Vicepresident for Public Relations & Communication 2023/2024

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Vicepresident for Public Relations & Communication 2023/2024 CANDIDATURE PACKAGE Ana-Maria Dragu

Motivation Letter

VPPRC 23/24

Dear IFMSA Family,

Three years ago I was writing my plan of action for FASMR SCORP PRCA Back then, I was a first-year medical student with big aspirations and genuine intentions. I still find it hard to comprehend that I have developed into the person writing you this letter and enjoying another opportunity to introduce myself today. I'm Ana-Maria Dragu, a driven fourth-year medical student, and I'm excited to share with you why I'm running for IFMSA's VPPRC 2023/2024.

IFMSA has played a crucial role in my progress, and I sincerely feel this IFMSA gave me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone, explore my creativity, and learn more about a range of scenarios and uncommon experiences that are not included in medical textbooks. I owe you all a huge debt of gratitude for everything.

When did it all begin? I first came across the acronym IFMSA in 2019 while attending Freshers' Week in my LC Since that moment, my curiosity was sparked and soon my main priority has become cultivating and amassing the knowledge and abilities needed to enable me to make a difference in my community and as a prospective healthcare professional. So I followed through with my plan and got accepted as a member of FASMR-Romania’s MM’20 delegation and that is when I realized that this is where I belong and where I will be able to flourish and to accomplish my goals

If you asked me which moment impacted my path the most I think it was precisely on October 26th 2020, the day I was appointed to be the SCORP PRCA. Fast forward to the end of my term, I had accumulated valuable skills and a broader vision of what IFMSA stands for, a vision where the youth is meaningfully engaged and our efforts are visible and taken into consideration I also knew the importance of familiarising my own NMO with all the opportunities we had internationally and thus, in December 2021 I became the Vicepresident for International Affairs, making sure that more medical students discover the amazing community created by IFMSA, a community where we can truly feel safe and supported in expressing our thoughts

As SCORP Director 22/23 I felt encouraged to continue my journey and to keep dreaming about the future of the organisation, one which would include me. I truly believe that being a member of the TO has prompted me to assess our Federation from different angles and consequently, I was able to identify certain shortcomings and come up with potent solutions Furthermore, I’m coming forward to you as a person with considerable PR&C savvy, shaped by encountering different work environments and people, but most importantly as a person aware of the need to constantly improve and keen on doing so during the term, if elected.

Motivation Letter VPPRC 23/24

How do I envision the activity of the VPPRC? Spontaneous and challenging. It is a position in which you always need to be up to date with the latest trends and events, to seek creativity and to face the unexpected gracefully Having said that, I truly believe that this new adventure would fit me the best given that this is who I am, a medical student that is always seeking to be better and do better and that is not afraid to step outside of my comfort zone. Aside from the must-haves that define the field, I am aware that an EB position requires maturity, commitment and enthusiasm, qualities that I believe I have polished throughout the experiences aforementioned and which I am prepared to boost even further. I believe my enthusiasm and vision for IFMSA have never been as strong and distinct as they are today, so I feel prepared to take on the challenge and represent the federation as the VPPRC 23/24. If elected, I pledge to take full responsibility for my actions and to use every available means to accomplish the objectives outlined in my plan of action.

My NMO has a motto which goes like: “Împreună facem diferența! / Together we make a difference!”, so, I challenge all of you, the IFMSA community, to make a difference together, through meaningful youth engagement.

Yours truly, Ana-Maria

Plan of Action

This Plan of Action is built upon IFMSA’s Constitution and Bylaws, IFMSA Strategy for 2022-2025, as well as my experience within IFMSA’s Team of Officials, as a SCORP D and the IT, as SCORP PRCA. However, the ideas proposed could be subject to change after my handover and consultations with the TO Elect. My priorities, if elected, would be the following:


During this term, I understood the importance of participating actively in the decision-making process within the IFMSA TO and the valencies of the work As part of the EB, I assure you of my availability to support my fellow EB members within the decisionmaking processes in any way that I can and also my availability to attend TOMs, GAs, and other RMs when needed I am a flexible person that also doesn’t shy away from challenges and I can assure you of my commitment and dedication to finding solutions to any contingencies.

