BC Magazine Anniversary10 Kourtney Kardashian

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The ‘mama bear’ keeps up with her son, Mason, while starring in her own TV shows



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us in on her two girls, upcoming book, and business ventures


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inside BC



snack attack!

Easy kitchen wonders to make every mealtime a little more interesting for the tykes


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contents 10

marisol nichols The Gates’ star talks about her new role as an actress and a first time mom


celestial mom Soleil Moon Frye shares her passion for motherhood, designing prowess, and love for architecture



doodle bug Sketches come alive with these fantastic finds


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I AM...

The Deréon Girls Collection | WWW.DEREON.COM

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inside BC

contents 60

water works Plunge in with these fresh outfits

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kourtney kardashian The paparazzi magnet, and first-time mom talks about how everything else comes second to her Mason


virtual sanity The Webby Awards bring the stars of the online world in one, big, happy, real life par-tay

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ON THe COveR: SOleil MOON FRye


secret garden 10


Escape into an unknown magical place of color and style

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I AM...

The Deréon Girls Collection | WWW.DEREON.COM

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editor’s note

Trying to do it all 101

from bottom left, CloCkwise: styling for soleil’s shoot; photographer meeno peluCe and kourtney kardashian; my masked Crusaders (and reasons for living); mason happily tries on his suit; the little seed founders, paige goldberg and soleil moon frye; mason wakes up to the delight of his mom

A sampling of my multitasking skills would be folding the clean laundry with a trusty FlipFold while having a fun conversation with my daughters, and sneaking a tummy rub on my sleeping dogs’ soft belly with my (newly-bathed) foot simultaneously. This is the moment when I feel like a bona fide 21st century mom who can take on the world with just my mere appendages. Parenting is a privilege, yet its a juggling act. Between deadlines, tending to my family’s ever-growing needs, and trying to remember that I need to touch-up my roots, STAT–one thing to take a backseat would be staying connected with my friends and other parents in the virtual world. My pathetic number of 222 Twitter followers and stagnant Facebook page is proof of that. It’s impressive that the two moms on our covers are able to keep their millions of online followers (and lurkers) abreast about what’s happening in their lives on a daily basis. It’s no small feat to handle filming, tending to their businesses—coincidentally, both Kourtney Kardashian and Soleil Moon Frye own flourishing boutiques—doing collaborations with other retail giants, endorsements, arranging book deals, and most notably, remaining hands-on with their children, while looking incredibly chic. And although they may be able to afford more help than an average homemaker, do remember though that it is just as easy to fall off the wagon despite your financial status when things go way over your head, especially if you have the world watching out for every little mistake, and will readily crucify you for it (Read: Britney Spears shaves off her locks; The Gosselin separation). Find out how these women (actress Marisol Nichols included) are


finding a balance between parenting and career, and how all three are prioritizing the former. Moving on, we’ve tried to gather the coolest products and fashion, easy and delicious recipes, plus a diverse travel destination– all for your enjoyment. Since this is our anniversary issue and we’re going on our 5th year, please allow me to thank you for all your kind support. I try not to be emotional when I write these notes, but I can’t help but feel choked up because of the trust that YOU, our advertisers, friends, colleagues, and many celebrities have put in BC. I hope to help document and deliver the best choices for your family for more years to come. May God bless you all.


P.S. As I precariously plan my daughter’s 4th birthday party during this deadline season, I’ve learned a bit to: Outsource; delegate tasks to willing relatives or coworkers; and simplify my life. If you also feel that you have one too many balls in the air, I’d love to know how you manage to juggle it all so we can do a special feature about it next issue. Please help this sister out, and the most insightful tips will win a bunch of amazing stuff from BC (strollers, car seats, clothes, books, and more). Looking forward to hearing your suggestions on how to multitask successfully at editor@ibabycouture.com.

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kariZ favis eDiTOR-iN-CHieF & FaSHiON DiReCTOR martin favis CReaTive DiReCTOR bruCe medina aSSOCiaTe CReaTive DiReCTOR marilyn barton lyndee priCe SeNiOR eDiTORS neil garguilo stephen seidel FeaTUReS eDiTORS mark Cabalang GRaPHiCS aRTiST valerie anne del Castillo eDiTORial aSSiSTaNT CONTRibUTORS heidi alletZhauser, mario dedivanoviC, miChael doven, denise duff, amy highfill, viCtoria laQuindanum, lisa mendelson, meeno peluCe, ed puskas, eriCa rielle, moniCa rose, rob talty martin favis PUbliSHeR andrew baltaZar aDveRTiSiNG DiReCTOR diether oCampo MaRKeTiNG DiReCTOR Carlo favis dennis Castillo ONliNe DiReCTORS

available at better stores $ www.pincpremium.com it’s s.w.ak. montrose, ny sacs fifth avenue ny, ny pumpkins and petunias westfield, NJ on cloud 9 potomac, MD Children’s Boutique philedelphia, PA pippen lane new orleans, LA soca girl birmingham, AL kathleen kids tulsa, OK Alicson’s wonderland van buren, AR e street kids highland park, IL peek-a-bootique west bloomfield, MI stylelicious denver, CO kids club seattle, WA fred segal santa monica, CA bubble san francisco, CA

