RP PRC 2020/2021: Ana-Maria Dragu Candidature

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Candidature RP PRCA 2020/2021

List of Abbreviations SCORP-Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace NMO-National Member Organization SCORP D-SCORP Director LRP-Liaison Officer on Human Rights and Peace IT-International Team PRCA-Public Relations and Communication Assistant SCORP DA-SCORP Development Assistant GA-General Assembly SCORP GA-SCORP General Assistant CB-Capacity Building VPPRC-Vicepresident on Public Relations and Communication LC-Local Center OC-Organising Committee SWG-Small Working Group RA-Regional Assistant RM-Regional Meeting OLM-Online Meeting MM20-March Meeting 2020

MOTIVATION LETTER DEAR SCORPIONS AND IFMSA FAMILY, A vivid scene is still running through my mind… I was 6 years old and my parents were asking me “Ana, what do you want to become when you grow older?”. I didn’t take time to think because I knew my answer: “I want to be a doctor and help all the people in need.”. With this ambition in mind, I have continued to grow into the girl that I am today, the same Ana who wants to make a change in her community . I am Ana-Maria Dragu, a second-year medical student at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” and I am honoured to present to you my candidature for the position of SCORP Public Relations and Communication Assistant for the term 2020-2021. My journey started back in October when I joined FASMR-Romania through The Medical Students' Society of Bucharest, my LC. Here, my enthusiasm grew and I became more and more ambitious. This perseverance made me apply for a spot within the FASMR, to be more precise in January I was appointed as the Assistant for Public Relations in SCORP. From then, I continued gradually to climb the stairs towards my goals. In March, I had the amazing opportunity to take part in the MM20 which took place in Rwanda. As a participant at SCORA Sessions, I understood that SCORP is such a multivalent standing committee since I could recognize parts of it in the activities I have encountered during the GA. I believe that this experience has been critical for my development because when I returned to Bucharest my motivation to work hard and become a human rights activist increased. Having a supportive team within FASMR, I have been able to promote national campaigns regarding bullying or refugees and raise awareness about the main goals of SCORP during the SCORP Sessions, where I was deeply involved. The pandemic didn’t stop me from creating content because I believe that during this period, me and my amazing team, really had a chance to focus on increasing our visibility on an international level, by creating strong bonds with other passionate IFMSA members. I am an optimistic 19 year old girl with a dream: making the world a better place through education, teamwork, and dedication. My voice may not be loud enough but if we all join together and work towards a common goal, we will surely be heard and taken into account! I know that we are passing through really tough times which have been shaking up our mental health, but we have to realize there is no better opportunity for making a CHANGE. And since we are living in the 21st century, the century of technology, I am asking you to permit me to share your ideas, become your voice, and lit the fire in your hearts. Allow me to do what I love the most, to contribute to the mission of making SCORP more visible than ever, to make my NMO and team proud of my achievements, and start a new chapter of my IFMSA journey as the SCORP Public Relations and Communication Assistant for the term 2020-2021.

Green hugs,

“Peace is more difficult than war.” Aristotle

Plan of action Taking into account the opportunities and possibilities available, I further present to you the preliminary plan of action for the position of PRCA. In the event that I am elected for the 2020/2021 term, the handover period with my predecessor, as well as the time needed to search for and evaluate best practices and challenges will contribute to the formation of my final plan. Hence my work as a PRCA would be focused on 4 pillars:

1.Engagement and Communication Engagement and communication with the SCORP IT Participating actively at IT’s OLMs, General Assembly Sessions Team, one to one meetings with the SCORP-D as well as other meetings when relevant. Acting as a liaison between the Public Relations and Communications IT and SCORP IT. Supporting the SCORP-D, the LRP, as well as International Team members in public relations related issues. I will be responsive, provide clear communication and help my team whenever they ask for my help. Ensuring visibility to the regional campaigns developed by RAs. Assisting the SCORP-D in promoting the GAs’ SCORP Sessions and RM’ SCORP Sessions. Moreover, I will promote international SCORP opportunities such as GoSCORP; SCORP Camp and SCORP Meeting. Attending both GAs, EuRegMe and other SCORP related activities if possible. Following up on the usage of the IFMSA Corporate Identity Manual in the various SCORP publications, and ensure that data collection efforts are aligned with the IFMSA Privacy Policy as well as the GDPR. Ensure the visibility of SCORP on IFMSA’s social media platform by becoming a link between the SCORP-D and VPPRC.

