Springtown Epigraph 12-19-13

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Thursday, December 19, 2013


Ladies champions of Poolville tournament

Page 10A

Local Blockbuster closing

Springtown woman charged with child endangerment BY NATALIE GENTRY Lacie Danielle West, 28, of Springtown was arrested Dec. 14 after Springtown police found her special needs child half-naked, running down the road that evening. She has been charged with a second-degree felony, abandoning or endangering a child. A 911 call came in just after 5 p.m. from a convenience store in the 600 block of North Main Street. Police arrived on the scene to fi nd the woman

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Volume 50, Number 36

$1 Springtown, Texas 76082

Passion in the Stands

who made the call trying to warm the 9-yearold child. According to police, the child was only wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt, and no pants underwear, socks or shoes. His hands and fi ngers were blue, and his legs were a vivid red from exposure to the 38-degree temperature. The wind chill that evening was just above freezing.

Lady Porcupine hoops fan Brinklee Dauenhauer wasn’t shy about rooting for Springtown in SHS’ victory over Muenster at the Poolville tournament Dec. 13.


Sales tax revenue falls a whopping 41.86 percent from 2012 BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN The latest state sales tax numbers had no good news for Springtown. The city’s revenue for December was $77,942 compared with December 2012 revenues of $134,075. That’s a decrease of a startling 41.86 percent. The city’s 2013 total revenue is also down. It collected $896,910 during 2013, compared with $986,034 in 2012, a 9.03 percent decrease. State sales tax revenue in November was $2.41 billion, up 2.8 percent compared to November 2012, according to Texas Comptroller

Photo by Mark K. Campbell

Susan Combs. “State sales tax revenue continues to grow at a moderate pace as expected,” Combs said. “Sales tax collections have increased for 44 consecutive months. Revenue from sectors such as wholesale trade, services industries and restaurants contributed to the most recent increase.” Combs will send cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose taxing districts their December local sales tax allocations totaling $579.6 million, up 5 percent compared to December 2012. PLEASE SEE LATEST, PAGE 4A.

Reviewing the city’s the ice storm response BY NATALIE GENTRY As the ice fi nally melts, Springtown offi cials take stock of winter storm preparedness and road conditions. “We were as prepared as is possible for this type of event,” said Mark Krey, Springtown City Administrator. “The challenge with ice storms that have freezing rain and sleet coming down

over a period of hours is keeping materials in place during the storm.” Krey noted that freezing rain coats any sand that is down, and dilutes any chemicals as it continues to build a layer of ice on the roads’ surface. “Sleet covers sand and salt mixtures so they become ineffective,” he continued.

To combat the ice, the city used approximately 15 cubic yards of sand/ salt on the roads. Springtown has 33 miles of roads, so the city has staffed operations with personnel skilled in operating the motor grader so they were able to go over the roads, breaking up the ice, once it formed a layer thick enough to be

scraped. “Removing the majority of the ice required two trips down each road at a speed of three mile per hour,” Krey said. “So this took close to 24 total hours of actual motor grader operation to complete the job.” It will take some time to inspect all the city roads for ice-induced damage,

but Krey doesn’t foresee any major problems. “I really don’t expect many new potholes on the city owned streets since the majority of them are new,” he said. “[State owned] FM 51, North Main, will be the most notable problem area for potholes since the asphalt surface was already in poor condition.”

SOS places 41 band members on All-Region band BY NATALIE GENTRY The Sound of Springtown had 50 members compete for a chair in the Association of Texas Small School Bands (ATSSB) Region 7 All-Region Band last Saturday. And 41 succeeded. In addition, six participants will advance to the next round – Area – to be held at Waco Robinson High School on Jan. 11. That sextet: Emily Wilkerson, Cha-

nae Pitts-Richardson; Shelbie Steele; Aaron Byrd; Jacob Matthews; and Mitchell McGonigle. The number of band members to win a place in the All-Region band rose by 12 students from last year’s 29 places. With 41, SHS also had the most students to make the band of any school in the region. Next closest was Alvarado with 27 then Kennedale with 26, and Stephenville and Castleberry with 19.

Forty-one members of the Sound of Springtown won chairs in the All-Region band on Dec. 14. Springtown had the most students of any school in the area to make the band. Photo courtesy of Springtown Independent School District

SHS’ Qualifiers: Emily Wilkerson – fl ute (Area qualifi e Katie Joyner – fl ute Alex Sanders – fl ut Michala Rodriguez – clarinet Jimmie Gee – clarinet Kristyna Hickey – clarinet Emily Novak – clarinet

A Special Section

Nazaketh Montes – clarinet Jessica Merts – clarinet Emily Belcher – bass clarinet Chanae Pitts-Richardson – bassoon (Area qualifi er Jade Whittle – alto saxophone Mitchell McGonigle – tenor saxophone (Area qualifi er Pedro Galvan – trumpet

Luis Moreno – trumpet Nikki Sorrels – trumpet Christian Lindsey – trumpet Peter Merts – trumpet Hunter Poe – French horn Grace Scott – French horn Becca Eaton – French horn Tabi Rogers – French horn Lucy Meraz – French horn

Shelbie Steele – trombone (Area qualifi er Ryan Huff – euphonium Lexie Little – euphonium Kaylon Cremeen – euphonium Bryson Wheatley – tuba Amrin Bailey – tuba Aaron Byrd – percussion (Area qualifi er Jacob Matthews – percussion (Area qualifi er Cameron Bosch – percussion

Cameron Walden –percussion Grant Trichel – percussion Josh Hall – percussion Dakota Mattocks – percussion Harrison Carter – percussion Clara McIntosh – percussion Jennifer Hibler – percussion Parker Eudey – percussion Madison Beckwith – percussion

2nd Grade Letters to Santa Claus

SEASON’S GREETINGS Follow us on Twitter @SpringtownEpi Like The Springtown Epigraph on Facebook

Thursday, December 19, 2013


NEWS DIGEST Epigraph sets early deadlines To facilitate timely release of the Christmas and New Year editions of the Springtown Epigraph while allowing employees to celebrate those holidays with their families, early deadlines will be in effect for those issues. The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue is 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 19, while 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 26 is the deadline for the Jan. 2, 2014 issue. The Epigraph office will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 24-25 as well as Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014 in observance of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We appreciate your understanding, and regular deadlines of 5 p.m. each Monday will resume beginning with the Jan. 9, 2014 issue. We wish each of you a holiday season rich in blessings.

Santa visiting pet salon Dec. 21 Despite his busy schedule, Santa Claus will take time to drop by the Dog House Pet Salon, 1103 North Main Street, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 21.

Church taking holiday toy requests Springtown families needing help providing gifts for their children can get help from First Baptist Church Springtown. Requests can be made by calling 817-220-5229.

Neighbor to Neighbors needs food Springtown food pantry Neighbor to Neighbors hopes to provide full meals for 300 to 350 families this holiday season. Donations of food and money will be accepted through Dec. 18 at 413 S. Main Street. N2N is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon the first three weeks of each month. Holiday meals will be delivered Dec. 21.

Grand jury declines to indict in ‘road rage’ wreck A Parker County grand jury declined to indict Cindy Dalton Harner, 48, of Springtown, for a July wreck that killed a woman and injured two children. Harner said that she was the victim of a road rage incident. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, witnesses to the wreck reported a possible incident between Harner’s SUV and another car in the east-bound lanes of State Highway 199. Harner said she swerved to avoid being hit by the other

car, over-corrected, and crossed the median into the westbound lane. Her vehicle struck the Kia driven by Penny Joyner, 50, also of Springtown. Joyner later died of her injuries. Assistant District Attorney Jeff Swain said the case is closed “Their return of no-bill concludes our examination of this case, which was clearly a tragedy regardless of whether or not there was any criminal behavior.”

Child endangerment charge levied against local mother n CHILD, FROM PAGE ONE.

Police wrapped him in a jacket and place him in a patrol car in an attempt to raise his body temperature. Although the boy, who is on the autistic spectrum, was unable to identify himself, police were able to figure out where he lived because of previous interactions with the boy and his mother. His home was about a half mile from the convenience store. According to the police, the child’s mother said she had gotten in the bath while the boy slept and was unaware that he had left the apartment. “The 9-year-old has a history of getting out of the house and Lacie was supposed to have an alarm on her front door to alert her if he opened the door,”

wrote a responding officer. “Lacie admitted the alarm had not worked in several months, and she had not bothered to fix or replace it.” Officers reportedly found the home in disarray, with a filthy kitchen and human waste on the floor in the child and his 18-monthold brother’s play areas. In addition, broken glass was found on the floor of the children’s room. According to Child Protective Services (CPS), despite her statement that she was clean, West failed an oral swab testing for the presence of methamphetamine and amphetamine use. This is not the first time West has been charged with abandoning or endangering a child. According to court records, she was arrested in Feb. 2011

after she allegedly left the boy in the car for at least an hour while she was in a bar. The records say the child came into the bar dressed only in a shirt. Then court records said that twice in March 2013, the child was found wandering along State Highway 199 in varying states of undress. At that time, investigators also found feces smeared on the walls and floors of the apartment. According to CPS, although the children were removed from West’s care for a time, multiple steps were taken and the youngest child was returned to West and the older child visited her on weekends. Both children were temporarily placed with their aunt on Saturday and CPS has filed

paperwork with the court to remove the children.

Lacie Danielle West was arrested on Dec. 14 after her 9-year-old son was found running down the street. Photo courtesy of Parker County jail

Springtown man indicted in beating of homosexual man By NaTaLIE GENTry A Springtown man accused of viciously beating a gay man was indicted on a second-degree felony charge of aggravated assault causing bodily injury by a Parker County grand jury last week. Springtown police say that Brice Alexaxon Johnson, 19, attacked and injured Aaron Keahey, 24, when the latter came to Johnson’s house. The two had previously become acquainted via a social networking app. Although Johnson initially reported he went outside when he heard a car alarm going off and found Keahey inside the trunk of his own car, Johnson later admitted he made the story up. According to Springtown police, Johnson then claimed that the men were outside talking when Keahey made an unwanted advance. Springtown Police Lt. Curtis Stone stated in a probable cause affidavit that he asked Johnson if there was anything in their online conversations that would lead Keahey to think advances were what Johnson wanted him to come over for. “Brice said, ‘Yeah, there’s gonna be things on there ‘cause I was joking back and forth with him,’” Stone said. “Brice said he didn’t think Aaron was ‘being for real’ during their online conversation.” Johnson reportedly said that after the advance was made, he hit Keahey, blacked out, and woke up to find Keahey on the ground. Johnson stated that he initially thought he had killed Keahey

but was told by friends to take him to LifeCare. At first Keahey’s injuries were thought to be life-threatening. Keahey, who did not remember the details of the attack, gave a different reason for their meeting to police. According to the probable cause affidavit, Johnson said, “There’s going to be things in there that looks like I’m being serious back with him.” Assistant District Attorney Jeff Swain noted the state may later choose to pursue a hate crime finding by the Brice alexaxon Johnson was incourt, which would dicted for aggravated assault causenhance the charge ing bodily injury, a second-degree to a first-degree felony, last week. felony. Photo courtesy of the Parker County jail

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Springtown Epigraph

LEFT TO RIGHT; BACK TO FRONT Karen Kosse, Lori Hughes, Khristina Tanner, Tiffany Rogers, Alex Arnold, Mary Hoskins, Nic Pennington, Paige Pearson, Janelle Summers, Mindy Plotts

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Published weekly at 109 First Street, Springtown, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Springtown, Texas, 76082. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 557, Springtown, Texas 76082 USPS No. 964-220

109 East First Street Annual subscription rates: $36 Parker, Wise and Tarrant counties ($32.50 P.O. Box 557 Springtown, Texas 76082 senior citizens 65 and older); $42.50 elsewhere in and outside Texas. Phone:817- 220-7217 The Epigraph does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements Fax: 817- 523-4457

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The entire content of each issue of The Springtown Epigraph is protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the publisher.

© 2013 The Springtown Epigraph






Thursday, December 19, 2013


Murder charge dropped:

afterschool programs at springtown middle school were put on hold monday, Dec. 16 when a truck hauling a portable storage building snagged a telephone line on Pojo Drive in front of the school. the incident caused two fuses on the power line to blow, damage to a telephone pole, and the power to go out nearby. a representative from oncor was able to restore power to the school and gym in time for sms’ basketball game against lake Worth at 6:30 p.m. Photo by Natalie Gentry

PC DA says evidence points to self-defense in Lisenbe case by carla noah stutsman A Springtown woman who has claimed innocence since she was charged with murder March 9 no longer faces that charge. According to Parker County District Attorney Don Schne bly, the murder charge against Lisenbe was dropped Monday, Dec. 16, after additional information supported her claim of self-defense. Lisenbe, 33, had been indicted for murder in the shooting death of Richard Graves, 38, in their Springtown area home. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the couple’s home when Lisenbe called 911 and reported that she had shot Graves, who had moved in with her a few months previously. When she spoke with investigators, Lisenbe claimed that, leading up to the shooting, Graves had assaulted her, physically prevented her from leaving, and knocked a phone out of her hand. She said Graves was reaching for the pistol that was in her hand at the time of the shooting. “Since there was no one at the home other than Lisenbe and Graves, we had only one version of what happened, and


the circumstantial evidence didn’t clearly disprove or corroborate some of Lisenbe’s assertions,” Schnebly said. “However, after indictment, she consulted with her attorney and agreed to take a polygraph test. The results of that examination indicated that she was being truthful about assertions that supported her self-defense claim,” he said. “It is our job as prosecutors to see that justice is done,” Schnebly said. “In this case, I believe that means not prosecuting this individual.”

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Thursday, December 19, 2013


Latest sales state tax distributions show drop from 2012 ■ LATEST, FROM PAGE ONE.

The December sales tax fi gures represent October sales reported by monthly tax filers. The city of Reno and Parker County also saw moderate losses compared with last year, but most other entities in the area saw small to moderate increases. One area city actually saw an increase for December of well more than 200 percent. The city of Azle saw one of the smallest increases – only 0.69 percent – for December with $158,563. The city picked up $157,470 in December 2012. However, the city’s total sales tax revenue for 2013 is $2,105,713, up 2.72 percent from its 2012 total of $2,049,804. The Azle Crime Control and Prevention District saw a 2.24 percent increase with a December check for $30,685 compared with December 2012 revenue of $30,012. The district’s 2013 total sales tax revenue is $393,138, 5.62 percent more than its 2012 total revenue of $372,185. Azle’s newly approved Municipal Development District began collecting sales tax in the month of October, and that district collected its first revenue check in December – $25,983. cent decrease. Reno’s December revenue was $6,116. Compared with December 2012 revenue of $6,705, that’s an 8.78 percent decrease. But the city remains up almost 10 percent on the year, with total revenue for 2013 of $85,105. That represents a 9.62 percent increase over 2012 total revenues of $77,631. Sanctuary received a check for $906 for De-

cember, 4.23 percent more than its December 2012 check for $870. Total sales tax revenue for 2013 is $13,416 – compared with 2012 total revenue of $13,487, that a drop of just 0.53 percent. Parker County itself received $547,714 in December, a 13.36 percent drop from its December 2012 revenue of $632,234. However, the county’s total revenue for 2013 of $6,943,522 is 0.83 percent more than its total 2012 revenue of $6,886,228. On the Tarrant County side, Pelican Bay is up 15.35 percent for December, with $1,661 compared with $1,440 for December 2012. But total revenue for 2013 of $18,833 is down 16.32 percent from its 2012 total revenue of $22,508. Now about Lakeside... December’s sales tax revenue in Lakeside is $16,826. Compare that with the city’s December 2012 revenue of $4,648 and it’s an incredible 262.01 percent increase from last year. That additional revenue no doubt contributed to the city’s 10.09 percent overall increase in revenue from 2012 to 2013. Its total revenue for 2013 is $84,084, while total revenue for 2012 was $76,373. For details of December sales tax allocations to individual cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose districts, locate the Monthly Sales Tax Allocation Comparison Summary Reports on the Comptroller’s Web site at www. window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/allocsum/compsum. html.




2013 2012 % CHANGE TOTAL


PARKER COUNTY’S TOP FIVE Weatherford 1.50% 769,844 759,784 1.32% 9,629,898 9,358,870 2.89% Azle 1.25% 158,563 157,470 0.69% 2,105,713 2,049,804 2.72% Hudson Oaks 1.50% 127,839 118,099 8.24% 1,533,395 1,448,673 5.84% Willow Park 1.50% 100,920 52,426 92.49% 746,766 626,432 19.20% Springtown 1.50% 77,942 134,075 -41.86% 896,910 986,034 -9.03% County Total



















Azle Crime Control Dist. 0.25% Azle Municipal Dev. Dist. 0.50%

Reno 1.00% 6,116 6,705 -8.78% 85,105 77,631 9.62% Sanctuary 1.25% 906 870 4.23% 13,416 13,487 -0.53% Parker 0.50% 547,714 632,234 -13.36% 6,943,522 6,886,228 0.83% TARRANT COUNTY’S TOP FIVE Fort Worth 1.00% 9,614,927 9,341,902 2.92% 118,919,449 112,745,847 5.47% Arlington 1.75% 6,649,158 6,795,341 -2.15% 94,043,810 88,941,229 5.73% Grand Prairie 1.75% 3,404,318 3,481,399 -2.21% 43,486,338 40,815,462 6.54% Grapevine 1.50% 2,960,890 2,860,788 3.49% 36,986,559 35,660,535 3.71% Southlake 1.50% 1,468,038 1,266,233 15.93% 17,362,943 15,647,790 10.96% County Total





Lakeside 2.00% 16,826 4,648 262.01% 84,084 76,373 10.09% Pelican Bay 1.00% 1,661 1,440 15.35%



TOTAL 377,059,141 360,752,026 4.52% 4,725,988,081 4,452,603,806 6.13% 1145 payments

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Thursday, December 19, 2013


Seismometers at work in Azle area by carla noah StutSMan The latest earthquake in the area occurred Saturday evening, Dec. 14, at 10:54 p.m. about a mile south of Springtown. That was just a day ahead of the installation of four NetQuakes instruments provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in the area. Heather DeShon, associate professor of geophysics at Southern Methodist University’s Roy D. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences, said additional equipment is also on the way to help in the collection of data related to the series of earthquakes that began suddenly the night of Nov. 5. Since that time, 22 quakes measuring 2.0 or more have been recorded in the areas around Azle, Reno, and Springtown. Two of those 22 quakes were just east of Eagle Mountain Lake; three additional quakes (not included in the 22 in the immediate area) have occurred in an area between Mineral Wells and Jacksboro west of the immediate area.

netQuakes seismometers are bolted to concrete foundations to ensure they are well-coupled to a structure and accurately record ground motion.

Follow along online DeShon said the four NetQuakes instruments are functioning and future events will use data collected from them to pinpoint their locations. Furthermore, anyone can view the data collected from the instruments on the USGS website by copying and pasting this link: http://escweb.wr.usgs.gov/cgibin/heliva.pl?3&AZFS_HNZ_ NQ_01_00&latest. The link will take you to data for the current date for the instrument identified as AZFS. The other three instruments are identified as AZHS, AZCT and RESD. Click on the “Data Selector” link at the bottom of the page to see links to other data feeds. Note that each instrument has three channels: the north (N) and east (E) channels record horizontal movement while the vertical (V) channel records vertical movement. What you’ll see This first group of instruments has been deployed to monitor the burst of seismicity that has been occurring in the area since early November. The USGS NetQuakes instruments are designed to be installed in private homes, businesses, public buildings and schools with an existing broadband connection to the Internet. SMU’s research team, led by DeShon, also will deploy a group of 15, single-channel sensors provided by the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL) and

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Gathering data According to a press release issued by SMU on the subject, North Texas is an area of extensive petroleum production – particularly natural gas drawn from the Barnett Shale formation in the Fort Worth Basin. Two studies produced by a group of SMU and University of Texas at Austin seismologists since 2009 – the most recent published this month – have indicated a possible linkage between seismicity and some injection wells drilled for the disposal of oil and gas production fluids. The Azle monitors, however, will not be deliberately sited near injection wells. “The first goal is to get a better handle on where these earthquakes are occurring,” DeShon said. “If it turns out they are near injection wells, then we’ll study that potential link. The primary goal is to provide better information for the public.” NetQuakes seismometers are bolted to concrete foundations to

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another four or five broadband instruments from other sources. The additional monitors will allow researchers to study a broader area. “We are first going to focus in on where the earthquakes have been occurring – about a fiveto-six-mile area near Reno and Azle,” DeShon said. “How long the monitors remain depends on continued seismicity. We’re thinking a few months.” The locations of the monitors will remain confidential to preserve the integrity of the data they will be collecting, she said.

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ensure they are well-coupled to a structure and accurately record ground motion. What’s the cause? The USGS National Earthquake Information Center reports that in some regions – such as the south-central states of the U.S. (which includes the North Texas region) – a significant majority of recent earthquakes are thought by many seismologists to have been human-induced. “Even within areas with many human-induced earthquakes, however, the activity that seems to induce seismicity at one location may be taking place at many other locations without inducing felt earthquakes,” reads the summary posted on a page spelling out the basic information stemming from an earthquake near Azle Sunday, Dec. 8. “In addition, regions with frequent induced earthquakes may also be subject to damaging earthquakes that would have occurred independently of human activity. “Making a strong scientific case for a causative link between a particular human activity and a particular sequence of earthquakes typically involves special studies devoted specifically to the question,” the SMU press release states. In addition to viewing the data from the NetQuakes seismometers, those interested may follow DeShon and her research team @SMUResearch.com on Twitter or on the web.













Springtown police Dept.

cAll report


Monday-Sunday, Dec. 9–15, 2013 Accident minor ............................................. 3 Assist officer .............................................. 17 Alarm ........................................................... 3 Disturbance ................................................. 2 Reckless driver ............................................ 2 Meet complainant ........................................ 4 Suspicious vehicle ....................................... 3 Open building .............................................. 1 Theft ............................................................ 2 Motorist assist.............................................. 4 Traffic hazard ............................................... 1 Investigation ................................................ 1 Prisoner transfer .......................................... 3 Other............................................................ 4 Request patrol ........................................... 28


Vehicle Maintenance ................................. 15 Report writing ............................................ 15 Parking violation .......................................... 1 Information................................................... 1 Security check ......................................... 238 Traffic stop ................................................. 56 Traffic control ............................................... 1 911 hangup .................................................. 1 Council packet delivery................................ 6 Ordinance violation ...................................... 2 Welfare concern .......................................... 1 Out of vehicle............................................... 1 Out at station ............................................. 63 School security ............................................ 2 Square security............................................ 1


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11/25/13 5:22 PM

Thursday, December 19, 2013


SHS set to perform a Broadway favorite The Fine Arts Department tackles the high energy Seven Brides for Seven Brothers By Natalie GeNtry Advance tickets are on sale for Springtown High School’s (SHS) production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The discounted price for advance tickets is $5 for adults and $2 for students. Tickets sold at the door will be $8 for adults and $4 for students. There are four ticket outlets in Springtown: the SHS theater office; the Springtown Independent School District’s (SISD) central services office; the Chamber of Commerce office; and the SISD fine arts office. The story is amusing and endearing. Adam Pontipee, a backwoodsman living with his six brothers in the wilds of the Northwest circa the 1850’s, comes to town on a rare trip to acquire not only supplies, but a wife as well.

When he meets Milly, a sassy but loving girl with no family, she agrees to marry him. The surprise for her at the end of their trip is the behavior of his six – yes, six – younger brothers. However, Milly isn’t daunted and sets to work making suitable prospective husbands out of these unruly mountain men. The result is one wacky situation after another, mimicking the high-octane energy of the popular original film. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers harkens back to the glory days of the movie musical. All SHS production costs for this musical are paid for by program advertisements and ticket sales. Spaces range in cost from $25-$400. Anyone wishing to purchase an ad for the program should contact J.B. Perry at 817-8465206.

Christmas on the Square


Corbett Cecil Holbrooks

Vada Marie Nail

1934 - 2013

1959 - 2013

Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013 at the Home, Benbrook. Hospice of East Texas in Tyler. Vada was born Dec. 18, 1959 Arrangements are under the in Mineral Wells to Willie Lee direction of Lloyd James Fuand Lois Hall. Vada was a neral Home. graduate of Mineral Wells High Cecil was born on November School and Weatherford Col15, 1934 in Springtown to Corb lege. She was a LVN giving and Ruth Prince Holbrooks. loving care to others. Vada They proceeded him in death. will be greatly missed by Cecil is survived by his wife many. Vada was preceded in of 55 years, Carol Holbrooks; death by her parents; previous four sons, Roby Holbrooks husband, Tim Albin; brothers, of Longview, TX, Chris HolCecil, W. L. , Michael and Glen brooks of Lousiana, Eric and Hall. Brad Holbrooks of Springtown, Survivors include her hus11 grandchildren, 5 greatband, David Nail; daughter, Vada Marie Nail, 53, a loving Felicia Kuo and husband, Nick; grandchildren and two brothers, wife, mother and grandmother, son, Toby Albin and wife, KrisGale and Orville Holbrooks. Corbett Cecil Holbrooks, 79 passed away Thursday, Dec. ti; brothers, James Hall and of Quitman, Texas passed away The Springtown Epigraph, 12, 2013, in Fort Worth. wife, Judy, Ronnie Hall, Gene in the late evening hours on Dec. 19, 2013 Edition The funeral was held at 11 Hall and wife, Sheila, and Johna.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2013 ny Hall and wife, Cindy; sisat Genesis United Method- ters, Mary Hall, Sharon Young ist Church, 7635 South Hu- and husband, Roger; grandson, len, Fort Worth. Burial was at Jaxon Albin; and many loving Memory Gardens of the Val- family and friends. ley in Weatherford. Visitations The Springtown Epigraph, will be held at The Kingdom were held from 5 to 7 pm Monday at Winscott Road Funeral Dec. 19, 2013 Edition Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 212 Pearson Ln. Azle. on Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013 at 1p.m. Don was born in Springtown, Texas on September 16, 1935. He was a loving man with a kind heart. He enjoyed spending time with family and friends, playing the guitar and singing. Don is survived by his sister, Dorothy Weber; sister-in-law, Nettie Ervin; children, Donna, David, Delina Kay, Darrin, Don Earl Ervin passed away Gail, Connie and Amanda, at home on Tuesday, Dec. 10, grandchildren, great-grandchil2013 at the age of 78. He was dren, nieces, nephews, cousins Our family serving your family since 1908 surrounded by his children, and many friends. friends and dear friend Wilma The Springtown Epigraph, Bagby. Dec. 19, 2013 Edition The service of remembrance

Don Earl Ervin 1935 - 2013

The Springtown Epigraph

logan Forte, of Dublin, Georgia, isn’t sure he wants to tell what he wants for Christmas. look in next week’s edition for more scenes from the event. Photo by Natalie Gentry

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Thursday, December 19, 2013


Gee, Reynoso named Audit review center stage at SISD meeting club’s top students by Natalie GeNtry School board members discussed programs and heard from the public at the Springtown Independent School District (SISD) Dec. 16 meeting. Audit Review Gary Snow of Snow Garrett Williams Certified Public Accounts (CPA) presented the School Board with his firm’s findings regarding a review of the SISD’s financial statements for the previous school year. While the primary objective of the review was to provide the firm with a basis for their future auditing procedures, it did present an opportunity for the CPAs to suggest changes that would strengthen the internal control and improve the operating efficiency of SISD’s accounting procedures. Snow congratulated the board on the district’s continued increase in the general fund balance to a total of $6,051,709. The optimum fund balance

would be three months of operating capital, which would be a total of $6,972,329. This amount would ensure continuos operation of the district in case of any unforeseen occurrences requiring capital. Snow urged the board to continue to closely monitor the fund balance and, if possible, increase future fund balances. The review showed there were no negative or unfavorable variances within the general fund budget. Testing The results for the Oct. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Exit Level tests were released. The data indicated that the district still needs improvement in math scores. SISD will also be participating in the State of Texas Assessments of academic readiness (STAAR) Alternate pilot test for students with special needs. The purpose of the pilot test is to provide statistics that explain how each question performs, as well as feedback about the test administration procedures.

Anti-Bullying Program Students at Springtown Middle School (SMS) attended “Take a Stand” assemblies. lee manus addresses the SiSD This curriculum is a board of trustees during a regu- combined effort of the larly scheduled meeting on Dec. Texas A&M Agrilife 16. Photo by Natalie Gentry Extension Service, the

Texas 4-H & Youth Development Program, and the Texas Rural Mediation Services to address the persistent issue of bullying in schools. In addition to tackling bullying and conflict resolution, the program focuses on equipping students with basic life skills to help them deal with the issues. This curriculum is unique because it is correlated to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) tests which will help teachers integrate the program into their required curriculum. Open forum Mike Moore, Brett Horton, and Lee Manus chose to speak to the Board of Trustees about concerns they have in the district. Moore used his five minutes to remind the board of their responsibilities and encouraged them to always adhere to the district’s mission statement when making decisions. Horton addressed his concerns about the SISD’s football program. He stated that there is the perception of complacency within the program and urged the board to review it and make necessary changes. Manus stated that he felt that the board was conditioned by the administration to believe that they did not have any power to make changes. He also stated that he was concerned that the board was becoming apathetic, and that this combination was inhibiting the board from making needed changes within the district.

by mark k. campbell At the Dec. 17 Springtown Optimist Club meeting, Ricardo Reynoso was named the Texan of the Month and Jimmie Gee the Texanne of the Month. Both Springtown juniors are top students at SHS and are involved in several extracurricular activities. Reynoso, 15, is ranked 12th in the Class of 2015 with a grade

point average of 98. A member of the National Honor Society – where he is also a representative – Reynoso has also won an algebra class award and a President’s Education Award. He is also a standout athlete. He has achieved First Team honors in soccer and has been Academic All-District in soccer and track. He earned Honorable Mention as the Porcupines’ football punter this season. Outside of school, he has worked with Peer Assistance & Leadership (PAL), Pink Out for breast cancer awareness, and the 2013 Special ricardo reynoso and Jimmie Gee were O l y m p i c s the Springtown Optimist club’s students track meet. of the month for December. After gradPhoto by Mark K. Campbell uation, he

hopes to become an orthodontist. Gee, 16, is ranked No. 4 among her classmates with a GPA of 102.2. She takes all honors classes and has since middle school, she said. Gee serves as the junior class representative. She loves band has received the coveted 1 rating – highest possible – in solo and ensemble Area competitions. She is the second chair clarinet and squad leader for the Sound of Springtown. Gee is heavily involved in the SHS Future Farmers of America (FFA). Currently the president of the FFA, Gee shows a variety of animals – especially swine, sheep, and cattle – at numerous competitions. She is also a member of the first-ever SHS girls golf team to advance to the regional tournament; that happened last spring. Her collegiate ambition is to attend Texas A&M to major in animal science with a minor in law.

