Table Of Contents
I. Table Of Contents pag. 1 II. Motivation Letter pag. 2 III. Plan Of Action pag. 3-8 IV. Curriculum Vitae pag. 9-10
Dearest SCORPions from all corners of the world, “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” (Eleanor Roosevelt) … This is a quote I have stumbled across a couple of years ago, a quote that has been imprinted in my brain since then. Why? Because I have always thought that we are all responsible to make this world a better and safer place. At that time, with this as my main motivation, I was working hard to get into med school and to be honest not even in my wildest dreams I would have thought that I will be one day, here, in front of all of you to present my candidature to be SCORP Director for the term 22/23. Since I was little, I despised injustice, I despised being hateful toward other people, I despised and I knew that part of my calling was to fight against these things. Thus, when I entered university, I knew that I needed to get involved in projects regarding these issues. With every little project, I became more and more thirsty for knowledge, for getting more involved. This is why I decided to apply to be a delegate within the FASMR-Romania delegation to MM’20. Even though I was only a first-year medical, the affirmative answer received was only the start of my IFMSA journey. Since then, I knew this is what I was supposed to do, this was the place I was supposed to grow up in as a future medical practitioner, but more importantly as a human being. The highlight of my journey is summarized in one date 26th of October 2020, the day I was appointed to be the SCORP PRCA. I believe this is the experience that really contoured my path, empowered me and motivated me to work even harder. I knew that after this experience, I had to give back to FASMR as much as I could. Thus, in December 2021 I became the Vicepresident for International Affairs, making sure more medical students discover the amazing community created by IFMSA, a community where they truly feel safe and supported in expressing their thoughts. Now, it is time to get out of my comfort zone again and express my biggest wish: to advocate for human rights and to create a future generation of medical practitioners multilaterally prepared! I am a very ambitious and motivated individual, that when she starts doing something she puts all her heart and her soul into that task … maybe sometimes too much! But to be honest, I hope that you will discover my qualities throughout the World Mark, Marketing Assistant term. JUN 2018 - JUN 2019
As to conclude to the question that is probably runningHandled in your heads:”Why is she a good fit topresence be SCORP D?”, I know more the company’s online – than ever that this position requires maturity and a good understanding of the Standing Committee, qualities regularly updated the company’s website and that I have polished in the years that I have been involved in IFMSA as well as my NMO, and that I am willing to develop even more. I am various social media accounts asking you to permit me to share your ideas, become your voice, and light the fire in your hearts. Allow me to do what I love Monitored ongoing marketing campaigns the most, to contribute to the mission of making human rights and peace visible to everyone, to make my NMO, FASMR for in prospective clients Romania, and team proud of my achievements, and flip Prepared a new page presentations in what my journey IFMSA represents as the SCORP Director for the term 2022/2023. As I like to say, keep on advocating always for HUMAN RIGHTS WITH NO BOUNDARIES! Green Hugs from the Land of Vampires, Yours sincerely, Ana-Maria
I. TeamWork In all my previous experiences, I have learned a valuable lesson properly described by actually the motto of my NMO: “Together we can make a difference!.” (“Împreună facem diferența!”). That is why I plan to dedicate myself thoroughly to being responsible for leading effectively the Standing Committee and being available at any point if elected. 1. Within the Team of Officials I plan on: conducting possible collaborations between our Standing Committees (SCORE - Bioethics; SCORA - Gender-Based Violence, SRHR Issues In Vulnerable Populations; SCOME - Human Rights Education etc.); attending all TOMs either online or in a physical format if the university schedule allows it; becoming the voice of SCORPions worldwide when it comes to decision-making inside the Federation during GAs, TOMs, Regional Meetings. 2. With the SCORP International Team I plan on: organising team building activities (IT Weekend; Working Parties etc.), since I believe that in order for a team to work well, we all need to feel comfortable with each other and in the environment we work in; having individual meetings dedicated to planning every month with each member of the SCORP IT, so that I make sure each one feels supported accordingly; developing an Availability Calendar, so that each IT member knows when their teammate needs support in developing their tasks; updating and analyzing the section regarding Mental Health of the IT Monthly Report, reaching out and supporting my team accordingly to their needs; capacitating my team by building along with the SCORP CBA and CB IT a SCORP IT Competency Module that will be polished according to their needs. The SCORP IT Competency Module will only add specific pieces of information that won’t be addressed by IFMSA’s Competency Module for ITs; being open to feedback and inputs all the time and analysing my work each month, in accordance with the IFMSA Strategy, SCORP Strategy, Global Priorities, my POA and the AWP.
II. Assuring Continuity and Sustainability of SCORP 1. SCORP Strategy 2022-2025 This following term will be the first year when the brand new SCORP Strategy will start its implementation. If elected as SCORP D, it is my duty to assure that the vision of the SCORPions, as well as my predecessors’ is passed on and implemented. Thus, I will guide my IT to draft their AWP according to the new SCORP Strategy, but also keeping in mind the IFMSA Strategy,
the Global Priorities and their PoA and will assess the updates monthly.
