Seasons Greetings 2015

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SeaSon’S GreetinGS

A Special Section Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Azle News

2nd Grade Letters to Santa Claus

The Springtown Epigraph

Welcome to our Season’s Greetings section! Once again, here’s our popular special “Season’s Greetings” section! It’s our annual Christmastime insert of letters written by Azle and Springtown second graders to Santa Claus. The letters are filled with wonder and joy and innocence – and sometimes you’ll find one that’s a

Springtown Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been really good at school and home! I want a new cheerleading outfit, a new sticker pach and two new batman poster! I Love the snow and prensent! I like the Chrismas song’s and toy’s! P.S. You are the best! Love, Abby dear Santa, how are you? I what a forer for chrismas and a dirt bike and a jumper house. Your friend, Chase F. Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? I hope you will give me a doll. I hope you will give me the little suftamils. Woll you eat the cookies that I will give you I hope you have a good Merry Christmas. I love you Santa Claus. Your friend, Isabella G. Dear Santa, How are you doing santa? I would like a raddit for

little heart-wrenching. We print them as written and ship them off to the North Pole in plenty of time for Santa to get them. Advertisers make this special section possible and it’s their way of wishing friends and customers a Merry Christmas. The businesses in this “Season’s Christmas.

Greetings” support this community and we encourage you to do business with them at every opportunity. May these letters make you smile and appreciate the magic of the season! From all of us at the Azle News and Springtown Epigraph – Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa, Your friend, For Christmas I want a Hayden L. helicopter. A one that comes with a remote. And a remote can troll car. Dear Santa, And a army set that comes with a I hope you’re having a great soljer mask and a vest with it. And time making toys. Do you like Merry Christmas. delivering Christmas presents? I Caleb H. have another letter at my house of what I want for Christmas. I will Dear Santa, give you some ideas of what I want I know what I want for Christmas! for Christmas. I want a barbie hair I want a trampilen for christmas cut shop, Clover, Amber, Sofia, and I want a baby puppy and what I James stuffies, blue barbie, farie, really want is Christmas day. Pop the pig game, frozen fever Your friend, movie, Elsa and Anna blanket, Yantzy M. Inside Out Movie, lala loopsy dolls, basket ball hoop, robotdog, Dear Santa, sling shot, owl statue, German Can I have a the kidel and the shepard statue. Merry Christmas. rap lenand, a horse and phone and Your friend, can it be I-phone six and head Micaella F. phones and have a grate christmas. Your friend, Dear Santa, Madilynn I have been good and a little bad but mostly good. Santa the Dear Santa, one thing I want for Christmas is I want a get bull dog to scare my dog Bella back and a car I can my baby brothers but my mom and drive. I want One Direction cover, dad is going to be scare. pillow, poster. A ipod, phone a new Frind, can of Axe, and perfume. Merry Jocelyn Christmas Santa. Dear Santa, Love, I want a get bull dog to scare my Shelby R. baby brothers but my moma and

Dad is going to be scare. Christmas. Cayden C. Dear Santa, I only want legos for Christmas. Because I am a lego manster. I am good at building legos. I can build a lego house in one day. I like legos a lot. Your friend, Layden Dear Santa, I want xbox games. I want a PS 4 and games. Justin Dear Santa, I hope I get a Iphone. Santa I really want a new sweter. I wish I had a Elf. Can you give me a prezent for my teacher. I want a new robot. Can I please have a new mega scwert gun. I hope I get a new luffy blanket. Can you get a new for wheeler. I hope you and your Elf are having fun. Your friend, Dawson D. Dear Santa, I would like to have a trampilen for Christmas because me and my sister really wanted a trampilen and a hamper hoop. I was wondering how are you doing Santa Clause? I hope you know what my sister wants for

I’ve always wanted a puppy and I Merry Christmas, will also like a brand new tablet Kallie C. that comes with it’s own case. With love, Dear Santa, Birgitta I hope I get mega blocks. We may give you cookies. I hope you Dear Santa, get to my house. I like the stories I wunt a tariit. I wunt a ipron. I people told me. I would like wunt a bees. Minecraft Legos to. Your frined, Your friend, Jesse C. Wesley S. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Hey sup dude and I hope you How are you. What I want for and Ms. Cluas arn’t working too Christmas is a husky puppy and hard in the cold. And your beerd my siste to come and my hole llooks awesome bro. Why do elfs family and a kitten and a jj pun. have huge ears? Any way do you Your friend, remember Alex my elf on the Emma shelf. Awesome thank you. Your Dear Santa, awesome. Nice beerd. I hope I will give my list of toys Love, is roll skes. Scarlett Frum Micah Dear Santa, Dear Santa Claus, I want a Simnaittsot and I want How are you doing. I hope you a trampoleg. are ok. Well I hope you will give Love, me a prezent I want a Strapalg Afton and a new DS and a moktrol truck and a puppey and a robot merry Dear Santa, Christmas. I love you Santa Claus. How are you and Mrs. Claus Cody doing this year? It has been a long time sinc Chrismes. If I’m not on Dear Santa, the note lest culd I ples have a play How are you doing at the North cat and dog. Pole it must be cold. For Critmas Your friend, I realy want is a cute little puppy. Dakota


Season’s Greetings 2015

Dear Santa, Hey dude what’s up and I have been so good. So can I please have some mario posters. Hey youre so nice Santa. Do you know that elf on a shelf? If you can’t his name is Sparky Love, Righ Dear Santa, How are you doing up there in the cold. How is Mrs. Claus doing. You are awesome. So do you like chocolate chip cookies. What’s up yo? How do you not get a tummy with that much cookies? Please may I have a new umbrella. With love Brinkle S.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

north pole? If you are not busy can I plese have the starwars forceawakens Liloy Lego set? Your friend, Branson Dear Santa, Sup dude? How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine. How is Mrs. Claus doing How are your elfs doing? I was hoping that I could have a fast scooter it is one of the remote control scooter. They are cool and fast. Your friend, Makenzie R.

Dear Santa, I hope I’ve been good this year cause you are Awesome. I like that your our Santa Clause. I’m wondering if your do well in the cold North Pole. Cause it is cold there. And can I please have a college te shirt. And how is jessie the elf. This year I am doing fine at school. Love, Rylen Dear Santa, How are you doing? May I pleuse have a remote control

Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? Don’t work to hard. Your elfs betr be good. You are the best. Can I have a new bike? Your friend, Peyton Dear Santa, I hope you are doing good. You are the best. I hope you can visit anyone that is in my family. Are you having a good time at the north pole. Santa may I have a new stuf animal and maybe a set of dimid aremt. If you can get me it wood be grat if you can’t that wood be fine. I just hope you can do it. Love you,, Seth Dear Santa, I love you! I hope you are not Dear Santa, getting cold. Hope I am on the How are you doing are you nice list. Can I please have a Santa doing good and mrs. claus? Are Doll? you working hard and your elfs Thank You, and mrs. claus. And having fun Jaxson making stuff. Your friend, Dear Santa, Makayla I love you and I love your Dear Santa, Whiff? Cood you plees git me Can I please have a new doll. a new bike, if you can’t do it is On christmas maybe santa clas. okay. How do you get at so many houses Love, with all those presents. Do you Dustin have flying randirs? Santa clas fo Dear Santa, you eat deliches cookies? Do the What are you doing up in the raindir eat too? Northpole? What does Miss Class Love, do? How does your elves make Lynzee all that stuff? And how big is your Dear Santa, slay? I hope you are ok. I was waiting From Ethan, my hole life. Is it cold up in the

helicopter for christmas? A remote chain too! Don’t forget the cookies I left you! Love, Levi Dear Santa, How are you doing up at the North Pole? I hope you are not working to hard. I hope you are ok with the pengwens. All I want is a remote cuntroll car. Plece I don’t want the hung elfs. How are your elfs doing? I wunder how Mrs. Clews do. She make a lot of cuces. Do She help you with the toys? Trey Dear Santa, How are you doing? Thanks for the bike. You are nice. What are you doing right now? Are you having a good time? You are the best I love you. I will have some cookies for you.

Love, want ant man the movie. Hockey Elizabeth set with two hockey sticks, and two hockey pucks. Dear Santa, From, Is Roodof the red nose Noah raindear reel? And I want Dear Santa, a achin fuger and his name We love you. You bring us Eperpalpten. And I want the toys every year. Christmas brings moves gardeens of the galexe family together. And you made and I have never seen it I bet Chrismas so you are kind of the it is awesome. And how are you presadent of Christmas! Thank you doing I hope you are having a and your elvs ya’ll are vary vary grate time. nice! We all love you vary vary Love, vary much! Hunter Love, Deanna Dear Santa, For chrismis I want a pokiman Dear Santa, box for christmas and Dire of For chrismas I want a I pod and the viking. Ladmover trad and a copter and xbox live and a green operation. blue and purple motersicle and a Love, bike and a pone and a dog and a cat Mark and hours and a phone and a Jugle Jugle boll and bord game and noo Dear Santa, Jrie erast markers and a bord that I want a lego for Crismise. goes with it. Please can I have a lego book. Wen Love, I get the lego can you please give Macie me a kitchen. Love, Dear Santa, Skylar I want a toy. I will be good. I want a dog. I want a dinasor and a Dear Santa, dragon. I want a bike. You are nice and you are sweet. Love, You are the best Santa and sweet. Dakotah I phone, kittens, Xbox, Kumpeter, holikoper, DS, pokeman, carts, Dear Santa, skate shoes. Babymouse the fist. Thank you for giving me Military vehichles, eagles. prizints to me. I want a xbox 360 Love, for chrismas and stuft unicorn for Bryce chrismas and a movie. Sensurly, Dear Santa, Emma E. You are nice. I want candy for chrismas. I want a ipod for Dear Santa, chrismas and a lot more things for For chrismas I want some lego chrismas. You are nice because friends. I want some american girl you give evry butey prezents. I doll clothes. A remote controll wish I cood live were you are. car. A two story play house with It is probley rille, rille coled but everything working. I want a 3ds. you won’t give pepele prezents if I want sillystring. Turquis and pink they didn’t be good sowe they get and black clay. Turquis furniture cole. for my house. Turquis phone. One from, bedroom. A remote control robot. I Brooklynn want a car. I want it to be turquis. I want phone working. I want a Dear Santa, puppy. A real one. I want wwe stuff. I want a I pad and a I pod. More dirt bike toys. And a wwe game for my xbox one. New xbox one controller. I want pokemon cards. More nascar cars, gold os4. Laser tag guns. I want the diary of a wimpy kid series. I

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Dear Santa, I can’t wait chrismes, I can’t wait for you to stuf my stocking with toys and candy. I can’t wait to open presints. I want new transformers. And a new hot wheels. Love, Preston Dear Santa, I want angry birds games and super charges and pokemon. From, Nolan Dear Santa, You are nice. I want for chrismas a computer and touch screen phone too. Are your eye braws wight. I love you Santa. Whatare your raindears names. How are you doing. What is your favert cookie Santa. What do you do. How do you go to every house in one night all over the erth. Tell me how, Santa. I want a cat and a flower pot. I live in Texas in Springtown. Is the tooth fary real Santa. Love, Bre Dear Santa, Do you still have roodoff the red nose randere and I whant for crismas is a pubby for me and a gocart and a phone and lotts of make up and a pritty hihls and a dress and lots of toys and I whant to know what tipe of cookeys do you like choklet or nutty candy or cupcakes and can you make Jack frost make it snow and can you get me a ring and nekles and new shoes and my mom a new bed and my dad a cofe cup and say it was from me and can you get me candy and some food for us because we barely have food and I need cat food to santa please and I want another cat and kittens for me and books and my mom needs a table I want one and I need a new backpack and a new



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Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 pencel and it has to be a pretty pincel and I want nail polish and a clock to wake me up in time for school. From, Lindsey Dear Santa, These are the things I want. A doll, a nintedo 3ds with a Pokemon xy game. A zipe sack. I want a phone like my dads. A giant teddy bear. A stuff animal turtle. A alarm clock. Thats it. Thank you, Kalley Dear Santa, I want all the monster high dolls. And obez crash. And I want the monster high school. For all my monster high dolls. Santa I want a braz doll. The Inside Out toys. From, Anaista Dear Santa, I want a manchin. I want a plystation 4. I want a tramaling. I want a milleaing grand. I want a play xbox one. I want a new bike. Love, Caden Dear Santa, Can you git a colske for witer? Wut is your faverit cook? Have I bin good or a note littar raski? Love, Grayson. Dear Santa, I have been very nice to my sister. I have been very good to my dog I fed him in the night. Me and my sister and dad fed the horses on the weekend. They were still hungry. We are painting are living room blue we have to finish it before Christmas. I was so happy because I wanted to paint it blue. I hope you come for Christmas. I wasnt a toy horse for Christmas. And I want a toy pony because me and my sister can play with it. Love, Brenda

Dear Santa, I am writing this letter to tell you I have been good to my parents. I worked so hard this year in school. I do my work every day. And my homework.Don’tforgetmypresent. Your friend, Wyatt Dear Santa, I know you work super hard each year to give every kid a present. I love christmas. It is the best holiday ever. I want Beados for christmas. I can’t wait to light the christmas tree with pretty christmas lights. I love you santa. I love christmas because it is gods birthday. I hope you come to my house. I also want some dork diary books for christmas. I just love christmas because you get to slide down hills with a sled. I like the ornaments that looks like you santa. I can’t wait for you to come to my house next year. I love christmas.

Erick C. when it is Christmas because you us presents. I know a lot of Dear Santa, facts about you. I like you a lot I am writing this letter because because you are one of my favorite I am working very hard. And I am holidays. I really like you. one of the goodest in the class! Sincerely your friend, And I am getting good grades! Allison D. And what I want for chrismas is minecraft toy and a remote control Dear Santa, are plain for chrismas! And I am I want a toy. I like the toy is a exited to come in my house! And helicopter got two wings side to I am very good at school! side have a car and a bumping car Your best friend, and a two car and two controllers. Hugo M. The boat have a shark and three car and a little bat. Dear Santa, Your friend, I been good this year I hope I get Julio L. a speeshille presente from Santa. I hope you get a presente just like Dear Santa, your kinds, I hope you have a I love you. I love you because greate christmas. I am 8 years old every year you give all the kids some people what to no how old toy’s. But do you really know what you are but I don’t want to no. Do I want? This is what I want. Book’s. you no my friend Kenzi. I know all your elfs work hard Your friend, making toys, and most important McKenzey G. your sleigh. I like how it’s shining red every year. You and your elfs Dear Santa, are the best. I have actually listened I want a bike ana filler on a bike. to my mom and dad. I wish some And A john Sena WWE Mach a I day I can give you chocolate. And been very good at church. I want I like christmas because it’s God’s a scooter and a lot of Diary of a birthday. Whoo Hoo! I also want wimp kid on big Nate. I want a a pack of bookmarks. You are the fiter for my WWE Mach. I want best! When it’s christmas I don’t choklite bars want you to leave. You are awesome

Dear Santa, How are you today? I want a baby sister and books. I want some lego gues. and some hero factry. Are you real? Love Lincoln Your friend, Alyson B. Dear Santa, I can not wait till you come. I want an Xbox 360 for christmas. I hope you get it. I want a lot of things. I wandar when my elfs will come. I can not wait. P.s. I will leave you a lot of cookies and a glass of milk. Your friend, Grayson D. Dear Santa, I love you because you work very hard and I want a four wheeler for christmas and I want a dog and toys and I want a control car and Xbox. P.S. I want a bike and for my brother bring a control car, too. I want a football. Your friend

Your best friend, Santa. Good Bye! Good Bye! Colton P. Your Friend, Dear Santa, Joshua S. How are you doing? I am excited for Christmas. I was wanting a Dear Santa, skateboard. A kareokey machine I am writing this letter to tell and a game of twister. Could you you I have been good I have good please put me on the nice list this grades and my parents say I have year? When will Barbe come back? good manners. I say thank you and I was wondering if you could get last year for christmas I had 10 me an I phone 6. one hundreds from school. I love Your friend, christmas next christmas I hope I Kenzi H. have a good one my mother says I might get a lot of toys. I want a Dear Santa, puppy for Christmas. I’ve been very good. I am very Your friend, excited for Christmas. I have been Nadia G. getting a lot of good grades. For Christmas I want a little puppy. I Dear Santa, am getting ready for Christmas. I’ve been making things for I like when it is Christmas. I like people. I played with my friends. I helped people vidio games and bord games. And I helped create


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Dear Santa, I was doing good at home. But I was wanting a skate borde.I was being good at home. Can you bring me a hamster for Christmas. It has to be white. I want it to be a boy. From, Allen Dear Santa, I’m writing this letter to you because I been very good at home.

And I wanted to tell you that I wanted to have a lovalopsy so I was hoping that if you would give it to me. And I also want a phone to. Your friend, Giselle

the tree.

presents last year. I have been Your friend, good at home and school to and I Hunter want Madden 16. I can’t wait for December 25th.Forsantatocome. Your firend, Dear Santa, Nathaniel B. I am Karina do you know what I want a hover bord and a horse with weels. I now you worked so Dear Santa, Me mom gitse urt bad. I sink a hard to get every kid presents. I love christmas I love your presents xbox. Me dad is a good dad. Me I hope you put presents under the dog is good I gite to it me dog a christmas tree. I hope you have a fitert. From happy thanksgiving and can you Neviah please get a present to my mom and dad and my brothers and my 2 cousins. Can you please get them Dear Santa, What I want is a lot of toys. Even please a toy. And a baby ball. I love you Santa so much do you love me a dirt bike. A I phone for christmas. ButIreallywantamilliondollars. Santa? And a baby toy house. From, Your friend, Fisher Karina D.

Dear Santa, I am writing this letter to tell you I’m very excited for you to come to my house. I was hoping you would get me a bike or an I phone 6. If you get me an Iphone 6, could you get a case for it? I just started getting shopkins, I was wondering if you could get me some Shopkins. Love, your friend, Samantha M. Dear Santa, How are you? For my Mom en Dad en sister, my friends is nice. My baby brother, my sister en friends I nice. Your friend, Evelyn F. Dear Santa, I can’t wait to see you this years Christmas. You gave me lots of

Dear Santa, I want a new phone and a new bike. Please Santa. Please I want a bike. Meagan B. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I want a big art set. And a 3 foot long lego set. And a Osmo. And I don’t know any more stuff I would want. Thank you for Christmas Santa From, Carlie Dear Santa, Me and my brothers have been very very good my little bruther wants a air plan and my big brother wants Lego set and I want a lego set.