Smaug’s tale a bit long Like its ilk before, this is a very hard PG-13. The creaGandalf’s side adventure is tures, which are slaughtered by crucial to the plot, but it feels the hundreds, are frightening. tacked on, somehow. Small children will be mortiAnd, oh, my, the cliffhanger fied. is getting serious “Are you kidding me?!s” in theaters across Summing up the planet. While the second set of Rings-themed movies are a The rating n SmaUG’S, FROM PAGE 14A.

notch down, they are still impressive moviemaking. Smaug is like its predecessor – entertaining, long, and, if you’re a fantasy fan, heaven. Otherwise, it’s a long slog for the casual film fan. Next up Anchorman 2.



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OPINION Thursday, December 19, 2013 www.springtown-epigraph.net

Angels that were heard on high...and way in the back


t was a busy 18 hours. First, the Bride and I along with six-year-old grandson Link –whose right eye is now open after smashing it against a fence post at 100 mph while sledding during Ice-ageddon – went on our first Tour of Homes. It was cool to see some nice houses decked out gaily in holiday festiveness. But we ran into a problem. The grandson had to use the bathroom. I had no idea what the etiquette of Tour of Homes pooping is. So I guarded the door and he did his business in some stranger’s lovely home. Also. as he sat, this shouted through the door: LINK: What’s the opposite of koala? ME: What? LINK: What’s the opposite of koala? ME: ‘What’s the opposite of koala?’ LINK: Yes.

ME: (perplexed) Giraffe? LINK: No! A baby koala! ME: Oh. Please finish pooping. Back home, I underwent a restless night’s sleep because awaiting the next morning was a couple of presentations of my church’s Christmas pageant. The problem was we had almost zero preparation for it. The play’s concept was that of a group getting ready to stage a nativity play. I was Gabriel with two other female angels and, as actors, I had to inform them that the message to Mary was delivered by the mighty angel Gabriel, “not a bunch of screeching female!” angels. We all had speaking parts yet the three of us had zero practices together. Zero! Ice-ageddon delayed our original production dates then that mighty storm combined with our earthquake swarm kept me glued to the newspaper chair when the other two gathered

ON YOUR MARK Mark K. Campbell

State’s revenue reported


exas will have some ber 2012, Steen, Texas’ 108th secre$98.9 billion in general tary of state serves as the state’s chief revenue for state budget election officer. Duties of the office inmakers to work with in clude the storage and preservation of the 2014-2015 bienni- official and business and commercial um, according records required by law to to Texas Comptroller Susan filed, publication of governCombs’ revenue estimate. ment rules and regulations, Combs delivered the esthe commissioning of notatimate to Gov. Rick Perry, ries public, the keeping of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, the state seal and attestation House Speaker Joe Straus to the governor’s signaand every member of the ture on official documents. state House and Senate on The secretary of state also Dec. 12. serves as senior advisor and “This available revenue,” liaison to the governor for Combs said, “supports genTexas Border and Mexican eral revenue spending of Affairs and serves as chief STATE $96.31 billion for the 2014international protocol offiCAPITAL cer for Texas. 2015 biennium … producing an expected revenue HIGHLIGHTS balance of $2.58 billion.” Water case clears hurdle Turning to the economy Ed Sterling The U.S. solicitor gento help explain the surfeit eral’s office on Dec. 10 of revenue, she added, “Texas has re- said the State of Texas has provided covered 100 percent of the jobs lost in enough legal evidence to move forthe recession and has added 597,000 ward with its water compact dispute beyond the previous peak in August case against the state of New Mexico 2008.” before the U.S. Supreme Court. Gov. Perry welcomed Combs’ offiEarlier this year, Texas filed its origicial estimate, saying, “Texas govern- nal action claim against New Mexico ment budgets like Texas families, lim- asserting damages to Texas from New iting spending and saving hard-earned Mexico’s diversions of project water dollars. As a result, Comptroller Susan below Elephant Butte that have harmed Combs estimates our current 2014- Texas’ allocation as set forth in the 2015 budget will end with a positive Rio Grande Project and the 1938 Rio balance of nearly $2.6 billion. What’s Grande Compact. most remarkable is we’ve done this Texas, New Mexico and Colorado while passing $1.4 billion in tax cuts, each filed briefs on the case. The U.S. and we’ve made historic investments Supreme Court asked the U.S. Soliciin water and, if voters approve, roads.” tor General to weigh in on the case before deciding to take the action. Secretary of State resigns Chairman Bryan W. Shaw of the Texas Secretary of State John Steen Texas Commission on Environmental on Dec. 13 announced he would step Quality commented, saying, “While down next month to return to his pri- Texas is loath to sue our New Mexvate law practice and continue manag- ico neighbor, river compacts are law, ing his family’s investments. Texas rightfully depends on water apAppointed by Gov. Perry in Novem- portioned under the law, and the com-

pacts must be enforced.” SCOTUS hears air case The U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 10 heard oral arguments in EPA v. EME Homer City Generation, a case contesting the federal agency’s cross-state air pollution rule that would require Texas and 27 other states to reduce power plant emissions that cross state lines. Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman said the rule “threatens the viability of the Texas lignite mining industry, jobs and severely hampers economic growth. If the rule is implemented, many Texas coal-fired power plants may be forced to limit or shut down operations.” A decision by the high court is expected by June 2014.

to practice the scene at church. Literally, it was 25 minutes before the play was to begin when I shown where to stand. And I had not even tried on the giant wings that had been specially acquired for the role. There’s nothing like being onstage. It was, of course, a friendly audience; it was unlikely the crowd would rush the stage or boo a nativity play. But, still, you didn’t want to be the guy who messed up the story of the birth of the Christ. Another catch was that I “funniedup” the script. During the initial reading – way back in November – I voiced the part in as Pee-wee Herman then as Gay-briel. Neither of those struck the ultra-conservative choir members as very funny. So, I messed with the script (which was penned by the pastor). Gabriel ended up being mighty in the vein of

Publisher/Advertising director Kim Ware Director of operations .....Johnna Bridges Bookkeeper .................. Tonya McDowell Office manager .................Shirley Castor Advertising Sales ......Stephanie Cravotta Advertising Sales ............ Amber Plumley

Editor Mark K. Campbell

Reporter ........................ Carla Stutsman Reporter .......................... Natalie Gentry Design, graphics ................. Ryan Burger Design, graphics .............. Cynthia Rotter

Mark K. Campbell is the Epigrapgh editor and Pee-wee as Gabriel sounded pretty funny to him.

Letter to the editor VFDs forced to provide health insurance is not right Here is a tip – so much for a government that is for the people, by the people! We are having earthquakes around the Azle, Reno, Springtown area, but nobody in the nation can tell us why. Our county roads were a mess during the recent ice storm, but the county can't find it in their hearts to send out their paid crews to help out the public. However, the local volunteer fire departments had their members take

time away from their families to help out the citizens of our county. And now, the IRS is trying to say that volunteer firefighters are employees – even if they receive no money for their time – and will force volunteer fire departments to provide health insurance. Where does our government think this money will come from? It is time for the people to rise and tell our representatives that enough is enough! All Washington and local government officials are concerned about is their own pockets. Let the people slip and slide and protect their own homes with buckets and garden hoses! Bob Kruger

Email your letters to opinion@azlenews.net. Letters should be brief and focus on a single issue. All letters are subject to editing. Please include a daytime phone number, even on emails. Writers are limited to two letters monthly.

Travis DA keeps job Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg was not forced to resign, pursuant to a Dec. 11 ruling by visiting Judge David Peeples of San Antonio on a petition to seeking to remove her from office. Lehmberg, who also serves as the chief enforcer of the state’s ethics laws on upper-tier officeholders, was arrested and jailed last April for driving while intoxicated. Her behavior s a blogger and columShepherds, in the fields abiding/ following her arrest was recorded and nist in Texas in 2013, I Watching o'er your flocks by night, widely publicized. am pretty much free to God with man is now residing/ Yonder Following the civil court hearing, write what I want and shines the infant Light; Lehmberg said, “I deeply regret my to do so with little risk. Sages, leave your contemplations/ actions on April 12th and have taken About the worst thing Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the full responsibility. I am committed to carrying out my responsibilities as that could happen if I offend people is great desire of nations/Ye have seen district attorney and to continue serv- that: (1) They would stop reading what His natal star; I write, and (2) the newspapers would For the final stanza, we move from ing the voters of Travis County.” stop running the columns of this guy the ancient nativity to present day that is causing them such grief. Since worshipers anticipating the Second I try not to be the source of offense Coming of Christ. Veteran state reporter and legislative analyst Ed Saints before the altar bending/ Sterling is member services director for the Texas or grief, probably my greatest risk is Press Association, whose 518 member newspa- that readers or newspapers will just get Watching long in hope and fear, Sudpers have combined circulation of 3.7 million. tired of me and send me on denly the Lord, descendmy bloggity way. ing/In His temple shall apNot that there is anything pear: Come and worship, wrong with some occaCome and worship, Worsional controversy, you unship Christ, the newborn derstand. There’s just not a King! lot of risk in my context. Our lives matter so much Not so for James Montto God that He came… gomery (1771-1854), an And will come again. This English poet and newsis the message of Advent: paper editor. Twice imThe Coming of the King! prisoned for sedition as a As you prepare to celresult of his controversial ebrate Christmas, I invite editorials, he championed LIFE MATTERS you to a sense of wonder. the causes of the poor and Neither the size of your downtrodden, especially Gerry Lewis gathering, the extravafocusing on the abolition gance of your decorations, of slavery and the exploitation of child nor the abundance of your food or chimney sweeps. gifts (or any lack thereof) is what truly However, one of his poems, Angels matters. from the Realms of Glory, met little Luke 2:10-12: But the angel said to controversy when it was first pub- them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you lished on Christmas Eve, 1816. good news of great joy that will be for This is the third in our Life Mat- all the people. Today in the town of Daters “ADVENTageous” series during vid a Savior has been born to you; he is December. As you read these words, Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to I invite you to imagine a traditional you: You will find a baby wrapped in nativity scene. Each guest at the scene cloths and lying in a manger.” receives the same invitation: Come Merry Christmas. and worship, Come and worship, WorAzle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis – author, blogger, ship Christ, the newborn King! church consultant, and leadership coach – serves Angels from the realms of glory/ as Executive Director of the Harvest Baptist AsWing your flight o'er all the earth; Ye sociation headquartered in Decatur. The opinions who sang creation's story/ Now pro- expressed in this column are his own and may not represent the views of HBA. claim Messiah's birth.

Hey! everybody come check this out!


Letters to the Editor policy


Arnold Schwarzenegger. The lights dimmed and soon I was poised behind the baptistry, ready for my entrance. I had practiced the lines 100 times yet gave a reading that I had somehow not conjured up earlier while driving or in the shower. The second time, I changed the lines again. Both instances got laughs – which was the idea – but Gabriel might’ve come off a little more mean than I intended. (He kinda brags on his awesomeness, but, hey!, he was made by God!) I asked the Bride what she thought. “You were loud. Really loud.” Not a ringing endorsement. But it capped a wacky 18 hours. I not only survived a pressure-packed church spectacle, but I learned what the opposite of koala was. Christmas miracles!

Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a space-available basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Springtown Epigraph, P.O. Box 557, Springtown, TX 76082 Email letters to: opinion@azlenews.net

109 East First Street • P.O. Box 557 Springtown, TX 76082 • Phone: 817-220-7217

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Thursday, December 19, 2013


Austin Grant, Part 4: A Texas slave remembers This recollection contains it was goin'. When the war did language that might offend fin'ly end, our old boss called us all up and had us to stand some readers. in abreast and he stood on the h, yes, they gallery and he read the verdict would slip off to them and said, Now, you can lots of times. jes' work on if you want to and Well, they nev- I'll treat you jes' like I always er would know did. I guess when he said that nothin, about they knew what that meant. “Uncle Aus laughed. The' anything, I don't suppose, but if anything happened on the other wasn't but one family left with plantations and they wanted to 'im; they stayed about two years let some of the others know after that. But the rest were just about it, they would slip out at like birds! They jes' flew! “I went with my father then night and tell 'em. If some man had a plantation as close as that and he hired me out. He hired highway there, you had to go me to a man named Riley over and get written authority to go on the Seco. I worked for 'im there. Then it didn't matter who two years. I did most ever'thing, worked the field and was house seen you. “I don't 'member much about rustler and farmer. I had to cut the fightin' or the battles they and haul wood, and I sure had to had, but I 'member when the watch out for Indians. I would master sent me off away from cut awhile and then I would listhe settlement and the Indi- ten. I would put my ear to the ans would chase me so I had ground and I could hear 'em if to run. We had to look out for they was any comin'. And sure our own selves. We never heard 'nough, when I run, they'd almuch about the fightin' or how ways come in sight. Old Man



R i ley, he didn't believe I saw any Indians. I used to tell him not to put his horses o u t , but he didn't listen and he

always lost his horses. “But I had a good time there. He had a bunch of boys and he had some daughters too. Tobe and Dick, they died. The' was the Miller boys lived close there too. And George, he was killed and scalped by the Indians. I was with all them boys all the time. “I learned to smoke and chew tobacco while I was working for Old Man Riley. They

learned it to me. After I left Old Man Riley, I came to D'ennis (D'Hanis) and worked there. I worked on a church house they were building there. It was the first church they had in D'ennis. That was called 'Old Town' over there then. “I went back over there while back (his son said it was a long time ago) and Johnny Ney, he taken me over there and showed me what was left of the church. They tore it down and moved most of it to the new town. “After I got through with that (building the church), I came home to my mother and father and hired myself out then. I went out on ranches and worked for these men. I worked for my father a long time and was working for him freighting cotton to Eagle Pass. I used mules and horses to freight with, myself. I jes' hauled dry goods and groceries, like barrels of flour, whiskey and things like that. “I met my wife down here on Black Creek. I freighted about

two years after we married. I hauled from San Antonio to Del Rio, Uvalde, Brackett everywhere. After I quit freighting, I settled down and went to farming about two miles west of here (Hondo). We had 'leven childern. I've got fourteen grandchildern and six greatgrandchildern. “I still have a place out there, but I live in town now with my daughter. I have had a long sick spell, but if I could get well enough, I would go back out there but, my childern wouldn't let me. “Well now, I'll tell you we got married so long ago but in them days anything would do. You see, these days they are so proud, but we were glad to have anything. I hardly remember how I was rigged up now. I had on a black suit. Pretty long shirt, longer than they have in these days and times, I know. I wore boots in those days and got married in boots. She (his wife) had on a white dress. In

them days they didn't have any white shoes. “Yes'm they had a dance. It was down here on Black Creek. Danced about half the night at her house. Two culled men played the fiddle. Just two fiddles was all they had. “Eat? My God, we had everything to eat. Barbecued a calf and had a hog too. All kinds of cakes and pies. Drink?" He laughed heartily. “Why the men had whiskey to drink and the women drank coffee. We married about seven or eight o'clock in the evenin' at her house. “I lived up here with my father then. I was workin' for him. My wife's name was Sarah Ann Brackins. I don't know how old I was, for, as I foretold you, I couldn't exactly say 'cause the n*****s' ages got bu'nt up.” Laurie Moseley is an author, archeologist and historian who lives in Springtown. He is the director of Springtown’s Legends Museum.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013 www.springtown-epigraph.net


Ladies champions of Poolville tournament by mark k. campbell The arrival of the volleyball girls to the basketball hardwood certainly juiced the Lady Porcupine basketball team. Springtown (6-5) has peeled off six wins in a row – and that sixth one claimed a championship trophy in Poolville. After a Dec. 5 win over Santo, SHS’ winning stretch continued with a 67-52 victory over Bridgeport Dec. 10. Brooklyn Dauenhauer had a big game with 21 points. Katelynn Mainord added 14, Kendyl Dean 11, and Ashley Mainord 9 points. The Lady Porcupines blew the game open with a 25-point third quarter. Next, came four wins in the Poolville tournament.

Jacksboro fell Dec. 12 to Springtown 55-42. K. Mainord led with 13 points followed by Dauenhauer with 11, Taylor Babcock and Abbi Hatton with 8, and Jordan Doremus with 7 points. Later that day, SHS avenged an earlier loss to Graham, popping the Lady Blues 57-36. Graham never knew what hit them as Springtown roared out to a 17-1 lead in just four minutes and finished with 28 for the opening period. Coach Susan Croft said, “That was an awesome game and win for us.” A. Mainord was one of three Lady Porcupines to score in double digits; she netted 18, Dauenhauer scored 15, and K. Mainord hit for 13.

On Friday the 13th, a win over Muenster would propel SHS to the championship game and Springtown got it, 40-31. K. Mainord led with 13 points and 7 rebounds. Dauenhauer scored 9. Babcock and A. Mainord scored 5 points each and led “with great defensive play,” Croft recalled. The sixth victory in the title game secured some hardware for the Springtown trophy case. The Lady Porcupines faced Windthorst and won 58-52. A. Mainord shone with a team-high 19 points that included a trio of 3-pointers. She earned a double-double with 12 rebounds. Plus she blocked two shots. Dauenhauer went to the free

throw line 15 times and made 11 en route to 15 points for the game. Six of K. Mainord’s 8 points came from two treys. Babcock scored 8 points while Kendyl Dean and Doremus netted 4 apiece.

SHS trailed 27-26 at the half, but out-scored the Lady Trojans 32-25 over the final two periods. Dauenhauer was selected as the Most Valuable Player of the tournament. K. Mainord landed on the

All-Tourney team. The holiday tournament at Fort Worth Nolan Catholic brings the non-district slate to an end Dec. 26-28. Once the New Year arrives, so does 6-3A play with SHS hosting Kennedale Jan. 3.

Freshman lady porcupine abbi Hatton (middle) takes on a muenster defender in Springtown’s brooklyn Dauenhauer (10) was the most Valuable player of the poolville the paint during tournament play. Photo by Mark K. Campbell tournament. SHS won the championship. Photo by Mark K. Campbell

Plumlee leads Porcupine wrestlers in W’ford The Weatherford gym was packed Dec. 14. And it was filled with some of the best wrestlers in the area. Springtown High School coach David Brokenshire ventured there with his Porcupines. There, athletes faced some stout competition, especially early. Leading the way for SHS, Brokenshire said, was Caleb Plumlee. After losing a close contest in his opening match to the eventual winner, Plumlee went 4-0 to take the bronze. In that third place bout, the Porcupine defeated a regional qualifier from Prosper. Other Porcupines tangled with some serious talent. Brokenshire – who is com-

peting without two top athletes: Kolyn Waldrop, a state qualifier last season, and Benji Brokenshire who is injured – said, “Once again, our wrestlers gained some valuable experience against some very tough 4A and 5A competition.” The previous evening, the SHS JV turned in a fine performance in Weatherford. Damian Sprayberry took the gold with a pair of pins and a 10-0 victory in the finals. Mark Matkovich and Jabril Cummings both placed, taking third and fourth, respectively. “They showed a lot of savvy, defeating some tough opponents,” coach Brokenshire said. The Porcupines vie one more time – Dec. 20-21 in Saginaw – before the Christmas break.

The competition was exceptionally stiff when Springtown ventured to Weatherford for a large tournament. Here, porcupine Hunter robinson (right) squares off against foe. Photo by Mark K. Campbell

SHS hoops boys claim victories in tournament

caleb brown

The Porcupine basketball varsity helped open the Poolville tournament Dec. 12. Springtown (3-7) started strong in the event before losing late. SHS began with a 78-37 romp of Millsap. Caleb Brown, who would be named to the All-Tournament team, poured in 25 points in the blowout. Dawson Meek added 19 and Dillon Springfield field netted a pair of 3-pointers en route to 10 points. Books Pennington and Zack

Burton hit for 7 points apiece. The Porcupines zoomed out to a huge lead with a 29-point opening period. Next, Springtown used a nice fourth quarter – a 16-7 advantage – to reel in Childress. Brown hit a trio of treys as he finished with 20 points. Meek stayed hot, too, popping for 17. Dylan Ray scored 9 as SHS tallied 41 second half points. Later that Friday the 13th, Muenster kept the Porcupines from playing in the championship game. Springtown tumbled in a

close one, 49-48. Brown’s 15 was tops for SHS. Springfield scored 6 points and Meek and Caleb Whiteman scored 5 each. The loss sent the Porcupines into a third place game against Holliday. That game was close – the scored was tied at 22 at halftime – before SHS lost 55-46. After hosting Graham Friday, Dec. 20, Springtown is off until Dec. 28 versus Poolville in a game moved up from Dec. 31. Then a tourney awaits, Jan. Springtown’s charles emmert (right) wraps up a rival in 2-4 at Sanger. Weatherford. Photo by Mark K. Campbell


Thursday, December 19, 2013

JV boys tumble against Sanger

SHS 9th victors in own tournament The boys freshman basketball squad at Springtown won its own tournament, the POJO Classic, Dec. 12-14. In game one, Godley fell 4924. Two Porcupine players reached double digits with Brennan Weaver scoring 17 and Caleb Chesney 15 points. Also scoring were Wyatt Rawls with 6 points and Quintin Grammar with 5. Coach Stryker Strickland said that Tre Rutledge and Bryce Smith were “big on the boards” and Jonathan Chavez, Tre Steen, and Daton Ford were defensive “sparks.” That win was followed in game two by a 44-35 thumping of Sanger. Chesney had the hot hand with 17 points. Weaver added 5 and Bryce Smith, Armando Pineda, and Chavez each tallied 4 points. With pool play ending, Springtown turned right around and played Sanger again. This time the young Porcupines won 35-22. Top scorers were Chesney with 17, Weaver with 7, and Smith with 6 points. In the championship contest, fellow 6-3A district-mate Mineral Wells awaited. Springtown took care of business and won the title over their Ram counterparts, 45-35. Scoring were Chesney (17), Weaver (9), Rutledge (6), Smith (5), and Steen and Chavez (4).


Coach Strickland said, “I was really proud of the way the guys play together as a team. Their chemistry and depth gives them some moments of really good basketball. “Our goal is to keep teams from scoring 40; we have yet to The freshman Porcupine basketball squad won its own have a team do that.” tournament Dec. 12-14.


The Springtown boys junior varsity suffered just its second loss of the season Dec. 13. Sanger toppled the SHS JV (5-2) 40-17 in the Springtown tournament. Several players scored for the Porcupines: Raul Medina led

the way with 4 points. Six different SHS athletes scored 2 – Tristen Brawner, Grant Murry, Josh Brundrett, Miguel Galan, Mykeal Cummings, and Ryan Neal. Fisher Drewry connected on a free throw.

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The 8th A (2-1) defeated Prairie Vista 26-16. Karlee Eddy was the A’s high point scorer. Next, the A popped Lake Worth 32-8 as Hannah Turman’s 8 points was tops. The 8th B (2-1) fell 19-18 to Prai rie Vista despite 9 points from Adalie Gonzalez. The B later took down Lake Worth 35-6 as Gonzalez again led in scoring, this time with 8 points.




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Movie Man

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dragon movie has some serious draggin’ in it The Fellowship of the Ring was one of those handfuls of movies that surprised him by being much better than expected. Like with the second set of Star Wars pictures, the Movie Man is fonder of the original Rings movies. All of the Star Wars and Rings fi lms are technical marvels and skillfully created. About the film But it’s undeniable that group The purist fans of the original Star Wars were appalled two lacks group one’s magic. when the next three fi lms were released; the second threesome The plot (spoilers) The dwarves, Bilbo Baggins did not approach the acclaim – publicly or critically – of the (Martin Freeman), and Gandalf 1977, 1980, and 1983 movies. (Ian McKellen) continue to trek The Lord of the Rings trilogy toward the Lonely Mountain. was not only beloved but man- There, dwarf leader Thorin aged to pull off a near-miracle (Richard Armitage) plans to rewhen the fi nale of the trio ac- claim it and become the king of tually won the Oscar for Best the dwarfs. The fact that it’s guarded Picture. As is often the case with pres- by a fearsome dragon, Smaug idencies, once reviled movies (voiced by Benedict Cumberenjoy renaissances after some batch), is certainly troubleyears pass. That’s happening some, but the group has to get with the second set of Star Wars there fi rst. And it doesn’t help that Gandalf has decided to pictures. Here’s how the Movie Man leave the quest in the midst of pegged them: The Phantom the epic journey to head off Menace (1999, Movie Man No. somewhere else. The dwarves and Bilbo must 288, 6); Attack of the Clones (2002, MM #457, 6); and The now negotiate the dreaded Revenge of the Sith (2005, MM Mirkwood Forest where confusion reigns. Sure enough, they #614, 7). Fanboys were endless in their get lost then captured by elves. detestation of the second round Since dwarves are considered of Star Wars. However, since lowlifes and thieves by elves, it’s been 14-plus years since Thorin and his gang are tossed The Phantom Menace, a gener- into cells. Orcs are still on their ation currently exists that now trail and one she-elf, Tauriel holds the second trio beloved in (Evangeline Lilly), feels compassion for a particular elf, Kili their cinematic bosom. Naturally, any time antici- (Aidan Turner), much to macho pation is great, letdown and elf Legolas’ (Orlando Bloom) backlash is expected. And the dismay. Managing to escape thanks to second set of Star Wars fi lms are now getting some deserved that mysterious golden ring that due for their extension of the Bilbo carries, the trekkers interLucas universe as well as their act with a Lake-town merchant, exceptional technological skill. Bard (Luke Evans), to gain vi(However, not enough years tal access to the city. They get have yet passed to forgive the captured (again!), but Thorin convinces the townsfolk that he atrocious acting.) The Movie Man’s take on will share the immense wealth The Lord of the Rings trilogy inside the mountain if they are was that they were certainly freed. The dwarves reach the peak, superior to the overlapping Star Wars follow-ups: Fellowship of and Bilbo fi gures out how to get the Ring (2002, MM #435, 9 inside. There awaits the mighty [and if you’re wondering how a Smaug who isn’t about to let go 9 could not be Best of Year, the of his vast fortune. Movie Man chose Shrek (#405, 9)]); The Two Towers (2003, What works (spoiler) It’s amazing to see just how MM #488, 8); and The Return of the King (2004, MM #539, great movies look today thanks 8). The Movie Man recalls that The Movie Man came out of The Desolation of Smaug, the second of three Hobbit movies with a familiar feeling. Remember when the second Star Wars trilogy arrived? The Hobbit is experiencing the same kind of comparisons with its original film trilogy.


hardcore devotees of the book Smaug swirling around Bilbo up in arms – fi ts nicely and Lil- as billions of coins and gems ly is solid. fall and slide while the Hobbit One minor character really seeks the essential Arkenstone, leaps out, Alfrid (Ryan Gage), an oversized jewel, is tense. a slimy aid to the Master of Hobbit forming Lake-town, Stephen Fry. Alfrid What doesn’t work Starring: Ian McKellen, Martin will certainly get what’s comThe Movie Man won’t lie: ing to him in the fi nal fi lm next He looked at his watch often Freeman, Richard Armitage Christmas, but Gage is wonder- as this movie went on and on. Directed by: Peter Jackson fully icky in his small role. (It’s actually shorter than the Rated PG-13: monsters, battles If you have not yet reached fi rst one, but it’s still a killer at Cumberbatch overload yet, 161 minutes – plus there’s no email: movieman@azlenews.net ... on a scale of 1-10 you’ll enjoy his malevolent stinger [post-credits scene] so reading as Smaug. (The actor don’t wait around.) also voices the Necromancer Despite all the stunning techwhich is where Gandalf headed nology, a couple of scenes do off to when he split from the look straight out of a computer to computer generation and believable as a gargantuan, dwarf group outside the forest.) game. They’re startlingly noticeable. Smaug is no different. (But see wily creature. The elves are cool yet they’re Best scene It’s still impossible to fi gure What doesn’t work) Usually, the endless mocking out which dwarf is which. A Some sequences are simply not exactly sweet creatures astonishing, including Mirk- here. (King Thranduil [Lee by a villain of a clearly trapped few are discernible, but the rest wood Forest, the treasure stash Pace] is a real jerk.) The addi- hero is needless and fl at-out are just along for the ride. Smaug protects/hordes, and tion of Tauriel – a completely dumb (see any James Bond Smaug itself which is Gollum- made up character that has movie). This time, though, PLEASE SEE SMAUG’S, PAGE 7A.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The way we were: Local Blockbuster closing By Natalie GeNtry Video may have killed the radio star, but it became official on Nov. 6, that streaming killed the video store. Blockbuster, the last national movie rental chain, will close its remaining stores on Jan. 12, including the Azle store. The company is also discontinuing its DVD-by-mail distribution by mid-January. Blockbuster was saved from bankruptcy in 2011 by DISH Network. Since that time, however, the business continued to deteriorate as Netflix began its DVD-by-mail and then streaming services attracted former clientele. Blockbuster failed to enter that market fast enough to truly compete. In addition, Redbox rental kiosks added another rental option for consumers. “This is not an easy decision, yet consumer demand is clearly moving to digital distribution of video entertainment,” said Joseph P. Clayton, DISH president and chief executive officer via a press release in November. “Despite our closing of the physical distribution elements of the business, we continue to see value in the Blockbuster brand, and we expect to leverage that brand as we continue to expand our digital offerings,” he added.

