penalty cost Azle Thursday from Friday because 5 yards and the Hornets settled of anticipated stormy weather. for a 23-yard field goal by Alex Still, Azle (5-4, 3-3) had Quevedo. trouble holdThat would ing onto the cap the AHS ball and several 5-5A DISTRICT scoring. scoring opporAlong the tunities evapo- Team W-L rest of the way, rated. The Boswell Dorris said 5-1 Bears took adthe Hornets 5-1 vantage of the Denton dropped TD 4-2 Hornet miscues WF Rider passes, had a and, in a do-or- Brewer sure-fire fake 3-3 die game for Azle FG go awry, 3-3 BHS, Brewer fumbled three Saginaw 2-4 won 28-10. times, and The loss Chisholm Trail 1-5 missed several threw the play- Wichita Falls long-gain aeri1-5 off picture into als. disarray. “We shot Coach Devon Dorris said, ourselves in the foot,” Dorris “There are four teams playing said. “We just didn’t make the for two slots.” plays.” However this Friday night Brewer, meanwhile, snapped ends up, Azle could be the first off a pair of big play TD runs of Small School seed or the Hor- 55 and 29 yards and took connets could miss the postseason trol of the game. entirely. Dorris said, “We played good The Hornets drew first blood defense – especially in the first in White Settlement when Trey half – except for two plays.” Ramos hauled in a 38-yard TD Offensively, Ramos, a defenpass from Nick Davis. sive standout as well, caught 6 After Brewer evened the balls for 128 yards. Azle scored quickly against Brewer with Trey Ramos hauling in this touchdown pass in White Settlement. But score, AHS again found itself But, overall, errors cost the AHS would add just a field goal and lost to the Bears 28-10. Photo courtesy Richard Spraggens/Azle Sports Photography deep in Bear territory. Hornets a vital district game.

Azle 10 Brewer 28

Azle 10 0 0 0 .......... 10 Brewer 7 7 0 14 .......... 28 Scoring summary A – Trey Ramos 38 pass from Nick Davis (Alex Quevedo kick) B – Jameson Carson 18 pass from Brian Kueck (Bryan Montenegro kick) A – Quevedo 23 FG B – Carson 55 run (Montenegro kick) B – Tre Johnson 29 run (Montenegro kick) B – Johnson 3 run (Montenegro kick) Team statistics A B First downs 10 18 Rushing yards 32-110 45-233 Passing yards 125 104 Caught-att.-int 8-21-0 9-19-0 Punts, avg 3-42 5-29 Fumbles-lost 3-3 0-0 Penalties, yds 4-25 8-55 Individual statistics Rushing – Azle: Chase Smith, 21-80; Bryce Gum, 3-19; Nick Davis, 7-10; Sean Townsend, 1-1; Brewer: Jameson Carson, 22-147; Tre Johnson, 10-95; Jarrett Morse, 7-32; Brian Kueck, 5-19; El Ferris Bey, 1-0. Passing – Azle: Davis, 8-21-0-125; Ricky Aregullin, 0-1-0-0. Brewer: Brian Kueck, 7-16-96-0; Morse, 2-3-8-0. Receiving – Azle: Trey Ramos, 6-128; Gum, 2-(-3). Tackles – Azle: (total: solo/assisted) Seth Bell, 14, (12/2); Thomas Widder, 13 (8/5); Ramos, 11 (8/3); Zach Petter, 8 (5/3); Andrew Lutz, 8 (4/4); Townsend, 6 (4/2); TJ Buenrostro, 5 (5/0); Seth Ortega, 4 (3/1); Gabe Davidson, 4 (3/1); Kole Taylor, 2 (2/0); Jac Clay, 2 (1/1).

2015 Schedule 8/28 9/5 9/11 9/25 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6

at Granbury 49-7 at Waxahac. 21-66 Cleburne 38-7 *Boswell 34-24 *at Saginaw 27-35 *Wichita Falls 27-23 *at C. Trail 24-0 ^*Denton 14-56 *at Brewer 10-28 ~*WF Rider

Foe Boswell Denton Brewer Saginaw Chisholm Trail Wichita Falls

Azle W 34-24 L 14-56 L 10-28 L 27-35 W 24-0 W 27-23

WF Rider L 34-45 L 39-42 W 45-19 W 37-27 W 37-27 W 24-21

Playoff Scenarios 1. Azle beats Rider and Saginaw beats Brewer. Azle and Rider advance. AHS is No. 1 Small School seed. 2. Azle beats Rider and Brewer beats Saginaw. AHS must win by 18 points or more to force a 3-way coin flip with the odd man out. 3. Rider beats Azle. Saginaw-Brewer winner advances with Rider.

*District ~Senior Night

Next up Wichita Falls Rider

Losing a stellar running QB for the season in the Denton game meant an offensive change for the Raiders. Now, Rider passes more, AHS Coach Devon Dorris said, adding that the main target is 6-5 T.J. Vasher who was All-State Honorable Mention in 2014. “They run-throw about 50/50 now,” Dorris said. “They have some real weapons.”

ACS headed to the postseason Once again, Azle Christian School (5-4, 3-1) is headed for the playoffs. The regular season ended with a 60-12 loss to district champ Weatherford Christian. The Crusaders will host St. Paul Prep Friday, Nov. 6 at 7

Azle-WF Rider Like Foes

Seth Bell (50), Azle’s leading tackler at Brewer, stops a Bear runner with back up from Zach Petter. Mistakes cost AHS the game and possibly a playoff berth. Photo courtesy Richard Spraggens/Azle Sports Photography

p.m. in the first round of the postseason. Against the Lions, John Mark Burress ran for 102 yards and caught 4 passes for 90 yards. Harley Vandercamp and Bobby Greenwood led ACS tacklers.

Azle JV, 9th split The Hornet football subvarsities went 2-1 in games. The JV White beat Boswell 28-14. QB Gavin Coffee shone throwing the ball, coaches recalled. Colby Tatge caught a pair of aerials for scores. Running backs Artavian Harrell and Antonio Ixchu stood out, too. Pacing the D were Travis Duke and Brandon Sharp. The 9th Green (7-1) edged Brewer 21-20, using a 15-point final quarter to overhaul the Bears. Roni Lopez and Payton Vaughn helped the Hornet defense top Brewer in the second half. Also excelling: Ryan Reynolds, Lathan Harris, and

Havin Hill. Bradley Crawford scored the game-winner with a 34-yard jaunt. Peyton Ladner had a 22yard TD bolt in the period, too. Standouts: Bradley Crawford, Cooper Moorman, Lopez, Tyler Jensen, David Johnson, and Christian Morales. The 9th White (1-7) got a 62-yard TD run by Xander Salsman and a PAT kick by Miguel Guzman but lost to Brewer 22-7. Coaches lauded Dallas Joseph, Kenny Evensen, Dylan Fuller, Robert Kimball, Noah Vurich, Christian Buckwalker, Plays like this made Hornet Thomas Widder the Player of the Week against Brewer in White Settlement in a game that had been moved from Friday to Thursday because of weather. Photo courtesy Richard Spraggens/Azle Sports Photography and Scott Baird.


Movie Man

Azle News Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cold War Spies movie is an Old School drama Tom Hanks continues to prove he’s a phenomenal actor with Bridge of Spies. And Steven Spielberg is leaving a legacy like no one before. About the film Spielberg is famed for directing some of the greatest movies ever. No one can match his successes, not even Martin Scorsese. Spielberg’s mark on cinematic history is colossal. He’s made great movies in every genre: Horror – Jaws (1975) Sci-fi – Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Action – Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Kids’ movie – E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Drama – The Color Purple (1985) War – Schlindler’s List (1993, Movie Man No. 22, 9) and Saving Private Ryan (1998, MM #244, 8); don’t ask the Movie Man to choose Creature feature – Jurassic Park (1993, MM #5, 9, Best of Year) Historical – Lincoln (2012, MM #1010, 8) About all that’s left for Spielberg to conquer are a comedy and a western. His major foray into the former, 1941 (1979) is famous for being just too much onscreen madness. He’s never directed a western. He has produced the weird sci-fi/western Cowboys & Aliens (2011, MM #941, 7). Actually, it’s Spielberg’s astonishing producing skills that make him the most incredible American in movies ever; it’s where he makes his documentaries, too. Among the projects he has produced or executive produced (out of over 150 and aside from all those listed above): Poltergeist (1982); Gremlins (1984); Back to the Future (1985); The Goonies (1985); Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988); Cape Fear (1991); Twister (1996,