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Season’s Greetings 2015

From, play-do set of sweet shoppe. My Julien sister wants a scooter. I can’t wait for christmas day. Dear Santa, From I have bin very good this year. Jade For Christmas I want a car with big weels and it has to flash with bright Goshen Elementary lites. From Fernandoes Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want 3 things. Dear Santa, I want a mermaid doll, Most of Pokemon, Candey and Pokemon. I am going to give you cookies. all I rele want a bike. Love, From Riley Lila Dear Santa, I wanted a phidfnejon if yo get it that is all I riell want. This all Tres this yeas. Do mirrgo to give you a yorst you can have cat loit milk or wanit malk eatit cookes or nuts. From Matthew Dear Santa, What I want for christmas. I want some video games. I have been good this year. I cant wait for christmas presents. From Caleb Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I wold like a razor trick trick for Christmas. I am also looking fowerd to getting a go cart for Christmas to. But there is one last thing I want to get, I want to get juble bubles to. From Rowan Dear Santa, Liam has been very good. Liam loves cars can you gif him sum cars! I been wonting a bike and some dolls. I can’t wait for Christmas. From Skylar Dear Santa, I wait a dsxl. I have been very good this year! I wait a xbox 360 game. I can’t can’t can’t can’t wait for christmas day. From Archer R. Dear Santa, I been very very good. I want new pink gere like helmet short pans and gloves. I want a ne pink bike. I want a toy cat. I want new Zbox games. From Callee Dear Santa, I want a pant set. I have been very good this year. I also want a

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 phone and a teddy bear.

Taylor Love Reagan Dear Sante Claas, I haven’t had a good time at all! Dear Santa, I hop you have a good time at the How are you doing? I have been north pole. Can I pleses have the good. I want a elf for a present. I zoorem dornsor the moma and a want a phone for a present. I want elf on the shef and a new nintindo a Jack in the Box. charger. P.S. Do not step on the Love cookies. Ashley Love, Sean Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This is what I want for How are you? Being good I Christmas. A saddle and a pair of pleese want too have 107 Pokemon

Dear Santa, For christmas I want action cam, black glasses and make-up set. How are you doing? I hope well. I will leave you cookies and milk for you. Love, McKenzi

legos and an I pod. Crayolas and Pokemon card plese. And one a coloring book and make up fly more thing have a safe trip. give books, Jack and Anny books. Love How are you doing on your travls. Muguel Love, MacKenzie M. Dear Santa, How have you been doing. Do Dear Santa, you us snowing hard blizzard. How have you been doing. Can How miny cookies would you I please have game that is super like. What is yor raindeers favorite charger. I hope you not fall off food. I won’t a computer. I want a your sleigh. Can I please have a play station 4. flying drone. Love Love Harley Hayden Dear Santa, How are you doing? I got a apple for your elves and a cookie for you. How are your reindeers? Is Mrs. Claus OK? I am happy that your comein here. I hope you have a great year. Love Michael Dear Santa, How are you doing today. I am happy you are coming. How is Roodoff nose. Are the elves being nice to you. Is Mrs. Claus being good today, I hope. I am feeling better. I’m going to give cookies and milk to you. I hope you have a good Christmas. Thank you. Love Price

Dear Santa, I want a Jack in the Box and a ne blanket and that’s it. I love you and I will leve cookies and milk for you. Love Miley Dear Santa, Can I please have Madden 16? Can I please have a I phone 6 please. Can I have the pokemon please? How are you doing? Are you having a good christmas? Love Layton english boots and stirrups. Have you doing good? I have. I have Dear Santa, my stocking out already. Do you? I want Pokemon and a computer. Thank you. I want to know how you are Love doing? I am doing great. I’ll make Carlie choclohet cookies and pore milk for you. Thank you for cupcake. Dear Santa, We love her! I hope you are doing I would like to know if you can great and the elfs too! make this? I would like one of the Love olaf books. Please that’s all I want. Zach How are you? I will leave the raindeers carrots. I will leave you Dear Santa, cookies and a glass of milk. Merry Can I please have a phone for Christmas. Christmas and real elf that I can Love touch? How are you doing I’m Landrie doing great. Cupcake is funny and you are fixing to see Snowflake. Dear Santa, P.S. Hope you like cookies. I was wondering how you been Love doing? I am doing great. Your elf is Annascotia doing great. I want some Pokemon and I think your the best. Dear Santa, Love I’m doing good are you? I’m Joel going to bring some carots for your rain deer. I want a dirt bike and a Dear Santa, four weeler and a ranger. For Christmas I want some Love pokemon and some money and Caiden candey. To thank you I will leave Dear Santa, come cookis for you and the Can I please have a american ranndeer. girl doll, Saige and a make up From

cards and Lego Ship. Happy Christmas. Dear Santa, From, How have you been doing Austin this year? I’ve been great. I was wondering if you could bring me Dear Santa, something for Christmas. I would Can I have a ring and a toy cat? like a computer. I hope you have a P.S. I will leave some cookies for great Christmas. you. Love Love Tabitha A. Sienna Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Yo Nick, How have you been I want a dirt bike and 24 ex’s doing? You’re reindeer are cool. I have and one millon doller’s. How a cold. I hope you don’t! I like your are you doing? I bet your doing Elves. You ROCK! I hope I’ve been outstanding. good! I was hoping you could bring Love me the Lego Friends Grand Hotel! Korbin Love Sarah Dear Santa, I want Legos and air Hog and a Dear Santa, toy car. Merry Christmas. How are your reindeer doing? Love How are you doing Santa. Your sleigh Aaron is cool. How is your Christmas? Will you bring me a lot of Legos and a big Dear Santa, truck? You are the best Santa. Will Can I have Lego fire fighter and you bring me a huvorbord? You’re a fake gun and an Xbox? I might the my best friend. put out carets for the rain deer. Love Hope you like the cookies. Brayden Love Wes Dear Santa, How have you been doing this Dear Santa, year? How are your Reindeers? How have you been doing this How have your Elves been doing year? How have your Reindeer since Christmas? I have been Elves, Mrs. Claus been oh and I making some problems but I fixed want a Hoverboard, healicopter, a the thing that I did frum the past real Hot rod car and Jetpack. Have few years. So I wanted to thank a safe trip. you for giving us Christmas. Love Your Friend, Kian Ben Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? Expeshly roddoff. Do you like cookies and milk? Do you want to know about me? I have been good. I have been helping out. Please can yougetmeagaspowereddirtbike. Your friend, Dakota Dear Santa, How have you ben doing this year? How are the reindeer? How are the Elves? Trikex is doing good. Will you please bring me this stuff, a DS, I-Pod, cat, Karoke-machine. Purs, and perfume. Thank you. Love Faith Dear Santa, I mite like lots of prezents at chistmas. How are you doing? I hope you are doing good. I am doing good. How are the Elves? I would like a Nodi, a phone, girl

At The Birth of Our Saviour Wishing you and yours exceeding great joy as we enter into this holiest of seasons. Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Lakeside Church of God 9396 Confederate Park (FM 1886) 817-237-5500

Dear Santa, How have you been this year? How are the elves? I hope you like chocolate milk. Have a safe trip? Love Lilly Dear Santa, How have you been doing this year? How are the reindeer and the Elves? How fast can the Elves make prezints? I’ve been great this year. I hope you have a grate Christmas. Love Wyatt Dear Santa, How have you been doing this year? Are your reindeer doing well? Is Mrs. Claus doing well? What do you wear when you go outside? I am doing well and my family is doing well to. I am macking good grades in school. I made a new friend dearing the summer. Her name is Kindall. Would you please bring me an I pad., an American Girl Doll, bedroom set and a phon character. Thank you Santa. Love Chloe C.

Dear Santa, How is roodoffs nose? Is it really red? I am ok. I hop you like sugar cookies and milk. How is Mrs. Claus?Ilikehotchocolatedoyou? Love Mariah Dear Santa, Do you bring your Elves with you to help you. What cookies do you like? Is your nick name Saint Nicholas? I think you go fast to deliver the presents. Do you put candy canes in the stockings. The Dear Santa, only thing I want for christmas is How is christmas? I have been an Angry Bird set. good. How are the Elves? I have Love dreamed of a skateborad for Hayden K. christmas and a I pod. Is your coat red? And a big blanket for my Dear Santa, family and me. How have you been doing? Sincerely, Good I hope. I was mad when I Camern didn’t get my way, but Santa I don’t want coal. Santa you are Dear Santa, the best santa ever. I want to How are the rain deer? I will know the elves, reindeers, mrs. have cookies for you. How have claus and you are doing good. I you been and how are the elves? like the stuff you brought me last I am good. Here are a couple o christmas. I want you to be my things I would like pleese, a stuffed gift. You are the best santa ever. buny that has a secerat radio, bike. Mrs. Claus I hope you like my P.S.4 Star Wars games hot chocolate. Sicerly, Love Colton Kaylea Dear Santa, I sorry I didn’t greet you like this last year. How have you been doing Santa? Can I have a magig kit, Spy Kit, and a Trampolin,

Dear Santa, How have you been cold up in the North Pole. I’m been a good boy because I did all my chalse. How been mrs. claus

It Looks Like

Christmas in the Country


It’s the best place to be, especially with so many wonderful friends and customers like you!

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Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays!

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Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 in the north pole? How do the reindeer fly? I want a montain bike because I can rid it up in the montains. I can wait to have it because I helpt my dad bilt a ramp. Sincerly, Keagan


Dear Santa, How are you and the elves and the reindeer? I have been a good boy. I want a wii and a trampelene. I will do my homewerk. Sincerely, Zachery Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I thick you are busy right now. I have been well this year. I what a mootkch car. I wood get up at the rit time and acklee brush my teeth. Love Michael Dear Santa, How are you and your elfs. How are you and Mrs. Claus? I ben very good and how are your raindeer and I ben nice. Can I plese have Xbox? I will help my little sister and never ever steel and mear crismes. Thank you for bringing me toy. Love Ethan Dear Santa, How are you and the elves doing? I’m sure yore busy right now. I hav been a good girl. I have helped my mom with the baby. May I have a macup with listic? May I have a princess crown and wand. And a lala tposy baby. I hope ya’ll have a good day. Sincerely yors, Mia Dear Santa, How are you doing? I beat it is cold in the North pole. And I will like a Apple I pad 6 big because to play math games and to lern better in school. Becace I have ben a good girl. I tre to help my brother but he wont leat me. Maer Chrismis Love, Nevach Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Thank you for bringing me presents every year. Is it cold in the north pole? You are a really nice man. I really want a giant teddy bear because I’ve gotten good grades. How are you and the people in the north pole doing? Sincerely yours,

Caitlyn Dear Santa, I wunder if you are cold? I wunt a kitty? And I wunt a pop out pet. I have ben good and I wunt a gummy bear stashin. Love Madisyan

Dear Santa, How are you doing and your elves? Is rodoff the red noos rider real? How is Mrs. Claus> My 8 year sister is so men to my but I stel love her. I want a dog like my dog Guner because I have bin good at school.

REJOICE... In the Spirit of the Season! Christmas...a special time to remember those who have touched our lives with warmth, kindness and have blessed us in so many ways. Warmest wishes and heartfelt thanks from all of us, to all of you. 405 Commerce St. • Azle, Texas 76020


Front Row -Baylee Davis, Diana Rust, Sarah Hicks Back Row-Jill Goen, Rhonda Herriage, Brandy Jones, Steve Parker, Jayde Bissonnette, Carissa Widner, Jessica Corley

Love Bailey B. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I been a very good girl. I what amacrin girl dol becus I fold my clos and put them up. I what a puppy becus I help my mom with the Luke and


shelter to get in when you have a Love tornado cums? I want an elf so he Savahannah can wach me so he can tell you I was good boy. Dear Santa, Sincerely How are you and the reindeer, Xander elves and Mrs. Claus? I’m doing fine. I’m gessing you are very busy Dear Santa, rite now. I liked all the presents I wish you had a good year and you brought me. I would like an I hope your elves and Mrs. Claus Xbox 360 because I got good have a good year to. I hope your grades and I did the dishes when rindeer dote git loos if you have my mom dident even ask. time I want a olw that sings with Sincerely yours, you. Raelyn Love Nathalia Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. How Dear Santa, are you doing? I wish you cum I would like a baby puppy, boxer give me a doll named Rupunzel. and husky. Because I go to bed at 8:00 and I Love study my times tables. Tristen Love Abigail Dear Santa, I hope that you deliver all the Dear Santa, presents to all the little kids. In How are you and Mrs. Claus my stoking I will want candey doing? In are class we alrety set and a toy car. I will want pokemon up are christmas tree. Santa gess boxes. I will want zoomer dino what? I got to go up to Western and a skatebord and a 360 and a New York. I’m so excited cause I 3dsxl. got to see my family, Santa. I went Love for christmas. I want a stuffed Anthony animal that is a Panquin. I want it cause it is cute and and cutuly. Dear Santa, Love I hope you are not late for Lily Christmas. I want a barbie pool and play station. I hope you get presents Dear Santa, to. I will give you a present and a How are you? Is it cold in the box of cookies. Tell Miss Claus to north pole? I’ve bin such a good have a Mery Christmas. girl this yer. I wood like a Zoomer Love Kitty and a mikufon set bucus I lisin Amber V. tomymommydadandmytecher. Love Dear Santa, Ashley K. I hope you deliver all the presents and dont get cold. How Dear Santa, fast dose your raindear go? I bet How are you and miss claus mrs. santa dose all the work. I doing. Santa are busy today. I bet it hope you bring a skateboard for is cold at the northpole. I want a dirt me. bike.Ihelpmymomcookdinner. Sincerely Sincerely, Tyler T. Gernan Dear Santa, Dear Santa, May I plese have a dirt bike, a I no that you are so busy all year I phone 6 and a box of Pokemon? can you give me a chopoter becus I That is all I want for Christmas. If hed to lon math and sits and lon ho you do I will be plesed. I hope you to spal and lon ho to read. have a good year. Love Love Delilah Devan Dear Santa, How is rutolg? I want a star wars Dear Santa, lite saver, a lego set, becus my Have a nice Christmas. Tell your brudr broke my toys. Elf hi for me plese. I like your hat Love that you wear on Christmas. How Dante is Rodoph? Does he really have a Dear Santa, shiny nose? How are you, the elves and the Love reindeers doing? Do you have Audrey R.


Season’s Greetings 2015

Dear Santa, I hope you have a good day at work. Can you bring me and my brother Clayten a tablet? And a Zoomer Dino? And a prezent for my Mom? Love Zachary Dear Santa, I hope you have a great year. If you have time can you bring me a dirtbike and a fur real friend and a Zoomer Kitty? Make shore to check my house for a present for you back. I hope you have a wonderful year. Love Alexa G.

Dear Santa, Love I hope I can have one of your Samuel rein deer. Plaese bring me a zoomer kitty and other things for Dear Santa, Christmas. I would like a 3dsxl for Love Christmas. My elfs name is Jasper. Victoria B. What did Jasper say last night? I bet he thought we were good. Love Dear Santa, Louden How are you doing today and how is Mrs. Claus doing today? Dear Santa, Will you plse sin me Mack up I hope you have a great day and Zoomer Kitty. Have a good every day. I really want to go up Christmas year! there and give you a huge hug. I Love hope you have an awesome day. Tatum B. Love Ian M.

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a Exbox 360 and boxes of How are you doing? I wish for pokemonandaPhoneandatablet. Christmas a Pokemon. Love Love Kolten Gerardo Dear Santa Closy, May I have a elf? I have’t got an elf. Can you bring me a sansung? Love, Alexa

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear Santa, Plese give me the game Jurasic World game. And the Jurasic World Legos. Also a Robot Huskey. I wish you have a Mary Chrismas Love Joseph

Dear Santa, I jop you are doing good. Your elves to. Can you bring me a Skateboard? Dear Santa, Love Hope you have a great new year. Kaleb I love you! How are the reindeer and elves? Can I please have a new Dear Santa, babby brother elf?. How are you and Mrs. Claws? Love I relly like legos can I have me Jessie A. whole lego movie lego set? In my stocking may I have a giant candy Dear Santa, cane? I also want jokerland. Can I How are you doing? Is Mrs. have a Skooter and Skatebord? Claus okay. Your raindeer are cute. Love My mon and dad got everything Jake I. for me. I hope you have a good year and deliver all the presents.

Dear Santa, I hope you had an awesome day. I really want to give you my note at home. I really want to go up there to see the elves making toys. Love Kane Dear Santa, I want to ask you something. When you came to my house last year. Was there an elf? I want the game of Life. Love Brody F.

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, You’re the best. I don’t know I made a cookie house with my what I want. sisters, I helped my mom clean Love the car for Christmas. I want a Kaleb R. computer. Love Dear Santa, Kimberly M. I’ve been a good boy this year. I hope you had a good year. I thank Dear Santa, you for letting your elves come I’ve been a good girl this year. and get picked by a child. I haven’t hurt any of my animals Love on purpose and I haven’t touched Brett C. your elf friend. My parents have been really good, too. They have Dear Santa, been taking very good care of me I love you. What do you do and trying to have some fun. My there? Can you plese give me a Nana has been taking good care Zoomer Kitty? of me, too. I hope you give them Love some presents. P.S. I think my Vanity B. puppy wants something, too. Love Dear Santa, Abby K. For Christmas I want a three Dear Santa, DXL. By the way, Santa what is I hope you’re having a good going on up there? time in the North Pole. Just so Love you know, I want a yooguo cards Bailey L. and a pokeman 3ds game. Thank you. Dear Santa, Love Ayden L.

I thank you for what you do on what you give me. Love Christmas. I want Legoset and a Kylie A. truck. Love Eli T. Dear Santa, I can’t really think of any toys I would like. You could leave me a Dear Santa, I hope you’re doing well with all surprise. But there are some things the toys. I hope you will give me a that I would like, a game controler, my own playstation, Call of Duty fourwheeler, please. Love Ghosts,arobeandanalarmclock. Love Rance W. Jaxon H. Dear Santa, Why do you live in the North Dear Santa, I want an Xbox, One with 4 Pole? Can I have a doll, please controllers. What are you doing up Santa Claus. And a four wheeler? Love there? And minecraft, Santa. Love Gracie B. Wyatt A. Dear Santa, I like you I would like to have a Dear Santa, I want to know what is going stuffed bear. Love on at the North Pole. I would like Presli P. a 3DSXL for Christmas and a Wii U. Don’t you send the note that the elf leaves? Dear Santa, Love, I don’t know about the North Braxton H. Pole.IwishIcancomewithyou. Love Autumn C. Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy. I would like a four wheeler, Minecradt StoryMode. Love Cash G. Dear Santa, What has Elfie said to you this year? Elfie told me that you said I am a good girl. Love Shayne B.

Cross Timbers Elementary Dear Santa, How are you and the elfes dooing? I wood like a rill pony? I want a rill pony so I can ride on it? I need candy becuse I Love candy? My friend Mckaelyenn whold like a monsterhiy boll? Mckaelynn arrety but she wold like anather? Love, Carly C.

Dear Santa, Dear Santa Claus, I love my elf. Thank you for How have you and Rudolph

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Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 been doing this year? I have been good this year. Can you please give me Pokemon stuff and I need some new mittens. I Love you so much Santa Claus. Love, Sebastian V.