2. Handover From my perspective, handover is one of the most important parts of the term because it empowers the SCORP IT members and also builds their confidence in managing the tasks. Thus, in order to make this process as effective and as pleasant as possible, I envision to: update the handover tracking sheet by contacting the previous SCORP IT and gathering their inputs regarding the number of minimum meetings for each position, the topics to be added for discussion etc; having a group handover with the new IT and the previous one so that there is a smooth transition between the terms; during the term, after each initiative (SWG, Campaign, Workshop etc.) conduct a debriefing where we will note down the things that went well, the possible improvements and some pieces of advice. Then, these are to be added to the updated Handover Manual.
3. NMO Activation Process & Maintaining the Active Status One thing that I have noticed throughout the terms is the fact that it can be hard to start building this standing committee inside NMOs, but we often find it even harder to maintain them active. With this being said, I believe it is time we address these issues by: creating along with the CBA a NORP Competency Module so that we ensure that NORPs from all the regions are knowledgeable in different fields. Also, I would like to explore the idea to have an observership stage before a NMO can get the Active Status; discussing with the RAs at the beginning of the term our strategy for approaching new NMOs and activating them; evaluating the NORPs Manual, SCORP Manual and follow up on the work that has been done in the term 20/21 along with the SCORP GA and SCORP DA. The next step would be to update the NORPs Manual and explore the feasibility to translate it.
III. Capacity Building During my active years within this Standing Committee, I have learned that building the capacity of IFMSA members is the equivalent of dissolving the bridges between us. Thus, during my term, if elected, I will focus on developing this pillar.
1. SCORP Camp & GoSCORP As a person that had the opportunity to witness SCORP Camp grow, both as an IT member and as part of the OC, I plan on increasing the quality of the largest SCORP CB-related event by: creating along with the CBA & GA extensive resources folders, so that the OC can develop their work accordingly; creating a guide for the OCs with all the relevant deadlines taking into consideration all internal CB and PRC procedures; building the capacity of the OCs by creating and designing Competency Modules for the OCs with sessions regarding Fundraising, PR & Communication etc.; conducting an online meeting in the elect period with the SCOPE D and SCORE D regarding increasing the quality of GoSCORP. Moreover, I think it is also important to develop along with the CBA Upon Arrival Trainings / PreDeparture Trainings so that we can increase the capacity building of the participants; implementing CoC Committees inside the 2 SCORP official events, so that we assure the needed safe space; work closely with SCORP EAA and LRP, in order to find speakers for the theme events, as well as possible partners in order to support these events.
2. SCORP Related Workshops As we are slowly recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to be aware of the fact that SCORP needs urgent measures taken in order for the standing committee to be sustainable in this area. As a consequence, I believe it is important to: make sure the SCORP CB Regulations are aligned with IFMSA’s CB IOGs; along with the SCORP CBA, create the official regulations for ITHRE which are to be voted upon in one of the upcoming GAs; follow up on the work that has been done on the TNHRT Curriculum and ITHRE standardization and see the ground implementation of those follow up on the certification process, along with the VPA, as it is an important aspect for training graduates and empowers them in joining the Trainers’ Pool; as in SCORP Camp Romania 2022 there will be a new workshop implemented called Population on the Move, I would like to explore its implementation as a SCORP permanent workshop and open the door for suggested workshops by the NMOs; reach out to SCORP Alumni Trainers and reactivate them, so that we can assure that there is enough human resource for our trainings, especially for events like SCORP Camp, pre-GAs etc.; organize online workshops throughout the term, so that we can try to acquire more SCORP facilitators from all regions; explore with other Standing Committee Directors the possibility of creating new workshops so that we can promote intersectionality.
