If you want great old- fashioned fun and family entertainment, the Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show is where you want to be! The show is filled with action packed competition, and plenty of laughter. The Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show features only quality lumberjack competitors known throughout the world.
Lumberjacks have a history going back hundreds of years. At one time there were over 500,000 lumberjacks in the United States alone. Famous for encouraging change and modernizing equipment, they used their strength, skill and athletic abilities to do the dangerous work of falling and preparing trees for domestic use. This skill of strength and danger has led to today’s modern “lumberjack competitions” performed by the Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show.
The Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show has been performing at fairs, sports shows, festivals, theme parks, and both private and corporate events for over 33 years. The Show has performed all over the world including Japan, Bermuda, Europe, China, Australia and Africa. Events presented during a show include log rolling, underhand chopping, springboard chopping, standing block chop, crosscut sawing, axe throwing, and dragster chainsaw competition, just to name a few…. You’ll also see Lumberjacks using specifically- built speed axes to cut through wood in a matter
of seconds. The cross- cut saw, also known as the Misery Whip, with its razor- sharp teeth, races against the chainsaw… may the best sawyer win!
The Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show will provide lots of laughter, thrills and chills to young and old alike. You will also be entertained while you see logging skills used throughout history, as well as those used today. It’s muscle against machine! This is real competition, at its BEST.
Doornrivier Safaris 73
Eland River Outfitting 58
Gamka Safaris TBD
J & L African Safari 38
Lianga Safaris 22
Motsomi Safaris 54
Numzaan Safaris 13-14
Sensational Hunting Safaris ----------- 64
Stefan Joubert Safaris “A”
Thormahlen & Cochran Safaris 18 Warthog Safaris 41
Island Point Lodge 21
Doc Warner’s Alaska Fishing 19 Waters Edge Lodge 27
High Country Boats Small Bay
Pierce RV & Boats Big Bay
Aquatraction of Montana East/West 39
G & S Marina Outfitters 30
Wilderness Family Outfitters 63
Lawrence Bay Lodge 75
Lara’s Best Friend’s Closet 32-34
Moxie Blue Creative 20
Door Prizes Registration 2-5
Great Elk Tour 95-105
Kids Trout Ponds SE Corner
NFL Football Game Viewing TBD
Sportsman’s Theater SE Corner
Virginia City Mining Co. 6-9
Wall of Fish SE Corner
Reel Therapy Charter Fishing 53
AFP Products 66
Blue Creek Outdoors 17
HealthWristBandUSA -------------- 70-71
Hearing and Speech Connection 16
Hunt It Guns and Ammo, LLC 89-90
Kamp Cook Kitchens 51
Quick Survive 66
Silencer Central 87-88
Stonefly Studio 10
Strike Master Survival Tool 15
Wally World Satellite - Wally World RC Helis 49-50
Wilderness Survival Systems 40
Texas Twister Drink/Double M
Ventures LLC “J”
Grindy’s Cheeseballs 62
Miller Farm & Mountain States Building P&Q
Bureau of Land Management 23
Advanced Water Solutions 74
Aerles Electrolux 76
Halverson Wood Products 43-44
Leaffilter North LLC 52
Morton Buildings Inc. 28
Renewal by Andersen of Montana 55 Your Home Improvement Co./Bath Planet 46-47
Yellowstone Hunt Club 61
Hells Canyon Sportfishing 68
Farmers Insurance 57
Voyageur North Outfitters 59
ASJ Trophy Hunting New Zealand - 45
American Legion Gold Star Post 125 36
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers 35
Ducks Unlimited 48
Montana Pikemasters 26
Montana Trappers Association 65 Mule Deer Foundation 11
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Great Elk Tour
Family Fun Scuba & Snorkel 12
7 K Metals 56
Maiden Montana Pet Treats 29
Nick Fucci Outdoor & Nature Photography 69
Elevated Powersports 91-93,106-018
Missouri River Realty 25 RV & CAMPING DEALERS
Pierce RV & Boat Big Bay
Western Trailer & Marine Sales Big Bay Billings RV, Inc. 78-84 Metra RV Big Bay Four Wheel Campers Montana Small Bay
BARE Chiropractic 42
Tackle With Love 37
Montana Ford Dealers Small Bay
Deep Sea Charters 72
(StatePoint) Being new at anything can be intimidating. What’s great about hiking is that it’s free and open to all, no matter where you live or your level of experience. You also don’t need much gear or education to get started.
Ready to find the nearest trail? Check out these three tips and hike your way to greater fitness, well-being and adventure.
The world of hiking gear, apparel and footwear is vast, which might be a bit confusing for those new to the outdoor experience. Look for brands that make things simple. For example, KEEN Footwear is on a mission to make the outdoors more accessible by providing high-quality footwear at inclusive price points.
Some outdoor and sporting goods stores host outdoor skills workshops and group-led trips to help consumers feel comfortable prior to hitting the trail. For example, REI offers virtual
and in-person courses in topics like hiking and backpacking, along with lessons in everything from being bear aware to avoiding common stings and bites. These classes and events are a terrific opportunity to meet like-minded people with whom to share future outdoor adventures.