Call of Duty black ops three. I really want it. Because i don’t have it. Second I need Mossy Oak gloves. Because i lost them. Last Please bring Connor five nights at freddy’s 4. he wants it. thank you! Sincerly, Troy H. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claue doing? I have been on my best behavyoure. Frist I have been wanting some season 4 Shopkins. I want them becase they have tiny hand and legs. Secondly I need a new rainbow bike. I need a new bike becase I need to know how to ride one. Finily can you breeng me some flowers to give to my techers. The reson I want to give my techers some flowers is becase they are nice. Thank you! Love, Reese J.

Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? Santa can you please give me a doll that is calld Kayla Knows every thing? I what it because I what someone to take to me at home and helpe me do my home woke with me. And can I please have a Amacan doll to so my other doll can not be alon and have someone to play with so she whon’t be scard whan I am gone too. Can I asol have highhils because I need too wher4e some for happy new yeare so I well have two so I can chose wich one I can brehember you Santa. Can you please breing Moses a football so he well be happy forever. Sincerely, Isabella M. Dear Santa, How are you and the elves? I’ll like Lego Minecraft because it looks cool and I like Mincraft. And I will like a Minecraft blanket. I think Tanin, Moses, Bryce want lik to play on it. I need some snow Denise O. new video games? Sincerly, boots pleas. Sincerley, Dear Santa, Matthew E. Landon W. How are you and Mrs. Claus? For Cristmas can I please have a Dear Santa, spell book because it would be fun. Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Claus and you? I I need some more bascetball socks How are you? How are your reindeer? I will have a new socre wood like a rill panda cow plese! I because I do not have that much. shoo becasuse I can play. I want need a new close to ware. To keep For Cristmas can you get lots of new snekrs. beause I don’t have me warm! I need a toy friend to food for Palue? Because she mite need it. that mene shoo. I think my friend play with plese. It wood be fun! Love, Sincerly would like Jurassic toy. Abigale F. Tanin B. Sincerle, Moses D. Dear Santa, Der Santa, How a you doing with Rudolph? I hop you will have a good Dear Santa, How are you with Mrs. Claus? I I woud like a play school heros crismis. I need to ask you a lot want a Amaracan girl doll because Milleiam Falcon please. I also of stuff I want for crimis. May I I can play with it please. I need a fur need a new belt please. I also want have a real dog plese. The next coat and some new boots so I can pawpatroll for my brother please. thang I would like is that camru thang pleas. Pleas can I have more wear them for Christmas please. I Have a great Chrismas! Love, moster higy dolls pleas. May I think my friend would want orbeez David G. have a new bed cover and some for her Christmas present please. new pilows. Love, Love, Kaydance K. Dear Santa, Are you and Mrs. Claus good. I would please like some lip stick Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus because I want to show my friends. doing? I would like if you please Also I need some new jeans get me Directv for my room because I only have two pairs that because I would like to watch it. fit. And last A gray dog with a pink Can you also get Eli a TV because nose that is a stufft animal. I hope you have a marry Christmas. he would like it. Love, Sincerely, Brianna A. Joziah C. McKaelynn.B. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a new English Mastiv for Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeers Chrismas pleyse and a nise parit How is it at the North Poll? Can doing? I whud like a skilandr. I I plese have a Lily unicarn towy. whud like a pokemon. I whud like pleyse. Love, Can you plese get me now methens a remote arplan. I thing my friend Abigail H. for Chirismis. And can you plese whud like a rele pupe. get the girls a Lily unicarn towy so Love, I can see how thay like it? Have a Jesus M. Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeers good time in the nort poll. doing? I would like a necklace maker Dear Santa, How are you and your elves so I can make necklaces please. I doing? I would like a phone, also would like new boots for winter. becaus I would like something to I also think my friend would like a play on. My friend would like a Kalya knows everything she teaches minecraft disk becaus he would you how to bake. Your Friend,

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been really a nase ingo This year I would like Iphone 6. My I Phone 4 is broken. Secondly can I pleas to have some shoes? I lost my last pair of shoes. Lastley can I get a shart for my brother his tor in to peses. Thank you. Love, Cameron M. Dear Santa, Sinisirly, How are the Raindeer and Victoria T. Elves? I have been great this year. Can I have a game. An I always Dear Santa, want one. Secondly I need some How are the elves Doing? I’m more sock. It hard for me to find glad to see elfit agean. for crismrs matches. Finally i have lots most I wont thes 4 thanks. a XBOX of dads tools. Can you git him 360, & mindcraft viDeo game & 2 some new ones? Thanks? remotcintrolers. Love, Sincerely, Johnathan C. Bryce W. Dear Santa, How are you? I have helped this year. first could I have a new Camo Ioad Case because mine is discusting, my one right now has rips. Next I need a new bike because mine is little, it has flat tires. Last Please bring my Dear Santa, cat some yummy treats. Thanks! How is Mr.s Clouse doing? i Sincerly, have been doing great these six Nolan W. weaks. First I want a Dark Sparkle Doll and Super Sparkle Doll. They have collereld hair. They have capes Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can you please get me a remote control car and some d batteries? Love, Dean F.

Dear Santa, What is your favorit food? Cookies or cake. My favorit is cookies. Love Dylon


Still Waters

With Bright Wishes at The Holidays

Wishing all our friends, neighbors, patients and associates a holiday season filled with lots of bright smiles and laughter.

Retreat Center of Texas

Dear Santa, How are the Elves? I have been really good this year. I have always wanted to get makup. I want makup because it is beoatiful! Sandt would you pleses give me sum baby Shopcins? They are litte shopping toys. Would you pleses give my mom and dad a flow? Because they are nice. Love, Gabby B. Dear Santa, How are the elves doing makeing the toys? I have been behavde all year. This year I want a Skylanders Super Chargrs. I love to play with Skylanders. I can play with my friends. Secondly I need long pants. I only have 2 paris. I have more but they don’t fit me. Lastly cna you get my brother Demenchins the Xbox 360 game. He rilly wants it. Then he can play with his friends. Thank you. Love, Connor K. Dear Santa, How is the elves doing? I have ben amasing. I realy want an a elechrec scooter. I rilly have ben wanting one my hde intire life. Also I need a Phone. I am seven years old. I want an I Phone please. I have wanted one my hole in tire life. My Mom said that nice good luck giting one. Please can I bring my friend Troy a Zomby movie. Thanks a lot santa I love you. Love, Amie S. Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? I have been rilly good this year. I would like Elsas ice palice because I need it so I colde play whith. My Anna and Elsa doles. They are my favrote thing to play whith. Secondly I need a new woter bottle because my brother yoused it and he lost it and we cant find it. And I want it to be purple whith pokudots on it. lastly I want to give my techer my tedy bear because I have so menny I cant count how menny I have. And I want to be nice and like I seade I

If home is where the heart is, we know that our’s resides with all the kind folk who’ve made us feel so welcome here. Thanks, everyone!

HigHland furniture

and long boots. Next I need a new sled. I like to go sleding. I would like a blue one. last I am going to give Savannah a bracelet with red pokudots on it. Thank you. Love, Raylyn T. Dear Santa, How are you? Am i on the natghy list? first I would want

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ys. t r e gh


Season’s Greetings 2015

have to menny. Thank you. the graphics are great and I like the Love Yors troly, obvgetives. Next I would like Five Brleanna B. nights at Freddy’s 1 game because I like the jumpscares and it is scary. Dear Santa, Last I want Five nights at Freddy’s How are the elves dowing. I have 2 game for Troy because he likes been hopping my mom clroney Five nights at Freddy’s and he hose. I want first a remot control think its sweet. Bye. airplan to play with my borther Love, becus thye remind me as my fiends. Connor D. Becus they remind me as my family. Dear Santa, I need a new backpack becus for I hope you get all the presents next yern becus for school.. I will delivered. I tried not to be on the give my fally and cusus mony for nauty list. I would like a Nerf N last. tanks santue. strike modulus ECS-10 blaster. I yours trulye, want it because I want more nerf Rogelio E. guns. I need more jeans because Dear Santa, I’m running out. I would like my How is tne Elves? I tnink I been sister, Kaitlyn to have a bracelet so very good. I want a Barbie ande she can look pretty. a Christmas dress for my Bardie. Your friend, because I don’t have any Barbies. Jack G. Secondly I need a new ipad Dear Santa, because mine broke and fell off the How are you and raindeer bed. lastly please give my friend doing? I have tried to be a good some makeup. She does not have girl this year. I really want a PS3 makeup. Thank you! and a 3DS becose they are really Yours Truely, cool and they’ll have Netflix on Ximena G. them. I need more warm jackits becos I don’t have that many. Dear Santa, Could you bring Fall Out 4 for my How are the elves doing? brother and Dixe a new lady bug How is miss claus doing and the stuffed animal. Thank you for all reindeer? I want a remote control the joy that you give us. with a Militery helcoptier because Your friend, I want to play with it all by my self. Audrey V. Secondly I need a money bank because I lot it. I need a money Dear Santa, bank that counts the money. Lastly How are you and your elves give my Grandma a beautiful doing? I have tried to be good this necklace for Chritmas because I year. I want a American doll from love her. Santa thank you for your Walmart because it is so cute. I hard work. neet more jeans because I don’t Love, have so much. I want a necklace Diego L. for my mom because she only has one necklace. Thank you for all the Dear Santa, joy you give us. How ar you and elves? I have a Love, best year. I like this year. Can yo Isabell H. gimi a bitg remote control truck to play with my cousing? Next Dear Santa, can yo put some money to repair How are you and Mrs. Claus the house. You can give it to my doing? I think I was good this dad. ples bring a remote control year. I want a PS3 so I can play turck down of the tree aht. So he minecraft. I need a new tube for will not wnat my tank you!!! if my bike tire so it doesn’t go flat you now hau ar my my ar a new any more. I want to get David a boy. Xbox so we can play together. Sinserly, Have a awesome CHRISTMAS! Emilinmg L. Love, Rusty C. Dear Santa, Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? Am I on How are you and Mrs. Claus the good list? First I want a PS4 doing? I have been good this year. that comes with free WiFi. PS4 I would like a littl pet shop that is

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I think Iwas good this year. I would like a 3D’s so I can play on it. I want not need a 3DS because its transportable. I need a new computer because mine is old. I want to give my friend named Westin a 3D’s4. Have a awesome CHRITMAS!! Love, Braydin T.

How are you and your reindeer? I have tried to be good this year. I would like a Xbox 360 because I lost my Xbox 360. I need shorts because I have no shorts. My friends have been nice so Santa can you bring my friends a necklace? Thank you Santa for everthing. Love, Alfonso G. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and your elves doing? I was good this year. I would like a phone, my mom needs money to pay off our house becase we need a chimney. Your friend, Noah L. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I have tried to be good this year. I want Littel pet shop. They are cute. My bruther needs pants. He has only 3 pants. All of my friends get a toy. They are nies and kind. Have a good day. Love, Autumn G. Dear Santa Calus,

doing? I have tried very hard to be good this year. I realy want a cloud pet so I can talk to my mom when she is at work. I need a new pair of pants so i don’t get cold in the winter. I would like some pearls for my mom so she can have some jewlery. I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Your friend, Melody M. Dear Santa, How are you and your raindeer doing? I would like a Ipad. I would like a free DS. I would like a drum for my baby brother. Thank you for the fun you give us. Your friend, Katherine Q. Dear Santa Claus, How are your Raindeer doing? These are all the things I want for Christmas? I want 5 new monster high dolls. Santa my mom really needs more food and more money. We need a new dog house. Thank you Santa Claus for all the things you gave us. I hope your elves are haveing a good time. Love, Lanna T.

Dear Santa, I want a sled, tennishoes, clothes, hair stuff and fake Dear Santa Claus, How are you and your reindeer mustaches! Love Kaylee has more fun games. PS4 is a good system! Secondly I want Star Wars Battle Frot! The game is amazing! Finaly will you give a Star Wars book to my brother Elliott? He made me a fort. Thank you Santa! My famley love you! Sincerely, Tucker B.

cute please. I need some outfits because I done’t have a lot. I need a new ipad charger. It dosen’t work. I want to buy my Gramy a new wind chim. Merry Chrismas! Love, Skylar R. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs. claus doing? I have tried to be good this year. I want Littel pet shop. They are cute. My bruther needs pants. He has only 3 pants. All of my friends gets a toy. They are nise and kind. Have a good day. Love, Autumn G.

Dear Santa, How is Roodof? I am trying to be good. Frirst I wold like a ipad. It will be fun to play. I bother my parints for one. Next I wold like an ipod. I ax a den axuditly pit a password on it. My dad dose not like me playing on his phone. Lastly I wold like to get my friend a Zombie toy. Thanks Dear Santa, a lot Santa. Thank you for telling me that Love, I’m not a bod boy. I’m going to Savannah P. make good and better decisions. Will you please get a christmas Dear Santa, tree because my Mom and Dad How are the elves doing? I have don’t have any money. And will ben helping my mom. I was hoping you erase a gametile that is saved I will get a Monster high doll. and on Pokemon Black version. Monster highs are my favoriet Sincerely, thing to play with. Senond I need Damien a pare of water prof gloves. I dont have enty. And it is cold with regler Dear Santa, gloves. finly can you get my mom How are you and your elves a nekles with a big purple dimend doing? I tried to be good this year. on it. thank you. I want an Xbox1. My Xbox 360 Love, is broken. I want a Wii u. The wii Quinlan S. games are bad. My dad and I need a TV hanger to hang TV. Brayden Dear Santa, wants a 3DS. Merey Christmas! I hope the raindeer are well and Your friend, how is Mrs clause doing? First Westin H. I would like it if you got me the Call of Duty Ghost game because Dear Santa Claus,

Fringe’s Hair & Nail Salon 165 West Main St., Azle 817-444-7128

I hope you are haveng a grat day at the north pole. I want one more controler so my sis can have one. I want my dad to have a big house so we can play nerf. I need internet so I can play my xbox 360 & game. Love, Malachi E. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and your reindeer doing? I have been good this year. I would like a Xbox one because my brother don’t share. I need cleats and football gloves. It hurts my hands and my feet. My other brothers don’t have one because my brother Angle don’t share. Thank you for all the joy you bring people. Love, Jeovanni H.

doing? I have been good this year. I really want a doggy. I don’t have one and they are fun. I need bath soap. Mine is finished. My little broher needs a toy in his bed. He sometimes gets board. Thank you for all the joy. Sincerely, Azucena N. Dear Santa, How are you and your elves doing? I have tried to be good this year. I would like an I pad. My sisters don’t share. I need new shoes. They are getting torn up. I

Dear Santa, I want a new coloring and painting station because I like to color and paint. I need new tennis shoes because the ones I have a too small. Please bring my mom a new jacket because the ones my mom have are too small. I hope I have a good Christmas day. Your friend, Keylly M.

Dear Santa, I want alot of money because I want tobuy my sister some boots. I need a new bedset because one is worn out. I would like a plaid one with blue and orange. Please bring my Dad a pair of working boots because he works on trucks and Deer Santa Claus, generatators. I want a star wars toy because Sincerly, Nathan B. my brothers and I can play with it. I need a house because we moved to Texas from Oregn. We Dear Santa, I want a new puppy because have live with my atn and uncle. my other puppy died. I need I want my Dad to have Red Skin new boots because mine are stuff because he is a fan. I love broken and I can’t walk in them. you Santa. From, I wish for a Teddy Bear so I can Carter M. give it to a homeless kid. I love Christmas! Your good little girl, Deer Santa, I have been good this year. I Harley B. would like a monster high doll beacuse I do not have a lot of dolls. Dear Santa, Please get me a new shiny red I need a new bike beacuse I do not bike. Because my chain broke off have a bike. Please bring my nana my other bike. Please get me a new some money to buy presents so she pair of cleets because my laces got won’t worry about it. I love you, chewed up by my dog dolly. Please Ryleigh M. get a new molkintrol monser truck for Brody. I have Chrismas Spirit. Dear Santa, Please can I have a new bike Your little boy, Zyler C. because my old one is rusty. Please can I have food like mashed potatoes. I love them. Please can Dear Claus family, I want elves on the shelves my friend Gage also have food because they move around the and toys like a remote cantrol jet. house. I need a new coat for Thank you. Sincerly chirstmas because I bearly have Austin H. any. Segio my brother needs the game build a bear workshop because we want to play together. Dear Santa, I want an Ipad because I want to play Your pal, Nica C. on it. I need a new jacket because it is cold outside and I get cold. Please bring my dad some tool so he can work on is Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas I want a welding machine. Your friend, toy shopping cart and a cash Grace F. register because I never had one. I need a new jaket because I only hav one more left. Plese Dear Snowflake, Santa and the Elves, I would like a dress for bring my baby sister a new toy doll because she doesn’t have Snowflake to wear. It will look cute on her. I woude like a car any toy dolls. Your friend, for my mom. She shares with my Eleigha D. mimi. My mom woud also like boots because her boots are worn out. Dear Santa, Your good girl, I always want skates becuase Alexis P. mine are geting too little. I need clothes becuase mine are geting too smoll on me. My cousin wants Dear Santa, Pleas Santa can you give me a a Baby Alive so much. Thank you! I love Christmas and Santa dirt bike because mine broke. I need some cologne because my too. Your friend, shirt allways stinks and I want to Annalise G. smell good. My dad needs some Dear Santa Claus, work cloths because his cloths are I want a new Jet because my old dirty with oil and fuel. I have been Jet was brokin. I need nike shoes. good this year. I love Christmas. My shoes are dirty because I wear From, them outside alot. Please bring my Caleb A. sister some Legos so we can build

Dear Santa, I like Rudolph. How Big are your reindeers? I would like a toy Plane And a Helocopter. I have been nice. From Collin MP

would like a remote control car for together. Your friend, my brother Mark. He has wanted Jantzen H. on for a week. Thank you for the joy you give us. Your friend, Dear Santa Claus, I want a horse so I can have me Susy H. a new pet. I need new batteries so I can fix some of my toys. My dad Dear Santa, I need games for my Xbox 360 needs a new debit card because he and a dirt bike. My dog needs needs to buy him some gas. Your friend, a squeaky toy. She likes our Ruby H. neighbor’s dog’s squeaky toy. Merry Christmas Santa. Dear Santa, Sincerely, Dear Santa Claus, I want candy canes becuse I like How are you and your reindeer Anthoney C. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I would like puzzles. I don’t have any puzzles. I need play shoes. I don’t have play shoes. Could you bring a bean bag chair for Audrey? She is really nice to me. Thank you for the joy you bring people. Yor friend, Dixie

Dear Mr. Claws, Please can I have a dirt bike because I have always wished for one. I need some new shirts because some of mine are old. Please bring my friend Zyler a new bike. Because I have been good at school. I hope for a remote control truck. Your friend, Wyatt F. Dear Santa Claus, This chirstmas play staion because it will help me not get

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the way it hooks and it taste good. Second I need a bed becuse I have bunk beds and I want one beg bed to sleep in. Please bring my dad a drill becuse my dad’s old drill is worn out and the batter part is broken. Your buddy, Jase L.

