CSA Group - Brochure 2020

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Procurement necessity Project partners

Procurement: Essential to the business. Essential to the customer.

Written by

Dale Benton

Produced by

Kiron Chavda

Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.



had no idea, to be quite honest with you, what procurement was,” laughs Manny Satija, Vice President,

Strategic Initiatives and Supply Chain, CSA Group, as he recalls his career jour-

ney. “Obviously, by definition, I know that procurement means to buy, but that’s kind of where it started and stopped for me at the time.” Procurement, for all the talk of transformation, strategic realignment and gaining “a seat at the table” remains a career and profession in which the complexity and the significance it has within an organization simply does not extend beyond those within the function. More often than not, we hear of people “falling into

Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.

better to continue to become essential.” This belief was something that drew him to CSA Group back in 2016, as the company was looking to embark on a significant procurement transformation to better leverage the strategic value within the whole procurement and supplier ecosystem. CSA Group needed a leader that had overseen the procurement operations of a major global company and possessed a transformational mindset through consulting services. With over a decade of experience working with IBM, Satija fit the bill and over the last three and a half years he has contributed to the implementation of a new ERP and CRM system to better support the technology transformation, procurement” but for Satija, having

as well as ensuring that this technology

moved into procurement with IBM in the

continues to enable greater automation,

early 00s, before taking on his current

not only in the procurement and broader

role with CSA Group, it does not matter

supply chain front, but across the organ-

what he thought then as what he thinks

isation in various other forms of process

and indeed knows now is that he (and

transformation. “My career, and in parti-

the function itself) needs to be essential to

cular these last few years, has been

a business. “You always need to be essen-

about transformation,” he says. “It's about

tial, no matter what you do in your job,” he

having a mindset that believes no chal-

says. “You need to be essential to your

lenge is unachievable, if you put your mind

customers, to your leadership and you

to it and you've got the right support from

need to be essential to your employees.

the C-suite, or if you continue to focus on

The day you stop being essential to your

learning and developing yourself.”

company is the day you need to start thinking about how you can do things

So Satija was tasked with delivering and enacting real transformational change 5

for procurement at CSA Group. Given the

and when numbers hit boardrooms,

transformation of the broader procure-

conversations accelerate fairly quickly,”

ment conversation the world over, Satija

he says. “There is a complexity within

was all too aware that one of the bigger

procurement and an ability to deliver not

challenges that he and many others face

just savings, but also to be recognised as

is one of trying to look beyond simple cost

the group that needs to be sitting at the

savings. The core element of procure-

table when conversations are being had

ment is and always will be the bottom line

about strategic investments. It’s critical

and how to deliver cost savings for a busi-

because you'll find a lot of C-suite strate-

ness, but Satija and many procurement

gists looking to make big investments in,

professionals just like him understand

for example, setting up a new corporate

that cost savings are not the only deliver-

division in a certain part of the world and

able to a business – they are just the start

that's going to involve investment in real

for procurement. “Make no mistake, one

estate and in technology.

of the most critical imperatives for any organisation will always be cost savings

“So, if you have thought leaders from procurement at the table who have

Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.

“ There is a complexity within procurement and an ability to deliver not just savings, but also to be recognised as the group that needs to be sitting at the table when conversations are being had about strategic investment” — M a n ny S at i j a V i ce P res ident , Strategic Initiatives an d Sup p l y C h ai n , C SA G ro up

experience in construction and technol-

him to enact real strategic change.To do

ogy purchasing, all of a sudden this can

this successfully however, it had to go

actually drive the shift from “a great idea”

beyond the CEO and the CFO. “It was

to a discussion and decision informed

about ensuring that I got full buy-in from

by knowledge and data provided by the

the rest of the executives in the organi-

procurement function.”

zation, so that I could have that straight

Thought leadership, as defined by

conversation without having to wait to get

Satija, comes through knowledge of the

everyone at the top involved,” he says.

supply market and foundational knowl-

“The reality is, even though the CEO and

edge of numbers. Most importantly

a CFO may have a certain view, if you're

for him, it's about how these numbers

not able to collaborate and partner with

impact business models, set the stage

other C-suite members while delivering

for extremely productive conversations

value, it'll always raise the question: What

and grab the attention of the C-suite.

need is there for a procurement leader

Grabbing the attention of the C-suite

outside of someone that's going to nego-

is crucial for a transformation jour-

tiate deals for us? You can’t be essential

ney and when Satija joined he found

to the organization if the organization

himself needing to have buy-in from both

can’t see any reason for you to be.”