end to a part of many people’s entertainment experiences for the last two and a half decades. “I was so upset when I heard Blockbuster was closing,” said Mary Eaves, of Azle. “Having someone I can talk face to face makes a difference.” “Blockbuster has been around since I was a kid,” she continued. “And using Redbox is nothing like this.” “It’s just sad,” said Arvin Cordell. “I actually made friends there.” “I would go in and talk about a movie, watch it, and comeback and talk about it some more,” He continued. “Was it good, bad, too long, or too short – we’d talk about everything.” Customers aren’t the only ones feeling the twinge of regret for the way things were. “Renting a movie from Blockbuster used to be a Friday night tradition for a lot of people,” said Jeremy Chinchilla an Azle store employee. “After a football game people would come up here, get a DVD, popcorn and candy, pile into the living room, and watch the movie together.” We may be living in a digital world now, but kiosks can’t get to know a person and Netflix doesn’t necessarily give an honest opinion about the newest release. “Tuesday mornings there were at least 15 customers who would come in for the new The local effect The demise of the Texas-based rental chain movies,” Chinchilla continued. “I knew what Blockbuster in azle will close its doors for the last time on Jan 12. Photo by Natalie Gentry probably doesn’t surprise anyone, but it is movies they would like and what movies I definitely worth noting because it marks an PLEASE SEE BlOCK-BUSteD, PAGE 2B.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Lake Report



Current Current Level Status

Lake Bridgeport 836.00 815.40 -20.60 Eagle Mountain Lake 649.10 642.31 -6.79 Richland-Chambers Res. 315.00 307.16 -7.84 Cedar Creek Lake 322.00 317.50 -4.50 Lake Arlington 550.00 543.62 -6.38 Lake Benbrook 694.00 689.64 -4.36 Lake Worth 594.00 591.11 -2.89 *Data provided by USGS Dec. 17

Saturday-Friday, Dec. 7 - 13 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11

Dec. 12

PARKER COUNTY ARRESTS The following individuals who list addresses in the Azle and/or Springtown areas were arrested by various law enforcement agencies and booked into the Parker County Jail during the week of Dec. 8-14. A 23-year-old Azle woman was arrested on Dec. 9 by Azle police and charged with assault on a public servant and obstruction or retaliation. She posted $15,000 bond and was released from the Parker County jail on Dec. 10. Parker County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 23-year-old

Springtown man for bond forfeiture on a prior charge of assault causing bodily injury of a family member. As of Dec. 16 he was in the Parker County jail with no bond set. Azle police arrested a 58-year-old Azle woman on Dec. 10 and charged her with theft of property, less than $1,500 with two or more convictions. As of Dec. 16, she was still in the Parker County jail in lieu of $5,000 bond. Springtown police arrested a 21-year-old Springtown man on Dec. 13 for warrants for

Dec. 13

5:44 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 4:55 p.m................. Smoke investigation................................. City of Springtown 7:56 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 11:28 p.m................. Structure fi re............................................... Springtown area 9:57 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 1:13 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 1:57 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 7:54 a.m................. Lift assist ..................................................... Springtown area 10:57 a.m................. Gas leak...................................................... Springtown area 1:35 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 2:30 p.m................. Vehicle unlock ............................................Silver Creek area 2:58 p.m................. Lift assist ..................................................... Springtown area 3:27 p.m................. Smell of gas ................................................ Springtown area 8:09 a.m................. Lift assist ..................................................... Springtown area 1:35 p.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area 8:40 a.m................. EMS ............................................................ Springtown area

LA JUNTA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. Saturday-Friday, Dec. 7 - 13 Dec. 7

5:48 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area

failure to appear in court and for multiple traffi c violations. As of Dec. 16 he was still in the Parker County jail in lieu of $1,058 bond. A 52-year-old Azle woman was arrested on Dec. 13 by Azle police and charged with theft of property, between $50-

$500. She posted $1,500 bond and was released from the Parker County jail on Dec. 14. Springtown police arrested a 17-year-old Azle man on Dec. 13 on warrants for assault, causing bodily injury and criminal mischief. He posted $2,000 bond and was

Dec. 9

Dec. 10

Dec. 11 Dec. 12

4:54 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 8:49 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 8:30 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 11:27 a.m................. Public assist ..................................................... LaJunta area 2:01 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 11:28 p.m................. Structure fi re............................................... Springtown area 6:22 a.m................. Gas leak........................................................... LaJunta area 6:35 a.m................. Vehicle accident .......................................... Springtown area 7:12 a.m................. Down power lines ............................................ LaJunta area 10:51 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 11:23 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 11:46 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 1:32 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 12:42 a.m................. Structure fi re.......................................................... Azle area 10:31 a.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area 3:18 p.m................. EMS ................................................................. LaJunta area

SILVER CREEK FIRE DEPARTMENT Saturday-Friday, Dec. 7 - 13 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 12 Dec. 13

11:08 a.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 1:25 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 3:18 p.m................. EMS ...........................................................Silver Creek area 7:28 p.m................. Public assist ...............................................Silver Creek area 10:12 p.m................. Vehicle accident .........................................Silver Creek area

released from the Parker County jail on Dec. 14. A 19-year-old Azle man was arrested on Dec. 13 by Parker County Sheriff’s deputies on a commitment order for burglary of a habitation. As of Dec. 16 he was still in the Parker County jail without

bond. Azle police arrested a 24-year-old Springtown man on Dec. 14 for Reno municipal warrants for failure to appear, and failure to maintain insurance. As of Dec. 16 he was still in the Parker County jail in lieu of $1,280 bond.

Block-busted ■ BLOCK-BUSTED, FROM PAGE ONE. the Blockbuster @Home ser- discounts will only grow as

would never recommend to them.” There is an element of community that will be lost with the closing of the stores. “People are just becoming more and more separated,” Chinchilla said. “We used to have seating areas and movies playing for kids; it was something people did together.” Cordell agrees. “You can’t talk to Netflix,” he said. “Redbox won’t discuss the movies with you. According to the DISH Network press release, the company retains the brand and will focus on providing

vice to DISH customers and the Jan. 12 deadline grows Blockbuster on Demand to closer. Movie rental stores will the general market. soon be relics of a bygone era. Fire sale While many people enjoy Meanwhile the Azle store is eradicating its inventory: the convenience of streaming at home, there is still a twinge everything must go. And it’s not just the mov- of remorse among many who ies the store is trying to sale; will one day try to explain to shelves, posters, computer the next generation what vidmonitors, and all other assets eo stores were and how they are included in the blowout. were part of the culture. Some items are as much as 70 percent off, and the


ACYS S ccer Azle Competitive Youth Sports

Dos Chiles Grandes Cafe

will be forming a Soccer League in 2014 for ages U4-U8. (individual training is available for older players).

Two Enchilada Dinners & Two Drinks = $12

League play will begin 13 February and go to 26 April 2014. League sign up will be in December.

All training will be provided by Azle Soccer Academy’s licensed coaches. Training will be in Azle and matches will be played in Azle/Lakeside.

Watch ACYS.com and AzleSoccerAcademy (facebook)for the registration form and further information.


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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

& Azle News The


Springtown Epigraph

This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all of us to attend worship services.



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SEE THIS SPOT? Your Ad Would Be Great Here! DON’T WAIT! Call Johnna for details TODAY 817-270-3340.

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CLEANERS “Serving Azle & The Community Since 1986“

113 SPEER ST 817-444-4920 Thank you for your support!

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Warehouse full of rolls and remnants “Since 1979”

817-237-7871 8305 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76135 www.larryscarpet.com

5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-221-3989 IGLESIA BAUTISTA Nueva Jerusalen 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown 817-677-2907 HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 817-433-8220 BAPTIST CHURCH 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth ASSEMBLY OF GOD 817-237-8441 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD LAJUNTA BAPTIST 114 Porter Drive, Azle Hwy. 199 in LaJunta 817-237-4903 817-221-3989 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH LAKE WORTH BAPTIST 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth 817-237-9433 817-237-4163 NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown 6409 FM 730 S., Azle 817-523-4462 817-444-4311 OUTREACH OF LOVE METROPOLITAN BAPTIST Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 817-237-2201 BAPTIST MIDWAY BAPTIST ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown 300 South Stewart, Azle 817-221-LOVE 817-444-3219 NEW HOPE BAPTIST AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area 350 Agnes N., Springtown 817-221-2184 817-523-7271 NORTHWEST BAPTIST BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth 408 S. Ash St., Springtown 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 817-220-4238 SILVER CREEK BAPTIST AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-444-2325 817- 626-5556 NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST CHURCH BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar 817-707-2741 817- 444-3484 PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle 940-433-5477 817-237-0892 SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST TEMPLE CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown 1 block off Hwy. 199, 817-523-0376 east of David’s Patio, UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Springtown, 817-221-2241 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown CENTRAL BAPTIST 817-613-1441 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594-5918 WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes 817-221-2110 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST CLEAR FORK BAPTIST 836 NW Parkway, Azle Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., Weather- 817-444-3752 ford, 817-594-1154 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA COTTONWOOD CREEK BAPTIST 301 S. Stewart, Azle 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-523-0074 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 BIBLE CROSSWAY BAPTIST CHURCH COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 1355 Northwest Pkwy., Azle 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno 817-691-0000 817-444-7117 CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH CROSSING FELLOWSHIP Corner of FM 730 South & FM 1886 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle 817-270-8476 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth 817-237-4135 817-624-2111 FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH 1411 Carter Road, Springtown 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-220-5828 817-221-3444 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF AZLE CATHOLIC 1017 Boyd Road HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-444-4828 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 817-444-3063 401 Beverly Rd., Azle CHRISTIAN 817-237-3891 THE CHURCH AT AZLE FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 700 Charbonneau Tr., 817-444-9973 west side of Effie Morris Elementary 817-237-2624 AZLE CHRISTIAN (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside 117 Church St., Azle 817-444-3527 817-237-8113 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 35 West Forty Estates., Azle 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 817-688-3339 817-444-3484 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale 817-594-3043 940-433-5539 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 4th & Main, Paradise FM 920 in Peaster GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP 817-596-8805 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 817-825-0485 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN 817-594-3916 FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN 404 Main St., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-308-2557 817-523-7011 THE ABBEY CHURCH FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 817-238-1404 Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER 737 Boyd Rd., Azle FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 817-444-LOVE 5th & Main in Springtown 817-523-5477 WORD OF FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1¼ mi. S. of LaJunta GRACE BAPTIST 817-677-2577 3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 across from Radio Tower CHURCH OF CHRIST HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 336 NW Parkway 817-564-3946 817-444-3268 HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH BRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST 1227 Old Cottondale Road, 109 W.N. Woody Rd. Springtown, 817-220-7177 (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) LAJUNTA BAPTIST 817-444-7102

MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209

4300 Williams Spring Rd., Fort Worth 1 mile west of 820 on Jacksboro Hwy. JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265

“Serving Springtown Since 1977” NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 817-523-7227 www.SpringtownDrug.com Metro 817-220-7927

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CLEANERS Brookshire’s Shopping Center

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BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH www.clarksmachine.com bjc@clarksmachine.com 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY Specializing in Family Eyecare CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown Therapeutic Optometrist 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 601 B 817-599-7655 NW Pkwy • Azle FOUNTAIN OF FAITH 4397 E. Hwy 199, Springtown 817-304-4739 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 HARVEST FOR CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 1108 NW Parkway (Hwy 199), Azle 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-740-5774 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER EPISCOPAL 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown ST. ANNE’S EPISCOPAL 817-221-2551 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth JUBILEE HOUSE 817-237-1888 11210 Hwy. 199 W., Poolville PROVIDENCE REFORMED 817-271-8008 EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford LIBERTY LIGHTHOUSE 817-596-7476 120 S. Main St., Springtown ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 817-523-0222 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks OASIS CHRISTIAN CENTRE 817-739-0504 CHURCH & HEALING SCHOOL Celebrating over 25 years in business GOSPEL 1121 S.E. Parkway, Azle CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth AZLE 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-7919 817-319-7364 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Rodney Gatlin, D.C. KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH 400 Boyd Court WITNESSES 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 212 Pearson Lane, Azle www.azlechiropractic.com 817-221-2242 940-636-9158 LUTHERAN SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown (MISSOURI SYNOD) 682-229-1433 1313 SE Parkway, Azle SPRINGTOWN 7TH DAY 817-237-4822 ADVENTIST HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) Hwy. 199 4 miles west of Springtown 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 817-221-HOPE 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle METHODIST 817-313-1793 BOYD UNITED METHODIST GOSPEL WAY COWBOY CHURCH FM 730 North in Boyd 420 Jaybird Ln. (FM 2257/ Hwy 199) 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST Springtown, 817-225-8755 7955 Reed Rd., Azle LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH 817-444-0226 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay FIRST UNITED METHODIST 817-444-3547 200 Church St., Azle JESUS NAME HOUSE OF PRAYER 817-444-3323 2813 E. Hwy. 199, LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP third drive past Boyd Feed Store 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 817-221-4426 SILVER CREEK NEW LIFE FAMILY FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST 525 W. Hwy. 199, Springtown 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-523-2045 817-444-1382 NEW LIGHTED WAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-444-1577 817-523-7874 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth POOLVILLE UNITED METHODIST PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 1 block W. of FM 920 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s (behind Poolville Post Office) SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH 817-599-3601 603 SE Parkway, Azle THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 817-444-3058 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER (THE MORMONS) 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 817-221-2551 OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS UNIVERSAL LIGHT OF CHRIST 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 6117 Graham St., Lake Worth 817-237-5075 817-881-3889 PENTECOSTAL REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP GRACE CHAPEL 202 Pearson Lane, Azle UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AMERICAN STANDARD - GOODMAN 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817-677-5963 817- 237-4844 SOULS HARBOR IGLESIA CRISTIANA JUDA 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-726-2065 TACLB021367C PRESBYTERIAN WESTERN HARVEST GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP CENTER 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-594-2744 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH CHURCH OF FORT WORTH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle Meeting at Northwest YMCA 940-577-1954 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800 WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH CONVENANT ORTHODOX 790 CR 3696 • Springtown PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 817-880-5488

HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH “Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”

Clarks Precision Machine & Tool


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302 Palo Pinto 1088 E. Hwy 199 Weatherford Springtown 817-594-3888 817-220-5959 Front Row (L-R): Anita White, Bob White, Kari Wright and Mark Reynolds Back Row (L-R): Jim Cleaver, Bruce Duncan, Richard Woodman and Jay Morrill

Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-596-4811 • www.whitesfuneral.com

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013 THE

COMMUNITY Ad Classifi cation 24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 .........Garden, Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted

46................Legal Notice 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49...................... Masonry 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56........................ Notices 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage

019 Cement Work

003 Appliances Electric stove top; double oven; washer & dryer...and misc. furnishings. 817-929-0503.

004 Appliance Repair ABSTEIN’S APPLIANCES. I’m back! All major appliance repair. 817-5285030.

006 Asphalt Paving

A sphAlt & G rAvel


Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125

J.A.M. Concrete

All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.


Kiley Chesney Construction Dirt & Concrete Work Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645

ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING 008 Autos, Trucks CENTER has a loving place for your child. Ages 2 weeks-12 years, Get rid of those yard cars, as well ABEKA pre-school, 3 meals, 2 as good used cars. Arvin 817-925snacks. Service to all Azle schools 8768. and SES. Mon-Fri, 6A-6:30P. 8171998 Ford Contour, 4-door, a great 237-3711; 817-994-5228. beginner car, $1,500. 817-221-3548.

024 Electrician

BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 www.bulldawgelectric.com. TECL#25253.


Dump Truck Hauling

69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74... Too Late to Classify 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81..................Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent


021 Child Care

2006 Honda Civic, 4-door w/ moon roof, new tires & breaks, excellent condition, $7,500/OBO. 817-821-6377.

Up to 16 words, first insertion:

Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00! Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word • Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change

(All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)


Sand, Dirt & Gravel ☺ All types materials delivered ☺ Excavation—Final Grade—Demolition We Shape the World to Fit Your Needs! You have a Friend in the Business!

Cliff Hall 1960 Thunderbird, 352 auto, rebuilt engine, new brake system, $5,500. 817-629-3153.


Also .. Sand • Top Soil • Gravel

817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215 2005 Ford Diesel, great work truck, runs good, well maintained, $7,988. Possible trade, call or text 817-937-3013.

Bobcat & Tractor Service • Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing


2011 Chevy Silverado Crewcab, 3/4 ton, 6.0 gas, low mileage, $25,000. 817-609-5042.

TOM'S BOBCAT SERVICE 444-5069 • Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing

014 Campers & Trailers

KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645

030 Firewood Seasoned split firewood: half cord, $125; full cord, $225. Will deliver. Call 817-808-2873. Half cord picked up, $150, you load; half cord delivered, $200; 1 cord picked up, $200, you load; 1 cord delivered, $275. Add $25 for stacking. 817-596-3788. Cheap wood, my place, 2 miles east of Springtown. Oak & Pecan, $10/ car, $20-$40 pickup load. Cord split, $200, Cord logs, $120. Call 817475-9884. FREE FIREWOOD AVAILABLE. You cut and haul. 817-444-3777. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Seasoned oak firewood for sale. Delivered. 817-715-5754.



* OBAMA Care Health Insurance * Confused? Need Help Getting The Health Coverage You Deserve? Our Assistance is 100% Free! www. SorrowFamilyInsurance.com 817444-1129. Free tan Lift Chair 817-888-7700.


For Sale



Carports and Patio Covers. All steel construction. Off-duty firefighter. 817-925-0922.

Garden/Mowing Service



All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding, 817-444-6461. BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213.

Continued next column...


Commercial & Residential EM ST

SY Sprinkler Installation & Repair UR O Landscaping & Design · Drainage Y E Rock & Stonework · Landscape Lighting Z I Sod & Hydromulching ER

Experienced & Competitive Prices

NT I SENIOR WDISCOUNTS • FREE ESTIMATES Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 O ET


817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545

14’ Welding Trailer with top rack, $1,700/OBO. Call 817-523-4191. HQ Sweet Sixteen quilting machine with instructions and attachments, $3,500. 817-221-3548. Home entertainment center, $100; roll-top desk, $50; dining room set with 4 chairs, $50. 817-781-2151. Nice Grandfather Clock, $300/OBO. 817-220-4353.

Interested in buying used bikes and bike parts. Please call 817-233-1126 leave message.

034 Garage Sales Thursday, 12/19/13, 8AM, JT’s Trade Mart, Midway & Hwy 199. Lots of Snap-On, Proto & Craftsman tools; new knives: Case, Buck, Boker, Puma & many commemoratives in boxes; 7,000 watt diesel generator; Winchester DeFender. Jerry will also open Thursday. 10 boxes 270 ammo, half price. More vendors expected!

Best Prices in Town!

FREE E stimat es Estimat stimates

Lawn & Garden Maintenance

•Clean Up • Mowing • Edging • Weedeating •Rake & Bag Leaves •Tree Trimming

NOW OFFERING: Brush Hog Services

Pete Garcia • Joe Garcia


Chad's Tree Service


817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943 Insured for your protection Best Lawn Guarantee in Town Landscape Dependable and Reliable Online Account Sprinklers Management Lawn Care

We’re Hiring!

035 Garden/Mowing Service FREE ESTIMATES. Mowing, weed eating, scrap haul off, property clean up. Call Brett 817-881-2357.

STUMP GRINDING Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum


Continued next column...

• Sod • Stone Work • Flower Beds • Fencing • Clean Up • Trees


LI 19046

Campfire Lawn & Garden Trees trimmed-removed Full lawn care & haul-offs

Insured • Azle since 1962 Compare Prices

No Job Too Small

Terms Available 817-444-0861 A.W. Teater All major credit cards accepted




Fertilized Coastal Hay For Sale Round Bales - Will Deliver Springtown/Azle Area 940-389-1936 Horse quality square bales in barn, $8.00/bale, minimum 20 bales. No checks, cash only. 817-694-5554. HAY SALE Fertilized Coastal 4x5 Round Bales $75 each 817-221-3320 Fertilized horse quality Coastal hay, $70, first cut; $80, 2nd cut. Call Randy at 817-851-9700.

Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing

9 miles west of 199/51 on 199, left on Poolville Cutoff

CLASSIC PEST CONTROL OPERATORS TPCL 12509 817-444-0371 www.classicpco.com

Nobody does it better!

RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@ aol.com.

Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Cast Iron

027 Exterminating

For Sale or Trade: 1986 Bounder MH, very clean, have to see to appreciate. $6,000/OBO. Call David 817-363-0245.


ALL TYPES OF EXCAVATING Tanks • House Pads • Clearing

Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD OR DISCOVER by phone.

Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.

• Boxed display ads also available


Qualified Family Business Since 1938




2002 Ford Focus, mint condition, dependable car, $3,295/OBO. 817-220-4095.

Springtown Epigraph THE

817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi ed@azlenews.net 817-220-7217 - Springtown - shirley@springtown-epigraph.net

CLASSIFIED 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...................... Carports 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services


Irrigation Repair Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design


817-690-4011 cell

Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 Family Owned• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED WINTER DISCOUNT 10% OFF

039 Help Wanted LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. Contact Jon 817319-9073. Business is Booming! Now interviewing servers. Apply in person, Shinola’s Texas Cafe, Springtown. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. HOUSE CLEANING RELIEF POSITION. Not needed daily, but available @ 7:45AM Mon-Fri. Home by 2PM on days worked. Leave message: 817-237-9848. Help Wanted: Registered TAX PREPARER. Must have PTIN Number. 817-270-3672. Vance Godbey’s Restaurant is now hiring Dishwashers and Caterers for part-time work. 817-237-2218. Creative Dimensions Hair Salon Stylist Wanted. 817-658-3946. Carpet Shampoo Trainee. Company seeking men & women to help fill contracts. Above average earning potential based on production. $300+ weekly to start, per company agreement. Call or Text Now! 817448-7177. Bartender needed. Apply in person at Honky Tonk Woman, 11509 FM 730 N., Azle. 817-444-6569. One Experienced Telemarketer needed early AM hours, smoking ok. Call 817-677-5134 before noon, ask for Ms. Wright. Looking for Licensed Plumber with construction/remodel experience. Looking for seasoned Crew Leader for residential, remodel & light commercial. For interview call 817444-3100. Experienced and qualified Job Foreman for Structural Steel Erection company. Must have references. Call 817-444-7239 or apply in person at 11840 Dale Street, Azle. Local Insurance Agency Sales Position Available. Sales experience required, hourly + commission. Contact Sales Manager Misty Long at 817-308-2298. Part-time Handyman needed, $10 per hour 817-888-7700.

Wise Regional Health System Affiliated with Baylor Health Care System

For all of our available job opportunities, visit

Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding


817- 220-1141 817-444-9574

A Not-For-Profit Hospital • EOE Decatur, TX • Job Line: 940-626-2525

Help Wanted Check out our websites: Continued www.azlenews.net www.springtown-epigraph.net next page...



Wednesday, December 18, 2013

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 039

Help Wanted

040 Home Improvement Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567. allamericanhc.net. Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201

Remodeling & New Positions

NOW HIRING: • Internet Sales Consultant

• Service Advisor

WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555.

Internet Sales Consultant Excellent Earning Potential, Sales Experience a plus, will train. $24k - $80k Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training.

Service Advisor Must be Sales Driven, committed to Customer Satisfaction, Honest & Hard Working. Base Pay plus Commission $24k - $80k Commission & Bonus Opportunities, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training. EEOE

Ramping Up! Employees needed for 2014 opening of New Dealership!

Let my 40 years of experience work for you. Integrity and quality work at affordable prices. BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-8216377. www.bobbymcwilliams.com. PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866-3743559. www.billrosserpainting.com. DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. WINTER SPECIAL: 20% Off w/this Ad! 817-629-9608.

NOW HIRING • Sales Associate • Lube Technician • Automotive Technician Sales Associate Be part of a Growing Sales Team! Sales Experience a plus, will train. Must be commited to customer satisfaction. Commission & Bonus Opportunities 5-Day Work Week, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training.

WORKHORSE HANDYMAN SERVICES. Bathrooms, kitchens, roofing, remodels, mobile home repair and roof repair. Quality at a reasonable rate. 817-874-6109.

Lube Technician Our Lube Tech was Promoted!


Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday 040

Home Improvement

• Insulation WINTER • Kitchen/ SPECIAL Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks

House Cleaning

Valid Drivers License, Paid Holidays, Vacation, & Training 5 Day Work Week, Rotating Saturdays EEOE

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Route Driver For vending services. Must be dependable with good driving record and a great attitude.

For consideration of all positions apply to:

Jodi Dusek, H/R Mgr.

LOOK Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement

Full-time position.

Steve Feltman Painting

Training may be provided for qualified candidate. The appropriate candidate must have a positive attitude, be accustomed to working on deadlines and be a good team player.

Trucking Company Activity Director Assistant


Fun, outgoing person to assist Activities Director in an active activities program

Acitivites Director Certificate Preferred Salary commensurate with experience

721 Dunaway Ln. Azle • 817-444-2536

Advertising Works!

Class A CDL Drivers


with 2 years experience Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more

Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323









Last Puzzle Solution S U E S T A B







1985 Honda Spree NQ50 Scooter, $179 - not licensed. 817-444-9227.



U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.


Local Breeder Selling Parakeets & Love Birds; Parakeet, Love Bird & Parrot seed and different size cages, plus millet spray. 817-715-2446, 9A-6P.

commercial • residential

Chimney Cleaning Service Keep your home safe. Call Parker/Wise County’s oldest chimney sweeping company, Mr. Sweeps

817-692-5624 ask for Doug


Winter Special


Sebastian Enterprises CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Since 1995

817-239-9571 817-237-9571


Many Happy Local Customers Since 1978

Home Improvement Continued next column...

Slab Leaks



M10078 066

Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806

Insurance Claim Specialists  


AKC registered Lab puppies, 7 weeks old. 940-366-6014.

Since 1989

ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.

JAMES WOOD MASONRY. INC. Quality Masonry work! • No job too small BRICK • STONE • GLASS BLOCK office:

817-444-2581 cell:817-233-1126



  

Blue Heeler puppies for sale, first shots & wormed. Parents on site. Call Rod at 817-223-6209.

Motorcycles Standard Poodle puppies for Sale. Ready Dec. 18th, 8 weeks old, first set of shots and wormed. 817-677-2800.

We’ll be here after the storm.

Shorkies for Sale. 2 males, teddy bear faces. 817-565-2013.


2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $8,000 817228-2255.


Continued next page...


   

Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction


Mr. Sweeps


Water Heaters


BRIAN HENSLEY 817.229.7668

To apply, Email: johnna@azlenews.net or Mail to: Azle News – Attn: Johnna Bridges 321 W. Main St., Azle, TX 76020

817-444-7711 • 817-444-7774

Call Steve

Custom Homes

Excellent computer skills and some web knowledge are a must and knowledge of Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and WordPress a plus. Accuracy, ability to closely follow directions and attention to detail are essential to success.

Azle Manor

• Interior & Exterior • Bed • Commercial Residential • Texture • Tape • Seal & texture • Sheetrock repair/replace • Remove old wallpaper/seal & texture • Pole fence painting • Pressure washing Cabinetry/Wood Work/Staining

1998 Suzuki Intruder 1400, nice cheap. 817-270-0647.



email alvarogsilva@verizon.net

Graphic Artist

“Class A” Flat Bed Drivers and Frac Sand Haulers. 2 years of verifiable driving exp. $500 BONUS after 90 days, plus Benefits.

Drains Cleaned

Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936.

exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs

Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815


Plumbing Repairs

Azle, TX

Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates




Chapman Carpentry Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable

817-946-6787 817-444-4198

605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas jdusek@klementford.com 940-627-6362




Must be honest, dependable and able to multi task in a fast paced environment.

060 Professional Services 2012 Harley Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle, $10,500. Call Wes 817-991-5522, leave message.

You’ll love the care you get!


Pool Service


Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”

817-374-2566 866-374-3559

General Office Assistant


Backgrounds Checked

Experience in Automotive Repair Required ASE Certification Required Chrysler Experience Preferred, Tools Required

Karl Klement Properties, Inc.



our pros may be out chasing fairy dust

One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed

from Bill Rosser Painting & Remodeling

Menix Pet Lodge Climate Controlled Kennels Dog Runs, Large Yard Where Pets are Pampered

As the leaves fall, we’ll be there to catch them all. GANNON SWIMMING POOL SERVICE. 817230-3838.

Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL

PEARLY GATES CONSTRUCTION. Remodeling and home repairs done right! Call for a Free Estimate 817696-5717. Christmas Specials!

Automotive Technician


Your Cleaning Service

We furnish Tools & Chemicals

5-Day Work Week, Paid Holidays, Vacation & Training


Serene GREEN Cleaning. Residential & Commercial. All Natural & Safe Products, Family Owned & Operated, Fully Insured & Bonded, Free Confidential Estimate. 817602-1696. serenegreencleaning@ live.com.

CHIP’S CONSTRUCTION. Fencing, metal buildings, welding, carports, decks, farm & ranch repair, general construction. 817-372-9472.

Automotive Experience a plus, will train. Must be dependable and committed to customer satisfaction.Valid drivers license required.

Pet Sitting Specialist Local References

Call Devin at 817-629-9608 042

Pets, Livestock

Carolyn’s Critter Sitter

Devin’s Handyman Service • Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding


28 Years in Azle


1986 Harley Sportster, very nice, custom with sidecar, 16” spokes, $6,500/OBO. 817-270-0647.

ACROSS 1 slightly wet 5 “Exxon” replaced “Esso” and this 6 “____ to riches” 7 “_ ___ for help” 8 anger 9 TV’s “____ __ _ Supermodel” 16 TXism: “she could talk the ____ off an iron stove” 18 actress in ‘72 film “Payday” starring TX Rip Torn 21 TX Buddy Holly hit: “__, Boy!” 22 slow-witted person 23 snaky fish 24 “___ ___ up and go, got up and went” (exhuasted man) 30 TXism: “takes after” 34 it entitles you to drive (abbr.) 35 throw it again? 36 first ____ in TX appeared in 1899 37 African antelope 39 JFK received these before Nov. 22, 1963 (2 wds.) 43 TX Willie Nelson sang “I Love the ____ _ Live” 44 TXism: “_____ __ the nose on your face” 45 actress in TX epic “Giant” (init.) 46 TX Horton Foote wrote screenplay for ‘92 film “Of ____ and Men”


47 these can be dire 49 area where historic Arlington Hall is located in Dallas (2 wds.) 52 TX Henry Thomas was Elliott in this ‘82 film 53 TXism: “___ gut” (liquor) 54 Brownwood university: “Howard _____” 55 Sam Houston was _______ by a Cherokee 58 “on a first name _____” 24





Certified PREFERRED CONTRACTOR State Applicator # 106 www.owenscorning.com





5 6

by Charley & Guy Orbison


Copyright 2013 by Orbison Bros.