1312 NW Parkway • Azle • 817-444-8815




Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 bord. I need new high hills because my old high hills broke. My sister wants tennis shoes because her old ones are to tight for her. Thank you. I love you, Jadelynn M.

This year I want a pretty headband. The reason is I like headbands in my hair. They are pretty. My mom said that I need sports shoes. She says I need them to run in the grass outside. Please give my mom a new bracelet. She love to wear bracelets. I hope you have a great Dear Santa Claus, Christmas! Please bring me an Amarican Love, girl doll farm set because it is cool. Andrea R. Pretty please can I get new art stuff. I have been a good girl this Dear Santa, year. I’ve been good this year. I would Your little girl, lik a Monten High Doll. I bearly Emmi A. have any so I want a few of them. I also need clouthes. All my clouthes Dear Santa, are getting to small for me. Also This Chrismtmas I want a new Santa, my sister needs new turtle train because I like trains. I need things for her turtle tank. I hope new gloves because they are you have a Merry Christmas. ripped. My dad needs a Dallas Love, Cowboy sweater because he loves Kailee C. the Cowboys. Dear Santa, I love you Santa, Do you know what I want for Camila B. Christmas? Santa, can you please get me a pretty cat. A very good Dear Santa, cat. They can hunt mice. Do you How are you and your reindeer know what? My sister, Jennifer doing? I bet you are very busy is scared of mice and she’s nine right now! Can you bring me years old! Santa, do you know new footies please. I need some what I need? Could you please because I only have one pair. I give me one pair of new shoes? know that your reindeer are so My shoes ripped from the toes. fun. That is why I would like a Please, Santa, please, give a car fake reindeer for Christmas. I want to my grandma. Someone threw a to get something for my friend brick at her car. Kailee. Could you bring her a My Sincerely, Kala Doll? I love you Santa! Daniel A. Love, Macie G. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are the Reindeers doing? How many elves do you have Thjs Christmas I would like working for you? (write your Zoomer Kitty. She will always be answer). This Christmas I want a nice and she is so cute! You can remote control helacopter. It flys always count on her. Something I high and it is cool. This year of need is a new coat. Mine is old and Christmas I need some gloves. We I would like a new one. Also could barly have any matching ones. This you bring my mom a new stove? year my brother needs socks because The old one is looking bad, and he can’t find alot. Thanks Santa! can’t wait until it’s here. Love, Love you Santa, Brent P. Jailee C. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Dear Santa, I need some Nike shoes. Mine are Are you coming to my house on torn up at the bottom. I want to get Christmas? This is what I whant my friend, Allie, a new Monster for chismas a Scooter. You no why High Doll for Christmas. I really because my Scooter is geting old want a Frozen dress. I watched and because it dusint work eni the Frozen movie and love Elsa’s more please! Santa can you bring dress. It is so beautiful. me some winter boots for me. Love, Santa I need them for the snow Mackenzie M. dusent get snow on my feet. Could Dear Santa, you please get some snowpants This Christmas I will leave some for my mom. Her snowpants got cookies and milk for you! I really ripped. Santa, I hope you have a want a toy name Zoomer kitty to great Christmas! with. Ity is a robot cat who follows Love, you around. I need an umbrella for Favian M. the rainy days. My sister Nnalay Dear Santa, needs an umbrella too! I love you This past year I was trying Santa. to be as good as I could. So for Love, Christmas I want Minecraft Story Fernanda C. Mode because all of my friends have it. It is a really fun game! Dear Santa, Can you please give me a duffle This past year I have been good. bag. I really need one. Sometimes

I bring my dictionary home to look up words and I could use it to put it in. My Dad wants a boat for Christmas. He wants it because he would like to go to the lake and ride around. Your friend, Leo C.

My brother and I want two remote control cars. We like to race them. I need a sweater. I would like a black one to keep me warm. My friend, Rrusty, could use the game Minecraft. He’d love it! Your friend, David Dear Santa, I’ve been gtood all this year. How many elves do you have in the North Pole/ I’m just asking you. What I want for Christmas is a buzz lightyear. It has wings. This Chrismas I want to make a snowman and have a snowball fight. Could you send us lots of snow? I want to give Jailee a My Kala Doll. I think she would really like one. Your friend, Jacob

Der Santa Claus, Christmas is comeing and I hope you will bring us some presents, Santa. So I would want an ipad. I love video games. Also, I need a new bike. My old one is getting rusty. My friend, Troy wants an ipad. Troy loves video games too. So could you bring him one? I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Your friend, Alex D. Dear Santa, How are you doing? Soon it will be Christmas and I want a winter dress so I can wear it in the winter time. I need a new coat. My sleeves are getting too short. My sister wants a stuffed animal. It doesn’t matter what kind because she like them all. Yor friend, Priscillia C. Dear Santa, I am so glad and excited it is almost Christmas. How have you been? You know I really been wanting Nike shoes because they are the shoes I like. I need a new warm jacket. The one I have doesn’t keep me warm. Could you get my brother a watch? A Super Man one would be great! Love, Colton D. Dear Santa, I am so excited that Christmas is almost here! There is one thing that I want for Christmas and that is an American Girl Doll. I don’t have one. I really need tennis shoes. My old ones are so dirty and so old. Also, Ms. Engler need a new gym bag. Her old one doesn’t have enough pockets. Your friend, Ashley N. Santa, How are you doing? It is almost Christmas. I am excited! My brother and I want two remote control cars. We like to race them. I need a sweater. I would like a black one to keep me warm. My friend, Rusty, could use the game Mindcraft. He’d would love it. Your friend, David

that is not really small. One that is big but not too big. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love, Jayden R. Dear Santa, It will be snowing soon. Do you visit every state? My mom needs a new car. She crashed her car. Please may I have some Legos. I like building things with them. I really need new clothes. I don’t have very many. Have a great Christmas. Love, Christian A. Dear Santa,

I have been good all year. Can you stop by my house? I would like some stuff on Christmas night. Could you bring me a new XBox 360? Mine broke in a tunderstorm. I would like some new clothes and dresses please. I have grown out of most of them. My sister needs another Christmas stoking. She lost hers many times. I love Christmas! I can’t wait intil Christmas! Love your friend, Christina

Eagle Heights Elementary Dear Santa, Do you like apple pie? I really like Roudoulph. Can I please have a starlight twighlight sparkle? Your friend, Marshall W.

Dear Santa, How is Roodof? I like famous Roodof. If you please bring me a Lego Batman Lego toy, or a minecraft Lego, or a romodic Dear Santa, robot. The one that has less money Santa, how are you doing? It is that’s the one that you can buy me. almost Christmas. I am excited!

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Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I my jacket is too big and the sleeves are long. Please bring me a new coat. I really want a cool pair of tennis shoes. My mom could use a new jacket. Can you get her one

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Season’s Greetings 2015

Your friend, you give us so much toys I want Hanel T. you to please give me new toys please. Dear Santa, Your friend, How are your elfes doing. Thank Lydia D. you for my toy’s. I want an elf on the shelf. A boy. And an iphone. And Dear Santa, anything I like. I am being good. How is the randeer. Do you Your friend, remember that 4x4 truck it didn’t Ella S. work that much theres a really big 4x4 geep that I would like. Dear Santa, Your frend, How do you travel in the winter? Caden C. I like your slay. It is shiney. Will you bring me a puppy? Thank you. Dear Santa, Your friend, How are your elves and reinder? Lily S. Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa at the north pole? Santa can you give me legos and minecft toys. I like you Santa. Your friend, Chris P.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Love, scienc toob and a science gogles. Julian Love, Dear Santa, Grant Haw do you by stuf? I love your hat. I want Mincraft Legos that Dear Santa, it has Gast on it, and a tood car. You are awesome. How do your Books and capten Unberpants. randeer fly? For chrismas i want a Love, nerf gun remote truck and markes. Joshua Love, Eli Dear Santa, Thank you for my toys I love Dear Santa, them so much. How do you werk? You are awesome. What is your I would like a new neklice. I love favorite color? I would like a teddy your name. bear, clothes and a new set of Love, make-up. Love, Jaiden Dear Santa, Thank you for my gift from last year. How did you got all the gifts? I will like a big dinosaur, and a puppet, and a book. Love, Gael

Dear Santa, How are your rarder I love your red coat it looks good on you I wanta new doll and a computer and new games please Santa Your friend, Madison M.

Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts you have brought me. How old are you? These are three things I want – pajams, an Inside out toy, and a stuff animal pig. Love, Lily

Dear Santa, Are you coming to Christmas this year? Thanks for the direy last year. Can you bring me a doll and some clothes and some more clothes? We like Rodof. Santa thank you for Your friend, the American Girl Doll. I hope you Amy M. can bring a new Frozen Doll and shopekins and new clothes. Dear Santa, Your friend, Do you have dogs. Thank you Gabby B. for every thing you gave me. Dear Santa, Thank you for legos. Could you How are your elves? I love the give me a laptop and a tv? presents you brought me last year. Your friend, For Christmas can you get me a Phillip M. Ana doll? I want a tedd-bear to. I would like an ipad for chistmis. Dear Santa, Your friend, How are you and Mrs Claus Samantha A. doing? You look good. Please bring me sum clothes and toys and food. Dear Santa, Your friend, Santa are you ready for Cameron L. Christmas? Santa, I like your couch. Can you bring a toy Santa? Dear Santa, Your friend, Do you have new rander deer? Natalia A. Thank you for my new Xbox. I will love a new computer please. Dear Santa, I will love a new xbox games too. You are so nice. What is your Your friend, favorit color? I want a comet book McKenna K. and a ball and a doll. Love, Dear Santa, Giselle Do your elves make little wooden houses? Thanks Santa for Dear Santa, my toys. I want an iphone, shell Thank you for the suff you gave clection, and twn ipad cases for me last year. How do you deliver my friends. presents in one day? I want a new dog, and a new wii game, and a Dear Santa, new remote control plane. Does Rudolph have a red nose? Love, Thank you for my toys. Can you Eric give me toys? Your friend, Dear Santa, Ellana H. I think you are a awesome guy. What are all of your raindeer Dear Santa, names? Plees breing me a How is Roodof doing? I like stuffanimal pig and pig pjs and a Roodof. He is cute reindeer. I want little stufft Santa. seesin 4 shopkins. Love, Your friend, Kaylin Holyn E. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you for my gifts last year. Do you have any new toys? Can I have a rander? Please give Dear Santa do you have the baby me a puppy and comick books and rannder I like you so much because caphn powts books.

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Thanks for a great year. We look forward to serving you in 2016!

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Dear Santa, I like how you look santa and you are the best. What is your favorite thing to do? I want a doll, new shoes, and a boardgame. Love, Luz Dear Santa, Thank you for my gift last year. You have cool hair. Which town do you go to first? Will you bring me a xbox game, and mincraft, and a a new soccer ball. Love, Emmanuel

Dear Santa, Thank you for gifts last year. Your very good. What are you doing? I would like a book. I would like a jacket. I would like a sticker. Love, Bella Dear Santa, Thank you for my gift last year. Whath will you give me this year? I would want a automatic airplane. I would like a baby doll. I would Dear Santa, like some drums. Your my best friend ever. I like Love, your name. What is your favonte Madison boy name? I will lik a new piencil pleas. I will like a new book pleas. Dear Santa, I will like a new pencilboks. I love Thank you for my presents you Santa. last year. This tiem I want remot Love, control mostertruk and Lego Kannon midcraft. And some Legos. Love, Dear Santa, Sheldon Thank you for my legos last year. Do you like to make ice Dear Santa, sculptures? I want a piggy bank Thank you Santa what do you and a movie. like? I would like a bow a jacket Love, and a stuffed animal. Colton Love, Bailey Dear Santa, Thank you for eating chilris Dear Santa, milk and cookies. How do you Thank you for the gifs last year. delever all the presits arod the Wha is your faorit raindear? This world? I want Captan Underpants year I would like a science kit and book comic books and how to

draw Captan Underpats books. up kit, phone, science kit. I have Love, been nice. I hope you have a great Kasan Christmas. Love, Dear Santa, Jordon You are the best Santa. How do your reindeer fly? I want a Dear Santa, skateboard and a bike. I really loved the gatertruck Your friend, you have me. I really enjoy when Fernando A. you visit. How meny elves do you Dear Santa, have? May I have a heghog or I want a ripstick, A big Elisa doll corgi puppy and maybe sum candy. And I want rollerskates. Thank Love, you for new clothes. you for nice. Lillie Love, Dear Santa, Abby You are awesome. How old are you? I hope you bring me a zombie Dear Santa, survivor kit and skylanders super You are awesome How many chargers. reindeers do you have? What I Sincerely, want for Christmas is tech cool, Jay Shopkins, and Uno Attack. I have bein kind and naughty. Dear Santa, Love, What did your reindeer eat I Alvaro like your elves I want a phon with charger and Frozen doll, toysister Dear Santa, doll a big one. You are the best guy I have Love, ever heard about. How many Flora elves do you have. I have been good can I have a toy crossbow Dear Santa, and a zombie stiker gun and a toy I want a money jar. And i would dirt bike. like a nitendo 3DS. And a super Love, mario maker. And two mini mine Hamza craft figures. I was wating for there Dear Santa, toys. You are very nice Can I have a Fom, robot dog? Can I have sketchers? John L. Can I have a dog? How many elves do you have. Dear Santa, Love, You are a really cool person. Braden B. How do your reandeers fly? I want lazer tag equipment, a phone, a Dear Santa, crasbow and I was good. Thank you for my cool ball. Sincerely, Thank you for my sanat ball. I want Dakoda a new make up kit and I want a big Frozen doll and I want a rodot. Dear Santa, Your fried, Thank you for my cool bike. Silvia I like yoyr reindeer. I would like a zoomer dog make up kit and Dear Santa, lipstick how do your reindeer fly Thank you for my cool stuff Love, that you gave me. You’re a really Erin cool person. How many elves do you have? I want for Christmas Dear Santa, shopkins I would like nail polish i I liked when you have me my would like a purse. I am going to rodot. How is mr. close santa. I put cookies out. am so so good. I am whishing for Love, a parse. Aridai Love, Giselle R. Dear Santa, You are very nice. But how Dear Santa, do you get around to all the kids You are awesome. How many in one night? Can I have a make raindeer do you have? I would like

Peace & Blessings Be With You Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.

Merry ChristMas

Luke 2:14


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Season’s Greetings

Merry Christmas 817-344-8464

Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 a Nintendo 3DS. I would like a Lileigh T. phone. I woud like skylander super chargers. I’ve been good Dear Santa, Love, Thank you for give us toy. Do Nicolas you play basdoll. I want a Bike, dog, and a Lego. Dear Santa, Frum, Your really cool. How do you Victor N. make a bunch of presents. I have been good this year. This Christmas Dear Santa, I want a real make-up kit and real Thank you for the bikes that you roller skates and a real phone with give me. Do you foot ball. I want a a real charger. moutin bike and some more legos Sincerely, and a new bat. Lucy From, Ranger J. Dear Santa, Thank you for my letter. How Dear Santa, do you eat so many cookies in I like your ELFS! How do you one night. I’ve been pretty good put your toys to gether? I would this year. I am not trying to be like cra-Z-A-rt. I would like vido rude but I would like a Zombie games. I would like a ELF. Survivor Kit and nerf stuff and a Your friend, 4 wheeler. Calley Your friend, Andrew Dear Santa, Thank you for giving toys to the Dear Santa, kids How is it in the north pole? Your a really cool person. may i have a mincraft videogame? How do you get around to all the and th akchin figr to pese? can i children in one night? I would have a five nights at fredys akchin like a Docter kit, science kit and a figyer plese? Plese and thank you coloring book. I love celebrating Your frend, Christmas. I havent been perfect Junior S. this year but I’ve been good. Your friend, Dear Santa, Mackenzie Thank you for giving me presers anb my family. haw is mises Cloas. I woob like a ipad. I wob like a Dear Santa, stinsel book. I woob like ol of the I would like the Ninja Coloring monster his. book. and I would like the dirt Dallas W. bike. and the video game. How many reindeers do you have? How many elves do you have? Dear Santa, Love, Thank you for my awesome Jared gifts. How do your elfs fly? I would love to have a ipad case and Dear Santa, elechrich scuter and a Amrrican Your are so good at giving Girl Doll for christmas. presents. Do you have a pet? Can Love, I please have a toy dog and a ipad. Ema L. mary Christmas. Love, Dear Santa, Madeline C. You are rily red. Do you help your ellfs? I wunt a xdox and a Dear Santa, mincraft game and sum hedfons Thank you for giving us with taker. presents. How do your reindeer Love, fly? Can I have a bik, ripstick Lynsea and a audimadich scooter. Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, Love, Thank you for toys and present! Grace L. How do your randeere fly? Can i Dear Santa, plece have skatbord, Minecraft, You are so sweet! Santa what and PS3. is Mrs. Close reel name? I wunt Love, a eltcik watck and electrek skoder Angel G. and a lot of Amranc gile doll stuf. Love, Dear Santa,

From our family to yours,

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys on Chrismas ev. How do the Elfs fly? Can I please have a ipad case and head fons and another xbox rumout controller. Love, Macie B.

is a rebon puppy and a crip and a matriss and a bottle and a blanket. Love, Dailyn D.

Dear Santa, Thak you for being nice to us. Is Rudolph real? I won’t zoomer kitty and a zoomer dog and JaJa. Sincerely, Katelyn B.

Dear Santa, Thank you for giving us presents. How many Elfs you have? I want a zoomer watch, BarBies and power wheel. Zumaya G.

Dear Santa, Thank you for deliveriying all of the present’s to the hoses in the world and how do you deliver all of the precent’s and one more thang can you please give me present’s and i want a 3’ds, yok y game for me please and the haver caravt trane for Christmas. Sinsilere, Mark Z.

Dear Santa, Thank you for presents. How do you deliver all of the presents? Please give me a monster high doll and chapter books and a monster high doll house. Sincerly, Madison P.

Dear Santa, Thake you for giving us presents. How many elves do you have? I wunt a TV and a barbie Dear Santa, home and a dsidines dall the ones I like your Elf. Do you play that I dogh’t have. football? I please want money, Sincerely, ipad and phone. Lexi G. Merry Christmas, Nathaniel H. Dear Santa, How do you go to every hous in Dear Santa, one day. And thank you for giving I am planing about Chrismas I toys to the kids and I wont the now already know what i want so im game Assins creet. going to tellyou what I want the David P. most is a baby germen shepherd for me and my real dad my sister wants play doe I also want a trex Dear Santa, toy. I’ve Been Good tee thais yea? I Sincerely, woyld like a car this yeer. John G. Cameron H.

You ara good at brengen presens! are the elfs cole at nite I whont a skutr ana motcatrol car and pstwo Yor frend, Felix

Dear Santa, You are good at your job. How do your Elvs mack toys? I wood like a Nerf toy. I wood reyley love a motctrol car and a skooter. Love, Maddix M.

