Pursuing trust-based
growth Project partner
Pursuing trust-based
Following the success of an exciting B2C portal, we revisit the dynamic partnership between Swisscom and Accenture to find out more about the follow-up: brand new B2B offering
Written by
Nell Walker
Produced by
Andy Lloyd
n June 2020, Interface Magazine published an in-depth feature on telco giant Swisscom’s new omni-channel platform – created in conjunction with Accenture – which transformed Swisscom’s B2C offering. Accenture delivered the framework for this digital omni-channel platform (DOCP) and, over time, Swisscom was able to run it independently. In the story, we mentioned that the company was also planning a B2B transformation. At the time, the plan was in its infancy. Now – again, hand-in-hand with Accenture – Swisscom launched this exciting new element of its
A n n e -T h é r è s e M o r e l , H e a d o f C a p a b i l i t y M a n
business. We spoke with three people
customer centricity. That has remained
directly involved with this next step –
the focus with both the B2B and B2C
Stephan Schneider, MD of Accenture;
digital transformation projects, because
Anne-Thérèse Morel, Head of Capability
customer needs are ever-changing and
Management at Swisscom Business
cannot be overlooked or underestimated.
Customers; and Matthias Piller, Solution
“In their private lives, customers are
Train Engineer at Swisscom – to gain a
used to interacting digitally,” says Morel,
broader insight on what has changed
“and everybody expects everything to
since our last catch-up.
always be working. The telco industry has to evaluate everything based on these
market changes, as do big IT companies.
Let’s start off with what hasn’t changed:
These changes in the industry bring new
“ I love solving complex problems, and it’s important that you have a solid team around you when tackling them”
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Let there be change
w w w.th e in te r fa ce . n e t
risks, but also new opportunities. We felt this was the right moment to start the B2B transformation; we had a chance to get it done, now.” A major element to consider when slotting together the puzzle pieces for the B2B transformation was security – something the pandemic has highlighted more than ever before. “All companies, today, have to think about the security exposures we have, so this is really a USP,” Morel continues. For Swisscom, trust is integral, and part of the value proposition. “As the saying goes, trust is the hardest thing to win and the easiest thing to lose,” says Schneider. “It’s important to
M a t t h i a s P i l l e r, S o l u t i o n Tr a i n E n g i n e e r
customers of Swisscom but also between our partners – and within Swisscom
opportunities available through the part-
itself. I think we’re really in this complete
ner ecosystem, and understanding the
360-degree relationship where every-
body builds it together, and we grow
In response, Swisscom began a journey
based on that trust, and it makes us
to create a simplified, unified user-cen-
tric B2B hub. So exactly what does this improvement of B2B relationships, via
The evolution to B2B
technology, actually mean for Swisscom?
Swisscom already held a unique posi-
Why was it a necessity? “Swisscom, as
tion in the B2B market, thanks in part to
a B2B domain, has a really broad port-
its existing work with B2C customers.
folio of services,” says Morel. “The chal-
The first consideration, when under-
lenge, today, is to have the availability
taking this shift, was facing the market
to integrate these different services
conditions themselves, which included
and to simplify and automate within the
bringing together the split landscape of
SME and corporate clients, assessing the
“We had the analytic ability to reduce
“ It took a while to come together, and now, it operates like a well-oiled machine ”
complexity into simple blocks which we
“The technology we have is also
could then implement – something that’s
flexible, of course,” Morel continues.
really key in this setup,” Schneider adds.
Swisscom had the architecture in place
“We had a common goal in our relation-
from its customer-centric and inter-
ship with Accenture, which was to take
nal-based projects, making the expan-
the core of our customer portal and apply
sion into B2B so much smoother – which
it to partner interactions,” Morel says.
bodes well for any new adaptations down
“We are aligned with Accenture in terms
the line. “I really believe that we have
of road map and vision, and we have the
the correct architecture and mindset to
flexibility to react to situations.” This agil-
tackle the digitization challenges of the
ity was tested by COVID-19 of course,
but thankfully, Swisscom’s digital trans-
“It helped us a lot that we did not had a
formation has occurred over the course
fixed masterplan but an agile and adapt-
of several years, so, fortunately – and
able operating model. We were able
thanks to that long-honed flexibility – the
to re-prioritize the features whenever
pandemic didn’t slow it down.
we had changes in business priorities, 9
including those caused by COVID,”
them, because digital transformation
Schneider continues. “But what we
is like electricity – nobody thanks you
did have was a shared objective and
when it works, but everybody is there to
the trust that we mentioned before.
complain when it stops working,” Morel
Incremental steps will guide you to
explains. Good customer experience
a successful product. You need to
looks always simple, but it’s complex to
accept that some will fail but you will
realise it, and it has its costs.
create a better product when you use every step as learning experience.”