Hanks spies the underling who MM #127, 7); Men in Black is working with the official. (1997, MM #188, 7); Deep Hanks carefully wins the young Impact (1998, MM #233, 6); man’s confidence then gives Shrek (2001, MM #405, 9, Best Eisenhower-ian espionage him a detailed – yet precisely of Year); Memoirs of a Geisha stern – message to pass on to Starring: Tom Hanks, Mark Ry(2005); Monster House (2006, the top dog. MM #675, 6); the great Clint lance, Austin Stowell The actual delivery of the Eastwood WWII movies Flags Directed by: Steven Spielberg message isn’t shown, but its of Our Fathers (2006, MM Rated PG-13 for: language, Holeffectiveness is revealed in a #688, 7) and Letters from Iwo tense following scene. Jima (2006, MM #703, 9 Best lywood bent history lesson of Year); Transformers (2007, What doesn’t work MM #726, 6); and True Grit email: ... on a scale of 1-10 There’s a lot of residual stuff (2010, MM #910, 8). going on that slows the story Not to mention a slew of TV which is too long at 2 hours shows like the beloved Pinky 21 minutes – children learn and the Brain (1995) and Band “duck and cover” to stay safe of Brothers. And that’s omitting a ton of detained as a spy when Russia of the American plane (with from expected nuclear bombs other movies/sequels and TV delivers Stowell. a great shot through an open- and there are too many scenes shows. ing in Stowell’s parachute about the intricacies of the spy There’s never been anyone What works showing the damaged craft plane. Hanks’ home life is displayed Hanks is awesome. It’s not a dropping out of the sky right like Spielberg. showy role; he’s stoic, calcu- at him), the early birth of the and seems insignificant to the lating, and determined. But he Berlin Wall, and the conclu- goings-on. There’s no investThe plot ment in his family. Donovan (Tom Hanks) is a plays it perfectly. sion on a bridge. While some scenes look Just as stellar in a reserved successful insurance lawyer great, the camera lingers and in New York City. When Rus- part is Rylance. The audience Best scene sian spy Abel (Mark Rylance) comes to root for the spy who But the best sequence comes lingers. The idea is to show is captured – it’s the height of was undermining the U.S. when Hanks has been shooed how placid life in America was One of Spielberg’s special- outside by an East German of- and contrast it with the chaos in the Cold War – the U.S. government wants the world to see ties is being on top of cinematic ficial. On a bench in a hallway, post-WWII Germany/Russia, that he is being treated fairly technology – recall how stunand given proper representation ning the dinosaurs were way back in Jurassic Park – and by an American civilian. So Hanks is drafted to repre- Bridge of Spies is rock solid in sent Rylance in court. The duo its recreation of the era. There are several memoslowly builds a friendly relarable scenes, including some tionship. Let Us Cater For When it looks like Rylance in the courtroom, the crashing Your Next Event will be given the death penalty, Call for estimates Hanks talks to the crusty deciding judge, telling him that one Savor el saboR day America might have a spy Springtown Location Only captured and Rylance could be used to swap so the RusFRI. 11/6 - THUR. 11/12/15 G sian should be imprisoned, not Fantasia Sunday and Tuesday The Peanuts Movie 2D/3D G TueSday-FRIday Wednesday killed. PG-13 Lunch eNChilada Special Dinner eNChilada Special The judge agrees, and that’s Spectre R (Choice of chicken, cheese or beef) (Choice of chicken, cheese or beef) just what happens when pilot Burnt Brand is Crisis R Gary Powers (Austin Stow- Our The Last Witch Hunter PG-13 ell) gets shot down while fly- Goosebumps PG ly n ing over the U.S.S.R. Hanks Bridge of Spies O PG-13 Try our Springtown is again called on to help, this Woodlawn PG time to negotiate a prisoner ex- The Martian PG-13 New Menu Location change with Russia. Hotel Transylvania 2 PG today! Only But things get even messier when Hanks wants the fledgling 407 Old Springtown Rd • 817-523-7278 government of East Germany to throw in a young American

Bridge of Spies

Movie Man

but it happens too often. The rating Bridge of Spies is a straightup old school PG drama until a couple of f-bombs – used humorously – push it to a mild PG-13. Summing up Any Hanks-Spielberg teamup is going to be decent. This one isn’t one of the greats – but it’s better than almost anything else out there right now. Next up James Bond in Spectre. Current Bond Daniel Craig says this will be his final time to portray the spy because he isn’t sure the former MI-5 outing could be topped. That last Bond, Skyfall (2012, MM #1008, 8), made more money internationally than any before – $1.11 billion. That’s No. 13 on the all-time list; overall, 23 movies have reached $1 billion worldwide.

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813 E. Hwy 199 - Springtown 817-220-5222

State Farm Insurance Haley Carter

408 Boyd Rd. - Azle - 817-444-1100

Sutton Printing

340-A Main St. - Azle 817-444-2222

108 Denver Trail, Azle 817-444-8600

Texas Health Harris Methodist

608 Boyd Rd. - Azle 817-378-2240

Walnut Creek SUD

324 Highway 199 - Springtown 817-523-3151

The Lube Center

600 Northwest Parkway - Azle 817-444-3201

Tri County Electrical Co-Op

700 W. Main - Azle - 817-444-5548

TJ Machine & Tool

1213 NW Parkway- Azle 817-444-8815

Russell Feed & Supply

140 W. Main St.- Azle 817-444-4613

Rural Gas Supply

Prosperity Bank

316 N.W. Parkway Azle - 817-444-2504

Pinnacle Bank

405 Commerce St. - Azle 817-444-4235

National Bank of Texas 817-408-0050

Midwest Waste Services

151 S.E. Parkway - Azle 817-444-5223

Hogle Insurance Group 167 W. Main - Azle 817-444-0561

Howell’s Western Cafe 401 Hwy 199 W. - Springtown 817-220-7915

Huffman Irrigation & Landscaping Don & Polly Huffman J&E Air Conditioning and Heating Inc.

817-270-0544 817-379-0545

252 W. Main St. Ste E - Azle 817-307-2828

1825 W. Hwy 199 - Springtown 817-220-4506

Joe Rider Propane 7808 Jacksboro Hwy. - Fort Worth 817-237-3325

Ladybug Quilt & Fabric

Springtown Chamber of Commerce

112 S. Main St. - Springtown - 817-220-7828

217 W. Main St. - Azle 817-455-8983

Lakeside Church of God

Springtown Epigraph

1155 Highway 199 - Springtown 817-220-7707

801 E. Hwy 199 - Springtown 817-220-4663

Weichert Realty

308 W. Hwy - Springtown 817-523-5402

205 S. Ave. A - Springtown 817-220-2008

Woody Creek BBQ

3930 Boat Club Rd., Ft. Worth 817-238-STAR (7827)

Star Bank of Texas

Springtown Family Health

109 E. First St.- Springtown 817-220-7217

9396 Confederate Park Rd. 817-237-5500

Larry’s Carpet 8305 Jacksboro Hwy. - Ft. Worth 817-237-7871

Laura’s Healthmart and Pharmacy

Larry Don Murphy, DDS George Conley Precinct 1 Parker County Commissioner

605 Northwest Parkway - Azle - 817-406-4546

129 E. First St. - Springtown 817-523-4648


729 Boyd Rd. - Azle - 817-444-3289

Eagle Mountain Veterinary Clinic

113 Denver Trail - Azle 817-444-3249

Eagle Crest Village

209 Roe St.- Azle 817-444-3209

Dr. Joe McCreary, DDS

1009 Red Bud Dr.- Azle - 817-444-3100

Double L Plumbing

426 E. Hwy 199 - Springtown 817-523-4137

Diamond B Roofing

Debbie Bunero, CPA

1181 S. Stewart St. - Azle 817-444-4940

Cross Timbers Golf Course

150 Industrial Ave., Ste 201 - Azle 817-444-5505

Crabtree & Associates

404 W. Main St., Ste 104 - Azle 817-752-2233

Cafe 1031

501 Hwy 199 E - Azle 817-444-1147


AC & Heat by Russell Russell Reed 817-270-8811

Agnes Baptist Church 350 N. Agnes - Springtown 817-523-7271

At Home Roofing Todd Huse 817-220-1794

AirWise 1801 Southeast Pkwy., Azle 817-444-0090

Azle Dental Care Brooke Porter, DDS

912 Boyd Road - Azle - 817-444-1763

Azle Family Dentistry Dr. Paul R. Farmer, DDS 405 Inwood Rd - Azle 817-444-6955

Azle Veterinary Medical Center 605 W. Main St. - Azle - 817-444-3256

Azle Vision Source 601 N.W. Ste. B - Azle 817-444-1717

Azle News 321 W. Main St. - Azle - 817-270-3340

B & C Transmission 309 Commerce St. - Azle 817-270-8210



Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Veterans Day 96 years old BY MARK K. CAMPBELL It all began with the end of the “Great War.” That’s what World War I was called. While the war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, fighting had actually ceased months before. An armistice – a temporary cessation of hostilities – was declared Nov. 11, 1918: the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” At that time, Allied nations and Germany stopped fighting. Because of this, the “war to end all wars” is considered to have ended Nov. 11, 1918. Honoring soldiers President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day to be celebrated Nov. 11, 1919. He said, “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victor, both because of the thing from which it has just freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.” Initially, parades were conducted and businesses briefly stopped at 11 a.m. Congress officially recognized the end of the war June 4, 1926 and noted that – since 27 states had already recognized Nov. 11 as a legal holiday – it become official nationally.