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BC (Baby Couture) is published by Medina Favis Publishing LLC, 370 Lexington Ave. Suite 1205 New York, NY 10017. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. For advertising, subscriptions, back orders or other inquiries, please call 1.877.386.0209 or e-mail info@ibabycouture.com. Visit us at bc-mag.com, or ibabycouture.com. Opinions expressed in this publication are that of the writers’ and are not necessarily endorsed by Medina Favis Publishing LLC. BC is not responsible for unsolicited samples, products, work and materials, and submissions are non-returnable. If you wish to submit written work, photographs, artwork, products, samples, other services, etc., please accompany with a self-addressed envelope, postage paid, or a prepaid return label. PRINTED IN THE USA


b c { ANNIVERSARY 2010 } bc-mag.com

7/10/10 2:59:41 AM

Dream it. Rock it. Love it. It’s footwear for future rockstars. umishoes.com

Umi rocks with Laurie Berkner. Check out the new CD and see her live on tour this fall! Visit umishoes.com for more information.

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news an d


ts en


r modern p fo ar

bc report

marisol nichols p h oto g r a p h y b y




ith tv credits such as 24, Life, Nip/Tuck, and films such as, Can’t Hardly Wait and Big Momma’s House 2 under her belt, Chicago-born beauty marisol nichols dedicates her time to philanthropic activities, being a loving wife to south african-born film director, taron lexton, and bonding with her adorable daughter, rain india. we catch up with nichols as she tells us more about her new show called, The Gates.

what’s inside

“It’s like wearing your heart outside of your body and watching it walk around.”



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IMAC S.p.A. www.primigi.com USA office: WL TRADING, LLC. 72 Sharp Street C#10 - Hingham, MA 02043 - Phone 781.337.3340/800.562.2212 – glarossa@primigiusa.com

to view the complete issue

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7/10/10 3:00:00 AM

Baby Co

IMAC S.p.A. www.primigi.com USA office: WL TRADING, LLC. 72 Sharp Street C#10 - Hingham, MA 02043 - Phone 781.337.3340/800.562.2212 – glarossa@primigiusa.com


For over 30 years, PRIMIGI has been known for high quality footwear with unique styling and ever-changing technology. Children from 0-14 can enjoy the comfort and styles for every occasion. Luxe materials and Italian attention to detail will have every child experiencing the coolness!

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Made in the




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WOW BABY! Introducing a new ULTRA SAFE approach to HEALTHY & NATURAL feeding that is truly EASY TO USE Weil Baby™ delivers superior products developed with Dr. Andrew Weil—world-renowned leader and pioneer in integrative medicine—for the first years of health and wellbeing. Trusted and tested, Weil Baby bottles, nipples and feeding products are based on Dr. Weil’s thirty years of clinical practice and healthy lifestyle recommendations.

Visit us at weilbaby.com.

weilbaby.com Andrew Weil, M.D., donates all of his after-tax profits from royalties from sales of Weil Baby™ products directly to the Weil Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting integrative medicine through training, education and research. For more information, visit: www.weilfoundation.org. and www.weilbaby.com or call (877) 596-4455.

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7/10/10 3:00:03 AM


bc report e w eat

Before New Zealand fruit farmers named it after their national bird, the fruit was called the Chinese gooseberry, having first been grown in China.

cream of the crop


n apple is not just your crunchy lunchbox staple–or in this case, neither is a kiwi just an oval, brown berry, nor is a lychee simply a sweet dessert (nor your favorite martini flavor). find out the fringe benefits of these invigorating fruits

During the ancient times, the Chinese considered it to be an aphrodisiac

The plant has a catnip-like aroma, which entices cats to rub themselves against the plant’s trunk

kiwi BeNeFItS when its black seeds are crushed, it produces an oil rich in alpha-linoleic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid), which aids in maintaining cardiovascular health


with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of oranges, the high levels of amino acids improves muscle growth and body building

in a study among 6- and 7-year-old kids in italy, those who consume kiwi were less likely to have respiratory health problems, such as wheezing and coughing

it contains an anti-mutagenic component which helps prevent gene mutation. its extracts have also been known to inhibit melanoma

the fruit also contains serotonin, a natural neurotransmitter that gives a calming effect to the brain

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apple BeNeFItS

An apple ripens 6 to 10 times faster at room temperature than in a refrigerator

it contains phloridzin, a flavanoid that may increase bone density and help prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

phytonutrients and fiber found in it can lower the risk of type ii diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and cancer

since it is rich in vitamin p and citrin, it may protect against certain forms of lung cancer

a low calorie snack, a medium sized apple contains only about 80 calories

It is high in dietary fiber, which helps promote good digestion

It contains 119% of daily recommended value of vitamin C per 100g serving

lyChee BeNeFItS loaded with vitamin b, it helps the body metabolize carbohydrates and proteins which helps in the trimming of abdominal fat

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it’s high in potassium and copper, minerals that aid in keeping blood cells healthy and protects against heart-related diseases

the national Cancer institute found that its root extract inhibited the development of cancerous tumors in lab animals

a study in Zhejiang university found out that the pulp may be an effective prevention and treatment for breast cancer