David Weinstein, President and CEO

A crucial part of Satija’s first year with

and Farhan Imam, CFO. He credits the

the business saw him spending time with

“extremely supportive” role they have

the business, building key relationships

played and continue to play in allowing

to better understand the pain points 7

and what their needs were and how procurement could help. This is where Satija points to a sizzling steak analogy. “You walk into a steakhouse and the servers come to your table with a steak that's sizzling, and you're extremely hungry and you're excited to take a bite into that steak,” he says. “You’ve gone to a great restaurant and heard great reviews about the steak. You have a seat and there's the sizzle. As soon as you take a bite into that steak, it's chewy, and doesn't taste right and in a heartbeat that destroys the reputation of that restaurant.” Elaborating on how the sizzling steak represents procurement for CSA Group; “the sizzle comes from building those foundational relationships by explaining the great things procurement can do. But when the other members of the executive team then take a bite into that steak and they don't see value coming out of those conversations, the relationship can go downhill pretty quickly. For me, it's not just about having the sizzle. It's about delivering on the promise of the sizzle and making sure that steak tastes just right.” A fitting analogy, but how does that translate into tangible resources? How does one measure that sizzle and ultimately deliver on that promise? People and talent. Satija’s whole team needs to have that same mindset. For him, this Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.

“ For me, it’s not just about having the sizzle. It’s about delivering on the promise of the sizzle and making sure that steak tastes just right” — Man ny Satija Vi c e P re s i de nt , Strate gi c I n i t i at i ves an d Sup p l y C h ai n , C SA G ro u p


means that he and his team are not just

Satija has overseen a move from a fully

procurement people, they’re problem

decentralized function to a centralised

solvers who can work with the business

one, with multiple work streams in the

and solve business problems. “Let's see

area of people process and technol-

how we can work together to solve your

ogy. Through the implementation of a

business issue and see how my skills can

new CRM and ERP system, procure-

help deliver that,” he says. “That mindset

ment is now blessed with key data that

has gone a long way within our organiza-

can better inform decision making and

tion to establish the respect from our CEO

indeed enable greater business collabo-

and CFO from the onset and to continue

ration. Satija is keen to look at how CSA

to get that admiration and respect from

Group can further leverage technology

other leaders in the business.”

and data to streamline processes and

At a broad level, this procurement jour-

enable seamless control from a govern-

ney has been one of ensuring that “every

ance perspective. What's important for

dollar that's committed to a supplier runs

him though is to remember that a shared

through the procurement organization.”

understanding of what technology and

Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.

data analytics could and should mean for

data in the systems, so it's about ensuring

the business is crucial. “Every company

that the value we deliver through analyt-

has to think about what digital transfor-

ics supports the objective or the mission

mation means to them based on conver-

of the organization. You've always got to

sations that they have, certainly for us

start by asking what the mission of the

as procurement leaders, with their chief

organization is? Then, after technology

technology officer,” he says. “Having a

serves those base level initiatives, how

base level alignment with the chief tech-

can the procurement investment further

nology officer is critical to understand

support that?”

what the roadmap for the company is,

Procurement is a results-driven game.

and then fitting procurement into that

Throw digital transformation into the

roadmap is the secondary discussion.

mix and the investments in technology

“Where procurement comes in is how

and analytics and results become more

the adoption of the procurement side will

important than ever before. Technology

enable the mission of the organization.

is a costly investment and so getting

With AI and analytics, we have plenty of

it right and being able to back that


“ ...if you want to grow, you’ve got to be able to think about how you can drive change. Change that matters to your company, change that matters to the ecosystem that you’re in and change that matters to the world” — M a n ny S at i j a V i ce P res ident , Strategic Initiatives a n d Sup p l y C h ai n , C SA G ro up

Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.

investment with results is everything.