Furthermore, I would like to emphasise another aspect regarding my activity within the TO, which is advocating for the reintroduction of TO-NMO Buddy Groups. From my experience as VP for International Affairs (NMO President) within my NMO, I understood that a lot of NMOs struggle to understand the Corporate Identity of IFMSA, but also how to develop a brand and how to create a uniform image of their own

Therefore, I believe if reestablished properly, it could help NMOs to achieve their organizational development goals in various IFMSA areas like External Affairs, Capacity Building, and other areas similar to my experience with PRC.

Moreover, within the TO, I would like to have a clear communication culture with all TO members meaning that we learn to understand each other I think this is a valuable lesson that I have learned throughout my experience in different leadership positions

Another issue that we encountered this term was managing the G-Mail accounts, as a lot of them run out of storage. I would like to explore with the VPPRC 2022/2023 possible solutions for this problem whilst also ensuring that the process is as sustainable as possible for the officials



PRC IT had a new structure this term as Regional Assistants were introduced for all regions as well as Campaign Assistants. During the elect period, I would like to assess the sustainability of these positions alongside VPPRC 22/23, and also to assess the task distribution within the team and identify together with my predecessor possible grey areas Once the term starts, I will ensure a transparent selection process for PRC IT, and should it be the case, I will not hesitate to consult with other officials

Once the team is selected, it is my priority to create a safe space within the team, an environment that encourages growth and clear communication I will put an emphasis on creating a precise distribution of tasks and the creation or updating of a PRC IT Social Contract. I will make sure to create monthly online meetings in order to organize our workflow and discuss our work milestones. Once more, I assure my future IT members of my full support regarding any task


Capacity Building remains the backbone of our federation, as we can evolve as individuals and as an organisation only through continuous learning and sharing of information I would like to further develop this area, and my vision for this would encompass the following aspects:

Propose PRC related workshops in Pre-RMs and Pre-GAs, and supervise their coordination and delivery within SRTs

Update the regulations for PRACT and align them with the CB Regulations

Explore the standardization of PRACT and the creation of a syllabus in order to assure the quality of the sessions provided Moreover, it is also important to create standardized preevaluation and post-evaluation forms

Coordinate at least one online workshop so that we develop the regional representation of PRC trainers that cannot attend physical meetings during the term

Explore with the VPCB and other relevant officials the creation of other workshops (some ideas: PR&Communication in Advocacy Efforts; Campaigning) Moreover, with the PRC DA and VPCB, I would like to explore the idea of having a more advanced workshop than PRACT, which would also graduate trainers.

For the PRC Representatives worldwide, I aim to create an Educational Program in the form of an online paced course for them and have close communication with them, assuring that IFMSA’s image is uniform and also that they get the necessary knowledge to develop their own brands and PRC strategies

Continue h C t M d l d i d f th PRC t ti ithin SCs and RTs and


My first involvement within the PRC area in IFMSA was through campaigns During my term as SCORP PRCA, I coordinated 4 SWGs that created meaningful campaigns What I realized throughout my experience and what I reflected upon as well during this term was the fact that campaigns sometimes are not always the result of in-depth assessment and planning, hence they do not have clear and achievable outcomes. If elected, I would like to achieve the following:

Evaluate with the VPPRC 22/23 the current procedures and the distribution of internal and external campaigns The tasks of the Campaign Assistants Moreover, I would also like to consult the PRCAs through an open space discussion within different structures in order to see how they would envision the dynamics with PRC IT in the future.

Start a consultation with our external partners along with the VPE 23/24 and gather good practices of how to develop outcome-based campaigns

Consult the VPE 23/24 on linking SC Campaigns with External Events so that we ensure a better promotion of the high-level meetings

Create a standard template for campaign evaluation within IFMSA and track closely the engagement on our social media platforms After each campaign, I would encourage the campaign coordinators to enroll their campaigns in the specific IFMSA programs

Create a guide for the NMOs and the PRCAs to develop outcome-based campaigns

Encourage inter-SC campaigns related to Global Priorities and support the TO members involved in their creation

Create clear campaigning guidelines for regional campaigns and support the RDs in the creation of campaigns based on their regional priorities


I always take into consideration the fact that the website is a person’s first impression of the organization It presents our values, our mission, and our vision Thus, it requires constant maintenance, improvements and content innovation In order to improve the IFMSA Website I would like to:

Assure clear communication with the websites developers and have regular meetings whenever it may be necessary

Understand the challenges and issues encountered with the website through handover meetings with VPPRC 22/23

Create with the Website Assistant a form that is shared with the TO and NMOs regarding bugs that they notice within the website and add it to the EB Procedures