7/10/10 3:00:17 AM


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D e S t I NAt I o N

juneau, alaska Cruise the arctic Circle and create once-in-a-lifetime experiences together photograph by




hether you’re looking for outdoor fun such as sea kayaking, hiking, rafting or maybe dogsledding, Juneau might just be your ideal spot. During the winter, go downhill, heli-, or cross-country skiing, and snowboarding. Sure, you might be able to do all that in Colorado or Dubai, but it might be difficult to match witnessing the jaw-dropping Mendenhall glacier, which is one of the 38 major glaciers that flow from the Juneau Icefield. With its quaint community and friendly (that’s the key word for tourists lugging around a bunch of little people with patience tinier than their size) fishermen, teachers, artists, homemakers, frontier entrepreneurs, and Native elders–Alaska’s capital city (located southeast) makes us consider packing our bags and raising our family in the U.S.’s largest state. Harness your photography skills as you capture cheeky and candid family photos at the Glacier Bay’s pristine landscape and ports. Drive downtown to see the picturesque views on a deluxe motor coach to the gardens, and admire


CloCkwise: humpback whale feeding; Juneau icefield flightseeing by helicopter; kayaking is a popular activity in Juneau waters.

Most of the summer days in Alaska are sunny but often cool in the evening and early morning. Pack clothes that could easily be layered to keep up with tricky weather situations

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bc report el

D e S t I NAt I o N

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from top left, CloCkwise: seals on icebergs in tracy arm fjord; mountaintop hiking provides incredible views; mount roberts tramway above downtown Juneau; dog sledding on the Juneau icefield, ala eight below; Juneau waters host all five species of pacific salmon; Camping spots offer incredible views

stunning hanging gardens, flowered pathways, and temperate rain forest that are rich in Alaskan flora and fauna. Discover different species of marine life in their saltwater aquariums which may be viewed up-close at the Macaulay Salmon Hatchery. Drop by a traditional Alaskan bake at Salmon Creek for a taste of alder woodsmoked fish–Juneau residents schedule their calendars around salmon migration. Most interestingly, watch majestic humpback whales that will never fail to make you teary-eyed and want to single-handedly save the Earth for your great grandchildren to see, while a variety of sea birds and wildlife play at the glaciers formations in the protected national park that is spread across a vast 3.2 million acres. bc

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Glacier viewing is best during overcast days, so don those Wellies and prepare to be amazed

b c { ANNIVERSARY 2010 } bc-mag.com

7/10/10 3:00:52 AM

the next best thing to bare feet

Style and comfort in every step

Over 120 adorable styles of flexible footwear for kids

next steps:

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The perfect shoe for the active toddler!

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Find the perfect pair of shoes for your child at www.pediped.com

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bc report ts




the silver lining


vent production experts who form the Silver Spoon team (thesilverspoon.com) presented “The Dog and Baby Buffet, A Mother’s Day Weekend Extravaganza” for the benefit of the Best Friends Animal Society, one of America’s rescue organizations, who was on-site for dog adoptions. BC was invited to attend the exclusive two-day event last May 7 and 8 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles where fabulous gifts were handed out to celebrity and media parents and pooch owners from Stokke, Cutey Baby Boutique, Gro Via baby organic diapers, Cesar Canine Cuisine, Ascenta, Bark Pet Photography, and more. Amy Smart, Cameron Richardson, Cassie Scerbo, Joel Michaely, Evan Handler, Beverley Mitchell, Joe Manganiello, Mackenzie Phillips, Cody Longo, Jareb Dauplaise, Isaiah Mustafa, Taylor Spreitler, Katie Cecil, Lu Parker, Susie Castillo, Rachel Smith, Derek Theler, and Steven Hill were also spotted at the much-awaited annual fete.


Best Friends Animal Society operates the biggest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals in the country. Visit bestfriends.org for more information

from bottom left, CloCkwise: april o’brien, sCout masterson, marissa Jaret winokur, minnie driver, bulmaro garCia, Jodie sweetin, kayCee stroh, shar JaCkson, Carly shorten

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bc report



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CUTe & eASy COSTUMeS FOR KIDS Emma Hardy $29.95, cicobooks.com A lighthearted, DIY take on creating 35 awesome ideas with relatively easyto-follow instructions for your children’s next costume party. Your little swashbuckling pirate or butterfly will be so proud.


THe PASTA FAMILy Marguerite Ciccolini $15.95, thepastafamily.com Penned by a 75 year-old mother of five and grandmother of two, this charming story is about how a little girl learns her most important life lessons with old school Italian-American values of hope and forgiveness.


AbIgAIL AND THe ROyAL THReAD Rebecca Mattano $16.95, totallyturnbull.com A grandfather tells his grandson who’s disheartened over his inability to hit a baseball about a tale of perseverance through the eyes of Abigail, an 18th century farm lass and her family, who struggle to find a home in rural Scotland.

INTUITIVe LOVeRS Becky Walsh $22.95, intuitivelovers.com An interesting take on love, intuition, and spiritualism, the book sheds light on the changing shape of relationships in the 21st century.

CORDyCePS: TReATINg DIAbeTeS, CANCeR AND OTHeR ILLNeSSeS Dr. Nathalie Valkov, PhD, L.Ac $12.99, ttphc.com Shedding light on cordyceps, the book presents new research on the Asian herb that has been used for hundreds of years to treat illnesses such as lupus, renal failure, bronchitis and atherosclerosis, in a fascinating, readable format. ORgANICALLy RAISeD COOKbOOK Anni Daulter $21.99, amazon.com Praised by celebrity parents Gwyneth Paltrow, Gwen Stefani and Christy Turlington, the groundbreaking “cookbook with a conscience” features a wide array of nutritious, guilt-free, and organic meals for children aged 6 months to 3 years.