3. SCORP Pilot Course IFMSA’s Moodle Platform for CB is a resource that has not been sufficiently explored by us and I believe that it is essential to bring knowledge closer to all SCORPions worldwide. Thus, it is imperative that this term we must focus on the reformation of the SCORP Pilot Course “Ready, Set, SCORP!” developed during the term 20/21. Not only do we need to align it with IFMSA’s new Corporate Identity, but also create sessions that focus more on the intended learning outcomes, rather than constructing them around specific topic. 4. SCORP Sessions within GAs and RMs GA and RM sessions always leave a deep impression on our green community worldwide and I can say from my personal experience that they actually empower the SCORPions to work harder within their committee. This is why I believe that we need to continuously try to develop the quality of the SCORP Sessions by: developing outcome-based sessions focusing on the inputs given in the NORPs Report, Needs Assessment and by consulting the SCORP IT;
selecting the Sessions Team and Support Persons transparently and clearly defining their tasks; further developing SCORP Out Of The Box concept along with the SCORP IT; create with the SCORP IT a guide for future teams in order for them to conduct effective SCORP Sessions; offering my full availability for the RAs to develop their sessions within RMs; explore the idea of creating follow-up materials after the GAs by using the IFMSA’s Moodle Platform;
IV. From Internal Initiatives to the External Opportunities Creating a strong link between internal initiatives and external opportunities is more than important for the development of our standing committee. With this being said, I would like to support the LRP and EAA in everything related to showcasing our work to relevant/potential stakeholders by: implementing mandatory reporting after each initiative conducted by the SCORP IT. The templates for the reports will be revised together with the LRP at the beginning of the term; creating a clear plan forward with the LRP in addressing the GPs. Moreover, at the beginning of the term in the individual meetings, I will have with the SCORP IT members, I will make sure to see their vision in regards to the GPs; in the elect period, creating a way forward with the RDs and the LRP regarding the SCORP-related regional priorities and helping RAs incorporate these plans within their AWP; follow up with the LRP on the Human Rights Education Survey that started 1 term ago and explore the ways in which we can showcase our results to our stakeholders; along with the PRCA and with the LRP, creating Twitter Spaces during SCORP related delegations where we can showcase the advocacy efforts made by the IFMSA related to human rights and peace issues. Additionally, for the SCORP related delegations, we should really focus more on promoting them, thus I envision the creation of promotional plans, along with the help of the PRCA, the EAA and the LRP.
V. Increasing the Visibility of the Standing Committee Sometimes neglected, the visibility of a standing committee should be one of the top priorities of every Director. How can people get engaged when our work or the opportunities they have within IFMSA are not properly showcased?
1. SCORP Insights If elected, I would like to bring back the SCORP Insights. This newsletter was the perfect opportunity for all SCORPions to be on track with the work of the SCORP IT, but moreover to check the newest opportunities related to human rights and peace. My vision for the SCORP Insights would include the following steps:
2.SCORP Database SCORP Database is envisioned as the place where the SCORPions are supposed to find everything they need in one single place. Because of this, I believe we, as IT, should really work hard this following term in order to make it functional again. Thus, I think that in order to achieve this goal we will need to: adapt it to the new Corporate Identity of IFMSA and link the SCORP Database to the IFMSA Website with the help of VPPRC; consult at the beginning of the term with the VPPRC and SCORP PRCA about making the Activities Database try up-to-date. The problem during these past terms is the fact that it is not feasible to update it manually and this overwhelms a lot the PRCA. Thus, I will try to find solutions, so that the Activities Database will get updated automatically; create profiles for the other IT members and PCs interested in helping develop the Database. As mentioned previously, reforming the SCORP Database is a tremendous work that cannot be done alone by the PRCA, thus I believe including other IT members in this such as the SCORP GA, and SCORP DA, will help us shape or update our site; create a CB Opportunities Map in collaboration with the CBA and a SCORP events calendar along with the SCORP GA; create a guide on “How To Navigate the SCORP Database”.
3.SCORP Campaigns Within SCORP, yearly, we conduct 4 campaigns (World Human Rights Day; International Women’s Day; World Refugee Day and International Day of Peace) for which we create SWGs, so that we build the capacity of our members in regards to SCORP’s main topics, but also about creating effective campaigns. If elected, I plan on revitalizing the SCORP campaigns as follows: create from the beginning of the term the proposals along with the SCORP PRCA for the campaigns, so that we don’t risk them not being approved in due time during the term; assign for every campaign a co-coordinator within the PCs or IT members, taking into consideration clearly their availability in the period when the campaign is happening; consult with the PRCA and the VPPRC and conduct campaigns that are more outcome-based; encourage the RAs to conduct their regional campaigns and support them in their endeavours.
4. SCORPions Folder SCORPions Folder was created in order for the SCORPions worldwide to have all the documents related to the Standing Committee in one place. It is high time this gets updated as SCORP evolved a lot during the past terms. Updating the SCORPions Folder will revolve around the following initiatives: evaluate at the beginning of the term along with SCORP DA and GA as well as gather inputs from the previous IT on what things should be added or removed from the SCORPions Folder and create a timeline for this; update the folder with the IT reports on a monthly basis; together with the CBA create a CB resources center within the SCORPions Folder. This resources center will include a folder for each SCORP related workshop (TNHRT, HRMP, HCiD, ITDM, ITHRE) including examples for workshop proposals, designs of sessions, and presentations; include all the relevant manuals such as NORP Manual, From Idea to Impact etc.