Dear Santa, I like your hat santa! whet is it like at the north polle? I wold like a Dear Santa, vido game. I wold like a nurf gun. I You are my favoret. Are you wold like a lego sete. real? Can I have a car bord casil Love, and a ipad and aphone. Eli R. Love, Breanna M. Dear Santa, Thank you for giving us toys Dear Santa, every year. Are you real? Can I Thank you for my gutar. Do you please have night vishoin goggles have a kid? May you pleas give me a picesher of you, and a magnafind a ipad and a camra, and a card boar glass? box. Love, Sincirly, Zack M. Bradleigh V.



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Dear Santa, I like your clothes. Thank you for all the presin’s. Thank you for your kindness. I want a zoomer dinoe. I want minecraft toy’s. I want minecraft storymode. Sincely, Anthony S.

Dear Santa, Hi Santa, how do you deliver so many presents in one night? Santa I like the way you say hohoho. I would like 3 things I want a soccer net xbox 1 and a soccer ball. Sincerely, Sergio L. Dear Santa, I like your hat. Thank you for the Dear Santa, presents. How many elves do you Thank you for bringing joy to have? I want Shopkins, a zoomer us. How many Elfs do you have kitty and something good. working? I want poping head From, rodots. And a X wing star fire. And Gabby R. anything eletorik. Sinserle, Dear Santa, Lute F. Thank you Santa for giving us presants and joy you are so Dear Santa, kind and nice. how old are you? Thank you for making us happy. How old are your elfs? I want a I love the reindeer. How meny wrestewling pack. And eight cars. elvf’s do you have? How are And a watch. the elvfs and Mrs. Clas? What I Sincerely, relly relly whant for Christmas Damyean W.

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Season’s Greetings 2015

Dear Santa, I wont a fownh sow I can koll you How do you mak toys? You are and texth you to santa good at geting the toys the kids Love want to them. I want a tabalet and Willow a book and a pair of headfons. Sincelerly, Dear Santa, Makayla F. I wut to have a tree for crimsis mire to you Dear Santa, Love Santa. I want call of dutty 3. I want form Samantha minckraft story mode. and I want a Deas Santay, new bike. do you have a cool toy? I’ve always wated a pet fish add Sincelery, a socr toy and a socr shot and a mot Nicolas J. chrol helcoptr and a mot crol chruc and a tabit. Dear Santa, Seserley, Thank you for being there for us. Logan Thank you for helping us. You are the best. Where do you live? I wish Dear Santa, I had a doll. I wish I had a puppy. I Hi how are you doing I riley wish I had a art set. hope I git a wii. And some games Sincerely, to lick mareo maker and I wat a Alyssa V. pogo stik so dabie. I hop you hav a very good Crismise. P:s didiy Dear Santa, Love, I like your red suit. What are Morgan Chipy and Sparkl doing are thy and Sinmin doing are they good Dear Santa, this year? I want a America I hav bin a little bad now I am Girl Doll. Rorllerbaeds and a going to be good. I bon’t want toys bike. I’ll rather spind mo time with my Emma B. family. I hope you hav a very good crissmiss. Ps bibiy Love Dear Santa, Tristan What I would like for chrstmis is two zoomer kitys one for my Dear, Santa sister and one for me. I would like I want to get me a new gift. a zoomer dinoe for my brotter. Love Thank you. how many elves do Dayden you have. Sincerely, Dear Sith Lillie G. I wat a JePeck! I wat it! I wta fun! I’m saret! In a pera in withusa Dear Santa, Dalton Santa are the elfs awake yes or no? Santa you have nice clothes. Santa i wont a toy for crismase Dear Santa, Santa I wont a new dese Santa I I can’t wait for Chirsmas to wont a toys or eI f In it year me. come. Chirsmas is my favrit Sincerely, holiday. My favrit part is the Nathanial Y. presents. I want a new stuffed animal. Mery chrimas. Love, Shelby

Reno Elementary

Dear Santa, I can’t wait intill you come! I love it that your in my life. I love you! You are the best person I know. For Crismis I will give you doenuts. I hope you have a good time. Write back please. P.S byby. from Julian

Dear Santa, Eating and drancking those coockes and milk every year. It sands yummy dut it must make you ful. I like how you owas bring job to the word eveny year. Your ranedear are very cute did I minchen that. Speshely roodof. Maya

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Minecraft game for it. I would like chris my elf on a shelft to come. Cawley Dear Santa, My class is donating can food to pepoll that need food and we are very excited. About it what I whont for Chrismis is a xbox360 and broulears and a air soft sniper and a pant ball sniper. And trell camerus and a darom that is all I wanted for chrismis. PS. Gingls is funny Hunter Dear Santa, I wish you help the people in need and I want rock stade and craic. I wish I had a genlt rock stade and crici. And reore. Love, Jacob

you get me a computer? Can you get me a tv? Can you get me a ps4 and a ps3? Can you get me sambot welled sets and pow ptrol stuf and some lagos and Race car games and car games and a wiiy and a ipad and a hat and a coat and a scarf? Can you get me some mach boxes and some hot welles and a fier resyou stuf? Can you get a skarf? Love, Joseph Dear Santa, I will like a pupy for Christmas and a doghouse or a Happy Happy Happy doll House cuse I will play whith my dolls all day play play play whit my sister Roxyfoxy and DebbiGebbi that’s not all I will want a playhouse cuse all day I don’t have enithing to do instead I wont a Xbox that’s all what I wont for Chrismas thanks santa clous and Mrs. Clause and when is nigt tim I will want a blanket for Chrismas ho ho ho mery Chrismas suis Mrs. Clause. Deborah

Dear, Santa I hope you give my elf on the shelf a new jaket so he can waer sumthing warm. And I want a lot of presents and can you wash fredes close plece. And plece give me a faret. Love. Dear Stanta, Tatum How are you and Mrs. Clause? I whant to tell you suthing last Dear Santa, year did you eat a lot of cookies I can’t wait for Chirsmas I wood because you are this yar. Well now like a new gumball mushen and a this what I you to get me and don’t new stuffed animal. wory it is only 8 prizs and I will Love tell you them and this is one sew Julianna cool and phon. Let me tell you to get me suthig echru and it is books Dear Saant, and a wilu and 30 art work and I want a singe kit. wubuex too. And some clors to Love: droll. And 4 dolls but not big ones. Eric Please leve them unrd the tree and I got cookis to so come and I have Dear Santa, I picture of you and me so show it How are you and Mrs. Clause to your elfs and to your deers and this year? This year I would really to Mrs. Clause. like a Star Lily Unicorn, the new Love monster high school. I would also Lizeth like a puppy the breed I wish for is a bull dog. I would be grateful for Dear Santa, a fake four wheeler, a scarf, minion How are you Mrs. Clause and fart blaster, a Cabela’s conoe set, the Rander? This year I would and a school desk for my house. really like a new DS. New ice Love, skats. A new Ipod and a new Ipad. Emma S. New roller skats. A my life doll. Love Dear santa, Cheyenne I want to now how old you are? Dear Santa, Can you get me a xbox one? Can I would like new fell wheeller you get me some lago sets? Can and a hellment. And nee pads and

elbow pads. And a treaser truck and I pad. And ipod and a train twister that gos on any platform. Love Jack

Dear, Santa How are you and Mrs. Clause? This year I would like a zombie robot and babblex. I would also lik a frozen art case and minyen fort blaster. I would relly like a Dear Santa, hoverboard and shopkens. And Would you like some penut some boot’s too. I would like it if butter cookes? I really want a 18 you put them under the tree. wheeler and a pickup truck. Sincerely, Love Emrie Dayne Dear Santa, Dear santa, How are you and rodeoof I will How are you and Mrs. Clause. like a phone. And ipod I will want This year I want to get skylanders more than tha. I want a toys. superchargers and trap team. I Love would also like an air purp and a Ruel Giant pack of coffe. I really want those fighting robots. Dear Santa Sincerely, How are you and roodof and Ms. Edgar Clause. I wode like a xbox one and a compoter. Santa I wode like a ipads Dear Santa Love How are you and Mrs.Clause? Luis This year I would really like a new small car with a control and Dear Santa, a plastic car for kids to drive so I I waud like to now ho you are. can play with them outside when I would like a Bow and airo and a it’s not cold. I would also like a guaud copter grom. I waud aso like game for DS, and a fluffy toy and a pool and a huver bard. a learning book for second graders. Love I would be greatful for anything Paul you would like to leave under the Dear Santa, Christmas tree. I would reley like a hufer bord Love, this year. I would like a new bike Daniel and phone also a slae and I hope yall are doing good this year. Dear Santa, Love How would you help me get Ryder four things for Christmas. The first one I want is a cuboutle. Then I Dear Santa, would like some non ficoin books. I hope you are feeling well. I I would like a few currev papers. I thank you are having fun. I also would lik one more thing and it is hope Mrs. Claus is feeling well a few misery books. too. I would please like a toy car Love, that I can ride in? I would like a Abby Bike but please with no training wheels. I would like a desk please. Dear rudof I would like a tv? And I would like I wood like to a Ipod a ipad and a new TV for my living room? a tree house and a gocart. Sincerely Love, Angeles Evan Dear Santa Claus, Dear Santa I hope you are feeling well. I really want all of the wwe toys How have the raindeer been? Can and then I want a race car. Than you please give me those shape all of the legos then I want a x box magnets? How is Mrs Claus, been? 360. Then a motercycly an puzeels. Can you please give me the coin Then game borads and hover ball. counter. Sinserly Your friend, Jairo Derek

Happy Holidays

Dear santa, Dear santa, I wont a tablet for chirtmas and I would like a X-box-360. And a

Season’s Greetings to all of our friends, family and good neighbors in the Azle Area. May your holiday be full of cheer and good tidings.


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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Season’s Greetings 2015


Dear Santa Claus, I hope you are foeling well today. I love the reindeer. Thnk you Santa Claus. Can you breing a car toy? Thnk you. Your friend, JR Dear Santa, When I thing of your reindeer I feel like hppy. Can you please get you a big lego set for me it is Star Wars. Your friend Brian Dear Santa Clause, I hope you’ve had a great year. If you could make it possible I would like some bratz. P.s I’ve got a lot of cookies Love, Scarlett Dear Santa Claus, I hope you have a great year. I would like a Best lock toy, Fart gun, guinea pig, a robe, a ultemite spider man lego set, a ultimate spider man coloring set. If you Have a nof time or not olly make a bit. Sincerely I love youDear Santa Claus, Your friend Owen

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudoff? How do you get to every house in the nite and how do you get to Texas. Dou you get a plane or a train or a car or truck. I want a Zoomer Kittey. Love, Vanessa V.

Dear Santa Claus, I hope you have had a great year. Could I have a phone, with a phone case that has half red tiger half blue tiger camo on it. A remot air plane, also remot wheel chare please. Sincerely, Levi

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been good. How is Mrs. Claus. Dear Santa, Love, I promise I will be good. Merry Natalie Christmas. I will lay out some cookies for you. How have you Dear Santa, been? I have been good. I hope you How are the reindeer? I have will be safe when you are going to been good this year I would like peoples houses. Can you get me a an Ipad, Race Cars and a Four dollhouse? Bye. Wheeler seat for Christmas. Have Love, a good Christmas. Celina F. Love, Alyssa Dear Santa, I love you dince I was a baby. Dear Santa, I love you since I was four years How are the elves? I have old. I would like bunchums. I love been good this year. I would like you. I have been bad but I will Pokemon cards. Spy Gear, and start being good. I would like a a house for Christmas. Have a playstation and a Ipod. Happy Christmas. Love, Love, Aaron Cameron Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I just wanted to say Merry Have the reideer been good Christmas to you and Mrs. Clause! this year. I want a Xbox 360 and How are you doing? I am doing Playstation for Christmas this year good girl and so have my brothers. will be fun. I’ve only had fights with them. Love, I want 3 things for Christmas. A Jase W. teddy bear, some bracelets and necklaces and last thinf a new Dear Santa, tablet. I’ve been good. How are the reindeer I have Love, been good this year, I would like Hannah A. a Xbox 360, Pokemon and a blue tablet for Christmas. Have a great Dear Santa, holiday. I have been bad I promise to start Love, being good. I would like a tablet. Kylie Thant is all. Merry Christmas. Love, Dear Santa, Aiden How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? I have been good Dear Santa, this year. I would like a Frozen Will you let me ride Rudolph Fever Doll, and I phone, and a the red nose Raindeer? P.S. Merry Baking Oven. Have a Merry Christmas. P.S. I love you. Christmas. Love, Love, Brenton L. Ariana Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Can you get me a doll? But How are the reindeers? I have when your Elves make it I want it been good this year. I would like a to look like me. remote control airplane, I Pod, and Love, Remote Car for Christmas. Have a Faith great holiday. Love, Dear Santa, Ryleigh C. I have been pretty good this year. I was wondering if you let me kill Dear Santa, my fist buck and get me a new gun How is Mrs. Claus? I have been please Santa. Happy Christmas! good. I would like a Hat, a Doll Love, and a Elf for Christmas. Drake A. Love, Arriyan Dear Santa, I want an Xbox 3 and a remote Dear Santa, control car. How are the Elves? I have Love, been good this year. I would like Dean Pokeman Cards, Spy Gear, and Wifi for Christmas. Dear Santa, Love, I love you because you are nice. Caiden B. I want a scooter and a Rudolph toy and a Cabbage Batch. Dear Santa, Love, How have you been? I have Brooklyn been good boy. I want a Xbox and a Ipad. Dear Santa, Love, I know that I’ve been bad but I’ll Matthew P. be good. So can I have a toy Jessie and a Fly Guy. Some books and a Dear Santa, book shelf. I’ll leave you cookies Are your Reindeer working and milk. hard. I have been a good boy Love, this year. I would like a Xbox, Kylie Wii and Mindcraft. Have a good holiday. Dear Santa, Love, I would like this for Christmas. Branson Make up, 4x4 horse and to play Winter coccer. Dear Santa, Love, Can I be one of your elves? Shelby H. How are you doing? For Christmas I would like Pokemon, fish Dear Santa, and a kitten. Have a great good How have you been? I have been Christmas. fine. I have been good this week. I Love, was hoping that you would get me Leedon a Gold Xbox. I promise I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and Dear Santa, chocolate milk. How are you? I was a good Love, girl this year. I would like a toy Kole reindeer horse that you sit on and a new doll. I hope you have a good Dear Santa, Christmas. Hope you have a merry Love, Christmas to thank you for Savannah everything. I am fine I promise to leave you some cookies. May I Dear Santa, please have a light sprited. How are you doing? I have Love, been good this year. I would like Chloe B. a skate board, I pad and I phone for Christmas. Have a great Dear Santa, holiday. I would like to get a new game

Dear Santa Claus, How have you been? I have been great this year. I would like Nintendo 3Dx xl super smash brothers and a bicycle helment and I would also like an remote control car also an lego falcon star wars set and an back to the future lego set please also a glow in the dark wobble ball. From, Elijah

Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I want for Crismas a Portal Gun replica and a Gravity Gun and a Atlas Action Figure with a Portal Gun. Love, Trevor W. Dear Santa, I really like you. How is your elfs and Rudoff? Tomorrow is December first. I want a toy monster truck and Police Legos Set. Love, Aden Dear Santa, How are the reindeer. I have been a good boy this year. I would like Fishing Trip Legos, and Xbox. Love, Slade

gave you the sled last year. Thank you for your hard work you did for everyone. I would like things this year. I would like a small family of dolls, a new bike, and for everyone to have a good year. Have a happy holiday. P.S. Tell Mrs. Claus I said hi. Dear Santa Clous, Love, I hope you had a great break Jamie from giving out presents. I do hope you know that Tom’s back got Dear Santa, hit by some ice. And by the way My name is Miley S. I go to I wald like a skateboard, remotote Liberty Elementary. I would like control Camaro an army guy set, a makeup set, American Girl all of the Hitman games, a Phone, bed, Face Paint Set, and a MC a ps4 with the last of us. Square Doll. Have a Holly Jolly From, Christmas! I have been good this Blaine year. Love, Dear Santa Claus, Miley S. I hope you stay safe. Haw are Dear Santa, you doing. Latley I have ben gud. I am Nevaeh. I have been very May I have a tablit? May I have a good this year. I love you because football? you got what I wanted. Can you From, bring me an I pod, notepad, Flag of John Texas, a puppy, a crayon box. Love, Dear Santa, Claus Nevaeh How are the reindeer? How are you.? I was good after my trip. Dear Santa, May I have a Shopckan? Thank you for the present last From, year. I can give you cookies. I have Luz been good so can you get me a new 3DS charger, some new shoes, a Dear Santa, new 3DS game, some new clothes How is Mrs. Claus and you? and some glass cleaner. How are reindeer? I was good at Thank you, scool. Please can I have a tablet? Terry I love you, Areli Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I love you. Dear Santa Claus, Can I have a game and some toys. I hope that the raindeer are ok. Love, Can I Please have a stuffed white Gage tiger? I have ben trying to be good! Your friend, Dear Santa, Karli My name is Maddison D. I would like a pony. A Monster High Dear Santa Claus Doll, Pokemon and a doll too. I hope you had a great year. Can Santa please get my mom some you pleaes bring me a Doll hous pants and a heater, and some new and some people. Can you get me clothes. Merry Christmas, Ho Ho some christmase books. Can I have Ho! a stuffed Elf? I have ben really Love, good! The American gril boll the Madison D. Indian pleas. Love, Dear Santa, Ally Merry Christmas. You are the best! May I have an I Pad for Dear Santa Christmas? I would like a a North I hope you had a good Texas football for my Dad because Thaksgivig Can I Please have a my dog pooped on the other one. stuffed puppy? Santa I ben good I will leave you cookies and milk. and abad my faily. May I have one more thing, a I love you, watch. Autumn Love, Cole J. Dear Santa, I hope you have had a great year. Dear Santa, Please can I have a Barbe car and May I have furry stuffed a new pare of shoes please? I have animals, some books, a glass bin a good dril. doll, some Lego Friends, a From, Smurf with a hat and a set of Mallory Crazy Art! Thank you very very much. I love you Santa. Merry Christmas! Love, Liberty Elementary Ciara H. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Thank you for nice presents last year! May I please have a sail boat? Love, Joshua M. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I have got on pink, purple and blue through this school year. Can I have an African American Doll and some pink boots? I will give you some cookies, chocolate milk and some candy. Love, Kindal Dear Santa, Hi, I’m Jamie. I am the one that