Annually, the Office of Public Affairs conducts a contest for a National Veterans Day Poster; this is the 2015 winner. See former victors at – click on “Poster Gallery” on the bottom of the opening page.

Originally called Armistice Day day “to honor American veterans of all wars.” President Dwight Eisenhower signed a proclamation on Oct. 8 that year declaring the “widespread observance of this anniversary” to honor all vets. Some confusion That date was cemented in American calendars until June 28, 1968. That’s when the Uniform Holiday Bill was passed to give federal workers three-day weekends. The designated holidays included Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day. Not all states agreed with this idea and continued to celebrate that quartet of special days on their specific, original dates. The Uniform Holiday Bill kicked in on Oct. 25, 1971. However, the new law met with much confusion, especially on Veterans Day. Clearly, the historic and patriotic Nov. 11 date meant much to many. So, on Sept. 20, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed a law to return to observance of Veterans Day to Nov. 11, beginning in 1978. The move was supported overwhelmingly by the majority of state legislatures, and veterans’ service organizations. Today, no matter what day it falls on, Veterans Day is Nov. 11. As the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs notes: “The observance of Veterans Day on Nov. 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps place attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.”

Future wars/aggressions In 1954, after the Second Great War, America had seen the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen in the history of the United States. Veterans Day facts Plus American forces were fighting “aggression in Korea.” With 1.6 million veterans, Texas has the third most, behind Veterans’ services began calling for “Armistice” to be replaced California’s 2.1 million and Florida’s 1.7 million. with “Veterans” on Nov. 11. On June 1, 1954, legislation was approved to make Nov. 11 a PLEASE SEE CELEBRATING, PAGE 4B

PC plant fundraising event ongoing Yes, bluebonnets and fall wildflower seeds should be planted now. Fall seedlings need the winter to build root growth, staying close to the ground until spring. The Parker County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is again taking prepaid orders for its annual tree seedlings fundraiser until Thursday, Feb. 18. Delivered in bulk by the Texas Forest Service, seedlings will be ready for pick up on Feb. 26. This year, containerized species include Afghanistan Pine, American Plum, Oriental Arborvitae, Austrian Pine, Bald Cypress, Deodara Cedar, Fourwing Saltbush, Honeylocust, Italian Stone Pine, Lacebark Elm, and Pinyon Pine. The seedlings are 6 to 12 inches tall, with a 10 cubic inch root volume, in a plastic tube.

They sell for $2.80 each or in sealed boxes of 25 for $70. Bare-rooted hardwood seedlings are generally 18 to 24 inches in length, and are only available for purchase in lots of 25 for $35 each. Hardwoods offered this year include bur oak, sawtooth oak, Shumard oak, and pecan. Another favorite sold year-round are rain barrels and various attachments. Rainwater is naturally soft as it lacks chemicals added to drinking water, so plants have a tendency to grow healthier when using rainwater. Rain barrels placed to collect runoff from a home’s roof can save untold dollars during the summer and could save precious plants and trees from the devastating effects of the hot summer sun. Rain barrels, which can be

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Tax code 151.355 exempts rainwater harvesting equipment from sales tax. Anyone who makes a minimum donation of $20 will receive a copy of Range Plants of North Central Texas – A Land User’s Guide to Their Identification, Value and Management, by Ricky J. Linex. Known for being easy to use and beautifully written, the guide is full of colorful pictures of plants and their seeds and

painted, are available in a terracotta color in a 50-gallon capacity for $96, a 55-gallon capacity for $110, a 63-gallon capacity for $125, and a 67-gallon capacity for $130 (available only in blue). Made from recycled food grade containers, rain barrels capture runoff for summer use that would otherwise be lost. Flex elbows, barrel connectors, and diverters are also available, and these barrels can be painted.

*# Mo.

Price plus tax, title and license. #Sale price $12,900. $199 per month for 72 mos. at 3.99% apr with approved credit.


Cash or Credit Cards

Chris Opella, MD

2009 Ford Escape $ Dr. McDaniel is Board Certified in Family Practice and specializes in Pediatrics and Adult Medicine

Dr. Opella is Board Certified in Family Practice and specializes in Pediatrics, Women’s Health and Adult Medicine

Accepting All Major Health Plans call for information

Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. – Noon

499 E. Hwy. 199 817-523-5402 Springtown



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2011 Honda Civic $



2011 Ford Ranger



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2013 Ford Explorer $



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2013 F-250 Crew Cab Diesel



Available by appointment .... Douglas Kyle, M.D.

Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Kyle specializes in Gynecologic evaluation and surgery including laparoscopic surgery, normal and high risk obstetrics, sonograms and infertility evaluation. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kyle, call


2015 Ford Transit T-350



US Hwy. 287 South, Decatur, Texas • 940-627-1101 Price plus tax, title and license



Celebrating Veterans Day ■ Celebrating, FROM PAGE 3B

Approximately 6 million vet- nize all veterans at the Annual Veterans Pep Rally, Nov. 6 at erans are women. Offi cially, there is no apos2:25 p.m. at AHS. The word veteran was fi rst trophe in the Veterans Day. Azle VFW Post 2137 is offerused in 1789. When recognized as Armiing veterans an opportunity to stice Day, in other parts of the ride in the Fort Worth Veterans world it was called Remem- Local activities Parade Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. Call Azle High School will recogbrance Day.

Follow us on

Eat free Nov. 11 These restaurants are offering free food (ID required) – sometimes a meal, sometimes an appetizer, sometimes with limited time frames: Olive Garden Applebee’s On the Border California Pizza Kitchen Outback Steakhouse Carraba’s Red Lobster Chili’s Red Robin Cotton Patch Cafe Texas Land and Cattle Denny’s Texas Roadhouse El Fenix T.G.I. Friday’s Golden Corral Twin Peaks Little Caesar’s Pizza Always call ahead to make sure local restaurants are observing the concept.

Trees, plants, barrels available to buy ■ TREES, FROM PAGE 3B

is a resource for anyone who would like to identify plants growing on their property. Information may be obtained by calling the Parker County SWCD on Tuesday– Friday from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. at

817-594-4672, ext. 109 or by emailing the district at The Parker County SWCD is located in the USDA Service Center at 604 North Main, Suite 100 in Weatherford. Donations are accepted yearround.

Lake Report Conservation Level Conservation

Current Level Current

Level Lake Arlington 550.00 Lake Benbrook 694.00 Lake Bridgeport 836.00 Cedar Creek Lake 322.00 Eagle Mountain Lake 649.10 Lake Worth 594.00 Richland-Chambers Res. 315.00 *Data provided by USGS Nov. 3

Current Status Current

Level 550.93 689.70 834.40 322.28 648.50 592.91 316.08

Status 0.93 -4.30 -1.60 0.28 -0.60 -1.09 1.08



Dos Chiles Grandes Cafe

Two Enchilada Dinners & Two Drinks = $12


• Open 7 Days • Fast Friendly Service • Fresh Homemade Food

pu Coem e S 4 C l t l i


ay Tod e b i cr Subs



er SS

Roger Douthit Certified Expert Computer & Network Technologies for Home & Business

1304 NW Parkway (Hwy 199) 817-444-8529 ★ 817-444-1566 ★ 817-456-0907

family owned and operated for 14 years State Inspection for Tarrant & Parker Counties Automotive Motorcycles Tune-ups • Suspension ATV’s • Dirt Bikes Computer Diagnostics Parts • Accessories A/C Repair • Brakes Motorcycle Apparel Emission Repairs

UPS Package Drop Off Station Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Saturday - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


FM 730

The following individuals who list addresses in the Azle and/or Springtown areas were arrested by various law enforcement agencies and booked into the Parker County Jail between Oct. 25-31. • Dylan Jacob Koenig, 21, of Springtown, was arrested Oct. 25 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies and charged with two counts of theft of property $2,500-$30,000 – a state jail felony, and burglary of a habitation – a second-degree felony. Also: Koenig was arrested again Oct. 29 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for a warrant for theft of a fi rearm – a state jail felony. • A 17-year-old Azle man was arrested Oct. 27 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies and charged with evading arrest with a vehicle and unauthorized use of a vehicle – both state jail felonies. • Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 29-year-old Azle man Oct. 27 on a motion to revoke probation or parole for a prior charge of driving while intoxicated, second offense. • Kyle Brandon Tompkins, 23, of Springtown, was arrested Oct. 27 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies for a Tarrant County warrant for possession of a controlled substance – penalty group 1, less than one ounce – a state jail felony. • Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 21-year-old Springtown woman Oct. 28 for a commitment order for a previous charge of theft $50-$500. • A 26-year-old Azle woman was arrested Oct. 28 for bond forfeiture on a prior charge of theft of property $50-$500. • Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 32-year-old Azle man Oct. 28 for a warrant for driving with an invalid license. • A 49-year-old Springtown man was arrested Oct. 28 on warrants for failure to appear in court and bail jumping. • Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 25-year-old Springtown man for a warrant for driving with an invalid license. • A 24-year-old Springtown man was arrested Oct. 29 by Reno police and charged with public intoxication. • Texas Department of Public Safety troopers arrested Shane Tyson Moore, 41, of Springtown Oct. 29 and charged him with driving while intoxicated, second offense, possession of marijuana – less than two ounces, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

817-444-2912 for information. Springtown will honor veterans in a ceremony set for 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Tabernacle Square. It will include free food, singing, and a speaker, Captain James Burgess.