VI. SCORP Related Programs In IFMSA, there are 3 programs related to the work of this standing committee: Ethics and Human Rights in Health; Emergencies, Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Action and Gender-Based Violence. Oftentimes, we see the Program Coordinators as separate entities and strictly as part of VPA’s team. If I will be elected as the SCORP D, I plan to: include the PCs in our monthly IT OLMs and also in our reports that are to be shared with the SCORPions; consult with the PCs at the beginning of the term on how they would like to get support from the SCORP IT in order for them to develop the PAR more efficiently; collaborate with the PCs and with the GA on checking the activities that are present in the SCORP Activities Database but not enrolled in IFMSA, so that we can better promote the enrollment process and its; empower the PCs to create a SCORP Programs Fest in order to capacitate the members on the importance of enrolling their activities; encourage the SCORP IT to enroll their initiatives.
Ana-Maria Dragu SHE/HER WORK EXPERIENCE Local Experience
LANGUAGES Romanian- Native English- C1 level French- B1 level Korean- A2 level
CONTACT INFORMATION Bucharest, Romania Street Ion Creanga, Nr 6C, Bl 87, SC 1, Ap 24
LinkedIn: Ana-Maria Dragu
PERSONAL REFERENCE Nationality: Romanian Date of birth: 09.09.2000 From: Bucharest, Romania
IFMSA TRAININGS HRMP Graduate - 2021 Pre-EuRegMe'22 TNT Graduate
Volunteer in multiple projects Logistics Volunteer at SURGICON 2019 PR OC Member at SURGICON 2020 PR Coordinator at SURGICON 2021 Secretary Volunteer at IMSCB 2019 PR OC Member at IMSCB 2020 OC SCOPE SCORE 2021 Ambassadors and Partnerships Coordinator at IMSCB 2021 Local Coordinator of EMSA-Bucharest 2020-2021 & 20212022
National Experience SCORP PR & Communication Assitant 2020-2021 VPA Assistant 2021-2022 CCC Member: NGA December 2020; NGA April 2021 INTU Volunteer in the External Affairs Department Vicepresident International Affairs 2022-2023 International Experience Participant in CB Fest 2020 GoSCORP Romania 2020 - OC Member SCOP PRCA 2020-2021 Coordinator of 4 SWGs: World Human Rights Day SWG 2020; International Women's Day SWG 2021; World Refugee Day 2021; International Day of Peace 2021 Attended SCORP Sessions at European Extravaganza 2020 SWG Member of SCORP Strategy Development 2022 SCORP Camp Romania 2022- OC Member Meetings Attended MM'20 Rwanda - SCORA Sessions EuRegMe'20 - SCORP Sessions MM'21 - SCORP Sessions Team Member Pre EMR 2021 - SCORP Stream Facilitator EuRegMe'21 - Presidents'Sessions & Plenary Team Returning Officer AM'21- Presidents'Sessions & Plenary Team Secretary Assistant & European Plenary Team CCC & SCORP Sessions Team Member EMSA SA'21 - Head of Delegation of EMSA-Bucharest NGA December 2020, NGA April 2021, NGA December 2021, NGA April 2022
SKILLS Social Media Manipulation Basic GDPR Communication Time Management Public Speaking Teamwork Basic video making and editing Leadership Writing and text editing Minute Taking
IT SKILLS Google G Suite Adobe Premier Pro Microsoft Office Canva Microsoft Teams WordPress Google Analytics
SESSIONS FACILITATED "How to Campaign?" European NORPs OLM; IFMSA-Japan; IFMSAPakistan "Discrimination Based on Race" - AMSA Austria NGA 2021 "Psychological First Aid" AMSA Austria (AMSA Graz) "IHL an Healthcare in Danger" - Pre EMR SCORP Stream 2021
Other Mentions Finalist for a video contest about Human Rights organized by the US Embassy- 2017 The organizer of a Basic Life Support Course in my high school in collaboration with my actual LC Alumnus of Oxford Royale Academy- 2018 Attended the NATO Simulation Council and got awarded Best Delegate Director of the Division of Projects and Collaborations at Saint Sava National College between 2018-2019 Student Representative in the Faculty’s Council Online Courses: a. Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster-Harvard University b. Global Diseases-Imperial College of London c. WordPress for Beginners Wrote 2 articles for this year’s SCORP Magazine made by SCORP Bucharest LC entitled: “Can women help men who suffer from mental health issues?”; “Is marital rape real?” and one for the European Sting entitled “The application that encourages us to be heroes”(26/08/2020) Sessions: Science Advocacy in 2020 ( EMSA Medical Science); Entering Joker's Mind: The Neuroscience of Evil ( EMSA Medical Science) Policy Reviewer at EMSA-Europe for the following Policy Papers - Refugees Health and Rights; Vulnerable Populations and Access to Healthcare; Animal Research; E-learning; Technological Advances in Medical Applications
EDUCATIONAL HISTORY Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bachelor of Medicine 2019-2025
Saint Sava Royal National College High School Diploma 2015-2019