29 Adena Halpern $14.99, simonandschuster.com From the author of novel-turned-film The Ten Best Days of My Life comes an endearing tale of love, wisdom, and family relationships through the eyes of 75-year old Ellie Jerome who rediscovers her youth amidst lifechanging events.

PAPeR SCISSORS gLUe Catherine Woram $19.95, amazon.com A collection of 45 funky projects that features decoupage, collage-making, and mosaic activities that kids will surely enjoy, such as simple origami, hanging mobiles and paper planes. Requires no special equipment nor hard-to-find craft supplies.

AWKWARD FAMILy PHOTOS Mike Bender and Doug Chernack $15, awkwardfamilyphotos.com Based from its popular website, this collection of photos with humorous captions spell nothing short of fun, family, and comedy. Shake your head, cringe, and L.O.L. as you remember those matching outfits, painfully posed studio portraits, and the use of pets as funny props.

OUR ReSCUe DOg FAMILy ALbUM Diane Pomerance $19.95, animalcompanionsandtheirpeople.com A collection of touching stories about how dogs were rescued and given new homes. It dispels notions such as most shelter dogs being sick or aggressive from abuse, or pet shop dogs being better quality animals. Poignant and heartwarming, it shows us that man can also be a dog’s best friend.

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Chris Cornell and family in BC

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Only $15 for 4 issues or $27 for 8 issues Just $3.75 per copy. Save $1.20 per issue from cover price of $4.95. Offer valid in the U.S. Canadian residents, please add 55¢ per issue for postage and handling. BC is published 4-6 times a year.

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SCOTT BAIO IS 47...AND HAPPY with renee bailey and kalyn




Sarah Shahi’s New Life

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5/29/09 3:55:21 PM

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shopping bag

weil baby endorsed by dr. andrew weil, m.d., a world-renowned pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, the weil baby line is nontoxic, bpa- (bisphenol a), and ea- (estrogenic activity) free. with a wide array of products that are not only safe and attractive, it promises hassle-free cleaning (and sideglances from other parents). Choose from glass baby bottles, training and drinking cups, bottle brushes, pacifiers, and gift sets that are all best for your beloved—and at a price point that will leave you nodding in agreement. weilbaby.com

FReCKlebOX add a special touch to your kids’ belongings with frecklebox’s personalized storybooks, lunch boxes, growth charts (bC’s personal favorites), clipboards, coloring books, wall art, placemats, and many other gift ideas. your kids will surely be proud to call it their own. frecklebox.com

Beautiful clothing for premature and small babies

eaRlybiRDS established after the 10-week premature birth of her son in 2002 (at only 1.276 kgs), founder lynda day found it difficult to find clothing that would fit her tiny darling for the first couple of months. because of that, she created this adorable australian line which ensures maximum comfort and ease of dressing preemies and smaller babies. earlybirdsbabywear.com

Sizes from 2lb - newborn


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PRiMiGi ClOTHiNG known for their stylish italian craftsmanship since 1976, primigi offers a wide collection of footwear from first walkers to young adults' shoes, all made with high standards of quality. this coming spring/ summer 2011, the brand introduces a new sportswear collection that features fine cottons, soft denims, and plush knits in various layette, apparel, and accessories for kids up to size 14. watch out for their amazing color palettes and styles that exude the same excellence customers have always counted on from their shoe line. primigiusa.com

JayNeONi MOORe New yORK have fun dressing up your little girls with Jayneoni moore new york—a european-inspired clothing line mixed with the designers’ love for new york fashion and inspired by her daughter, sophie. Jayneoni moore, a celebrity event specialist-fashion editor-tv personality-philantrophist, provides mom’s mini-me’s with varied designs for extremely sophisticated and comfortable wear. jayneonimoore.com lOU lOU’S CORNeR Considering themselves a “toy box for the whole family,” lou lou’s Corner is a specialty online store (with a lovely boutique at hickory, north Carolina) that features a wide array of whimsical and innovative gift items for friends, family, children, and even pets. the store showcases collections from Jellycat, deglingos, haba, skip hop, automoblox, and so much more. loulouscorner.com

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bc report food


snack attack! keep your kids busy in the kitchen (and full from a hearty meal), as they help you prepare these highly delicious and nutritious food ideas



reparing grub for the little ones is always a daunting task, especially with packaged and ready-to-serve food providing a high level of convenience, but with poor nutritional value. In school or camp, allowing them to buy their own lunch poses a risk for malnutrition, as they are more likely to make misguided food choices. With September around the corner, packed goodies are a more healthy, sanitary, and economical option— plus, it gives you full control of what goes into their tummies.

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ChiCken Caesar wrap

Chicken is a zero-carbohydrate meat that provides 87% daily value of one’s protein needs. Each serving provides 42% of the daily value of vitamin B6. Ingredients: (Serves 4) 12 oz. cooked chicken breast, sliced thin 4 flour tortillas 2 cups thinly sliced Romaine lettuce 1 diced medium tomato 1/4 cup Caesar salad dressing 1 tablespoon grated cheese Directions: 1. Brown tortilla in the oven as preferred. 2. Lay out the tortilla on a plate and layer in the chicken, lettuce and tomato. 3. Dress with Caesar salad dressing. 4. Fold the tortilla and pin down with a decorative toothpick. FUN FACT: According to the California Lettuce Research Board, lettuce is one of the first vegetables produced from colonial times. It is now the country’s top vegetable crop.