While you don’t need much to enjoy a hike, it’s important to have proper footwear for the terrain that’s comfortable, fits well and has the right technology features.
Expensive, bulky hiking boots that need to be broken in are not always the right answer for a newer hiker. Innovative solutions are emerging however. The KEEN Targhee has been keeping feet comfortable on the trail for more than 17 years. It’s a go-to hiking boot for backcountry overnights and hiking in rugged terrain. KEEN has created a new option that offers all of the most important features of its iconic, trail-tested Tar-
ghee collection with a fresh approach and inclusive pricing. The Circadia line is a back-to-basics alternative that provides the protection and stability of a hiking boot with a lighter, more sneaker-like feel. Expect out-of-the-box comfort, all-day cushioning, and stability on any trail surface, from dirt to gravel. It’s a great choice for local day hikes and short out-and-backs.
Another solid option from KEEN is Ridge Flex. Because this boot requires less energy on the part of the hiker, it’s known as the “e-bike of hiking boots,” and is ideal for beginners and experts alike. This is due to the KEEN.BELLOWS FLEX technology that makes it easier to flex the boot right out of the box. Thanks to this design, this boot bends where others may crack and weaken over time, making it a good long-term investment for hikers interested in multi-day backpacking and thru-hikes (hiking a long-distance trail end-to-end).
As with any outdoor activity, checking the weather is a must before heading out on a hike in order to have the right apparel for comfort, whether that is heat, wind or the cold. Be sure to bring extra food and water, or a way to purify water on the go, along with a simple first-aid kit and tools to start a fire. Don’t forget your cell phone, but be aware that cell phones do not always work on hiking trails.
It’s also a good idea to read up on the trail you’re planning to tackle to ensure it meets your abilities. Always tell a friend or family member when and where you’re hiking and what time you expect to return.
Whether you’re hoping to spot some elusive wildlife or you’re a fitness buff looking to get a great workout in nature, the outdoors is for you. And with a few simple preparations, you’ll be ready to hit the trail with confidence.
People venture into the great outdoors for many different reasons. The Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act was developed in part to analyze the outdoor recreation economy of the United States. In 2018, its report showed outdoor recreation contributed more than $412 billion to the U.S. economy and 4.5 million jobs. In 20192020, Parks Canada reported 24.8 million people visited parks and historic sites.
The outdoors became even more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outdoor areas were safer places to gather and made it easier to gather without compromising social distancing guidelines. Since then, nature has continued to provide the space and respite people need.
As people continue to venture outdoors, it is important to do so safely. Yale Medicine says serious medical conditions and severe injuries can occur in the wilderness. Preparation is key to avoid such scenarios.
Know what the weather will be when spending time in the great outdoors. Hikers or those engaged in other activities should have a way to protect themselves from rain and lightning strikes or being caught in cold weather for a long time. Appropriate clothing and a tarp or another temporary shelter can be crucial.
The first aid kit should be stocked with the basics for routine medical issues like cuts, burns or insect bites. For serious outdoors people, a lightweight splint can immobilize a sprain or broken bone. Outfit the kit depending on the activity. Consult with a medical professional or park ranger about what to bring.
Much in the way a pilot files a flight plan, people spending time outdoors should create their own travel plans and leave the details with someone at home.
The plan should list who is going, where everyone will be and the expected time away. This way if the group is not heard from in a set period of time, the person at home will know where to begin the search.
Injuries can occur from encounters with flora and fauna. Do not handle or consume wild plants without knowing that they are safe. Do not approach or feed wild animals. Store food up and away from tents so that bears and other animals will not be lured to your campsite.
The conservation organization Wild Virgina urges outdoor lovers to follow fire safety guidelines. Do not create a fire beneath overhanging branches or anywhere other items may catch fire. Use a ring of sand or stones to contain the campfire. Never light a fire if the fire danger rating is high. Parks usually post wildfire risk charts that will indicate if fires are off limits. Always fully extinguish a fire before leaving the area, and check that the ashes are no longer smoldering.
Each individual should know his or her medical history and physical limitations and keep them in mind when planning days outdoors.
Spending time outdoors presents plenty of opportunities for enjoyment, especially when people take safety measures into consideration.
The beauty of the great outdoors beckons millions of nature-loving individuals each year. Camping is a great way to fully immerse oneself in nature. However, there’s often a learning curve with tent camping, especially in regard to sleeping comfortably.
A tent is designed to keep campers out of the elements and to prevent bugs from bothering campers while they sleep. Tents come in a variety of shapes and sizes — with some larger tents even capable of sleeping six or more people. One of the most important components to consider when planning a camping trip is sleeping and bedding. A good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold, and can mean the difference between an enjoyable experience and cranky, out-of-sorts campers.
The following are some guidelines to maximize tent comfort while camping.
Calculate how many people will be on the camping trip and how much space they will need to rest comfortably. Purchase or rent a tent that will provide enough space. Multiple tents also can be used if the goal is to separate family members.
The next consideration is where to set up camp. Look for a level area that is relatively free from debris. Clear away any rocks and twigs, as debris under the tent can damage it and make it harder to fall asleep.