2. SCORP platforms SCORP Newsletter: Continue posting the newsletter every month, improving it by receiving feedback from the SCORPions and Public Relations IT. Promote the newsletter on all the SCORP regional Facebook groups with the help of the RAs. Assess and analyze the impact the newsletter through the data provided by MailChimp has on the people and analyze the best time to launch it. I strongly think that time is an important factor when it comes to engaging with the public and for this, I will consult with the SCORP IT in order to find the most viable option. Ensure the sustainability of the newsletter and its continuity to be a safe space for the members to express themselves and their ideas.

Engagement and Communication with NORPs and SCORPions from all around the world Promote the section provided for feedback which is encompassed on the SCORP database. Add a section in the newsletter which will include an anonymous pulse survey. Pulse surveys are methods of gathering feedback from the SCORPions who signed up for the newsletter and they are a tool for measuring member engagement. I am thinking of using TinyPulse, but further consultation will be made with the IT and VPPRC. Become a link between the SCORPions and the SCORP IT. Help the SCORP-D and SCORP GA in making a Communication Guide which will explain thoroughly how to access all the SCORP platforms. After the guide is finished, it would be useful to organize a webinar and demonstrate live how to access the database and the SCORPions’ Drive. Update together with the SCORP IT the SCORP Manual and NORP Manual and merge them into one manual called SCORP 101. A suitable solution would be an open call for an SWG, while keeping in mind the regional diversity, in order to get the best input and results. My aim with this SWG is to translate the manuals into: Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Portuguese, Hindi and French. For this, I will organize the SWG proposal and I will get involved in the translating process.

SCORP Issue: My goal for this term would be to interact more and more with all the SCORPions around the world. For this, I would like to create a magazine called SCORP Issue (this name is optional) which will contain: articles from SCORPions on a chosen topic, which will be selected by the SCORP IT, updates on the problems related to human rights and peace from all over the world, some articles written by SCORP IT which would inspire the NMOs to take suitable action.

SCORPions' Drive: I plan on updating and organizing the SCORPions’ drive with the help of the SCORP IT. Here, I would like to revise and update the table with international days with the help of the elected team.

SCORP Database: Adding a section for CB: Together with the DA we will post there all the CB opportunities for the SCORPions around the world. Moreover, I will help the DA and the SCORP IT to create a Human Rights Capacity Building Resources Folder, including a database for the human rights trainers, on the SCORPions’ Drive and a guide for the SCORPions on how to access it. Adding a section for External Affairs: Assisting the LRP on promoting opportunities for SCORPions to develop on an external level through internships, trainings etc. Adding a section called Activities. It will contain the Activities Database, which will be updated regularly with the help of SCORP-D. Furthermore, I plan on including in this section the SCORP Active Map and Events Map which are now on the SCORPions’ Drive. Updating the section About SCORP by uploading the SCORP 101. For a more interactive database, I plan on making a video with all the SCORP IT, where each member explains their activities based on their position within the team, their goals and their challenges. Adding a section for Alumni which will be updated regularly with the help of SCORP-D. Updating the Events Guide with the relevant experience related to CB, external affairs, GAs, RMs etc.

3. International Campaigns and Visibility Visibility Firstly, I plan on updating the “How to campaign manual” which can be found on SCORPion’s Drive with the help of the SCORP IT. I will try to create a proposal with the SCORP IT a short guidebook about how different NMOs can promote their SCORP related projects using the latest technologies. The actual pandemic context made me realize how important is to build a strong community on social media platforms. For this guidebook, I will brainstorm with SCORP-D and LRP and encompass our best ideas.

4. Sustainability and External Development Continuous assessment of SCORP platforms to identify their weak points as well as their strong points. All the changes will be discussed beforehand with the SCORP IT. Assessing the materials regularly in order to notice if they are made in a user-friendly way, taking into consideration SCORP bylaws. Encouraging the SCORPions to take part in activities which promote the synergy between SCORP and education. I will share opportunities like open calls for articles from different magazines ( ex-The European Sting; Auscultation). If some articles already published in the SCORP Issue will be fitting with the subject the publication demands, I will contact the author and present him/ her the opportunity. These collaborations will be done together with the LRP. Update the handover manual along with the SCORP IT and assist my predecessor in his/her handover period. Explore new channels destined to the external representation of our committee along with the LRP.