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smoothie with a twist

This is a perfectly masked health drink–filled with antioxidants, and high levels of soluble dietary fiber, which helps the body flush out toxins–for kids (and adults) with digestive issues. Ingredients: (Serves 2 to 3) 10 ripe strawberries, washed and stems removed 1/2 cantaloupe, honeydew melon, or banana 1 1/2 cups milk (low-fat optional) 1/2 cup yogurt 1 tablespoon honey 1 cup crushed ice Directions: 1. Cut up fruits. 2. Combine all ingredients in a blender. 3. Puree for about 20 to 30 seconds or until mixture is smooth. 4. Pour into a tall glass (preferably chilled) and serve with a straw. 5. Decorate with fresh fruit, if desired. FUN FACT: According to researchers at Purdue University, the Seascape strawberry variety might be an ideal crop in space. Astronauts may be able to grow them with little effort and energy.

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bc report food


Cheesy Quesadilla

CrunChy pork bun

Ingredients: (Serves 2 to 4) 4 tortillas 8 oz. thinly-sliced ham 1 cup shredded cheese 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1/2 cup diced tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped green onions Dip: salsa, guacamole, or mayo

Ingredients: (Serves 2 to 4) 4 breaded pork cutlets, ½ to ¾-inch thick 4 hamburger buns 1 egg 3 tablespoons fresh milk 1/2 cup flour or bread crumbs 1/4 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 teaspoons prepared Dijon-style mustard 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary lettuce leaves Salt and pepper to season and add taste

The classic ham and cheese can be made with a Mexican twist, simply by substituting white or wheat bread with tortilla.

Directions: 1. Pre-heat oven to 425°. 2. Brush one side of each tortilla with oil. Place the tortilla oil side down on the baking pan. 3. Layer in the sliced ham and cheese, add diced tomatoes, green onion if you wish. 4. Garnish with pepper to taste and cover each with another tortilla. Brush the top of each tortilla with some oil. 5. Put filled tortillas in the oven and bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until slightly brown. 6. Remove from oven and let it cool slightly before cutting into wedges FUN FACT: The green onion is the oldest ingredient in Chinese cooking and contains high levels of vitamin A, giving you as much as 30% of your daily requirement, without the fat.


Pork is a great source of iron and B vitamins, which are important for supporting metabolism and maintaining healthy skin and muscles.

Directions: 1. Season pork cutlets with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a skillet. 2. In a separate bowl, whisk egg and milk together. Prepare flour or bread crumbs in a separate plate. 3. Dip each pork cutlet in the egg mixture and dredge in flour. 4. Heat oil in skillet and fry cutlets for about 5 minutes on each side or until it is cooked through. 5. Remove and place on a paper towel to let oil drain and retain its crunch. 6. Combine mayo, rosemary, and mustard in a separate bowl. Dress buns with this mix, and place lettuce in before the cutlet. FUN FACT: People with diet rich in oleic acid (found in olive oil) have 90% lower risk of ulcerative colitis.

Creamier yogurt

Always remember to sterilize the utensils you’ll be using to avoid unwanted bacteria that can ruin your yogurt, and stay away from aluminum pans as its acidity will induce a chemical reaction. Ingredients: (Serves 2 to 4) 4 cups non-fat dry milk 3 tablespoons yogurt 6 cups water Directions: 1. Pre-heat oven to 275°. 2. Measure 4 cups of dry milk into a glass bowl. 3. Add 6 cups of water and stir. 4. Add 3 tablespoons of yogurt and stir. 5. Place loosely covered in oven and turn off the oven. 6. Leave overnight for 8 to 12 hours. 7.Tightly cover it and store in the refrigerator. It will last for several weeks. FUN FACT: The Cork Cancer Research Centre recently discovered that yogurt contains harmless bacteria that could help in fighting cancer. The bacteria will grow inside the tumors in the body and will release cancer-fighting agents that work to eliminate tumors.

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JAGGER: Blue terry jacket by ZUTANO, zutano.com Top and leggings by BABY NAY, babynay.com Freya in rose patent shoes and Enchanted flats in gold and silver, both by UMI, umishoes.com or zappos.com



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JAGGER: Checkered shirt dress with belt by DEREON, dereon.com or Macy's stores Mia black boots with fur trim by PEDIPED, pediped.com POET: Crocheted flower hat and Johanna striped black and white tunic by HULA MULA, hulamula.com Black leggings by ANITA G., anitag.com Brown boots with fur by PEDIPED, pediped.com

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POET: Black shirt by DEREON, dereon.com or Macy’s stores Funky plaid skirt by HULA MULA, hulamula.com Striped leggings by ZUTANO, zutano.com


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White logo shirt by DEREON, dereon.com or Macy's stores Green skirt by IL GUFO, ilgufo.it Terra sandals by UMI, umishoes.com

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37 7/10/10 3:03:36 AM

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Purple blazer by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com Yellow ruffled dress by SAURETTE, saurette.net