9 17







1 group that opposed a high-speed train in TX in the 90s 2 Richard King bought the first King Ranch land for less than 2 cents __ ____ 3 SW of Waco on 84 4 small flower bouquet 9 first female gov.: “__” Ferguson 10 “Texas Hotel ___ _____ Association” 11 TXism: “dead as a door ____” 12 this Campbell was “The Tyler Rose”

14 15 17

19 20




45 48



33 37


held hostage in Iran (1979-81) this Ames starred with TX Fess in TV’s “Daniel Boone” (init.) TXism: “fits like ugly on an ___” TXism: “could sell sheep ______ __ a cattleman” (good sales person) “You might be a _______ if . . .” book on TX feuds: “___ ___ Before I’ll Run” (1951) stat. for a big swing by Ranger or Astro





59 TX-born 47 Debbie was “The Singing ___” 53 52 60 bird seen at Bentsen State Park 61 ___ Saba, TX 13 this TX John was



















54 55




58 59

25 26 27 28 29 31 32

33 TXism: “2 chances: ____ ___ none” 60 38 burning 40 state nurse org. 61 41 TX women had “big ____” in the late 70s 42 TXism: “_______’ improvised bomb in high cotton” (rich) (abbr.) 48 “____ in the dark” “Texas Two-____” 50 TXism: “____ high objectives on the hog” (rich) rich TXns leave a 51 this Kenneth was big one SMU pres. (1987-94) casual clothing top 56 TX actor Andrews, Buddy Holly hit: et al. “Peggy ___” 57 Astro pitcher, Al arrival guess (abbr.) (1990-’93)


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 066

Roofing Commercial & Residential • Roofing • Windows • Attic Insulation • Painting

712 N. MaiN • SpriNgtowN




Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.

STORAGE UNITS 1350 Liberty School Road

5x10 $30/month


6 Months ... $150 817-246-4646



Dauenhauer Contractors, Inc.

Metal Buildings · Pre-Engineered · Shops / Barns Arenas / Churches · Aircraft Hangars



Version 2

Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good! DESIGN



art METAL Coz BUILDING SYSTEMS Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design Office

 Fax 817-237-0904

N ow

LeasiNg s to r ag e UNits WEST SIDE

Mark Cozart 817-233-6668


$20. per month 1st Month Free! 00


Office 11400 FM 730 N. Azle 069


Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock, tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495.



Metal Building Specialist

817-220-5813 817-239-1670

RV, Boat or Trailer Spaces Available




• Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs

Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL



9 acre hayfield w/haybarn. Springbranch & Knob Road, Springtown. $75K cash or Owner Finance. Payments, if financed, $702/mo. Shirley 903-517-8045.

081 Business/Commercial 40x50 building for rent 3 miles west of Springtown 817-713-7495.

Quality Family Business Since 1938


Great building for Lease, industrial area in Azle. The building is 12,000 sq. ft., bathrooms and office area with heat and A/C. Majority of the 12,000 sq. ft. is shop, concrete floor, loading dock, big overhead door, plenty of parking space. For information call 817-360-3627.

We go the extra mile to ensure you get more for your $. On House Pads, Driveways, Lot Clearing & Tractor Work, Etc.

Commercial Leasing: 328 W. Main Street, Azle. Suites starting at $.90 per sq. ft. 817-235-2284; 817-6820838.

CALL Cliff Hall


SAND • DIRT • GRAVEL Dozer and Tractor Work



Jerry W. Mitchell

817-444-DIRT(3478) 075


QUALITY UPHOLSTERING. Free Estimates. Pick-up and Delivery Service. 817-727-6836.


Well Drilling

Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.



Professional office spaces for lease, newly repainted, 800 sq. ft. & 1,000 sq. ft. Suites 101 & 103, 1230 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. 817-2202150. 40x60 metal building, fronts Hwy 199, $500/mo., located between Azle and Springtown, 817-992-9570. FOR SALE: 30+ acres, Commercial, w/5,000 sq. ft. metal building, between Azle/Springtown on Hwy 199. 817-798-2645, please leave message.

Houses for Sale

MUST SELL! 4 BR 2 BA plus den on 1 acre! Huge island kitchen! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-385-7892. NEW HOME: 4 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Owner financing available! Cheaper than rent! New appliances! 817-385-7892. New Home MUST SELL! 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-385-7892. PEASTER ISD: New home, 3 BR 2.5 BA, gameroom, 2 story on 1 acre lot! New appliances! Will help with financing! 817-385-7892.


Metal Building Erectors

• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing

1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown

817-220-2150 www.weld-done.net

Welding Continued next column...

New, Energy Efficient Homes in Boyd ISD, REDUCED 3-2-2; 101 Laree NOW only $139,900. 103 Laree NOW only $154,900, MUST SEE, with Realtor Bonus! Call Billy and ask about our Holiday Special! 817-597-6443.

085 Mobile Homes For Sale

BIG HOUSE ON PRAIRIE. 5 BR 3 BA Mini-Ranch, acres with privacy, $622 down $771/mo. Hurry! 940-784-3207.

WEATHERFORD: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre! Owner financing available and affordable payments! 817-385-7892.

KOZY KOTTAGE. 3 BR 2 BA, fireplace, gingerbread-like. Move in Before Christmas! $389 down $622/ mo. 405-834-1259.

PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lots for rent: 1405 PELICAN DRIVE, $185/mo. $50 deposit; 1708 GALE DRIVE, $155/mo. $50 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Español.

REINDEER PROPERTY. 4 BR Custom Model. Special Promo: $500 DOWN FURNITURE INCLUDED!!! $909/mo. EZ QUALIFY. 405-834-1259.

084 Mobile Homes for Rent Units starting at $450/mo., trash service paid. 817-221-3112; 817235-2284.

086 Mobile Home/RV Lots

2-2 MH, very nice. 111-A E. Bradshaw Road, Springtown, $750/ mo. $600 security deposit. 817-2204095. 2-2 MH, 1.5 acres, fenced, 2-car garage, Boyd ISD, No Pets, $750/ mo. $750 deposit, water/trash service included. 940-433-5542. PELICAN BAY: 1628 PELICAN COURT, 3-2, $585/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817246-4646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Espanol. 3-2 SW on 1 acre, Springtown ISD, $550/mo. $350 deposit. 817-3609318; 817-360-9363.

Nice 3-1 on 2.5 acres, Stonegate Drive (close to 114/51 intersection), Paradise schools, $600/mo. $350 deposit. 682-551-0424; 682-5591512. Bring your lawnmower.

MIDWAY MOBILE HOME PARK AFFORDABLE COUNTRY LIVING 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. Also, RV lots & rentals and mobile home lots for rent.

817-221-2002 085 Mobile Homes for Sale TURN TO THE EXPERT In Financing Mobiles on Acreage & Land. Quick & Easy with No Credit Check or Qualifications. Any or No Credit. 817-994-3730 7 days til 11PM richardwhitetx@yahoo.com

SPRINGTOWN: 3 BR 2 BA on 1 acre lot! Affordable payments. Will help with financing! 817-385-7892.

HERITAGE RV PARK 5 MI. S. ON FM 730 817-444-3760


Rent Unfurnished

For Lease in Pelican Bay: 3-2 on 1/2 acre, newly renovated, very spacious, $825/mo. Available Dec. 30th. 817-988-7382. PELICAN BAY: 1576 REEF, 3-2-1, $685/$300 deposit; 1568 REEF, 3-2-1, $645/$300 deposit; 1837 PELICAN DRIVE N., 3-2-1, $665/$300 deposit; 1831 PELICAN OVAL, 2-2, $595/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-2464646. gtatx.com. Hablamos Espanol.

793 Robin Ct, Springtown Wonderful 3-2-2 home on almost half acre lot W/D hookups Huge covered patio large fenced backyard Springtown ISD $1,395/mo. 1 mo. security deposit 1 year Lease. Available Now! For more info or photos call Jill 817-751-9000 or Darrell 817-713-4059.

Azle Creek Apartments 519 West Main St. • Azle


1/1 - $475 & Up (Water, Trash & Sewer Included)

Pecan Acres RV Park Inc. 12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle

RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month We now have Pull-Throughs! • • • • •

Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi

(up to 50 miles)

Rent Unfurnished

4-plex, 2-2, Azlewood, $695/$400 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039.



32x44 Crestridge 3/2 28x76 Clayton 4/2 28x72 Homestar 4/2

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FSBO: 3-1 home on large fenced lot in Azle, stone fireplace, great starter home. 817-808-1994. HORSES OK!!! Cowboys Too?? New 4 BR 2 BA, 2 LA, $500 down $873/mo. VERY EZ QUALIFY. Call 940-784-3207.

2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 bath duplexes, 1 car garage, fenced backyard, all appliances, all brick, great location. Stewart Bend Duplex Homes in Azle. 817-444-2362. www.stewartbend.com.


14x56 Fleetwood


SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $600/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-875-8406.



· New, Used Repos · Mobile Home Insurance · Service After the Sale

Rent Unfurnished

Covered & Uncovered RV Spaces

K&P Homes, Inc.

16x70 Champion 3/2 28x68 Champion 4/2 32x68 Champion 4/2


Tiny Houses RVs

SPRINGTOWN: 5 BR 3 BA on 1 acre! Huge living room, home like new. Will help with financing! Affordable payments! 817-385-7892. GRANBURY: 3 BR 2 BA, fireplace, lots of trees. Will help with financing! Cheaper than rent! 817-385-7892.


For Rent

Pelican Bay: 1524 Partridge, 1-1, S&R, CH/WU, $295/mo. $200 deposit. Owner/Broker 817-9889954.

3 acre gravel lot in Springtown area for lease. 817-657-5682.


Houses For Sale

FOR RENT: 3 BR 2 BA mobile home on 2 wooded acres, large covered front porch and 2-car carport, $650/ mo. $200 deposit, $35 application/ background check fee. 817-8467084.

owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614


AZCO Self Storage

Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028


Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday



Rent Unfurnished

2-1, Eagle Mountain Lake front, $800/mo., bills paid. 817-237-2852. UPSTAIRS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: 1 BR 1 BA, no pets, $600/mo. plus deposit. 817-9254343. Waterfront Condo, community pool. Agent 817-929-4595. Two 2-1 houses in Reno, with appliances, carports, AC/heat. No dogs. 817-874-5392; 682-220-4731.

See the Dif f erence! 817-444-6122 Crestwood Apar tment Homes Apartment 525 Commerce St. 817-444-0030 Mon-Sat 9-6 • Sun 1-4 1, 2 & 3 Large Bedroom Floor Apartments Plans Pool • Water paid

From $565/mo.

Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle

(817) 444-2362

www.stewartbend.com Spring Garden and Spring Garden V Apartments of Springtown

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR Disabled, Low Income and Senior Tenants 1,2,3 Bedroom Duplex Amenities Include Ceramic Tile, Ceiling Fans, Washer/ Dryer Connections, Stove, Refrigerator and Dishwasher Free Basic Cable *Must Meet Housing Qualifications* Spring Garden.......817-523-7555 Spring Garden V....817-220-5585


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


8B 088

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rent Unfurnished

Marie Pigg




700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712


1341 S.E. PARKWAY HWY. 199 at Shoreline Dr. AZLE


1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished



Rent based on income.

A Season for Savings!

E-mail: berter@mariepiggrealestate.com


800-735-2989 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



$600 - 2-1 Duplex Available. Springtown ISD. $800 - 2-2-2 Duplex Available. $950 - 3-2-1 House. New carpet and paint. Available.


For Sale


$1,200 - 3-2-2 House with Office and Second Living Area. Available 9-1-13 in Saginaw. COMMERCIAL RENTAL $1,000 - 30x40 with 14 foot doors was used as a brewery

RESIDENTIAL ______________________________________________________

817-246-4646 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.

$45,000 - 3-2-2 Car Carport Singlewide Mobile on Approx. 0.46 Acres. Well maintained mobile in nice rural area close to lake with landscape, trees and covered patio. Contact Kathy at 817-237-3338. $75,000 - 3-1-1 Brick currently leased until September 2014. For details call Crystal @ 817-658-6786 $84,900 - 2-2-1 Brick Small Older House that has a brick add-on with dining/breakfast.WBFP can heat house in winter, gated fence, storage and newer HVAC. Reduced! $85,000 - 3-3 Doublewide with land. Large mobile on approx. 1 acre. New 2-car carport in 2013. $89,900 - 3-2-2 Car Carport Corner lot with Approx. 0.744 acres, fenced and gated. Fort Worth. $95,000 - 3-2-2 Brick with large living area, WBFP, fenced and conveniently located next to Shady Grove Park and baseball fields $125,000 - 2-1-1 Brick on 7 Acres. Cute home includes 2 barns, tack room and 1 car detached garage. Boyd! Reduced! $135,000 - Brick Duplex with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Unit A is currrently leased until February 28, 2014. Unit B is available for lease. $156,900 - 3-2-2 Brick in Saginaw. 3 or 4 bedroom home with in-ground pool and spa. Fresh paint, new carpet and more. Must see! Reduced! $220,000 - 2-2.5-2 Brick on Eagle Mtn. Lake. Enjoy lake living in this home with boat lift for easy lake access. $233,000 - 4-2.5-2 Brick Home. Picture your family & friends hanging out in large kitchen playing 42 or Chicken Foot around dining table and watching your favorite team all together, it’s possible here! Covered parking for 3 vehicles, large workshop, storage building. Must see! $276,000 - 3-2-2 Brick, Approx. 68.82 Acres. Ranch/Farm. Sandy loam, new 6 slick wire fence most way around, corral and good well. Callahan County. Reduced!

To: You


Savings for buying New, It’s our gift to you. There is no better reason to buy this season!

Pick one present below & apply to any home that can close by Dec. 31st $5000 towards Closing Costs* Move-In Ready Appliance Package (valued at 5k)* Up to $5000 in upgrades*

COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT ________________________________

$225,000 - Approx. 2.77 acres, fronts Jacksboro Hwy. LOTS AND ACREAGE (LAND ONLY) _________________________________________

$22,000 - Lovely wooded lot in Timberlake Estates. $145,000 - Downtown Fort Worth. Great lot in the heart of the hospital district! $145,375 - Approx. 11.63 Acres with large oak trees and pretty coastal field. Would make an attractive building site. $269,900 - 18 Acres. Coastal field with hilltop view. Currently with AG Tax Exemption. MOBILE HOME LOTS in Pelican Bay for sale or lease, call Bill.

Tammy Smart,GRI, ABR, CRS, SFR, ReAltoR


511 W. Main St., Azle Tammy.Smart@Century21.com


Each office is independently owned and operated


Make it a “Smart” move!

NEW LISTING - WARM & WELCOME! - Nice 4-2-2 with split bedrooms. Open living room has brick fireplace. Large bay window with window seat in breakfast area. Master bath features dual sinks, deep jetted tub, separate walk-in shower and his & her closets. Beautiful landscaped yard with lots of trees. Full sprinkler system in front & back. Great 16x12 workshop with electric & loft in backyard. Azle ISD - $134,900 NEW LISTING - NEW CONSTRUCTION - Great 4-2-2 with formal dining and split bedrooms. Large family room with cozy fireplace. Kitchen features granite countertops, center island and built-in microwave. Master bath has double vanities, tubG and large walk-in closet. Full landscaping package with sprinkler DIN PENgarden system included. Located in Escondido, a private gated community close to Eagle Mountain Lake. Scheduled for December completion. Azle ISD - $179,900

Bring this Holiday Offer In which entitles you to 1 Incentive listed above! Prices, plans, features, options & co-broke are subject to change without notice. Additional restrictions apply. Square footages are approx. Up to $5k in closing costs, prepaids and/or upgrades for homebuyers that use LongTide Properties financing to finance and close on select inventory in select new home communities. Such incentives are subject to change without notice. Holiday offer applies to select inventory that can close on or before 12/31/13. This offer does not apply on Owner finance and REO properties. Holiday offer is valid only on new contracts and does not apply to transfers, cancellations or re-writes. Please contact a community sales representative for additional requirements for the design center upgrade offer. LongTide Homes reserves the right to substitute for equal or higher priced appliance models which may substantially affect final cost of home. Homes are subject to availability. Offer expires December 31st, 2013.


NEW LISTING - NEW CONSTRUCTION - Beautiful 4-2-2 with extra room to be used as formal dining, study or second living. Large open family room. Kitchen features center island and granite countertops. Master bath has double vanities, garden tub and large walk-in closet. Full landscaping package complete with sprinkler system. Located in Escondido, a private gated community close to Eagle Mountain Lake. Scheduled for December completion. Azle ISD - $189,900 LAKEFRONT LUXURY! Beautiful 5-5.1-3 waterfront home on Eagle Mountain Lake.L A gracious D foyer with curved staircase greets your guest, complete with SO study and formal living, large family room with view of the lake, pool and spa. Great kitchen for entertaining with granite countertops, lots of cabinet space, island and wet bar, private master suite with separate sitting area, 2 large living areas upstairs. Great balcony to enjoy views of lake! Azle ISD - REDUCED! $449,000 WATERFRONT LOT IN EAGLE MOUNTAIN LAKE! Ready for your dream home. This lot is situated on a deep canal complete with dock. Located in D established neighborhood with beautiful homes. Saginaw ISD - $130,000 SOL

Call Me For More Home Listings!

The Bryants Co. 817-220-2021 Dana Bryant/realtor 817-613-7189

4-2 moBile on 2.277 ACreS. Small barn, fenced and cross-fenced. Nice porches, fenced yard, shade trees. $56,500 3-2 on 2.827 ACreS. Wooded lot, fenced and crossfenced with pond. Handy man special! $39,900 3-3 on 1.494 ACre lot. Heavily wooded. Manufactured home, storage building, covered area, greenhouse and fire pit. $59,900 3-2 Dw on 2.906 ACreS. Peaster ISD. $79,900 3-2 on 2.27 ACreS. Updated, pipe fence yard, 2 patios, landscaping, mechanics dream, 30x40 shop, too many out buildings to mention! $199,000 2 Story 3-2 on wooded 23.74 acres. Secluded home also has 2 story duplex for rental income, large shop. $371,000

5-2 Dw on 20 ACreS, nice coastal pasture for your animals or bale for hay. $109,900 13.38 ACreS with 2 separate apartments. 30x50 garage converted to party/dance hall! Great for entertaining! 20x30 workshop. $249,900

CommerCiAl rentAlS! Springtown Shopping Center 1,500 sq.ft


$850 deposit

Azle pkwy Center - neAr Azle hoSpitAl 1,980 sq.ft.


$950 deposit


16.91 ACreS, wooded lot with 450 feet road frontage, fenced. $105,000 13.58 ACreS lot inside city limits. Excellent and convenient location for business. $169,000 0.81 ACre lot in town. Pecan and fruit trees. Storage building. $35,000 1.634 ACre lot, heavily wooded. Secluded. $16,900 16.91 ACreS, Boonesville. Texas Vet Loans Available. $105,500 1 ACre restricted lot on cul-de-sac. $18,500 1.26 ACreS on restricted cul-de-sac. $18,500 13 ACreS, WILDLIFE EXEMPTION! $97,500 4.510 ACreS with water, septic and electric, ready for your home and animals! Slidell ISD. $42,500


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ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! Guaranteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 LOOKING TO SALE land? Reach over 2-million readers for one low price in the Texas Statewide Advertising Network. Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-7494793 for more detail. $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 MULE DEER, rough canyons and draws, 291+ acres, Brewster County, deer, birds, and javelina, $85,918, low down, owner financed. 1-210-734-4009. www.westerntexasland.com.

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The Azle News @TheAzleNews

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SeaSon’S GreetinGS A Special Section

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2nd Grade Letters to Santa Claus

The Azle News Springtown Elementary Dear Santa I want a chiwahwha and a Min pin!!!!! My Mom Dad and Sister has one too. But not me. I being a good citizenship. But isn’t. How is Mrs. Claues. Love Amayrani Dear Santa I would love a pupy. And a 4-wheeler. And sorst and pans. And can you plece try to make it

snow. And I want to have a phon. Ples giv suting for my twen and And a bindr. giv evons bets for me ples and giv Love Breanna suting to seskos and giv suting to cash and giv me aramp for my new Dear Santa bick and giv me a beol to. How are you doing how are the Love Cole raindeers can I get a iphone 5s and some video games ps-3 and a Dear Santa, dirt bike and another dome bag a How are you and the raindeer. fourewheeler. I will give you some For Christmas can I have a Americokies for cristmas. can girl doll, 4-wheler, computer, Love Bragson Iphone 5s, New Ipad, volleyball, new bike hope you buy me most Dear Santa, of what I wanted thank you very

Welcome to our Season’s Greetings section! Once again, here’s our popular special “Season’s Greetings” section! It’s our annual Christmastime insert of letters written by Azle and Springtown second graders to Santa Claus. The letters are filled with wonder and joy and innocence – and sometimes you’ll find one

that’s a little heart-wrenching. We print them as written and ship them off to the North Pole in plenty of time for Santa to get them. Advertisers make this special section possible and it’s their way of wishing friends and customers a Merry Christmas. The businesses in this “Sea-

son’s Greetings” support this community and we encourage you to do business with them at every opportunity. May these letters make you smile and appreciate the magic of the season! From all of us at the Azle News and Springtown Epigraph – Merry Christmas!

much. P.S. I will leave milk and cookies for you. Dear Santa, Love Lilly Can I havn a ak47 and can I havn a Flamthore and can I havn a Dear Santa, xbox1 can I ahvn a TV for me. Can I would want a big play house I havn a BatlFelde4. and a ipad a new car called a bug Love Anakin and a iphone 5 a new big blue bear and a new cat and $10,000 a gym- Dear Santa, nastics set up and I think that’s all! I wit a dirtbike and call duty Love Danielle gost. I will lev you cooke and milk. You no my dad Brin Bosch how is Dear Santa, Rudolph doing. I am so so sorry for not riding Love Garrett you win I was 2 it binn in my mind am I on the note list I wut sum toys. Dear Santa, Love Sarah I would give me a dird bike and a some video games and a Dear Santa, ipod. How are the ranedere I will What I want for chrismas is leave you some cookeis and milk uhm…this Rudolph stufft animal 4-wheeler. at build a bear work shop. O and Love Breckin can I have a girl lego city toy. Well now that I’ve said what I wanted Dear Santa, how are your raindeers good I I would lik a remote control airhope. plane and how are you’r rane deer Love Emily and I would like a remote control car and I would like a toy car. Dear Santa, Love Hayden How are you dowing plece give me a ipod and a ipone and I whant Dear Santa, som clows thak you. How are your you doing and Love Joey how is Rudolpho and can you get

Dot’s Locker Antiques & Resale

Mon - Sat · 11am - 9pm & Sun · 11am - 8pm

May we always have “Christ” in Christmas. We have nothing without Him.


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me American Girl doll. Love Julie Dear Santa, How are the rain deer? And what I want for Christmas is a computer and a American girl doll that looks like me. And a build a bear it would be lovely. Love Madison Dear Santa, I like some videos games. And a iphone 6. And a ipad with a lot of games. I would like a football field and a football. Love Drake Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are the raindeer doing? Well if I get presents I would like a American girl doll and a Barbie and a nuck please. Love Avery Dear Santa, Can I a phone and a computer and a build a bear and a 4 wheeler for me make it smoll and a American girl doll and make her look like me a can I have a ipod and a violin and a guitar and a corler full

Azle Paint & Body 233 W. Main • 817-444-5057 From our families to yours

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Owner, Wes Winstead

Don’t just have happy holidays, have healthy ones as well. Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Azle wishes you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season. We’re here for all of your health care needs now and throughout the year. From Emergency Services to Heart & Vascular to Women’s Services and more, we’re committed to you. And to bringing nationally recognized health care to Azle and our surrounding communities. So here’s to a year filled with good tidings and good health.

1-877-THR-WELL | TexasHealth.org/Azle Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital. © 2012

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11/30/12 2:48 PM


Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

hair strips.

think I am good can you give me a it ples pretty ples. Cus I bulleven Love Morgan new dox for school. And cool stof. you. And the estrduny and the toLove William thfery and sandman. Dear Santa, Love Madison I hare den good this year. Can Dear Santa you get me some Monster high I have been tring to be good. Dear Santa, dolls, brbie, silly hair loopsy. Sins last cresmes or your rander I would like a unicycle one my Love Keely ok. May I have lots ov lego friends size. And I would like a puppy that ples. And lots uv monster hiy dolls does not bark all the time. How are Dear Santa, ples. And lots uv uthstuf but I rel- you and the raindeer? I would like I am trying to be good if you ley wunt a xbox 360. May have a hamster. I would like a bunney.

Your Favorite Abigail Dear Santn Clus, I been good this yery so can you Dear Santa, get me a brby hous pleys. So hour I have been good. Will you get are ure dars like rowdof the red me some toys? May I have some nose rand. So hou are you bouy barbies, clothes and two puppys? so can you sind me a puppy so My mom wants some jewelry. Will can you or a fone or a as5 pleys or you get my teachers a couple stuf makup or can you get me and tla I’m sure the’ll injoy it? dlit or and kindlfir or and ipod or Love Ashlynn and ipad. Love Paig

from Dr. McCreary & Staff

Dear Santa, I have been a good Gril. I want

Wishing you a Merry Christmas …

Azle Area Chamber of Commerce 404 W. Main St. Azle • 817-444-1112

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, I am looking forward to chishmiss. Pleas bring me a yonacon stuffed animal. So how are your rain der doing? I hope they are doing good. Love Wade

Frankie Robbins, Agent 3980 Boat Club Road Fort Worth, TX 76135 Bus: 817-237-8218 www.frankierobbins.com

and a joyous New Year. May the joy of the season make all your wishes come true. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY.

Beth Crowe Season’s Greetings to all of our friends, family and good neighbors in the Azle Area. May your holiday be full of cheer and good tidings.

209 Roe St. • Azle 817-444-3209


Have a very

Merry Christmas!

Dr. Dustin Fields • 729 Boyd Road • Azle




Wishing You

Joy, Peace and Goodwill in the coming year.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Eagle Crest Villa.

