AKI DSGUI DETO LOEW SCORONADO BAYRESORT TheLoewsCor onadoBayResor tl ocat edon Cor onadoI sl and,CA i saAAA FourDi amond Luxur yResor tf r om t heLoewsHot elGr oup. I ti sagr eathot elf orf ami l i eswi t h manyonsi t eameni t i es.
Ameni t i es Compl i ment ar y Shut t l eSer vi ce
Swi mmi ng Bi keRent al s nessCent er 4 Busi t nessCent er 5 Fi
Di ni ngOpt i ons: Cr ownLandi ng,Si l verSt r and Exchange,andLaCant i na.
LocalAct i vi t i es Si l verSt r and St at eBeach
Takea30mi nut e nar r at edt ourof t hezooona doubl edeckerbus!
Cor onado Fer r yLandi ng SanDi ego Zoo
Enj oyi ngLoewsCor onadoBayResor twi t hki ds ? Tagusonyouradvent ur e@BabyQui p! BabyQui pi st he#1babyequi pmentr ent alser vi ceandmar ket pl aceof f er i ng t housandsofbabygeari t emsi nover500ci t i esacr osst heUSandCanada.We ar ei mpr ovi ngt hewayf ami l i est r avel !