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Plan of Action

Plan of Action

PRC IT had a new structure this term as Regional Assistants were introduced for all regions as well as Campaign Assistants. During the elect period, I would like to assess the sustainability of these positions alongside VPPRC 22/23, and also to assess the task distribution within the team and identify together with my predecessor possible grey areas Once the term starts, I will ensure a transparent selection process for PRC IT, and should it be the case, I will not hesitate to consult with other officials

Once the team is selected, it is my priority to create a safe space within the team, an environment that encourages growth and clear communication I will put an emphasis on creating a precise distribution of tasks and the creation or updating of a PRC IT Social Contract. I will make sure to create monthly online meetings in order to organize our workflow and discuss our work milestones. Once more, I assure my future IT members of my full support regarding any task



Capacity Building remains the backbone of our federation, as we can evolve as individuals and as an organisation only through continuous learning and sharing of information I would like to further develop this area, and my vision for this would encompass the following aspects:

Propose PRC related workshops in Pre-RMs and Pre-GAs, and supervise their coordination and delivery within SRTs

Update the regulations for PRACT and align them with the CB Regulations

Explore the standardization of PRACT and the creation of a syllabus in order to assure the quality of the sessions provided Moreover, it is also important to create standardized preevaluation and post-evaluation forms

Coordinate at least one online workshop so that we develop the regional representation of PRC trainers that cannot attend physical meetings during the term

Explore with the VPCB and other relevant officials the creation of other workshops (some ideas: PR&Communication in Advocacy Efforts; Campaigning) Moreover, with the PRC DA and VPCB, I would like to explore the idea of having a more advanced workshop than PRACT, which would also graduate trainers.

For the PRC Representatives worldwide, I aim to create an Educational Program in the form of an online paced course for them and have close communication with them, assuring that IFMSA’s image is uniform and also that they get the necessary knowledge to develop their own brands and PRC strategies

Continue h C t M d l d i d f th PRC t ti ithin SCs and RTs and

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