State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL

s a m t s i r h C y r r e M appy Holidays

To All Our Customers

& Ha


REJOICE... In the Spirit of the Season! Christmas...a special time to remember those who have touched our lives with warmth, kindness and have blessed us in so many ways. Warmest wishes and heartfelt thanks from all of us, to all of you. 405 Commerce St. • Azle, Texas 76020


113 Denver Trail • Azle • 817-444-3249

Baylee Davis, Carissa Widner, Sarah Hicks, Diana Rust, Bobbie Baldwin, Steve Parker, Jessica Corley

Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 puppys for crismis. Do you want me to feed the Deers for you? And I want the stuf with it. It is fun talking with you. I wish a Holey jolly Crismis to evre oue. Love Lilly Dear Santa, I been faree nic to my sister. I kone you kone my sister. So I first yot to get a dirtbik for crismis and all drtbik stof for the drtbik ples. And can I hav a Ipad for crimis. Love Carson

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I want a ninju tartal set of the suar. I want a xbox one with madden 25. And splinter sell. Can I have a collog footdall game. Can I have a bebe gun to. Your Friend Gunner Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a D.S. How are the rain deer? But I want a brari house and a monster high house or a chock bord ful of chock! I wrilly want the D.S.! Love Ava

Dear Santa, I went a xbox to play games on my Tv. So I can play games. Dear Santa, Love Parker How are you doing? I am fine and I want a xbox 360 for chrisDear Santa Claus, miss and a mine craft game for the Can I plese have a cherleding xbox 360 and toys. How are the sout and three barbese can I plese raindeer doing? have a bes to and a laptop I have Your Friend Bryant bin good a nice well I bin chring. Can I have a cholkbord with five Daer Santa, cholks and can I have some make I want a 22 rifle gun, a dirt ike, a up and a dress with know sleves. unackle, a pear of skates not roller Thank you. blades, bulits for my 22, a flach Love Summer light freand, a dog chage, a xbox 360 with the game colududymin Dear Santa, craft, a 100$, a laptop I will fead I wus hopen that you kud sid a the deers, and I want at misfeer, pupy and a chokbord with lost uv and teckno. chok. I oso bin a gud grl this yer. Your frind Caleb Love Shelby Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a puppy for ChristI want hihls and dress up stuf mas. Thank you for all the stuff and hothus a burby slon and a you gave me. I will lev you ten pogo stick are the raandeer fine. I dollars. You are very nice. We love will lefe you calkies and a piece of you very nice. candy. I have bin a good girl this Love Adriana yaey I promis you are nice. I will make raiddeer food I want a puppy. Dear Santa, Love Madison I would like super Mario bros dream world. Super Mario bros Dear Santa, sticker star. I’v been a good kid. I will like a Love Bradden carig for my babby dolls. But how hav you been I hope you’r ok how Dear Santa, is you’r rainbere or thay ok. But Can I have a Iphone 5 and a suI will git cookes and milk out the per Mario bros sticker star game milk will be in the frig. and super Mario bros dream wold. Love Arly And super Mario bros galaxy. Love Koltan Dear Santa, I would lika a pocket knive and Dear Santa, a 4-wheeler and I would like a I would like a hellicapter. I want hunting coated hellocopter and I a x-box. I would like a tablet. I am hoping for a happy new year want a I-pod and a footboll jersey. am I naguty or nice circle and re- I would like a Halo 2. I want a DS. spond to me. I would like a bike. I want a juigi Love Tyler ghost. Love Javier Dear Santa, I have been a goo file. Will you Dear Santa, give me a bike and how are you I really want a huge remote condowing. So how are your randeer trol monster track and I would like duying. a tablet and can I have a huge heLove Jenisee licopter and I whould really like a red stunt bike and I whould like a

play station 3 and I whould like a play station 4 and I whould like a pet snake and I whould like a PS3 and I whould like a x-box360 and I whould like a 3DS and I whould like a Iphone. Love Billy Dear Santa, I want a volcano lab and a minecraft on a computer and super Mario bros and a globe and dream world and pokemon gdd and donkey kong and swimming pond. Love Luke Dear Santa, I would like a DS3 and Lego city and Donkey kong asasen kreed black black ops ghost luigi ghost gtd5. Love Cambryn Dear Santa, I would like play station move of Mario luigi dream world and a 3DS a apple gift card playstation vida this witt be for cookers and milk. Love Gideon Dear Santa, I love you and your randers. I wont to hav phrete klos fat shos miklos and baring fax shos your stimik showing your stimik. A prete krown and a prete brastshat. A pipy for ksimis. Bor bestoand klos for them. Love Dellhia Dear Santa, What cinde of cookie do you want. I would like a bike. And I want Halo5. And I want a game cold call of duty ghost. Santa do you like to give toys to the people. Love Cesar Dear Santa Thak you for all the present! So I promis to give you some cookie. I love you! Some people don’t bleve you. But I do. I would like a disco ball I love to dance. If you’re rain dear are hungry I will give them carits. Love Danijae Dear Santa, I would like…For Christmas is a tablet. I’ll leave you some cookies in Christmas night. What I would like for my present is, an I-phone. I’ll leave you some hot coco. Love Anahi Dear Santa, I would like…For Christmas I’ll really like a kindle fire HD in a horse in I will left cookies in one more thing a DS Hello kitty 2

r u O From o t e m o H Yours

gaem and a brand new car in I will Dear Santa, like Luigi ghost. In I woule like How are you doing? I have been thing for science. a good boy. For Christmas I would Love Natalia like batman toys and manginext bat cave. Dear Santa, Love Riley For Christmas I want a Woody doll and a guitar. I would also like Dear Santa, new cloths and new video games. How are you doing? How is RuLove Hunter Ray dolph the red nost ran deer? I am good this year may you please breg Dear Santa, me a ninja slerd. I would like a pupy for ChristLove Chaystin mas and want cain of cookeys bo you like and I want a kindle fire Dear Santa, HD sowould you give me a x-box How is Mis. Santa? I have ben and a DS and ps3 and a tablet a I nise santa. Will you plese bereg me really would like a stuffed ani- a sparkle pink beress and a sparkle mal’s and I-pad and a Dance Stuff pink high heels? Will you bering I-phone. me a Ipod? Will you dereg me a Love Allyson chilgerns moder sikle that gose 200 mils per hoer please? Love Hayley Dear Santa, I would like a DS3 and a psp and Dear Santa, fegrnelse and a I-pod and a tablet How riley are the elves? I have and a x-box and a I-pad and some been good. Can I please have a pokmon that is god and I wan it to laptop and a gary of nalls please. I be pekuchoe. will it and I will like a pair of high Love Celeste heels. Love Morgan Dear Santa, I like my toys year live. I went a Dear Santa, xbox. I woule like a PS3. I would How are you doing I have been like a phone. What do you like good. Colud you bring me a collecwhat chacn of cookies. I woule tions of you and Justin beiber and like tablet. I would like the Lugi hello kitty. ghost. I would like DDS. I would Love Hannah like bros dream world. Love Julian Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? Are the Dear Santa, elves ok? Will you please get me a I would like For Christmas. I laptop, tv. really want I want Dear Santa, we Love Carley ool like you. Santa, I wat a DS3. Santa I wish I had a x-box and a Dear Santa, I-pad. Halo3 foodo teshr. How are the elves? I’ve been Love David good this year. May I hplease have a remote controle plane and two Dear Santa, Minecraft items. One is for my How is the raindeers? I have brother. been good this year. Can I have a Love Jacob 3ds? Can I have a cell phone? Can I have a Ipod? Dear Santa, Love Ethan How is Ms Clas? Is Radolph good? This year I hope I git a Dear Santa, phone for chrismis. I hope I git a How are you doing? How are monopoly game bord. the elves doing? How is Mrs Santa Love Olivia doing? I wold like a nige tertle shell the red nige tertle mask. And Dear Santa, I wold like nige tertle wepen. How are you dowing? How rooLove boot doing? Because I like roodoof he was my favrit oen wen I wes Dear Santa, little? Can you please give me sum How are you doing? May I have legows pleas? Can you please give a little turtle? May I have a loptop? me a jasen weten gersey? Can you May I have a little puppy? pleas give me a phone? Love Vivianne Love Ty

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope youre deer is fine? I have been good this year? Can I please have makeup for doing my chores? And I want some high heels? And can I please have some fake nails? Love Tara Dear Santa, How is Ms. Claus? Can I have some sparkley high heels? Love Jasmine Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I have played with my sisters a lot, so for Christmas all I want is for you to please help my family get to Oklahoma to see my family. Thank you very much. Love Skyler Dear Santa, I can’t wait until Christmas. How is Mrs Claus. And the elfes. I have been a good little gril this year. I hope I get a puppy for Christmas I love puppys they are fluffy and cute. My mom said I could. And my mom said I could get a new pair of boots I love boots. And I love the bike I got last Christmas. Love Autumn Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? Is evre thing all rite up thary. I have ben vere good this year. Can you plesse give me phone for Christmas and a phone case with a skol on it and sparkls on it and a new taplit case with a hart on it. Thank you Love Skylar Dear Santa, I have been passing class. And I have been good and so has my brother and sisters so has my family. I want a Ipod so does my bothers and sister. I want some dresses and high hills with it. And some earregs for Raylynn and for Wesley and Matheh play sords or play guns. Love Zeda Dear Santa, For Chrismas I want two kittens. A uncicyl. A Barbie dream house. A litre box for the kittens. And xbox one with games. A 2DS. A DSi. A kuno 7. A skylander with a go mairo otfit. A touch screen computer new tinnis shoes. A new back pack. Are you real. Pinch. Love Paige Dear Santa, What I want for chinisom is a

Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Yeari !


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Dr. Myers, Dr. Gonzalez & Staff Wish You a Happy Healthy Holiday Season!

Merry Christmas from HealthFirst Azle Clinic

May your faith be renewed and your spirits rekindled during this holy and joyous time of year. For the blessing of your friendship we are truly grateful.


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Season’s Greetings 2013

book and a new back pak and a American girl doll and a new bike becus my old bek is brok plese!!!!! Now is so I want a jore box and some make up and a tow tickits for football game and a tee shert I have bin good and is it ter you have . I love my sista and I will wont ask how are you. Love Haiey Dear Santa, Can you bring me some soccer balls and a bike and one elf and a motersicle and a control arplane. How big ar gir elfs? Can you bring me a magic hat. Love Jose Dear Santa, For crismas want a qint day. I want a gint pokemon plush! I want a xbox and a minderaft game for xbox. I want my pupey to have a ranndeer toy and a santa aoutfit! I want a tv and lago Mario. Skylanders sope fros. And Mrey crismas!! Love Nathaniel Dear Santa, I love you. For crismis I what a new fown and a scoodr. And a new dresr and a new bed and a new nit lit. and new boots and a new skat bord. And a new bike and a new blox and a new clows I love you Love Ven Dear Santa, For chismis I want Brat toys and atea set! And I want play dresses! Have I been on the noty list or the good list? Love Krystall Dear Santa, I wunt a bick and a bog and sum backs and sum close and sum toys and a cumputerse and sum craons so I can cutner cuthering book. And sum tolerscus. Love Lauren Dear Santa, What I wnt for carims is a xb 360, nrf guns, of curims have I bin good? Love Cayden

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Love Shayne is your name. Hal is Mis clos. Do you get brack time. Is it fun to be Dear Santa, a elves. Do you go to house to I would love to have a horse for house. Plese respond to my setsis. Christmas. I would ride it every Love Ridge wear I go. I would be a ery good girl. It would be happy to see it that Dear Santa, Christmas morning standing right Youa re very nice. You are very out there in the backyard. You are nice. I want to thank you for all my best friend. the toys you gave kids. I hope you Love Sarah have a good crismiss this year. I also hope you come to my house. Dear Santa, You are the vest presnt giver. Are I hope you have a grat chrismes you carson’s kusin? Well if you are this year I want lipe frog and a new will you tell me please. bike sickle and a fourwiller and a Love Wendell big bouns house with a slide and a good tar owl yal out there to and Dear Santa, you to elphs. Santa how are you and mrs Love Tristan claws? Santa can I please have an Ipad? I’m glad your nice to evere Dear Santa, one. Who has ben nouhty and has A want a basketball goll for kris- ben nice? Do your elves have fun mis! To. I want legos for krismis bilduing toys for you? and I want woky toteys krismis. Love Wyatt Love Gavin Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want toys and an ipad and a Wate I wote for crismis is soos bunny stuffed an a bogging stuffed and clos and hast and lost of toys and a bike plesy. and I wote crismis to me good for Love Cathy you and misis claus and tell the allefs that I sed that thay crismis to Dear Santa, me good. Thank you for alu of the toys. Love Kileigh Haooy Mis Closis dooyin I huoof hur is dooyin faiy in I huoop you Dear Santa, are doing faiy to Santa. In I woot I have bine a go Minon this a sood and I woot a soodr orn soot yere!!! I what a minon well!!! I aoot spors. In a nubr. what a minon bownel!! I what a Love Lane minon showte!!! I what a minon ereneging!! I what a minon erasr!!! Dear Santa, I what a minon hat!!! I what a miTell the elves that all the kids in non jackit!!! I what a minon pel- Springtown love thim for the toys loe!!! I what a minon nockbok!!! I and I love you. May I have bars what a minon book!!! and beams in gymnastics on tumLove Skyla ble track, pink radoie and Mckena doll from 2012 dol lof the year by Reno Elementary the way so will you get doll close and a polly pocket set with all the Dear Santa, things in it pleas. I will like a pink Santa you are nice to me. Can I bike with dsinese. have a puppy kude I a babby horse Love Annslea pleses. Love Elizabeth Dear Santa, Thank you for my presens but if Dear Santa, I don’t get present I am very sorry Thank you for all the toys he for being bad. Oh yeah tel you’er gave evry body. And I hoge the elfs elves thank you. are sendig evre body more toys. Love Corbin Love Kenzie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, You are nice and tuink you for You are very nice. I hope you the presit and you are the best can make it this year. Thaw are you santa and I think you will like your and mrs clause doing. presit what I made for you. Love Carson Love Amaya

is it? How are the elves boing? I will you leave you cookies and milk. How far is the north pole from my house? How many presents can you bring? Thank you for being so nice and I will leave carrots. Thank you for the presdents through the year. Love Wyatt Dear Santa, My name is Neveah I love your reindeers spehle Rudolph can you ples git me a big stuf bear. I rile want that for Christmas. I evin have that on my list. Haw is miss clas boing. I love the sog you mad it is Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Uow I amos frgot can you git me a pupy a ril pupy and a doll and a doll house and red nos reindeer stuf anumol I rile wut that I wish it wus Christmas evre day can you tell the elves that weveah sed Hi ow and tell Rudolph Neveah sed Hi to. Love Neveah Dear Santa, How are you doing? This year I want a toy computer. Mom would like some new slipers and grandmom would like some candy kisses. How is your elves doing? I am being very good this year so I can git some presents. I am doing very good stoff not bad stoff. Love Skylar Dear Santa, How is the north pole? How are the reineer? How are the elves? How about we talk about what I want for Christmas. Well lets start. I would like a 3DS, skylanders swaopfores for the PS3, a Pet paret, and a batman achshin figer. Love Ty Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? How is the rest of the reindeer doing? This is what I want for Christmas a birbe dream house. Birbe dream boat. Deess 3D dees 3D games. My sister mite want a pet rackoon. My borther mite want some play stashine games. My mom mite want a pet leemer. My dad mite want a football game picher frame. Now back to me I want a pet leemer. My aunt Kelly mite want a new laptop. My cuzin hayden mite just want one to. Love Alexis

Dear Santa, For Chismis Im gowing to make you and mis claus, sum cookes for chismis and im gowing to asck my mom if we can get you a present to and my sister Kaylee she sesni she is in enermeint shool so I do’t see her a lot on and by the way how Dear Santa, cool is it in the north poll? Have For Christmas my brothers a happy chismis santa and miss Dear Santa, Dear Santa, might want some ps3 games. My claus and I’v ben rell good to. I got a cueshtins for you what I want a micvoscope. How cold sister might want some mickey

mouse movies! I might want also and blitsin? some ps3 games too. I din’t know Love Cole wut my mom want’s. Tell all the reindeer I said hi. Dear Santa, Love Kera How udolph doing and Ms Claus and youer elves to tal the esDear Santa, ter bunee hi for me. I hope evre bity is ok. How is Love Brayden Mis. Claus? I hope Rudolph is not sick. I think he is up and ready. Dear Santa, Have a good Christmas and don’t I whant to go to the north pool have so much kids. Oh! PS I want and by the way how is Rudolph a pair of roller skates and other the red nose raindeer? For rismis I things you think I should have. I whant a babby cat or a babby dog hope the raindeer are not sick. I I don’t rilly care. I whant to ride in think you will have a safe trip your sleigh. I thank you are awesome. Do you wach us? I want a lote of toys. I want new clahs. I Dear Santa, rilly want to go to the north pool. I what a kitten. I what a bird. I Love Hailee what a wii u. I what a scooter. I what a orbie. I what a hermetcrab I Dear Santa, what a scatebod I what a PS3 gams. Is Rudolph doing good? Santa Love Nathan can you try to get me these things monster high stuff and a cotton Dear Santa, candy makor color blooms lego I would like for Christmas call friends to also a maker. of dute black opps ghost and 2 for Love Kimber xbox 360 wii u 3 DS with a green case nerf electric scooter that go 80 Dear Santa, miles per hour PS3 with a football I may have been good or bad games. every day. Can you come at 12:00 Love Cody please. And if I’m good can I get a d.s. because I’ve been wanting one Dear Santa, until I got to play on the 5th turn I forgot the names of the rain- on the D.S. Dot to Dot games. And deer, will you leve me a list of maybe 500 boxes of cottin candy them if you have time? Would your for only me. Love Hannah elves make me a little cooking kit please. But please get Emma and me some growing animals. Emma Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like it would like some mix. I would like a xbox 360 and some games to go if you could make something for with it. Mom would like a ring. Pepper me and Monster. Pepper would like a little cat toy and a new Dad would like for love. Love Molly collar. I would like a cotton candy macein and a bracelet. Monster wants a dog collar and a dog toy. Dear Santa, I what a kitten. I what a scooter. Merry Christmas Santa. Love Nova I what orbies. I what a game of redie two. Love Bryce Dear Santa, I hope I get good stuf for Christmas. Can I get a halo costom with Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing. Sine I a cool mask. By the way can I have wont aober maker and a hair istin- a box of clay. Can I get the benten sis and some ginger bredman. And wach that I wished for. By the way some the brbie drem hoso Marry agan can I get a collection of Drak toys. Can I get a magen how to rite Christmas. Love Brooke a wimpy kids. By the way aagan can I get a new alarm clock. Can you tell me if there is halo 5. Can Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing can I I get a dell computer. By the way have a psp and can I have a moter? aaagen can I get the mve of Percy Love David Jackson and the Olympians of the Sea of Monster. Love Luke Dear Santa, I would like a skooder an a trans former game. Then I what a snow Dear Santa Claws, I hope I get presonts for Christmakere. An hall is darder ablitsin

Merry Christmas & Happy

New Year

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With sincere gratitude from all of us this holiday season.

At the Holiday Season,

our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. Fidelity National Title

Greetings Of The Season As another holiday season comes our way, We’d like to seize the chance to say, That one thing that we know is true, Is we owe our success to each one of you!

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At the Holiday Season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.

AZLE VISION SOURCE! Dr. Michael Conte, Dr. Jeffrey Crabtree & Staff 601 N.W. Parkway, Ste. B • Azle • 817-444-1717 6636 Lake Worth Blvd, Ste. 300 • Lake Worth • 817-626-4441

Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 mas. I’m doing the best I can. I’m glad your made 2 xbox withcall of duty ghost with 2 games of om and Halo 4 and 5 and a wii u and a game of Army of Two and Minecraft. Love Adrian Dear Santa, I want a amaraken garl doll and a kettin too, and a laptop me and Nova are starting a band and I need a new gatar. Love AeraBell Dear Santa, My slids are to small I want some more. All my basket balls are flat I want one. I want new bike mine is small. I have no babyblods I wants. Love Alex Dear Santa, I would like a remote jet. I wlike Ipads. My dad would like a cap for hunting. I would like a xbox. I would like a 3 man tent. I woul like a Hey bug trak. I would like Hey Bug’s. I would like a ruber band maker. I would like a robote dog. I would like a Iphone. I wold like a Hey bug shark. Love Brayden Dear Santa, I what the new brabes and new brebe close. Can I have a new bike. Love Elaina Dear Santa, I want some presits come to my house and give me some givefes plees I want a ipod. Love Erika Dear Santa, I like raber band brlaslets and I wod like to get a raber band brlaslet maker. I wod like lego friends Olivia’s hawes. I wod like hey

bags. I wod like a toy dog. I wod and a ruber band braclet maker. like a Iphone. I want a justice jrnole and a lego Your Friend Jessica frind at alveavas hous. I whant a new t-shirt. A new toy puppy. Dear Santa, Love Rosa I like Christmas beause it’s snowy outside of every house. Is Dear Santa, going to get present and I love you. I cake balls for chrismas a bird Love Joshua and xbox. And emerald and diamond ring. Dear Santa, Love Sara I wat a new xbox. I wod like a game called call of duty ghost. Goshen Elementry And I wat a beebee gun. And I a scotr. And a new shotgun. And a Dear Santa, pet snake. And a new bike. And a How are you and your elves? 4 wheel. What have the elves been makLove Liam ing lately? Do they make iPads? I’ve been practicing on an Ipad at Dear Santa, school I want an ipad, the magic I would like if you get me a tree house set, a giant angry bird, croyn melter and a marker maker a model of the globe and any other and a Ipod and a Ipad and a dogy things. doo. Thank you for giving me gitfs Love Brayden on Christmas. That is all I want. Love Lilly Dear Santa, How are you? What are the Dear Santa, elves up to? How is Mrs Claws? I will like 2 or 3 games. I hope I I’m a star. I want three hotwheels. will gat swets. Love Harley Love Logan Dear Santa, Dear Santa, You are fun. And I hope you Mason speaking! I want a lot of are doing good. Zoamer looks like legos. Evrything doesn’t half to a good toy. And baby alive looks be legos. These are the lego sets I like a good toy too. I would like an want: lego city police station, lego iphone 4. It looks like fun. I would city police boat, lego city police like a ini sewing machine, please. truck, lego city police car. Love Lanee Love Mason Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you? I want a bat cave. Christmas is cuming up. I wood I want a lego set. I want toys. like a xbox. I wood like the game Love Xander call of duty ghost. I want a new shotgun. Dear Santa, Thanks Parker How are you doing? How is Mrs Claus? How are your reindeer? Dear Santa, Love Jessica I like dolls I wish I had a Ipod I like books and clay. Facke nails Dear Santa,

We thank you for your valued business, and wish you and your loved ones a

How are you this year? How is Mrs. Claus doing? How are the elves doing? What are the reindeer up to? I want a real puppy. I deserve it because I was working as hard as I could. Love Harlee Dear Santa, How are you? I might even give youa present, too. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love Jaina Dear Santa, How are you? I’m fine Can you tell me what reindeer eat to fly? Could you get me perplexus? Love Doc Dear Satna, I have a barn. Can I have a slide barn and a Briar horse and a magic tree house book? It is fun. Love Kaylee Dear Santa, How are you? Thank you for bringing presents. Well here is my list. I want a baby puppy, please.


And a jumprope and a book about Santa. BEARS! And some toys and a bike Love Brianna and a swimming pool and a goose. Love Ryann Dear Santa, How are you? How are the rain Dear Santa, deer? How do they fly? I would How are you? How is Mrs. like a toy car. How are the elves? Claus? I want a Teacup Mastis, Love you and how is Mrs. Claus? new chevron bedding, new boots, Love Will a new backpack, makeup and new books! That is all I want. Have a Dear Santa, great Christmas. I bet you’re gonna be really busy Love Paige this year. Can I please have a kid paintball gun? I have been really Dear Santa, good to all my friends. How is Mrs Claus. How are the Sincerely Kaden reindeer? Am I on the naughty list? Please tell me! I will come see Dear Santa, you! I am happy. I am very happy! How are you? What kind of How are you? Do you love me? cookies do you like? I just wanted HoHoHo! I am happy! How are to know because I want to be nice the elves? I want zoomer in pink! because you are the best santa! It Byby! isn’t because of the presents. I want Love Aubree to be nice because I just love you. Love Jonna Dear Santa, How are you, the reindeer, and Dear Santa, Mrs Santa Claus? What are the How are you doing? How are elves up to? Thank you for the toys the elves? I think I’m ready for an that you give people. Thank you, ipad. I would like a kindle fire Hdx

Merry Christmas!

Our hearts are warmed by thoughts of the many good people we’ve had the privilege to serve this year. May this Christmas bring you joy and blessings!

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Merry Christmas from Carrie, Colleen, Jana, B.J. Melissa, Dr. Jessica Brace, Tasha

Merry Christmas!



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Season’s Greetings 2013

and a kindle fire Hd. Love Colton Dear Santa, How many reindeer are there? I would like a tablet. I have cookies for you. I would like to know how many elves? I would like too toy zoomer. Love Payton Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? Christmas is coming up. I would like an American Girl doll. Love Sterlyn Dear Santa, How are you? I deserve a zoomer because I made breakfast in bed for my mom. How is Mrs. Santa Claus? What are the elves up to? Are the reindeer good? Can I have jewelry because I got robbed? You are the Best! What kind of cookies do you like? Pleease, can I have magic tree house books? Love Caitlin Dear Santa, How are the elves? I’ve been practicing on ipad will you please give me one with minecraft? Can I

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

also have an xbox with minecraft. I have been good. I work very hard. Love Kelby I can’t wait to get a gift@ Can I have an iphone? Happy Christmas! Dear Santa, Love Hunter How are the elves? Are the reindeer ok? I hope you have fun this Christmas. How do you give gifts Dear Santa, to all the children in just one night? How are you? Have you had a Love Sydney great year my year has been great. I wold like to hae a for wiler. Dear Santa, Love J.D. Have you had enough time with your elves? Dear Santa, Love Corbin How are you? I have been good and waiting for Christmas. I like Dear Santa, Christmas. I am excited about Hve you had a good year? My Christmas! I hae been trying very year has been great. I have been hard. So can you get me a bike working very hard in school. I please? I love Christmas! have a cool teacher her name is Love Anna Mrs. Aaron I have a big school I would like an xbox. Dear Santa, Have you been good? My year Dear Santa, has been good. I can’t wait unHow are you? Have you had a til Christmas I love Christmas! I god year? Can I have a vide game would like a college football and a cal Disney Infenite and a video NFL football. cald skylanders. Love Chevy Love Ian Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Havev you ben nise to your elf? How are you? You are nice! I want an ifone 5c. I have been reHave you had time to go to homes? ley good. My year has been great.

s ’ n o s a Se




At the miracle of His holy birth, we pray for hope and peace on earth; and we ask for His good graces, too. That we may share with all of you, the message of that first Christmas Day, as we send this note of thanks your way!

Have a great christas. Love Skylar Dear Santa, How are you feeling! Have you Dear Santa, had a good week My week has How have you been. Have you been good I have been good. This ha a good year? My year has been your I can’t wait to see my presawsom. I have been woking vary ents you gave me can you give me vary hard this year. I cant wate a Ipod. until cristmis eve! Here are a few Love Logan thigs I would like. Books, clows, stuft anumles, tv, dvd playr, xbox Dear Santa, games, DS gams, a cwareum. How are you doing? I have been Love Allison great! I really want an Iphone 5. And a wii too and wii sports game. Dear Santa, And a new four wheeler. And Ill How are you? Have you been leave milk and cookies. good to your wife aar your elves Love Jace good can I have a stuff anmal and phone an chrisimas. Dear Santa, Love Rachel I want a bike please santa. I want a p3 player. And an xbox 360 Dear Santa, pleas halow I would like and a four How are you? How you have a wheeler thank you bot don’t forget good year. Have you been good to I will lev cookies for you. your elve? I do not know what I Love Eric want for chrismas. Love Kendall Dear Santa, Have you been doing good? I Dear Santa, have been osum. I would really How are you? Have a Happy like a four wheeler? Have a safe Chrismas! I would like a Ferby, a Christmas. guitar or an Ipod. Love Koby Love Nicole

Dear Santa, Have a happy Christmas. Pleas can I have a sister. Please can I have a staffed horse. Please can my teacher have a nice Christmas. Love Maggie Dear Santa, How are you doing today? What cind of cookies do you wont and how do you do? I beliey in you. I have been good this year. You are cind and caring we love the stuff and toys you and your elf make what I wont for cristmas is cuddles. Love Naomi Dear Santa, I’m doing great how are you? Do you want a specific tipe of cookie? Or a specific tipe of milk? How are your raider? Did you ever get the elf I made for you your elfs and your raindeer? How are the elfs? Is love fine? Will you be able to fly your slay? I would like lots of Barbie dolls for Cristmas. Love Mitchell Dear Santa, I love you and believ in you. I have a elf and he is a boy. I want a Amican Girl doll with bars and

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In this

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From all of us at 817-238-7827


M ay the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope.

Romans 15:13

Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 a mat and a chese mat and chok. What cind of cookies do you want? I like choklit chip chrunch and I want a horse for Chrismes. Love Haylee Dear Santa, I would like to know what kind of cooke you like I want a monster high . Love Sarah Dear Santa, How are you doing also how are you’re Raindeer? I am going to have a lots of cookies for you. I want a Barbie set. I would like a Barbie car. I would like a Barbie. I woule like Franchey the monster high. I woule lalso like a amican girl doll. Love Trinady Dear Santa, How are your randeir and you? Do you want me to leave you some cooks for you? I want a graving hooks and a remote control thruk. Love Jesse Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is the north poll doing good? You are the best santa in the world. Is the north poll fun? What cind of cookie world you like? What I wunt for crismis I wourld like a elf pleas or a dog lece. I world like a Amican girl doll with bals and with a mat and with chak and a horse. Love Aspen Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I hope I get a bike that will not get stolen agen for Christmas. I am wondering how you and your raindear are doing. And merry Christmas. I think you have 100,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000 ellfs. P.S. I want to be an elf. Love Peyton Dear Santa, How are you doing how are your rain dear do wnt me to leve some chcklite mike? Do you want me to leave choklit cokes! I want grand theft 5 xbox 360 I want halew 4 xbox 360 I want halew 2 xbox 360 I want just cuse 2 xbox 360 I want narney xbox 360. Love Kile Dear Santa, You are the best presin ever so how are you doing is your day grate? You are the gratest prsin I have ever met but I have never met you whutk ind of cookies do you whunt for chrismis put it ever wunt to put it and santa can you can you get me this last toy I whunt wun of thos. Crayola thing so you are the best. Love Hannh

wll leave some cool thinks for your a glass of milk and cookies. trouble. I will not tern on the fire Love Jesus place for you. I would relly like a ice cream maker. Dear Santa, Love Zane How are you today I want a Ipad and I want a new bike and a dog Dear Santa, for Christmas. How are you doing? How are Love Alondra your randire? Santa you are the best. Wate is your farit cooke. I Dear Santa, wante a toy horse I want a toy Did you have a good summer? truck I want a toy hlecopter I want How was your vacation? I have a toy robot. been good. I will put cookies on Love James the table all I want for Christmas is a ipod a bike and a new ds. Merry Dear Santa, Christmas. How are you doing? How are Love Dagger your randeer? I love you! I love choclit cookies is that yours? I Dear Santa, would like to have a trampolen for How is your day today? So how chrismis. is Mrs Claus today? Is she fine or Love Miranda si she sick? So what are you doing today? Ive ben good today. I want Dear Santa, a laloopsy and I want a stuffed frog How are you and your raindear like mrs schabow has. And I want doing? Wood you like me to leav to have a nie day today. some cookies for you? What I Love Taylor want for Christmis is zoomer. And a turtle.and a sattle. Dear Santa, Love Levi How are you doing? Have you been bisy this year? Well I would Dear Santa, like a reguer doll house, new I been good this year. How are gloves, a play house with a bed your rain deer? I wan’t a rc truck room, kichen, living room, bathwith a boat and a stoereeow. Do room, and a zoomer dog. And we you want 10 kookies and 1 cup of will make cherry bombom cookmilk? How is our elfs doing today? ies. And we will make raindeer Love Rhett food merry Christmas! Love Cassia Dear Santa, You are the best I love you. Is Dear Santa, there a favorite cookie you want How was your day off? Did you your really awesome I want zoom- and misses clus have busy work I er. I love you so much one more have been good this year I wold like thing I want a bascet ball I want a a 3DS and a monster hiy maker. snow globe of you. Love Mia Love Valerie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus and How are How was your day? Was it good ther raneder? Have they been good or was it bad! Do you want to or notty an bad? I would like a new know what I want? A wwe sewper- dress and make up and jewelry and star OK that is what I want. I want bows and I will bring your favorite ao nave a toy ef please prity please cookies. with cherries on top! I want a toy Love Chloe randeer for Christmas that is not all I want. I want a bike. Dear Santa, Love Daryn Thank you for the picture of me

sis and you. I want a new book and a hamster and a new puzzle but I don’t want one with 100 peces. I also want a ipod and a computer. I leve you milk and cookies. Love Payton

Dear Santa, I had a dall and a couple day later it brock. How is the randers and you? And if you asked how I am dowing to day for Christmas I want a puppy. And I want a doll. Love Emmaleigh Dear Santa, How are your raindeer? Did you have a good break. I have had a good year this year. All I want fo Christmas is a music box with a key and a globe with baby Jesus and two angels. Have a merry merry Christmas. Love Grace

Dear Santa, How is your Christas I would Dear Santa, like a 2DS and a 3DS and super I think you are very nice guy. I Mario dream team. I will leev you

May your holiday be bright. Thanks for being such a loyal customer. You’ve made our season a very merry one.