Assess the tables already created on the website and their sustainability and update them regularly with the Website Assistant

Create clear procedures with the VPA regarding the constant updating of the Activities Database

Explore the idea of adding a feedback section from members for the TO and also a Contact Us section for potential stakeholders

On top of this, there are also other appendices to the IFMSA Website that need our support in order to be developed:

Exchanges Database - assure clear and transparent communication with the SCOPE and SCORE Directors regarding issues with the Exchanges Database I plan on getting accustomed to it from my elect period and understanding the current issues

CB Platform - ensure that the Corporate Identity of IFMSA is respected throughout the materials provided there Moreover, I would like to work closely with the VPCB in order to explore ways and make it more user-friendly.

SC Databases - work on diagnosing current issues within the Databases and link them to the SC Pages created on the IFMSA Website



This term, the VPE, VPF, and VPPRC will create the foundation of a Fundraising plan If elected, I would like to:

Follow up with the 3 EB members and with VPE Elect and VPF Elect during the elect period

Explore the E-Commerce Laws and regulations for the creation and selling of IFMSA Merchandise, and also explore collaborating with sustainable online businesses for its creation

Create the GAs Prospectus with the VPF and VPE


Our brand is a defining element when it comes to transmitting our core values Therefore, I commit to the following in case of election:

Consult with VPPRC 22/23, VPPRC 21/22, and VPPRC 20/21 about the status of IFMSA’s Brand development and assess the work that needs to be done during this term and also consult with the Marketing Company

Raise awareness through the NMO Folder about the Corporate Identity by creating simplified guidelines for NMOs on procedures regarding brand approvals such as in SRTs, RMs, and other events

I will monitor along with the PRC GA the usage of the Brand within our social media channels

Develop a Communication Framework for our Social Media channels For this, I would collaborate with the VPE to get good practices from our stakeholders as well as with our Marketing Company

Collaborate with the VPCB and introduce our Brand Concepts and Elements through the Competency Module created for ITs/PCs and TO members


OYouth Advocacy and Marketing should always be in synergy. Our voices can’t be heard unless we have a strong presence online, based on a clear and full proof strategy I firmly believe that in order for us to achieve meaningful youth engagement, I will need to:

Develop a fruitful collaboration with the VPE throughout the term and see how we can align and promote our internal efforts with external opportunities

Capacitate advocacy enthusiasts through the creation of a workshop focused on the marketing of advocacy

Align the coverage of high-level meetings with other relevant campaigns

Create joint campaigns with other organizations

Create a database with the VPE and see how we can promote our statements and efforts through the media. The database will be divided by regions, areas of expertise etc. Moreover, clear procedures will be with the VPE when it comes to contacting media outlets

I would also like to explore having podcasts on Spotify/Apple Music/Twitch/YouTube

Channel related to our Global Priorities and to our Policy Documents along with relevant stakeholders

Creating an Advocacy on Social Media Toolkit

Exploring a new approach with the VPE regarding building new relationships with potential externals by creating videos regarding our mission, vision and values

Tracking the engagements of our social media posts and submitting these reports into the final report of the meeting and share it with the stakeholders whenever relevant

Assist the LWHO and VPE in the selection of the PRC Coordinator and supervising and supporting their work continuously

As VPPRC, it is my task to monitor IFMSA’s abidance by the privacy policy and the deletion of data over an established period of time Thus, I assure you that:

I will make sure that at the end of my term, if elected, all the personal data will be deleted

Before deleting the data, I will coordinate with the VPA and make sure that all the necessary certificates have been issued. Assist NMOs in developing their privacy policies and raise awareness about their importance I would like to discuss the grey areas of data collection, especially when it comes to SRTs


IIn terms of IFMSA Publications, I would like to emphasize the following things:

the creation of an IFMSA Newsletter - this would start within the Elect period. The aim of this would be to be transparent with the NMOs about our updates in terms of work. Then after the Elect Period is finished, we will explore ways to expand the newsletter and share it as well with our relevant external partners organize the IFMSA Canva Account and create templates for certain publications.