Se z



Wednesday, November 4, 2015

AffordAble Prices, suPerior QuAlity!!

HWY 199

ASE Certified



Springtown Azle

425 W. Rock Island Ave. Hwy 114• Boyd• 940-433-3322 BIDS DUE DEC 1 RED RIVER FARM & RANCH Red River County, TX ● 6,700± ACRES Multiple Tracts ● Irrigated ● Pasture ● Recreational

BAIRDSTOWN FARM Lamar County, TX ● 1,070± ACRES Single Tract ● Cropland ● Storage Facilities

BOGOTA FARM Red River County, TX ● 6,630± ACRES Multiple Tracts ● Cropland ● Storage Facilities

DALBY SPRINGS RANCH Bowie County, TX ● 770± ACRES Single Tract ● Cattle Ranch ● Home ● Recreation

TDLR #17082

Matt Armstrong ● 903-905-2999 JW Ross ● 903-491-1719

903-438-2585 ● Seeforwebsite terms.









Offering approximately 700 head of quality replacement cows and heifers. 400 bred heifers from one ranch. 300 bred cows and heifers from reputable small consignors.

Offering approximately 700 head of quality replacement cows and heifers. 400 bred heifers from one ranch. 300 bred cows and heifers from reputable small consignors.

SAT., NOV. 7, 2015 @ 11 AM


Advertise your Business or Event Statewide in OVER 240 Newspapers ONE CALL, ONE LOW PRICE! Contact this newspaper for more information 817-270-3340

SAT., NOV. 7, 2015 @ 11 AM

CALL 888-926-9696 • STOCKMANOKLAHOMA.COM To secure your place, all it takes is a security deposit. To request a brochure and other information, contact Heather Holman today at (817) 444-3249. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY




Wednesday, 21, 4, 2015 Wednesday,October November 2015

& Azle News The


Springtown Epigraph N


RC • AI East 817-283-6911 G N Keith Hufsey ATI HE TACLB008874C West 817-444-0090







Office next door to Trinity Commerical Contractors

RV, Trailer & Boat 200 Walnut Creek Ave.

817-444-8885 TACLA014745E



Air Conditioning and Heating

817-220-4506 1825 W. Hwy. 199 Springtown, TX 76082

Help readers find your Business.

Call 817-270-3340

Your Ad Here!

Call Johnna to reserve this space.

817-270-3340 CLEANERS “Serving Azle & The Community Since 1986“

113 SPEER ST 817-444-4920 Thank you for your support!

s rry’



Warehouse full of rolls and remnants “Since 1979”

817-237-7871 8305 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76135


This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all of us to attend worship services. GRACE BAPTIST POOLVILLE UNITED METHODBRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST APOSTOLIC

3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 across from Radio Tower HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 817-564-3946 HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH 1227 Old Cottondale Road, ASSEMBLY OF GOD Springtown, 817-220-7177 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD LAJUNTA BAPTIST 114 Porter Drive, Azle 5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-237-4903 817-221-3989 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH IGLESIA BAUTISTA 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth Nueva Jerusalen 817-237-9433 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH 817-694-0444 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE 817-523-4462 BAPTIST CHURCH OUTREACH OF LOVE 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 817-237-8441 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 LAKE WORTH BAPTIST BAPTIST 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 817-237-4163 300 South Stewart, Azle LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 817-444-3219 6409 FM 730 S., Azle AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 817-444-4311 350 Agnes N., Springtown METROPOLITAN BAPTIST 817-523-7271 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 817-237-2201 408 S. Ash St., Springtown MIDWAY BAPTIST 817-220-4238 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 817-221-LOVE 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth NEW HOPE BAPTIST 817- 626-5556 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 817-221-2184 West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar NORTHWEST BAPTIST 817- 444-3484 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle SILVER CREEK BAPTIST 817-237-0892 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 817-444-2325 1 block off Hwy. 199, NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST east of David’s Patio, CHURCH Springtown, 817-221-2241 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle CENTRAL BAPTIST 817-707-2741 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST 5918 FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 940-433-5477 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 301 S. Stewart, Azle CLEAR FORK BAPTIST 817-523-0074 Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST Weatherford, 817-594-1154 TEMPLE COTTONWOOD CREEK 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown BAPTIST 817-523-0376 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth UNION BAPTIST CHURCH 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST 817-613-1441 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST 817-237-4135 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 817-221-2110 1411 Carter Road, Springtown WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST 817-220-5828 836 NW Parkway, Azle FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST 817-444-3752 CHURCH BIBLE 171 Green Branch Road, Weatherford COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOW817-454-4582 SHIP 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF 817-444-7117 AZLE 1017 Boyd Road CROSSING FELLOWSHIP 817-444-4828 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 401 Beverly Rd., Azle NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 817-237-3891 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH 817-624-2111 700 Charbonneau Tr., SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH west side of Effie Morris Elementary 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-237-2624 817-221-3444 FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE CATHOLIC 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-237-8113 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 817-444-3063 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 CHRISTIAN 817-444-3484 FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE THE CHURCH AT AZLE 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 817-444-9973 940-433-5539 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 35 West Forty Estates., Azle FM 920 in Peaster 817-688-3339 817-596-8805 GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville 817-825-0485 817-594-3916 FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN THE ABBEY CHURCH 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-238-1404 817-523-7011 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 737 Boyd Rd., Azle 817-444-LOVE Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. CHURCH OF CHRIST 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 5th & Main in Springtown 336 NW Parkway 817-523-5477 817-444-3268 CORNERSTONE APOSTOLIC CHURCH 1801 FM 730 N., Azle 817-400-0612 HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 817-433-8220

109 W.N. Woody Rd. (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) 817-444-7102 MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209


ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837

DISCIPLES OF CHRIST AZLE CHRISTIAN 117 Church St., Azle 817-444-3527 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 817-594-3043 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 4th & Main, Paradise


ST. ANNE’S ANGLICAN EPISCOPAL 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1888 PROVIDENCE REFORMED EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford 817-596-7476 ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks 817-739-0504


CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth 817-237-7919



GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 1313 SE Parkway, Azle 817-237-4822 HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno 817-221-HOPE


BOYD UNITED METHODIST FM 730 North in Boyd 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST 7955 Reed Rd., Azle 817-444-0226 FIRST UNITED METHODIST 200 Church St., Azle 817-444-3323 LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 SILVER CREEK UNITED METHODIST 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-444-1382 FIRST UNITED METHODIST Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-523-7874 GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699

IST 1 block W. of FM 920 (behind Poolville Post Office) 817-599-3601


113 Denver Trail • Azle 817-444-3249 Fax 817-444-3275 STUDIO - 1 bath , 350 sq. ft. ONE BEDROOM - 1 bath, 450 sq. ft TWO BEDROOM - 1 bath, 642 sq. ft.