Families may want to camp a short distance from restroom facilities if they are available, which will make it easier for the midnight bathroom breaks that inevitably crop up.
In addition to the tent, campers will need a tarp/ground cover to place under the tent. This helps prevent moisture seepage from the soil.
Next, determine how everyone will sleep, whether on the ground or in cots. Cots can be the most comfortable options, but they take up a lot of space and can be heavy to transport — which is less than ideal when backpacking to a campsite. Inflatable mattresses or sleeping pads can be used in conjunction with sleeping bags to provide a soft, cushioned surface. Some are affordable at $40 while others may cost as much as $300. Costlier options may be best for frequent campers.
Temperature will go a long way toward improving or compromising comfort. Choose sleeping bags rated for the temperature. If you’ll be doing plenty of fall or winter camping, you’ll have a place to sleep that’s designed to be used at the time of year you’re camping.
When sleeping in warm temperatures, dress so you can add or remove layers as needed. A portable, bat-
tery-operated fan also can be a game-changer if it is hot and stuffy in the tent.
Some people love drifting off to sleep to the sound of crickets, while others are kept awake by the nighttime sounds of nature. Foam earplugs can mute some of those sounds and even the snoring of a tent partner. Campers also can set up a charged smartphone with a white noise app and use that to block out unwanted noises.
When traveling with kids, bring a few creature comforts along, such as a favorite pair of pajamas or stuffed animals. This can make the unfamiliar sounds and sights of sleeping outdoors a little less scary. Also, if possible, do a trial run camping in the yard to gauge how kids react in advance and plan accordingly to make improvements.
Individuals looking for a little more excitement and adventure in their lives can think about making New Year’s resolutions that align with their adventurous goals. These adventurous ideas can serve as inspiration for anyone who wants to be a little more daring with this year’s resolutions.
The great outdoors consistently beckons. Answer the call by engaging in a new outdoor activity. Any activity can be adventurous if it’s new to you. Start off small and get more into it as your skills improve.
Consider kayaking, surfing, mountain biking, rock climbing, or anything else that presnts a thrill.
Being adventurous can extend to any aspect of life, including dining. Expand your culinary horizons by trying new flavor profiles and recipes inspired by global cuisine. This may include ingredients you deem to be “exotic” but are customary in other parts of the world.
Adventures do not have to be large and time-consuming. In fact, the term “microadventure” was dubbed by Alastair Humphreys, an adventurer and speaker, as a way to squeeze more gutsy activity into anyone’s schedule. One way to do so is to resolve to sleep outdoors in a new place once a month. Shaking off the creature comforts of home enables you to adapt and embrace new experiences.
Active lifestyles often involve exploring natural landscapes. These areas can be affected by trash, which also can impact wildlife in negative ways. Resolve to keep parks, trails, rivers, lakes, forests, and other outdoor areas clean and beautiful. Various organizations spearhead these types of efforts, but you can work independently as well. Always practice a “carry in, carry out” policy when hiking or enjoying nature.
Individuals can ponder the many ways to embrace more adventurous resolutions in the year ahead.
The National Park Service in the United States has been around for more than a century. Created in 1916, the National Park Service was initially tasked with protecting the country’s 35 national parks and monuments. Today, the National Park System comprises more than 400 areas that cover more than 84 million acres in 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the Virgin Islands.
The growth of the National Park Service is proof of the undeniable allure of the great outdoors. The call of the wild can be answered anywhere in the United States, and the following are some must-see locations that fall under the purview of the National Park Service.
• Little River Canyon National Preserve
• Denali National Park
• Glacier Bay National Park
• Grand Canyon National Park
• Petrified Forest National Park
• Joshua Tree National Park
• Redwood National Park
• Sequoia National Park
• Yosemite National Park
• Great Sand Dunes National Park
• Rocky Mountain National Park
• First State National Historical Park
• Everglades National Park
• Dry Tortugas National Park Hawaii
• Haleakala National Park
• Yellowstone National Park (extends into Montana and Wyoming)
• Mammoth Cave National Park
• Indiana Dunes National Park Maine
• Acadia National Park
• Roosevelt Campobello International Park (a cooperative effort between the U.S. and Canada)
• Isle Royale National Park
• Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
• Voyageurs National Park
• Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway (extends into Wisconsin)
• Gateway Arch National Park
• Ozark National Scenic Riverways
• Glacier National Park
• Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area (extends into Wyoming)
• Niobrara National Scenic River
• Great Basin National Park
• New Jersey Pinelands
• Gateway National Recreation Area (extends into New York)
• Great Smoky Mountains National Park (extends into Tennessee)
• North Country National Scenic Trail (extends across various states)
• Cuyahoga Valley National Park
• Crater Lake National Park
• Lewis and Clark National Historical Park (extends into Washington)
• Congaree National Park
• Badlands National Park
• Wind Cave National Park
• Big Bend National Park
• Big Thicket National Preserve
• Arches National Park
• Canyonlands National Park
• Blue Ridge Parkway (extends into North Carolina)
• Cumberland Gap (extends across various states)
• New River Gorge National Park