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bc-mag.com JAGGER: SodaPop tie-die maillot by STELLA COVE, stellacove.com Hooded towel from THE LITTLE SEED FOR TARGET, Target stores or target.com POET: Garbo pink batik maillot by STELLA COVE, stellacove.com Hooded towels from THE LITTLE SEED FOR TARGET, Target stores or target.com


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POET: Summer Fun one-piece swimsuit by HULA STAR, hulastarswim.com Trench coat by BURBERRY, burberry.com Red Lolly Pop rubber boots by AIGLE, aigleboots.com JAGGER: Denim dress by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com

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JAGGER: Tilly Flower hair clip by NO SLIPPY HAIR CLIPPY, hairclippy.com Pink dress and white leggings by BABY NAY, babynay.com Freya shoes by UMI, umishoes.com



White long-sleeved shirt by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com Red and white striped pants by DA LIL GUYS, dalilguys.com Darby white sequin/beaded flower hair clip by NO SLIPPY HAIR CLIPPY, hairclippy.com

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POET: White zip-up hoodie by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com Cable-yoke gray sweater dress by JUICY COUTURE, juicycouture.com Polkadots and striped leg warmers by LITTLE MISS MATCHED, littlemissmatched.com

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JAGGER: Pink dress with owl print by ZUTANO, zutano.com

bc-mag.com Floral pants by ANITA G., anitag.com


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POET: Flowered black and pink batik long-sleeved dress by ANITA G., anitag.com Coccotech boots by NATURINO, naturino.com All products on the table by THE LITTLE SEED FOR TARGET, Target stores or target.com



bc-mag.com JAGGER: Long-sleeved fuchsia shirt and orangeburst pants by THE LITTLE SEED, thelittleseed.com Tilly stitched butterfly hair clip by NO SLIPPY HAIR CLIPPY, hairclippy.com Freya in rose patent shoes and Enchanted flats in gold and silver, both by UMI, umishoes.com

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bc-mag.com (ON THE COVER) JAGGER: Ivory sun dress with pleated bodice, fit-and-flare design and frilly hem by LITTLE MARC JACOBS, marcjacobs.com Pants by THE LITTLE SEED FOR TARGET, Target stores or target.com POET: Tiered tank dress by GAP, gap.com Silver Viper Laminato Mary Jane shoes by NATURINO, naturino.com All blankets and hooded towels by THE LITTLE SEED FOR TARGET, Target stores or target.com


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doodle bug

bring to life thoughts that were once made of lead

i l lu s t r at i o n s b y v i C T O R i a l a q U i N Da N U M

From bottom left, clockwise: ROBEEZ FLOWER MARY JANE Cream and pink trainer shoes with blossom design. $21.95, robeez.com WEIL BABY DRINKING CUP BPA-free, nontoxic drinking cup in striking colors, with patented airwave venting system made of Tritan. $9.99 for 9 oz, weilbaby.com LUG UNDERCOVER BEAR AGENT PUFFERTON Pillow and blanket disguised as a cuddly stuffed bear. $30, luglife.com DA LIL GUYS WHALE SHARK POLO Stylish plaid shirt for toddler boys. $40, dalilguys.com FRECKLEBOx LOOKS LIKE ME FAIRY PERSONALIZED LUNCH BOxES Custom food boxes for your little ones’ mealtime pleasure. $29.95, frecklebox.com PUR MINERALS PERFECTLY NATURAL EVERYDAY BALANCING MAKEUP A powder that provides barely-there, shine-free coverage, with a sheer finish. $25, purminerals.com

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PRIMIGI FERGUS SHOE European moc toe style footwear with durable leather and contrast stitching. $74.45, primigiusa.com LUCKY JADE FLOWER BLANKET Perfectly comfortable coverlet with chic designs. $90, luckyjadeproducts.com xEKO MISSION: INDONESIA Indonesia-inspired, 9-card booster pack for a fun adventure for the kids. $18.50, xeko.com KENNETH BROWN JUMPIN’ JOY MOBILE Grasshopper-themed, pastel, musical mobile that plays Rock-A-Bye baby. $39.99, kennethbrowndesign.com STORKSAK EMILY LEATHER DIAPER BAG IN PURPLE Multipurpose mom-bag with adjustable shoulder strap, brushed gold hardware and contrast stitching. $375, neimanmarcus.com BAMBINO MIO FISH SWIMSUIT NAPPY IN LIME Fresh-looking swimwear with cute stars and fish design for baby girls. $29.95, regallager.com

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JOHNSON’S BABY BEDTIME BUBBLE BATH & WASH Infuses natural calm essences in its mild formula to help children sleep better. $8.29, for 28 fl. oz., toysrus.com BAGGINO POLKA DOT NEW LEARNER’S BIB Cute pink bib with long sleeves for better coverage. $15, baggino.com KENNETH BROWN SWEET STITCHES LAMP Dainty pink bedside light to brighten up baby’s room. $44.99, kennethbrowndesign.com THE ORGANIC PHARMACY BABY ESSENTIALS APRICOT & CHAMOMILE SHAMPOO Contains organic extracts that is gentle on baby’s scalp $25.95, theorganicpharmacy.com CLASSY KID INC. BOO-BOO RESCUE FIRST AID AND BRAVERY KIT Pediatrician-approved kit with antibiotic cream, animal-shaped bandages, gauze pads, sympathy and appreciation stickers. $24.95, classy-kid.com