Clarks Precision Machine & Tool

636 Profit St., Azle, Tx

45 Years of Quality ISO 9001:2001 Compliant Check us out on our web site


GRACE CHAPEL UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817- 237-4844

Specializing in Family Eyecare Therapeutic Optometrist

Dr. Michael D. Conte


601 B NW Pkwy • Azle

489 Hwy. 199 Springtown 817-220-2499


GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 817-594-2744 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF FORT WORTH Meeting at Northwest YMCA 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800

Phone 817-444-2533 B.J. Clark

Azle Vision Source

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 817-237-5075

CLEANERS Brookshire’s Shopping Center

Thank you for your support! Celebrating over 25 years in business

CONVENANT ORTHODOX JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265


BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 817-599-7655 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown 817-221-2551 POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE CHURCH 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-319-7364 BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 940-636-9158 SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown 682-229-1433 GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle 817-313-1793 LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay 817-444-3547 NEW LIGHTED WAY 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle 817-444-1577 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s THE HOUSE OF PRAYER 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown 817-221-2551


817444-HELP (4357)

REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP 202 Pearson Lane, Azle 817-677-5963 SOULS HARBOR 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 817-726-2065 WESTERN HARVEST FELLOWSHIP CENTER 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle 940-577-1954

Rodney Gatlin, D.C. 400 Boyd Court

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Call 817-270-3340

Call Johnna for details

THE RANCH COWBOY COUNTRY CHURCH 14600 FM 730 North, Azle (Briar) 817-909-5627


WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH 790 CR 3696 • Paradise 76073 817-688-6887


Lic. #4346 & #6537

1227 Old Cottondale • 817-220-7177

“Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”

Garrett’s ngtown i r p S Drug

“Serving Springtown Since 1977” NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 817-523-7227 Metro 817-220-7927

Commercial & Residential

Experienced & Competitive Prices Repair & Installation Landscaping Sod/Hydromulching

Drains Rock & Stonework Landscape Lighting

817-270-3340 or 817-220-7217

Your Ad

Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 SENIOR DISCOUNTS • FREE ESTIMATES

817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545

Compliments of a’s arc&iAUTOMOTIVE GTIRE SHOP Rural Gas Supply “Celebrating 15 years serving Azle area”

11480 FM 730 S 2 miles south of Azle


Se habla espanol Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-3

• New & Used Tires • State Inspections • Roadside Assistance • U-Haul Rentals

Joe Rider


140 W. MAIN ST.


“In business since 1946”

Our family serving your family since 1908

Propane, Inc.



5B 3B



Call Johnna for details TODAY

817-270-3340 Cliff’s 302 Palo Pinto Weatherford 817-594-3888

Left to Right: Richard Woodman, Jim Cleaver, Andy Browning, Jillian Johnston, Anita White, Bob White, Kari Drake, Bruce Duncan & Robert Sheffield

Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-444-3211 •

AUTO SERVICE CENTER 1088 E. Hwy 199 Springtown 817-220-5959

“Not Just a Tire Store”

Complete Automotive, Light Truck & Diesel

“We are making drivers smile”


Wednesday, November 4, 2015




Wednesday, November 4, 2015




817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi 817-220-7217 - Springtown -

Ad Classifi cations 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...........Carports/Patios 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services

24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 ......... Garden/Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted

46........... Looking to Buy 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49... Masonry/Stonework 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56..................................... 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage

001 Air Conditioning/Heating 008 Autos, Trucks

69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74........... Tractor Service 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81.................. Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent


2012 Nissan Rogue, fully loaded, leather seats, Bluetooth, sunroof, backup camera, AWD, excellent condition, one owner, 48,000 miles, asking $16,800/OBO. 817270-0835.

Up to 16 words, first insertion:

Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00! Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word • Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change • Boxed display ads also available (All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)


37’ Fleetwood Pace Arrow w/1 slide, Ford Titan 10 w/ Banks System, EXCELLENT CONDITION. LOW miles, NEW tires, NEW generator, inspection and more. In Azle. $19,500 FIRM. 817-239-1271.



USA A BETTER ELECTRICAL SOLUTION, INC. Commercial, Residential, Industrial NO JOB TOO SMALL Emergency Service Service & Repairs Licensed & Insured TECL 20822 817-849-1534

026 Excavating


008 Autos, Trucks

Sand, Dirt & Gravel Qualified Family Business Since 1938

☺ All types materials delivered ☺

Drive-on Wheelchair Van, wheelchair included, 5K miles, $33,000; ALSO FOR SALE: Electric wheelchair. Folding ramp included, $850. 817-270-0107. Call after 7PM.

2008 F350 King Ranch Crew Cab Dually, diesel engine, 151K, new tires, current tags & inspection, clean, good condition, $17,900. 817-271-2075; 817-221-4300.

18 ft. trailer. Perfect for lawnmowers. $1,000. 817-2375360 or 817-444-7171. 2004 Travel by Design, 33 ft., bumper pull, sleeps 6, super slide with porch and TV. $8,000. Call after 2pm. 682-229-8186.

019 Cement Work

Extremely nice 2001 Toyota Avalon, fully loaded, new timing belt and water pump. May need tune-up. $2,850. 817-932-9006.

Parting out 1997 Chevy Extended Cab pickup. 817-771-9617.

Dirt & Concrete Work

Wise Car

& Truck Co.

101 Southeast Parkway • Azle 2012 Ford Focus 4-door, dark gray, good condition, everything works. Asking $13000. 682-4290305.

Allen Chesney Concrete All Types of Concrete Work Residential - Commercial Foundations, driveways, sand, gravel, demolition, haul-off, retaining walls 817-271-4541



J.A.M. Concrete 817-480-8841

Auto Repair Service

Juan’s Auto Repair Import and Domestic Free Engine Diagnostics


Autos continued next column...

TOM'S BOBCAT SERVICE 444-5069 • Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing

Tanks • House Pads • Clearing

1996 Sportsman Camper, 33 ft., 2 slideouts, good condition. $8,000. Located in Azle. 817229-0287.

020 Ceramic Tile

021 Child Care ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTER is now participating in the Texas School Ready Pre-School Program. NOW ENROLLING! M-F, 6A-6:30P, 3 meals & 2 snacks included. Drop off and pick up from Azle & Reno schools. 817-237-3711 or 817-994-5228.

40 foot 2008 Montana 5th wheel. Non-smokers, kept under carport. Has four slides, comes with hitch. New 42 inch flat screen TV, king size bed. $22500. 817-444-5376. 817-992-2806. 817-229-4605.

BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 TECL#25253.

Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.

Nobody does it better!



Freeman Construction Top Soil Rough Landscaping Rock Work

Demolition Lot Clearing Gravel Roads Driveways


38 years serving Azle & Springtown



Saul SalinaS All Types of Fencing Farm and Ranch

940-577-6781 • 940-393-9754

030 Firewood FIREWOOD. $80/truck load, $95/8 ft. bed, 80% split Oak. Your truck, I load. 817-495-6157. LEON’S TREE SERVICE. Split Oak, Pecan wood. Pickup or delivery. 817-371-8597. Oak firewood, ½ cord, $150. 817808-2873.


For Sale

Also .. Sand • Top Soil • Gravel

Bobcat & Tractor Service

Aries Spa, rebuilt with warranty, pump, blower, LED light, cover, nice cabinet, $1,200. 940-2101583 or 940-255-5763.

 

2-speed powerglide transmission, working. $800. 817-944-3450.


Dump Truck Hauling


028 Farm Equipment

ORGANIC LOCAL PECANS, TRUE FREE-RANGE Eggs, Honey. Reserve your Thanksgiving eggs and pecans now! (Order Christmas pecans after Thanksgiving.) Papershells, $3/lb. in shell; Eggs, $4/ doz.; unfiltered raw Azle and Lake Worth Honey, $12/pt., $24/qt. Wild, raw Rockwood flower Honey, $10/ pt. 817-881-7297.

034 Garage Sales

Cub Farmall Tractor for Sale, $2,500/firm. 817-237-5360 or 817-444-7171.

Advertising Works! 029


KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645 BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213. RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@ All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding. 817-444-6461. RESIDENTIAL FENCE REPAIR 30 Years Experience Affordable Pricing Call Pat 817-676-2171

034 Garage Sales Huge Yard Sale Friday-Sunday, Nov. 6th, 7th, 8th, 528 Old Springtown Road. Down from Dollar General. Ammo cans 50 caliber, furniture, clothing and misc. Three Family Yard Sale at 187 E. Shangri-La Drive, Azle Saturday, 7th and Sunday, 8th. Rain or Shine. Furniture and lots of other things, very cheap prices. From Azle, go south on FM 730, 7½ miles to Shangri-La Drive. Follow signs. Yard Sale November 7th & 8th, 700 Polly Avenue, Azle. Furniture, household and misc. items. Friday-Saturday, starts at 8AM, 424 S. Stewart Street, Azle. Enter from 730 S. or Silver Creek due to bridge outage. BRISTOL FARMS ADDITION NEIGHBORHOOD SALE Saturday, Nov. 7th, 8A-? Off S. Ash & Wellington in Azle.

Garage Sale Friday-Saturday, 8A-4P, 133 Williamsburg Lane, Springtown. Furniture, home decor, clothes, etc.

• Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing


Hal Freeman - Owner

Friday & Saturday, 8:30A-? 125 Ty Lane, Azle.

817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215

Juan Tellez, Mecanico En General 5210 E. Hwy 199 • Springtown

Need Contractor’s name and phone number. 10/15 a large amount of bath/home debris dumped off at 1300 Cliff Manor, Azle. Lots of tan 12x12’s, oyster tiles. Information greatly appreciated. Send note to above address or call 817-226-8681.

Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER OR AMERICAN EXPRESS by phone.



024 Electrician 2007 Chevy Silverado 4x4, 4.8 liter V8 w/121K miles, $13,000. 817-948-2645.


Oil Change • Brakes • Tune Up Transmission Work

014 Campers & Trailers

2005 GMC Sierra, 157,700 miles, runs good and in good condition, $4,900. 210-825-8397.

Cliff Hall

Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645

All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.



1993 Ford Explorer 4x4, needs some work, 125,401 miles, $1,500. 817-901-4321.

Excavation—Final Grade—Demolition We Shape the World to Fit Your Needs! You have a Friend in the Business!

Kiley Chesney Construction




AIR WORKS BY SCOTT. A/C & Heating Service and installation, residential & mobile homes, Honest and Fair. TACLB017017E. 817-7248680 Boyd, TX.

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217

Springtown Epigraph THE

VENDORS WANTED! Hope Lutheran School will be having a Vendor Sale Saturday, Nov. 14th. Vendors, craft vendors or anyone wanting to sell their own treasures are welcome. Space will be available to rent in the parking lot for $25/ space. Call for more information 817-221-4673. ESTATE SALE PART 2 BLOWOUT! Kubota tractor & lawnmower, all types of power & hand tools. Full house of household items & lawn art. Sale November 6th, 7th, 8th, 8:30A5P, 255 Jay Bird Road. Text for more information at 972-768-0608. Thursday-Saturday, 1116 Walnut Creek Drive, Springtown. Miscellaneous and antique organ.

HUGE Multi-family Garage Sale Nov.6th-8th, 8:00am to 5:00pm. Absolutely NO Early Sales!!! Collectibles, furniture, knick knacks, tools, RVs, trailers, dishes, golf carts, golf clubs, compound bows, home decor, tents, camping, boating, everything including the kitchen sink!!!! 7052 Liberty School Tap Rd. Azle. INSIDE SALE. Everything Must Go. Great Bargains! Thursday & Friday, 10A-2P, 11345 730 N. (Boyd Road) Azle. Grandma’s Emporium. Multi Family Sale Saturday only, 524 Logan, Azle. Yard Sale Friday & Saturday, 8AM to ? 1017 Rosebud, Azle. Antiques, Western decor, clothes, furniture and more. Rain or Shine! Friday-Sunday. Furniture, clothes, some antiques, old Harley Davidson stuff, jewelry and much more. 157 County Road 3797, Springtown. 817-353-1503. Thursday-Saturday, 8A-5P, 6810 Agate Place, Fort Worth. Corner of Nine Mile Bridge & Agate. Lots of Christmas items, kitchen, clothes, household goods, picture frames, lamps, rugs and lots of misc.

INSIDE/OUTSIDE SALE SATURDAY ONLY Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Cast Iron 9 miles west of 199/51 on 199, left on Poolville Cutoff

Call us today for more info: 817-270-3340 Azle News or 817-220-7217 Springtown Epigraph Need a way to make extra money? Advertise in the classifieds!


817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 035 Garden/Mowing Service


MANDO’S TREE SERVICE. Take downs, trimming, lot clearing, haul offs. Senior Discounts. Save Big Money! Call 817-808-2873. 20 year expert. K&T GREEN WORKS. Hydromulch, Landscaping, Irrigation Installation & Repairs, Drainage/French Drains and Dirt Work. Free Estimates. Contact us at 817-994-8233. License #0008871.

SAGINAW Specializing in Saving Trees • 24 Hour Emergency Service #1 Certified Arborist Charlie Hodges Owner


24 Yrs. Exp.

Mando’s Tree Service Take Downs, Trimming, Lot Clearing, Haul Offs


Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing

817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943 Insured for your protection

Firefighter Tractor


Tree Service

All work is done by off duty professional firefighters

Tree Removal & Trimming · Brush Hog · Box Blade Front Loader · Tiller · Truck & Trailer for Hauling

Senior Discounts Save Big Money!

Call 817-808-2873 20 YEAR EXPERT

Jon Reed, Owner

Irrigation Repair Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design

817-845-6965 STUMP GRINDING Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum


LEON’S TREE SERVICE Expert take downs Stump Grinding Residential/Commerical

Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates


Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 FAMILY OWNED• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED FALL DISCOUNT 10% OFF Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding

817- 220-1141 817-444-9574

RNA Lawn Services

Fall is here!

Call me for any and all of your fall yard needs (fertilizing, trimming, etc.)



Unwanted debris removed at a reasonable rate. Call Tom 817-4488578. MCNEELY’S DEMOLITION & CLEANUP SERVICE Tear Down, Removal, Haul Off, Storage Buildings, Fences, New/Old Construction Debris Free Estimates 817-996-7887 Scrap Metal Removal. Trash and brush hauled, household appliances, autos, lawn mowers, A/C units, etc. 817-374-2571.

Call, Text 817-291-3955 or Email



Coastal round bales, horse quality, fertilized, no weeds, $55. 817-4752313. Springtown Area. Fertilized and weed-killed Coastal horse hay, 4x5 rolls, $60 each and squares, $7/bale. 817-929-8680.


Help Wanted

LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. 817-237-7184. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. Now hiring Class B-CDL Mixer Drivers. Production & Safety Bonuses paid monthly, Employer Matching Retirement Plan available. Apply in person at Wise Ready Mix, 1349 NW Parkway, Azle. MAINSTREAM (group home for adults with developmental disabilities) is hiring part-time Direct Contact Staff for 17-hour weekday shifts (2nd & 3rd shifts) or 24-hour weekend shifts. Paid training, starting pay is $7.40 hourly. Good potential for full-time employment. Call Sandra or Carole at 817-2702747, Monday-Friday, 9A-3P. Springtown ISD is accepting applications for Bus Drivers and Monitors. Training available. Contact Jodee Gilbert-Uhlman 817-2201418. WANTED: Experienced Kitchen Staff, Full-time, Long Term. Apply in person at El Paseo Mexican Restaurant in Azle. Experienced Cabinet Builder needed. Apply in person at 1800 N. Main St., Weatherford, TX 76085. Diesel Truck Mechanic needed. At least 5 years experience. Must have own tools. Pay based on experience. Call Garry at 817-846-6730 or apply at 14025 US Hwy 287, Fort Worth, Texas 76179. HOUSEKEEPING: Need a stay-athome Mom who could spare some mornings, as needed, for relief shift. Extra money for you or kids! On days to work, start at 7:45...usually home by 2:00. Requirements: Enjoy cleaning and helping others, auto and auto insurance, driver’s license and social security card. We will train those who meet our basic needs. Position not suitable for one with financial needs. 817-237-9848, leave message for return call. If you’re looking for a state certified CNA in the Azle/Springtown area, call Kay 817-500-2368.


Help Wanted

Real Estate/Rental Management Person Needed. 817-360-1818.


with 2 years experience Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more

Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323

L AUNDRY HELP 9A-4P Tuesday-Friday Every Weekend Off New Pay Scale

Azle Manor, INC 721 Dunaway Lane • Azle




TRIPLE K SERVICES, LLC Custom Cutting & Baling Light Tractor Work Insured Hay for Sale 817-401-6306 Fertilized Coastal Horse Quality Hay 4x5 Round Bales $60 each, Will deliver Springtown/Azle Area 940-389-1936 Fresh Coastal Hay Horse Quality Herbicide & Fertilized 4x5 Round Bales $65 ea. Discount for 20 or more and Free Delivery 817-221-3320

Classified Ad Deadline: Mondays by 5PM

46 soon 47 TXism: “the ____ McCoy” (genuine) 48 TXism: “cute as a bug’s ___” 49 abstained from 52 TXism: “skinflint” 53 Gulf snakelike fish 54 in Alpine: “___ Ross State University” 55 Denton County Speedway (abbr.) 22

BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-821-6377. Interior/exterior painting, tape, bed, texture and faux finishing. 38 years experience. www. AZLE HOME REPAIR & REMODEL. No job too big; no job too small. 30 years experience. Contact Doug Batey 817-361-2361.

PYRAMID CONSTRUCTION. TILE: Bathroom Shower, Floors; PAINTING: Interior, Exterior, Tape & Bed, Texture, Popcorn Ceiling; Stain Fence; PRESSURE WASHING; ROOFING & More! FREE ESTIMATES. 817-944-7658.

LOOK Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815

No Positions Available at this Time For consideration of all positions apply to:

Jodi Dusek, H/R Director

605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas





by Charley & Guy Orbison


Copyright 2015 by Orbison Bros.



19 26

• Additions •Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels •Ceramic Tile •Foundation Repair •Painting •Pressure Washing •Roofing •Fencing & Decks Call for Free Quote • 817-964-2562





37 40



45 48 50

NEWFANGLED CLEANING. Old-Fashioned Cleaning DONE BY OWNER ONLY! Residential cleaning, clean-outs, move-ins & make-ready. 25+ years experience. Now Accepting Most Major Credit Cards. Call or text Beth 817-3612182 for more information.