International Campaigns When it comes to creating international campaigns, I plan on promoting the already existing campaigns and moreover, adding new ones which also focus on the global priorities for this term. It is important now to focus on intersectionality, thus I would like to collaborate with the other standing committees and show a united front (eg: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia-SCORA+ SCORP; World Suicide Prevention Day-SCOME+ SCORP; International Day of Volunteers-all Standing Committees). Further research will be made if I am elected as the PRCA. I will make campaign toolkits while also updating the existing ones. While doing these campaigns, I will keep in mind that quality is important over quantity and won’t overwork myself. For this, I will carefully make a schedule together with the SCORP-D and LRP. The content would be globally diverse and it will show everyone how multivalent and multicultural SCORP truly is. Moreover, I would like to engage more with the SCORPions through my posts by creating a synergy between advocacy, awareness and interaction. Because I would like to interact more with the targeted audience, I will consult the PR IT as well as the SCORP IT, but also the members involved in that specific campaign. All the materials done for that specific campaign will be shared on social media platforms. At the end of each campaign, I will conduct an impact assessment and will collect feedback from the members involved in the planning of the campaign. Additionally, I will conduct a general evaluation of the whole campaign. All my work for these campaigns will be transparent and I will be open to receive any feedback. If the topic is more relevant for some regions, I will create more content for that specific region with the help of the RAs. The call for the SWG related to campaigns will be shared on all the Facebook groups related to SCORP. The members will be chose along with the IT by taking into consideration regional and gender representation.




First Name: Ana-Maria Last Name: Dragu Nationality: Romanian Date of birth: 09.09.2000 From: Bucharest, Romania

University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" 2019 - 2025 | Bachelor of Medicine

Saint Sava National College 2015-2019 | Highschool diploma


LANGUAGES Romanian English French Korean

CONTACT Tel: +40726633249 E-mail: ana.dragu2000@yahoo.ro / anadragu43@gmail.com Facebook

Intern at Choeun Entertainment (South Korea) PR DEPARTMENT


POV21 - magazine for teenagers and young adults PR DEPARTMENT


PR Assistant for SCORP FASMR Romania Part of the PR department at the International Medical Students’ Congress of Bucharest 2020 (IMSCB) Part of the PR department at Surgicon 2020 (surgical congress for medical students) Facilitated a session about PR and Visibility at the Scorp Sessions by FASMR Romania

SKILLS Social Media Manipulation Basic GDPR Communication Time Management Public Speaking Teamwork Basic video making and editing Leadership Writing and text editing

INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE MM20 GA in Rwanda GoSCORP-Romania OC 2020 Took part into SCORP Open-



Google G Suite

Took part in the SCOPH

Adobe Premier Pro

Session from CB Fest called

Microsoft Office

"Burnout: How to deal with it?"


Policy Reviewer at EMSA on

Microsoft Teams

the following policy papers:


1. Refugees Health and Rights;

Google Analytics

2. Vulnerable Populations and Access to Healthcare; 3. Animal Research; 4. E-learning; 5. Technological Advances in


Medical Applications

Finalist for a video contest about Human Rights organized by the US Embassy- 2017 Organizer of a Basic Life Support Course in my highschool in collaboration with my actual LC Alumnus of Oxford Royale Academy- 2018 Attended the NATO Simulation Council and got awarded Best Delegate Director of the Division of Projects and Collaborations at Saint Sava National College between 2018-2019 Student Representative in the Faculty’s Council Member of the external affairs department and marketing department in INTU (a platform which provides internships for students and young adults from all fields of interest) Online Courses: a. Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster-Harvard University b. Global Diseases-Imperial College of London c. WordPress for Beginners Wrote 2 articles for this year’s SCORP Magazine made by SCORP Bucharest LC entitled: “Can women help men who suffer from mental health issues?”; “Is marital rape real?” and one for the European Sting entitled “The application that encourages us to be heroes”(26/08/2020) Sessions: Science Advocacy in 2020 ( EMSA Medical Science); Entering Joker's Mind: The Neuroscience of Evil ( EMSA Medical Science)

Make SCORP, Not War!

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