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PRIMIGI LIZBETH BOOT Hi-cut shoe with buckles and contrast stitching. Price upon request, primigiusa.com BLU COUTURE KIDS YELLOW HAPPY FACE BABY TOP White shirt made of 100% baby rib cotton with smiley print. $22, blucouturekids.com JORDAN SET Set includes jacket, tee, and pants, all embroidered with the Michael Jordan logo. $60, jumpman23.com FRECKLEBOx SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM PERSONALIZED CLIPBOARD Custom, dry-erase, laminated clipboard for your children’s filing needs. $19.95, frecklebox.com TUTIMNYC FABUBANDS Soft and elastic with unique appliqués in different colors. $12, tutimnyc.com


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SAFARI LTD. ON THE ROAD TOOB MINIATURE TOYS Professionally-sculpted and hand-painted collectibles that includes a police car, delivery truck, fire truck, school bus, pick-up truck, sports car, motorcycle, ATV, and semi truck. $9.49, safariltd.com TRILLIUM ORGANICS SHEA BUTTER Natural cream (no synthetics, solvents, nor preservatives) that moisturizes dry, chapped skin with a variety of scents. $23.98 for 8 fl. oz., trilliumorganics.com DEAR JOHNNIES HERO HOSPITAL GOWN Add color to your birthing experience with this cotton gown, complete with fireman’s hat print. $39, dearjohnnies.com UMI SAIL PRE-WALKERS Comfortable baby slip-on shoes with an elastic back, adjustable straps, cushioned footbeds and grip pads to prevent slips and slides. $40, umishoes.com BLABLA MINI GRETEL Adorable knitted doll made from natural fibers, grown in Peru. $29, blablakids.com

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SAGE CREEK ORGANIC KIMONO ENSEMBLE IN MANDARIN Set made of comfortable cotton terry, includes pants with elastic waist. $38, sagecreeknaturals.com FORE AxEL AND HUDSON DRIVER CAP Bachelor blue head gear with skull print. $20, foreaxelandhudson.com LUBIES BLACK BEAR STUFFED TOY Lovable, tossable stuffed animals in a cute ball shape. $9.95, lubieland.com MAKE YOUR OWN TWIRLY TUTU BOOK Create a stylish tutu without having to sew. $14.95, klutz.com


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7/10/10 3:07:56 AM

FISHER PRICE LITTLE PEOPLE 50TH BIRTHDAY PLAY ‘N GO FARM Commemorative play set with farm figures. $17, fisher-price.com WEE GALLERY DINO ART CARDS FOR BABY Set of black and white cards with animated illustrations such as a flying Dino and T-Rex. $12.95, weegallery.com KENNETH BROWN JUMPIN’ JOY BLANKET Soft, plush, and stylish blankie made of 100% polyester. $16.99, kennethbrowndesign.com HATLEY MOOSE ON RED FOOTED COVERALL Long-sleeved sleepwear with moose prints to keep baby warm. $29.99, hatleynature.com


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TAMMY FENDER FIRMING EYE GEL Eye remedy suitable for all skin types with elder flower and green myrtle. $72, tammyfender.com ALEx TOYS KNITWEAR DESIGNER Kit includes tools to knit a coat, skirt, dress, scarf, leg warmers and more. $26.99, alextoys.com RUBY’S CLOSET CUPCAKE-SCENTED SNIFFIE CLIPPIES Pretty hair clips with a sweet scent that can last for 12 months. $18, rubyscloset.net DR. FRESH BARBIE TIMER TOOTHBRUSH With soft bristles in a Barbie design, and a brilliant light that flashes for 60 seconds— toothbrushing comes naturally. $2.99, drfresh.com

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59 7/10/10 3:08:01 AM

Ankle zip skinny dark wash jean by PINC PREMIUM, pincpremium.com Two color offset abstract print top by SHIRIN NYC, shirinnyc.com Brown baby bow with tails (used as a brooch) by NO SLIPPY HAIR CLIPPY, hairclippy.com

water works it’s never dull when one goes into the blue



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Gray Tonycy T-shirt by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com

Polka dot halter dress by PLUM

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Tagas T-shirt by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com

Varese navy gingham shirt, with green and navy checked cuff and collar and down placket by CIAO MARCO, ciaomarco.com


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Blue dot dress by BABY NAY, babynay.com

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Blooming Blossom one-piece bathing suit by HULA STAR, hulastarswim.com

Boys “Dude” hoodie sweatshirt by KNUCKLEHEADS, knuckleheadsclothing.com


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Terry cloth dress by DPOPPEN, dpoppen.com

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Berkeley Square maillot by STELLA COVE, stellacove.com

Orange short sleeve tee with Zebra print by DA LIL GUYS, dalilguys.com Navy canvas airplane belt by MYSELF BELTS, myselfbelts.com Corduroy pants by ZUTANO, zutano.com

Ankle zip skinny dark wash jean by PINC PREMIUM, pincpremium.com

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In the Spotlight pink polka-dot swimsuit with bows by GOSSIP GIRL, gossipgirlswim.com