“Of course, when you have around 300,000 customers, you will find that, for a few of them, it will be diffi-
Complexities It’s fortunate that Swisscom was prepared for the pandemic in terms of its advanced technologies and its flexibility, because COVID-19 forced digital services forward with an almighty shove. Swisscom had to provide consistent support, all while each team member was working remotely and the business was going through a transformation. “I love solving complex problems, and it’s important that you have a solid team around you when tackling
cult to find the right solution. A lot of
“ Incremental steps will guide you to a successful product. You need to accept that some will fail, but you will create the best solution, when every step is a learning experience” S t e p h a n S c h n e i d e r, M D o f A c c e n t u r e
communication is needed to make it in
For Morel, this way of working
a way that is acceptable for everybody,
brought an additional level of matu-
so that, at the end, we add value for the
rity to the project, and Accenture still
had the access to the Swisscom team that it needed to help it connect with
Accenture as a partner
the customer and develop its business
A major part of why this flexibility has
understanding. “You have people who are
been possible is, of course, down to the
speaking the same business language,
relationship between Swisscom and
and that helps collaboration and trust. Of
Accenture. Before the pandemic, every-
course, we are not always on the same
body was able to work together and
page when it comes to understanding a
have regular meetings in Switzerland,
problem that comes up, but we have the
but the first lockdown put a swift stop to
ability to bring people to the table and
that. The B2B portal was in trial mode
talk openly about it, and say ‘we have to
and Swisscom was having two-day plan-
change something’.”
ning sessions every 10 weeks to plan the following 10 weeks, so being unable
Data-driven transformation
to meet initially seemed like a serious
It’s one thing saying that everything
needs to be automated and digital, but
“We were starting to work together for
for that to happen, a good, solid database
B2B beginning of 2020,” Piller says. “And
is required. Transformation is not linear,
we were forced to do it virtually from the
but driven by the examination of data and
beginning, which was not a problem tech-
new ways of using it to solve problems.
nology-wise, but we were concerned
“You have to have all your data about
about how it would work with 300 people
your customer, about your services, your
involved. But everybody was in the same
contracts, and everything needs to be
situation – including the Accenture team
clean, consistent and complete,” says
members, wherever they were in the
Morel. “It seems really easy, when you say
world – and we looked at it as a chance
that, but when you’re a large company
for better collaboration. It was not an ideal
with a long history, the data is not always
solution, at the beginning, but it worked
well and we haven’t lost efficiency along the way.”
Centralisation of information has been the key, here, in a way that is structured 13
enough to evidence to the customer.
Historically, this data was only used inter-
For Piller, the focus for Swisscom’s B2B
nally – now, with a digital strategy at the
transformation was always agility – the
forefront of business, everything is visi-
glue that holds everything together – and
ble. “It’s a huge amount of work, to get all
the vision was always to create a B2B
the data in place,” says Morel, “but it’s a
portal once the B2C one was in place.
discipline that you need to introduce to
“One of the biggest aims of the develop-
your company – the understanding that
ment value stream we decided to imple-
your data needs to be clean and organ-
ment 16 months ago was to have this
ised, because it’s needed for so many
omni-channel portal also installed in B2B,
purposes. We’re still not at the end of this
which meant optimising a lot of the migra-
tions we do. We took the old world and
as well as the corp clients, on this solution. That’s the goal.” While the ramp-up phase continues, Swisscom is doing what Piller calls “enhancement work”, where it continues to look closely at the requirements of its B2B customers – whether it’s a huge bank or an independent barber shop – and make sure it can cater to both successfully. “There is a big spread of requirements,” Piller says. “Our goal is to have this DOCP for all channels, and agile methodologies are helping us to get all of this done.” While this latest project has been largely – and successfully – informed by the B2C model, there have been specific B2B challenges to overcome along the way. “The difficulty is everybody wants everything all at the same time, and they want it immediately,” Piller says. “When moved it to the new world.”
we started the B2C transformation, that
Examining the DOCP architecture
was happening at the same time as our
provided by Accenture for a B2B focus,
agile transformation, and it was so diffi-
Swisscom realised it wouldn’t fit 100%,
cult – new technologies, new people,
so some tweaking was required. Each
a new partnership we weren’t used to
decision was taken extremely carefully
yet. It took a while to come together, and
and the user experience was always
now, it operates like a well-oiled machine.
at the forefront of the team’s minds.
So, with B2B, even with a framework
The B2B platform is, in Piller’s words, in
largely in place, we knew we couldn’t do
“the ramp-up phase”, with around 250
everything at the same time – you need
customers using it at the time of inter-
to orchestrate, organise, cost things, and
viewing. “We’re trying to bring in all SMEs,
operate in an agile way, which is a super 15
cool way of working that I’m passionate about.”
Swisscom culture Part of the reason that agile working is so successful for Swisscom is the culture of free thinking that it promotes. While most people are used to a hierarchical way of working, the aim at Swisscom is that people think for themselves – something that has only become more prevalent and encouraged as the business continues to transform. And, unsurprisingly, this has been accelerated by COVID-19 and the rise of remote working. Piller himself is part of the crisis management team at Swisscom, alongside his usual role, and helped in the orchestration of a task force to deal with how the organisation would cope during the pandemic. He focused on decentralising a lot of tasks and projects and giving people more freedom and responsibility. In these unprecedented times, Swisscom has managed to not only weather the storm, but successfully navigate to shore thanks to its future-orientated outlook and agility. And, of course, solid, trusting relationships with partners like Accenture.