Thank you for the presents last How is Mrs. Claus doing? How year! light is Roodoff’s nose going? Love, I can not wait to see you. Happy Mylei C. November. Thank you for the toy. Love, Dear Santa, Audrey Merry Christmas. I want a Minecraft. I will give you Dear Santa, chocolate. How old are you? How have you Love, been this year? I love you Santa so Raden G. much. I wish that I could see you again. How is Roodoff doing good. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus. I love you so Merry Christmas. May I much that I can’t wate to see you please have a horse friend, a new again. I want a pony and a dog. computer, and a charger for my Love, Inotab3? It help me lear to spell Phybie things. Thank you for the presnts Dear Santa, from last year. It helped me learn How has Mrs. Claus been? I new things. I love you. want a for real pet. A video game Love, for my brother and a book. How Luci V. have you been. I have been good. Love, Dear Santa, Lilly Merry Christmas. I love my toys you got me last year. I have fun with Dear Santa, my toys. My name is Alexis. I live in How was your year? I want a Azle, Texas. I stay at Amy’s house. lptop, phone and a tablet. Are you Love, ok? I am fine. How is Rudeoff? Alexis J. And all your deer? How is Mrs. Santa? How are you? How are Dear Santa, your elves? Merry Christmas. I have the toys Love, you got me last year, and I played Xavier with them so much. I want a new toy called Monster High Mermdid Tail. Dear Santa, Love, How have you been? I have Anna R. missed you this year! I hope you can make it this year. I am glad you Dear Santa, came last year! Thank you for your I am Malcolm. I have been good elfs. I hope this year you could tell this year, so can I please have your elfs thank you for the best job Minecraft toys, a club house, a real they did. And I want a call. size Tardis, some Dr. Who toys and Love, some Fart Goop please. Cayden Love, Malcolm Dear Santa, How is roodoff? I want a for will Dear Santa, friend rabbit and a stuffed animal Tonight my “Elf” was watching that looks like rotof and a zoom me. I want Minecraft, and a remote dog. control car. Thank you for last Love, years toys. Adrianna Colynn Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I was wondering when Mrs. Merry Christmas. I love what Smith retires can she become an you gave me last year. This year elf? And will I get any presents I want Orbeez Crush, Orbeez foot this year? If I do I want a toy pony. massage, chocolate maker set, and How is Mrs. Santa doing this year? a chocolate pin. You are the best! How is Roodoff the Reindeer Love, doing? Emma B. Love, Amber Dear Santa, Are you going to give me a Dear Santa, lot of presents? Is Rudolph still How is Mrs. Claus? Well, if she a reindeer? I love your elves. I is ok let me know. For now I will want a skateboard, 3DS, and more tell you what I want. I want a Sing games. Along Hello Kitty Doll. I want a Love, new I Pad and I want a new video Landon game. Love, Dear Santa, Carissah How was your day? How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you for giving Dear Santa, me toys. I have been good. If it How was your summer? How is possible can you get me these is Roodof? Rhis is what I want: things: Yoda toys and Minecraft a twister and a tv and a Nintendo books. D.S. Dear Santa, Love, Love, Merry Christmas. If I give Brody Karlie you some chocolate milk, will you give me a big doll house Dear Santa, Dear Santa, and dolls to come with it? I Merry Christmas. Thank you How has Rodof been? I would would also like Monster High for nice presents last year! May I like a lamp, a four wheeler and a Dolls, and it will get you some please have a sail boat? phone. So I think I am a good girl. Hershey Kisses. I will want Love, Thank you for Crismis. I love you to stay up because I would Joshua M. Santa! like to meet you. Have a good Love, Christmas. Dear Santa, Jaycie Love, How are your elves? How are Chanel P. your deer? How is Mrs. Claus? Dear Santa, I had a great trip to Louisana. I Do you remember when you Dear Santa, would like a remote control car came to my house? How are you Merry Christmas. I want a that is real. Sincerely and Mrs. Claus? How is Ridoff? I stuffed dog, some clothing, Barbie Your friend, would like roller skates and a bike. doll with pink hair, and a rocket Donald Love, ship. I also want an Ipad and a Billy Monster High Doll with red hair. Dear Santa, I was on pink, blue and purple.

Love, Jackson Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I hope I have been good. I would like a foot spa, A male stuff doll, and a talking bird that can do over 30 tricks for Christmas. Love, Heather Dear Santa, How are your elves? I have been wonderful. I would like Kittys Xbox and a Iphone. Have a great holiday. Love, Eric Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I been good. This year I would like a DS. Have a great holiday. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I love you. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I wish you Happy holidays. I would like some things for Christmas but I will not write all of them down. I would like an elf. Love, Crimson M.


Season’s Greetings 2015

for Christmas and a toy car.

Ava Y. Love, Michael W. Dear Santa, I goy goody. I good choo. Dear Santa, Signed, How are you and Mrs. Claus? Sawyer I am fine. I’ve been a good girl. I do all my chores. I clean my room Dear Santa, and clean the dishes. I was hoping I want a Makean dall for chismis, if you can get me a pet dog. That is a iphon 6S and a iphon 4S. all I want. Love, Love, Kendall Andrea O. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I take out the trash. I do the How are you? I’m good! I have logrey. I help my babby sister and been in the medium good kind. I I chanch her diper. I pad, my Xbox hope you can get me this, it is a new game, mincart, Xbox 360. How old music player please. I promise that are you. Are you cold when you go I will get you some cookies and on the slayed. Do you sleep. Dear milkand carrots, for the reindeer. Santa, I have bine a good girl this You are the best Santa! Merry year and I deserv the gifts. Christmas! Love you! If you can’t Signed, get me what I want that is ok I Addison M. promise to be good for now on. Love, Dear Santa, Jessica J. I have been a very good girl this Dear Santa, year. Becaase I clean the house. I love you. I have been good. I This year I want a iphone 6 and would like you to bring me a 4x4 a lap top. How many elfs do you monster truck and a nerf gun. have? Does your wife have kids? Love, Signed, Taylor S. Julianna G.

Silver Creek Elementary

Dear Santa, I have bin a good boy. I clean my room. I am nice to my sister. I want a playstaion 4 and a xbox 1 and a xbox 36 and i want Skylanders and Cull of duty black ops for my playstaion. Santa how many elfs do you have? Santa how old are you? How many rainders do you have. Signed, Lance S.

Dear Santa, I have bin a good glrli this year. I help my mom and dad. I am nise to my bruthr. I wade like some of theise. A baby boy doll, a spy kids movie 1, 2 and 3. How many elfs do you have? How many randeir do you have? Signed, Dear Santa, Brayson T. I have bin a good boy. I clean the room with my mom. I take out the Dear Santa, trash. I want a PS4 and a P53. How I have bine a good girl this many prents do you have. How yere. I deserv this gift: I clen the many evies do you have. dishis. I help my sister. I clen my Love, room. Gifts I want: I phon 6S, blue Matthew B. legend of the gurdians, Grease 1 and 2. Do you have a brak! Do you Dear Santa, git coold at the North Pool? I have been a boy. I clean my I love you, room. I help my mom. Gifts I want Grace L OC spy kit a noct two our hogs. ?s for Santa: Does you wifi have a Dear Santa, elf? Do you have brocke you slay? I hav been a good girl. I helped How meny efs do you hav? my brother find his shos. My Signed, brother is so happy. Cooper Signed, McKenzie M. Dear Santa, I have ben a good girl. I want Dear Santa, wios american dolls. I have bin a good boy. I clen my Signed, room. Td trors and i tack out the Natalia K. trash. I want a baby birdid gravin, ntindo, Xbox 360, a DS. Do you go Dear Santa, on vacksthn. Ho mine elvse do you I was a good boy this year. I have? Is it coold on the sloe? have one questions how do you Signed, go to evre place in the world? I Gavin W. want a cross bow and a big white transformer and a sling shot. Dear Santa, Signed, I have bin a eood boy this year. I Adam B. love Chrismis. Signed, Dear Santa, Chris R. I have been a good boy this yere. Spy gear, brum set, 3DS, Badin Dear Santa, dragin. I hreve bin a good girl this year. Signed, I hreve 2 questions. Santa how Colten F. meny hoes do you have to go to? Santa how big is your sled? Santa Dear Santa, this is my gif the book name is go Happy hoildays Sat niclels. I math. I hlep on my farm. always wonder do you like red? I Signed, do! I aoso always wunder do the Samantha V. raindeer to hlep or do you do it all yoursef? I want a Barbie becas I Dear Santa, wolud stile her up. I wolud give I have been a good girl the her very pritty stileish shoos. See, past shcool yery and I have everone sed I have been very good helpd my mom and I have helpd today. Also, I want a pritty necklis. my dad. I wont a cocing set and I will never loos it and I wolud like prinses set and a tea cop set. My it if it will be made out of preshis name is Haley and I love Santa. dinmens. Thank you. Santa givs gifts to cids on Signed, Crismis and Crismis is geses’s Kayla E. brthday to. Signed, Dear Santa, Haley G. How old are you? its the mostest funest month. I want the bigest Dear Santa, bestest dirt bike in the world and I have been a good girl this year a very playful pup with the cutest and I have learned alot and this is fur. I want another cat becaus why I shoul get a gift. I will help their cute. Well I want a mom cat chidren, help mom, clen room and so it can have babies. I want to be do chowers. This is what I want for the dad. I would sleep with them Christmas, clayer clet & frelfrand and feed them and i would wash dog a pet dog thats fake, an mark them and help them, but my dad grlle?s for Santa why do you come will not let me keep them inside. done the chimne? Why do you not I want this Xbox one game called have kids? Madden 16, its a football game. I Signed, have been good in football. I made

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3 touchdowns. All three where on Wyatt H. the outside. With 5 two pointers. Signed, Dear Santa, Zane S. Wish you a merry Crismas Santa! Do you know where your Dear Santa, jolly holy house is? Is it the cold Happy Holiday’s Santa! Dose chilly south pole or north pole? Rudolf have a bright red nose? Why This year I want a very ausome do you eat the lovebol, saoshy, a drone with FPV (First Person little hard cookies? Coud I have a View). I only want a drone from pretty gitar? Plese coud I have it? I you if my parents dont get me one want the gitar becos I want to play for Chrismas. Becuase I worked so songs for my famaly like Crismas very hard getting A Honer Roll! songs and the Betals songs. Yes, Another thinkg I want is a great I want it relly bad. Coud I have a Xbox 1 becuase I have tried to get pritty cat monster high doll becos a 100 on evry single test I ever I have been working relly hard. took and got super fantastic great I helped make the stuffing. I will greades and wlwas got 100s on treat the doll good and give it pritty evry 2nd grade test. If I dident do it clous. I have a mansion so she can on the other test! spend the night there! Signed,

Dear Santa, How holly jolly chrismes Santa or sould you be called sant nik. Why do you need a belt? Are your pants big thay coud fall down. Why do you have a longe beered you need to shave it. Its all a ways about the color red on you suit you need to chgit up. I want in the hole unaves is Madden 16. I help my mom so much. Myssthing I want rodot becose I make my moms bed. I do so much to make my Zander G. famly happy. The end. Signed, Corban P. Dear Santa, Mary crismas Santa. How bos the randerr fly? Is it cold thary is Dear Santa, Happy day Santa. Can I ride it? How much snow is thare con elfs talke bo you have a animill your sley be sedyes it wus fun. I Santa? I want for crismis is a 2 wunt for crismas I wunt a big box feet talle tete bear and a bimind with WWE toys and army man can I get a bog for crismis allso a toys and toy cars, a es;e mprbots stuft aunimill rotallf but the most [ocmers/ O wimt a TCU flag and a inportin tang is pepper my cat. I Cowboy toys and TCU glasis and miss her she was speshel to me I a TCU jacit, a toy dear a crismas love her so much. I help kids and book. I should get it becus I lisin to familly I like helpeng angels trees my mom and dad I wash dishis my and i wunt? abimid naklis and make mom and dad i will do it. Signed, cookies and I like crismis trees and Jakob M. ordmidt and I like nutcrakers Santa and cooking. Signed, Dear Santa, Sant is it kould we I now it Grace G. is kould? Well do you ever get snowstorms at the eatre? Sant is it Dear Santa, Good greatings to you St. Nick! sumtims hot? Santa my wish is a Are your very cute elfes tired from fon and a bike and a reng. I hav ben making toys? Do you always wear a god gerl and I do my wrk. Merry your red suat and gloves? For Cristmas! Signed, cristmas I want a preshes dog just Paizlee G. like my causuns! Because I take good care of my other pets like dogs cats & chickens. Thats one Dear Santa, We low you joly old Elf!! Do thing I want for Cristmas! But I have other things. For cristmas I yo daliver shiny oreneg rasers? also want a new house because I Do you like cofy with cookeis? think it would be cool! And I think Are you werjik to eny thing? Are I should eren it because ive got you warm in that cool shiny plas in all A’s last year and this year. of years? Can I have a shiny raser ive never gotin A’Bs I dont think to go arond the naber hud. Can I have for gotin thats the seconde I have more felt for my sawing cit. Can I have Bad Kitty books thing. Signed, because I read all of them. Can I Layla C. have criter clad book because I like the books I need book six. Can I have a unicorn toy because I like Dear Santa, Holly Jolly Chrismis good unicorns. I daserv them because grettings Sant Nick. how does yoer I do the dishis. I allwase be good majicle raindear fly? Why does at school. I don’t hert friends. I roodof have a amazing big red cind of fite with my sister. I make nose? hym what a myistary. Oh cookies for you Santa Clas. your awesome gril, Santa you now what i whole & love Haily B. for chrimas. Lago Dimenshins! I woled keep it in the rigt case. Todpe jerv this if ped my dogs i Dear Santa, Seasons greetings my jolly clean thear poop and i water them itack them on walks evry single red friend. How are your ginglay day. And its a hard job to tack ranedeer? How are your hppy care of them. Pleas pleas whith elves? Are you very cold in the a charry on top ive this one. And Noth Pole? I want a microsope Prity pleas i need a four willer. I because I want to be a scientist. just woled love it if you gave that So I can examine small things. to me. I have ben very hapye walle I’m going to need it for inventhon my sister has been sad. Just pleas such as the cacher. I have helpe elders hold the dore for my mom pleas Santa. Love yhour best kid, to. I want a scienskit so I can start Caleb S. getting reddy and I lern all the chemicals of the wold. So I will be grate scientist. Dear Santa, Signed, Happy day Sant Nick! Wy do Konner S. you have so meny rander? I bet it is cold at the north pol. I wunt a ipone I helpt my moma do longry Dear Santa, evreday and I clen my room wuns I want a gloow in the derk a week. I help my beruthers cleen watr proob wach and a big Leage there room to I shod give moma scoobedoo and I want a football. I xoxo hugs and cissess to Santa. We am good in fead my 3 dogs and I love you to Santa. Thaks for the I clean the yred I clean the hous and phone I’ve plechochow you are. my room I am a good boy I bin The after ol you are the best Santa good a lot. I want a little bike and evrey time. a game. Love, Signed, Corbyn D. Nate M. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Do you have any pets? I have 4 Happy Holly jolly cristmas day! dogs. Do you get some cookies? What are your butiful heart loving Do you holve any friends? Do you

Dear Santa, How is rudolph? I really want a x-box. I thing you give present to everyone in the United States. Your friend, Matthew P Signed, Michelle L. Dear Santa, Happy Holliday Great Oh St. Nike! Why do you have so many wonderful, butieful raindear? And why do you have such a big fat round belly? This year I want the cuteist, most pretteyist little girl yorkey in the hole intire town of Azle!! And I want it because I have been way nicer to my faimily, sister, and freinds. Please oh please that is the only thing that I want for Christmas, even if I have said that I want other things that is what I want! And if you do want to give me something else then I want a mini ipad just so that I have something else to play on. And of corse I want it because it will be the best but maby the little girl yorkey is better. I love you so much! Your Favrite Little, Claire N. Dear Santa, Merry merry Christmas old Saint Nick! I bet its stupendisly cold up there Santa? At my house we will have awsome cookies with sprincles. I want a stuffed animal owl because I yous manners. I also want a dimen neckless because I help my brother and grandma when they fall down or get badley hurt and get bit by something. I like how you give kids pressents. I want to see how cold it is at the north pole. I bet you’re really nice. We dont get that much snow in Texas. I wonder how cute your raindeer are? Does Roodulph have a shiny red nose? Love, Allie A. Dear Santa, Holly Jolly Chritmas Sante Nick! Do your Elf’s come with you on your sleigh? I bett there as fast as a wink? Coud I have a stomping and tramping pogostick? I should have it because I get good grades at school and because I’v got A honor roll five times!! It is because I have to study a lot. Did you no I also want a toy space ship so, I can zoom across space and I can land on Mars, Venus and the moon. I should deserve it because I take good care of my animals. Signed, Cooper S. Dear Santa, Happy Holidays Sant nick! How heavy is yor jolly red jacket? How frighting fast is yor sleigh and how do you get to each house? I want the cool fast Shado Lonchedr becuse I would take good care of it. I would race my other remote control toys. But Shadow Loncher would badley smoke the other toys. So prettey please can you get that. I want the new cod strong fast Max tow truck Turbo becuse it is so cool and I have wanted it all year long! So can you get the for me this crismis Please. Signed,

We may provide the heat for your home, but nothing warms our hearts more than thoughts of the many good folks we’ve had the privilege to serve this past year.

PROPANE • TANKS One mile north of Lake Worth Bridge 817-237-3325

get any calls? I would also like a new football and a new Nerf guns. I would also like some games for my PS3 to play and some board games. I’ve been helping my mom doing laundry. I am a great friend. I am responsible. Signed, Dakota R. Dear Santa, How do you make toys? How do you get elfs? How do you fly? Do you have kids? I want Legos. I want Quixels. I want a Xbox one. I want a Wii U. I have been responsible at school. I am nice to my mom. I help my mom. Signed, Kamren H. Dear Santa, How do you make your reindeer fly? How many toys do you make in a year? How do you make your elfs move? Do you buy toys? I want a radyo and a ipad and the game Candyland. I want the game Trouble. I did chores. I’ve been splendid. I’ve been a Christmas spirit and I’ve been respectful. Signed, Kali H. Dear Santa, Do you have any pets? Do you have any books? How do you make toys? Can I have a toy piano? May I have some books? Can I have some work? May I have snow at my house? I am being responsile. I did my home work. I am being honest. Signed, Jaden E. Dear Santa, Do you have any pets? I have 3 dogs. How do you make gifts? I buy gifts. Have you ever ride on a wagon? I never been in a wagon. How do you make toys? I guy toys. I wuud like a princess, a new Barbie, a new Easy Bake Oven, a new Barbie Sat. I choes to clean up my bedroom. I clean the houe, I wen to the store and been responsible to put stuff in the basket. Signed, Katlyn K. Dear Santa, How do your reindeers fly? Do you have any pets? Do you exercise a lot? Do you wear the same clothes when you go to sleep? I want a new Elsa doll house. I want a stuffed animal pug it sed JJ on the box. I want some dog treats for Macey. I want some dog toys for Macey to. I’ve done my best. I’ve been helpful. I’ve been careing. I’ev been playing fair. Signed, Hannah P. Dear Santa, Do you have any pets? I have 2 dogs. Do you have any elfs? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you get any gifts? How does your raindeer fly? I would like an xbox. I would like an ipad. I would like Legos. I would like Minecraft books. I help my mom with the food. I clean up my room. I read my books at home. Signed, Henry R. Dear Santa, Do you have a lot of buildings? Do you have pets? Do you have kids? Do you have summer? I want a dog for Chrismas and I also want a Xbox, and I also want a horse for chismas. And I also want a helicopter. I feed my horses and I clean my back yard and I also help my dad and I clean up my horses stalls. Signed, Emilio N. Dear Santa, Where do you live? Do you have any kids? Do you work still? Do you go to the wishing well? I would like a pig and a toy car, I also would like a cat and a Husley. I have been so nice at school. I am happy not mad. I listen to Ms. Beck. Signed, Carlos F. Dear Santa, Do you have any pets? I have chickens. Do you have any clothes

Here’s hoping your holiday delivers a bundle full of good friends, good times and good cheer.