Your Cleaning Service Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL our pros may be out chasing fairy dust

Backgrounds Checked We furnish Tools & Chemicals

Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”


One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed

We offer paid holidays, vacation & training.

You’ll love the care you get!


31 it covers your house 34 CDC’s health safety tracking system (abbr.) 35 slang for a U.S. soldier: “_ _ Joe” 37 fly high 40 TX lizard: “horny ____” 43 tree in India 44 most effortless 50 TXism: “_____ like corny dogs at the State Fair” 51 _ _ Fehrenbach wrote “Lone Star: A History of Texas”

Home Improvement

Devin’s Handyman Service • Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding

• Insulation FALL • Kitchen/ SPECIAL Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks

Call Devin at 817-629-9608 Commercial • Residential

Your Hunt For Quality Is Over

T.R.D. Construction, LLC Home Improvement • General Contractor • New Construction Additions Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Architectural Planning and Design “No Job Too Small or Too Large” Tommy Russell, Sr. • 817-444-6505 or 817-291-6364 • Fax: 817-444-2206 P.O. Box 224 • Azle • AZLEREMODELING.COM

Sebastian Enterprises CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Since 1995

817-239-9571 817-237-9571


Chapman Carpentry Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs

Many Happy Local Customers

Mr. Sweeps


House Cleaning


14 OK town 52 15 near Bracketville: 53 “________ Cavern State Park” 54 16 first name of TX Stovepipe Johnson 55 17 give to someone for safekeeping 18 semiconductors 24 TXism: “gave me with two terminals a ____ and dance” 20 TXism: “it’s ____ (runaround) bout” (about) 25 ______ Blanca, TX 22 this Arness was 26 football is played Marshal “Matt __ ____, but not Dillon” (init.) baseball 23 this Jim is drummer 28 medical insurance and founding for elderly TXns: member of Austin ____care band “Spoon”



Advertise Today!







817-946-6787 817-444-4198


Gary 817-550-7776



Since 1978

Tile • Fencing • PainTing carPenTry • BaThrooms kiTchens • moBile home rePair WE DO IT ALL NO JOB TOO SMALL





WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555.





DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. FALL SPECIAL: 20% Off w/ this Ad! 817-629-9608.




1 crow squawk 2 TX-born actress Meredith Mac___ 3 breakfast food or Burnet Co. town 4 newspaper in Hemphill Co. seat 8 Santa ____, TX 9 music acts perform here in the capital (2 wds.) 10 what Donald Trump ain’t (abbr.) 11 Austin band “Asleep __ the Wheel” 12 state & national civic knowledge competition (2 wds.) 13 Van ____, TX

Brick, block, stone and rock work & repairs. Mailboxes, planters, cracks in walls, chimney sweeps. Very Reasonable. 682-239-4060.





TAWNYA’S CLEANING SERVICE. Cleaning done the way you want. Affordable, Reliable, 20 years experience. Call for Free Estimates 817-333-8786.

Lube Tech Must be dependable with good driving record. Auto Sales Consultant Seeking dependable professional that enjoys working with the public. Unlimited earning potential and benefits available.





Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567.


Parts Warehouse Must be dependable with a good driving record. Warehouse experience preferred.



PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866374-3559. www.billrosserpainting. com. NOW ACCEPTING VISA & MASTERCARD.

LOCAL HANDYMAN SERVICE & REMODELING. No job too small! Kitchens, bathrooms and all tile work. 817-404-2927.

Karl Klement Properties, Inc.




Home Improvement

Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201

Hauling, cleanup, tear down trailers, haul off trash and junk. Free Estimates. Call 817-304-6401.



1 semiaquatic reptile found in East TX, for short 5 Mexia h.s. class 6 in Anthony: “___ ‘_’ Wild Waterworld” 7 first female governor: “__” Ferguson 8 ___ River 9 West TX tribe in 19th cent.: Lipan ______ 15 former call letters for “106.1 KISS FM” in the Metroplex 16 how cattle are sold 19 Galvestion, et al. 21 TX singer Lopez 22 this 18-month-old McClure had all eyes on Midland in 1987 27 “____ as a pin” 28 TXism: “got a ____ __” (inclined) 29 pig sound (2 wds.) 30 this Manny ended his MLB career in minors as a Ranger 32 TX highway (abbr.) 33 TX phrase: “One riot, ___ ______” 36 lymph ____ 37 TX Buddy Holly ‘57 hit: “Peggy ___” 38 vivid or explicit 39 how a football game starts (2 wds.) 41 rivers south of the border 42 TX Don Henley cowrote “___ __ These Nights” 45 TXism: “that ____ won’t float”

040 Home Improvement

Class A CDL Drivers



Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

Garden/Mowing Service

Chad's Tree Service





Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chimney Cleaning Service Keep your home safe. Call Parker/Wise County’s oldest chimney sweeping company, Mr. Sweeps.

817-692-5624 ask for Doug

049 Masonry/Stonework


• Retaining Walls • Patios • Water Features • Outdoor Kitchens • Decorative Concrete

Anything with Stone • Free Estimates

214-603-6866 817-243-1020

Special: $150 Chimney & Dryer Vent Cleaning

Azle, TX ,L.L.C.


House Cleaning

Millie’s Have BrooM .... Will Travel Have References Tracy 682-582-7371 Millie 817-771-5541

Find a job in the classifieds today 045


commercial • residential

Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates

Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806 email



Job Wanted

Available to assist with your temporary or part-time Office Administration/Customer Service needs. 40+ years experience. Local references. Shirley 817-220-5302. 2 Man Crew. Work around your home and light mechanical. 817980-0086.

2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $7,700 817228-2255.

Motorcycles continued next page...



Wednesday, November 4, 2015

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 051





XV2 13CTV C Yamaha Star Tour Deluxe, 1300 CC shaftdrive, cruise control, valves set, 3K extra chrome, 2 new tires, oil changed, matching trailer. $4,900. 817-500-2325.



U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.


Music Lessons

Guitar Lessons, $15 per ½ hour. For more info call or text Beth 817-3612182.







Last Puzzle Solution A N D E A AM R N E E M






CommercialResidential Serving Springtown, Azle, Boyd, Weatherford Area



Plumbing Repairs Drains Cleaned


COUNTRY KITTIES House litter trained or barn cats. Free Kittens to a good home.

Quality Family Business Since 1938 CALL Cliff Hall


Well Drilling



ons E truc R& tion Metal Building Specialist

1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown

A sphAlt & G rAvel


Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL

Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125

Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good!

085 Mobile Homes For Sale

We go the extra mile to ensure you get more for your $. On House Pads, Driveways, Lot Clearing & Tractor Work, Etc.


Azle News & Springtown Epigraph


Metal Building Erectors

• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing




art METAL Coz BUILDING SYSTEMS Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design

 Fax 817-237-0904



Welding owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614


Mark Cozart 817-233-6668



Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.

• Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs


Water Heaters

Slab Leaks 057




Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936.


Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock. Tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495.

“The Solution To All Your Plumbing Needs”


Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

Fall into some good deals in the Community Classifieds.


Roofing Commercial & Residential

Call anytime: 817-412-4456


Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028


FOR SALE: 0.15 acre lot in Azle (1908 Gale Drive). Has electric, city sewage, gravel driveway and includes gas lease royalties. 817237-5118. 32.84 acres of land, Gilliland Road, Springtown. 2 ponds, big trees, $6,400 per acre OBO. 817-3124759.

OWNER FINANCED 3-2 SW on 1 Acre No Credit Needed Low Payments 817-994-3730 Hablamos Espanol 817-696-6443

086 Mobile Home/RV Lots PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lot for rent 1708 Gale Drive, $155 Mo., $50 Dep. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-246-4646. gtatx. com. Hablamos Espanol.


FRIDAY, NOV 6, 2015 - 6:00 PM Hwy. 281 N. - Stephenville (254) 646-3161 or 968-4844 On-Site EIA Test - $20


426 E HWY 199 • SpringtoWn Hail in This Area Has Caused Damage that Cannot Be Seen From the Ground.

S h o p L o c a l - D o n ’t g e t s c a m m e d by out of town roofers. In business since 2008

P l e a s e G i ve U s a C a l l fo r a Fr e e R o o f I n s p e c t i o n .

Pool Service

As the leaves fall, we’ll be there to catch them all. GANNON SWIMMING POOL SERVICE. 817230-3838.

Storm, 817-523-4137 HereHereBeforeLongTheAfter.


THE POOL WRANGLER POOL SERVICE Serving Springtown/Azle. Call Mike at 817-771-7257. Free advice anytime!

Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction

060 Professional Services

36 Years in Azle

LONE STARR STEAMER PROFESSIONAL CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. Basic Package: 3 rooms and a hall, $89. Call 817-361-2361.



Certified PREFERRED CONTRACTOR State Applicator #106


   Insurance Claim Specialists  


Ray’s Roofs & Repairs Free Estimates


ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.

We’ll be here after the storm.



Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.

Sell It In The Classifieds! 068


West Side STORAGE UNITS Storage 20-5813 1350 Liberty School Rd, Azle 70 •

-16 -239




Now Leasing Storage Units

5x10 $25/month

Special! 6 Months ... $125 817-246-4646

Ash Creek Storage Convenient Location

Corner of Main St. & Locust • Azle


40x50 building for rent 3 miles west of Springtown 817-713-7495. Great building for lease in industrial area in Azle. Building is 2,400 sq. ft. (1,200 office/1,200 shop), has bathrooms, A/C and heat and plenty of parking. Great building for any business. $1,300/mo. $1,300 deposit. For information call 817360-3627.


Rent Unfurnished

SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $650/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-657-9591. RENT SPECIAL! 2-2 4-PLEX, IN AZLEWOOD. $750/$600 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, new flooring, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039. *** ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE IN SPECIAL *** 3 BR 2 BA Home for Rent, open floor plan, split bedroom layout, great backyard, quiet neighborhood, 5 minute access to Hwy 199, $1,100/mo. Call Lindi 916295-3318 or 916-780-5444. 2-1 duplex in Springtown. $675/ mo. includes water & trash service. Deposit $675. Non smoking, no pets, background check. Call 817382-7179. Immediately Available. Nice professionally redone 2-1 MH between Springtown & Weatherford on FM 51 in nice park. $550/mo. $300 deposit, owner pays for trash/water service. 682-551-0424; 682-5590531; 682-222-6772. 3 BR 2 BA, 2 car garage, CH/A, fenced, Springtown ISD, $1,200/mo. $1,200 deposit. 817-360-0533.

RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month

We now have Pull-Throughs!

• • • • •

Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi

817-846-8190 Call for Rates - 817-291-4679

40x40 Shop for Rent. 817-313-7821. FSBO Commercial .596 acre PRIME AZLE MAIN STREET LOCATION with 1,216 sf house, grandfathered. Can be residence with business. For more info call 817-249-7446. Local Investor selling all rental and residential properties. Located 4 miles west of Azle. 817-706-4481.


Springtown RV Park

295/mo Includes Water/Trash Service Wi-Fi & Electricity (Electricity up to 70) $


Houses for Sale

1704 Scotland Avenue, Azle. 3-22 brick home w/upstairs loft on 2.3 acres. Completely remodeled. Bobby 817-727-1100.

084 Mobile Homes for Rent


Have your wedding in the privacy of your home, small or large. Minister will come to your house. Call 817532-7021.



Professional Office Space For Lease: 1230 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. Suite 103, 1,100 sq. ft., individual offices; Suite 104, 800 sq. ft. 817-220-2150.

Tiny House and RV for rent at Heritage RV Park. 817-444-3760.

12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle

FSBO. ¼ acre, city lot. 113 Chisolm Trail Court, Springtown. $15,000. 817-901-4321.

081 Business/Commercial

Rent Furnished

Pecan Acres RV Park Inc.

Red River Horseshoeing 30 Years Experience & Certifi ed Steve Sewell 940-366-1485


Tiny Houses and RV rental. Azel RV Park 817-677-2160.

2 & 3 BR mobile homes for rent, Springtown and Azle ISD, no pets. 817-980-3066. 3 bedroom mobile home in the Poolville area. 918-843-2575. FIRST MONTH FREE with a 3-YEAR LEASE! Trailer spot for $250/mo., background fee required. 817-2213112. FIRST MONTH HALF OFF! 3-1 mobile home, $550/mo. plus electric & propane. $500 deposit, CH/A, Azle ISD, No Pets, 1-year lease, application required. 817-270-5682; 817-501-2238. 3-2, 16x80 mobile home, fenced, wooded lot on private land, Azle ISD. Call 817-266-2332. PELICAN BAY: 1628 PELICAN COURT, 3-2, $635/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817246-4646. Hablamos Espanol.

817-220-4678 • 3080 W. Hwy 199 088

Rent Unfurnished

We buy used mobile homes with clear titles. K&P Homes, Inc. 817-677-3446. BANK REPOS 817-677-3446 USED REFURBISHED HOMES 817-677-3446 NEW HOMES-FACTORY DIRECT 817-677-3446 K&P HOMES, INC.


Rent Unfurnished


3-2 house, WBFP, fenced yard with trees, huge wood deck, garden tub, AISD, sunroom, $820/mo. $750 deposit. 817-781-8861.


PELICAN BAY: 1836 CORAL ROAD, 3-1-1, $735/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. Hablamos Espanol.

Azle Creek Apartments



519 West Main St. • Azle $575 & up 2 Bedroom/1 Bath


COMING SOON: 1 Bedroom & 3 Bedroom • Newly Remodeled • Friendly & Quiet Community • Laundry On Site (Water, Trash & Sewer Service Included)

085 Mobile Homes for Sale


Pet Friendly!

(size restrictions and additional fees apply)

817-598-0663 Call for appointment

APARTMENT 700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712

1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Rent based on income. TDD:

800-735-2989 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Rent Unfurnished continued next page...

Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle

(817) 444-2362;


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 088

Rent Unfurnished

Crestwood Apartment Homes Fabulous Floor Plans

To Fit Your Every Need and Lifestyle! New Appliances, FS W/D Connections, Water/Trash Service Included, Warm Colors, Brushed Nickel Hardware and So Much More! Beautiful Pool!

Call for Details 817-444-0030 525 Commerce Street • Azle

TexSCAN Week of November 1, 2015




Classifieds real estate

Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday Rent Unfurnished


Real Estate Deadline Monday by 12:00 PM


• W/D Connections • Swimming Pool • Water/Trash Service Furnished

Jimmy Dickens 817-929-3481 Cally Winstead 817-688-9856 Jearl Tipton 817-771-5944 Adam Jacobs 325-277-9498


Sell It In The Classifieds!


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noW SErving you in 2 locationS: 801 E. Hwy 199, Springtown, 817-220-4663 · 1510 Santa Fe, Weatherford, 817-598-0988

Want to know what your home is worth?

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Call us for additional information! Tracy Sutton

Real Estate Specialist

NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is

511 W. Main • Azle, TX 76020 817-946-6650 cell & text 817-270-2030 fax

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Enjoy the Beauty of the Day while Reading Your Hometown Newspaper

Beth Dickens Deborah Cottongame 817-929-3185 817-999-9026 Frank Henderson Michele Holmes 817-229-3287 817-723-9580 Bobby Dauenhauer Adam Jacobs 817-832-3469 325-277-9498 Teresa Bobbitt Dana Forehand 817-308-6911 817-542-5793 Amy Soucheck April Strickland Lee Roesicke 817-680-6015 432-770-9396 817-675-3702 Lisa May Cathy Atchison Allanah Parker Hawkins 817-901-6785 817-501-8909 940-567-1265 Jillian Cortez Darlene Miller Lacee Densmore 817-629-9903 817-694-1256 817-629-0971

Spotlight Listing

128 HOWARD NEWBY LANE SPRINGTOWN- 5 Bedrooms, 3 ½ Baths on 1.3 Acres This home is beautiful from when you first drive upon the Austin stone front, you immediately know this house is special with many unique features. A customized interior with master bedroom suite that leads to a 12x17’ walk in closet is just the beginning. There are two additional bedrooms and the living/dining area is open concept providing customized living at its finest. Included are two sun rooms and an upstairs bonus room with ½ bath for fun and games or it can be used as an additional bedroom. In addition, there is an additional living area that can be accessed through the main house or by a separate entrance. It is also an open concept kitchen/ living area with two bedrooms and a ¾ bath. Lovely landscaped yard, huge trees and a fenced area for a horse or other animal. There is also a deep well running a 9 station sprinkler system (The well could provide water for the entire house if desired,). The house was recently updated to GREEN, with solar panels operating attic power vents and the attic includes radiant barrier and extra insulation. The 36X32’ workshop is fully insulated and has a loft area. THIS IS A MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE!!! There is also the option to purchase the adjacent 1.3 acre lot (last lot in the Heritage Oaks subdivision).

16 words or less is only $8.


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Call us today for more information 817-270-3340 Azle News or 817-220-7217 Springtown Epigraph

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illigal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Look for our next issue of

Heritage Magazine to hit the stands on December 30th & 31st in the azle news & Springtown epigraph.

3 Month Special! This offer is good for Autos, Boats, Campers, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, RVs & Trailers Y



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Call the Azle News 817-270-3340 or Springtown Epigraph 817-220-7217 for more info.

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