Dear Santa, How are the riaydear doing? I would want a motcontrol 8 wheeler with batres and a motcontrol air plane with batres. I would put your favorite cooki for you. Love Johnathan

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Thanks for a great year. We look forward to serving you in 2014!



Dear Santa, I would like a jump rope. And a zoomer. And a 1 Direction poster. And a football, and a leep pad. Love Elizabeth

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From my family to yours,

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Weichert, Realtors® 801 E. Hwy 199, Springtown www.teamrealtytexas.com


Dear Santa, I want a zoomer for Christmas. I believe in you I hopeI get this. I want on xbox. I love Christmas I want the walking dead for xbox. I love you. Love Dylan



Happy Holidays

Dear Santa, I want a toy horse. I want a toy wolf. I want a toy reindeer sled. I want a toy Indians. I want a toy baby doll. I want a toy bear. I want a real buhnn rabbit. Love Brianna

Method of payment: Private Pay • Medicare Pending Medicaid as well as some Insurance

Team Realty

Wishes Everyone

Dear Santa, Can I have a xbox 360 for Christmas? I will give you cookies and milk. Love Austin

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During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best.

Member SIPC

Dear Santa, I wold like a soccer ball plase. Football, basketball, baseball, robot. Love Kaleb

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Dear Santa, I would love barbies and cloths. An I would like two bunnies and I wold like makeup. I love you Santa. Love Ayin


1286 E. Hwy 199 • Springtown

407 Old Springtown Road

Dear Santa, Can I please have a doll house. And a makeup set. And a stuffed horse and a stuffed dog. Love Cheyenne

Lake Lodge

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

116 During this holiday season and and everyevery day of During thisSuite holiday season daythe of year, the year, TX 76082 and During this Springtown, holiday season every day of the year, we wish you all the we wish you817-523-3196 all best. the best. we wish you all the best.

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will give you a glass of milk. Did animal Rudolf. I’d like a toy of my you go on vcashin? I would lik a little pony and movie. A want a pare of shos and a dress. book of 1 Direction. Love Aimee Love Adriana

Dear Santa, How was Mrs. Clous doing today? I want a electric scowtr and I want a pool table and I want some new shoes and I want some new shirts and want a long shirts. Love Justin Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I would like Dear Santa, hot well car makar, a xbox 1 and How is your rander? What I call of dutty gost. want a bayblade stadium. Becus it Love Eddie is awesome an a bayblade let it ripper, with a bayblade. Dear Santa, Love Thomas How is the elfs? How are you and Mrs. Claus? I have been very Dear Santa, good! For Christmas I would How are the randeer? I have please like a real life dark brown been very good. I want a spase real horse. And new barbes, and rokit. I want a tablit. some more amarican girl doll Love Gabriel cloths, and a new bike, and a lot of art saplies. Dear Santa, Love Presley How is your rain dear? Did you have fun dearing summer? I Dear Santa, have been very good this year for I need some clothes to keep me Christmas I would like a xbox one warm! Santa tell God I hope that and a xbox one mine craft game every vody is safe in heaven. and a minecraft toy and a zoomer. Love Alexa I will leve cookes for you. Love Caleb Dear Santa, I wold like go-cart for ChristDear Santa, mas, and a new computer ChristIs chochelate chip your favorite mas blankit and a elecktrik gtare. cookie? For Christmas can you Love please give me a diary of a wimpy kid the new book? And I’d like a Dear Santa, goose bumps book, also create For Christmas I want a Barbie your own adventure book. house. I want a pony too. And I Love Gabriel want six cats and one dog. Love Valery Dear Santa, Hao is Mrs. Santa? Do you like Dear Santa, the cookies? Do you go no vacaA Hello Kitty Stuffed animal. tion? How are the ders? I have A book of barbies. Also a stuffed been good I want a phone and a tablet and a caputer. Love Angel Dear Santa, How is Miss Claus? Have been very good. How are the radrs? I



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Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dear Santa, you give me a phone? I want a bakeing set with an Love Jazmyn electric mixer and play food! But what I really want is for my Uncle Dear Santa, Bob to get better! I have been so good this year. Love Emilia For Christmas I want a real dog a safari. American doll a easy Dear Santa, bake oven, and a big kid scooter. I want for Christmas a big mo- I would also like stuffed koala torcycle. And a phone, also a com- bear, and new boots and a outfit to puter, and a toy car, and glasses. match, thank you santa. Love Evan Love Gracie Dear Santa, I want two toys for Christmas. Can I please have a doll house. Also I want school to go better. Also I want a big stuffed animal of Hello Kitty. Love Briyona Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. Xo Xo Xo Xo I love you. I love you and mom. I wunt soomer. I wunt batch oborg. I wunt crayon maker. I wunt Love. Love Ryan

Dear Santa, How are you? I am great. I have been good for my mom and dad. Please if you want to get me Lego Avengers for my xbox 360 you can. Please, if you want to get me Lego Ninja Temple of Light you can. Love Connor Dear Santa, I was good this year. Are you happy. I would like a beanbag, clothes, some boots and different kinds of shoes. Thank you Love Audrey

Dear Santa, I want a sparkle chain for my tag Dear Santa, and a stereo too. Also all of the 1D I was good this year. How are songs. you Santa and your elves this year Love Kloe I would like an xbox 360 a yoyo, a laptop, and a toy pony a toy house. Liberty Elementary School Love Marie Dear Santa, I’ve been so good this year. Can I have an xbox 360 sneakers, DS, DS games, and an Iphone? Thank you Love Tyler

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. If you want to reward me you can, but you do not have to. If you do, here is what I want: a dog, a rat, a pair of wings, a baby doll and dress. Thank you! Love Reba

Dear Santa, How are you? I am good. I wish you can bring me a bike, an Ipad, a Dear Santa, xbox 360, and a 3DS. Thank you! I love you! You are nice to us Love Kenny I would like to have a couple of stuffed animals! Thank you! Dear Santa, Love Cassidy I been good this year. Can I have a Iphone, laptop, sneakers, and the Dear Santa, case school ghost please. How are the elves? They are Love Nathan good! I have been good! I would like Legos, a bean bag, an Avenger Dear Santa, toy, and a pear. Thank you Santa. I have been good all year I will Love Aidan like a matching girl doll and a listening robot puppy. My family is Dear Santa, nice and we are having a baby you I have been good this year. I are nice to everyone! would like an Ipod and an Ipod. Love Avery Can I have a Ipod case with that? I would also like a wii, and a monDear Santa, ster high doll, and a mood ring. I’ve ben god this year. I would Thank you like this: a doll house, a cool full Love Alyssa house dvd, and a Sabrina the teenage witch dvd, and a mood ring. Dear Santa, One more thing I would like is a I thik I have been good this year. cool dog toy for my dogs. Thank If I have been good ths year you you! can get me a tent for my doll and Love Taylor a bed for my doll. That would be great! Also if you can get me the Dear Santa, walking dog. Thank you Santa. I have been good this year. I like Love Kamryn you because you give us presents. How are you get presents? How Dear Santa, are you doing Santa? I love you I like you. I have been so good. I Santa! May you give me a Ipad, would like a wii. Thank you may you give me a Iphone, may Love Brenden

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I wantyou to go to my home. I hope yor saf thar for crismas I Thank you! wod lick some boy legos can you Love Gavin give me some rell ballet shoes, can you give me a orbbys massager. Dear Santa, Love Arianna I love your red suit. For Christmas I want a Hello Kitty and losew. Dear Santa, Love Valerie How have you been? Is it cold in the North Pole? Do the lfs help you Dear Santa, dliver presen? Is Rudolphs nose I like your red hat. How are your red and shiny? I want a close and elves? I want Indeana Jones, and a book and. Merry Christmas ipad, red dead redemption. Merry Love Michelle Christmas Love Wade Dear Santa, I wanted to know if it is cold Dear Santa, at the north pole. What I want for How are you been? I been very Christmus is something awesome good. For Santa this year Merry from you. You chuse my present. Chismas I want a ipad a monst toy Love Aaliyah skelten toy. Popit I went tooth. Love Jacob Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Dear Santa, Pole? Santa I have been very good How have you been at the North this year. Is it very snowy there Pole? Is it snowing in the North Santa? This what I want a little car Pole? How are your reindeers do- to drive, train, and cop suit. ing? I have been good this year. Love Mason I would like a remote control car I would like a ipad, and a remote Dear Santa, control helicopter. Hi Sata! How are your reider. Is Love Jake it snowing at the North pole? How are your elves doing. I lik your Dear Santa, sled. Are you busy. I bet your elves Merry Christmas! How is Ru- are busy making toys. I been very dolph the red nose reindeer do- good this year. What are you doing? How are the elves doing? Is ing Barbie car for Christmas I want it snowing at your place. How are and a book.

Dear Santa, I wanted to know if it is cold at the north pole. What I want for Christ mus is something awesome from you. You chuse my present. Love Aaliyah you doing. I want a ipad a tadlet, Love Melody and a game. Love Cody Dear Santa, You are the best. Santa thank Dear Santa, you elves and reindeers for ChristHow is thay rinders. I like you’r mas I want woodey, super Mario slede How’s your elves today! game. I hope you have a good time Hows miss close. DSi games wii at the North Pole. games, rozr drt bike, bike. Love Dakota Love Megan Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! How Is it snowing in the North Pole are you doing? I am a girl. I like Santa? Will you send a shelf Elf your red suit. Christmas is almost this year? I hope Rudolph is doing here. I would like an ipad, an ipod, good I would like a tablet and a and a Justin Bieber doll. puppy picture and a lego friend pet Love Emily salon and one more thing a real fur cat. Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, Love Scarlet How have you been? I have been good this year. Merry ChristDear Santa, mas Sant. I want a wii u my little I hope all the Elves and reindeer pony princess pony and a hello are doing good. I hope you are do- kitty necklace. ing too. My favorite reindeer you Love Kandace have is Rudolph. I hope you have a merry Christmas. For xmax I want Dear Santa, a phone, ipod and ipad. How have you been? How are Love Leila your reindeers doing? For Christ-

mas I want a toy puppy. I also want a monster high movie. I also want a monster high doll. Love Bryanna

the way my mom would like some new disnes. My brother might like a 3ds game for his 3ds and some for me I would like a moustache neckles, earings, braclet, monster high pack, shelves for my toys.

Dear Santa, I lie your red suit. How do you deliver presents in one night? I Dear Santa, wish that I had a Barbie doll. How are you doing? I [lease Love Jordan have a DS, I please have ps2, ip lease have a toy robot, I please Dear Santa, have kindl fire, I pleas have a How are you? I’m well. How are toy hare, I please have a malople the elves? I no that they been bixxy game, I please have a wi game. the past month. If you can get me a Love Kadena kittin I would be so thankful. Love Taylor Dear Santa, How are you doing are you doDear Santa, ing good I’m doing good. I’m How are you doing? I’m well wardering if I cood have somehow are the elves? I know they thing. I m wardering if my brattr have been bizzy for a long time so and stestr can have some thing to. I Have you to I ges so. I what roodof wut to see you soon. the red nose rainder for Christmas. Love Elijah Love Byanca Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Are you all rite can I hav sameThank you for getting the stuff I thing for my tewe Santa clause are wanted. I realy want to see you re- you all rite can I have a halwe xbox aly bad. I cant stop thinking of you 360 game. Sant clause are you all I dream about you every day and rite can I have a for weii. Santa there is no way I will stop think- clause are you all rit can I have ing of you. You’re the best in the blath hops. whole universe. Love Kaleh Love Chris Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I see that you sawl I have ben How are you doing I’m well? riteing what I want for Christmas. How is rotoof is he feling betr? Is Santa I like how you come to my misis clos doing well? Dear Santa house every Christmas will you do coous will you stile be riting the slae. that every Christmas? Are the elvs doing well I hop so the Love Hailey raredre pepa that wont crismis. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you doing? Will be How are you doing? I’m well good all the time I want Chrid to what I whant for Christmas is a be good I wosh you have a good 3Ds Dear Santa close. How are time o haw is your ellf bekus I thot you doing? I’m well what I wount you are bize but you owes cam to for Christmas is a noter my homes. Love Kyle Dear Santa, How are you doing, I’m well. Dear Santa, How are your elvs? How is ruHow are you doing? Have fun dooh? I know they’re busy making on Christmas. How are your elves? toys. How much days do you have How is Mrs. Clause? I know your to make toys until Christmas eve? elves are busy may you ask them Love Leanna to make a teen beab movie DVD? May your elves make me a American gril doll? Is it possidle if you Dear Santa, How are you? I whant a xbox can make a 3DS. Love Caty 360 and xbox live for crismis pleas ok. Hay Santa do you whant cooks for crismis yes good ok I have Dear Santa, How are you doing I’m doyour favert cookis ok and I Sana ing will but peple are driving me for you. crafy? How are your elves doing thae are doing fine are iny of your Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am will elves sik no thae are not sik are you is the elves tier? How is mss Santa sik no. Love Sebastion Clause doing? May I please hae a pets chope and may I please have five stafe animles and do you is Dear Santa, How are you doing? May I have mss santa clause doing may I see a phone please? And can you pretyou on chrismas. Love Micha ty please make a boat for my dad? And a battle game? And I promise I will leave food for your reindeer. Dear Santa, Love Aiden How are you feeling? I hope ou and your elves are feeling ok and are ready to start making toys. By Dear Santa,

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Merry ChristMas

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Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 How are you? I’m well, can you elve mak a elf doll for m yplease? May I have a micro charger and a real four wheeler and a remote control car a and pet tarantula thank you. Love Brandon

green camo sniper and camo cloths with it? Could I have a scoop with a red torget and also the green and gold ninja and hot weels and a remote control snacke and a call of duty ghost poster where he has a yello scelliton masck and he is holding a ak 47? How do you go Dear Santa, throught the door? How do you go How are you doing? I’m doing down the chimney? good. Well I wonted so bad is an Love Ryder xbox and a golf ckart. Thank you for giving me that. I love you San- Dear Santa, ta. I can’t wait to see you some. What is your favorit food? Have fun doing that job. Cookies or cake. My favorit is Love Torie cookies. Love Dylon Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’m well I Dear Santa, wont some seed packits, aa bike. What does it look like in the Also I want 6 number linsla. How north pole. Mrs Claus does Santa many reindeer do you have? eat a lot of cookies. Ot of the ranLove Jeremiah deers which one leads the slad. Do yall have beds at the north pole. Walnut Creek Elementary How much elfs are there. Do yall wear red every day. Do yall have Dear Santa, a Christmas tree. How old are yall. I hope everything is well at the Love Myah north pole. If it is not to much to ask I will like a amarken girl doll Dear Santa and amarken girl doll cloths and I hope your feeling well What sheos. Sant I was yunder what the I wold like for Christmas I would northpole looks like. like a iphon 5 and a play stashan Love Emory 4 and a xbox 1 do you like cheese you are a awesome guy. Dear Santa, Love Audie I want to know how cold it is in the north pole. Is it cool in the Dear Santa, north pole. Do you get a bunch of Santa what I would like for cookes ech year. Christmas is Amaacan girl dolls Love Krista and Amacan horse dolls. And a dirt bike. And how come you never did Dear Santa, dide and a arerchy set to and how I hope your not sick. Pleas eat a is the elvse doing are they getting lot of cookies. I hope yu are doing in to trudle. And tell miss closs well Santa clows. I hope your rain- how is she doing to. And a real deer arnt sick on Christmas. I hope carrege to. you are eating a lot of cookies and Love Reeslyn drinking a lot of milk. Love Jonathan Dear Santa, Santa I hope you are going to Dear Santa, eat a lot of cookies this year. How How is the north pole. Santa do come you have never dide? My you prefer cheese or cookies be- dad said you were an old man cause I prefer cheese. I hope your when my dad was little. Here is 4 elfs are making a lot of toys. How things I would like: a horse, a crall old are you. for my horse, a brush for my horse, Love Patrick and a stable. Love Holland Dear Santa, How do you go down the chanw. Dear Santa, How little are your elves. Hi Santa, I hope you and Miss Love Ethan Claws are good. How is stuff going at the North pole? If they are there. Dear Santa, There are a few things I want. A I have some thing I want for doll bunkbed and a beam and bars cristmas but frit I hae some ques- set. tion. How old are you, how many Love Morgan cookies do eat, what kind of cookers are your favorit? Here are the Dear Santa, four things I want really bad. A What do you do at the North real bunny and splise. Some pa- Pole? I want the xbox 1 and the per dolls. Barbie a fashon fair tall ps3. Amry gis and I want gto 5 go Barbie. The movie Barbie and the Santa! pony tall. Love Tristan Love Peytie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Wat is it like in the north pol? Is Is it cold up ther. I love you san- it snowe? I wat zomer. Blak and ta you’re the best. Is it tuchro your wite plese. deer s can fly I want to meet you. Love Piper Thank you for the gifts your asom! I like you santa thak you for evre Dear Santa, thitnk. I will nevr forget you santa I hop you are doing good at eatclaws and k you santa thank you ing a bunch of cookies and drink a thank you. bunch of milk becaer it is hellthe Love Jacob for you and I hop you don’t get sick on Christmas because I well Dear Santa, be sad. Lego deth, lego melnde falin, Love Brenah lego woc vileg, lego guiter, lego yodas home, hers is a list of 5 Dear Santa, thinkgs I would like for Christmas: How many raindeer do you Love Christian have. Ill bring you a lot of cookies and milk. I’m going to give you a Dear Santa bunch of carots for your raindeer. I How many cookies do you eat wasn’t kineckt for a xbox. Thank every year? I would like a iphone you for the car last year. I would and 2 lego men. How many kids lwant a modercycle. I want a monbeliev in you? key. I want a computer. I want a Love Jacob minecraft game too. Love Caydence Dear Santa, You are a nice man who comes Dear Santa, and gives presents to kids. Can I How have the rindedr ben? How please have xbox one and a airsoft many people do you dlivr to in a

night? How is mis clos? Ples can I have an ipod for crismas ples. Ples ples can I Santa I rmiber win your reindear the stuf I thro. Love Valorie

you because I think you are nice. I think my class are my sisters class is gowing to have raindeer food for your raindeer. Do elfs come with you? I think I saw you befor at walmart. You were over there Dear Santa, where the kids stuff where so have How do you make the raindeer a merry crismis. fly? How many elfes do you have? Love Marli How long does it take you to get to all of the houses? But thank you Dear Santa, for the ghost lego set and the goo How are your raindeer are they throw eye ball and the other goo. fine. Are you gowing to give me Love Jordan presints. I want to give you a present santa. For Christmas I want Dear Santa, a hinjog set whith all the ninjas. How did you get your raindeer Santa can I get you ary that for

Dear Santa, What is your favorit food? Cookies or cake. My favorit is cookies. Love Dylon and how many do you have? Also how many years have you lived? And thank you for the doll house that you got me and the lala loopsy chair from last year or the year before that and how did you become santa and when did you? Love Emma


Dear Santa, Thank you for thlliskop last year. I loved it. I wonder how do you git all those things around the world? I want a lot of stuff. But the fust think I want to ask is for a kitten. My last one ran away. Not a fak one but I still love the ones you bouant me. Love Marissa

Dear Santa, I wish that you would give me a 2 ds please and I hope you would give me that 2 DS! Thank you Love Alex

Dear Santa, Ha do you get the preseds before morning. Santa haw many houses do you go in amenet? Santa I lave Rudolf you wake me up to see Rudoff? I want a xbox 1. Can I get Dear Santa, a motr scutr? I want a helicoprter. Do you have 8 raindeer. I want I will be really good for you Can a drum a nerf gun a clock a ball you breg mrs santa claus with you? and finle a three wheel scooder Love Colton santa why do you live in the north pole and why are you so big and Dear Santa, why do you love cookies eith milk. I have been a good gilr this year. How many toys bo you deliver in Plese bring me a ipod for Christone night. mas. Love Chance Love Destin

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Love Avery want a bike, pool, and a rope. How many presents do you give out? How maney stasts do you go to? Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clas? I would like How many reindear do you have? a cat and a moder skooder and a How cold is it in the North Pole? Love Nickolas babby dall and a calinder and new harpertes and new clos for Christmas. How are the raindear doing? Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa and How is mrs claus doing? Oh yay and I whold like a new back pack the elfs doing and Mrs. Cllos doand a backitball. How are the elfs? ing? I want a moders for Christmas. And a mocktroll car. And a new bablad stashin and I want my Dear Santa, How do your randear fly? And I stocking filld with money in my would like to now do you have any stacking and a little candy. And pets? How many randear do you I want all of it to come from the have? How many elfs are ther? Am North Pole. And I want it to come and I have a little brother can you I on the nice list this year? Love Linda pleas get him some presints pleas he will like a pear of socks pleas and thankyou. Do you know if you Dear Santa, Are you feeling good Santa? Do hang out with God. Love Gus you love Miss Claus? Are you and Mrs Claws having a good time? I want a toy dog, and a toy of you Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs Claus? and a toy of Mrs Claus and a toy of my family and a toy of Mrs Hunt. How are the elves and reindeer? Love Kaylee How many pelope have told you their wishes? For Christmas I want Dear Santa, a radio, saige, jewelry, clothes, I want every minecraft toy and games for 3ds, twist in loop, mona herobrine toy. I also want a star ey, school stuff, easely, gift card, wars rancore and a bike that goes books, and an elektrick skooter. really fast. How is it like at the How is Rudolph? How do you Horth Pole? Do you know every make the gifts? Christmas is my language? Is Rudolph ahly one of third favorite holiday. I can’t wait your raindeer? until Christmas! When you finish Love Ben looking at all of the girls and boys wishes I hope you like them! HapDear Santa, py Christmas! How is it like in the North Pole? Love Maelie Is it cold or hot or snowey? This year I would like a new bike thank Dear Santa, you. Do you live in the North Pole Do you like your job? What is or if you don’t then where do you it like giving kids present? Do you live? How do you feel about living really where white and red? How in the North Pole and how about meny elfs do you have? Do you Mrs Claus? I will not forget to give have a real beard? What I want you milk and cookiys. for Christmas is a ipad 2, tablet, Love Faith iphone 5, and airplane, Love Luke Dear Santa, How do you feel? How are the Dear Santa elfs and Mrs Claus? It is getting How are you doing? I would like closer to Christmas and I want a a stocking ful of candy and also a kiten, basetball, and a painting kit. stuffed animal. Five bucks also a I hope I have been good. How is coloring book. Is Rudolph real or the North Pole? Is it cold? I want not real? Have I veen good this farget your milk and cookies. How year? I would like one more thing are the reindeer? I want farget Ru- 20 christmas lights. dolph. I want a new hat too. I want Love Anna forget Frosty the snowman. Love Ashley Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs Clas doDear Santa, ing? How are the elfs doing? For I want a duct bike, a remote con- Christmas I want a bike and a trol car that can go through water I house. Can you fill my stocking



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Dear Santa, This is Allison. I want a puppy for Christmas I want a phone for Christmas I want a lots of art for chitmas, I want a toy lots of tham for chitmas I want a turtle for chimas I want a good day for chitmas I want a lots of book to chitmas I want a randeer from santa I want a lots of stuf for chitmas I love santa dn I love santa.

Dear Santa, Thank you for everything last year. You gae me every thant that I watned and I’m happy for that. How do your randers fly Santa! Santa can I have a santa doll plase and a hair band? I love you so much. Love Gaby Dear Santa, Thank you to give me a tv. I Dear Santa, wunt a bike this year with awte I know your at the north poul. It traning wills. I wunt pink zebra for does freezes out ther. There a lot my room. What do you do at night of snow at the north poul. I want at home? Do you like toy’s? Do a remout counchroll helicopter for you have girl evlse and boy evle? I Christmas. Chrismis is my favorit thought you gust give toys? hollwday yours is to. I like snowee Love Arrissa Chrismis. Love Jonah Dear Santa, How are ou and Mrs Claus and Dear Santa, the elfs? This year I want a moter For chismas I want anew club car and truck plesse. Can I have a house that has monkey bars and toy pet deer and alagater. How is a twesty lide and a sim card and a it in the North Pole? How do you new itues card with 50$ dollars on get around the erath so fast? Do it and a scooter with a z on it and you live in the middle of the North please make it fancy. Cookies and Pole? Do you hang around with milk. God? Do you have a sun? Do you Love Zaiden have a large work shop. Do you haver a pole in the ice? Or cand Dear Santa, cane pole? This is Hannah and I’m riting a Love Aiden list of things I want for Christmas could I have asomething please? Dear Santa, Because I wanted 2 lego friend How are you? Are you staying sets and maybe a radio. H what warm? Santa can I please get a toy about a flutterby fairy. How about puppy! Do you go to the store or some pupets because I have all- do you make all of them? Do you ways wantd to do a puppet show! have fun with the elfs? I like you Mabey my 2 top teeth for chistmas. do you like me? Have you ever Oh I got one mermaid toy I lov you gave someone a present bigger santa nd mrs claws. than a trampoline? I like all your reindeer. Did all of the reindeer like the food I made them? I hope Dear Santa, no one sees you. Have fun. All I want for crismas is to see

Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year

Thank you for making this past year a merry one for us.

Love Tristan



with Warm Wishes

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10C Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

with candy and toys? Can you get want a two pislandia mshgun. me another skate bord and another Love Luke puppy som me and my sister will have are own puppy. Dear Santa, Love Kylan I want a ipad for Christmas. Can you do that video I was good or Dear Santa, bad. Can you give lot of kids presHow is Rudolph? Is he filling ents. Can you send a leter to all the better or is he not better? How are kid if ther bad or good. you and Mrs Santa Claus doeing. I Love Royce want a wii u, and ipad and shotgun and toy puppy and toy cars. Than Dear Santa, kyou for bringing presones to me A PSP games and ipad. last year. Love Brandon Love Kasen Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I wish you a merry Christmas How are you and the elfs? Are and a happy new year. And I wish the elfs doing what there told? for a xbox 360 and a wii and some What I want for Christmas is a drums. And mete one of your elf. election scooter and a new bike And I want a nut cracker. and a board game. So do you live Love Isaac in the North Pole or do you not if you don’t then where do you live? Dear Santa, And I wont forget your milk and I love you santa. I want a bake cookies. for Christmas. I love you Mrs Love Chandler Claus. I wish for a dog and a cat. I love do you love Santa. I love you Dear Santa, and Mrs Claus. How are you? This year for Love Celeste Christmas I woule like a American Girl doll and cloths. And my own Dear Santa, loom fashin kit. And one more You are good person you worck thing a trampoline. Do you ike so hord. I wunder be my frind. working with the elfs. Do you like Coud good lest. Merry chistmas to go to each house at night. Thank sant. you for giving me and the other Love Danny children presents. How are the rein deer doing are any of them sick? Dear Santa Is Mrs Claus doing good. ChristThank you for delivering all the mas is my favorite holiday. I would presents I like you sled when your love to see your elfs and you. ride it I like your raindeer when tye Love Alex fly in the sky at night time. Love Logan Dear Santa, I want a monterchrol rowbot Dear Santa, four Christmas. How is Frost the Christmas is my favorite time of snow man doing? Is Rudolph all the year I like you and your reingron up? I’m going to leve carots deer. Evry year you bring me presfor your reindeer. Thank you for ents and we give you cookies and that to can last year. I also wont the reindeer carots I hope you have a volci DS. good chrismas. Love Coen Love Bayleigh Dear Santa, Are you good? Coud you get me… The Lego ewok village, frud, boom, magic set, magic suit, candy, videow games, lego batman. Do you have brothers? Are you real? Are reindeer real? Are you the boss of Christmas? Love Jake Dear Santa, How do you feel? I want remos an I game and a Gameboy. I want a matachol I want a scabod. I want a tablit. I a padelgun I want a drbike and a rag bike. I want a paint. I

borthe. Love Gracie Dear Santa, Do you like children? I want 2 phones from you I’v always wanted one and I’v always wanted to call people. Love Shree Dear Santa, Every year you give presents to all of the good boys and girls. Every kid in the world belyv’s in you. You live in the North pole it is very cold up there. I got a bike last year I want something awesome this year. Love Bradyn Dear Santa, Can you get my a new scooter. Santa whats the diferince between the Northpole and the Southpole? Is Rudolf the red nose raindeer a mith or is he riel? Merry Chistmas! Santa Love Bryan Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is Mario and luigi bowser inside story, anrry birds go pirit pig ship, mincraft talking creeper doll, frosty and Rudolf move, ipad miny, lego super Mario. Love Colby Dear Santa, Can you give me a bebegun? Can you givem e your raindeer roodoff the red nose raindeer? Can you give me a fourwheeler? A dertbike, and a moturscouder? Love Chase Dear Santa, This will be my Christmas list. Money, clothes, shoes, heelies, bows, pony tale holders, lala loopsi, puff paint, pink vest, head hand markers, Kendal, baby dolls, math books, glasses fake ones, jacket, sisers and beads. Love Maddie

Dear Santa, I want a nutcracker, dog, elf, toy Rudolf, toy rainbeer, babby dolls, babby doll close, rell close for me, and mony for Christmas. You are the best Santa claws in the hole world!!!Merry Chriatmas!!! Love Lani

Dear Santa, It’s olemist Christmas so you beter get tredy I hope you are exited I hope ther a lot of kids on your list. Love Allison

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a babeydol fo Christmas I love play what babeydol bot is ocopo of theys for Christmas I am so exadat for Christmas. Christmas is my fafrat you or one of my fafrat is vivos

Dear Santa I no that Christmas is coming up yes we will cook you some cookies we love you santa. We wish we could see you but you live far away tell mrs claws I said hi we love you.