“It goes back to being essential in

Analytics is about using rich data to get

everything you do every day in terms of

insights out and drive changes in a cate-

what matters to the company and what

gory, strategy or a category plan. Satija

matters to your job. It should always

points to how he and his team are able

be part of your discipline, your way of

to use analytics overlaid over existing

thinking. If you recognize something's

data sets to come up with insights that

not working, it's better to be transpar-

have helped procurement drive deci-

ent about that with the stakeholders

sions that will deliver to the bottom line.

and having a very agile mindset and way

This, he feels, means that they can start

of thinking coupled with the ability to

rethinking why spend patterns exist in

course correct when you're finding things

a certain way. “We've been able to look

aren't working. This will help not only the

at disparate data sets, through multiple

procurement group but the organization

platforms of technology and really bring

as a whole.”

them together,” he says. “Now, what

Transparency, honesty and possess-

we have is a truly crystal-clear view of

ing an agile mindset to problem solve

what's happening in the business.”

have always been key traits in procure-

When discussing transformational

ment, but now more than ever before,

change, one rightfully focuses on cham-

these are crucial. In early 2020, the world

pioning the successes and the lasting

was gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic,

meaningful change. For many, Satija

causing severe disruption to both busi-

included, it’s more impactful to actually

nesses and human life. Where there is

hold your hands up from time to time and

adversity there is opportunity, and Satija

admit where things may not have gone

firmly believes that the pandemic has

to plan. For him, there’s more to learn in

presented a huge opportunity for many

those mistakes and in actual fact, the real

organizations to look at the resilience

meaningful change is often born in these

and flexibility of their procurement func-

moments. “I think recognizing there's a

tions. After years of talking, procurement

problem and accepting that is step one,”

must now walk it. “COVID obviously took

he says. “Moving beyond that to under-

the world through unchartered territory,”

stand why that's a problem and how

he says. “I think many companies are

you can quickly course correct is the

still navigating, but therein lies the abil-

right approach.”

ity to showcase to an organization that 13

you can be flexible and agile and change your course to support what the organization needs and what matters most to move forward.” Moving forward meant focusing on two key areas; realigning objectives to focus on cash management and focusing on operational continuity. To do this, Satija had to look closely at financial safety and conserving cash because nobody knows what the impact will be in one month, six months or two years from now. But what companies do know is that cash conservation and having a strong balance sheet is going to help in uncertain times. This of course, changed the conversations that Satija was having around procurement. “One thing we did was shift gears and put all attention on things such as medi-

grade testing and certification program.

cal grade PPE sourcing,” he says. “CSA

“Going back to what I said about opera-

Group was considered to be an essential

tional continuity, it's important to note

business. So, we looked at how we could

that we had no idea that we'd be support-

support the world as a whole, when there

ing this, but if you take your group and

are struggles to source PP&E, what are

become flexible, nimble, agile, and you

the areas that we can do to actually help

support two main areas at a time like

and provide social good?”

this - for us that meant, financial safety

Through this, CSA Group launched

and operational continuity - you can then

a key initiative on medical grade, PPE

rethink what you are doing as a procure-

testing, inspection and certification,

ment group and readjust your priorities to

with procurement looking to help the

get through the storm.”

business get the right suppliers and

Despite the shifting of gears, the road

processes in place so that it can be

ahead for CSA Group remains one of

the recognized partner for a medical

opportunity and looking further at how

Pro cure ment : Essent ial to t h e b us i n es s . Es s ent i a l to t h e cu sto mer.

procurement can continue to support the

is, if you want to grow, you've got to be

organization to harness the data that's

able to think about how you can drive

embedded through the technology imple-

change. Change that matters to your

mentations to obtain further insights and

company, change that matters to the

make meaningful decisions to support

ecosystem that you're in and change

the growth of the company. For Satija,

that matters to the world. Keep on driv-

it’s about continuing to be essential to

ing change and innovation and not just

the business. One could argue that he

for the sake of driving it. Drive change

has demonstrated that as a function,

and innovation that will support growth

but he reflects on a key bit of advice he

for the company that you work for and

heard once upon a time.

the world that you live in.”

“Being comfortable will never drive growth,” he says. “The former IBM CEO always used to say that comfort and change do not coexist. What that means 15

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