Happy Holidays!


elfs like? What are your buttiful teen elfs like? Do you like your heart raceing buttyfuly working elfs? I want a buttyful sining blue golf cart. I want a buttyful Santa shert. I want a bell. I want a tollon techer degrey. I want to just spend time with my family and friends. I want a buttyful relaxing day. I want a my mom and dad to not fite. I deserv the blue golf cart because I helpd an old couple corss the road. I can’t wait to get that Santa shert. I need that Kristal dimand nekaless becouse I want to get it for my sister she loves evrthing that sparklels. Signed, Laynie H.

Thank you for being such loyal customers. You’ve made our season a very merry one. AZLE · 340-A W. MAIN ST. · 817-444-2222 SPRINGTOWN · 418 EAST HWY. 199 · 817-220-2101

We appreciate your giving us so much to celebrate this holiday season, and we thank you for your loyalty and support.



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Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 besides your santa suit? Do you exercize? I would like a stuffed animal. I would like a bouncy ball. I would like a tea party kit. I would like some Legos. I have been very nice to others people. I have been helpful to others. I am caring to others. I have been very good. Signed, Jaeli S.

Is it hard to deliver presents? Is your job fun? Is it cold on your sleigh? Is it hot on your sleigh? I would like a new nife. Also raw food I can cook and new Lego sets and a Robot. I do my homework. I treat others the way I want to be treated. I get my work done in class. I work hard in PE and music. Signed, Caiden W.

Dear Santa, Is it fun to give toys to kids? Does your sleigh ever break? Do you know Ms. Beck? Is it sad when you give coal to kids? I would like a new bike and a new baby alive. I would also like a helmet for my new bike. I would also like a new radio. The reason I should get gifts is because I work hard. I try my best. I am respectful. I am also honest. Signed, Caitlyn C. Dear Santa, What’s your favorite food? I like sea food. Do you have any pets? I have rabbits. How do you deliver all of the presents? I would like a under armour football. a mip. I would also like a Y flicker. I do my chores with nobody telling me to. I aslo take the cohse quencrs. Signed, Matt C.

Dear Santa, Please bring me Skylanders Giants. I would also like to have Skylanders Super Chargers. A 3DS would be nice if you have time. I’ve been very good this year. Sincerly, Eli J.

Dear Santa, How many Elfs do you have? I have none. Are those clothes the only ones you have? Are there any trees in the north pole? Is the north pole all ice? I want a purple basketball and a new baseball bat. I also whant a baseball glove. I want a water botle too. I help my mom cook dinner. I’m kind to my friends. I listen to mom and dad.

Dear Santa, I am writing a Christmas List. I really want some Legos because I miss buiding things with them. I really want a new deck of pokemon cards. I would also like a puppy. A real one. I would want a boy puppy that was half Pitbull and have Jack Russell. I have tried my best to be good. I take out the trash and get the mail. And sometimes I walk the dogs. I always wondered... how many reindeer to you have? Signed, Ace C. Dear Santa, I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. Can I have a cell phone and a PS4 with a football game? I also want a black ops game. I have been good at school all year and fed my dog and cat. I have been nice to my family too. Also what kind of cookies are your favorite? Signed, Chase E.

Dear Santa, I will Be good aLL Year LoNG I love you Santa. From Hope When my sister hit I forgave her. Dear Santa, Signed, I want a pony for Christmas Emily O. that is my size. I also want some pigs because I don’t have any yet. Dear Santa, I also want a robot dog because How do you make toys? Do you my dad won’t get me it because have any children? Do you like its too much. I have been good football? Do you make food or do this year and have not gotten mad your elfs do it? I would like a new at my house. I’m good because I helicopter. I would like a big Nerf know the Elf is watching me at my gun. I would like a robot. I would like house. Finally, does Santa know a drone. I cook dinner and help do what I am doing right now? londry. I feed the dogs and let them Signed, out. I make my bed and clean up my Kendra H. stuff. I do dishes and silverware. Signed, Dear Santa, Parker K. I’m writing because I want to tell you that I have a lot of Christmas Dear Santa, toys on my list. I am going to tell Do you have any pets? I have 2 you some. I want two Bratt science dogs. Do you have any brothers? kit because I love science. And I have 1. Do you have a real sled? I want a chocolate pen because I Do have sister? I would like a love to bake. Baking and science Wubble XBall and also a My Little are favorite thing to do! I think I Pony collection. I would also like earned presents because I help my a sing a-long Elsa doll. I would mom cook. I listed to my parents. want an American Girl doll with Also I took care of my brother. I red hair and green eyes. I helped have a few questions for you. Why a friend when she as sad. I respect do you have raindeers? Why do my teachers. I would tell the truth you come at night? if I’m lying, wich is being honest. I Signed, am responsidle when I’m at home. Keagan S. Signed, Alyssa H. Dear Santa, I am writing you a list for what Dear Santa, I want for Christmas. I whan a How cold is it over there? How American girl doll to have a fashion old are you? I’m 8. Can your elfs show. And a phone to text, call, fly? Have I been good? I would play and take marvelous selfies. like a phon and chorger. Also a I want a cook set to make a cake Terex toy and a Volosrapter. I and cookies. And the last thing I have been responsible. Getting AB want is the movie titanic to see the honor roll. I’ve been honest. I’ve awesome part where it sinks. Finle been helpfull. I hav some questions to ask you. Signed, Why do you come downe the the Gustavo O. chimmy? Why do you have to be good to get presents? Dear Santa, Signed,

Miley M. Eve. I think I should get Christmas presents because I fed my kat, Dear Santa, kitten, In took a shower, and got I am writing to let you know my cloth ready. I haven’t been that I will have a good Christmas picky. Why do you have a girl this year. I want a lot of toys but riend and why do you have elf. and you can only buy a big make up do you have a friend. kit for me. I have been very good Signed, this year! I do chores like wash the Freedom P. dishes and clean up my room. I do good stuff like being quiet in the Dear Santa, hall and doing what the teacher I’m writing a Christmas letter tells me to do. Also how do you to you. I want a bike so I can ride travel around the world in one with my friends. I don’t want night? a lot of things for christmas. Signed, If I’m good I want a go cart. If Gabrielle B. its raining I don’t need a thing. Go and give it to the homeless people that need it. If my present Dear Santa, is to gig for your sack don’t I am writing you to let you know worry I will pat a big cookie uot my wish list if ful. And I hope I for you. Have I been good the see a present I want. I want a robot year? I have cleaned the dogs dog to play with because my real cage out and cleaned the floor I dogs don’t play with me. And I have cleaned upmy mess after I want a God necklace because I am done eting. I also helped my love God. I have been good this mom feed the horses. year! I help my mom clean the Signed, house. I clean my room and help Mikeyla B. my mom cook. And I help my dad get the dogs in the house. I have Dear Santa, two questions. Why do you sneak I hope that I have been really up on people and why do you go good so I get presents. What I out the chimney? want is a beebee gun so I can shoot Signed, targets. And new clothes so they Alysah L. keep me worm when I am playing Dear Santa, in the snow. Want I really want is I am writing a Christmas list a note book so I can write in. Last totell you want this year. I onle want is a bird feeder so I can feed want a little bit of presents. I rily the birds outside. I have been good want a picher of the nouth pool so this year. I did my chorse to get I can hang it up. A fishing pool to presents. I have been helping the fish with my dad. A new faun mind pre-k kids open the juise at lunch is brok. I want a new vido game to and cleaned up my whole houe. play with my brother. I have said My final last question is, why do yes sir and yes maam. I got good you have reindeer that fly? grades this year. I kept my room Signed, clean thise hole year and help Layna S. my mom cook and help clean the house and been extra good. How Dear Santa, do you make presnts? Do you now I am writing to you so I can tell evrybodys names? you what I would like this year. I Signed, would like pokemon cards, a red Gracie N. watch, power ranger movies, a go cart. One more thing that I want is Dear Sant, a scoter. I think I sould get presents I am writing you a wish list so this year because I have been good. that you know is case you forget. I also listen to my perents. I also d I want a grey shiny watch to wear my chores. One more thing I sould to school. I also want a nerf gun tell you I help my dad work. I have that you can create with nerf body two questions for you. How do you parts. The last thing that I want is ride your sligh up in the air and how a Lego World video game so I can dose Rudolph have a red nose? build anything I want. I have been Signed, very good at school and have been Romeo V. nice tomy Nanny. I also helped my dad wash his truck. I really want to Dear Santa, be on the nice list to get presents. I am sending yo a letter because Also, do you really have Rudolph I have been really wanting these the Red Nose Reindeer? things really bad. I want a 3DS Signed, with Pokemon Omega, Ruby and Jayden Z. Dear Santa, This year I want all of the Pokemon cards in the whole world! And season one and season two of Shopkins. I also want a rainbow dash stuffed animal. This year I have done what my mom and dad have told me to and I put my laundry in my laundry basket. I have been wanting to ask you a question. Is Rudolph real? Signed, Camren H. Dear Santa, I want to tell you some of my wish list. I hope it’s not too much. I want a drone so I can fly it for fun. I also want an alpaca to show at competitions. I would name him Disco. I have been good so I should get presents this year. I picked up my dog Buddy’s poop and I fed my cats. And I helped my grandma bake. Finally where do you get the gifts and coal for everyone? Signed, Keagan D.

Saphire. Also, a stuffed koala bear for my baby brother Lincoln. I think I was good this year. I helped with my brother. I help my mom clean the house and I help my dad with Mattis. One last question Santa...are you really real? Signed, Asher C.


fishing rod! I also want an awsome phone. I been good in school! My grades are also good. These are a few reasons why I think I should get what I want. Signed, Tristen D. Dear Santa, Why do you like cookies? How old are you? How do you keep the dogs still under the tree? For Christmas I want an I pad, money, an Ipod. I would like these presents because I do my chores. I also make good grades and help others. Signed, Dillion B.

Dear Santa, I have some questions for you. How old are you? Do you like giveing preseents to kids? For Chismas I want a huskey puppy, ipad, money, clothes and a toy horse. I think that I shoud get it becaues I have done my chores and been nice. Also pray for God and helping others. Signed, Dear Santa, I hope this year I am on the Mariposa M. nice list this year. Here are my qwestions do you really eat all thos Dear Santa, How do you get your reindeer? cookies in one night? Also where Are your elves tall? Why do you do you get the reindeer from? How wear a red suit? How old are did you get to be Santa Clause? I you? I would like and I phone. really want a pet Golden retrever! May I have a TCU jarsey, may I I also want a pet turtle! I also want have a Odell Beckham Jr. jarsey. a laptop! Cna I also have a Odell I feel like I shood get a dirt bike Beckham Jr. jersy! This is the reason bucuse I been nice to everyone. I I feel I deserve the presents. I have feel like I shood get a cowboys good grades I do my chores and I do Witten jarsey becus I been halping what my mom tells me to do. Signed, others. Bryden B. Signed, Aiden M. Dear Santa, How do you stay awake all Dear Santa, I love you with all my heart. You night? Is your real name Santa? I are the best this isone of my fewrite want a Zoomer kitty but most of all holidays. I want a big big big big I just want to spend time with my dince. I want the toys becuse I’m famly on Christmas day. I should get it because I make all A’s on my good in scool. Signed, report card. Signed, Chase G. Kylie L. Dear Santa, How old are you? How do Dear Santa, Where do you get your reindeer? you eat all cookies in one night? These are the gifts I wowd like for Do you like cookies? How old are Christmas. Minecraft story mode you? I woud like a Zoomer kitty and Minecraft for PC. This is why and a bed and a new bike and a I should get the presents. I’m good laptop. I woud like a MC2 doll and in school and I help others. a MC2 science kit. I have all A’s in Signed, school. I make good choices. I help Prestin O. others. I do my chores. I also help my mom take care of my sister. Dear Santa, Signed, I was wondering how you get Paisley J. the presents? How old are you? For Christmas I would like a puppy Dear Santa, dog bed, leash and collar. this is is it true that you like cookies why I sould get a dog I have good or do your reindeer eat them? grades and been nice to others. How old are you? By the way for Signed, chrismas I would like a laptop, Masyn C. phone and a desk. I think I should get thse things because I am nice Dear Santa, to everyone and I have been good How do you get reindeer? Do in school. you like cookies that much? I Signed, would like a cool dirt bike, and cool Summer G.

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Dear Santa, I welcome you to my Christmas party on Christmas Eve. Im going to the ocean but cna I please have a chocolate pen and a iphone 5 and a Kayla Doll. The thing I want most is a kitten please. And can I please see my mom on Christmas

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Season’s Greetings 2015

Dear Santa, Where do you get the reideer from? Why do you like cookies? I would like for Chirstmas is a hamster and hamster stuff and a hoverbroad. This is why I should get it is I have been good in school also I have been taking good care of Flueey. Signed, Annika B. Dear Santa, How do you get reindeer? How do you eat all the cookies? How old are you? These are the gifts I would like for Christmas: bunchums, minion stuff, hamster and hamster stuff. These are the reasons I should get the gifts. I have been good in school. Always try to do my best. I am nice to evreyone and help people. Signed, Layla S. Dear Santa, How do you get reindeer? Why do you like cookies so much? I really would like a Iphone. I want a PS3 card for chistmas. I also would like a Ipad for chistmas with minecraft story mode for chistmas. I’m good at school and I’m good at home. I’m nice to others. I’m tuff at karate. These are some reason I think I deserve these present. Signed, Dillon J. Dear Santa, How old are you? Where did you get the reindeer? For Christmas I would like a watch and a new locking journal. I should get a watch and a new locing journal because I am nice to people. I also always do my jobs. Signed, Erica L. Dear Santa, Do you like cookies? Do you eat all the cookies on Christmas? I would like clothes for my dog with snowflakes on them. I feel like I should get these gifts because I ahve been good in school and I have done my chores. Signed, Berlynn K. Dear Santa, How old are you? How do you keep the dog’s still you put under the tree? How old do I need to get a phone? Where do you get the reindeer? May I hav a dress and also a kitty and a phone case. I am always nice to everyone and I am good at school. I do my chores and also clean up my room. Signed, Samantha O. Dear Santa, How do you get your reindeer? Are your elves tall? Why do you wear a red suit? How old are you? I would like and an phone. May I have a TCU jarsey, may I have a Odell Beckham Jr. jarsey. I feel like I shood get a dirt bike becus I been nice to everyone. I feel like I shood get a Cowboys Witten jarsey becus I ben halping others. Signed, Aiden M. Dear Santa, How did you get your reindeers? How old are you? Do you eat all of the cookies? Why do you like cookies so much? What I want for Chistmas is an iphone and a clock and a watch. I get good grades always try my hardest and I clean my room. Signed, Seth W.

Walnut Creek Dear santa For cristmas I want a x box one and a ipod or a ipone 5 and clhoes

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

and a Dez jersy and a cow boys helmet also cleats and drums and a MVP nfl football and nerf guns also beats and a cowboys bunk bed and a bike and a mini baskdt ball goel. Romote controle car and helicopter one to and I am a size small from Emmanuel Dear santa; I waunt a pokemon and stuff anail and dol toey and wiol like a Somra cat and Monsrat Haig. I love Santay. Alana B Dear Santa, I would like a badry poord truk and a roymorn troll car. And a trampulen and a Plastasta schoony and a cnchrler and a cul gams Ples. Love Jacod Deas Santa, I want a littlist Pet Shop Jet. And a eazy back uvin. And shopkins. . your friend Hannah Dear Santa, For christams I want a telocop. And a drit bike and a riffil bebe gun. Sincerely Dalton

wan’t a elf on the shelf. I wan’t a Dear Santa Amarkin gril doll. My name is Kaitlyn. I am 7 years Love. old. I have two dogs. there name’s Trinitee are Koper and Bella. I like them lots they are so cute. I want you to Dear Santa, have a great Christmas. I want to I want a getor, I pad, have chaters for Christmas. I want transformer, Boxing glove, (two) zoomer kitte that is pink! I loke and drumsset. your presits. What do you do in the Thank you North pole? Love Love, Anthony Kaitlyn Dear Santa For Christmas I want a ipod, a Dear Santa, Frozen charm braslet, a Frozen My dog is not smart but he is Barbie, Frozen headpons, Girl cute. Me and my brother tese him Scout Baking ovelya haed a lot. Santa do you have magic? If band! you do then can you make my dog I love you sants smart and is Roudoolf real because Ivy some people say no? Love, Dear santa, Carson I want an xbox 1 a play stasnolne and a phobe a tablet ipad I phone 4 Dear Santa, a ipod and a computer a lap top a My name is Brodie I am 7 yearts eersote I phone 4 old. What I want for Christmas is a Love, iphone 6S and I want my cast to a Austin football I want my Elf to come!!! Love Dear Santa Brodie I want cloths for crismis Our friend Dear Santa, Douglas My name is Kyler. I am 8 years old. I like to do sports. I do cheer, Dear Santa softball, basketball. I would like a My name is Brooke. I am 7 Years litte forweeler Anda a mini ipad, old. I love you so much. HoW Was Grace the Amarcin girl doll, ipod Your Week-end? Ilike Christmas rase, electric scooder, pich perfect wo I woud Like a Shotkiz. I think you are awesome. Love Love Brooke Kyler