Green scarf by DIMRI, dimri.com Cherries striped swimsuit by SPOILED LITTLE MAMA, spoiledlittlemama.com Ankle zip skinny dark wash jean by PINC PREMIUM, pincpremium.com


Tofan stripe top by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com

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Coaly long-sleeved shirt by DIESEL KID, dieselkid.com

Navy “Debt Free” shirt by BLU COUTURE KIDS, blucouture.com Boys plaid shorts by DA LIL GUYS, dalilguys.com


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(ON THE COVER) MASON: White button-down shirt by 3 POMMES, 3pommes.com Snow boyshorts by STELLA COVE, stellacove.com



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bc-mag.com MASON: Infant brown suede braid on cuff bootie by MINNETONKA MOCCASSINS, moccasinsdirect.com Greaser jeans by KNUCKLEHEADS, knuckleheadsclothing.com Red skull Boy Bands by KID COSMIC, kidcosmic.com Sterling silver teething ring from TIFFANY & CO., tiffany.com


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7/10/10 3:11:24 AM

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73 7/10/10 3:10:19 AM

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secret garden PhotograPhY bY HeIDI ALLeTZHAUSeR StYling bY KARIZ FAVIS AND MARILyN bARTON PhotograPhY aSSiStant LISA MeNDeLSON

“Open, and awake, and alive. If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” —Frances Hodgson Burnett, author, The Secret Garden

Short-sleeved dark pink dress with detachable sleeves by IL GUFO, ilgufo.it Denim Look leggings by PINC PREMIUM, pincpremium.com Giselle chocolate brown boots with dots by PEDIPED, pediped.com Charm bands with magnetic charms (used as necklace) by MOGO, neimanmarcus.com Zahara non-slip clip by NO SLIPPY HAIR CLIPPY, hairclippy.com

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85 7/10/10 3:11:43 AM

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Kaia lily flower with gemstone center clips in pink, red, orange, turquoise by NO SLIPPY HAIR CLIPPY, hairclippy.com Sugared Almond heart-print hoodie by JUICY COUTURE, juicycouture.com Ruffle Neck babydoll tunic by PINC PREMIUM, pincpremium.com Celadon jeans by PETIT BATEAU, petit-bateau.us Octavia in ivory gladiator baby shoe by PEDIPED, pediped.com

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Torino purple checked poplin cut on bias with contrasting cuff and collar, and Marcello classic V-neck sweater, both by CIAO MARCO, ciaomarco.com Dark blue jeans with adjustable waist by IL GUFO, ilgufo.it Zigtech rubber shoes by REEBOK, reebok.com


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Green silk party dress by RIGHT BANK BABIES, rightbankbabies.com Pink striped leggings by ANITA G., anitag.com Legend black patent boots by ARIAT, ariat.com or fortwestern.com


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Animal print long-sleeve smocked top and legging set by ANITA G., anitag.com Black fur-lined boots by PEDIPED, pediped.com


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Navy zip jacket with red stripes on shoulders by CIAO MARCO, ciaomarco.com Long-sleeved chambray light blue shirt with elbow patches by IL GUFO, ilgufo.it Sneakers by GARVALIN, garvalin.com

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Long-sleeved shirt by CIAO MARCO, ciaomarco.com Velvet trousers by IL GUFO, ilgufo.it Chuck Taylor All Star sneakers from the Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat Collection by CONVERSE, converse.com


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Silk brocade dress by RIGHT BANK BABIES, rightbankbabies.com Leggings by ANITA G., anitag.com Penny silver Flex mary janes by PEDIPED, pediped.com

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95 7/10/10 3:12:41 AM

bc moment

come together

virtual sanity


iSabella ROSSelliNi, STaR OF SUNDaNCe CHaNNel’S “GReeN PORNO”



aMy POeHleR

liSa KUDROw, STaR OF lSTUDiO.COM’S “web THeRaPy”



he well-attended 14th Annual Webby Awards was held in New York City last June 5th, with the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences honoring a number of outstanding artists and contributors through websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and mobile web. Such artists include comedian/actress and expectant mother (for the second time) Amy Poehler, who won the “Best Actress” award for her insightful web series, “Smart Girls at the Party,” which showcases the raw creativity of the youth while encouraging them to pursue their artistic individuality. Poehler, who was accompanied by actor and husband Will Arnett, picked the words, “Me, you, P.S. 22, dance party” for the awards’ standard five-word acceptance speech. She fondly quipped about P.S. 22 Chorus, a public school choir hailing from Staten Island that became an internet sensation after they began singing their own unique renditions of modern pop songs and original compositions. Renowned movie critic Roger Ebert was honored with the “Webby Person of the Year” title in recognition for his unique way of blogging. Ebert, who has been battling thyroid cancer, during which he lost a part of his jaw, uses digital media to serve as a platform for new and upcoming blogs and forums on celebrity, life, and politics. He is known to use a groundbreaking computerized speech system that sounds much like his real voice. For his speech, he proudly stated, “Veni, vidi, vici”—a simple yet fitting statement not just for the night’s honor, but more so for being an inspiration to many. Other celebrity parents who graced the event were Isabella Rossellini, Lisa Kudrow, Jason Bateman, and Tim Burners-Lee, who presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google, Vinton Cerf, who is dubbed as the “Father of the Internet” for co-designing its TCP/IP protocols and basic architecture.


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