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Love Emily robot dogs! And some of the fake deer for mom and vinny. Dear Santa, Love Katie For Christmas I want call of duty ghost and TCU jersey. I want Dear Santa, a tablet. How is the NOrthpole is it good Love Nathan there? Is it fun giving gifts to the good kids? May you get me two Dear Santa, things this year like some nerf Is the north pole cold? How do guns with ammo and a DSi. Santa you get in my house? How do you can I have a wii game like skylandmake toys? I want Jack skeleton er giants? figure for Disney infinitey, figit Love Kaiden friends. Love Gillian Dear Santa, How is it going in the north pool? I want a arckery set. How do Dear Santa, you make your raindear? I want a I might like for Christmas are fone for Christmas. I want a phone a pink drit bike, arcbery set, mo- case with a puppy dog! toclyce gear, phone case with do I Love Ava med flowers, puppy, sabbise, fake nails, high light that are pink, and Dear Santa, a skate brad. How long has roudof led the Love Michaela sled? How long does it take for the elfs to make the toys? Can I get a Dear Santa, hokey table. Dear Santa can I get I want some beats like hed a bow an arrow for Christmas? Is phones and a new moter bike. it realy cold in the nort pole? Is it Is roodofe nowes red and does it fun to be santa? Can I get a puppy? glow? How does the elvs make the Love Owen toys. Do they use hammers and nails and scruse. I love you Santa! Dear Santa, Love Cale I hope you are fine. Because you need to give the kids a gift. What Dear Santa, does poodof look like? Are the ranCan I have the skylanders swop deers ok? force strter pack with stink boum, Love Destiny magm charg bratltg and clank quest for booty, woopey coock a Dear Santa, pierit of the ceer in game for my I want one belt. And a scatbord Dsi, disny infinity start pack and a to. And a toy rander to. And a pet cople of play sets. pareat to. And how to you mack Love Jackson toys santa? Love Abby Dear Santa, I wald like to now how you dili- Dear Santa, ver all thos presints in one night? I wanted to have a bmx bike. How do you do it? And I wanted borthers. How are Love Jay you magic? How do you know if kids are bad or good? And I wantDear Santa, ed a lot of pets. Happy Christmas. What I want for Christmas I I love Santa Clas! want a puppy trained and named Love A.J. bullet. Santa do you have 500 elf in ware shop? Dear Santa, Love Greyson I want a tiger from toys or us. Dear Santa I want a puppy. Dear Dear Santa, Santa I want a 20 or a 30 doller bill I want a little sister and a ham- and shoes and close. Dear Santa burger and my own bike with harts I want a little house and a new and a helmenet with harts. And a house. phone and a phone case. How do Love Lillie you make toys? Love Brianna Dear Santa, I would like a furby toy and girl Dear Santa, legos and stuff to make braslets How is the raindeer doing? And and a puppy. And a wolf toy. Is the I hope you make it to my house. raindears really fly? Does the north And I want to have one of those poel really cold santa? Is there Elfs

At The Birth of Our Saviour Wishing you and yours exceeding great joy as we enter into this holiest of seasons. Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Dear Santa, I want a game call of duty gosts. Love Landon Dear Santa, Do you fliy? Do you have deers that fliy? Do you eat a lot of cookikes! I like cady coms. I like rain deers! Love Jailyn Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas. I want a DS football game and I want a dog and a new bike and a xbox. I would also like to have roller skates and I will also like a guitar. Thank you very much. Love Tristin Eagle


Dear Santa, Please bring me a wii u and a pink min 3 and a wii u charger. How are the reinderer? I love you. Love Javier Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I love ther presents you gave me last year. I would like a monster high school house please. Love Kelsey Dear Santa, Do your reindeer like candy corn? If they like candy corn I will leave some. I love you. This year may I have a monster high school house. How is Mrs Claus? I want to be her. Love Victoria Dear Santa, Do elves grow beards? I love you. Does Mrs Claus ride with you on your sleigh? I wont a Rc car for Christmas. Love Nathan Dear Santa, I want a violin. And I want some glasses. Why do you wear red and white? Love Triniti Dear Santa, Is it cold at the north pole? Are you feeding your reindeer? I have tried hard to be nice this year. Ill have a snack fo you. I have been good this year. Please bring me an ipad, iphone and a laptop. Love Braden Dear Santa,

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Season’s Greetings 2013 11C

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 I love you. Am I on the good or the bad list? Do the reindeer get sick? I would like an ipod, lego friends house and a flipy goodbye. Love Melanie

Dear Santa, Is it cold at the north pole? When are you going to come? I’ll have a snack for you. How are the rest of the reindeer? I’ve been good I help my mom evry day. Pleas bring me Dear Santa, an ipod and ipad and a tablet. How is Rudolph? How is the Love Manrriquez rest of the reindeer? Ive been very very good. Please bring me a new Dear Santa, ipod an ipad and a computer. Is it cold at the North Pole? Love Aubrey How is Rodalph, Donner, Cupid, and BLitzen? Does Blitzen like Dear Santa, apples? Do you like nerds? Ill have How is your raindeer? Does Mrs cookies for you? I want a lego croc Claus ride with you on your sleigh ship for Christmas. on Christmas? How do reindeer? Love Austin I have been very good this year. I have a snack for you. Are they a lot Dear Santa, of elves? I would like a sparkley How do your reindeer fly? Your dress and nails and a monster high clothes look nice will you bring me house. a phone and a DS and legos. Love Jennifer Love Tommy Dear Santa, Is Rudolph ok? Is it time to deliver our presents? Ill have a snack for you I’ve been good. Please bring me a bunch of bows, and soothing kit, and next generation doll stuff. Love Brynn

Dear Santa, Are there lots of elves working evey day? Ive been good. Please being me a pretty soccer ball. I want a sparkly soccer dress. I also want a new trampoline. Love Sarah Dear Santa


Is it cold outsid there? Is the north pole driffent? Are there prnquins in the water? Do you feed the deer? Are there elves. I bought these cookies for you. Are you giving me a gift for Christmas. Please give me a tablet. Love Marisol

Dear Santa, I come to greet and see you. I wanted to know where do you live? Would you bring me some clothes, a Christmas tree, and a remote control car? Santa thank you for letting me see you! Love Omar

Dear Santa, I want a Ds and a game and another thing I want a John cena toy hose are the other reindeer? Is Rudolph still there? If he is there, I will say hi if you come to my house me my aunt are gonna make you a ginger bread man. Love John

Dear Santa, I liked my lolooopsee last year. How menny dears and elfs do you have? I want a ipad and a foon and ameracin doll. I love you santa. Love Sierra

Dear Santa, Santa thank you for the piano last year. Do you have dogs? Santa Dear Santa, I want a back pack and a laptop. I I lik you. For Christmas I want hope you like cookies and cup of a monster truck. I want a remote milk. control car. I like your reindeer. Love Dalia Why do you wear red and white. Love Tyler Dear Santa, Thank you for comeing to my Dear Santa, house so fast last year. Do you now I tried hard to be nice. How are the Easter Bunny? I would like a the reindeer. I have been good. Ill tv and a xbox one and a minecraft have a snack for you. Please bring game for Christmas. me a bike. Love Braden Love Brice Dear Santa,

I loved my new bycicle that I Love Jaden got last year. How many raindeer do you have? I would like it if you Dear Santa, gave me Buzz lightyear this year. I I love you. Are the elvs cute? hope you have a merry Christmas. Can I have a ds and a doll and a Love Rebecca ball you are the best in the world. Love Tatiana Dear Santa, Thank you for my bike. How Dear Santa, fast an you go? I went ipand mine Thank you for last year. How Nintendo 2 des and robot toy. I many elves do you hav? I want a love you. bicycle esaletric scooter, million Love Preston dollars for chrismas. Love Zachary Dear Santa, Thank you fore giving me all Dear Santa, sortes of thangs. How do yore I love my toys from last year. ranedear fly? I wont a new bike I How meny elfs do you have? I wont a toy car I wont a real fore wont a tv, boy brbby doll, a brbby wiler have a mary crismis. house. Have a nice crismis and Love Casper I hope you like the cookeys and milk. Dear Santa, Love Madison Santa thank you for last yeae. Santa how mine dear do you have. Dear Santa, Santa I wont a bick and a remotcar. I love my toys. How do you Santa I love you. elfs make toys? I want a ds, will, Love Damian smartphone. Merry Cristmas. Love Daisy Dear Santa, I like your berd. How is the north Dear Santa, pole? I want some legos and a bike I love howe ou tack pictures and ten bunks. Merry cristmas. with me. Are yore elfse cet. I want

Happy Holidays



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Peace, joy, harmony and thanks, to all of those who have brightened up our year with your friendship and support. We know we have been blessed by the opportunity to serve people like you. Noel!

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Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

a fown and I ant a compotre and I wont a kendel fiver. Have a mavey Dear Santa, crismise. I love you. How how ho I’m going to give you cookies Love Katelynn and very choclaty milk. You are my second favorit person. I hope Dear Santa, you would give me these things a You do a god job. How meney 1D doll, makeup set, chalk board. I rander do you have? For crismis bet Mrs Clause rubs your feet. can I have a sord and lego and a Love Elena modrsicle. You are osum. Love Jacob Dear Santa, You Rock! Can you bring me Dear Santa, a gitare and a rill pit bull, a skat These years youv been awe- bord? some. Is there different kinds of Love Haze elvs? I would ove a xbox and a minecraft xbox disk and new Dear Santa, legos. Merry Christmas Are you feeling good santa? I Love Jack miss you. Will you get me legos and more stufft and nois and more Dear Santa, toys? I love you Santa. How is Mrs Love Jonathan Claws doing? I want a whole resteier set. And I want a toy jun and Dear Santa, a machine jun. I like your clothes. Hi I mist you. How are you doLove Vayden ing? I want sum fake brastes. I want sum hiehils. I want a pichr Dear Santa, fram. How is Mis Claus? You are ery Love Jorja sweet. Can you bring me hihhils ,moc-up, and a neck les with a hart Dear Santa, in it so I can put a picher in it? I hope you enjoy Crismet! You Love Allison are cool! Is sandman coold at the north pol? I want you to bring frbDear Santa, bey boom, borbey set, santa set. I miss you a lot! You make Love Kaylee Christmas fun. I hope you bring me these three things, baby doll, Dear Santa, real cat, real dog. I hope you are doing good. You Love Avery are awsom. Is it cold in the north Dear Santa, How is Rudolph, prance, dancer and all the other raindere? Thank you for working so hard. Can I have a puppy and a music box that has a tune and a air gutar. Love Baylee Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can you bren me some skylanders, legos, and tools for my dad? Love Colin Dear Santa, Are your elvefs working hard. I lilke your mustash and berd. I want a poufor Christmas. Also a air hogs at mis fear and a collection of diary of a wimpy kid books. Love Cris

pole? I want for chrismas is Bar- hous, scientist shirt, and a pink and bie hair cut set and a money maker purple 4 weelr? and a DS. Love Zoe Love Karla Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you for the pelopet. How You are aswome! I miss you so is roodof? I want the hot wheels much. You are so nice! Can you turbo track twister, the hot wheels bring me a batman car, dinosaur, maga loop manyam and the hot monster truck. wheels trbing trister. Love Kevin Love Clayton Dear Santa, I want to be you. I want a toy rollacostre and a tv, and I want a coosy. Love Mark

Dear Santa, You have been a great man sending me toys. How is my elf? I want a dog and a new book and a movie for chtristmas. Love Nathaniel

Dear Santa, I wot a voth wef hat please and Dear Santa, a ds and a xbox 360 and a plae staThank you for the presents you tion and a dsi and a ds. gave me last year. What is your faLove Mikey vorite cooke? I want a little puppy, I want an iphone, I want a elf. Dear Santa, Love Joanna How have you bin? My teacher siads at I am niec. I wate a dog and Dear Santa, a cat and a pup. I love chistmas it is my favorite Love Roxanne hollday. Can I have a Elf? I want a laptop a black and white hamster, Dear Santa, and a iphone. Hello Santa! Crimis is my favrit Love Nevaeh yere can you brang me a hellokoptr, 4 wheelr, and a nerfres with benses. Love Toby Dear Santa, Why are your elves so coot? Your so asem. Can I have a Barbie


moster catching set, lego batman, a Dear Santa, phone. Have a wonderf Christmas Iv been very very good this year. time. How is comet? I want a dog I want Love Cash a xbox 360 and a robot dog. Love Kristopher Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want 3 Dear Santa, things for Christmas a babie euI have been a very good boy this phone. year. How is Rassell? I want a lego Love Louis

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Season’s Greetings 2013 13C

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 duck tape. Dear Santa, Love Alaina I wanted to thank you for the things from last year. How is Ru- Dear Santa, dolphgf? I want a dog, an iphone, Hello. Dis year I want a wii u. I and an Elf. want 5 games. Dist year I a tablit. Love Katie Love Ethan Dear Santa, Please give Elfey a hug and don’t forget your very kind. How are you? I want a puppy, a baby hamster and a elf. Love Caydence

you do all summer? I want a ipad boy. and a new baseball glove and a Love Morgan new xbox. Love Tyler Dear Santa, How big are elf. How big are Dear Santa, you for crismis I want a Barbie I like you. Thank you for my doll and a master hive and I thing I gifts last year. Want do you look am on the good list. Dear Santa, like. I want money, stft animals Love Clara I like you. How come when you and a elf. touch smily he looses his magic? Love Madison Dear Santa, What do you do all year? I want How big are your elfs? Do you to a wii, soft dall cloths, legos for girls. Love Landri

Dear Santa, How do you make the toys? Do you have a pupy? From santa I wunt a elephant and a fish tane and a fone and some books. I thak that im on the goodlist. Love Jackie

Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents last Dear Santa, year. How is Roodoph? I want a I relley like you. How do you manchin for chrismas and I want a deliver all of the presenne night? dog and a pool. Have a wonderful Love Michael Christmas time. Love Rylce Dear Santa, Hello Santa. How come when Dear Santa, we touch an elf it loses it’s powHow is Roodof Santa? I want a er’s? This year I want shimmer tat- Dear Santa, copooter and I want a phone and I toos and hot huez hair chalk and a Hello iw ould like to remind you want a puppy. marker maker. thankfor the presints. Why do you Love Edgar Love Ava not give presints to grownups. I want a tv in my room and I want Dear Santa, Dear Santa, mony and a pet. Thank you for the big bag and Santa is majik. Haou doo santa Love Emmy the scooder. Howe old are you? I klime the chime? I want a toy. want a scooder and a ipod and a Love Ty Silver Creek Elementary xbox 360. Love Jesus Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How do you diliver all the presDo you git mell? Wout mas you Dear Santa, ent in one night? And I would like rander flile? I wont exbox and u I hope you can come to chrst- a ipad and a computer and a tv. poster and a hors and a now dessmas. I now were you live. I want Love Crystal gam. I wevk hevd on my homea pet dog. I like a toy to play. I like work. I lissin. the best toy. Dear Santa, Love Gatlyn Love Carla Tack you for beeg a good sport. Can you be men? I want a phone Dear Santa, Dear Santa, and elf. At toyRus a liti sewing Wot is your rander doing rit How are you doing. I herd you machine. now. How small are your elfs. For will be here in 6 more saterdays. Love Autrey krismis I wood lick a dutbiek, dog, How is Rudolf boing. I wunt a iphat, durt biek, dog hat, skates, kasode and a puppy and a ipad. Dear Santa, toom guitar. Love Molly I hope you have a nice christmis Love Blaze why do you go down a chimney? I Dear Santa, hwant a ipad a magic set and a col- Dear Santa, Thank you! I want a transform- lection of toy gaters. Is Miss clos wrile is roodof er. I want a play doh plusce I want Love Jett wille I want a stuffed bird stuffed a iron man. olw and stuffed cat and clover corLove Chris Dear Santa, ner and sled stuffed animals and How do you make toys? Thak my old stuffed circle baer baerey Dear Santa, you for making toys for aluvaus I and a bunch of candy and a cholDecember is the best holiday. wait a ipod for chismas. clet santa and a stuffed moster. I want a bicycle. I want a ipad. I Love Allie Love Savannah want a telephone. Love Diego Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I think you are cool. How do you How do you make the toys? Do Dear Santa, mack toys? I want toys and mack you have a pupy? From santa I Thank you for my presents last up and baby clos. wunt a elephant and a fish tane and year. Wher do you live? In the Love Jade a fone and some books. I thak that north poll. I want a bike and a hot im on the goodlist. wheel track an a hot wheel care. Dear Santa, Love Jackie Love Anthony How do you fit dowh the chimney? Want a police car, video game Dear Santa, Dear Santa, and a wii. Why do you have a beerd and Thank you for the presents. Love Blake a big mastache. Why do you have How is Rudoff. I want a bike, a glasses. phone like my mom and an ipad. Dear Santa, Love Nolan I love you santa. Have a wonderful Thank you for what you gave Christmas time. me for this crismis. I want a ipad Dear Santa, Love Ciara and a coputer and a ps3d. How do How are you? How do you mack you fit threw the chiminy. tor?How do you grit your bed? Dear Santa, Love Yocelyn How tall are elves? Gifts you want I like that you go thrugh the football and legos and geclt and doog. What kind of magic do you Dear Santa, tin kiy nise rander rifl? Why you have? I want candy and tape and I like you very much. What do chould get it I on theres I bin a gud


We thank you for your valued business, and wish you a

Merry Christmas

have clind? Your are owesom. Love Hayden Dear Santa, I would like a vilin and a datr and a ipad and a tagid doll and taglds boy doll. I dzrf it bekus I do my chors and I wrk wen my mom ses I and I do not liye nevr evr. Love Amber Dear Santa, How many cookies do you want? Have the elves started making toys? For Christmas I would like a lego city and Ipad and a jessi dolland a woody doll. This is why I should get them because I clen my room and I fold mine clos and my sister help me to? Love Alexi Dear Santa, How many cookies do you want for Christmas? Have the elves started to make the toys yet? I would like a ipad, phone, 4 weeler and play stoulson 3. I have been very good this year. I help my mom and dad. This wy I shool get tees thangs. Love Hunter Dear Santa, Do you have a dog? When are the elves coming? How big is Comet for. Christmas, I want pokemon white version nd pokemon white version 2 a ds, a spyra game, and dragon bolt. I do not steal I go to school I am also very nice. Love Landon Dear Santa, How are you doing? How much cookies, cake, and milk? For Christmas I would like moryo 3d, ipad, and big lego set. Why I should get it. I do the dishis I clean my room. I help my mom and dad. Love Kayden Dear Santa, How are you and Ms Closs doing? How are you doing Santa? For crismis I want a puppy, pare of socks, avenger, sneakers. I deserve

Christmas Holidays.


For Christmas I would like skylander swoop for an xbox 360, kreo bloks thangs for cars. Monny, for d1 I have been very good this yoer I be good, I cleen my room, I Dear Santa, work good, I be nice. How are you doing? How many Love Brody cookies do you want? How is roodoff? How is Mrs. Clause? I Dear Santa, woule like an iphone, kindle fire, How many elfs do you have? easy bake and ninntindo 3ds. How is evry buddy doing? For Please. I have been very good Chrismas I want a Ipad with a oter this year. I help my mom clean box that cheetah, Ipad with a toer my room. I’m also doing good in box pokadot, two of my own cats, school. one of my puppy. I help my mom Love Shaylea with shaden I wash dishes. I clean my room I help around the house. Dear Santa, Love Cadence How is Mrs. Clause? How many cookeys do you want? For Christ- Dear Santa, mas I would like a unusickle kid, I wondered if you wanted me pogo stick, computer, and a guitar. to feed roodoff? I will leave fruit I haved been very good this year. I for him how is he? Are the elves worked hard in school working hard? For Christmas I Love Sophia want a teacher pointer iphon, denem shorts, mini tablet, pepper Dear Santa, spray, ipad, chemistry set, notepad, How are your raindeir? How do brush hair, school siplise, once you cross the erth in one night? I held some bodys hand. I work How many cookys do you want? my hardest in school Tell dancer, How are you doing? For Christmas prance and roodoff I said hi. Have I would like American girl stuf, nice Christmas. books, winter my elf on the shelf. Love Gracelyn May I please get this stuff if you can. Why I sould git it I make my Dear Santa, bed. I clean my room. I love her How are your rander? How do winter. you get down the chimney? How Love Autumn much sleep do you get? How do you get to all of the house in one Dear Santa, night? I want a s I want a ipad. I How are you doing? How are want a remote control helicamter the raindeer doing? I have been and mtorsicle. I want a new bike. good this year. Can you give me I do my best at school. I clean my the biggest lego in the world? How room. I do my chorse. many cookies do you want? Mary Love Paul Chritmas. Can I have l000000 dollars? I woule like a xbox. When Dear Santa, How do you fly your rainderes? are you going to be here? Four wheeler. What do raindeer eat? How is roodoff? How meny cooModle corvette in a case with glass kis do you wont? I wont some toys around it. Can I get a toy plane? A this year I wont a computer, 2 gebowandarrow. An RC bird. Santa men shetders, a ds card, and super I realy realy want a big giant RC Mario 3d world pleas! The rezon wy I should get toy is I have ben realsteel atomtsues please!!! Love Owen nice and I do my chors everyday! Love Caden Dear Santa, How do you go to the houses? Dear Santa, How do you flite the raindeers? How is Mrs. Clause? I want makeup and black book toy. I help my How are you? How much cokmom with my sister. I clean my ies do you want? What kind of milk do yo want? For Christmas I room for my mom. Love Jessie would like a dirtbike, viedo games, cars and a four weeler. I clean my whole house I put my chickens to Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is bed I’m good. I brush my teeth. Love Jacob rodof? Have the evis stared macking the toys? How many presits do you give? And I want a American Dear Santa, How is roodoff doing? How girl doll and a barbeys and socks and books. And I thak I shed git it are the elvs doing? For Christmas because I do good in school. And I would like a new dsi, a Jessie I clean my room. And I pick up in doll a santa and mrs clas doll, and the living room. And I make my roodoff doll. I have been very good this year. I help my mom and dad bed. Love Brailee take the trash out. I also am doing good in school. I love you Santa very much what do you doi n the Dear Santa, How do you go down the chi- summer and what do you doi in the mine. How many coces do you spring in the summer I swime and want? Have I ben good this year. in the spring I play with my sister

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As we pause in our busy lives to reflect on our blessings of the past year our wish for each and every one of you is a wonderful gathering of family and friends to celebrate the

them because I am respekedful to my mom and dad. And I am respekedful to my brother and my dogs. Love Reagan

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Season’s Greetings

10400 Jacksboro Hwy · Fort Worth · 817-238-1404

14C Season’s Greetings 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

she is meen to me but I love her very much she is cute my granmae calls her tooty I love her very much she is so meen. Love Teryn

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want pajamas slippers, a yoyo, a nelectic toy car, a satpet, and a toy dog that’s work. I help my brother ride his bike I also help my mom do bishis. How Dear Santa, is mrss cloos. Do rodof have a red How old are you? How is Ru- nose for reel. How meny elfs do dolf doing? For Christmas I want you have. a new bike, a toy motorcycle, a Love Heidi popcorn machine and a toy t-rex. I help my mom do the dished and I Dear Santa, clean my room. Can I have a ipod please? I want Love Mason ipod please? With a cherry on top I am a good person. I clean my Dear Santa, brothers room for him. I am really I know that you are going to com good for my mom and dad and so in one month and I love you with is my brother! I like your reindeer. all my hart I mite not leav milk and They are fast. cookes for you but. Love Amaya Love Joey Dear Santa, Dear Santa, What is your favrit food? What I want a pretty blue monrhigh I is your favrit movie? What is your want a toy santa. I want a macha- favrit cookie. Can you make me hole buneradet toy. I want a bane a crazy kart. Can you make me a radet book. kereatuch. Can you make me dego Love Kiara star wars bakes when it is time to wash the dishes I help mom. I help Dear Santa, my mom pack lunch I help dad at How tall are you? Are you the work. tallest person in the work shop? Love Lou Last Christmas was one of the best christmis ever. Watch out for the Dear Santa, cat she will scratch you and you How where you born? Why is will bleled bad. My favirot rain- xmas a holaay? Why do you have deer is prance! I like prance be- a red nose? I want a crazy kart because I like his name. is Rudolph cause I cant save up 400 dollars. I the smallest raindeer? What I want want legos because I collect legos. the most is cloths. Do you no ev- I want beybol because Im collectery thing like god. Christmis is my ing them also. I should get thembefaviret time of year. A lot of my cause I help my mom and dad a lot. friends there birthday is in decemLove CJ ver. Christmas is Jeseses birthday. Did you now that you are the nic- Dear Santa, est person in the world. What’s your favrit kid? What Love Cole is your wifes first name? I want a zoomer a football a dirt bike and Dear Santa, a phone. I should get it because Why do you like kins why do I worked at my house. I help my you get letter. I wot scooter y be- mom with surgery and helped my cause I lik to play with a scooter. I family. I hope it shows this crismas. blev in you because you give gifst Love Carter and you are funny to me and my friends. You are the best santa!! Dear Santa, Love Yalissa Hi Santa I veen very good this year and Ive been wating Dear Santa, for you to come the whole year I I want a kindl fiyr hd, a mete am glad becuas chrstmas is almost clntrol car, xbox 360, ipad, spy here and it is going to be very run gear, witeyo games, canyon get me and cool. I cant wait for Christmas thing? Skylander swop fers. I get it and I am going to ged a lot of stuf because I’m awesome, good, grat, chismis is speshle to me because it is gods birthday. Love Michael Dear Santa, Why is your beard long? Why do you make toys? Why do you have elfs? Gifts you want I want a bopit. I want a xbox one. I want the movie twilight. Why ou should get it I calean the litter box for my mom. I clean the dishes for my mom. I feed the cat for my mom. Love Emilee

santa what is your name? I want star wars logo, and I want a tablet and I want a football think I did a lot of work around my house hope your elfs are working hard. Love Preston Dear Santa, I hope your doing good. I hope your not sick Santa. What do you do when it is not Christmas? I really want a xbox 360 and some soccer cloths. I have all A’s in school. I am honest. I am respectful. Love Hayden

Dear Santa, What do you do whin yo’re not working for as? Why elfs have ponty ears? How do raindeer fly? Why do yore santa helpers go to malls and not six flags? Can I have a new ferby. Can I have a new hamster for the sootkase. My ferby is broken. So I can have more hamster toys. The crekt corde for my computer. I get hundres on my tests on Friday. I help cook. I make hundreds on AR tests. I past adding on the math test. I take care of Dear Santa, my pet. I pade for my fish. What do the elfs do when it is Love Taylor sumer? Why do you eat so many cookis? How does your slay work? Dear Santa, Wy does roodof nose glour? For Is it cold in the north pole? Why this chrismas I urgnt a puppy. A do you ware a red coat? What ipod, a snowglob, lever jackit. do you do for fun when it is not Why I should get it because I wash Christmas? I wead like a iphone dishes. I folded the close I work on five. I also wood like a dirt bike. the forweeler. I fed the horses. Why I mite get my gifts I be reLove Grant spectful to my paretns. I have ben doing what they say. Dear Santa, Love Nate I hope the elfs are not werking to hard. This year I want a toy horse Dear Santa, I realy like the brown one. And I I hope you don’t get sick on also want a scooter? And a ipod, I the travl. Are you doing ok at the have been a good girl. And I am North Pole? Are your elfs ok? Is good ate home werk. And I am Mrs Santa ok? Are your raindeers good ate school. ok? Can I have a amarcen doll? Love Mackenzie Can I have a toy hamster? Because I have helped mom with londre I Dear Santa, have been caring fto my sister even I hope you’re not working so when I am bisse. hard this year. I hope you have a Love Lauren good time in the northpole. I hope it is not so winding in the north Dear Santa, pole. I want a 3DS and a plastHow do you see at night? How stash 3 and an xbox 3 side and an are you not cold? Can I have a xbox one. I dsrfit becase I helpe xbox for Christmas? Can I have peple when they ned help. I ada a ipad for Christmas? Can I have my moather. I have bin nice to a cindi fine for Christmas? Can I my friends and my parints an my have a stuff animal for Christmas? grandmother and my pap. I do not I help my mom with cooking food. argyou with my omather. I have I help my mom with grosenes. I bin good to borather. help my dad with work. I help my Love River mom with cleaning. Love Denver Dear Santa, I hope you get a brak when you dot wrike on cresmes. I weut a xbox for cresmes. I will weut a flat skyentr I weut a fineg games. I went a brikt bick 2. I went a sooder games. I weut a grire games. I went a ponel x for cresmes. Love Daniel

Merry Christmas from

Dear Santa, What do the elfs do? How do you make toys? What do you do for fun when it’s not Christmas? What I want for Christmas is a xbox one. IA ipad and a baseball. I was nice to people I also was good and I have good grades. Love Mateo Dear Santa, How are the elfs? Are the deer ok? I wood like a doom bugy. I wood like a pet buny. I have good grads. Can be very rsposble. How are you santa? How meny presints have you made? I have been good. Love Zakary Dear Santa, I hope you are not working too hard. I hope your checking your list twice. I want a bike that is a chopper and I want a new adrnad because mine is brock. I want a remote toy spedbick. I want a remote toy mustane and I want to no about elfed. Love Dalton Dear Santa, Hiy santa have a grat crismis wut do you do win it is not crismis. I wut a 3DS and I wut a puppe becus I wus vere gud I wut a snoglob. I wot a thsplen. Becus I wus vere gud. Love Alexandra

Dear Santa, I hope you do not wake to hard santa cawls. I whnt a iphone I think you no that I whnt a zoomer and please get my mom a now tiyre and my papa three hats one that is light brown hat the seckint hat is dark brown and the last one is lighe brown and dark brown and can I have a elfs and four my bruther get him a pet dog to and please read this santa cawls you are the cookis in the world. Love Ally Dear Santa, I want to know if the orth pole looks awesome? I want to know where the elfs sleep? I want to know what the rain dears eat? Where do you get the presents? Santa can you get me a iphone 4. Can you get me a ipad. And a phone. What I really want is a babby puppy. I do the things my brother tells me to and hes only 4 years old and I hafe to get me homework done but I do what my brother wants me to do. I help my sister do the things she hase to do like her homework pick up all the stuff she hase to put in her backpack. Everytime my dad tells me to let the dogs in I really don’t to but I do it iney ways. Love Hayle

Dear Satna, How are you and mas clews doing? What I want for Christmas is a ipad an a wii with gams. Christmas is my favorite time of year because I get lots fo precins. May cut and candy and I get to play in the snow. Merry Christmas santa clews and Dear Santa, mas clews. How are you doing I have a Love Ariah question for you how are your randers fly? Oh how are you santa? Dear Santa, Also are ther any more randers like How are you and MRs Claws yours? And are you rel? You no doing? How are the elfs? How are whnt I whint for Christmas I whnt

Merry Christmas

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Here’s hoping your holiday is blessed with the perfect combination of peace, harmony and joy. Thanks for making us feel so at home here. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

405 Inwood Rd Azle

the raindeers doing? What I relly want is a ipad and I need sapitys for my desk. Can you please make me a cocking horse. I have a basketball but I on’t have a hoop. The reason I shod get all this stuff is becus I make 100’s on AR tests. Love Emily


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May the joy and wonder of the holiday season be yours throughout the new year.