Medical Students International (MSI) presents the voice of medical students from all over the world Being one of our core publications, I plan as VPPRC to:

promote the MSI in all 5 regions and assure that the submissions accepted will take into account gender and region representation create a SWOT analysis at the end of the term that would be shared with the VPPRC 24/25 and reflect on the necessary changes that need to be created showcase our magazine to our stakeholders with the help of the VPE ensure the alignment with IFMSA’s Corporate Identity, while going for a modern format

04 9. GDPR

Ana-Maria Dragu



Local Experience

Volunteer in multiple projects

Logistics Volunteer at SURGICON 2019

PR OC Member at SURGICON 2020 & 2022

PR Coordinator at SURGICON 2021

Secretary Volunteer at IMSCB 2019

PR OC Member at IMSCB 2020


Ambassadors and Partnerships Coordinator at IMSCB 2021

Local Coordinator of EMSA-Bucharest 2020-2021 & 2021-2022

National Experience

SCORP PR & Communication Assitant 2020-2021

VPA Assistant 2021-2022

CCC Member: NGA December 2020; NGA April


INTU Volunteer in the External Affairs Department

Vicepresident International Affairs 2022-2023

International Experience

Participant in CB Fest 2020

GoSCORP Romania 2020 - OC Member

SCOP PRCA 2020-2021

Coordinator of 4 SWGs: World Human Rights Day SWG 2020; International Women's Day SWG 2021; World Refugee Day 2021; International Day of Peace 2021

Attended SCORP Sessions at European Extravaganza 2020

SWG Member of SCORP Strategy Development 2022; Member of the IFMSA Prioritization SWG 2023

VPPRC Support Person AM'22

SCORP Camp Romania 2022- OC Member

SCORP Director 2022-2023

Meetings Attended

MM'20 Rwanda - SCORA Sessions

EuRegMe'20 - SCORP Sessions

MM'21 - SCORP Sessions Team Member

Pre EMR 2021 - SCORP Stream Facilitator

EuRegMe'21 - Presidents'Sessions & Plenary

Team Returning Officer

AM'21- Presidents'Sessions & Plenary Team

Secretary Assistant & European Plenary Team

CCC & SCORP Sessions Team Member

MM'22 & AM'22 - Head of Delegation

EuRegMe'22 - SCORP Sessions Team

EMSA SA'21 - Head of Delegation of EMSABucharest

NGA December 2020, NGA April 2021, NGA December 2021, NGA April 2022


Bucharest, Romania

Street Ion Creanga, Nr 6C, Bl 87, SC 1, Ap 24

LinkedIn: Ana-Maria Dragu


Nationality: Romanian

Date of birth: 09.09.2000

From: Bucharest, Romania


Bachelor of Medicine- University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol

Davila 2019-2025

High School Diploma from Saint Sava Royal National College 20152019

Graduated from the Mathematics and Informatics Bilingual Class

Baccalaureate Grade: 9 68/10


Social Media Manipulation

Basic GDPR


Time Management

Public Speaking



Writing and Text Editing

Minute Taking



Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premier Pro

Adobe Illustrator




Romanian - Native

English - C1 level

French - B1 level

Korean - A2 level


HRMP Graduate - 2021

Pre-EuRegMe'22 TNT Graduate

Other Sessions Facilitated

"How to Campaign?" - European NORPs OLM; IFMSA-Japan; IFMSA-Pakistan "Discrimination Based on Race" - AMSA Austria NGA 2021

"Psychological First Aid" - AMSA Austria (AMSA Graz)

"IHL and Healthcare in Danger" - Pre EMR SCORP Stream 2021

Trainer TNHRT SCORP Camp 2022

Other Mentions

Finalist for a video contest about Human Rights organized by the US Embassy- 2017 The organizer of a Basic Life Support Course in my high school in collaboration with my actual LC

Alumnus of Oxford Royale Academy- 2018 Attended the NATO Simulation Council and got awarded Best Delegate Director of the Division of Projects and Collaborations at Saint Sava National College between 2018-2019 Student Representative in the Faculty’s Council

Online Courses:

Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster-Harvard University

Global Diseases-Imperial College of London

WordPress for Beginners

Adobe Photoshop for Beginners


2 articles for this year’s SCORP Magazine made by SCORP Bucharest LC entitled:

“Can women help men who suffer from mental health issues?”;

“Is marital rape real?”

1 article for the European Sting: “The application that encourages us to be heroes”(26/08/2020)


Science Advocacy in 2020 ( EMSA Medical Science); Entering Joker's Mind: The Neuroscience of Evil ( EMSA Medical Science)

Policy Reviews for EMSA-Europe Policy Papers: Refugees Health and Rights; Vulnerable Populations and Access to Healthcare; Animal Research; E-learning;

Technological Advances in Medical Application

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