Dear Santa For Christmas I whold Like a zombie strik gun and the ray gun of Blak Ops zobmis. Sincerely Dear Santa, Tristin My name is Sydney and I am 7 years old. I have chinkns Dear Santa athome. I want stffn Anmals for I don’t care what you bring but I Christmas. I love you santa and realy want a doll darf for my doll. I love Christmas. I lover your From raindeers. I love Klanb and Piper Klabend. Love, Dear Santa, Sydney For christmas I want a little truck that I can drive. And a copouter and Dear Stana, a new phone with a case on it. And My name is Kolt. I love your a ipode. And please on my new elf. Chrisms is my favorite holday. phone would you take a pitcher of Can I have a dart bike? I love the you and your raindear in place. waild. I love to camp and play. I Love lover your storys. I love anmals. Matthew I love Chapleans I love god and Jeses. I am 8 years old, Dear. Santa, Love May I have a Colt Trampaling 2 The best best Christmas ever 3 love 4 presents Dear, Santa 5 clothes 6 Barbie Dream house 7 it’s me avery. Now Im 7 years Barbie old. I have a Kitty named boo. Love your friend, Shes sweet!. This Christmas I Lila would like Whataver you give me. I think you are nice. ps: your Dear Santa raindeer dixen is my fav. I wat a 22 rifle in black and a Love crono bomb it’s a laser thing that Avery you put on the wall and ther is a bomb Dear Santa Sincerely Your best My name is Elizabeth. My Aaden Mom’s Name is Misty. I got to Walnut Creek. My teacher is Mrs. Dear Sata, Bagwell. I want A XBoX 360 and I want’t a Xbox one and Mincraft And A Amiracan girl Mincraft to go with the Xbox one doll And a Micersoft gift card and I wan’t a box of prite goriey. 50$ I wan’t a lot of money to and a Elizabeth American girl doll with a big horse a toy horse. A box of grow Dear Santa, up goriey. My name is Cael. I,d like Love a Disney infinity star wars Sophie starter pack. Do you Santa have nightlights? Dear Santa Love, i want a go-cart for x-as and Cael a six pack and big mustles with it to and a weaht that is Dear Santa a giant. My name is sophie. I am 8 years Landon old. I love you and Christmas cus it is jesus Birthday. I play with my Der Santa, dolls sometie’s. all I want is this…go kart legoes Love, raser Shark Raser Spark Xbox #1 a Sophie fone and a ipad#1 Your friend: Dear Santa Gage My name is Lexi. I am 7 years old. I like to rid my dike I want a Dear Santa electric blanket a rccar Hotwheles I want a ipod. And a toy legows. camne. can you brieng a elf early? And a pet rabet and a Kaje with it. Love, I want kloues and my sise is 7-8. I Lexi

Dear Santa I hope You we having a wonderfull time with Mrs. Close I hope You come this Christmas. Love, Jericho

do the elfs eat? How do yo know that you have got to all of the houses? How Do you hae so much magic for the raindear? Can you please bring me a pensil sherpener? Love, Jiecl

Dere Sontu, I’M Marcis. I lieck I loeer renoticeeld I’m estreers oleo. Wat Dear Santa, Where the raindeer? How is is tru fole r it doo? Love, Mrs. Claus? How are the elves? Marcus What time are you coming to my house? What kind of cookies do you like? How do you go threw Dear Santa I want a pupy and some of doors? Love, your cloths and some for home Emily lis people to lay out for you? How come I cant see Ms. Santa Klos? Can you bring me ril apple to? Dear Santa, Can I have too candy canse in my This year I think I was a good chrismis soc? girls. I thik I was so I am going to Your frind, write down my Christmas list. This RaSean year I am asking for a snowglobe. Dear Santa, Also A Barbie Dream house. That I thank I bine good this year. will keep me bissy for awile. Some Can I have he moglest? Can I have new barbies would be nice. It also the parts that come with it? Have woulde benice to have an iphone your raindeer bine good what do 6S. you and your raindeer you are the Love, best! How is the wether up ther? Salia How is Mrs. Clas doing? Thank you for the presints last year. Dear Santa, love, I whould like to know Mason something. What kind of milk and Dear, Santa, cookies whould you like becuse I I want a TV. How is our randeer. do not want you to get sick? I need I laso have a tabl for Chrismisu to ask you one little tiny favere Love could you pleas bring my mom Monica a puppy pleas because I want my Dear Santa, mom to have the best cristmas Can I please have a blue socker ever. Oh also can you pleas keep Dear Santa, ball? Don’t forget please! I,m a in touch? Als one more question My name is Kohyn. I am seven thinking you like choclate chip I want to know witch rander you yers old. I love pacemon can I have one of youre elf? Yu can chose what you want for Christmas. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! You are the Best! Love Kohyn

Dear Santa, How do you go around the world? I would liken a phone. Fire HD, BB guns. How do your reindeer fly? I savd a bird falling from a tree. Justin

Dear Santa, My name is Grayson. I am 7 years old. I love to play games with my frinds. For Christmas I whan some mitins and som toy cars. What I lice about you is all yor elfs. cookies and maybe two cups of Love warm milk. Is it truw that roudoff Grayson has a red nose? Can you please bring something for my mom and Dear Santa dad plus my grandma and my My name is Giedhe I and im 7 grandpa. yeres old. I relly relly want mincroft Love your friend stuf. And a –pab for crismis. Ashton Louv, Giedhe Dear Santa, I want 30 bollars for little kids Dear Santa that do not have Mom and Dads My name is Jaclyn I want a and homes. How are the elvs? How lalrlooys boring oveh for chrismis. is Mrs. Santa. Are the dear heathy? Ilike playing whith toys. You arr Was your summer fun? What time nice. I wish I coud see you. I love will you git here. your elfs. Love To santa Tyren Jaclyn Dear Santa My name is Kenzie. I am 8 years How are the elfs Doing? How old. I love Christmas. it’s fun to make you cokies. I would like a Zipit Beding and also I would like some wublle bubble balls. Love, Kenzie

like the best? Your friend Cayleigh Dear Santa, I would like a crossbow Zombee Strakr. Haw are the rader doing? And can you get the poor something and I now that you work hard and thank you very much! But how do you dliver 30,0000 presits? Love Dustyn Dear Santa, I just love suger cookes how bout you? I have allways wanted to meet you. I bet you are so jolly. How much presents do you deliver on Chistmas night? Is it cold when you ride on the slegh? What is all the names of your raindeers? How

From our family to yours,

Dear Santa, My name is Will. I am 7 years old. I like technology a lot but I still like books. I would like parman for t,v. I like how you give gifts to kids. Do you were green? love, Will Dear Santa, My name is Jonathan. I hope you aer warm at the north pole. I wod like som hotweels. Love, Jonathnan Dear Santa, DO You think I will Get a dertbike my mom ses I will for my B Day or chrismiss Last year she sed that Love, Sam

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Season’s Greetings 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear Santa, How you doing? For Crhstmas I would love a monkey. I hope you give lots of presents to the orphins. SxSx. Please bring my big brother what he wants too. Have a great Dear Santa Cristmas!. How is my elf? I miss him a Love, lot. What kind of cookie’s do you Hannah want? What time will you be at my house so I will be a sleep? How are Dear Santa, the rain deers doing? What kind of May I have a go cart this year milk do you want this year? How please. And can I have a IPhone 6 is Mrs. Clas. Please this year May I have a husky Love for Christmas Please Santa may I Kami have a remote control helicopter Please Santa can I have a XBos Dear Santa Live for Christmas Please Santa How are the randeer going. How tell your elf I had a good time with are the elfs going. This is walt I him xoxo want for Chrimis a flant skren tv Love plese. You want? Walt kind of food Christian do you walt for your randeer? Your friend Dear Santa, Kyle My name is Bryleigh I would like a computer and a Ifone5 Dear Santa, and a tablit and a Amarican Can I have video games please. gril doll and cloesand shoes Thank you, and a chokboard and osa Logan 2,000 Buks. So have a Happy

much raindeer do you have? I just corn? I will leae some grass. love you and Mrs. Claus! I can not Can I have a amircn girl doll the wait for you to come! chrismas! Love Your friend, Emma Tierney Dear Santa, What I want for Chismas is a talbit and a dress for my doll. And I want to get something for my mommy. What cookies do you want Santa? What milk do you want Santa? I made a present for you? How is Rodof Santa? How are the efls? How are you doing? Kinzlynn Dear Santa, I want 1$ to give to someone like a firend or something. I bet that’s funny because I’m funny. I want a funny kit to intertane. How are the raindear feeling? What are your raindear’s name’s? How are you going to get to my house? Can I see one of your raindear’s? I wan’t to see how coll your raidear’s are. Love Zeya Dear Santa, I want a Xbox please. Can I also have a big fluffy fake unicorn please? I Buddy my elf at my dads hosue? What sould I name Sparkels pet raindeer? Can I have a kitt even thogh my mom said no. Santa are the raindeer ok like blitzen or rodof? Is Mrs. Claus ok and the elfs? Can I please have uggs? By the way do you get like I pads free because your Santa? Why don’t Sparkels Noah and Snowflake move? Does Mrs. Claus ride in your sleight on Christmas eve? Can I please have some books? Love your friend, Danika Dear Santa, I want 33 dollars so I can be you and donate for people who have nothing. So how will you get in my house and get my presents? Do you like white choclate chip cookies? I might make somthing eals! How are you ? Are you tired? I think you need some rest! I bet you always get treats like cake, cookies, ice cream, and candy! Love, Rhian Dear Santa, Can I have two hundred dollrs? Some chlderen do not have any money. I have a question is my elf comeing back this year? Is all the rander ok? Do you want choeklit cookes this year? Do rander eat

Merry Christmas!


17C Love Bryleigh

Hello Santa! My name is Oswaldo. This is what I want for crismas. 50 million dollars, iphone 6, go cart, a real baby monky. Love Oswaldo Dear Santa, This year I would like a litte huski and a drum set with a new of drum sticks and a go cart and cloths and shoes and a new phone and a tablet and a t.v and a bike and a piutar for my sister and a cat for my moma and a basketball hoop and six basketballs. Love Cameron Dear Santa, Hello! I hope you see this. I’m in second grade. This is what I want for Chrismas. I want a mittens and a ipod! Plus a pare of shoes. Love Chloe

Our hearts are warmed by thoughts of the many good people we've had the privilege to serve this year. May this holiday season bring you joy and blessings! -The Orchard Event Venue

*A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS* 1421 Northwest Parkway Azle, TX | (817) 270-4555 |

Bright Wishes and Warm Regards Sleigh bells are ringing, and we’re filled with good cheer, when we think of our friends, old and new we hold dear. And we’d like to extend to each one of you our very best wishes and gratitude, too!


Tire & Au Tomo Tive Shop Tire & Au Tomo Tive Shop 11480 FM 730 S • ( 2 miles south of Azle) 817-444-1301 • MON. - SAT. 9-6

& Happy New Year! 408 Boyd Ct. • Azle 817-444-1100


Season’s Greetings 2015

Dear Santa This year I would like a computer and may I have a billion dollers and a shepherd blanket and a tablet for my sister and tell Santa helper that I love hem and he is a good elf and can I have a hours and close and boots thank you for chrismis and I wan’t a t,000 dolles and can I have a dolly. Chrismis and have fun Love Lily Dear Santa, My name is Savannah and I would like a Elsh-CaBlo. But I would some toy for the ornish! And Can you sent a leetr to me? I hope you had a grat day and I would like 1,00000 dolrs and say hi to miss clos and to th Elsh and the rander. Love Savannah Dear Santa I want a iphon and im sory for being bad I hope I can fix all of my mustacks I hope im on your nice list tell tiny I have mist himhay and I want 10000,00000 dolers and I want a lectrec gutar and I want a biket and a new brother. Oh I want a new football MVP. Love Kaleb Dear Santa, This year may I have 2 small chichuahues? This year may I have a ipnone 6 plus! This year may I please have a ccumputer touch screen? This year may I have a computer! May I please have clothes? This year may I have an Apple ipad case? Love, Austin Dear Santa I would like a lego pack and a remote control ear and a nurf gun and fake 100 daller bills and a phone. Love Tucker Dear Santa, I want an ipad a pub a cucomter for Chirsmtas you are awesome a phone 99,000 thousand dollars for Chirsmtas I want a Ak-47 a clubhouse with zombies in it I want a hunted house for Chirsmtas I want a brand new house for Chirsmtas Please Santa Elfs I love you. Love Pewo

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 you? Santa your asoume? reindeer, a rabbit, iphone, a ipad Love always, and on the nice list to. How is Shayne Rudolph doing Santa? I hope you have a good day Santa. I hope Dear Santa, mrs. Clase has a good day. Hello what are you Love always, doing? This is what I Aurora. want for Christmas sky viper drone, new dirtbik Dear Santa, gear, beats, roket fishing How is Pablo doing? What is rod, wild pets, fire wroks, Mrs Claus doing? What I want for master are case, race car, Chritsmas is a new scoder. A Baby Royes off, pie face, soccer Alive Snakin BaBy. And a new and a bassitball. Hoe mine Brush. And I know what do you elfs do you have? want for Chrismas cookies? Love, Love your friend, Jax Jatelynd

dollars? The trampleen is for me and my brother. Love, Tierney Dear Santa, Hi My name is arieonnah I would like a puppy this year. Have a grate crismis. Thank you. Love Arieonnah Dear Santa This year I would like a meccano robot, 1,000$, Gontcar, crazy cart, a smart computer, tiny spy camras, a palice car that I can be in, a jon Deer car, star wars yoda, a wrist wach, smart wach, a giant trampoline, iphone 6, Samsung tablet, night vison goggles, lego demen-sons/backtothe future please Thank you Merry Chrismas. Ho Ho Ho Love Jack Dear Santa, This year I would like lots and lots of littest pet shops. And lots and lots of shop kind and a I pad pro. And a huscky and a germen shepherd and a ring. And play doh and other stuff thank you hope you have a grate year love you thank you sooooo much. R.S. Can I have a phone Love Taylor Dear Santa, This year I’ll like to have a Xbox ONE and some star wars toys and legos plese I blev in you Santa you are a very nice men and I will like Halo Legos and minecrft legos to and I’ll like a Gapling Hot to. Love Dalton Dear Santa, This is wat I wont for this years crismis, pra Sint I wont a pogostick and I want a skatbord and a new tabolit and a new hy trapdi and I am rill thankful for crismis and my name is colton and I love you the most and of all the holadas. from Colton

Dear Santa, Hello how are you? I have been good all year. Me and Trikxie are good. Infact she is very tricky. I wont a Ipad and new shoes tenny shoes and a phoen6t to. I would also like under-aremar clous to have a good year. Dear Santa, Love, I want a pomearaniney fluffy. I Wakely want a trimpline that is big. I want a Little pet shop all kind. I want Dear Santa, shopkins all kind. A unicorn gindan How is miss claus and you feed hot pink baby Bilder-Bear doing? How is Christmas work-shop rain dear. I-phoune and going to be this year? What I-pade too. Bilder-Bear work-shop I want for Christmas is Elsa and Anna Bear. Pub ugley phone, a pack of donut’s and face. Shopkin ectefoys. size 1 shoes. I forgot to ask Love how is Rudolph? I love your Natalie Christmas presents! Can you get me sometng big!? Dear Santa, Love, Have a holly joliday and say Trinity hello to friends of yous. Thank you for dollar are dog! We got a Dear Santa new house but this year I would Hello how are you? Can you like a big trampleen. And can I pelase get me teenage mutant have sesen 4 Shookens in my ninga turtles for Christmas. How stocking Plese put the trampleen much elves are working in the in the yard. Aso can I have 50 workshop. How have you been

Dear Santa Claus Hello how ya doin! Last year I saw you threw my room door. Can I tell you what I want for Christmas? I would like a trampoline, a tree house, a romot control car, a doing. I hope you have a good day dwart rabbit, and a picture of a elf. and Mrs. Clause. Do you work all year long. Please Love always get back to me. Thank you. Preston Your pal, Aria Dear santa, How are you doing? For Dear Santa, Christmas I want a karyedowky Hello how are you? How is mishing, I want ice skats, I Rudolph? Here are sum toys I will want a puppy for Christmas, for like. A real pricess dress, iPhone 6, Christmas I want knew high topes karaoke muchin, orb beeds, back and highheals, knew close to like mesotch chair, stuf animal that drees, I want a Americna girl doll. looks like my Elf. How can you How are you doing Mrs. Claus? eat so many cookies? Love Love always, Jovie Raecee Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want for Christmas a hover borde, a fitbit, a mini air hocky table, the giving tree bank, green meachien, and pie face. Does Rudolph nose realy glo? How is Mrs. Claus? Are you staying warm? Love Conner

Dear Santa, Hello how are you and Mrs. Claus? For chrismas I want a new Mario game that my family likes, a new skylanders game, a new equestea girls my little pony, a phoun. I hope you have a lovly year Love, Sophia

Dear Santa Hi? I want a rmote cinchrol hellucopter and a foot boul, a tablet, a flying kite, a forwiller aer soff gun, That’s et. Thank you. Can you get all these four me? Can you get my prez? Love Zachary

dowing? Can you git me a new born puppy and sum nurf guns and sum dog toys too. I hope that you have a good Christmas. Can you git me sum goosebumps books ples. Santa how old are you? Do you have kids? Love, Sawyer Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? Can you pleze give me these magic 8 ball, a gun pack, a tramplene, a pie face, a sniper nerf fun.a nerf gun tha’s a machingun. Zoimbe strike gun, a block heros dantam. Can I see rodelph the red nose raindeer? YOUR PAL, Ryan

Dear Santa, How are you this year? I would like brown riding boots, brown French boots, 3 boxes of candy, and North Face jacket the flease kind. Can you do that for me? Will Rudolph lead your sled this Christmas Eve? Thank you Love, Dear Santa, Zoe How are you doing? What I want for Christmas is a hamster, ipad, Barbie, huge stuffed animal, Barbie Dear Santa, How are you doing? For dream house, pupy, Goosebumps, book, and Cincerella book. Will Christmas I want a monster High doll and a mshos cher/ a heet cher. you have a good Christmas? Love always Plese Plese give my Daddy a new Brooklyn car! Give My Mommy a makup box. Hos is Mrs. Claus? Love, Dear Santa, Berkley How are you and Mrs. Claus

He came to restore Hope to all. As the angel announced, “I bring you good news. Peace on earth and good will towards all mankind.”

Dear Santa, How’s it going? This year for Christmas I want only one thing from you. I want a mountain bike. How’s Mrs. Claus, and could you tell her I said hi? Love, Adeline

Dear Santa, Hellow how are you doing? Is Mrs. Claus doing well? Me and Karter want a tv for my room. I want glue sticks, my own miniature pencil sharpener. I want a Chima Lego kit. Also a remote control car. Have a good time. What are you doing? Dear Santa Your pal, How are you and Mrs. Claws? Kolby How are your elf doing! Is Christmas work fun? Can I plese Dear Santa, have a karioky set? I ♥ Christmas. Hi is miss you. How are you What list am I on? Thank you for doing? I want 100 bows for presents on Christmas? How old Christmas and a doll, a snackes, are you Santa? Is chistmas fun for

Merry Christmas from Dr. McCreary & Staff


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Christmas... It’s Uplifting! Here’s hoping everything runs smoothly for you this holiday season.

Wishes everyone a Happy Holidays. We thank you for your support. Partnering with Springtown Police Department for toys for local needy children. Drop off toys get.

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We appreciate your choosing us and thank you for your continued business.

We thank you for your valued business, and wish you and your loved ones a

Emily, Cody, Finley, Mark, Hayley & Layton

Please accept our best wishes for a fun-filled and festive holiday season. For the gift of your friendship, you have our sincere gratitude! 151 S.E. Parkway • Azle 817-444-5223

626 S. Stewart St, Azle 817-444-2476

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