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Commitment Runs Deep

Season’s Greetings 2013 15C

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 a ps3. Also a xbox one. And a black and yellow short. Why I should get it be because I help my mom. Love Klayetan Dear Santa, I hope your not working too hard. If you don’t mind telling your elves to pleas make me a drift bike that will be awesome! If your elves can get me a pet fish that will be awesome too! If your elves can get me a xbox one they are very nice and so are you santa! I veen helping other kids I’ve been making good grades and reading a lot of books. Love Carter Cross Timbers Elementary Dear Santa, I hopeyou are grat up there. I hopeyou are warn upthere. I hope the rainder are ok. I went a Dog because my uther dog diey. I went a xbox 1 because I don’t have a xbox 1. I need a Winter cowt because I don’t have one. I also need ear prags because I don’t have one to keep me warm. I wood like to give Payton a gear bike because he dus not have one. Plese give my dad a scroodriver because he dusint have one. Tel Mrs Clos I said hi. Love, Sean B Dear Santa, I hope the elfs are doing good. I wold like a for this year a marker maker so I cold make my own markers and coler a drail with them. And I wold like melt and moled factery So I can make a race car cray on to coller with. I need some tooth past because I have to use my dads hot toothpast. And I need a new toothbrush because my tooth brush is dirty. Will you bring my dog some bones so she can chew on. And will you bring my dad some cooking stuff so my dad can cook. Tell the raindeer I said hi. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, I hope I dont get coal this year. I would like new dogs because I want to play with them. I would like a new computer because I want to playon it. I would like new shoes because mine are uncomefortable. Please get my grandma new dogs because they are old, Please get my grandma a new computer because hers is broken I hope roodoff is good at work Love, Cash P Dear Santa, I want a dog and a cat so I can play with them. I need some medicine and cades I get sick. Im growing so fast that I need new clothes like pants and sherts. I want to give my moms friend Brook a car and a kid because she wants a kid and she doesn’t have a car. Love Taylor Dear Santa, I want a American girl doll because I like to dress it up. I need new boots and an outfit to match because it is realy cold outside I would like to help people and give them a house and a car because I like to help people. Love Salina Dear Santa, I want a toy because I love toys. I want a toy train because I love them. I need a dirt bike because I can drive down the street. I want to give Kyle 20 dollars. I want to give Ta 20 dollars too. Love Westley Dear Santa, I need shoes. I need a shirt I want a car. I want a four wheeler. My friend needs a stuffed animal. My friend needs a shirt. I need shoes and a shirt. I want an elecktk car a four wheeler so I can ride up and down the street. I would like a remote controlled car too because

theyre fun to play outside. My Love Sarae clothes are getting too small, so please bring me some new shoes Dear Santa, and shirts. I want a xbox 360 I want a b gun Love Alex I need a new jacket because mine is to little for me. I want a phone Dear Santa, and an ipod for my dad and me. So I want a motordirt bike so I can we can play together. I want my to go down the hill and an electric get a new blanket and dishes. scooter so I can go down the hill to. Love Jorge I need new cloth because I some I am getting little and some of my Dear Santa, socks are little too. I want to give Happy winter santa. I want a ds Westley a toy and Elliott bb gun. because it is a big ds. I want a kurio Love Kyle tech because I can play on it. Need boks school tolearn. To take a test. Dear Santa, Elliott a bb gun and can have 2 bb I want a big bike so I can ride it. guns. Kenith xbox 360. I want a kindle fire so I can play Love Austin Boss 2. I need clothes because some of my cloths are too small. I Dear Santa, need cool Nike shoes cause myne I want a 22 because I want to go are too old. My brothers want a deer hunting I want som flint bePSP cause there always bores. I cause I want to roast marshmallows want cousin to get a mp3 player to when I go camping. I need some play it. clothes becase I am out growing Love Adam mine. I need some shoes because I only have one pair. I want some Dear Santa, cooking stuff because my mom For Christmas I want a Wet Wil- doesn’t have much. I want 2 red lie and Flame boy skateboard be- nerf guns for my dad and his friend cause its easy to ride and a piod like to play with them. I hope your touch because I had one and it got having a good winter. stolen. I need a under armour jackLove Elliott et and reebok shoes black, blue and orange. I want John to have Dear Santa, friends. I need toys for my dog she I want a trike e2 so I can be free, cheus up everything we give her and I want a spa kit so I can soften she chews up metal. I hope your my face. I need for mymom to have having a great winter. what ever she wants and the same Love Anthony for both of my dads and 2 things for Emily barbies and a book. Dear Santa, Love Cassidy For Christmas I want a dsi to play games on and a nerf blaster Dear Santa, to have water battles. I need shoes I need shoes and pants because I and clothes to wear to school. don’t have any more that fit. I wold I want kyle to have a dsi to play like for my neighbors to get some games. My sister Jasmine would food and a phone because they need like a necklace to wear . She likes food and they can’t call anybody pink and sparkle necklaces the now. I want a doll because I don’t best. have one. I want some pink earings Love William too. Have a Merry Christmas. Love Emily Dear Santa, I hope your having a good time Dear Santa, in the north pol. I wanta rabbit to For Christmas I want a new xbox eat the carrots at dinner. I world and a 3Ds. I need a new scarf and like another bed so friends can some new socks. For my brother I stay the night with me. I want my would like them to get some new dad to get catchers gear so my dad toys. My little sisder needs some wont get hurt. I need a baceball new tennis shoes. I have been a for Megan to throw I need cheer good boy and a bad boy. I will try supplies for Mkayla so she can be to be better. I will feed the cats and happy. Happy Christmas Santa, I dogs. I will play with my little sislove you. ter. Thank you for giving us presLove Lane ents, you are happy to me. Love Brandon Dear Santa, I hope you are having a great Dear Santa, winter and how are your elves. I Can I have a new Iphone. Bewant a horse and a doll because cause I broke my iphone on the I love to ride horses and I love back and dropped. I want a new to play with dolls. I need a warm laptop the laptop is don’t work. dress and warm shoes because it Can I have a new cat. My cat was is cold outside. And I want to get going some where then lost my cat. Jane a puppy and a book so she can I need a pair of shoes and pair of erad it and puppy to play with. socks. Was all tangled. Also a blanLove Madison ket that is so soft the blanket I have that not soft. Dear Santa, Love Liliana I want a Nintendo 3ds and a game console because my cousin Dear Santa, has one and I like it. I need newe Hi santa for this Christmas I sock and shoes because mine are wold want a fake gun and warwearing out. I want to give the rorr costom because I want to be firemen cookies and hot cocoa be- a warrorr when I grow up. Also I cause they don’t get much from people. Love Robbie.

would want some new baby dolls because I don’t have very much. Also I need some things too. I need a workout disc and mat because I want to stay fit. Also I need a bigre laptop because I have a little one. Also my coisuen needs new toys I can be thank ful for Christmas because it is speishall to Jesess. Love Ashlyn Dear Santa, I have been very good I would want a ipad. Mymom has one but we cant have it. I would want aipod ween I am tired I can watch a viteo. I need a new pair of tennishows. They wore out I need a tooth brush because it wont work. I would really want you to give Dakota a kindle. Love Austin Dear Santa, I will like a Monster High school, because I have the dolls to it. I need some new clothes because my clothes are getting too small on me. I would like you to give Aaliyah a new pair of pants. Love Elena Dear Santa, I have bine a little good. I would want a rifle because I want to go hunting deer with my dad. I want a go cart because I want to go in circles. I need new teny shoes because my old teny shoes are getting little. I need a new tooth brush because my old tooth brush is getting bad. I would want for my friend Jose to have a DS because I want Jose to have some fun with the DS. Love Alexis Dear Santa, I was about 90% nice this year. For Christmas I would like a futby because looks fun a bopit textris because it so easy. Just twist slam, score. Also, I need a new pair of tennis shoes because my old ones are rippin apart, a new toy box because all the toys cant fit in both of them. Finally I would like grandpa to have a new chair to sit in , old one is tearing apart. I would like grandma to have a new bike because grandma really need some exersice. Love Kameron Dear Santa, I am 100% nice this year so I need something for Christmas here are things that I want you to get me this Christmas. I want a lego mini figure his name is kal from ninja go. What I need is new parot unduwar because mine are to tite on me. Also I need sokcks because mine have holes in them. For my brother parker I would like you to get him a punching bag because he keeps asking me for one and I want you to get him hulk hands because he can punch the punching bag. Love Dakota Dear Satna, How have you been santa? I have been happy this year. First I would want a Wu because it’s the newist one. I would like some toys, because I like to play with my toys.

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I really want a xbox one. My other is broken. Also I want a iphone 5. I do not have a phone. I need a new pair of boots my others are broken. Also I need a new shirs. I only have ten. My dad Kevin needs new boots. My dads boots are ripped. Dear Santa, Love Kevin How is your raindeer doing are they being good I want a pink dirt bike because my mom saw Dear Santa, it at wolmart. I need a pair of I was a good girl to my famtennshoes, because my old ones ily? Can you plese bing a new are to smoll for me. And finuleey bike because my andther one was my third thing Iis for someone. brock? Next can you bing a new Skylar wants a baby driver be- skirt because my sister have one. cause she does not have a baby And I want a sunglass because driyer neither do I and I don’t hae when is hot I want a new clos I one either. brock. Third my dad need a new Love Hayli car because another is brock. And he need a goetcar! Because is not Dear Santa, on. And he need a trater because is I love you! I want a new pare of brock and my mom need a pruse shoe case my other ones are whred because it dirty. out. I would like a new dress case I Love Desitny do not have one. May Ihave a new because it is to small. I want a fur- Dear Santa, by. I don’t have one it can be any Can you ples get me a 2 dsx so color santa would you give Lace a my brother wont cry? Can you ples pink furby. get me and Joes some rifles. Can Love Aaliyah I ples have a fone so I can tecst my mom all I want. Can I please Dear Santa, have more sock!!! Because of I have been really good this year. joey makes them slinhky. Can my May I have a real life puppy be- grandmother have some decrshins cause the ones I had my mom took to put on the home? Santa I have them to the shelter. Also I would been a good boy! like a 3DS with the legend of ZelLove Alex da link between worlds because it looks cool on tv. I would like some Dear Santa, new green and black shoes beI whunt you to no that I have ben cause mine are worn out. I would doing good on my gradz. I need like some new tools because I like pants becus all of mine have hols building. For my friend Gracie a in them. I whunt jak for decus I am bullseye horse stuffed animal toy a jak fan. because it would be nice. Love Logan Love Ryan Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Can you ples bring me a new How is the weather is it cold 3ds because I want another one? or hot? I want a stuffed horse. I Can you ples bring me a new socwould cost 90 dollars at a store! I cer brill beause I want to play? Can want a project tv as a tv because it you plese bring me some pair of would be awesome. I need a new boots because I don’t have some. toothbrush because mine is fall- Can you ples bring me a new scarf ing apart. I need a new umbrella because mine is broken. Can you because well the handle came off. ples bring my mom a new car beCan you get my dad JD new pairs cause she doesn’t like the car she of work boots please. Because his has. Can you ples bring my dad are about 3 years old! some tools because his doesn’t Love Gracie work very good. I been nice and naght to my friends. Dear Santa, Love Jose I have been wanting a ipad because my sister savannah dropt Dear Santa, my other one in the toilet. I want Can you please get me a ipod a Samson tv too. I need a new touch because my dad meit forget. bike and a new pair of boots. All Next an I please have a ps3 beof mine are too small if you could cause my friend Michael has one. please give my dad mony and my I need a new pair of shoes because brother Dakota a black cote. mine are to small. Next, I need new Love Sydney pants because my brother has more than me. My brother Jacob wanta Dear Santa, an ipad because my big brother JoHow have you been doing. I cob has one. Next my dad wanta a would like a few things from you. bike because he wants to ride on I would like a karooke machine. the road with me and my brother Becauese you can hook a phone I have been cinde nauty and cina up to it and turn on music you can nice! sing along with it. Also I would Love Jeffrey like a flashlight friend because you can have a fluffy flashlight to see at Dear Santa, night. Santa could you please get Can yhou please get me and my cousin cloe an electric scooter. Hayden a fast 4 wheeler becas we Love Katelyn do not have one. What I really want is a bibi gun becas my big brother Second, santa would you give me new payr of shoes? I would oe it! I would need new glasice, because my are old. Third, I would want you to give saul new payr of jeans, because he only has shorts. Love Genesis

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Dear Santa, I want a xbox 360 and legos. I heed money and clothes. I want Elliott to get a bb gun and a xbox 360. Loe Dylan Dear Santa, I hope your having a good winter. Will you bring me a ipad so I can play with friends and can I get a ipod because my pod broke. I need shoes because my shoes ripped and pillow pet because my dolphoin one is dirty. I want to give my friend loth and shoes because she doesn’t have money to buy her sum.




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16C Season’s Greetings 2013 has one. Can you pleas get Logan some food supplies. Can you get my brother a caun because the other one is recked. I need a facemast because I lost my other one is lost. I need shirts because some of my other ones are too small for me. I was noty sory but I do better. Love Mason Dear Santa, May I have a new dirt bike because its too little. I want a beeby gun because mine is too heavy. I need a new bed because its too little. I need new bandaids because I can get sick. My dad needs new shirts becase his is too small My dad needs a new car because its old. I have been really good this year. Love Jaden

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dear Santa, Santa can I pleas have a play stacin 4 bucus my brother won’t let me play his? Santa can I pleas have a bebe gun bucus my brother has one .CSanta I need some new shoos bucus one pare rip. I need some new clepers bucus my brothe use mine. My mom needs a new dress busus her oder one ript. Mymom needs a new tv bucus hers have a crack. Santa I have been good I haven’t been notey. Love David Dear Santa, May I have a new bike because my old bike broke so can you get me a new bike? Santa can you get me a new dress because my old dress rip so can you get me one? Santa can you get me a newe backpack because my old backpack is starting to rip so can you get me one? Santa can you get me a new hat because my old one got lost and I can’t find it? Santa an you get my brother a new bed because my brothers is not ver good so can you get my brothe a new bed. Santa my dad needs a new tv tray because my mom only has one tv tray so can you get my dad a new tv tray? I was very good. Love Leslie

Dear Santa, Pless Santa can you get me some mackup because I want to loke pretty. Pless can you get me some more nel polish because I don’t hae that much. Pless santa some more metasdin because my dog matle he ate the rest fove my netsain only tow are left my mom mite fourget. My dad needs a new job because he got fired from his old one. Pless can you find my girl cats a new home because they are bad to everybots. Pless get me a new close because mine are to Dear Santa, small. Hello santa how are you and Love Naomi Mrs Claus? How is Rudolph? Will you please get me Glitsy Globes Dear Santa, I really want them because they Please can you gife me a new are cute. Next, I would like a new bike because my old one it broke. makeup because I need new colNext, I want a new blanket be- ors. I need a new bathing suit so it cause my old one is drty. I need wont hurt while I’m swimming. I newe glups because wen it coold also need a new princess dress so my hands or sow coold. I need a I can go to midevil night in style. new tv because my broke. My My mom needs a new shredder mom really needs a new bag fore because everyone she buys doesn’t her mackup because her old one is work. My brother wants lego starall ribt. My dad needs a new trak- wars because he thinks they are ter because the old one brok. Sant cool. I have been good this year. I nine god. Love Allison Love Nhayla

Dear Santa, You’re a nice guy so can you please give me 5 mario charrecters? Because I want them all. Next, can you please get me a wii u? Because its better thae wii. And santa my hands freezt can you get me mittens? And my head freezes can you get me a hat? And Thomas wanta s 3 Ds. Can you get him one? And my brother Austin wants a 2 Ds. Can you get him one? And I’v been nice. Love Adam Dear Santa, Could you please give me the things that I have rote down. First I would like a four weeler just in case a robber comes in the back yard so I can run him over. Next could I have an xbox three sixty because I want to play call of duty. I need a new bed because mine broke. I need new pants because mine have holds in them. My friend realy wants to be a millon air because he wants to buy wallmart. My daddy needs to graduate from the police academy so he has a better job. Ive ben good. Love Alexander Dear Santa, Can you please give me new pirs of shoes? My dot tard them in peceis. Can you give me a tv because my brother hasone in his room. Can you please give my grandma some medson because she is sick. Can you please give me some winter close because my winter clos are ripping. My little brother wants a big and kinda little tracter becase his other tracter brock. My mom wants a new pelon because my moms pelow is to bumbie. I have been good.

Dear Santa, I want a bikck because my cannot ride my bick because my traning wills are bint. I want a water bodil because my momma wants to not till it up. I need tinashoes because my tinashores are to little. I need piams because my pians are to little. I want kaylee to have a iphone. I wont Alisha to have a iphone. Love Alainna

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things I want most are: lumidogh, a black 3ds and the pokemon games black ad white version. I really need a watch maybe camo and some shoes. Please ve carson a kindle fire and Aubree a zoomer. Have a good flight! Love Kade

Dear Santa, May I have a new game because the games that I have are boring. May I hplease have a tron movie because that I have are boring. Can you give me new sunglasses because mine broke. May I have a new bay blede because I lost ine. Dear Santa Tio paco needs a new car because How are you and Mrs Claus? he brok his. Mom needs cash beCan I have zoomer because zoomer cause we don have lots of food. I is col and a hamster because there been nice and naghty. I am doing cute. Please make Lainey a phone to try to be nice. Dear Santa, can I get a light weight jacket for Love Jess How are you this year andmrs chily days. May I have a pair of claus? Take care of the raindeers is tenashoes. Can you make Kade luDear Santa, Rudolph redy for Christmas? Will midoug. I love you so much, I will I have been a very good kid this you give Mrs Christian want she allways belive in you. Remember year. I am trying to help. Can yo wants for Christmas. I want make don’t get a tummy ake from all please get me a new stuffed animal up so I cn alook pretty. I want a those cookies. dog because my other one is not phone so I can call mattie and abby Love Aubree fluffy. Next, I want the toy turbo and alainna pleeeeeeeas give abby because he is fast. I need a newe a feverbook app an a ipad to down- Dear Santa, blanket because it is to small and load apps. How are you doing? I would like it does not keep me warm. Next I Love Kaylee a American girl doll I would also need a new cout because mine is like a Barbie 3 sotry dream house. too small oh and my sister wants Dear Santa, I would like a new light jacket. a scrap book realy, realy bad beHow are you doing? I would I would also like a new pair of cause she does not have one and I like a real kitten. I would also like shoes. I would like my friend Caitdo. My brother shane wants a nerf a furreal friend the baby monkey. I lyn to have a makeup set. I would gun because his friends have one would like a light jacket. I would also like my friend Mason to have and he does not. also like a new pair of shoes. I a spiderman. Love Cheryl would like Kade to have lumi Love Mattie dogh. I would like Kaylee to have Dear Santa, an ipad. Hope Rudolph is ready to Dear Sants, How are you? I want aeys bake pull the sleigh. How are you Santa and Claus? oven so I can make any kind of Love Abby You are doing good I hope. Can food. I want spy kids movies beyou give me some shoes because cause I don’t get to see them any Dear Santa, they make run fast. I also wold like more. I need some newsokes beHow are the raindeer? The four some Mario games because they cause oms of mine are ripping. I need new black shoes because my You are cordially invited to our others have holes in them. Aubree wants a hamster because she thinks they are cute. Mattie wants a Amarican girl doll she likes them. Love Mason

Joy To The

Happy Holidays

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Season’s Greetings 2013 17C

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 are fun. And some pants because I have the animarican girl. And anidon’t get cold. I want jouamni to marican girl shirt. have a gocar and Theodore to have Love Caitlyn legos. Thank you santa claus. Love Ivan Dear Santa, How are you doing with mrs Dear Santa, clos. I hope Rudolph is ready to How are you and Mrs Claus? lead the slay and the other raindeer. How are the reindeer? For Christ- I would like to hae kindle fire and mas I would like to have a real life legos. I want new legos because corgie so I can sleep with it and they are fun. I want a kindle fire some snowboats so in the win- because they are fun to play on. ter I don’tget cold. For my mom I want Abree to have zoomer the I would ilke you to get her some dog and Mrs christen to hae a new pretty shoes. Hope your having a coat. I nee a new coat and winter good day. Merry Christmas. boots cause I don’t have eny winLove Katelyn ter boots. Love Carson Dear Santa, How are you and miss clos. I Dear Santa, hope that rodplh gets to pull the Can you get me a gocart and I slade. Santa I need new jens be- want a tv because ol can wich tv. cause my other ones are to little I relley need a tadle so I can do I want aneft gun becusa they are homework and gluds so when its cool. I want a dirt bick because I cool I can put it on. I want my lick to rid them. Can Reed have a friend Ivan to have a pars of shoes nerf gun to. and clothes. Don’t eat to much Love Dillon cookies so you cant get a bely egegg. Dear Santa, Love Jovanni How are you and Mrs Clos. Is roudph ready to come. Can I have Dear Santa, an imarican girl doll a new tcu bed How are you and Ms Claus dospred and a new monster high sdoll ing. Is Rudolph and the deers ok? named gg. I don’t have that doll. I Are you okay? Are you reeding the need a storm shelter in case a tor- deers? I want a minecraft creeper nado comes. I want my friend to plush with sounds and a zombie

y lidays p p a H Ho

strike slegefire. I want the creeper to play toy minecraft and want the xombie strike sledge fire to play prentend zombies. Have a nice tire. Love Nathan

hoard work up there. I really want a xbox one and a minecraft creeper plush with sound. I really need pants and hurley shirts. Ireally want kade to have lumi dogh, a 2ds and that is black and the pokemon Dear Santa, games and black and white version How are you ? Saw hi to Mrs for his 3d ds. Claus. I want two things for ChristLove Payton mas. I really want lego to play with and cards to play games. And Dear Santa, I need pants to wear and shoe to I hope the elfs are working hard run fast. I want my friend Jovanni on the toys all the ears. I would to have a ice crean truck to eat ice like a zoomer robot dog this year cream and I want Ivan to have six because it will do what ever you flag tickets so he can go play there. say. I would like one futterby fairy Love Theodoro because it flys and do not have to touch it. I would like 4 tickets to go Dear Santa, and see teen beacu movie because How are you? Would you bring if the last one is sold the I will pool me a helicopter and anerf gun so out my hair. I need 100 hair bows me and Ryan can play with them. because I can put some on my dog. I want another nerf gn so our big My mom wants so much gold bedrother Justin can play with us. Can cause so she can get money. My you bring my mom a new pun to dad wants a baby brother because cookin. I have been good this year. so he can be like my dad. I hope Love Reed you and the raindeer get to Texas safely. Dear Santa, Love Kierra How are you and Mrs Claus and Rudolph doing? I betchaya that Dear Santa,

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Wishes everyone a Happy Holidays. We thank you for your support.


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Dear Santa, I hope you and your wife are doing well. This year I would like some earrings because I never get to take these ones off. I would also like a paer of fuzzy boots for twhen it is ocld. I need a new paer

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Dear Santa, I thik that you are doing good at the North pole. I think that you are going to bring me a lot of stuff and if you do I will leave you some cookies and milk. This year I wold like monster hight movie because that movie is coming up on November 29. I would like anew rom for my stuff animals and my papers. I would like a pear of gloves because for winter my hands get cold. I would ike a pear of nails because my birthday is coming up. I hope you bring my mom some hair brush because we lost the other hair brush. I hope that you bring my dad some tool because my brother lost my dad tools. I hope that you and the raindeer have a good ride to Texas. Love Amy





Dear Santa, I hope Ms Clus and you are doing well. This year for hristmas I would like Jie Jie doll because she is my favorite monster. I would also like a zubr in a hat and sunglasses so we can be twinsies with a zubr. I need a monster high tooth brush because my old tooth brush is broken. I would like frosting because I am making a cake for Jesus. I hope you bring coffy for me to bring to Ms. J. I would like for you to brineg me monster hight stuff. I love you Santa. Love Daytona



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I hope you will be ifne in Winter. I would like a motorcycle to ride around the house. I would like a new well to play when I bored with my dad and my mom when she is bored so she can play us. I need money becous when I buy my motorcycle it might cost $170. I wish you can bring a new bike to my dad. I wish you can bring a new xbox to my bruther so I can my dad and my mom to play and my friend to play with us. Love Jairo

Michelle & Amy May your holiday be as merry and bright as you have made our year!

Here’s hoping everything runs smoothly for you this holiday season. We appreciate your choosing us and thank you for your continued business.

Make All Your

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Wishing you a holiday filled with magic, wide-eyed wonder and excitement. We hope you enjoy every minute of it... straight through the new year! Thanks for being a faithful friend and customer.




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Bank of Azle

Bright Wishes and Warm Regards Sleigh bells are ringing, and we’re filled with good cheer, when we think of our friends, old and new we hold dear. And we’d like to extend to each one of you our very best wishes and gratitude, too!


Tire & AuTomoTive Shop 11480 FM 730 S • ( 2 miles south of Azle) 817-444-1301 • MON. - SAT. 9-6

Celebrate Christmas, Celebrate Christ!

wishes you a

MerryandChristmas a Happy New Year

Sundays: Sunday School 9:30 Worship Service 10:45

Wednesdays: Youth-6:00 AWANA-6:00 6:30 Adult Service

May your Christmas be rich with family love, warm with friendship, happy with life’s goodness and blessed with the joys of the season.

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Season’s Greetings 2013

of warm glovs because my dog toreup my other golvs. I need new close because my other clos grow out of me. I hope you will give Samantha a ipad because she does not have one. And I hope you give my dad two paers of fuzzy gloves because he lost his other paers. I hope you get your milk and cookies. Love Lena

fo r chrismas. This year I want boots bercause I can wear dresses eith them. I would also want toys because my old ones are broken apart and also because they are not working well. I would like some winter stuff because it is almost chritmas and when Christmas is here its cold. I would want shoes because the ones I am wearing are rip. My brother needs new head phones so he wont get ours. My Dear Santa, dad needs a new phone because he I hope you are doing good and dropped his and it cracked. I hope not be sick this Christmas. I would you have a safe flight. ike a tooth toons tooth brush from Love Briseyda kids boop so I can lisen to music and brush my teeth aat the same Dear Santa, time. I would also like a new comI hope you are doing good on bat wepen for kraty. I also need Christmas. I would like a now psp cowboy boots because I don’t and play station because mine are have any and I need them. I need no longer working I really need a shoes because my soes are worn long sleeve shirt. To play with in out. I would also like you to get the house I need new pants besome bow inairows for my cosen. cause they are getting old. Please I would also like you to get some get my poppy a tv and my mom a electronec tooth brushes because kindle poppys tv doesn’t do what they can brush there teeth. I hope he wants it to do. Merry Christmas you do well this Christmas. to you and mrs claus. Love Ezeauiels Love Jonathan

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 I would like new head phone because I hae nothing to listen to music on it would be nice to have that this season. I woul also like a tv because I can watch tv in my own room. It would be nice to have that this Christmas. I wold like clothes for the winter for me to where this season. Love Anthony

like a wagon to pull rocks in my new wagong so I don’t have to d oit. I hope you bring my brother and me and my dad some pairs of gloves. I hpe you bring me and my dad a new pair of rubber boots I hppe you and mrs clauss are doing well. Love Anthony

Dear Santa, This year for chrstmas I would like a Crayola set for coloring. I would also like a lunch box for my lunch. I want boots because I never had befor I would need markers for coloring on paper willy would like a lunch box for lunch dad would liketo get a weedeater to cut the plants I hope you enjoy the milk and cookies. Love Dylan

Dear Santa, I hope you and mrs claws are warm. I want call of duty black ops 2 because I can play with my brother. I want a bayblade so I can beat my brother. I need loves for the winter because its cold outside. I need winter cloes becaseu I cant find my last year winter cloes can brayden have a four wheeler becaue hes my friend. Can parker have aplaystation 4 because hes nice to me. I hope your not sick. Love Payton

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph and the elfs and Mrs Claus and the North pole and the other reaindeer? Can you pleae bring me ten pairs of stealed toes boots. I lost one and I’m going to use them for working out side. I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, would like a toy dirtbike to drive I hope you and the others are I hope you come and be careful outside and in the mud and in the doing good. I hope you can come on that big slay of yours. This year house. I pull my wagons. I would

Dear Santa, I hope you and mrs Claw are doing fine. I would like a robot bby sister to play with hold, atalk to and sleep with. I would ike a flutter fly fairy because when you made you hand follows it. I need new basket ball shoes because its fixin to start my old ones are too small. Will you give my mom a ro-

Another great Christmas is in the bag - wondering how we know? Because having friends and neighbors like you, always makes it so! Merry Christmas and many thanks for your loyal support.



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bot mom because she neesds help. I would like my mom to have a robot elf because she needs a lot of work so she can clean my room and liv ing room. I hope you have nice flight. Love Alysia

How are the elffs doing? How are the rain dear doing? I wish for a cakepop maker so I can make cakepops I wish for my tooth I can lisin to music and brush my teeth at the same time. I wish for new slipers fbecause my old ones are wore out. I wish for my dad to have new head Dear Santa, phones. I wish for myou to bring Do yo have a new sled. This my mom new earings. year for Christmas I would like a Love Lillie nook because I would look up history. This year I would like a xbox Dear Santa, 1 for Christmas because I would I hope the elfs are doing good play games. This year I would like this year. I want roller skates so I a new bed for Christmas because can practice it. I want a pop rocks my feet would not be hangin off. so when I put them in my mouth This year I would like you to give they will pop. I need a new lunch my brother a pair of gloaves be- box because mine is braking. I cause his hands will not get cold. need new scool suplis because I This year I would like you to give am looking my erasers. I want to my brother a jacket because so he get my mom a new dancing flower wont get cold. I hope you and the because her brake. I want to get elfs are staying warm. feat a new bb gun his broke. I hope Love Aydon you stay warm this Christmas. Love Parker Dear Santa,

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